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                                          NEWS                      HISTORY WEEK 24 – 31 October
                                                                                                         Issue No. 288 AUG 2010
                                                                                                 Royal Historical Society of Victoria

 Facts & Fables – making
                                                                   Calling all History Week 2010 event details
 local history                                                     History Week 2010 is being held from Sunday 24 October to
                                                                   Sunday 31 October and a range of exciting events are planned.
 Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 August                                    But we need your event details to add to the list!
 The RHSV conference – Bendigo                                     To make sure your event is included on the History Week website,
 Come and spend an inspiring and stimulating weekend in            please send the following information to:
 Bendigo taking part in our conference.                  
                                                                   • the event title;
 The flexibility of the weekend allows you to book for any
                                                                   • a brief description of the event;
 or all of the weekend’s events; these include Saturday’s
 informative excursion to historical sites associated with the     • the location of the event;
 150th anniversary of the Burke and Wills expedition; or the       • the event time;
 conference dinner when the guest speaker will be the Sir          • a cost (if any); and
 John Monash Distinguished Professor, Graeme Davison on            • a contact (name and telephone number) for more
 Facts and Fables: making history; or Sunday’s session when            information.
 excellent speakers will be discussing different ways in making    We’ll then provide you with a copy of the official History Week
 local history.                                                    logo to include on all of your promotional material and send
 The full conference program and booking form is included          you a bunch of postcards to promote History Week to your local
 with this newsletter or can be downloaded from the RHSV           community.
 website.                                                          If you don’t have anything planned as yet, put your thinking caps
                                                                   on. Possible event topics include:
 Bookings close Monday 23 August.
                                                                   • history walking tours around town;
                                                                   • Open House ‘behind the scenes’ tours of historical buildings;
                                                                   • celebrating the life of a local identity;
BOOK SALE                                                          • exploring the history of housing styles in your area;
                                                                   • tracing your family history;
SUNDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 10am – 4pm                                     • creating a town time capsule; and/or
Bring out your books!!!!                                           • welcoming a guest speaker to talk on an area of interest to
We need books for the famous RHSV Annual Book Sale!!
                                                                   Make sure you get back to Samantha Smith, History Week
Clean out your bookshelves; reduce that heap of books on your      Coordinator and send her an email with your details
bed side table!!!                                         by the 28 August 2010.
If you have any books that you no longer need please ‘phone us     And help spread the word!
on 9326 9288 and we’ll come and collect them.                      Speak to your local school, newspaper, radio station and
Alternatively you can drop them off at the RHSV – there is 10      community groups and invite them to become involved with
minute free parking outside the front door.                        and promote History Week.
We welcome books on any topic.                                     Join in on the celebrations and make this year’s History
                                                                   Week another stunning success!
Any offers of help gratefully received.                            For all enquiries, please contact the Royal Historical Society of
                                                                   Victoria on (03) 9326 9288.
Thank You
The Royal Historical Society of Victoria would like to thank the      LECTURE – Tuesday 10 August
Vera Moore Foundation for once again supporting History Week.
Small historical societies and larger organizations are brought      VICTORIA IN FOCUS: The RHSV’s
together by the RHSV under the umbrella of History Week –            Photography Collection
the cumulative effect is a fabulous array of events throughout
Victoria. This would not be possible without the support of the      Tuesday 10 August
Vera Moore Foundation.                                               Speaker: Michele Summerton
The RHSV will be announcing its HISTORY WEEK grants                  Where: RHSV
program for affiliated historical societies in the September edition Time:
                                       tea/coffee 5.45 Lecture
of History News                                                      Cost:    Members Free Non- Members $5.50
                                                                  RHSV NEWS

    Exhibition on the Catalan
    Community in Victoria
                                                     Community history ignored in
    Did you know that Catalan people were the
    first ones to grow tomatoes in Australia? Did    election campaign
    you know that the famous Australian meat
    pie was a French-Catalan invention? The          The national peak body, The Federation of Australian Historical
    connection of the Catalan community with         Societies representing over 100,000 historical society members in
    Victoria was central to the development of
                                                     Australia is disappointed that none of the major political parties has so
    Melbourne in the beginning of the 20thC.
    Indeed, one can still recognise the influence    far paid attention to the community history movement’s important role
    of those Catalan pioneers in Victoria.           during the current federal election campaign.
    Myriades Associacio Cultural is organising
    an exhibition on the Catalan community in        Don Garden, President of the Federation        through the development of local history
    Australia. If you have any information or        of Australian Historical Societies, argues     museums and tourist information on other
    contacts of people from Catalan or Spanish       that community history deserves far more       historic places.
    descent, please get in touch with Lluisa         support. He urges party leaders to clearly     Suppor t for community histor y
    at or        acknowledge this in their policy statements.   organisations to provide essential resources
    0415977530.                               ‘Community histor y volunteers do                     for the new National Curriculum in
    Lluisa Vilalta is Project Manager at invaluable work that would be far more                     History.
    Myriades Associacio Cultural, a non-for- expensive if undertaken by government                  Support that allows community history
    profit organisation based in Barcelona.   agencies’, Associate Professor Garden                 organisations to protect heritage places
                                              said. ‘Particularly in rural and suburban             and collections from climate change’s
    Welcome Jane                              areas’, he continued, ‘they make significant          predicted impacts.
                                              contributions to local economies. Assuming
    At the July council meeting, Council was that the estimated 100,000 members each                Associate Professor Garden warns that
    delighted to co-opt Jane Carolan onto the contributes an average of one hour of their           failure to offer such assistance would
    Council. A full introduction to Jane will time per month, valued conservatively at              have dire consequences. ‘Many historical
    be published in the September edition of $20 per hour, this gives a total of about              societies’, he added, ‘are already under
    History News.                             $24 million per annum.’                               considerable financial pressure, finding
                                                                                                    it increasingly difficult to undertake tasks
    Wonderful Whites                             Many of those contributions are now under          that the wider community expects and
                                                 threat unless greater government assistance        values.’ He calls on parties contesting
    The Society is grateful to Whites Law is provided. Examples include –
    Binder y who have been re-binding                                                               the federal election to properly address
    damaged volumes of the Sands and Support and training to preserve, protect,                     societies’ concerns.
    McDougall Directories of Victoria on our display and digitise the large number of Contact
    behalf.                                      valuable collections held by community
                                                 history organisations.                         Federation of Australian Historical
    Members will understand the very heavy                                                      Societies
    use made of these volumes and the Greater support to enable community
    inevitable wear and tear given the number history organisations to contribute as
    of pages and the fragility of the paper. Ted effectively as possible to tourism, especially
    Congdon and Chris McIntyre are terrific
    to deal with and we are thrilled with the
    newly stitched and newly covered volumes.
    The Company acquired our former binder,            Open house at the Drill Hall
    Apollo Moon, some years ago and all             Over the weekend of 24 and 25 July the RHSV participated for the first time
    business is now conducted at White’s office
    in Glenhuntly Road, South Caulfield.
                                                    in Melbourne Open House as one of fifty-nine buildings in the city which
                                                       opened their doors to the public. Nearly 550 visitors, many of whom had
    We strongly recommend the firm to
    members interested in binding and printing
                                                       never been to the Drill Hall before, streamed through the building. We had
    jobs, no matter how small.                         a lot to offer with Jenny Davies’ Beyond the Facade exhibition about
                                                       Flinders Street, as well as our splendid Art Deco building and mysterious
                                                       historical activities.
    The RHSV Foundation                                Owing to the window project still being underway (to assist in dust-proofing
    continues to build                                 our Collection), a huge amount of re-organising and cleaning had to be done
    We are delighted to announce the support           to present a fresh face to the public. So our grateful thanks to Lenore Frost
    of our most recent Foundation Founder:             who managed and contributed so much to our involvement in Melbourne
    Dr. Hugh Anderson                                  Open House, and to Society volunteers who helped both with the cleaning
    We wish to correct a mistake – in the              and shifting, and with their presence during the Open House: Liz Coady,
    June edition of History News we forgot to          Marg Connor, Jenny Davies, Joan Hunt, Lorraine James, Andrew
    include Olwen Ford, along with Frank               Lemon, Chris Manchee, Norma Mullins, Jane Nigro, Diana Phoenix,
    Ford, as a recent Foundation Founder.              Susan Priestley, John Rose, Simon Smith, David Thompson, Brian
    We apologise for forgetting her name and           Ward. Furthermore, our many thanks to staff member Gerardine Horgan
    thank her very much for her generous   in the last minute rush.
    support.                                           who was stalwart in her help and advice

                                                                    WHAT’S ON

 TUESDAY 31 AUGUST                           23 SEPTEMBER                                                                               From the President
                                                                                                                                        Having had the opportunity, for the first
                                                                                                                                        time in my career, for a two month research
                                                                                                                                        visit to England, I came back at the end
                                                                                                                                        of June with horizons broadened. Was the
                                                                                                                                        mind deepened? Who can say. My absence
                                                    PATRON: Prof David de Kretser AC
                                                                                            Speaker:                                    overlapped to some extent with that of our
                                            The Great Melbourne
                                                            Governor of Victoria

                                                                      Dr Richard
                                                    PRESIDENT: Prof Lynne Selwood MSc PhD
                                                                                                                                        Executive Officer, Kate Prinsley, who was
                                                 The Royal Society of
                                            Telescope: Restoring our
                                                 Victoria             Gillespie                                                         off on her Churchill Fellowship tour of
                                                                                            Museum Victoria
                                                                                                                                        community heritage facilities in America
                                            astronomical heritage
                                                 The Royal Historical “The Great Melbourne
                                                                                                                                        and the UK. Kate returned last week, at
Flinders Street Station                             Society of Victoria                     Telescope: Restoring
                                            JOINT ANNUAL LECTURE:      our astronomical
                                                                                                                                        the end of July. Each of us can only say
Exhibition’ celebration                          Joint Annual Lecture: heritage”
                                                                                                                                        sincere thanks to all those who kept the
                                           The Royal Society of Victoria                    Pre-Lecture Refreshments from 6.15pm

                                                 23rd September
                                                                                            Cost of refreshments $20 pay on the night

Please join us for an ‘end of the Flinders                                                  RSVP for catering is essential by 12 noon
                                                                                                                                        wheels turning.
Street Station Exhibition’ celebration on  and the RHSV2010                                 21st September 2010 (Telephone

