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At its very root, AcroYoga is a practice of trust. Another basic human need is the ability to put
faith in another human being. AcroYoga merges Yoga, Acrobatics, and Thai Massage
seamlessly through communication, support, strength, and flexibility of the body and mind. !
Whether this is your first time hearing the term "AcroYoga" or you are a seasoned practitioner,
join us to explore the fundamentals of movement, through dynamic transitions, creative
sequencing and elaborate connections.!
Our intention is for you to have all the tools you need to not only understand this beautiful
discipline, but most importantly, to share it with your community and spread the message of
connection through this practice.  It is only with people like you devoting themselves to such
disciplines that these vital lineages are able to remain intact and continue evolving!
We are pleased to welcome you to the VanCityAcro Tribe. Let’s get started. !
!This manual is designed to give you potent information in a simple and digestible manner. Please
follow the written cues and the visual references for the following postures.
!On the the first page of every posture, you will find step-by-step written instructions on the most
important body mechanics of the Acro shape. Follow them closely, from the beginning to the very end.
As you know, this practice takes two to tango, so you will be given two sets of guides - one for the Base
and one for the Flyer. Reference them when you need guidance.
!When looking at the picture diagrams, pay close attention to the body intersections represented by the
circles. The arrows give you insight into the direction of the kinetic energy flowing through the body
and they will also show you the exit points of said energy. The short and simple instructions will give
you the most important things to keep in mind while practising a particular posture.
!Have fun, be safe, and let’s begin the Acro journey.

End points of the
directional force
moving through the
This star rating lets
you know the
difficulty level
Different shapes of
the Flyer, differs for
every posture
The name of the
Acro shape you will
be learning
The direction of
energy through the
Different shapes of
the Base, take note
of the body position
Body intersections
Stand with your feet about 6 inches from the Base’s
hips. Place the Base’s feet onto your hipbones with the
toes resting just above them. Next, connect palms with
the Base with your fingers facing forward. Do not
interlace the fingers.
As you feel the Base bending their knees, you will
press your hips into their feet and begin to lift your
legs up together. At this point, it will be important to
keep your arms straight and stacked over the Base’s
Once you are feeling very stable with the hands, you
might try to go hands-free. In order for this one to
balance, you will need to lift your chest higher. If you
are able to release the hands, take your arms to your
sides next to the hips for stability. Enjoy the ride.
“It all starts here”
Start lying flat on your back in the L basing position.
Place your feet parallel on the Flyer’s hips with the
toes just past the hipbones. The Flyer will need some
support both below and above the hipbones to balance
Next, connect hands with the Flyer. As a Base, you
will have your hands like crab hands, with fingers out
the side. It is important not to interlace fingers.
Then, you will bend your knees into your chest, taking
the Flyer’s weight onto your legs, Next you will
straighten your legs and stack them over your hips. It
is very important to find your stack. If this position is
feeling very challenging, it could be that your legs are
not stacked properly (refer to picture.) Find your stack
and sink into stability.

Straight legs
Legs straight as
much as you can
Strong pressure
down, make sure
not to pull
Stack the bone
for more stability
Feet flat or
slightly tilted up
Stack your arms
above your wrists
Point your toes to
keep your form
Press your
shoulders down
Ground your
Press your hips
Start by standing over the Base’s shoulders, facing
away. Bend your knees and lean back until you feel
the Base’s feet touch your upper back. Relax into a
nice backbend. If it's comfortable, take your arms
overhead. Make sure you are breathing deeply for the
best results during this back-opener.
If you feel there's too much pressure in your back, you
can keep your palms resting on your belly or off to the
side. Keep in mind you can always communicate with
your Base if you want more or less of a backbend.
Safety is the top priority in all postures. It is better to
have a more “shallow” backbend than a deeper one
that lacks proper integrity. Enjoy the posture wherever
you are in it right now, knowing that we are constantly
evolving through this practice.
Start by taking hold of the Flyer’s ankles, positioning
your thumbs on the inside of each ankle. Next, place
your feet on the Flyer’s upper back, with toes pointing
out and heels touching. If you can’t reach the Flyer,
ask them to bend their legs and lean back into your
Follow by bending your knees into your chest and
then straighten your legs slightly off of stacked, feet
pushing away from you. Hold your arms overhead at
about a 45-degree angle.
You can add to the backbend by pointing your toes.
You can lessen the backbend by pressing more into
your heels. Be sure to communicate with your Flyer to
find the position that is right for your unique
conditions as a pair.
“Trust and set your back free”

Reach back with
your palms together
Thumbs in,
fingers outStraight and
strong legs
Pull back
Keep your legs
Reach your hip
flexors up
Keep your legs
slightly off-centre

!Start by standing with your heels about 1 foot away from
the Base’s hips. Bend your knees and lean back until you
can feel the Base’s feet firmly on your bum. Once their feet
are positioned on your bum, reach back and connect hands
with the Base with a V-grip. Keep a strong core to avoid
back-bending on the way up.
!On your way up, straighten and bring both legs together.
Squeeze them tightly, like you’re holding a book between
your knees. Push back through your arms and keep them
straight in one line from your wrists to your shoulders. It is
very important that you don't pull your hands, but rather,
push firmly down to feel the support.
!Once balanced, if you and the Base feel safe, you can
release your hands and place the palms to your sides. A
Spotter is always recommended if there is any uncertainty.
Be smart, safe, and patient through the process to promote
the longevity of your practice.
!Start by placing the feet parallel with your toes just above
the Flyer’s bum. Wait until there is a substantial amount of
pressure on your feet before reaching for the Flyer’s hands.
Connect the palms tightly using a V-grip. As the Flyer leans
back, press through your heels and scoop them up, pressing
their weight forward and then up to ensure safety. Make
sure not to stay too long on the entry as this is a tricky
posture to hold with bent legs.
!Keep your arms stacked over your shoulders and make sure
to give your Flyer a steady pressure upwards with your
hand. Only if the shape feels steady and the Flyer is ready,
start by releasing one hand, then the other. Be sure to tilt
your feet so that your toes are higher than your heels.
!When dismounting, communicate with your Flyer. Grab
their hands and reverse the entry to exit safely. Once their
feet touch the floor, release the hands to avoid shoulder
“Tight is light”


Keep the arms
sealed tight to the
Reach forward
with pointed toes
Stack to keep the
Flyer safe
Press palms
down for stability
Straight legs
Look forward

Start in Bird position. Lift your chest up until there is
very little pressure left in the hands. Release one hand
at a time to come into Free Bird.
From Free Bird, it will be very important to move
more slowly. Start by bending one knee at a time and
grab your own feet from the outside, with the thumbs
pointing down.
After grabbing both feet, you may kick them into your
hands, all the while being mindful of your centre of
balance, as lifting the legs too high can cause tipping.
Once you arrive, enjoy the peak of this posture. When
you are ready to come out, be sure to release one hand
at a time and not to let the legs spring out of your
To assist the Flyer in lifting their chest, push the ball
of the feet up similar to pushing a gas pedal. Once you
feel the hands become weightless, release them into
Free Bird.
From Free Bird, it is very important that you are
focused on the Flyer’s centre of balance, as it becomes
the job of the Base to keep the Flyer balanced.
As the Flyer begins to kick into Bow, you may need to
adjust the foot pressure. For example, you may find
that you need to give more toe pressure or less,
depending on each Flyer’s individual needs. When the
Flyer is releasing their hands, have your hands up and
ready to catch them in case of any forward tipping.
“Get higher than usual”

Straight and
strong legs
Keep your pelvis
on the floor
Tilt your feet up
Arms straightKick firmly into
the hands
Try to lift your
knees up
Start by standing 6 inches behind the Base’s hips with
your feet in a wide stance. Squat and lift your toes
with your feet turned out.
Connect hands with the Base with your fingers
positioned forward. You will keep your arms straight
in order to lift your upper body. Press the backs of the
legs into the Base’s feet and lean forward. As you feel
lift-off, you will have to sit your bum low and avoid
bringing your legs back.
Wrap your legs around the fronts of the Base’s shins
and hook your toes behind their calves. Then, sit tall
while slowly releasing hands. In the peak of the
posture your arms will sit straight and relaxed,
shoulders back, palms upon the knees.
Start by bending your knees and placing the ball of
your foot on the Flyer’s inner knee. It’s important that
it will be just the ball of the foot, and not the entire
foot, otherwise the Flyer will just slip off of your feet
on the way up.
Connect hands. The Base will have crab hands, with
fingers out to either side. As the Base, you will keep
your arms completely straight in both the entrance and
exit to this posture.
As the Flyer leans their weight forward you will push
into your feet and begin lifting them up and over top
of your hips. Keep your arms straight and your knees
bent until the Flyer is sitting upright, then release the
hands. Slowly straighten your legs and take your arms
down beside your body for extra support.
“The basics are everything”

Open your knees
Press your hands
down firmly
Keep your
shoulders back
Arms straight
and relaxed
Externally rotate
the legs
Stacking the bone
Start by standing with your feet slightly wider than hip
distance apart and about 6 inches away from your
Base. Place the Base’s feet into your hip crease.
Connect hands with your fingers forward.
Next, feel for the Base’s lifting motion. As you are
being lifted up, fold forward, bringing your chest
toward the Base’s legs. Use your arms to stabilize this
motion by slowly bending your elbows as you fold
You will need to keep your legs open wide and to hold
a good “shelf.” This means to keep the toes reaching
down towards the floor. This one is very important
because if you lift your legs up, you will slide off of
the Base's feet. Once you feel comfortable and stable,
you may release hands.
Start lying flat on your back in the L basing position.
Place your feet in the Flyer’s hip crease. Heels will be
in and toes will be out. Be sure that the heels do not
touch, as it will be uncomfortable for the Flyer.
Connect hands like in Bird.
Next, bend your knees to bring the Flyer’s weight onto
your legs, then straighten and stack them above your
hips. It is very important to keep the legs stacked, as
much like in Folded Leaf, there is the danger of
dropping the Flyer overhead.
Once you feel stable through the legs, you can release
the hands. First place your palms lightly on the Flyer’s
shoulders. After the shaking settles and your Flyer
feels comfortable, you can take your hands to the floor
on either side, palms facing down.
“Let gravity decompress your spine”

Pull out to the side for a
deeper stretch
Straight and
stacked legs
Take the legs
wide Pike your straight
legs down
Relax the entire
upper body
Arch of the foot
connects to hipbone
Start by standing just behind the Base’s hips. Bend
forward enough that you can connect hands with the
Base, with your fingers forward. As the Base bends
their knees, you will need to keep your body tight and
press your shins into the Base’s feet to maintain
As you begin to rise, it is important to bring your
knees into your chest and sit your hips down onto your
heels. Be sure to keep your arms stacked so that they
are directly over the Base’s shoulders. Once you are
up, continue holding hands.
If you feel very stable and balanced, you may release
the hands and wrap your arms around your own knees.
Hold either opposite wrists or elbows. If you are
feeling really brave, you may even close your eyes.
Start by placing your feet on the Flyer’s shin bones,
just below the knee, with the big toe on the inside and
the other toes on the outside. The heels will sit on the
inside of the shin bone.
Connect hands with the Flyer with crab hand
placement, fingers out to each side. Next, bend your
knees into your chest and give a light pull with your
arms to help the Flyer up. Keep your arms stacked
above your shoulders. Straighten your legs and stack
your feet above your hips.
Keep your hands connected until you feel very
balanced and the hands start to feel light. If this
happens and the Flyer feels comfortable enough to
release, you may let the hands go and place your
palms on the floor next to your hips.
“Less thinking, more feeling - that is true balance”

Tuck your chin and
breathe deep
Round the upper
Hips to the heels
Wrap the arms
around the knees
Rest the
Hips rooted into
the floor
Strong and
straight legs
“Let your Base become your foundation”
Start by standing just behind the Base’s hips and
connect hands with fingers forward. Step one foot
onto the Base’s shin just below the knee, with the big
toe inside the shin and the other toes on the outside.
You will have your heel to one side or the other.
Press through your palms to help yourself as you
slowly step the second foot up. Avoid jumping as it
will be much harder to stabilize. Step your second foot
onto the Base’s shin in the same position as the first.
It’s important that both heels are consistent with each
other, either on the inside of the shin or on the outside.
Keep hand connection until you feel stable enough to
very slowly stand up. Make sure not to send the hips
back. Stand primarily on the ball of your foot. Once
standing, you may lightly squeeze your legs toward
the centre.
Start by lying on your back with both knees pulled
into your chest, arms straight and stacked over your
shoulders. Connect crab hands to your Flyer’s hands.
As the Flyer steps up with one foot, you will need to
give a push into the knee that they are stepping onto in
order to avoid any tipping. You will also need to keep
three strong points of contact to help the Flyer to step
up. After you have the strong three points of contact,
you may ask the Flyer to step the second foot up.
Keep your hands connected until you feel a balance
between both of your legs and you feel stable enough
to release the hands. You may need to place your
hands onto your own knees to help stabilize the
position first. After the shakes stop, you may place
your palms next to your hips on the floor facing down.

Chest up, look
Legs straight
Keep your hips
Heels one line
with your knees
Knees hip
distance apart
Lean forward
Arms firmly by
your side
“Use your bones and not your muscles”
Stand with your toes just over the Base’s shoulders.
Grab hold of the Base’s feet with thumbs on the inside
arch of the feet. Press the heel of the hand into the
Base’s arch and all other fingers off to the baby toe
side of the foot.
Put about fifty percent of your weight into the Base’s
feet as you step onto the Base’s hands, one foot at a
time. You may continue to hold the feet until you feel
safe enough to release hands (low Foot-to-Hand.)
Make sure to stay still and not create sudden shifts in
your body weight, as your Base will have to absorb it
all through their body. While it is their job to be
prepared for this, it is the job of both parties to make
the other's job as easy as possible. As with all of Acro,
it takes two fully-present people to tango.
Have your elbows bent right next to your ribcage.
Legs will be stacked over your hips, doing your best to
keep your legs as still as possible.
Stabilize as the Flyer holds your feet and steps onto
your hands one foot at a time. Grip the heel of the
hand to the arch of the Flyer’s foot. The peace fingers
will run along the heel, the ring and baby finger will
wrap along the outside, and the thumb will wrap on
the inside of the foot.
Keep your elbows planted while the Flyer practices
releasing pressure from their hands. As the Flyer is
standing, it will be important to squeeze your elbows
into your ribcage to create more stability. If you and
your Flyer feel steady, you may slowly release your
legs down to the floor.

Tight bum, with a
natural pelvis
Strong upward pressure
with your fingers
Legs straight
Reach forward with
your toes to keep the
legs firm
45-degree angle
with your feet
Arms firmly to
your sides
Chest up and
look forward
Start by standing on either side of the Base with your
inside leg slightly in front of the outside leg. Connect
your palms together with your Base’s hands,
positioning your fingers forward.
Once the feet are in place, you will lean your body
over the top of the Base. Be sure to press your inner
thigh firmly into the Base’s foot, keep your core
strong, and avoid letting your hips sink toward the
floor. The key to this posture is total engagement.
Press your armpit down firmly as you seal the arms
tight to lock you into place.
Once lifted, bring your legs together, hook your feet
onto each other, and squeeze your legs inward. Once
you and your Base feel stable, you may release the
hands and enjoy the flight.
Place your foot closest to the Flyer on the upper inner
thigh of their outside leg and place your other foot into
their armpit. Be sure your outside leg is behind the
Flyer's inside leg. Connect palms together with the
Flyer's fingers positioned in a forward-facing grip.
Shift both of your feet to be directly over your hips.
Then, straighten your legs and pull your feet slightly
away from centre. Opening the legs will help to spread
the weight of the Flyer.
Once you have lifted the Flyer and you both feel
stable, you may release the hands. Be sure to avoid
any forward or backward motion with your legs. Keep
your legs stacked right over the hips.
“Give pressure where you feel it”

Press your armpit
down firmly
Open the legs to
spread the weight
Seal the arms
Press your inner thigh
firmly into the foot
Use your arms to
Reach down with
your fingers
Stand over the Base’s shoulders with your toes resting
about 6 inches away from them. Connect hands with
the Base in the V-grip fashion. Next, place your
shoulders onto the Base’s feet, with their toes placed
just past your collarbone.
Round the spine and tuck your chin into your chest.
Jump and roll your hips above your shoulders using a
downward push through your hands to help assist the
momentum of this motion.
Keep your knees into your chest until you feel more
balanced and stable. Once you feel solid enough,
straighten and extend your legs wide out to the sides.
This is called Straddle position. Make sure to keep the
legs fully engaged with toes pointed and reaching
outward. Keep your elbows pulling in with a 90-
degree bend.
Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and
arms straight. Connect hands with the Flyer using the
V-grip (peace fingers in to the wrist.)
Now place your toes onto the Flyer’s collarbone.
As the Flyer hops up, it will be important to keep your
knees bent, with your arms locked tight and straight,
to help the Flyer make their way up.
Once the Flyer is up in position, be sure you have your
feet stacked above your hips and your hands stacked
over your shoulders. Avoid overly squeezing the
Flyer’s hands, as most of the weight should be centred
over the legs.
“Learn how to work less by stacking more”

