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How many of these facts about the world did you already know?
One of the most intriguing things about travelling is discovering why things are the way
they are today.
From hidden secrets to strange phenomenons, here’s 20 things about the world that
may sound absurd at first but are actually proven to be true facts!
從隱藏秘密到奇特現象,這裡有 20 件關於世界的現象,乍看可能荒謬,但實際上是真
Avatar Hallelujah Mountain in Zhangjiajie, China
中國 張家界 阿凡達哈利路亞山。
Photo credit: tonynetone via Flickr
It snows in the Sahara Desert
撒哈拉沙漠 降雪
Snowfall Upon The Sahara Desert
Deserts are known to have very low precipitation. Well, the impossible happened in 2018 and the
Sahara Desert was covered in a blanket of white snow. However, the snow only lasted for a day
before melting under the hot sun.
眾所周知,沙漠降雨量非常少。在 2018 年發生了不可能的事情,撒哈拉沙漠被白雪覆蓋。然而,
The first recorded snowfall was in 1979 — a snowstorm that lasted half an hour. Although
temperatures drop to freezing in the night, the lack of moisture makes it almost impossible
to produce any snow.
1979 年,一場暴風雪持續了半小時。
Photo credit: @neonbrand via Unsplash
There are only two countries in the
world where Coca Cola does not exist
Coca Cola Bottles
古 巴
You might think Coca Cola is something you can find anywhere in the world but these two countries
have been in long-term US trade embargoes — North Korea since 1950 and Cuba since 1962.
可口可樂在世界各地都能找到,但有兩個國家 朝鮮 (自 1950 年) 和古巴 (自 1962 年) 一直被美國長期
North Korea
朝 鮮
Photo credit: Eric Lafforgue via Flickr
However, North Korea has made its own dark coloured soda. They call it Ryongjin
Cola or ‘Cocoa Sparkling’. It has the similar red packaging and cursive font!
Photo credit: Christopher Michel via Flickr
Sudan has the most pyramids in the world (not Egypt)
蘇丹 擁有世界上最多的金字塔(不是埃及)
Nubian Pyramids in Sudan.
Egypt and pyramids are almost synonymous, but did you know there are pyramids in Sudan
too? Nubia, a region in Sudan, has 255 pyramids — twice the number in Egypt!
The Nubian pyramids aren’t as widely visited as those in Egypt.
埃及和金字塔幾乎畫上等號,但你知道 蘇丹 也有金字塔嗎? 努比亞 是蘇丹的一個地區,擁
有 255 座金字塔,是埃及數量的兩倍!努比亞金字塔 不像 埃及金字塔 那樣廣為人知。
Photo credit: Viajejet
Egypt’s Great Sphinx of Giza.
After ruling Egypt’s 25th dynasty, the Nubian pharaohs fled to Sudan and formed
the Kushite kingdom, incorporating the Egyptian culture in their new city.
努比亞法老 統治埃及第 25 王朝後 逃往蘇丹,建立了 庫什特王國,將埃及文化融
Photo credit: @viajar_entre_viagens via Instagram
Sunset Jebel Barkal Sudan
蘇丹 博爾戈爾山 日落
The pyramids of Jebel Barkal are well-preserved and
stand beside a small mountain. Climb up the mountain
just before sunset to catch stunning views of the Nile!
博爾戈爾山 的金字塔保存完好,矗立在一座小山旁邊。
在日落前爬上山,欣賞 尼羅河 的壯麗景色!
Colombia’s brightest rainbow is in its river
哥倫比亞 最鮮豔的彩虹在河裡
Normally you’d find rainbows in the sky, but the Caño Cristales, also known as
the “River of Five Colours”, beams brighter than any rainbow in the sky.
通常你會發現天空中的彩虹,但是被稱為「五彩河」的 卡諾•克里斯塔萊斯 河,
Photo credit: @micolombiaoficial via Instagram
Located in Colombia’s Serranía de la Macarena
National Natural Park, this stunning river owes its
multi-coloured beauty to the Macarenia Clavigera,
a plant that lives in the riverbed.
這條絕色的河流位於 哥倫比亞的「塞拉尼亞•德拉•
生長在河床上的植物「瑪卡蓮娜 藻類」。
It’s best to visit between May to November when the river weeds blossom in
yellow, blue, green and red. They get brighter hues during this time as the waters
are shallower, allowing more sunlight to reach the plants.
最佳遊覽期間為 5~11 月,此時河藻開花呈現黃色、藍色、綠色和紅色。這段時間
從 前
The Sahara Desert used to be a tropical rainforest
撒哈拉沙漠 從前是熱帶雨林
Photo credit: @crystal_mirallegro via Unsplash
Before Sahara Became a Desert
撒哈拉 變成沙漠之前
The Sahara Desert is known for being the world’s hottest desert.
However, just 6,000 years ago, this dry land was a lush
rainforest with thick vegetation and high rainfall.
眾所周知,撒哈拉沙漠 是世界上最熱的沙漠。然而在 6,000 年前,
Morocco Sahara Desert
Although we didn’t witness the Sahara in full bloom, future generations might. If the world
survives the next 10,000 years, the same constant change in weather patterns could leave
the Sahara looking a whole lot different.
雖然沒有親眼目睹 撒哈拉 樹木茂密,但後代可能會看到。如果世界在接下來的一萬年中倖
存下來,同樣的天氣模式不斷變化,可能會讓 撒哈拉沙漠 看起來大不相同。
Macchu Pichu is an earthquake-proof city
Macchu Picchu
Photo credit: Anton Ivanov
This ancient Inca town rests on top of two fault lines in Peru. That means
earthquakes were expected events. So how did they live through it?
這座古老的 印加 小鎮,位於 秘魯 的兩條斷層線上。這意味著地震是預料
In fact, the Incans created a brilliant engineering technique called ‘ashlar
masonry’, where rocks are cut to fit perfectly together without mortar. This
allowed the stones to move in its place during an earthquake, before settling
back in their original positions. Genius or what?!
事實上,印加人 創造了名為「方石砌體」的卓越工程技術,即在不用砂漿的
You could walk from Russia to Alaska (on ice)
Between Russia and Alaska lies the Bering Strait. When it freezes up in the winter, you
can journey across, with 3.8km being the shortest end.
俄羅斯 和 阿拉斯加 之間隔著 白令海峽。冬季結冰時可穿越,最短距離 3.8 公里。
Photo credit: Wikipedia
Bering Strait Satellite Image
However, just because it’s possible, doesn’t mean it’s
legal! Or safe, as the ocean winds are extremely cold
and the ice below may shift.
In 2006, two adventurers set out from Alaska to cross the
frozen path on foot. They crossed 90km in 15 days before
they were detained in Russia for violating immigration laws.