                                                                                            96635259 or email:
                                                                                                                                        In particular I am thinking of our Office
Tuesday 31 August. Jason Robert’s water Speaker: Dr Richard Gillespie
                                                          at the Royal Society Hall
                                                     Entrance now at 8 La Trobe Street
                                                                                                                                        Manager, Gerardine Horgan and to
colour of Flinders Street Station will be Where: Royal Society Hall, entrance                                                           Christine Cooze and Vicki Court for doing
up for auction as well as several of the              now at 8 LaTrobe Street,                                                          so much more than merely holding the fort.
other framed copies of the architectural              Melbourne
drawings.                                                                                                                               Indeed I am so impressed by all that
                                           Time:      Pre-lecture refreshments                                                          happened during my absence that it is
Where: Royal Historical Society of                    6.15pm (Cost $20 on the                                                           tempting to disappear again! When I
          Victoria                                    night)                                                                            returned the windows double-glazing
When: Tuesday 31 August.                                                                                                                project was all but complete, a real benefit
                                                      Lecture: 7pm                                                                      to the Society and its collections that came
          5.30pm to 7pm.                    RSVP: for catering essential 12 noon                                                        directly from the Federal government
Cost:     Free                              21 Sept, telephone 9663 5259                                                                Jobs Fund project and indirectly from
To assist with catering please RSVP by or email rsv&                                                              advocacy by the Federation of Australian
Thursday 26 August                                                                                                                      Historical Societies on which the RHSV is
                                                                                                                                        represented. Renovations try the patience
                                                                                                                                        of the most saintly, but the end result is
                                                                                                                                        already appreciated with much reduced
                                                                                                                                        noise levels, better temperature control
The Many Lives of Kenneth Myer                                                                                                          and much less dust. It is pleasing to know
Speaker: Sue Ebury                          Ken Myer introduced Australia to the first                                                  that many regional historical societies have
                                            regional shopping centres, with Chadstone                                                   also had the benefit of this funding for their
Venue:    RHSV                                                                                                                          premises.
                                            changing the face of the Australian
Time:     5.15 tea/coffee. Lecture 5.45     landscape. Parking meters, state of the                                                     Not only the windows were in place. So
Cost:     Members Free                      art information systems at the National                                                     was the planning for our end of August
                                            Library of Australia, ground-breaking                                                       conference in Bendigo – please make a
          Non Members $5.50                 medical research at The Howard Florey                                                       point of joining us in this wonderful historic
When Kenneth Baillieu Myer’s father         Institute and genetic engineering at                                                        city where we will consider facts and fable
fell dead on the footpath in 1934, Ken’s    CSIRO were all facilitated by him.                                                          in the presentation of local history, and
life changed in an instant. As the eldest   Visionary and romantic, he was depressive                                                   get some new insights into the Burke and
son of the Jewish immigrant retailing       and driven, charming one moment, icy                                                        Wills expedition which headed off to the
genius, Sidney Baevski Myer, who went       the next. Unpretentious and a passionate                                                    outback 150 years ago this month. Also
from pedlar to philanthropist millionaire   conservationist, he was generous both                                                       in place was the temporary exhibition at
in fifteen years, 13-year-old Ken was       publicly and anonymously, giving away his                                                   A’Beckett Street to mark the centenary of
immediately acknowledged as head of the     fortune and in doing so founding modern                                                     Flinders Street station curated by Jenny
family.                                     philanthropy in Australia. Happiest when                                                    Davies. Her energy and enthusiasm gave
Despite a conventional education at         finally free of the Store, he died with his                                                 the RHSV our most successful and visited
Geelong Grammar and a year at Princeton     wifeYasuko in a light plane crash in Alaska                                                 exhibition in years. By popular demand it
University, Ken was an unconventional       in 1992.                                                                                    has been extended till the end of August:
man. He had hit headlines when he With unprecedented access to family                                                                   make a point of coming to see it, or see it
was born and continued to make news documents, Sue Ebury paints a vivid                                                                 again, before it closes.
throughout his life-as the powerful portrait of the many aspects of Ken Myer’s                                                          Also in place were arrangements for
Executive Chairman of Myer; in his refusal life, and the man himself.                                                                   the RHSV’s first involvement in the
to be Governor-General of Australia; with                                                                                               Melbourne Open House weekend at
his separation and divorce from his wife Sue Ebury was born and educated in New                                                         the end of July, where our former Drill
Prue and remarriage to a Japanese woman Zealand. After nineteen years as an editor                                                      Hall was one of dozens of distinctive
half his age,Yasuko Hiraoka; as Chairman and publishing director at an international                                                    buildings open to the public. Our co vice-
of the Victorian Arts Centre and the publishing house, she moved to Hong Kong,                                                          president Lenore Frost organised a team
National Library of Australia; and during where she edited The War Diaries of Weary                                                     of volunteers to welcome the curious, and
his disastrous years as Chairman of the Dunlop and wrote the bestselling biography                                                      the Society’s headquarters have never
ABC-a reward for signing the ‘Myer It’s Weary: The Life of Sir Edward Dunlop.                                                           been so attractively presented. We were
time’ letter, acknowledged by Whitlam as                                                                                                rewarded by nearly 600 visitors over the
influential in bringing the Labor Party to
                                                                                                                                                                continued page 6
power in 1972.
                                                                     BOOKS RECEIVED

    BOOKS RECEIVED                                          on each of the governors from Phillip to            In its own words, ‘a compilation of interviews,
    We note below relevant items sent to the                Marie Bashir. Written by different authors,         photographs and articles’ that aims to
    Society. Interested groups or authors are               each essay focuses on the time each governor        ‘encapsulate the spirit of Birchip and its
    invited to contribute to this valuable service          spent in New South Wales. Reading them              people’ in a ‘coffee table book’.The common
    to members in the News and through possible             together gives some insight into the changing       theme from the diverse interviews is that
    deposit in the library. Some items may later            roles of governors.They also remind us of the       their town is their home. This message is
    be reviewed in the Journal.                             continuing power that governors can wield.          conveyed in the stunning recent photographs
                                                                                                                taken by Glenys Rickard as well as the rich
    Bill Billett, Mont St Quentin,                          Rachel Cook, Closets Are For Clothes,               images from the past. The result is much
    A S o l d i e r ’s B a t t l e , R o s e n b e r g ,    A History of Queer Australia, Black                 more than a ‘coffee table book’. While it does
    S y d n e y, 2 0 0 9 , p p. 1 8 4 , $ 3 2 . 9 5         Dog, Melbourne, 2010, pp. 147, $18.99               not substitute for the sustained analytical
    The publishing of military histories continues          Written specifically for teenagers, the book        narrative, it may well be attractive as a model
    to be a thriving enterprise. Ninety years ago,          comprises excerpts of gay and lesbian history,      for publication about other local areas.
    the battle of Mont St Quentin and Peronne               a history of repression and change. Part of The
                                                            Drum Series, it features fictionalised first-       Linda Meadows and Dorothy Meadows
    resulted in an Australian victory and a further
                                                            person accounts, often drawn from people            (eds), Women of Chelsea and District,
    breaking of the stalemate on the Western
                                                            ‘who actually existed’ and played a part in         Chelsea and District Historical Society
    Front. Carried out by brigades of the 2nd and
                                                            queer history. These are clearly identified as      I n c. , P O B ox 3 7 7 , C h e l s e a , 3 1 9 6
    5th Divisions under the ultimate command                                                                    Produced by a committee of women, the
    of Monash, this battle is not as well-known             such. Contributes to our understandings of
                                                            the diversity of Australian society.                book presents interesting stories from the
    as Villers-Bretonneux and Hamel but Billett                                                                 lives of 29 women over more than a century.
    thinks it should be and his meticulous                  John Currey (ed.), Matthew Flinders,                Its immediate usefulness is limited by the
    account shows its importance and relative               The Investigator in Port Phillip,                   fact that there is no index and no editorial
    oversight.                                              T h e B a n k s S o c i e t y, 2 1 C r e s s y      overview of the content. Assisted by the City
    Hugh Carroll, Mallee Roots to Vanilla                   S t , M a l ve r n , 3 1 4 4 , 2 0 0 9 , p p. 9 9   of Kingston, there is also no ISBN.
    Slices, Ouyen – One Hundred Years,                      Another elegantly produced booklet taken
                                                                                                                Melton & District Historical Society, PO
    Mallee Printers, Sea Lake, 2009, pp.                    from Flinders’ A Voyage to Terra Australis,
                                                                                                                Box 58, Melton, 3337 have produced the six
    235, $40 + $10 post Available from                      published in 1814, and dealing with Flinders’
                                                                                                                attractive booklets on identities, places, and
    Ouyen District History & Genealogy                      time in Port Phillip in April 1802 when he          reminiscences; $12 for the set.The society has
    Centre, PO Box 131, Ouyen, 3490.                        climbed Arthurs Seat, landed at Mornington,         also produced a CD-ROM entitled Melton
    Ouyen is well-served by this historical                 then Indented Head, crossed Corio Bay,              Yesterday & Today, $15 + $3.50 post.
    narrative that clearly places local history             climbed theYou-Yangs and inspected the area
                                                            on the western side of the entrance.                The Corner Shops of Ballarat, A History
    gleaned from rich newspaper, oral and visual
                                                                                                                and Directory, National Trust of Australia
    sources into wider contexts of an outside               Penelope Hetherington, Paupers, Poor                (Victoria) Ballarat Branch, c/- 301 Clissold
    world. Ouyen has its distinctive features but           Relief and Poor Houses in Western                   St, Ballarat, 3350, 2009, pp. xvi + 86
    its history is always bound up with the outside         Australia,1829 to 1910, University ofWestern        Funded by the Holsworth Trust, this is an
    world, not least because of the importance of           Australia Press, Perth, 2009, pp. xiv + 202         attractive book that charts the sites and
    wheat. This must be an instructive read for             A substantial contribution to Australia’s           proprietors of corner shops. Well-researched
    those with Ouyen connections. Additionally,             welfare history set against the often distinctive   and illustrated but regrettably, without an
    it is an important contribution to broader              history of Western Australia.                       ISBN number and containing a ‘forward’!
    understandings about the Mallee’s history,
    largely neglected by regional studies.                  Bronwen Hinz, Many Hopes, One Dream,                M.J. Nolan, The Enterprising Life of Dr
                                                            The Story of the Ethnic Communities                 Henry Backhaus, Bendigo Pioneer, M.J.
    Michael Cathcart, The Water Dreamers,                   Council of Victoria, Australian Scholarly           Nolan, Bendigo, 2008, pp. 136, $25. Available
    The Remarkable Histor y Of Our                          Publishing, Melbourne, 2009, pp. xviii + 215        from Central Catholic Bookshop, Melbourne.
    D r y C o n t i n e n t, Te x t P u b l i s h i n g ,   An important scholarly account of nearly            As the author notes, Backhaus ‘was one of
    Melbour ne, 2009, pp. 327, $34.95                       40 years of advocacy and support for ethnic         the most unusual’ Catholic priests in 19th
    This may well be one of those books that is             groups in Victoria set within changing local        century Australia, with not only considerable
    widely read and that has a continuing impact            and world environments and sometimes beset          interest in civic affairs but also in investment.
    on the ways we see ourselves and our land.              with political debate.                              His notable success in the latter enabled the
    Cathcart focuses on the ways in which white                                                                 building of Bendigo’s massive cathedral.
    settlers struggled with the lack of rainfall in so      Noel Jackling, Dancing to Damnation?,
                                                            Harold Wood and John Woodhouse in                   Nolan presents a documented study of this
    much of Australia. Not only did their contact                                                               man of many parts and helps to dispel the
    with Aboriginal peoples trigger a ‘battle for           the fight to lift the ban on dancing on
                                                            Methodist Church property, Uniting                  many myths about the man and his very
    land’ but ‘also a battle for water’ (p.6). In                                                               valuable estate. An interesting book of
    the process, explorers, settlers, novelists,            Church Historical Society, PO Box 698,
                                                                                                                significance not only in Bendigo.
    poets, politicians and engineers have ‘dreamt’          Elsternwick, 3185, 2009, pp. ix + 179, $20
                                                                                        Kevin O’Reilly, In Just Five Years, The
                                                            As the long title suggests, the author examines
    about solutions to the continent’s dryness.
                                                                                        RAAF & Nhill in World War II, 1941-
                                                            the changes in attitudes to dancing in the
    This is both an environmental and a cultural
                                                                                        1946, K. O’Reilly, 12 Kimber Court,
                                                            Methodist Church and its adherents, and
    history of Australia that examines many of
                                                                                        Dingley Village, 3172, 2009, pp. 208
                                                            the parts played by two leading figures –
    these ‘dreams’. In 21st century Australia it is
                                                                                        In the author’s words, ‘a collection of
                                                            Harold Wood, Principal of Methodist Ladies’
    both a book for its time and for a long time                                        articles, documents, reminiscences and
    after that.                                             College, and John Woodhouse, influential
                                                                                        photographs’ that describe the substantial
                                                            layman – in the eventual lifting of the ban on
    David Clune and Ken Turner (eds),                                                   and important presence of both a navigation
                                                            dancing on Methodist property in 1954. He
    The Gover nors of New South                                                         and later, an air armament and gas school
                                                            relates the debate to social changes in 20th
    Wales, 1788-2010, Federation Press,                                                 for the RAAF during World War II. The
                                                            century Melbourne in an enlightening text.
    Sydney, 2009, pp. xxii + 666, $59.95                                                collected evidence is wide-ranging and
    Published as part of the commemoration      Anne McClelland, My Blood’s Country: includes much detail of interaction between
                                                the Spirit of Birchip, Birchip Business
    of responsible government in New South the training base and the town where the
    Wales, this book contains short biographies and Lear ning Centre, 77 Cumming author was growing up.
                                                Avenue, Birchip, 3483, 2009, pp. 160

