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“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Giraffe Training Schedule
Wellbeing Toolkit
Part 2
September 2016
Emotional Literacy
& Emotion Coaching
September 2016 & 1st
January 2017
Attachment, anxiety and trauma
September 2016 & 7th
February 2017
Using LEGO therapy
as an intervention
September 2016, 8th
November 2016 & 26th
January 2017
Building resilience using CBT with children and young people
November 2016, 31st
January 2017 & 18th
May 2017
Understanding self harm and providing school based support
November 2016 & 7th
March 2017
An introduction
to Mindfulness
November 2016, 31st
January 2017 & 7th
February 2017
An introduction to
The Boxall Profile
December 2016 & 7th
March 2017
Solution focused
brief therapy
December 2016, 2nd
March 2017 & 6th
June 2017
Team Teach
Open Course
April 2017, 14th
October 2016
Positive Body Image:
A practical Programme for Schools
November 2016 (Essex) & 3rd
February 2017 (Kent)
July 2017
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
The Well Being Tool Kit for Professionals working with children and young people - A programme of
professional development to promote and maintain resilience and personal effectiveness.
Removing Barriers to Learning and Achievement – ensuring staff well being.
Many families today are exposed to high level of daily stress and the incidence of childhood depression is increasing.
An estimated ten per cent of children in any school experience serious depression, such as going through extended
periods of despair and even engaging in suicidal thoughts. Young people do not enjoy carefree childhoods but
instead have to cope with the devastating effects of divorce, exposure to drugs and bullying amongst other
significant stressors. Young people are most vulnerable to negative emotions and at risk of developing depression
at the age of 11, when they move from primary to secondary education (Reivich and Shatte, 2002).
Such factors clearly also increase the level of stress experienced by teachers and support staff who are tasked with
ensuring young people’s well-being and in removing any barriers to learning and achievement. This is also coupled
with a relentless inspection regime and a culture of target-setting which some professionals feel is damaging
teachers’ mental health with many reporting symptoms of stress and exhaustion, according to the Association
of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) survey (2014). At the same time, the ATL reported more and more teachers are
complaining of “unacceptable workloads” and insufficient support from schools over “challenging parents”. More
specifically, over a third - 38% - of school and college staff reported having seen a rise in mental health issues among
colleagues in the past two years and 55% said their job had a negative impact on their mental health.
The key aims of this innovative and comprehensive publication are therefore to allow professionals and staff who
work with children and young people to:
A culture change?
In June 2015, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published new guidelines entitled
Workplace Policy and Management Practices to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of Employees. The aims are
to explore the positive and negative effects an organisation’s culture can have on people’s health and wellbeing,
promote leadership that supports the health and wellbeing of employees and help line managers achieve this and
strengthen their role in ensuring the health and wellbeing of employees.
Among the recommendations NICE makes is to have a support base in place for all teaching staff and to make
health and wellbeing a core priority for senior management.
A paradigm change
Well-being for both students AND teachers can no longer be seen as a ‘fluffy’ concept. Well-being in schools is a
fundamental pre-requisite for healthy, constructive and productive quality teaching and learning. Both students and
teachers need to be supported, fit and well to be inspired and inspiring. This does not happen without the right
support mechanisms and mindsets for all involved in the teaching and learning process.
Wellbeing Toolkit -
Part 2
Course Code:
Dr Tina Rae
09.30 - 15.30
£95.00 pp
Hilton Dartford Bridge
Masthead Close
Crossways Bus. Park
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Wellbeing Toolkit -
Part 2
Setting in the national context
Work related Stress, Anxiety and Depression Statistics in Great Britain 2015 were published by the Health and
Safety Executive in October 2015. The latest estimates from the Labour Force Survey show:
•	 The total number of cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety in 2014/15 was 440,000 cases, a
prevalence rate of 1380 per 100,000 workers.
•	 The number of new cases was 234,000, an incidence rate of 740 per 100,000 workers. The estimated number
and rate have remained broadly flat for more than a decade.
•	 The total number of working days lost due to this condition in 2014/15 was 9.9 million days. This equated to
an average of 23 days lost per case.
•	 In 2014/15 stress accounted for 35% of all work related ill health cases and 43% of all working days lost due
to ill health.
•	 Stress is more prevalent in public service industries, such as education; health and social care; and public
administration and defence.
•	 By occupation, jobs that are common across public service industries (such as health; teaching; business,
media and public service professionals) show higher levels of stress as compared to all jobs.
•	 The main work factors cited by respondents as causing work related stress, depression or anxiety (LFS,
2009/10-2011/12) were workload pressures, including tight deadlines and too much responsibility and a lack
of managerial support.
Work related stress depression and anxiety continue to represent a significant ill health condition in the workforce of
Great Britain. Work related stress accounts for 35% of work related ill health and 43% of days lost, in 2014/15. The
occupations and industries reporting the highest rates of work related stress remain consistently in the health and
public sectors of the economy. The reasons cited as causes of work related stress are also consistent over time with
workload, lack of managerial support and organisational change as the primary causative factors.
The need for a programme of support
In the current climate it is therefore more pertinent and important than ever that we address these issues in a
proactive manner and set up systems of support that ensure individual well-being within a supportive and nurturing
context. We only have to make reference to the above statistics – the number of teachers leaving the profession
and the number of professionals retiring from teaching and subsequently suffering physical and mental ill health as
a result of the stress levels that they have had to cope with over a sustained period of time.
The 20 sessions in this second Well-being tool kit for professionals therefore aims to provide the necessary
resources to enable staff to maintain and further enhance their own well-being so that, in essence, they can describe
themselves as fit, well and flourishing – both personally and professionally.
Each of the key topics will provide a package of training and resources which will include information leaflets,
strategies, skills-based activities, and a power point presentation.
Course Code:
Dr Tina Rae
09.30 - 15.30
£95.00 pp
Hilton Dartford Bridge
Masthead Close
Crossways Bus. Park
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Wellbeing Toolkit -
Part 2
Design by
Course Code:
Dr Tina Rae
09.30 - 15.30
£95.00 pp
Hilton Dartford Bridge
Masthead Close
Crossways Bus. Park
The topics covered in the resource are as follows:
Topic 1 Understanding and assessing your Mental Health and Well-being
Topic 2 Developing a Growth Mindset
Topic 3 Understanding the impact of Trauma and how to utilise Psychological debriefing
Topic 4 The role of Emotional literacy in your life
Topic 5 How to be an Emotion Coach
Topic 6 Understanding the impact of bereavement
Topic 7 Managing your Stress– building your tool box
Topic 8 Understanding issues of Vicarious trauma when supporting children and young people with mental health
Topic 9 Defining and Asserting yourself
Topic 10 Managing conflict
Topic 11 The resilience snake - Building Resilience Using key Tools of Positive Psychology
Topic 12 Using strategies from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to build resilience
Topic 13 Using strategies from Appreciative Inquiry to support the change process
Topic 14 Using Mindfulness Approaches to reduce stress
Topic 15 Developing Well-being through Creative Activities – creating your ‘flow’ plan
Topic 16 Using tools from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to foster a positive mindset in young people
Topic 17 Developing Circles of support
Topic 18 Using and developing your communication skills
Topic 19 Using Coaching to maintain Staff Well-being
Topic 20 Developing Reflective practice
Cost: £95.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
When  Where
Course Code: 1614
Date: 9th
September 2016
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Hilton, Dartford Bridge,
Masthead Close,
Crossways Bus. Park Dartford
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Course Codes:
Dr. Tina Rae
9.30 - 15.30
£95.00 pp
Simone Weil Way
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Emotional Literacy is the term used to describe the ability to understand and express feelings. Emotional Literacy
as a term was first used by Steiner (1997). It refers to ‘the ability to understand your emotions, the ability to listen
to others and empathise with their emotions, and the ability to express emotions productively. To be emotionally
literate is to be able to handle emotions in a way that improves your personal power and improves the quality
of life around you. Emotional literacy improves relationships, creates loving possibilities between people, makes
co-operative work possible, and facilitates the feeling of community’.
