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good deed
American War
Mother volunteer
donates pillows
page 6
Saturday, 8 a.m.: Football Fan Fare 5K Run - Constitution Park
Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.: Hispanic Heritage Month Observance - McGillTraining Center
Sept. 26, 7-9 p.m.: Trivia Night - The Lanes
Oct. 3, 7 a.m.: Monthly Prayer Breakfast - The Conference Center
Oct. 10, 7 p.m.: U.S.Army Field Band Hispanic Heritage Concert - Devers Hall
34th IS opens football
season with 35-0
shutout over 2nd MPs
page 14
vol. 65 no. 37	 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community	 September 19, 2013
photo by noah scialom
(Left to right) Col. Danny B.N. Jaghab, commander of U.S. Army Medical Department Activity, Fort Meade, and Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center; Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin;
Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski; Maj. Gen. Dean G. Sienko, commanding general, U.S. Army Public Health Command; Rep. John Sarbanes; and Garrison Commander Col. Brian P.
Foley cut the ribbon to officially open Fort Meade’s new Army Wellness Center on Monday. For the story, see Page 12.
done SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013
Commander’s Column
	News.............................. 3	 Sports...................................14
	Crime Watch.................. 3	 Movies..................................17
	Community..................17	 Classified..............................20
Editorial Staff
Garrison Commander
Col. Brian P. Foley
Garrison Command
Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter
Public Affairs Officer
Chad T. Jones
Chief, Command Information
Philip H. Jones
Assistant Editor  Senior Writer
Rona S. Hirsch
Staff Writer Lisa R. Rhodes
Staff Writer Brandon Bieltz
Design Coordinator Timothy Davis
Supple­mental photography provided
by The Baltimore Sun Media Group
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Guaranteed circulation:
Editor’s note: Constitution Day and Citizen-
ship Day is a combined event that is observed
annually on Sept. 17.
This event commemorates the formation
and signing of the Constitution of the United
States on Sept. 17, 1787. It also recognizes all
who, by coming of age or by naturalization,
have become U.S. citizens.
Constitution week is celebrated Sept. 17-
To learn more about the U.S. Constitution,
“We the people of the United States, in
order to form a more perfect union, establish
justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide
for the common defense, promote the general
welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and
establish this Constitution for the United
States of America.”
These words are the preamble of the
document that each of us — military and
Department of Defense civilians — in the
service of our nation takes an oath to defend,
and that all U.S. citizens pledge an oath of
The Constitution is the supreme law of the
United States of America. It was adopted
on Sept. 17, 1787, by the Constitutional
Convention in Philadelphia and ratified by
conventions in 11 states. It went into effect
on March 4, 1789.
The Constitution of the United States was
drafted 11 years after we boldly declared
independence from England and 160 years
after the Pilgrims first landed on Plymouth
The words in our Constitution codify an
ideal, the principal of democracy, that all
people are created equal and should be free
to live their lives as equals. This concept was
new in the late 1700s, or virtually new as it
had been more than 1,300 years since the
decline of the Roman Empire in the fifth
“I do solemnly swear that I will support
and defend the Constitution of the United
States against all enemies foreign and domes-
tic. That I bear true faith and allegiance to
the same; and that I will obey the orders of
the president of the United States …”
Federal law requires everyone who enlists
or re-enlists in the Armed Forces of the
United States to take the enlistment oath.
In taking this
oath, we swear
allegiance, not
to a king or
queen, or to
a president,
m o n a r c h
or religious
leader, but
to a concept
of freedom
and equality
recorded on a
piece of paper,
along with its subsequent amendments.
And while every young man and woman
have their own reasons for wanting to serve
their county, the one thing that unites them
all in everything they do in uniformed service
to our county is the “Oath of Enlistment.”
The Constitution of the United States is
the world’s oldest written constitution one
and serves as the model for a number of
other constitutions around the world. It has
provided the basis for political stability, indi-
vidual freedom, economic growth and social
progress. It gives every person knowledge of
the way government is supposed to work and
what they should be doing.
So as we celebrate Constitution Day this
week, I encourage every member of our Team
Meade community to read or re-read our
nation’s Constitution and its amendments.
I encourage all to think about what the
words mean to you. Think about why our
founding fathers included each section and
why the amendments were added in later
Doing this can serve as a reminder that
even in times of struggle, challenge or threat,
our nation remains unique in the world.
And the principals on which it was founded
are worth every dollar and ounce of energy
expended to defend it.
As we close out this week, I also want to
extend our deepest sympathy to the service
members, civilian workers and their families
affected by this week’s tragic event at the
Washington Navy Yard.
Our Team Meade family stands ready and
willing to offer assistance in any way possible
to help those affected by this event.
It continues to be my great pleasure to
serve alongside you and I hope, as always,
you have a wonderful Team Meade day.
Recognizing the document
that defines our nation
COL. Brian P. Foley
Garrison Commander September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 
The Directorate of Emergency Ser-
vices offers the following crime preven-
tion and safety tips for when vacationing,
shopping and in your vehicle; using social
media; and to prevent identity theft.
Home safety
• Before leaving home for vacation
and holidays, place your residence on the
Quarters Check List. Call Community
Policing Officer Timothy Perkins at 301-
343-0345 or 410-672-4212.
• If you live off post, call the local police
in your jurisdiction as they have similar
• Stop your mail; purchase light timers
and set them in a random pattern; forward
your home phone to a device you will be
carrying with you; and check all doors and
windows to ensure they are locked.
• Always secure all valuables at all
times. Make sure all high-value items are
recorded by serial number and photo-
graphed, and that documents are stored
in a fireproof safe.
Mail safety
• Criminals are starting to follow
delivery trucks to steal packages. Ensure
you coordinate pickup and delivery of
all mail items. Registered mail confirma-
tions are the best assurance.
Shopping safety
• Shop with a friend.
• Do not showcase what you buy at
stores by making multiple trips to your
• Do not flash money around. Lock
your doors if you are sitting in your car.
• Have your keys ready before you
get to your vehicle. Make a quick check
under, around and in the rear seat of
your vehicle.
Identity theft
• Keep your receipts.
• If you are buying a large ticket item,
write down the register number and
cashier’s name.
• Do not let the store employees keep
your receipt.
• Be aware of scams. Most scams can
be cross-checked at
Social media
Any information is valuable to a
• Do not give a blow-by-blow of
your vacation details or showcase new
holiday presents online.
• Do not let everyone know you are
going out of town or provide any finan-
cial information.
Vehicle preparation
• Always have emergency equipment
such as blankets, water, cell phone char-
ger, battery jump box, dry food goods,
flares and flashlights.
Account fraud
• Never cash a second- or third-party
check for anyone, unless you personally
know who they are. When you cash any
form of legal tender, you are solely respon-
sible for the fees that apply to the return.
• If you suspect any form of criminal
account fraud, immediately report it to
the police.
Police emergency numbers
• Report all emergencies to the Fort
Meade Police by calling 911. For non-
emergencies, call 301-677-6622 or 301-
Suspicious activities
• If you see suspicious activities in
your area, call 301-677-2619 or go to
Crime prevention and safety tips
Sept. 5, Shoplifting: AAFES
loss prevention personnel at the
Exchange observed the subject
conceal and fail to pay for a pair
of Nike sandals.
