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Vol. 70 No. 39                                                                                                                                                           Sept. 28, 2012

                                                                                                                                                 for a
                                                                                                                                                 From left, Heidi Allen, Molly Wolf,
                                                                                                                                                 Heather Hoffman and Heather
                                                                                                                                                 Siebers carry a litter to the finish
                                                                                                                                                 line of an obstacle course, Sept. 21.
                                                                                                                                                 The team completed the obstacle
                                                                                                                                                 course as part of Jayne Wayne
                                                                                                                                                 Day, which gave spouses a taste
                                                                                                                                                 of what their Soldiers do on a
                                                                                                                                                 daily basis. Hosted by Soldiers
                                                                                                                                                 from 4th Brigade Combat Team,
                                                                                                                                                 4th Infantry Division, the day
                                                                                                                                                 featured physical training, land
                                                                                                                                                 navigation, weapons simulation
                                                                                                                                                 and paintball and obstacle courses.
                                                                                                                                                 See story on pages 20-21.
                                                                                                                    Photo by Andrea Sutherland

Army holds suicide prevention stand down
                  By J.D. Leipold
                 Army New Service
                                                               “Suicide is the toughest enemy I have faced in my
                                                          37 years in the Army,” he said, adding that he believes
                                                                                                                    this year’s program brings a more holistic approach to
                                                                                                                    beating the epidemic, said Walter O. Morales, chief of
                                                          it preventable through solutions aimed at helping         the Army Suicide Prevention Program. Morales said
     WASHINGTON — The Army conducted a                    individuals build resiliency to help strengthen their     Army suicides have more than doubled since 2004.
suicide prevention stand down worldwide to focus on       life-coping skills. Austin said the Army must continue         “I think the big difference between 2009 and now is
promoting good health, teammate involvement, risk         to address the stigma associated with asking for help.    this time we’ve focused all across the Army, even here at
reduction and resilience training, Thursday.                   “Ultimately, we want the mindset across our          the Pentagon we’re going to stand down with the Army
     Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Lloyd J. Austin        force and society at large to be that behavioral health   chief of staff leading a personal session by talking with
III ordered the stand down following the release of       is a routine part of what we do and who we are as we      the general officers and senior executives,” said Lt. Gen.
July suicide figures, which confirmed two suicides        strive to maintain our own physical and mental            Howard Bromberg, Army chief of staff for personnel.
and another 36 potential suicides presently under         wellness,” Austin said.                                        “This is absolutely a battle that we have to engage in
investigation. This year, 120 active-duty Soldiers are         The last suicide prevention stand down the Army      every single day,” he said. “I’m asking all Soldiers this
confirmed to have taken their lives while another         had was in 2009 and followed the train-the-trainer
                                                                                                                                                            See Suicide on Page 4
67 deaths are under investigation.                        concept and how to recognize potential suicides, but

    Message board                   INSIDE
   Combined Federal
   Campaign kickoff
     Tuesday from
  10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at
    Special Events
  The event features information
    booths from participating
                                                                                                                                                   Page 17
   agencies and a chili cookoff.
                                                         Page 10                             Pages 32-33
2    MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012

          MOUNTAINEER                                 WLC honors
                                                      Ethos: Each tenet
Commanding General:

                    Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson

Garrison Commander:

                                                      strengthened by next
                    Col. David L. Grosso

Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer:

                    Dee McNutt

Chief, Print and Web Communications:

                    Rick Emert
                                                            Commentary by Spc. Dustin S. LeFors                   Soldiers are sure to lose sight and quit.
                                                               Warrior Leader Course graduate                         Quitting is the most detrimental decision Soldiers
Editor:             Devin Fisher
                                                                                                                  can make. This breaks down the very core of the Army
Staff writer:       Andrea Sutherland                      The four parts of the Warrior Ethos define the high    operation. The mission will never be accomplished if
Happenings:         Nel Lampe                         standards of professionalism that we, as Soldiers, strive   Soldiers refuse to progress it. This also puts the burden
Sports writer:      Walt Johnson
                                                      to achieve. Individually, they are                                          on teammates. Without the added effort,
                                                      constituted of high minded, admirable                                       the Soldier’s teammates will become
Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall
                                                      goals. Together, however, they become                                       overburdened and the mission will falter.
                                                      a philosophy that cannot be attained if                                          The team must keep in mind the
       This commercial enterprise newspaper is        the four are mutually exclusive. Each                                       final tenet in the Warrior Ethos; to never
an authorized publication for members of the          plays off of, and is strengthened by,                                       leave a fallen comrade. It is our duty to
Department of Defense. Contents of the
Mountaineer are not necessarily the official
                                                      its brethren tenets.                                                        recognize when our fellow Soldiers are
view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or            Soldiers’ main directives are to                                       wavering. We must do everything we
the Department of the Army. Printed circulation       complete the mission. Whether it is                                         can to keep them from falling into apathy
is 12,000 copies.                                     to conduct training or execute battle-                                      and frustration. We must pick each other
       The editorial content of the                   field maneuvers in theater, the mission                                     up — be it literally or figuratively —
Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public
Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119,
                                                      must be accomplished. To achieve                                            and continue the mission. If one Soldier
Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is                 this, Soldiers must place the mission                                       is left behind in any situation, it can                            first. If this is not done, Soldiers will                                   only be credited as a loss; a defeat.
       The Mountaineer is posted on the               lose focus and ultimately fail to meet          Spc. Dustin S. LeFors            When these four philosophies are
Internet at                         the standard.
                                                                                                       Warrior Ethos award        brought together and employed, they
       The Mountaineer is an unofficial
publication authorized by AR 360-1. The
                                                           Failing to meet the standard will,                                     form an unfaltering battle mind that
Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs            in due course, lead to defeat. The                                          is representative of centuries of
Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in           Army standards are set to efficiently accomplish            struggle, progress and excellence. The Warrior Ethos
no way connected with the Department of the           the mission. Therefore, Soldiers cannot accept this         is not only a superior way of thought, but a superior
Army, under exclusive written contract with           defeat. To do so would be to place the mission in a         way of action. When employed, no one can doubt that
Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year.
       The appearance of advertising in this
                                                      sub-primary precedence position. Once this is done,         we are American Soldiers.
publication, including inserts or supplements,
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right to reject advertisements.
       Everything advertised in this publication
                                                                                           Top WLC graduates
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If a violation or rejection of this equal
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       All correspondence or queries regarding
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to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper                                                     Spc. Adam T. Frame, 3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg.
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Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905.                                                Sgt. David C. Fuqua, 267th MP
       The Mountaineer’s editorial content is
edited, prepared and provided by the Public
                                                                                           Spc. Joseph E. Giddings, 2nd STB
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       Releases from outside sources are so                Distinguished award             Sgt. Craig A. Haven, 2nd STB
indicated. The deadline for submissions to the                                             Sgt. William S. Jones, 2nd STB
Mountaineer is close of business the week
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Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit
submissions for newspaper style, clarity and
                                                                                           Spc. Andrew D. Leeck, 3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg.
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       Policies and statements reflected in the
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       Reproduction of editorial material is
authorized. Please credit accordingly.
                                                                                           Spc. Nancy A. Ortega, 152nd MCT
                                                                                           Sgt. William J. Richardson, 1st Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg.
                                                                                           Spc. Ana J. Romero, 2nd Bn., 8th Inf. Reg.
                                                                                           Spc. Ricardo A. Rosa-Cortes, 1st Bn., 8th Inf. Reg.
                                                                                           Sgt. Jacob R. Samuels-Kalow, 2nd STB
 Classified advertising
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      329-5236                                                                             Spc. Shana A. Sanchez, 60th Ord.
    Display advertising
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        634-5905                                                                           Sgt. Nicolas S. Shaw, 2nd Bn., 8th Inf. Reg.
                                                       Spc. Raymond C. Scoggins            Sgt. Zachary Sommers, 743rd MI Bn.
    Mountaineer editor                                     Leadership award
       526-4144                                                                            Spc. Douglas K. Squires, 59th QM
       Post information
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    Post weather hotline
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         526-0096                                                                          Sgt. Chadwick M. Williams, 3rd Bn., 157th FA Reg.
Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER               3

83,000 still missing

POW/MIA ceremony remembers sacrifices
              By Jim Garamone                            pointed to the POW/MIA flags                                                 new science that allows the
         American Forces Press Service                   flying at the Pentagon and said he                                           department to find and identify
                                                         hoped they would cause Americans                                             those listed as missing in action
    WASHINGTON — At every federal building               to pause and think of the 83,000                                             and to give them the recognition
and post office a simple black and white flag flew       Americans still missing from the                                             and honors they deserve.
Sept. 21, along with the national colors as a reminder   wars of the last 100 years.                                                       “Today more than 8,000
of the sacrifices and valor of former prisoners of            Navy Adm. James A.                                                      remain listed as missing in
war and those still missing in action.                   Winnefeld Jr., the vice chairman of                                          action from the Korean War,”
    At the annual National POW/MIA Recognition Day       the Joint Chiefs of Staff and special                                        he said. “Names that are a
ceremony, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter      guest former Sen. Chuck Hagel                                                testament to the inscription on
                                                         were among those attending.                                                  the Korean War Memorial that,
                                                              Former prisoners of war and                                             ‘Freedom is not free.’”
   “Courageous men and women                             the families of those still missing                                               Still the U.S. government will
    throughout American                                  in action were present as well.
                                                              “We honor your courage and
                                                                                                                                       not rest, he said, noting it has
                                                                                                                                       used technological advances to
    history have answered the                            strength,”        Carter        said.                                         bring closure to the Families of
                                                         “Courageous men and women                                               those missing from that war.
    call to serve. And just as                           throughout American history have                                       “Just last month, the remains of Cpl.
    they committed themselves                            answered the call to serve. And just as they
                                                         committed themselves to serve this country, so this
                                                                                                                      Clarence Huff, a Marine from Brunswick, Ohio,
                                                                                                                  who was reported missing in action since the India
    to serve this country, so                            country will never tire and never rest until each and    Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment of the 1st
                                                         every one of (the MIA) are returned home.”               Marine Division, came under fire near the Chosin
    this country will never tire                              But this is not something that only concerns        Reservoir in December 1950, returned to Ohio and were
    and never rest until each                            older wars.
                                                              “Our most pressing concern at this moment is for
                                                                                                                  given a proper burial with full military honors,”
                                                                                                                  Winnefeld said. This is thanks to the efforts of the Joint
    and every one of (the MIA)                           Army Sgt. Beau Bergdahl, who was captured by             POW/MIA Accounting Command, the admiral said.
                                                         enemy forces in Afghanistan in June 2009,” Carter            Hagel, a Vietnam veteran, said former POWs
    are returned home.”                                  said. “We’re doing everything possible to locate and     and the Families of those missing in action have
    — Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter          bring him home and keeping his Family fully informed.”   continued to shape America “and have given
                                                              Winnefeld, too, spoke of the new techniques and     inspiration and grace to a nation.”
4        MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012