Pull the elbows in
Use V-grip !
(peace fingers in
to the wrist)
Backs of the legs
90-degree bend in
the elbows
Lock your arms
Toes reaching out
!Stand one foot’s width away from your Base to transition to
Side Star. Place the lower part of your hip into the Base’s
foot and the palm just above the knee for support.
!Keep in mind that this move is not about speed - the jump
actually makes it harder. It’s primarily a tilt and a shift of
your body weight. As you feel the Base supporting your
weight, start to lift the outside leg up toward the ceiling.
!Pour your weight into the foot. Then, slowly start to
transfer the weight into your hand. As everything stays
engaged, slowly start to tilt and you will notice that your
bottom leg will lift naturally.
!Keeping the integrity of your body is crucial to the success
of this posture, because any vibrations that you create, your
Base will have to absorb. As you will keep coming back to
through the course of your journey with it, AcroYoga is a
continuous dance of balancing bodies and returning to
centre along every step of the way.
!The key point here is for you to place your outside arch of
the right foot at least four inches below the Flyer’s hipbone.
That way, when their body weight is shifted, your foot will
slide perfectly into the crease of the leg, where most of the
body will be supported. Press your shoulders and back
firmly into the ground.
!Keep in mind that you’re holding all of your Flyer’s body
weight, so your leg needs to be centralized for maximum
support. The more you push up, the more stable you will
feel. Complete engagement will get you where you need to
go with this posture. Pull the Flyer’s foot down to lengthen
their body weight, making it more manageable in this case.
!Attempt twisting only if you have full control over the
posture. Otherwise, keep the leg centred and your toes
facing back toward your head. If you’re feeling shaky, take
the arms out to the sides in a “T”-shape, and use your
palms like anchor points to give you extra stability.
“Feel the extension”

Press your
shoulders and back
Anchor your hand
above the knee
Grab the big toe with
your peace fingers
Pull the foot down to
lengthen the body weight
Flex the foot
!Slowly transition into Bird. Grabbing both hands, pivot all
of your weight into the left hip as you lift your right hip off
of the Base’s foot. Slide your right palm onto the Base’s
calf and guide your right elbow in towards your hip crease,
just above the hipbone.
!Keep your left hand connected with your Base until you
can bring your legs together. The main focus here is to push
your hip into your elbow, which will allow your legs to
hinge toward the ceiling. Make sure to keep everything
tight and engaged to maintain lightness through the pose.
!Rotate both legs out to engage the glutes, keeping them
straight and reaching out at a 45-degree angle. Reach out
with the right hand to create stability. Only when you feel
stable enough, start to release the left hand. Make sure it’s a
slow release so that it does not jar your body. Maintain the
pose for 10-15 seconds, and come back to Bird to slowly
switch to the other side.
!Slowly support your Flyer’s transition into Bird. As they
shift their body weight into the right hip, pivot your right
foot 45 degrees and slide a bit deeper into the hip crease so
that your toes are near their bum, to give maximum
!As you absorb your Flyer's weight, bend your knee. Wait
until they transfer their weight to finally straighten the leg.
Once their weight is stacked and you are both feeling
comfortable, you are free to start to transition into Croc.
!Extend your left foot out to the side for your Flyer to hook
their elbow and hold your calf. This point is critical, as
your Flyer is about to transition all of their body weight
onto one leg. Keep the weight stacked, meaning, the leg
should be into the centre and pulling towards the midline to
give you maximum support. Rotate the legs out ever-so-
slightly and press your arm down for more stability.
“Balance is everything”

 Rotate both legs out to
engage the glutes
Press your arms down to secure
Slight outward rotation of
the legs
Pull your hand
up to create
Place your elbow above
the hip bone
Legs straight and
reaching out at a 45-
degree angle
Reach out to create
!As you’ve noticed, a lot of the positions start with Bird -
and this posture is no different. Keeping your core engaged,
hinge at the waist and place your shoulders in your Base’s
hands. Once you feel solid support, release your hands and
place your palms on your Base’s shins, just below the
ankles. Four fingers out, thumb in for maximum support.
!The easiest way to get into this pose is to slowly slide your
quadriceps, then your knees, then your shins, down the
feet, until your ankles are positioned on your Base’s feet.
Once you feel the pelvis stacked, you can start to lift your
legs slowly toward an upright angle.
!The more intermediate version of this is lifting your legs
directly up from Folded Bird, and not moving your legs
toward the Base’s feet. This takes a lot of coordination and
control, and should be executed slowly and mindfully.
!Extend up through the toes, keep your legs straight, and
your glutes squeezing as you pull the Base’s feet back with
your hands while they reach toward the ground with their
legs. Become the Candlestick.
!Bring your Flyer into Bird position. As they hinge at the
waist and place their shoulders in your hands, make sure to
give them lots of support with your toes. As their body
weight is tilting forward, they will need extra support.
!Place the heels of your hands right on the meat of their
traps, so that your fingers are close toward their scapulas.
This will ensure that you keep your wrists safe and avoid
compression. Have your arms extending straight with a
slight outward rotation.
!Keeping your legs at a 45-degree angle, you will feel some
resistance with the Flyer’s hands as they pull back and you
push forward. This counter-balancing effect will be a key to
your success in this posture.
!Make sure to keep shape and not move the legs forward or
backward as it will affect your Flyer’s position. Once your
Flyer is upright, give their arms a little bit of resistance to
lengthen and stabilize the pose. To come out of the pose, let
the Flyer pull your feet toward their hips and re-enter Bird.
“Let the flame go higher”

Arms straight, with a slight
outward rotation
Squeeze your
Push up through the
heel of the hands
Pull back with your hands,
reach forward with your legs
Legs at 45
Keep your legs
Extend up
through the toes CANDLE STICK
!From Folded Leaf, zip your legs together, point your toes,
and very slowly place your palms just below your ankles.
Keep your arms very strong, as they are going to be your
anchor points, where most of the weight of your body will
be supported.
!Try not to arch or round too much. This posture will work
seamlessly if you keep the angles in the proper positions.
Once you feel the Base shifting their palms into your
biceps, press and meet their pressure to keep you stable.
!Look at your big toes and keep breathing. Try not to hold
your breath, knowing that you can contract your muscles
without tensing your nervous system. This is a key skill to
develop in order to be successful across many postures and
disciplines. Learn it and wear it well.
!To come out, you’ll feel your Base tilting you over their
head. Keep your arms strong, and lightly place your toes a
few inches above their head. Absorb through the feet.
Evenly press through the hands as you stand and exit.
!Once you've supported your Flyer into Folded Leaf
position, wait until they zip their legs together to internally
rotate your feet, which will allow you to keep your Flyer
balanced without dropping them.
!Wait until their hands are on their shins to reach toward
their biceps. Now this is the important part. Keep your
index fingers as the primary balance point, placing them
just a bit above the elbow, with the other forefingers
wrapping around for extra stability.
!If your Flyer starts to fall forward, you can always help
them regain balance by simply pushing through the index
finger to catch them.
!Once their complete body weight is over and fully released
out of your feet, keep your legs close to their back for a few
seconds, just in case they fall back and you need to catch
them. If they are solid and stable enough, then you can take
the full pose variation and extend your legs on the floor.
“Within symmetry there is beauty”

Hands press up
for stability
Fingers in,
thumbs out
Reach out of
your toes Plug the shoulders
down into the floor
Feet press down
Legs straight
Shoulders in line
with the arms
Let the energy transfer
from the pelvis to the
!This posture begins by entering into Folded Leaf. Keeping
your legs heavy to give your Base plenty of support, slowly
start to take your hands through your Base’s legs. Bend the
knees as your bring the soles of your feet together and take
your palms to your ankles.
!All of this needs to happen while you keep a pike position
through your legs. If they start to lift, your Base’s feet will
start to slip and you will fall.
!Once you have contact through your palms on top of your
ankles, hold lightly and try to relax the head, shoulders, and
!You will feel a gentle rock from your Base as they release
your spine. Or, you could be a bit more active and tuck
your chin, preparing yourself for the transition, whatever it
may be. This will open you to a world of possibilities,
depending on the unique convergence of you and your
particular partner.
!Keeping your legs out at 45 degrees, waiting until your
Flyer has folded themselves completely over your legs.
Once they start to reach their arms through your knees,
make sure to give them plenty of room by bending.
!Placing your palms on their upper back, guide them toward
spinal flection, a.k.a. a rounded spine. Once you feel that
they have grabbed their ankles, turn your fingers out and
press the heels of your hands into their mid-back, giving
them a bit of pressure and then easing off for the
therapeutic treatment.
!If you are getting ready to transition, place one hand closer
to their neck with your fingers pointing toward their head
and the other hand up above their lower back with fingers
pointing outwards. Now, the next detail is very small, but it
is the most important. The hand that's on their lower back
needs to turn inwards, for you to prepare for the transition
that’s coming up. This transition will be determined by the
goal of this particular flow - the possibilities are endless.
“Find your inner bat”

Round the upper back
Keep the knees
into your chest
Bend your legs
Move the Flyer
Push the arms
through the legs
Lean your legs
toward you
Hold the ankles
!Starting where we left off with our Resting Bat position,
you are going to tuck your chin and wait until the weight is
transferred into your Base’s hands.
!Think of yourself like a giant sticker, not a square box. You
want to push into the structure that’s supporting you every
millimetre of the way. So as the hands start to give you
weight, make sure to pour all of that weight back to not
only stabilize yourself, but to give your Base a sense of
!Once the rotation starts to happen, keep your chin tucked
and knees wide. It's important that you don’t release your
head, as, being the start of your spine, it holds a very
important balancing point. Keep it round and engaged.
!Keep your breath steady and even. Try your best not to
react to the small shifts within the pose. Let the Base do the
stabilizing. Like all AcroYoga, this posture depends on the
synergistic coordination of the Base and Flyer in order to
keep it clean and complete.
!Once you have the hand position from Resting Bat, you
will notice that the bottom hand closest to the neck is bent,
and the top arm is straight. This will need to change. As
you bend your legs, you will start to bend the straight arm
and straighten the bent arm, until they are evenly bent and
absorbing the majority of the weight equally.
!Once you are ready, you will start to twist your Flyer. The
good thing is, if you’ve placed your hands properly, there is
only one way you can spin. This way there is no confusion,
because the other direction would only wind your arms.
!Rotate until your arms are completely stacked over your
shoulders. Your fingers will be the stabilizers in this pose.
The small shifts you feel your Flyer make you will absorb
with finger strength and pressure through palms upward.
!This posture in particular puts a strong emphasis on the
Base as the centre of strength while the Flyer moves
through to the final expression.
“Tuck it tight like a bat”

Keep reaching out for
more straightening
Spread your
fingers out wide
Press your back into
the Base’s hands
Round your back
Grab your ankles
Bend your knees
Legs straight for
maximum strength!
!Progressing from Bat, maintain the pose, especially for this
transition. Release the hands onto your chest. Extend both
legs at the same time. It’s important that you don't do this
one at a time, because the smallest shift in weight will
throw you off of this pose and down onto your Base or the
floor. Think like you’re moving through water, or doing Tai
!At the same time, bring the knees into your chest and
extend the legs straight, keeping the ankles above the hips.
Only when you feel stable, you can start to move your
hands up so that you create an uneven box shape with your
!Pull your shoulders up while at the same time trying to
push the point on your back where the hands are supporting
you down. This means you will extend the muscles and
fully engage. Make sure not to react to any vibrations. As
with Bat posture, let your Base do most of the stabilization.
!The name of the game is slow and controlled. Your position
doesn’t really change. But, adding extra movement will
definitely test your stability and balance.
!Keeping your fingers wide and spread will give you the
maximum amount of support. You can think of it as having
extra real estate. And we all know real estate is expensive,
especially here in Vancouver… So grab as much as you
!Lift your shoulders off of the floor while imprinting your
back into the ground. If you want the advanced variation,
slowly replace your hands with your feet. Placing one foot,
transfer the weight.
!Keep the pressure even through the hand and the leg until
both legs are on your Flyer’s back. Using your toes for
stability, slowly straighten the legs fully. Make sure
everything is stacked for maximum stability.
“Engage and find ease”

Lift the shoulders to
engage the pecs
Reach shoulders
Wrists stacked over
shoulders, extending
through arms
Legs extended directly over
Knees straight, legs
Extend upward and
point the toes
Reach through
!Begin the transition with Throne. Slowly lean forward to
give your Base a hand and a foot. Pick which side you’re
going to and make sure to communicate with your Base.
!When you start the transition, your right hand will be with
the right hand of the Base, and your left foot will be with
their left hand. An easier way to think of it is “same side
!As the Base releases their feet, you will have to transfer
equal weight through the two points of contact that you still
have. The key factor here is for you not to drop your centre
of gravity, a.k.a. your pelvis. Try to keep your hips above
your knees and continuously pour pressure into your foot to
allow you to centralize the weight.
!Once you feel your Base’s foot wrap around behind your
knee, hook your shin and foot around their calf, like you
would in normal Throne. Once one side is complete, make
sure to finish the other to come back to the original
position. Try both sides to keep you balanced as a Flyer.
!Starting in Throne position, wait until your Flyer leans
forward and presents you with their contact points. One
hand will connect with theirs, same side; the other hand
will connect with their foot (same side.) The beginning is
very tricky, as your wrists are not stacked above your
shoulders. They are instead in one line with your spine. So,
be sure to prepare yourself to bear your Flyer’s weight and
give lots of upward force to stabilize the wrists.
!Once the Flyer starts to shift most of their body weight into
your hands, start to release your feet from Throne position.
Rotate them until your wrists are over your shoulders. This
is when you’ve reached halfway. Keep rotating in the same
direction so that your wrists are stacked in the opposite
!Once you see an opening, place your foot behind their
knee. Wait until the Flyer wraps their foot around your calf
and use that leverage to rotate them back to centre. Let
them hook the second foot around your second calf to
complete the rotation.
“Fasten your seat belts, we’re going for a ride”

Reach away to keep
your shoulder active
Centre your weight evenly into
the hand and foot
Hips up in one line with
the shoulder
Lift your knees into
your chest
Straight arms
Point your toesPush up to lift the Flyer evenly
Externally rotate the legs to
fully engage the glutes
Press upward through the
bridge of the hands
!It is very easy to jump into this practice and get overly ambitious with certain moves and transitions,
especially when we see the end result being achieved with just two people. But what happens behind
the scenes is rarely glorified or advertised. And that is the importance of a third person - the Spotter.
Working with a Spotter is the vital stage that every AcroYogi needs to go through. To have a safety net
that will be there for you and give you the opportunity to try new things while feeling reassurance. A
Spotter’s job is just as important as that of the Flyer or Base. This job has its own titles, certain things
that you have to be able to do to achieve success.
!As funny as this is going to sound, always expect your Flyer to fall. This keeps you alert and present
with what’s going on, and will give the Flyer confidence to be able to commit to moves that they have
never tried. When first spotting a new transition or movement, have a hands-on approach. Give strong
and sturdy pressure through the entire sequence. When you start to feel safe as a trio, start to give less
and less pressure, until you are hovering - what we call “Jedi Spotting.” Ever-so-present and attentive,
you are there just as a precaution.
!There are wrong ways to spot, and this is where you neglect the points made up above. Examples of this
include being easily distracted, non-communicative, &/or uncomfortable with holding people’s body
weight. Know that just like any other, spotting is a skill acquired through time. Practice often and you
will become a great Spotter that will be highly sought-after.
!Now we take our practice outside of just L-basing and start to put a twist on two bodies and how they
can move together. In this section of the manual, we will be exploring different shapes that utilize
flexibility, strength, coordination, and power. These can be tied into a flow, a sequence, and/or
performance, or simply just taught as separate components in a class or workshop.
!These shapes are designed to give you a different look into the practice of AcroYoga. Primarily, they
serve to break us out of the traditional mold of “Base” and “Flyer.” We have included six shapes for you
to play around with and explore. Keep in mind that the angles might be slightly different depending on
your flexibility and strength, but the general feel of the shapes should stay the same to give you a good
understanding of the balance points.
!Think outside the box. After you’ve completed these shapes, try to come up with your own and see how
they integrate into your practice. They are meant to forge new neural pathways and give you a taste of

!The person who’s taking the backbend should first set up
into a Bridge where their shoulders and neck are on the
floor, knees are bent, feet flat, and hips lifted. Once you
feel a sturdy base, place your hands close to the ears like
you’re going into Wheel. Press into the floor to lift your
chin and firmly press the middle of your skull into the
!Make sure to do this only if you have a strong headstand
practice. Another option is to place your forearms to the
floor like you’re doing a supported headstand so there is
less pressure on your neck. Once your partner grabs your
calves, lift your hips and counterbalance their weight by
reaching backward with your chest, and, if you feel sturdy,
with your hands while keeping the palms together.
!Once you’ve taken the shape, try to push your toes into the
floor like you’re going to lift your heels - but keep them on
the ground for maximum stability. Another tip to make this
more steady: press through the big toes and engage your
inner thighs, which will lessen the shakes inside of your
!Lay down flat on the floor with your back on the ground
and your chest to the sky. Once your partner has assumed
their full position, grab their calves from the outside with
your fingers spread wide. Pull your palms toward your
chest and then press them down to give you traction and
energy that you will transfer for the necessary lift.
!Bring the knees into the chest. Elevate your pelvis as you
raise your entire spine up at a 45-degree angle coming into
your shoulders. Make sure to give constant pressure with
your hands, as they are your anchor in this pose.
!If you feel comfortable and steady and your partner is not
shaking, extend one leg at a 45-degree angle. If that is easy,
extend both legs to achieve the final pose.
!To come out, bring the knees into your chest. Keep
resistance with your hands. Lower your pelvis to the floor.
Slowly release the hands and return to your original
“Find balance in each other’s weight”

