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Starving Audience Persona Intro
❑ When we incorporated The Starving Audience Framework into our own
business it humbled us by revealing that most of what we had been talking
about was our self and we were not getting into the head and heart of our ideal
client - the one who we exist to help. The client is the hero while we are just the
❑ The good news is that the framework that came from our pain was created. It is
built on proven and tested principles that can also change your businesses
marketing results.
❑ This document is designed to help you apply the extensive research that has
been completed for your brand.
❑ Do not feel overwhelmed that there is so much information here. We will guide
you through the next steps of implementing your new language on your
website, marketing funnel, ads and emails. By the end of this process, you will
have the outline and framework for your website that you know will work and
that you can feel proud of.
❑ The outline is structured to connect with potential customers turning them from
browsers into buyers.
❑ Once the process is done, you can hand what we have created to a web
designer who will gladly use their talent to build or rebuild your site. Most web
designers have a great eye and can build stunning sites, it is the story part and
the words that they struggle with the most. This is now solved.
❑ Part One of the Starving Audience Framework is included in the body of
this document. This is an accurate profile of your ideal customer profile
and beginning language that will be incorporated in all your online and
offline marketing.
❑ Next Step: We will schedule a call to walk you through your persona and
explain in detail what it all means.
❑ Part Two is in process and will be the second delivery. This will be for your
website or marketing funnel accompanied with wire frames which can be
used by your web designer. It will also include content for a short email
sequence, beginning ad copy with call to action and Facebook ad
Starving Audience Persona Intro
• Who would you help for free?
• What do folks tell you you’re good at?
• What comes easy?
• Is there an explicit need?
• Is there search volume?
• Is the market growing?
• Can you solve it better, cheaper or faster?
• Can they afford your solution?
• Whats the size of the niche?
• Can you quantify the ROI?
• Is there potential for recurring revenue?
• Can you be seen as the “go-to” provider?
• How competitive is your niche?
• What messaging is being used in the market?
• How easily can you target online?
• Which social channels dominate?
• List interests, experts, publications, associations and groups
Buyer Framework
Persona: Business Owner
1. Who would you help for free?
2. What do folks tell you you're good at?
3. What comes easy?
1. Business owner
2. I am good at building a simplified
marketing plan that leads to
predictable business growth.
3. Helping with information,
templates, automation or checklists
that helps simplify the marketing
1. Is there an explicit need?
2. Is there search volume?
3. Is the market growing?
4. Can you solve it better, cheaper or faster?
1. Yes, to promote your business it is
important to have a simple
marketing plan.
2. 20K-80K (Highest in April- May and
November last week)
3. Yes, business owners are searching
for Marketing plan, marketing plan
template, marketing plan sample,
marketing strategy, small business
marketing, digital marketing plan,
digital marketing strategy, etc.
4. Yes, I can solve it better and faster
but not necessarily cheaper
Buyer Persona Evaluation
Persona: Business Owner
1. Can they afford your solution?
2. What's the size of the niche?
3. Can you quantify the ROI?
4. Is there potential for MMR (Money Market Rate) or
recurring revenue?
1. Yes
2. 1.5-2M (As per Facebook Audience
3. Yes. By generating consistent
results with an effective marketing
4. Yes. By the way of retention.
1. Can you be seen as the “go-to” provider?
2. How competitive is the niche?
3. What messaging is being used in the market?
1. Yes, our starving audience
framework gives more clarity about
the customer and provides a
simplified step-by-step marketing
plan that can achieve the desired
2. Very competitive. Many people
doing offering training courses and
providing frameworks
3. 5 Marketing Plan Examples to Help
You Write Your Own,
The 5 essential ingredients of a
marketing plan,
7 Tips For Creating a Successful
Marketing Plan and
30 Marketing Plan Samples and 7
Templates to Build Your Strategy
How to Write a Marketing Plan
(w/Sample Templates) etc.
