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General Philosophy Of Discipline And Discipline
General Philosophy of Discipline
Discipline is correcting the student when they misbehave. Also, it helps to control misbehavior and support desired behaviors. Effective discipline
plans also prevent disruptive behaviors before they occur. The primary purpose of discipline is to keep students on the right track, help them focus, and
keep them safe. Students need guidelines, and without discipline it is hard for the student to be on the right track or get their attention. All students have
a different lifestyle or environment. The reason for discipline is to prevent the worst outcome that the student is exposed to in their environment or
lifestyle outside of school. My duty as a teacher is to make sure the all students succeed in the classroom and in their everyday lives. Teachers have the
right to create a discipline plan to establish a safe, caring learning environment for their students to prevent anything that may lead to any harm to the
students. The student's main duties are to come prepare to learn and follow direction. Students should set their minds on what their teacher expects out
of them. They need to be prepared before coming into the classroom. Also, students need to listen to their teacher and follow the teacher's directions.
Students should comply with the teacher beginning on the first of day school.
Theory of Discipline
Discipline seems to be something that is used for a punishment tactic. When people hear the word discipline, the first thought
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Essay on Discipline of Management
In today's competitive landscape, organizations must utilize every resource to its fullest in order to achieve profitability. Peter F. Drucker, who is
known as "the founding father of the discipline of management", informs us that employees are assets, which should be treated as a company's most
valuable resource. The key players involved in utilizing this valuable resource are the managers of a company. Managers have a vital role in a
company and the effort they put forth into their tasks and responsibilities will directly affect the success of a company. In Drucker's bookManagement:
Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (Revised Edition), he explains the role of a company's management team and the secrets to becoming a great manager. more content...
This mission must take into account and balance the present with the uncertain future. It is an important administrative task for a manager's mission to
strive for the company's full potential. As Drucker states, "What is the business's theoretical optimum? What prevents us from attaining it? Where are
the limiting and restraining factors that hold back the business and deprive it of the full return on its resources and efforts"? (32). Determining and
adapting a productive mission requires a manager to be an entrepreneur, a risk taker, and an innovator. A good company mission is adaptable, and will
allow the modern business to survive and perform in a new and unpredictable future.
Once the mission has been determined the next responsibility of a manager is to make the work place suitable for all employees. In addition to
stressing that employees are a company's most important resource, Drucker explains that they are the only one capable of the growth and improvement.
Encouraging and helping the employees to be happy will create a more productive and hardworking environment. A manager that meets the needs of
the employees will often encourage more productivity, which will result in meeting the needs of the consumer.
Drucker's third responsibility for management is to realize how the institution is affecting society. Management must recognize that free
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What Is Discipline Essay
Do you really understand what it means to 'discipline' someone? How do you define discipline? Does it mean helping someone get on the right track
or is it about casting judgment or punishing a person for doing something wrong? Certainly discipline is misunderstood. In this article I want to give
you a view of discipline that you may not have thought of and explain how to implement it with your team.
Observations about discipline:
Avoiding confrontation – Many people don't like to discipline their employees because they view it as a form of confrontation which may lead to
conflict. Most of us try to avoid conflict and therefore put off any communication that may trigger conflict.
Discipline is perceived as judgment and punishment – more content...
By the Greek definition, it's about helping someone use their energy efficiently to become more effective in their job.
Discipline saves time and energy – It makes more sense to take action and discipline someone than it does to waste time and energy thinking about it.
There are five progressive stages of discipline that can be used with individuals and help a team use its energy more effectively. The process begins
with simple communication and then builds in intensity of action and involvement by the manager until the person acquires the targeted skill or finds
a new job. These progressive stages are designed to help the employee develop into an effective team member. They are not designed to judge or
punish an employee. The manager must exercise compassion and interest in the welfare of the individual.
1. Communicate – It's imperative that an employee understands completely what is expected of him. What are his responsibilities and goals? How are
they to be carried out? In what time frame must they be completed? How will their performance be
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The Discipline Of Cultural Anthropology
The discipline of cultural anthropology falls into the idea that culture everywhere is our lives impacts every aspect of our human lives. "Anthropology
is the scientific study of human beings–that is, human creature viewed in the abstract: male, female, all colors and shapes, pre–historic, ancient, and
modern. Many cultural anthropologists come to believe that the idea of our past and present societies, from the social and cultural structure of them, to
the religion and language, as well as the symbols of that society all contribute to the bigger picture. Anthropology, then, most fundamentally viewed, is
simply the attempt of human beings to study and hence to understand themselves at all times and in all places" (Langness 1998: 1). Many
anthropologists focus their studies on a specific society or rather, an aspect of the human beings in that society. The search for the bigger understanding
of humankind, all of the different ways of life. Anthropologists like to focus their needs to look at the full range of human variety, and they like to
study people that are part of all different areas of the world. Cultural anthropology compares methods to evolutionary perspective of human culture.
Culture represents that knowledge we have, the values that we hold for ourselves, the traditional ways that we view the world, as well as the words we
use, the concepts we come to understand, and the symbols that represent us.
Cultural anthropology is looked at to be the study of humans,
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Preventive Discipline
I find the concept of preventive discipline, found in Chapter 5: Discipline, to be the most important concept from Module 7. Preventive discipline is a
preemptive action designed to inhibit undesirable behavior before it occurs. Currently, there is a trend of behavioral incidents that occur during
augmentation, when we have temporary members joining the team. The reason this concept is most important to me is because applying preventive
discipline in the early stages of augmentation arrival will discourage unethical behavior. It accomplishes this by setting clear standards, expectations
and establishes accountability for one's actions early. I will apply this concept by carrying out one–on–one initial feedback sessions with each of the
incoming members, where I outline expectations of them during their attachment more content...
