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Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele

Effects of Simultaneous Kidney-Pancreas and
 Kidney Alone Transplantation on Diabetic
   Enteropathy: a 7-year Follow-up Study

    Scuola di Specializzazione Chirurgia dell’Apparato Digerente
                  Direttore Prof. Carlo Staudacher

                                     Diploma di Specializzazione del Dott.:
                                                   Francesco LUPARINI
                                                             matr. 001443
•   DEFINITION: All gastrointestinal disorders associated with hyperglycaemia
•   EPIDEMIOLOGY: Ranging from 20-76%
         Janatuinen (1993) Scan J Gastroenterol; Bytzer (2001) Arch Intern Med. ;
         Feldman (1983) Ann Intern Med; Maleki (2000) Arch Intern Med

•   ETIOLOGY: Autonomic Neuropathy and Vasculopathy.
                          Bjornsson (1994) Scand J. Gastroenterol ; Koch (1999) Dig Dis Sci
        • Upper GI: Early satiety; Nausea; Vomiting; Heartburn ; Dysphagia;
        • Lower GI: Constipation; Abdominal Pain; Diarrhea; Fecal incontinence.

•   DIAGNOSIS IMAGING: Esophageal Manometry; Electrogastrography; Gastric
    Emptying Scintigraphy; Anorectal Manometry; Defecography; Electromiography
•   THERAPY: only symptomatic and poorly effective

                                        Francesco Luparini MD
Aims of the Study
1) To evaluate the effects of Kidney-Pancreas
   Transplantation (KP) or Kidney Alone (KD) through:
    - Laboratory/Blood Pressure values
   - Specimen of rectal mucosa
   - Gastrointestinal symptoms/fecal incontinence
2) To correlate biochemical,functional and microscopic
   data in Kidney-Pancreas or Kidney transplantation
   toward Diabetic Enteropathy

                       Francesco Luparini MD

• Patients: Type 1 Diabetic undergoing renal
substitutive therapy

• Observation Period: 06/2000 – 06/2010

• Follow-up: 7 years (mean)

                       Francesco Luparini MD
Evaluation during Recovery:
    Haematic samples for biochemical, metabolic values and

      plasma sample for Ghrelin Elisa assay
    Interview-based Questionnaire consisting of 15 items (GSRS;
     Rating Scale for Gastrointestinal Symptoms)
                                                  Svedlund (1988) Dig Dis Sci
    Anorectal Manometry

    Rectal mucosa biopsies for optical and electronic microscopy

                          Francesco Luparini MD
Patients’ Characteristics I
      KP                           (n=26)                           KD                   (n=20)
Age (yrs)*                        37.3±3.7               Age (yrs)*                       43.4±7.0
Duration of Diabetes (yrs)        27.6 ±6.2              Duration of Diabetes (yrs)       31.3±12.7
HbA1c (%)                         8.3±1.7                HbA1c (%)                        8.5±1.6
Gender (male/female)              17/9                   Gender (male/female)             13/7
Time of Dialysis (months)         53.4±30.2              Time of Dialysis (months)        43.8±25.9
Laser-treated Retinopathy (%)     72%                    Laser-treated Retinopathy (%)    61%
Kidney Warm Ischemia (min)        40.0±19.6              Kidney Warm Ischemia (min)       45.2±21.3
Kidney Cold Ischemia (h)          7.0±4.6                Kidney Cold Ischemia (h)         7.6±9.5
BMI                               22.9±2.3               BMI                              23.7±3.1
Creatinine (mg/dl)                8.4±2.6                Creatinine (mg/dl)               8.7±2.5
eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2)              7.9±2.9                eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2)             7.0±2.4

 yrs= years ; Hb1Ac=Glycated hemoglobin; min= minutes
 BMI= body mass index; * p= 0.004           Francesco Luparini MD
Patients’ Characteristics II
        KP                        (n=26)                          KD                       (n=20)
BUN (mg/dl)                        142.0±44.0            BUN (mg/dl)                        147.1±51.8
Uric Acid (mg/dl)                  6.9±1.3               Uric Acid (mg/dl)                  6.7±1.5
EIR (UI/die)                        37.4±11.0            EIR (UI/die)                       39.1±17.2
Systolic BP                         143.5±12.9           Systolic BP                        146.3±18.7
Diastolic BP                        83.7±8.3             Diastolic BP                       82.8±8.5
TG (mg/dl)                          162.5±92.7           TG (mg/dl)                         191.7±119.2
Chol (mg/dl)                        201.0±45.7           Chol (mg/dl)                       198.4±50.3
LDL (mg/dl)                         116.3±40.3           LDL (mg/dl)                        109.7±37.1
HDL (mg/dl)                         48.1±14.4            HDL (mg/dl)                        47.9±12.1

eGFR= glomerular filtration rate; BUN= blood urea nitrogen;
EIR= exogen insulin requirement; UI= international unit; BP= blood pressure; TG= Tryglicerids;
Chol= cholesterol; LDL= low density lipoprotein; HDL= high density lipoprotein
                                                Francesco Luparini MD
         KP                                                 KD

