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presence of national and foreign
universities is a recognition of
the quality of educational pro-
grams in UADY" said the direc-
tor who recalled that this dynam-
ic is also an opportunity to estab-
lish new programs and agree-
ments with Mexican and foreign
Students from other countries are
from universities in the UK,
Spain, France, Germany, USA,
Brazil, Colombia, Argentina,
Chile, Japan and China. Induc-
tion at the meeting dealt with
issues related to services and
programs and information of
UADY, Merida and communities
within the state. It was noted that
most students' mobility focuses
on the Campus of Social Scienc-
es Economics, Management and
Humanities where the Anthropo-
logical Sciences is spearheading
followed by Psychology, Law,
Accounting and Education. Sub-
sequently are the programs from
the Campus of Sciences and En-
gineering and then from Biologi-
cal and Agricultural Sciences.
Merida, Yucatan, January 14,
2016.- The Autonomous Univer-
sity of Yucatan (UADY by its
Spanish acronym) is among the
ten schools of the country with
the largest number of foreign
students, a product of mobility
programs. The above was said
during the welcoming ceremony
for one hundred ninety six na-
tional and foreign students who
will be doing academic stays of
one semester at UADY.
"This indicator is the result of a
study by the Ministry of Public
Education (SEP by its Spanish
acronym)," said Gabriela Quintal
Avilés, Head of the International
Student Institutional Program
from UADY. "In the south south-
east of Mexico there is no other
institution that receives more
students than UADY and I think
that this is the result of work
done for several years," said
Quintal Aviles adding that "even
in the worst years of economic
crisis, indicators remained sta-
Students of the Mobility Program
of Spring 2016, attended an in-
duction meeting that took place
in the central building of UADY.
Regarding the creation and consoli-
dation of mobility programs, Quin-
tal Aviles noted that "today in edu-
cational institutions mobility is
seen as, something that actually has
important contributions to stu-
dents." She asserted that students
from Mexican universities also
have this perception, as they know
that institutions located in other
regions of the country have differ-
ent schemes and installations and
this generates a level of demand, in
addition to boost the academic ac-
In turn, Carlos Alberto Estrada
Pinto, General Director of Aca-
demic Development, said mobility
programs strengthen the axis of
internationalization and place
UADY on the world map. "The
UADY's mobility programs stand out
General coordination of cooperation
and internationalization
January-July 2016
Merida, Yucatan, April 6, 2016.- Du-
ring a work meeting with executives
of the Autonomous University of Yu-
catan (UADY by its Spanish
acronym), Yougun Ren, vice president
of the National University of East Chi-
na (ECNU), based in Shanghai, said
the corresponding analysis to
strengthen the areas and exchange
programs between the two educational
institutions were underway.
Accompanied by four collaborators
the ECNU representative participated
in a meeting with José de Jesús Wil-
liams, rector of UADY; Carlos Estra-
da Pinto, Head of Academic Develop-
ment; and Andres Aluja Schunemann,
General Coordinator of Cooperation
and Internationalization.
The ECNU, founded in 1951, has a
study population of 32,000 students
and 1,700 academics; its educational
programs are 61 undergraduate de-
grees, 170 master's degrees and 130
doctorates. The areas of knowledge
that are addressed are Sciences, Liber-
al Arts, Management, Engineering,
Law, Education, Philosophy, History
and Economics.
At the meeting, held in the Hall of
Rectors, Yougun Ren stressed the
fruitful and interesting relationship
with UADY that began in
2014 when Tong Shijun, gen-
eral secretary of the ECNU,
visited the Yucatan institution
in to give lectures on philoso-
A year later the two institu-
tions, UADY and ECNU, es-
tablished an agreement on
general cooperation and it is
expected that this year the academic
mobility programs, that start in Septem-
ber with the stay of a Chinese teacher at
UADY to specialize in teaching Span-
ish, will start developing in full form.
"We are pleased by the support given by
UADY" said the ECNU vice-president
who was accompanied by Zhou Yong,
office director of the Confucius Insti-
tutes; Yang Zi, head of the oversight
office; Yansa Li, director of the office
of the Global Institute of Chinese Lan-
guage and Yu Zhuang, deputy director
of the School of Foreign Languages.