                An inspiring and rewarding tour
                RHSV Executive Officer Kate Prinsley reports on her recent six week
                                         Churchill fellowship in the UK and US.

T    hree days back in my freezing cold       to find out more about
     office at the RHSV and my mind           the County Historian
is wondering off to the ‘knee high by         Program which is so
4th July’ corn fields of Indiana, the fast    effective in Indiana and
talking ‘corrrfee’ drinking New Yorkers,      to look at volunteer-
and the erudite English who as rain           managed / volunteer-
softly fell on St. Swithen’s day hoped        led historical societies.
that this wasn’t the traditional omen for     Feeling like a member
the end of the heat wave – with 40 days       of the TV show The
of rain to follow.                            Partridge Family, Jeff
                                              Harris, Director of Local
My six week Churchill Fellowship –            History Services, drove
four weeks in the US and two weeks            me around Indiana in
in the UK – was to investigate the            the local history services
sustainability of local history in the        white van visiting
community: in terms of generating             societies. Here I learnt the
interest and, more particularly, in           expression ‘community
addressing succession planning for            buy in’ means more
volunteers.                                                                Kate Prinsley stands between a grandfather and
                                              than putting on relevant
                                                                           grandson - volunteers at the Wabash and Erie Canal
In this short article I can only lightly      exhibitions – ‘community
                                                                           Historical Society in Delphi Indiana
sketch the organizations and people I         buy in’ is raising funds
met. The recommendations I would              and I was ‘gob smacked’
make – the distillation of my thoughts        at the extraordinary sums
– will be the basis of my paper to be         raised from the tiniest of towns.
presented at our conference in Bendigo        A sad good bye to Indiana and it’s off to
on August 28th - 29th.                        Washington. There I had meetings with
My research tour began in Nashville           federal bodies; the Institute of Museum
with a visit to the American Association      and Library Services, the American
of State and Local History (AASLH).           Association of Museums and most
What a strange place to find the head         worthwhile librarians in the local history
quarters of American local history –          room at the Library of Congress. Along
amongst the Civil War and Elvis!!! “Sure,     the way I have become increasingly
I know the answer to your problem”            fascinated with the complex funding of
said Bob Beatty, Director of Programs,        local history and the role in local history
“we have the same issues here and the         of organisations such as the Daughters        Reading Room
solution is ……”. He proceeded to              of the American Revolution (a quick           The McLean County Museum of
give me documents, contacts of people         visit to their head quarters).                History, Bloomington, Illinois.
and workbooks that the AASLH have             Then to Troy to visit the Museums
developed – a great and very grateful         Association of New York and onto
way to start my project.                                                                    research into volunteer led community
                                              New York City where I changed the             groups. It all seemed perfect in
Two days later and I’m off to Illinois        tack of my research to look at dynamic        England until my last week when David
to meet Mary Anne Schierman of the            local history programmes – a mix of           Cameron, the new Prime Minister,
American Association of Museum                grass roots and the more established.         asked government bodies to plan for up
Volunteers. What an inspiring day it          Meetings were held with the Museum            to a 40% cut in funding and his ideas
was to see practical and applicable           of the City of New York, the Manhattan        for the Big Society with the expectation
examples of volunteer recruitment,            Borough Historian, the Lower East             being placed on volunteers to deliver
management and programmes at the              Side History Project, City Lore and the       ‘core services’ – how this will impact on
Macleigh County Historical Society            American Social History Project.              local history is of course yet to unfold.
in Bloomington and the exemplary              A quick hop across the pond and I’m
management of volunteers at the                                                             I look forward to reporting more fully
                                              in England. I moved to Australia in           and in detail about my Churchill
Lincoln Library in Springfield. I finished    1995 and since then there have been
off my Illinois sojourn with an excellent                                                   Fellowship and encourage RHSV
                                              enormous changes in arts funding in           members to come to the Bendigo
visit to the Chicago Metro History            Britain: particularly National Lottery
Centre.                                                                                     Conference – 28th -29th August.
                                              funding with its support of heritage
Next the suitcase is packed again and         and the Renaissance program funded
I’m off to Indiana. My visit was hosted       through (MLA) Museums Libraries
by the ‘rock stars’ of local history –        and Archives. I had time to explore two
the Indiana Historical Society. I had         local history services that had benefited
approached them with two requests;            from these schemes and to further my

                                                         COMMUNITY NEWS

                            GRANT APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN
                                                                                               From the President
    Victoria’s Heritage Grants                                                                 continued
    Applications are now open for Victoria’s Heritage Grants for Places and Objects and        weekend, and of course we encouraged
    Heritage Studies and Advisory Services.                                                    them to think about joining the RHSV as
    Victoria’s Heritage Grants assists owners and managers of heritage places and              members. I am really grateful to all our
    objects and local government heritage management in Victoria.                              volunteers who got the place ready and
                                                                                               who helped out on the two days.
    Objects and Places grants funding is available for the repair, documentation and           Behind the scenes, hours of planning
    interpretation of heritage places and objects. For guidelines and application forms        were going into other projects: our hopes
    for Places and Objects grant funding, visit:                                               for renewing and revitalising our long                                    term tenancy of A’Beckett Street; our bid
    E9DAF62C8BEFBCA257759000F9308                                                              for increased annual funding from Arts
                                                                                               Victoria for the next three years; our joint
    Heritage Studies and Advisory Services grant funding is available for local                project with the State Library of Victoria
    government Heritage Studies and Heritage Advisory Services. For guidelines and             to put the Victorian Historical Journal
    application forms for Heritage Studies and Advisory Services, visit:                       on line. Our other co-vice president Dr                  Simon Smith, Richard Barnden and all the
    25775900126CD5                                                                             members of the relevant sub-committees
                                                                                               deserve our thanks.
    For 2009/10 local government heritage advisory grant recipients, please also note          So – welcome back Kate, and a welcome
    that annual report spreadsheets to complete will be emailed to all recipients shortly.     to our two new Council members Jane
    The Grants Information Line is 1300 366 356. Applicants are also encouraged to             Carolan and Jenny Coates, and on with
    contact Heritage Victoria (ph: (03) 8644 8800) directly to discuss grant proposals.        the show. Check out our What’s On, and
                                                                                               I encourage members to attend next
                                                                                               Tuesday evening’s lecture by Michelle
        ENQUIRIES:                                                                             Summerton who will tell us about the
        Victoria’s Heritage Grants for Places and Objects funding program,                     riches of the RHSV’s wonderful images
        contact:                                                                               collection.
          Tony Armstrong on (03) 8644 8893, or                                           Andrew Lemon
          Megan McDougall on (03) 8644 8902,
        Victoria’s Heritage Grants for Heritage Studies and Advisory Services                    What a great idea.......
        funding program, contact:
                                                                                                 It’s that time again, when your
          Lisa Rogers on (03) 8644 8937, or Geoff Austin             letterbox groans under the weight
          on (03) 8644 8894, or Ian Wight on (03) 8644              of election campaign materials, and
          8954,                                                       you can’t step near a polling booth
                                                                                                 without being showered in paper.
                                                                                                 Before you start throwing things in
        Applications close Tuesday 24 August 2010.
                                                                                                 to the nearest recycling bin, consider
    Commemorating Eminent Australians                                                            this...
                                                                                                 By collecting political brochures,
    The second funding round of Commemorating Eminent Australians is now open.                   election pamphlets,how-to-vote
    The Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts are                 cards and candidate posters, and
    calling for applications until Friday 13 August 2010. The Commemorating Eminent              donating them to the State Library’s
    Australians grants program is designed to provide funding for the recognition of eminent     Riley & Ephemera Collection, they
    Australians who have made a significant impact on Australia and the world.                   will illuminate our political history
    Eligible projects may include:                                                               for generations of researchers!
    •    The conservation of graves of people of significance to Australia.                      It’s easy - just pop them in an
    •    The conservation of monuments, objects, plaques and statues that commemorate            envelope and address them to Katie
         eminent Australians.                                                                    Flack, c/o the Australian History
                                                                                                 & LiteratureTeam in the Library’s
    Please see attached guidelines and application form (also available in Word docs from        Access & Information Division.
    their website.                                                                               State Library of Victoria.                               We also welcome donations
    For more information:                                                                        relating to social justice campaigns,
                                                                                                 environmental campaigns,
    Heritage Projects Section
                                                                                                 community campaigns etc.
    Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts GPO Box 787
                                                                                                 Please include your name and
                                                                                                 contact details if you would like an
    Tel: 1800 653 004 (free call)                                                                acknowledgment of your donation.
    Fax: (02) 6274 2095                                                                