Suicide                                                                                                                                  Retiree appreciation
from Page 1

entire month and moving forward to just to think about
that as military members, Family members, teammates,
civilians, neighbors and friends to look out for each
other in our community.”
     “We’re looking at health promotion — estab-                                                                                         event is
lishment of good eating and sleeping habits, different
ways of exercising and that leadership must be
involved and accountable, so we’ll be looking at many
resources and not just those resources specifically for
suicide prevention,” said Morales. “Our goal is to let                                                                                                    By Nel Lampe
Soldiers, leaders, Family members and Army civilians                                                                                                     Mountaineer staff
know we have resources to help them remain risk-free.”
     Several of those resources include Army Strong                                                                                           Fort Carson hosts its annual Retiree
Bonds, a program led by the Chaplain Corps which                                                                                         Appreciation Day Oct. 13, beginning at 7 a.m. at
seeks to build resiliency by offering individual                                                                                         McMahon Auditorium.
Soldiers and Families relationship education and skills                                                                                       Following briefings on medical, finance and
training, explained Col. George A. Glaze, director of                                                                                    retiree issues, the veterans and their spouses will
the Health Promotion, Risk Reduction Task Force.                                                                                         be bused to the Special Events Center for a
     “We have Comprehensive Soldier and Family                                                                                           complimentary continental breakfast and an
Fitness which is about building resiliency and learning                                                                                  information fair, which runs from 8 a.m. to noon.
coping life skills that you need to handle with some                                                                                     More than 40 booths, set up by agencies and
of the challenges we have,” Glaze added. “We have                                                                    U.S. Army graphic   organizations with information of interest to
the Army substance abuse program that gets after                                                                                         retirees, will be in the events center.
the dependencies on alcohol and drug abuse and                    those leaders down to the unit to figure out what is                        “We look forward to Retiree Appreciation
we have for those Soldiers who are geographically                 specific to their communities and populations —                        Day every year as it gives us the chance to connect
dispersed the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline,               relationship challenges or financial challenges — then                 and communicate with the Soldiers who’ve gone
1-800-273-TALK.”                                                  making sure the assets are available to them.”                         before us. It’s great to have hundreds of retirees on
     Morales said programs like ACE — Ask, Care,                       In the end, he said, the solution to Army suicides                post and let them know we appreciate their service
Escort — teaches skills on how to intervene, and what             rests with Soldiers asking for help and recognizing                    to our nation,” said Garrison Commander Col.
questions to ask to get Soldiers the help they need. He           that it’s okay to come forward and ask for help                        David Grosso.
said the key is to have the courage to intervene by               without repercussion.                                                       Flu vaccine will be available for attendees at
stepping in with alternative solutions.                                “Seeking help when needed is a sign of                            the event, as will vision and cholesterol screenings
     “There can be no bystanders in this battlefront,”            strength. Help is out there, it’s available and it                     and blood pressure checks.
Glaze said. “The stand down is an opportunity to                  works,” Glaze said. “The quicker you get help, the                          Retirees or spouses who need to get new
heighten awareness by offering a menu to commanders,              quicker you get back into the fight.”                                  identification cards, wills or powers of attorney will
                                                                                                                                         be transported by bus to those offices during the fair.
                                                                                                                                              Representatives from Defense Finance and
                                                                                                                                         Accounting Service will answer questions about
                                                                                                                                         retiree and annuity pay.
                                                                     Interactive Customer Evaluation Ambassadors                              Throughout the half-day event, door prizes
                                                                                                                                         will be awarded, said Dixie Roberts, human
                                                                     Commended for Exceptional Service — are                             resources assistant at Retirement Services.
                                                                     selected from personnel who exemplify the                                Roberts said Retiree Services sent some
                                                                     spirit of keeping Fort Carson the “Best Home                        15,000 mailings to retirees in Colorado informing
                                                                     Town in the Army” with superior customer                            them of the event. About 1,500-2,000 retirees and
                                                                     service to our Soldiers, Family members,                            spouses are expected to attend.
                                                                     civilian employees and retirees.                                         “It’s a chance to get information to and inform
                                                                                                                                         retirees one-on-one at a forum geared to them,”
      Plans, Analysis and Integration Office                      welcome to come back at any time if they                               said Roberts.
                                                                  need to, he said.                                                           For more information call 524-2432.
     Dale McKitrick, Army Community Service                           McKitrick is not a newcomer to finance.
Financial Readiness Program, guides Soldiers and                  He served 22 years in finance in the Army, retired
Family members to the path of good financial security.            at Fort Carson and started with ACS four
     He is quick to point out that he guides and                  years ago. He gets Soldiers thinking about their
doesn’t order.                                                    money, how to spend it in a way that benefits
     “I tell them, ‘I am not your mom or dad                      them and steers them clear of businesses that might
and I am definitely not that (noncommissioned                     take advantage of them. He spends two-and-a-half
officer) who orders you to go get mandatory                       hours talking with Soldiers about their finances
counseling,’” McKitrick said. “I want them to be                  during their in-processing.
here voluntarily. If they don’t want to be here                       “We make it interactive. We tell them real stories
and want my help in straightening out their finances,             about real Soldiers that they can relate to,” he said.
I tell them that they can go.”                                        It is this approach that appears to make the
     But his door is always open and they are                     program successful.
                                                                                    One Soldier commented: “Great
                                                                               information, I did not get a brief like
                                                                               this as a private at Fort Hood, (Texas).
                                                                               As a result, I paid $19,000 for a 2005
                                                                               Cobalt in 2008. Thanks to people like
                                                                               Dale, maybe privates will not make
                                                                               the same mistake I did.”
                                                                                                                                           Drug Take-Back
                                                                                    Another said: “Dale was very
                                                                               informative and helped answer many
                                                                               questions I had. I believe this should be
                                                                               the first brief that incoming Soldiers have.”
                                                                                                                                            Day Saturday
                                                                                                                                                Fort Carson community members can turn
                                                                                    McKitrick and the Financial                            in unused and expired prescribed medication
                                                                               Readiness team are available for                            for proper disposal Saturday as part of the U.S.
                                                                               consultations for Soldiers and their                        Drug Enforcement Administration’s National
                                                                               Family members. Many of their customers                     Drug Take-Back Day.
                                                                               are Soldiers who were motivated by the                           The medications can be dropped off
                       Dale McKitrick                                          in-brief, but all are welcome. Contact                      between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Exchange
                    Army Community Service                                     ACS at 526-4590 for more information.                       and commissary.
                                                                                                                                                The four national Take-Back Days have
 The ICE system is available for customers to rate service they   at Army Community Service, the Iron Horse Sports and Fitness             removed more than 1.5 million pounds (774
 receive by highlighting superior service or making suggestions   Center, DEERS Office, the Soldier Family Assistance Center or            tons) of medication from circulation,
 to improve services. It can be accessed at http://ice.disa.      Balfour Beatty’s Joel Hefley Community Center; or by depositing          according to a DEA release.
 mil/index.cfm?fa=site&site(underscore)id=437; through kiosks     an ICE card at one of the many boxes located around post.
Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER                                                                            5

Soldiers volunteer to reduce DUIs
        By Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch
    2nd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs
          Office, 4th Infantry Division
                                                                                    Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment. “You feel good
                                                                                    helping people out, and people show a lot of gratitude.”
                                                                                         Operating Thursday-Saturday from 10 p.m.
                                                                                    to 3 a.m., the program sends two volunteer drivers to a
    Drunken driving incidents are taking a hit at                                   sponsored location to pick up an intoxicated individual,
Fort Carson and surrounding areas thanks to 2nd                                     his vehicle and any passengers who came with him and
Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division,                                         bring them safely to their final destination.
Soldiers volunteering for a Colorado Springs                                             “It’s Soldiers helping Soldiers,” said Spc. David
designated driver program.                                                          Sharp, two-year volunteer driver, from Company A,
    In its fourth year, Designated Driver of Colorado                               204th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd BCT.
Springs allows Soldiers to go out, have a good time                                      “I love to help Soldiers, and I have seen what a
and not worry about getting themselves or their                                     (drunken driving incident) can do to a Soldier and
vehicles home safely after a night of drinking.                                     his Family,” said Sharp. “I try to do my part to pre-
    “It’s great for Soldiers, and it’s a great experience                           vent (DUIs) from happening.”
helping people out,” said Spc. Miguel Vasquez, a                                         The service would not be possible if it wasn’t for
volunteer driver with Forward Support Company, 2nd                                  the support of Fort Carson Soldiers, said Noni Rispin,                                                Don’t drink and drive
                                                                                    program founder and executive director.                                                               Program sends two volunteer drivers
                                                                                         “Ninety-five percent of our volunteer drivers are                                            to a sponsored location to provide safe rides
     “It’s Soldiers helping                                                         Fort Carson Soldiers,” she said. “My volunteers from
                                                                                    Fort Carson are absolutely amazing; I can’t talk
                                                                                                                                                                                        home for Soldier, vehicle and passengers,
                                                                                                                                                                                         Thursday-Sunday from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m.
      Soldiers. ... I try                                                           highly enough of them.”
                                                                                         Rispin noted that a former post Soldier logged
                                                                                                                                                                                      For more information call Designated Driver
                                                                                                                                                                                          of Colorado Springs at 719-650-3450
                                                                                    more than 800 hours and several current drivers have
      to do my part to                                                              300-400 volunteer hours with the program.
                                                                                         Volunteering for the program allows Soldiers to
                                                                                                                                                                                           or visit

      prevent (DUIs)                                                                work toward their Military Outstanding Volunteer
                                                                                    Service Medal.
                                                                                                                                                                           more than 700 designated drivers have been military
                                                                                                                                                                           personnel, Rispin said.
      from happening.”                                                                   “The time spent volunteering goes toward your
                                                                                    volunteer ribbon and promotion points,” said Vasquez.
                                                                                                                                                                                “It’s a great resource for Soldiers,” said 1st Lt.
                                                                                                                                                                           Brian Garcia, program volunteer, Headquarters and
                                                — Spc. David Sharp                       The program is open to all residents of the Front                                 Headquarters Troop, 2nd Special Troops Battalion.
                                                                                    Range community and has provided more than                                             “It helps prevent DUIs and keeps Soldiers safe; able
                                                                                    13,000 safe rides. Since the program’s inception,                                      to deploy and accomplish the mission.”

