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F O R 	 P U B L I C AT I O N S 	 O N LY

         THE 10-STEP
         W O R K B O O K

         A fresh approach to
         your magazine begins
         with new ways
         to see what’s working—
         and what’s not.
         ©2010 AURAS
         8435 GEORGIA AVENUE
         SILVER SPRING, MD 20910
	   1	      W W W. A U R A S .C O M
An expert evaluation of your magazine? Seems like a great idea.
                            There’s valid reason to have industry professionals apply their judgment to aspects of your
                            publication that fit their expertise; but in the end, the results may seem subjective or superficial. At
                            worst, what if a reviewer just doesn’t “get” your title?
                              The value of a critique rests on the credibility of the reviewer, and on a coherent rationale behind
                            the evaluation. Like the blind wise men and the elephant, the focus may be on only one area—like
                            editorial, design, workflow, budget or marketing—resulting in an unbalanced and out-of-context review.
                              A proper evaluation should be based on specific criteria that address all parts of the magazine
                            creative process and conducted by the best evaluation “experts”—the people who know the title
                            most intimately. No outsider knows a magazine like the staff who produce each issue. That’s why this
                            10-step critique is designed to guide you through evaluating your own publication.

                            Three	Big	Ideas                                BIG	 IDEA	 1 Magazines that have          applied meticulously to a template that
                            The basis of the critique rests on three       distinct and clear “personali-            organizes your magazine’s scope into
                            broad ideas about what makes magazines         ties” perform better than those           easily definable and navigable sections.
                            successful. Even if you don’t agree with       that don’t. Branding, a well-defined
                            these ideas, accepting them as valid           editorial scope, unique content and a     BIG	IDEA	3 Interesting approaches
                            criteria can still supply valuable insights,   consistent editorial tone are the major   to “selling” content enhance a
                            because they demonstrate one approach          components of a magazine’s personality.   magazine’s readability. How editorial
                            to applying practical ideals that span the     Just as you get to know and admire        is presented in your publication is just
                            whole creative thrust of a publication.        certain people, readers like to “know”    as important as the content itself. Your
                                                                           the magazines they read, and that leads   cover, TOC and even the openings
                                                                           to loyal subscribers.                     of departments and features are all
                                                                                                                     valuable opportunities to engage your
                                                                           BIG	 IDEA	 2 Clear structure, con-        readers and help them begin to absorb
                                                                           sistency and tight fit ’n finish are      the content before they read the first
                                                                           hallmarks of good publications. A         sentence of copy. Moreover, less obvious
                                                                           magazine isn’t just words and pictures    considerations, like page navigation,
                                                                           on paper; it requires craftsmanship and   visual theme and variation, and story
                                                                           attention to detail. Editing, writing,    rhythm, are all part of the magazine
                                                                           typography, image, page layout and        experience that engages and encourages
                                                                           prepress production each contribute       readers to enjoy the entire issue—and to
                                                                           to a finished product. That product       come back for more the next time.
                                                                           should reflect sophisticated skills

	   2	   W W W. A U R A S .C O M
Evaluate	How	Well	                             3. Consistent visual and typo-
                            Your	Pub	Performs
                            Ultimately, any critique needs to answer
                                                                           graphic language distinguishes
                                                                           the publication. The visual language
                                                                                                                         A magazine
                            the question, “How are we doing and            of your publication is created through
                            what can we do to improve?” The
                            10-Step DIY Critique uses the three
                                                                           the application of a deliberate palette of
                                                                           typographic, color, art and layout choices.
                                                                                                                         isn’t just words
                            Big Ideas above to create criteria             Even the most sophisticated or complex
                            for evaluation. The following five
                            performance criteria are at the heart of
                                                                           design needs an underlying aesthetic
                                                                           sense to pull the publication together and    and pictures on
                            the critique.                                  make it memorable to readers.

                            1. The concept fulfills the mission            4. The magazine meets the needs               paper; it requires
                            of the publication. Is the scope of            and retains the interest of your

                            your magazine fully covered in the             primary audience. Change is the
                            content? Does it match the audience            only constant for any creative endeavor,
                            and advertising potential that are part of     and magazines are no different.
                            the original intent? Finally, is the content   Understanding your readers and their
                            structured to keep readers and advertisers
                            alike excited about the magazine as an
                                                                           priorities is key to keeping the magazine
                                                                           fresh and developing a growth strategy.
                                                                                                                         and attention
                            ongoing periodical? To really understand       Creating a direct relationship between
                            how well your magazine performs, you
                            need to evaluate your publication not
                                                                           your readers’ expectations and the way
                                                                           the editorial structure and content           to detail.
                            only as an issue, but also as a volume.        address them over time is the challenge
                                                                           of every periodical.
                            2. The design and structure com-
                            municate the tone and scope of the             5. Attention is paid to the design
                            publication. Your publication needs to         details of your magazine. The second
                            communicate to loyal and new readers           Big Idea demands high craftsmanship in
                            alike what it’s all about. The choices in      your publication. Typographic styling,
                            structure for the book (grazing section,       the fit of images in your grid, even
                            front matter, features, back-of-book           the quality of your illustration and the
                            sections) and clear concepts for each of       color correction of your photos make
                            these parts—described through depart-          a big difference, because readers notice
                            ment titles, heads and decks, and even         details that show up on every page.
                            the way things are grouped—are oppor-          Sloppy execution, tolerance for error
                            tunities to explain how your magazine          and random inconsistency are just bad
                            is important for readers and why they          business. Most important, they cause the
                            should continue to subscribe.                  credibility of your publication to suffer.