                                                        Around the Societies

                                                   AROUND THE SOCIETIES                                 COLAC: On Saturday 28 August a General
                                                                                                        Meeting with a speaker will be held at the
                                                   This column is compiled by Lenore Frost              COPACC History Centre, at 1.30 pm.
                                                   on behalf of History Victoria Support Group          Enquiries: colachistoricalsociety@googlemail.
                                                   using information provided by societies either       com or phone 5232 1624.
                                                   directly or contained in their newsletters.
                                                   For the next issue please send details of            DAYLESFORD: Glenlyon and Daylesford
                                                   forthcoming events by 10 August to lenore10@         will celebrate 150 years since the formation
                                                                                  of the Glenlyon Roads Board, the foundation
                                                                                                        entity of the current Hepburn Shire. The
                                                   BAPTIST: Ken Edmonds will g ive                      Glenlyon Progress Association will hold a
                                                   an illustrated talk, “Rembrandt and the              weekend of festivities on 22-24 October.
                                                   Waterlander Mennonites”, about possible              Enquiries: contact Dave Johnson on 5348 7761
Kate Prinsley launches the On-line                 connections between Rembrandt and the early          or email
Guide.                                             Mennonites who influenced Baptist origins.
                                                   Meetings are held at the Auburn Baptist              DUNOLLY: Goldfields Historical Society
New resource for affiliated                        Church, 597 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn at 7.30             celebrated its 50 th Anniversary with the
                                                   pm. Enquiries: 9729 1752.                            sealing of a time capsule. It was placed into a
societies                                          CAMBERWELL: Mr Vivian Kenney will
                                                                                                        specially constructed steel box and fitted into
                                                                                                        the disused fireplace at the Dunolly Museum.
Members of the History Victoria Support            address the Society on the subject of “Clocks”       There is no-one left from the first meeting
Group, a committee of the RHSV, have               on Thursday 23 September in the Meeting              held in 1960.
been engaged in a project to update                Room of the Hawthorn Town Hall (side
                                                   entrance via car park) 360 Burwood Road,             ECHUCA: Celebrating their 50th Anniversary,
an earlier RHSV publication: Guide to
                                                   Hawthorn, no time given. Enquiries: 9836             on 9 June at the Cargo Shed of the Port of
Managing Historical Societies. While a                                                                  Echuca Wharf, the society dedicated a plaque
mere update was originally envisaged,                                                                   to those persons responsible for the movement
in fact it was realised quite early in the         CARISBROOK: The society has opened                   to save the Wharf, bring back the boats to
process that a major re-write was required,        a new Research Centre, formerly the Infant           Echuca, and to honour the first President and
as the early edition pre-dated extensive use       Welfare Centre next to the Town Hall. There          Vice President of the society.
                                                   are two Research Rooms – one for the public
of personal computers. The Local History                                                                ELTHAM: A heritage walk will be held on
                                                   and one for members. Equipment includes
Grants Program assisted with a grant to            computers, printers, scanners, film readers,         Saturday 4 September, from 2 pm. For details
enable us to provide a copy of the Guide           and a Scanpro 2000 to digitise film.                 contact the society on
to all our affiliated societies in CD format.                                                           or check the webpage
                                                   C A S T L E M A I N E : P r o f e s s o r Ja n e t   elthamdhs.
Recognising that a CD full of links to             McCalman will speak about the “Tasmanian
useful information will also become                Convicts Project” at the meeting of Monday           FITZROY: “My native place: Alfred Deakin in
outdated over time, an online updateable           6 September. Meetings are held at the Former         Fitzroy” will be presented by Carole Woods on
version was also planned. The online               Courthouse, 7 Goldsmith Cres, Castlemaine at         Thursday 26 August at the Reading Room of
                                                   7.30 pm. Enquiries 5470 6072 or email chsi@          Fitzroy Library, Napier Street, Fitzroy at 7.30
version was launched at the History
                                                             pm. Carole will discuss Deakin’s reflections
Victoria Support Group seminar in                                                                       on childhood, memory and literature, and
Rutherglen on 29 May by our Executive              CHELTENHAM CEMETERY: The next                        his connections with Fitzroy. Enquiries:
Officer, Kate Prinsley. The CD version             tours at the Cheltenham Memorial Park,     
will be posted to affiliated societies a little    Wangara Rd, will be “Mostly Murders”. They
                                                   will be held on Sunday 12 September at 2 pm          FOOTSCRAY: The next meeting will be
later in the year. This will contain useful                                                             held at Ercildoone, corner of Napier and
                                                   and Sunday 31 October at 11 am. Tours are
information for running your historical                                                                 Hyde Streets, Footscray, on Sunday 15 August
                                                   $10 for non-members, and $5 for members.
society, including pro forma templates,            Bookings essential – either online at www.focrc.     at 2 pm. To celebrate 150 years at Footscray
advice on roles of office bearers, collection      org/tours.htm or ring Vivienne on 5420 7671.         Primary School, Stephen Palmer will relate
policies, and so on.                                                                                    memories of his time at the school. Enquiries:
                                                   CINEMA & THEATRE: Northern suburbs         
You can access the online Guide here:              cinemas/former cinemas inspection, including        the former Rivoli, West Preston and Regent           INVERLOCH: The restoration of the Rocket
htm . Material is still being progressively        theatres will take place on Saturday 21 August.      Shed has proceeded, with construction work
loaded onto the website.                           For further details see the website www.caths.       completed except for finials, downpipes and
                                                                                       barge rolls. These will be completed after the
We are grateful for the assistance of the                                                               shed has been relocated, which is expected to
Local History Grants Program to enable                                                                  be early August. Relevant permits have yet to
us to produce the Guide to Managing                                                                     be obtained, and the weather is expected to
Historical Societies.                                                                                   have an effect.


                                                                                                                                                          7 the Societies
                                                              Around the Societies

    KANGAROO GROUND: The Andrew                         at the Ouyen Community Club in the evening.         TERANG: The society reports that a number
    Ross Museum’s most recent publication, The          Numbers are required for booking. For further       of hard-working members removed the tin
    Christmas Hills story by Mick Woiwod, was           details, email or phone        from their museum roof to remove droppings,
    launched at the museum on 1 August. This            5092 1763.                                          dead and live pigeons, eggs, nests, etc from the
    is a 275 page illustrated volume. Enquiries:                                                            roof space, the iron replaced with Tex screws,
                                                        PRAHRAN MECHANICS: The closing                                                                                 and wire netting put in place to stop the return
                                                        date for the PMI Short History Prize is Friday
                                                                                                            of the pigeons. Well done, everyone.
    KEILOR: The Society has received a                  27 August at 4 pm. Entries up to 15,000
    grant from the “Restoring Community War             words in length, non-fiction and previously         WARRAGUL: The society meets in the Old
    Memorials Grants Program 2009-2010” for             unpublished are eligible for a $1,000 prize. For    Shire Hall, Queen St, Warragul on the last
    the Keilor Cenotaph Enhancement Project,            entry forms ring 9510 3393 or visit www.pmi.        Monday of the month at 7.30pm. Notes from
    which aims to display the names recorded on                            the June guest speaker, Kevin Richardson,
    the Honour Rolls in the Old Shire Hall in a                                                             on the subject of Brandy Creek are included
                                                        PYRAMID HILL: “Trekking with Burke
    public place, in the surrounds of the Cenotaph.                                                         in the July newsletter. It was the Post Office
                                                        and Wills 150 years ago”. A program of events
                                                                                                            which changed the name of Brandy Creek to
    KOO-WEE-RUP SWAMP: The society was                  has been prepared to celebrate the 150th
                                                                                                            Buln Buln.
    successful in a grant application to Cardinia       anniversary of Burke & Wills, including walks
    Shire Council, which covers half the cost           and bus tours from 29 August to 1 September.        WARRNAMBOOL: The renovations to
    of new security doors and shutters for their        Email for details, or           History House have been completed and
    headquarters at Mallow House.                       see their website       the collection returned. It is now open
                                                        au/index4.html.                                     each weekday afternoon except Friday,
    KYNETON: The society will hold a Burke                                                                  from 1.30 to 4 pm. See the website www.
    and Wills trip on Sunday 22 August. Meeting at      QUEENSCLIFFE: A bus trip to Ballarat
    78 Piper St, Kyneton, at 10.30 sharp, members       will be held on Thursday 26 August, leaving
    will travel to Lancefield to catch up with others   Queenscliff at 9 am and returning by 5 pm.          WAVERLEY: A short Annual General
    at Macedonia House at 11 am. BYO lunch,             Stops will include the Eureka Centre and the        Meeting will be held on Sunday 22 August,
    drinks, sturdy shoes for walking, gold coin         Art Gallery of Ballarat. The bus and tours          followed by “A Time to Remember – 1937” -
    donation appreciated. Enquiries: kynetonhs@         will cost $40 per person, refreshments at           an afternoon at the flicks. Meet at St Philip’s                                        own expense. Enquiries: 5258 2511 or email          Church, Stephenson’s Rd, Mt Waverley at 2
                                                                          pm. Please bring a plate to share. Enquiries:
    LEONGATHA: The Society will display                                                                     9802 9332.
    antique items from their collection at the          RICHMOND & BURNLEY: The “Yarraberg
    Daffodil Festival on 27, 27 and 28 August.          History Walk” will be held on Sunday 19
    Join their own “Antiques Road Show” – bring         September. There will be a morning and an
    along items to be valued by Simon Ford of
    Inverloch. The cost is a gold coin donation,
                                                        afternoon walk. For further details check the
                                                        website or              History