Sept. 9, Larceny of private prop-
erty: The victim stated person(s)
unknown took her son’s red
scooter from their back porch.
Sept. 10, Larceny of private property: An unknown
person(s) by unknown means removed an unse-
cured and unattended flag from its holder.
concealer tester. She then proceeded toward the dress-
the dressing room with the shirt and without the tester
visible. She exited the store without payment.
Crime Watch
Compiled by the Fort Meade
Directorate of Emergency Services
• Moving violations: 13
• Nonmoving violations: 1
• Verbal warnings for traffic stops: 11
• Traffic accidents: 4
• Driving on suspended license: 0
• Driving on suspended registration: 0
• Driving without a license: 0
Fort Meade Public Affairs Office
As the details of the Navy Yard shoot-
ing unfold, Team Meade is asked to remain
vigilant and focused on the safety and secu-
rity at Fort Meade.
When an active shooter situation occurs,
witnesses must act quickly to protect them-
selves and others. Remember that custom-
ers and clients are likely to follow the lead of
employees and managers during an active
shooter situation.
Knowing and understanding how to pre-
vent, prepare, respond to and recover from
potential hazards can save lives.
Many active shooter incidents can be
prevented if indicators of violence are
reported and acted upon. It is everyone’s
responsibility to understand the indicators
of a potentially violent individual, and
report them immediately.
Some warning signs of potential violence
in a co-worker or student could be:
• Overreacting to changes in policies,
talking about incidents of violence or show-
ing empathy for violent individuals.
• Students show warning signs of vio-
lence when they become withdrawn, under-
go changes in appearance and hygiene, start
making suicidal comments, or talk about
weapons and violent crimes.
These behavioral examples are not com-
prehensive or intended to diagnose violent
tendencies. However, if you notice these
signs in people around you, report them
to a trusted official such as a supervisor or
The best way to prepare for an active
shooter situation is to ensure that all indi-
viduals know how to react, plans are in
place and drills are conducted to validate
those plans.
Leaders are requested to develop emer-
gency action plans, which define evacuation
and shelter-in-place procedures, and ensure
that emergency numbers are immediately
available. Every organization should have
an emergency action plan.
In the event of an active shooter, take the
following actions when applicable:
• Evacuate: Leave everything behind,
keep hands visible and follow instructions
of police officers.
• Hide out: If evacuation is not possible,
find a place to hide where the active shooter
is less likely to find you.
• Stay out of sight, lock and barricade
the door, silence cell phone and turn off
• Hide behind large items that protect
from gunfire, remain calm and, if possible,
call 911 to alert police to the active shooter’s
location. If you cannot speak, leave the line
open and allow the dispatcher to listen.
• As a last resort — and only when
your life is in imminent danger — attempt
to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active
shooter by:
- Acting as aggressively as possible
against him/her
- Throwing items and improvising weap-
- Yelling
- Committing to your actions
• When law enforcement arrives, remain
calm. Put hands in the air with fingers
spread, and follow instructions from law
enforcement personnel. Do not make sud-
den movements or question law enforce-
• In the event that witnesses are taken to
a designated assembly area for questioning
following the incident, witnesses should stay
in the area until they are officially released.
Editor’s note: For more information on
active shooter preparedness, visit www.dhs.
gov/active-shooter-preparedness or call Fort
Meade Antiterrorism Officer Mark A.
George at 301-677-7310.
How to respond to an active shooter SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013
Corvias Military Living
Corvias Military Living, the priva-
tized housing partner at Fort Meade,
kicks off a series of resident oppor-
tunities on Monday with a weeklong
open house at 2965 2nd Army Drive.
The model home will be open for
tours Monday through Friday from
8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The open house will
conclude with a raffle of a 42-inch
flat-screen TV scheduled for Friday
at 5 p.m. Everyone who attends this
event can receive a raffle ticket for
a chance to win the TV and other
Although the open house ends
Friday, Corvias Military Living will
extend other limited-time opportuni-
ties for current and future residents
through Nov. 11, Veterans Day, includ-
ing paid moves, up to two months of
free rent and referral rewards.
Corvias invites enlisted personnel,
E-1 through E-8, to move into family
housing on Fort Meade with a paid
local move. This unique opportunity
will cover up to $1,500 of moving
costs for eligible personnel within a
50-mile radius.
“In this area, the commute to work
and related costs are substantial,”
said Maureen Van Besien, deputy
community management director for
Corvias Military Living. “But service
members who live and work on Fort
Meade have more time to spend with
their family and spend less money on
commuting and housing expenses.”
Living on a military installa-
tion offers many benefits including
easy access to the commissary and
Exchange as well as a community who
knows the military lifestyle.
Corvias Military Living residents
experience that lifestyle and more,
including four community centers.
Each center has a resort-style swim-
ming pool, fitness facility and mul-
timedia room. In addition, Corvias
offers such amenities as lawn care,
pest control services and award-win-
ning customer service.
“One of the biggest perks of liv-
ing with Corvias is our maintenance
program,” Van Besien said. “We have
24/7 emergency on-call service. And
then there is the year-round landscap-
ing and snow removal. Our residents
don’t have to mow their lawn or shovel
sidewalks when it snows.”
While the paid move program is
limited to enlisted personnel, Corvias
currently offers another special to
all service members. There is avail-
ability in housing at all rank levels,
while some homes feature additional
specials including up to two months
free rent. This program can be used in
addition to the paid move offer.
So, for example, if a service member
moves on post from the local commu-
nity and into a home where Corvias
offers two months free rent, the ser-
vice member will receive both the free
rent and a paid local move.
Current housing residents also have
the opportunity to take advantage
of a special offer. Any resident who
refers someone who then moves on
post before Nov. 11 will receive a $500
reward check.
“If anyone has any questions or
would like to tour a home or com-
munity center, they are welcome to
contact us,” Van Besien said. “This is
a great opportunity to take advantage
of the resident experience Corvias has
to offer.”
To qualify for a paid move or other
special offer, a lease must be signed
by Nov. 11.
For more information, stop by the
Fort Meade Leasing and Relocation
Center at 2965 2nd Army Drive; call
410-305-1258; or visit the website at
Open house launches special offers for residents
By Kelly L. Forys-Donahue
U.S. Army Public Health Command
“What? Are you serious? So-and-so
tried to kill himself?”
Unfortunately, at some time in your
life, you may have heard these questions
spoken in your circle of friends.
Suicide is real.
Most of us know someone whose life
has been affected by suicidal behavior (a
completed suicide or a suicide attempt).
The pain and stress of the suicidal
behavior spreads like a ripple to family,
battle buddies, friends and co-workers.
All of those individuals who could be
impacted by suicidal behavior — includ-
ing you — can help to recognize risk
factors and stressors and act to increase
the chances of saving a life.
There is not one single factor or set of
factors that indicate a person is thinking
about suicide. Sometimes, we can look
back at an incident of suicidal behavior
and say, “Wow, we should’ve seen that
coming.” But other times, the behavior
seems to happen out-of-the-blue.
Noticing the signs and risk factors
of suicidal behavior is not always easy.