Buyer Persona Evaluation
Persona: Business Owner
1. How easily can you target online?
2. Which social channels dominate?
3. List interests, experts, publications, associations and
1. With specific interest group we can
target each segment on Facebook
and Google.
2. Facebook, Google, Instagram,
Twitter, YouTube.
3. Book reader, music lover, cycling,
tech savvy.
Buyer Persona Evaluation
Name Steve Miller
Gender Male
Age 42
Location Chicago, Illinois, United States
Income $80 - $150K
Marital Status Married
My ideal client is a business owner that wants to
grow his business and support his family. He is
married and father. He earns approximately $110K
per year and owns his home, office and a
warehouse. In his free time he loves to read books
related to leadership and fiction. He also loves
listening to music while exercising or cycling.
Social Media Groups Facebook
Publications Success wise, Independently
published, Basic Books, 4
edition, HarperCollins
Associations N/A
Brands Apple, LEGO, HARBETH
Experts (Gurus) N/A
Tools (Software) IOS
Activities Exercise, Cycling, reading
books, listening music
Opinions, Behaviors, Events N/A
He is in an e-commerce business, highly organized
and results oriented. He wants to become a speaker at
the major e-commerce events in order to pitch and
grow his business by networking with the right
people. He wants to be a leader and wants his e-com
business to become a brand which people love. He
struggles every time he is planning for a new product
launch and is always looking for a solid marketing
plan to launch a new product, drive sales and feel
confident about his marketing efforts.
Business Owner
Buyer Persona Snapshot
Pains & Frustrations Goals & Desires
Wants more clarity and to feel confident about his
business. Wants his marketing efforts to be a success so
he can validate expanding his business. He wants his
team to grow and feel proud working with him. He
desires that his business is recognized as a brand which
people love and recommend to their peers. He wants his
family to be proud that he achieved a certain degree of
success. He wants to be carefree and support his family
with a steady income.
Fears & Implications
Frustrated as he is facing by the difficulties he faced in
finding new ideas, information or a simplified concrete step-
by-step process which that he can follow to build a
marketing plan to grow his business. He is not able to find a
solution specific to his business. where He feels helpless as he
is drifting drifts away from his goals and while spending too
much time and money to get the searching for desired
results. His current efforts which are random acts of
marketing, is sometimes getting which gets him little or no
success. and brings back to where he is This brings him back
to where he started; struggling to make a marketing plan
that works for him.
He fears that he is wasting time and money on things he
is not confident about. He is afraid of not acquiring the
right information or knowledge which can make an
impact. He is holding back his business expansion
because he is unsure of himself, his system or an
accurate solution which can get his business off the
ground. He fears that he might run out of funds to keep
the business going without any significant growth. He
has tried to hire an marketing agency to fix it but that
made things even worse as he was not clear about his
customers. Now he is skeptical but hopeful to find a
solution which can demonstrate marketing that really
works and gets him the desired results to grow his
Dreams & Aspirations
Wants to feel more powerful and knowledgeable
towards his marketing approach of his business. Wants
his team members to feel that he is a doctor and knows
his stuff very well. Wants to feel pride of ownership (look
at how I made it work) He wants less worry and
headaches and he wants to experience more ease in his
life. He wants to be an amazing husband and father.
Wants to grow and expand his business nationwide.
Away Towards
Business Owner
Buyer Goals Grid
The Analyst
Motivated by: Facts & Figures.
They love to analyse, think things
through, plan ahead systematic
ways of doing things.
They can’s stand: Being late, when
people don’t follow the rules or do
things the “right way” (grammar
police!), not understanding things
completely before jumping in.
The Pioneer
Motivated by: A challenge or goal.
They thrive off of pressure to
achieve. “In it to WIN it” attitude.
Natural born
leaders/entrepreneurs. Willing to
work beyond where most will.
They can’t stand: confrontation,
people who are overly loud or
pressure to perform.
The Amuser
Motivated by: FUN & Recognition!
