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Dependency Injection 2015
The functional way without IoC container
Why to talk about ?
IoC container granted from the start.
Developers argue about which framework to chose and not the
problem to solve.
DI vs. IoC
Inversion of Control (IoC) :
Objects don’t create other objects. They get them from outside
Dependency Injection (DI) :
Subset of IoC that means that object creation is done without the object
intervention, usually by a framework component
public class EnrollmentCommandHandler
private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository;
private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository;
private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository;
public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository,
ClassRepository classRepository,
StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository)
_studentRepository = studentRepository;
_classRepository = classRepository;
_studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository;
public void Enroll(StudentEnrollCommand command)
var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId);
var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId);
catch (Exception e)
// log
New requirements
Log, Security, Audit, Cache…Cross Cutting Concerns
public class EnrollmentCommandHandler
private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository;
private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository;
private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository;
private readonly UnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
private readonly EnrollementNotificationService _notificationService;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly AuthorizationService _authorizationService;
private readonly CalendarService _calendarService;
private readonly ServiceFoo _serviceFoo;
private readonly ServiceBlah _serviceBlah;
private readonly FactoryFoo _facoFactoryFoo;
private readonly FactoryBlah _factoryBlah;
public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository,
ClassRepository classRepository,
StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository,
UnitOfWork unitOfWork,
EnrollementNotificationService notificationService,
ILogger logger,
AuthorizationService authorizationService,
CalendarService calendarService,
ServiceFoo serviceFoo,
ServiceBlah serviceBlah,
FactoryFoo facoFactoryFoo,
FactoryBlah factoryBlah
_studentRepository = studentRepository;
_classRepository = classRepository;
_studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository;
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
_notificationService = notificationService;
_logger = logger;
_authorizationService = authorizationService;
_calendarService = calendarService;
_serviceFoo = serviceFoo;
_serviceBlah = serviceBlah;
_facoFactoryFoo = facoFactoryFoo;
_factoryBlah = factoryBlah;
public void Handles(StudentEnrollCommand command)
var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId);
var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId);
…or better… AOP to the rescue
public class EnrollmentCommandHandler
private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository;
private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository;
private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository;
public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository,
ClassRepository classRepository,
StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository)
_studentRepository = studentRepository;
_classRepository = classRepository;
_studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository;
public void Handles(StudentEnrollCommand command)
var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId);
var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId);
catch (Exception e)
// log
Yes, but container can do more !
AOP with interception
var calculator = new Calculator();
var calculatorProxy = Intercept.ThroughProxy<ICalculator>(calculator,
new InterfaceInterceptor(), new[] { new LogBehavior() });
but one must :
• know Dynamic Proxy pattern
• know the difference of Instance and Type Interceptors
• know Interception behaviors
• not forget VIRTUAL keyword on methods
• wire up IoC container correctly
Really ?!!! Is this…
DI flavors
IoC with conventions...
Scan(x =>
DI flavors
IoC with conventions...
Scan(x =>
DI flavors
IoC with manual configuration...
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IService, Service>(“Service”);
new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter(typeof(IS
Func<IUnityContainer, object> factoryFunc = c => new ServiceDecorator(ne
container.RegisterType<IService, ServiceDecorator>();
DI flavors
IoC with manual configuration...
var container = new UnityContainer();
container.RegisterType<IService, Service>(“Service”);
new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter(typeof(IS
Func<IUnityContainer, object> factoryFunc = c => new ServiceDecorator(ne
container.RegisterType<IService, ServiceDecorator>();
DI flavors
IoC with XML configuration...
<typeAlias alias="string" type="System.String, mscorlib" />
<typeAlias alias="ILogger" type="UnitySamples.ILogger, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="ConsoleLogger" type="UnitySamples.ConsoleLogger, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="DebugLogger" type="UnitySamples.DebugLogger, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="IContext" type="UnitySamples.IContext, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="UnityContext" type="UnitySamples.UnityContext, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="CustomerTasks" type="UnitySamples.CustomerTasks, UnitySamples" />
<type type="ILogger" mapTo="ConsoleLogger" name="defaultLogger"/>
<type type="ILogger" mapTo="DebugLogger" name="debugLogger"/>
<type type="IContext" mapTo="UnityContext">
<typeConfig extensionType="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.TypeInjectionElement, Microsoft.Practi
<param name="logger" parameterType="ILogger">
DI flavors
IoC with XML configuration...