Risk factors vary from person to per-
son and change over time in the same
An individual can have one or multi-
ple risk factors contributing to a suicidal
behavior. They include:
• Relationship problems
If someone has an argument with his
significant other, it does not mean that
he is going to hurt himself. However,
relationship problems such as the death
of a loved one or friend, breakups and
divorces are very stressful and can be
associated with suicidal behavior.
• Substance use and abuse
Alcohol and drugs are often abused
in a misguided attempt to help cope
with life stress. A sudden increase in
substance use can signal a problem.
Drug and alcohol use can increase
the likelihood of risky behaviors such as
being careless or impulsive with weap-
ons, which is associated with completed
• Life stressors
Getting in trouble on the job, having
civilian or military legal problems, and
dealing with money issues or health
problems are both mentally and physi-
cally exhausting. Difficulty sleeping can
add to the stress.
Life stressors alone or coupled with
other risk factors can lead to suicidal
• Behavioral health issues
Stress can lead to behavioral health
problems such as depression, anxiety
and adjustment issues. For some indi-
viduals, a terrifying event may lead to
post-traumatic stress disorder.
Individuals who are feeling depressed
or anxious might withdraw from social
support, making it more difficult for
them to deal with everyday stress. When
a person is alone, he may begin to iso-
late from people, making it more dif-
ficult for family, battle buddies, friends
and co-workers to see that he or she is
Without support from people who
care, individuals can feel hopeless about
the future and may not ask for help.
Having one or more risk factors does
not necessarily mean that a person is
going to hurt himself. However, the
risk factors described above have been
shown to be associated with suicidal
If we can all look for those factors
and talk to the individual experiencing
those stressors about how he is doing,
together we can make a difference and
improve the health and well-being of
our family members, battle buddies,
friends and co-workers.
Counselors treat thousands of people
for relationship problems, substance
abuse, depression, PTSD and stress each
year. Trained therapists are available
at behavioral health clinics on post, in
the civilian community and in Veterans
Affairs clinics.
The best way to help prevent sui-
cidal behavior is to pay attention to
your loved ones, battle buddies, friends
and co-workers and watch for changes
in their behavior.
Reach out to someone you trust in
your organization or in your personal
Remember ACE: Ask, Care, Escort.
If you see changes, or if something just
seems “off,” say something, ask him if he
is thinking about hurting himself. Show
him you care. Take him to get help.
Call the National Suicide Prevention
Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255).
Your actions could save a life.
Recognize the signs of suicide to save a life SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013
By Lisa R. Rhodes
Staff Writer
Barbara Tyler never imagined that her
love for sewing would be recognized by the
president of the United States.
On Sept. 12, Garrison Commander
Col. Brian P. Foley presented Tyler with
the President’s Volunteer Service Award,
in part for the 80 military branch insignia
pillows she sewed and donated to Fort
Meade service members at Right Arm
“It made me feel good,” said Tyler, a
resident of Cheverly, after the award pre-
sentation at garrison headquarters. “All
the people who got the pillows really
appreciated them and loved it.”
The award, which includes a letter
signed by President Barack Obama, is
given by the Corporation for National
Community Service.
“Thank you for your devotion to service
and for doing all you can to share a better
tomorrow for our great nation,” stated the
letter from Obama.
Tyler, her daughter Lucille Baker and
family friend Phil Simms distributed the
brightly colored plush pillows for free at
Right Arm Night on Aug. 22.
Foley and Garrison Command Sgt.
Maj. Thomas J. Latter posed for a photo-
graph with Tyler at the event.
“We were truly impressed with your
service and enthusiasm,” said Foley at the
award presentation. “You’re a wonderful
Tyler has been sewing since she was a
child in her hometown of Inwood, W. Va.
She is the widow of Perry D. Tyler, who
retired in 1966 after serving 16 years in
the Air Force.
Tyler also is a former president of the
Harmony Chapter #3 Washington, D.C.,
chapter of the American War Mothers.
She served from 1998 to 2000 and is still
a member of the national organization,
which was chartered by Congress in 1925.
The members of AWM are mothers
whose sons and daughters have served or
who are serving in the armed forces. The
organization’s objective is to aid the ser-
vice members or veterans and their fami-
lies, including those who are hospitalized,
according to the AWM website.
Tyler came up with the idea for the
pillows after purchasing the fabric while
traveling in Oklahoma. She said she had
so much fabric, she wasn’t sure what to
do with it.
Baker said that as a former AWM presi-
dent, giving to service members “is still in
[Tyler’s] heart.”
Sew Right
American War Mother volunteer
donates military insignia pillows
A decade ago, Tyler sewed robes and
slippers that she donated to service mem-
bers at the former Walter Reed Army
Medical Center in Washington, D.C.,
along with letters written by children from
a school in her neighborhood.
Tyler and her sister Katie Proctor began
sewing the pillows last year.
Capt. Leslie J. Johnson, commander of
Headquarters and Headquarters Com-
pany, met Tyler a few months ago when
Tyler visited the Directorate of Family and
Morale, Welfare and Recreation building,
seeking assistance with the distribution of
the pillows.
“She wandered into our building look-
ing for help,” Johnson said. “Mrs. Tyler
initially wanted to give the pillows to
wounded warriors to cheer them up.”
However, Fort Meade’s Warrrior Transi-
tion Unit could not accept the pillows due
to legal constraints. The WTU referred
Johnson and Tyler to Candace Godfrey,
marketing manager and gifts and donation
coordinator for FMWR.
“She brought me a sample so that I
could see her handmade pillow, and they
were very nice,” Godfrey said. “I wanted
to help her find a way to accomplish her
mission, as well as bring a morale booster
to our service members.”
Godfrey invited Tyler to distribute
the pillows at Right Arm Night at Club
Meade. The pillows were put on display
and given away to service members and
DoD civilians on a first-come, first-served
“Ms. Tyler received numerous thank-
yous, handshakes and hugs from the service
members and civilians who attended the
event,” Godfrey said. “Ms. Tyler received
a round of applause from everyone at
the event. It was really great to watch the
exchange of gratitude.”
Martha McClary, director of FMWR,
thanked Tyler at the event for her donation
and sent her a letter of appreciation.
Tyler said she never imagined that her
love for sewing would bring such recogni-
“I feel real good about it. Thank you,”
she said.
photo by philip H. jones
Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley congratulates Barbara Tyler on receiving
the President’s Volunteer Service Award, which he presented to her on Sept. 12 at
garrison headquarters. Tyler was given the award, in part, for sewing and donating
80 military branch insignia pillows for Fort Meade service members and DoD civilians
at Right Arm Night on Aug. 22 at Club Meade
Barbara Tyler’s handmade military insignia pillows were on display at Right Arm Night
on Aug. 22. The pillows were given away at no charge on a first-come, first-served
basis to service members and DoD civilians.
Photo courtesy of DFMWR SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013
Story and photo by
Airman 1st Class Samuel Daub
70th ISR Wing Public Affairs
Representatives from the Fort Meade
Garrison Chapel visited Airmen of the
70th Intelligence, Surveillance and
Reconnaissance Wing on Aug. 20 dur-
ing its monthly dorm dinner.
