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7 Steps to increase your
business profits
Strategies, tactics and tools to
attract and retain more customers


Xavier Hurtado

Global business development facilitator
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Are you a business decision maker or entrepreneur
who would like to learn how to…
• … increase your sales and profits?
• … invest your marketing budget in media and
advertising that truly brings clients to your
• …turn your clients in return customers and your
number 1 source of referrals?

… change lives by satisfying your customers,
creating jobs and economic spillover in your

• … re-design a profitable business that allows you
to have a balanced life with your family and health?
Today we will show you…

5 ways to increase your business profits


8 elements to consider in your profit
increase project management


The 7 stages of the customer
acquisition-retention process where you
can make changes to increase your


7 steps to increase your sales and


3 strategies to optimize your client
attraction and retention operating costs
Why increase your business profits?
When you decided to start your business…

Did you do it to make profits?


Did you do it to provide your family with a certain quality
of life?


Did you do it because you wanted to make a difference
in your customers’ lives because of your knowledge,

public relations or services?

Did you do it because there was nobody else fulfilling a
need that you found in your community?


Did you do it to create jobs in your community?


Have you already accomplished all you started this for?


If you wanted to double or triple your sales this year, do
you already have a plan to achieve it?
The time is now…

Business decision makers have to adapt faster to the ever
changing environment with their customers:
– To socialize and get informed people use: Facebook,
Twitter, Linked in, Youtube, online forums and mobile apps
– To remember products or services: they use automated
reminders connected with SMS messaging, voice mails
and emails.
– To purchase the things they want: they use online and
mobile platforms connected to their credit cards
– To repeat purchases, they have frequent buyers lists
automated and synched with their banks and fulfillment
– To share with their peers: social networks, social
bookmarking and mobile applications


Customers are willing to switch brands if they do not meet
their needs.
Would you want to learn more about how to attract and retain
more customers to your business?

My story of success and failure
 12+ years helping business decision makers to
increase their profits through the implementation of
marketing campaigns to attract and retain more
 200+ lectures given on entrepreneurship, marketing,

profits acceleration, client attraction and global
 Author of several marketing publications
 Founder of international business academies: Business
Acceleration Movement, Entrepreneur Movement,
Foreign Direct Investment Attraction Academy, Global
Expansion Academy and Global Consultant Academy.

You can connect with Xavier Hurtado at
How did I use to attract potential clients?
 Advertising in publications, newspapers,
newsletters, radio, tv, billboards
 Investment ranging from $4,000 USD a

$80,000 USD each time.
 Average results: regardless of the
statistics those media companies use to
provide us with, we rarely got a an email

or phone call from a potential customer
because of those adds. However, they
always said it was good for branding.
 Does that sound familiar?
How did I use to attract potential clients?
I organized speaking engagements and
 Average invesment ranging $30,000 $50,000 USD + hidden costs (brochures,
banners, travel expenses, booth, goodies,
travel expenses of other speakers and
 Average results:
 We used to land 25 to 40 B2B decision
makers through telemarketing and direct
mail invitations to a 14,000 database that
we owned.
 Problem – Interruption marketing yields
a very low return on investment
 Best case scenario: 1 attendee of every
seminar turned into a paying customer
with a long sales cycle (obviously the
nature of the product and the amount of
investment have a correlation here)
How did I use to attract potential customers?
I attended trade shows:

Investment: $20,000 to $50,000 USD + hidden costs
(brochures, goodies, banners, booth, travel expenses,
executive wages, and so on)
Average results:
 50 business cards per day per executive
 Problem – 48 out of those 50 business cards
belonged to marketing and sales people, not the
decision makers I was trying to reach.
 Best case scenario: 1 out of each 100 business
cards turned into a new client.
Attracting potential clients–
What was I doing wrong if this used to work?


Stimulus = when potential customers learned about your product or service (trade

show, seminar, magazine ad, etc)
First moment of truth = When they decided to contact you or visit your store
Second moment of truth = When they purchased your products and services
What was I supposed to do?

I kew I didn’t want to keep on investing my
marketing budget in “BRANDING” without
a measurable return on investment.


I knew I wanted and needed to increase
my sales.


I knew that besides the statistics of visits
to my website, I wanted to know who had
been in sufing it so that I could contact


Lesson learned: “Never let

So I needed to invest in marketing

marketing sign a check that your
company won’t be able to cash”
So, I went to different training programs and coaches

Dani Johnson: Money comes from people – be a leader
Frank Kern & Kevin Nations: Clients will start buying
what you are selling when… & 3 steps beyond I did …
Loral Langemeier: Positive energy
Ali Brown: 99% vs 1%
Seth Godin y Frank Rumbauskas: Permission &
Attraction Marketing
Mike Joiner: Integration Marketing
Russell Brunson: Micro-continuity programs
Brendon Burchard: No traffic beyond the extra mile and
don’t let your small business make you small minded
Mike Koenigs: Helping entrepreneurs and value added
Dave Vanhoose: Exposure and quality of life
Darren Hardy: Attitude and skill development + reading
Brian Tracy: life with no regrets
Clate Mask: Customer lifecycle + too many hats
Among other business coaches, authors and speakers

More than $50,000 USD invested in professional training and more than $1,000,000
USD invested in marketing campaigns in 5 years for different projects.
Attracting potential clients
Decision Making Process Researched

Source: BtoB Online

First, they go to Online
Communities (Social
Networks) and Search

Then, they look for
whitepapers, webcasts,
videos and other online
educational media
Attracting potential customers –
Decision Making Process Researched


Stimulus = when Investors learned about the opportunity of your region (trade show, seminar,
magazine ad, etc)
Zero Moment of Truth = Investors do research on search engines (google, bing), Social Media

(Twitter, Linked In), Videos (Youtube), Referrals, Reviews. Then, based on their own conclusions, they
decide if they will contact you (move on to the first and even perhaps to the second moment of truth.
What else changed?



Local markets
Local competitors
Stable consumer behavior
Relatively easy to predict
inventories demand and
media plans
5. Push production

Present & Future


Global markets
Global competitors
Unstable consumer behavior
Since consumer loyalty is easy to lose,
inventory management and marketing
strategies are hard to predict
5. On-demand production model
What else changed?


Present & Future

• Focusing on massive markets with
little or no competition.
•Product centered communication
• Pricing strategy based on the local
market pricing, not on value added.
• Interruction marketing media: TV,
Radio, Magazines, Direct mail
Billboards, etc.

• Interruption sales approach:
telemarketing, door-to-door sales,

• Niche (Long-tail) marketing strategy
• Client centered communication strategy
• Pricing strategy based on global markets and
added value to the end customer.
• Attraction marketing media:
• Internet: Facebook, twitter, linked in,
slideshare, Youtube, (SEO, SEM), email
marketing, webinars, virtual events, etc.
• Mobile marketing & tablets.
• Smart cities and hotspots
• Geolocation
What did I learn?
I learned to implement and measure virtual campaigns to
attract customers from different countries.

Ebooks, webinars and virtual trade shows promoted
through social networks like Twitter and Linked-In had a
great response.


Learning curve: we had to learn new technology terms,
media and technology: website design, social networks,
virtual trade shows, CRMs, smart email marketing
platforms, lead tracking software, among other marketing


Advantages: we reduced travel expenses for our
company and also for foreign decision makers who were
eager to have an online presentation instead of a 3-4 day


Results: the first webinar we hosted had 64 B2B decision
makers. Then, by launching ebooks, we had on average
100 registrants per week, yielding us around 15 qualified
leads per campaign.


Investment: we achieved to launch full campaigns for
about $8,000 USD including all the production,
technology, human capital and campaign resources.
Lessons learned about potential customers

Clients buy when they are ready to buy, not when we
are ready to sell.