Steiner, C. and Perry, P. (1997) Achieving Emotional Literacy. London: Bloomsbury.p11
Emotional Literacy involves having self-awareness and recognition of one’s own feelings and knowing how to
manage them, such as the ability to stay calm when angered or to reassure oneself when in doubt. It includes
empathy, i.e. having sensitivity to the feelings of other people and it has been said that emotionally literate people
are able to employ self-discipline in order to harness their emotions and identify and reach their personal goals.
Emotional Literacy also includes being able to recognise and adapt to the feelings of other people, whilst at the
same time, learning how to manage and express one’s own emotions effectively. This is helpful to developing
good communication skills and the enhancement of our relationships with other people.
Emotional intelligence is learned, and a child’s first teacher about emotions is his or her parents. Parents and
carers can help their child develop emotional intelligence by “coaching” him, using principles researchers have
found work well. “Emotion coaching” can help avoid common pitfalls as they guide children toward becoming
successful, happy adults.
What Is Emotion Coaching?
Emotion coaching is predominantly about helping children understand the different emotions they experience,
why they occur, and how to handle them. In the simplest terms, we can coach our children about emotions
by comforting them, listening and understanding their thoughts and feelings, and helping them understand
themselves. As we do this, our children will feel loved, supported, respected, and valued. With this emotionally
supportive foundation, we will be much more successful at setting limits and problem solving.
In this 1 day course, Tina will introduce the concept of emotional Literacy and present activities and strategies
to measure and develop our skills. She will then proceed to present Gottman’s Emotion Coaching philosophy
and practices as a means of developing positive relationships with children and young people. Learning How
to Emotion Coach will therefore be a key focus of the day.
Tina will present the key steps to emotional coaching as developed by Gottman:
Step 1: Understand how you deal with feelings. Before you can become an emotion coach, you must first
understand your own approach to emotions. Some parents, for example, are uncomfortable with their child’s
negative emotions. If a child feels sad, you might think that if you fix the problem that created the sadness,
the sadness will go away. You might be uncomfortable with your own anger because it makes you feel out of
control, and in turn you discourage anger in your children.
Emotional Literacy
 Emotion Coaching
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Cost: £95.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
Emotional Literacy
 Emotion Coaching
When  Where
Course Code: 1613
Date: 14th
September 2016
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Ashford International Hotel,
Simone Weil Way Ashford
Course Code: 1623
Date: 1st
January 2017
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight
Ash Green, Colchester
Course Codes:
Dr. Tina Rae
9.30 - 15.30
£95.00 pp
Simone Weil Way
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Step 2: Believe that your child’s negative emotions are an opportunity for closeness and teaching. Reasoning
away your child’s emotion with logic rarely works. Parents who try to do this usually end up arguing with their
child. Instead, a child’s negative feelings are more likely to go away when children talk about them, label
them, and feel understood. When children feel understood by their parents AND TEACHERS, they feel closer
to them.
Step 3: Listen with empathy and understanding, then validate your child’s feelings. In the book Between
Parent and Child, psychologist Haim Ginott discusses his belief that children need to be understood before
they can accept correction. If you want to understand your child, you need to put yourself in his or her shoes.
Empathetic listening can help you do this. Empathetic listening is the heart of emotion coaching.
Step 4: Label your child’s emotions. Children often don’t know what they’re feeling. If you label an action –
observe aloud that they seem “angry” or “sad” or “disappointed” – you can help your child transform a scary,
uncomfortable feeling into something identifiable and normal. Researchers have shown that the simple act of
labelling an emotion has a soothing effect on the nervous system, which helps children recover more quickly
from an upsetting experience.
Step 5: Set limits while exploring possible solutions to the problem that caused the negative emotion. Tina will
present this approach and provide participants with opportunities to develop key skills. She will particularly
focus on how teachers and support staff in schools can and should make use of emotion coaching in order to
foster the development of emotionally intelligent and resilient children and young people. The benefits for us
as adults will also be highlighted.
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Course Code:
Dr. Tina Rae
09.30 - 15.30
£85.00 pp
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Suitable for: This course is designed for head teachers, SLT and all staff who work with children who have
experienced loss and bereavement.
Are you ready for the unexpected? Is your school prepared to deal with a critical incident in your community?
How will you support children, young people and adults through this crisis? This course will focus upon the nature
of critical incidents and how school based staff and the community can cope most effectively when the worst
happens. The nature of grief, loss and bereavement will be explored and we will focus also on the impact and
nature of attachment disorders and trauma and the impact that these have on children’s development – both in
emotional and cognitive terms.
All delegates will be provided with a grab pack of resources to enable them to develop an action plan for their
school and to provide support to children and young people coping with loss and bereavement.
Aims of the course:
To clarify the nature of attachment disorders and trauma and the impact that they have upon development and
learning in the classroom.
•	 To clarify the nature, variety and impact of critical incidents, death, loss and bereavement
•	 To develop a critical incident policy and have an increased awareness of the need for a critical incident
management plan
•	 Develop an understanding of best practice in terms of classroom management following a crisis and have
an increased awareness of helpful strategies and systems to support bereaved children
•	 To develop an understanding of the diffusing and debriefing process and how this can effectively be used
with young people
•	 To ensure clarification of children’s understanding of death and the grief cycle
Attachment, anxiety and trauma
Cost: £85.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
When  Where
Course Code: 1615
Date: 29th
September 2016
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight
Ash Green, Colchester
Course Code: 1627
Date: 7th
February 2017
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Angel Centre, Angel Lane,
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Course Code:
Nicki Jennings
15.30 - 17.00
£25.00 pp
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Suitable for: All staff that work with children, young people
What is Lego therapy?
•	 A social development programme
•	 Collaborative play based intervention where children work together to build Lego models
•	 Supports joint attention, shared goals, social communication and interaction
•	 Common purpose and shared interest in Lego
•	 Emphasis can be tailored to the needs of the group
Who will Lego therapy interventions help?
•	 Children with other social interaction difficulties
•	 Anxiety disorders
•	 Depression
•	 Difficulties engaging with peers or adults.
•	 Shy or will not actively seek out interaction with others.
•	 Poor or low levels of language ability.
Lego therapy can also help EAL pupils with learning an additional language
In this experiential afternoon course Nicki will cover:
•	 History, theory and uses of LEGO®
•	 Room set up, resources and practical tips
•	 Delegates will gain the confidence and knowledge to set up and use LEGO®
as an intervention within their setting
Using LEGO®
as an intervention
Cost: £25.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
When  Where
Course Code: 1616
Date: 29th
September 2016
Time: 15.30 - 15.30
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane,
Eight Ash Green
Course Code: 1624
Date: 26th
January 2017
Time: 15.30 - 17.00
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane,
Eight Ash Green
Course Code: 1618
Date: 8th
November 2016
Time: 15.30 - 17.00
Angel Centre, Angel Lane,
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Course Code:
Dr. Tina Rae
09.30 - 15.30
£85.00 pp
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Holiday Inn
Canterbury Rd
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Suitable for: All staff that work with children, young people
Half of all mental health issues start in childhood and we all have a collective responsibility to support children’s
emotional, psychological and social well-being. Early and targeted intervention is key to avoiding long term
mental health issues. CBT is one of the most effective tools in developing resiliency and fostering emotional
The course will help to develop your own skills and knowledge of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and enable
you to apply the tools of CBT to develop children and young people’s emotional wellbeing in a range of settings.
