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A Swift Benchmarking Tool

                                      Mark Seger
                                      Hewlett Packard
                                      Cloud Services

4/19/2013          Getput Swift Performance Tools
Problem Statement
• Performance Measurements
     –      Consistent/standard mechanisms for controlled experiments
     –      Ability to easily modify test parameters
     –      Minimal installation, configuration and use
     –      Easy to compare results of multiple runs
     –      Easy to clean up when done
• Benchmarking – run performance tests at scale
     – Repeat tests while increasing demand for resources
     – Parallel tests must be coordinated: start/finish together

4/19/2013                     Getput Swift Performance Tools   2
Getput Suite
 • Multiple tools organized in a hierarchy
       –    getput: actual workhorse, runs tests on single client
       –    gpmaster: coordinates running getput on multiple clients
       –    gpsuite: defines suites of tests to minimize switches usage
       –    yourscript: can call gpsuite multiple times when desired

4/19/2013                     Getput Swift Performance Tools    3
• Uses swiftclient library
• Lots of switches, lots of different behaviors
      – Standalone
            • Basic: creds, cname, oname, size, num/runtime, tests, rep count
            • More: processes, container type: shared/byproc/bynode, latency
              details, operation logging, and still more
      – Multi-node (controlled by gpmaster)
            • start time, rank

4/19/2013                        Getput Swift Performance Tools       4
• Coordinates running of getput on multiple clients
      – Assures all start together and finish approx together
      – Summarizes results as a single line
      – Unlike getput only runs 1 test at a time, job for gpsuite
• More required switches than getput
      –     Credentials file
      –     Rank
      –     Start time
      –     Hosts file or single client name, may need ssh key too
      –     And a few more…
• But rarely run by itself!
4/19/2013                     Getput Swift Performance Tools    5
• Removes complexity of running gpmaster
• Think of macros: gpsuite –suite full
      – Sets of object sizes, eg: 1k, 10k, 100k, etc
      – Numbers of threads, eg: 1, 2, 4, 8, etc
            • Distributes threads across multiple clients
• Some runs can take hours with a single command
• Cleans up after each run

4/19/2013                        Getput Swift Performance Tools   6
Getput Output
Earliest versions
Inst   Start      End      Seconds Tests   Num   MB/S     IOPS Errs
   0   13:59:20   13:59:29    8.57   put   100   0.11    11.67    0
   0   13:59:29   13:59:33    4.03   get   100   0.24    24.83    0
   0   13:59:33   13:59:34    1.80   del   100   0.54    55.68    0

4/19/2013                                  Getput Swift Performance Tools   7
Getput Output
Earliest versions
Inst   Start      End      Seconds Tests   Num   MB/S     IOPS Errs
   0   13:59:20   13:59:29    8.57   put   100   0.11    11.67    0
   0   13:59:29   13:59:33    4.03   get   100   0.24    24.83    0
   0   13:59:33   13:59:34    1.80   del   100   0.54    55.68    0

Added latency range in later versions
Inst   Start      End      Seconds Tests   Num   MB/S     IOPS Latency        LatRange Errs
   0   13:59:20   13:59:29    8.57   put   100   0.11    11.67   0.085      0.02-00.22    0
   0   13:59:29   13:59:33    4.03   get   100   0.24    24.83   0.040      0.04-00.05    0
   0   13:59:33   13:59:34    1.80   del   100   0.54    55.68   0.018      0.01-00.05    0

4/19/2013                                  Getput Swift Performance Tools                     8
Getput Output
Earliest versions
Inst   Start      End      Seconds Tests   Num   MB/S     IOPS Errs
   0   13:59:20   13:59:29    8.57   put   100   0.11    11.67    0
   0   13:59:29   13:59:33    4.03   get   100   0.24    24.83    0
   0   13:59:33   13:59:34    1.80   del   100   0.54    55.68    0

Added latency range in later versions
Inst   Start      End      Seconds Tests   Num   MB/S     IOPS Latency        LatRange Errs
   0   13:59:20   13:59:29    8.57   put   100   0.11    11.67   0.085      0.02-00.22    0
   0   13:59:29   13:59:33    4.03   get   100   0.24    24.83   0.040      0.04-00.05    0
   0   13:59:33   13:59:34    1.80   del   100   0.54    55.68   0.018      0.01-00.05    0