	   3	   W W W. A U R A S .C O M
Doing	the	Critique                             everyone fill in the statement indi-
                            Since this is a do-it-yourself critique,       vidually, then compare and discuss the
                            what’s the most valuable approach to           results. Choose a master mission state-
                            using this material?                           ment to use for the subsequent steps by
                                                                           working as a group to craft a document
                            Choose a small team and review                 that everyone finds appropriate.
                            this document first. Anyone familiar
                            with your publication, from the pub-           Score the rest of the steps individu-
                            lisher to a writer to a loyal reader, can be   ally. A group dynamic can sometimes
                            on the critique team. It’s best to go over     influence scoring. It’s hard to contradict
                            each of the 10 steps first to make sure        a publisher or an editor, and the goal of
                            that everyone understands what they are        many internal group interactions is to
                            supposed to do.                                find agreement. That’s not what we want
                                                                           here—not yet, anyway. (See “Now What”
                            Each step begins with a SHORT	 ESSAY about     at the end of the 10 steps.)                   Score	with	the	AURAS
                            the subject area that explains the ratio-                                                     Exclusive	Mag-O-Meter
                            nale for the ACTIVITY that follows. The        Review the individual scores as a              [FPO] Labs has developed this state-of-the-art
                            activity usually involves examining one        group at the end of the critique.              “instrument” to score each step. (It must be
                            copy of your magazine, but sometimes           On page 17, we’ll discuss the best way to      accurate because, as you can see, it’s digital.)
                                                                                                                          “Too Little” or “Too Much” can be rated from -10
                            you’ll need a few consecutive issues. (For     conduct the final review of the critique       points to -1 point, while “In The Zone” can be
                            Step Two, you’ll need an entire volume to      and draft an active makeover document.         rated from 1 to 5 points. This makes it hard to
                            count the pages and ads.) The EVALUA-                                                         score positive results if there are mixed scores.
                            TION section that follows explains how to      How	to	Score	                                  That’s the way it should be. If the scores are
                            use the information you’ve collected to        Subjective evaluations are always              mixed, there’s no consensus on what constitutes
                                                                                                                          a better product, and that’s the point.
                            arrive at a score. Each step has a SCORING	    better understood with objective
                            GUIDE to help you get the most from your       quantification—so it’s easier to see how
                            critique. We’ve provided a SHORT	 MISSION	     you’re doing with a visual scale. In this       Too little and too much are both neg-
                            STATEMENT	 FORM for you to use in this         case, though, there’s a catch. When it       atives, so it’s more a “sweet spot” that
                            document, but it’s better to make a copy       comes to understanding your publication,     needs to be hit than a point on a sliding
                            for each member of the critique team.          it’s important to see if you’re doing too    scale. Evaluate how well your publica-
                            The same is true for the WORKSHEET,            little or too much. For instance, using      tion finds that “zone.” Doing too little
                            located at the end of the document,            a few interesting type families helps        to make the publication distinctive robs
                            which you will use to collect information      establish identity, prioritize content and   the magazine of character; doing too
                            and compile scoring.                           build navigation through your book.          much makes the publication busy and
                                                                           However, too few font variations and the     hard to define. Examine each part of
                            Do the mission statement together.             book lacks excitement and looks flat; too    your publication and critique it on how
                            Everyone should pitch in and create the        many and the book lacks identity and         well it meets the Big Ideas as expressed
                            mission statement as a group. First, have      becomes unfocused and busy.                  in the five performance criteria. [ƒ]

	   4	   W W W. A U R A S .C O M
1             1.MISSION



           4.VISUAL LAYOUT
                                    MAKE	IT	YOUR	MISSION
                                    The mission statement is the document
                                       that puts everybody on the same page.
                                         The foundation of every magazine
                                         is a clear MISSION	STATEMENT. And the
                                         ability to critique every magazine is
                                         dependent on being able to evaluate how
                                         well it meets the criteria of its mission.
                                                                                        Using	the	Short	Mission	Statement	Form
                                                                                        The Short Mission Statement is a quick method of describing the purpose
                                                                                        and scope of your magazine. As a group exercise, it’s a great way of seeing if
                                                                                        everyone involved with your publication is, well, on the same page.
                    5.COVER              The most important elements of any
                                                                                        The exercise consists of independently filling out the form, then comparing the results as a
                6.CONTENTS               magazine are the SCOPE (the range of
                                                                                        group and honing a final version that can serve as the bare bones of a longer document.
                                         content and the rationale for inclusion),
                                         the AUDIENCE (the potential readership         It may seem self-explanatory, but here’s what each blank needs:
    8.FEATURE TREATMENTS                 and reason for their interest) and the
                9.BRANDING               TONE (what defines the unique approach         Our	magazine, ( MAGAZINE	 TITLE ) Your magazine name goes here.
                                         to the way content is presented).
                    10.C/P/R                                                            is	a ( PRINT	 SCHEDULE ) How often is it published per year?
                                                                                        ( MAGAZINE	 TYPE ) Is it a consumer, business-to-business (B2B), controlled circulation, etc.?
                                         ACTIVITY:	 Completing this Short Mission       for	( ADJECTIVE ) ( COMMUNITY ) Describe your audience with an adjective and a simple
                                         Statement Form is an exercise in creating      demographic. For example, if your magazine were called BusinessWoman your answer
                                         a basic set of criteria for your publication   might be (adjective) busy (core audience) female executives. Your total potential
                                         —just fill in the blanks. The words you        audience is your universe; they are a potential part of your community of readers
                                         choose—especially the adjectives, which
                                         describe the tone of the magazine—are          who	need	( ADJECTIVE ) Describe the type of content tone in your publication:
                                         critical in defining the missing elements.     accurate, cutting-edge, secure, safe, out-of-the-box, etc.

