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131 Tips
for New Teachers

 Advice from the readers of
Free Technology for Teachers
Communicate with parents and don't overplan.

Don’t forget to be yourself and show them your personality.
 Kids and parents see right through the dog and pony just be you take a deep breath and relax.  

No name submitted
My best advice for new teachers is to always have a backup

Be consistent, firm and fair.  When the bell rings come out

My New Teachers page will help you:
Ask lots of questions and make lots of mistakes. 


If you do not know..ask!
It IS about the kids.
The parents are important.
Stay organised.
Enjoy your job, it is the best in the world.

no name submitted
Don't try to be perfect.  Remember you know more than the
students do.  Try to sit in on other teacher's classes and
see what you can learn.  Finally, you will get better.  Don't

Robert Courtemanche -

Curriculum can wait.  Spend time building community and
relationships in your classroom.  Once you do that, and
establish norms and routines, you can fly through the

Ben K., @learnteachtech, htttp://
Get enough sleep!
Strive for conceptual understanding, not just coverage.  Be
subversive if you have to!
Ask your school librarian for help. That's their job!

your friendly neighborhood school librarian

Take control of your distance education and/or traditional
courses by having an intimate knowledge of your LMS. Take
responsibility, break down that LMS barrier to learning and
KNOW your LMS. Learn it, love it, use it.

Be prepared. Have a plan for discipline infractions from
DAY 1.  Follow it to the letter for the first two weeks. Kids
will get the message that you mean what you say and say
what you mean. Call parents during the first week to
introduce yourself and you will get a feel for how supportive
and responsive your parents will be.  Also, try to make time
to call for good things.  That way when a negative phone call
must be made, you already have a rapport with the parent.

Miss E
Your first year will be a throw away. Or seek help from
teachers who can teach you how to teach (and do what they
say). Your college classes were pointless when it comes to
Oh and you know nothing about teaching. Not one bit. Come
back to me in two-four years. Then you can be confident.

Create an "absent box" where you place papers for absent
students (with their name written on the top). Teach
students to visit this box immediately upon return to class.

No Name Submitted

Connect with your students, that's the most important
thing. Get to know them.
Find a mentor. Someone you can learn with/from, someone
you can talk to. 
Develop your PLN.

Greta Sandler 
Know your stuff, especially if you teach teenagers. They can
spot a fake a mile away. Love what you teach. If you love
your subject area, that love will inevitably rub off on your

My best advice: be consistent, be respectful of them (it's a
2-way street), be ready to listen when they want to talk to
you, be ready to share yourself with them, start off by
building a community where students can take risks and feel
safe, start an igoogle page set up with a google reader (or
other) and develop a PLN. Lots more but this is enough to
Debra, @teacherdebra,
Pick one content area that you want to teach exceptionally
well. Tread water with the others, do them well, but don't
try and teach them all like an expert. The next year, add
another. If you try and teach everything expertly, you'll
quickly be a candidate for burn out.

Don't be afraid to ask!!! Ask anything you're unsure about
to other teachers. Asking questions IS NOT a sign of
inability or incompetence.
Read Diane Ravitch's book, The Death and Life of the Great
American School System.


Be humble.Take advise and listen to those that have been
there before you.Reach out to the parents and keep them
informed.  Be careful of the politics of your new school and
don't chose a side in haste.Try not to gossip. Be kind. Be
helpful. Don't take on too much. Keep a journal of each day,
note the good and the conflicts. Keep this record private in
case you need it.  Do not visit with the principal about
certain things without representation. Be positive, work
hard, and be a continuous learner.

I am going into year seven. The PLN in where it is at. Educators
new (and old) need to connect themselves. I have learned over the
past year and a half the importance of being connected through
Twitter, RSS, and reading the work of edubloggers like yourself. In
addition, write. Begin a blog yourself and write about your
thoughts, ideas, and questions. There is a tremendous community
out there ready to help and guide.

Mike Meechin, @innovateed,

You know that look your mother could give you across a
crowded room (or from up in the church choir) that could
immediately squelch any thought of misbehavior?  Go home
and practice that in the mirror.  You'll need it, and your
voice gets so tired sometimes!

No Name Submitted
Get to know your librarian.  They have great ideas and

Jennifer Smith - readjunkee

get your sleep...a first year can be physically and mentally


Don't take it personal. 

No Name Sumbitted
Create a Google Doc (use Google Forms for this) survey to
learn about your students strengths, weaknesses, interests,
likes. dislikes, family, etc. This will help you to differentiate
instruction, and to get to know your kids much better!

Get to know two people in your school as soon as possible:
the secretary and the custodian. These two support staff
often work behind the scenes to keep everything running
smoothly and can be your most valuable resource.

Now more than ever, allow yourself to learn from your
students and give them the opportunity to teach their


When you hear "this is how we do things" don't be afraid to
ask "why?"

Peter Lane, mrlane,

Best tip for new teachers is to remember you are their
teacher!!! You are not a friend!
No name submitted
Find the best teachers in your building and respectfully
request that you sit in their classes. Take notes, ask
questions, watch their techniques. Get a feel for their
classroom culture and apply it to your own classroom
Don't get sucked into the myth that somehow you're a
martyr for accepting a teaching position. This isn't the
army and you weren't drafted. There will be poisonous
personalities in your building. Avoid them at all costs.

Focus on the children at all times. Always do what you feel
is best for them.
No Name Submitted
Classroom management should be your top priority. After
that everything else seems  easy. Students like routine and
knowing what to expect.