Clients buy solutions to their needs and wants, not the
characteristics of my product or company.


Clients are going to try to measure the return on
investment in my product. So it’s my responsibility to
make sure they can measure a true value proposition

in the bank.

To create a strong impression in my potential
customers’ mind, I need to have 12 to 20 touch points.
If those 12 to 20 touch points are devoted to add my

customers with valuable knowledge to improve their
quality of life or solve their problems without selling I
will be able to grow a relationship with them.
Marketing lessons learned
 Internet marketing goes far beyond a simple website.
 Email marketing is not SPAMMING databases.
 It will take time and money to rank and show in google
with different keywords.
 Online education tools (videos, ebooks and webinars)
can help me save in travel expenses and time.
 Social networks are a great deal to generate leads, just
as long as I have a good attraction strategy, not an old

school communication strategy.
 If I publish a book on how to solve my customer’s
problems by using the products or services I provide, I
can turn into an expert.
What did I learn about the client attraction process?
This graph shows the 5 stages of the customer acquisition process:


Subject: a potential client that meets the
criteria of who I am trying to reach



Prospect: potential client who shows
interest in my products or services


Qualified prospect: Prospect that
requests a proposal







Opportunity: Qualified prospects at the
negotiation stage

Lead Nurturing

Client: when we get an opportunity to
sign a contract and start paying for our

I learned that I need to capture leads and nurture them until I can sign them, and to track my
conversion rates from one stage to another.
What did I learn about the client attraction & retention process?

Find and






Sign and upsell

Repeat sales


The arrows indicate the
moment when a potential
customer needs more
information before
committing to our

Lead nurturing

These are the market conversion rates from one stage to another.








So, how many potential customers do I need to reach in order to be profitable?
The 3 ages of Business Decision Makers
After all the lessons learned, we can clasiffy business decision makers and their companies in 3 Ages,
depending on how they attract and retain customers. Here are just some examples. Obviously, the
Accelerated Proactive Business is the most profitable of the 3.

•Advertising: TV,
Radio, Newspapers,
Magazines, websites
without valuable
information for their
• Contents: centered
in their own company
and products
• Without any metrics
on marketing lead
• Without client
retention programs
• Without referral

• Advertising: some traditional media combined with social media
•Contents: Fully centered in their own company and products
• Basic metrics about the market: surveys and analytics
• Without customer retention programs
• Offers discount coupons for customers who refer them new clients



• Advertising: Combination of traditional + social media + mobile marketing
• Contents: customer centered campaigns
• Full accountability for marketing budget spent vs lead generation accountability
•Intelligent Customer retention programs
• Provokes referral marketing with his own customers and allies
Challenges most Business Decision makers are facing
Despite all lessons learned, we still have the following concerns:

How can I increase my sales and profits?


How can I measure marketing and sales efforts so that I can

improve them and grow year after year?

How can I attract and engage with potential customers to grow
my business?


How can I retain the customers that I already attracted?


How can I launch an effective referral program?


How can I automate the customer acquisition and retention
process so that I can scale my business and expand to new


How can I shift my company to be an Accelerated Proactive
The previous learning curve led us to think on the impact we could have in our community
by sharing what we experienced and creating solid teams of business growth and support.

That is why we committed
ourselves to helping business
decision makers to increase their

sales and profits so that they can
grow to new territories generating
jobs, economic spillover and quality
of life improvement in different


We sistematized our learning curve in a framework that we will share with you in this
5 ways to increase your business profits
We found 2 major streamlines to grow your profits: by increasing sales and by optimizing
how we currently do business.

To increase our sales, we have 3 options
1. Selling more products and services to
existing customers

To optimize how we currently do business,
we have 2 options:
4. Automating different processes in the

2. Selling more frequently to existing


customer attraction and retention


3. Acquiring new customers

5. Subcontracting the human side of the
equation to other companies leveraging
on economies of scale

Which one of these five should you focus on?
Which one will yield a better result in profits?
How can you make a business plan for any or some of the 5 strategies outlined here?
8 elements to integrate in your business plan to
increase your profits

E1 • Results
Our Business Acceleration Framework
7 Steps to increase your business profits

1. Determine your vision, numbers and rules

2. Sell more profitable products
3. Sell more frequently and reward your customers
4. Attract new customers through interactive social campaigns
5. Attract new customers through other people
6. Attract new customers from new territories
7. Optimize your operation costs by automation and outsourcing

How can you implement these simple steps?
Let’s now cover strategies, tactics, tools and case studies for each step.
Step 1: Determine your vision with
specific numbers
• This picture shows boats that once
were in an inland sea. Since there was
a severe drought, they started building
a canal to take their boats to the sea.
They couldn’t catch up with the speed
of the drought.
• So, they had to abandon their ships in
the middle of the desert.
• Can you imagine if a scenario like that
happened to your business for not
being able to take action on time?

Are you taking the right action steps to move your business forward in a way that it
provides you with the equilibrium of the 4 Fs (Family, Fitness, Faith and Finance)?
Step 1:
Determine your numbers, business rules and personal life
1.Specifically, how much money or increase in sales would
you want to grow this year?


2. What are the profit margins you ought to have in order to
have the quality of life you want?
3.How much time will you work per week, month and year?
4.When will you be willing to partner with other companies
and decision makers?
5.How will you configure your life to be in balance (4 Fs:
family, fitness, faith and finance)?

For example, if you want to make 1 million dollars in a year, and we want to measure the income needed per
hour, we have the following variables:
Time = 1 year. If we plan to work 40 hour weeks times 50 weeks a year, that adds up for 2,000 work hours.
So, if we divide 1 million dollars between 2000 hours, we need to make $5,000 dollars per hour.
Questions: what if you want to work only part time? Then you need to make $10,000 per hour. So let’s focus
on how much you want to make in how much time and then, make sure you do specifically the tasks you
need to fulfill that.
Case study #25:
Hospital gowns business owner grows his sales
because of clarity in his numbers.
The challenge:

• This business owner wanted to increase his sales. He was
serving 11 different markets with 10 different products (a
total of 110 potential business opportunities –product &
market marriages)
The process:
• Once we put all the information together in our ProductMarket Matrix model, we filtered the top 3 niches that he
needed to focus on, based on his preferences. He
explained that he wanted to get $1.5 million dollars in
profits per year per contract signed.
• That is exactly what we looked for by running the matrix.
Case study #25:
Hospital gowns business owner grows his sales
because of clarity in his numbers.
The results:
• Since we were very laser focused while going after potential
customers, it was very clear for his team to determine which
marketing and sales strategies to use, like what trade shows to
attend or what discussion groups in social media to use.
• He landed several contracts after this exercise.

Lessons learned:
• You don’t have to serve every market you can think of: “Just
because you can, it doesn’t mean you should”
• Select the customers that can afford your highest quality
services, who will in return give you good profits.
• Balance your 4 Fs (family, fitness, faith and finance in that
particular order, meaning that you need to generate enough
funds to support the other 3 in the time and manner that you
need and want).
Step 2:
Sell more profitable products
1. Identify your most profitable product-market
marriage: the best customer profile who could pay
your highest quality service.
2. Determine the complete solution that they need and
get integrated with other service providers to fulfill
your customer’s complete needs.
3. Establish a “Strategic Business Partner” model
which means that you need to commit with the end
result, not only with your products.
4.Make sure you provide a differentiated experience

with your services (i.e. scent-marketing and other
tangible strategies)
5.Establish an upsell with in your selling stage: 7 out of
10 customers will say YES.
Understanding what your client needs:
Case study #47: Retail business owner increases
his sales and profits
The challenge:


A n apparel store used to sell all kinds of clothes
for every member of the family: babies, children,
teenagers, adults.


He wanted to increase his profits.

The process:

Once he understood the concept of profitability per
square foot, he wanted to make changes.