** Pro-tip: Don’t do it!
2006 年,兩位冒險家從 阿拉斯加 出發,徒步穿越結冰的小
路。他們花了 15 天走了 90 公里,然後被 俄羅斯 以違反移
** 專家提示:不要這麼做!
China has only one timezone
中國只有一個 時區
Having a single timezone is fine if the sun rises and
sets at the same time for everyone. However, as Beijing
is preparing to go to bed at midnight, folks in Xinjiang
are just beginning to watch the sunset.
The population distribution of China.
With 94% of China's population in the southeast, working around one timezone
is but a mild inconvenience to the Chinese. But, travellers planning to backpack
through China should prepare for their body clocks to get a little confused
中國人口 94% 分佈在東南地區,在同一個時區工作對中國人來說只是輕微的不
That’s pretty wild considering how China is almost the size
of the United States, which has six timezones! Interestingly,
China didn’t always operate on Beijing time.
Beijing Standard Time was only established in 1949. Before
that, in 1912, there were five recognised timezones.
北京標準時間是1949 年才設立的。之前在 1912 年,
USA road trip
San Fransisco’s Golden Gate Bridge ‘singing’
舊金山 的 金門大橋「會唱歌」
Golden Gate Bridge in
San Francisco Sunset
舊金山 金門大橋 日落
San Franciscans reported hearing eerie sounds
from several kilometres away!
This is one of the newer facts about the world. In June 2020, residents reported that San
Francisco’s famous Golden Gate Bridge has started “singing” following recent changes to
bicycle-path railings. It appears to make music as the wind blows through them.
這是世界最新的實況之一。2020 年 6 月有居民反應說,隨著最近自行車道欄杆的改建,當
City officials explained it to be a case of high winds
passing through the new handrails. The bridge is safer
for users when it faces less wind resistance. Therefore,
the sound is a good sign that strong winds are passing
through the bridge smoothly!
Leopard in Yala National Park Sri Lanka
斯里蘭卡 雅拉國家公園 的美洲豹
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
Kenya isn't the only place to experience a safari. Sri Lanka is Asia's very own safari
land,, on the open plains of Yala National Park, you can see amazing wild animals
such as elephants, leopards, and even water birds!
肯亞 並不是唯一體驗狩獵之旅的地方。斯里蘭卡 是亞洲獨有的遊獵之處,在 雅拉國
You can go on a safari in Sri Lanka
你可以去 斯里蘭卡 狩獵之旅
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
Sri Lankan Axis Deer at Wilpattu National Park
斯里蘭卡 威爾帕圖 國家公園 的斑鹿
Also can go see axis deers and sloth bears in Wilpattu National Park! The
best time to visit would be between March and October — water levels are
lower and you’ll see more animals come out to drink.
也可以去 威爾帕圖 國家公園 看斑鹿和懶熊!最佳遊覽時間是 3 ~ 10 月,水
Photo credit: @alexmustard1 via Instagram
Another cool fact about Sri Lanka is the annual sightings of migrating
Blue Whales! Between December to April, witness the biggest animals
in the world feed on krill in the Southern Coast.
斯里蘭卡 另一個很酷的實況是看到遷徙的藍鯨!每年 12 ~ 4 月期間,
A real-life Spirited Away bathhouse
exists in Tainan, Taiwan.
Miyazaki's anime "Spirited Away"
Jiufen, Taiwan, is popularly known as the mountain village that inspired
Miyazaki’s Spirited Away. However, down south in Tainan has a real-life
replica of the famed bathhouse.
台灣 九份 是聞名的山村,其靈感來自宮崎駿《神隱少女》。然而,在南
部 台南 有一間著名澡堂,為真實的複製品。
Jiufen, Taiwan
Photo credit: @hsingfang20 via Instagram
Real Life Spirited Away Bathhouse. in Tainan
台南 現實生活中的《神隱少女》澡堂。
Located in the Breezy Valley Art Village is the Breezy Village Guesthouse. It
closely resembles the iconic bathhouse, especially with Yubaba greeting you
at the front — don’t offend her or she’ll turn you into a pig!
台南「微風山谷民宿」位於 微風谷藝術村。它與動畫中「湯屋」非常相似,
Thailand has a festival to appreciate their monkeys
泰國 猴子節
Every last Sunday of November, this festival in Lopburi
celebrates the Monkeys in a Monkey Buffet Festival.
每年 11 月最後一個星期天,泰國 華富里府(省) 都會在
Photo credit: Chaiwat Subprasom via Reuters
Locals Dressed as Monkeys Performing for Monkeys at the Lopburi Monkey Festival
當地人打扮成猴子,在 華富里 府(省) 猴子節上為猴子表演
During the Monkey Festival, monkey climbed to the shoulder of tourists.
The resident monkeys of the Phra Prang Sam Yot temple are treated to 4,000
kilograms of fruits, vegetables, and Thai desserts — what a spread!
人們為棲息在 三塔寺 的猴子們準備了 4,000 公斤水果、蔬菜和泰國甜點,這真
Africa Ethiopia
非洲 埃塞俄比亞
Red Sea
Here’s one of the most mindboggling facts about the
world — when we welcomed 2023, Ethiopia was only
four months into 2015.
2023 年時,埃塞俄比亞 才進入 2015 年僅四個月。
Ethiopian calendar is
always 7 years behind
埃塞俄比亞 (衣索比亞)
日曆 總是落後七年
Orthodox church in Ethiopia.
Just like the Gregorian calendar (the one most of us are on), the Ethiopian calendar
marks Christ’s birth as the starting point. However, Ethiopia's Orthodox Church believes
that Christ was born in 7 BC, so the Ethiopian calendar is seven to eight years behind.
就像公曆一樣,埃塞俄比亞 的日曆,是將基督誕生作為起點。然而,埃塞俄比亞 東正教
認為基督出生於公元前 7 年,因此 埃塞俄比亞 日曆落後七到八年。
The most interesting differences are the yearly holidays — unlike the
rest of the world, Ethiopia celebrates New Years on September 11th
and Christmas on January 7th (in Gregorian calendar).
最有趣的區別是每年的假期,與世界其它地方不同,埃塞俄比亞 在
(公曆) 9 月 11 日慶祝新年,在 1 月 7 日慶祝聖誕節。
Photo credit: Mulugeta Wolde via Unsplash
St. George Church, Lalibela, Ethiopia.
埃塞俄比亞 拉利貝拉 聖喬治教堂
Fortunately, travellers aren’t affected by the difference while
they’re there. Modern-day Ethiopia understands the Gregorian
calendar and uses both calendars interchangeably.