If you are teaching at the Elementary or Middle School
level, send home a weekly communication (email, etc.) to
your students and parents.  They will love the updates and
the feeling of being connected to school.  It will also allow
you to get out important reminders and class news all in
one shot! 

Stay Calm!
Choose Your Battles!
Always Have A Backup Plan!


Find someone in your building that you can ask for help. 
And then ask for help when you need it!  Keep in mind, it will
get better! 

Ms. Kappler

Build relationships . . . with your students, parents,
colleagues and administrators. 

Doing something for yourself every day after school that
makes you happy. Learning when to put an end to your
school day and realize you have a life outside of school.
Don't live or count down for your summers off because
having the summer off isn't the reason why you became a
teacher. Enjoy your students!

Amy Boylen

1 - Ask veteran teachers how things work at your school.
2 - Ask veteran teachers how they handle classroom
management, parents, and admin.
3 - Do not sweat the small stuff.

Mr. Thompson / New Mexico
Get to know ALL of your kids! We have a tendency to pay
the most attention to our best and worst students, leaving
the "middle" kids in the shadows. Take care to make a
connection with every student - it will definitely pay off
for you, and them!


It's ok to NOT know every answer. (Help students see
how you find answers and solve problems.)

Be very, very, very patient!
Everything is changing and everybody is lost, so you need
patience to deal with your students and their parents.


Be sure to take into account your students' different
learning styles. To do so, try questionnaires for that
purpose. You'll find them on the net. Then you could plan
your lessons in a way to cater for the mosaic of learning
styles you have in the classroom.

Think twice before being a teacher. It's very tiresome and
frustrating. It's becoming very hard to work as a teacher,
so think twice before starting!


Always have a alternate lesson plan in mind, because what
works with one group of kids one day may not work with
another group of kids.

No Name Submitted
Give parents the following assignment @ orientation or on
the 1st day of school: "In a million words or less....describe
your child." This is a very effective way for parents to have
an opportunity to give you both the positives & negatives
about their child's personality, learning styles, ect.
Students LOVE the fact that their parents have an
assignment on the first day. Parents usually respond with a
minimum of 3 paragraphs. This assignment helped me learn
names faster, as well as gain a perspective about each child
in a short amount of time. Can work with all grade levels; I
did it at the middle school level.

It's okay to not know everything.  In fact, it's sometimes
better:  I've found that Socratic irony (where the teacher
professes to be [and, in some cases, actually is] ignorant)
leads to authentic and rigorous inquiry in ways that
students guessing what the teacher already knows never


Ask if you need help.  Don't be shy.  We've all been there. 
Most teachers are very helpful to new teachers...besides we
want to learn from you too!
I have more than one tip: Be firm, fair, and consistent. Don't try
to become friends with your students. Learn about your incoming
students from their past teachers, but keep an open mind because
very year should be a fresh start. Don't hang around the
complainers and whiners. Instead, find a veteran teacher who most
closely resembles the kind of teacher you want to become and
learn from them. Get involved in your school community, but
remember to take time for yourself to avoid burn out. Spend the
first few weeks modeling and practicing your expectations and
procedures(and follow-through). It pays off in the end. Above all,
remember that you're entering one of the most challenging, yet
rewarding careers a person can have. It won't be easy, but imagine
the lives you will touch:)

Tricia @
Get organized and stay organized.  Train your students
(any age!) to put things away correctly.  This will save you
so much time! 
Set aside time at the end of each day to de-clutter your
desk and put materials in their proper place.  When you
walk in the next morning, you will be able to focus and
move forward.

No Name Submitted

Stay calm!
Have back up work ready in case any of your lesson fail.
That way you can regroup but the students are kept busy
(I use to make vocabulary word searches, crossword
puzzles, textbook scavenger hunts, etc.)

Overplan.  It is better to have too much and have to leave
something for the next day then not to have enough to
keep student's engaged.  It's good classroom management
as well because if/when students are engaged in a lesson,
they can't be getting into trouble.
Cultivate a sense of humour, be kind to your students and
yourself, and make time to reflect.

Margot Lavelle

Seek answers from experienced teachers and your
administration, they are not the enemy but wish to see
every teachers succeed.  It doesn't matter what you
teach, it only matters what students learn.

Find a friend in another teacher and share
experiences/ask for help.  But avoid the teachers' lounge -
the bitchers and moaners hang out there, and you'll get
nothing to support you there.


Ask colleagues for advice with planning. There is a wealth
of proven ideas in all schools. You don't have to reinvent
the wheel. A sense of ownership is important but so is your
social life.
No Name submitted
Assign Seats.

No Name Submitted

Organization...color code everything, use one paper
calendar and one electronic calendar (phone or computer)
to keep track of deadlines and meetings, file things right
 Rae Downen

Make friends with the custodial and secretarial staffs.
They will be very important, and vital, resources!

No Name Submitted
Be organized.  A place for everything and everything in it's

No name submitted

Do not take the closest parking spots to the door.  Those
should be kept open for those teachers w/ seniority or
physical issues.

No name submitted
Take time to build community along with kicking off your
first unit of study. 


Make sure to have a behaviour management plan
(something that is reasonable, with natural consequences)
and be willing to follow through with it. Allowing the
students to have input into the plan will ensure their
understanding, co-operation and ownership. 

No name submitted
Make sure that the students know that you are in charge.  I
work in a big urban district, and if the students can see
that you are unsure of yourself, you will have a LONG year. 
Once you get that out of the way, things will become a heck
of a lot easier!!