He ran the Product-Market Marriages Matrix and
he found that selling blouses to business women
was his most profitable niche in his city.


Since he was hesitant about getting rid of the other
product lines, it took him little over year to take
Case study #47: Retail business owner increases
his sales and profits
The results:

The first year of the change he registered an incrase in sales
of 180%. The second year, the growth marked 400%.


This business owner regreted not taking action before.

Lessons learned:

Make sure you get profitability rates per square foot or
minute of companies similiar to yours in the market.
Benchmark from them and strategize a roadmapt to become
the number one option for your niche market.


Develop an upsell model for your own business. If needed,
develop the right alliances to complement your service with
what the client needs.
Step 3:

Sell more frequently and reward your customers
1. How can you change your product or service into
something that could bring a monthly recurring income?
2. How can you send your loyal customers intelligent
advertising based on their personal preferences?
3. What value added services can you offer your customers

after they purchased your products or services?
4. What type of gifts can you provide your customers when
there is an important milestone or an emotional moment
like a birthday?
5. How can you stimulate and reward that your customers
share their success stories and testimonials?
Case study #53: Oil businessman increases his sales and profits
because he changed his business model and ideal client
The challenge

 A businessman who used to sell engine oil in retail stores was
facing the challenge of competing against Asian products at almost
50% of his pricing. Obviously, his sales started to drop.
The process:
 Instead of focusing on changing his own product or packaging, he
decided to focus on a specific type of customer who needed added
value services with little or no competition: women with cars who knew
nothing about the adequate maintenance.
 He designed a special service in which he offered a towing service
together with the repair service for any lady whose car broke down,
for which he created a well planned marketing campaign with an
inbound telemarketing center and strategic service locations in the
cities he was established. Then, after earning their trust, he offered a
recurring service of maintenance where he could sell his own oil.
 He got rid of his warehouses and trucks.
Case study #53: Oil businessman increases his sales and
profits because he changed his business model and ideal client
The results:
 Not only did he reduce costs, but he developed a
recurring income business model.
 Besides, his service was so helpful to women who
were neglected by other shops that it turned into a
viral campaign.

 He has expanded his business model in Mexico
and Latin America.
Lessons learned
 When you differentiate your service based on what
your customer really needs, it can turn into a very
profitable business, with residual income and even
into a viral campaign.
Step 4:

Attract new customers through interactive social campaigns

1.What media will you use to attract customers based on
their own preferences?


• Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Youtube, Pinterest,
other social networks or online media
• Traditional media: Newspaper ads, magazines,
direct mail, TV, billboards?
2.How will you communicate your message?

• Videos for youtube or vimeo?
• Presentations supported by Slideshare, Issuu,
Powershow, Prezi?
• Book publishing on Amazon and Kindle
• Online or offline seminars?
• Mobile apps and magazines for smartphones and
3. Who will develop the content of your message? You, or
will you outsource or crowdsource it?
A customer oriented campaign: I am the story– Not
you, your company or your product
Do something I care

Maket it fun and
worth remembering.
Make me share it
with my friends

Make sure it’s all
true so that I do not
look bad in front of
my friends

Tell me something


that makes
more interesting.
Case study #77: The best job in the world
The challenge

To position a new touristic reserve in Australia in the

global market to attract visitors.
The process:

Instead of going to a traditional marketing approach,
they launched a spectacular job position offering

$150,000 USD for a 6 month assignment as an island
care taker.

To apply for the job, each candidate had to record a
video saying why they would be the right person for the
job. Then they would need to upload it to social media
and ask their friends to vote for them since it was a
social contest.


Reporters from all over the world talked about it.
Case study #77: The best job in the world
The results
• Around 35,000 videos were uploaded from more than
200 countries with over 200,000 people voting for their
friends in just 3 months.
• By the end of month 4, still 3 months away from revealing
the winner for the contest-job position, they hit the $100
million dollar mark in money spent in the region from
international tourists that had been attracted by this
• The results that this campaign yielded would have costed
around $90 million dollars with traditional media and
communication strategy product-centered. This one
costed $1.5 million dollars. A clear case of brains vs
Lessons learned.
• Social media with the right communication strategy:
customer-centered yields a great result with a lower
Step 5: Attract new customers through other people

How can you make your own customers
recommend your products or services?


How can you make other companies
promote your products or services?


How can you find international


How can you embed your product in
another one making it easy to promote
by other companies like Microsoft did?


How can you monitor and reward your
international promoters?
Case Study #27: Speaker launches a coaching program
and gets help from an army of international promoters
The challenge
• A business coach wanted to launch a global
campaign to position his products and expertise
in order to increase his sales and profits.
The process:
• He developed a training seminar for business
decision makers seeking for a value proposition
of 20:1 meaning that his customers would get
20 times the investment if they implemented
what he taught.

He made a campaign to get international
promoters offering 80% in commissions from his
Case Study #27: Speaker launches a coaching program
and gets help from an army of international promoters
The results:
• International promoters sold 5,000 seats for the
seminar at a value of $5,000 Dollars.
• $25 million dollars for a 4-day seminar.
• Obviously, he had to share $20 million dollars in
commissions and cover the seminar expenses.
• Still, he had great profits, not only with what he had
left, but also with his back end coaching program.
Lessons learned:
• If you concentrate yourself on providing a 20:1 value
to your customers, that will make a NO BRAINER
for them.
• If you offer a high commission for front end
products, then you will have plenty of interest from
potential international promoters and consultants.
Step 6: Attract new customers from new territories

How can you leverage on your business partners,
suppliers and customers to help you attract more

clients from other regions?

What countries would you like to attract customers


What countries would you like to expand your
business to?


What business model would be the best for your
business expansion? A franchise, distributorship,
starting your own branch?


How will you follow the growth trend of the Mega
regions and mega cities with their young
Case study #43: Creating a business integration entity
to attract foreign customers
The challenge:

Several business owners wanted to increase their sales by
attracting new customers .


Their independent resources and budgets could not afford a
global campaign.

The process:

They decided to benchmark from what other companies did
in regions with similar characteristics in the world.


They focused on how different warm communities attracted
baby boomers from North America in the winter.


They put together funds to create new golf courses and a
promotional agency with representation in the USA and
Canada under the name “Destination Laguna”
Case study #43: Creating a business integration entity
to attract foreign customers
The results:

The promotional agency they created starting taking
frequent tours with baby boomers to play golf and have a
great vacation, semi-retirement time.


All local business owners participating increased their
sales and profits from international clients: hotels,
restaurants, local transportation and other entertainment

Lessons learned:

When you attract companies that are not direct
competitors and integrate them to attract common
clients, you will leverage on the shared budget and
economies of scale in marketing.

Step 7:
Optimize your operation costs by automation and

How can you map your client

attraction and retention

What stages of this process
can you automate due to its


How can you outsource the
human side of the equation to
release time for you as a
business decision maker for
more strategic tasks?
If you had extra time in your busy schedule, would you use it to grow your business by expanding
to new territories or business models?
Case study #43: A piano instructor automates his client
attraction and retention process.
The challenge:
• This piano instructor used to teach lessons in his own
• His financial ceiling was his own time.
• He decided to record his lessons and turn them into
products where he could go beyond his time barrier and
stop trading time for money.
• Even though his business evolved, he had a lot of
complaints between marketing, sales and fulfillment
because of manual work.
The process:
• He decided to get an automation software to capture and
nurture leads.
• Then he linked this software to his fulfillment house where
he had stock of his recorded lessons.
• Then he linked this software with SENDOUTCARDS and
automated cards and gifts for customers with his own
Case study #43: A piano instructor automates his client
attraction and retention process.
The results:
• His sales grew and he had enough budget to
hire assistants that could take him out of the
marketing, sales and fulfillment equation.
• His quality of life changed dramatically by
dedicating more time to balance his 4 Fs
(Family, fitness, faith and finance).
Lessons learned:
• If you can map your client attraction and
retention process and automate it or outsource
it, you will be able to work “ON” your business,
instead of “IN” and this will lead to a balance in
your 4 Fs.