Round the upper
spine and crunch the
core tight
Knee over ankle
Pelvis higher
than your knees
Strong and
straight legs
Reach overhead with your
hands together
Pressure through the
middle of the skull
Squeeze your
Reach away
through your toes
!This transition starts in Bird. Maintaining a strong, flat
shape, your partner will move their feet to your ankles.
Slowly start to lift your pelvis up as you open your legs
into a V-shape. Next, sit your pelvis backward to centralize
the weight.
!Your flexibility will determine the range that you are
capable of going. Before doing this movement, make sure
to warm up your Middle Splits, as you are going into a very
active range that could very easily be overdone.
!Your hands are the training wheels for this pose. Use them
heavily in the beginning. Create inward rotation and always
try to pull the arms toward centre. This will give you
stability in the shoulders and pecs, which will take some
load off of your legs.
!Try to do a few sets as you go into the V and come out into
a Plank position with your partner’s hands still on your
ankles. Once you’ve done a few sets, come back to Bird
and slowly dismount.
!Begin in Bird with your partner. As they shift their weight
into one foot, release the free leg and place your foot wide
into your partner’s ankle. Repeat on the other side.
!It is crucial that you keep your wrists over your shoulders
in the beginning of the transition. Naturally, the hands will
start to drift outward, which is normal, but keep constant
pressure to allow your partner to have maximum stability.
!As your partner starts to open their legs, you will need to
slide your feet a bit more toward the back of their ankles.
This will allow them to drop their pelvis and centre their
!Expect your partner to be wobbly with their arms. Give
them as much support as you can, which will transfer into
the stability of their legs. Don’t open too wide and make
sure to communicate with your partner to keep this posture
playful and safe.
“Finding your counterpart”

Strong legs and downward
Plant your
elbows firmly
Fifty percent of the weight
through the arms
Strong legs and upward
Spread the legs
Strong arms from both
!Go into a low Squat as you bring your feet and knees
together. Place your hands in front of you and wait for your
partner to slowly assume the position reverse of you and on
top of your back.
!Once they start to give you their weight, ever-so-slightly
press up and back to give them a surface that is active.
Essentially, you are creating traction for them to have the
capability of sitting down and keeping the shape.
!Once you feel steady, start to lift your heels and press
firmly into the floor, first with your palms, then transferring
into your fingertips. Be very active with your toes as they
are your main stability points. Once you can maintain the
weight without falling, release one arm, then the other.
Wrap your arms around your legs. Hold your elbows firmly
with your palms. Continue to push upward to find strength
in this pose. It’s all about opposition. As much as you reach
up, you need to press down, and you will notice this won’t
be as hard as it looks.
!Once your partner has assumed a stable position, begin by
hoisting yourself up onto their back ever-so-slowly. Be sure
to maintain a constantly oscillating perspective between
your current pose and your pose in the world at large.
!Perspective is the name of the game here. This is as much a
metaphorical position as it is a literal one.
!Assume the position on top of your partner’s back.
Establish solidity with your main point of contact, your
feet, on top of your partner’s sloping but firm back. Wrap
your arms around the knees, tuck your chin tightly, and
maintain your centre.
!Be sure to keep a constant pressure through your feet in
order to hold your centre. This will be key to staying on top
and not falling off of your partner’s back. Traction your
feet down into the sloped surface and use that resistance to
round the upper back and tuck the chin.
“Sometimes we have good ideas”

Tucked-in chin
Hug the knees
into your chest
Keep the heels up for
easier balance
Sink your hips to
your heels
Press through your feet
to keep your centre
your existence
!Open your legs as wide as your flexibility will allow you
and start to lean your weight forward. The common
misconception about this pose is that you need to keep your
back round, which is incorrect. You are trying to keep your
spine very long, which means you will need to reach
!Giving your lower back plenty of space, start to arch it. Tilt
your pelvis forward as though it were a large bowl of soup
and you were trying to spill the contents on the floor.
!Try to bring your belly button down onto the ground before
your chest. Reach your arms forward to give you maximum
length. Rotate your ankles down as you point your toes to
give you more extension.
!Relax your head to the floor if it reaches. Engage your
quadriceps (the tops of the legs) which will allow you to
release the hamstrings (the backs of the legs) to their fullest
!There are a few possible ways to enter this. The easiest will
be if you assume the first position and your partner goes
underneath you afterwards.
!Lay down on your back. Take Bridge pose. Bending your
legs, bring your heels close to your bum. Press down
through the feet and try to traction them forward without
actually moving them.
!This is key to your success and will allow you to use that
energy coming from the floor to open up your shoulders.
Once you feel a strong connection through the toes, place
your hands close to the ears with your fingers pointing back
toward your toes.
!Come up to the top of your head and if the shoulders will
allow you, start to straighten your arms and push your
shoulders open (preferably armpits over wrists.) For
obvious reasons, make sure your partner has exited their
position to ensure that you don’t squish them.
“You are my sunset”

Reach your
fingers forward
Open your armpits to
their fullest
Internally rotate
your legs
Reach through
your big toes
Stretch your hip flexors
toward the ceiling
Knees over the ankles,
make sure to not over-
!Lay down flat on your back. Start to rock back and forth
keeping the knees tucked into your chest. Once you've
created a bit of momentum, roll back into your shoulders.
Be mindful of your neck and support your body weight
with your palms.
!Start to extend one leg at a time. Repeat this process ten
times to warm up the back and hamstrings. Load your
shoulders more as you give responsibility into the upper
body and release your palms over your head close to your
feet. You have to be comfortable in this position before you
can bear weight. If you are not, practice it by yourself
before attempting the shape.
!Your partner is going to start to place their hamstrings on
top of your calves, and their calves on top of your
hamstrings. They’ll do this very slowly so you can
communicate if it’s too much. If, however, you feel fine in
this pose, reach your arms toward their face and connect
your hands to complete the posture.
!Wait until your partner has assumed the position before you
can begin. Once they’re comfortable in their Plow pose,
bring your bum close to their toes and lean your weight
back into the hands, which you will place behind you.
!Slowly, start to attempt to bring one leg on top of your
partner’s stable position and test the waters. If they feel
okay with the addition of your body pressure, then continue
to add the second leg whilst keeping the pressure into your
palms. This ensures that you don’t dump sudden weight
and put too much strain on your partner’s neck.
!If everything checks out, start to put more pressure through
the backs of your legs as you release one hand. Repeat with
the other. When you have a solid connection, reach for your
partner’s hands. Grab them firmly, and give yourself a
small lean back to create a counterbalancing effect, which
will keep you in the posture longer.
“To infinity and beyond’

Round the spine
Point your toes
Balance just on your
sitting bones
Pull your
shoulders back
Straight lines will keep
you solid
More pressure through the
shoulders than the neck
Pull your hands in
opposite directions
!The person who's doing the Hollow-Back Handstand will
first have to do a regular Handstand with their partner’s
help. Once you have achieved this task, you are going to
place your feet onto your partner’s shoulders. This is where
it becomes a little tricky. They will have to step a few feet
away, and eventually sit all the way down to the floor.
!While all of this is happening, start to open up your chest to
create a counter-balancing effect. The more they walk away
and sit down, the more you need to lean back and open
through your armpits. Otherwise, you will be too flat and
you will fall.
!Keep constant pressure through your feet and push as much
as you can. This will allow you to shift your weight back
and keep your centre of gravity even. If you relax your
toes, you will start to slide and fall, as your security in this
pose is the pressure through your feet. To come out, you
can either kick one leg over and back to the floor, or start to
bend your elbows and very slowly tuck your chin as your
spine starts to descend down to the ground.
!!Stand by your partner’s wrists. Wait until they come into
their full handstand. Grab their ankles and slowly turn
around as you place their feet into your back. Slowly start
to walk away from them. As you do, make sure to give
backward pressure so that their feet don’t slip. Once you've
created enough distance (about two feet) begin to squat
down and place your bum on the floor with your legs
straight in front of you.
!Now, this will only work if your partner has open
shoulders. If they have tight shoulders, please wait until
they have the range to try this pose safely. Once you
assume the position of sitting down, place your hands in
one line with your pelvis. Create traction by pushing your
palms down firmly and lift your bum off the floor. It will
naturally go backward as you round the back. At first, you
will only be able to lift the pelvis and not the feet, but as
you get stronger through the hip flexors, start to attempt to
lift one leg and then the next.
“Leave your feet at home”

Press through your
Strong push with
the feet
Tuck the tailbone
Lean into the feet
Open your
shoulders fully
Open your hips
Straight legs pulled into the
Position shoulders over
the hands
Straight legs
!Think of your range like a set of keys. And your body, a mansion that you live in. Most of us only
occupy one or two rooms in our home, without ever opening the doors to new possibilities and
potential. Especially in our practice of AcroYoga, range is such a crucial component that plays into the
poses that we take, the transitions that we learn, and the longevity of our practice.
!In the next section, we will go through some basic flexibility exercises that will allow you to unlock
some of the hidden treasures that lie within. They’re meant to be held and repeated at least a minute for
at least three sets.
!You will find that you are strong in certain areas of flexibility, but lacking in others. This will always
create misbalances in your body in the form of compensation… Especially when you’re load-bearing
another human being or asking someone else to support your weight.
!The more range you have, the more you can spread your weight, which will make you lighter and easier
to maneuver as a Flyer. The more open your hamstrings and shoulders are, the less work you will do as
a Base because you will be able to stack your bones, and by now, we know that bones are stronger than
“Slow and steady wins the race”
!The Snail is a particularly great stretch for those who are tight in their shoulders and in their chest,
a.k.a. pecs. Start by sitting down with your legs in front of you, ankles touching. Place your hands next
to your hips with your arms straight. Start to bend your legs and shift your weight forward until the feet
are flat. Bring your pelvis close to your heels.
!After you’ve completed that, start to bend your elbows to warm up for the stretch. Repeat it ten times.
Once you feel sufficiently warmed up, extend the legs straight, rotate the fingers so they are pointing
away from you, and sink your body weight down.
!If it becomes too much for your elbows, a.k.a. hyperextension, do the first variation. You will get the
same result. Move slow like a snail and you will stay safe. Slow and steady will get you farther, and we
are in this for the long haul. This can translate to many other areas of our lives.
!To come out, repeat the steps backward. Bend your legs, rotate your fingers toward your feet, slide your
bum back towards your wrists. Release the palms from the floor. Shrug the shoulders. Rotate them one
way, then the other. Repeat this stretch five times.

Slide your hips away
from your hands
Straight legs
Open the
shoulders fully
Press your palms down into
the floor
Reach your toes
“Flexibility is freedom”
!Go into a Downward Dog to begin. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet pelvis-width
apart. Slide your right knee directly behind your right wrist. Slide your right ankle directly behind your
left wrist. As you lower your torso down, bend the elbow slowly to absorb the weight. Straightening
the back leg, begin to pour your weight forward to access the hip stretch. Everyone is different in their
range of motion for this stretch. The rule of thumb is that the closer your right ankle is to your left hand,
(meaning the more you increase the angle of your shin) the more you will increase the depth of the
!Once you’ve settled in for your personal variation, keep your hips square. Imagine there is a
construction level on your lower back: keep the bubble in the middle. Pull your right hip back and
down, while pressing your left hip flexor forward and down. This will ensure that you stay safe in this
pose and do not take this pressure into the knees, which inherently do not have a lot of rotation - only a
few degrees.
!If your knee starts to bug you, first check the alignment of your hips. If it continues, try to flex your
right foot. If the discomfort still continues, you can decrease the angle of your shin, bringing your left
heel back a few inches. Once you feel very sturdy in this pose, take your hands outside of your hips and
straighten the arms as you lift your chest, puffing up your rib cage like a mating pigeon.

Relaxed knee
Toes can be tucked
under as an alternative
Squeeze your bum
to open the hip
Lift your chest
Actively flex the foot
Angle of the front leg will be
dependent upon your hip range of
! Begin by laying down flat on your stomach. Slowly extend your right arm directly out to the side.
Fingers should line up with your shoulder and your palm should face down. Look away from the arm to
the opposite direction. Start to roll to your back very slowly.
!The hand that is free, the opposite hand, should press down firmly into the floor with the elbow bent to
give you the leverage needed to achieve this stretch. As far as the legs, be cautious not to go too deep
too fast. Begin by bringing the knees into your chest like you are going into fetal position. If that feels
okay, straighten both legs and let the top hip be heavy toward the floor as you separate your feet, hip-
width apart.
!If that position is too deep for you, there is a happy medium between those two variations. This would
be to bend the top leg, opening the knee slowly. You can think of your top leg like a bird’s wing. Close
the wing for less depth, open it for more - thus the name.
!This is a beautiful stretch for your pecs and deltoids, and at the same time, it allows you to work that
range of motion for your shoulders. This can help you get rid of the ever-daunting hunch that most of us
who work in offices are subject to.
“Open, to learn how to fly”

Foot flat
Gentle pressure
through the hand
Push through the
palm as needed
Optional open knee
for a deeper stretch
Open the chest
Work to stack the shoulders
one over the other
! !Begin in a Downward Dog position. Smoothly step your right foot between your hands and place your
left knee gently to the floor. If there is too much pressure behind your knee, you can always use a
blanket, pillow, or mat. Once you’ve taken the position, place both hands on the right quadricep and
start to lean forward and back to warm up your hip flexor and back quad.
!Once you feel like you’re at your lowest point, place both hands on the inside of the right foot and
slowly start to bend your left leg so that your right hand can grab the foot and pull the heel toward your
!If you are not able to grab the foot, you can always lean back with your pelvis and open up the shoulder
of the arm you are reaching to give you more space. Alternatively, if you still cannot achieve this pose,
you can place your bent leg (a.k.a. shin) up against the wall and use that leverage to stretch.
!If you have taken the full variation, start to lean forward with your front knee and pull your back heel
tighter toward your centre. Go slow and steady, and aim to feel an 8/10 as far as a stretch. Avoid going
any past that. Enjoy Twisted Lunge.
“Sink low to open wide”

Knee over ankle
Spiral the shoulder open
Grip the inside of the ankle
Avoid pressure straight onto
the kneecap
Straight, strong
supporting arm
! !Stand with your feet pelvis-width apart and begin to bend your legs as you dip your chest down toward
the floor. Relax your head where your chin is tucked. Place your palms on your calves, fingers pointing
down. Tuck the elbows in behind your legs.
!Start to give yourself small pulses to warm up into a stretch. Give your body plenty of time to adapt to
be sure not to strain or injure from lack of warming up. To get the full benefit from this stretch, there is
something that you will need to do, but at first it may seem confusing.
!Think of your spine as the letter “S”. The bottom portion has a natural curve inwards, and the upper
portion has a natural curve outwards. When thought of together, this would be “rounding” the spine.
Because this is a natural position for your body, we want to promote it rather than shy away from it. So
when you’re in your Forward Fold, yes, you are rounding, but only through the upper back. The lower
back needs to arch as you lift your sitting bones higher and stretch the backs of your legs, not strain
your lower back.
!This is a concept that might take a little while to understand, but once you understand how to isolate
your lower back, many things will start to click for you. If you can keep your chest to your legs while
the knees are bent, try to go to the full extension with your legs straight, grabbing your elbows behind
you. Stay for a minute. Repeat 5 times.
“Reverse the flow”

Grab your elbows and pull in
Round your
upper back
Lean into the
Backward pressure with the back
of the knees
Arch the lower back to lift
the sitting bones higher
! !Get out your maple syrup, we’re going to eat some pancakes. To begin, sit with your bum flat on the
floor while opening your legs out 45 degrees on each side. In the previous pose, we talked about
arching the spine to promote the full extension of your body in its natural curve. This Forward Fold will
be no different.
!Your main focus is not to get your chest on the floor, but rather your belly button. So imagine you are a
round cup of water. You want to spill the water forward as you tilt your pelvis, getting your belly button
closer to the floor with every exhale.
!This will promote less reaching and rounding, a.k.a. straining, and more reaching and extending, a.k.a.
stretching. If you’re not capable of taking your fingers to the floor yet, a great way to understand the
pelvis rotation is just by sitting on the edge of a bolster or block.
!Once you can get your fingers or palms flush to the floor, start to lift your chest and reach forward. This
pose definitely takes a bit of time to work into and see progressions, but within a few months, don’t be
surprised if you are at least a foot lower than where you are today.
“Maple syrup or honey?”