<typeAlias alias="string" type="System.String, mscorlib" />
<typeAlias alias="ILogger" type="UnitySamples.ILogger, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="ConsoleLogger" type="UnitySamples.ConsoleLogger, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="DebugLogger" type="UnitySamples.DebugLogger, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="IContext" type="UnitySamples.IContext, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="UnityContext" type="UnitySamples.UnityContext, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="CustomerTasks" type="UnitySamples.CustomerTasks, UnitySamples" />
<type type="ILogger" mapTo="ConsoleLogger" name="defaultLogger"/>
<type type="ILogger" mapTo="DebugLogger" name="debugLogger"/>
<type type="IContext" mapTo="UnityContext">
<typeConfig extensionType="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.TypeInjectionElement, Microsoft.Practi
<param name="logger" parameterType="ILogger">
DI flavors
IoC with XML configuration...
<typeAlias alias="string" type="System.String, mscorlib" />
<typeAlias alias="ILogger" type="UnitySamples.ILogger, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="ConsoleLogger" type="UnitySamples.ConsoleLogger, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="DebugLogger" type="UnitySamples.DebugLogger, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="IContext" type="UnitySamples.IContext, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="UnityContext" type="UnitySamples.UnityContext, UnitySamples" />
<typeAlias alias="CustomerTasks" type="UnitySamples.CustomerTasks, UnitySamples" />
<type type="ILogger" mapTo="ConsoleLogger" name="defaultLogger"/>
<type type="ILogger" mapTo="DebugLogger" name="debugLogger"/>
<type type="IContext" mapTo="UnityContext">
<typeConfig extensionType="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.TypeInjectionElement, Microsoft.Practi
<param name="logger" parameterType="ILogger">
What problem do we try to solve ?
• Decoupling ?
• Testing ?
• Modular Design ?
• Dependencies management ?
Dependencies are bad....
public class EnrollmentCommandHandler
public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentReposit
ClassRepository classReposit
StudentArchiveRepository stu
UnitOfWork unitOfWork,
ILogger logger,
AuthorizationService authori
CalendarService calendarServ
ServiceFoo serviceFoo,
ServiceBlah serviceBlah,
FactoryFoo facoFactoryFoo,
FactoryBlah factoryBlah
Cyclic dependencies are evil....
public class EnrollmentCommandHandler
public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentReposit
ClassRepository classReposit
StudentArchiveRepository stu
UnitOfWork unitOfWork,
ILogger logger,
AuthorizationService authori
CalendarService calendarServ
ServiceFoo serviceFoo,
ServiceBlah serviceBlah,
FactoryFoo facoFactoryFoo,
FactoryBlah factoryBlah
public class EnrollmentCommandHandler
private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository;
private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository;
private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository;
public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository,
ClassRepository classRepository,
StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository)
_studentRepository = studentRepository;
_classRepository = classRepository;
_studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository;
public void Enroll(StudentEnrollCommand command)
var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId);
var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId);
Code we have....