                           * p<0.01 vs. all


                           * p<0.01 vs. all

 Basal    2 yrs   7 yrs                             Basal    2 yrs   7 yrs
(n=26)   (n=25)   (n=22)   Francesco Luparini MD   (n=20)   (n=15)   (n=8)
           KP                                               KD
    *                                                *

                            * p<0.01 vs. all                               * p<0.01 vs. all

    *                                                *

                           * p<0.01 vs. all                                * p<0.01 vs. all

 Basal    2 yrs    7 yrs                         Basal    2 yrs    7 yrs
(n=26)   (n=26)   (n=23)                        (n=20)   (n=14)   (n=12)
                            Francesco Luparini MD
               KP                                                KD


 Basal    2 yrs         7 yrs                         Basal    2 yrs   7 yrs
(n=24)   (n=24)        (n=22)   Francesco Luparini MD(n=17)   (n=16)   (n=9)
          KP                                                KD

Basal    2 yrs     7 yrs                            Basal     2 yrs    7 yrs
(n=22)   (n=22)   (n=20)   Francesco Luparini MD   (n=17)    (n=17)   (n=10)
            KP                                                    KD

              p= 0.02                                             p< 0.001

         p= 0.01                                            p< 0.001

Basal         2 yrs      7 yrs                           Basal          2 yrs   7 yrs
(n=11)       (n=7)      (n=2)                            (n=10)        (n=6)    (n=2)

                                 Francesco Luparini MD
Blood pressure
           KP                                                KD


                            * p<0.01 vs. all


                            * p<0.01 vs. all

 Basal    2 yrs    7 yrs                            Basal    2 yrs   7 yrs
(n=25)   (n=25)   (n=22)                           (n=17)   (n=16)   (n=9)
                           Francesco Luparini MD
GSRS questionnaire
              KP                                                    KD


 Basal      2 yrs      7 yrs                           Basal       2 yrs    7 yrs
(n: 18)    (pts:13)   (pts:10)                       (pts: 10)   (pts:8)   (pts:4)

                                 Francesco Luparini MD
GSRS questionnaire
            KP                                                      KD

 Basal     2 yrs      7 yrs                               Basal      2 yrs     7 yrs
(n: 18)   (pts:13)   (pts:10)                           (pts: 10)   (pts:8)   (pts:4)

                                Francesco Luparini MD
GSRS questionnaire
          KP                                                    KD

 Basal     2 yrs      7 yrs                           Basal       2 yrs    7 yrs
(n: 18)   (pts:13)   (pts:10)                       (pts: 10)   (pts:8)   (pts:4)

                            Francesco Luparini MD
Anorectal Manometry
          KP                                                   KD


 Basal     2 yrs      7 yrs                     Basal       2 yrs      7 yrs
(n: 18)   (pts:13)   (pts:10)                 (pts: 10)   (pts:8)     (pts:4)

                            Francesco Luparini MD Normal value: 55-120 mmHg
                                               Corsetti, Passeretti (2009) Colorectal Disease
Anorectal Manometry
            KP                                                   KD


 Basal     2 yrs      7 yrs                          Basal       2 yrs       7 yrs
(n: 18)   (pts:13)   (pts:10)                      (pts: 10)   (pts:8)      (pts:4)

                                Francesco Luparini MD Normal value: 160-370 mmHg
                                                   Corsetti, Passeretti (2009) Colorectal Disease
Anorectal Manometry
            KP                                                    KD

 Basal     2 yrs      7 yrs                           Basal       2 yrs        7 yrs
(n: 18)   (pts:13)   (pts:10)                       (pts: 10)   (pts:8)       (pts:4)

                                Francesco Luparini MD Normal value: <100 ml
                                                    Corsetti, Passeretti (2009) Colorectal Disease
Anorectal Manometry
            KP                                                      KD