Added CPU and started playing with compression in more recent versions
Inst   Start      End      Seconds Tests   Num   MB/S     IOPS Latency        LatRange Errs Procs OSize   %CPU Comp
   0   13:59:20   13:59:29    8.57   put   100   0.11    11.67   0.085      0.02-00.22    0     1   10k   0.30   no
   0   13:59:29   13:59:33    4.03   get   100   0.24    24.83   0.040      0.04-00.05    0     1   10k   0.39   no
   0   13:59:33   13:59:34    1.80   del   100   0.54    55.68   0.018      0.01-00.05    0     1   10k   0.58   no

4/19/2013                                  Getput Swift Performance Tools                             9
Getput Output
Earliest versions
Inst   Start      End      Seconds Tests   Num    MB/S    IOPS Errs
   0   13:59:20   13:59:29    8.57   put   100    0.11   11.67    0
   0   13:59:29   13:59:33    4.03   get   100    0.24   24.83    0
   0   13:59:33   13:59:34    1.80   del   100    0.54   55.68    0

Added latency range in later versions
Inst   Start      End      Seconds Tests   Num    MB/S    IOPS Latency        LatRange Errs
   0   13:59:20   13:59:29    8.57   put   100    0.11   11.67   0.085      0.02-00.22    0
   0   13:59:29   13:59:33    4.03   get   100    0.24   24.83   0.040      0.04-00.05    0
   0   13:59:33   13:59:34    1.80   del   100    0.54   55.68   0.018      0.01-00.05    0

Added CPU and started playing with compression in more recent versions
Inst   Start      End      Seconds Tests   Num    MB/S    IOPS Latency        LatRange Errs Procs OSize   %CPU Comp
   0   13:59:20   13:59:29    8.57   put   100    0.11   11.67   0.085      0.02-00.22    0     1   10k   0.30   no
   0   13:59:29   13:59:33    4.03   get   100    0.24   24.83   0.040      0.04-00.05    0     1   10k   0.39   no
   0   13:59:33   13:59:34    1.80   del   100    0.54   55.68   0.018      0.01-00.05    0     1   10k   0.58   no

Eventually added latency distribution histogram
Latency       LatRange Errs Procs OSize     0.0    0.1   0.2    0.3    0.4     0.5
  0.106     0.02-00.36    0    10   10k     527    396    67     10      0       0
  0.041     0.01-00.07    0    10   10k    1000      0     0      0      0       0
  0.031     0.01-00.16    0    10   10k     964     36     0      0      0       0

4/19/2013                                  Getput Swift Performance Tools                            10
  • Swift multi-scaling excellent
        – With multiple clients performance grows close to linearly
        – With single client and multiple threads
              • Smaller objects scale very well with even lots of threads
              • Larger objects hit either CPU/Network wall!
  • Both compression and encryption cost CPU
        – Limits large object bandwidth, less so with smaller ones
        – Early testing: !compression up to 2X boost for large objects
              • Similar behavior when using http instead of https
        – Only just started looking at changing ciphers

Recommendation: make compression, ssl and cipher choice optional in swiftclient

  4/19/2013                        Getput Swift Performance Tools           11
Look at the network during tests
  This is always true for uncompressible objects: upload speed ~= network bandwidth
   segerm@az1-nv-compute-0001:~$ ./ -cc -oo -n1 -s100m -tp --comp
   Inst Start    End      Seconds Tests   Num   MB/S    IOPS Latency    LatRange
      0 15:52:15 15:52:20    5.85   put     1 17.10     0.17   5.800 5.80-05.80

   segerm@az1-nv-compute-0001:~$ collectl
   waiting for 1 second sample...
   #cpu sys inter ctxsw KBRead Reads KBWrit Writes     KBIn PktIn KBOut PktOut
      0   0 1342    1078      0      0     20      2      0      4     70      56
      0   0   261    304      0      0     20      2      0      3      0       2
      1   0   580    578      0      0      0      0      0      5      0       3
      3   0 4697     780      0      0      0      0    135   2010 15956    11517
      4   0 5859    1324      0      0      0      0    138   2345 19037    13708
      4   0 5168     609      0      0     48      6    138   2354 19036    13706
      4   0 5597     993      0      0      4      1    138   2351 19053    13717
      4   0 5129     538      0      0      0      0    139   2366 19053    13716
      3   0 4579    1070      0      0      0      0    107   1817 14554    10495
      0   0   154    201      0      0     20      2      0      1      0       1

