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Gender Roles Essay
Gender Roles
Written Paper #1
Rory Muskin
Kristin Grant
Assignment Instructions
After watching the films, write a response paper (4–5 paragraphs) based upon on the following
1) Are the differences between boys and girls based upon biology, or are they just social
constructions? Include educational material to support the position.
2) How could children learning specific roles for boys and girls be harmful to society? Include
educational material to support the position.
3) Are the gender roles for boys and girls as limiting as in previous generations or are they beginning
to change? Include educational material to support the position.
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Physically, women were built to with stand more pain, necessary for child birth, and a body that was
tailored towards nursing the children, with softer edges. Her brain was also built for problem
solving, but was instilled with so much more. She was also capable of compation, tenderness,
intelligence, multitasking, and reason. These traits that were given to women, had to be taught to man
, and would help in the evolution of our species as humans (Eckert, Penelope and McConnell–Ginet,
Sally, 1997).
These basic and primitive rules that were ingrained in us by nature have been the essence of
human civilization. Over the last hundred years, these rules have been broken. Man, through the
female protests, were now starting to see that women were so much more than home makers who
were being pushed around by man for ages. Women's voices were starting to be heard. For too
long has society deemed what was right for women (whose laws were written by man)? As
women gained rights, so did man's perception on women start to gain more respect. From the days
of "Rosie the Riveter", when women were involved in what was once man's work, keeping the
workforce going at home while the majority of men were off at WWII. To today, where women
have almost as many rights as men, the view of society has changed and evolved. Nowadays, it
seems that these once set in stone rules are being broken.
Whether you grew up watching cartoons or
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Essay on Gender Role Development
Gender Role Development
I am a man, or maybe I'm a male, no wait I am a guy, although my parents still call me a boy,
unless you ask an old person then I am a young man. Frankly, I don't know, understand, or care what
I am because most importantly I'm me. My generation has numerous problems and some of the most
pressing issues involve sex and gender. It appears we have some confusion on who's what and why,
and I can see why this confusion exists we have some males wearing women's apparel and some
females who are only females because of their lack of a penis.
When asked the question what was the difference between sex and gender I immediately thought
my roommate was about to tell me a dirty joke. Once I realized that I was more content...
My mother had the biggest influence on my better gender traits, while my father influenced the
less appealing ones. My parents weren't very stereotypical in their gender roles. My dad was the
emotional one he was much more apt to crying and also getting angry. My mother was the more
logical parent. She also was the leader of the house. She pretty well told my dad who, what, where,
when, and how. My mother also takes care of the finances, although my dad is the major
breadwinner. My dad was also the non–confrontational parent. I feel I am a good blend of my
parents. I seemed to have inherited and learned most of their good traits without taking on their bad
In school I was the a–typical boy. I was around a lot of boys when I was young mainly due to
participation in sports. When I got out of the athletic crowd I got into the artsy crowd. Through my
high school years due to the crowd of girls and non–Neanderthal guys I hang around I was wrote off
as a homosexual by people who didn't know me. In my school any guy who participated in speech
and drama was pretty much thought of as queer. Unfortunately what the guys who wrote me off as
homosexual failed to see was that being in drama meant spending time around numerous beautiful
talented young girls, and not only that the boy to girl ratio at speech tournaments was about 3 to 1
favoring the girls, which turned out to be pretty good odds even for a fat kid.
In high school my best friend
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Gender Roles
From the day that we are born our gender is influenced to partake in certain gender roles
depending on our sex. One's sex is distinguished by biological characteristics that set us apart,
while our gender "consists of whatever behaviors and attitudes a group considers proper for its
males and females" (Henslin 292). Males are influenced to partake on more aggressive roles to show
power and dominance, whereas, female are influenced to partake on more nurturing and subservient
roles. However, if one fails to do so they are labeled a feminist "not masculine/feminine enough" or
Social factors have made a huge impact by controlling what we perceive as being acceptable for both
male and female, if not they are labeled "not being feminine enough" or being tomb girls for being
a bodybuilder or participating in ruff sports, along with males being labeled as "not masculine
enough" for being small and soft more content...
Men are called gay for liking to be clean and smell good and wear tight and colorful clothes or
pursuing a nurse career rather than a doctor and female are called lesbians for not caring too much
about their appearance or preferring to hangout out with males rather than females.