 Basal     2 yrs      7 yrs                            Basal       2 yrs      7 yrs
(n: 18)   (pts:13)   (pts:10)                        (pts: 10)   (pts:8)     (pts:4)

                                Francesco Luparini MD Normal value: 100-180 ml
                                                    Corsetti, Passeretti (2009) Colorectal Disease
             H&E   CD31   S100       Serotonin    Glycentin    PYY         Somatostatin

KP pre-tx

KP 2 years

KP 7 years

KD pre-tx

KD 2 years

KD 7 years

                                                         Original magnification 20x
                          Francesco Luparini MD
KP                           KD

     Francesco Luparini MD
KP                           KD

     Francesco Luparini MD
KP                    KD
Pathology: Ki67

                             Pre-tx                Pre-tx

                             2 years               2 years
Original magnification 40x

                             7 years Luparini MD
                                                   7 years
Pathology: Crypt of Lieberkühn

              KP                                 KD

    p <0.01

p <0.01
               p <0.05

                         Francesco Luparini MD
KP               KD
Endothelium and Vases

                           Pre-Tx               Pre-Tx

                          2 years               2 years

                           7 years
                        Francesco Luparini MD
                                                7 years
EM: Endothelial Cells
    KP                                 KD

p < 0.05

               Francesco Luparini MD
EM: Endothelial Cells
KP                               KD

         Francesco Luparini MD
KP                    KD
Mucosal Nerves

                 Pre-Tx                Pre-Tx

                 2 years               2 years

                 7 years Luparini MD
                                       7 years
EM: Mucosal Nerves
KP                                                    KD

     p <0.01                               p <0.05

               *                                       *             * p <0.05

                                                     p <0.01
                                                           p <0.05

                   Francesco Luparini MD
KP                 KD
Schwann Cells

                   Pre-Tx               Pre-Tx

                    2 years             2 years

                Francesco Luparini MD
                     7 years             7 years
EM: Schwann Cells
KP                             KD

       Francesco Luparini MD
Overview                               IMPROVE          STABLE   WORSEN
              Ghrelin                    KP- KD

              Glycemia                     KP                      KD
              Creat. & Uremia           KP

              TG                           KP            KD

              B. Pressure                  KP            KD

Clinical      Abd. Pain
                                        KP KP            KD

              Immunohist.                KP-KD

              Ki-67                        KP            KD

Microscopy    Endothelium                KP-KD

              Nerves Vesicles           KP KP            KD

              Schwann                    KP-KD

              Resting                                     KP       KD

Anorectal     Contraction                                 KP       KD
Manometry     Reflex

                                Francesco Luparini MD
       KP tx, but not KD, improves diabetic enteropathy

• Effect on Biochemistry: improves glycemic and TG profile

• Effect on Symptoms: reduces abdominal pain

• Effect on Manometry: stabilises continence

• Effect on Ultrastructures: improves mitosis, nerves vesicles,
  endothelial and Schwann cells

     Further studies are requested to confirm our observation
          in larger pool of kidney–pancreas recipients
                           Francesco Luparini MD

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Effects of Simultaneous KP transplantation VS KD single in type 2 diabetics: seven years follow-up