They love to dance, talk, sing and
have a good time everywhere they
go! They are often times
disorganized & a little messy, but
their positivity and optimistic
outlook on life is contagious!
They can’t stand: RULES, being told
what to do, or being on a
The Refined
Motivated by: Helping others. They
enjoy being a part of something
bigger than themselves! LOVE
SMALL gatherings and
entertaining. They have a calm
demeanor and are often
They can’t stand: confrontation,
people who are overly loud or
pressure to perform.
This is an outline of the 4 buyers personas
Buyer Persona Overview
Your 2 buyers personas
The Analyst
• Great deal of information
• Goes into depth
• Stop before you spend that first dollar
• Marketing is the highest form of
• Require millions to make a dent
• Makes perfect sense and breaks it
down into easy to understand chunks
• Your marketing dollars to be an
• Not sugar coated with a bunch of hype
• Engage you and give you detailed plan
• Thinking outside the box
The Pioneer
• Hopeful
• Worth
• A million selling
• No nonsense
• Invaluable
• Random acts of marketing
• Successful
• Groundbreaking
• Concrete steps
• Feel more on track
• Easy to understand
• Marketing machine
Buyer Persona Language
Increase Metrix + Timeline
Online presence (Branding) With clear messaging and customer centric approach
online presence gradually grow in 90 Days
Business clarity 100% clarity in 30 Days
Confidence Hard to measure
Business growth Growth minimum 2x growth rate in 90 Days
Marketing understanding 50% or more
Sales 2-5x in 90 Days
Leads 2-5x in 90 Days
Knowledge Hard to measure
Marketing Productivity 20-50% or more
Creativity Hard to measure
Family time More family time
Personal time More personal time
Expertise Hard to measure
Revenue 2-5x of current revenue in 90 days
New ideas Hard to measure
Success Increase probability of success by 50% or more in 90
Decrease Metrix + Timeline
Difficulties in building a
marketing plan
50% or more
Wasting time in finding a
solution Hours each week
Random acts of marketing
Min 50% cost reduction on wasted
Frustration Hard to measure
Worries Hard to measure
Dependency on online courses 75% or more
Stress Hard to measure
Doubts clear all doubts in 30 Days
Decision making time 50% or more
Wasting money on online
courses 75% or more
loopholes in the process 50% or more
Rework in the content 75% or more
Customers going to other
competitors 50% or more
Misconceptions Hard to measure
Confusion Hard to measure
Struggle of growing the business Hard to measure
100 30
RE (Result & Emotions) Thermometer
What is your client's biggest goal or desire?
Wants his marketing investment to provide good
ROI and grow his business.
What's your client's biggest dream or
• Aspire to be more powerful and
knowledgeable towards the marketing
approach for his business. Dreams of being
recognized and appreciated as a brand.
• He aspire to be an expert in what he does and
earn money with his skills. He wants to be
stress-free and relaxed about his business
03 What's your client's biggest pain or
He is not able to get a simplified step-by-step
process which he can follow to build a marketing
plan to grow his business. He is drifting away
from his goals and is spending too much time
and money to get the desired results.
Attention Currency
I help business owners achieve a minimum 2x business
growth in 90 days so they can feel more powerful and
knowledgeable towards their marketing approach
without drifting from their goals.