Pulling the toes up
Press and reach
your hands forward
Elongate the back
reaching the belly button
toward the floor
Pressing the
knees down
Lengthening the
! Begin in a posture we call Sphinx. It’s very simple. You’ll lay down flat on your belly, taking the
elbows underneath your shoulders while the forearms are in front of you. This will allow a bit of space
under the arms to slide one hand through and begin the stretch.
!Let’s begin with the right arm. Slide it through to the left underneath your armpit, like you’re threading
a needle. Taking the arm straight (meaning your fingers are in one line with the shoulders) try not to go
too high or too low. Keep your bicep underneath your rib cage, rather than your throat, so that you have
lots of space to breathe and your neck can be comfortable.
!Alternatively, if you like, you can place a prop underneath your forehead to give you more cervical
support. Once you enter this pose, you are most likely in one of two categories. The first being that you
feel a really deep stretch. In that case, breathe through it and stay for at least two minutes.
!The second possible scenario is that you don’t feel the stretch at all. In that case, you’ll need to stay
longer and we can always take the road of active stretching. To do this we will press down the right
arm, starting from the fingertips all the way down to the elbow. This will allow your muscles to contract
and at the same time stretch because of the pressure they are receiving. This is a good way to create
active flexibility.
“You don’t have to carry the weight of the world”

Relax your arm as
you keep it straight
Open your palm up or
Elbow down
Keep your legs
Press your shoulder
down toward the arm
! !This pose serves for so many building blocks to our flexibility that it is crucial to our body
development. When we enter toward Front Splits, we are stretching our hamstrings, creating strength in
the quadriceps, and increasing the range of motion for our hip flexors.
!But because there are so many things involved, we need to approach this posture smartly and slowly,
understanding all that is involved and how to properly engage this beautiful pose. Begin by taking a
Low Lunge, which we have covered in the above section. Place a bolster underneath your pelvis so that
you can place your hands to give you more support.
!Start to slowly slide your knee back and your front heel forward as you find your range. The bolster will
be there in case you need it. Flex your front foot and relax the back of your front knee to stretch the
hamstring to its full extent. To make sure you don’t overdo it, pull your front kneecap up to strengthen
the quadricep. These two actions will make sure that the front leg is fully stable and in the proper
!The back leg will start to slide away until it can’t, and you will focus on internal rotation. A good trick
toward this is to try to touch your back baby toe to the floor. When you rotate the foot, it affects the
structure of the entire leg, especially the femur bone. This will help immensely to keep the hips square
and even as you stretch for a minimum of two minutes per side.
“Open your body to open your potential”

Press your hip
flexor down
Reach your arms back to
stretch your shoulders
Back the knee
Try to press your
baby toe down
Pull your front hip
Point your toes
! !Lay down on your back and bend your legs with the soles of the feet flat and your heels close to your
butt. Begin to warm up this posture by taking Bridge pose, in which you simply lift your pelvis up and
interlace your fingers underneath your back. Once you feel pretty secure with this pose, let’s move into
Wheel. With both your feet and back flat, place your hands close to the ears with your fingers pointing
back toward your feet. Apply firm pressure through both palms. Start to push as you lift your head and
pelvis evenly, meaning at the same time.
!A halfway point would be placing the top of your head on the floor. From there, straightening the arms
completely is your next objective. To do that, there is a bit of a secret. Press through your feet not only
down into the floor, but try to push them forward, as though they were going to slide, but without
actually moving. This we call traction, or kinetic energy. This energy, if accessed properly, will start to
transfer through the feet, up to the knees, through the hips, to then continue its journey upward through
the spine, eventually ending up in your shoulders.
!Keeping your hands still, use the pressure through your feet to open the shoulders backward to the
wrists so that your arms are completely straight, rather than 45 degrees. The latter is a lot harder to hold
because of the angle versus something that’s stacked. This tip will open your shoulders safely and
quickly. To come down, bend your elbows, tuck your chin, and pull your head back toward your wrists.
Once your pelvis touches the floor, you can extend the legs and relax.
“Go toward extension, not compression”

Arms straight
and strong
Press your inner
arches down
Spread your
fingers wide
Open your armpits
toward your wristsKnees behind your
ankles or stacked
Reach your hip
flexors up
! !Butterfly pose is a beautiful way to open up not only the shoulders, but your back and hips as well.
Begin by placing your feet together and grabbing your ankles with your hands. Slide your bum back a
few inches so that your pelvis starts to tilt toward the floor.
!If there is too much pressure on your ankle bones, which are on the ground, you can place something
soft underneath to give you more support. Relaxing your head as you tuck the chin, give yourself a
couple of nods “yes” and a couple of nods “no” to really loosen up the neck muscles.
!If you have a bolster nearby, you can take it across your legs and place your forehead on top, but if you
have nothing, you can just let your head hang and let gravity become your best friend. Breathing is
quite important in this pose, and the way you breathe is very particular. You’ll inhale into your upper
back, and when you exhale, try to use your diaphragm, meaning you will pull your belly button in and
up so that the ribcage is exposed.
!You’ll notice that you can get more depth out of this pose just by using this technique. Once you get
low enough, you can slide your hands underneath your calves and grab your feet. There is another
variation called Tortoise pose, which is where you take your arms through your legs, behind you, and
eventually try to interlace your fingers on your lower back.
“Stay in the cocoon to grow”

Pull your
elbows down
Feet together
Breathe into your
Externally rotate your
Open your leg bones and
not your knees
!Understanding your centre of gravity is probably one of the most vital skills that you will acquire, learn,
and master through the work that we do in AcroYoga. In this next section, we will cover a variety of
different core exercises meant to strengthen and stabilize all of the muscles that are in your centre.
!A lot of the Acro that happens usually takes place near the pelvis. Understanding how to centralize your
weight is one of the main functions of the core. Because it is so close to your hinging point, meaning
the intersection between your torso and legs, it is crucial that this point is very strong, allowing you to
control your body without collapsing.
!We have a saying in AcroYoga: “Tight is light.” And if your centre is loose, then everything else will
collapse. Follow the next few pages carefully. Read all of the specific instructions meant to keep you
safe and get you strong. Everything starts and comes back to the core - another metaphor for life at
large, you must cultivate a strong centre to move steadily through all that you will engage with. This
foundation will make for the most ease and harmony possible in your endeavours.
! !Start by laying on your back and extending your arms and legs straight up toward the ceiling. Keeping
your arms fully engaged - that means reaching out of your fingers - one of the most important skills that
you will need to learn, and which you will hear emphasized over & over again, is to point your toes.
!Once the legs are straight and engaged through the quadriceps, lift your pelvis off of the floor as high as
you can. Shift the shins closer toward your head and bring your straight legs out on a 45-degree angle.
Once that is complete, begin to lift your shoulders completely off of the floor while tucking the chin. Be
sure to engage your neck to keep it safe. This is a crucial component to the longevity of your practice.
!You should feel everything stitch toward the centre as all of the abs start to engage and stabilize. Once
you’ve taken this position, continue to reach out past your current range. You can think about reaching
your fingers to touch your toes - that is your final goal.
!This exercise can be done statically - hold for a minute, three times with twenty seconds rest between -
or actively - pulsing with your legs and arms at the same time upwards, 30 times, repeating 3 times.
“This one sucks, do it anyway”

Lift your pelvis up
Stacking the bone for
more stability
Full extension out of
the fingers
Reach your legs !
out 45 degrees
Pull your kneecaps
! !Begin by laying on your stomach and taking your elbows directly under your shoulders. Measure a
shoulder-width distance between your arms by simply placing both hands on your biceps. Imagine you
have a box in between your hands. Place your palms in front of you. Push through the fingers as you
tuck the toes and elevate your body into a plank.
!With your toes tucked, reach your heels back and your head forward to create maximum length and a
greater challenge for your core-stabilizing muscles. Round the upper back and try not to dump into your
shoulders, ensuring that they stay safe during this exercise and that you learn how to stabilize.
!If this seems too simple for you, flatten your feet so that your toenails are on the floor and press firmly
into the ground to keep the legs completely straight. Our goal during this exercise is to learn how to
make our bodies simultaneously long and stable, as many of the postures in AcroYoga will require you
to have this essential skill. Hold for at least a minute and repeat three times.
“World record is 8 hours… How far will you go?

Traction down
Bones in line to create strength
Press down
Stacking the bone for
more stability
Stacking the bone for
more stability
Straight arms support your weight
! !Begin by laying down on your back and lifting both knees into your chest. As you do this, tuck the chin
toward the knees and curl up into a small ball with your arms extended out to the sides. Keep the shape
very solid and tight, meaning the pelvis is off of the floor, the arms are fully extended, and your
forehead is reaching forward.
!If this is challenging enough for you, stay here. If, however, you can maintain the shape without
straining your neck or collapsing, begin to extend your left leg forward, pointing the toes and bringing
your ankle in one line with the hip.
!Maintain the level of your arms in one line with the extended leg, keeping everything tight and
elongated. There is, of course, the next stage, where you extend both legs and stay in a hollow shape.
Make sure during this exercise that your lower back never lifts off of the floor, as you want to isolate
the core muscles, not the lower back.
!Think of your body in two dimensions. If one side is squeezing, then the other naturally has to stretch
and elongate. When we do backbends, it is the core (the front of the body) that is stretching while the
back of the body is being strengthened (a.k.a. compressed.)
“Find it in the centre of your core”

Create solid foundation
Press down
Shoulders in line with wrists
Knee over hip
Stacking the bone for
more stability
Toes reaching out
! !!This posture starts by lying on your side like you’re posing for a calendar. (Stay tuned for the VanCity
Acro calendar coming up later in 2017!) Place your elbow underneath your shoulder and take your hand
in front of you for support.
!The hardest part of this posture is keeping everything in one line. Big toes are stacked on top of each
other. The ankles, the knees, the hips, the top ribcage above the bottom ribcage, and your shoulders.
Once you can achieve this, start to press down through the forearm and lift your legs together up toward
the ceiling. Imagine you have a piece of paper between your big toes and someone is trying to pull it
out. Get so strong in your legs that they will not be able to achieve this task.
!Legs are firmly squeezing together like a vice-grip. Once you’ve climbed up as high as you can with
your legs, take the top arm over your head and reach outward. The final stage of this is you relying on
your obliques and lifting the bottom arm off of the ground, making a U-shape. The higher you lift, the
stronger the obliques will get.
!This pose can be repeated statically or actively. Statically, keep reaching out past what you think you
can hold so that you’re always seeking your plateau. Actively, keep your arms in one place and just
pulse through the legs - do at least 20 pulses, repeating three times.
“Be as happy as Devon”

Press down
Stacking the bone
for more stability
Straight arms create
Stack the hips
One ankle on top of
the other
!Like many things in life, when things get stuck and unable to move, an outside perspective is just the
thing that we need. Partner stretching is a great example of someone helping you to get to a new range
that you are just not capable of going to by yourself.
!There is a very good explanation for why, when someone gives you assistance, you are able to relax and
go deeper into your range of motion. It’s simple. When you are trying to stretch yourself, consciously
you are trying to relax. But what’s happening subconsciously is that you are holding on, because you
are the one that’s reaching, pushing, and extending. An element of control is still there in the underlayer.
!However, when you get assistance from a friend or a partner, and they help you go into your range of
motion, subconsciously your muscles release because you know that there is someone to take care of
you. We as human beings are tribal creatures. As tribal creatures, we thrive in communities - and it is no
different for your muscles.
!Below, you will learn a variety of partner stretches that will cover many different tight spots that most
of us share. Remember to breathe and communicate with your partner through the whole experience
and enjoy this new range that you will acquire together.

!Once your partner lies down on the floor, ask them to lift
their right leg to the ceiling. The placement of the hands is
very important as you want to stretch not only their
hamstrings but their hip flexors as well. Stand on the inside
of your partner’s leg and place your right hand just below
their right hip bone on the quadrice, and your left hand
directly on their heel.
!Your partner’s flexibility will determine if you will be
standing or kneeling. If they are quite strong, a.k.a. tight in
their quadriceps, you will need to go into a low lunge. The
placement of the hands will be the same. If they are quite
flexible and they can go past 90 degrees, you will stand up
as shown in the photo.
!Add continual pressure as your partner begins to relax and
go deeper into the stretch. You can also work active
flexibility, which means that they will press into your hand
with their heel for ten seconds, after which they will release
the pressure as you slowly extend their leg further into the
stretch. This is called PNF.
!Once you lie down on the floor, present your right leg to
your partner. Once they’ve adjusted themselves
accordingly, make sure that the legs are straight. Our
objective is to lengthen the hamstrings, so even if it’s
difficult, keep trying to extend the back of the leg forward,
keeping the leg fully straight.
!You’ll notice after a few sessions the urge to bend the leg
will decrease and your range will increase. Get into the
good habit of pointing your toes and pressing the back of
the knee down into the floor. This ensures that when you
take this new range of motion into new transitions, you’ve
created good habits along the way.
!If you’re doing PNF with your partner, press the heel of the
leg that you’re stretching firmly into their hand like you’re
trying to move their entire body weight. Keep pressing as
they count down from ten. When you reach two, start to
ease off ofthe pressure. When the counting is finished, let
them give you more pressure to extend your range. You
should notice a significant difference and increase in your
“Breathe deeper to let go further”

Ground through
Straight pressure
Keep the arms
Stacking the bone for
more stability
Imprint through back
Keep the lower leg flat
Ankle in line with
90-degree fold
Stacking the bone
for more stability
!Depending upon how personal you want to get with this
pose, you will choose one of three variations to help your
partner stretch. The first one is placing your palms on their
upper back and giving them forward and down pressure.
Make sure it’s not just down, as you want to elongate their
spine and create length, versus compression.
!The second version is where you take your forearms
alongside your partner's spine and add the same forward
and down pressure. The last one, in our humble opinion, is
the most effective, but a bit more personal. You will place
your chest onto your partner’s mid-back. Place your hands
on top of their quadriceps. Lean forward to stretch out their
spine, and with your hands, traction back so that you create
external rotation with their legs.
!If you cannot reach your partner's legs because they are
strong, a.k.a. stiff, place your palms on top of their
shoulders and lean forward. Don’t do this for too long, but
long enough that the person feels the effects of the stretch.
Recommended 1-2 minutes.
!Sit down flat on the floor as you open the legs wide. The
degree of the angles will determine where and what you’re
stretching. If you open your legs too wide, where the ankles
are in one line with your pelvis, you’ll be stretching the
aductors, a.k.a. attempting Middle Splits.
!When you open the legs into a V-shape, you are primarily
affecting the hamstrings. Once you’ve created the shape,
place your hands in front of you and start to reprogram
what you think Forward-Folding consists of.
!What you are trying to do is arch the lower back to keep the
spine neutral (the lower back has a natural curve which you
want to promote) and round the upper back as you reach
forward. This will ensure that you’re not straining the back
muscles unnecessarily as you isolate the hamstrings, which
is our main objective.
!Once you've completed this, try to relax as your partner
gives you pressure. Keep reaching your belly button toward
the floor rather than your chest.
“Let your partner become your butter”

Extend through
Stacking the bone
for more stability
Straight legs are key
Apply most body
weight through hands
Pointed toes
Stacking the bone
for more stability
Press down
!Once your partner lies down on their stomach, they will
extend their arms straight. Only after they’ve created this
shape will they bend their elbows. This is when you will
stand over top of them, just behind their shoulders.
!Place your fingers just above your partner’s elbow,
wrapping your palms around their forearm. They will do
the exact same thing to you as they mirror the shape of
your hands. Once you have a tight hold, start to walk
backward and lift your partner’s arms up until they are
!This position will be very different for different
individuals. If they are open through the shoulders, they
will be able to fully extend the arms. If not, this is
something you will work toward using this stretch. One
way to go deeper is to press your knees into their shoulders
as you traction them forward, pulling their arms back.
Letting them down slowly, stop halfway, pull their arms to
decompress for a few seconds, and then lower them to the
!Like said in the first column, Partner 2 will lay down on the
floor, extending their arms. Once they are fully straight,
you will bend at the elbows, reaching your arms up at a 90-
degree angle. Placing your palms on your partner’s
forearms, you will start to feel a gentle lift from your
!As this happens, begin to straighten your arms to their full
extent, whatever that means for you. Keep in mind
everyone is different. You will most definitely feel this in
the shoulders and primarily through the back. Make sure to
breathe and allow your spine to go to its natural full range.
If you start to feel it’s too much, ask your partner to back
off, and/or engage your glutes to promote safe lower back
!Conscious breathing is highly recommended because it is a
direct link to your nervous system. If your nervous system
is tense, your muscles will follow. But on the other hand, if
your nervous system is relaxed, your body will be able to
“Isn’t this what friends are for?”

Stacking the bone
for more stability
Arms straight
Stacking the bone for
more stability
Keep the legs
Stacking the bone
for more stability
Press down
Standing tall
Reaching the toes
!Once your partner takes a seated position and interlaces
their fingers behind their back, you will grab their wrists
with your hands. To ensure that you are safely going into
their range, pull their arms back and then up, continuing
this linear trajectory until you feel their end range.
!If their arms don’t go past 90 degrees, stay either in a Squat
or Low Lunge. But if their arms do start to go past 90
degrees, you can stand up and walk forward until they've
communicated to you that it is enough. The entire time you
are pulling up to create space and less compression. Make
sure not to go past their comfortable range as it’s easy for
your body to contract and protect, a.k.a. strain the muscles.
!Once you’ve finished 1-2 minutes, begin to bring their
arms down, knuckles toward the floor, and support them
the entire way as their range has increased and they are not
stable enough to support themselves. Once their hands
reach the floor you can let go of their arms. Give them a
30-second trap massage. Repeat, switch.
!Sit down with your legs and back straight. Interlace your
fingers behind your back and really try to squeeze your
palms together as you want to avoid putting unnecessary
strain in your wrists. Create two straight arms instead of
three different breaking points at the wrists, elbows,
shoulders. Isolation is key for proper progression in this
!If your knuckles go past 90-degrees you will start to feel
this in your neck. So, with your back straight and your
knuckles past 90 degrees, you can begin to tuck your chin
and forward fold, which will allow you to go into a deeper
!As much as your partner pulls your arms up and forward,
assist them by reaching out yourself to create stability in
the joints. Once you finish your 1-2 minute set, you’ll feel
the guidance of your partner down toward the floor. You
can start to relax your arms until the knuckles touch the
ground. Cross your legs, sit up tall, and receive a shoulder
massage from your partner.
“Let your partner take you to new places”

Pointed toes
Bum on heels
Arms in one
straight line
Press forward
Sit up straight
Breath slowly
As much as we practice the physical art of this practice, there is a deeper layer, and this is
communication. How you use your words and the manner in which you speak to people is just as
important as how flexible or strong you are.If your end goal is to achieve a pose, but you ignore your
partner’s needs and the potential to create a beautiful friendship along the way, you will find yourself
very isolated in this practice.
!However, if you learn the vital skill of positive communication, you will realize that though practice
you will achieve everything you want, and that how you handle yourself along the way is just as
important. Everyone knows something you don’t, so the more wisely you use your words, the more
understanding you will gain.
!Before telling someone what you want them to do, ask yourself first the simple question, “Can I do
something better to fix this particular situation?” And you will notice that this attitude will be reflected
almost immediately by your partner as you both work to create a reciprocal relationship, rather than a
parasitic one.
!Using positive words to reassure and encourage your partner will give them a deeper sense of security
and confidence. This will transfer directly into their practice, which will deepen their commitment, in
turn allowing you both to learn more.
Welcome To The Tribe
It is our hope that this manual has provided you with the balanced foundation of inspiration and
information necessary to make this practice a large part of your life. We all seek to tend to our nature as
communal creatures, and it is practices like this one that keep us encouraged, connected, and fulfilled.
Your enthusiasm for and exploration of AcroYoga will serve to further strengthen the global community
of devoted practitioners who share this common passion. We thank you for playing your part in the
pioneering of such an exciting field. Now get out there and play!