幸運的是,旅行者在那裡不會受到這種差異的影響。現代 埃塞俄
比亞 理解公曆,並可互換使用這兩種日曆。
France is the most visited country with 89 million annual tourists
法國是訪問量最大的國家,每年有 8,900 萬遊客。
Eiffel Tower from Trecadéro Paris
從 巴黎 特雷卡德羅 看埃菲爾鐵塔
Based on Singapore’s popular travel destinations, Japan or Thailand to be the
most visited country. Surprisingly, before COVID-19 made travel take a backseat,
France was the most visited country in the world.
根據 新加坡 的熱門旅遊目的地,日本 或 泰國 是訪問量最大的國家。令人驚訝的
是,在 COVID-19 旅行退居二線之前期間,法國 是世界上訪問量最大的國家。
Apart from exploring the city of love, many travellers
also pass through it on their way to Italy and Spain.
許多旅行者除了探索這座愛情之城之外,前往 義大利
和 西班牙 的途中也會經過 法國 。
Photo credit: Matt Reinbold via Flickr
Thailand Bumblebee Bats are the tiniest bat in the world. They were first
discovered in 1973 by Kitti Thonglongya, a Thai biologist, and are also known
as Kitti’s hog-nosed bat.
泰國 大黃蜂蝙蝠是世界上最小的蝙蝠,它們於 1973 年由泰國生物學家 基蒂•通
隆亞 首次發現,又被稱為「基蒂 豬鼻蝙蝠」。
These bats in Thailand are the world’s tiniest mammals
泰國蝙蝠 是世界上最小的哺乳動物
In the limestone caves of Sai Yok National Park are the world’s tiniest
bats (and mammals)! Bat soup jokes aside, aren’t they adorable?
泰國 「塞友國家公園」的石灰岩洞穴中,生活著世界上最小的蝙蝠
(哺乳動物)! 拋開蝙蝠湯的笑話,它們是不是很可愛?
They grow up to 33mm and weigh only 2g. That’s only 1mm bigger than
Singapore’s 50 cent coin!
它們成長到 33 毫米,重量僅為 2 克。這只比新加坡的 5 毛硬幣大 1 毫米!
Photo credit: Per-Olof Forsberg via Flickr
In Sweden, you can order Macs on skis
Macdonald Ski Thru in Sweden
In Sweden, you don’t need a car to order from the drive-thru. But,
you’ll need a pair of skis.
Everyone gets the Macadee munchies, especially in
negative degrees with boards on your feet.
That’s why Sweden has blessed skiers with McSki
since 1996 — the only ski-thru McDonald’s in the world!
Nothing warms you up more than a box of nuggies after
a tough day on the slopes.
這就是為什麼瑞典自 1996 年以來,一直為滑雪者提供
Giethoorn Village Netherlands Town With No Street
荷蘭 羊角村小鎮 沒有街道
Venice isn’t the only town that gets around mainly by boat. Within Giethoorn Village
in the Netherlands, there are no streets, only footpaths and over 6km of canal.
威尼斯 並不是唯一主要乘船遊覽的城鎮。在 荷蘭 的羊角村內,沒有街道,只有人行
Photo credit: Mohamed Nedal via Facebook
The picturesque village is filled with rustic cottages and
surrounded by tall trees, just like a fairytale!
Visitors can either kayak through the scenic neighborhood or ride a
bike on the footpaths.
Photo credit: @carnarvonvisitorcentre via Instagram
There’s a rock in Australia that’s bigger than
Ayer’s Rock Uluru
澳洲有一塊巨石,比「烏魯魯 / 艾爾斯巨岩」還大。
Mount Augustus Western Australia
西澳大利亞 奧古斯都山
Uluru / Ayers Rock
烏魯魯 / 艾爾斯巨岩 Photo credit: Wikipedia
When we talk about big rocks in Australia, the famed Uluru is usually
what comes to mind , you can even see it from space!
Mount Augustus
However, there’s an even bigger rock in town. Mount Augustus
is two and a half times the size of Uluru, and you have to drive
54km to get around it!
But at the end of the day, Uluru still is the largest single rock
formation in the world, also known as a monolith whereas
Mount Augustus’ massive stature may be composed of many
layers of sand and gravel.
是 54 公里!
New Zealand has the steepest
residential area in the world
Steep Street Baldwin Street, Dunedin, New Zealand.
新西蘭 但尼丁,陡峭的街道 鮑德溫街。
San Francisco is known as a city of slopes, with its steepest street angling up
at 27°. If you think that’s steep, try living on Baldwin Street in New Zealand.
舊金山以斜坡之城而聞名,其最陡峭的街道呈 27 角。如果覺得太陡峭了,那請
看看在新西蘭的 鮑德溫街。
Baldwin Street, Dunedin.
但尼丁 鮑德溫街
The residential street in Dunedin won the Guinness World Record with its 38° slope.
The sharp incline makes all the houses look like they’re sunken into the ground. But
we’re sure the residents have thighs of steel.
但尼丁的住宅區街道以 38 度的坡度獲得了 吉尼斯 世界紀錄。陡峭的斜坡使所有的房屋
Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons
Baldwin Street, Dunedin.
但尼丁 鮑德溫街
Photo: Getty Images
Mokoli'i Island
Hawaii, you can experience sunny beaches
and snowy mountains on the same island
Hawaii only has two seasons - Summer and Winter
but it actually has eight of the world’s 13 climates!
世界上 13 種氣候中的 8 種!
Mountains Mauna Loa
At sea level, the temperate rarely rises above 32°C or drops below 16°C but in
the mountains of Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa and Haleakala, it snows pretty often!