Are you ready to increase your sales and profits?
Whatever you do, make sure you get into the control circle!
Spheres of control

To increase your sales and
profits, evaluate what you can

No control or influence

immediately do, and GO DO IT.
These are the things you can


fully control.

Try not to leave the success of

your company to the second or
third circles of this diagram,


where your success will be tied
to other’s people will,

regulations or money.
Are you our next success story?
At Business Acceleration Movement, we are on a


To help business decision makers and
entrepreneurs to increase their sales and profits by

implementing marketing campaigns to attract and
retain more customers.

We invite you to accept our challenge:
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 1: Profitability assessment: income earning opportunities in your own business model (week 1)
Stage 2: Strategies to increase your sales with your current customers (weeks 2 and 3)
Stage 3: Strategies to attract new customers to your business (weeks 4 and 5)
Stage 4: Strategies to expand your business to new territories (week 6)

Stage 5: Strategies to automate and outsource your client attraction and retention process (week 7)
Stage 6: Marketing campaign launch contest (weeks 8, 9,10 and 11)
Stage 7: Evaluating what worked: metrics, analytics and lessons learned (week 12)

Note: starting from week 1 you will be able to implement changes to your current client attraction and
retention process that will help you to increase your sales and profits.
Let’s see the framework in which we will address this program
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
This is the framework in which we will cover the contents of each week:
1. Determine the outcome of the campaign
2. Determine the most cost-effective product-market marriage for your campaign

3. Benchmarking: learning from market trends and competition
4. Strategy determination
5. Human capital needs
6. Developing the 2 visions of your process: the one of your client and the one of your company

7. Determining the needed marketing and sales tools technology and budget.
8. Strategic contents needed

What contents will we cover each week?
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 1: Profitability assessment: income earning opportunities in your own
business model

Finding ways to profit from your current business
model and how to capitalize from:
Your current client attraction efforts
Your current lead capturing mechanisms (if any)
Your current lead nurturing mechanisms (if any)
Your current money collection strategies,

upselling and downselling mechanisms (if any)
Your current recurring sales model (if any)
Your current referral program (if any)
Your current business expansion model (if any)
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 2: Strategies to increase your sales with your current customers (weeks 2 and 3)

Week 2: Selling more products to your current
Structuring your up selling strategy

Sensorial marketing strategy: scent, visual
and tactile marketing.
Integrating solutions for your customers with
Offering financing plans for your customers
for new projects.
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 2: Strategies to increase your sales with your current customers (weeks 2 and 3)

Week 3: Selling more frequently to your current customers
Strategies to implement an intelligent and tailored strategy to your current customer’s

Strategies to trigger emotional buying from your current customers: birthdays and

Key tools
• SMS messaging tool
• Direct marketing tools
• Social media tools
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 3: Strategies to attract new customers to your business (weeks 4 and 5)

Week 4: Attracting new customers through advertising
Strategies to structure lead capturing and nurturing
Strategies to structure lead conversion mechanisms

Re-designing a client attraction website with lead capturing and nurturing tools
Strategy for mobile apps

Structuring campaigns for social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linked In), internet (Google,
Bing, Yahoo), videos (Youtube), presentations (slideshare) and pictures (Pinterest, Flickr)
Structuring campaigns for traditional media: radio, TV, magazines, flyers and billboards.
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 3: Strategies to attract new customers to your business (weeks 4 and 5)
Week 5: Strategies to attract new customers through events,
public relations and referral partners
Client attraction strategies at trade shows
Client attraction strategies through speaking engagements
and seminars
Client attraction strategies through webinars and virtual trade
Client attraction strategies through points of sale activations
Client attraction strategies through supporting philanthropic
Client attraction strategies through referral partners programs
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 4: Strategies to expand your business to new territories (week 6)

 Strategies to select new territories for your business
 Strategies to adapt your client attraction strategies for
new territories: languages and business models
 Strategies to measure the size of the opportunity in a
new market
 Getting allies and incentives to start doing business in a
new region
 Finding cost-effective real estate in a new region
 Planning an expansion tour in the new region
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 5: Strategies to automate and outsource your client attraction and retention
process (week 7)
 Mapping your client attraction and retention process
and planning your funnel.
 Strategies to automate actions
 Strategies to configure an intelligent marketing
 Automating the purchasing process, upselling and
contract signing.
 Automating fulfillment with clients

 Automating rewards and emotional gifts for loyal customers
 Outsourcing the human side of the client attraction and retention process
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 6: Marketing campaign launch contest (weeks 8, 9,10 and 11)

At this stage you will launch the campaign(s) you
structured in the previous weeks with a weekly
 Campaign to sell more products to current
 Campaign to sell more frequently to current
 Campaigns to attract new customers
 Refining your process and determining what parts
you will automate and outsource.
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages:
Stage 7: Evaluating what worked: metrics, analytics and lessons learned (week 12)

 Evaluating results and conversion rates at each
one of the stages of your client attraction and
retention process.
 Potential customers impacted through your
 Potential customers responding to your
 Customers who bought
 Customers that went for the upsell
 Customers that went for the frequent
buyer model
 Customers that bring referrals
 Evaluation of your growth strategy to new regions based on current
 Documenting lessons learned and readapting your system on an
ongoing basis
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
• Virtual academy with live sessions through
teleconferences and webinars.
• Length: 12 weeks with 2 sessions per week: 1 for
content and the other one for questions and
answers (Q&A)

• 24/7 access to our members site with marketing
materials, ebooks and tools.
• Intended for entrepreneurs, business owners and


Decision making ability
and Implementation

business decision makers.

• Limited seats: 40 companies per group
• Admission process: you need to apply and get an
Acceleration Assessment.

$997 USD
Additional benefits of the challenge
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”

When you register you will have immediate access to:

 Our Product-Market Matrix including 20
business indicators to filter as critical
success factors.
 Tactic tools and resources to implement
your campaigns to attract and retain
customers to your business.

 Directory of key suppliers who can help
you when you outsource tasks.
“Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
Do you want to know if you qualify for this challenge?

When you get registered, you will receive an Acceleration Assessment that will help us
review your current client attraction and retention process with the following reports:
 Income leak at the client attraction stage
 Income leak at the lead nurturing stage
 Income leak at the sales conversion and upselling stage
 Income leak at the stage of fulfillment and client retention stage
 Income leak at the getting referrals stage

Request your evaluation now and “Accelerate your business in 90 days”
Get registered today:
“Accelerate your business Profits in
90 days”

USA +1 (915) 235-2966

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7 steps to increase your business profits