"Given this dynamic process of cooper-
ation, we hope you visit us, it will be an
honor to have you in ECNU" the repre-
sentative of the Chinese institution told
the directors of UADY who recalled
that "at present we have two yucatecos
in this university” (Daniel F. Campos
Toledo and Leticia Beatriz Bastar-
It was also announced that
efforts were being made to
stablish a collaboration
agreement with Cancun,
Quintana Roo, and revealed
that according to the policy
of his country, which states
that academics hold public
office, he will soon be ap-
pointed Municipal vice
president of a city located 2
hours from Shanghai.
For his part, José de Jesús Williams,
rector of UADY, emphasized the
importance of strengthening partner-
ships and stressed, in particular, in-
creased opportunities for students
and faculty from both institutions to
participate in various mobility pro-
"In addition to learning the language,
either Mandarin or Spanish, it is fun-
damental the knowledge of science
and Mexican and Chinese culture,"
said the rector who stressed the inter-
est in exploring areas of knowledge
of mutual interest.
Moments before concluding the
meeting the traditional exchange of
gifts was held, on the one hand the
representative of the ECNU gave the
rector of the UADY a calligraphy
created expressly for this meeting.
This document is a text that reflects
the importance of working together.
The calligraphy, written by a Chinese
academic, was made on tissue paper
and ink featured in the Asian coun-
try, in it the names of the vice-
president of ECNU and the author
are also shown. In turn, the rector of
the UADY gave the visitors a Mayan
calendar carved in wood.
U A D Y e n h a n c e s m o b i l i t y p r o g r a m s
w i t h C h i n a
P a g e 2
UADY and the University of Ohio,
three teachers from the Degree in
Rehabilitation were trained.
He said that since 2012, Dr. Michele
Basso, Director of Research at Ohio
State University and her assistant
Alexandra Borstad, have visited the
Faculty of Medicine to train teachers
with the purpose of creating the Cen-
ter for Care of Patients with Spinal
Cord Injury of UADY to serve a
larger number of patients with spinal
cord injury and also develop research
in the area.
"Now we have infrastructure and
equipment needed for students and
teachers to attend spinal cord injuries
through this innovative technology
with the aim of improving the quality
of life of the people from Yucatan"
he added.
He noted that the Rehabilitation Unit
UADY serves an average of 100 pa-
tients a week in different areas such
as occupational therapy, musculo-
skeletal system therapy, problems
of development, growth and with
this new technique spinal cord in-
juries progress and complications
can be avoided.
He also announced that Drs.
Michele Basso and Alexandra Bor-
stad, awarded a recognition to the
Autonomous University
of Yucatan, for the crea-
tion of the Care Center
for Patients with Spinal
Cord Injury, which adds
to the seven centers that
apply this treatment in
the United States.
In the event were present
Claudia Barrero Solís,
Ermilo Contreras Acosta,
Ramon Ignacio Esperón
Hernandez and Marisa
Solis Chan, professor at
the Unit, Head of Gradu-
ate Studies and Research,
Academic Secretary, and Coordi-
nator of the Degree in Rehabilita-
tion at UADY respectively . Also
present were Giovanna Arredondo
Gomez, Head of Rehabilitation
Service from the Hospital Ignacio
Téllez; William Martin Duran
from the ISSSTE Regional Hospi-
tal; Miguel Manjarrez Gonzalez,
Head of Physiotherapy at the Au-
gustine Hospital O'Horan; Juan
Miguel Vera Santos, President of
the Mexican Association of Gradu-
ates in rehabilitation, among oth-
Merida, Yucatan, June 9, 2016.-
The University´s Rehabilitation
Unit at the Autonomous Universi-
ty of Yucatan (UADY by its Spa-
nish acronym), commissioned its
Care Center for Patients with Spi-
nal Cord Injury, said Guillermo
Montalvo Storey, director of the
School of Medicine of
this university.
He explained that in
the Care Center for
Patients with Spinal
Cord Injury at UADY,
they developed the
technique of locomotor
training, treatment that
favors active patient
movement by stimulat-
ing specific points that
activate nerve fibers
that are aimed at the
spinal cord and that
control the patterns of
movements necessary for walking.
He explained that this procedure
involves placing the patient on a
stand that controls the weight load
the patient carries on its legs, a
treadmill, to regulate the speed of
the march, and three therapists to
stimulate the patient's legs to try to
reproduce the normal patterns gait.