public class EnrollmentCommandHandler
private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository;
private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository;
private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository;
public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository,
ClassRepository classRepository,
StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository)
_studentRepository = studentRepository;
_classRepository = classRepository;
_studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository;
public void Enroll(StudentEnrollCommand command)
var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId);
var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId);
Code that matters…
The rest is Plumbing code
Functional way
int Multiply(int a, int b)
return a * b;
Partial application
Func<int, int> multiplyBy10 = b => Multiply(10, b);
Functional way int a = 3;
int b = a + 7;
int c = b * 10;
Func<int, int> calcCFromA = a => CalcC(CalcB(a));
int CalcCFromA(int a, int b, int c)
return (a + 7) * 10;
int CalcCFromA(int a, int b, int c)
return CalcC(CalcB(a));
let calcCFromA = calcB >> calcC
public class EnrollmentCommandHandler
private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository;
private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository;
private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository;
public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository,
ClassRepository classRepository,
StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository)
_studentRepository = studentRepository;
_classRepository = classRepository;
_studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository;
public void Enroll(StudentEnrollCommand command)
var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId);
var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId);
Refactor this…
public void Enroll(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository,
StudentEnrollCommand command)
var student = studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId);
var @class = classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId);
to this…
var studentRepository = new StudentRepository();
var classRepository = new ClassRepository();
Action<StudentEnrollCommand> studentEnrollPipeline = c =>
handlers.Enroll(studentRepository, classRepository, c);
Bootstrap in one place…
public void Enroll(EnrollmentRendering r)
Handle in another…
var studentRepository = new StudentRepository();
var classRepository = new ClassRepository();
Action<StudentEnrollCommand> studentEnrollPipeline
= c =>
handlers.Log(c, c1 =>
handlers.Enroll(studentRepository, classRepository, c1));
Want to log ?
var studentRepository = new StudentRepository();
var classRepository = new ClassRepository();
Action<StudentEnrollCommand> studentEnrollPipeline
= c =>
handlers.Audit(c, c1 =>
handlers.Log(c1, c2 =>
handlers.Enroll(studentRepository, classRepository, c2));
Audit ?
var lifeTime = new LifeTime();
Func<StudentRepository> studentRepositoryFactory = () => new StudentRepository();
Func<ClassRepository> classRepositoryFactory = () => new ClassRepository();
Action<StudentEnrollCommand> studentEnrollPipeline
= c =>
handlers.Audit(c, c1 =>
handlers.Log(c1, c2 =>
lifeTime.PerThread(classRepositoryFactory), c2));
Lifetime management ?
public TResult PerThread<TResult>(Func<TResult> dependencyFactory) where TResult : class
ThreadLocal<object> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<object>(dependencyFactory);
threadLocal = _dependencies.GetOrAdd(typeof(TResult), threadLocal);
return (TResult)threadLocal.Value;
Easy !
Why to do it ?
• 99% of time you don’t have a problem for IoC container
• IoC makes easier things you shouldn’t be doing anyway
• Feel the pain and think
To many dependencies ?
• You have another serious problem
To take away
• Be stupid! Don’t waste your brain on complicated code
• Don’t waste your time to understand Rube Goldberg machines
• Simplicity
• Readability
Understand your problem before
using a tool
• Greg Young (8 lines of code InfoQ

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Functional Dependency Injection in C#

  • 1. Dependency Injection 2015 The functional way without IoC container @tjaskula
  • 2. Why to talk about ? IoC container granted from the start. Developers argue about which framework to chose and not the problem to solve.
  • 3. DI vs. IoC Inversion of Control (IoC) : Objects don’t create other objects. They get them from outside Dependency Injection (DI) : Subset of IoC that means that object creation is done without the object intervention, usually by a framework component
  • 4. public class EnrollmentCommandHandler { private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository; private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository; private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository; public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository, StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository) { _studentRepository = studentRepository; _classRepository = classRepository; _studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository; } public void Enroll(StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); try { student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student); student.Enroll(@class); @class.Enroll(student); } catch (Exception e) { // log } }
  • 5. New requirements Log, Security, Audit, Cache…Cross Cutting Concerns
  • 6. public class EnrollmentCommandHandler { private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository; private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository; private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository; private readonly UnitOfWork _unitOfWork; private readonly EnrollementNotificationService _notificationService; private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly AuthorizationService _authorizationService; private readonly CalendarService _calendarService; private readonly ServiceFoo _serviceFoo; private readonly ServiceBlah _serviceBlah; private readonly FactoryFoo _facoFactoryFoo; private readonly FactoryBlah _factoryBlah; public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository, StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository, UnitOfWork unitOfWork, EnrollementNotificationService notificationService, ILogger logger, AuthorizationService authorizationService, CalendarService calendarService, ServiceFoo serviceFoo, ServiceBlah serviceBlah, FactoryFoo facoFactoryFoo, FactoryBlah factoryBlah ) { _studentRepository = studentRepository; _classRepository = classRepository; _studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository; _unitOfWork = unitOfWork; _notificationService = notificationService; _logger = logger; _authorizationService = authorizationService; _calendarService = calendarService; _serviceFoo = serviceFoo; _serviceBlah = serviceBlah; _facoFactoryFoo = facoFactoryFoo; _factoryBlah = factoryBlah; } } public void Handles(StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); try { _unitOfWork.BeginTransaction(); student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student);
  • 7. …or better… AOP to the rescue
  • 8. [Logable] [Authorizable] [Cachable] [ExceptionPolicy] [Blablable] public class EnrollmentCommandHandler { private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository; private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository; private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository; public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository, StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository) { _studentRepository = studentRepository; _classRepository = classRepository; _studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository; } public void Handles(StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); try { student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student); student.Enroll(@class); @class.Enroll(student); } catch (Exception e) { // log } }
  • 9. Yes, but container can do more !