  • 1. Università Vita-Salute San Raffaele Effects of Simultaneous Kidney-Pancreas and Kidney Alone Transplantation on Diabetic Enteropathy: a 7-year Follow-up Study Scuola di Specializzazione Chirurgia dell’Apparato Digerente Direttore Prof. Carlo Staudacher Diploma di Specializzazione del Dott.: Francesco LUPARINI matr. 001443
  • 2. Background • DEFINITION: All gastrointestinal disorders associated with hyperglycaemia • EPIDEMIOLOGY: Ranging from 20-76% Janatuinen (1993) Scan J Gastroenterol; Bytzer (2001) Arch Intern Med. ; Feldman (1983) Ann Intern Med; Maleki (2000) Arch Intern Med • ETIOLOGY: Autonomic Neuropathy and Vasculopathy. Bjornsson (1994) Scand J. Gastroenterol ; Koch (1999) Dig Dis Sci • SYMPTOMS: • Upper GI: Early satiety; Nausea; Vomiting; Heartburn ; Dysphagia; Gastroparesis. • Lower GI: Constipation; Abdominal Pain; Diarrhea; Fecal incontinence. • DIAGNOSIS IMAGING: Esophageal Manometry; Electrogastrography; Gastric Emptying Scintigraphy; Anorectal Manometry; Defecography; Electromiography • THERAPY: only symptomatic and poorly effective Francesco Luparini MD
  • 3. Aims of the Study 1) To evaluate the effects of Kidney-Pancreas Transplantation (KP) or Kidney Alone (KD) through: - Laboratory/Blood Pressure values - Specimen of rectal mucosa - Gastrointestinal symptoms/fecal incontinence 2) To correlate biochemical,functional and microscopic data in Kidney-Pancreas or Kidney transplantation toward Diabetic Enteropathy Francesco Luparini MD
  • 4. Patients • Patients: Type 1 Diabetic undergoing renal substitutive therapy • Observation Period: 06/2000 – 06/2010 • Follow-up: 7 years (mean) Francesco Luparini MD
  • 5. Methods Evaluation during Recovery: Haematic samples for biochemical, metabolic values and plasma sample for Ghrelin Elisa assay Interview-based Questionnaire consisting of 15 items (GSRS; Rating Scale for Gastrointestinal Symptoms) Svedlund (1988) Dig Dis Sci Anorectal Manometry Rectal mucosa biopsies for optical and electronic microscopy Francesco Luparini MD
  • 6. Patients’ Characteristics I Baseline KP (n=26) KD (n=20) Age (yrs)* 37.3±3.7 Age (yrs)* 43.4±7.0 Duration of Diabetes (yrs) 27.6 ±6.2 Duration of Diabetes (yrs) 31.3±12.7 HbA1c (%) 8.3±1.7 HbA1c (%) 8.5±1.6 Gender (male/female) 17/9 Gender (male/female) 13/7 Time of Dialysis (months) 53.4±30.2 Time of Dialysis (months) 43.8±25.9 Laser-treated Retinopathy (%) 72% Laser-treated Retinopathy (%) 61% Kidney Warm Ischemia (min) 40.0±19.6 Kidney Warm Ischemia (min) 45.2±21.3 Kidney Cold Ischemia (h) 7.0±4.6 Kidney Cold Ischemia (h) 7.6±9.5 BMI 22.9±2.3 BMI 23.7±3.1 Creatinine (mg/dl) 8.4±2.6 Creatinine (mg/dl) 8.7±2.5 eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2) 7.9±2.9 eGFR (ml/min/1.73m2) 7.0±2.4 yrs= years ; Hb1Ac=Glycated hemoglobin; min= minutes BMI= body mass index; * p= 0.004 Francesco Luparini MD
  • 7. Patients’ Characteristics II Baseline KP (n=26) KD (n=20) BUN (mg/dl) 142.0±44.0 BUN (mg/dl) 147.1±51.8 Uric Acid (mg/dl) 6.9±1.3 Uric Acid (mg/dl) 6.7±1.5 EIR (UI/die) 37.4±11.0 EIR (UI/die) 39.1±17.2 Systolic BP 143.5±12.9 Systolic BP 146.3±18.7 Diastolic BP 83.7±8.3 Diastolic BP 82.8±8.5 TG (mg/dl) 162.5±92.7 TG (mg/dl) 191.7±119.2 Chol (mg/dl) 201.0±45.7 Chol (mg/dl) 198.4±50.3 LDL (mg/dl) 116.3±40.3 LDL (mg/dl) 109.7±37.1 HDL (mg/dl) 48.1±14.4 HDL (mg/dl) 47.9±12.1 eGFR= glomerular filtration rate; BUN= blood urea nitrogen; EIR= exogen insulin requirement; UI= international unit; BP= blood pressure; TG= Tryglicerids; Chol= cholesterol; LDL= low density lipoprotein; HDL= high density lipoprotein Francesco Luparini MD
  • 8. Biochemistry KP KD * * p<0.01 vs. all * * p<0.01 vs. all Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n=26) (n=25) (n=22) Francesco Luparini MD (n=20) (n=15) (n=8)
  • 9. Biochemistry KP KD * * * p<0.01 vs. all * p<0.01 vs. all * * * p<0.01 vs. all * p<0.01 vs. all Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n=26) (n=26) (n=23) (n=20) (n=14) (n=12) Francesco Luparini MD