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Free AcroYoga Manual

  • 2. 
 WELCOME TO THE TRIBE At its very root, AcroYoga is a practice of trust. Another basic human need is the ability to put faith in another human being. AcroYoga merges Yoga, Acrobatics, and Thai Massage seamlessly through communication, support, strength, and flexibility of the body and mind. ! Whether this is your first time hearing the term "AcroYoga" or you are a seasoned practitioner, join us to explore the fundamentals of movement, through dynamic transitions, creative sequencing and elaborate connections.! Our intention is for you to have all the tools you need to not only understand this beautiful discipline, but most importantly, to share it with your community and spread the message of connection through this practice.  It is only with people like you devoting themselves to such disciplines that these vital lineages are able to remain intact and continue evolving! We are pleased to welcome you to the VanCityAcro Tribe. Let’s get started. ! !
  • 4. ! THE POSTURES !This manual is designed to give you potent information in a simple and digestible manner. Please follow the written cues and the visual references for the following postures. !On the the first page of every posture, you will find step-by-step written instructions on the most important body mechanics of the Acro shape. Follow them closely, from the beginning to the very end. As you know, this practice takes two to tango, so you will be given two sets of guides - one for the Base and one for the Flyer. Reference them when you need guidance. !When looking at the picture diagrams, pay close attention to the body intersections represented by the circles. The arrows give you insight into the direction of the kinetic energy flowing through the body and they will also show you the exit points of said energy. The short and simple instructions will give you the most important things to keep in mind while practising a particular posture. !Have fun, be safe, and let’s begin the Acro journey.
  • 5. 
 End points of the directional force moving through the body PASCHIMO This star rating lets you know the difficulty level Different shapes of the Flyer, differs for every posture The name of the Acro shape you will be learning The direction of energy through the body Different shapes of the Base, take note of the body position Body intersections
  • 6. ! FLYER ! Stand with your feet about 6 inches from the Base’s hips. Place the Base’s feet onto your hipbones with the toes resting just above them. Next, connect palms with the Base with your fingers facing forward. Do not interlace the fingers. ! As you feel the Base bending their knees, you will press your hips into their feet and begin to lift your legs up together. At this point, it will be important to keep your arms straight and stacked over the Base’s shoulders. ! Once you are feeling very stable with the hands, you might try to go hands-free. In order for this one to balance, you will need to lift your chest higher. If you are able to release the hands, take your arms to your sides next to the hips for stability. Enjoy the ride. ! ! ! “It all starts here” BASE ! Start lying flat on your back in the L basing position. Place your feet parallel on the Flyer’s hips with the toes just past the hipbones. The Flyer will need some support both below and above the hipbones to balance effectively. ! Next, connect hands with the Flyer. As a Base, you will have your hands like crab hands, with fingers out the side. It is important not to interlace fingers. ! Then, you will bend your knees into your chest, taking the Flyer’s weight onto your legs, Next you will straighten your legs and stack them over your hips. It is very important to find your stack. If this position is feeling very challenging, it could be that your legs are not stacked properly (refer to picture.) Find your stack and sink into stability. !
  • 7. 
 FOLDED LEAF BIRD Straight legs Legs straight as much as you can Strong pressure down, make sure not to pull Stack the bone for more stability Feet flat or slightly tilted up Stack your arms above your wrists Point your toes to keep your form Press your shoulders down Ground your pelvis Press your hips down
  • 8. ! FLYER ! Start by standing over the Base’s shoulders, facing away. Bend your knees and lean back until you feel the Base’s feet touch your upper back. Relax into a nice backbend. If it's comfortable, take your arms overhead. Make sure you are breathing deeply for the best results during this back-opener. ! If you feel there's too much pressure in your back, you can keep your palms resting on your belly or off to the side. Keep in mind you can always communicate with your Base if you want more or less of a backbend. ! Safety is the top priority in all postures. It is better to have a more “shallow” backbend than a deeper one that lacks proper integrity. Enjoy the posture wherever you are in it right now, knowing that we are constantly evolving through this practice. BASE ! Start by taking hold of the Flyer’s ankles, positioning your thumbs on the inside of each ankle. Next, place your feet on the Flyer’s upper back, with toes pointing out and heels touching. If you can’t reach the Flyer, ask them to bend their legs and lean back into your feet. ! Follow by bending your knees into your chest and then straighten your legs slightly off of stacked, feet pushing away from you. Hold your arms overhead at about a 45-degree angle. ! You can add to the backbend by pointing your toes. You can lessen the backbend by pressing more into your heels. Be sure to communicate with your Flyer to find the position that is right for your unique conditions as a pair. “Trust and set your back free”
  • 9. 
 BACK WHALE Reach back with your palms together Thumbs in, fingers outStraight and strong legs Pull back Keep your legs straight Reach your hip flexors up Keep your legs slightly off-centre
  • 10. 
 FLYER !Start by standing with your heels about 1 foot away from the Base’s hips. Bend your knees and lean back until you can feel the Base’s feet firmly on your bum. Once their feet are positioned on your bum, reach back and connect hands with the Base with a V-grip. Keep a strong core to avoid back-bending on the way up. !On your way up, straighten and bring both legs together. Squeeze them tightly, like you’re holding a book between your knees. Push back through your arms and keep them straight in one line from your wrists to your shoulders. It is very important that you don't pull your hands, but rather, push firmly down to feel the support. !Once balanced, if you and the Base feel safe, you can release your hands and place the palms to your sides. A Spotter is always recommended if there is any uncertainty. Be smart, safe, and patient through the process to promote the longevity of your practice. BASE !Start by placing the feet parallel with your toes just above the Flyer’s bum. Wait until there is a substantial amount of pressure on your feet before reaching for the Flyer’s hands. Connect the palms tightly using a V-grip. As the Flyer leans back, press through your heels and scoop them up, pressing their weight forward and then up to ensure safety. Make sure not to stay too long on the entry as this is a tricky posture to hold with bent legs. !Keep your arms stacked over your shoulders and make sure to give your Flyer a steady pressure upwards with your hand. Only if the shape feels steady and the Flyer is ready, start by releasing one hand, then the other. Be sure to tilt your feet so that your toes are higher than your heels. !When dismounting, communicate with your Flyer. Grab their hands and reverse the entry to exit safely. Once their feet touch the floor, release the hands to avoid shoulder strains. “Tight is light”
  • 11. 
 FOLDED LEAFBACK PLANK Keep the arms sealed tight to the body Reach forward with pointed toes Stack to keep the Flyer safe Press palms down for stability Straight legs Look forward
  • 12. 
 FLYER ! Start in Bird position. Lift your chest up until there is very little pressure left in the hands. Release one hand at a time to come into Free Bird. ! From Free Bird, it will be very important to move more slowly. Start by bending one knee at a time and grab your own feet from the outside, with the thumbs pointing down. ! After grabbing both feet, you may kick them into your hands, all the while being mindful of your centre of balance, as lifting the legs too high can cause tipping. Once you arrive, enjoy the peak of this posture. When you are ready to come out, be sure to release one hand at a time and not to let the legs spring out of your hands. BASE ! To assist the Flyer in lifting their chest, push the ball of the feet up similar to pushing a gas pedal. Once you feel the hands become weightless, release them into Free Bird. ! From Free Bird, it is very important that you are focused on the Flyer’s centre of balance, as it becomes the job of the Base to keep the Flyer balanced. ! As the Flyer begins to kick into Bow, you may need to adjust the foot pressure. For example, you may find that you need to give more toe pressure or less, depending on each Flyer’s individual needs. When the Flyer is releasing their hands, have your hands up and ready to catch them in case of any forward tipping. “Get higher than usual”
  • 13. 
 BOW Straight and strong legs Keep your pelvis on the floor Tilt your feet up Arms straightKick firmly into the hands Try to lift your knees up
  • 14. ! FLYER ! Start by standing 6 inches behind the Base’s hips with your feet in a wide stance. Squat and lift your toes with your feet turned out. ! Connect hands with the Base with your fingers positioned forward. You will keep your arms straight in order to lift your upper body. Press the backs of the legs into the Base’s feet and lean forward. As you feel lift-off, you will have to sit your bum low and avoid bringing your legs back. ! Wrap your legs around the fronts of the Base’s shins and hook your toes behind their calves. Then, sit tall while slowly releasing hands. In the peak of the posture your arms will sit straight and relaxed, shoulders back, palms upon the knees. BASE ! Start by bending your knees and placing the ball of your foot on the Flyer’s inner knee. It’s important that it will be just the ball of the foot, and not the entire foot, otherwise the Flyer will just slip off of your feet on the way up. ! Connect hands. The Base will have crab hands, with fingers out to either side. As the Base, you will keep your arms completely straight in both the entrance and exit to this posture. ! As the Flyer leans their weight forward you will push into your feet and begin lifting them up and over top of your hips. Keep your arms straight and your knees bent until the Flyer is sitting upright, then release the hands. Slowly straighten your legs and take your arms down beside your body for extra support. “The basics are everything”
  • 15. 
 THRONE Open your knees wide Press your hands down firmly Keep your shoulders back Arms straight and relaxed Externally rotate the legs Stacking the bone
  • 16. ! FLYER ! Start by standing with your feet slightly wider than hip distance apart and about 6 inches away from your Base. Place the Base’s feet into your hip crease. Connect hands with your fingers forward. ! Next, feel for the Base’s lifting motion. As you are being lifted up, fold forward, bringing your chest toward the Base’s legs. Use your arms to stabilize this motion by slowly bending your elbows as you fold forward. ! You will need to keep your legs open wide and to hold a good “shelf.” This means to keep the toes reaching down towards the floor. This one is very important because if you lift your legs up, you will slide off of the Base's feet. Once you feel comfortable and stable, you may release hands. BASE ! Start lying flat on your back in the L basing position. Place your feet in the Flyer’s hip crease. Heels will be in and toes will be out. Be sure that the heels do not touch, as it will be uncomfortable for the Flyer. Connect hands like in Bird. ! Next, bend your knees to bring the Flyer’s weight onto your legs, then straighten and stack them above your hips. It is very important to keep the legs stacked, as much like in Folded Leaf, there is the danger of dropping the Flyer overhead. ! Once you feel stable through the legs, you can release the hands. First place your palms lightly on the Flyer’s shoulders. After the shaking settles and your Flyer feels comfortable, you can take your hands to the floor on either side, palms facing down. ! “Let gravity decompress your spine”
  • 17. 
 FOLDED LEAF Pull out to the side for a deeper stretch Straight and stacked legs Take the legs wide Pike your straight legs down Relax the entire upper body Arch of the foot connects to hipbone
  • 18. ! FLYER ! Start by standing just behind the Base’s hips. Bend forward enough that you can connect hands with the Base, with your fingers forward. As the Base bends their knees, you will need to keep your body tight and press your shins into the Base’s feet to maintain contact. ! As you begin to rise, it is important to bring your knees into your chest and sit your hips down onto your heels. Be sure to keep your arms stacked so that they are directly over the Base’s shoulders. Once you are up, continue holding hands. ! If you feel very stable and balanced, you may release the hands and wrap your arms around your own knees. Hold either opposite wrists or elbows. If you are feeling really brave, you may even close your eyes. BASE ! Start by placing your feet on the Flyer’s shin bones, just below the knee, with the big toe on the inside and the other toes on the outside. The heels will sit on the inside of the shin bone. ! Connect hands with the Flyer with crab hand placement, fingers out to each side. Next, bend your knees into your chest and give a light pull with your arms to help the Flyer up. Keep your arms stacked above your shoulders. Straighten your legs and stack your feet above your hips. ! Keep your hands connected until you feel very balanced and the hands start to feel light. If this happens and the Flyer feels comfortable enough to release, you may let the hands go and place your palms on the floor next to your hips. “Less thinking, more feeling - that is true balance”
  • 19. 
 SHIN MOUNT 1 Tuck your chin and breathe deep Round the upper back Hips to the heels Wrap the arms around the knees Rest the shoulders Hips rooted into the floor Strong and straight legs
  • 20. ! “Let your Base become your foundation” FLYER Start by standing just behind the Base’s hips and connect hands with fingers forward. Step one foot onto the Base’s shin just below the knee, with the big toe inside the shin and the other toes on the outside. You will have your heel to one side or the other. ! Press through your palms to help yourself as you slowly step the second foot up. Avoid jumping as it will be much harder to stabilize. Step your second foot onto the Base’s shin in the same position as the first. It’s important that both heels are consistent with each other, either on the inside of the shin or on the outside. ! Keep hand connection until you feel stable enough to very slowly stand up. Make sure not to send the hips back. Stand primarily on the ball of your foot. Once standing, you may lightly squeeze your legs toward the centre. BASE Start by lying on your back with both knees pulled into your chest, arms straight and stacked over your shoulders. Connect crab hands to your Flyer’s hands. ! As the Flyer steps up with one foot, you will need to give a push into the knee that they are stepping onto in order to avoid any tipping. You will also need to keep three strong points of contact to help the Flyer to step up. After you have the strong three points of contact, you may ask the Flyer to step the second foot up. ! Keep your hands connected until you feel a balance between both of your legs and you feel stable enough to release the hands. You may need to place your hands onto your own knees to help stabilize the position first. After the shakes stop, you may place your palms next to your hips on the floor facing down.
  • 21. 
 SHIN MOUNT 2 Chest up, look forward Legs straight Keep your hips grounded Heels one line with your knees Knees hip distance apart Lean forward slightly Arms firmly by your side
  • 22. ! “Use your bones and not your muscles” FLYER Stand with your toes just over the Base’s shoulders. Grab hold of the Base’s feet with thumbs on the inside arch of the feet. Press the heel of the hand into the Base’s arch and all other fingers off to the baby toe side of the foot. ! Put about fifty percent of your weight into the Base’s feet as you step onto the Base’s hands, one foot at a time. You may continue to hold the feet until you feel safe enough to release hands (low Foot-to-Hand.) ! Make sure to stay still and not create sudden shifts in your body weight, as your Base will have to absorb it all through their body. While it is their job to be prepared for this, it is the job of both parties to make the other's job as easy as possible. As with all of Acro, it takes two fully-present people to tango. BASE Have your elbows bent right next to your ribcage. Legs will be stacked over your hips, doing your best to keep your legs as still as possible. ! Stabilize as the Flyer holds your feet and steps onto your hands one foot at a time. Grip the heel of the hand to the arch of the Flyer’s foot. The peace fingers will run along the heel, the ring and baby finger will wrap along the outside, and the thumb will wrap on the inside of the foot. Keep your elbows planted while the Flyer practices releasing pressure from their hands. As the Flyer is standing, it will be important to squeeze your elbows into your ribcage to create more stability. If you and your Flyer feel steady, you may slowly release your legs down to the floor.
  • 23. 
 FOOT TO HAND Tight bum, with a natural pelvis Strong upward pressure with your fingers Legs straight Reach forward with your toes to keep the legs firm 45-degree angle with your feet Arms firmly to your sides Chest up and look forward
  • 24. ! FLYER Start by standing on either side of the Base with your inside leg slightly in front of the outside leg. Connect your palms together with your Base’s hands, positioning your fingers forward. ! Once the feet are in place, you will lean your body over the top of the Base. Be sure to press your inner thigh firmly into the Base’s foot, keep your core strong, and avoid letting your hips sink toward the floor. The key to this posture is total engagement. Press your armpit down firmly as you seal the arms tight to lock you into place. ! Once lifted, bring your legs together, hook your feet onto each other, and squeeze your legs inward. Once you and your Base feel stable, you may release the hands and enjoy the flight. BASE Place your foot closest to the Flyer on the upper inner thigh of their outside leg and place your other foot into their armpit. Be sure your outside leg is behind the Flyer's inside leg. Connect palms together with the Flyer's fingers positioned in a forward-facing grip. ! Shift both of your feet to be directly over your hips. Then, straighten your legs and pull your feet slightly away from centre. Opening the legs will help to spread the weight of the Flyer. ! Once you have lifted the Flyer and you both feel stable, you may release the hands. Be sure to avoid any forward or backward motion with your legs. Keep your legs stacked right over the hips. “Give pressure where you feel it”
  • 25. 
 SIDE PLANK Press your armpit down firmly Open the legs to spread the weight Seal the arms tight Press your inner thigh firmly into the foot Use your arms to stabilize Reach down with your fingers
  • 26. ! FLYER Stand over the Base’s shoulders with your toes resting about 6 inches away from them. Connect hands with the Base in the V-grip fashion. Next, place your shoulders onto the Base’s feet, with their toes placed just past your collarbone. ! Round the spine and tuck your chin into your chest. Jump and roll your hips above your shoulders using a downward push through your hands to help assist the momentum of this motion. ! Keep your knees into your chest until you feel more balanced and stable. Once you feel solid enough, straighten and extend your legs wide out to the sides. This is called Straddle position. Make sure to keep the legs fully engaged with toes pointed and reaching outward. Keep your elbows pulling in with a 90- degree bend. BASE ! Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and arms straight. Connect hands with the Flyer using the V-grip (peace fingers in to the wrist.) ! Now place your toes onto the Flyer’s collarbone. As the Flyer hops up, it will be important to keep your knees bent, with your arms locked tight and straight, to help the Flyer make their way up. ! Once the Flyer is up in position, be sure you have your feet stacked above your hips and your hands stacked over your shoulders. Avoid overly squeezing the Flyer’s hands, as most of the weight should be centred over the legs. “Learn how to work less by stacking more”
  • 27. 
 STAR Pull the elbows in Use V-grip ! (peace fingers in to the wrist) Backs of the legs straight 90-degree bend in the elbows Lock your arms tightly Toes reaching out
  • 28. ! FLYER !Stand one foot’s width away from your Base to transition to Side Star. Place the lower part of your hip into the Base’s foot and the palm just above the knee for support. !Keep in mind that this move is not about speed - the jump actually makes it harder. It’s primarily a tilt and a shift of your body weight. As you feel the Base supporting your weight, start to lift the outside leg up toward the ceiling. !Pour your weight into the foot. Then, slowly start to transfer the weight into your hand. As everything stays engaged, slowly start to tilt and you will notice that your bottom leg will lift naturally. !Keeping the integrity of your body is crucial to the success of this posture, because any vibrations that you create, your Base will have to absorb. As you will keep coming back to through the course of your journey with it, AcroYoga is a continuous dance of balancing bodies and returning to centre along every step of the way. BASE !The key point here is for you to place your outside arch of the right foot at least four inches below the Flyer’s hipbone. That way, when their body weight is shifted, your foot will slide perfectly into the crease of the leg, where most of the body will be supported. Press your shoulders and back firmly into the ground. !Keep in mind that you’re holding all of your Flyer’s body weight, so your leg needs to be centralized for maximum support. The more you push up, the more stable you will feel. Complete engagement will get you where you need to go with this posture. Pull the Flyer’s foot down to lengthen their body weight, making it more manageable in this case. !Attempt twisting only if you have full control over the posture. Otherwise, keep the leg centred and your toes facing back toward your head. If you’re feeling shaky, take the arms out to the sides in a “T”-shape, and use your palms like anchor points to give you extra stability. “Feel the extension”