4/19/2013                        Getput Swift Performance Tools              12
Compression can be your friend too
                      …but only for compressible objects
 segerm@az1-nv-compute-0001:~$ ./ -cc -oo -n5 -s100m -tp --otype s --comp
 Inst Start    End      Seconds Tests        Num     MB/S        IOPS Latency     LatRange
    0 16:00:19 16:00:29   10.33   put          5    48.42        0.48   2.060   2.03-02.09

 #cpu sys inter ctxsw KBRead Reads KBWrit Writes     KBIn PktIn KBOut PktOut
    0   0   223    292      0      0     56      9      0      1      0       1
    1   0   618    565      0      0      0      0     14     20      2      16
    3   0 1380     694      0      0      0      0     14    167    605     317
    4   0 1846    1194      0      0      0      0     11    165    508     304
    3   1 9799    1008      0      0     12      2    173   2949    848    2949
    4   1 11071    996      0      0      0      0    198   3377    607    3376

                             Look what the proxy is doing
 #cpu sys inter ctxsw KBRead Reads KBWrit Writes     KBIn PktIn KBOut PktOut
    1   0 1512     523      0      0     16      3      5     36      8      34
    8   2 6377     892      0      0      0      0    658   6588 171130 117279
    7   2 5488    1835      0      0      8      1    519   4933 150290 103175
    6   2 8772    6113      0      0      0      0    744   8679 162089 114059

                                                                                         3 Obj Servers
                      Another reason to make compression optional!
4/19/2013                           Getput Swift Performance Tools                      13
Let’s talk about latency
• Latency metrics originally based on averages
      – Like coarse monitoring, great for trends but poor for exceptions
      – Soon realized more detail was needed
• Consider the following. What does it really mean?
      – Is the only problem that one entry of 0.083?

4/19/2013                   Getput Swift Performance Tools      14
On closer inspection
• The first 4 entries don’t look too bad
• Even the bottom one isn’t that horrible

4/19/2013           Getput Swift Performance Tools   15
Ranges shed more light
• Even though first 4 lines have close latencies, look at
  their max values
• Now we know why line 5 so bad
• Even line 6 has very high max

4/19/2013             Getput Swift Performance Tools   16
But even that’s not enough
•   Min/Max doesn’t tell us how many outliers
•   Line 2/4 have almost 50 in the .5 bucket
•   Line 5 has 6 PUTs >4 seconds
•   Line 6 all over the place

4/19/2013             Getput Swift Performance Tools   17
Example 1: Latency of 0.04 too high!
• When looking at 1k, 10k and 100k GETS, noticed IOPS for 10k
  were lower!
      – Great reason to look at more than MB/sec
• After much digging discovered this only applied to object sizes
  7888 -> 22469 bytes
      – This could only have been found by running sets of tests and looking
        very closely at the numbers
• What’s going on here?

4/19/2013                     Getput Swift Performance Tools         18
Example 1: Latency of 0.04 too high!
• When looking at 1k, 10k and 100k GETS, noticed IOPS for 10k
  were lower!
      – Great reason to look at more than MB/sec
• After much digging discovered this only applied to object sizes
  7888 -> 22469 bytes
      – This could only have been found by running sets of tests and looking
        very closely at the numbers
• What’s going on here?
      –     We run pound on proxies to support multiple connection ports
      –     Proxy does fast get and passes data to pound over loopback address
      –     Max segsize for loopback >> network MSS
      –     Eventlet uses 8192 byte buffers
      –     Nagle algorithm: bytes > 8192 and ~<8192+MSS have delayed ACK
• Eventlet needs bigger buffers? Turn off nagle?
4/19/2013                        Getput Swift Performance Tools        19
Example 2: Latency 0.5
• Observed a number of these in small object PUTs
• Caused by a proxy timeout connecting to obj server
• Might be worth looking into ways to reduce and/or
  not try to re-contact a non-responsive server

4/19/2013           Getput Swift Performance Tools   20
Example 3: Latency 6 Secs
•   These occur less frequently, but do happen
•   Traced back to disk error on object server
•   BUT the other 2 object servers responded in < 1sec
•   Think about how many IOPS are being lost!