  • 1. 7 Steps to increase your business profits Strategies, tactics and tools to attract and retain more customers By Xavier Hurtado Global business development facilitator
  • 2. Legal Notice • • • • • • • • The publisher has strived to be as accurate and complete as possible in the creation of this eBook, notwithstanding the fact that he does not warrant or represent at any time that the contents within are accurate due to the everchanging environment we now live in. While all attempts have been made to verify information provided on this publication, the Publisher assumes no responsibility for errors, omissions, or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, people or organizations are unintentional. In practical advice books, like anything else in life, there are no guarantees of results. Readers are cautioned to reply on their own judgment about their individual circumstances to act accordingly. This book is not intended for use as a source of legal, business, international commerce or financial investment advice. Any recommendations or advice given in this publication is the author’s personal opinion based on his own experience. All readers are advised to seek services of competent professionals in legal, business, international commerce or financial investment fields before acting on something that the author has published or recommended. Please understand that there may be some links contained in this guide that the author may benefit from financially. The material in this guide may include information, products or services by third parties. Third Party materials comprise the products and opinions expressed by their owners. As such, the author does not assume responsibility or liability for any Third Party material or opinions. The Publication of such Third Party materials does not constitute a guarantee of any information, instruction, opinion, products or services contained within the Third Party Material. The use of recommended Party Material does not guarantee any success and or earnings related to you or your business. Publication of such Third Party Material is simply a recommendation and an expression of the author’s own opinion of that material. All rights reserved and content may not be reproduced, disseminated, published, or transferred in any form or by any means, except with the prior written permission of the author. By reading this guide, you agree that the International Business & Economic Development Consulting Group and the author are not responsible for the success or failure of your business decisions relating to any information presented in this guide.
  • 3. Are you a business decision maker or entrepreneur who would like to learn how to… • … increase your sales and profits? • … invest your marketing budget in media and advertising that truly brings clients to your business? • …turn your clients in return customers and your number 1 source of referrals? • … change lives by satisfying your customers, creating jobs and economic spillover in your community? • … re-design a profitable business that allows you to have a balanced life with your family and health?
  • 4. Today we will show you… • 5 ways to increase your business profits • 8 elements to consider in your profit increase project management • The 7 stages of the customer acquisition-retention process where you can make changes to increase your profits • 7 steps to increase your sales and profits • 3 strategies to optimize your client attraction and retention operating costs
  • 5. Why increase your business profits? When you decided to start your business… 1. Did you do it to make profits? 2. Did you do it to provide your family with a certain quality of life? 3. Did you do it because you wanted to make a difference in your customers’ lives because of your knowledge, public relations or services? 4. Did you do it because there was nobody else fulfilling a need that you found in your community? 5. Did you do it to create jobs in your community? 6. Have you already accomplished all you started this for? 7. If you wanted to double or triple your sales this year, do you already have a plan to achieve it?
  • 6. The time is now… • Business decision makers have to adapt faster to the ever changing environment with their customers: – To socialize and get informed people use: Facebook, Twitter, Linked in, Youtube, online forums and mobile apps – To remember products or services: they use automated reminders connected with SMS messaging, voice mails and emails. – To purchase the things they want: they use online and mobile platforms connected to their credit cards – To repeat purchases, they have frequent buyers lists automated and synched with their banks and fulfillment places – To share with their peers: social networks, social bookmarking and mobile applications • Customers are willing to switch brands if they do not meet their needs. Would you want to learn more about how to attract and retain more customers to your business? •
  • 7. My story of success and failure  12+ years helping business decision makers to increase their profits through the implementation of marketing campaigns to attract and retain more customers  200+ lectures given on entrepreneurship, marketing, profits acceleration, client attraction and global expansion.  Author of several marketing publications  Founder of international business academies: Business Acceleration Movement, Entrepreneur Movement, Foreign Direct Investment Attraction Academy, Global Expansion Academy and Global Consultant Academy. You can connect with Xavier Hurtado at
  • 8. How did I use to attract potential clients?  Advertising in publications, newspapers, newsletters, radio, tv, billboards  Investment ranging from $4,000 USD a $80,000 USD each time.  Average results: regardless of the statistics those media companies use to provide us with, we rarely got a an email or phone call from a potential customer because of those adds. However, they always said it was good for branding.  Does that sound familiar?
  • 9. How did I use to attract potential clients? I organized speaking engagements and seminars:  Average invesment ranging $30,000 $50,000 USD + hidden costs (brochures, banners, travel expenses, booth, goodies, travel expenses of other speakers and executives.  Average results:  We used to land 25 to 40 B2B decision makers through telemarketing and direct mail invitations to a 14,000 database that we owned.  Problem – Interruption marketing yields a very low return on investment  Best case scenario: 1 attendee of every seminar turned into a paying customer with a long sales cycle (obviously the nature of the product and the amount of investment have a correlation here)
  • 10. How did I use to attract potential customers? I attended trade shows: Investment: $20,000 to $50,000 USD + hidden costs (brochures, goodies, banners, booth, travel expenses, executive wages, and so on) Average results:  50 business cards per day per executive  Problem – 48 out of those 50 business cards belonged to marketing and sales people, not the decision makers I was trying to reach.  Best case scenario: 1 out of each 100 business cards turned into a new client.
  • 11. Attracting potential clients– What was I doing wrong if this used to work? Source: Stimulus = when potential customers learned about your product or service (trade show, seminar, magazine ad, etc) First moment of truth = When they decided to contact you or visit your store Second moment of truth = When they purchased your products and services
  • 12. What was I supposed to do? • I kew I didn’t want to keep on investing my marketing budget in “BRANDING” without a measurable return on investment. • I knew I wanted and needed to increase my sales. • I knew that besides the statistics of visits to my website, I wanted to know who had been in sufing it so that I could contact them. • Lesson learned: “Never let So I needed to invest in marketing training! marketing sign a check that your company won’t be able to cash”
  • 13. So, I went to different training programs and coaches 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Dani Johnson: Money comes from people – be a leader Frank Kern & Kevin Nations: Clients will start buying what you are selling when… & 3 steps beyond I did … Loral Langemeier: Positive energy Ali Brown: 99% vs 1% Seth Godin y Frank Rumbauskas: Permission & Attraction Marketing Mike Joiner: Integration Marketing Russell Brunson: Micro-continuity programs Brendon Burchard: No traffic beyond the extra mile and don’t let your small business make you small minded Mike Koenigs: Helping entrepreneurs and value added fundraising Dave Vanhoose: Exposure and quality of life Darren Hardy: Attitude and skill development + reading Brian Tracy: life with no regrets Clate Mask: Customer lifecycle + too many hats Among other business coaches, authors and speakers More than $50,000 USD invested in professional training and more than $1,000,000 USD invested in marketing campaigns in 5 years for different projects.
  • 14. Attracting potential clients Decision Making Process Researched Source: BtoB Online First, they go to Online Communities (Social Networks) and Search Engines Then, they look for whitepapers, webcasts, videos and other online educational media
  • 15. Attracting potential customers – Decision Making Process Researched Source: Stimulus = when Investors learned about the opportunity of your region (trade show, seminar, magazine ad, etc) Zero Moment of Truth = Investors do research on search engines (google, bing), Social Media (Twitter, Linked In), Videos (Youtube), Referrals, Reviews. Then, based on their own conclusions, they decide if they will contact you (move on to the first and even perhaps to the second moment of truth.
  • 16. What else changed? Before 1. 2. 3. 4. Local markets Local competitors Stable consumer behavior Relatively easy to predict inventories demand and media plans 5. Push production Present & Future 1. 2. 3. 4. Global markets Global competitors Unstable consumer behavior Since consumer loyalty is easy to lose, inventory management and marketing strategies are hard to predict 5. On-demand production model
  • 17. What else changed? Before Present & Future • Focusing on massive markets with little or no competition. •Product centered communication strategy • Pricing strategy based on the local market pricing, not on value added. • Interruction marketing media: TV, Radio, Magazines, Direct mail Billboards, etc. • Interruption sales approach: telemarketing, door-to-door sales, SPAM • Niche (Long-tail) marketing strategy • Client centered communication strategy • Pricing strategy based on global markets and added value to the end customer. • Attraction marketing media: • Internet: Facebook, twitter, linked in, slideshare, Youtube, (SEO, SEM), email marketing, webinars, virtual events, etc. • Mobile marketing & tablets. • Smart cities and hotspots • Geolocation