Matt F.
On the first day of school, avoid going over the syllabus. 
Give your students a taste of what it will be like to be in
your class.  There will be plenty of time to review your
policies.  It's very important to set the tone from day 1 of
what your class will be like.  Since I teach Spanish, I will
converse with the students about what they like and don't
like to do.  I believe in personalizing my class and getting
to know them that first week, which always results in
better behaved students.  And, when we do get around to
the syllabus, I make them take turns reading it to one
another, rather than me reading it to them.

If you don't understand, ASK!
If you do understand,PASS IT ON!


When students want to argue with you (and some will),
calmly tell them, "I am not going to argue with you," and
walk away.  Don't let student get you to battle.

First comes the person, then the pupil/student.


Everything is 'urgent'.
Ask for help to identify what is actually important & just
do those things.
(courtesy of my line manager, years ago when I returned
to teaching - I still operate like this.) Thanks Dawn <3

Don't be afraid to ask questions! Your teaching peers,
understand the school system, the calendar, the grading
system, professional contact, the curriculum, classroom
management, because they have been through it before.
It's not a weakness to admit you don't know something!

Be prepared to spend more time when you integrating
technology in teaching and learning. Always have Plan B and
C; computers don't work as we want them to sometimes.
All the best!

Yoon Sook Jhee
Leave your ego at the door. I think I lost my temper at
least once a day before I somehow learned not to take
student remarks and actions personally and to actually be
more mature than the kids I taught. Man, this was really
hard. Prepare to be dissed. I comes with the job.  Nine
more here:
Arrive early and leave on time. Don't stay until it is finished. You
will work more efficiently.

Gail Braddock

Using technology at this phase of your career may seem hopelessly
overwhelming. You may ask yourself over and over, "Where do I
even start? There is so much stuff out there." The short answer is
jump on the train 'somewhere'. Get your feet wet, get your hands
dirty, and most importantly, don't be afraid to fail. Teachers,
especially those trying to integrate technology will tell you that
things don't always go as planned, so having the humility to fail and
try again are key to becoming a great educator. Kids always
appreciate teachers who admit they are human...  trendingedtech
Don't be afraid to try out new things such as Web 2.0
tools. Just remember that pedagogy and learning outcome
come first. It's alright if the response is poor or impact is
minimal as there is always chance to improve the teaching
and use of tools.


If a lesson bombs, don't self destruct.The sun WILL rise
tomorrow morning, and the birds will sing again.You will
always have another chance to make it a good lesson or

Remember MOE from the Three Stooges: Make learning
Meaningful, Organized, and Elaborated upon.

Move your feet before your mouth. So many potential
problems can be eliminated by proximity in the classroom.
Aretha Franklin advocates working toward RESPECT not
love from your students; find love somewhere else. 

Sara Davis,
By keeping your desk free of clutter you will be reducing
the likelihood that you will catch an illness. When
students come to my desk for help they seem to always
fiddle with things on my desk and seldom do they wash
their hands after sneezing/coughing.

Scott Witkowsky
Make use of the experience of your fellow teachers - ask
for help and advice, it will make for a stronger team. They
in turn may ask you for tips and tricks that you learned at
As far as the students - remember that every student has a
strength but sometimes it takes a bit of searching. Take
time to really get to know them. When you have conflict, it
is much better to talk 1-1 to the student(s) involved, rather
than a public confrontation. Good luck!

No Name Submitted
"Ask someone"  I have found many new teachers think that
they should come into it day one with all of the answers. 
Veteran teachers have seen it, heard it and done it all. 
Save yourself time and energy.  Ask one of your peers. 
They love to help, that is why they became teachers!  

No Name Submitted
Quote from Martin Heidegger (in Being and Time): ‘Teaching is even more
difficult than learning. We know that; but we rarely think about it. And why
is teaching more difficult than learning? Not because the teacher must have
a larger store of information, and have it always ready. Teaching is more
difficult than learning because what teaching calls for is this: to let learn.
The real teacher, in fact lets nothing else be learned than—learning. His
conduct, therefore, often produces the impression that we properly learn
nothing from him, if by “learning” we now suddenly understand merely the
procurement of useful information. The teacher is ahead of his apprentices
in this alone, that he has still far more to learn than they—he has to learn to
let them learn. The teacher must be capable of being more teachable than
the apprentices. The teacher is far less assured of his ground than those
who learn are of theirs. If the relation between the teacher and the taught
is genuine, therefore, there is never a place in it for the authority of the
know-it-all or the authoritative sway of the official’ (15). This pretty much
says it all...


Talk to a professional financial planner very early on in your
career.  Often it is cheaper to buy years of service after
your 1st year than in your last 5years.  Early investing is the
key to secure financial future, if there is such a  thing?

No Name Submitted

Use a countdownclock when you are planning. Set the clock
on 30 minutes for example and try to plan as good as it gets
within this time. Otherwise you will overdo the planning and
eventually become tired.

Be organized! Teach your studets to THINK!


Limit the amount of work that you take home.  I try to take
work home on 2-3 days a week and never on weekends. 

No Name Submitted

Remember to do it your way not the way your students want
when it truly matters! My first year the seniors wanted to
play kickball each Friday in our government class. They said
"Last year's teacher let the seniors play every Friday." I
always responded, "I'm not that teacher and in our
classroom we will do it this way, you'll be ok."

  comfy shoes in a drawer or cabinet!  Some days
require more running than others and straps snap or laces
break. :)

No Name Submitted

take advantage of everything your librarian has to offer :-)

No Name Submitted

manage your class, everything else will follow

No Name Submitted

Teaching your students classroom procedures and checking
daily to make sure they are followed, makes a classroom run
smoothly all year.

Kim Munoz

Don't make classroom rules you won't enforce.