在海平面,氣溫很少超過 32°C 或低於 16°C,但在莫納克亞山、莫納羅亞山和哈
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Chung Yen Chang
Bamboo Boat Tour, Hoi An, Vietnam (越南會安 竹筒船之旅).ppsx
Bamboo Boat Tour, Hoi An, Vietnam (越南會安 竹筒船之旅).ppsxBamboo Boat Tour, Hoi An, Vietnam (越南會安 竹筒船之旅).ppsx
Bamboo Boat Tour, Hoi An, Vietnam (越南會安 竹筒船之旅).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Hoi An Memories Land, VN (越南會安印象主題公園).ppsx
Hoi An Memories Land, VN  (越南會安印象主題公園).ppsxHoi An Memories Land, VN  (越南會安印象主題公園).ppsx
Hoi An Memories Land, VN (越南會安印象主題公園).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Marble Mountains, Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 五行山靈應寺).ppsx
Marble Mountains, Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 五行山靈應寺).ppsxMarble Mountains, Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 五行山靈應寺).ppsx
Marble Mountains, Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 五行山靈應寺).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Da Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點).ppsx
Da Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點).ppsxDa Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點).ppsx
Da Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Han River by Night in Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 韓江之夜).ppsx
Han River by Night in Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 韓江之夜).ppsxHan River by Night in Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 韓江之夜).ppsx
Han River by Night in Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 韓江之夜).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Shimen Coral Shell Temple, NTPC TW (台灣新北市 石門珊瑚貝殼廟).ppsx
Shimen Coral Shell Temple, NTPC TW (台灣新北市 石門珊瑚貝殼廟).ppsxShimen Coral Shell Temple, NTPC TW (台灣新北市 石門珊瑚貝殼廟).ppsx
Shimen Coral Shell Temple, NTPC TW (台灣新北市 石門珊瑚貝殼廟).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Fugui Cape Trail, New Taipei City, Taiwan (台灣 新北市 富貴角步道).ppsx
Fugui Cape Trail, New Taipei City, Taiwan (台灣 新北市 富貴角步道).ppsxFugui Cape Trail, New Taipei City, Taiwan (台灣 新北市 富貴角步道).ppsx
Fugui Cape Trail, New Taipei City, Taiwan (台灣 新北市 富貴角步道).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Fun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsx
Fun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsxFun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsx
Fun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Stunning and Impressive Skyscrapers (令人驚嘆和印象深刻的摩天大樓).ppsx
Stunning and Impressive Skyscrapers (令人驚嘆和印象深刻的摩天大樓).ppsxStunning and Impressive Skyscrapers (令人驚嘆和印象深刻的摩天大樓).ppsx
Stunning and Impressive Skyscrapers (令人驚嘆和印象深刻的摩天大樓).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Ho Chi Minh Vestige Area, Hanoi VN (越南河內 胡志明遺跡區).ppsx
Ho Chi Minh Vestige Area, Hanoi VN (越南河內 胡志明遺跡區).ppsxHo Chi Minh Vestige Area, Hanoi VN (越南河內 胡志明遺跡區).ppsx
Ho Chi Minh Vestige Area, Hanoi VN (越南河內 胡志明遺跡區).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Trang An Scenic Landscape, Ninh Binh , VN (越南寧平 陸龍灣泛舟).ppsx
Trang An Scenic Landscape, Ninh Binh , VN (越南寧平 陸龍灣泛舟).ppsxTrang An Scenic Landscape, Ninh Binh , VN (越南寧平 陸龍灣泛舟).ppsx
Trang An Scenic Landscape, Ninh Binh , VN (越南寧平 陸龍灣泛舟).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Bich Dong Pagoda, Ninh Binh VN (越南 寧平 碧洞古寺).ppsx
Bich Dong Pagoda, Ninh Binh VN (越南 寧平 碧洞古寺).ppsxBich Dong Pagoda, Ninh Binh VN (越南 寧平 碧洞古寺).ppsx
Bich Dong Pagoda, Ninh Binh VN (越南 寧平 碧洞古寺).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Halong Bay, Vietnam Part 2 (越南下龍灣 下集).ppsx
Halong Bay, Vietnam Part 2 (越南下龍灣 下集).ppsxHalong Bay, Vietnam Part 2 (越南下龍灣 下集).ppsx
Halong Bay, Vietnam Part 2 (越南下龍灣 下集).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Halong Bay Part 1, Vietnam (越南下龍灣 上集).ppsx
Halong Bay Part 1, Vietnam (越南下龍灣 上集).ppsxHalong Bay Part 1, Vietnam (越南下龍灣 上集).ppsx
Halong Bay Part 1, Vietnam (越南下龍灣 上集).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hanoi VN (越南河內 鎮國古寺).ppsx
Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hanoi VN (越南河內 鎮國古寺).ppsxTran Quoc Pagoda, Hanoi VN (越南河內 鎮國古寺).ppsx
Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hanoi VN (越南河內 鎮國古寺).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
36 Ancient Streets, Hanoi VN (越南河內 三十六古街).ppsx
36 Ancient Streets, Hanoi VN (越南河內 三十六古街).ppsx36 Ancient Streets, Hanoi VN (越南河內 三十六古街).ppsx
36 Ancient Streets, Hanoi VN (越南河內 三十六古街).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang
Confucius Temple & Imperial College, Hanoi VN (越南河內 文廟和國子監).ppsx
Confucius Temple & Imperial College, Hanoi VN (越南河內 文廟和國子監).ppsxConfucius Temple & Imperial College, Hanoi VN (越南河內 文廟和國子監).ppsx
Confucius Temple & Imperial College, Hanoi VN (越南河內 文廟和國子監).ppsx
Chung Yen Chang

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Hoi An Ancient Town, Vietnam (越南 會安古鎮).ppsx
Hoi An Ancient Town, Vietnam (越南 會安古鎮).ppsxHoi An Ancient Town, Vietnam (越南 會安古鎮).ppsx
Hoi An Ancient Town, Vietnam (越南 會安古鎮).ppsx
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Bamboo Boat Tour, Hoi An, Vietnam (越南會安 竹筒船之旅).ppsx
Hoi An Memories Land, VN (越南會安印象主題公園).ppsx
Hoi An Memories Land, VN  (越南會安印象主題公園).ppsxHoi An Memories Land, VN  (越南會安印象主題公園).ppsx
Hoi An Memories Land, VN (越南會安印象主題公園).ppsx
Marble Mountains, Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 五行山靈應寺).ppsx
Marble Mountains, Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 五行山靈應寺).ppsxMarble Mountains, Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 五行山靈應寺).ppsx
Marble Mountains, Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 五行山靈應寺).ppsx
Da Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點).ppsx
Da Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點).ppsxDa Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點).ppsx