Aims of the course:
To clarify the nature of attachment disorders and trauma and the impact that they have upon development and
learning in the classroom.
•	 	Understand how emotional, psychological and social well-being impacts on children and young people’s lives
•	 	Understand the key factors of building resiliency
•	 	Understand the main theoretical concepts underpinning cognitive behavioural therapy
•	 	To be able to run a short intervention programme using the tools of CBT with children and young people
•	 To be able to apply the key concepts of CBT within your professional role working with children and
young people
Building resilience using CBT
with children and young people
Cost: £85.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
When  Where
Course Code: 1617
Date: 8th
November 2016
Time: 09.30 - 15.30
Holiday Inn, Canterbury Rd,
Course Code: 1633
Date: 18th
May 2017
Time: 09.30 - 15.30
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane,
Eight Ash Green
Course Code: 1625
Date: 31st
January 2017
Time: 09.30 - 15.30
Angel Centre, Angel Lane,
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Course Code:
Dr. Tina Rae
09.30 - 15.30
£85.00 pp
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Suitable for: This workshop is relevant for all professionals who work with young people who self harm or
are at risk of self harming- SENCOs, learning mentors, inclusion managers, teachers, SMT and TAs within
Gravesham and Dartford Primary and Secondary Schools. It will be a highly practical and interactive session
and participants will be able to take away some tried and tested ideas and resources for use in their own
During this one day workshop participants will:
•	 	Identify the risk factors for self harm and the prevalence of such behaviours amongst children and young
people, dispelling myths around this topic
•	 	Explore approaches to support young people to manage such behaviours via school based intervention
programmes and the development of whole school policy and practice in this area
•	 	Consider strategies and interventions for the most vulnerable young people and the route for referral to
specialist agencies
•	 	Develop an understanding of resilience theory and how to use CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy approaches)
and Positive Psychology approaches to enhance pupil engagement and wellbeing and provide preventative
approaches for managing stress and anxiety in school and at home
•	 	Participate in interactive sessions to explore, discuss and share useful resources and ideas for supporting
young people
Understanding self harm and
providing school based support
Cost: £85.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
When  Where
Course Code: 1619
Date: 15th
November 2016
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight
Ash Green, Colchester
Course Code: 1630
Date: 7th
March 2017
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Angel Centre, Angel Lane,
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Course Code:
Nicki Jennings
15.30 - 17.30
£25.00 pp
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Suitable for: All staff that work with children, young people
What is Mindfulness?
“The awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally
to the unfolding of experience moment by moment”
	 -Jon Kabat-Zinn (2003) “Wherever you Go, There you are”.
How can it help in schools?
•	 Reduces levels of stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression
•	 Improves emotional regulation and self-esteem
•	 Can increase level of trust between adult and child  make communication much easier.
•	 Develops emotional understanding  interpersonal awareness/skills
•	 Often we say “pay attention” but don’t teach children how to do this
•	 Less reactive and more compassionate to others
•	 Improved working memory
In this experiential afternoon course Nicki will cover:
•	 History, theory and uses of Mindfulness
•	 Mindful staff create mindful children this will help your pupils self regulate and manage their behaviour giving
them resilience, enabling them to be in the present and lowering anxiety levels and improving their progres
An introduction
to Mindfulness
Cost: £25.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
When  Where
Course Code: 1620
Date: 15th
November 2016
Time: 15.30 - 17.30
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane,
Eight Ash Green
Course Code: 1628
Date: 7th
February 2017
Time: 15.30 - 17.30
Angel Centre, Angel Lane,
Course Code: 1626
Date: 31st
January 2017
Time: 15.30 - 17.30
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane,
Eight Ash Green
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Course Code:
Nicki Jennings
15.30 - 17.30
£25.00 pp
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Suitable for: All staff that work with children, young people
The Boxall Profile provides a framework for the precise assessment of children who have social, emotional and
behavioural difficulties (SEBD), social, emotional and mental Health issues (SEMH) and are failing at school. It
helps teachers to plan focused intervention for those children whose behaviour seems to make no sense. The
profile provides the teacher with insights and suggests points of entry into the child’s world — it makes people
think about what lies behind the behaviour.
The Boxall Profile is, from a practical point of view, very easy to use. The two-part check list, which is completed
by staff who know the child best in a classroom situation, is quick — and, very importantly, it is constructive.
In this experiential afternoon course Nicki will cover:
History, theory and uses of the Boxall profile, each delegate will complete a profile for a pupil known to them,
Nicki will then guide them how to use these results to build strategies for individual pupils.
The Boxall profile assessment tool is recognised by Ofsted to assess developmental progress for all pupils
including those whose academic progress is lower than expected.
An introduction to
The Boxall Profile
Cost: £25.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
When  Where
Course Code: 1622
Date: 6th
December 2016
Time: 15.30 - 17.30
Angel Centre, Angel Lane,
Course Code: 1631
Date: 7th
March 2017
Time: 15.30 - 17.30
Angel Centre, Angel Lane,
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a talk therapy that highlights desired outcomes in the present and
future, rather than focusing on the symptoms or issues of the past. SFBT was developed in the 1980s at the Brief
Family Therapy Centre in Milwaukee by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg and their team, originally focusing on
the inconsistencies of problem behaviour. The team found that focusing on exceptions rather than the problem
situation seemed to make their work with families more effective. It also seemed to make the therapy faster so
it is ‘brief by outcome, not design’.
Solution-focused brief therapy encourages the client to imagine their future as they want it to be and then
collaborates with them to create manageable steps to achieve that goal. The therapist reviews elements of the
client’s life that they wish to alter and also those elements that they want to leave unchanged – what is important
is that the client holds a clear picture in their mind of the future they are working towards. The therapist then
guides the client in finding specific moments in their life in which they felt similar to what they may experience in
their desired future. Correlating the two visions, or experiences, allows the client to identify which actions they
took in the past to achieve a similar outcome in the future. This form of therapy involves exploring and reviewing
the client’s vision, and determining what skills, resources and abilities the client will develop and use to attain his
or her desired outcome. Some key ideas of solution-focused brief therapy include:
•	 Work with the person not the problem
•	 Look for resources not deficits
•	 Explore possible and preferred futures
•	 Explore what is already contributing to those preferred futures
•	 Treat people as experts in all aspects of their lives
Solution focused
brief therapy
Course Code:
Dr. Tina Rae
09.30 - 15.30
£85.00 pp
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Holiday Inn
Canterbury Rd
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
These approaches can be extremely useful when working with young people, in terms of developing their sense
of personal agency and responsibility. Though school-based staff members who are not clinically trained will not
be engaging in any traditional therapeutic approach, the strategies outlined here will prove extremely useful in
one-to-one mentoring sessions – particularly when students have identified any personal problems or behaviours
that they wish to change – in order to access the curriculum and social contexts in a more positive and effective
This one day course will introduce the key elements to the approach and enable participants to use these in their
practice. It will be an interactive day with opportunities to use the tools and ultimately run a solution focused
interview with a child or young person.
Cost: £85.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
Course Code: 1634
Date: 6th
June 2017
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane,
Eight Ash Green
Course Code: 1629
Date: 2nd
March 2017
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Holiday Inn, Canterbury Rd,
Solution focused
brief therapy
When  Where
Course Code: 1621
Date: 6th
December 2016
Time: 9.30 - 15.30
Angel Centre, Angel Lane,
Course Code:
Dr. Tina Rae
09.30 - 15.30
£85.00 pp
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Holiday Inn
Canterbury Rd
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Suitable for: All school staff
Course outline: This six hour foundation course, covers the full Team Teach accredited course and include:
•	 Behaviours that challenge
•	 De-escalation skills and positive handling
•	 Positive listening and learning
•	 Personal safety
Delegates will need to bring a packed lunch, drinks will be provided.