Consequently, members that are unaware of rules and boundaries may end up making unethical decisions and exhibit unacceptable behaviors, paving
the way for further incidents. An example of the positive impact that applying this concept will have, will be that disciplinary action will not be
consuming time and other resources of my supervisors. In other words, time and energy will not be spent trying to deal with incidents that occur due
to lack of preventive discipline. My application of this concept will add one more layer of protection against new members potentially behaving
unacceptably by setting clear standards and establishing accountability for their actions. My peers will benefit in a similar way from the clear
standards and accountability that have been established, through preventive discipline. As I apply this concept, the expected behavior for new
members will be outlined early. This will ensure time and energy are able to be focused on the mission, as opposed to toxic behavior in the
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Discipline Is a Must at Home and in School
Discipline is a must at home and in school.
Discipline is the training of the mind and character; the exercise, development and control of the character, intended to produce obedience and orderly
behavior. The definition above is apt enough for the type of discipline intended for the young people at school.
The need for disciplining young people cannot be over–emphasized. A wise saying goes "Spare the rod and spoilt thechild". An undisciplined child
becomes a spoil child. The disciplining does not necessarily involve the use of cane. It should normally take the form of corrections by the educators
through the setting of good examples and verbal corrections. It is the repeated and deliberate tendencies to incorrigibility that more
Even when a good spade work had been done on the children with regard to discipline before the children start schooling this good spade work can be
spoilt as a result of contact with other children who have not had the advantage from home. It is the duty of the school to ensure that those with
pre–school good discipline are still better moulded while those still lacking in many essentials of good discipline are made to be good.
But at home where the children spend most of their time with the parents and relatives, friends and acquaintances, the good work the school is
doing can either be helped or hindered. If the children are shown and made to follow the good ideas taught in the school it is necessary that what
they and made to act at home be similar to the good ideas taught in the school. If what they do at home are at variance with what goes on in school
the children become people of 'two worlds' and confusion and frustration result from these conflicting ideas. It is for this reason that the home and the
school should mutually seek advice and inquire on what is not properly understood or clear as to the proper upbringing of these children. The children
should be made to understand that the home is in the school and vice versa. Neither of the two should be made a refuge from the rigours of the
training of the other. When this happens well behaved, responsible and good citizens are bred.
Written by Adewumi
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Military Discipline
Definition of Military Discipline
Military Discipline is a state of order and obedience existing within a command. It involves the ready subordination of the will of the individual for
the good of the group. Military discipline is an extension and specialized application of the discipline demands habitual but reasoned obedience that
preserves initiative and functions unfalteringly even in the absence of the commander. Discipline is created within a command by instilling a sense of
confidence and responsibility in each individual. Discipline demands correct performance of duty. The need for discipline is best inculcated in
individual by appealing to his sense of reason. In the few instances where appeal to reason fail, the use more content...
Therefore, organizational leaders' understanding must develop beyond what they can immediately and personally observe.
The highest form of discipline is the willing obedience of subordinates who trust their leaders, understand and believe in the mission's purpose, value
the team and their place in it, and have the will to see the mission through. This form of discipline produces individuals and teams whoВ—in the really
tough momentsВ—come up with solutions themselves.
3–8. One sergeant major has described discipline as "a moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the [leader], whether
he is there or not." Disciplined people take the right action, even if they don't feel like it. True discipline demands habitual and reasoned obedience, an
obedience that preserves initiative and works, even when the leader isn't around. Soldiers and DA civilians who understand the purpose of the mission,
trust the leader, and share Army values will do the right thing because they're truly committed to the organization.
3–9. Discipline doesn't just mean barking orders and demanding an instant responseВ—it's more complex than that. You build discipline by training to
standard, using rewards and punishment judiciously, instilling confidence in and building trust among team members, and creating a knowledgeable
collective will. The confidence, trust, and collective will of a disciplined, cohesive unit is crucial in combat.
3–10. You can see the importance
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Discipline In The Marine Corps
"Discipline is based on pride, on meticulous attention to detail, and on mutual respect and confidence. Discipline must be a habit, ingrained that it is
stronger than the excitement of the goal or the fear of failure (Gary, 2017). As an Non–Commissioned Officer (NCO) in the Marine Corps, as leaders
we must train our Marines. This requires discipline to be acknowledged and maintained, in fact, also be a receptive and considerate NCO. NCO's are
considered the backbone of the Marine Corps and we will continue to improve our skills to become great leaders that are able to balance the many
traits required of a leader. Even though Discipline shouldn't warrant compassionate, you should always remain firm or Marines will get relaxed and
complacent. Arguably,
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Interdisciplinary Approach Confusion
Mathematics, science, history, the arts – these are all subjects most people, including myself, have taken at least once in their lives. Usually, these
areas of study do not overlap, except for perhaps a few real–life applications of mathematical formulas in the sciences, or when looking at the
background of a certain artist to determine the context of a painting or other piece of art. Overall, however, these disciplines usually remain within
themselves. This both agrees and disagrees with the following claim that will be discussed: "The fields of study of academic disciplines can
overlap, but adopting interdisciplinary approaches to the production of knowledge leads only to confusion." Firstly, the prompt offers a false
dichotomy logical fallacy that is not true, saying that interdisciplinary approaches will lead solely to confusion, so using interdisciplinary
approaches is the only way to avoid this confusion. Thus, the knowledge question that can be developed from this prompt and that will be answered
is: To what extent does adopting interdisciplinary approaches lead to confusion in the production of knowledge? Prior to stating the thesis of this
essay, it is necessary to provide definitions of certain words in this prompt. For the purposes of this assignment, fields of study are topics that a
discipline covers. The word "discipline" in the term academic disciplines refers to a field or an area of study. Meanwhile, an interdisciplinary approach
can be defined as the
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Organizational Discipline
Organizational discipline means to "systematically conducting the business by the organizational members who strictly adhere to the essential rules
and regulations," ("Employee Discipline and Features of a Sound Disciplinary System" 2012). Therefore, discipline helps to enforce company rules,
with the ultimate goal of meeting company visions and values. Discipline is meted out at the level of management, in terms of disciplining employees
for behaviors that do not conform to company ideals or regulations. However, organizational discipline also entails helping the organization as a whole
to be productive by doing such things as meeting financial targets and productivity deadlines.