He stressed that the Ohio State
University of the United States, is
one of the institutions that has de-
veloped scientific research on spi-
nal cord injuries and locomotor
training. He added that as a result
of a collaboration agreement be-
tween the Faculty of Medicine of
U A D Y c r e a t e s i t s C a r e C e n t e r f o r
P a t i e n t s w i t h S p i n a l C o r d I n j u r y
P a g e 3
Merida, Yucatan 19 June 2016.-
Education programs of Civil En-
gineering and Physics taught at
the Faculty of Engineering of the
Autonomous University of Yuca-
tan (UADY by its Spanish
acronym), received the EUR-
ACE ® label by the National As-
sessment Agency Quality and
Accreditation (ANECA by its
Spanish acronym) of Spain, Luis
Enrique Fernández Baqueiro,
director of the university campus,
He explained that the EUR-ACE
® label is a certificate issued by
an agency authorized by the Eu-
ropean Network for the Accredi-
tation of Engineering Education
(ENAEE) to engineering pro-
grams that are evaluated accord-
ing to a set of defined standards,
according to the principles of
quality, relevance, transparency,
recognition and mobility covered
by the European Higher Educa-
tion Area.
He stressed that the EUR-ACE ®
label is internationally recognized
because it facilitates the recogni-
tion of diplomas of graduates,
both academic mobility and pro-
fessional practice. It also identi-
fies engineering programs of high
quality in Europe and beyond its
He said that the European Federa-
tion of National Engineering As-
sociations (FEANI by its Spanish
acronym), automatically includes
titles stamped EUR-ACE ® in
their home directory of engineer-
ing programs that meet the academ-
ic requirements to receive the title
EUR ING - European Engineer.
Meanwhile, the EUR-ACE ® sys-
tem facilitates academic mobility
both as a professional or for gradu-
ates in Engineering.
He added that the EUR-ACE ®
label provides employers with
quality assurance when assessing
the titles of engineering educational
In an interview in the rectory of
UADY, Maria Elena Barrera
Bustillos, Director of the Council
for Accreditation of Engineering
Education (CACEI by its Spanish
acronym) said that this recognition
is results of the work of interna-
tionalization of CACEI, which
aims to improve the quality the
formation of Mexican engineers to
international standards.
She recalled that last year a cooper-
ation agreement between CACEI
and ANECA, "in this agreement,
ANECA evaluated our six engi-
neering programs from three re-
nowned Mexican public universi-
ties: the Autonomous Universi-
ties of Nuevo Leon, San Luis
Potosi and Yucatán ".
She stressed that the six pro-
grams evaluated obtained the
Seal of EUR-ACE and are the
only throughout America who
have earned this recognition,
"this speaks of the good quality
of Mexican education programs,"
she said.
Dr. Jose de Jesus Williams, rec-
tor of UADY, said that "our uni-
versity is committed to providing
quality education, as set out in
the first two strategic objectives
of the Institutional Development
Plan, which is to form citizens
from high school, undergraduate
and graduate programs that are
highly competent at national and
international levels, and to have a
relevant educational offer and
renowned for its good quality. "
Engineering Programs from UADY receive the EUR-ACE ®
P a g e 4
UADY Global, the information and images featured
in this newslettter belong to the Autonomous Uni-
versity of Yucatan (UADY). We would like to thank
UADY’s Press Office for their contribution to the
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Address: Biblioteca de Área de Ciencias Sociales
Km.1 Carretera Mérida- Tizimín Mérida, Yucatán,
Telephone: +52 1 (999) 928 27 11 ext. 40351
UADY promotes cultural exchange with women from
Merida, 2 July 2016.- A research
project from the Laboratory of
Ceramics of the Autonomous
University of Yucatan led a group
of women of the Lacandon Jun-
gle, Chiapas out of their commu-
nity for the first time, to expose
their talent in the framework of
the Tenth International Congress
of Mayanists: "The Maya: Dis-
courses and Images of Power."
The seven women, originating
from the communities of Sibaca,
Tenango and Lacandon in the
municipality of Ocosingo, Chia-
pas, participated in the Congress
of Mayanists with a craft exhibi-
tion that included cross stitch
embroidered clothing and prod-
ucts of domestic and handmade
pottery pieces.
Roxana Gordillo Burguete counci-
lor of the City of Ocosingo, Chia-
pas commented that for this women
participating in the Congress repre-
sents an honor, but also a huge
challenge. 'They leave for the first
time their communities, they are
women who had never had the op-
portunity or the decision to leave
their city, and now they do so to
visit another state, which could
be unthinkable for the dynamics
that are kept their communities "
she said.