* Tonbridge event is planned for end of April or early May.
Team Teach
Open Course
Course Code:
Nicki Jennings
09.00 - 15.30
£75.00 pp
Crundale Village Hall
Essex Venue TBC
Angel Centre
Angel Lane
Kent Venue TBC
Cost: £75.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
Course Code: 1640
Date: 19th
October 2016
Time: 9.00 - 15.30
Angel Centre, Angel Lane,
Course Code: 1641
Date: TBC
Time: 9.00 - 15.30
Kent Venue TBC
Course Code: 1638
Date: TBC
Time: 9.00 - 15.30
Essex Venue TBC
When  Where
Course Code: 1632
Date: 28th
April 2017
Time: 9.00 - 15.30
Godmersham  Crundale
Village Hall, Kent
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Team-Teach is the only training company, providing physical intervention techniques as part of its course
delivery, to have received the highest level of award in the U.K - a National Training Award. This government
supported award is presented to entries who have demonstrated exceptional achievement through training and
development. Judges were impressed by the support infrastructure and the robust quality control and assurance
processes. They observed that it was a clearly needed service and its innovative approaches have delivered
significant benefits to schools/services and local authorities/employers. If you wish to know more, please refer
to the National Training Award document: “Helping Teachers Manage Challenging Behaviour” within the Case
Study/Research area of the web site.
Positive Handling Strategies are constantly being evaluated, with safety being paramount. The number of serious
incidents / restraints should decrease following training. Training will help employers and employees meet their
obligations under Health and Safety legislation thus reducing potential liability claims. Learning outcomes and
behaviour should improve through the provision of safe learning and caring.
The training also has a fun element. It will reduce stress, enhancing team-work, co-operation and staff morale.
Courses are quality controlled and assured with all training summary evaluation reports being produced as
evidence of best value. These summary reports are sent to the Director of Team Teach for acknowledgement and
The Positive Handling Strategies have sufficient range and flexibility to be appropriate across the age and
development range, for both the intentional and non-intentionally “challenging” individual. Training enables staff
to feel more confident and competent in their management of disruptive and “challenging” behaviour , reducing
stress by increasing safety and security for all involved.
Nicki Jennings is a certified Team-Teach Trainer. She has delivered training in Team Teach for 3 years to 65
education establishments and 2,000 delegates, 60 of those establishments have been for mainstream schools.
Nicki’s own practice as a qualified teacher has included working in environments where physical intervention had
to be used on a daily basis, she therefore has a sound understanding and wealth of experience with challenging
children. Nicki uses that breadth of experience to tailor the days training to meet the needs of your staff team.
Team Teach
Open Course
Course Code:
Nicki Jennings
12 delegates | £825
24 delegates | £1175
25+ is £325 per
additional 12 delegates
When  Where
Course Code: 16AA
Date: TBC
Time: TBC
12 delegates | £825
24 delegates | £1175
25+ is £325 per
additional 12 delegates
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Numerous studies suggest that, on a daily basis, children receive a numerous messages from advertisers, magazines, songs, films
and TV that purport to tell them about the thin-ideal. And the grip that social media has on their attention is tighter and starts earlier
than ever before. There is no doubt that the self-image, ambitions and values of numerous children have been damaged by the
commercial frenzy that hammers into them that what matters most is how they look. Part of this frenzy can be contributed to the
impact of the media with its unrealistic imagery, airbrushing and proliferation of size zero models. The media has created an image
obsessed world where messages about the right looks are delivered to children everyday without discrimination and there is ample
evidence that the more mainstream media children and young people, both boys and girls, consume the more importance they place
on how they look.
The escalating estimates of appearance – distress in children makes for scary reading. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Body
Image which was formed in 2012 and its subsequent report Reflections on Body image suggest that body image dissatisfaction
affects children at an increasingly early age and can diminish children’s self-esteem and demand their attention when it should be
available for crucial developmental tasks. The report confirms that once established body dissatisfaction is difficult to reverse. In this
climate it is important that professionals working with children and young people are equipped with a practical approach and the
knowledge that will enable them to intervene before unhealthy attitudes have a chance to become entrenched. Providing children
with practical interventions at an early age that are designed to reinforce the building blocks of healthy living and celebrate their
talents and innate body esteem is our greatest hope of preventing the development of body dissatisfaction. Children need to hear
clear messages from the key adults in their lives that enable them to navigate successfully through the plethora of high powered
advertising and media messages that convey to them that what matters most is how they look.
This half – day workshop has been designed provide participants with an understanding of body image and its implications for the
development of children’s healthy self - esteem and well-being. Following a brief introduction the session will provide an opportunity
for questions and answers and discussion on how the programme Positive Body Image can be delivered in schools both as a stand
alone evidence –based intervention and as part of a school’s overall approach to PHSE and contribution to their safeguarding duties
in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) and Keeping Children Safe in Education (2015).
Positive Body Image:
A practical Programme for Schools
Course Code:
£65.00 pp
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Holiday Inn
Canterbury Rd
Cost: £65.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
When  Where
Course Code: 1642
Date: 21st
November 2016
Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight
Ash Green, Colchester
Course Code: 1642
Date: 3rd
February 2017
Holiday Inn, Canterbury Rd,
“Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.”
Understanding NLP-Using key tools to enhance personal and team performance
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a set of concepts which illuminates how we individually view and make
sense of the world around us.
Based on the premise that we have thoughts, that produce feelings, which in turn create behaviours-how can we
ensure that our thoughts are positive when all studies of individual mind chatter show these to be overwhelmingly
After all, as thinking human beings we have a choice and NLP enables us to harness positivity and reframe our
view of the world in order to be at our best.
This one day course will cover
•	 Understanding the key principles of NLP
•	 Using key tools to enhance our individual performance-Anchoring, Reframing and Circle of Excellence
•	 Using key tools to release positivity and creative thinking in our teams-The Disney Creative Strategy
•	 Using Key tools to resolve conflct-Perceptual Positions
We’ll also look at compelling case studies where NLP has been used in Education, Sport and the Performing Arts
to enhance individual and team performance.
“Billy Rae is a highly experienced, motivated and skilled Leadership Coach and Trainer.
A former Public Sector Chief Executive, Billy now works across Public and private Sectors to enable individuals
and teams to reach their full potential.
Billy works with a diverse range of clients ranging from Children’s Services, Adult Social Care and Public Health to
the Construction Industry and Care providers.
In addition to his coaching qualifications, Billy is also a certified NLP practitioner.”
Course Code:
Billy Rae
09.30 - 15.30
£115.00 pp
Holiday Inn
Abbotts Lane
Eight Ash Green
Cost: £115.00 per person
For further details please contact:
Nicki Jennings
Tel: 0781 3323980
“Getting your head above the crowd.”

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Giraffe training 2016 17

  • 1. “Getting your head above the crowd.” Giraffe Training Schedule 2016/2017
  • 2.