Attention Currency
traffic system
Campaign setup
FunnelAd copyMessaging
Avatar Competitors Offer
1 2
7 8 9
The Starving Audience Framework
Not clear about whom they want to speak with
Clear on what to offer
Aware of how and where the
competitors are reaching the customers
and their language
Clear about their customers interest,
language, demographic and
Unaware of what is working for competitors
The Solution Framework
Not able to convey the message
Clear on customer's language and lingo,
easy to create the content
Able to engage the customers
Clarity with structure, layout and get
desired results
Unaware on how to engage
customers with copies
Ad Copy
The Solution Framework
In doubt
Easy to follow step-by-step guide for
effective campaign setup
Use the traffic channels effectively and
reach to the right audience
Not able to use the traffic channels effectively
Unaware about the methods or unable to
make a proper plan7
Scaling Optimize
Campaign setup
Predictable traffic system
The Solution Framework
Build a world-class team & focus on
branding for long term consistent results
Marketing automation & scaling
Build sales funnel and focus on traffic
Get starving audience framework
Symptoms Key to Success
Pride of ownership and stress-free
Holding back the growth as unsure of the
system without significant results
Skeptical and more hopeful to find a
simplified solution
Frustrated & struggling to make a
marketing plan that works
My Core Solution Improve ROI
The Business Growth Pyramid
£5- £5000
Per Month
Attract And Capture
Strategy Session
Nurturing And Engage
Formats Goals Pricing
Checklist Capture Leads
Build The Audience
Amplify Authority
Formats Goals Pricing
Discovery Call Generate Quality Clients
$2500-$5000 one-time
Strategy Sessions
Consulting $400 an hour
Formats Goals Pricing
Email Nurturing Sequence
Educate the people about the importance of knowing your
FreeShare Case Studies Build and add value to the community
Share Benefits of Starving Audience
Formats Goals Pricing
Done For Your Services Increase Profit $2000-$4000
Improve ROI
per monthBuild Profitable Funnel
Generate Targeted Traffic
Formats Details Pricing
Marketing Automation
Predictable Business
Strategy Development for
per Month
High End
5% Revenue
Formats Pricing Offers
1:1 Coaching &
$100K JV
The Value Ladder
The Ultimate Lead Magnet Title
✓ Myths Busted: 4 Lies of Digital Marketing
The Ultimate Lead Magnet Promise Statements
✓ Get a marketing plan that’s not sugar-coated with a
bunch of hype.
✓ Get a traffic system to market the right customer.
✓ Attract 20% More Customers In 90 Days.
The Lead Magnet

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Funnel Simplified - Starving Audience Framework

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Starving Audience Persona Intro ❑ When we incorporated The Starving Audience Framework into our own business it humbled us by revealing that most of what we had been talking about was our self and we were not getting into the head and heart of our ideal client - the one who we exist to help. The client is the hero while we are just the guide. ❑ The good news is that the framework that came from our pain was created. It is built on proven and tested principles that can also change your businesses marketing results. ❑ This document is designed to help you apply the extensive research that has been completed for your brand. ❑ Do not feel overwhelmed that there is so much information here. We will guide you through the next steps of implementing your new language on your website, marketing funnel, ads and emails. By the end of this process, you will have the outline and framework for your website that you know will work and that you can feel proud of. ❑ The outline is structured to connect with potential customers turning them from browsers into buyers. ❑ Once the process is done, you can hand what we have created to a web designer who will gladly use their talent to build or rebuild your site. Most web designers have a great eye and can build stunning sites, it is the story part and the words that they struggle with the most. This is now solved. 2
  • 3. 3 ❑ Part One of the Starving Audience Framework is included in the body of this document. This is an accurate profile of your ideal customer profile and beginning language that will be incorporated in all your online and offline marketing. ❑ Next Step: We will schedule a call to walk you through your persona and explain in detail what it all means. ❑ Part Two is in process and will be the second delivery. This will be for your website or marketing funnel accompanied with wire frames which can be used by your web designer. It will also include content for a short email sequence, beginning ad copy with call to action and Facebook ad research. Starving Audience Persona Intro