                                                                                        information	on	( ADJECTIVE ) ( PRODUCTS,	 PROCESSES,	 ISSUES ). Describe your magazine scope
                                                      When you’ve filled out the
                                         E VA LUAT I O N : 	                            with an adjective and a noun. Using the above title again, you might put down (adjective)
                                         form to your satisfaction, it’s time to pro-   corporate (noun) employment, management strategy, business networking, etc.
                                         ceed with the evaluation of your magazine.
                                         Compare your Short Mission Statement           Unlike	( COMPETITION ), Your closest competitor. If you have none, then list other
                                         against the magazine’s content and the         sources of similar content that readers might choose instead of your magazine.
    H O W 	 TO 	 S CO R E: 	 Rate
                            your         way that content meets the needs of your
                                                                                        our	coverage	has ( DISTINCT	 APPROACHES ) How is it different? Be
    consensus. The easier it is to       defined audience.
    agree on the mission statement,                                                     specific: more in-depth, less boring, better researched.
    the more points you should
    award. You shouldn’t get any                                                        and	also	has (unique CONTENT	 AREA[S] ) This is your secondary interest area, which
    positive score if anyone says,                                                      might be a growth direction for your title or an attempt to broaden the scope for more
    “Oh, so THAT’s what we’re                                                           readers. Again, using the above example, you might write fashion, lifestyle, relationship.
    supposed to be doing.”
                                                                                        content	that	interests	( ADJECTIVE ) ( SECONDARY	 AUDIENCE[S] ) What kind of
                                                                                        secondary audience? Using the above example one final time, you might answer
                                                                                        (adjective) ambitious (secondary audience) younger entrepreneurial women.

	   5	       W W W. A U R A S .C O M
Short                Our magazine,         (MAGAZINE    TITLE)

              Mission              is a
              Statement                   (PRINT   SCHEDULE)       (MAGAZINE    TYPE)

              Form                 for   (ADJECTIVE)              (COMMUNITY)

                                   who need                                            information on

                                   (ADJECTIVE)              (PRODUCTS,PROCESSES,ISSUES)

                                   Unlike                                                  ,

                                   our coverage has ( D I S T I N C T

                                   and also has
                                                        (UNIQUE   CONTENT   AREA[S])

                                   content that interests

                                   (SECONDARY      AUDIENCE[S])

	   6	   W W W. A U R A S .C O M
2             1.MISSION



           4.VISUAL LAYOUT
                                   CHECK	YOUR	CALENDAR	
                                   T poles hold up
                                      your pub—in a good way.
                                        A single issue of your magazine should
                                        be representative of all issues of your
                                        magazine, but not necessarily exactly the
                                        same in length, content or structure. In
                                        fact, looking at your magazine as a single
                                                                                                     Gather a year of issues and count
                                                                                          AC T I V I T Y:	

                                                                                          the total pages and the number of ads in
                                                                                          each issue. You can also count the number
                                                                                          of copies distributed, as that can be signifi-
                                                                                          cant in some publications. Input the figures
                    5.COVER             volume of issues opens up approaches to           on the chart below to make a volume chart
                6.CONTENTS              content that you might otherwise miss.            for the year.
                                           Readers can be lulled into boredom
                                        if every issue has the same rhythm and                           The more placid your chart,
                                                                                          E VA LUAT I O N : 	
    8.FEATURE TREATMENTS                similar content. Think of a magazine              the less your magazine takes advantage of
                9.BRANDING              with a static issue map, page count and           the benefits of “special” issues. If your chart
                    10.C/P/R            feature structure as a steady but uninter-        has two or three spikes generated by special
                                        esting beat of a drum.                            issues that have a greater number of pages
                                           The periodical structure of the                and/or advertisers, or special distribution to
                                        magazine and building an interesting              larger audiences, it’s easy to see why those
                                        annual cycle allows so much more.                 issues are often called “TENT	POLES”—they
                                        Making several issues “special” issues            hold up the rest of the year.
                                        creates a much more dynamic rhythm
                                        in the yearly cycle. Instead of a simple          _                                                                                    _
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _
                                        cadence, a change-up in the content cre-          _                                                                                    _
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _
                                        ates a more sophisticated beat, one that          _                                                                                    _
                                        generates anticipation in readers and             _                                                                                    _
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _
                                        keeps them as subscribers.                        _                                                                                    _
                                                                                          _                                                            PAGES                   _
                                           SPECIAL	ISSUES can have franchise con-         _                                                                                    _
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _
                                        tent (material created for and specifically       _                  ADS                                                               _
                                        reflecting the core mission of the publica-       _                                                                                    _
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _
                                        tion), special seasonal content, or simply a      JAN	    FEB	   MAR	       APR	   MAY	   JUN	   JUL	   AUG	   SEP	    OCT	   NOV	   DEC

    H O W 	 TO 	 S CO R E: 	 The
                           flatter      focus on one topic in a typical issue.
    your chart, or the more                                                               _                                                                                    _
    random the dips and peaks,
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _
    the lower the score. Positive                                     if you are trying   _                                                                                    _
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _
                                                   FLAT FALLS FLAT
    points are achieved by having                  to hold your readers through           _                                                                                    _
    a few regular “peaks,” which                   the year. Deliberately designing       _                                                                                    _                              in
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _
                                                                                                                                                                                   THE TALLEST TENT POLE
    should correspond to special                   issues with different page counts,
                                                                                          _                                                            PAGES                   _   the industry is the Sports
    issues or content.                             special content and even expanded
                                                                                          _                                                                                    _   Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. The
                                                   distribution is a smart business       _                                                                                    _   2004 issue used other franchise
                                                   tactic. It encourages readers to       _                  ADS                                                               _   concepts too, like an anniversary
                                                   renew their subscriptions and          _                                                                                    _
                                                   advertisers to go into more issues.    _JAN	   FEB	       MAR	   APR	   MAY	   JUN	   JUL	   AUG	    SEP	   OCT	   NOV	
                                                                                                                                                                                   theme, a Hall of Fame premise
                                                                                                                                                                                   and even a free CD-ROM.

	   7	       W W W. A U R A S .C O M
                                                                                                                                                                  HOUSEKEEPING   1

                                  HOW	DOES	YOUR	PUB	SHAPE	UP?	