  • 3. Wellbeing Toolkit Part 2 9th September 2016 Emotional Literacy & Emotion Coaching 14th September 2016 & 1st January 2017 Attachment, anxiety and trauma 29th September 2016 & 7th February 2017 Using LEGO therapy as an intervention 29th September 2016, 8th November 2016 & 26th January 2017 Building resilience using CBT with children and young people 8th November 2016, 31st January 2017 & 18th May 2017 Understanding self harm and providing school based support 15th November 2016 & 7th March 2017 An introduction to Mindfulness 15th November 2016, 31st January 2017 & 7th February 2017 An introduction to The Boxall Profile 6th December 2016 & 7th March 2017 Solution focused brief therapy 6th December 2016, 2nd March 2017 & 6th June 2017 Team Teach Open Course 28th April 2017, 14th October 2016 Positive Body Image: A practical Programme for Schools 21st November 2016 (Essex) & 3rd February 2017 (Kent) NLP 13th July 2017
  • 4. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” The Well Being Tool Kit for Professionals working with children and young people - A programme of professional development to promote and maintain resilience and personal effectiveness. Removing Barriers to Learning and Achievement – ensuring staff well being. Many families today are exposed to high level of daily stress and the incidence of childhood depression is increasing. An estimated ten per cent of children in any school experience serious depression, such as going through extended periods of despair and even engaging in suicidal thoughts. Young people do not enjoy carefree childhoods but instead have to cope with the devastating effects of divorce, exposure to drugs and bullying amongst other significant stressors. Young people are most vulnerable to negative emotions and at risk of developing depression at the age of 11, when they move from primary to secondary education (Reivich and Shatte, 2002). Such factors clearly also increase the level of stress experienced by teachers and support staff who are tasked with ensuring young people’s well-being and in removing any barriers to learning and achievement. This is also coupled with a relentless inspection regime and a culture of target-setting which some professionals feel is damaging teachers’ mental health with many reporting symptoms of stress and exhaustion, according to the Association of Teachers and Lecturers (ATL) survey (2014). At the same time, the ATL reported more and more teachers are complaining of “unacceptable workloads” and insufficient support from schools over “challenging parents”. More specifically, over a third - 38% - of school and college staff reported having seen a rise in mental health issues among colleagues in the past two years and 55% said their job had a negative impact on their mental health. The key aims of this innovative and comprehensive publication are therefore to allow professionals and staff who work with children and young people to: A culture change? In June 2015, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (NICE) published new guidelines entitled Workplace Policy and Management Practices to Improve the Health and Wellbeing of Employees. The aims are to explore the positive and negative effects an organisation’s culture can have on people’s health and wellbeing, promote leadership that supports the health and wellbeing of employees and help line managers achieve this and strengthen their role in ensuring the health and wellbeing of employees. Among the recommendations NICE makes is to have a support base in place for all teaching staff and to make health and wellbeing a core priority for senior management. A paradigm change Well-being for both students AND teachers can no longer be seen as a ‘fluffy’ concept. Well-being in schools is a fundamental pre-requisite for healthy, constructive and productive quality teaching and learning. Both students and teachers need to be supported, fit and well to be inspired and inspiring. This does not happen without the right support mechanisms and mindsets for all involved in the teaching and learning process. Wellbeing Toolkit - Part 2 Course Code: 1614 Tutor: Dr Tina Rae Date: 09.09.2016 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Cost: £95.00 pp Venue: Hilton Dartford Bridge Masthead Close Crossways Bus. Park Dartford
  • 5. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Wellbeing Toolkit - Part 2 Setting in the national context Work related Stress, Anxiety and Depression Statistics in Great Britain 2015 were published by the Health and Safety Executive in October 2015. The latest estimates from the Labour Force Survey show: • The total number of cases of work related stress, depression or anxiety in 2014/15 was 440,000 cases, a prevalence rate of 1380 per 100,000 workers. • The number of new cases was 234,000, an incidence rate of 740 per 100,000 workers. The estimated number and rate have remained broadly flat for more than a decade. • The total number of working days lost due to this condition in 2014/15 was 9.9 million days. This equated to an average of 23 days lost per case. • In 2014/15 stress accounted for 35% of all work related ill health cases and 43% of all working days lost due to ill health. • Stress is more prevalent in public service industries, such as education; health and social care; and public administration and defence. • By occupation, jobs that are common across public service industries (such as health; teaching; business, media and public service professionals) show higher levels of stress as compared to all jobs. • The main work factors cited by respondents as causing work related stress, depression or anxiety (LFS, 2009/10-2011/12) were workload pressures, including tight deadlines and too much responsibility and a lack of managerial support. Work related stress depression and anxiety continue to represent a significant ill health condition in the workforce of Great Britain. Work related stress accounts for 35% of work related ill health and 43% of days lost, in 2014/15. The occupations and industries reporting the highest rates of work related stress remain consistently in the health and public sectors of the economy. The reasons cited as causes of work related stress are also consistent over time with workload, lack of managerial support and organisational change as the primary causative factors. The need for a programme of support In the current climate it is therefore more pertinent and important than ever that we address these issues in a proactive manner and set up systems of support that ensure individual well-being within a supportive and nurturing context. We only have to make reference to the above statistics – the number of teachers leaving the profession and the number of professionals retiring from teaching and subsequently suffering physical and mental ill health as a result of the stress levels that they have had to cope with over a sustained period of time. The 20 sessions in this second Well-being tool kit for professionals therefore aims to provide the necessary resources to enable staff to maintain and further enhance their own well-being so that, in essence, they can describe themselves as fit, well and flourishing – both personally and professionally. Each of the key topics will provide a package of training and resources which will include information leaflets, strategies, skills-based activities, and a power point presentation. Course Code: 1614 Tutor: Dr Tina Rae Date: 09.09.2016 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Cost: £95.00 pp Venue: Hilton Dartford Bridge Masthead Close Crossways Bus. Park Dartford
  • 6. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Wellbeing Toolkit - Part 2 Design by Course Code: 1614 Tutor: Dr Tina Rae Date: 09.09.2016 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Cost: £95.00 pp Venue: Hilton Dartford Bridge Masthead Close Crossways Bus. Park Dartford The topics covered in the resource are as follows: Topic 1 Understanding and assessing your Mental Health and Well-being Topic 2 Developing a Growth Mindset Topic 3 Understanding the impact of Trauma and how to utilise Psychological debriefing Topic 4 The role of Emotional literacy in your life Topic 5 How to be an Emotion Coach Topic 6 Understanding the impact of bereavement Topic 7 Managing your Stress– building your tool box Topic 8 Understanding issues of Vicarious trauma when supporting children and young people with mental health difficulties Topic 9 Defining and Asserting yourself Topic 10 Managing conflict Topic 11 The resilience snake - Building Resilience Using key Tools of Positive Psychology Topic 12 Using strategies from Cognitive Behaviour Therapy to build resilience Topic 13 Using strategies from Appreciative Inquiry to support the change process Topic 14 Using Mindfulness Approaches to reduce stress Topic 15 Developing Well-being through Creative Activities – creating your ‘flow’ plan Topic 16 Using tools from Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) to foster a positive mindset in young people Topic 17 Developing Circles of support Topic 18 Using and developing your communication skills Topic 19 Using Coaching to maintain Staff Well-being Topic 20 Developing Reflective practice Cost: £95.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: When Where Course Code: 1614 Date: 9th September 2016 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Hilton, Dartford Bridge, Masthead Close, Crossways Bus. Park Dartford