Hopefully your school district will support you with an
instructional coach or mentor. If not, find yourself someone
that you believe you can learn from and ask that person if
he/she is willing to work with you. Observe that classroom
and have that teacher observe yours, then spend time in


The best advice I ever received as a new teacher was to go
home. I loved my students and my job, but was exhausted. I
was at school 2-3 hours late every night. The lesson learned
was that going home didn't make me a bad teacher, it meant
I was taking care of myself. I hold true to that as often as
I can. 


Students have a strict sense of justice.  Avoid getting
caught in this trap by being consistent!  Making a special
exception for a "good kid" seems benign in the moment but
will come back to haunt you.

Take time for yourself.  It's easy to devote every waking
minute to school your first year.  Decide on a "quitting
time" before you tackle the pile of papers, and stick to it! 
There's always tomorrow.

Join, develop, or create a personal learning network of
educators that are innovative, personable, and put students

This might sound negative but it was the best advise I was
ever given - there is only so much time in the day - do all
you can to best of ability - but remember their is more to
life than school - and that needs time too.


listen to those with experience, seek their advice, decide
what works for you, Try something new, take time for
yourself, and smile.  Works wonders!


Integrate technology to open your classroom door to the

Read Teaching with Love and Logic. It changed my
professional life. 

No Name Submitted
Best advice for new teachers:
1. Be organized.
2. Ask for help
3. Use the curriculum as a guide, but be creative.
4. Ask for help
5. create a PLN
6. Ask for help.

More advice:
Choose quality, not quantity - or, to put it another way,
more isn't always better, sometimes it's just more.

Don't try to do everything - you'll never survive. Just
concentrate on learning one or two things really well, and
show your kids how much fun it is to learn something new.

No Name Submitted

Always take the time to clean off your desk before you
leave every afternoon. When you arrive the next morning,
your desk is free of clutter and you can begin a fresh new
day. :O)


Be creative, try new things, don't be afraid to fail, be as
organized as you can!

Renee DeBlock 

Try your best to stay organized. 

No Name Submitted

Be flexible! You need to adapt some to your new
environment, but always do what is in the best interest of
your students :)
No Name Given

Schmooze the secretaries, custodians, and librarians!

No Name Given

Tune into the students. They are your partners. If you earn
their trust, they will guide you, tell you when you can pick up
the pace and when you need to slow down. Empower them as
masters of their own learning journeys.

Kelly M, Windsor, ON

Try to leave it at school. When you go home, it shouldn't
have to follow you.

No Name Given

Don't be afraid to be yourself in the classroom. Your
students *want* to know who you are. Don't lose your
humanity in an attempt to create a mask of


Realize that it takes a whole year to learn the routine and
calendar in any new job...especially teaching.  Do your best
but don't burn out the first year. 

Use your, listen, try, fail, succeed and

If you are a mom, then you have 3 full-time jobs...Teacher,
Mother, and Mother to your husband (He is like having
another kid!)

No Name Given

Don't be afraid to ask for help, resources, ideas from your
colleagues; in other words, ask them for their best
(handout, activities, places to shop for posters and supplies,
teacher websites) and then make it your own.  You don't
have to invent a wheel everyday. 

Debra Breunig

Always have a back up lesson for any main lesson that
includes technology (or anything you have to plug in, for
that matter).

Cheryl Higginbotham

Have a sense of humor.


Do not befriend students or have perceived favourites. No
nicknames either. 

Skier 10

Start using Google Reader and subscribe to Free
Technology for Teachers!  

Katherine Maloney, 1katty,

Seek to create something that does not exist.  Don't lose
sight of why you are there...students first.  
No Name Given

Don't be afraid to ask for help.


Create a safe and fun learning community. Start with
introduction icebreaker activities and establishing class


Put your name on your stuff.
Go with the flow.
The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's ass every day.
(Meaning: you will not always be in the lime light!)

Carol L.

Find someone who has been in teaching for a while that is
still excited as you are about teaching. Stay away from
those who are not.


Befriend your school librarian. She/he can be an invaluable
partner in planning creative lessons, finding appropriate
resources, and introducing new technologies.


never loose the ability to laugh at yourself


Use the power of your LMS.  Don't buy, borrow.  Don't
search on your own, ask for help.

No Name Given

Communicate carefully with parents. Check your tone,
grammar, and style in any electronic messages - I've
received email from a young English teacher with the IM-
like use of "u" for "you" in an email. Think of great ways to
utilize technology in the classroom. Read blogs like this one,
connect with other teachers, use resources outside the

No Name Given
Work hard, put in a lot of hours, be proactive with your
communication to parents, and ask questions.  There is no
easy way to success as a new teacher, but it will pay off in
a few years!

Don't forget your bunny slippers!


Remember the difference between being friendly and being
friends. The students want someone who is fair and

Also remember that there is a difference between truly
incorporating technology and just using technology.

No Name Given

Be honest and make sure you work harder than everyone
else around you. No one can ever fault you for this. Oh, and
keep your head just slightly below the radar!