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6       MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012

AFAP conference addresses singles’ issues
  Story and photo by Spc. Nathan Thome                             service and other topics and
   4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office                     issues important to Soldiers.
                                                                        “AFAP doesn’t just mean
     The Elkhorn Conference Center buzzed with                     Soldier, spouse, kid; it means the
conversation as Soldiers from units across Fort Carson             ‘Army Family.’ Single Soldiers
spoke with the Better Opportunities for Single                     play a role in that Family, so they
Soldiers council and facilitators from the Directorate             have to have their voices heard as
of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation to                    well” said Rushaunda Farmer,
address issues and concerns on post, Sept. 19.                     workforce development specialist,
     About 60 Soldiers attended the BOSS Army Family               Directorate of Human Resources.
Action Plan conference to discuss solutions for concerns           “I think that having a separate
specific to single Soldiers. The top five Soldiers’                BOSS AFAP lets single Soldiers
                              concerns will be sent to             bring up issues specific to them; it
                              the installation’s AFAP              provides that platform for them
 Top 5 concerns               meeting to be addressed              to do something about issues that
 The following issues were    at the post level.                   they see within their community.”
 forwarded to the post             “BOSS AFAP is                        Kicking off the BOSS AFAP
 Army Family Action Plan      different than the Army              conference, Garrison Command
 to be addressed at the       Community           Service          Sgt. Maj. Steven O. Green spoke
 installation level:          AFAP, because it’s                   to the Soldiers, encouraging
                              specifically for single              them to think of installation                                        Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Steven O. Green talks to
 Ø Opportunity to have
                              Soldiers,” said Cpl.                 issues and solutions to fix them.                                    Soldiers about the importance of expressing their issues
    pets in the barracks
                              Rachael        Robertson,                 “The BOSS program is the Soldiers’ program,                     and concerns about Fort Carson during a Better
 Ø Choosing to live on        installation         BOSS            and today, they are here to make the installation
    or off post                                                                                                                         Opportunities for Single Soldiers Army Family Action Plan
                              president, U.S. Army                 better for single Soldiers by voicing their opinion to               conference at the Elkhorn Conference Center, Sept. 19.
 Ø Opting out of a meal       Garrison Fort Carson.                the installation level,” said Green.
    card or being able to     “We have a separate one                   Soldiers take their concerns and issues, and                    Headquarters Company, 1st Special Troops
    use them at shoppettes    because we want (single)             vote on the top five issues to be addressed at the                   Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry
    or the commissary         Soldiers to be included.”            installation level, said Green. This conference is                   Division. “It helped them to talk to the other
 Ø Getting unit commanders         BOSS AFAP acti-                 their chance to voice their concerns on things geared                Soldiers and feel more comfortable.”
    more involved with        vated in 1989 to meet                toward single Soldiers.                                                  After the game, each Soldier received a half sheet
    Better Opportunities for  the recreation needs of                   Starting off the conference with an “ice breaker,”              of colored paper. Every Soldier with the same color
    Single Soldiers program   single Soldiers. In 1991,            Soldiers split into groups of 10 and played a game.                  paper split into their designated groups, occupying
 Ø Increased security         it expanded to include               “We had Soldiers participate in the game as a way to                 different rooms around the conference center.
    at the post gates         quality of life, recreation,         get them out of their shells,” said Spc. Elizabeth
                                                                                                                                                                           See BOSS on Page 11
                              leisure,      community              Erickson, BOSS vice president, Headquarters and

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Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER                  7
Miscellaneous                                                     Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation
Points only, nondeployable unit — Reinforcement             Dining facility              Friday                        Saturday-Sunday              Monday-Thursday
   training units provide a “home” for Individual Ready     Stack                     Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.              Closed                      Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
   Reserve Soldiers who want to maintain Reserve                                      Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                  Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   affiliation. Soldiers considering leaving troop                                    Dinner: Closed                                               Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.
   program unit assignment can consider the 6399th/         Wolf                      Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.              Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.         Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
   6404th RTU as a short- or long-term option. Benefits                               Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.      Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   include earning retirement points and “good” years;                                Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.              Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.         Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m.
   optional monthly nonpaid drill weekends; continued
   military training; paid annual training opportunities;   Warfighter                Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.              Closed                      Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.
   earning retirement points via correspondence courses;    (Wilderness Road Complex) Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                  Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
   and easy transfer to TPUs if desired. Contact Chief                                Dinner: Closed                                               Dinner: Closed
   Warrant Officer 4 Lake Gardner at 720-363-0511 or        LaRochelle                Breakfast: 7-9 a.m.              Closed                      Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. for more information.            10th SFG(A)               Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.                                  Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.
German Armed Forces Military Proficiency Badge                                        Dinner: Closed                                               Dinner: Closed
   — training and testing is conducted monthly. Events
   include swimming, marksmanship, track and field                  • Facility custodial services — Call Bryan           personnel being reassigned stateside. The briefings
   events (100-meter dash, shot put, long jump or high        Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ@            are held in building 1129, Freedom Performing Arts
   jump and 3,000-meter run or 1,000-meter swim) and for service needs or to report complaints.        Center; sign-in is at 7 a.m. and briefings start at 7:30
   a 12-kilometer road march. Soldiers with physical                • Elevator maintenance — Call Bryan                  a.m. Soldiers are required to bring Department
   limitations can also participate with an approved          Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.                of the Army Form 5118, signed by their unit
   alternate event authorized by medical personnel.                                               personnel section, and a pen to complete forms.
   Upon completion of all required events, Soldiers are             • Motor pool sludge removal/disposal —               Call 526-4730/4583 for more information.
   awarded a badge in gold, silver or bronze level —          Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or email                   Army ROTC Green-to-Gold briefings — are held
   determined by results of the marksmanship and road                               the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon
   march. This is a foreign military award authorized to            • Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary           at the education center, building 1117, room 120.
   be worn on the Class-A or Army Service Uniform.            Grant at 526-5844 or email gerald.l.grant2.civ             Call University of Colorado-Colorado Springs
   Soldiers should submit packets through their chain Use this number to obtain self-help             Army ROTC at 262-3475 for more information.
   of command to Sgt. Michael Phillips at 526-5282            tools and equipment or a motorized sweeper.              ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held the
   or email Contact                • Base operations contracting officer                first and third Wednesday of each month. Briefing
   Chief Warrant Officer David Douglas at 720-250-            representative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262              sign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier Readiness
   1221 or email                  or email for questions          Building, building 1042, room 244, on a first-come,
Finance travel processing — All inbound and                   on snow removal, grounds maintenance and                   first-served basis. Soldiers must be within 120 days
   outbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do it                 contractor response to service orders.                     of their expiration term of service, but must attend
   Yourself ” Moves, servicemember and Family                       • Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at            the briefing no later than 30 days prior to their ETS
   member travel, travel advance pay and travel pay           524-0786 or email to            or start of transition leave. Call 526-2240/8458.
   inquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231.      request latrines, for service or to report damaged       Special Forces briefings — are held Wednesdays in
   Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information.            or overturned latrines.                                    building 1430, room 123, from noon to 1 p.m.
First Sergeants’ Barracks Program 2020 — is located         Legal services — provided at the Soldier Readiness           Soldiers must be specialist-staff sergeant from any
   in building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The hours of         Processing site are for Soldiers undergoing the SRP        military occupational specialty, have a general
   operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The          process. The SRP Legal Office will only provide            technical score of at least 107, be a U.S. citizen, score
   office assists Soldiers with room assignments and          powers of attorney or notary services to Soldiers          240 or higher on the Army Physical Fitness Test, and
   terminations. For more information call 526-9707.          processing through the SRP. Retirees, Family               pass a Special Forces physical. Call 524-1461 or
Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort Carson                  members and Soldiers not in the SRP process can            visit the website at
   Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third                 receive legal assistance and powers of attorney at
   Tuesday of each month at the Family Connection             the main legal office located at 1633 Mekong St.,        Hours of Operation
   Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The SAMC              building 6222, next to the Family Readiness Center.
   is open to all active members and those interested         Legal assistance prepares powers of attorney and         Central Issue Facility
   in becoming future SAMC members. The club was              performs notary services on a walk-in basis from                 • In-processing — Monday-Thursday from
   originally a U.S. Forces Command organization of           8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays and                 7:30-10:30 a.m.
   elite noncommissioned officers but is now an               Fridays, and from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays.                 • Initial and partial issues — Monday-
   Armywide program for those who meet the criteria                                                                      Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m.
   and have proven themselves to be outstanding             Briefings                                                          • Cash sales/report of survey — Monday-
   NCOs through a board/leadership process. Contact                                                                      Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
   the SAMC president, Staff Sgt. Thomas Witt, at           75th Ranger Regiment briefings — are held                          • Direct exchange and partial turn ins —
   526-5661 for more information.                             Tuesdays in building 1430, room 150, from noon             Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m.
Recycle incentive program — The Directorate of                to 1 p.m. Soldiers must be private-sergeant first                • Full turn ins — by appointment only; call
   Public Works has an incentive program to prevent           class with a minimum General Technical Score of            526-3321.
   recyclable waste from going to the landfill.               105; be a U.S. citizen; score 240 or higher on the               • Unit issues and turn ins — Call 526-
   Participating battalions can earn monetary rewards         Army Physical Fitness Test; and pass a Ranger              5512/6477 for approval.
   for turning recyclable materials in to the Fort Carson     physical. Call 524-2691 or visit http://www.             Education Center hours of operation — The
   Recycle Center, building 155. Points are assigned for for more information.               Mountain Post Training and Education Center,
   the pounds of recyclable goods turned in and every       Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training            building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows:
   participating battalion receives money quarterly. Call     — is held Oct. 16-18 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in                 • Counselor Support Center — Monday-
   526-5898 for more information about the program.           building 1187 on Minnick Avenue, behind post car           Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11
Directorate of Public Works services — DPW is                 wash. Class is limited to 50 people on a first-come,       a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
   responsible for a wide variety of services on Fort         first-served basis. Contact Jean Graves at 526-                  • Army Learning Center — Monday-
   Carson. Services range from repair and maintenance         5613/5614 or for more              Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
   of facilities to equipping units with a sweeper and        information.                                                     • Defense Activity for Nontraditional
   cleaning motor pools. Listed below are phone             Disposition Services — Defense Logistics Agency              Education Support and Army Personnel Testing —
   numbers and points of contact for services:                Disposition Services Colorado Springs, located in          Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m.
         • Facility repair/service orders — Fort              building 381, conducts orientations Fridays from         Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building
   Carson Support Services service order desk can be          12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss DLA               217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.
   reached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergencies       processes to include turning in excess property,         Claims Office hours — are Monday-Friday from 9
   or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage,            reutilizing government property, web-based tools           a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m. on the first floor of
   damaged traffic signs or other facility damage.            available, special handling of property and                building 6222, 1633 Mekong Street. Shipment
         • Refuse/trash and recycling — Call Eric             environmental needs. To schedule an orientation,           under Full Replacement Value claimants must
   Bailey at 719-491-0218 or email eric.e.bailey4.            contact Arnaldo Borrerorivera at arnaldo.borrerorivera     submit Department of Defense Form 1840R to the when needing trash containers, trash for receiving/turn in; Mike Welsh at              carrier within 75 days. Shipment under Defense
   is overflowing or emergency service is required.  for reutilization/web tools; or         Personal Property Program claimants must log into
                                                              Rufus Guillory at                  the Defense Personal Property System at http://
                                                            Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. to noon and report all the items online
 BOSS meetings are held the first                             the second and third Wednesday of each month at            within 75 days. Claims must be submitted within
 and third Thursday of each month                             the Joel Hefley Community Center conference room,          nine months directly with carriers to receive full
 from 2-3:30 p.m. at The Foxhole.
                                                              6800 Prussman Ave. The Retirement Services Office          replacement value for missing and destroyed
 Contact Cpl. Rachael Robertson at
 524-2677 or visit the BOSS office in room 106 of The
                                                              recommends spouses accompany Soldiers to the               items. All other claims should be submitted to Fort
 Hub for more information. Text “follow CarsonBOSS”           briefing. Call 526-2840 for more information.              Carson Claims Office within two years of the date
 to 40404 to receive updates and event information.         Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays
                                                              for Soldiers heading overseas and Thursdays for                                           See Briefs on Page 8
8     MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012