Gordillo Burguete thanked the
Autonomous University of Yuca-
tan for the approach they had
with the municipality of Ocos-
ingo by which this cultural ex-
change experience could be
achieved for both communities.
Ocosingo is the largest munici-
pality in Chiapas, it has 2,000
communities, all with different
productive activities such as pot-
tery, agriculture, embroidery,
among others.

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GCCI Newsletter January-July 2016

  • 1. presence of national and foreign universities is a recognition of the quality of educational pro- grams in UADY" said the direc- tor who recalled that this dynam- ic is also an opportunity to estab- lish new programs and agree- ments with Mexican and foreign institutions. Students from other countries are from universities in the UK, Spain, France, Germany, USA, Brazil, Colombia, Argentina, Chile, Japan and China. Induc- tion at the meeting dealt with issues related to services and programs and information of UADY, Merida and communities within the state. It was noted that most students' mobility focuses on the Campus of Social Scienc- es Economics, Management and Humanities where the Anthropo- logical Sciences is spearheading followed by Psychology, Law, Accounting and Education. Sub- sequently are the programs from the Campus of Sciences and En- gineering and then from Biologi- cal and Agricultural Sciences. Merida, Yucatan, January 14, 2016.- The Autonomous Univer- sity of Yucatan (UADY by its Spanish acronym) is among the ten schools of the country with the largest number of foreign students, a product of mobility programs. The above was said during the welcoming ceremony for one hundred ninety six na- tional and foreign students who will be doing academic stays of one semester at UADY. "This indicator is the result of a study by the Ministry of Public Education (SEP by its Spanish acronym)," said Gabriela Quintal Avilés, Head of the International Student Institutional Program from UADY. "In the south south- east of Mexico there is no other institution that receives more students than UADY and I think that this is the result of work done for several years," said Quintal Aviles adding that "even in the worst years of economic crisis, indicators remained sta- ble." Students of the Mobility Program of Spring 2016, attended an in- duction meeting that took place in the central building of UADY. Regarding the creation and consoli- dation of mobility programs, Quin- tal Aviles noted that "today in edu- cational institutions mobility is seen as, something that actually has important contributions to stu- dents." She asserted that students from Mexican universities also have this perception, as they know that institutions located in other regions of the country have differ- ent schemes and installations and this generates a level of demand, in addition to boost the academic ac- tivity. In turn, Carlos Alberto Estrada Pinto, General Director of Aca- demic Development, said mobility programs strengthen the axis of internationalization and place UADY on the world map. "The UADY's mobility programs stand out A U T O N O M O U S U N I V E R S I T Y O F Y U C A T A N General coordination of cooperation and internationalization January-July 2016
  • 2. Merida, Yucatan, April 6, 2016.- Du- ring a work meeting with executives of the Autonomous University of Yu- catan (UADY by its Spanish acronym), Yougun Ren, vice president of the National University of East Chi- na (ECNU), based in Shanghai, said the corresponding analysis to strengthen the areas and exchange programs between the two educational institutions were underway. Accompanied by four collaborators the ECNU representative participated in a meeting with José de Jesús Wil- liams, rector of UADY; Carlos Estra- da Pinto, Head of Academic Develop- ment; and Andres Aluja Schunemann, General Coordinator of Cooperation and Internationalization. The ECNU, founded in 1951, has a study population of 32,000 students and 1,700 academics; its educational programs are 61 undergraduate de- grees, 170 master's degrees and 130 doctorates. The areas of knowledge that are addressed are Sciences, Liber- al Arts, Management, Engineering, Law, Education, Philosophy, History and Economics. At the meeting, held in the Hall of Rectors, Yougun Ren stressed the fruitful and interesting relationship with UADY that began in 2014 when Tong Shijun, gen- eral secretary of the ECNU, visited the Yucatan institution in to give lectures on philoso- phy. A year later the two institu- tions, UADY and ECNU, es- tablished an agreement on general cooperation and it is expected that this year the academic mobility programs, that start in Septem- ber with the stay of a Chinese teacher at UADY to specialize in teaching Span- ish, will start developing in full form. "We are pleased by the support given by UADY" said the ECNU vice-president who was accompanied by Zhou Yong, office director of the Confucius Insti- tutes; Yang Zi, head of the oversight office; Yansa Li, director of the office of the Global Institute of Chinese Lan- guage