Hosted by the 707th Communica-
tions Squadron, the event was cele-
brated in the Roost at Building 9827.
Garrison Chaplain (Col.) Carl Rau
and Sgt. 1st Class Buffie F. Hall, gar-
rison chapel noncommissioned officer
in charge, were invited by the 70th
Wing Chapel Office in gratitude of the
support received through the garrison
for ISR Wing chapel events.
The 70th Wing Chapel is almost
entirely funded through the garrison
chapel community funds. Without the
70th Wing’s relationship with the gar-
rison, programs such as the marriage
and singles retreats, Bible studies, faith
in films, seminars and dorm dinners
would be severely impacted.
Last year, the 70th Wing received
more than $50,000 from garrison
funds to support Airmen.
“We are truly excited that they
accepted our invitation to attend our
dorm dinner tonight,” said Tech. Sgt.
Clara Wise, 70th Wing Chapel Office
NCOIC. “They have definitely been
a blessing to the 70th ISR Wing Air
Force personnel here at Fort Meade.”
Before dinner, Chaplain (Capt.)
Ronald Feeser of the 70th Wing Cha-
pel Office introduced Rau and Hall
and thanked them for their attendance
and contribution.
Rau spoke briefly about the joint
service environment, emphasizing the
value of military and civilians serving
together as a team.
“We are all in this together,” Rau
said. “As chaplains, we are all doing
the Lord’s work together.”
Rau led the group in prayer, blessing
the meal as well as the people involved
in making the evening possible.
“I think it’s pretty cool seeing lead-
ership take time [out of their sched-
ule] to come out here,” said Airman
1st Class Jonathon, 94th Intelligence
Squadron cryptologic linguist. “I
mean, a lot of the times they’re in
uniform showing they just worked a
whole day, and they still come out here
to spend some time with the Airmen
that live in the dorms.
“I like the atmosphere. There’s a lot
of very friendly people around here.”
As the majority of participants fin-
ished the meal and shifted focus from
dinner to conversation, Rau shared his
Chapel garrison staff
attends dorm dinner
hosted by 70th ISR
Garrison Chaplain (Col.) Carl Rau directs his comments toward Chaplain (Capt.)
Ronald Feeser, 70th ISR Wing Chapel Office, and Army Sgt. 1st Class Buffie F. Hall,
Garrison Chapel NCOIC, during the dorm dinner celebrated Aug. 20.
thoughts on the interactions around
“One of the things I can take away
is the friendliness of everyone, not
just to me, but the friendliness to
everyone,” he said. “Everyone is out
here socializing. It’s not one of those
quiet functions where you only talk
to maybe the four people grouped
around you. Everybody is coming
together and enjoying food, fellow-
ship, laughter, friendship, fun. I mean,
look around — people are getting to
know one another better, and if they
don’t know each other, they’re intro-
ducing themselves.”
For more information on dorm din-
ner and volunteer opportunities, call
the 70th ISR Wing Chapel office at
Moment in Time
During World War I, Fort Meade was established in
1917 as Camp Meade, a cantonment for troops drafted
for the war.
In celebration of the installation’s 96th anniversary,
Soundoff! is featuring a series of historical snapshots of
the people and events at Fort Meade through the years.
The 304th Engineer Regiment
and WWI German artillery
The Fort Meade Museum is packed with artifacts from
battlefields throughout the world from several wars.
Among the rare artifacts is a large World War I German
artillery cartridge and a wicker basket carrier used to
transport it.
The casing and basket made their way from the fields of
France to Fort Meade with the help of Col. James F.
Barber and the 304th Engineer Regiment.
Part of the 79th Division, a draftee division raised at
Camp Meade in September 1917, the men of the
304th Engineers were from Philadelphia and Central
Pennsylvania. Barber, a lieutenant colonel at the time,
led the unit in the first phase of the Meuse-Argonne
Battle. Shortly after, he assumed command of the unit
and commanded its field operations.
The field operations of the 304th Engineers included
defusing and collecting enemy ordnance, which would
explain how Barber came in possession of the 16-
inch-tall cartridge and basket. The casing, which also
was brought back from France, was used with the
Krupp 42cm M-Gerät L/12 Dicke Bertha — or the “Big
During the war, the casings were transported in a large
wicker basket with thick felt holding the casing in-
place inside. Very few of the baskets survived the war
as many fell apart from re-use or had been burned for
Barber donated the pieces after the war. They are now on
display at the Fort Meade Museum. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013
By Jane M. Winand
Chief, Legal Assistance Division
Perhaps you are moving soon or are
planning a fall vacation.
The Internet is filled with rental infor-
mation. You can explore a new location
from afar by going online to determine
the local rental options.
But beware! One of the newest scams
involves false rental listings. The scammer
could be advertising a rental that isn’t
available or that may not even exist, all
to trick you into sending money. Then
the scammer has your money and you
have no rental.
Finding the perfect apartment or vaca-
tion rental may be difficult, so when
a sweet deal pops up it can be hard to
refuse. Scammers use this technique to
lure you in by hijacking a legitimate rental
The scammer will take the ad for a
luxurious apartment or vacation home,
change the email address or other contact
information, make the rental charge very
reasonable, and then place the modified
listing on the scammer’s site.
The altered listing may still include the
original owner’s name.
Other scammers hijack the email
accounts of legitimate property own-
ers who advertise on reputable vacation
rental sites. Some scammers are brazen
enough to make up fictitious listings for
properties that either don’t exist or are
not for rent.
The advertisements look legitimate, so
how do you protect yourself?
If you find that dream property and
are ready to make a commitment to rent,
avoid the scammers by being alert for the
• The ad directs you to wire money to
pay a security deposit, application fee,
first month’s rent, or vacation rental fee.
Scammers often want you to wire them
money, which is the same as sending cash.
Once you wire the money, you can’t get it
back. Be very suspicious of a request to
wire money.
• You haven’t seen the rental property,
have never met the listing agent and have
not signed a lease, yet the agent wants you
to pay a security deposit or first month’s
You should first visit the property
yourself before paying any money to the
agent. If you can’t go there yourself, con-
sider having a family member or friend
go to the property to confirm that it is for
rent and that it truly has all the amenities
listed in the advertisement.
• Search for the owner and property on
the Internet to see if the same advertise-
ment is listed under a different name. If
so, then you should suspect that the ad
is a scam.
• Be very suspicious if the owner states
that he or she is out of the country but
has a procedure in place to get the rental
key to you. It might involve a third party
working on behalf of the owner.
Some scammers go through elabo-
rate third-party arrangements to give
the unsuspecting consumer a fake key.
Of course, all this happens after you
have paid a rental payment or security
• If you are contemplating renting a
vacation villa overseas, pay with a credit
card or through PayPal and use a repu-
table vacation rental website. Some of the
established vacation rental websites also
have their own payment systems.
For more information about rental
scams, go to the Federal Trade Commission
website at, or call the Fort Meade
Legal Assistance Office at 301-677-9504
or 301-677-9536 to schedule an appoint-
ment to speak with an attorney.
Rental listings are latest
trick used by scammers
Chaplain’s Word
“People don’t care how much you know
until they know how much you care.”