                                  Your issue map should create interest

                                      and identity, one section at a time.
                   1.MISSION             Just as variations from issue to issue                    Two variations on your issue map
                                                                                       AC T I V I T Y:                                    ISSUE STRUCTURE                        14
                 2.CALENDAR              make your magazine more interesting,          will help you understand your magazine.            should be easily
                                                                                                                                          apparent in the
                                         variations in the ISSUE	MAP give your         First, decide how many coherent sections           paginated content                      17
                                         magazine shape and definition. Your           your pub has. Easy choices are features            chart on the right.
           4.VISUAL LAYOUT
                                         publication might have scintillating          (A and B features), advertisements, front-of-      This magazine            A FEATURE     20
                                                                                                                                          has eight distinct
                     5.COVER             content, but if, for example, its structure   book, back-of-book, etc., but you could also       sections of editorial

                 6.CONTENTS              consists entirely of eight-page stories in    have things like advertorials, grazing sections,   and advertising.                       23

                                         the same typographic style and layout—        classifieds, columns or service sections.          Yours could have                       24
            7.DEPARTMENTS                                                                                                                 fewer, but too few                     25
                                         like many academic journals—the reader        Things like the cover, TOC, Editor’s Page          and your magazine                      26
                                         will soon become bored.                       and Letters fall under the “Housekeeping”          has no rhythm.                         27
                 9.BRANDING                 A magazine is like a fine dining           rubric. However you define the structure of                                 B FEATURES    29

                     10.C/P/R            experience. We want an amuse bouche           your book, include every page.                                                            30

                                                                                          This time, we are making two vertical
                                         to get us started, a nice appetizer to                                                                                                  32
                                         add piquancy so we enjoy our entree           grids, with each horizontal bar representing                                              33

                                         all the more. Then, we want to finish         a page of the issue. The examples show a                                                  34
                                         with something light, sweet or savory         typical layout of a 68-page book, with each                                 CLASSIFIED    36

                                         that rounds out our meal. We enjoy the        page divided into 6 equal segments to make                                                37
                                         familiarity of the order of the meal, but     positioning ads easier. The left chart shows                                              39

                                         we want to be pleasantly surprised by         the amount of space in an issue devoted to                                                40
                                                                                                                                                                  ADVERTORIAL    41
                                         what we find, too.                            each section, and the right shows page-by-                                                42

                                            Just as the parts of the meal vary in      page how material is distributed in the book.                                             43
                                         SIZE,	STRUCTURE	 and	INTENT, so should                                                                                                  45
                                         your publication. And, like a meal, the                      Your book should have clearly
                                                                                       E VA LUAT I O N : 	                                                                       46

                                                                                       defined sections and enough of them
                                         structure of your magazine should have                                                                                                  48
                                         natural groupings that are clear in scope,    to create an interesting rhythm. If your                                                  49

                                         with theme and variation defining each        first chart shows too few variations, your                                                50
                                         part.                                         book will be visually simplistic. If there                                                52

    H O W 	 TO 	 S CO R E: 	 If
                         you have                                                      are too many, your book will be busy and                                                  53
    fewer than three sections, award                                                   unfocused. This is more easily shown in                                                   55
    negative points; if the sections                                                                                                                                  ADS
                                                                                       the second chart, where you’ve laid out                                                   56
    don’t appear obviously grouped                                                                                                                                               57
                                                                                       the book in page order. The sections, even
    in the pagination chart, also                                                                                                                                                58

    award negative points. Positive                                                    interspersed with advertising, should still be                                            59

                                                                                       discernible. As we’ll see next in the critique,
    points should be given for an                                                                                                                                                61
    issue map with clearly defined                                                     each section should have its own unique                                                   62

    and positioned sections and a                                                      visual navigation and design.                                                             63

    bias for coherent editorial pages.                                                                                                                                           64

	   8	        W W W. A U R A S .C O M
                                                                                                                                                                         IS	DESIGN
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Lead   [
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         re   [
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  e x p Lo
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  SEP TEM
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            BER -OC
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TOB ER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               200 9

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               ST. JOHN
              SCOUTING MAGAZINE MATRIX 64PP SELF COVER                                                                                                                                                                                                        troop 5’s ca
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              campgroun ribbean

                                                                                   JANUARY   MARCH   APRIL   JUNE        AUGUST      OCTOBER   DECEMBER
               FRONT OF BOOK
               TOC 2-PAPGES
               CEO LETTER

                                                                                                             SCOUTING MAGAZINE ISSUE MAP/64PP PLUS COVER

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           zine .o
               TRAILHEAD (GRAZING)

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    The Danger
               NEWS & NOTES (News Briefs)                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     s Of

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                w w w. s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         What You Obesity
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     New Scou      Can Do
               DID YOU KNOW?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Promisest Handbook
               LOL ( 1 or 2 humorous anecdotes, replaces Worth Retelling)                                                                                   EDITOR’S
                                                                                                                                   COVER             AD     WELCOME/        AD                AD        TOC         AD                                 TOC            AD
               GOT TO HAVE IT (single product notice)                                                                                                        LETTERS
               THIS OLD PATCH (collector’s item or interesting background)
               WAY BACK WHEN (historical tidbit)                                                                                    FRONT             2         3            4                 5          6          7                                   8             9
               MARK YOUR CALENDAR
               COUNTDOWN TO 100
               GOOD READ AND/OR WATCH IT NOW (single book or dvd notice)                                       CHIEF’S                                                   TRAILHEAD/ TRAILHEAD/
                                                                                                              MESSAGE/              AD          TRAILHEAD TRAILHEAD          AD         AD           TRAILHEAD      AD                               TRAILHEAD        AD
               F O B D E PA R T M E N T S ( L E A D E R S ’ R O U N D TA B L E )
               Merit Badge Clinic (methods & resources for teaching MBs)                                            10               11              12         13           14                15         16         17                                  18            19
               What Would You Do? (replaces Front Line Stuff)
               Cub Scout Corner
               Advancement Trail or Advancement FAQs
                                                                                                                                                  ROUND                                                            ROUND                                            ROUND
               Ethics Column (Using Scout Oath & Law in Daily Life)                                           TRAILHEAD TRAILHEAD/
                                                                                                                            AD                    TABLE
                                                                                                                                                             TABLE          AD               ROUND
                                                                                                                                                                                                       TABLE       TABLE/                             ROUND
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      TABLE         TABLE/
               The Nature of Boys (behaviorist traits, age appropriate)                                                                                                                                              AD                                               AD
               Q&A Leader Interview (What I’ve Learned)
                                                                                                                    20               21              22         23           24                25         26         27                                  28            29