    and will commence at 1.15 pm.                       call 9428 6231.
    MALMSBURY: Sue Walter has written a                 RINGWOOD: On Tuesday 24 August
    new book called Gold ‘n greens: a history of the    Associate Professor John Murphy, from the
    Chinese of Malmsbury and District , about initial   School of Historical Studies, the Australian
    gold seeking and later market gardening of the      Centre at Melbourne University will talk about
                                                                                                                    ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA INC.
    Chinese community. This is available for $38        the history of poverty in Australia with emphasis
                                                                                                                    239 A’BECKETT STREET MELBOURNE 3000
    plus $9.50 postage from The Secretary, PO           on welfare and social implications. Meet at the     		            		           		            		
                                                        Federation Estate (old Ringwood State School)                             Phone: 9326 9288
    Box 113, Malmsbury 3446.
                                                        in Greenwood Avenue, Ringwood, Room 4,                                     Fax: 9326 9477
    MARYSVILLE: The Society is pleased to
                                                        at 8pm.                                                       website:
    report that they have been able to purchase a
                                                        ROMSEY & LANCEFIELD: The Autumn                                  email:
    house which survived the bushfire to be their
    new headquarters. They took possession in           2010 edition of the Romsey & Lancefield Record                           ABN 36 520 675 471
    mid-June. The new address will be 39 Darwin         carries a tribute to their member, the late                            Registration No. A2529
    Street, Marysville. They do not expect to be        Helen Broad. Helen was also a member of the                        Office Hours: Monday to Friday
    able to open until sometime next year.We wish       Mornington Historical Society, and a loved                                   9am to 5pm
    them luck in their new home.                        and respected member of the Royal Historical                      Library Hours: Monday to Friday
                                                        Society of Victoria.
    MILITARY – VIC: On Thursday 26 August                                                                                           10am to 4pm
    Will Davies, author of Beneath Hill 60, will        SHEPPARTON: The Society has a wonderful                                  ESTABLISHED 1909
    speak about his research. Meetings are              new website: see www.heritageshepparton.                  President                Prof Bill Russell
    held at the Oakleigh RSL, Drummond         On this website you can read about the            Executive Officer        Kate Prinsley
    St, Oakleigh, starting at 8.15 pm. Visitors         150th Anniversary of Shepparton and the book              Administrative Officer   Gerardine Horgan
    welcome. Enquiries: 9749 5829 or email              the society is about to publish in celebration.           Local History Officer    Vicki Court                           ST KILDA CEMETERY: The Friends’                           Volunteer Co-ordinator   Christine Cooze
    MORWELL: On 6 June, in a combined                   forthcoming tour through the cemetery is
    project of the Historical Society, the Morwell      “Booksellers, Authors & Literati”, Sunday                Design and Artwork: John Gillespie 0419 135 332
    Rotary Club and the Latrobe Council, a              22 August, 2.00 pm. Tour leader: Elizabeth
                                                                                                                           Printed by: Igroup 9552 8000
    Bills Horse Trough was moved to its original        Hore. Meet at Dandenong Road entrance,
    location on the median strip of Hazelwood Rd        Melways Ref 58 F9. Cost: $10.00 including
    and Commercial Road intersection. It has been       refreshments (members of FOSKC free).
    restored now serves as a pioneer memorial.          Bookings essential, contact 9531 6832 or 0422
                                                        379 053.
    NEWSTEAD: The annual get-together of
    members and friends will be held on Saturday    TALBOT: In February this year the Society                      The RHSV acknowledges the support of the Victorian
    21 August at 6.30 pm at the Courthouse. Bring   launched a new book – the Diary of Bandsman                            Government through Arts Victoria
                                                    H E Krutli, D Company, 14th Battalion, 4th
    a plate of food to share and a drink if you wish.
                                                    Infantry Brigade, Australian Imperial Forces                     Items for publication should be sent to the
    Tea and coffee will be available and the open                                                                              Executive Officer, RHSV
    fire will be burning. Enquiries: 5476 2006.     (AOF), September 1914 to April 1916. The book                        email:
                                                    costs $20, and can be obtained by emailing                             Copy closes 10th of the month
    OUYEN: On Friday 3 September, the day
                                           or phone 5461
    of the Great Australian Vanilla Slice Triumph,                                 PRINT POST APPROVED PP336663/00011
    the society invites you to join them for a meal                                                                             ISSN 1326-2696


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Fundamental to the success of