For more ideas about using technology
  in your classroom, please consider
 joining more than 38,000 others in
            subscribing to 
    Free Technology for Teachers

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Free technology for teachers 131 tips for new teachers

  • 1. 131 Tips for New Teachers Advice from the readers of Free Technology for Teachers
  • 2. Communicate with parents and don't overplan. Don’t forget to be yourself and show them your personality.  Kids and parents see right through the dog and pony just be you take a deep breath and relax.   No name submitted
  • 3. My best advice for new teachers is to always have a backup plan. Be consistent, firm and fair.  When the bell rings come out teaching! My New Teachers page will help you:
  • 4. Ask lots of questions and make lots of mistakes.  Riptide If you do not know..ask! It IS about the kids. The parents are important. Stay organised. Enjoy your job, it is the best in the world. no name submitted
  • 5. Don't try to be perfect.  Remember you know more than the students do.  Try to sit in on other teacher's classes and see what you can learn.  Finally, you will get better.  Don't panic.  Robert Courtemanche - Curriculum can wait.  Spend time building community and relationships in your classroom.  Once you do that, and establish norms and routines, you can fly through the curriculum. Ben K., @learnteachtech, htttp://
  • 6. Get enough sleep! Strive for conceptual understanding, not just coverage.  Be subversive if you have to! Ask your school librarian for help. That's their job! your friendly neighborhood school librarian Take control of your distance education and/or traditional courses by having an intimate knowledge of your LMS. Take responsibility, break down that LMS barrier to learning and KNOW your LMS. Learn it, love it, use it. beebo_wallace
  • 7. Be prepared. Have a plan for discipline infractions from DAY 1.  Follow it to the letter for the first two weeks. Kids will get the message that you mean what you say and say what you mean. Call parents during the first week to introduce yourself and you will get a feel for how supportive and responsive your parents will be.  Also, try to make time to call for good things.  That way when a negative phone call must be made, you already have a rapport with the parent. Miss E
  • 8. Your first year will be a throw away. Or seek help from teachers who can teach you how to teach (and do what they say). Your college classes were pointless when it comes to implementation.  Oh and you know nothing about teaching. Not one bit. Come back to me in two-four years. Then you can be confident. jwrussell
  • 9. Create an "absent box" where you place papers for absent students (with their name written on the top). Teach students to visit this box immediately upon return to class. No Name Submitted Connect with your students, that's the most important thing. Get to know them. Find a mentor. Someone you can learn with/from, someone you can talk to.  Develop your PLN. Greta Sandler 
  • 10. Know your stuff, especially if you teach teenagers. They can spot a fake a mile away. Love what you teach. If you love your subject area, that love will inevitably rub off on your students. My best advice: be consistent, be respectful of them (it's a 2-way street), be ready to listen when they want to talk to you, be ready to share yourself with them, start off by building a community where students can take risks and feel safe, start an igoogle page set up with a google reader (or other) and develop a PLN. Lots more but this is enough to start!   Debra, @teacherdebra,
  • 11. Pick one content area that you want to teach exceptionally well. Tread water with the others, do them well, but don't try and teach them all like an expert. The next year, add another. If you try and teach everything expertly, you'll quickly be a candidate for burn out.   yourkidsteacher Don't be afraid to ask!!! Ask anything you're unsure about to other teachers. Asking questions IS NOT a sign of inability or incompetence.   cecilialcoelho
  • 12. Read Diane Ravitch's book, The Death and Life of the Great American School System. Art Be humble.Take advise and listen to those that have been there before you.Reach out to the parents and keep them informed.  Be careful of the politics of your new school and don't chose a side in haste.Try not to gossip. Be kind. Be helpful. Don't take on too much. Keep a journal of each day, note the good and the conflicts. Keep this record private in case you need it.  Do not visit with the principal about certain things without representation. Be positive, work hard, and be a continuous learner. marilynwinter1189
  • 13. I am going into year seven. The PLN in where it is at. Educators new (and old) need to connect themselves. I have learned over the past year and a half the importance of being connected through Twitter, RSS, and reading the work of edubloggers like yourself. In addition, write. Begin a blog yourself and write about your thoughts, ideas, and questions. There is a tremendous community out there ready to help and guide. Mike Meechin, @innovateed, You know that look your mother could give you across a crowded room (or from up in the church choir) that could immediately squelch any thought of misbehavior?  Go home and practice that in the mirror.  You'll need it, and your voice gets so tired sometimes! No Name Submitted
  • 14. Get to know your librarian.  They have great ideas and resources. Jennifer Smith - readjunkee get your sleep...a first year can be physically and mentally draining. Mr.G Don't take it personal.  No Name Sumbitted
  • 15. Create a Google Doc (use Google Forms for this) survey to learn about your students strengths, weaknesses, interests, likes. dislikes, family, etc. This will help you to differentiate instruction, and to get to know your kids much better! mrmuzzdog   Get to know two people in your school as soon as possible: the secretary and the custodian. These two support staff often work behind the scenes to keep everything running smoothly and can be your most valuable resource. nshuman78
  • 16. Now more than ever, allow yourself to learn from your students and give them the opportunity to teach their peers. Helen When you hear "this is how we do things" don't be afraid to ask "why?" Peter Lane, mrlane, Best tip for new teachers is to remember you are their teacher!!! You are not a friend!   No name submitted
  • 17. Find the best teachers in your building and respectfully request that you sit in their classes. Take notes, ask questions, watch their techniques. Get a feel for their classroom culture and apply it to your own classroom practice.   Don't get sucked into the myth that somehow you're a martyr for accepting a teaching position. This isn't the army and you weren't drafted. There will be poisonous personalities in your building. Avoid them at all costs. Focus on the children at all times. Always do what you feel is best for them.   No Name Submitted