and Yu Zhuang, deputy director of the School of Foreign Languages. "Given this dynamic process of cooper- ation, we hope you visit us, it will be an honor to have you in ECNU" the repre- sentative of the Chinese institution told the directors of UADY who recalled that "at present we have two yucatecos in this university” (Daniel F. Campos Toledo and Leticia Beatriz Bastar- rachea). It was also announced that efforts were being made to stablish a collaboration agreement with Cancun, Quintana Roo, and revealed that according to the policy of his country, which states that academics hold public office, he will soon be ap- pointed Municipal vice president of a city located 2 hours from Shanghai. For his part, José de Jesús Williams, rector of UADY, emphasized the importance of strengthening partner- ships and stressed, in particular, in- creased opportunities for students and faculty from both institutions to participate in various mobility pro- grams. "In addition to learning the language, either Mandarin or Spanish, it is fun- damental the knowledge of science and Mexican and Chinese culture," said the rector who stressed the inter- est in exploring areas of knowledge of mutual interest. Moments before concluding the meeting the traditional exchange of gifts was held, on the one hand the representative of the ECNU gave the rector of the UADY a calligraphy created expressly for this meeting. This document is a text that reflects the importance of working together. The calligraphy, written by a Chinese academic, was made on tissue paper and ink featured in the Asian coun- try, in it the names of the vice- president of ECNU and the author are also shown. In turn, the rector of the UADY gave the visitors a Mayan calendar carved in wood. U A D Y e n h a n c e s m o b i l i t y p r o g r a m s w i t h C h i n a P a g e 2
  • 3. UADY and the University of Ohio, three teachers from the Degree in Rehabilitation were trained. He said that since 2012, Dr. Michele Basso, Director of Research at Ohio State University and her assistant Alexandra Borstad, have visited the Faculty of Medicine to train teachers with the purpose of creating the Cen- ter for Care of Patients with Spinal Cord Injury of UADY to serve a larger number of patients with spinal cord injury and also develop research in the area. "Now we have infrastructure and equipment needed for students and teachers to attend spinal cord injuries through this innovative technology with the aim of improving the quality of life of the people from Yucatan" he added. He noted that the Rehabilitation Unit UADY serves an average of 100 pa- tients a week in different areas such as occupational therapy, musculo- skeletal system therapy, problems of development, growth and with this new technique spinal cord in- juries progress and complications can be avoided. He also announced that Drs. Michele Basso and Alexandra Bor- stad, awarded a recognition to the Autonomous University of Yucatan, for the crea- tion of the Care Center for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury, which adds to the seven centers that apply this treatment in the United States. In the event were present Claudia Barrero Solís, Ermilo Contreras Acosta, Ramon Ignacio Esperón Hernandez and Marisa Solis Chan, professor at the Unit, Head of Gradu- ate Studies and Research, Academic Secretary, and Coordi- nator of the Degree in Rehabilita- tion at UADY respectively . Also present were Giovanna Arredondo Gomez, Head of Rehabilitation Service from the Hospital Ignacio Téllez; William Martin Duran from the ISSSTE Regional Hospi- tal; Miguel Manjarrez Gonzalez, Head of Physiotherapy at the Au- gustine Hospital O'Horan; Juan Miguel Vera Santos, President of the Mexican Association of Gradu- ates in rehabilitation, among oth- ers. Merida, Yucatan, June 9, 2016.- The University´s Rehabilitation Unit at the Autonomous Universi- ty of Yucatan (UADY by its Spa- nish acronym), commissioned its Care Center for Patients with Spi- nal Cord Injury, said Guillermo Montalvo Storey, director of the School of Medicine of this university. He explained that in the Care Center for Patients with Spinal Cord Injury at UADY, they developed the technique of locomotor training, treatment that favors active patient movement by stimulat- ing specific points that activate nerve fibers that are aimed at the spinal cord and that control the patterns of movements necessary for walking. He explained that this procedure involves placing the patient on a stand that controls the weight load the patient carries on its legs, a treadmill, to regulate the speed of the march, and three therapists to stimulate the patient's legs to try to reproduce the normal patterns gait. He stressed that the Ohio State University of the United States, is one of the institutions that has de- veloped scientific research on spi- nal cord injuries and locomotor training. He added that as a result of a collaboration agreement be- tween the Faculty of Medicine of U A D Y c r e a t e s i t s C a r e C e n t e r f o r P a t i e n t s w i t h S p i n a l C o r d I n j u r y P a g e 3