                                                                                                                       from Page 7

                                                                                                                         of delivery or date of incident. Call the Fort Carson

                                           Passing                                                                       Claims Office at 526-1355 for more information.
                                                                                                                       Medical Activity Correspondence Department office hours
                                                                                                                         — The Correspondence (Release of Information) Office

                                           the sword                                                                     in the Patient Administration Division hours are Monday-
                                                                                                                         Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed
                                                                                                                         Thursday and federal holidays. Call 526-7322 or
                                                                                                                         526-7284 for details.
                                                                                         Command Sgt.                  The Fort Carson Trial Defense Service office — is able
                                                                                         Maj. Shawn                      to help Soldiers 24/7 and is located at building 1430, room
                                                                                         Alvarado,                       233. During duty hours, Soldiers should call 526-4563.
                                                                                         outgoing senior                 The 24-hour phone number for after hours, holidays
                                                                                         enlisted adviser,               and weekends is 526-0051. Know your rights.
                                                                                         2nd Battalion,                Work Management Branch — The DPW Work
                                                                                         8th Infantry                    Management Branch, responsible for processing work
                                                                                         Regiment, 2nd                   orders — Facilities Engineering Work Requests, DA
                                                                                         Brigade Combat                  Form 4283 — is be open for processing work orders
                                                                                         Team, 4th                       and other in-person support from 7-11:30 a.m.
                                                                                         Infantry Division,              Monday-Friday. Afternoon customer support is by
                                                                                         passes the unit                 appointment only, call 526-2900. The Work Management
                                                                                         sword to Lt. Col.               Branch is located in building 1219.
                                                                                         Desmond Bailey,               Command Evaluation and Training Team — COMET
                                                                                         commander, 2nd                  provides commanders at all levels with a responsive
                                                                                         Bn., 8th Inf. Reg.,             maintenance and supply assessment and training tool
                                                                                         during a change                 that improves the combat effectiveness, readiness and
                                                                                         of responsibility               efficiency of their units’ logistical programs. The team
                                                                                         ceremony                        identifies supply and maintenance weaknesses and
                                                                                         at Founders                     problems, and provides individual and unit reinforce-
                                                                                         Field, Sept. 18.                ment training based on assessments. Results remain
                                                                                         Alvarado                        confidential for the unit commander only. COMET
                                                                                         relinquished                    provides assistance in the majority of maintenance
                                                                                         responsibility                  and supply management areas with one-on-one
                                                                                         of the battalion                training, and by conducting follow-up visits. The team
                                                                                         to Command                      also conducts classes to help strengthen supply skills
                                                                                         Sgt. Maj. Isaac                 and improve maintenance readiness. Contact Tim
                                                                                         Ragusa III, left.               Howarth at 503-3095 or
                                                      Photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch
                                                                                                                         for information.

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Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER   9
10 MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012

                                                                             Soldiers train on
                                                                             warrior tasks, drills
                                                                             Story and photo by Sgt. April York
                                                                               2nd Brigade Combat Team Public
                                                                                                                               get the kinks out, so Soldiers who can’t
                                                                                                                               remember from basic training get a refresher.”
                                                                               Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division               The training was set up for all Soldiers
                                                                                                                               from private to staff sergeant to move
                                                                                  Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 67th            through the lanes.
                                                                             Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat                    “It was a good refresher,” said Spc.
                                                                             Team, 4th Infantry Division, conducted            Travis Connelly, Company C, 1st Bn., 67th
                                                                             basic warrior tasks training at Fort Carson’s     Armor Reg. “There were a lot of things the
                                                                             Training Area Bravo, Sept. 11-19.                 new guys didn’t know on the medical lanes,
                                                                                  The training was set up in six lanes and     and they need to know those lifesaving
                                                                             covered more than 40 tasks, said Sgt. 1st         techniques, so it helped out a lot.
                                                                             Class Travis Palin, noncommissioned                   “This training is useful and you never
                                                                             officer in charge of the training, Head-          know when you are going to have to use it,”
                                                                             quarters and Headquarters Company, 1st            said Connelly. “Some things you never
                                                                             Bn., 67th Armor Reg.                              think will happen actually do happen, and
                                                                                  The tasks included first aid, react to       you need the knowledge to overcome
                                                                             contact, react under indirect fire, hand and      that situation.”
                                                                             arm signals, weapons assembly for M4 and              Each lane was overseen by an NCO
                                                                             M9, land navigation, improvised explosive         who trained the Soldiers and evaluated
                                                                             device detection, how to search suspects,         them as they performed the tasks.
                                                                             media training and chemical, biological,              “The Soldiers are learning and they are
                                                                             radiological and nuclear detection.               absorbing a lot of information all at once,
                                                                                  Palin said each squad would take about       and they are doing a good job,” said Staff
                                                                             an hour to an hour and a half to get through      Sgt. Daniel Pine, noncommissioned officer
                                                                             each lane.                                        in charge of the react-to-contact lane,
                                                                                  “Overall the training is going real          Company A, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg.
Spc. Travis Connelly, Company C, 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd     well,” Palin said. “We had some rough                 “Everything we are training on out
Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, pulls his M40 Field Protective   patches when we first started out, but that       here is used during deployment so I hope
Mask over his head while an alarm sounds during warrior skills training at   is to be expected. Everybody has to know          the (Soldiers) take away as much of the
Fort Carson’s Training Area Bravo, Sept. 18.                                 their skill level 1 tasks and it’s important to   knowledge as they can.”

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Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER          11
BOSS                                                                      ranging from pet-friendly barracks, to
                                                                          improved security at the post gates.
                                                                                                                     addressed, including issues about the
                                                                                                                     BOSS program itself.
                                                                                                                                                                      If units had more command partici-
                                                                                                                                                                 pation, there would be a greater turnout
from Page 6                                                                   “As a council, we are the voice of         This was the first year BOSS has        for these kinds of events, she said.
                                                                          every single Soldier on post, which        had an issue brought up that had to do           Soldiers presented their issues and
    “I think that it’s a good idea that                                   includes single parents and geographical   with the BOSS program itself, which         concerns to facilitators with a list of
the BOSS program is holding this                                          bachelors. We hold the annual BOSS         was a milestone in BOSS AFAP, said          solutions. Each Soldier received five
conference; it’s a good way to get the                                    AFAP so we are aware of what they          Robertson. Soldiers wanted more             voting stickers and voted on the issues
information out,” said Spc. Samantha                                      want,” said Robertson.                     support from commanders to push the         they wanted addressed at the installa-
Swope, food service specialist, HHC,                                          The council tries to work all the      program to Soldiers in their units.         tion’s AFAP conference.
1st STB, 1st BCT. “We have the                                            issues through the sergeant major.             Soldiers told their facilitators that        “You won’t find a lot of people or
opportunity to discuss issues on Fort                                     When Soldiers submit issues, the           they weren’t aware of the BOSS program      places that care this much about their
Carson like policies and facilities.”                                     BOSS council, Green and DFMWR              and activities and events it offers.        Soldiers; we go above and beyond
    The DFMWR facilitators and                                            all make plans to address every issue          “BOSS increases the morale of           for these Soldiers,” said Erickson.
Soldiers told the others in the group                                     as best they can, said Robertson.          Soldiers, and I really think that command   “Training is very important, but so is
their names and what they like to do                                          BOSS AFAP has had its biggest          should push BOSS opportunities, not         fun. That’s why BOSS is here, to
around post and Colorado Springs.                                         turnout of Soldiers this year, who have    just during the work week, but also         boost the morale of the Soldiers on
    The Soldiers expressed concerns                                       come up with dozens of issues to be        on the weekend,” said Swope.                Fort Carson.”