Da Nang Tourist Attractions, VN (越南 峴港旅遊景點).ppsx
Han River by Night in Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 韓江之夜).ppsx
Han River by Night in Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 韓江之夜).ppsxHan River by Night in Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 韓江之夜).ppsx
Han River by Night in Da Nang, VN (越南峴港 韓江之夜).ppsx
Shimen Coral Shell Temple, NTPC TW (台灣新北市 石門珊瑚貝殼廟).ppsx
Shimen Coral Shell Temple, NTPC TW (台灣新北市 石門珊瑚貝殼廟).ppsxShimen Coral Shell Temple, NTPC TW (台灣新北市 石門珊瑚貝殼廟).ppsx
Shimen Coral Shell Temple, NTPC TW (台灣新北市 石門珊瑚貝殼廟).ppsx
Fugui Cape Trail, New Taipei City, Taiwan (台灣 新北市 富貴角步道).ppsx
Fugui Cape Trail, New Taipei City, Taiwan (台灣 新北市 富貴角步道).ppsxFugui Cape Trail, New Taipei City, Taiwan (台灣 新北市 富貴角步道).ppsx
Fugui Cape Trail, New Taipei City, Taiwan (台灣 新北市 富貴角步道).ppsx
Fun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsx
Fun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsxFun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsx
Fun and easy animal drawings (有趣又容易的動物繪畫).ppsx
Stunning and Impressive Skyscrapers (令人驚嘆和印象深刻的摩天大樓).ppsx
Stunning and Impressive Skyscrapers (令人驚嘆和印象深刻的摩天大樓).ppsxStunning and Impressive Skyscrapers (令人驚嘆和印象深刻的摩天大樓).ppsx
Stunning and Impressive Skyscrapers (令人驚嘆和印象深刻的摩天大樓).ppsx
Ho Chi Minh Vestige Area, Hanoi VN (越南河內 胡志明遺跡區).ppsx
Ho Chi Minh Vestige Area, Hanoi VN (越南河內 胡志明遺跡區).ppsxHo Chi Minh Vestige Area, Hanoi VN (越南河內 胡志明遺跡區).ppsx
Ho Chi Minh Vestige Area, Hanoi VN (越南河內 胡志明遺跡區).ppsx
Trang An Scenic Landscape, Ninh Binh , VN (越南寧平 陸龍灣泛舟).ppsx
Trang An Scenic Landscape, Ninh Binh , VN (越南寧平 陸龍灣泛舟).ppsxTrang An Scenic Landscape, Ninh Binh , VN (越南寧平 陸龍灣泛舟).ppsx
Trang An Scenic Landscape, Ninh Binh , VN (越南寧平 陸龍灣泛舟).ppsx
Bich Dong Pagoda, Ninh Binh VN (越南 寧平 碧洞古寺).ppsx
Bich Dong Pagoda, Ninh Binh VN (越南 寧平 碧洞古寺).ppsxBich Dong Pagoda, Ninh Binh VN (越南 寧平 碧洞古寺).ppsx
Bich Dong Pagoda, Ninh Binh VN (越南 寧平 碧洞古寺).ppsx
Halong Bay, Vietnam Part 2 (越南下龍灣 下集).ppsx
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Halong Bay Part 1, Vietnam (越南下龍灣 上集).ppsx
Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hanoi VN (越南河內 鎮國古寺).ppsx
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Tran Quoc Pagoda, Hanoi VN (越南河內 鎮國古寺).ppsx
36 Ancient Streets, Hanoi VN (越南河內 三十六古街).ppsx
36 Ancient Streets, Hanoi VN (越南河內 三十六古街).ppsx36 Ancient Streets, Hanoi VN (越南河內 三十六古街).ppsx
36 Ancient Streets, Hanoi VN (越南河內 三十六古街).ppsx
Confucius Temple & Imperial College, Hanoi VN (越南河內 文廟和國子監).ppsx
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Fun facts about the world (世界趣事).ppsx

  • 1. AI image 人工智能圖像 自動換頁 Auto page forward 編輯配樂:老編西歪 changcy0326
  • 2. How many of these facts about the world did you already know? One of the most intriguing things about travelling is discovering why things are the way they are today. From hidden secrets to strange phenomenons, here’s 20 things about the world that may sound absurd at first but are actually proven to be true facts! 有關這個世界的一些事實,你已知多少? 旅行最有趣的事之一,就是發現為什麼事情是今天這個樣子。 從隱藏秘密到奇特現象,這裡有 20 件關於世界的現象,乍看可能荒謬,但實際上是真 的事實! Avatar Hallelujah Mountain in Zhangjiajie, China 中國 張家界 阿凡達哈利路亞山。
  • 3. Photo credit: tonynetone via Flickr It snows in the Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠 降雪 Snowfall Upon The Sahara Desert 撒哈拉沙漠降雪
  • 4. Deserts are known to have very low precipitation. Well, the impossible happened in 2018 and the Sahara Desert was covered in a blanket of white snow. However, the snow only lasted for a day before melting under the hot sun. 眾所周知,沙漠降雨量非常少。在 2018 年發生了不可能的事情,撒哈拉沙漠被白雪覆蓋。然而, 積雪只持續了一天,就在烈日下融化了。
  • 5. The first recorded snowfall was in 1979 — a snowstorm that lasted half an hour. Although temperatures drop to freezing in the night, the lack of moisture makes it almost impossible to produce any snow. 儘管夜間氣溫降至冰點,但由於缺乏水分,幾乎不可能下雪。有記錄的第一場降雪發生在 1979 年,一場暴風雪持續了半小時。
  • 6. Photo credit: @neonbrand via Unsplash There are only two countries in the world where Coca Cola does not exist 世界上只有兩個國家沒有可口可樂 Coca Cola Bottles 瓶裝可口可樂
  • 7. Cuba 古 巴 You might think Coca Cola is something you can find anywhere in the world but these two countries have been in long-term US trade embargoes — North Korea since 1950 and Cuba since 1962. 可口可樂在世界各地都能找到,但有兩個國家 朝鮮 (自 1950 年) 和古巴 (自 1962 年) 一直被美國長期 貿易禁運,沒有可口可樂。
  • 9. Photo credit: Eric Lafforgue via Flickr However, North Korea has made its own dark coloured soda. They call it Ryongjin Cola or ‘Cocoa Sparkling’. It has the similar red packaging and cursive font! 朝鮮已經生產了自己的深色蘇打水。他們稱之為「龍津可樂」或「可可氣泡水」。有 著相似的紅色包裝和草書字體!
  • 10. Photo credit: Christopher Michel via Flickr Sudan has the most pyramids in the world (not Egypt) 蘇丹 擁有世界上最多的金字塔(不是埃及) Nubian Pyramids in Sudan. 蘇丹的努比亞金字塔 Egypt and pyramids are almost synonymous, but did you know there are pyramids in Sudan too? Nubia, a region in Sudan, has 255 pyramids — twice the number in Egypt! The Nubian pyramids aren’t as widely visited as those in Egypt. 埃及和金字塔幾乎畫上等號,但你知道 蘇丹 也有金字塔嗎? 努比亞 是蘇丹的一個地區,擁 有 255 座金字塔,是埃及數量的兩倍!努比亞金字塔 不像 埃及金字塔 那樣廣為人知。
  • 11. Photo credit: Viajejet Egypt’s Great Sphinx of Giza. 埃及吉薩大獅身人面像 After ruling Egypt’s 25th dynasty, the Nubian pharaohs fled to Sudan and formed the Kushite kingdom, incorporating the Egyptian culture in their new city. 努比亞法老 統治埃及第 25 王朝後 逃往蘇丹,建立了 庫什特王國,將埃及文化融 入他們的新城市。
  • 12. Photo credit: @viajar_entre_viagens via Instagram Sunset Jebel Barkal Sudan 蘇丹 博爾戈爾山 日落 The pyramids of Jebel Barkal are well-preserved and stand beside a small mountain. Climb up the mountain just before sunset to catch stunning views of the Nile! 博爾戈爾山 的金字塔保存完好,矗立在一座小山旁邊。 在日落前爬上山,欣賞 尼羅河 的壯麗景色!