  • 18. What did I learn? I learned to implement and measure virtual campaigns to attract customers from different countries.  Ebooks, webinars and virtual trade shows promoted through social networks like Twitter and Linked-In had a great response.  Learning curve: we had to learn new technology terms, media and technology: website design, social networks, virtual trade shows, CRMs, smart email marketing platforms, lead tracking software, among other marketing tools.  Advantages: we reduced travel expenses for our company and also for foreign decision makers who were eager to have an online presentation instead of a 3-4 day trip.  Results: the first webinar we hosted had 64 B2B decision makers. Then, by launching ebooks, we had on average 100 registrants per week, yielding us around 15 qualified leads per campaign.  Investment: we achieved to launch full campaigns for about $8,000 USD including all the production, technology, human capital and campaign resources.
  • 19. Lessons learned about potential customers  Clients buy when they are ready to buy, not when we are ready to sell.  Clients buy solutions to their needs and wants, not the characteristics of my product or company.  Clients are going to try to measure the return on investment in my product. So it’s my responsibility to make sure they can measure a true value proposition in the bank.  To create a strong impression in my potential customers’ mind, I need to have 12 to 20 touch points. If those 12 to 20 touch points are devoted to add my customers with valuable knowledge to improve their quality of life or solve their problems without selling I will be able to grow a relationship with them.
  • 20. Marketing lessons learned  Internet marketing goes far beyond a simple website.  Email marketing is not SPAMMING databases.  It will take time and money to rank and show in google with different keywords.  Online education tools (videos, ebooks and webinars) can help me save in travel expenses and time.  Social networks are a great deal to generate leads, just as long as I have a good attraction strategy, not an old school communication strategy.  If I publish a book on how to solve my customer’s problems by using the products or services I provide, I can turn into an expert.
  • 21. What did I learn about the client attraction process? This graph shows the 5 stages of the customer acquisition process: 1. Early Mid Subject: a potential client that meets the criteria of who I am trying to reach Late 2. Prospect: potential client who shows interest in my products or services 3. Qualified prospect: Prospect that requests a proposal Subject Prospect Qualified prospect Opp Client 4. Opportunity: Qualified prospects at the negotiation stage 5. Lead Nurturing Client: when we get an opportunity to sign a contract and start paying for our services. I learned that I need to capture leads and nurture them until I can sign them, and to track my conversion rates from one stage to another.
  • 22. What did I learn about the client attraction & retention process? Early Find and attract subjects Capture Leads Mid Educate and nurture leads Late Convert opportunities Sign and upsell clients Repeat sales Referrals The arrows indicate the moment when a potential customer needs more information before committing to our services Lead nurturing These are the market conversion rates from one stage to another. “X” 2% 25% 10% 10% 25% 30% So, how many potential customers do I need to reach in order to be profitable?
  • 23. The 3 ages of Business Decision Makers After all the lessons learned, we can clasiffy business decision makers and their companies in 3 Ages, depending on how they attract and retain customers. Here are just some examples. Obviously, the Accelerated Proactive Business is the most profitable of the 3. •Advertising: TV, Radio, Newspapers, Magazines, websites without valuable information for their customers • Contents: centered in their own company and products • Without any metrics on marketing lead generation accountability • Without client retention programs • Without referral programs • Advertising: some traditional media combined with social media •Contents: Fully centered in their own company and products • Basic metrics about the market: surveys and analytics • Without customer retention programs • Offers discount coupons for customers who refer them new clients Proactive Business Accelerated Proactive Business Traditional Business • Advertising: Combination of traditional + social media + mobile marketing • Contents: customer centered campaigns • Full accountability for marketing budget spent vs lead generation accountability •Intelligent Customer retention programs • Provokes referral marketing with his own customers and allies
  • 24. Challenges most Business Decision makers are facing Despite all lessons learned, we still have the following concerns:  How can I increase my sales and profits?  How can I measure marketing and sales efforts so that I can improve them and grow year after year?  How can I attract and engage with potential customers to grow my business?  How can I retain the customers that I already attracted?  How can I launch an effective referral program?  How can I automate the customer acquisition and retention process so that I can scale my business and expand to new territories?  How can I shift my company to be an Accelerated Proactive Business?
  • 25. Purpose The previous learning curve led us to think on the impact we could have in our community by sharing what we experienced and creating solid teams of business growth and support. That is why we committed ourselves to helping business decision makers to increase their sales and profits so that they can grow to new territories generating jobs, economic spillover and quality of life improvement in different communities. We sistematized our learning curve in a framework that we will share with you in this publication.
  • 26. 5 ways to increase your business profits We found 2 major streamlines to grow your profits: by increasing sales and by optimizing how we currently do business. To increase our sales, we have 3 options 1. Selling more products and services to existing customers To optimize how we currently do business, we have 2 options: 4. Automating different processes in the 2. Selling more frequently to existing customers. customer attraction and retention process 3. Acquiring new customers 5. Subcontracting the human side of the equation to other companies leveraging on economies of scale Which one of these five should you focus on? Which one will yield a better result in profits? How can you make a business plan for any or some of the 5 strategies outlined here?
  • 27. 8 elements to integrate in your business plan to increase your profits E1 • Results
  • 28. 7 STEPS TO INCREASE YOUR BUSINESS PROFITS Our Business Acceleration Framework
  • 29. 7 Steps to increase your business profits 1. Determine your vision, numbers and rules 2. Sell more profitable products 3. Sell more frequently and reward your customers 4. Attract new customers through interactive social campaigns 5. Attract new customers through other people 6. Attract new customers from new territories 7. Optimize your operation costs by automation and outsourcing How can you implement these simple steps? Let’s now cover strategies, tactics, tools and case studies for each step.
  • 30. Step 1: Determine your vision with specific numbers • This picture shows boats that once were in an inland sea. Since there was a severe drought, they started building a canal to take their boats to the sea. They couldn’t catch up with the speed of the drought. • So, they had to abandon their ships in the middle of the desert. • Can you imagine if a scenario like that happened to your business for not being able to take action on time? Are you taking the right action steps to move your business forward in a way that it provides you with the equilibrium of the 4 Fs (Family, Fitness, Faith and Finance)?
  • 31. Step 1: Determine your numbers, business rules and personal life 1.Specifically, how much money or increase in sales would you want to grow this year? c 2. What are the profit margins you ought to have in order to have the quality of life you want? 3.How much time will you work per week, month and year? 4.When will you be willing to partner with other companies and decision makers? 5.How will you configure your life to be in balance (4 Fs: family, fitness, faith and finance)? For example, if you want to make 1 million dollars in a year, and we want to measure the income needed per hour, we have the following variables: Time = 1 year. If we plan to work 40 hour weeks times 50 weeks a year, that adds up for 2,000 work hours. So, if we divide 1 million dollars between 2000 hours, we need to make $5,000 dollars per hour. Questions: what if you want to work only part time? Then you need to make $10,000 per hour. So let’s focus on how much you want to make in how much time and then, make sure you do specifically the tasks you need to fulfill that.
  • 32. Case study #25: Hospital gowns business owner grows his sales because of clarity in his numbers. The challenge: • This business owner wanted to increase his sales. He was serving 11 different markets with 10 different products (a total of 110 potential business opportunities –product & market marriages) The process: • Once we put all the information together in our ProductMarket Matrix model, we filtered the top 3 niches that he needed to focus on, based on his preferences. He explained that he wanted to get $1.5 million dollars in profits per year per contract signed. • That is exactly what we looked for by running the matrix.
  • 33. Case study #25: Hospital gowns business owner grows his sales because of clarity in his numbers. The results: • Since we were very laser focused while going after potential customers, it was very clear for his team to determine which marketing and sales strategies to use, like what trade shows to attend or what discussion groups in social media to use. • He landed several contracts after this exercise. Lessons learned: • You don’t have to serve every market you can think of: “Just because you can, it doesn’t mean you should” • Select the customers that can afford your highest quality services, who will in return give you good profits. • Balance your 4 Fs (family, fitness, faith and finance in that particular order, meaning that you need to generate enough funds to support the other 3 in the time and manner that you need and want).