     Might it be worth it to return after 2 successes?
       Maybe at least ignore writes to that disk?

4/19/2013              Getput Swift Performance Tools   21
So what’s next for latency?
• Investigate why some ops have even longer latencies
• Added another switch to getput! --logops
      – Extended put_object() to return transaction ID
      – Writes detailed log records for every operation
      – Makes it possible for longer latency transactions to be traced
segerm@az1-nv-compute-0000:~$ more /tmp/getput-p-0-1363878303.log
15:05:03.522 1363878303.521659 1363878303.459080 0.062547 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4   o-0-1-1
15:05:03.574 1363878303.574005 1363878303.521702 0.052291 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4   o-0-1-2
15:05:03.627 1363878303.627218 1363878303.574032 0.053174 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4   o-0-1-3
15:05:03.686 1363878303.686175 1363878303.627244 0.058918 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4   o-0-1-4
15:05:03.747 1363878303.746874 1363878303.686201 0.060661 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4   o-0-1-5
15:05:03.804 1363878303.804106 1363878303.746900 0.057194 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4   o-0-1-6
15:05:03.866 1363878303.866148 1363878303.804133 0.061979 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4   o-0-1-7
15:05:03.932 1363878303.931911 1363878303.866175 0.065724 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4   o-0-1-8

      Recommendation: GET, PUT and DEL calls should return transaction IDs

4/19/2013                           Getput Swift Performance Tools                  22
swcmd: a nifty helper utility
• One challenge of benchmarking can be LOTs of
  containers and objects needing cleanup
      – Can have dozens to 100s containers
      – Can have Ks to 100Ks of objects
      – Swift client too slow for deletes!
• Swift client utility could use some more functionality
      – How about displaying numbers of objects in containers?
      – Container sizes and even dates?
      – When listing containers same things
      – What about parallel or even wild card listing/deletes?
            • Only parallelizes for >1K objects in a container
            • Uses multiprocessing can hit 300-400 deletes/sec

4/19/2013                     Getput Swift Performance Tools     23
                     swcmd ls
                     63482   61M 2013-03-21 16:19:12 qc-1363882747
                        49    4G 2013-03-09 13:13:36 vlat-1362834811
                         0     0 2013-03-20 22:05:06 vlat-1363817101
                         1    10 2013-03-15 13:58:37 xxx-0-0
                         1 200M 2013-03-11 12:28:16 xyxxy
                         2 200M 2013-03-11 12:29:01 xyzzy
                      2901 702M 2013-02-12 16:34:19 zzz

 swcmd      –p   ls xyz        #   list containers starting with xyz
 swcmd      –f   rc zzz        #   force removal of zzz even though not empty
 swcmd      –p   pf x          #   force removal of ALL containers starting with x
 Swcmd      rm   xyzzy/xyzzy   #   remove specific object