  • 4. 4 Passion • Who would you help for free? • What do folks tell you you’re good at? • What comes easy? Problem • Is there an explicit need? • Is there search volume? • Is the market growing? • Can you solve it better, cheaper or faster? Profit • Can they afford your solution? • Whats the size of the niche? • Can you quantify the ROI? • Is there potential for recurring revenue? Presence • Can you be seen as the “go-to” provider? • How competitive is your niche? • What messaging is being used in the market? Pathway • How easily can you target online? • Which social channels dominate? • List interests, experts, publications, associations and groups Buyer Framework
  • 5. 5 Persona: Business Owner Passion 1. Who would you help for free? 2. What do folks tell you you're good at? 3. What comes easy? 1. Business owner 2. I am good at building a simplified marketing plan that leads to predictable business growth. 3. Helping with information, templates, automation or checklists that helps simplify the marketing plan Problem 1. Is there an explicit need? 2. Is there search volume? 3. Is the market growing? 4. Can you solve it better, cheaper or faster? 1. Yes, to promote your business it is important to have a simple marketing plan. 2. 20K-80K (Highest in April- May and November last week) 3. Yes, business owners are searching for Marketing plan, marketing plan template, marketing plan sample, marketing strategy, small business marketing, digital marketing plan, digital marketing strategy, etc. 4. Yes, I can solve it better and faster but not necessarily cheaper Buyer Persona Evaluation
  • 6. 6 Persona: Business Owner Profit 1. Can they afford your solution? 2. What's the size of the niche? 3. Can you quantify the ROI? 4. Is there potential for MMR (Money Market Rate) or recurring revenue? 1. Yes 2. 1.5-2M (As per Facebook Audience Insight). 3. Yes. By generating consistent results with an effective marketing plan. 4. Yes. By the way of retention. Presence 1. Can you be seen as the “go-to” provider? 2. How competitive is the niche? 3. What messaging is being used in the market? 1. Yes, our starving audience framework gives more clarity about the customer and provides a simplified step-by-step marketing plan that can achieve the desired results 2. Very competitive. Many people doing offering training courses and providing frameworks 3. 5 Marketing Plan Examples to Help You Write Your Own, The 5 essential ingredients of a marketing plan, 7 Tips For Creating a Successful Marketing Plan and 30 Marketing Plan Samples and 7 Templates to Build Your Strategy How to Write a Marketing Plan (w/Sample Templates) etc. Buyer Persona Evaluation
  • 7. 7 Persona: Business Owner Pathway 1. How easily can you target online? 2. Which social channels dominate? 3. List interests, experts, publications, associations and groups. 1. With specific interest group we can target each segment on Facebook and Google. 2. Facebook, Google, Instagram, Twitter, YouTube. 3. Book reader, music lover, cycling, tech savvy. Buyer Persona Evaluation
  • 8. 8 Demographics Name Steve Miller Gender Male Age 42 Location Chicago, Illinois, United States Income $80 - $150K Marital Status Married My ideal client is a business owner that wants to grow his business and support his family. He is married and father. He earns approximately $110K per year and owns his home, office and a warehouse. In his free time he loves to read books related to leadership and fiction. He also loves listening to music while exercising or cycling. Psychographics Social Media Groups Facebook Publications Success wise, Independently published, Basic Books, 4 edition, HarperCollins Associations N/A Brands Apple, LEGO, HARBETH Experts (Gurus) N/A Tools (Software) IOS Activities Exercise, Cycling, reading books, listening music Opinions, Behaviors, Events N/A He is in an e-commerce business, highly organized and results oriented. He wants to become a speaker at the major e-commerce events in order to pitch and grow his business by networking with the right people. He wants to be a leader and wants his e-com business to become a brand which people love. He struggles every time he is planning for a new product launch and is always looking for a solid marketing plan to launch a new product, drive sales and feel confident about his marketing efforts. Business Owner Buyer Persona Snapshot