  • 10. AOP with interception var calculator = new Calculator(); var calculatorProxy = Intercept.ThroughProxy<ICalculator>(calculator, new InterfaceInterceptor(), new[] { new LogBehavior() });
  • 11. but one must : • know Dynamic Proxy pattern • know the difference of Instance and Type Interceptors • know Interception behaviors • not forget VIRTUAL keyword on methods • wire up IoC container correctly
  • 12. Really ?!!! Is this… SIMPLE ?
  • 13.
  • 14. DI flavors IoC with conventions... Scan(x => { x.TheCallingAssembly(); x.ExcludeNamespaceContainingType<IEvent>(); x.ExcludeNamespaceContainingType<SearchModel>(); x.ExcludeNamespaceContainingType<AuthenticationService>() x.ExcludeNamespaceContainingType<DovetailController>(); x.AddAllTypesOf<IDomainMap>(); x.WithDefaultConventions();
  • 15. DI flavors IoC with conventions... Scan(x => { x.TheCallingAssembly(); x.ExcludeNamespaceContainingType<IEvent>(); x.ExcludeNamespaceContainingType<SearchModel>(); x.ExcludeNamespaceContainingType<AuthenticationService>() x.ExcludeNamespaceContainingType<DovetailController>(); x.AddAllTypesOf<IDomainMap>(); x.WithDefaultConventions();
  • 16. DI flavors IoC with manual configuration... var container = new UnityContainer(); container.RegisterType<IService, Service>(“Service”); container.RegisterType<IService,ServiceDecorator>( new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter(typeof(IS Func<IUnityContainer, object> factoryFunc = c => new ServiceDecorator(ne c.Resolve<ISubServiceProvider(); )); container.AddNewExtension<DecoratorContainerExtension>(); container.RegisterType<IService, ServiceDecorator>();
  • 17. DI flavors IoC with manual configuration... var container = new UnityContainer(); container.RegisterType<IService, Service>(“Service”); container.RegisterType<IService,ServiceDecorator>( new InjectionConstructor(new ResolvedParameter(typeof(IS Func<IUnityContainer, object> factoryFunc = c => new ServiceDecorator(ne c.Resolve<ISubServiceProvider(); )); container.AddNewExtension<DecoratorContainerExtension>(); container.RegisterType<IService, ServiceDecorator>();
  • 18. DI flavors IoC with XML configuration... <unity> <typeAliases> <typeAlias alias="string" type="System.String, mscorlib" /> <typeAlias alias="ILogger" type="UnitySamples.ILogger, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="ConsoleLogger" type="UnitySamples.ConsoleLogger, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="DebugLogger" type="UnitySamples.DebugLogger, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="IContext" type="UnitySamples.IContext, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="UnityContext" type="UnitySamples.UnityContext, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="CustomerTasks" type="UnitySamples.CustomerTasks, UnitySamples" /> </typeAliases> <containers> <container> <types> <type type="ILogger" mapTo="ConsoleLogger" name="defaultLogger"/> <type type="ILogger" mapTo="DebugLogger" name="debugLogger"/> <type type="IContext" mapTo="UnityContext"> <typeConfig extensionType="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.TypeInjectionElement, Microsoft.Practi <constructor> <param name="logger" parameterType="ILogger">