               B O B D E PA R T M E N T S “ G R E AT O U T D O O R S ”
               FIT FOR FUN (health & fitness for outdoor activities
               GET IN GEAR (specific line for equipment review)
                                                                                                                ROUND               AD            ROUND        AD         ROUND               AD     ST. JOHN     ST. JOHN                           ST. JOHN      ST. JOHN
                                                                                                                TABLE                             TABLE                   TABLE
               TRAIL TIPS (brief look at hike or river route)
               SURVIVE THIS
               DUTCH TREAT (dutch oven recipe)                                                                      30               31              32         33           34                35         36         37                                  38            39

               GROUND RULES (best practices camping techniques)
               FOOD FOR FUEL (camp menu for strenuous outdoor activity)
               WHERE AM I? (reader contest guesses outdoor location from clues)                                ST. JOHN           ST. JOHN       ST. JOHN   ST. JOHN     ST. JOHN       BSA NAT’L    BSA NAT’L      FAT                                 FAT          FAT
               ESSENTIAL INFORMATION (the planning stage of an outdoor trip)                                                                                                             MEETING      MEETING     CHANCE                              CHANCE       CHANCE
               MY FAVORITE CAMPSITE (generated by readers)
                                                                                                                    40               41              42         43           44                45         46         47                                  48            49

                                                                                                                  FAT               FAT           SCOUT    SCOUT           SCOUT    SCOUT              SCOUT    SCOUT                                PUMPKIN      PUMPKIN
                                                                                                                CHANCE            CHANCE        HANDBOOK HANDBOOK        HANDBOOK HANDBOOK           HANDBOOK HANDBOOK                                CHUNK        CHUNK
               F E AT U R E S
               A Feature--New Boy Scout Handbook Debuts
                                                                                                                    50               51              52         53           54                55         56         57                                  58            59
               B Feature--Scout Leaders Combat Youth Obesity
               C Feature--Venturing Crew on Chisholm Trail Cattle Roundup
               D Feature--Boy Scout High Adventure Fishing in Alaska
                                                                                                               PUMPKIN            PUMPKIN       OUTDOORS OUTDOORS        OUTDOORS OUTDOORS           OUTDOORS OUTDOORS/                              OUTDOORS OUTDOORS/
                                                                                                                CHUNK              CHUNK                                                                         AD                                              AD

                                                                                                                    60               61              62         63           64                65         66         67                                  68            69