  • 1. History NEWS HISTORY WEEK 24 – 31 October Issue No. 288 AUG 2010 Royal Historical Society of Victoria Facts & Fables – making Calling all History Week 2010 event details local history History Week 2010 is being held from Sunday 24 October to Sunday 31 October and a range of exciting events are planned. Saturday 28 & Sunday 29 August But we need your event details to add to the list! The RHSV conference – Bendigo To make sure your event is included on the History Week website, Come and spend an inspiring and stimulating weekend in please send the following information to: Bendigo taking part in our conference. • the event title; The flexibility of the weekend allows you to book for any • a brief description of the event; or all of the weekend’s events; these include Saturday’s informative excursion to historical sites associated with the • the location of the event; 150th anniversary of the Burke and Wills expedition; or the • the event time; conference dinner when the guest speaker will be the Sir • a cost (if any); and John Monash Distinguished Professor, Graeme Davison on • a contact (name and telephone number) for more Facts and Fables: making history; or Sunday’s session when information. excellent speakers will be discussing different ways in making We’ll then provide you with a copy of the official History Week local history. logo to include on all of your promotional material and send The full conference program and booking form is included you a bunch of postcards to promote History Week to your local with this newsletter or can be downloaded from the RHSV community. website. If you don’t have anything planned as yet, put your thinking caps on. Possible event topics include: Bookings close Monday 23 August. • history walking tours around town; • Open House ‘behind the scenes’ tours of historical buildings; • celebrating the life of a local identity; BOOK SALE • exploring the history of housing styles in your area; • tracing your family history; SUNDAY 12 SEPTEMBER 10am – 4pm • creating a town time capsule; and/or Bring out your books!!!! • welcoming a guest speaker to talk on an area of interest to residents. We need books for the famous RHSV Annual Book Sale!! Make sure you get back to Samantha Smith, History Week Clean out your bookshelves; reduce that heap of books on your Coordinator and send her an email with your details bed side table!!! by the 28 August 2010. If you have any books that you no longer need please ‘phone us And help spread the word! on 9326 9288 and we’ll come and collect them. Speak to your local school, newspaper, radio station and Alternatively you can drop them off at the RHSV – there is 10 community groups and invite them to become involved with minute free parking outside the front door. and promote History Week. We welcome books on any topic. Join in on the celebrations and make this year’s History Week another stunning success! Any offers of help gratefully received. For all enquiries, please contact the Royal Historical Society of Victoria on (03) 9326 9288. Thank You The Royal Historical Society of Victoria would like to thank the LECTURE – Tuesday 10 August Vera Moore Foundation for once again supporting History Week. Small historical societies and larger organizations are brought VICTORIA IN FOCUS: The RHSV’s together by the RHSV under the umbrella of History Week – Photography Collection the cumulative effect is a fabulous array of events throughout Victoria. This would not be possible without the support of the Tuesday 10 August Vera Moore Foundation. Speaker: Michele Summerton The RHSV will be announcing its HISTORY WEEK grants Where: RHSV program for affiliated historical societies in the September edition Time: tea/coffee 5.45 Lecture 5.15pm of History News Cost: Members Free Non- Members $5.50 1
  • 2. RHSV NEWS Exhibition on the Catalan Community in Victoria Community history ignored in Did you know that Catalan people were the first ones to grow tomatoes in Australia? Did election campaign you know that the famous Australian meat pie was a French-Catalan invention? The The national peak body, The Federation of Australian Historical connection of the Catalan community with Societies representing over 100,000 historical society members in Victoria was central to the development of Australia is disappointed that none of the major political parties has so Melbourne in the beginning of the 20thC. Indeed, one can still recognise the influence far paid attention to the community history movement’s important role of those Catalan pioneers in Victoria. during the current federal election campaign. Myriades Associacio Cultural is organising an exhibition on the Catalan community in Don Garden, President of the Federation through the development of local history Australia. If you have any information or of Australian Historical Societies, argues museums and tourist information on other contacts of people from Catalan or Spanish that community history deserves far more historic places. descent, please get in touch with Lluisa support. He urges party leaders to clearly Suppor t for community histor y at or acknowledge this in their policy statements. organisations to provide essential resources 0415977530. ‘Community histor y volunteers do for the new National Curriculum in Lluisa Vilalta is Project Manager at invaluable work that would be far more History. Myriades Associacio Cultural, a non-for- expensive if undertaken by government Support that allows community history profit organisation based in Barcelona. agencies’, Associate Professor Garden organisations to protect heritage places said. ‘Particularly in rural and suburban and collections from climate change’s Welcome Jane areas’, he continued, ‘they make significant predicted impacts. contributions to local economies. Assuming At the July council meeting, Council was that the estimated 100,000 members each Associate Professor Garden warns that delighted to co-opt Jane Carolan onto the contributes an average of one hour of their failure to offer such assistance would Council. A full introduction to Jane will time per month, valued conservatively at have dire consequences. ‘Many historical be published in the September edition of $20 per hour, this gives a total of about societies’, he added, ‘are already under History News. $24 million per annum.’ considerable financial pressure, finding it increasingly difficult to undertake tasks Wonderful Whites Many of those contributions are now under that the wider community expects and threat unless greater government assistance values.’ He calls on parties contesting The Society is grateful to Whites Law is provided. Examples include – Binder y who have been re-binding the federal election to properly address damaged volumes of the Sands and Support and training to preserve, protect, societies’ concerns. McDougall Directories of Victoria on our display and digitise the large number of Contact behalf. valuable collections held by community history organisations. Federation of Australian Historical Members will understand the very heavy Societies use made of these volumes and the Greater support to enable community inevitable wear and tear given the number history organisations to contribute as of pages and the fragility of the paper. Ted effectively as possible to tourism, especially Congdon and Chris McIntyre are terrific to deal with and we are thrilled with the newly stitched and newly covered volumes. The Company acquired our former binder, Open house at the Drill Hall Apollo Moon, some years ago and all Over the weekend of 24 and 25 July the RHSV participated for the first time business is now conducted at White’s office in Glenhuntly Road, South Caulfield. in Melbourne Open House as one of fifty-nine buildings in the city which opened their doors to the public. Nearly 550 visitors, many of whom had We strongly recommend the firm to members interested in binding and printing never been to the Drill Hall before, streamed through the building. We had jobs, no matter how small. a lot to offer with Jenny Davies’ Beyond the Facade exhibition about Flinders Street, as well as our splendid Art Deco building and mysterious historical activities. The RHSV Foundation Owing to the window project still being underway (to assist in dust-proofing continues to build our Collection), a huge amount of re-organising and cleaning had to be done We are delighted to announce the support to present a fresh face to the public. So our grateful thanks to Lenore Frost of our most recent Foundation Founder: who managed and contributed so much to our involvement in Melbourne Dr. Hugh Anderson Open House, and to Society volunteers who helped both with the cleaning We wish to correct a mistake – in the and shifting, and with their presence during the Open House: Liz Coady, June edition of History News we forgot to Marg Connor, Jenny Davies, Joan Hunt, Lorraine James, Andrew include Olwen Ford, along with Frank Lemon, Chris Manchee, Norma Mullins, Jane Nigro, Diana Phoenix, Ford, as a recent Foundation Founder. Susan Priestley, John Rose, Simon Smith, David Thompson, Brian We apologise for forgetting her name and Ward. Furthermore, our many thanks to staff member Gerardine Horgan thank her very much for her generous in the last minute rush. support. who was stalwart in her help and advice 2
  • 3. WHAT’S ON TUESDAY 31 AUGUST 23 SEPTEMBER From the President Having had the opportunity, for the first time in my career, for a two month research visit to England, I came back at the end of June with horizons broadened. Was the mind deepened? Who can say. My absence PATRON: Prof David de Kretser AC Speaker: overlapped to some extent with that of our The Great Melbourne Governor of Victoria Dr Richard PRESIDENT: Prof Lynne Selwood MSc PhD Executive Officer, Kate Prinsley, who was The Royal Society of Telescope: Restoring our Victoria Gillespie off on her Churchill Fellowship tour of and Museum Victoria community heritage facilities in America astronomical heritage The Royal Historical “The Great Melbourne and the UK. Kate returned last week, at Flinders Street Station Society of Victoria Telescope: Restoring JOINT ANNUAL LECTURE: our astronomical the end of July. Each of us can only say Exhibition’ celebration Joint Annual Lecture: heritage” sincere thanks to all those who kept the The Royal Society of Victoria Pre-Lecture Refreshments from 6.15pm 23rd September Cost of refreshments $20 pay on the night Please join us for an ‘end of the Flinders RSVP for catering is essential by 12 noon wheels turning. Street Station Exhibition’ celebration on and the RHSV2010 21st September 2010 (Telephone 7pm 96635259 or email: In particular I am thinking of our Office Tuesday 31 August. Jason Robert’s water Speaker: Dr Richard Gillespie at the Royal Society Hall Entrance now at 8 La Trobe Street Manager, Gerardine Horgan and to colour of Flinders Street Station will be Where: Royal Society Hall, entrance Christine Cooze and Vicki Court for doing up for auction as well as several of the now at 8 LaTrobe Street, so much more than merely holding the fort. other framed copies of the architectural Melbourne drawings. Indeed I am so impressed by all that Time: Pre-lecture refreshments happened during my absence that it is Where: Royal Historical Society of 6.15pm (Cost $20 on the tempting to disappear again! When I Victoria night) returned the windows double-glazing When: Tuesday 31 August. project was all but complete, a real benefit Lecture: 7pm to the Society and its collections that came 5.30pm to 7pm. RSVP: for catering essential 12 noon directly from the Federal government Cost: Free 21 Sept, telephone 9663 5259 Jobs Fund project and indirectly from To assist with catering please RSVP by or email rsv& advocacy by the Federation of Australian Thursday 26 August Historical Societies on which the RHSV is represented. Renovations try the patience of the most saintly, but the end result is TUESDAY 14 SEPTEMBER already appreciated with much reduced noise levels, better temperature control The Many Lives of Kenneth Myer and much less dust. It is pleasing to know Speaker: Sue Ebury Ken Myer introduced Australia to the first that many regional historical societies have regional shopping centres, with Chadstone also had the benefit of this funding for their Venue: RHSV premises. changing the face of the Australian Time: 5.15 tea/coffee. Lecture 5.45 landscape. Parking meters, state of the Not only the windows were in place. So Cost: Members Free art information systems at the National was the planning for our end of August Library of Australia, ground-breaking conference in Bendigo – please make a Non Members $5.50 medical research at The Howard Florey point of joining us in this wonderful historic When Kenneth Baillieu Myer’s father Institute and genetic engineering at city where we will consider facts and fable fell dead on the footpath in 1934, Ken’s CSIRO were all facilitated by him. in the presentation of local history, and life changed in an instant. As the eldest Visionary and romantic, he was depressive get some new insights into the Burke and son of the Jewish immigrant retailing and driven, charming one moment, icy Wills expedition which headed off to the genius, Sidney Baevski Myer, who went the next. Unpretentious and a passionate outback 150 years ago this month. Also from pedlar to philanthropist millionaire conservationist, he was generous both in place was the temporary exhibition at in fifteen years, 13-year-old Ken was publicly and anonymously, giving away his A’Beckett Street to mark the centenary of immediately acknowledged as head of the fortune and in doing so founding modern Flinders Street station curated by Jenny family. philanthropy in Australia. Happiest when Davies. Her energy and enthusiasm gave Despite a conventional education at finally free of the Store, he died with his the RHSV our most successful and visited Geelong Grammar and a year at Princeton wifeYasuko in a light plane crash in Alaska exhibition in years. By popular demand it University, Ken was an unconventional in 1992. has been extended till the end of August: man. He had hit headlines when he With unprecedented access to family make a point of coming to see it, or see it was born and continued to make news documents, Sue Ebury paints a vivid again, before it closes. throughout his life-as the powerful portrait of the many aspects of Ken Myer’s Also in place were arrangements for Executive Chairman of Myer; in his refusal life, and the man himself. the RHSV’s first involvement in the to be Governor-General of Australia; with Melbourne Open House weekend at his separation and divorce from his wife Sue Ebury was born and educated in New the end of July, where our former Drill Prue and remarriage to a Japanese woman Zealand. After nineteen years as an editor Hall was one of dozens of distinctive half his age,Yasuko Hiraoka; as Chairman and publishing director at an international buildings open to the public. Our co vice- of the Victorian Arts Centre and the publishing house, she moved to Hong Kong, president Lenore Frost organised a team National Library of Australia; and during where she edited The War Diaries of Weary of volunteers to welcome the curious, and his disastrous years as Chairman of the Dunlop and wrote the bestselling biography the Society’s headquarters have never ABC-a reward for signing the ‘Myer It’s Weary: The Life of Sir Edward Dunlop. been so attractively presented. We were time’ letter, acknowledged by Whitlam as rewarded by nearly 600 visitors over the influential in bringing the Labor Party to continued page 6 power in 1972. 3