  • 19. DI flavors IoC with XML configuration... <unity> <typeAliases> <typeAlias alias="string" type="System.String, mscorlib" /> <typeAlias alias="ILogger" type="UnitySamples.ILogger, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="ConsoleLogger" type="UnitySamples.ConsoleLogger, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="DebugLogger" type="UnitySamples.DebugLogger, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="IContext" type="UnitySamples.IContext, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="UnityContext" type="UnitySamples.UnityContext, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="CustomerTasks" type="UnitySamples.CustomerTasks, UnitySamples" /> </typeAliases> <containers> <container> <types> <type type="ILogger" mapTo="ConsoleLogger" name="defaultLogger"/> <type type="ILogger" mapTo="DebugLogger" name="debugLogger"/> <type type="IContext" mapTo="UnityContext"> <typeConfig extensionType="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.TypeInjectionElement, Microsoft.Practi <constructor> <param name="logger" parameterType="ILogger">
  • 20. DI flavors IoC with XML configuration... <unity> <typeAliases> <typeAlias alias="string" type="System.String, mscorlib" /> <typeAlias alias="ILogger" type="UnitySamples.ILogger, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="ConsoleLogger" type="UnitySamples.ConsoleLogger, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="DebugLogger" type="UnitySamples.DebugLogger, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="IContext" type="UnitySamples.IContext, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="UnityContext" type="UnitySamples.UnityContext, UnitySamples" /> <typeAlias alias="CustomerTasks" type="UnitySamples.CustomerTasks, UnitySamples" /> </typeAliases> <containers> <container> <types> <type type="ILogger" mapTo="ConsoleLogger" name="defaultLogger"/> <type type="ILogger" mapTo="DebugLogger" name="debugLogger"/> <type type="IContext" mapTo="UnityContext"> <typeConfig extensionType="Microsoft.Practices.Unity.Configuration.TypeInjectionElement, Microsoft.Practi <constructor> <param name="logger" parameterType="ILogger">
  • 21. What problem do we try to solve ? • Decoupling ? • Testing ? • Modular Design ? • Dependencies management ?
  • 22. Dependencies are bad.... public class EnrollmentCommandHandler { public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentReposit ClassRepository classReposit StudentArchiveRepository stu UnitOfWork unitOfWork, EnrollementNotificationServi ILogger logger, AuthorizationService authori CalendarService calendarServ ServiceFoo serviceFoo, ServiceBlah serviceBlah, FactoryFoo facoFactoryFoo, FactoryBlah factoryBlah
  • 23. Cyclic dependencies are evil.... public class EnrollmentCommandHandler { public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentReposit ClassRepository classReposit StudentArchiveRepository stu UnitOfWork unitOfWork, EnrollementNotificationServi ILogger logger, AuthorizationService authori CalendarService calendarServ ServiceFoo serviceFoo, ServiceBlah serviceBlah, FactoryFoo facoFactoryFoo, FactoryBlah factoryBlah
  • 24. public class EnrollmentCommandHandler { private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository; private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository; private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository; public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository, StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository) { _studentRepository = studentRepository; _classRepository = classRepository; _studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository; } public void Enroll(StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student); student.Enroll(@class); @class.Enroll(student); } } Code we have....