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Mountaineer 2012 09-28
Mountaineer 2012 09-28

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Mountaineer 2012 09-28

  • 1. Vol. 70 No. 39 Sept. 28, 2012 Soldier for a day From left, Heidi Allen, Molly Wolf, Heather Hoffman and Heather Siebers carry a litter to the finish line of an obstacle course, Sept. 21. The team completed the obstacle course as part of Jayne Wayne Day, which gave spouses a taste of what their Soldiers do on a daily basis. Hosted by Soldiers from 4th Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, the day featured physical training, land navigation, weapons simulation and paintball and obstacle courses. See story on pages 20-21. Photo by Andrea Sutherland Army holds suicide prevention stand down By J.D. Leipold Army New Service “Suicide is the toughest enemy I have faced in my 37 years in the Army,” he said, adding that he believes this year’s program brings a more holistic approach to beating the epidemic, said Walter O. Morales, chief of it preventable through solutions aimed at helping the Army Suicide Prevention Program. Morales said WASHINGTON — The Army conducted a individuals build resiliency to help strengthen their Army suicides have more than doubled since 2004. suicide prevention stand down worldwide to focus on life-coping skills. Austin said the Army must continue “I think the big difference between 2009 and now is promoting good health, teammate involvement, risk to address the stigma associated with asking for help. this time we’ve focused all across the Army, even here at reduction and resilience training, Thursday. “Ultimately, we want the mindset across our the Pentagon we’re going to stand down with the Army Army Vice Chief of Staff Gen. Lloyd J. Austin force and society at large to be that behavioral health chief of staff leading a personal session by talking with III ordered the stand down following the release of is a routine part of what we do and who we are as we the general officers and senior executives,” said Lt. Gen. July suicide figures, which confirmed two suicides strive to maintain our own physical and mental Howard Bromberg, Army chief of staff for personnel. and another 36 potential suicides presently under wellness,” Austin said. “This is absolutely a battle that we have to engage in investigation. This year, 120 active-duty Soldiers are The last suicide prevention stand down the Army every single day,” he said. “I’m asking all Soldiers this confirmed to have taken their lives while another had was in 2009 and followed the train-the-trainer See Suicide on Page 4 67 deaths are under investigation. concept and how to recognize potential suicides, but Message board INSIDE Combined Federal Campaign kickoff Tuesday from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Special Events Center. The event features information booths from participating Page 17 agencies and a chili cookoff. Page 10 Pages 32-33
  • 2. 2 MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012 MOUNTAINEER WLC honors Ethos: Each tenet Commanding General: Maj. Gen. Joseph Anderson Garrison Commander: strengthened by next Col. David L. Grosso Fort Carson Public Affairs Officer: Dee McNutt Chief, Print and Web Communications: Rick Emert Commentary by Spc. Dustin S. LeFors Soldiers are sure to lose sight and quit. Warrior Leader Course graduate Quitting is the most detrimental decision Soldiers Editor: Devin Fisher can make. This breaks down the very core of the Army Staff writer: Andrea Sutherland The four parts of the Warrior Ethos define the high operation. The mission will never be accomplished if Happenings: Nel Lampe standards of professionalism that we, as Soldiers, strive Soldiers refuse to progress it. This also puts the burden Sports writer: Walt Johnson to achieve. Individually, they are on teammates. Without the added effort, constituted of high minded, admirable the Soldier’s teammates will become Layout/graphics: Jeanne Mazerall goals. Together, however, they become overburdened and the mission will falter. a philosophy that cannot be attained if The team must keep in mind the This commercial enterprise newspaper is the four are mutually exclusive. Each final tenet in the Warrior Ethos; to never an authorized publication for members of the plays off of, and is strengthened by, leave a fallen comrade. It is our duty to Department of Defense. Contents of the Mountaineer are not necessarily the official its brethren tenets. recognize when our fellow Soldiers are view of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government or Soldiers’ main directives are to wavering. We must do everything we the Department of the Army. Printed circulation complete the mission. Whether it is can to keep them from falling into apathy is 12,000 copies. to conduct training or execute battle- and frustration. We must pick each other The editorial content of the field maneuvers in theater, the mission up — be it literally or figuratively — Mountaineer is the responsibility of the Public Affairs Office, Fort Carson, CO 80913-5119, must be accomplished. To achieve and continue the mission. If one Soldier Tel.: 526-4144. The e-mail address is this, Soldiers must place the mission is left behind in any situation, it can first. If this is not done, Soldiers will only be credited as a loss; a defeat. The Mountaineer is posted on the lose focus and ultimately fail to meet Spc. Dustin S. LeFors When these four philosophies are Internet at the standard. Warrior Ethos award brought together and employed, they The Mountaineer is an unofficial publication authorized by AR 360-1. The Failing to meet the standard will, form an unfaltering battle mind that Mountaineer is printed by Colorado Springs in due course, lead to defeat. The is representative of centuries of Military Newspaper Group, a private firm in Army standards are set to efficiently accomplish struggle, progress and excellence. The Warrior Ethos no way connected with the Department of the the mission. Therefore, Soldiers cannot accept this is not only a superior way of thought, but a superior Army, under exclusive written contract with defeat. To do so would be to place the mission in a way of action. When employed, no one can doubt that Fort Carson. It is published 49 times per year. The appearance of advertising in this sub-primary precedence position. Once this is done, we are American Soldiers. publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of the Army or Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Group, of the products or services advertised. The printer reserves the right to reject advertisements. Everything advertised in this publication Top WLC graduates shall be made available for purchase, use or Spc. Alexandra D. Ballenger, 4th Space patronage without regard to race, color, religion, Spc. Joshua R. Bennett, 2nd STB sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other Spc. Monique F. Brown, 4th BSB nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. Sgt. Matthew R. Callihan, 1st Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg. If a violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser is confirmed, Cpl. Matthew R. Cowan, 204th BSB the printer shall refuse to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. Sgt. Billy D. Cravens, 1st Space Bn. For display advertising call 634-5905. Sgt. William T. Earley, 638th Support Bn. All correspondence or queries regarding advertising and subscriptions should be directed Sgt. David L. Fears, 2nd Bn., 8th Inf. Reg. to Colorado Springs Military Newspaper Spc. Adam T. Frame, 3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg. Group, 31 E. Platte Avenue, Suite 300, Colorado Springs, CO 80903, phone 634-5905. Sgt. David C. Fuqua, 267th MP The Mountaineer’s editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Spc. Joseph E. Giddings, 2nd STB Affairs Office, building 1430, room 265, Fort Sgt. William J. Richardson Spc. Ruth A. Hanks, 59th MP Carson, CO 80913-5119, phone 526-4144. Releases from outside sources are so Distinguished award Sgt. Craig A. Haven, 2nd STB indicated. The deadline for submissions to the Sgt. William S. Jones, 2nd STB Mountaineer is close of business the week before the next issue is published. The Spc. Jonathan P. Landon, 663rd Ord. Mountaineer staff reserves the right to edit submissions for newspaper style, clarity and Spc. Andrew D. Leeck, 3rd Bn., 29th FA Reg. typographical errors. Spc. Dustin S. LeFors, 663rd Ord Policies and statements reflected in the news and editorial columns represent views Sgt. Corey R. Maypray, 2nd BCT of the individual writers and under no Spc. Jeremy J. McKenzie, 59th QM circumstances are to be considered those of the Department of the Army. Spc. Arnaldo Medina, 4th Bn., 42nd FA Reg. Reproduction of editorial material is authorized. Please credit accordingly. Spc. Nancy A. Ortega, 152nd MCT Sgt. William J. Richardson, 1st Sqdn., 10th Cav. Reg. Spc. Ana J. Romero, 2nd Bn., 8th Inf. Reg. Spc. Ricardo A. Rosa-Cortes, 1st Bn., 8th Inf. Reg. Sgt. Jacob R. Samuels-Kalow, 2nd STB Classified advertising Sgt. Adam J. Sanborn, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg. 329-5236 Spc. Shana A. Sanchez, 60th Ord. Display advertising Spc. Raymond C. Scoggins, 984th MP Company 634-5905 Sgt. Nicolas S. Shaw, 2nd Bn., 8th Inf. Reg. Spc. Raymond C. Scoggins Sgt. Zachary Sommers, 743rd MI Bn. Mountaineer editor Leadership award 526-4144 Spc. Douglas K. Squires, 59th QM Post information Sgt. Micah N. Stoke, 1st Space Bn. 526-5811 Spc. Lucas N. Urbancic, 1st Bn., 8th Inf. Reg. Post weather hotline Sgt. Monica J. Ward, 638th Support Bn. 526-0096 Sgt. Chadwick M. Williams, 3rd Bn., 157th FA Reg.
  • 3. Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 3 83,000 still missing POW/MIA ceremony remembers sacrifices By Jim Garamone pointed to the POW/MIA flags new science that allows the American Forces Press Service flying at the Pentagon and said he department to find and identify hoped they would cause Americans those listed as missing in action WASHINGTON — At every federal building to pause and think of the 83,000 and to give them the recognition and post office a simple black and white flag flew Americans still missing from the and honors they deserve. Sept. 21, along with the national colors as a reminder wars of the last 100 years. “Today more than 8,000 of the sacrifices and valor of former prisoners of Navy Adm. James A. remain listed as missing in war and those still missing in action. Winnefeld Jr., the vice chairman of action from the Korean War,” At the annual National POW/MIA Recognition Day the Joint Chiefs of Staff and special he said. “Names that are a ceremony, Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter guest former Sen. Chuck Hagel testament to the inscription on were among those attending. the Korean War Memorial that, Former prisoners of war and ‘Freedom is not free.’” “Courageous men and women the families of those still missing Still the U.S. government will throughout American in action were present as well. “We honor your courage and not rest, he said, noting it has used technological advances to history have answered the strength,” Carter said. bring closure to the Families of “Courageous men and women those missing from that war. call to serve. And just as throughout American history have “Just last month, the remains of Cpl. they committed themselves answered the call to serve. And just as they committed themselves to serve this country, so this Clarence Huff, a Marine from Brunswick, Ohio, who was reported missing in action since the India to serve this country, so country will never tire and never rest until each and Company, 3rd Battalion, 5th Marine Regiment of the 1st every one of (the MIA) are returned home.” Marine Division, came under fire near the Chosin this country will never tire But this is not something that only concerns Reservoir in December 1950, returned to Ohio and were and never rest until each older wars. “Our most pressing concern at this moment is for given a proper burial with full military honors,” Winnefeld said. This is thanks to the efforts of the Joint and every one of (the MIA) Army Sgt. Beau Bergdahl, who was captured by POW/MIA Accounting Command, the admiral said. enemy forces in Afghanistan in June 2009,” Carter Hagel, a Vietnam veteran, said former POWs are returned home.” said. “We’re doing everything possible to locate and and the Families of those missing in action have — Deputy Defense Secretary Ashton B. Carter bring him home and keeping his Family fully informed.” continued to shape America “and have given Winnefeld, too, spoke of the new techniques and inspiration and grace to a nation.”