  • 18. Classroom management should be your top priority. After that everything else seems  easy. Students like routine and knowing what to expect. Ecarboni If you are teaching at the Elementary or Middle School level, send home a weekly communication (email, etc.) to your students and parents.  They will love the updates and the feeling of being connected to school.  It will also allow you to get out important reminders and class news all in one shot!  mrsbadman13
  • 19. Stay Calm! Choose Your Battles! Always Have A Backup Plan! brynspence Find someone in your building that you can ask for help.  And then ask for help when you need it!  Keep in mind, it will get better!  Ms. Kappler Build relationships . . . with your students, parents, colleagues and administrators.  SuzanneWhisler
  • 20. Doing something for yourself every day after school that makes you happy. Learning when to put an end to your school day and realize you have a life outside of school. Don't live or count down for your summers off because having the summer off isn't the reason why you became a teacher. Enjoy your students! Amy Boylen 1 - Ask veteran teachers how things work at your school. 2 - Ask veteran teachers how they handle classroom management, parents, and admin. 3 - Do not sweat the small stuff. Mr. Thompson / New Mexico
  • 21. Get to know ALL of your kids! We have a tendency to pay the most attention to our best and worst students, leaving the "middle" kids in the shadows. Take care to make a connection with every student - it will definitely pay off for you, and them! sbell91 It's ok to NOT know every answer. (Help students see how you find answers and solve problems.) gardenglen
  • 22. Be very, very, very patient! Everything is changing and everybody is lost, so you need patience to deal with your students and their parents. Maria Be sure to take into account your students' different learning styles. To do so, try questionnaires for that purpose. You'll find them on the net. Then you could plan your lessons in a way to cater for the mosaic of learning styles you have in the classroom. Arbi
  • 23. Think twice before being a teacher. It's very tiresome and frustrating. It's becoming very hard to work as a teacher, so think twice before starting! Sandra Always have a alternate lesson plan in mind, because what works with one group of kids one day may not work with another group of kids. No Name Submitted
  • 24. Give parents the following assignment @ orientation or on the 1st day of school: "In a million words or less....describe your child." This is a very effective way for parents to have an opportunity to give you both the positives & negatives about their child's personality, learning styles, ect. Students LOVE the fact that their parents have an assignment on the first day. Parents usually respond with a minimum of 3 paragraphs. This assignment helped me learn names faster, as well as gain a perspective about each child in a short amount of time. Can work with all grade levels; I did it at the middle school level. headen_cj
  • 25. It's okay to not know everything.  In fact, it's sometimes better:  I've found that Socratic irony (where the teacher professes to be [and, in some cases, actually is] ignorant) leads to authentic and rigorous inquiry in ways that students guessing what the teacher already knows never could.  mr_blackstone Ask if you need help.  Don't be shy.  We've all been there.  Most teachers are very helpful to new teachers...besides we want to learn from you too!
  • 26. I have more than one tip: Be firm, fair, and consistent. Don't try to become friends with your students. Learn about your incoming students from their past teachers, but keep an open mind because very year should be a fresh start. Don't hang around the complainers and whiners. Instead, find a veteran teacher who most closely resembles the kind of teacher you want to become and learn from them. Get involved in your school community, but remember to take time for yourself to avoid burn out. Spend the first few weeks modeling and practicing your expectations and procedures(and follow-through). It pays off in the end. Above all, remember that you're entering one of the most challenging, yet rewarding careers a person can have. It won't be easy, but imagine the lives you will touch:) Tricia @
  • 27. Get organized and stay organized.  Train your students (any age!) to put things away correctly.  This will save you so much time!  Set aside time at the end of each day to de-clutter your desk and put materials in their proper place.  When you walk in the next morning, you will be able to focus and move forward. No Name Submitted Stay calm!
  • 28. Have back up work ready in case any of your lesson fail. That way you can regroup but the students are kept busy (I use to make vocabulary word searches, crossword puzzles, textbook scavenger hunts, etc.) Overplan.  It is better to have too much and have to leave something for the next day then not to have enough to keep student's engaged.  It's good classroom management as well because if/when students are engaged in a lesson, they can't be getting into trouble.
  • 29. Cultivate a sense of humour, be kind to your students and yourself, and make time to reflect. Margot Lavelle Seek answers from experienced teachers and your administration, they are not the enemy but wish to see every teachers succeed.  It doesn't matter what you teach, it only matters what students learn. gormang
  • 30. Find a friend in another teacher and share experiences/ask for help.  But avoid the teachers' lounge - the bitchers and moaners hang out there, and you'll get nothing to support you there. francesblo Ask colleagues for advice with planning. There is a wealth of proven ideas in all schools. You don't have to reinvent the wheel. A sense of ownership is important but so is your social life.   No Name submitted
  • 31. Assign Seats. No Name Submitted Organization...color code everything, use one paper calendar and one electronic calendar (phone or computer) to keep track of deadlines and meetings, file things right away.    Rae Downen Make friends with the custodial and secretarial staffs. They will be very important, and vital, resources! No Name Submitted
  • 32. Be organized.  A place for everything and everything in it's place. No name submitted Do not take the closest parking spots to the door.  Those should be kept open for those teachers w/ seniority or physical issues. No name submitted
  • 33. Take time to build community along with kicking off your first unit of study.  sapereaude Make sure to have a behaviour management plan (something that is reasonable, with natural consequences) and be willing to follow through with it. Allowing the students to have input into the plan will ensure their understanding, co-operation and ownership.  No name submitted