        Recommendation: add these types of features to the swift utility

4/19/2013                             Getput Swift Performance Tools        24

4/19/2013    Getput Swift Performance Tools   25

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Getput suite

  • 1. A Swift Benchmarking Tool Mark Seger Hewlett Packard Cloud Services 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 1
  • 2. Problem Statement • Performance Measurements – Consistent/standard mechanisms for controlled experiments – Ability to easily modify test parameters – Minimal installation, configuration and use – Easy to compare results of multiple runs – Easy to clean up when done • Benchmarking – run performance tests at scale – Repeat tests while increasing demand for resources – Parallel tests must be coordinated: start/finish together 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 2
  • 3. Getput Suite • Multiple tools organized in a hierarchy – getput: actual workhorse, runs tests on single client – gpmaster: coordinates running getput on multiple clients – gpsuite: defines suites of tests to minimize switches usage – yourscript: can call gpsuite multiple times when desired 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 3
  • 4. • Uses swiftclient library • Lots of switches, lots of different behaviors – Standalone • Basic: creds, cname, oname, size, num/runtime, tests, rep count • More: processes, container type: shared/byproc/bynode, latency details, operation logging, and still more – Multi-node (controlled by gpmaster) • start time, rank 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 4
  • 5. • Coordinates running of getput on multiple clients – Assures all start together and finish approx together – Summarizes results as a single line – Unlike getput only runs 1 test at a time, job for gpsuite • More required switches than getput – Credentials file – Rank – Start time – Hosts file or single client name, may need ssh key too – And a few more… • But rarely run by itself! 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 5
  • 6. • Removes complexity of running gpmaster • Think of macros: gpsuite –suite full – Sets of object sizes, eg: 1k, 10k, 100k, etc – Numbers of threads, eg: 1, 2, 4, 8, etc • Distributes threads across multiple clients • Some runs can take hours with a single command • Cleans up after each run 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 6
  • 7. Getput Output Earliest versions Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Errs 0 13:59:20 13:59:29 8.57 put 100 0.11 11.67 0 0 13:59:29 13:59:33 4.03 get 100 0.24 24.83 0 0 13:59:33 13:59:34 1.80 del 100 0.54 55.68 0 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 7
  • 8. Getput Output Earliest versions Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Errs 0 13:59:20 13:59:29 8.57 put 100 0.11 11.67 0 0 13:59:29 13:59:33 4.03 get 100 0.24 24.83 0 0 13:59:33 13:59:34 1.80 del 100 0.54 55.68 0 Added latency range in later versions Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Latency LatRange Errs 0 13:59:20 13:59:29 8.57 put 100 0.11 11.67 0.085 0.02-00.22 0 0 13:59:29 13:59:33 4.03 get 100 0.24 24.83 0.040 0.04-00.05 0 0 13:59:33 13:59:34 1.80 del 100 0.54 55.68 0.018 0.01-00.05 0 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 8
  • 9. Getput Output Earliest versions Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Errs 0 13:59:20 13:59:29 8.57 put 100 0.11 11.67 0 0 13:59:29 13:59:33 4.03 get 100 0.24 24.83 0 0 13:59:33 13:59:34 1.80 del 100 0.54 55.68 0 Added latency range in later versions Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Latency LatRange Errs 0 13:59:20 13:59:29 8.57 put 100 0.11 11.67 0.085 0.02-00.22 0 0 13:59:29 13:59:33 4.03 get 100 0.24 24.83 0.040 0.04-00.05 0 0 13:59:33 13:59:34 1.80 del 100 0.54 55.68 0.018 0.01-00.05 0 Added CPU and started playing with compression in more recent versions Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Latency LatRange Errs Procs OSize %CPU Comp 0 13:59:20 13:59:29 8.57 put 100 0.11 11.67 0.085 0.02-00.22 0 1 10k 0.30 no 0 13:59:29 13:59:33 4.03 get 100 0.24 24.83 0.040 0.04-00.05 0 1 10k 0.39 no 0 13:59:33 13:59:34 1.80 del 100 0.54 55.68 0.018 0.01-00.05 0 1 10k 0.58 no 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 9