  • 7. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Course Codes: 1613 1623 Tutor: Dr. Tina Rae Dates: 14.09.2016 26.01.2017 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Cost: £95.00 pp Venue: 14.09.2016 Ashford International Hotel, Simone Weil Way Ashford 26.01.2017 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green Emotional Literacy is the term used to describe the ability to understand and express feelings. Emotional Literacy as a term was first used by Steiner (1997). It refers to ‘the ability to understand your emotions, the ability to listen to others and empathise with their emotions, and the ability to express emotions productively. To be emotionally literate is to be able to handle emotions in a way that improves your personal power and improves the quality of life around you. Emotional literacy improves relationships, creates loving possibilities between people, makes co-operative work possible, and facilitates the feeling of community’. Steiner, C. and Perry, P. (1997) Achieving Emotional Literacy. London: Bloomsbury.p11 Emotional Literacy involves having self-awareness and recognition of one’s own feelings and knowing how to manage them, such as the ability to stay calm when angered or to reassure oneself when in doubt. It includes empathy, i.e. having sensitivity to the feelings of other people and it has been said that emotionally literate people are able to employ self-discipline in order to harness their emotions and identify and reach their personal goals. Emotional Literacy also includes being able to recognise and adapt to the feelings of other people, whilst at the same time, learning how to manage and express one’s own emotions effectively. This is helpful to developing good communication skills and the enhancement of our relationships with other people. Emotional intelligence is learned, and a child’s first teacher about emotions is his or her parents. Parents and carers can help their child develop emotional intelligence by “coaching” him, using principles researchers have found work well. “Emotion coaching” can help avoid common pitfalls as they guide children toward becoming successful, happy adults. What Is Emotion Coaching? Emotion coaching is predominantly about helping children understand the different emotions they experience, why they occur, and how to handle them. In the simplest terms, we can coach our children about emotions by comforting them, listening and understanding their thoughts and feelings, and helping them understand themselves. As we do this, our children will feel loved, supported, respected, and valued. With this emotionally supportive foundation, we will be much more successful at setting limits and problem solving. In this 1 day course, Tina will introduce the concept of emotional Literacy and present activities and strategies to measure and develop our skills. She will then proceed to present Gottman’s Emotion Coaching philosophy and practices as a means of developing positive relationships with children and young people. Learning How to Emotion Coach will therefore be a key focus of the day. Tina will present the key steps to emotional coaching as developed by Gottman: Step 1: Understand how you deal with feelings. Before you can become an emotion coach, you must first understand your own approach to emotions. Some parents, for example, are uncomfortable with their child’s negative emotions. If a child feels sad, you might think that if you fix the problem that created the sadness, the sadness will go away. You might be uncomfortable with your own anger because it makes you feel out of control, and in turn you discourage anger in your children. Emotional Literacy Emotion Coaching
  • 8. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Cost: £95.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: Emotional Literacy Emotion Coaching When Where Course Code: 1613 Date: 14th September 2016 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Ashford International Hotel, Simone Weil Way Ashford Course Code: 1623 Date: 1st January 2017 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green, Colchester Course Codes: 1613 1623 Tutor: Dr. Tina Rae Dates: 14.09.2016 26.01.2017 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Cost: £95.00 pp Venue: 14.09.2016 Ashford International Hotel, Simone Weil Way Ashford 26.01.2017 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green Step 2: Believe that your child’s negative emotions are an opportunity for closeness and teaching. Reasoning away your child’s emotion with logic rarely works. Parents who try to do this usually end up arguing with their child. Instead, a child’s negative feelings are more likely to go away when children talk about them, label them, and feel understood. When children feel understood by their parents AND TEACHERS, they feel closer to them. Step 3: Listen with empathy and understanding, then validate your child’s feelings. In the book Between Parent and Child, psychologist Haim Ginott discusses his belief that children need to be understood before they can accept correction. If you want to understand your child, you need to put yourself in his or her shoes. Empathetic listening can help you do this. Empathetic listening is the heart of emotion coaching. Step 4: Label your child’s emotions. Children often don’t know what they’re feeling. If you label an action – observe aloud that they seem “angry” or “sad” or “disappointed” – you can help your child transform a scary, uncomfortable feeling into something identifiable and normal. Researchers have shown that the simple act of labelling an emotion has a soothing effect on the nervous system, which helps children recover more quickly from an upsetting experience. Step 5: Set limits while exploring possible solutions to the problem that caused the negative emotion. Tina will present this approach and provide participants with opportunities to develop key skills. She will particularly focus on how teachers and support staff in schools can and should make use of emotion coaching in order to foster the development of emotionally intelligent and resilient children and young people. The benefits for us as adults will also be highlighted.
  • 9. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Course Code: 1615 1627 Tutor: Dr. Tina Rae Date: 29.09.2016 07.02.2017 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Cost: £85.00 pp Venue: 29.09.2016 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green 07.02.2017 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge Suitable for: This course is designed for head teachers, SLT and all staff who work with children who have experienced loss and bereavement. Are you ready for the unexpected? Is your school prepared to deal with a critical incident in your community? How will you support children, young people and adults through this crisis? This course will focus upon the nature of critical incidents and how school based staff and the community can cope most effectively when the worst happens. The nature of grief, loss and bereavement will be explored and we will focus also on the impact and nature of attachment disorders and trauma and the impact that these have on children’s development – both in emotional and cognitive terms. All delegates will be provided with a grab pack of resources to enable them to develop an action plan for their school and to provide support to children and young people coping with loss and bereavement. Aims of the course: To clarify the nature of attachment disorders and trauma and the impact that they have upon development and learning in the classroom. • To clarify the nature, variety and impact of critical incidents, death, loss and bereavement • To develop a critical incident policy and have an increased awareness of the need for a critical incident management plan • Develop an understanding of best practice in terms of classroom management following a crisis and have an increased awareness of helpful strategies and systems to support bereaved children • To develop an understanding of the diffusing and debriefing process and how this can effectively be used with young people • To ensure clarification of children’s understanding of death and the grief cycle Attachment, anxiety and trauma Cost: £85.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: When Where Course Code: 1615 Date: 29th September 2016 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green, Colchester Course Code: 1627 Date: 7th February 2017 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge
  • 10. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Course Code: 1616 1618 1624 Tutor: Nicki Jennings Date: 29.09.2016 08.11.2016 26.01.2017 Time: 15.30 - 17.00 Cost: £25.00 pp Venue: 29.09.2016 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green 08.11.2016 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge 26.01.2017 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green Suitable for: All staff that work with children, young people What is Lego therapy? • A social development programme • Collaborative play based intervention where children work together to build Lego models • Supports joint attention, shared goals, social communication and interaction • Common purpose and shared interest in Lego • Emphasis can be tailored to the needs of the group Who will Lego therapy interventions help? • Children with other social interaction difficulties • Anxiety disorders • Depression • Difficulties engaging with peers or adults. • Shy or will not actively seek out interaction with others. • Poor or low levels of language ability. Lego therapy can also help EAL pupils with learning an additional language In this experiential afternoon course Nicki will cover: • History, theory and uses of LEGO® therapy • Room set up, resources and practical tips • Delegates will gain the confidence and knowledge to set up and use LEGO® as an intervention within their setting Using LEGO® therapy as an intervention Cost: £25.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: When Where Course Code: 1616 Date: 29th September 2016 Time: 15.30 - 15.30 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green Course Code: 1624 Date: 26th January 2017 Time: 15.30 - 17.00 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green Course Code: 1618 Date: 8th November 2016 Time: 15.30 - 17.00 Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge
  • 11. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Course Code: 1617 1625 1633 Tutor: Dr. Tina Rae Date: 08.11.2016 31.01.2017 18.05.2017 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Cost: £85.00 pp Venue: 08.11.2016 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge 31.01.2017 Holiday Inn Canterbury Rd Ashford 18.05.2017 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green Suitable for: All staff that work with children, young people Half of all mental health issues start in childhood and we all have a collective responsibility to support children’s emotional, psychological and social well-being. Early and targeted intervention is key to avoiding long term mental health issues. CBT is one of the most effective tools in developing resiliency and fostering emotional well-being. The course will help to develop your own skills and knowledge of cognitive behavioural therapy (CBT) and enable you to apply the tools of CBT to develop children and young people’s emotional wellbeing in a range of settings. Aims of the course: To clarify the nature of attachment disorders and trauma and the impact that they have upon development and learning in the classroom. • Understand how emotional, psychological and social well-being impacts on children and young people’s lives • Understand the key factors of building resiliency • Understand the main theoretical concepts underpinning cognitive behavioural therapy • To be able to run a short intervention programme using the tools of CBT with children and young people • To be able to apply the key concepts of CBT within your professional role working with children and young people Building resilience using CBT with children and young people Cost: £85.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: When Where Course Code: 1617 Date: 8th November 2016 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Holiday Inn, Canterbury Rd, Ashford Course Code: 1633 Date: 18th May 2017 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green Course Code: 1625 Date: 31st January 2017 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge
  • 12. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Course Code: 1619 1630 Tutor: Dr. Tina Rae Date: 15.11.2016 07.03.2017 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Cost: £85.00 pp Venue: 15.11.2016 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green 07.03.2017 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge Suitable for: This workshop is relevant for all professionals who work with young people who self harm or are at risk of self harming- SENCOs, learning mentors, inclusion managers, teachers, SMT and TAs within Gravesham and Dartford Primary and Secondary Schools. It will be a highly practical and interactive session and participants will be able to take away some tried and tested ideas and resources for use in their own school/context. During this one day workshop participants will: • Identify the risk factors for self harm and the prevalence of such behaviours amongst children and young people, dispelling myths around this topic • Explore approaches to support young people to manage such behaviours via school based intervention programmes and the development of whole school policy and practice in this area • Consider strategies and interventions for the most vulnerable young people and the route for referral to specialist agencies • Develop an understanding of resilience theory and how to use CBT (Cognitive Behaviour Therapy approaches) and Positive Psychology approaches to enhance pupil engagement and wellbeing and provide preventative approaches for managing stress and anxiety in school and at home • Participate in interactive sessions to explore, discuss and share useful resources and ideas for supporting young people Understanding self harm and providing school based support Cost: £85.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: When Where Course Code: 1619 Date: 15th November 2016 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green, Colchester Course Code: 1630 Date: 7th March 2017 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge
  • 13. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Course Code: 1620 1626 1628 Tutor: Nicki Jennings Date: 15.11.2016 31.01.2017 07.02.2017 Time: 15.30 - 17.30 Cost: £25.00 pp Venue: 15.11.2016 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green 31.01.2017 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green 07.02.2017 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge Suitable for: All staff that work with children, young people What is Mindfulness? “The awareness that emerges through paying attention on purpose, in the present moment, and nonjudgmentally to the unfolding of experience moment by moment” -Jon Kabat-Zinn (2003) “Wherever you Go, There you are”. How can it help in schools? • Reduces levels of stress, anxiety, fatigue and depression • Improves emotional regulation and self-esteem • Can increase level of trust between adult and child make communication much easier. • Develops emotional understanding interpersonal awareness/skills • Often we say “pay attention” but don’t teach children how to do this • Less reactive and more compassionate to others • Improved working memory In this experiential afternoon course Nicki will cover: • History, theory and uses of Mindfulness • Mindful staff create mindful children this will help your pupils self regulate and manage their behaviour giving them resilience, enabling them to be in the present and lowering anxiety levels and improving their progres An introduction to Mindfulness Cost: £25.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: When Where Course Code: 1620 Date: 15th November 2016 Time: 15.30 - 17.30 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green Course Code: 1628 Date: 7th February 2017 Time: 15.30 - 17.30 Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge Course Code: 1626 Date: 31st January 2017 Time: 15.30 - 17.30 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green
  • 14. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Course Code: 1622 1631 Tutor: Nicki Jennings Date: 06.12.2016 07.03.2017 Time: 15.30 - 17.30 Cost: £25.00 pp Venue: 06.12.2016 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge CO4 5PA 07.03.2017 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge Suitable for: All staff that work with children, young people The Boxall Profile provides a framework for the precise assessment of children who have social, emotional and behavioural difficulties (SEBD), social, emotional and mental Health issues (SEMH) and are failing at school. It helps teachers to plan focused intervention for those children whose behaviour seems to make no sense. The profile provides the teacher with insights and suggests points of entry into the child’s world — it makes people think about what lies behind the behaviour. The Boxall Profile is, from a practical point of view, very easy to use. The two-part check list, which is completed by staff who know the child best in a classroom situation, is quick — and, very importantly, it is constructive. In this experiential afternoon course Nicki will cover: History, theory and uses of the Boxall profile, each delegate will complete a profile for a pupil known to them, Nicki will then guide them how to use these results to build strategies for individual pupils. The Boxall profile assessment tool is recognised by Ofsted to assess developmental progress for all pupils including those whose academic progress is lower than expected. An introduction to The Boxall Profile Cost: £25.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: When Where Course Code: 1622 Date: 6th December 2016 Time: 15.30 - 17.30 Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge Course Code: 1631 Date: 7th March 2017 Time: 15.30 - 17.30 Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge
  • 15. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Solution-focused brief therapy (SFBT) is a talk therapy that highlights desired outcomes in the present and future, rather than focusing on the symptoms or issues of the past. SFBT was developed in the 1980s at the Brief Family Therapy Centre in Milwaukee by Steve de Shazer, Insoo Kim Berg and their team, originally focusing on the inconsistencies of problem behaviour. The team found that focusing on exceptions rather than the problem situation seemed to make their work with families more effective. It also seemed to make the therapy faster so it is ‘brief by outcome, not design’. Solution-focused brief therapy encourages the client to imagine their future as they want it to be and then collaborates with them to create manageable steps to achieve that goal. The therapist reviews elements of the client’s life that they wish to alter and also those elements that they want to leave unchanged – what is important is that the client holds a clear picture in their mind of the future they are working towards. The therapist then guides the client in finding specific moments in their life in which they felt similar to what they may experience in their desired future. Correlating the two visions, or experiences, allows the client to identify which actions they took in the past to achieve a similar outcome in the future. This form of therapy involves exploring and reviewing the client’s vision, and determining what skills, resources and abilities the client will develop and use to attain his or her desired outcome. Some key ideas of solution-focused brief therapy include: • Work with the person not the problem • Look for resources not deficits • Explore possible and preferred futures • Explore what is already contributing to those preferred futures • Treat people as experts in all aspects of their lives Solution focused brief therapy Course Code: 1621 1629 1634 Tutor: Dr. Tina Rae Date: 06.12.2016 02.03.2017 06.06.2017 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Cost: £85.00 pp Venue: 06.12.2016 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge 02.03.2017 Holiday Inn Canterbury Rd Ashford 06.06.2017 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green