  • 34. Make sure that the students know that you are in charge.  I work in a big urban district, and if the students can see that you are unsure of yourself, you will have a LONG year.  Once you get that out of the way, things will become a heck of a lot easier!! Matt F.
  • 35. On the first day of school, avoid going over the syllabus.  Give your students a taste of what it will be like to be in your class.  There will be plenty of time to review your policies.  It's very important to set the tone from day 1 of what your class will be like.  Since I teach Spanish, I will converse with the students about what they like and don't like to do.  I believe in personalizing my class and getting to know them that first week, which always results in better behaved students.  And, when we do get around to the syllabus, I make them take turns reading it to one another, rather than me reading it to them. catherineleon71
  • 36. If you don't understand, ASK! If you do understand,PASS IT ON! teechabc When students want to argue with you (and some will), calmly tell them, "I am not going to argue with you," and walk away.  Don't let student get you to battle. Carol
  • 37. First comes the person, then the pupil/student. sguilana Everything is 'urgent'. Ask for help to identify what is actually important & just do those things. (courtesy of my line manager, years ago when I returned to teaching - I still operate like this.) Thanks Dawn <3 Deb
  • 38. Don't be afraid to ask questions! Your teaching peers, understand the school system, the calendar, the grading system, professional contact, the curriculum, classroom management, because they have been through it before. It's not a weakness to admit you don't know something! Be prepared to spend more time when you integrating technology in teaching and learning. Always have Plan B and C; computers don't work as we want them to sometimes. All the best! Yoon Sook Jhee
  • 39. Leave your ego at the door. I think I lost my temper at least once a day before I somehow learned not to take student remarks and actions personally and to actually be more mature than the kids I taught. Man, this was really hard. Prepare to be dissed. I comes with the job.  Nine more here:
  • 40. Arrive early and leave on time. Don't stay until it is finished. You will work more efficiently. Gail Braddock Using technology at this phase of your career may seem hopelessly overwhelming. You may ask yourself over and over, "Where do I even start? There is so much stuff out there." The short answer is jump on the train 'somewhere'. Get your feet wet, get your hands dirty, and most importantly, don't be afraid to fail. Teachers, especially those trying to integrate technology will tell you that things don't always go as planned, so having the humility to fail and try again are key to becoming a great educator. Kids always appreciate teachers who admit they are human...  trendingedtech
  • 41. Don't be afraid to try out new things such as Web 2.0 tools. Just remember that pedagogy and learning outcome come first. It's alright if the response is poor or impact is minimal as there is always chance to improve the teaching and use of tools. tucksoon If a lesson bombs, don't self destruct.The sun WILL rise tomorrow morning, and the birds will sing again.You will always have another chance to make it a good lesson or activity. Joe
  • 42. Remember MOE from the Three Stooges: Make learning Meaningful, Organized, and Elaborated upon. Move your feet before your mouth. So many potential problems can be eliminated by proximity in the classroom.   Aretha Franklin advocates working toward RESPECT not love from your students; find love somewhere else.  Sara Davis,
  • 43. By keeping your desk free of clutter you will be reducing the likelihood that you will catch an illness. When students come to my desk for help they seem to always fiddle with things on my desk and seldom do they wash their hands after sneezing/coughing. Scott Witkowsky
  • 44. Make use of the experience of your fellow teachers - ask for help and advice, it will make for a stronger team. They in turn may ask you for tips and tricks that you learned at college. As far as the students - remember that every student has a strength but sometimes it takes a bit of searching. Take time to really get to know them. When you have conflict, it is much better to talk 1-1 to the student(s) involved, rather than a public confrontation. Good luck! No Name Submitted
  • 45. "Ask someone"  I have found many new teachers think that they should come into it day one with all of the answers.  Veteran teachers have seen it, heard it and done it all.  Save yourself time and energy.  Ask one of your peers.  They love to help, that is why they became teachers!   No Name Submitted
  • 46. Quote from Martin Heidegger (in Being and Time): ‘Teaching is even more difficult than learning. We know that; but we rarely think about it. And why is teaching more difficult than learning? Not because the teacher must have a larger store of information, and have it always ready. Teaching is more difficult than learning because what teaching calls for is this: to let learn. The real teacher, in fact lets nothing else be learned than—learning. His conduct, therefore, often produces the impression that we properly learn nothing from him, if by “learning” we now suddenly understand merely the procurement of useful information. The teacher is ahead of his apprentices in this alone, that he has still far more to learn than they—he has to learn to let them learn. The teacher must be capable of being more teachable than the apprentices. The teacher is far less assured of his ground than those who learn are of theirs. If the relation between the teacher and the taught is genuine, therefore, there is never a place in it for the authority of the know-it-all or the authoritative sway of the official’ (15). This pretty much says it all... radney
  • 47.   Talk to a professional financial planner very early on in your career.  Often it is cheaper to buy years of service after your 1st year than in your last 5years.  Early investing is the key to secure financial future, if there is such a  thing? No Name Submitted
  • 48.   Use a countdownclock when you are planning. Set the clock on 30 minutes for example and try to plan as good as it gets within this time. Otherwise you will overdo the planning and eventually become tired.
  • 49.   Be organized! Teach your studets to THINK! jasonhbuck Limit the amount of work that you take home.  I try to take work home on 2-3 days a week and never on weekends.  No Name Submitted
  • 50.   Remember to do it your way not the way your students want when it truly matters! My first year the seniors wanted to play kickball each Friday in our government class. They said "Last year's teacher let the seniors play every Friday." I always responded, "I'm not that teacher and in our classroom we will do it this way, you'll be ok." Lacey