  • 10. Getput Output Earliest versions Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Errs 0 13:59:20 13:59:29 8.57 put 100 0.11 11.67 0 0 13:59:29 13:59:33 4.03 get 100 0.24 24.83 0 0 13:59:33 13:59:34 1.80 del 100 0.54 55.68 0 Added latency range in later versions Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Latency LatRange Errs 0 13:59:20 13:59:29 8.57 put 100 0.11 11.67 0.085 0.02-00.22 0 0 13:59:29 13:59:33 4.03 get 100 0.24 24.83 0.040 0.04-00.05 0 0 13:59:33 13:59:34 1.80 del 100 0.54 55.68 0.018 0.01-00.05 0 Added CPU and started playing with compression in more recent versions Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Latency LatRange Errs Procs OSize %CPU Comp 0 13:59:20 13:59:29 8.57 put 100 0.11 11.67 0.085 0.02-00.22 0 1 10k 0.30 no 0 13:59:29 13:59:33 4.03 get 100 0.24 24.83 0.040 0.04-00.05 0 1 10k 0.39 no 0 13:59:33 13:59:34 1.80 del 100 0.54 55.68 0.018 0.01-00.05 0 1 10k 0.58 no Eventually added latency distribution histogram Latency LatRange Errs Procs OSize 0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.106 0.02-00.36 0 10 10k 527 396 67 10 0 0 0.041 0.01-00.07 0 10 10k 1000 0 0 0 0 0 0.031 0.01-00.16 0 10 10k 964 36 0 0 0 0 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 10
  • 11. Observations • Swift multi-scaling excellent – With multiple clients performance grows close to linearly – With single client and multiple threads • Smaller objects scale very well with even lots of threads • Larger objects hit either CPU/Network wall! • Both compression and encryption cost CPU – Limits large object bandwidth, less so with smaller ones – Early testing: !compression up to 2X boost for large objects • Similar behavior when using http instead of https – Only just started looking at changing ciphers Recommendation: make compression, ssl and cipher choice optional in swiftclient 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 11
  • 12. Look at the network during tests This is always true for uncompressible objects: upload speed ~= network bandwidth segerm@az1-nv-compute-0001:~$ ./ -cc -oo -n1 -s100m -tp --comp Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Latency LatRange 0 15:52:15 15:52:20 5.85 put 1 17.10 0.17 5.800 5.80-05.80 segerm@az1-nv-compute-0001:~$ collectl waiting for 1 second sample... #<----CPU[HYPER]-----><----------Disks-----------><----------Network----------> #cpu sys inter ctxsw KBRead Reads KBWrit Writes KBIn PktIn KBOut PktOut 0 0 1342 1078 0 0 20 2 0 4 70 56 0 0 261 304 0 0 20 2 0 3 0 2 1 0 580 578 0 0 0 0 0 5 0 3 3 0 4697 780 0 0 0 0 135 2010 15956 11517 4 0 5859 1324 0 0 0 0 138 2345 19037 13708 4 0 5168 609 0 0 48 6 138 2354 19036 13706 4 0 5597 993 0 0 4 1 138 2351 19053 13717 4 0 5129 538 0 0 0 0 139 2366 19053 13716 3 0 4579 1070 0 0 0 0 107 1817 14554 10495 0 0 154 201 0 0 20 2 0 1 0 1 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 12
  • 13. Compression can be your friend too …but only for compressible objects segerm@az1-nv-compute-0001:~$ ./ -cc -oo -n5 -s100m -tp --otype s --comp Inst Start End Seconds Tests Num MB/S IOPS Latency LatRange 0 16:00:19 16:00:29 10.33 put 5 48.42 0.48 2.060 2.03-02.09 #<----CPU[HYPER]-----><----------Disks-----------><----------Network----------> #cpu sys inter ctxsw KBRead Reads KBWrit Writes KBIn PktIn KBOut PktOut 0 0 223 292 0 0 56 9 0 1 0 1 1 0 618 565 0 0 0 0 14 20 2 16 3 0 1380 694 0 0 0 0 14 167 605 317 4 0 1846 1194 0 0 0 0 11 165 508 304 3 1 9799 1008 0 0 12 2 173 2949 848 2949 4 1 11071 996 0 0 0 0 198 3377 607 3376 Look what the proxy is doing #<----CPU[HYPER]-----><----------Disks-----------><----------Network----------> #cpu sys inter ctxsw KBRead Reads KBWrit Writes KBIn PktIn KBOut PktOut 1 0 1512 523 0 0 16 3 5 36 8 34 8 2 6377 892 0 0 0 0 658 6588 171130 117279 7 2 5488 1835 0 0 8 1 519 4933 150290 103175 6 2 8772 6113 0 0 0 0 744 8679 162089 114059 3 Obj Servers Another reason to make compression optional! 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 13
  • 14. Let’s talk about latency • Latency metrics originally based on averages – Like coarse monitoring, great for trends but poor for exceptions – Soon realized more detail was needed • Consider the following. What does it really mean? – Is the only problem that one entry of 0.083? 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 14
  • 15. On closer inspection • The first 4 entries don’t look too bad • Even the bottom one isn’t that horrible 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 15
  • 16. Ranges shed more light • Even though first 4 lines have close latencies, look at their max values • Now we know why line 5 so bad • Even line 6 has very high max 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 16
  • 17. But even that’s not enough • Min/Max doesn’t tell us how many outliers • Line 2/4 have almost 50 in the .5 bucket • Line 5 has 6 PUTs >4 seconds • Line 6 all over the place 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 17