  • 4. 4 MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012 Suicide Retiree appreciation Annual from Page 1 entire month and moving forward to just to think about that as military members, Family members, teammates, civilians, neighbors and friends to look out for each other in our community.” “We’re looking at health promotion — estab- event is Oct.13 lishment of good eating and sleeping habits, different ways of exercising and that leadership must be involved and accountable, so we’ll be looking at many resources and not just those resources specifically for suicide prevention,” said Morales. “Our goal is to let By Nel Lampe Soldiers, leaders, Family members and Army civilians Mountaineer staff know we have resources to help them remain risk-free.” Several of those resources include Army Strong Fort Carson hosts its annual Retiree Bonds, a program led by the Chaplain Corps which Appreciation Day Oct. 13, beginning at 7 a.m. at seeks to build resiliency by offering individual McMahon Auditorium. Soldiers and Families relationship education and skills Following briefings on medical, finance and training, explained Col. George A. Glaze, director of retiree issues, the veterans and their spouses will the Health Promotion, Risk Reduction Task Force. be bused to the Special Events Center for a “We have Comprehensive Soldier and Family complimentary continental breakfast and an Fitness which is about building resiliency and learning information fair, which runs from 8 a.m. to noon. coping life skills that you need to handle with some More than 40 booths, set up by agencies and of the challenges we have,” Glaze added. “We have U.S. Army graphic organizations with information of interest to the Army substance abuse program that gets after retirees, will be in the events center. the dependencies on alcohol and drug abuse and those leaders down to the unit to figure out what is “We look forward to Retiree Appreciation we have for those Soldiers who are geographically specific to their communities and populations — Day every year as it gives us the chance to connect dispersed the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline, relationship challenges or financial challenges — then and communicate with the Soldiers who’ve gone 1-800-273-TALK.” making sure the assets are available to them.” before us. It’s great to have hundreds of retirees on Morales said programs like ACE — Ask, Care, In the end, he said, the solution to Army suicides post and let them know we appreciate their service Escort — teaches skills on how to intervene, and what rests with Soldiers asking for help and recognizing to our nation,” said Garrison Commander Col. questions to ask to get Soldiers the help they need. He that it’s okay to come forward and ask for help David Grosso. said the key is to have the courage to intervene by without repercussion. Flu vaccine will be available for attendees at stepping in with alternative solutions. “Seeking help when needed is a sign of the event, as will vision and cholesterol screenings “There can be no bystanders in this battlefront,” strength. Help is out there, it’s available and it and blood pressure checks. Glaze said. “The stand down is an opportunity to works,” Glaze said. “The quicker you get help, the Retirees or spouses who need to get new heighten awareness by offering a menu to commanders, quicker you get back into the fight.” identification cards, wills or powers of attorney will be transported by bus to those offices during the fair. Representatives from Defense Finance and Accounting Service will answer questions about retiree and annuity pay. Interactive Customer Evaluation Ambassadors Throughout the half-day event, door prizes will be awarded, said Dixie Roberts, human Commended for Exceptional Service — are resources assistant at Retirement Services. selected from personnel who exemplify the Roberts said Retiree Services sent some spirit of keeping Fort Carson the “Best Home 15,000 mailings to retirees in Colorado informing Town in the Army” with superior customer them of the event. About 1,500-2,000 retirees and service to our Soldiers, Family members, spouses are expected to attend. civilian employees and retirees. “It’s a chance to get information to and inform retirees one-on-one at a forum geared to them,” Plans, Analysis and Integration Office welcome to come back at any time if they said Roberts. need to, he said. For more information call 524-2432. Dale McKitrick, Army Community Service McKitrick is not a newcomer to finance. Financial Readiness Program, guides Soldiers and He served 22 years in finance in the Army, retired Family members to the path of good financial security. at Fort Carson and started with ACS four He is quick to point out that he guides and years ago. He gets Soldiers thinking about their doesn’t order. money, how to spend it in a way that benefits “I tell them, ‘I am not your mom or dad them and steers them clear of businesses that might and I am definitely not that (noncommissioned take advantage of them. He spends two-and-a-half officer) who orders you to go get mandatory hours talking with Soldiers about their finances counseling,’” McKitrick said. “I want them to be during their in-processing. here voluntarily. If they don’t want to be here “We make it interactive. We tell them real stories and want my help in straightening out their finances, about real Soldiers that they can relate to,” he said. I tell them that they can go.” It is this approach that appears to make the But his door is always open and they are program successful. One Soldier commented: “Great information, I did not get a brief like this as a private at Fort Hood, (Texas). As a result, I paid $19,000 for a 2005 Cobalt in 2008. Thanks to people like Dale, maybe privates will not make the same mistake I did.” Drug Take-Back Another said: “Dale was very informative and helped answer many questions I had. I believe this should be the first brief that incoming Soldiers have.” Day Saturday Fort Carson community members can turn McKitrick and the Financial in unused and expired prescribed medication Readiness team are available for for proper disposal Saturday as part of the U.S. consultations for Soldiers and their Drug Enforcement Administration’s National Family members. Many of their customers Drug Take-Back Day. are Soldiers who were motivated by the The medications can be dropped off Dale McKitrick in-brief, but all are welcome. Contact between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. at the Exchange Army Community Service ACS at 526-4590 for more information. and commissary. The four national Take-Back Days have The ICE system is available for customers to rate service they at Army Community Service, the Iron Horse Sports and Fitness removed more than 1.5 million pounds (774 receive by highlighting superior service or making suggestions Center, DEERS Office, the Soldier Family Assistance Center or tons) of medication from circulation, to improve services. It can be accessed at http://ice.disa. Balfour Beatty’s Joel Hefley Community Center; or by depositing according to a DEA release. mil/index.cfm?fa=site&site(underscore)id=437; through kiosks an ICE card at one of the many boxes located around post.
  • 5. Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 5 Soldiers volunteer to reduce DUIs By Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch 2nd Brigade Combat Team Public Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division Battalion, 8th Infantry Regiment. “You feel good helping people out, and people show a lot of gratitude.” Operating Thursday-Saturday from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m., the program sends two volunteer drivers to a Drunken driving incidents are taking a hit at sponsored location to pick up an intoxicated individual, Fort Carson and surrounding areas thanks to 2nd his vehicle and any passengers who came with him and Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, bring them safely to their final destination. Soldiers volunteering for a Colorado Springs “It’s Soldiers helping Soldiers,” said Spc. David designated driver program. Sharp, two-year volunteer driver, from Company A, In its fourth year, Designated Driver of Colorado 204th Brigade Support Battalion, 2nd BCT. Springs allows Soldiers to go out, have a good time “I love to help Soldiers, and I have seen what a and not worry about getting themselves or their (drunken driving incident) can do to a Soldier and vehicles home safely after a night of drinking. his Family,” said Sharp. “I try to do my part to pre- “It’s great for Soldiers, and it’s a great experience vent (DUIs) from happening.” helping people out,” said Spc. Miguel Vasquez, a The service would not be possible if it wasn’t for volunteer driver with Forward Support Company, 2nd the support of Fort Carson Soldiers, said Noni Rispin, Don’t drink and drive program founder and executive director. Program sends two volunteer drivers “Ninety-five percent of our volunteer drivers are to a sponsored location to provide safe rides “It’s Soldiers helping Fort Carson Soldiers,” she said. “My volunteers from Fort Carson are absolutely amazing; I can’t talk home for Soldier, vehicle and passengers, Thursday-Sunday from 10 p.m. to 3 a.m. Soldiers. ... I try highly enough of them.” Rispin noted that a former post Soldier logged For more information call Designated Driver of Colorado Springs at 719-650-3450 more than 800 hours and several current drivers have to do my part to 300-400 volunteer hours with the program. Volunteering for the program allows Soldiers to or visit prevent (DUIs) work toward their Military Outstanding Volunteer Service Medal. more than 700 designated drivers have been military personnel, Rispin said. from happening.” “The time spent volunteering goes toward your volunteer ribbon and promotion points,” said Vasquez. “It’s a great resource for Soldiers,” said 1st Lt. Brian Garcia, program volunteer, Headquarters and — Spc. David Sharp The program is open to all residents of the Front Headquarters Troop, 2nd Special Troops Battalion. Range community and has provided more than “It helps prevent DUIs and keeps Soldiers safe; able 13,000 safe rides. Since the program’s inception, to deploy and accomplish the mission.” Let Us Help Y P You Prepare For Summer Driving! Ever y Full Ser vice Is A 16-Point r Preventive Maintenance Review! Make your $5.00 OFF other school A FULL SERVICE CHANGE! OIL CHANGE! OFFER VALID AT THE BELOW OFFER VALID AT THE BELOW COLORADO SPRINGS LOCATIONS COLORADO SPRINGS LOCAT ONS 350 South 8th St. TI supplies Valid only at the 350 South 8th St. and Phone: 719-520-0064 3795 Airport Blvd. jealous 3795 Airport Blvd., Colorado Springs, CO. Not valid with any other offers. Phone: 719-570-6112 Offer expires 9/30/12. MTFS05 Mon.-Fri. 8-6 Sat. 8-5 Sun. 9-4 BACK TO C No Appointment Needed! SCHOOL SPECIA 19 INTERNET STARTING NET T $ 9 ONLY WHAT YOU NEED. YOU NEED. GUARANTEED. PER SPEEDS UP TO 100 MBPS B LE TV SP EC A I ADD A A A C L L & $ 700 * FOR ONLY L Yo not our tebook may think it’s important, bu information readily available at the fastest speeds in town, MORE PER MONTH! it’s sure to be jealous of your high speed internet all year long. Get the most important school supply. onnect to RESEARCH SPEED LIFE BA JABROADBAND.COM 877.422.5282 *Off for Showtime & The Movie Channel for $7.00/month is for the first 12 months, for qualifying customers. Offers valid for new residential ffer Showtim alifying ff customers in wired, serviceable areas. For complete details on our rates and off ffers please contact us today. Off terms, conditions and plea ffer features are subject to change at the discretion of Baja Broadband at any time. Additional charges apply for taxes and fees and lease of modem, if required. Free installation, when applicable, does not include custom wiring. Other restrictions may apply. Some services may not be available in all areas. © 2012 Baja Broadband. All rights reserved. SHOWTIME, THE MOVIE CHANNEL and related marks are trademarks of Showtime Networks Inc., a CBS Company. Off expires 9.30.12 ffer