Furthermore, women whom believe that they should be "politically, economically and socially
equal" to men are called feminists (Henslin 302). It has even gone as far as to men telling women
that they are "too focused trying to be like men that they are losing their uniqueness," when in fact,
women are not trying to be like men but trying to be treated
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Gender Roles Essay
Gender Roles
While I was growing up, gender roles were highly defined by my parents and teachers as well as all
other societal influences. Boys were taught to do 'boy' things and girls were taught to do 'girly'
things. The toys that children play with and the activities that are encouraged by adults demonstrate
the influence of gender roles on today's youth.
In my formative years, the masculine traits that I learned came out because of the activities that my
parents had me engage in and the things that they expected from me. The expectations that my
parents held for my sister, on the other hand, varied from those that they had for me, and this was
made apparent through the different activities that occupied her time. more content...
My sister would jump rope or hullahoop. I remember when my sister wanted to skateboard because
I was doing it and my parents would not let her because they said she would get hurt. My mother
would cook with my sister, but never with me. My dad would take me to basketball and soccer
When you?re young enough that your parents still make all of your fashion decisions, they dress
you according to gender roles. I would never wear colors like pink or orange. I wore blue, black,
and green. Little girls? clothes had flowers and ladybugs on them. My mother used to care what my
sister left the house wearing, while it made no difference to her what I had on.
When I was ten years old, I specifically remember a few double standards that existed. I was allowed
to call girls, but my sister was not allowed to call boys. This one lasted until the end of high school.
I was allowed to stay out later than she was, too.
There was no place, where gender roles were more prevalent than in sports while I was growing
up. Coaches, parents, and peers had a large influence in this context. Coaches have a tremendous
influence on kids, and gender roles are driven into young athletes? heads. There were always those
girls who would play like boys and they were referred to as ?tomboys.? The girls who did not
conform to the gender roles were looked at negatively. Boys who did not play hard or weren?t good
athletes were called
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Gender Roles Essay
Gender Roles
Women and men have extremely different roles in society. These gender roles are very evident in
the way we see ourselves as women, which is based on how we have been treated in the past and
the actions in history we have taken toward gender equality. Katha Pollitt expresses her feminist
view in her work "Why boys don't play with dolls."
"Instead of looking at kids to "prove" that differences in behavior by sex are innate, we can look at
the ways we raise kids as an index to how unfinished the feminist revolution really is, and how
tentatively it is embraced even by adults who fully expect their daughters to enter previously
male–dominated professions and their sons to more content...
Scott Russell Sanders brings forth to his male point of view concerning the sensations of guilt and
shame over their persecution of women in "The Men We Carry in Our Minds…and How They
Differ from the Real Lives of Most Men." He says to a friend of his "This must be a hard time for
women, they have so many paths to choose from, and so many voices calling them." He also says
growing up he really envied women because they got to do things like; shop, visit neighbors, and
run errands. Sanders goes on to explain… " I didn't see, then, what a prison a house could
be…I did not realize, because such things were never spoken of–how women suffered from
men's bullying."
Being a modern woman is definitely a double–edged sword and has many complexities. Feminism
has taught us, that as women we are equal to men and we must demand and fight for that equality,
while the influence of gender roles makes us demand chivalry from men. We expect the same high
paying jobs as men; yet we demand that men do things like open doors for us. This could be
viewed as the result of many issues, but it all boils down to one simple concept: respect or actually
lack of respect. Throughout history we as women have been put into many roles–the homemaker, the
bad driver, the weak ones, and
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Essay on Gender Roles in Society
Gender Roles in Society
Gender role is a commonly discussed subject in society. Gender role simply defined is a person's
inner sense of how a male or female should feel and behave. Society and culture are also very
important in relation to this subject. This means different societies and cultures may produce
children and later, grown men and women, who have quite different views of a man or a woman's
place in the world around them, often determined by their culture's gender stereotypes. These topics
will be explained and compared to each other later on. How to implement a gender free childcare
environment will also be discussed.
Children begin to learn their gender roles at a very young age. Boys must learn what boys and men more content...
However, our children and we still mainly see very traditional gender roles portrayed in the
entertainment media that influence us so much. For example, the plot in very few television shows
or movies would have the woman go out to fight the bad guys while the man stayed home to make
sure the kids went to bed on time.