  • 9. 9 Pains & Frustrations Goals & Desires Wants more clarity and to feel confident about his business. Wants his marketing efforts to be a success so he can validate expanding his business. He wants his team to grow and feel proud working with him. He desires that his business is recognized as a brand which people love and recommend to their peers. He wants his family to be proud that he achieved a certain degree of success. He wants to be carefree and support his family with a steady income. Fears & Implications Frustrated as he is facing by the difficulties he faced in finding new ideas, information or a simplified concrete step- by-step process which that he can follow to build a marketing plan to grow his business. He is not able to find a solution specific to his business. where He feels helpless as he is drifting drifts away from his goals and while spending too much time and money to get the searching for desired results. His current efforts which are random acts of marketing, is sometimes getting which gets him little or no success. and brings back to where he is This brings him back to where he started; struggling to make a marketing plan that works for him. He fears that he is wasting time and money on things he is not confident about. He is afraid of not acquiring the right information or knowledge which can make an impact. He is holding back his business expansion because he is unsure of himself, his system or an accurate solution which can get his business off the ground. He fears that he might run out of funds to keep the business going without any significant growth. He has tried to hire an marketing agency to fix it but that made things even worse as he was not clear about his customers. Now he is skeptical but hopeful to find a solution which can demonstrate marketing that really works and gets him the desired results to grow his business. Dreams & Aspirations Wants to feel more powerful and knowledgeable towards his marketing approach of his business. Wants his team members to feel that he is a doctor and knows his stuff very well. Wants to feel pride of ownership (look at how I made it work) He wants less worry and headaches and he wants to experience more ease in his life. He wants to be an amazing husband and father. Wants to grow and expand his business nationwide. Now Eventual Away Towards Business Owner Buyer Goals Grid
  • 10. 10 The Analyst Motivated by: Facts & Figures. They love to analyse, think things through, plan ahead systematic ways of doing things. They can’s stand: Being late, when people don’t follow the rules or do things the “right way” (grammar police!), not understanding things completely before jumping in. The Pioneer Motivated by: A challenge or goal. They thrive off of pressure to achieve. “In it to WIN it” attitude. Natural born leaders/entrepreneurs. Willing to work beyond where most will. They can’t stand: confrontation, people who are overly loud or pressure to perform. The Amuser Motivated by: FUN & Recognition! They love to dance, talk, sing and have a good time everywhere they go! They are often times disorganized & a little messy, but their positivity and optimistic outlook on life is contagious! They can’t stand: RULES, being told what to do, or being on a schedule! The Refined Motivated by: Helping others. They enjoy being a part of something bigger than themselves! LOVE SMALL gatherings and entertaining. They have a calm demeanor and are often “introverts” They can’t stand: confrontation, people who are overly loud or pressure to perform. This is an outline of the 4 buyers personas Buyer Persona Overview
  • 11. 11 Your 2 buyers personas The Analyst • Great deal of information • Goes into depth • Stop before you spend that first dollar • Marketing is the highest form of leverage • Require millions to make a dent • Makes perfect sense and breaks it down into easy to understand chunks • Your marketing dollars to be an investment • Not sugar coated with a bunch of hype • Engage you and give you detailed plan • Thinking outside the box The Pioneer • Hopeful • Worth • A million selling • No nonsense • Invaluable • Random acts of marketing • Successful • Groundbreaking • Concrete steps • Feel more on track • Easy to understand • Marketing machine Buyer Persona Language
  • 12. 12 Increase Metrix + Timeline Online presence (Branding) With clear messaging and customer centric approach online presence gradually grow in 90 Days Business clarity 100% clarity in 30 Days Confidence Hard to measure Business growth Growth minimum 2x growth rate in 90 Days Marketing understanding 50% or more Sales 2-5x in 90 Days Leads 2-5x in 90 Days Knowledge Hard to measure Marketing Productivity 20-50% or more Creativity Hard to measure Family time More family time Personal time More personal time Expertise Hard to measure Revenue 2-5x of current revenue in 90 days New ideas Hard to measure Success Increase probability of success by 50% or more in 90 Days Decrease Metrix + Timeline Difficulties in building a marketing plan 50% or more Wasting time in finding a solution Hours each week Random acts of marketing Min 50% cost reduction on wasted adspends Frustration Hard to measure Worries Hard to measure Dependency on online courses 75% or more Stress Hard to measure Doubts clear all doubts in 30 Days Decision making time 50% or more Wasting money on online courses 75% or more loopholes in the process 50% or more Rework in the content 75% or more Customers going to other competitors 50% or more Misconceptions Hard to measure Confusion Hard to measure Struggle of growing the business Hard to measure 100 30 RE (Result & Emotions) Thermometer