  • 6. 6 MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012 AFAP conference addresses singles’ issues Story and photo by Spc. Nathan Thome service and other topics and 4th Infantry Division Public Affairs Office issues important to Soldiers. “AFAP doesn’t just mean The Elkhorn Conference Center buzzed with Soldier, spouse, kid; it means the conversation as Soldiers from units across Fort Carson ‘Army Family.’ Single Soldiers spoke with the Better Opportunities for Single play a role in that Family, so they Soldiers council and facilitators from the Directorate have to have their voices heard as of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation to well” said Rushaunda Farmer, address issues and concerns on post, Sept. 19. workforce development specialist, About 60 Soldiers attended the BOSS Army Family Directorate of Human Resources. Action Plan conference to discuss solutions for concerns “I think that having a separate specific to single Soldiers. The top five Soldiers’ BOSS AFAP lets single Soldiers concerns will be sent to bring up issues specific to them; it the installation’s AFAP provides that platform for them Top 5 concerns meeting to be addressed to do something about issues that The following issues were at the post level. they see within their community.” forwarded to the post “BOSS AFAP is Kicking off the BOSS AFAP Army Family Action Plan different than the Army conference, Garrison Command to be addressed at the Community Service Sgt. Maj. Steven O. Green spoke installation level: AFAP, because it’s to the Soldiers, encouraging specifically for single them to think of installation Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Steven O. Green talks to Ø Opportunity to have Soldiers,” said Cpl. issues and solutions to fix them. Soldiers about the importance of expressing their issues pets in the barracks Rachael Robertson, “The BOSS program is the Soldiers’ program, and concerns about Fort Carson during a Better Ø Choosing to live on installation BOSS and today, they are here to make the installation or off post Opportunities for Single Soldiers Army Family Action Plan president, U.S. Army better for single Soldiers by voicing their opinion to conference at the Elkhorn Conference Center, Sept. 19. Ø Opting out of a meal Garrison Fort Carson. the installation level,” said Green. card or being able to “We have a separate one Soldiers take their concerns and issues, and Headquarters Company, 1st Special Troops use them at shoppettes because we want (single) vote on the top five issues to be addressed at the Battalion, 1st Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry or the commissary Soldiers to be included.” installation level, said Green. This conference is Division. “It helped them to talk to the other Ø Getting unit commanders BOSS AFAP acti- their chance to voice their concerns on things geared Soldiers and feel more comfortable.” more involved with vated in 1989 to meet toward single Soldiers. After the game, each Soldier received a half sheet Better Opportunities for the recreation needs of Starting off the conference with an “ice breaker,” of colored paper. Every Soldier with the same color Single Soldiers program single Soldiers. In 1991, Soldiers split into groups of 10 and played a game. paper split into their designated groups, occupying Ø Increased security it expanded to include “We had Soldiers participate in the game as a way to different rooms around the conference center. at the post gates quality of life, recreation, get them out of their shells,” said Spc. Elizabeth See BOSS on Page 11 leisure, community Erickson, BOSS vice president, Headquarters and Smile. Your search for a new dentist is over. We Serve Those Who Serve. Call for an appointment today. New Patient Special $ 59 Cleaning, Exam & Digital X-Rays* at Fountain Modern Dentistry FREE Electric Toothbrush† at My Kid’s Dentist 719-322-0543 | 719 382-4936 Scott Cairns DDS & Associates FOUNTAIN WITH 6940 Mesa Ridge Pkwy MODERN DENTISTRY AND ORTHODONTICS Fountain, CO 80817 *Regular value of at least $290.00. In absence of periodontal (gum) disease. New patients only. Discounts may vary when combined with insurance and cannot be combined with other offers or discount plans. Not valid at My Kid’s Dentist®. †Upon completion of Cleaning, Exam & X-Rays. Only valid at My Kid’s Dentist.
  • 7. Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 7 Miscellaneous Fort Carson dining facilities hours of operation Points only, nondeployable unit — Reinforcement Dining facility Friday Saturday-Sunday Monday-Thursday training units provide a “home” for Individual Ready Stack Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Reserve Soldiers who want to maintain Reserve Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. affiliation. Soldiers considering leaving troop Dinner: Closed Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. program unit assignment can consider the 6399th/ Wolf Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. 6404th RTU as a short- or long-term option. Benefits Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. include earning retirement points and “good” years; Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. Dinner: 5-6:30 p.m. optional monthly nonpaid drill weekends; continued military training; paid annual training opportunities; Warfighter Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. earning retirement points via correspondence courses; (Wilderness Road Complex) Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. and easy transfer to TPUs if desired. Contact Chief Dinner: Closed Dinner: Closed Warrant Officer 4 Lake Gardner at 720-363-0511 or LaRochelle Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. Closed Breakfast: 7-9 a.m. for more information. 10th SFG(A) Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Lunch: 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. German Armed Forces Military Proficiency Badge Dinner: Closed Dinner: Closed — training and testing is conducted monthly. Events include swimming, marksmanship, track and field • Facility custodial services — Call Bryan personnel being reassigned stateside. The briefings events (100-meter dash, shot put, long jump or high Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey.civ@ are held in building 1129, Freedom Performing Arts jump and 3,000-meter run or 1,000-meter swim) and for service needs or to report complaints. Center; sign-in is at 7 a.m. and briefings start at 7:30 a 12-kilometer road march. Soldiers with physical • Elevator maintenance — Call Bryan a.m. Soldiers are required to bring Department limitations can also participate with an approved Dorcey at 526-6670 or email bryan.s.dorcey. of the Army Form 5118, signed by their unit alternate event authorized by medical personnel. personnel section, and a pen to complete forms. Upon completion of all required events, Soldiers are • Motor pool sludge removal/disposal — Call 526-4730/4583 for more information. awarded a badge in gold, silver or bronze level — Call Dennis Frost at 526-6997 or email Army ROTC Green-to-Gold briefings — are held determined by results of the marksmanship and road the first and third Tuesday of each month at noon march. This is a foreign military award authorized to • Repair and utility/self-help — Call Gary at the education center, building 1117, room 120. be worn on the Class-A or Army Service Uniform. Grant at 526-5844 or email gerald.l.grant2.civ Call University of Colorado-Colorado Springs Soldiers should submit packets through their chain Use this number to obtain self-help Army ROTC at 262-3475 for more information. of command to Sgt. Michael Phillips at 526-5282 tools and equipment or a motorized sweeper. ETS briefings — for enlisted personnel are held the or email Contact • Base operations contracting officer first and third Wednesday of each month. Briefing Chief Warrant Officer David Douglas at 720-250- representative — Call Terry Hagen at 526-9262 sign in begins at 7 a.m. at the Soldier Readiness 1221 or email or email for questions Building, building 1042, room 244, on a first-come, Finance travel processing — All inbound and on snow removal, grounds maintenance and first-served basis. Soldiers must be within 120 days outbound Temporary Lodging Expense, “Do it contractor response to service orders. of their expiration term of service, but must attend Yourself ” Moves, servicemember and Family • Portable latrines — Call Jerald Just at the briefing no later than 30 days prior to their ETS member travel, travel advance pay and travel pay 524-0786 or email to or start of transition leave. Call 526-2240/8458. inquiries will be handled in building 1218, room 231. request latrines, for service or to report damaged Special Forces briefings — are held Wednesdays in Call 526-4454 or 524-2594 for more information. or overturned latrines. building 1430, room 123, from noon to 1 p.m. First Sergeants’ Barracks Program 2020 — is located Legal services — provided at the Soldier Readiness Soldiers must be specialist-staff sergeant from any in building 1454 on Nelson Boulevard. The hours of Processing site are for Soldiers undergoing the SRP military occupational specialty, have a general operation are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday-Friday. The process. The SRP Legal Office will only provide technical score of at least 107, be a U.S. citizen, score office assists Soldiers with room assignments and powers of attorney or notary services to Soldiers 240 or higher on the Army Physical Fitness Test, and terminations. For more information call 526-9707. processing through the SRP. Retirees, Family pass a Special Forces physical. Call 524-1461 or Sergeant Audie Murphy Club — The Fort Carson members and Soldiers not in the SRP process can visit the website at Sergeant Audie Murphy Club meets the third receive legal assistance and powers of attorney at Tuesday of each month at the Family Connection the main legal office located at 1633 Mekong St., Hours of Operation Center from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. The SAMC building 6222, next to the Family Readiness Center. is open to all active members and those interested Legal assistance prepares powers of attorney and Central Issue Facility in becoming future SAMC members. The club was performs notary services on a walk-in basis from • In-processing — Monday-Thursday from originally a U.S. Forces Command organization of 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m. Mondays-Wednesdays and 7:30-10:30 a.m. elite noncommissioned officers but is now an Fridays, and from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Thursdays. • Initial and partial issues — Monday- Armywide program for those who meet the criteria Friday from 12:30-3:30 p.m. and have proven themselves to be outstanding Briefings • Cash sales/report of survey — Monday- NCOs through a board/leadership process. Contact Thursday from 7:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. the SAMC president, Staff Sgt. Thomas Witt, at 75th Ranger Regiment briefings — are held • Direct exchange and partial turn ins — 526-5661 for more information. Tuesdays in building 1430, room 150, from noon Monday-Friday from 7:30-11:30 a.m. Recycle incentive program — The Directorate of to 1 p.m. Soldiers must be private-sergeant first • Full turn ins — by appointment only; call Public Works has an incentive program to prevent class with a minimum General Technical Score of 526-3321. recyclable waste from going to the landfill. 