  • 10. Biochemistry KP KD p=0.03 p<0.01 Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n=24) (n=24) (n=22) Francesco Luparini MD(n=17) (n=16) (n=9)
  • 11. Biochemistry KP KD Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n=22) (n=22) (n=20) Francesco Luparini MD (n=17) (n=17) (n=10)
  • 12. Biochemistry KP KD p= 0.02 p< 0.001 p= 0.01 p< 0.001 Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n=11) (n=7) (n=2) (n=10) (n=6) (n=2) Francesco Luparini MD
  • 13. Blood pressure KP KD * * p<0.01 vs. all * * p<0.01 vs. all Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n=25) (n=25) (n=22) (n=17) (n=16) (n=9) Francesco Luparini MD
  • 14. GSRS questionnaire KP KD p=0.03 Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n: 18) (pts:13) (pts:10) (pts: 10) (pts:8) (pts:4) Francesco Luparini MD
  • 15. GSRS questionnaire KP KD Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n: 18) (pts:13) (pts:10) (pts: 10) (pts:8) (pts:4) Francesco Luparini MD
  • 16. GSRS questionnaire KP KD Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n: 18) (pts:13) (pts:10) (pts: 10) (pts:8) (pts:4) Francesco Luparini MD
  • 17. Anorectal Manometry KP KD p=0.06 Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n: 18) (pts:13) (pts:10) (pts: 10) (pts:8) (pts:4) Francesco Luparini MD Normal value: 55-120 mmHg Corsetti, Passeretti (2009) Colorectal Disease
  • 18. Anorectal Manometry KP KD p=0.01 Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n: 18) (pts:13) (pts:10) (pts: 10) (pts:8) (pts:4) Francesco Luparini MD Normal value: 160-370 mmHg Corsetti, Passeretti (2009) Colorectal Disease
  • 19. Anorectal Manometry KP KD Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n: 18) (pts:13) (pts:10) (pts: 10) (pts:8) (pts:4) Francesco Luparini MD Normal value: <100 ml Corsetti, Passeretti (2009) Colorectal Disease
  • 20. Anorectal Manometry KP KD p=0.01 Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs Basal 2 yrs 7 yrs (n: 18) (pts:13) (pts:10) (pts: 10) (pts:8) (pts:4) Francesco Luparini MD Normal value: 100-180 ml Corsetti, Passeretti (2009) Colorectal Disease
  • 21. Pathology H&E CD31 S100 Serotonin Glycentin PYY Somatostatin KP pre-tx KP 2 years KP 7 years KD pre-tx KD 2 years KD 7 years Original magnification 20x Francesco Luparini MD
  • 22. Pathology KP KD Francesco Luparini MD
  • 23. Pathology KP KD Francesco Luparini MD
  • 24. KP KD Pathology: Ki67 Pre-tx Pre-tx 2 years 2 years Control Original magnification 40x 7 years Luparini MD Francesco 7 years
  • 25. Pathology: Crypt of Lieberkühn KP KD p <0.01 p <0.01 p <0.05 Francesco Luparini MD
  • 26. KP KD EM: Endothelium and Vases Pre-Tx Pre-Tx 2 years 2 years Control 7 years Francesco Luparini MD 7 years
  • 27. EM: Endothelial Cells KP KD p < 0.05 Francesco Luparini MD
  • 28. EM: Endothelial Cells KP KD Francesco Luparini MD
  • 29. KP KD EM: Mucosal Nerves Pre-Tx Pre-Tx 2 years 2 years Control 7 years Luparini MD Francesco 7 years
  • 30. EM: Mucosal Nerves KP KD p <0.01 p <0.05 * * * p <0.05 p <0.01 p <0.05 Francesco Luparini MD
  • 31. KP KD EM: Schwann Cells Pre-Tx Pre-Tx 2 years 2 years Control Francesco Luparini MD 7 years 7 years
  • 32. EM: Schwann Cells KP KD Francesco Luparini MD
  • 33. Overview IMPROVE STABLE WORSEN Ghrelin KP- KD Glycemia KP KD Biochemical Creat. & Uremia KP KP-KD TG KP KD B. Pressure KP KD Clinical Abd. Pain Diarrhoea KP KP KD KP-KD Immunohist. KP-KD Ki-67 KP KD Microscopy Endothelium KP-KD Nerves Vesicles KP KP KD Schwann KP-KD Resting KP KD Anorectal Contraction KP KD Manometry Reflex KPKP KP KD KD Urgency Francesco Luparini MD
  • 34. Conclusions KP tx, but not KD, improves diabetic enteropathy • Effect on Biochemistry: improves glycemic and TG profile • Effect on Symptoms: reduces abdominal pain • Effect on Manometry: stabilises continence • Effect on Ultrastructures: improves mitosis, nerves vesicles, endothelial and Schwann cells Further studies are requested to confirm our observation in larger pool of kidney–pancreas recipients Francesco Luparini MD