Now let's compare some differences between gender roles in traditional Chinese and Canadian
During the important early developmental years, when children are "learning" their gender roles
and how to be, think and act as a girl or a boy, a young Chinese girl will be taught, often cruelly,
that her value to the family is less than a male's. She will do chores around the house, while her
brother may not help at all, and she will see this sexual division of labor carried out by her parents
and other siblings. Her father will often devote much greater attention to her brother, talking to him
from a very young age about such "male" subjects as business and going out in the world. He will
be encouraged to be active and outgoing, while she will be required to remain submissive and
obedient. The boy will often have many more toys than she does – his trucks and plastic guns
outnumbering her dolls. From early on, she will understand that any resources for education or
career will be almost all reserved for the male children. Her gender role is not
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Gender Role Theory
Palapattu, Kingery, & Ginsburg (2006) conducted a research study that investigates the gender role
theory as it expresses the perceived gender differences in anxiety indicators amongst adolescences.
The primary focus of this study was to examine the affiliation between gender roles orientation,
self–esteem, and anxiety symptoms amongst a community sample of African American
adolescences. There were two hypotheses for this research article is: 1.) gender role orientation
would be associated with anxiety symptoms such that femininity would be associated with higher
levels of anxiety symptoms while masculinity would be associated with lower levels of anxiety. 2)
Gender role orientation and gender would both account for unique variance in more
The participant for this research study consisted of 114 adolescences that were selected from an
urban parochial high school with a history of educating African Americans.
The instruments that were used for this study was the Children's Sex Role Inventory which
consisted of 60 items, which can be compared to the Bem Sex Role Inventory for adults. This
measure had two different scales which were being measured, one was for masculine traits and one
was for Feminine traits. The finding for this study suggested that possessing masculine behaviors had
a negative link with anxiety indicators, whereas having feminine behaviors had a positive link with
anxiety indicators.
However, the current study which was conducted by Negga, Feven; Applewhite, Sheldon,
Livingston, & Ivor (2007) focused on the African American college students and stress, school racial
composition, self–esteem and social support. The research question focused on the relationship
between self–esteem, social support, school racial compositions at historically black college
university (HBCU) and predominately white Institutions (PWI). Furthermore, the objective of this
study was to acknowledge the affiliation between stress, self–esteem, and social support for
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Gender Role Essay

  • 1. Gender Roles Essay Gender Roles Written Paper #1 Rory Muskin SOC101C15 Kristin Grant Abstract Assignment Instructions After watching the films, write a response paper (4–5 paragraphs) based upon on the following questions: 1) Are the differences between boys and girls based upon biology, or are they just social constructions? Include educational material to support the position. 2) How could children learning specific roles for boys and girls be harmful to society? Include educational material to support the position. 3) Are the gender roles for boys and girls as limiting as in previous generations or are they beginning to change? Include educational material to support the position. Submit more content... Physically, women were built to with stand more pain, necessary for child birth, and a body that was tailored towards nursing the children, with softer edges. Her brain was also built for problem solving, but was instilled with so much more. She was also capable of compation, tenderness, intelligence, multitasking, and reason. These traits that were given to women, had to be taught to man , and would help in the evolution of our species as humans (Eckert, Penelope and McConnell–Ginet, Sally, 1997). These basic and primitive rules that were ingrained in us by nature have been the essence of human civilization. Over the last hundred years, these rules have been broken. Man, through the female protests, were now starting to see that women were so much more than home makers who were being pushed around by man for ages. Women's voices were starting to be heard. For too long has society deemed what was right for women (whose laws were written by man)? As women gained rights, so did man's perception on women start to gain more respect. From the days of "Rosie the Riveter", when women were involved in what was once man's work, keeping the workforce going at home while the majority of men were off at WWII. To today, where women have almost as many rights as men, the view of society has changed and evolved. Nowadays, it seems that these once set in stone rules are being broken. Whether you grew up watching cartoons or