105; be a U.S. citizen; score 240 or higher on the • Unit issues and turn ins — Call 526- Participating battalions can earn monetary rewards Army Physical Fitness Test; and pass a Ranger 5512/6477 for approval. for turning recyclable materials in to the Fort Carson physical. Call 524-2691 or visit http://www. Education Center hours of operation — The Recycle Center, building 155. Points are assigned for for more information. Mountain Post Training and Education Center, the pounds of recyclable goods turned in and every Casualty Notification/Assistance Officer training building 1117, 526-2124, hours are as follows: participating battalion receives money quarterly. Call — is held Oct. 16-18 from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. in • Counselor Support Center — Monday- 526-5898 for more information about the program. building 1187 on Minnick Avenue, behind post car Thursday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Fridays 11 Directorate of Public Works services — DPW is wash. Class is limited to 50 people on a first-come, a.m. to 4:30 p.m. responsible for a wide variety of services on Fort first-served basis. Contact Jean Graves at 526- • Army Learning Center — Monday- Carson. Services range from repair and maintenance 5613/5614 or for more Friday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. of facilities to equipping units with a sweeper and information. • Defense Activity for Nontraditional cleaning motor pools. Listed below are phone Disposition Services — Defense Logistics Agency Education Support and Army Personnel Testing — numbers and points of contact for services: Disposition Services Colorado Springs, located in Monday-Friday 7:30-11:30 a.m. and 12:30-4:30 p.m. • Facility repair/service orders — Fort building 381, conducts orientations Fridays from Repair and Utility self-help — has moved to building Carson Support Services service order desk can be 12:30-3:30 p.m. The orientations discuss DLA 217 and is open Monday-Friday 7 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. reached at 526-5345. Use this number for emergencies processes to include turning in excess property, Claims Office hours — are Monday-Friday from 9 or routine tasks and for reporting wind damage, reutilizing government property, web-based tools a.m. to noon and 1-4 p.m. on the first floor of damaged traffic signs or other facility damage. available, special handling of property and building 6222, 1633 Mekong Street. Shipment • Refuse/trash and recycling — Call Eric environmental needs. To schedule an orientation, under Full Replacement Value claimants must Bailey at 719-491-0218 or email eric.e.bailey4. contact Arnaldo Borrerorivera at arnaldo.borrerorivera submit Department of Defense Form 1840R to the when needing trash containers, trash for receiving/turn in; Mike Welsh at carrier within 75 days. Shipment under Defense is overflowing or emergency service is required. for reutilization/web tools; or Personal Property Program claimants must log into Rufus Guillory at the Defense Personal Property System at http:// Retirement briefings — are held from 8 a.m. to noon and report all the items online BOSS meetings are held the first the second and third Wednesday of each month at within 75 days. Claims must be submitted within and third Thursday of each month the Joel Hefley Community Center conference room, nine months directly with carriers to receive full from 2-3:30 p.m. at The Foxhole. 6800 Prussman Ave. The Retirement Services Office replacement value for missing and destroyed Contact Cpl. Rachael Robertson at 524-2677 or visit the BOSS office in room 106 of The recommends spouses accompany Soldiers to the items. All other claims should be submitted to Fort Hub for more information. Text “follow CarsonBOSS” briefing. Call 526-2840 for more information. Carson Claims Office within two years of the date to 40404 to receive updates and event information. Reassignment briefings — are held Tuesdays for Soldiers heading overseas and Thursdays for See Briefs on Page 8
  • 8. 8 MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012 Briefs from Page 7 of delivery or date of incident. Call the Fort Carson Passing Claims Office at 526-1355 for more information. Medical Activity Correspondence Department office hours — The Correspondence (Release of Information) Office the sword in the Patient Administration Division hours are Monday- Wednesday and Friday 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and closed Thursday and federal holidays. Call 526-7322 or 526-7284 for details. Command Sgt. The Fort Carson Trial Defense Service office — is able Maj. Shawn to help Soldiers 24/7 and is located at building 1430, room Alvarado, 233. During duty hours, Soldiers should call 526-4563. outgoing senior The 24-hour phone number for after hours, holidays enlisted adviser, and weekends is 526-0051. Know your rights. 2nd Battalion, Work Management Branch — The DPW Work 8th Infantry Management Branch, responsible for processing work Regiment, 2nd orders — Facilities Engineering Work Requests, DA Brigade Combat Form 4283 — is be open for processing work orders Team, 4th and other in-person support from 7-11:30 a.m. Infantry Division, Monday-Friday. Afternoon customer support is by passes the unit appointment only, call 526-2900. The Work Management sword to Lt. Col. Branch is located in building 1219. Desmond Bailey, Command Evaluation and Training Team — COMET commander, 2nd provides commanders at all levels with a responsive Bn., 8th Inf. Reg., maintenance and supply assessment and training tool during a change that improves the combat effectiveness, readiness and of responsibility efficiency of their units’ logistical programs. The team ceremony identifies supply and maintenance weaknesses and at Founders problems, and provides individual and unit reinforce- Field, Sept. 18. ment training based on assessments. Results remain Alvarado confidential for the unit commander only. COMET relinquished provides assistance in the majority of maintenance responsibility and supply management areas with one-on-one of the battalion training, and by conducting follow-up visits. The team to Command also conducts classes to help strengthen supply skills Sgt. Maj. Isaac and improve maintenance readiness. Contact Tim Ragusa III, left. Howarth at 503-3095 or Photo by Staff Sgt. Andrew Porch for information. $ 500 OFF your next car purchase from When it comes to Roger Phillips PLUS Public I Pay a $200 Referral Fee! Record Roger Phillips 243-5941 cell Information, 260-6600 store COLORADO SPRINGS Rely on the ALWAYS THERE USED CARS AND TRUCKS 195 N. Academy Blvd. Colorado Springs, CO 80909 Experts He took a breath & then stopped breathing. Getting placed in Parkview’s Special Care Nursery was a game Considering changer for us. They have taken steps so babies like ours that are sick don’t theological studies?? have to go out of town for care. JOIN US AT We were so happy with the way they treated us, we would tell people not to deliver anywhere else. Jeff & Dacia Shaw, delivered at Parkview Medical Center For more information visit us at Our Purpose: To see God progressively glorified through the equipping of His people. If you need great care, it’s right here. And it’s only going to get better. Our Mission: To provide easily accessible | 719.584.4000 seminary training geared to a level of intensity appropriate to the church-based setting. Subscribe Today VA Benefits Available 634-1048
  • 9. Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 9
  • 10. 10 MOUNTAINEER — Sept. 28, 2012 Soldiers train on warrior tasks, drills Story and photo by Sgt. April York 2nd Brigade Combat Team Public get the kinks out, so Soldiers who can’t remember from basic training get a refresher.” Affairs Office, 4th Infantry Division The training was set up for all Soldiers from private to staff sergeant to move Soldiers from 1st Battalion, 67th through the lanes. Armor Regiment, 2nd Brigade Combat “It was a good refresher,” said Spc. Team, 4th Infantry Division, conducted Travis Connelly, Company C, 1st Bn., 67th basic warrior tasks training at Fort Carson’s Armor Reg. “There were a lot of things the Training Area Bravo, Sept. 11-19. new guys didn’t know on the medical lanes, The training was set up in six lanes and and they need to know those lifesaving covered more than 40 tasks, said Sgt. 1st techniques, so it helped out a lot. Class Travis Palin, noncommissioned “This training is useful and you never officer in charge of the training, Head- know when you are going to have to use it,” quarters and Headquarters Company, 1st said Connelly. “Some things you never Bn., 67th Armor Reg. think will happen actually do happen, and The tasks included first aid, react to you need the knowledge to overcome contact, react under indirect fire, hand and that situation.” arm signals, weapons assembly for M4 and Each lane was overseen by an NCO M9, land navigation, improvised explosive who trained the Soldiers and evaluated device detection, how to search suspects, them as they performed the tasks. media training and chemical, biological, “The Soldiers are learning and they are radiological and nuclear detection. absorbing a lot of information all at once, Palin said each squad would take about and they are doing a good job,” said Staff an hour to an hour and a half to get through Sgt. Daniel Pine, noncommissioned officer each lane. in charge of the react-to-contact lane, “Overall the training is going real Company A, 1st Bn., 67th Armor Reg. Spc. Travis Connelly, Company C, 1st Battalion, 67th Armor Regiment, 2nd well,” Palin said. “We had some rough “Everything we are training on out Brigade Combat Team, 4th Infantry Division, pulls his M40 Field Protective patches when we first started out, but that here is used during deployment so I hope Mask over his head while an alarm sounds during warrior skills training at is to be expected. Everybody has to know the (Soldiers) take away as much of the Fort Carson’s Training Area Bravo, Sept. 18. their skill level 1 tasks and it’s important to knowledge as they can.” Having an Open House? Let our readers know! ONLY $30 For more information call 719-329-5236 or email m
  • 11. Sept. 28, 2012 — MOUNTAINEER 11 BOSS ranging from pet-friendly barracks, to improved security at the post gates. addressed, including issues about the BOSS program itself. If units had more command partici- pation, there would be a greater turnout from Page 6 “As a council, we are the voice of This was the first year BOSS has for these kinds of events, she said. every single Soldier on post, which had an issue brought up that had to do Soldiers presented their issues and “I think that it’s a good idea that includes single parents and geographical with the BOSS program itself, which concerns to facilitators with a list of the BOSS program is holding this bachelors. We hold the annual BOSS was a milestone in BOSS AFAP, said solutions. Each Soldier received five conference; it’s a good way to get the AFAP so we are aware of what they Robertson. Soldiers wanted more voting stickers and voted on the issues information out,” said Spc. Samantha want,” said Robertson. support from commanders to push the they wanted addressed at the installa- Swope, food service specialist, HHC, The council tries to work all the program to Soldiers in their units. tion’s AFAP conference. 1st STB, 1st BCT. “We have the issues through the sergeant major. Soldiers told their facilitators that “You won’t find a lot of people or opportunity to discuss issues on Fort When Soldiers submit issues, the they weren’t aware of the BOSS program places that care this much about their Carson like policies and facilities.” BOSS council, Green and DFMWR and activities and events it offers. Soldiers; we go above and beyond The DFMWR facilitators and all make plans to address every issue “BOSS increases the morale of for these Soldiers,” said Erickson. Soldiers told the others in the group as best they can, said Robertson. Soldiers, and I really think that command “Training is very important, but so is their names and what they like to do BOSS AFAP has had its biggest should push BOSS opportunities, not fun. That’s why BOSS is here, to around post and Colorado Springs. turnout of Soldiers this year, who have just during the work week, but also boost the morale of the Soldiers on The Soldiers expressed concerns come up with dozens of issues to be on the weekend,” said Swope. Fort Carson.” NATIONAL AMERICAN UNIVERSITY Colorado Springs REDUCED TUITION for military personnel AND dependents* Associate, Bachelor’s & Master’s degrees Accounting Business Criminal Justice Healthcare Information Technology (719) 590-8300 We are in the Ft. Carson Education Center every Tuesday Ask about our 5 1/2 week classes! National American University is regionally accredited by The Higher Learning Commission and a member of the North Central Association| *Must provide a valid military ID card. 6/2012 The individual pictured is not an actual service member. U.S. SURPLUS WE SELL: AIR SOFT FOOD INSURANCE MOUNTAIN HOUSE HEADQUARTERS FREEZE DRIED at your Fun Store 2475 S. Academy 574-8993 HOURS: MON-FRI, 9:00AM-5:30PM, SAT 10AM-4PM JUNIPER VALLEY DINING ROOM Specializing in skillet fried chicken or baked ham dinner NOW IN OUR 61st SEASON! Reservations 576-0741 Suggested! (located 12 miles south on Hwy 115) **CASH OR Hours: Fri - Sat, 5pm-8pm. Sundays, 1p-7pm CHECKS ONLY**