— John C. Maxwell
Leadership Expert
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blinds SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013
Cover Story
photos by noah scialom
Rep. John Sarbanes takes a look at a BOD POD that measures body mass during a
tour of Fort Meade’s new Army Wellness Center, following the official ribbon-cutting
ceremony Monday morning. Sarbanes was joined on the tour and at the ceremony
by Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski and Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin.
By Lisa R. Rhodes
Staff Writer
A cold rain did not dampen the enthu-
siasm for the ribbon-cutting ceremony
that officially opened Fort Meade’s new
Army Wellness Center on Monday morn-
Located in part of Building 4418 on
Llewellyn Avenue, the site of the Medal
of Honor Memorial Library, the AWC
operates under the aegis of the Preventive
Medicine Services Division at Kimbrough
Ambulatory Care Center.
The facility offers free, holistic health
services to help service members, their
family members, retirees and DoD civil-
ians to build and sustain a healthy lifestyle
and prevent chronic diseases such as heart
disease and diabetes.
Col. Danny B.N. Jaghab, commander
of U.S. Army Medical Department Activ-
ity, Fort Meade, and Kimbrough, was
joined by Maj. Gen. Dean G. Sienko,
commanding general, U.S. Army Public
Health Command, Garrison Commander
Col. Brian P. Foley, Sen. Barbara A.
Mikulski, Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin and
Rep. John Sarbanes in making brief
remarks at the ceremony.
“I’m really honored to have the respon-
sibility for delivering programs through
this center that will help service members
and their families, retirees and DoD
civilians build and sustain good health,”
Jaghab said. “Our Army is committed to
developing a team of physically fit and
psychologically strong Soldiers, families
and civilians who have the resilience and
total fitness that enables them to meet the
Army’s mission today.”
Fort Meade’s AWC is the Army’s 16th
operational Army Wellness Center and
is a program of the U.S. Army Medical
Command. The AWCs are overseen by
the Army Public Health Command.
The hourlong ceremony at Fort Meade
began with a musical prelude and the
National Anthem by the U.S. Army Field
Band’s clarinet quartet, and the invocation
by Chaplain (Maj.) James P. Covey, Fort
Meade’s Family Life Ministry chaplain.
After remarks by the distinguished
guests, Jamie Valis, director of the new
Army Wellness Center, led a tour of the
“It’s definitely an exciting time,” Valis
Wellness center helps Meade
build, sustain healthy lifestyles
said after the tour. “We are honored to
be a part of the Army’s mission for Army
Wellness Centers.”
In his remarks, Sienko said wellness is
“the cornerstone that will help our Army
and our nation transfer from a health care
system to a system for health.”
Army Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Patri-
cia Horoho has made this transition a top
priority, Sienko said, along with preven-
tive medicine.
“As a nation and Army, we must
comprehensively, boldly and innovatively
embrace prevention and invest in a public
health approach to health,” Sienko said.
“This is our most promising path to a
healthy population. A robust system of
Army Wellness Centers is critical to this
Sienko said the Public Health Com-
mand has conducted two studies of
AWCs and has found that the health of
clients has improved in their body mass
index, body fat, muscle strength, endur-
ance, flexibility, resting heart rate, blood
pressure and aerobic capacity.
“Data are accumulating that these cen-
ters work,” Sienko said. “They make peo-
ple healthier. They will prevent chronic
diseases and improve quality of life.”
Before introducing Mikulski, Foley
noted Fort Meade’s selection as one of
three Army bases to participate as a pilot
installation in the DoD’s Healthy Base
Initiative. (See sidebar).
Mikulski, who was instrumental in
ensuring that Fort Meade was included in
the initiative, said the new AWC will “help
our military and their families be fit for
duty and develop the resiliency habits and
know-how that they need to be the best
fighting force and the best family support
that they can be.”
Cardin spoke of the congressional
delegation’s commitment to “deal with
the health of the people who serve in our
“What’s here at Meade will be a model
for our nation,” Cardin said. “... We
believe that this is the future of health
care and it’s right here at Meade.”
Sarbanes emphasized the importance
of prevention in health care.
“For too long, too much of our health
care system was about treating people
after they’re already sick, instead of keep-
ing them well on the front end,” he said.
“Having an Army Wellness Center that
will focus on fitness, nutrition and stress
management, and all these things that
are a part of healthy living will make a
tremendous difference for the Soldiers
and their families.”
The AWC provides a standardized
core of health services: a health assess-
ment review, which is an analysis of the
patient’s health status, risk for disease
and ability to exercise safely; physical
fitness testing and exercise prescription;
healthy nutrition using metabolic testing
to provide individualized strategies for
weight loss, gain or maintenance; stress
management using biofeedback to reduce
stress; general wellness education through
classes on topics such as healthy lifestyles,
increased resiliency and self-care; and September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 13
tobacco education using assessments to
determine an individual’s readiness to
become tobacco-free.
Valis leads a staff of health educators,
a nurse educator and a health promotion
technician. The staff provides the core
health services and follow-up.
The tour included a view of the center’s
equipment for metabolic testing, a BOD
POD to measure body mass, a health
assessment room and a biofeedback room.
The center, which is located in the back
of the library, also includes a reception
area and office space for staff.
Service members, and their family mem-
bers, retirees and Army civilian employees
can make an appointment at the center at
301-677-2006 or can be referred by their
unit or a physician at Kimbrough.
Col. Danny B.N. Jaghab, commander of
U.S. Army Medical Department Activity,
Fort Meade, and Kimbrough Ambulatory
Care Center, escorts Sen. Barbara A.
Mikulski through the rain to the ribbon-
cutting ceremony Monday morning for the
garrison’s new Army Wellness Center.
Fort Meade has been selected to participate in the Healthy Base Initiative, a dem-
onstration project for the Defense Department’s Operation Live Well.
Operation Live Well is aimed at increasing the health and wellness of the total force,
including civilians and family members, Pentagon officials said.
As part of the yearlong demonstration project, Fort Meade, along with 13 other
participating DoD installations and sites, will be examined for its ability to create
environments that enable sustainable healthy lifestyles.
Best practices will be shared with the military services for further implementation
throughout the armed forces.
The installations will serve as pilot sites to evaluate initiatives to improve nutritional
choices, increase physical activity, reduce obesity and decrease tobacco use.
“We are pleased that Fort Meade is participating in the Healthy Base Initiative,” said
Rosemary Williams, deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Military Community
and Family Policy. “The leadership at Fort Meade is committed to an active, healthy
Williams said Fort Meade is diverse in geography, mission, personnel and resources,
and the installation has adequate dining and fitness facilities and other infrastructure
to support the pilot.
“A healthy and fit force is essential to national security,”Williams said. “The Depart-
ment of Defense is faced with both recruitment and retention challenges, as well as
rising health care costs.”
Twenty-seven percent of Americans cannot join the military because they fail to
meet weight standards, and the military separates thousands of members from service
because they are not meeting standards or cannot pass the fitness tests.
“We intend to lead by example and take on the challenge of reversing obesity trends
among children and adults, as well as rising tobacco use in the military community,”
Williams said.