  • 2. Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Gender Role Development Gender Role Development I am a man, or maybe I'm a male, no wait I am a guy, although my parents still call me a boy, unless you ask an old person then I am a young man. Frankly, I don't know, understand, or care what I am because most importantly I'm me. My generation has numerous problems and some of the most pressing issues involve sex and gender. It appears we have some confusion on who's what and why, and I can see why this confusion exists we have some males wearing women's apparel and some females who are only females because of their lack of a penis. When asked the question what was the difference between sex and gender I immediately thought my roommate was about to tell me a dirty joke. Once I realized that I was more content... My mother had the biggest influence on my better gender traits, while my father influenced the less appealing ones. My parents weren't very stereotypical in their gender roles. My dad was the emotional one he was much more apt to crying and also getting angry. My mother was the more logical parent. She also was the leader of the house. She pretty well told my dad who, what, where, when, and how. My mother also takes care of the finances, although my dad is the major breadwinner. My dad was also the non–confrontational parent. I feel I am a good blend of my parents. I seemed to have inherited and learned most of their good traits without taking on their bad ones. In school I was the a–typical boy. I was around a lot of boys when I was young mainly due to participation in sports. When I got out of the athletic crowd I got into the artsy crowd. Through my high school years due to the crowd of girls and non–Neanderthal guys I hang around I was wrote off as a homosexual by people who didn't know me. In my school any guy who participated in speech and drama was pretty much thought of as queer. Unfortunately what the guys who wrote me off as homosexual failed to see was that being in drama meant spending time around numerous beautiful talented young girls, and not only that the boy to girl ratio at speech tournaments was about 3 to 1 favoring the girls, which turned out to be pretty good odds even for a fat kid. In high school my best friend Get more content on
  • 4. Gender Roles From the day that we are born our gender is influenced to partake in certain gender roles depending on our sex. One's sex is distinguished by biological characteristics that set us apart, while our gender "consists of whatever behaviors and attitudes a group considers proper for its males and females" (Henslin 292). Males are influenced to partake on more aggressive roles to show power and dominance, whereas, female are influenced to partake on more nurturing and subservient roles. However, if one fails to do so they are labeled a feminist "not masculine/feminine enough" or gay/lesbian. Social factors have made a huge impact by controlling what we perceive as being acceptable for both male and female, if not they are labeled "not being feminine enough" or being tomb girls for being a bodybuilder or participating in ruff sports, along with males being labeled as "not masculine enough" for being small and soft more content... Men are called gay for liking to be clean and smell good and wear tight and colorful clothes or pursuing a nurse career rather than a doctor and female are called lesbians for not caring too much about their appearance or preferring to hangout out with males rather than females. Furthermore, women whom believe that they should be "politically, economically and socially equal" to men are called feminists (Henslin 302). It has even gone as far as to men telling women that they are "too focused trying to be like men that they are losing their uniqueness," when in fact, women are not trying to be like men but trying to be treated Get more content on
  • 5. Gender Roles Essay Gender Roles While I was growing up, gender roles were highly defined by my parents and teachers as well as all other societal influences. Boys were taught to do 'boy' things and girls were taught to do 'girly' things. The toys that children play with and the activities that are encouraged by adults demonstrate the influence of gender roles on today's youth. In my formative years, the masculine traits that I learned came out because of the activities that my parents had me engage in and the things that they expected from me. The expectations that my parents held for my sister, on the other hand, varied from those that they had for me, and this was made apparent through the different activities that occupied her time. more content... My sister would jump rope or hullahoop. I remember when my sister wanted to skateboard because I was doing it and my parents would not let her because they said she would get hurt. My mother would cook with my sister, but never with me. My dad would take me to basketball and soccer games. When you?re young enough that your parents still make all of your fashion decisions, they dress you according to gender roles. I would never wear colors like pink or orange. I wore blue, black, and green. Little girls? clothes had flowers and ladybugs on them. My mother used to care what my sister left the house wearing, while it made no difference to her what I had on. When I was ten years old, I specifically remember a few double standards that existed. I was allowed to call girls, but my sister was not allowed to call boys. This one lasted until the end of high school. I was allowed to stay out later than she was, too. There was no place, where gender roles were more prevalent than in sports while I was growing up. Coaches, parents, and peers had a large influence in this context. Coaches have a tremendous influence on kids, and gender roles are driven into young athletes? heads. There were always those girls who would play like boys and they were referred to as ?tomboys.? The girls who did not conform to the gender roles were looked at negatively. Boys who did not play hard or weren?t good athletes were called Get more content on