  • 13. 13 01 What is your client's biggest goal or desire? Wants his marketing investment to provide good ROI and grow his business. 02 What's your client's biggest dream or aspiration? • Aspire to be more powerful and knowledgeable towards the marketing approach for his business. Dreams of being recognized and appreciated as a brand. • He aspire to be an expert in what he does and earn money with his skills. He wants to be stress-free and relaxed about his business growth 03 What's your client's biggest pain or frustration? He is not able to get a simplified step-by-step process which he can follow to build a marketing plan to grow his business. He is drifting away from his goals and is spending too much time and money to get the desired results. Dreams Goals Pain Attention Currency I help business owners achieve a minimum 2x business growth in 90 days so they can feel more powerful and knowledgeable towards their marketing approach without drifting from their goals. Attention Currency
  • 14. 14 Predictable traffic system Campaign setup Scaling Optimize FunnelAd copyMessaging Avatar Competitors Offer A B 1 2 456 3 7 8 9 CustomerCommunicationConversion The Starving Audience Framework
  • 15. Not clear about whom they want to speak with Clear on what to offer Aware of how and where the competitors are reaching the customers and their language Clear about their customers interest, language, demographic and psychographics Unaware of what is working for competitors Confused 1 2 3 Offer Competitors Avatar To From 15 The Solution Framework Customer
  • 16. Communication Not able to convey the message Clear on customer's language and lingo, easy to create the content Able to engage the customers Clarity with structure, layout and get desired results Unaware on how to engage customers with copies Confused 4 5 6 Messaging Ad Copy Funnel To From 16 The Solution Framework
  • 17. In doubt Confident Easy to follow step-by-step guide for effective campaign setup Use the traffic channels effectively and reach to the right audience Not able to use the traffic channels effectively Unaware about the methods or unable to make a proper plan7 8 9 Scaling Optimize Campaign setup Predictable traffic system To From 17 Conversion The Solution Framework
  • 18. Build Build a world-class team & focus on branding for long term consistent results Scale Marketing automation & scaling campaigns Focus Build sales funnel and focus on traffic Follow Get starving audience framework Symptoms Key to Success Pride of ownership and stress-free Holding back the growth as unsure of the system without significant results Skeptical and more hopeful to find a simplified solution Frustrated & struggling to make a marketing plan that works My Core Solution Improve ROI 18 The Business Growth Pyramid
  • 19. Pricing £5- £5000 Pricing £10,000 Per Month Attract And Capture Convert Mapping Strategy Session Nurturing And Engage Formats Goals Pricing Checklist Capture Leads Build The Audience Amplify Authority FreeReport Templates Formats Goals Pricing Discovery Call Generate Quality Clients $2500-$5000 one-time Strategy Sessions Consulting $400 an hour Formats Goals Pricing Email Nurturing Sequence Educate the people about the importance of knowing your customer FreeShare Case Studies Build and add value to the community Share Benefits of Starving Audience Framework Formats Goals Pricing Done For Your Services Increase Profit $2000-$4000 Improve ROI per monthBuild Profitable Funnel Generate Targeted Traffic Formats Details Pricing Marketing Automation Service Predictable Business Growth $5000- $7000 Strategy Development for Scaling per Month High End Product 5% Revenue Formats Pricing Offers 1:1 Coaching & Consulting $100K JV Offers Masterminds 19 The Value Ladder
  • 20. The Ultimate Lead Magnet Title ✓ Myths Busted: 4 Lies of Digital Marketing The Ultimate Lead Magnet Promise Statements E-Book ✓ Get a marketing plan that’s not sugar-coated with a bunch of hype. ✓ Get a traffic system to market the right customer. ✓ Attract 20% More Customers In 90 Days. 20 The Lead Magnet
  • 21. 21