  • 25. public class EnrollmentCommandHandler { private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository; private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository; private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository; public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository, StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository) { _studentRepository = studentRepository; _classRepository = classRepository; _studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository; } public void Enroll(StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student); student.Enroll(@class); @class.Enroll(student); } } Code that matters…
  • 26. The rest is Plumbing code
  • 27. Functional way int Multiply(int a, int b) { return a * b; } Partial application Func<int, int> multiplyBy10 = b => Multiply(10, b);
  • 28. Functional way int a = 3; int b = a + 7; int c = b * 10; Composition Func<int, int> calcCFromA = a => CalcC(CalcB(a)); int CalcCFromA(int a, int b, int c) { return (a + 7) * 10; } int CalcCFromA(int a, int b, int c) { return CalcC(CalcB(a)); } let calcCFromA = calcB >> calcC
  • 29. public class EnrollmentCommandHandler { private readonly StudentRepository _studentRepository; private readonly ClassRepository _classRepository; private readonly StudentArchiveRepository _studentArchiveRepository; public EnrollmentCommandHandler(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository, StudentArchiveRepository studentArchiveRepository) { _studentRepository = studentRepository; _classRepository = classRepository; _studentArchiveRepository = studentArchiveRepository; } public void Enroll(StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = _studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = _classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student); student.Enroll(@class); @class.Enroll(student); } } Refactor this…
  • 30. public void Enroll(StudentRepository studentRepository, ClassRepository classRepository, StudentEnrollCommand command) { var student = studentRepository.GetById(command.StudentId); var @class = classRepository.GetById(command.ClassId); student.TryEnrollIn(@class); @class.TryEnroll(student); student.Enroll(@class); @class.Enroll(student); } to this…
  • 31. var studentRepository = new StudentRepository(); var classRepository = new ClassRepository(); Action<StudentEnrollCommand> studentEnrollPipeline = c => handlers.Enroll(studentRepository, classRepository, c); Bootstrap in one place…
  • 32. [HttpPost] public void Enroll(EnrollmentRendering r) { _handlers.Dispatch(r.ToCommand()); } Handle in another…
  • 33. var studentRepository = new StudentRepository(); var classRepository = new ClassRepository(); Action<StudentEnrollCommand> studentEnrollPipeline = c => handlers.Log(c, c1 => handlers.Enroll(studentRepository, classRepository, c1)); Want to log ?
  • 34. var studentRepository = new StudentRepository(); var classRepository = new ClassRepository(); Action<StudentEnrollCommand> studentEnrollPipeline = c => handlers.Audit(c, c1 => handlers.Log(c1, c2 => handlers.Enroll(studentRepository, classRepository, c2)); Audit ?
  • 35. var lifeTime = new LifeTime(); Func<StudentRepository> studentRepositoryFactory = () => new StudentRepository(); Func<ClassRepository> classRepositoryFactory = () => new ClassRepository(); Action<StudentEnrollCommand> studentEnrollPipeline = c => handlers.Audit(c, c1 => handlers.Log(c1, c2 => handlers.Enroll(lifeTime.PerThread(studentRepositoryFactory), lifeTime.PerThread(classRepositoryFactory), c2)); Lifetime management ?
  • 36. public TResult PerThread<TResult>(Func<TResult> dependencyFactory) where TResult : class { ThreadLocal<object> threadLocal = new ThreadLocal<object>(dependencyFactory); threadLocal = _dependencies.GetOrAdd(typeof(TResult), threadLocal); return (TResult)threadLocal.Value; } Easy !
  • 37. Why to do it ? • 99% of time you don’t have a problem for IoC container • IoC makes easier things you shouldn’t be doing anyway • Feel the pain and think
  • 38. To many dependencies ? • You have another serious problem
  • 39. To take away • Be stupid! Don’t waste your brain on complicated code • Don’t waste your time to understand Rube Goldberg machines • Simplicity • Readability
  • 40. Understand your problem before using a tool
  • 41.
  • 42. References • Greg Young (8 lines of code InfoQ

Editor's Notes

  1. My talk about DI containers with Olivier Spinelli several years ago at ALT.NET meetup. Now, this is where I am. But before looking why, let's see a context.
  2. We don't even question if IoC container is needed because nowadays this is considered granted. We argue between containers and theirs features rather than a correct application design.
  3. Can I explain it to junior developer ? Do you want to not hire developers because we don't have 2 years of teaching a framework ?
  4. How many developpers do you know that knows Rube Goldberg machine ? What to do if there is a bug in a framework ? You send an email to the group and pray
  5. What kills simplicity is that sometimes Rube Goldberg machine stops working and by definition you don't understand Rube Goldberg machine