  • 29. 
 Press your shoulders and back down Anchor your hand above the knee Grab the big toe with your peace fingers Pull the foot down to lengthen the body weight Flex the foot SIDE STAR
  • 30. ! FLYER !Slowly transition into Bird. Grabbing both hands, pivot all of your weight into the left hip as you lift your right hip off of the Base’s foot. Slide your right palm onto the Base’s calf and guide your right elbow in towards your hip crease, just above the hipbone. !Keep your left hand connected with your Base until you can bring your legs together. The main focus here is to push your hip into your elbow, which will allow your legs to hinge toward the ceiling. Make sure to keep everything tight and engaged to maintain lightness through the pose. !Rotate both legs out to engage the glutes, keeping them straight and reaching out at a 45-degree angle. Reach out with the right hand to create stability. Only when you feel stable enough, start to release the left hand. Make sure it’s a slow release so that it does not jar your body. Maintain the pose for 10-15 seconds, and come back to Bird to slowly switch to the other side. BASE !Slowly support your Flyer’s transition into Bird. As they shift their body weight into the right hip, pivot your right foot 45 degrees and slide a bit deeper into the hip crease so that your toes are near their bum, to give maximum support. !As you absorb your Flyer's weight, bend your knee. Wait until they transfer their weight to finally straighten the leg. Once their weight is stacked and you are both feeling comfortable, you are free to start to transition into Croc. !Extend your left foot out to the side for your Flyer to hook their elbow and hold your calf. This point is critical, as your Flyer is about to transition all of their body weight onto one leg. Keep the weight stacked, meaning, the leg should be into the centre and pulling towards the midline to give you maximum support. Rotate the legs out ever-so- slightly and press your arm down for more stability. “Balance is everything”
  • 31. 
 Rotate both legs out to engage the glutes Press your arms down to secure yourself Slight outward rotation of the legs Pull your hand up to create traction Place your elbow above the hip bone Legs straight and reaching out at a 45- degree angle Reach out to create stability Crocodile
  • 32. ! FLYER !As you’ve noticed, a lot of the positions start with Bird - and this posture is no different. Keeping your core engaged, hinge at the waist and place your shoulders in your Base’s hands. Once you feel solid support, release your hands and place your palms on your Base’s shins, just below the ankles. Four fingers out, thumb in for maximum support. !The easiest way to get into this pose is to slowly slide your quadriceps, then your knees, then your shins, down the feet, until your ankles are positioned on your Base’s feet. Once you feel the pelvis stacked, you can start to lift your legs slowly toward an upright angle. !The more intermediate version of this is lifting your legs directly up from Folded Bird, and not moving your legs toward the Base’s feet. This takes a lot of coordination and control, and should be executed slowly and mindfully. !Extend up through the toes, keep your legs straight, and your glutes squeezing as you pull the Base’s feet back with your hands while they reach toward the ground with their legs. Become the Candlestick. BASE !Bring your Flyer into Bird position. As they hinge at the waist and place their shoulders in your hands, make sure to give them lots of support with your toes. As their body weight is tilting forward, they will need extra support. !Place the heels of your hands right on the meat of their traps, so that your fingers are close toward their scapulas. This will ensure that you keep your wrists safe and avoid compression. Have your arms extending straight with a slight outward rotation. !Keeping your legs at a 45-degree angle, you will feel some resistance with the Flyer’s hands as they pull back and you push forward. This counter-balancing effect will be a key to your success in this posture. !Make sure to keep shape and not move the legs forward or backward as it will affect your Flyer’s position. Once your Flyer is upright, give their arms a little bit of resistance to lengthen and stabilize the pose. To come out of the pose, let the Flyer pull your feet toward their hips and re-enter Bird. “Let the flame go higher”
  • 33. 
 Arms straight, with a slight outward rotation Squeeze your glutes Push up through the heel of the hands Pull back with your hands, reach forward with your legs Legs at 45 degrees Keep your legs straight Extend up through the toes CANDLE STICK
  • 34. ! FLYER !From Folded Leaf, zip your legs together, point your toes, and very slowly place your palms just below your ankles. Keep your arms very strong, as they are going to be your anchor points, where most of the weight of your body will be supported. !Try not to arch or round too much. This posture will work seamlessly if you keep the angles in the proper positions. Once you feel the Base shifting their palms into your biceps, press and meet their pressure to keep you stable. !Look at your big toes and keep breathing. Try not to hold your breath, knowing that you can contract your muscles without tensing your nervous system. This is a key skill to develop in order to be successful across many postures and disciplines. Learn it and wear it well. !To come out, you’ll feel your Base tilting you over their head. Keep your arms strong, and lightly place your toes a few inches above their head. Absorb through the feet. Evenly press through the hands as you stand and exit. BASE !Once you've supported your Flyer into Folded Leaf position, wait until they zip their legs together to internally rotate your feet, which will allow you to keep your Flyer balanced without dropping them. !Wait until their hands are on their shins to reach toward their biceps. Now this is the important part. Keep your index fingers as the primary balance point, placing them just a bit above the elbow, with the other forefingers wrapping around for extra stability. !If your Flyer starts to fall forward, you can always help them regain balance by simply pushing through the index finger to catch them. !Once their complete body weight is over and fully released out of your feet, keep your legs close to their back for a few seconds, just in case they fall back and you need to catch them. If they are solid and stable enough, then you can take the full pose variation and extend your legs on the floor. “Within symmetry there is beauty”
  • 35. 
 Hands press up for stability Fingers in, thumbs out Reach out of your toes Plug the shoulders down into the floor Feet press down firmly Legs straight Shoulders in line with the arms Let the energy transfer from the pelvis to the shoulders PASCHIMO
  • 36. ! FLYER !This posture begins by entering into Folded Leaf. Keeping your legs heavy to give your Base plenty of support, slowly start to take your hands through your Base’s legs. Bend the knees as your bring the soles of your feet together and take your palms to your ankles. !All of this needs to happen while you keep a pike position through your legs. If they start to lift, your Base’s feet will start to slip and you will fall. !Once you have contact through your palms on top of your ankles, hold lightly and try to relax the head, shoulders, and back. !You will feel a gentle rock from your Base as they release your spine. Or, you could be a bit more active and tuck your chin, preparing yourself for the transition, whatever it may be. This will open you to a world of possibilities, depending on the unique convergence of you and your particular partner. BASE !Keeping your legs out at 45 degrees, waiting until your Flyer has folded themselves completely over your legs. Once they start to reach their arms through your knees, make sure to give them plenty of room by bending. !Placing your palms on their upper back, guide them toward spinal flection, a.k.a. a rounded spine. Once you feel that they have grabbed their ankles, turn your fingers out and press the heels of your hands into their mid-back, giving them a bit of pressure and then easing off for the therapeutic treatment. !If you are getting ready to transition, place one hand closer to their neck with your fingers pointing toward their head and the other hand up above their lower back with fingers pointing outwards. Now, the next detail is very small, but it is the most important. The hand that's on their lower back needs to turn inwards, for you to prepare for the transition that’s coming up. This transition will be determined by the goal of this particular flow - the possibilities are endless. “Find your inner bat”
  • 37. 
 Round the upper back Keep the knees into your chest Bend your legs deeply Move the Flyer forward Push the arms through the legs Lean your legs toward you Hold the ankles RESTING BAT
  • 38. ! FLYER !Starting where we left off with our Resting Bat position, you are going to tuck your chin and wait until the weight is transferred into your Base’s hands. !Think of yourself like a giant sticker, not a square box. You want to push into the structure that’s supporting you every millimetre of the way. So as the hands start to give you weight, make sure to pour all of that weight back to not only stabilize yourself, but to give your Base a sense of control. !Once the rotation starts to happen, keep your chin tucked and knees wide. It's important that you don’t release your head, as, being the start of your spine, it holds a very important balancing point. Keep it round and engaged. !Keep your breath steady and even. Try your best not to react to the small shifts within the pose. Let the Base do the stabilizing. Like all AcroYoga, this posture depends on the synergistic coordination of the Base and Flyer in order to keep it clean and complete. BASE !Once you have the hand position from Resting Bat, you will notice that the bottom hand closest to the neck is bent, and the top arm is straight. This will need to change. As you bend your legs, you will start to bend the straight arm and straighten the bent arm, until they are evenly bent and absorbing the majority of the weight equally. !Once you are ready, you will start to twist your Flyer. The good thing is, if you’ve placed your hands properly, there is only one way you can spin. This way there is no confusion, because the other direction would only wind your arms. !Rotate until your arms are completely stacked over your shoulders. Your fingers will be the stabilizers in this pose. The small shifts you feel your Flyer make you will absorb with finger strength and pressure through palms upward. !This posture in particular puts a strong emphasis on the Base as the centre of strength while the Flyer moves through to the final expression. “Tuck it tight like a bat”
  • 39. 
 Keep reaching out for more straightening Spread your fingers out wide Press your back into the Base’s hands Round your back Grab your ankles Bend your knees Legs straight for maximum strength! BAT
  • 40. ! FLYER !Progressing from Bat, maintain the pose, especially for this transition. Release the hands onto your chest. Extend both legs at the same time. It’s important that you don't do this one at a time, because the smallest shift in weight will throw you off of this pose and down onto your Base or the floor. Think like you’re moving through water, or doing Tai Chi. !At the same time, bring the knees into your chest and extend the legs straight, keeping the ankles above the hips. Only when you feel stable, you can start to move your hands up so that you create an uneven box shape with your limbs. !Pull your shoulders up while at the same time trying to push the point on your back where the hands are supporting you down. This means you will extend the muscles and fully engage. Make sure not to react to any vibrations. As with Bat posture, let your Base do most of the stabilization. BASE !The name of the game is slow and controlled. Your position doesn’t really change. But, adding extra movement will definitely test your stability and balance. !Keeping your fingers wide and spread will give you the maximum amount of support. You can think of it as having extra real estate. And we all know real estate is expensive, especially here in Vancouver… So grab as much as you can. !Lift your shoulders off of the floor while imprinting your back into the ground. If you want the advanced variation, slowly replace your hands with your feet. Placing one foot, transfer the weight. !Keep the pressure even through the hand and the leg until both legs are on your Flyer’s back. Using your toes for stability, slowly straighten the legs fully. Make sure everything is stacked for maximum stability. “Engage and find ease”
  • 41. 
 Lift the shoulders to engage the pecs Reach shoulders up Wrists stacked over shoulders, extending through arms Legs extended directly over hips Knees straight, legs stacked Extend upward and point the toes Reach through fingertips BAT BOX
  • 42. ! FLYER !Begin the transition with Throne. Slowly lean forward to give your Base a hand and a foot. Pick which side you’re going to and make sure to communicate with your Base. !When you start the transition, your right hand will be with the right hand of the Base, and your left foot will be with their left hand. An easier way to think of it is “same side limbs.” !As the Base releases their feet, you will have to transfer equal weight through the two points of contact that you still have. The key factor here is for you not to drop your centre of gravity, a.k.a. your pelvis. Try to keep your hips above your knees and continuously pour pressure into your foot to allow you to centralize the weight. !Once you feel your Base’s foot wrap around behind your knee, hook your shin and foot around their calf, like you would in normal Throne. Once one side is complete, make sure to finish the other to come back to the original position. Try both sides to keep you balanced as a Flyer. BASE !Starting in Throne position, wait until your Flyer leans forward and presents you with their contact points. One hand will connect with theirs, same side; the other hand will connect with their foot (same side.) The beginning is very tricky, as your wrists are not stacked above your shoulders. They are instead in one line with your spine. So, be sure to prepare yourself to bear your Flyer’s weight and give lots of upward force to stabilize the wrists. !Once the Flyer starts to shift most of their body weight into your hands, start to release your feet from Throne position. Rotate them until your wrists are over your shoulders. This is when you’ve reached halfway. Keep rotating in the same direction so that your wrists are stacked in the opposite way. !Once you see an opening, place your foot behind their knee. Wait until the Flyer wraps their foot around your calf and use that leverage to rotate them back to centre. Let them hook the second foot around your second calf to complete the rotation. “Fasten your seat belts, we’re going for a ride”
  • 43. 
 Reach away to keep your shoulder active Centre your weight evenly into the hand and foot Hips up in one line with the shoulder Lift your knees into your chest Straight arms Point your toesPush up to lift the Flyer evenly Externally rotate the legs to fully engage the glutes Press upward through the bridge of the hands AROUND THE WORLD
  • 44. ! KEEPIN’ IT SAFE !It is very easy to jump into this practice and get overly ambitious with certain moves and transitions, especially when we see the end result being achieved with just two people. But what happens behind the scenes is rarely glorified or advertised. And that is the importance of a third person - the Spotter. Working with a Spotter is the vital stage that every AcroYogi needs to go through. To have a safety net that will be there for you and give you the opportunity to try new things while feeling reassurance. A Spotter’s job is just as important as that of the Flyer or Base. This job has its own titles, certain things that you have to be able to do to achieve success. !As funny as this is going to sound, always expect your Flyer to fall. This keeps you alert and present with what’s going on, and will give the Flyer confidence to be able to commit to moves that they have never tried. When first spotting a new transition or movement, have a hands-on approach. Give strong and sturdy pressure through the entire sequence. When you start to feel safe as a trio, start to give less and less pressure, until you are hovering - what we call “Jedi Spotting.” Ever-so-present and attentive, you are there just as a precaution. !There are wrong ways to spot, and this is where you neglect the points made up above. Examples of this include being easily distracted, non-communicative, &/or uncomfortable with holding people’s body weight. Know that just like any other, spotting is a skill acquired through time. Practice often and you will become a great Spotter that will be highly sought-after. !!
  • 48. ! SHAPE-SHIFTING !Now we take our practice outside of just L-basing and start to put a twist on two bodies and how they can move together. In this section of the manual, we will be exploring different shapes that utilize flexibility, strength, coordination, and power. These can be tied into a flow, a sequence, and/or performance, or simply just taught as separate components in a class or workshop. !These shapes are designed to give you a different look into the practice of AcroYoga. Primarily, they serve to break us out of the traditional mold of “Base” and “Flyer.” We have included six shapes for you to play around with and explore. Keep in mind that the angles might be slightly different depending on your flexibility and strength, but the general feel of the shapes should stay the same to give you a good understanding of the balance points. !Think outside the box. After you’ve completed these shapes, try to come up with your own and see how they integrate into your practice. They are meant to forge new neural pathways and give you a taste of creativity.
  • 49.
  • 50. ! POSITION 1 !The person who’s taking the backbend should first set up into a Bridge where their shoulders and neck are on the floor, knees are bent, feet flat, and hips lifted. Once you feel a sturdy base, place your hands close to the ears like you’re going into Wheel. Press into the floor to lift your chin and firmly press the middle of your skull into the ground. !Make sure to do this only if you have a strong headstand practice. Another option is to place your forearms to the floor like you’re doing a supported headstand so there is less pressure on your neck. Once your partner grabs your calves, lift your hips and counterbalance their weight by reaching backward with your chest, and, if you feel sturdy, with your hands while keeping the palms together. !Once you’ve taken the shape, try to push your toes into the floor like you’re going to lift your heels - but keep them on the ground for maximum stability. Another tip to make this more steady: press through the big toes and engage your inner thighs, which will lessen the shakes inside of your body. POSITION 2 !Lay down flat on the floor with your back on the ground and your chest to the sky. Once your partner has assumed their full position, grab their calves from the outside with your fingers spread wide. Pull your palms toward your chest and then press them down to give you traction and energy that you will transfer for the necessary lift. !Bring the knees into the chest. Elevate your pelvis as you raise your entire spine up at a 45-degree angle coming into your shoulders. Make sure to give constant pressure with your hands, as they are your anchor in this pose. !If you feel comfortable and steady and your partner is not shaking, extend one leg at a 45-degree angle. If that is easy, extend both legs to achieve the final pose. !To come out, bring the knees into your chest. Keep resistance with your hands. Lower your pelvis to the floor. Slowly release the hands and return to your original position. “Find balance in each other’s weight”
  • 51. 
 Round the upper spine and crunch the core tight Knee over ankle Pelvis higher than your knees Strong and straight legs Reach overhead with your hands together Pressure through the middle of the skull Squeeze your bum Reach away through your toes THE SPEAR
  • 52. ! POSITION 1 !This transition starts in Bird. Maintaining a strong, flat shape, your partner will move their feet to your ankles. Slowly start to lift your pelvis up as you open your legs into a V-shape. Next, sit your pelvis backward to centralize the weight. !Your flexibility will determine the range that you are capable of going. Before doing this movement, make sure to warm up your Middle Splits, as you are going into a very active range that could very easily be overdone. !Your hands are the training wheels for this pose. Use them heavily in the beginning. Create inward rotation and always try to pull the arms toward centre. This will give you stability in the shoulders and pecs, which will take some load off of your legs. !Try to do a few sets as you go into the V and come out into a Plank position with your partner’s hands still on your ankles. Once you’ve done a few sets, come back to Bird and slowly dismount. POSITION 2 !Begin in Bird with your partner. As they shift their weight into one foot, release the free leg and place your foot wide into your partner’s ankle. Repeat on the other side. !It is crucial that you keep your wrists over your shoulders in the beginning of the transition. Naturally, the hands will start to drift outward, which is normal, but keep constant pressure to allow your partner to have maximum stability. !As your partner starts to open their legs, you will need to slide your feet a bit more toward the back of their ankles. This will allow them to drop their pelvis and centre their weight. !Expect your partner to be wobbly with their arms. Give them as much support as you can, which will transfer into the stability of their legs. Don’t open too wide and make sure to communicate with your partner to keep this posture playful and safe. “Finding your counterpart”