It is important for organizations to have a clear set of rules or guidelines, and systems for employee discipline. As Franklin & Pagan (2006) point out,
"inconsistent discipline can cause losses in productivity and reduce employee morale." Consistency with regards to discipline helps to minimize
miscommunication, and can increase employee satisfaction. Employees know what is expected of them, when, why, and how. Discipline is a core
component of organizational culture because it ensures consistent behavior and role clarity in the workplace. From a managerial perspective,
"obedience, orderliness and maintenance of proper subordination among employees" helps create an ideal organizational culture.
There are two basic approaches to disciplinary activities in the workplace: positive discipline and
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The Importance of Discipline
The Importance of Discipline
By: Alexis Wagner
June 14, 2013
The dictionary definition for discipline is "a branch of learning, training that develops self–control." Discipline to me is a form of work that takes time;
but, in the end works for your good. A person can be someone "disciplined" or taught a new way of doing something they can't or don'twant to do, or
be self–disciplined, already possessing an inner strength of mind and determination to do these things own their own. (Control is a key factor in self–
discipline.) Mastering the ability to make yourself do something over and over again until you get it right is self–discipline. Without discipline no one
would push themselves or be pushed by others into achieving more content...
Obedience is being willing to do a command , being able to follow instructions, being able to do things as they were told (meaning correctly), and
being able to do this when they were told. Obedience shows a common feature that we see with discipline.
If you can sing very well but your singing coach wants you to sing it an octave higher, that is an example of where discipline is needed. Youneed to first
accept the fact that the coach is trying to help you and improve your singing abilities. You have to get out of your comfort zone and work towards
hitting that note and achieving that goal. Instead of you looking at the task as a form of punishment, you should look at it as reaching a higher
ground, or going to the next level in your singing career. All of these things you must do to accomplish that one task, and not only will it require
dedication, it will require discipline, not only for others but for you.
Discipline in schools may reduce the violence and vandalism and help students to focus better on their studies and future careers. Discipline is
important in the households most of all. Parents must raise their children in a pleasant and disciplined atmosphere. They should teach them the right
values. They should themselves lead an orderly life so that their children can learn from their examples. Talking less in class, raising your hand, asking
questions, talking softer, and speaking up are all things people
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Good Order and Discipline
Good Order and Discipline For the military leader, the maintenance of good order and discipline is essential for a military force to be effective. An
undisciplined military force is a losing one (Hoversten). General Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest military leaders of all time and was firm
when it came to discipline. It was important to him that his soldiers understood that, in addition to efficiency, discipline guaranteed a solder's safety;
that if his forces did not prepare themselves for war when they had a chance, they would pay dearly (McBride). Discipline can be best defined as "a
state of training, resulting in orderly conduct." (McBride). This "state of training" must be achieved as well as maintained during peacetime
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Failure to go, absent without leave (AWOL), poor attitude, drug and/or alcohol use and abuse or continued tardiness are some examples of
violations by individuals who do not understand the full meaning of personal liberty. Extra duty, restriction, and correctional custody all punish as
well as psychologically teach the value of liberty to the individual (McBride). Good order and discipline is vital for a successful military. General
George Patton was a strong disciplinarian who was equally as adamant about preparedness. He told his commanders if they did not enforce and
maintain perfect discipline, they were potential murderers (McBride). He went on to say... "That is a blunt way of putting it, but war is blunt,
and war is what we must all prepare for" (McBride). It is too late to prepare for war once the war has already begun. Good order and discipline
prepares soldiers for war; it teaches responsibility for being accountable for what they do or fail to do and it assists soldiers in making them
accountable for their personal conduct as well. Good order and discipline is a state of obedience. It allows those who serve in the military to be
prompt and willing; to be responsive to orders and to understand and comply to regulation. It makes for a strong, uniformed force who can act swift
and justly to maintain safety. Without good order and discipline the safety of the American people, the military as a whole and fellow
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School Discipline Essay
Discipline plays an important role towards the formation of students' character. It is one of the important components in a system where closely related
to the discipline, nature, morality and decency. The word discipline is one thing that is synonymous in daily life. The word discipline is so broad
meaning either meaning negative or positive sense. However, the negative meaning that often become the focus and is becoming an issue that is
popular if it involves individual or group meetings with the community.
The discipline problems in schools nowadays are a major problem among secondary students in Malaysia. Disruptive behavior must be concern by
schools administration because this more content...
Datuk Dr. Abdul Hamid Othman in the local newspaper (The Straits Times: 15hb.Februari 1994) pointed out that teenagers who are always hang out
usually come from people who live in settlements around the city. Experiencing the families and societies who are not criticize others because they
have the attitude which is do not want to interfere others' matter.
Discipline problems in schools often becomes a hot topic discussed nowadays. This issue has widely spread throughout mass media. Each day we will
be served with news of a discipline problems among students.
According to Harre and Lamp (1983), adolescents begin to adapt themselves more complex with family, peers and teachers, through activities daily
and social life according to his mood. Disciplines related to nature, decency and morality. Discipline is not only appreciate the behavior that the
community expected, but also willing to be obedient and loyal to the school, state and country. Classroom environment that is conducive classrooms
with no discipline problems. Pupils who are disciplined will ensure comfort, neatness and atmosphere that promotes feelings of teaching and learning.
(Ee Ah Meng,
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What Is Self Discipline Essay
We already know that self discipline is important, but do we really need it?
We know about success tools, and we familiarize ourselves with many useful resources that lead us to success, so why do we need self discipline?
We all have goals for many areas of our lives. Some of uswant successful relationships, some like to get more money, others want simply happiness in
their lives and others seek better health with less weight. These are common goals, and we sometimes fail or succeed in achieving them. The general
question is: Why we don't achieve those goals? Why we don't become successful in these goals?
The general answer is: Lack of self discipline.
Success needs time. It does not happen at once. What you do today will determine the results in your future. If you change your present, you change
your future. If you eat a lot of pizzas and delicious food today, you will gain weight, and this will show in your future weight. If you spend more
money than what you earn today, you will have less money in the future.
Present steps determine future results.
Self discipline takes place in your present which will lead to your more content...