  • 13. Colombia’s brightest rainbow is in its river 哥倫比亞 最鮮豔的彩虹在河裡 Normally you’d find rainbows in the sky, but the Caño Cristales, also known as the “River of Five Colours”, beams brighter than any rainbow in the sky. 通常你會發現天空中的彩虹,但是被稱為「五彩河」的 卡諾•克里斯塔萊斯 河, 其光芒比任何天空中的彩虹更亮麗。
  • 14. Photo credit: @micolombiaoficial via Instagram Located in Colombia’s Serranía de la Macarena National Natural Park, this stunning river owes its multi-coloured beauty to the Macarenia Clavigera, a plant that lives in the riverbed. 這條絕色的河流位於 哥倫比亞的「塞拉尼亞•德拉• 瑪卡蓮娜」國家自然公園,其豔麗多彩歸功於一種 生長在河床上的植物「瑪卡蓮娜 藻類」。
  • 15. It’s best to visit between May to November when the river weeds blossom in yellow, blue, green and red. They get brighter hues during this time as the waters are shallower, allowing more sunlight to reach the plants. 最佳遊覽期間為 5~11 月,此時河藻開花呈現黃色、藍色、綠色和紅色。這段時間 由於水域較淺,更多陽光照射到植物上,色彩變得更為明亮。
  • 16. Now 現在 Before 從 前 The Sahara Desert used to be a tropical rainforest 撒哈拉沙漠 從前是熱帶雨林
  • 17. Photo credit: @crystal_mirallegro via Unsplash Before Sahara Became a Desert 撒哈拉 變成沙漠之前 The Sahara Desert is known for being the world’s hottest desert. However, just 6,000 years ago, this dry land was a lush rainforest with thick vegetation and high rainfall. 眾所周知,撒哈拉沙漠 是世界上最熱的沙漠。然而在 6,000 年前, 這片旱地是一片鬱鬱蔥蔥的雨林,植被茂密,雨量充沛。
  • 18. Morocco Sahara Desert 摩洛哥撒哈拉沙漠 Although we didn’t witness the Sahara in full bloom, future generations might. If the world survives the next 10,000 years, the same constant change in weather patterns could leave the Sahara looking a whole lot different. 雖然沒有親眼目睹 撒哈拉 樹木茂密,但後代可能會看到。如果世界在接下來的一萬年中倖 存下來,同樣的天氣模式不斷變化,可能會讓 撒哈拉沙漠 看起來大不相同。
  • 19. Macchu Pichu is an earthquake-proof city 馬丘比丘是一座抗震城市 Macchu Picchu 馬丘比丘
  • 20. Photo credit: Anton Ivanov This ancient Inca town rests on top of two fault lines in Peru. That means earthquakes were expected events. So how did they live through it? 這座古老的 印加 小鎮,位於 秘魯 的兩條斷層線上。這意味著地震是預料 之事。那麼他們是如何度過的呢?
  • 21. In fact, the Incans created a brilliant engineering technique called ‘ashlar masonry’, where rocks are cut to fit perfectly together without mortar. This allowed the stones to move in its place during an earthquake, before settling back in their original positions. Genius or what?! 事實上,印加人 創造了名為「方石砌體」的卓越工程技術,即在不用砂漿的 情況下將岩石切割成完美的組合。地震期間可使石頭在原地移動,然後又回 到原來的位置。這不是天才那又是什麼?!
  • 22. You could walk from Russia to Alaska (on ice) 你可以從俄羅斯步行到阿拉斯加(在冰上) 白令海峽 俄羅斯 阿拉斯加 Between Russia and Alaska lies the Bering Strait. When it freezes up in the winter, you can journey across, with 3.8km being the shortest end. 俄羅斯 和 阿拉斯加 之間隔著 白令海峽。冬季結冰時可穿越,最短距離 3.8 公里。
  • 23. Photo credit: Wikipedia Bering Strait Satellite Image 白令海峽衛星圖像 However, just because it’s possible, doesn’t mean it’s legal! Or safe, as the ocean winds are extremely cold and the ice below may shift. 然而,僅僅因為這只是可能,但並不意味著是合法或是安 全的!因為海風極其寒冷,海面的冰可能會移動。
  • 24. In 2006, two adventurers set out from Alaska to cross the frozen path on foot. They crossed 90km in 15 days before they were detained in Russia for violating immigration laws. ** Pro-tip: Don’t do it! 2006 年,兩位冒險家從 阿拉斯加 出發,徒步穿越結冰的小 路。他們花了 15 天走了 90 公里,然後被 俄羅斯 以違反移 民法而拘留。 ** 專家提示:不要這麼做!
  • 25. China has only one timezone 中國只有一個 時區 Having a single timezone is fine if the sun rises and sets at the same time for everyone. However, as Beijing is preparing to go to bed at midnight, folks in Xinjiang are just beginning to watch the sunset. 如果每個人都在同一時間起臥,那麼擁有一個時區很好。 然而,當北京準備在午夜睡覺時,新疆的鄉親們 看日落才剛剛開始。
  • 26. The population distribution of China. 中國的人口分佈 With 94% of China's population in the southeast, working around one timezone is but a mild inconvenience to the Chinese. But, travellers planning to backpack through China should prepare for their body clocks to get a little confused 中國人口 94% 分佈在東南地區,在同一個時區工作對中國人來說只是輕微的不 便。但是計劃去中國旅行的背包客,應該做好生理時鐘有些混亂的準備。
  • 27. That’s pretty wild considering how China is almost the size of the United States, which has six timezones! Interestingly, China didn’t always operate on Beijing time. Beijing Standard Time was only established in 1949. Before that, in 1912, there were five recognised timezones. 考慮到中國幾乎和美國一樣大,美國有六個時區, 這真是個瘋狂!有趣的是,中國並不總是按照北京 時間運作。 北京標準時間是1949 年才設立的。之前在 1912 年, 有五個公認的時區。
  • 28. USA road trip San Fransisco’s Golden Gate Bridge ‘singing’ 舊金山 的 金門大橋「會唱歌」 Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco Sunset 舊金山 金門大橋 日落 San Franciscans reported hearing eerie sounds from several kilometres away! 舊金山人報告說,從幾公里外都可聽到怪異的聲音!