  • 18. Example 1: Latency of 0.04 too high! • When looking at 1k, 10k and 100k GETS, noticed IOPS for 10k were lower! – Great reason to look at more than MB/sec • After much digging discovered this only applied to object sizes 7888 -> 22469 bytes – This could only have been found by running sets of tests and looking very closely at the numbers • What’s going on here? 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 18
  • 19. Example 1: Latency of 0.04 too high! • When looking at 1k, 10k and 100k GETS, noticed IOPS for 10k were lower! – Great reason to look at more than MB/sec • After much digging discovered this only applied to object sizes 7888 -> 22469 bytes – This could only have been found by running sets of tests and looking very closely at the numbers • What’s going on here? – We run pound on proxies to support multiple connection ports – Proxy does fast get and passes data to pound over loopback address – Max segsize for loopback >> network MSS – Eventlet uses 8192 byte buffers – Nagle algorithm: bytes > 8192 and ~<8192+MSS have delayed ACK • Eventlet needs bigger buffers? Turn off nagle? 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 19
  • 20. Example 2: Latency 0.5 • Observed a number of these in small object PUTs • Caused by a proxy timeout connecting to obj server • Might be worth looking into ways to reduce and/or not try to re-contact a non-responsive server 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 20
  • 21. Example 3: Latency 6 Secs • These occur less frequently, but do happen • Traced back to disk error on object server • BUT the other 2 object servers responded in < 1sec • Think about how many IOPS are being lost! Might it be worth it to return after 2 successes? Maybe at least ignore writes to that disk? 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 21
  • 22. So what’s next for latency? • Investigate why some ops have even longer latencies • Added another switch to getput! --logops – Extended put_object() to return transaction ID – Writes detailed log records for every operation – Makes it possible for longer latency transactions to be traced segerm@az1-nv-compute-0000:~$ more /tmp/getput-p-0-1363878303.log 15:05:03.522 1363878303.521659 1363878303.459080 0.062547 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4 o-0-1-1 15:05:03.574 1363878303.574005 1363878303.521702 0.052291 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4 o-0-1-2 15:05:03.627 1363878303.627218 1363878303.574032 0.053174 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4 o-0-1-3 15:05:03.686 1363878303.686175 1363878303.627244 0.058918 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4 o-0-1-4 15:05:03.747 1363878303.746874 1363878303.686201 0.060661 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4 o-0-1-5 15:05:03.804 1363878303.804106 1363878303.746900 0.057194 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4 o-0-1-6 15:05:03.866 1363878303.866148 1363878303.804133 0.061979 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4 o-0-1-7 15:05:03.932 1363878303.931911 1363878303.866175 0.065724 eb4194b73e46f52f774a63fa552755d4 o-0-1-8 Recommendation: GET, PUT and DEL calls should return transaction IDs 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 22
  • 23. swcmd: a nifty helper utility • One challenge of benchmarking can be LOTs of containers and objects needing cleanup – Can have dozens to 100s containers – Can have Ks to 100Ks of objects – Swift client too slow for deletes! • Swift client utility could use some more functionality – How about displaying numbers of objects in containers? – Container sizes and even dates? – When listing containers same things – What about parallel or even wild card listing/deletes? • Only parallelizes for >1K objects in a container • Uses multiprocessing can hit 300-400 deletes/sec 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 23
  • 24. Examples swcmd ls 63482 61M 2013-03-21 16:19:12 qc-1363882747 49 4G 2013-03-09 13:13:36 vlat-1362834811 0 0 2013-03-20 22:05:06 vlat-1363817101 1 10 2013-03-15 13:58:37 xxx-0-0 1 200M 2013-03-11 12:28:16 xyxxy 2 200M 2013-03-11 12:29:01 xyzzy 2901 702M 2013-02-12 16:34:19 zzz swcmd –p ls xyz # list containers starting with xyz swcmd –f rc zzz # force removal of zzz even though not empty swcmd –p pf x # force removal of ALL containers starting with x Swcmd rm xyzzy/xyzzy # remove specific object Recommendation: add these types of features to the swift utility 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 24
  • 25. Questions? 4/19/2013 Getput Swift Performance Tools 25