We also know that successful persons became successful just by following these laws. Many experts studied successful people for many years and
wrote many rich & useful books about them. One top expert in this field, Brian Tracy, claims that one main skill that youneed to achieve success is the
resource of self discipline. You may know many laws of success, and you may have a map for your goals, but this map will not work if you do not
exercise self control for your goals. It is a fact that 97% of people do not write their goals, and this by itself is a major obstacle to success, but
simply by writing the goals is not enough unless it is combined with self discipline. It is your practical map for success. It is your actual pragmatic
steps that lead you to translating your goals into
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Essay on the Importance of Discipline
Discipline is the process of training oneself in obedience, self control, skill, etc. The controlled, ordered behavior results from such training. Discipline
is the basis of the whole universe.
The solar system is governed by certain laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. Without this order, there would be utter chaos. Discipline is a
basic requirement of a civilized society. Citizens of a disciplined nation work with a spirit of cooperation and unity. Aristotle has rightly said,
"Discipline is obedience to rules formed by the society for the good of all.
Discipline should be inculcated from a very young age. Talent and genius alone are not enough to achieve success. Discipline has an equally important
role to play. Talents more content...
Eve–teasing is another example of irresponsible behavior on the part of our youth. The rising crime graph in the country is due to the lack of discipline.
Members of political parties should follow a certain code of ethics. They should always act in a disciplined manner. In the past, leaders fought for
freedom and now our leaders have the freedom to fight among themselves. The direct telecast of Parliamentary Session in doordarshan gives us the
picture of the unruly behavior of our respected Parliamentarians inside the Parliament. The common man has started losing faith in political parties and
the system. Steps should be taken to improve its image.
Without discipline there can be no scientific advances, no industrial or technological achievement, no settled system of law, no exploration and no
development. Discipline is essential for personal growth and national prosperity. Absence of it can lead to failure, defeat and backwardness. Respect of
parents, teachers and elders should be given importance. Honesty and integrity and doing a duty with devotion and dedication should be stressed.
There should be a spirit of harmony, co–operation and mutual respect co–existent among fellow human beings. All should follow the rules and
regulations laid by law. Discipline means full realization of the sense of responsibility. This will bring progress and prosperity in the society and the
nation. A proper and reasonable balance has to be stuck betweenliberty
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Marketing Is A Business Discipline Essay
Marketing is a business discipline through which the targeted consumer is influenced to react positively to an offer. This can relate to the purchase of
a product or a service, the joining of an organization, the endorsement of a candidate or ideology, the contribution or investment in a cause or company,
or a variety of other choices of response.
The marketer can use a number of techniques to reach the consumer which can be based on artistic or scientific strategies, or a combination of the two.
Usually, the consumer is identified as a member of a particular segment of the populace, known as a market. For example, markets can be defined by
age, income, area of residence, home value, interest, buying habits, industry or profession, etc., which facilitates and simplifies the marketing process.
Knowing to whom the marketing effort is appealing greatly assists the marketer in developing appropriate language, reasoning and incentives to find
success in its marketing efforts.
Choosing to target a particular market as opposed to the entire universe also greatly controls marketing expenditures but also may limit response. If
anyone anywhere can be a customer, sales expectations may be higher but marketing costs will certainly also need to be higher as well with such a
huge target as its goal.
To address this dilemma, more creative means of marketing are sometimes utilized to assist with marketing message delivery. If what is being
marketed is considered newsworthy and of public
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Essay about Article 92
Article 92 Good order and Military discipline: The Disciplinary Regulations of the United States Army define military discipline as "a strict and
honorable compliance by all servicemen with the order and rules prescribed by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (superiors)."
Military discipline is a special form of military relations. Its specifics lie in coordinating the conduct and actions of military personnel and in serving
to establish such relations as are required for successful joint activity. The conduct of servicemen is regulated by special rules and standards of
behavior set forth in laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (superiors) and reflecting the specific features of the more
All enlistees, both as personalities and members of definite service and public structures (including those with a negative impact on discipline), their
relations and degree of activity form in the aggregate the disciplinary system of an element (unit). Psychological support for troops has emerged as a
necessity because this kind of work can deal, to a considerable extent, with a set of specific psychological problems arising within disciplinary
systems at all levels, not the lower echelons alone, as is often believed. Occasionally it is just the matter of an enlistee being unprepared for
discipline–abiding lifestyle (ignorance of army regulations, orders and regulatory documents). Sometimes, however, psychological problems stem from
clearly expressed anti–disciplinary attitudes in some or other serviceman, which attitudes tend to disorganize military activities, mixing, and off–duty
routine. Two groups of disciplinary psychological problems are identified. First, inadequacy (weakness, instability, incompleteness, and unfinished
nature) of individual, group or organizational mechanisms for normative behavior and control thereof as is revealed by practice; certain enlistees lack
the required disciplinary motivation and/or they cannot behave in an organized way in conformity with the regulations, rules, laws, and military
traditions. Military command and control agencies, for their part, do not have enough energy and skills to
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Definition Of The Assertive Discipline Model
Lee Canter was born in 1947. Lee Canter made the assertive discipline model this is also known as an approach for classroom behavioral
management for practitioners to use to control behaviour. The approach involves a high level of controlled teaching in the day to day classroom life.
this approach is also known as the "take–control" approach for teaching, as is allows teachers in the classroom to take control in a classroom using a
positive attitude. It allows teacher to do this as it sets rules and directions that are clear for practitioners to use within the setting. These rules and
directions will give practitioners the knowledge to know what is appropriate and un–appropriate behavior, the practitioner will therefore be able to
help the children understand what kind of behaviour is expected form students when they are in school. This approach is used to have a better
understanding on how adult's affect children's behaviour, to do this they will have to show an assertive response by showing clear discipline.