  • 29. This is one of the newer facts about the world. In June 2020, residents reported that San Francisco’s famous Golden Gate Bridge has started “singing” following recent changes to bicycle-path railings. It appears to make music as the wind blows through them. 這是世界最新的實況之一。2020 年 6 月有居民反應說,隨著最近自行車道欄杆的改建,當 風吹過時好像會發出音樂,舊金山著名的金門大橋開始「唱歌」。
  • 30. City officials explained it to be a case of high winds passing through the new handrails. The bridge is safer for users when it faces less wind resistance. Therefore, the sound is a good sign that strong winds are passing through the bridge smoothly! 市政府官員解釋說,這是大風穿過新扶手造成的。聲音 是好預兆,表示強風順利通過橋樑!當橋樑面臨的風阻 較小時,對使用者來說更為安全。
  • 31. Leopard in Yala National Park Sri Lanka 斯里蘭卡 雅拉國家公園 的美洲豹 Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons Kenya isn't the only place to experience a safari. Sri Lanka is Asia's very own safari land,, on the open plains of Yala National Park, you can see amazing wild animals such as elephants, leopards, and even water birds! 肯亞 並不是唯一體驗狩獵之旅的地方。斯里蘭卡 是亞洲獨有的遊獵之處,在 雅拉國 家公園開闊的平原上,就可以看到大象、豹,甚至還有水鳥等神奇的野生動物! You can go on a safari in Sri Lanka 你可以去 斯里蘭卡 狩獵之旅
  • 32. Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons Sri Lankan Axis Deer at Wilpattu National Park 斯里蘭卡 威爾帕圖 國家公園 的斑鹿 Also can go see axis deers and sloth bears in Wilpattu National Park! The best time to visit would be between March and October — water levels are lower and you’ll see more animals come out to drink. 也可以去 威爾帕圖 國家公園 看斑鹿和懶熊!最佳遊覽時間是 3 ~ 10 月,水 位較低,可以看到更多動物出來喝水。
  • 33. Photo credit: @alexmustard1 via Instagram Another cool fact about Sri Lanka is the annual sightings of migrating Blue Whales! Between December to April, witness the biggest animals in the world feed on krill in the Southern Coast. 斯里蘭卡 另一個很酷的實況是看到遷徙的藍鯨!每年 12 ~ 4 月期間, 在南海岸可見到世界上以磷蝦為食的最大動物藍鯨。
  • 34. A real-life Spirited Away bathhouse exists in Tainan, Taiwan. 台灣台南有一家真實的《神隱少女》澡堂 Miyazaki's anime "Spirited Away" 宮崎駿的動漫《神隱少女》
  • 35. Jiufen, Taiwan, is popularly known as the mountain village that inspired Miyazaki’s Spirited Away. However, down south in Tainan has a real-life replica of the famed bathhouse. 台灣 九份 是聞名的山村,其靈感來自宮崎駿《神隱少女》。然而,在南 部 台南 有一間著名澡堂,為真實的複製品。 Jiufen, Taiwan 台灣九份
  • 36. Photo credit: @hsingfang20 via Instagram Real Life Spirited Away Bathhouse. in Tainan 台南 現實生活中的《神隱少女》澡堂。 Located in the Breezy Valley Art Village is the Breezy Village Guesthouse. It closely resembles the iconic bathhouse, especially with Yubaba greeting you at the front — don’t offend her or she’ll turn you into a pig! 台南「微風山谷民宿」位於 微風谷藝術村。它與動畫中「湯屋」非常相似, 尤其是「湯婆婆」在屋前迎接你,別得罪她,否則她會把你變成豬的!
  • 37. Thailand has a festival to appreciate their monkeys 泰國 猴子節 Every last Sunday of November, this festival in Lopburi celebrates the Monkeys in a Monkey Buffet Festival. 每年 11 月最後一個星期天,泰國 華富里府(省) 都會在 「猴子自助餐節」中為猴子慶祝。
  • 38. Photo credit: Chaiwat Subprasom via Reuters Locals Dressed as Monkeys Performing for Monkeys at the Lopburi Monkey Festival 當地人打扮成猴子,在 華富里 府(省) 猴子節上為猴子表演
  • 39. During the Monkey Festival, monkey climbed to the shoulder of tourists. 猴子節期間,猴子爬到遊客的肩膀上。
  • 40. The resident monkeys of the Phra Prang Sam Yot temple are treated to 4,000 kilograms of fruits, vegetables, and Thai desserts — what a spread! 人們為棲息在 三塔寺 的猴子們準備了 4,000 公斤水果、蔬菜和泰國甜點,這真 是場盛宴!
  • 41. Africa Ethiopia 非洲 埃塞俄比亞 Ethiopia 埃塞俄比亞 Red Sea 紅海 Here’s one of the most mindboggling facts about the world — when we welcomed 2023, Ethiopia was only four months into 2015. 這是世界上最令人難以置信的事實之一,當我們迎接 2023 年時,埃塞俄比亞 才進入 2015 年僅四個月。 Ethiopian calendar is always 7 years behind 埃塞俄比亞 (衣索比亞) 日曆 總是落後七年
  • 42. © Orthodox church in Ethiopia. 埃塞俄比亞的東正教教堂 Just like the Gregorian calendar (the one most of us are on), the Ethiopian calendar marks Christ’s birth as the starting point. However, Ethiopia's Orthodox Church believes that Christ was born in 7 BC, so the Ethiopian calendar is seven to eight years behind. 就像公曆一樣,埃塞俄比亞 的日曆,是將基督誕生作為起點。然而,埃塞俄比亞 東正教 認為基督出生於公元前 7 年,因此 埃塞俄比亞 日曆落後七到八年。
  • 43. The most interesting differences are the yearly holidays — unlike the rest of the world, Ethiopia celebrates New Years on September 11th and Christmas on January 7th (in Gregorian calendar). 最有趣的區別是每年的假期,與世界其它地方不同,埃塞俄比亞 在 (公曆) 9 月 11 日慶祝新年,在 1 月 7 日慶祝聖誕節。
  • 44. Photo credit: Mulugeta Wolde via Unsplash St. George Church, Lalibela, Ethiopia. 埃塞俄比亞 拉利貝拉 聖喬治教堂 Fortunately, travellers aren’t affected by the difference while they’re there. Modern-day Ethiopia understands the Gregorian calendar and uses both calendars interchangeably. 幸運的是,旅行者在那裡不會受到這種差異的影響。現代 埃塞俄 比亞 理解公曆,並可互換使用這兩種日曆。
  • 45. France is the most visited country with 89 million annual tourists 法國是訪問量最大的國家,每年有 8,900 萬遊客。 Eiffel Tower from Trecadéro Paris 從 巴黎 特雷卡德羅 看埃菲爾鐵塔
  • 46. Based on Singapore’s popular travel destinations, Japan or Thailand to be the most visited country. Surprisingly, before COVID-19 made travel take a backseat, France was the most visited country in the world. 根據 新加坡 的熱門旅遊目的地,日本 或 泰國 是訪問量最大的國家。令人驚訝的 是,在 COVID-19 旅行退居二線之前期間,法國 是世界上訪問量最大的國家。
  • 47. Apart from exploring the city of love, many travellers also pass through it on their way to Italy and Spain. 許多旅行者除了探索這座愛情之城之外,前往 義大利 和 西班牙 的途中也會經過 法國 。
  • 48. Photo credit: Matt Reinbold via Flickr Thailand Bumblebee Bats are the tiniest bat in the world. They were first discovered in 1973 by Kitti Thonglongya, a Thai biologist, and are also known as Kitti’s hog-nosed bat. 泰國 大黃蜂蝙蝠是世界上最小的蝙蝠,它們於 1973 年由泰國生物學家 基蒂•通 隆亞 首次發現,又被稱為「基蒂 豬鼻蝙蝠」。 These bats in Thailand are the world’s tiniest mammals 泰國蝙蝠 是世界上最小的哺乳動物
  • 49. In the limestone caves of Sai Yok National Park are the world’s tiniest bats (and mammals)! Bat soup jokes aside, aren’t they adorable? 泰國 「塞友國家公園」的石灰岩洞穴中,生活著世界上最小的蝙蝠 (哺乳動物)! 拋開蝙蝠湯的笑話,它們是不是很可愛?