  • 53. 
 Strong legs and downward pressure Plant your elbows firmly Fifty percent of the weight through the arms Strong legs and upward pressure Spread the legs Strong arms from both partners DOUBLE SPLITS
  • 54. ! POSITION 1 !Go into a low Squat as you bring your feet and knees together. Place your hands in front of you and wait for your partner to slowly assume the position reverse of you and on top of your back. !Once they start to give you their weight, ever-so-slightly press up and back to give them a surface that is active. Essentially, you are creating traction for them to have the capability of sitting down and keeping the shape. !Once you feel steady, start to lift your heels and press firmly into the floor, first with your palms, then transferring into your fingertips. Be very active with your toes as they are your main stability points. Once you can maintain the weight without falling, release one arm, then the other. Wrap your arms around your legs. Hold your elbows firmly with your palms. Continue to push upward to find strength in this pose. It’s all about opposition. As much as you reach up, you need to press down, and you will notice this won’t be as hard as it looks. POSITION 2 !Once your partner has assumed a stable position, begin by hoisting yourself up onto their back ever-so-slowly. Be sure to maintain a constantly oscillating perspective between your current pose and your pose in the world at large. !Perspective is the name of the game here. This is as much a metaphorical position as it is a literal one. !Assume the position on top of your partner’s back. Establish solidity with your main point of contact, your feet, on top of your partner’s sloping but firm back. Wrap your arms around the knees, tuck your chin tightly, and maintain your centre. !Be sure to keep a constant pressure through your feet in order to hold your centre. This will be key to staying on top and not falling off of your partner’s back. Traction your feet down into the sloped surface and use that resistance to round the upper back and tuck the chin. “Sometimes we have good ideas”
  • 55. 
 Tucked-in chin Hug the knees into your chest Keep the heels up for easier balance Sink your hips to your heels Press through your feet to keep your centre Contemplate your existence THE THINKERS
  • 56. ! POSITION 1 !Open your legs as wide as your flexibility will allow you and start to lean your weight forward. The common misconception about this pose is that you need to keep your back round, which is incorrect. You are trying to keep your spine very long, which means you will need to reach forward. !Giving your lower back plenty of space, start to arch it. Tilt your pelvis forward as though it were a large bowl of soup and you were trying to spill the contents on the floor. !Try to bring your belly button down onto the ground before your chest. Reach your arms forward to give you maximum length. Rotate your ankles down as you point your toes to give you more extension. !Relax your head to the floor if it reaches. Engage your quadriceps (the tops of the legs) which will allow you to release the hamstrings (the backs of the legs) to their fullest length. POSITION 2 !There are a few possible ways to enter this. The easiest will be if you assume the first position and your partner goes underneath you afterwards. !Lay down on your back. Take Bridge pose. Bending your legs, bring your heels close to your bum. Press down through the feet and try to traction them forward without actually moving them. !This is key to your success and will allow you to use that energy coming from the floor to open up your shoulders. Once you feel a strong connection through the toes, place your hands close to the ears with your fingers pointing back toward your toes. !Come up to the top of your head and if the shoulders will allow you, start to straighten your arms and push your shoulders open (preferably armpits over wrists.) For obvious reasons, make sure your partner has exited their position to ensure that you don’t squish them. “You are my sunset”
  • 57. 
 Reach your fingers forward Open your armpits to their fullest Internally rotate your legs Reach through your big toes Stretch your hip flexors toward the ceiling Knees over the ankles, make sure to not over- extend SUNSET
  • 58. ! POSITION 1 !Lay down flat on your back. Start to rock back and forth keeping the knees tucked into your chest. Once you've created a bit of momentum, roll back into your shoulders. Be mindful of your neck and support your body weight with your palms. !Start to extend one leg at a time. Repeat this process ten times to warm up the back and hamstrings. Load your shoulders more as you give responsibility into the upper body and release your palms over your head close to your feet. You have to be comfortable in this position before you can bear weight. If you are not, practice it by yourself before attempting the shape. !Your partner is going to start to place their hamstrings on top of your calves, and their calves on top of your hamstrings. They’ll do this very slowly so you can communicate if it’s too much. If, however, you feel fine in this pose, reach your arms toward their face and connect your hands to complete the posture. POSITION 2 !Wait until your partner has assumed the position before you can begin. Once they’re comfortable in their Plow pose, bring your bum close to their toes and lean your weight back into the hands, which you will place behind you. !Slowly, start to attempt to bring one leg on top of your partner’s stable position and test the waters. If they feel okay with the addition of your body pressure, then continue to add the second leg whilst keeping the pressure into your palms. This ensures that you don’t dump sudden weight and put too much strain on your partner’s neck. !If everything checks out, start to put more pressure through the backs of your legs as you release one hand. Repeat with the other. When you have a solid connection, reach for your partner’s hands. Grab them firmly, and give yourself a small lean back to create a counterbalancing effect, which will keep you in the posture longer. “To infinity and beyond’
  • 59. 
 Round the spine fully Point your toes Balance just on your sitting bones Pull your shoulders back Straight lines will keep you solid More pressure through the shoulders than the neck INFINITY Pull your hands in opposite directions
  • 60. ! POSITION 1 !The person who's doing the Hollow-Back Handstand will first have to do a regular Handstand with their partner’s help. Once you have achieved this task, you are going to place your feet onto your partner’s shoulders. This is where it becomes a little tricky. They will have to step a few feet away, and eventually sit all the way down to the floor. !While all of this is happening, start to open up your chest to create a counter-balancing effect. The more they walk away and sit down, the more you need to lean back and open through your armpits. Otherwise, you will be too flat and you will fall. !Keep constant pressure through your feet and push as much as you can. This will allow you to shift your weight back and keep your centre of gravity even. If you relax your toes, you will start to slide and fall, as your security in this pose is the pressure through your feet. To come out, you can either kick one leg over and back to the floor, or start to bend your elbows and very slowly tuck your chin as your spine starts to descend down to the ground. POSITION 2 !!Stand by your partner’s wrists. Wait until they come into their full handstand. Grab their ankles and slowly turn around as you place their feet into your back. Slowly start to walk away from them. As you do, make sure to give backward pressure so that their feet don’t slip. Once you've created enough distance (about two feet) begin to squat down and place your bum on the floor with your legs straight in front of you. !Now, this will only work if your partner has open shoulders. If they have tight shoulders, please wait until they have the range to try this pose safely. Once you assume the position of sitting down, place your hands in one line with your pelvis. Create traction by pushing your palms down firmly and lift your bum off the floor. It will naturally go backward as you round the back. At first, you will only be able to lift the pelvis and not the feet, but as you get stronger through the hip flexors, start to attempt to lift one leg and then the next. “Leave your feet at home”
  • 61. 
 Press through your fingers Strong push with the feet Tuck the tailbone under Lean into the feet Open your shoulders fully Open your hips Straight legs pulled into the chest Position shoulders over the hands Straight legs 4 PALMS
  • 62. ! THE KEY THAT OPENS LOCKED DOORS !Think of your range like a set of keys. And your body, a mansion that you live in. Most of us only occupy one or two rooms in our home, without ever opening the doors to new possibilities and potential. Especially in our practice of AcroYoga, range is such a crucial component that plays into the poses that we take, the transitions that we learn, and the longevity of our practice. !In the next section, we will go through some basic flexibility exercises that will allow you to unlock some of the hidden treasures that lie within. They’re meant to be held and repeated at least a minute for at least three sets. !You will find that you are strong in certain areas of flexibility, but lacking in others. This will always create misbalances in your body in the form of compensation… Especially when you’re load-bearing another human being or asking someone else to support your weight. !The more range you have, the more you can spread your weight, which will make you lighter and easier to maneuver as a Flyer. The more open your hamstrings and shoulders are, the less work you will do as a Base because you will be able to stack your bones, and by now, we know that bones are stronger than muscles. !!
  • 64. ! “Slow and steady wins the race” !The Snail is a particularly great stretch for those who are tight in their shoulders and in their chest, a.k.a. pecs. Start by sitting down with your legs in front of you, ankles touching. Place your hands next to your hips with your arms straight. Start to bend your legs and shift your weight forward until the feet are flat. Bring your pelvis close to your heels. !After you’ve completed that, start to bend your elbows to warm up for the stretch. Repeat it ten times. Once you feel sufficiently warmed up, extend the legs straight, rotate the fingers so they are pointing away from you, and sink your body weight down. !If it becomes too much for your elbows, a.k.a. hyperextension, do the first variation. You will get the same result. Move slow like a snail and you will stay safe. Slow and steady will get you farther, and we are in this for the long haul. This can translate to many other areas of our lives. !To come out, repeat the steps backward. Bend your legs, rotate your fingers toward your feet, slide your bum back towards your wrists. Release the palms from the floor. Shrug the shoulders. Rotate them one way, then the other. Repeat this stretch five times. !!
  • 65. 
 Slide your hips away from your hands Straight legs Open the shoulders fully Press your palms down into the floor SNAIL Reach your toes forward
  • 66. ! “Flexibility is freedom” !Go into a Downward Dog to begin. Keep your hands shoulder-width apart and your feet pelvis-width apart. Slide your right knee directly behind your right wrist. Slide your right ankle directly behind your left wrist. As you lower your torso down, bend the elbow slowly to absorb the weight. Straightening the back leg, begin to pour your weight forward to access the hip stretch. Everyone is different in their range of motion for this stretch. The rule of thumb is that the closer your right ankle is to your left hand, (meaning the more you increase the angle of your shin) the more you will increase the depth of the stretch. !Once you’ve settled in for your personal variation, keep your hips square. Imagine there is a construction level on your lower back: keep the bubble in the middle. Pull your right hip back and down, while pressing your left hip flexor forward and down. This will ensure that you stay safe in this pose and do not take this pressure into the knees, which inherently do not have a lot of rotation - only a few degrees. !If your knee starts to bug you, first check the alignment of your hips. If it continues, try to flex your right foot. If the discomfort still continues, you can decrease the angle of your shin, bringing your left heel back a few inches. Once you feel very sturdy in this pose, take your hands outside of your hips and straighten the arms as you lift your chest, puffing up your rib cage like a mating pigeon.
  • 67. 
 Relaxed knee Toes can be tucked under as an alternative Squeeze your bum to open the hip flexor Lift your chest Actively flex the foot Angle of the front leg will be dependent upon your hip range of motion MATING PIGEON
  • 68. ! Begin by laying down flat on your stomach. Slowly extend your right arm directly out to the side. Fingers should line up with your shoulder and your palm should face down. Look away from the arm to the opposite direction. Start to roll to your back very slowly. !The hand that is free, the opposite hand, should press down firmly into the floor with the elbow bent to give you the leverage needed to achieve this stretch. As far as the legs, be cautious not to go too deep too fast. Begin by bringing the knees into your chest like you are going into fetal position. If that feels okay, straighten both legs and let the top hip be heavy toward the floor as you separate your feet, hip- width apart. !If that position is too deep for you, there is a happy medium between those two variations. This would be to bend the top leg, opening the knee slowly. You can think of your top leg like a bird’s wing. Close the wing for less depth, open it for more - thus the name. !This is a beautiful stretch for your pecs and deltoids, and at the same time, it allows you to work that range of motion for your shoulders. This can help you get rid of the ever-daunting hunch that most of us who work in offices are subject to. “Open, to learn how to fly”
  • 69. 
 Foot flat Gentle pressure through the hand Push through the palm as needed Optional open knee for a deeper stretch Open the chest Work to stack the shoulders one over the other BIRDS WING
  • 70. ! !Begin in a Downward Dog position. Smoothly step your right foot between your hands and place your left knee gently to the floor. If there is too much pressure behind your knee, you can always use a blanket, pillow, or mat. Once you’ve taken the position, place both hands on the right quadricep and start to lean forward and back to warm up your hip flexor and back quad. !Once you feel like you’re at your lowest point, place both hands on the inside of the right foot and slowly start to bend your left leg so that your right hand can grab the foot and pull the heel toward your glutes. !If you are not able to grab the foot, you can always lean back with your pelvis and open up the shoulder of the arm you are reaching to give you more space. Alternatively, if you still cannot achieve this pose, you can place your bent leg (a.k.a. shin) up against the wall and use that leverage to stretch. !If you have taken the full variation, start to lean forward with your front knee and pull your back heel tighter toward your centre. Go slow and steady, and aim to feel an 8/10 as far as a stretch. Avoid going any past that. Enjoy Twisted Lunge. !! “Sink low to open wide”
  • 71. 
 Knee over ankle Spiral the shoulder open Grip the inside of the ankle Avoid pressure straight onto the kneecap Straight, strong supporting arm TWISTED LUNGE
  • 72. ! !Stand with your feet pelvis-width apart and begin to bend your legs as you dip your chest down toward the floor. Relax your head where your chin is tucked. Place your palms on your calves, fingers pointing down. Tuck the elbows in behind your legs. !Start to give yourself small pulses to warm up into a stretch. Give your body plenty of time to adapt to be sure not to strain or injure from lack of warming up. To get the full benefit from this stretch, there is something that you will need to do, but at first it may seem confusing. !Think of your spine as the letter “S”. The bottom portion has a natural curve inwards, and the upper portion has a natural curve outwards. When thought of together, this would be “rounding” the spine. Because this is a natural position for your body, we want to promote it rather than shy away from it. So when you’re in your Forward Fold, yes, you are rounding, but only through the upper back. The lower back needs to arch as you lift your sitting bones higher and stretch the backs of your legs, not strain your lower back. !This is a concept that might take a little while to understand, but once you understand how to isolate your lower back, many things will start to click for you. If you can keep your chest to your legs while the knees are bent, try to go to the full extension with your legs straight, grabbing your elbows behind you. Stay for a minute. Repeat 5 times. “Reverse the flow”
  • 73. 
 Grab your elbows and pull in Round your upper back Lean into the toes Backward pressure with the back of the knees Arch the lower back to lift the sitting bones higher FORWARD FOLD
  • 74. ! !Get out your maple syrup, we’re going to eat some pancakes. To begin, sit with your bum flat on the floor while opening your legs out 45 degrees on each side. In the previous pose, we talked about arching the spine to promote the full extension of your body in its natural curve. This Forward Fold will be no different. !Your main focus is not to get your chest on the floor, but rather your belly button. So imagine you are a round cup of water. You want to spill the water forward as you tilt your pelvis, getting your belly button closer to the floor with every exhale. !This will promote less reaching and rounding, a.k.a. straining, and more reaching and extending, a.k.a. stretching. If you’re not capable of taking your fingers to the floor yet, a great way to understand the pelvis rotation is just by sitting on the edge of a bolster or block. !Once you can get your fingers or palms flush to the floor, start to lift your chest and reach forward. This pose definitely takes a bit of time to work into and see progressions, but within a few months, don’t be surprised if you are at least a foot lower than where you are today. !!!! “Maple syrup or honey?”
  • 75. 
 Pulling the toes up Press and reach your hands forward Elongate the back reaching the belly button toward the floor Pressing the knees down Lengthening the legs THE PANCAKE
  • 76. ! Begin in a posture we call Sphinx. It’s very simple. You’ll lay down flat on your belly, taking the elbows underneath your shoulders while the forearms are in front of you. This will allow a bit of space under the arms to slide one hand through and begin the stretch. !Let’s begin with the right arm. Slide it through to the left underneath your armpit, like you’re threading a needle. Taking the arm straight (meaning your fingers are in one line with the shoulders) try not to go too high or too low. Keep your bicep underneath your rib cage, rather than your throat, so that you have lots of space to breathe and your neck can be comfortable. !Alternatively, if you like, you can place a prop underneath your forehead to give you more cervical support. Once you enter this pose, you are most likely in one of two categories. The first being that you feel a really deep stretch. In that case, breathe through it and stay for at least two minutes. !The second possible scenario is that you don’t feel the stretch at all. In that case, you’ll need to stay longer and we can always take the road of active stretching. To do this we will press down the right arm, starting from the fingertips all the way down to the elbow. This will allow your muscles to contract and at the same time stretch because of the pressure they are receiving. This is a good way to create active flexibility. “You don’t have to carry the weight of the world”
  • 77. 
 Relax your arm as you keep it straight Open your palm up or down Elbow down Keep your legs straight Press your shoulder down toward the arm THE WALRUS
  • 78. ! !This pose serves for so many building blocks to our flexibility that it is crucial to our body development. When we enter toward Front Splits, we are stretching our hamstrings, creating strength in the quadriceps, and increasing the range of motion for our hip flexors. !But because there are so many things involved, we need to approach this posture smartly and slowly, understanding all that is involved and how to properly engage this beautiful pose. Begin by taking a Low Lunge, which we have covered in the above section. Place a bolster underneath your pelvis so that you can place your hands to give you more support. !Start to slowly slide your knee back and your front heel forward as you find your range. The bolster will be there in case you need it. Flex your front foot and relax the back of your front knee to stretch the hamstring to its full extent. To make sure you don’t overdo it, pull your front kneecap up to strengthen the quadricep. These two actions will make sure that the front leg is fully stable and in the proper position. !The back leg will start to slide away until it can’t, and you will focus on internal rotation. A good trick toward this is to try to touch your back baby toe to the floor. When you rotate the foot, it affects the structure of the entire leg, especially the femur bone. This will help immensely to keep the hips square and even as you stretch for a minimum of two minutes per side. !! “Open your body to open your potential”
  • 79. 
 Press your hip flexor down Reach your arms back to stretch your shoulders Back the knee down FRONT SPLITS Try to press your baby toe down Pull your front hip back Point your toes