For more information about the Healthy Base Initiative, visit http://www.militaryone-
Fort Meade joins
Healthy Base Initiative
Staff Sgt. Michael Sapp, of Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center’s Preventive Medicine
staff, demonstrates how to use the metabolic testing station at Fort Meade’s new
Army Wellness Center.
‘What’s here at Meade will
be a model for our nation ...
We believe that this is the
future of health care.’
Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013
By Brandon Bieltz
Staff Writer
With a brand new lineup of players
replacing last season’s championship-cali-
ber team, the 34th Intelligence Squadron
and coach Cameron Greene were not quite
sure what was going to happen in the
intramural football season opener against
the 2nd Military Police Detachment on
It turned out the team had little to worry
about as the 34th IS played a dominate
game against the 2nd MPs en route to a
35-0 win at Mullins Field.
Sean McDaid led the 34th IS with four
total touchdowns — two passing, one rush-
ing and one on an interception.
“I’m pretty sure anybody will take that,”
Greene said of the shutout win.
In preseason practices, the 34th IS had
been working on replacing a majority of
last year’s team that lost to the 29th IS
Black Knights in the championship game
26-6. Only three players from last season’s
roster remain on the team.
“During practice and now, we’re just try-
ing to piece it together and, hopefully, make
something happen,” Greene said.
The 2nd MPs also were working with
a new, unfamiliar roster as it is the team’s
inaugural season in the intramural league.
With very little practice prior to the season
opener, coach Robert Citrullo said his team
is looking strongest on the defensive side
of the ball.
“We have some speed demons on our
team and a couple [of] bigger guys that will
hold our line,” he said.
Regardless of the team’s early-season
success as players become familiar with
each other’s playing styles, Citrullo said the
team is more focused on having a good time
on the gridiron.
“We’re really just out here to have a little
fun,” he said. “Everybody loves to win, but
we’re really just here to have some fun.”
At the beginning of Monday’s game, the
inexperience of the 2nd MPs was evident as
their first drive ended with a safety resulting
from a miscue in the end zone.
Already up 2-0 before even taking a
snap, the 34th IS quickly went to work as
McDaid engineered a seven-play drive that
was capped with a touchdown pass to Josh-
ua Smalls to build the early lead to 9-0.
The 2nd MPs’struggles continued on the
team’s second drive as Travis Smith’s pass
was picked off by McDaid near midfield.
With a short field, McDaid hit Jackie Fair
for the quarterback’s second touchdown to
extend the 34th IS’ lead to 16-0.
34th IS opens intramural season with big win
A 2nd MP quarterback change yielded
the same results, as Samuel Johnson was
intercepted by Jon Rake on the following
drive. On the 34th IS’ first play of the pos-
session, McDaid sprinted into the end zone
dodging several would-be tacklers to give
the team a 22-0 lead into half time.
At the start of the half, the 2nd MPs’
defense was able to hold the 34th IS’ potent
offense to a three-and-out, but were unable
to move the ball on the ensuing posses-
After being held on the first possession
of the half, McDaid and Smalls connected
again for a second touchdown, increasing
the 34th IS lead to 28-0.
McDaid sealed the 35-0 win for the 34th
IS when he picked off Samuel Johnson and
returned the interception for a touchdown.
While it is far too early to predict a repeat
of last year’s season, Greene said, the team
now has a better idea of what kind of
players they have and will look to continue
improve as the season progresses.
“Still had first-game jitters, but we pulled
out the win,” he said. “Can’t argue with
the end result, but we can definitely be
photos by noah scialom
34th Intelligence Squadron’s quarterback Sean McDaid evades a tackle during
Monday’s intramural football season-opener at Mullins Field. McDaid had four
total touchdowns for the 34th IS — two passes, one rushing and one returning an
BELOW: Marcus White of the 2nd Military Police Detachment extends for a catch
during the first game of the intramural football season on Monday at Mullins Field.
The 2nd MPs were defeated by the 34th IS, 35-0. September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 15
Story and photo by Brandon Bieltz
Staff Writer
For 24 minutes, Meade High’s offense
led by Kyle Evans and Marcus Smith
overpowered the South River Seahawks on
Friday to score 45 points.
But when the Mustangs’ offense stalled
out by racking up 152 yards of penalties,
the aggressive defensive unit kept control of
the game by producing four turnovers and
keeping a South River comeback at bay.
The well-rounded Meade squad cap-
tured the 45-22 win on South River’s home
turf to improve its record to 2-0. Evans led
the offense with 199 yards and two touch-
downs on 17 carries, while Kavon Wither-
spoon led the ball-hawking defense with an
interception and fumble recovery.
“This one we feel like we dominated
physically from start to finish,” said head
coach Rich Holzer.
The Mustangs started Friday’s game
where they left off against Glen Burnie
the week before — struggling to find the
end zone. Shut out by the Seahawks in the
first quarter, the Meade defense kept South
River off the board as well by forcing two
“We had to believe in each other to stop
them to win the game,” Witherspoon said.
On the Seahawks’ opening drive, line-
backer Robert Hogan picked off Jalen
Jones in South River territory just past
midfield. But the offense failed to capital-
ize on a short field. On the ensuing South
River drive, Daniel Butler recovered a
fumble at the Meade 44-yard line.
The fumble recovery set up a nine-play
drive engineered by quarterback Marcus
Smith that was capped off with an Evan’s
22-yard touchdown run to gave the Mus-
tangs’ their first score. A missed extra point
kept the score at 6-0
South River responded with a 70-yard
drive that resulted in a touchdown pass to
Billy O’Hara. But the lead was short-lived
as Smith connected with David Richards
for a 89-yard touchdown pass for Meade
to regain the lead, 13-7.
The Mustangs then drove down the field
again with a 10-play drive that ended with
a 28-yard Gio Ogo field goal.
A South River three-and-out forced a
punt from the 29-yard line, which Evans
returned to the 3-yard line. Smith, who
had 91 yards on 19 carries, rushed for the
3-yard touchdown, giving the Mustangs a
23-7 lead at halftime.
Meade opened the third quarter strug-
gling on offense as South River started
to find its rhythm. The Mustang defense
Ground game, defense pushes Meade past South River
Meade running back Kyle Evans pulls away from defenders during Friday’s game at South River. Evans ran for 199 and two
touchdowns on 17 carries as the Mustangs improved their record to 2-0 with the 45-22 victory over the Seahawks.
again forced a much-needed fumble as the
Seahawks were driving deep into Meade
territory. Witherspoon recovered a fumble
at the Meade 5-yard line, ending the scor-
ing threat.
“That was huge,” Holzer said. “They
were driving on us and that can put them
back in the game somewhat, and it kind of
shut the door on them.”
Smith and the Mustangs opened the
fourth quarter by capping off a 32-yard
drive with a 20-yard touchdown pass to
Deventae Dunn for a 30-7 lead.
On Meade’s following drive, backup
quarterback DJ Pate rushed for a 37-yard
touchdown. The two-point conversion — a
pass from Hogan to Will Huff — extended
the lead to 38-7.
Down 38-14, the Seahawks began fight-
ing back, putting together two scoring
drives and forcing a safety to cut the lead
to 38-16. However, a 94-yard touchdown
run by Evans padded the Mustang’s lead
to 45-22.