  • 4. Merida, Yucatan 19 June 2016.- Education programs of Civil En- gineering and Physics taught at the Faculty of Engineering of the Autonomous University of Yuca- tan (UADY by its Spanish acronym), received the EUR- ACE ® label by the National As- sessment Agency Quality and Accreditation (ANECA by its Spanish acronym) of Spain, Luis Enrique Fernández Baqueiro, director of the university campus, reported. He explained that the EUR-ACE ® label is a certificate issued by an agency authorized by the Eu- ropean Network for the Accredi- tation of Engineering Education (ENAEE) to engineering pro- grams that are evaluated accord- ing to a set of defined standards, according to the principles of quality, relevance, transparency, recognition and mobility covered by the European Higher Educa- tion Area. He stressed that the EUR-ACE ® label is internationally recognized because it facilitates the recogni- tion of diplomas of graduates, both academic mobility and pro- fessional practice. It also identi- fies engineering programs of high quality in Europe and beyond its borders. He said that the European Federa- tion of National Engineering As- sociations (FEANI by its Spanish acronym), automatically includes titles stamped EUR-ACE ® in their home directory of engineer- ing programs that meet the academ- ic requirements to receive the title EUR ING - European Engineer. Meanwhile, the EUR-ACE ® sys- tem facilitates academic mobility both as a professional or for gradu- ates in Engineering. He added that the EUR-ACE ® label provides employers with quality assurance when assessing the titles of engineering educational programs. In an interview in the rectory of UADY, Maria Elena Barrera Bustillos, Director of the Council for Accreditation of Engineering Education (CACEI by its Spanish acronym) said that this recognition is results of the work of interna- tionalization of CACEI, which aims to improve the quality the formation of Mexican engineers to international standards. She recalled that last year a cooper- ation agreement between CACEI and ANECA, "in this agreement, ANECA evaluated our six engi- neering programs from three re- nowned Mexican public universi- ties: the Autonomous Universi- ties of Nuevo Leon, San Luis Potosi and Yucatán ". She stressed that the six pro- grams evaluated obtained the Seal of EUR-ACE and are the only throughout America who have earned this recognition, "this speaks of the good quality of Mexican education programs," she said. Dr. Jose de Jesus Williams, rec- tor of UADY, said that "our uni- versity is committed to providing quality education, as set out in the first two strategic objectives of the Institutional Development Plan, which is to form citizens from high school, undergraduate and graduate programs that are highly competent at national and international levels, and to have a relevant educational offer and renowned for its good quality. " Engineering Programs from UADY receive the EUR-ACE ® label P a g e 4
  • 5. UADY Global, the information and images featured in this newslettter belong to the Autonomous Uni- versity of Yucatan (UADY). We would like to thank UADY’s Press Office for their contribution to the content, G E N E R A L C O O R D I N A T I O N O F C O O P E R A T I O N A N D I N T E R N A T I O N A L I Z A T I O N Facebook /Uadyglobal Twitter @uadyglobal YouTube UADY GLOBAL Address: Biblioteca de Área de Ciencias Sociales Km.1 Carretera Mérida- Tizimín Mérida, Yucatán, México E.mail: Telephone: +52 1 (999) 928 27 11 ext. 40351 UADY promotes cultural exchange with women from Chiapas Merida, 2 July 2016.- A research project from the Laboratory of Ceramics of the Autonomous University of Yucatan led a group of women of the Lacandon Jun- gle, Chiapas out of their commu- nity for the first time, to expose their talent in the framework of the Tenth International Congress of Mayanists: "The Maya: Dis- courses and Images of Power." The seven women, originating from the communities of Sibaca, Tenango and Lacandon in the municipality of Ocosingo, Chia- pas, participated in the Congress of Mayanists with a craft exhibi- tion that included cross stitch embroidered clothing and prod- ucts of domestic and handmade pottery pieces. Roxana Gordillo Burguete counci- lor of the City of Ocosingo, Chia- pas commented that for this women participating in the Congress repre- sents an honor, but also a huge challenge. 'They leave for the first time their communities, they are women who had never had the op- portunity or the decision to leave their city, and now they do so to visit another state, which could be unthinkable for the dynamics that are kept their communities " she said. Gordillo Burguete thanked the Autonomous University of Yuca- tan for the approach they had with the municipality of Ocos- ingo by which this cultural ex- change experience could be achieved for both communities. Ocosingo is the largest munici- pality in Chiapas, it has 2,000 communities, all with different productive activities such as pot- tery, agriculture, embroidery, among others.