  • 80. ! !Lay down on your back and bend your legs with the soles of the feet flat and your heels close to your butt. Begin to warm up this posture by taking Bridge pose, in which you simply lift your pelvis up and interlace your fingers underneath your back. Once you feel pretty secure with this pose, let’s move into Wheel. With both your feet and back flat, place your hands close to the ears with your fingers pointing back toward your feet. Apply firm pressure through both palms. Start to push as you lift your head and pelvis evenly, meaning at the same time. !A halfway point would be placing the top of your head on the floor. From there, straightening the arms completely is your next objective. To do that, there is a bit of a secret. Press through your feet not only down into the floor, but try to push them forward, as though they were going to slide, but without actually moving. This we call traction, or kinetic energy. This energy, if accessed properly, will start to transfer through the feet, up to the knees, through the hips, to then continue its journey upward through the spine, eventually ending up in your shoulders. !Keeping your hands still, use the pressure through your feet to open the shoulders backward to the wrists so that your arms are completely straight, rather than 45 degrees. The latter is a lot harder to hold because of the angle versus something that’s stacked. This tip will open your shoulders safely and quickly. To come down, bend your elbows, tuck your chin, and pull your head back toward your wrists. Once your pelvis touches the floor, you can extend the legs and relax. !! “Go toward extension, not compression”
  • 81. 
 Arms straight and strong Press your inner arches down Spread your fingers wide Open your armpits toward your wristsKnees behind your ankles or stacked Reach your hip flexors up WHEEL
  • 82. ! !Butterfly pose is a beautiful way to open up not only the shoulders, but your back and hips as well. Begin by placing your feet together and grabbing your ankles with your hands. Slide your bum back a few inches so that your pelvis starts to tilt toward the floor. !If there is too much pressure on your ankle bones, which are on the ground, you can place something soft underneath to give you more support. Relaxing your head as you tuck the chin, give yourself a couple of nods “yes” and a couple of nods “no” to really loosen up the neck muscles. !If you have a bolster nearby, you can take it across your legs and place your forehead on top, but if you have nothing, you can just let your head hang and let gravity become your best friend. Breathing is quite important in this pose, and the way you breathe is very particular. You’ll inhale into your upper back, and when you exhale, try to use your diaphragm, meaning you will pull your belly button in and up so that the ribcage is exposed. !You’ll notice that you can get more depth out of this pose just by using this technique. Once you get low enough, you can slide your hands underneath your calves and grab your feet. There is another variation called Tortoise pose, which is where you take your arms through your legs, behind you, and eventually try to interlace your fingers on your lower back. ! “Stay in the cocoon to grow”
  • 83. 
 Pull your elbows down Feet together Breathe into your back Externally rotate your legs BUTTERFLY Open your leg bones and not your knees
  • 84. ! THE CORE OF IT ALL !Understanding your centre of gravity is probably one of the most vital skills that you will acquire, learn, and master through the work that we do in AcroYoga. In this next section, we will cover a variety of different core exercises meant to strengthen and stabilize all of the muscles that are in your centre. !A lot of the Acro that happens usually takes place near the pelvis. Understanding how to centralize your weight is one of the main functions of the core. Because it is so close to your hinging point, meaning the intersection between your torso and legs, it is crucial that this point is very strong, allowing you to control your body without collapsing. !We have a saying in AcroYoga: “Tight is light.” And if your centre is loose, then everything else will collapse. Follow the next few pages carefully. Read all of the specific instructions meant to keep you safe and get you strong. Everything starts and comes back to the core - another metaphor for life at large, you must cultivate a strong centre to move steadily through all that you will engage with. This foundation will make for the most ease and harmony possible in your endeavours.
  • 86. ! !Start by laying on your back and extending your arms and legs straight up toward the ceiling. Keeping your arms fully engaged - that means reaching out of your fingers - one of the most important skills that you will need to learn, and which you will hear emphasized over & over again, is to point your toes. !Once the legs are straight and engaged through the quadriceps, lift your pelvis off of the floor as high as you can. Shift the shins closer toward your head and bring your straight legs out on a 45-degree angle. Once that is complete, begin to lift your shoulders completely off of the floor while tucking the chin. Be sure to engage your neck to keep it safe. This is a crucial component to the longevity of your practice. !You should feel everything stitch toward the centre as all of the abs start to engage and stabilize. Once you’ve taken this position, continue to reach out past your current range. You can think about reaching your fingers to touch your toes - that is your final goal. !This exercise can be done statically - hold for a minute, three times with twenty seconds rest between - or actively - pulsing with your legs and arms at the same time upwards, 30 times, repeating 3 times. ! “This one sucks, do it anyway”
  • 87. 
 Lift your pelvis up Stacking the bone for more stability Full extension out of the fingers Reach your legs ! out 45 degrees Pull your kneecaps up V-UP
  • 88. ! !Begin by laying on your stomach and taking your elbows directly under your shoulders. Measure a shoulder-width distance between your arms by simply placing both hands on your biceps. Imagine you have a box in between your hands. Place your palms in front of you. Push through the fingers as you tuck the toes and elevate your body into a plank. !With your toes tucked, reach your heels back and your head forward to create maximum length and a greater challenge for your core-stabilizing muscles. Round the upper back and try not to dump into your shoulders, ensuring that they stay safe during this exercise and that you learn how to stabilize. !If this seems too simple for you, flatten your feet so that your toenails are on the floor and press firmly into the ground to keep the legs completely straight. Our goal during this exercise is to learn how to make our bodies simultaneously long and stable, as many of the postures in AcroYoga will require you to have this essential skill. Hold for at least a minute and repeat three times. !! “World record is 8 hours… How far will you go?
  • 89. 
 Traction down Bones in line to create strength Press down Stacking the bone for more stability Stacking the bone for more stability Straight arms support your weight FOREARM PLANK
  • 90. ! !Begin by laying down on your back and lifting both knees into your chest. As you do this, tuck the chin toward the knees and curl up into a small ball with your arms extended out to the sides. Keep the shape very solid and tight, meaning the pelvis is off of the floor, the arms are fully extended, and your forehead is reaching forward. !If this is challenging enough for you, stay here. If, however, you can maintain the shape without straining your neck or collapsing, begin to extend your left leg forward, pointing the toes and bringing your ankle in one line with the hip. !Maintain the level of your arms in one line with the extended leg, keeping everything tight and elongated. There is, of course, the next stage, where you extend both legs and stay in a hollow shape. Make sure during this exercise that your lower back never lifts off of the floor, as you want to isolate the core muscles, not the lower back. !Think of your body in two dimensions. If one side is squeezing, then the other naturally has to stretch and elongate. When we do backbends, it is the core (the front of the body) that is stretching while the back of the body is being strengthened (a.k.a. compressed.) !! “Find it in the centre of your core”
  • 91. 
 Create solid foundation Press down Shoulders in line with wrists Knee over hip Stacking the bone for more stability Toes reaching out FLAMINGO LEG
  • 92. ! !!This posture starts by lying on your side like you’re posing for a calendar. (Stay tuned for the VanCity Acro calendar coming up later in 2017!) Place your elbow underneath your shoulder and take your hand in front of you for support. !The hardest part of this posture is keeping everything in one line. Big toes are stacked on top of each other. The ankles, the knees, the hips, the top ribcage above the bottom ribcage, and your shoulders. Once you can achieve this, start to press down through the forearm and lift your legs together up toward the ceiling. Imagine you have a piece of paper between your big toes and someone is trying to pull it out. Get so strong in your legs that they will not be able to achieve this task. !Legs are firmly squeezing together like a vice-grip. Once you’ve climbed up as high as you can with your legs, take the top arm over your head and reach outward. The final stage of this is you relying on your obliques and lifting the bottom arm off of the ground, making a U-shape. The higher you lift, the stronger the obliques will get. !This pose can be repeated statically or actively. Statically, keep reaching out past what you think you can hold so that you’re always seeking your plateau. Actively, keep your arms in one place and just pulse through the legs - do at least 20 pulses, repeating three times. “Be as happy as Devon”
  • 93. 
 Press down Stacking the bone for more stability Straight arms create strength Stack the hips One ankle on top of the other SMILING BUDDHA
  • 94. ! SOME PLACES YOU CAN’T GO BY YOURSELF !Like many things in life, when things get stuck and unable to move, an outside perspective is just the thing that we need. Partner stretching is a great example of someone helping you to get to a new range that you are just not capable of going to by yourself. !There is a very good explanation for why, when someone gives you assistance, you are able to relax and go deeper into your range of motion. It’s simple. When you are trying to stretch yourself, consciously you are trying to relax. But what’s happening subconsciously is that you are holding on, because you are the one that’s reaching, pushing, and extending. An element of control is still there in the underlayer. !However, when you get assistance from a friend or a partner, and they help you go into your range of motion, subconsciously your muscles release because you know that there is someone to take care of you. We as human beings are tribal creatures. As tribal creatures, we thrive in communities - and it is no different for your muscles. !Below, you will learn a variety of partner stretches that will cover many different tight spots that most of us share. Remember to breathe and communicate with your partner through the whole experience and enjoy this new range that you will acquire together.
  • 96. 
 PARTNER 1 !Once your partner lies down on the floor, ask them to lift their right leg to the ceiling. The placement of the hands is very important as you want to stretch not only their hamstrings but their hip flexors as well. Stand on the inside of your partner’s leg and place your right hand just below their right hip bone on the quadrice, and your left hand directly on their heel. !Your partner’s flexibility will determine if you will be standing or kneeling. If they are quite strong, a.k.a. tight in their quadriceps, you will need to go into a low lunge. The placement of the hands will be the same. If they are quite flexible and they can go past 90 degrees, you will stand up as shown in the photo. !Add continual pressure as your partner begins to relax and go deeper into the stretch. You can also work active flexibility, which means that they will press into your hand with their heel for ten seconds, after which they will release the pressure as you slowly extend their leg further into the stretch. This is called PNF. ! PARTNER 2 !Once you lie down on the floor, present your right leg to your partner. Once they’ve adjusted themselves accordingly, make sure that the legs are straight. Our objective is to lengthen the hamstrings, so even if it’s difficult, keep trying to extend the back of the leg forward, keeping the leg fully straight. !You’ll notice after a few sessions the urge to bend the leg will decrease and your range will increase. Get into the good habit of pointing your toes and pressing the back of the knee down into the floor. This ensures that when you take this new range of motion into new transitions, you’ve created good habits along the way. !If you’re doing PNF with your partner, press the heel of the leg that you’re stretching firmly into their hand like you’re trying to move their entire body weight. Keep pressing as they count down from ten. When you reach two, start to ease off ofthe pressure. When the counting is finished, let them give you more pressure to extend your range. You should notice a significant difference and increase in your flexibility. “Breathe deeper to let go further”
  • 97. 
 Ground through shoulders Straight pressure down Keep the arms straight Stacking the bone for more stability Imprint through back Keep the lower leg flat Ankle in line with knee 90-degree fold Stacking the bone for more stability ASSISTED SPLITS
  • 98. ! PARTNER 1 !Depending upon how personal you want to get with this pose, you will choose one of three variations to help your partner stretch. The first one is placing your palms on their upper back and giving them forward and down pressure. Make sure it’s not just down, as you want to elongate their spine and create length, versus compression. !The second version is where you take your forearms alongside your partner's spine and add the same forward and down pressure. The last one, in our humble opinion, is the most effective, but a bit more personal. You will place your chest onto your partner’s mid-back. Place your hands on top of their quadriceps. Lean forward to stretch out their spine, and with your hands, traction back so that you create external rotation with their legs. !If you cannot reach your partner's legs because they are strong, a.k.a. stiff, place your palms on top of their shoulders and lean forward. Don’t do this for too long, but long enough that the person feels the effects of the stretch. Recommended 1-2 minutes. PARTNER 2 !Sit down flat on the floor as you open the legs wide. The degree of the angles will determine where and what you’re stretching. If you open your legs too wide, where the ankles are in one line with your pelvis, you’ll be stretching the aductors, a.k.a. attempting Middle Splits. !When you open the legs into a V-shape, you are primarily affecting the hamstrings. Once you’ve created the shape, place your hands in front of you and start to reprogram what you think Forward-Folding consists of. !What you are trying to do is arch the lower back to keep the spine neutral (the lower back has a natural curve which you want to promote) and round the upper back as you reach forward. This will ensure that you’re not straining the back muscles unnecessarily as you isolate the hamstrings, which is our main objective. !Once you've completed this, try to relax as your partner gives you pressure. Keep reaching your belly button toward the floor rather than your chest. “Let your partner become your butter”
  • 99. 
 Extend through fingers Stacking the bone for more stability Straight legs are key Apply most body weight through hands Pointed toes Stacking the bone for more stability Press down PANCAKE
  • 100. ! PARTNER 1 !Once your partner lies down on their stomach, they will extend their arms straight. Only after they’ve created this shape will they bend their elbows. This is when you will stand over top of them, just behind their shoulders. !Place your fingers just above your partner’s elbow, wrapping your palms around their forearm. They will do the exact same thing to you as they mirror the shape of your hands. Once you have a tight hold, start to walk backward and lift your partner’s arms up until they are straight. !This position will be very different for different individuals. If they are open through the shoulders, they will be able to fully extend the arms. If not, this is something you will work toward using this stretch. One way to go deeper is to press your knees into their shoulders as you traction them forward, pulling their arms back. Letting them down slowly, stop halfway, pull their arms to decompress for a few seconds, and then lower them to the floor. PARTNER 2 !Like said in the first column, Partner 2 will lay down on the floor, extending their arms. Once they are fully straight, you will bend at the elbows, reaching your arms up at a 90- degree angle. Placing your palms on your partner’s forearms, you will start to feel a gentle lift from your partner. !As this happens, begin to straighten your arms to their full extent, whatever that means for you. Keep in mind everyone is different. You will most definitely feel this in the shoulders and primarily through the back. Make sure to breathe and allow your spine to go to its natural full range. If you start to feel it’s too much, ask your partner to back off, and/or engage your glutes to promote safe lower back extension. !Conscious breathing is highly recommended because it is a direct link to your nervous system. If your nervous system is tense, your muscles will follow. But on the other hand, if your nervous system is relaxed, your body will be able to soften. “Isn’t this what friends are for?”
  • 101. 
 Stacking the bone for more stability Arms straight Stacking the bone for more stability Keep the legs straight Stacking the bone for more stability Press down Standing tall Reaching the toes back LOADED BOW
  • 102. ! PARTNER 1 !Once your partner takes a seated position and interlaces their fingers behind their back, you will grab their wrists with your hands. To ensure that you are safely going into their range, pull their arms back and then up, continuing this linear trajectory until you feel their end range. !If their arms don’t go past 90 degrees, stay either in a Squat or Low Lunge. But if their arms do start to go past 90 degrees, you can stand up and walk forward until they've communicated to you that it is enough. The entire time you are pulling up to create space and less compression. Make sure not to go past their comfortable range as it’s easy for your body to contract and protect, a.k.a. strain the muscles. !Once you’ve finished 1-2 minutes, begin to bring their arms down, knuckles toward the floor, and support them the entire way as their range has increased and they are not stable enough to support themselves. Once their hands reach the floor you can let go of their arms. Give them a 30-second trap massage. Repeat, switch. PARTNER 2 !Sit down with your legs and back straight. Interlace your fingers behind your back and really try to squeeze your palms together as you want to avoid putting unnecessary strain in your wrists. Create two straight arms instead of three different breaking points at the wrists, elbows, shoulders. Isolation is key for proper progression in this stretch. !If your knuckles go past 90-degrees you will start to feel this in your neck. So, with your back straight and your knuckles past 90 degrees, you can begin to tuck your chin and forward fold, which will allow you to go into a deeper range. !As much as your partner pulls your arms up and forward, assist them by reaching out yourself to create stability in the joints. Once you finish your 1-2 minute set, you’ll feel the guidance of your partner down toward the floor. You can start to relax your arms until the knuckles touch the ground. Cross your legs, sit up tall, and receive a shoulder massage from your partner. “Let your partner take you to new places”
  • 103. 
 Pointed toes Bum on heels Arms in one straight line Press forward Sit up straight THE HINGE Breath slowly
  • 104. ! THE SECRET POWER OF WORDS As much as we practice the physical art of this practice, there is a deeper layer, and this is communication. How you use your words and the manner in which you speak to people is just as important as how flexible or strong you are.If your end goal is to achieve a pose, but you ignore your partner’s needs and the potential to create a beautiful friendship along the way, you will find yourself very isolated in this practice. !However, if you learn the vital skill of positive communication, you will realize that though practice you will achieve everything you want, and that how you handle yourself along the way is just as important. Everyone knows something you don’t, so the more wisely you use your words, the more understanding you will gain. !Before telling someone what you want them to do, ask yourself first the simple question, “Can I do something better to fix this particular situation?” And you will notice that this attitude will be reflected almost immediately by your partner as you both work to create a reciprocal relationship, rather than a parasitic one. !Using positive words to reassure and encourage your partner will give them a deeper sense of security and confidence. This will transfer directly into their practice, which will deepen their commitment, in turn allowing you both to learn more.
  • 108. Welcome To The Tribe It is our hope that this manual has provided you with the balanced foundation of inspiration and information necessary to make this practice a large part of your life. We all seek to tend to our nature as communal creatures, and it is practices like this one that keep us encouraged, connected, and fulfilled. Your enthusiasm for and exploration of AcroYoga will serve to further strengthen the global community of devoted practitioners who share this common passion. We thank you for playing your part in the pioneering of such an exciting field. Now get out there and play! ! !