Example of how to show this would be to have rules set in place and consequences for if these rules are not followed or if negative behavior is
shown by students. These consequences are clearly explained to the children and young people that are in the setting so they will know what will
happen if they do not follow the rules. The setting will be promoting positive behavior to the children in their care, the adults will be role model in
showing the children in what
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General Philosophy Of Discipline And Discipline

  • 1. General Philosophy Of Discipline And Discipline General Philosophy of Discipline Discipline is correcting the student when they misbehave. Also, it helps to control misbehavior and support desired behaviors. Effective discipline plans also prevent disruptive behaviors before they occur. The primary purpose of discipline is to keep students on the right track, help them focus, and keep them safe. Students need guidelines, and without discipline it is hard for the student to be on the right track or get their attention. All students have a different lifestyle or environment. The reason for discipline is to prevent the worst outcome that the student is exposed to in their environment or lifestyle outside of school. My duty as a teacher is to make sure the all students succeed in the classroom and in their everyday lives. Teachers have the right to create a discipline plan to establish a safe, caring learning environment for their students to prevent anything that may lead to any harm to the students. The student's main duties are to come prepare to learn and follow direction. Students should set their minds on what their teacher expects out of them. They need to be prepared before coming into the classroom. Also, students need to listen to their teacher and follow the teacher's directions. Students should comply with the teacher beginning on the first of day school. Theory of Discipline Discipline seems to be something that is used for a punishment tactic. When people hear the word discipline, the first thought Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Discipline of Management In today's competitive landscape, organizations must utilize every resource to its fullest in order to achieve profitability. Peter F. Drucker, who is known as "the founding father of the discipline of management", informs us that employees are assets, which should be treated as a company's most valuable resource. The key players involved in utilizing this valuable resource are the managers of a company. Managers have a vital role in a company and the effort they put forth into their tasks and responsibilities will directly affect the success of a company. In Drucker's bookManagement: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices (Revised Edition), he explains the role of a company's management team and the secrets to becoming a great manager. more content... This mission must take into account and balance the present with the uncertain future. It is an important administrative task for a manager's mission to strive for the company's full potential. As Drucker states, "What is the business's theoretical optimum? What prevents us from attaining it? Where are the limiting and restraining factors that hold back the business and deprive it of the full return on its resources and efforts"? (32). Determining and adapting a productive mission requires a manager to be an entrepreneur, a risk taker, and an innovator. A good company mission is adaptable, and will allow the modern business to survive and perform in a new and unpredictable future. Once the mission has been determined the next responsibility of a manager is to make the work place suitable for all employees. In addition to stressing that employees are a company's most important resource, Drucker explains that they are the only one capable of the growth and improvement. Encouraging and helping the employees to be happy will create a more productive and hardworking environment. A manager that meets the needs of the employees will often encourage more productivity, which will result in meeting the needs of the consumer. Drucker's third responsibility for management is to realize how the institution is affecting society. Management must recognize that free Get more content on
  • 3. What Is Discipline Essay Do you really understand what it means to 'discipline' someone? How do you define discipline? Does it mean helping someone get on the right track or is it about casting judgment or punishing a person for doing something wrong? Certainly discipline is misunderstood. In this article I want to give you a view of discipline that you may not have thought of and explain how to implement it with your team. Observations about discipline: Avoiding confrontation – Many people don't like to discipline their employees because they view it as a form of confrontation which may lead to conflict. Most of us try to avoid conflict and therefore put off any communication that may trigger conflict. Discipline is perceived as judgment and punishment – more content... By the Greek definition, it's about helping someone use their energy efficiently to become more effective in their job. Discipline saves time and energy – It makes more sense to take action and discipline someone than it does to waste time and energy thinking about it. There are five progressive stages of discipline that can be used with individuals and help a team use its energy more effectively. The process begins with simple communication and then builds in intensity of action and involvement by the manager until the person acquires the targeted skill or finds a new job. These progressive stages are designed to help the employee develop into an effective team member. They are not designed to judge or punish an employee. The manager must exercise compassion and interest in the welfare of the individual. 1. Communicate – It's imperative that an employee understands completely what is expected of him. What are his responsibilities and goals? How are they to be carried out? In what time frame must they be completed? How will their performance be Get more content on
  • 4. The Discipline Of Cultural Anthropology The discipline of cultural anthropology falls into the idea that culture everywhere is our lives impacts every aspect of our human lives. "Anthropology is the scientific study of human beings–that is, human creature viewed in the abstract: male, female, all colors and shapes, pre–historic, ancient, and modern. Many cultural anthropologists come to believe that the idea of our past and present societies, from the social and cultural structure of them, to the religion and language, as well as the symbols of that society all contribute to the bigger picture. Anthropology, then, most fundamentally viewed, is simply the attempt of human beings to study and hence to understand themselves at all times and in all places" (Langness 1998: 1). Many anthropologists focus their studies on a specific society or rather, an aspect of the human beings in that society. The search for the bigger understanding of humankind, all of the different ways of life. Anthropologists like to focus their needs to look at the full range of human variety, and they like to study people that are part of all different areas of the world. Cultural anthropology compares methods to evolutionary perspective of human culture. Culture represents that knowledge we have, the values that we hold for ourselves, the traditional ways that we view the world, as well as the words we use, the concepts we come to understand, and the symbols that represent us. Cultural anthropology is looked at to be the study of humans, Get more content on