  • 4. BOOKS RECEIVED BOOKS RECEIVED on each of the governors from Phillip to In its own words, ‘a compilation of interviews, We note below relevant items sent to the Marie Bashir. Written by different authors, photographs and articles’ that aims to Society. Interested groups or authors are each essay focuses on the time each governor ‘encapsulate the spirit of Birchip and its invited to contribute to this valuable service spent in New South Wales. Reading them people’ in a ‘coffee table book’.The common to members in the News and through possible together gives some insight into the changing theme from the diverse interviews is that deposit in the library. Some items may later roles of governors.They also remind us of the their town is their home. This message is be reviewed in the Journal. continuing power that governors can wield. conveyed in the stunning recent photographs taken by Glenys Rickard as well as the rich Bill Billett, Mont St Quentin, Rachel Cook, Closets Are For Clothes, images from the past. The result is much A S o l d i e r ’s B a t t l e , R o s e n b e r g , A History of Queer Australia, Black more than a ‘coffee table book’. While it does S y d n e y, 2 0 0 9 , p p. 1 8 4 , $ 3 2 . 9 5 Dog, Melbourne, 2010, pp. 147, $18.99 not substitute for the sustained analytical The publishing of military histories continues Written specifically for teenagers, the book narrative, it may well be attractive as a model to be a thriving enterprise. Ninety years ago, comprises excerpts of gay and lesbian history, for publication about other local areas. the battle of Mont St Quentin and Peronne a history of repression and change. Part of The Drum Series, it features fictionalised first- Linda Meadows and Dorothy Meadows resulted in an Australian victory and a further person accounts, often drawn from people (eds), Women of Chelsea and District, breaking of the stalemate on the Western ‘who actually existed’ and played a part in Chelsea and District Historical Society Front. Carried out by brigades of the 2nd and queer history. These are clearly identified as I n c. , P O B ox 3 7 7 , C h e l s e a , 3 1 9 6 5th Divisions under the ultimate command Produced by a committee of women, the of Monash, this battle is not as well-known such. Contributes to our understandings of the diversity of Australian society. book presents interesting stories from the as Villers-Bretonneux and Hamel but Billett lives of 29 women over more than a century. thinks it should be and his meticulous John Currey (ed.), Matthew Flinders, Its immediate usefulness is limited by the account shows its importance and relative The Investigator in Port Phillip, fact that there is no index and no editorial oversight. T h e B a n k s S o c i e t y, 2 1 C r e s s y overview of the content. Assisted by the City Hugh Carroll, Mallee Roots to Vanilla S t , M a l ve r n , 3 1 4 4 , 2 0 0 9 , p p. 9 9 of Kingston, there is also no ISBN. Slices, Ouyen – One Hundred Years, Another elegantly produced booklet taken Melton & District Historical Society, PO Mallee Printers, Sea Lake, 2009, pp. from Flinders’ A Voyage to Terra Australis, Box 58, Melton, 3337 have produced the six 235, $40 + $10 post Available from published in 1814, and dealing with Flinders’ attractive booklets on identities, places, and Ouyen District History & Genealogy time in Port Phillip in April 1802 when he reminiscences; $12 for the set.The society has Centre, PO Box 131, Ouyen, 3490. climbed Arthurs Seat, landed at Mornington, also produced a CD-ROM entitled Melton Ouyen is well-served by this historical then Indented Head, crossed Corio Bay, Yesterday & Today, $15 + $3.50 post. narrative that clearly places local history climbed theYou-Yangs and inspected the area on the western side of the entrance. The Corner Shops of Ballarat, A History gleaned from rich newspaper, oral and visual and Directory, National Trust of Australia sources into wider contexts of an outside Penelope Hetherington, Paupers, Poor (Victoria) Ballarat Branch, c/- 301 Clissold world. Ouyen has its distinctive features but Relief and Poor Houses in Western St, Ballarat, 3350, 2009, pp. xvi + 86 its history is always bound up with the outside Australia,1829 to 1910, University ofWestern Funded by the Holsworth Trust, this is an world, not least because of the importance of Australia Press, Perth, 2009, pp. xiv + 202 attractive book that charts the sites and wheat. This must be an instructive read for A substantial contribution to Australia’s proprietors of corner shops. Well-researched those with Ouyen connections. Additionally, welfare history set against the often distinctive and illustrated but regrettably, without an it is an important contribution to broader history of Western Australia. ISBN number and containing a ‘forward’! understandings about the Mallee’s history, largely neglected by regional studies. Bronwen Hinz, Many Hopes, One Dream, M.J. Nolan, The Enterprising Life of Dr The Story of the Ethnic Communities Henry Backhaus, Bendigo Pioneer, M.J. Michael Cathcart, The Water Dreamers, Council of Victoria, Australian Scholarly Nolan, Bendigo, 2008, pp. 136, $25. Available The Remarkable Histor y Of Our Publishing, Melbourne, 2009, pp. xviii + 215 from Central Catholic Bookshop, Melbourne. D r y C o n t i n e n t, Te x t P u b l i s h i n g , An important scholarly account of nearly As the author notes, Backhaus ‘was one of Melbour ne, 2009, pp. 327, $34.95 40 years of advocacy and support for ethnic the most unusual’ Catholic priests in 19th This may well be one of those books that is groups in Victoria set within changing local century Australia, with not only considerable widely read and that has a continuing impact and world environments and sometimes beset interest in civic affairs but also in investment. on the ways we see ourselves and our land. with political debate. His notable success in the latter enabled the Cathcart focuses on the ways in which white building of Bendigo’s massive cathedral. settlers struggled with the lack of rainfall in so Noel Jackling, Dancing to Damnation?, Harold Wood and John Woodhouse in Nolan presents a documented study of this much of Australia. Not only did their contact man of many parts and helps to dispel the with Aboriginal peoples trigger a ‘battle for the fight to lift the ban on dancing on Methodist Church property, Uniting many myths about the man and his very land’ but ‘also a battle for water’ (p.6). In valuable estate. An interesting book of the process, explorers, settlers, novelists, Church Historical Society, PO Box 698, significance not only in Bendigo. poets, politicians and engineers have ‘dreamt’ Elsternwick, 3185, 2009, pp. ix + 179, $20 Kevin O’Reilly, In Just Five Years, The As the long title suggests, the author examines about solutions to the continent’s dryness. RAAF & Nhill in World War II, 1941- the changes in attitudes to dancing in the This is both an environmental and a cultural 1946, K. O’Reilly, 12 Kimber Court, Methodist Church and its adherents, and history of Australia that examines many of Dingley Village, 3172, 2009, pp. 208 the parts played by two leading figures – these ‘dreams’. In 21st century Australia it is In the author’s words, ‘a collection of Harold Wood, Principal of Methodist Ladies’ both a book for its time and for a long time articles, documents, reminiscences and after that. College, and John Woodhouse, influential photographs’ that describe the substantial layman – in the eventual lifting of the ban on David Clune and Ken Turner (eds), and important presence of both a navigation dancing on Methodist property in 1954. He The Gover nors of New South and later, an air armament and gas school relates the debate to social changes in 20th Wales, 1788-2010, Federation Press, for the RAAF during World War II. The century Melbourne in an enlightening text. Sydney, 2009, pp. xxii + 666, $59.95 collected evidence is wide-ranging and Published as part of the commemoration Anne McClelland, My Blood’s Country: includes much detail of interaction between the Spirit of Birchip, Birchip Business of responsible government in New South the training base and the town where the Wales, this book contains short biographies and Lear ning Centre, 77 Cumming author was growing up. Avenue, Birchip, 3483, 2009, pp. 160 4
  • 5. REPORT An inspiring and rewarding tour RHSV Executive Officer Kate Prinsley reports on her recent six week Churchill fellowship in the UK and US. T hree days back in my freezing cold to find out more about office at the RHSV and my mind the County Historian is wondering off to the ‘knee high by Program which is so 4th July’ corn fields of Indiana, the fast effective in Indiana and talking ‘corrrfee’ drinking New Yorkers, to look at volunteer- and the erudite English who as rain managed / volunteer- softly fell on St. Swithen’s day hoped led historical societies. that this wasn’t the traditional omen for Feeling like a member the end of the heat wave – with 40 days of the TV show The of rain to follow. Partridge Family, Jeff Harris, Director of Local My six week Churchill Fellowship – History Services, drove four weeks in the US and two weeks me around Indiana in in the UK – was to investigate the the local history services sustainability of local history in the white van visiting community: in terms of generating societies. Here I learnt the interest and, more particularly, in expression ‘community addressing succession planning for buy in’ means more volunteers. Kate Prinsley stands between a grandfather and than putting on relevant grandson - volunteers at the Wabash and Erie Canal In this short article I can only lightly exhibitions – ‘community Historical Society in Delphi Indiana sketch the organizations and people I buy in’ is raising funds met. The recommendations I would and I was ‘gob smacked’ make – the distillation of my thoughts at the extraordinary sums – will be the basis of my paper to be raised from the tiniest of towns. presented at our conference in Bendigo A sad good bye to Indiana and it’s off to on August 28th - 29th. Washington. There I had meetings with My research tour began in Nashville federal bodies; the Institute of Museum with a visit to the American Association and Library Services, the American of State and Local History (AASLH). Association of Museums and most What a strange place to find the head worthwhile librarians in the local history quarters of American local history – room at the Library of Congress. Along amongst the Civil War and Elvis!!! “Sure, the way I have become increasingly I know the answer to your problem” fascinated with the complex funding of said Bob Beatty, Director of Programs, local history and the role in local history “we have the same issues here and the of organisations such as the Daughters Reading Room solution is ……”. He proceeded to of the American Revolution (a quick The McLean County Museum of give me documents, contacts of people visit to their head quarters). History, Bloomington, Illinois. and workbooks that the AASLH have Then to Troy to visit the Museums developed – a great and very grateful Association of New York and onto way to start my project. research into volunteer led community New York City where I changed the groups. It all seemed perfect in Two days later and I’m off to Illinois tack of my research to look at dynamic England until my last week when David to meet Mary Anne Schierman of the local history programmes – a mix of Cameron, the new Prime Minister, American Association of Museum grass roots and the more established. asked government bodies to plan for up Volunteers. What an inspiring day it Meetings were held with the Museum to a 40% cut in funding and his ideas was to see practical and applicable of the City of New York, the Manhattan for the Big Society with the expectation examples of volunteer recruitment, Borough Historian, the Lower East being placed on volunteers to deliver management and programmes at the Side History Project, City Lore and the ‘core services’ – how this will impact on Macleigh County Historical Society American Social History Project. local history is of course yet to unfold. in Bloomington and the exemplary A quick hop across the pond and I’m management of volunteers at the I look forward to reporting more fully in England. I moved to Australia in and in detail about my Churchill Lincoln Library in Springfield. I finished 1995 and since then there have been off my Illinois sojourn with an excellent Fellowship and encourage RHSV enormous changes in arts funding in members to come to the Bendigo visit to the Chicago Metro History Britain: particularly National Lottery Centre. Conference – 28th -29th August. funding with its support of heritage Next the suitcase is packed again and and the Renaissance program funded I’m off to Indiana. My visit was hosted through (MLA) Museums Libraries by the ‘rock stars’ of local history – and Archives. I had time to explore two the Indiana Historical Society. I had local history services that had benefited approached them with two requests; from these schemes and to further my 5