  • 16. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” These approaches can be extremely useful when working with young people, in terms of developing their sense of personal agency and responsibility. Though school-based staff members who are not clinically trained will not be engaging in any traditional therapeutic approach, the strategies outlined here will prove extremely useful in one-to-one mentoring sessions – particularly when students have identified any personal problems or behaviours that they wish to change – in order to access the curriculum and social contexts in a more positive and effective manner. This one day course will introduce the key elements to the approach and enable participants to use these in their practice. It will be an interactive day with opportunities to use the tools and ultimately run a solution focused interview with a child or young person. Cost: £85.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: Course Code: 1634 Date: 6th June 2017 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green Course Code: 1629 Date: 2nd March 2017 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Holiday Inn, Canterbury Rd, Ashford Solution focused brief therapy When Where Course Code: 1621 Date: 6th December 2016 Time: 9.30 - 15.30 Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge Course Code: 1621 1629 1634 Tutor: Dr. Tina Rae Date: 06.12.2016 02.03.2017 06.06.2017 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Cost: £85.00 pp Venue: 06.12.2016 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge 02.03.2017 Holiday Inn Canterbury Rd Ashford 06.06.2017 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green
  • 17. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Suitable for: All school staff Course outline: This six hour foundation course, covers the full Team Teach accredited course and include: • Behaviours that challenge • De-escalation skills and positive handling • Positive listening and learning • Personal safety Delegates will need to bring a packed lunch, drinks will be provided. * Tonbridge event is planned for end of April or early May. Team Teach Open Course Course Code: 1632 1638 1640 1641 Tutor: Nicki Jennings Date: 28.04.2017 TBC 14.10.2016 TBC Time: 09.00 - 15.30 Cost: £75.00 pp Venue: 28.04.2017 Godmersham Crundale Village Hall Kent TBC Essex Venue TBC 19.10.2016 Angel Centre Angel Lane Tonbridge TBC Kent Venue TBC Cost: £75.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: Course Code: 1640 Date: 19th October 2016 Time: 9.00 - 15.30 Angel Centre, Angel Lane, Tonbridge Course Code: 1641 Date: TBC Time: 9.00 - 15.30 Kent Venue TBC Course Code: 1638 Date: TBC Time: 9.00 - 15.30 Essex Venue TBC When Where Course Code: 1632 Date: 28th April 2017 Time: 9.00 - 15.30 Godmersham Crundale Village Hall, Kent
  • 18. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Team-Teach is the only training company, providing physical intervention techniques as part of its course delivery, to have received the highest level of award in the U.K - a National Training Award. This government supported award is presented to entries who have demonstrated exceptional achievement through training and development. Judges were impressed by the support infrastructure and the robust quality control and assurance processes. They observed that it was a clearly needed service and its innovative approaches have delivered significant benefits to schools/services and local authorities/employers. If you wish to know more, please refer to the National Training Award document: “Helping Teachers Manage Challenging Behaviour” within the Case Study/Research area of the web site. Positive Handling Strategies are constantly being evaluated, with safety being paramount. The number of serious incidents / restraints should decrease following training. Training will help employers and employees meet their obligations under Health and Safety legislation thus reducing potential liability claims. Learning outcomes and behaviour should improve through the provision of safe learning and caring. The training also has a fun element. It will reduce stress, enhancing team-work, co-operation and staff morale. Courses are quality controlled and assured with all training summary evaluation reports being produced as evidence of best value. These summary reports are sent to the Director of Team Teach for acknowledgement and comment. The Positive Handling Strategies have sufficient range and flexibility to be appropriate across the age and development range, for both the intentional and non-intentionally “challenging” individual. Training enables staff to feel more confident and competent in their management of disruptive and “challenging” behaviour , reducing stress by increasing safety and security for all involved. Nicki Jennings is a certified Team-Teach Trainer. She has delivered training in Team Teach for 3 years to 65 education establishments and 2,000 delegates, 60 of those establishments have been for mainstream schools. Nicki’s own practice as a qualified teacher has included working in environments where physical intervention had to be used on a daily basis, she therefore has a sound understanding and wealth of experience with challenging children. Nicki uses that breadth of experience to tailor the days training to meet the needs of your staff team. Team Teach Open Course Course Code: 16AA Tutor: Nicki Jennings Date: TBC Time: TBC Cost: 12 delegates | £825 24 delegates | £1175 25+ is £325 per additional 12 delegates Venue: TBC Commissioning School When Where Course Code: 16AA Date: TBC Time: TBC TBC Cost: 12 delegates | £825 24 delegates | £1175 25+ is £325 per additional 12 delegates
  • 19. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Numerous studies suggest that, on a daily basis, children receive a numerous messages from advertisers, magazines, songs, films and TV that purport to tell them about the thin-ideal. And the grip that social media has on their attention is tighter and starts earlier than ever before. There is no doubt that the self-image, ambitions and values of numerous children have been damaged by the commercial frenzy that hammers into them that what matters most is how they look. Part of this frenzy can be contributed to the impact of the media with its unrealistic imagery, airbrushing and proliferation of size zero models. The media has created an image obsessed world where messages about the right looks are delivered to children everyday without discrimination and there is ample evidence that the more mainstream media children and young people, both boys and girls, consume the more importance they place on how they look. The escalating estimates of appearance – distress in children makes for scary reading. The All Party Parliamentary Group on Body Image which was formed in 2012 and its subsequent report Reflections on Body image suggest that body image dissatisfaction affects children at an increasingly early age and can diminish children’s self-esteem and demand their attention when it should be available for crucial developmental tasks. The report confirms that once established body dissatisfaction is difficult to reverse. In this climate it is important that professionals working with children and young people are equipped with a practical approach and the knowledge that will enable them to intervene before unhealthy attitudes have a chance to become entrenched. Providing children with practical interventions at an early age that are designed to reinforce the building blocks of healthy living and celebrate their talents and innate body esteem is our greatest hope of preventing the development of body dissatisfaction. Children need to hear clear messages from the key adults in their lives that enable them to navigate successfully through the plethora of high powered advertising and media messages that convey to them that what matters most is how they look. This half – day workshop has been designed provide participants with an understanding of body image and its implications for the development of children’s healthy self - esteem and well-being. Following a brief introduction the session will provide an opportunity for questions and answers and discussion on how the programme Positive Body Image can be delivered in schools both as a stand alone evidence –based intervention and as part of a school’s overall approach to PHSE and contribution to their safeguarding duties in line with Working Together to Safeguard Children (2015) and Keeping Children Safe in Education (2015). Positive Body Image: A practical Programme for Schools Course Code: 1642 Tutor: XX Date: 21.11.2016 03.02.2017 Time: TBC Cost: £65.00 pp Venue: 21.11.2016 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green 03.02.2017 Holiday Inn Canterbury Rd Ashford Cost: £65.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web: When Where Course Code: 1642 Date: 21st November 2016 Holiday Inn, Abbotts Lane, Eight Ash Green, Colchester Course Code: 1642 Date: 3rd February 2017 Holiday Inn, Canterbury Rd, Ashford
  • 20. “Getting your head above the crowd.”“Getting your head above the crowd.” Understanding NLP-Using key tools to enhance personal and team performance NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming) is a set of concepts which illuminates how we individually view and make sense of the world around us. Based on the premise that we have thoughts, that produce feelings, which in turn create behaviours-how can we ensure that our thoughts are positive when all studies of individual mind chatter show these to be overwhelmingly negative? After all, as thinking human beings we have a choice and NLP enables us to harness positivity and reframe our view of the world in order to be at our best. This one day course will cover • Understanding the key principles of NLP • Using key tools to enhance our individual performance-Anchoring, Reframing and Circle of Excellence • Using key tools to release positivity and creative thinking in our teams-The Disney Creative Strategy • Using Key tools to resolve conflct-Perceptual Positions We’ll also look at compelling case studies where NLP has been used in Education, Sport and the Performing Arts to enhance individual and team performance. “Billy Rae is a highly experienced, motivated and skilled Leadership Coach and Trainer. A former Public Sector Chief Executive, Billy now works across Public and private Sectors to enable individuals and teams to reach their full potential. Billy works with a diverse range of clients ranging from Children’s Services, Adult Social Care and Public Health to the Construction Industry and Care providers. In addition to his coaching qualifications, Billy is also a certified NLP practitioner.” Neuro-linguistic programming Course Code: 1643 Tutor: Billy Rae Date: 13.07.2017 Time: 09.30 - 15.30 Cost: £115.00 pp Venue: 13.07.2017 Holiday Inn Abbotts Lane Eight Ash Green Cost: £115.00 per person For further details please contact: Nicki Jennings Tel: 0781 3323980 Email: Web:
  • 21. “Getting your head above the crowd.”