  • 5. Preventive Discipline I find the concept of preventive discipline, found in Chapter 5: Discipline, to be the most important concept from Module 7. Preventive discipline is a preemptive action designed to inhibit undesirable behavior before it occurs. Currently, there is a trend of behavioral incidents that occur during augmentation, when we have temporary members joining the team. The reason this concept is most important to me is because applying preventive discipline in the early stages of augmentation arrival will discourage unethical behavior. It accomplishes this by setting clear standards, expectations and establishes accountability for one's actions early. I will apply this concept by carrying out one–on–one initial feedback sessions with each of the incoming members, where I outline expectations of them during their attachment more content... Consequently, members that are unaware of rules and boundaries may end up making unethical decisions and exhibit unacceptable behaviors, paving the way for further incidents. An example of the positive impact that applying this concept will have, will be that disciplinary action will not be consuming time and other resources of my supervisors. In other words, time and energy will not be spent trying to deal with incidents that occur due to lack of preventive discipline. My application of this concept will add one more layer of protection against new members potentially behaving unacceptably by setting clear standards and establishing accountability for their actions. My peers will benefit in a similar way from the clear standards and accountability that have been established, through preventive discipline. As I apply this concept, the expected behavior for new members will be outlined early. This will ensure time and energy are able to be focused on the mission, as opposed to toxic behavior in the Get more content on
  • 6. Discipline Is a Must at Home and in School Discipline is a must at home and in school. Discipline is the training of the mind and character; the exercise, development and control of the character, intended to produce obedience and orderly behavior. The definition above is apt enough for the type of discipline intended for the young people at school. The need for disciplining young people cannot be over–emphasized. A wise saying goes "Spare the rod and spoilt thechild". An undisciplined child becomes a spoil child. The disciplining does not necessarily involve the use of cane. It should normally take the form of corrections by the educators through the setting of good examples and verbal corrections. It is the repeated and deliberate tendencies to incorrigibility that more content... Even when a good spade work had been done on the children with regard to discipline before the children start schooling this good spade work can be spoilt as a result of contact with other children who have not had the advantage from home. It is the duty of the school to ensure that those with pre–school good discipline are still better moulded while those still lacking in many essentials of good discipline are made to be good. But at home where the children spend most of their time with the parents and relatives, friends and acquaintances, the good work the school is doing can either be helped or hindered. If the children are shown and made to follow the good ideas taught in the school it is necessary that what they and made to act at home be similar to the good ideas taught in the school. If what they do at home are at variance with what goes on in school the children become people of 'two worlds' and confusion and frustration result from these conflicting ideas. It is for this reason that the home and the school should mutually seek advice and inquire on what is not properly understood or clear as to the proper upbringing of these children. The children should be made to understand that the home is in the school and vice versa. Neither of the two should be made a refuge from the rigours of the training of the other. When this happens well behaved, responsible and good citizens are bred. Written by Adewumi Get more content on
  • 7. Military Discipline Definition of Military Discipline Military Discipline is a state of order and obedience existing within a command. It involves the ready subordination of the will of the individual for the good of the group. Military discipline is an extension and specialized application of the discipline demands habitual but reasoned obedience that preserves initiative and functions unfalteringly even in the absence of the commander. Discipline is created within a command by instilling a sense of confidence and responsibility in each individual. Discipline demands correct performance of duty. The need for discipline is best inculcated in individual by appealing to his sense of reason. In the few instances where appeal to reason fail, the use more content... Therefore, organizational leaders' understanding must develop beyond what they can immediately and personally observe. The highest form of discipline is the willing obedience of subordinates who trust their leaders, understand and believe in the mission's purpose, value the team and their place in it, and have the will to see the mission through. This form of discipline produces individuals and teams whoВ—in the really tough momentsВ—come up with solutions themselves. 3–8. One sergeant major has described discipline as "a moral, mental, and physical state in which all ranks respond to the will of the [leader], whether he is there or not." Disciplined people take the right action, even if they don't feel like it. True discipline demands habitual and reasoned obedience, an obedience that preserves initiative and works, even when the leader isn't around. Soldiers and DA civilians who understand the purpose of the mission, trust the leader, and share Army values will do the right thing because they're truly committed to the organization. 3–9. Discipline doesn't just mean barking orders and demanding an instant responseВ—it's more complex than that. You build discipline by training to standard, using rewards and punishment judiciously, instilling confidence in and building trust among team members, and creating a knowledgeable collective will. The confidence, trust, and collective will of a disciplined, cohesive unit is crucial in combat. 3–10. You can see the importance Get more content on
  • 8. Discipline In The Marine Corps "Discipline is based on pride, on meticulous attention to detail, and on mutual respect and confidence. Discipline must be a habit, ingrained that it is stronger than the excitement of the goal or the fear of failure (Gary, 2017). As an Non–Commissioned Officer (NCO) in the Marine Corps, as leaders we must train our Marines. This requires discipline to be acknowledged and maintained, in fact, also be a receptive and considerate NCO. NCO's are considered the backbone of the Marine Corps and we will continue to improve our skills to become great leaders that are able to balance the many traits required of a leader. Even though Discipline shouldn't warrant compassionate, you should always remain firm or Marines will get relaxed and complacent. Arguably, Get more content on
  • 9. Interdisciplinary Approach Confusion Mathematics, science, history, the arts – these are all subjects most people, including myself, have taken at least once in their lives. Usually, these areas of study do not overlap, except for perhaps a few real–life applications of mathematical formulas in the sciences, or when looking at the background of a certain artist to determine the context of a painting or other piece of art. Overall, however, these disciplines usually remain within themselves. This both agrees and disagrees with the following claim that will be discussed: "The fields of study of academic disciplines can overlap, but adopting interdisciplinary approaches to the production of knowledge leads only to confusion." Firstly, the prompt offers a false dichotomy logical fallacy that is not true, saying that interdisciplinary approaches will lead solely to confusion, so using interdisciplinary approaches is the only way to avoid this confusion. Thus, the knowledge question that can be developed from this prompt and that will be answered is: To what extent does adopting interdisciplinary approaches lead to confusion in the production of knowledge? Prior to stating the thesis of this essay, it is necessary to provide definitions of certain words in this prompt. For the purposes of this assignment, fields of study are topics that a discipline covers. The word "discipline" in the term academic disciplines refers to a field or an area of study. Meanwhile, an interdisciplinary approach can be defined as the Get more content on