                                                                                                                    IN EVERY ISSUE             ADS           TRAILHEAD            FEATURES           ROUNDTABLE             OUTDOORS

	   9	   W W W. A U R A S .C O M
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FPO 10 Step DIY Critique

  • 1. F O R P U B L I C AT I O N S O N LY THE 10-STEP DO-IT-YOURSELF CRITIQUE W O R K B O O K A fresh approach to your magazine begins with new ways to see what’s working— and what’s not. ©2010 AURAS CUSTOM PUBLISHING WWW.AURAS.COM 8435 GEORGIA AVENUE SILVER SPRING, MD 20910 301-587-4300 1 W W W. A U R A S .C O M
  • 2. An expert evaluation of your magazine? Seems like a great idea. There’s valid reason to have industry professionals apply their judgment to aspects of your publication that fit their expertise; but in the end, the results may seem subjective or superficial. At worst, what if a reviewer just doesn’t “get” your title? The value of a critique rests on the credibility of the reviewer, and on a coherent rationale behind the evaluation. Like the blind wise men and the elephant, the focus may be on only one area—like editorial, design, workflow, budget or marketing—resulting in an unbalanced and out-of-context review. A proper evaluation should be based on specific criteria that address all parts of the magazine creative process and conducted by the best evaluation “experts”—the people who know the title most intimately. No outsider knows a magazine like the staff who produce each issue. That’s why this 10-step critique is designed to guide you through evaluating your own publication. Three Big Ideas BIG IDEA 1 Magazines that have applied meticulously to a template that The basis of the critique rests on three distinct and clear “personali- organizes your magazine’s scope into broad ideas about what makes magazines ties” perform better than those easily definable and navigable sections. successful. Even if you don’t agree with that don’t. Branding, a well-defined these ideas, accepting them as valid editorial scope, unique content and a BIG IDEA 3 Interesting approaches criteria can still supply valuable insights, consistent editorial tone are the major to “selling” content enhance a because they demonstrate one approach components of a magazine’s personality. magazine’s readability. How editorial to applying practical ideals that span the Just as you get to know and admire is presented in your publication is just whole creative thrust of a publication. certain people, readers like to “know” as important as the content itself. Your the magazines they read, and that leads cover, TOC and even the openings to loyal subscribers. of departments and features are all valuable opportunities to engage your BIG IDEA 2 Clear structure, con- readers and help them begin to absorb sistency and tight fit ’n finish are the content before they read the first hallmarks of good publications. A sentence of copy. Moreover, less obvious magazine isn’t just words and pictures considerations, like page navigation, on paper; it requires craftsmanship and visual theme and variation, and story attention to detail. Editing, writing, rhythm, are all part of the magazine typography, image, page layout and experience that engages and encourages prepress production each contribute readers to enjoy the entire issue—and to to a finished product. That product come back for more the next time. should reflect sophisticated skills 2 W W W. A U R A S .C O M
  • 3. Evaluate How Well 3. Consistent visual and typo- Your Pub Performs Ultimately, any critique needs to answer graphic language distinguishes the publication. The visual language A magazine the question, “How are we doing and of your publication is created through what can we do to improve?” The 10-Step DIY Critique uses the three the application of a deliberate palette of typographic, color, art and layout choices. isn’t just words Big Ideas above to create criteria Even the most sophisticated or complex for evaluation. The following five performance criteria are at the heart of design needs an underlying aesthetic sense to pull the publication together and and pictures on the critique. make it memorable to readers. 1. The concept fulfills the mission 4. The magazine meets the needs paper; it requires of the publication. Is the scope of and retains the interest of your craftsmanship your magazine fully covered in the primary audience. Change is the content? Does it match the audience only constant for any creative endeavor, and advertising potential that are part of and magazines are no different. the original intent? Finally, is the content Understanding your readers and their structured to keep readers and advertisers alike excited about the magazine as an priorities is key to keeping the magazine fresh and developing a growth strategy. and attention ongoing periodical? To really understand Creating a direct relationship between how well your magazine performs, you need to evaluate your publication not your readers’ expectations and the way the editorial structure and content to detail. only as an issue, but also as a volume. address them over time is the challenge of every periodical. 2. The design and structure com- municate the tone and scope of the 5. Attention is paid to the design publication. Your publication needs to details of your magazine. The second communicate to loyal and new readers Big Idea demands high craftsmanship in alike what it’s all about. The choices in your publication. Typographic styling, structure for the book (grazing section, the fit of images in your grid, even front matter, features, back-of-book the quality of your illustration and the sections) and clear concepts for each of color correction of your photos make these parts—described through depart- a big difference, because readers notice ment titles, heads and decks, and even details that show up on every page. the way things are grouped—are oppor- Sloppy execution, tolerance for error tunities to explain how your magazine and random inconsistency are just bad is important for readers and why they business. Most important, they cause the should continue to subscribe. credibility of your publication to suffer. 3 W W W. A U R A S .C O M
  • 4. Doing the Critique everyone fill in the statement indi- Since this is a do-it-yourself critique, vidually, then compare and discuss the what’s the most valuable approach to results. Choose a master mission state- using this material? ment to use for the subsequent steps by working as a group to craft a document Choose a small team and review that everyone finds appropriate. this document first. Anyone familiar with your publication, from the pub- Score the rest of the steps individu- lisher to a writer to a loyal reader, can be ally. A group dynamic can sometimes on the critique team. It’s best to go over influence scoring. It’s hard to contradict each of the 10 steps first to make sure a publisher or an editor, and the goal of that everyone understands what they are many internal group interactions is to supposed to do. find agreement. That’s not what we want here—not yet, anyway. (See “Now What” Each step begins with a SHORT ESSAY about at the end of the 10 steps.) Score with the AURAS the subject area that explains the ratio- Exclusive Mag-O-Meter nale for the ACTIVITY that follows. The Review the individual scores as a [FPO] Labs has developed this state-of-the-art activity usually involves examining one group at the end of the critique. “instrument” to score each step. (It must be copy of your magazine, but sometimes On page 17, we’ll discuss the best way to accurate because, as you can see, it’s digital.) “Too Little” or “Too Much” can be rated from -10 you’ll need a few consecutive issues. (For conduct the final review of the critique points to -1 point, while “In The