  • 6. COMMUNITY NEWS GRANT APPLICATIONS NOW OPEN From the President Victoria’s Heritage Grants continued Applications are now open for Victoria’s Heritage Grants for Places and Objects and weekend, and of course we encouraged Heritage Studies and Advisory Services. them to think about joining the RHSV as Victoria’s Heritage Grants assists owners and managers of heritage places and members. I am really grateful to all our objects and local government heritage management in Victoria. volunteers who got the place ready and who helped out on the two days. Objects and Places grants funding is available for the repair, documentation and Behind the scenes, hours of planning interpretation of heritage places and objects. For guidelines and application forms were going into other projects: our hopes for Places and Objects grant funding, visit: for renewing and revitalising our long term tenancy of A’Beckett Street; our bid E9DAF62C8BEFBCA257759000F9308 for increased annual funding from Arts Victoria for the next three years; our joint Heritage Studies and Advisory Services grant funding is available for local project with the State Library of Victoria government Heritage Studies and Heritage Advisory Services. For guidelines and to put the Victorian Historical Journal application forms for Heritage Studies and Advisory Services, visit: on line. Our other co-vice president Dr Simon Smith, Richard Barnden and all the 25775900126CD5 members of the relevant sub-committees deserve our thanks. For 2009/10 local government heritage advisory grant recipients, please also note So – welcome back Kate, and a welcome that annual report spreadsheets to complete will be emailed to all recipients shortly. to our two new Council members Jane The Grants Information Line is 1300 366 356. Applicants are also encouraged to Carolan and Jenny Coates, and on with contact Heritage Victoria (ph: (03) 8644 8800) directly to discuss grant proposals. the show. Check out our What’s On, and I encourage members to attend next Tuesday evening’s lecture by Michelle ENQUIRIES: Summerton who will tell us about the Victoria’s Heritage Grants for Places and Objects funding program, riches of the RHSV’s wonderful images contact: collection. Tony Armstrong on (03) 8644 8893, or Andrew Lemon Megan McDougall on (03) 8644 8902, Victoria’s Heritage Grants for Heritage Studies and Advisory Services What a great idea....... funding program, contact: It’s that time again, when your Lisa Rogers on (03) 8644 8937, or Geoff Austin letterbox groans under the weight on (03) 8644 8894, or Ian Wight on (03) 8644 of election campaign materials, and 8954, you can’t step near a polling booth without being showered in paper. Before you start throwing things in Applications close Tuesday 24 August 2010. to the nearest recycling bin, consider Commemorating Eminent Australians this... By collecting political brochures, The second funding round of Commemorating Eminent Australians is now open. election pamphlets,how-to-vote The Commonwealth Department of Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts are cards and candidate posters, and calling for applications until Friday 13 August 2010. The Commemorating Eminent donating them to the State Library’s Australians grants program is designed to provide funding for the recognition of eminent Riley & Ephemera Collection, they Australians who have made a significant impact on Australia and the world. will illuminate our political history Eligible projects may include: for generations of researchers! • The conservation of graves of people of significance to Australia. It’s easy - just pop them in an • The conservation of monuments, objects, plaques and statues that commemorate envelope and address them to Katie eminent Australians. Flack, c/o the Australian History & LiteratureTeam in the Library’s Please see attached guidelines and application form (also available in Word docs from Access & Information Division. their website. State Library of Victoria. We also welcome donations For more information: relating to social justice campaigns, environmental campaigns, Heritage Projects Section community campaigns etc. Department of the Environment, Water, Heritage and the Arts GPO Box 787 Please include your name and CANBERRA ACT 2601 contact details if you would like an Tel: 1800 653 004 (free call) acknowledgment of your donation. Fax: (02) 6274 2095 Email: collections/collectors-their- collections/fred-riley 6
  • 7. Around the Societies AROUND THE SOCIETIES COLAC: On Saturday 28 August a General Meeting with a speaker will be held at the This column is compiled by Lenore Frost COPACC History Centre, at 1.30 pm. on behalf of History Victoria Support Group Enquiries: colachistoricalsociety@googlemail. using information provided by societies either com or phone 5232 1624. directly or contained in their newsletters. For the next issue please send details of DAYLESFORD: Glenlyon and Daylesford forthcoming events by 10 August to lenore10@ will celebrate 150 years since the formation of the Glenlyon Roads Board, the foundation entity of the current Hepburn Shire. The BAPTIST: Ken Edmonds will g ive Glenlyon Progress Association will hold a an illustrated talk, “Rembrandt and the weekend of festivities on 22-24 October. Waterlander Mennonites”, about possible Enquiries: contact Dave Johnson on 5348 7761 Kate Prinsley launches the On-line connections between Rembrandt and the early or email Guide. Mennonites who influenced Baptist origins. Meetings are held at the Auburn Baptist DUNOLLY: Goldfields Historical Society New resource for affiliated Church, 597 Burwood Rd, Hawthorn at 7.30 celebrated its 50 th Anniversary with the pm. Enquiries: 9729 1752. sealing of a time capsule. It was placed into a societies CAMBERWELL: Mr Vivian Kenney will specially constructed steel box and fitted into the disused fireplace at the Dunolly Museum. Members of the History Victoria Support address the Society on the subject of “Clocks” There is no-one left from the first meeting Group, a committee of the RHSV, have on Thursday 23 September in the Meeting held in 1960. been engaged in a project to update Room of the Hawthorn Town Hall (side entrance via car park) 360 Burwood Road, ECHUCA: Celebrating their 50th Anniversary, an earlier RHSV publication: Guide to Hawthorn, no time given. Enquiries: 9836 on 9 June at the Cargo Shed of the Port of Managing Historical Societies. While a Echuca Wharf, the society dedicated a plaque 3558. mere update was originally envisaged, to those persons responsible for the movement in fact it was realised quite early in the CARISBROOK: The society has opened to save the Wharf, bring back the boats to process that a major re-write was required, a new Research Centre, formerly the Infant Echuca, and to honour the first President and as the early edition pre-dated extensive use Welfare Centre next to the Town Hall. There Vice President of the society. are two Research Rooms – one for the public of personal computers. The Local History ELTHAM: A heritage walk will be held on and one for members. Equipment includes Grants Program assisted with a grant to computers, printers, scanners, film readers, Saturday 4 September, from 2 pm. For details enable us to provide a copy of the Guide and a Scanpro 2000 to digitise film. contact the society on to all our affiliated societies in CD format. or check the webpage C A S T L E M A I N E : P r o f e s s o r Ja n e t elthamdhs. Recognising that a CD full of links to McCalman will speak about the “Tasmanian useful information will also become Convicts Project” at the meeting of Monday FITZROY: “My native place: Alfred Deakin in outdated over time, an online updateable 6 September. Meetings are held at the Former Fitzroy” will be presented by Carole Woods on version was also planned. The online Courthouse, 7 Goldsmith Cres, Castlemaine at Thursday 26 August at the Reading Room of 7.30 pm. Enquiries 5470 6072 or email chsi@ Fitzroy Library, Napier Street, Fitzroy at 7.30 version was launched at the History pm. Carole will discuss Deakin’s reflections Victoria Support Group seminar in on childhood, memory and literature, and Rutherglen on 29 May by our Executive CHELTENHAM CEMETERY: The next his connections with Fitzroy. Enquiries: Officer, Kate Prinsley. The CD version tours at the Cheltenham Memorial Park, will be posted to affiliated societies a little Wangara Rd, will be “Mostly Murders”. They will be held on Sunday 12 September at 2 pm FOOTSCRAY: The next meeting will be later in the year. This will contain useful held at Ercildoone, corner of Napier and and Sunday 31 October at 11 am. Tours are information for running your historical Hyde Streets, Footscray, on Sunday 15 August $10 for non-members, and $5 for members. society, including pro forma templates, Bookings essential – either online at www.focrc. at 2 pm. To celebrate 150 years at Footscray advice on roles of office bearers, collection org/tours.htm or ring Vivienne on 5420 7671. Primary School, Stephen Palmer will relate policies, and so on. memories of his time at the school. Enquiries: CINEMA & THEATRE: Northern suburbs You can access the online Guide here: cinemas/former cinemas inspection, including the former Rivoli, West Preston and Regent INVERLOCH: The restoration of the Rocket htm . Material is still being progressively theatres will take place on Saturday 21 August. Shed has proceeded, with construction work loaded onto the website. For further details see the website www.caths. completed except for finials, downpipes and barge rolls. These will be completed after the We are grateful for the assistance of the shed has been relocated, which is expected to Local History Grants Program to enable be early August. Relevant permits have yet to us to produce the Guide to Managing be obtained, and the weather is expected to Historical Societies. have an effect. 7
  • 8. the Societies Around Around the Societies KANGAROO GROUND: The Andrew at the Ouyen Community Club in the evening. TERANG: The society reports that a number Ross Museum’s most recent publication, The Numbers are required for booking. For further of hard-working members removed the tin Christmas Hills story by Mick Woiwod, was details, email or phone from their museum roof to remove droppings, launched at the museum on 1 August. This 5092 1763. dead and live pigeons, eggs, nests, etc from the is a 275 page illustrated volume. Enquiries: roof space, the iron replaced with Tex screws, PRAHRAN MECHANICS: The closing and wire netting put in place to stop the return date for the PMI Short History Prize is Friday of the pigeons. Well done, everyone. KEILOR: The Society has received a 27 August at 4 pm. Entries up to 15,000 grant from the “Restoring Community War words in length, non-fiction and previously WARRAGUL: The society meets in the Old Memorials Grants Program 2009-2010” for unpublished are eligible for a $1,000 prize. For Shire Hall, Queen St, Warragul on the last the Keilor Cenotaph Enhancement Project, entry forms ring 9510 3393 or visit www.pmi. Monday of the month at 7.30pm. Notes from which aims to display the names recorded on the June guest speaker, Kevin Richardson, the Honour Rolls in the Old Shire Hall in a on the subject of Brandy Creek are included PYRAMID HILL: “Trekking with Burke public place, in the surrounds of the Cenotaph. in the July newsletter. It was the Post Office and Wills 150 years ago”. A program of events which changed the name of Brandy Creek to KOO-WEE-RUP SWAMP: The society was has been prepared to celebrate the 150th Buln Buln. successful in a grant application to Cardinia anniversary of Burke & Wills, including walks Shire Council, which covers half the cost and bus tours from 29 August to 1 September. WARRNAMBOOL: The renovations to of new security doors and shutters for their Email for details, or History House have been completed and headquarters at Mallow House. see their website the collection returned. It is now open au/index4.html. each weekday afternoon except Friday, KYNETON: The society will hold a Burke from 1.30 to 4 pm. See the website www. and Wills trip on Sunday 22 August. Meeting at QUEENSCLIFFE: A bus trip to Ballarat 78 Piper St, Kyneton, at 10.30 sharp, members will be held on Thursday 26 August, leaving will travel to Lancefield to catch up with others Queenscliff at 9 am and returning by 5 pm. WAVERLEY: A short Annual General at Macedonia House at 11 am. BYO lunch, Stops will include the Eureka Centre and the Meeting will be held on Sunday 22 August, drinks, sturdy shoes for walking, gold coin Art Gallery of Ballarat. The bus and tours followed by “A Time to Remember – 1937” - donation appreciated. Enquiries: kynetonhs@ will cost $40 per person, refreshments at an afternoon at the flicks. Meet at St Philip’s own expense. Enquiries: 5258 2511 or email Church, Stephenson’s Rd, Mt Waverley at 2 pm. Please bring a plate to share. Enquiries: LEONGATHA: The Society will display 9802 9332. antique items from their collection at the RICHMOND & BURNLEY: The “Yarraberg Daffodil Festival on 27, 27 and 28 August. History Walk” will be held on Sunday 19 Join their own “Antiques Road Show” – bring September. There will be a morning and an along items to be valued by Simon Ford of Inverloch. The cost is a gold coin donation, afternoon walk. For further details check the website or History NEWS and will commence at 1.15 pm. call 9428 6231. MALMSBURY: Sue Walter has written a RINGWOOD: On Tuesday 24 August new book called Gold ‘n greens: a history of the Associate Professor John Murphy, from the Chinese of Malmsbury and District , about initial School of Historical Studies, the Australian gold seeking and later market gardening of the Centre at Melbourne University will talk about ROYAL HISTORICAL SOCIETY OF VICTORIA INC. Chinese community. This is available for $38 the history of poverty in Australia with emphasis 239 A’BECKETT STREET MELBOURNE 3000 plus $9.50 postage from The Secretary, PO on welfare and social implications. Meet at the Federation Estate (old Ringwood State School) Phone: 9326 9288 Box 113, Malmsbury 3446. in Greenwood Avenue, Ringwood, Room 4, Fax: 9326 9477 MARYSVILLE: The Society is pleased to at 8pm. website: report that they have been able to purchase a ROMSEY & LANCEFIELD: The Autumn email: house which survived the bushfire to be their new headquarters. They took possession in 2010 edition of the Romsey & Lancefield Record ABN 36 520 675 471 mid-June. The new address will be 39 Darwin carries a tribute to their member, the late Registration No. A2529 Street, Marysville. They do not expect to be Helen Broad. Helen was also a member of the Office Hours: Monday to Friday able to open until sometime next year.We wish Mornington Historical Society, and a loved 9am to 5pm them luck in their new home. and respected member of the Royal Historical Library Hours: Monday to Friday Society of Victoria. MILITARY – VIC: On Thursday 26 August 10am to 4pm Will Davies, author of Beneath Hill 60, will SHEPPARTON: The Society has a wonderful ESTABLISHED 1909 speak about his research. Meetings are new website: see www.heritageshepparton. President Prof Bill Russell held at the Oakleigh RSL, Drummond On this website you can read about the Executive Officer Kate Prinsley St, Oakleigh, starting at 8.15 pm. Visitors 150th Anniversary of Shepparton and the book Administrative Officer Gerardine Horgan welcome. Enquiries: 9749 5829 or email the society is about to publish in celebration. Local History Officer Vicki Court ST KILDA CEMETERY: The Friends’ Volunteer Co-ordinator Christine Cooze MORWELL: On 6 June, in a combined forthcoming tour through the cemetery is project of the Historical Society, the Morwell “Booksellers, Authors & Literati”, Sunday Design and Artwork: John Gillespie 0419 135 332 Rotary Club and the Latrobe Council, a 22 August, 2.00 pm. Tour leader: Elizabeth Printed by: Igroup 9552 8000 Bills Horse Trough was moved to its original Hore. Meet at Dandenong Road entrance, location on the median strip of Hazelwood Rd Melways Ref 58 F9. Cost: $10.00 including and Commercial Road intersection. It has been refreshments (members of FOSKC free). restored now serves as a pioneer memorial. Bookings essential, contact 9531 6832 or 0422 379 053. NEWSTEAD: The annual get-together of members and friends will be held on Saturday TALBOT: In February this year the Society The RHSV acknowledges the support of the Victorian 21 August at 6.30 pm at the Courthouse. Bring launched a new book – the Diary of Bandsman Government through Arts Victoria H E Krutli, D Company, 14th Battalion, 4th a plate of food to share and a drink if you wish. Infantry Brigade, Australian Imperial Forces Items for publication should be sent to the Tea and coffee will be available and the open Executive Officer, RHSV fire will be burning. Enquiries: 5476 2006. (AOF), September 1914 to April 1916. The book email: costs $20, and can be obtained by emailing Copy closes 10th of the month OUYEN: On Friday 3 September, the day or phone 5461 of the Great Australian Vanilla Slice Triumph, PRINT POST APPROVED PP336663/00011 3340. the society invites you to join them for a meal ISSN 1326-2696 8