  • 34. Step 2: Sell more profitable products 1. Identify your most profitable product-market marriage: the best customer profile who could pay your highest quality service. 2. Determine the complete solution that they need and get integrated with other service providers to fulfill your customer’s complete needs. 3. Establish a “Strategic Business Partner” model which means that you need to commit with the end result, not only with your products. 4.Make sure you provide a differentiated experience with your services (i.e. scent-marketing and other tangible strategies) 5.Establish an upsell with in your selling stage: 7 out of 10 customers will say YES.
  • 35. Understanding what your client needs:
  • 36. Case study #47: Retail business owner increases his sales and profits The challenge: • A n apparel store used to sell all kinds of clothes for every member of the family: babies, children, teenagers, adults. • He wanted to increase his profits. The process: • Once he understood the concept of profitability per square foot, he wanted to make changes. • He ran the Product-Market Marriages Matrix and he found that selling blouses to business women was his most profitable niche in his city. • Since he was hesitant about getting rid of the other product lines, it took him little over year to take action.
  • 37. Case study #47: Retail business owner increases his sales and profits The results: • The first year of the change he registered an incrase in sales of 180%. The second year, the growth marked 400%. • This business owner regreted not taking action before. Lessons learned: • Make sure you get profitability rates per square foot or minute of companies similiar to yours in the market. Benchmark from them and strategize a roadmapt to become the number one option for your niche market. • Develop an upsell model for your own business. If needed, develop the right alliances to complement your service with what the client needs.
  • 38. Step 3: Sell more frequently and reward your customers 1. How can you change your product or service into something that could bring a monthly recurring income? 2. How can you send your loyal customers intelligent advertising based on their personal preferences? 3. What value added services can you offer your customers after they purchased your products or services? 4. What type of gifts can you provide your customers when there is an important milestone or an emotional moment like a birthday? 5. How can you stimulate and reward that your customers share their success stories and testimonials?
  • 39. Case study #53: Oil businessman increases his sales and profits because he changed his business model and ideal client The challenge  A businessman who used to sell engine oil in retail stores was facing the challenge of competing against Asian products at almost 50% of his pricing. Obviously, his sales started to drop. The process:  Instead of focusing on changing his own product or packaging, he decided to focus on a specific type of customer who needed added value services with little or no competition: women with cars who knew nothing about the adequate maintenance.  He designed a special service in which he offered a towing service together with the repair service for any lady whose car broke down, for which he created a well planned marketing campaign with an inbound telemarketing center and strategic service locations in the cities he was established. Then, after earning their trust, he offered a recurring service of maintenance where he could sell his own oil.  He got rid of his warehouses and trucks.
  • 40. Case study #53: Oil businessman increases his sales and profits because he changed his business model and ideal client The results:  Not only did he reduce costs, but he developed a recurring income business model.  Besides, his service was so helpful to women who were neglected by other shops that it turned into a viral campaign.  He has expanded his business model in Mexico and Latin America. Lessons learned  When you differentiate your service based on what your customer really needs, it can turn into a very profitable business, with residual income and even into a viral campaign.
  • 41. Step 4: Attract new customers through interactive social campaigns 1.What media will you use to attract customers based on their own preferences? c • Facebook, Twitter, Linked In, Youtube, Pinterest, other social networks or online media • Traditional media: Newspaper ads, magazines, direct mail, TV, billboards? 2.How will you communicate your message? • Videos for youtube or vimeo? • Presentations supported by Slideshare, Issuu, Powershow, Prezi? • Book publishing on Amazon and Kindle • Online or offline seminars? • Mobile apps and magazines for smartphones and tablets? 3. Who will develop the content of your message? You, or will you outsource or crowdsource it?
  • 42. A customer oriented campaign: I am the story– Not you, your company or your product Do something I care about. Maket it fun and worth remembering. Make me share it with my friends Make sure it’s all true so that I do not look bad in front of my friends Tell me something my that makes conversations more interesting.
  • 43. Case study #77: The best job in the world The challenge • To position a new touristic reserve in Australia in the global market to attract visitors. The process: • Instead of going to a traditional marketing approach, they launched a spectacular job position offering $150,000 USD for a 6 month assignment as an island care taker. • To apply for the job, each candidate had to record a video saying why they would be the right person for the job. Then they would need to upload it to social media and ask their friends to vote for them since it was a social contest. • Reporters from all over the world talked about it.
  • 44. Case study #77: The best job in the world The results • Around 35,000 videos were uploaded from more than 200 countries with over 200,000 people voting for their friends in just 3 months. • By the end of month 4, still 3 months away from revealing the winner for the contest-job position, they hit the $100 million dollar mark in money spent in the region from international tourists that had been attracted by this campaign. • The results that this campaign yielded would have costed around $90 million dollars with traditional media and communication strategy product-centered. This one costed $1.5 million dollars. A clear case of brains vs budget. Lessons learned. • Social media with the right communication strategy: customer-centered yields a great result with a lower budget.
  • 45. Step 5: Attract new customers through other people 1. How can you make your own customers recommend your products or services? 2. How can you make other companies promote your products or services? 3. How can you find international promoters? 4. How can you embed your product in another one making it easy to promote by other companies like Microsoft did? 5. How can you monitor and reward your international promoters?
  • 46. Case Study #27: Speaker launches a coaching program and gets help from an army of international promoters The challenge • A business coach wanted to launch a global campaign to position his products and expertise in order to increase his sales and profits. The process: • He developed a training seminar for business decision makers seeking for a value proposition of 20:1 meaning that his customers would get 20 times the investment if they implemented what he taught. • He made a campaign to get international promoters offering 80% in commissions from his seminar.
  • 47. Case Study #27: Speaker launches a coaching program and gets help from an army of international promoters The results: • International promoters sold 5,000 seats for the seminar at a value of $5,000 Dollars. • $25 million dollars for a 4-day seminar. • Obviously, he had to share $20 million dollars in commissions and cover the seminar expenses. • Still, he had great profits, not only with what he had left, but also with his back end coaching program. Lessons learned: • If you concentrate yourself on providing a 20:1 value to your customers, that will make a NO BRAINER for them. • If you offer a high commission for front end products, then you will have plenty of interest from potential international promoters and consultants.
  • 48. Step 6: Attract new customers from new territories 1. How can you leverage on your business partners, suppliers and customers to help you attract more clients from other regions? 2. What countries would you like to attract customers from? 3. What countries would you like to expand your business to? 4. What business model would be the best for your business expansion? A franchise, distributorship, starting your own branch? 5. How will you follow the growth trend of the Mega regions and mega cities with their young populations?
  • 49. Case study #43: Creating a business integration entity to attract foreign customers The challenge: • Several business owners wanted to increase their sales by attracting new customers . • Their independent resources and budgets could not afford a global campaign. The process: • They decided to benchmark from what other companies did in regions with similar characteristics in the world. • They focused on how different warm communities attracted baby boomers from North America in the winter. • They put together funds to create new golf courses and a promotional agency with representation in the USA and Canada under the name “Destination Laguna”
  • 50. Case study #43: Creating a business integration entity to attract foreign customers The results: • The promotional agency they created starting taking frequent tours with baby boomers to play golf and have a great vacation, semi-retirement time. • All local business owners participating increased their sales and profits from international clients: hotels, restaurants, local transportation and other entertainment services. Lessons learned: • When you attract companies that are not direct competitors and integrate them to attract common clients, you will leverage on the shared budget and economies of scale in marketing.
  • 51. • Step 7: Optimize your operation costs by automation and outsourcing . How can you map your client attraction and retention process? • What stages of this process can you automate due to its repetitiveness? • How can you outsource the human side of the equation to release time for you as a business decision maker for more strategic tasks? If you had extra time in your busy schedule, would you use it to grow your business by expanding to new territories or business models?