Witherspoon ended any chance of a
South River comeback with an intercep-
tion at the Meade 24-yard line as the Mus-
tangs sealed the 45-22 win.
Smith went 12-19 for 194 yards and
two touchdowns. Dunn led the receiv-
ers with two catches for 96 yards and a
Evans said the win feels better than last
week’s over Glen Burnie, but the team
needs to keep up its intensity and focus on
“It feels good; we still have a lot of
work to do,” he said. “We’re not taking
this as a really good win, but we feel good
about it.”
Week Three: (2-0) Old Mill at (2-0)
Meade High, Friday at 6:30 p.m.
The last time the Mustangs saw the
Patriots was in the regional championships
last year as Meade won the Class 4A East
Regional title 28-21.
“I’m sure they’re going to be fired up,
our kids will be fired up,” Holzer said.
“This is a chance for our kids to prove that
they are for real. I’m anticipating a pretty
hard-fought game.”
Always a playoff contender, Old Mill
opened the season with wins against
Broadneck and Arundel. Running back
Marcus Hicks, with 185 yards and six
touchdowns, has been the Patriots’ main
offensive weapon on a unit that focuses
on ball control and eats up the clock. The
defensive line and linebacker corps will
need to shut down the run and force the
Patriots to throw.
Meade’s young offensive line and Smith
will see more pressure and blitzes than they
have in the first two games. The offense will
need to make big plays to keep the Patriot
defense from attacking the line.
Following the South River game, Evans
said the team had immediately turned its
attention to the Old Mill matchup.
“That’s all we’re worried about from this
point on,” he said. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013
Sports Shorts
Football Fan Fare 5K and 1 Mile Walk
The installation’s annual Run Series continues Saturday with a Football Fan
Fare 5K and 1 Mile Walk at 8 a.m. at Constitution Park.
The pre-registration cost for individuals is $15. Cost on the day of the run is
The pre-registration cost for groups of seven to 10 is $75.
The pre-registration cost is $45 for a family of three to six people.
All pre-registered runners will receive a T-shirt.
To pre-register, go to
For more information, call 301-677-3867.
Meade High 2013 Fall 5K Run/Walk
The Meade Athletic Boosters will sponsor a 5K Run/Walk to support all
athletic teams at Meade High School on Oct. 19 at 9 a.m.
Race will start at the Meade High track.
Online registrations will be open on until Oct. 13, or on race day
from 8 to 8:45 a.m.
Cost of the race is $20 for adults and $15 for students until Oct. 13, and
$25 on race day.
A race T-shirt is guaranteed with online registration before Oct. 13.
Medals will be given for first- and second-place in each category.
Printable registration form can be found at
Register online at
Cougars roundup
• The 70-pound Cougars defeated the
Southern Bulldogs, 18-6
• The 80-pound Cougars defeated
Pasadena Chargers, 13-0
• The 90-pound Cougars had a bye
• The 100-pound Cougars were defeated
by the Gambrills-Odenton Wildcats, 36-0
• The 11U Cougars defeated the
Pasadena Chargers, 18-12
• The Under-9 Cougars
tied the Arundel Dragons,
• The Under-10 Cougars
tied South River, 1-1
• The Under-12 Cougars
tied the Severn Phoenix, 1-1
Now unless you are officially whacked
in the head, you know how much fun it
is to pop a squat in the dentist chair. But
my visit on Wednesday actually started
pretty well.
Right after my X-rays, Dr. Hamilton
buttered me up by saying my teeth didn’t
look like they were dipped in butter, and
everything was pretty much straight. Then,
of course, the scraping began. That was
followed by the polishing, and then we
made an appointment to fill a couple of
teeth. I think he threw a crown in there
as well.
Finally, he brought up my missing
“You’re 39, Chad, and pretty soon your
The rest of Dr. Hamilton’s sentence
might as well have been in gibberish
because of how he said the number 39,
like it was a backhanded compliment like,
“That shirt makes you look thin” or “That
beard really covers your double chin.”
Plus, I know what he really wanted to
say is, “in a few months you’re going to
be 40.”
To be precise, I am three months, 14
days, 13 hours and seven minutes from
the big 4-0.
And even though I’m fairly confident
all my hair won’t fall out and I won’t be
falling asleep at 6 p.m. starting on Jan. 2,
2014, I do know that I’m officially on top
of the proverbial hill and looking down on
becoming dusty.
And after all the recent work Fort
Meade has been doing regarding wellness
and the Healthy Base Initiative, I couldn’t
help but take a look at myself.
In the words of motivational speaker
Matt Foley, I’m not what you would call
“healthy.” I eat peanut
butter like Homer goes through brownies. I’ve been put on medi-
cation for anxiety, and my 10-year old
daughter recently smoked me in a 5K.
Now I have tried to be healthy. I’ve done
a few days of exercise here and there. I have
fought the urge to dig my tarnished, silver
table spoon into
the jar of pea-
nut butter, and I
have even learned
some breathing
But as I sit
on the edge of
middle age, I real-
ize that my ear-
lier attempts were
basically Band-
Aids to cover up the fact that I don’t live
a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, I need some
Fortunately, Fort Meade has the tools to
help me and any other member of Team
Meade who may be in the same sinking
To prove it to you, I’m starting the
Healthy Chad Initiative.
Next Wednesday I’m heading to the
Army Wellness Center for my body evalu-
ation. From there I’m going to use their
guidance on things like exercise, diet and
stress management, along with the mul-
tiple other resources available on the Fort
Meade Resiliency Campus to get healthy.
Now my friend Jamie at the Wellness
Center told me that we’ll get to setting
goals and timelines after I take a seat in
the Bod Pod. But the hope is that at a
minimum, when this HCI is over and I’m
knee-deep into a healthy lifestyle, I will be
under 200 pounds for the first time since
the mid-90s and able to whip my daughter
in a race.
And guess what? You’re coming on this
journey with me. Well, technically, a video
camera is coming with me to document
the experience, and then I’m going to be
running regular broadcasts on Facebook
and the Fort Meade Live Blog.
Of course, if you want to get a head
start on your healthy initiative, call the
Army Wellness Center at 301-677-2006.
And as always, if you have any ques-
tions on this or anything to do with sports,
contact me at or
hit me up on Twitter @ctjibber.
The Healthy Chad Initiative
Chad T. Jones,
Public Affairs
Jibber Jabber - Opinion
For all your varsity and intramural sports schedules,
scores and standings, visit September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 17
Community News  Notes
The deadline for Soundoff! community
“News and Notes” is Friday at noon.
All submissions are posted at the editor’s
discretion and may be edited for space and
grammar. Look for additional community
events on the Fort Meade website at www. and the Fort Meade
Facebook page at
For more information or to submit an
announcement, email Philip Jones at philip. or call 301-677-5602.
Public notice
Fort Meade will conduct a Restoration
Advisory Board meeting today at 7 p.m.
at the Holiday Inn Express, 7481 Ridge
Road, Hanover.
RAB meetings are held to keep the
public informed and involved in Fort
Meade’s environmental cleanup and
restoration program, and to provide
opportunities for public involvement.