  • 6. Gender Roles Essay Gender Roles Women and men have extremely different roles in society. These gender roles are very evident in the way we see ourselves as women, which is based on how we have been treated in the past and the actions in history we have taken toward gender equality. Katha Pollitt expresses her feminist view in her work "Why boys don't play with dolls." "Instead of looking at kids to "prove" that differences in behavior by sex are innate, we can look at the ways we raise kids as an index to how unfinished the feminist revolution really is, and how tentatively it is embraced even by adults who fully expect their daughters to enter previously male–dominated professions and their sons to more content... Scott Russell Sanders brings forth to his male point of view concerning the sensations of guilt and shame over their persecution of women in "The Men We Carry in Our Minds…and How They Differ from the Real Lives of Most Men." He says to a friend of his "This must be a hard time for women, they have so many paths to choose from, and so many voices calling them." He also says growing up he really envied women because they got to do things like; shop, visit neighbors, and run errands. Sanders goes on to explain… " I didn't see, then, what a prison a house could be…I did not realize, because such things were never spoken of–how women suffered from men's bullying." Being a modern woman is definitely a double–edged sword and has many complexities. Feminism has taught us, that as women we are equal to men and we must demand and fight for that equality, while the influence of gender roles makes us demand chivalry from men. We expect the same high paying jobs as men; yet we demand that men do things like open doors for us. This could be viewed as the result of many issues, but it all boils down to one simple concept: respect or actually lack of respect. Throughout history we as women have been put into many roles–the homemaker, the bad driver, the weak ones, and Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Gender Roles in Society Gender Roles in Society Gender role is a commonly discussed subject in society. Gender role simply defined is a person's inner sense of how a male or female should feel and behave. Society and culture are also very important in relation to this subject. This means different societies and cultures may produce children and later, grown men and women, who have quite different views of a man or a woman's place in the world around them, often determined by their culture's gender stereotypes. These topics will be explained and compared to each other later on. How to implement a gender free childcare environment will also be discussed. Children begin to learn their gender roles at a very young age. Boys must learn what boys and men more content... However, our children and we still mainly see very traditional gender roles portrayed in the entertainment media that influence us so much. For example, the plot in very few television shows or movies would have the woman go out to fight the bad guys while the man stayed home to make sure the kids went to bed on time. Now let's compare some differences between gender roles in traditional Chinese and Canadian culture. During the important early developmental years, when children are "learning" their gender roles and how to be, think and act as a girl or a boy, a young Chinese girl will be taught, often cruelly, that her value to the family is less than a male's. She will do chores around the house, while her brother may not help at all, and she will see this sexual division of labor carried out by her parents and other siblings. Her father will often devote much greater attention to her brother, talking to him from a very young age about such "male" subjects as business and going out in the world. He will be encouraged to be active and outgoing, while she will be required to remain submissive and obedient. The boy will often have many more toys than she does – his trucks and plastic guns outnumbering her dolls. From early on, she will understand that any resources for education or career will be almost all reserved for the male children. Her gender role is not Get more content on
  • 8. Gender Role Theory Palapattu, Kingery, & Ginsburg (2006) conducted a research study that investigates the gender role theory as it expresses the perceived gender differences in anxiety indicators amongst adolescences. The primary focus of this study was to examine the affiliation between gender roles orientation, self–esteem, and anxiety symptoms amongst a community sample of African American adolescences. There were two hypotheses for this research article is: 1.) gender role orientation would be associated with anxiety symptoms such that femininity would be associated with higher levels of anxiety symptoms while masculinity would be associated with lower levels of anxiety. 2) Gender role orientation and gender would both account for unique variance in more content... The participant for this research study consisted of 114 adolescences that were selected from an urban parochial high school with a history of educating African Americans. The instruments that were used for this study was the Children's Sex Role Inventory which consisted of 60 items, which can be compared to the Bem Sex Role Inventory for adults. This measure had two different scales which were being measured, one was for masculine traits and one was for Feminine traits. The finding for this study suggested that possessing masculine behaviors had a negative link with anxiety indicators, whereas having feminine behaviors had a positive link with anxiety indicators. However, the current study which was conducted by Negga, Feven; Applewhite, Sheldon, Livingston, & Ivor (2007) focused on the African American college students and stress, school racial composition, self–esteem and social support. The research question focused on the relationship between self–esteem, social support, school racial compositions at historically black college university (HBCU) and predominately white Institutions (PWI). Furthermore, the objective of this study was to acknowledge the affiliation between stress, self–esteem, and social support for Get more content on