Zone” can be Step Two, you’ll need an entire volume to and draft an active makeover document. rated from 1 to 5 points. This makes it hard to count the pages and ads.) The EVALUA- score positive results if there are mixed scores. TION section that follows explains how to How to Score That’s the way it should be. If the scores are use the information you’ve collected to Subjective evaluations are always mixed, there’s no consensus on what constitutes a better product, and that’s the point. arrive at a score. Each step has a SCORING better understood with objective GUIDE to help you get the most from your quantification—so it’s easier to see how critique. We’ve provided a SHORT MISSION you’re doing with a visual scale. In this Too little and too much are both neg- STATEMENT FORM for you to use in this case, though, there’s a catch. When it atives, so it’s more a “sweet spot” that document, but it’s better to make a copy comes to understanding your publication, needs to be hit than a point on a sliding for each member of the critique team. it’s important to see if you’re doing too scale. Evaluate how well your publica- The same is true for the WORKSHEET, little or too much. For instance, using tion finds that “zone.” Doing too little located at the end of the document, a few interesting type families helps to make the publication distinctive robs which you will use to collect information establish identity, prioritize content and the magazine of character; doing too and compile scoring. build navigation through your book. much makes the publication busy and However, too few font variations and the hard to define. Examine each part of Do the mission statement together. book lacks excitement and looks flat; too your publication and critique it on how Everyone should pitch in and create the many and the book lacks identity and well it meets the Big Ideas as expressed mission statement as a group. First, have becomes unfocused and busy. in the five performance criteria. [ƒ] 4 W W W. A U R A S .C O M
  • 5. 1 1.MISSION 2.CALENDAR 3.ISSUE STRUCTURE 4.VISUAL LAYOUT MAKE IT YOUR MISSION The mission statement is the document that puts everybody on the same page. The foundation of every magazine is a clear MISSION STATEMENT. And the ability to critique every magazine is dependent on being able to evaluate how well it meets the criteria of its mission. Using the Short Mission Statement Form The Short Mission Statement is a quick method of describing the purpose and scope of your magazine. As a group exercise, it’s a great way of seeing if everyone involved with your publication is, well, on the same page. 5.COVER The most important elements of any The exercise consists of independently filling out the form, then comparing the results as a 6.CONTENTS magazine are the SCOPE (the range of group and honing a final version that can serve as the bare bones of a longer document. content and the rationale for inclusion), 7.DEPARTMENTS the AUDIENCE (the potential readership It may seem self-explanatory, but here’s what each blank needs: 8.FEATURE TREATMENTS and reason for their interest) and the 9.BRANDING TONE (what defines the unique approach Our magazine, ( MAGAZINE TITLE ) Your magazine name goes here. to the way content is presented). 10.C/P/R is a ( PRINT SCHEDULE ) How often is it published per year? ( MAGAZINE TYPE ) Is it a consumer, business-to-business (B2B), controlled circulation, etc.? ACTIVITY: Completing this Short Mission for ( ADJECTIVE ) ( COMMUNITY ) Describe your audience with an adjective and a simple Statement Form is an exercise in creating demographic. For example, if your magazine were called BusinessWoman your answer a basic set of criteria for your publication might be (adjective) busy (core audience) female executives. Your total potential —just fill in the blanks. The words you audience is your universe; they are a potential part of your community of readers choose—especially the adjectives, which describe the tone of the magazine—are who need ( ADJECTIVE ) Describe the type of content tone in your publication: critical in defining the missing elements. accurate, cutting-edge, secure, safe, out-of-the-box, etc. information on ( ADJECTIVE ) ( PRODUCTS, PROCESSES, ISSUES ). Describe your magazine scope When you’ve filled out the E VA LUAT I O N : with an adjective and a noun. Using the above title again, you might put down (adjective) form to your satisfaction, it’s time to pro- corporate (noun) employment, management strategy, business networking, etc. ceed with the evaluation of your magazine. Compare your Short Mission Statement Unlike ( COMPETITION ), Your closest competitor. If you have none, then list other against the magazine’s content and the sources of similar content that readers might choose instead of your magazine. H O W TO S CO R E: Rate your way that content meets the needs of your our coverage has ( DISTINCT APPROACHES ) How is it different? Be consensus. The easier it is to defined audience. agree on the mission statement, specific: more in-depth, less boring, better researched. the more points you should award. You shouldn’t get any and also has (unique CONTENT AREA[S] ) This is your secondary interest area, which positive score if anyone says, might be a growth direction for your title or an attempt to broaden the scope for more “Oh, so THAT’s what we’re readers. Again, using the above example, you might write fashion, lifestyle, relationship. supposed to be doing.” content that interests ( ADJECTIVE ) ( SECONDARY AUDIENCE[S] ) What kind of secondary audience? Using the above example one final time, you might answer (adjective) ambitious (secondary audience) younger entrepreneurial women. 5 W W W. A U R A S .C O M
  • 6. Short Our magazine, (MAGAZINE TITLE) Mission is a Statement (PRINT SCHEDULE) (MAGAZINE TYPE) Form for (ADJECTIVE) (COMMUNITY) who need information on (ADJECTIVE) (ADJECTIVE) (PRODUCTS,PROCESSES,ISSUES) . Unlike , (COMPETITION) our coverage has ( D I S T I N C T APPROACHES) and also has (UNIQUE CONTENT AREA[S]) content that interests (ADJECTIVE) . (SECONDARY AUDIENCE[S]) 6 W W W. A U R A S .C O M
  • 7. 2 1.MISSION 2.CALENDAR 3.ISSUE STRUCTURE 4.VISUAL LAYOUT CHECK YOUR CALENDAR T poles hold up ent your pub—in a good way. A single issue of your magazine should be representative of all issues of your magazine, but not necessarily exactly the same in length, content or structure. In fact, looking at your magazine as a single Gather a year of issues and count AC T I V I T Y: the total pages and the number of ads in each issue. You can also count the number of copies distributed, as that can be signifi- cant in some publications. Input the figures 5.COVER volume of issues opens up approaches to on the chart below to make a volume chart 6.CONTENTS content that you might otherwise miss. for the year. Readers can be lulled into boredom 7.DEPARTMENTS if every issue has the same rhythm and The more placid your chart, E VA LUAT I O N : 8.FEATURE TREATMENTS similar content. Think of a magazine the less your magazine takes advantage of 9.BRANDING with a static issue map, page count and the benefits of “special” issues. If your chart 10.C/P/R feature structure as a steady but uninter- has two or three spikes generated by special esting beat of a drum. issues that have a greater number of pages The periodical structure of the and/or advertisers, or special distribution to magazine and building an interesting larger audiences, it’s easy to see why those annual cycle allows so much more. issues are often called “TENT POLES”—they Making several issues “special” issues hold up the rest of the year. creates a much more dynamic rhythm in the yearly cycle. Instead of a simple _ _ _ _ cadence, a change-up in the content cre- _ _ _ _ ates a more sophisticated beat, one that _ _ generates anticipation in readers and _ _ _ _ keeps them as subscribers. _ _ _ PAGES _ SPECIAL ISSUES can have franchise con- _ _ _ _ tent (material created for and specifically _ ADS _ reflecting the core mission of the publica- _ _ _ _ tion), special seasonal content, or simply a JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC H O W TO S CO R E: The flatter focus on one topic in a typical issue. your chart, or the more _ _ random the dips and peaks, _ _ _ _ the lower the score. Positive if you are trying _ _ _ _ FLAT FALLS FLAT points are achieved by having to hold your readers through _ _ a few regular “peaks,” which the year. Deliberately designing _ _ in _ _ THE TALLEST TENT POLE should correspond to special issues with different page counts, _ PAGES _ the industry is the Sports issues or content. special content and even expanded _ _ Illustrated Swimsuit Issue. The distribution is a smart business _ _ 2004 issue used other franchise tactic. It encourages readers to _ ADS _ concepts too, like an anniversary renew their subscriptions and _ _ advertisers to go into more issues. _JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV _ DEC theme, a Hall of Fame premise and even a free CD-ROM. 7 W W W. A U R A S .C O M