  • 52. Case study #43: A piano instructor automates his client attraction and retention process. The challenge: • This piano instructor used to teach lessons in his own home. • His financial ceiling was his own time. • He decided to record his lessons and turn them into products where he could go beyond his time barrier and stop trading time for money. • Even though his business evolved, he had a lot of complaints between marketing, sales and fulfillment because of manual work. The process: • He decided to get an automation software to capture and nurture leads. • Then he linked this software to his fulfillment house where he had stock of his recorded lessons. • Then he linked this software with SENDOUTCARDS and automated cards and gifts for customers with his own handwriting.
  • 53. Case study #43: A piano instructor automates his client attraction and retention process. The results: • His sales grew and he had enough budget to hire assistants that could take him out of the marketing, sales and fulfillment equation. • His quality of life changed dramatically by dedicating more time to balance his 4 Fs (Family, fitness, faith and finance). Lessons learned: • If you can map your client attraction and retention process and automate it or outsource it, you will be able to work “ON” your business, instead of “IN” and this will lead to a balance in your 4 Fs. Are you ready to increase your sales and profits?
  • 54. Whatever you do, make sure you get into the control circle! Spheres of control  To increase your sales and profits, evaluate what you can No control or influence immediately do, and GO DO IT. These are the things you can Influence fully control.  Try not to leave the success of your company to the second or third circles of this diagram, Control where your success will be tied to other’s people will, regulations or money.
  • 55. Are you our next success story? At Business Acceleration Movement, we are on a mission: To help business decision makers and entrepreneurs to increase their sales and profits by implementing marketing campaigns to attract and retain more customers. We invite you to accept our challenge: “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days”
  • 56. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 1: Profitability assessment: income earning opportunities in your own business model (week 1) Stage 2: Strategies to increase your sales with your current customers (weeks 2 and 3) Stage 3: Strategies to attract new customers to your business (weeks 4 and 5) Stage 4: Strategies to expand your business to new territories (week 6) Stage 5: Strategies to automate and outsource your client attraction and retention process (week 7) Stage 6: Marketing campaign launch contest (weeks 8, 9,10 and 11) Stage 7: Evaluating what worked: metrics, analytics and lessons learned (week 12) Note: starting from week 1 you will be able to implement changes to your current client attraction and retention process that will help you to increase your sales and profits. Let’s see the framework in which we will address this program
  • 57. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” This is the framework in which we will cover the contents of each week: 1. Determine the outcome of the campaign 2. Determine the most cost-effective product-market marriage for your campaign 3. Benchmarking: learning from market trends and competition 4. Strategy determination 5. Human capital needs 6. Developing the 2 visions of your process: the one of your client and the one of your company 7. Determining the needed marketing and sales tools technology and budget. 8. Strategic contents needed What contents will we cover each week?
  • 58. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 1: Profitability assessment: income earning opportunities in your own business model Finding ways to profit from your current business model and how to capitalize from: Your current client attraction efforts Your current lead capturing mechanisms (if any) Your current lead nurturing mechanisms (if any) Your current money collection strategies, upselling and downselling mechanisms (if any) Your current recurring sales model (if any) Your current referral program (if any) Your current business expansion model (if any)
  • 59. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 2: Strategies to increase your sales with your current customers (weeks 2 and 3) Week 2: Selling more products to your current customers Structuring your up selling strategy Sensorial marketing strategy: scent, visual and tactile marketing. Integrating solutions for your customers with cross-selling. Offering financing plans for your customers for new projects.
  • 60. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 2: Strategies to increase your sales with your current customers (weeks 2 and 3) Week 3: Selling more frequently to your current customers Strategies to implement an intelligent and tailored strategy to your current customer’s preferences. Strategies to trigger emotional buying from your current customers: birthdays and anniversaries. Key tools • CRM • SMS messaging tool • Direct marketing tools • Social media tools
  • 61. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 3: Strategies to attract new customers to your business (weeks 4 and 5) Week 4: Attracting new customers through advertising Strategies to structure lead capturing and nurturing strategies. Strategies to structure lead conversion mechanisms Re-designing a client attraction website with lead capturing and nurturing tools Strategy for mobile apps Structuring campaigns for social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linked In), internet (Google, Bing, Yahoo), videos (Youtube), presentations (slideshare) and pictures (Pinterest, Flickr) Structuring campaigns for traditional media: radio, TV, magazines, flyers and billboards.
  • 62. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 3: Strategies to attract new customers to your business (weeks 4 and 5) Week 5: Strategies to attract new customers through events, public relations and referral partners Client attraction strategies at trade shows Client attraction strategies through speaking engagements and seminars Client attraction strategies through webinars and virtual trade shows Client attraction strategies through points of sale activations Client attraction strategies through supporting philanthropic causes Client attraction strategies through referral partners programs
  • 63. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 4: Strategies to expand your business to new territories (week 6)  Strategies to select new territories for your business expansion  Strategies to adapt your client attraction strategies for new territories: languages and business models  Strategies to measure the size of the opportunity in a new market  Getting allies and incentives to start doing business in a new region  Finding cost-effective real estate in a new region  Planning an expansion tour in the new region
  • 64. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 5: Strategies to automate and outsource your client attraction and retention process (week 7)  Mapping your client attraction and retention process and planning your funnel.  Strategies to automate actions  Strategies to configure an intelligent marketing campaign  Automating the purchasing process, upselling and contract signing.  Automating fulfillment with clients  Automating rewards and emotional gifts for loyal customers  Outsourcing the human side of the client attraction and retention process
  • 65. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 6: Marketing campaign launch contest (weeks 8, 9,10 and 11) At this stage you will launch the campaign(s) you structured in the previous weeks with a weekly evaluation:  Campaign to sell more products to current customers  Campaign to sell more frequently to current customers  Campaigns to attract new customers  Refining your process and determining what parts you will automate and outsource.
  • 66. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” 12 weeks of hands-on training organized in 7 stages: Stage 7: Evaluating what worked: metrics, analytics and lessons learned (week 12)  Evaluating results and conversion rates at each one of the stages of your client attraction and retention process.  Potential customers impacted through your campaigns  Potential customers responding to your campaigns  Customers who bought  Customers that went for the upsell  Customers that went for the frequent buyer model  Customers that bring referrals  Evaluation of your growth strategy to new regions based on current experience  Documenting lessons learned and readapting your system on an ongoing basis
  • 67. Methodology: “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” • Virtual academy with live sessions through teleconferences and webinars. • Length: 12 weeks with 2 sessions per week: 1 for content and the other one for questions and answers (Q&A) • 24/7 access to our members site with marketing materials, ebooks and tools. • Intended for entrepreneurs, business owners and Pre-requisite: Decision making ability and Implementation commitment business decision makers. • Limited seats: 40 companies per group • Admission process: you need to apply and get an Acceleration Assessment. Investment: $997 USD
  • 68. Additional benefits of the challenge “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” When you register you will have immediate access to:  Our Product-Market Matrix including 20 business indicators to filter as critical success factors.  Tactic tools and resources to implement your campaigns to attract and retain customers to your business.  Directory of key suppliers who can help you when you outsource tasks.
  • 69. “Accelerate your business profits in 90 days” Do you want to know if you qualify for this challenge? When you get registered, you will receive an Acceleration Assessment that will help us review your current client attraction and retention process with the following reports:  Income leak at the client attraction stage  Income leak at the lead nurturing stage  Income leak at the sales conversion and upselling stage  Income leak at the stage of fulfillment and client retention stage  Income leak at the getting referrals stage Request your evaluation now and “Accelerate your business in 90 days”
  • 70. Get registered today: “Accelerate your business Profits in 90 days” USA +1 (915) 235-2966