  • 10. Organizational Discipline Organizational discipline means to "systematically conducting the business by the organizational members who strictly adhere to the essential rules and regulations," ("Employee Discipline and Features of a Sound Disciplinary System" 2012). Therefore, discipline helps to enforce company rules, with the ultimate goal of meeting company visions and values. Discipline is meted out at the level of management, in terms of disciplining employees for behaviors that do not conform to company ideals or regulations. However, organizational discipline also entails helping the organization as a whole to be productive by doing such things as meeting financial targets and productivity deadlines. It is important for organizations to have a clear set of rules or guidelines, and systems for employee discipline. As Franklin & Pagan (2006) point out, "inconsistent discipline can cause losses in productivity and reduce employee morale." Consistency with regards to discipline helps to minimize miscommunication, and can increase employee satisfaction. Employees know what is expected of them, when, why, and how. Discipline is a core component of organizational culture because it ensures consistent behavior and role clarity in the workplace. From a managerial perspective, "obedience, orderliness and maintenance of proper subordination among employees" helps create an ideal organizational culture. There are two basic approaches to disciplinary activities in the workplace: positive discipline and Get more content on
  • 11. The Importance of Discipline The Importance of Discipline By: Alexis Wagner June 14, 2013 The dictionary definition for discipline is "a branch of learning, training that develops self–control." Discipline to me is a form of work that takes time; but, in the end works for your good. A person can be someone "disciplined" or taught a new way of doing something they can't or don'twant to do, or be self–disciplined, already possessing an inner strength of mind and determination to do these things own their own. (Control is a key factor in self– discipline.) Mastering the ability to make yourself do something over and over again until you get it right is self–discipline. Without discipline no one would push themselves or be pushed by others into achieving more content... Obedience is being willing to do a command , being able to follow instructions, being able to do things as they were told (meaning correctly), and being able to do this when they were told. Obedience shows a common feature that we see with discipline. If you can sing very well but your singing coach wants you to sing it an octave higher, that is an example of where discipline is needed. Youneed to first accept the fact that the coach is trying to help you and improve your singing abilities. You have to get out of your comfort zone and work towards hitting that note and achieving that goal. Instead of you looking at the task as a form of punishment, you should look at it as reaching a higher ground, or going to the next level in your singing career. All of these things you must do to accomplish that one task, and not only will it require dedication, it will require discipline, not only for others but for you. Discipline in schools may reduce the violence and vandalism and help students to focus better on their studies and future careers. Discipline is important in the households most of all. Parents must raise their children in a pleasant and disciplined atmosphere. They should teach them the right values. They should themselves lead an orderly life so that their children can learn from their examples. Talking less in class, raising your hand, asking questions, talking softer, and speaking up are all things people Get more content on
  • 12. Good Order and Discipline Good Order and Discipline For the military leader, the maintenance of good order and discipline is essential for a military force to be effective. An undisciplined military force is a losing one (Hoversten). General Robert E. Lee was one of the greatest military leaders of all time and was firm when it came to discipline. It was important to him that his soldiers understood that, in addition to efficiency, discipline guaranteed a solder's safety; that if his forces did not prepare themselves for war when they had a chance, they would pay dearly (McBride). Discipline can be best defined as "a state of training, resulting in orderly conduct." (McBride). This "state of training" must be achieved as well as maintained during peacetime more content... Failure to go, absent without leave (AWOL), poor attitude, drug and/or alcohol use and abuse or continued tardiness are some examples of violations by individuals who do not understand the full meaning of personal liberty. Extra duty, restriction, and correctional custody all punish as well as psychologically teach the value of liberty to the individual (McBride). Good order and discipline is vital for a successful military. General George Patton was a strong disciplinarian who was equally as adamant about preparedness. He told his commanders if they did not enforce and maintain perfect discipline, they were potential murderers (McBride). He went on to say... "That is a blunt way of putting it, but war is blunt, and war is what we must all prepare for" (McBride). It is too late to prepare for war once the war has already begun. Good order and discipline prepares soldiers for war; it teaches responsibility for being accountable for what they do or fail to do and it assists soldiers in making them accountable for their personal conduct as well. Good order and discipline is a state of obedience. It allows those who serve in the military to be prompt and willing; to be responsive to orders and to understand and comply to regulation. It makes for a strong, uniformed force who can act swift and justly to maintain safety. Without good order and discipline the safety of the American people, the military as a whole and fellow Get more content on
  • 13. School Discipline Essay CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION A. BACKROUND OF THE RESEARCH Discipline plays an important role towards the formation of students' character. It is one of the important components in a system where closely related to the discipline, nature, morality and decency. The word discipline is one thing that is synonymous in daily life. The word discipline is so broad meaning either meaning negative or positive sense. However, the negative meaning that often become the focus and is becoming an issue that is popular if it involves individual or group meetings with the community. The discipline problems in schools nowadays are a major problem among secondary students in Malaysia. Disruptive behavior must be concern by schools administration because this more content... Datuk Dr. Abdul Hamid Othman in the local newspaper (The Straits Times: 15hb.Februari 1994) pointed out that teenagers who are always hang out usually come from people who live in settlements around the city. Experiencing the families and societies who are not criticize others because they have the attitude which is do not want to interfere others' matter. Discipline problems in schools often becomes a hot topic discussed nowadays. This issue has widely spread throughout mass media. Each day we will be served with news of a discipline problems among students. According to Harre and Lamp (1983), adolescents begin to adapt themselves more complex with family, peers and teachers, through activities daily and social life according to his mood. Disciplines related to nature, decency and morality. Discipline is not only appreciate the behavior that the community expected, but also willing to be obedient and loyal to the school, state and country. Classroom environment that is conducive classrooms with no discipline problems. Pupils who are disciplined will ensure comfort, neatness and atmosphere that promotes feelings of teaching and learning. (Ee Ah Meng, Get more content on
  • 14. What Is Self Discipline Essay We already know that self discipline is important, but do we really need it? We know about success tools, and we familiarize ourselves with many useful resources that lead us to success, so why do we need self discipline? We all have goals for many areas of our lives. Some of uswant successful relationships, some like to get more money, others want simply happiness in their lives and others seek better health with less weight. These are common goals, and we sometimes fail or succeed in achieving them. The general question is: Why we don't achieve those goals? Why we don't become successful in these goals? The general answer is: Lack of self discipline. Success needs time. It does not happen at once. What you do today will determine the results in your future. If you change your present, you change your future. If you eat a lot of pizzas and delicious food today, you will gain weight, and this will show in your future weight. If you spend more money than what you earn today, you will have less money in the future. Present steps determine future results. Self discipline takes place in your present which will lead to your more content... We also know that successful persons became successful just by following these laws. Many experts studied successful people for many years and wrote many rich & useful books about them. One top expert in this field, Brian Tracy, claims that one main skill that youneed to achieve success is the resource of self discipline. You may know many laws of success, and you may have a map for your goals, but this map will not work if you do not exercise self control for your goals. It is a fact that 97% of people do not write their goals, and this by itself is a major obstacle to success, but simply by writing the goals is not enough unless it is combined with self discipline. It is your practical map for success. It is your actual pragmatic steps that lead you to translating your goals into