  • 8. 3 C1 C2 HOUSEKEEPING 1 HOW DOES YOUR PUB SHAPE UP? 2 3 4 5 GRAZING Your issue map should create interest 6 7 and identity, one section at a time. 8 9 10 11 DEPARTMENTS 12 13 1.MISSION Just as variations from issue to issue Two variations on your issue map AC T I V I T Y: ISSUE STRUCTURE 14 15 2.CALENDAR make your magazine more interesting, will help you understand your magazine. should be easily 16 apparent in the variations in the ISSUE MAP give your First, decide how many coherent sections paginated content 17 3.ISSUE STRUCTURE magazine shape and definition. Your your pub has. Easy choices are features chart on the right. 18 19 4.VISUAL LAYOUT publication might have scintillating (A and B features), advertisements, front-of- This magazine A FEATURE 20 has eight distinct 5.COVER content, but if, for example, its structure book, back-of-book, etc., but you could also sections of editorial 21 22 6.CONTENTS consists entirely of eight-page stories in have things like advertorials, grazing sections, and advertising. 23 the same typographic style and layout— classifieds, columns or service sections. Yours could have 24 7.DEPARTMENTS fewer, but too few 25 like many academic journals—the reader Things like the cover, TOC, Editor’s Page and your magazine 26 8.FEATURE TREATMENTS will soon become bored. and Letters fall under the “Housekeeping” has no rhythm. 27 28 9.BRANDING A magazine is like a fine dining rubric. However you define the structure of B FEATURES 29 10.C/P/R experience. We want an amuse bouche your book, include every page. 30 This time, we are making two vertical 31 to get us started, a nice appetizer to 32 add piquancy so we enjoy our entree grids, with each horizontal bar representing 33 all the more. Then, we want to finish a page of the issue. The examples show a 34 35 with something light, sweet or savory typical layout of a 68-page book, with each CLASSIFIED 36 that rounds out our meal. We enjoy the page divided into 6 equal segments to make 37 38 familiarity of the order of the meal, but positioning ads easier. The left chart shows 39 we want to be pleasantly surprised by the amount of space in an issue devoted to 40 ADVERTORIAL 41 what we find, too. each section, and the right shows page-by- 42 Just as the parts of the meal vary in page how material is distributed in the book. 43 44 SIZE, STRUCTURE and INTENT, so should 45 your publication. And, like a meal, the Your book should have clearly E VA LUAT I O N : 46 defined sections and enough of them 47 structure of your magazine should have 48 natural groupings that are clear in scope, to create an interesting rhythm. If your 49 with theme and variation defining each first chart shows too few variations, your 50 51 part. book will be visually simplistic. If there 52 H O W TO S CO R E: If you have are too many, your book will be busy and 53 54 fewer than three sections, award unfocused. This is more easily shown in 55 negative points; if the sections ADS the second chart, where you’ve laid out 56 don’t appear obviously grouped 57 the book in page order. The sections, even in the pagination chart, also 58 award negative points. Positive interspersed with advertising, should still be 59 discernible. As we’ll see next in the critique, 60 points should be given for an 61 issue map with clearly defined each section should have its own unique 62 and positioned sections and a visual navigation and design. 63 bias for coherent editorial pages. 64 C3 C4 8 W W W. A U R A S .C O M
  • 9. STRUCTURE IS DESIGN Lead [ InspI re [ e x p Lo re SEP TEM BER -OC TOB ER 200 9 ST. JOHN SCOUTING MAGAZINE MATRIX 64PP SELF COVER troop 5’s ca campgroun ribbean d JANUARY MARCH APRIL JUNE AUGUST OCTOBER DECEMBER FRONT OF BOOK COVER TOC 2-PAPGES CEO LETTER LETTERS 1 PAGE WHEN WE HAVE ENOUGH SCOUTING MAGAZINE ISSUE MAP/64PP PLUS COVER rg zine .o TRAILHEAD (GRAZING) gmaga coutin The Danger NEWS & NOTES (News Briefs) s Of w w w. s What You Obesity New Scou Can Do DID YOU KNOW? Promisest Handbook Adventure SHOUT OUT! (GOOD NEWS, PAT ON THE BACK) LOL ( 1 or 2 humorous anecdotes, replaces Worth Retelling) EDITOR’S COVER AD WELCOME/ AD AD TOC AD TOC AD GOT TO HAVE IT (single product notice) LETTERS THIS OLD PATCH (collector’s item or interesting background) WAY BACK WHEN (historical tidbit) FRONT 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 COVER MARK YOUR CALENDAR COUNTDOWN TO 100 GOOD READ AND/OR WATCH IT NOW (single book or dvd notice) CHIEF’S TRAILHEAD/ TRAILHEAD/ MESSAGE/ AD TRAILHEAD TRAILHEAD AD AD TRAILHEAD AD TRAILHEAD AD MASTHEAD F O B D E PA R T M E N T S ( L E A D E R S ’ R O U N D TA B L E ) Merit Badge Clinic (methods & resources for teaching MBs) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 What Would You Do? (replaces Front Line Stuff) Cub Scout Corner Advancement Trail or Advancement FAQs ROUND ROUND ROUND Ethics Column (Using Scout Oath & Law in Daily Life) TRAILHEAD TRAILHEAD/ AD TABLE ROUND TABLE AD ROUND TABLE ROUND TABLE TABLE/ ROUND TABLE TABLE/ The Nature of Boys (behaviorist traits, age appropriate) AD AD Q&A Leader Interview (What I’ve Learned) 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 B O B D E PA R T M E N T S “ G R E AT O U T D O O R S ” FIT FOR FUN (health & fitness for outdoor activities GET IN GEAR (specific line for equipment review) ROUND AD ROUND AD ROUND AD ST. JOHN ST. JOHN ST. JOHN ST. JOHN TABLE TABLE TABLE TRAIL TIPS (brief look at hike or river route) SURVIVE THIS DUTCH TREAT (dutch oven recipe) 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 GROUND RULES (best practices camping techniques) FOOD FOR FUEL (camp menu for strenuous outdoor activity) WHERE AM I? (reader contest guesses outdoor location from clues) ST. JOHN ST. JOHN ST. JOHN ST. JOHN ST. JOHN BSA NAT’L BSA NAT’L FAT FAT FAT ESSENTIAL INFORMATION (the planning stage of an outdoor trip) MEETING MEETING CHANCE CHANCE CHANCE MY FAVORITE CAMPSITE (generated by readers) 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 OPCOVER III: COOL CAMPS--SINGLE PHOTO OF BSA CAMP FAT FAT SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT SCOUT PUMPKIN PUMPKIN CHANCE CHANCE HANDBOOK HANDBOOK HANDBOOK HANDBOOK HANDBOOK HANDBOOK CHUNK CHUNK F E AT U R E S A Feature--New Boy Scout Handbook Debuts 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 B Feature--Scout Leaders Combat Youth Obesity C Feature--Venturing Crew on Chisholm Trail Cattle Roundup D Feature--Boy Scout High Adventure Fishing in Alaska PUMPKIN PUMPKIN OUTDOORS OUTDOORS OUTDOORS OUTDOORS OUTDOORS OUTDOORS/ OUTDOORS OUTDOORS/ CHUNK CHUNK AD AD 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 IN EVERY ISSUE ADS TRAILHEAD FEATURES ROUNDTABLE OUTDOORS 9 W W W. A U R A S .C O M