  • 51.   comfy shoes in a drawer or cabinet!  Some days Keep require more running than others and straps snap or laces break. :) No Name Submitted take advantage of everything your librarian has to offer :-) No Name Submitted manage your class, everything else will follow No Name Submitted
  • 52.   Teaching your students classroom procedures and checking daily to make sure they are followed, makes a classroom run smoothly all year. Kim Munoz Don't make classroom rules you won't enforce. Jeanette
  • 53.   Hopefully your school district will support you with an instructional coach or mentor. If not, find yourself someone that you believe you can learn from and ask that person if he/she is willing to work with you. Observe that classroom and have that teacher observe yours, then spend time in reflection. Tricia617
  • 54.   The best advice I ever received as a new teacher was to go home. I loved my students and my job, but was exhausted. I was at school 2-3 hours late every night. The lesson learned was that going home didn't make me a bad teacher, it meant I was taking care of myself. I hold true to that as often as I can.  teresabender
  • 55.   Students have a strict sense of justice.  Avoid getting caught in this trap by being consistent!  Making a special exception for a "good kid" seems benign in the moment but will come back to haunt you. senorg
  • 56. Take time for yourself.  It's easy to devote every waking minute to school your first year.  Decide on a "quitting time" before you tackle the pile of papers, and stick to it!  There's always tomorrow. Join, develop, or create a personal learning network of educators that are innovative, personable, and put students first.
  • 57.   This might sound negative but it was the best advise I was ever given - there is only so much time in the day - do all you can to best of ability - but remember their is more to life than school - and that needs time too. mrhnz listen to those with experience, seek their advice, decide what works for you, Try something new, take time for yourself, and smile.  Works wonders! Greg
  • 58.   Integrate technology to open your classroom door to the world. Read Teaching with Love and Logic. It changed my professional life.  No Name Submitted
  • 59. Best advice for new teachers: 1. Be organized. 2. Ask for help 3. Use the curriculum as a guide, but be creative. 4. Ask for help 5. create a PLN 6. Ask for help. More advice:
  • 60. Choose quality, not quantity - or, to put it another way, more isn't always better, sometimes it's just more. Don't try to do everything - you'll never survive. Just concentrate on learning one or two things really well, and show your kids how much fun it is to learn something new. No Name Submitted Always take the time to clean off your desk before you leave every afternoon. When you arrive the next morning, your desk is free of clutter and you can begin a fresh new day. :O) emroo92
  • 61.   Be creative, try new things, don't be afraid to fail, be as organized as you can! Renee DeBlock  @rdeblock Try your best to stay organized.  No Name Submitted
  • 62.   Be flexible! You need to adapt some to your new environment, but always do what is in the best interest of your students :)   No Name Given Schmooze the secretaries, custodians, and librarians! No Name Given
  • 63.   Tune into the students. They are your partners. If you earn their trust, they will guide you, tell you when you can pick up the pace and when you need to slow down. Empower them as masters of their own learning journeys. Kelly M, Windsor, ON
  • 64.   Try to leave it at school. When you go home, it shouldn't have to follow you. No Name Given Don't be afraid to be yourself in the classroom. Your students *want* to know who you are. Don't lose your humanity in an attempt to create a mask of "professionalism". spirobolos
  • 65.   Realize that it takes a whole year to learn the routine and calendar in any new job...especially teaching.  Do your best but don't burn out the first year.  Use your, listen, try, fail, succeed and learn. If you are a mom, then you have 3 full-time jobs...Teacher, Mother, and Mother to your husband (He is like having another kid!) No Name Given
  • 66.   Don't be afraid to ask for help, resources, ideas from your colleagues; in other words, ask them for their best (handout, activities, places to shop for posters and supplies, teacher websites) and then make it your own.  You don't have to invent a wheel everyday.  Debra Breunig
  • 67.   Always have a back up lesson for any main lesson that includes technology (or anything you have to plug in, for that matter). Cheryl Higginbotham Have a sense of humor. cjgermano
  • 68.   Do not befriend students or have perceived favourites. No nicknames either.  Skier 10 Start using Google Reader and subscribe to Free Technology for Teachers!   Katherine Maloney, 1katty,
  • 69.   Seek to create something that does not exist.  Don't lose sight of why you are there...students first.     No Name Given Don't be afraid to ask for help. peasandqs
  • 70.   Create a safe and fun learning community. Start with introduction icebreaker activities and establishing class norms.  desertjul Put your name on your stuff. Go with the flow. The sun doesn't shine on the same dog's ass every day. (Meaning: you will not always be in the lime light!) Carol L.
  • 71.   Find someone who has been in teaching for a while that is still excited as you are about teaching. Stay away from those who are not. Angie Befriend your school librarian. She/he can be an invaluable partner in planning creative lessons, finding appropriate resources, and introducing new technologies. sassy_librarian
  • 72.   never loose the ability to laugh at yourself feistylibrarian Use the power of your LMS.  Don't buy, borrow.  Don't search on your own, ask for help. No Name Given
  • 73.   Communicate carefully with parents. Check your tone, grammar, and style in any electronic messages - I've received email from a young English teacher with the IM- like use of "u" for "you" in an email. Think of great ways to utilize technology in the classroom. Read blogs like this one, connect with other teachers, use resources outside the classroom. No Name Given
  • 74.   Work hard, put in a lot of hours, be proactive with your communication to parents, and ask questions.  There is no easy way to success as a new teacher, but it will pay off in a few years! Don't forget your bunny slippers! SimpleK12
  • 75.   Remember the difference between being friendly and being friends. The students want someone who is fair and consistent.  Also remember that there is a difference between truly incorporating technology and just using technology. No Name Given
  • 76.   Be honest and make sure you work harder than everyone else around you. No one can ever fault you for this. Oh, and keep your head just slightly below the radar! bradmcdiarmid
  • 77. For more ideas about using technology in your classroom, please consider joining more than 38,000 others in subscribing to  Free Technology for Teachers