  • 50. They grow up to 33mm and weigh only 2g. That’s only 1mm bigger than Singapore’s 50 cent coin! 它們成長到 33 毫米,重量僅為 2 克。這只比新加坡的 5 毛硬幣大 1 毫米!
  • 51. Photo credit: Per-Olof Forsberg via Flickr In Sweden, you can order Macs on skis 瑞典可以在滑雪板上購買「麥克」漢堡 Macdonald Ski Thru in Sweden 瑞典的「滑雪得來速」麥當勞
  • 52. In Sweden, you don’t need a car to order from the drive-thru. But, you’ll need a pair of skis. 在瑞典不需要開車經「得來速」購買漢堡。但是需要一副滑雪板。
  • 53. Everyone gets the Macadee munchies, especially in negative degrees with boards on your feet. That’s why Sweden has blessed skiers with McSki since 1996 — the only ski-thru McDonald’s in the world! Nothing warms you up more than a box of nuggies after a tough day on the slopes. 每個人都會吃「馬卡迪」零食,尤其是腳踩滑雪板在冰 點以下的情況。 這就是為什麼瑞典自 1996 年以來,一直為滑雪者提供 「滑雪麥克」麥當勞店,世界上僅此一家「滑雪得來速」 麥當勞! 在滑雪場度過艱辛的一天後,沒有什麼比一盒炸雞塊更 能讓你溫暖的了。
  • 54. Giethoorn Village Netherlands Town With No Street 荷蘭 羊角村小鎮 沒有街道 Venice isn’t the only town that gets around mainly by boat. Within Giethoorn Village in the Netherlands, there are no streets, only footpaths and over 6km of canal. 威尼斯 並不是唯一主要乘船遊覽的城鎮。在 荷蘭 的羊角村內,沒有街道,只有人行 道和超過6公里的運河。
  • 55. Photo credit: Mohamed Nedal via Facebook The picturesque village is filled with rustic cottages and surrounded by tall trees, just like a fairytale! 風景如畫的村莊到處都是樸實的小屋,周圍環繞著高大 的樹木,就像童話裡一樣!
  • 56. Visitors can either kayak through the scenic neighborhood or ride a bike on the footpaths. 遊客可以划舟穿過風景優美的街區,也可以在人行道上騎自行車。
  • 57. Photo credit: @carnarvonvisitorcentre via Instagram There’s a rock in Australia that’s bigger than Ayer’s Rock Uluru 澳洲有一塊巨石,比「烏魯魯 / 艾爾斯巨岩」還大。 Mount Augustus Western Australia 西澳大利亞 奧古斯都山
  • 58. Uluru / Ayers Rock 烏魯魯 / 艾爾斯巨岩 Photo credit: Wikipedia When we talk about big rocks in Australia, the famed Uluru is usually what comes to mind , you can even see it from space! 當大家談到澳洲大石頭時,通常會想到著名的「烏魯魯巨岩」,甚至 從太空都可以看到它!
  • 59. Mount Augustus 奧古斯都山 However, there’s an even bigger rock in town. Mount Augustus is two and a half times the size of Uluru, and you have to drive 54km to get around it! But at the end of the day, Uluru still is the largest single rock formation in the world, also known as a monolith whereas Mount Augustus’ massive stature may be composed of many layers of sand and gravel. 然而還有一塊更大的巨岩。「奧古斯都山」的 面積是「烏魯魯巨岩」的兩倍半,開車繞一圈 是 54 公里! 但歸根結底,「烏魯魯巨岩」仍然是世界上最 大的單一岩層,也被稱為巨石,而「奧古斯都 山」的巨大身材可能由多層沙子和礫石組成。
  • 60. New Zealand has the steepest residential area in the world 新西蘭有世界上最陡峭的住宅區 Steep Street Baldwin Street, Dunedin, New Zealand. 新西蘭 但尼丁,陡峭的街道 鮑德溫街。
  • 61. San Francisco is known as a city of slopes, with its steepest street angling up at 27°. If you think that’s steep, try living on Baldwin Street in New Zealand. 舊金山以斜坡之城而聞名,其最陡峭的街道呈 27 角。如果覺得太陡峭了,那請 看看在新西蘭的 鮑德溫街。 Baldwin Street, Dunedin. 但尼丁 鮑德溫街
  • 62. The residential street in Dunedin won the Guinness World Record with its 38° slope. The sharp incline makes all the houses look like they’re sunken into the ground. But we’re sure the residents have thighs of steel. 但尼丁的住宅區街道以 38 度的坡度獲得了 吉尼斯 世界紀錄。陡峭的斜坡使所有的房屋 看起來都像沉入地下。但我們確信居民們有鐵一般的大腿。 Photo credit: Wikimedia Commons Baldwin Street, Dunedin. 但尼丁 鮑德溫街
  • 63. Photo: Getty Images Mokoli'i Island 草帽島 Hawaii, you can experience sunny beaches and snowy mountains on the same island 夏威夷,在同一島上體驗陽光沙灘和雪山 Hawaii only has two seasons - Summer and Winter but it actually has eight of the world’s 13 climates! 夏威夷只有兩個季節,夏季和冬季,但它實際上擁有 世界上 13 種氣候中的 8 種!
  • 64. Mountains Mauna Loa 莫納羅亞山 At sea level, the temperate rarely rises above 32°C or drops below 16°C but in the mountains of Mauna Kea, Mauna Loa and Haleakala, it snows pretty often! 在海平面,氣溫很少超過 32°C 或低於 16°C,但在莫納克亞山、莫納羅亞山和哈 雷阿卡拉山區,經常下雪!