  • 15. Get more content on
  • 16. Essay on the Importance of Discipline Discipline is the process of training oneself in obedience, self control, skill, etc. The controlled, ordered behavior results from such training. Discipline is the basis of the whole universe. The solar system is governed by certain laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. Without this order, there would be utter chaos. Discipline is a basic requirement of a civilized society. Citizens of a disciplined nation work with a spirit of cooperation and unity. Aristotle has rightly said, "Discipline is obedience to rules formed by the society for the good of all. Discipline should be inculcated from a very young age. Talent and genius alone are not enough to achieve success. Discipline has an equally important role to play. Talents more content... Eve–teasing is another example of irresponsible behavior on the part of our youth. The rising crime graph in the country is due to the lack of discipline. Members of political parties should follow a certain code of ethics. They should always act in a disciplined manner. In the past, leaders fought for freedom and now our leaders have the freedom to fight among themselves. The direct telecast of Parliamentary Session in doordarshan gives us the picture of the unruly behavior of our respected Parliamentarians inside the Parliament. The common man has started losing faith in political parties and the system. Steps should be taken to improve its image. Without discipline there can be no scientific advances, no industrial or technological achievement, no settled system of law, no exploration and no development. Discipline is essential for personal growth and national prosperity. Absence of it can lead to failure, defeat and backwardness. Respect of parents, teachers and elders should be given importance. Honesty and integrity and doing a duty with devotion and dedication should be stressed. There should be a spirit of harmony, co–operation and mutual respect co–existent among fellow human beings. All should follow the rules and regulations laid by law. Discipline means full realization of the sense of responsibility. This will bring progress and prosperity in the society and the nation. A proper and reasonable balance has to be stuck betweenliberty Get more content on
  • 17. Marketing Is A Business Discipline Essay Marketing is a business discipline through which the targeted consumer is influenced to react positively to an offer. This can relate to the purchase of a product or a service, the joining of an organization, the endorsement of a candidate or ideology, the contribution or investment in a cause or company, or a variety of other choices of response. The marketer can use a number of techniques to reach the consumer which can be based on artistic or scientific strategies, or a combination of the two. Usually, the consumer is identified as a member of a particular segment of the populace, known as a market. For example, markets can be defined by age, income, area of residence, home value, interest, buying habits, industry or profession, etc., which facilitates and simplifies the marketing process. Knowing to whom the marketing effort is appealing greatly assists the marketer in developing appropriate language, reasoning and incentives to find success in its marketing efforts. Choosing to target a particular market as opposed to the entire universe also greatly controls marketing expenditures but also may limit response. If anyone anywhere can be a customer, sales expectations may be higher but marketing costs will certainly also need to be higher as well with such a huge target as its goal. To address this dilemma, more creative means of marketing are sometimes utilized to assist with marketing message delivery. If what is being marketed is considered newsworthy and of public Get more content on
  • 18. Essay about Article 92 Article 92 Good order and Military discipline: The Disciplinary Regulations of the United States Army define military discipline as "a strict and honorable compliance by all servicemen with the order and rules prescribed by laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (superiors)." Military discipline is a special form of military relations. Its specifics lie in coordinating the conduct and actions of military personnel and in serving to establish such relations as are required for successful joint activity. The conduct of servicemen is regulated by special rules and standards of behavior set forth in laws, military regulations and orders of commanders (superiors) and reflecting the specific features of the more content... All enlistees, both as personalities and members of definite service and public structures (including those with a negative impact on discipline), their relations and degree of activity form in the aggregate the disciplinary system of an element (unit). Psychological support for troops has emerged as a necessity because this kind of work can deal, to a considerable extent, with a set of specific psychological problems arising within disciplinary systems at all levels, not the lower echelons alone, as is often believed. Occasionally it is just the matter of an enlistee being unprepared for discipline–abiding lifestyle (ignorance of army regulations, orders and regulatory documents). Sometimes, however, psychological problems stem from clearly expressed anti–disciplinary attitudes in some or other serviceman, which attitudes tend to disorganize military activities, mixing, and off–duty routine. Two groups of disciplinary psychological problems are identified. First, inadequacy (weakness, instability, incompleteness, and unfinished nature) of individual, group or organizational mechanisms for normative behavior and control thereof as is revealed by practice; certain enlistees lack the required disciplinary motivation and/or they cannot behave in an organized way in conformity with the regulations, rules, laws, and military traditions. Military command and control agencies, for their part, do not have enough energy and skills to Get more content on
  • 19. Definition Of The Assertive Discipline Model Lee Canter was born in 1947. Lee Canter made the assertive discipline model this is also known as an approach for classroom behavioral management for practitioners to use to control behaviour. The approach involves a high level of controlled teaching in the day to day classroom life. this approach is also known as the "take–control" approach for teaching, as is allows teachers in the classroom to take control in a classroom using a positive attitude. It allows teacher to do this as it sets rules and directions that are clear for practitioners to use within the setting. These rules and directions will give practitioners the knowledge to know what is appropriate and un–appropriate behavior, the practitioner will therefore be able to help the children understand what kind of behaviour is expected form students when they are in school. This approach is used to have a better understanding on how adult's affect children's behaviour, to do this they will have to show an assertive response by showing clear discipline. Example of how to show this would be to have rules set in place and consequences for if these rules are not followed or if negative behavior is shown by students. These consequences are clearly explained to the children and young people that are in the setting so they will know what will happen if they do not follow the rules. The setting will be promoting positive behavior to the children in their care, the adults will be role model in showing the children in what Get more content on