Topics for this meeting include
updates on the former mortar range,
Manor View dump site, Little Patuxent
River parcel, and the Nevada Avenue
Members of the public and the
media are invited. In order to foster
communication and open discussion,
video recording devices are prohibited
from the meeting room.
Residents interested in learning
more about the restoration program
or in becoming a RAB member are
encouraged to attend the meeting.
For more information, call 301-677-
9365 or visit
Environmental programs/RAB.
Commissary baggers
The commissary is accepting
applications for bagger positions.
Ten bagger positions are available for
the morning shift, Mondays to Fridays
from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m.
Seven bagger positions are available for
The movie schedule is subject to change. For
a recorded announcement of showings, call 301-
677-5324. Further listings are available on the
Army and Air Force Exchange Service website
Movies start Wednesdays to Saturdays at
6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m.
NEW PRICES: Tickets are $5.50 for adults
(12 and older) and $3 for children. 3D Movies:
$7.50 adults, $5 children.
Today through Sept. 29
Today  Friday: “We’re The Millers” (R). A
drug dealer goes to Mexico with a fake family to
complete a big deal. With Jennifer Aniston, Jason
Sudeikis, Will Poulter.
Saturday  Sunday: “Percy Jackson: Sea of Mon-
sters” (PG). Percy and friends go in search of the
Golden Fleece. With Logan Lerman, Brandon T.
Jackson, Alexandra Daddario. (3D Saturday)
Sept. 25, 28: “Planes 3D” (PG). A crop-dusting
plane dreams of competing in a famous aerial
race but must overcome his fear of heights. With
Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Brad Garrett.
Sept. 26, 27: “Elysium” (R). In 2159, the wealthy
live aboard a luxurious space station while others
suffer on the surface. With Matt Damon, Jodie
Foster, Sharlto Copley.
Sept. 29: “Planes” (PG). A crop-dusting plane
dreams of competing in a famous aerial race but
must overcome his fear of heights. With Dane
Cook, Stacy Keach, Brad Garrett.
Connect with
Fort Meade at
file photo
HIspanic Heritage observanceThe Fort Meade community is invited to commemorate the 2013 Hispanic
Heritage Month Observance on Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at
McGill Training Center. Admission is free and open to the public.
The theme is “Hispanics: Serving and Leading Our Nation with Pride and
Honor.” The keynote speaker is Col. Irene M. Zoppi, who serves as com-
mander of the Strategic Intelligence Group at Bolling Air Force Base in
Washington, D.C. Zoppi was born and raised in Puerto Rico.
The event will also feature a dance demonstration by Salsa with Silvia,
and a food sampling catered by Chevys Fresh Mex.
All Fort Meade service members and civilians are encouraged to attend
with supervisory approval and without charge to annual leave. Adminis-
trative leave is authorized.
For more information, call 301-677-7419 or 301-677-6687.
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Community News  Notes
the afternoon shift, Mondays to Fridays
from 2:30 to 9:30 p.m.
Bagger positions are open to active-
duty service members, family members of
active-duty military, and retirees.
Applications will be processed Monday
from 9 a.m. to noon on a first-come, first-
served basis at Club Meade, 6600 Mapes
Applicants must come in person and
bring their current military/dependent ID
card and Social Security number.
For more information, call 301-677-
OSC Bingo Bonanza
The Fort Meade Officers’ Spouses’
Club will sponsor its annual Bingo
Bonanza on Oct. 18 at McGill Training
Center, 8452 Zimborski Ave.
Doors open at 6 p.m. Bingo begins at
7 p.m.
Tickets cost $20. Purchase tickets
before Oct. 15 to get a second book of
20 bingo games for free.
Pre-sale tickets are available online at until Oct. 15.
For more information, contact
the OSC bingo chair at 2ndvice@
Fall Chamber Concert
The U.S. Army Field Band will
perform its Fall Chamber Concert Series
on and off post:
• Hispanic Heritage Celebration:
Oct. 10, 7 p.m., U.S. Army Field Band
Building-Devers Hall, 4214 Field Band
Drive, Fort Meade
• Mixed Performers Concert: Oct.
20, 3 p.m., St. Bernadette Parish, 801
Stevenson Road, Severn
The concert will showcase the variety
of sounds and styles of the Field Band’s
For more information, visit
 Quarter auction
The Enlisted Spouses Club is hosting
Quarter Mania, a quarter auction, on
Friday at Jessup Community Hall, 2920
Jessup Road.
Doors open at 6 p.m. Play begins at 7
Admission is $6 and includes two
paddles. Group fee is $20 for four people
and includes paddles. Cost for each
additional paddle is $2.
Players who register online at and/or bring five
nonperishable food items, may select either
an extra paddle or magic paddle ticket at
the door.
Bring quarters. Bids will be one to four
quarters on a variety of themes.
Snacks will be available for purchase.
For more information, email Kim at
Square Dance Club
The Swinging Squares Square Dance
Club dances the third and fifth Saturday
of the month from September to the end
of May at Meade Middle School.
The first dance will be Saturday from
7:30-10 p.m. Admission is $6. Square
dance attire is optional.
Dance classes are held Thursday nights
at 7:30 p.m. at Meade Middle School,
starting Saturday.
Each class costs $6. The first two
classes are free.
For more information, call Darlene at
410-519-2536 (voice); 410-868-5050 (text),
or Carl at 410-271-8776 (voice/text).
Pressed flower class
Meade Area Garden Club is
sponsoring a class on the art of pressed
flowers on Oct. 9 from 10:30 a.m. to
12:30 p.m. at the Jessup Community
Hall located on Route 175.
Participants will create their own
items to take home.
Cost is $20. Reservations are required.
For reservations or more information,
call Lois Stephenson at 410-740-8024.
Karaoke Night
The next Karaoke Night is today
from 7 to 10 p.m. in the 11th Frame
Lounge at the Lanes.
The event is held the third Thursday
of the month.
For more information, call 301-677-
5541 or visit
Jummah prayers
Individuals interested in participating
in Jummah prayers on Fort Meade
should call 301-677-1301.
Fort Meade has a room available
at Argonne Hills Chapel Center, 7100
Rockenbach Road.
The community also is seeking
individuals who would like to join in a
morning prayer on Fridays.
Employment Readiness
The Employment Readiness Program
helps the military community with job
readiness by providing employment con-
sultations/coaching, career classes and
assessments, and job search/interview
preparation assistance.
For more information call Vikki Tor-
rence or Rose Holland at 301-677-5590.
• Interview Skills Class: Tuesday, 9 a.m.
to noon, Army Community Service, 830
Chisholm Ave.
Learn basic interviewing skills and tips
on dressing for success to present yourself
as the best candidate for the job. Learn
the dos and the don’ts at job interviews,
and strategies on working a job fair.
• Resume Open Forum: Wednesday,
11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Potomac Place
Neighborhood Center, 2nd Corps Bou-
levard, hosted by Military and Spouse
Job Club
• Get Ready! Employment Orientation:
Sept. 29, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., ACS, 830
Chisholm Ave.
Learn about job readiness resourc-
es through Fort Meade’s Employment
Readiness Program, the Anne Arundel
Workforce Development’s Kick Start Pro-
gram and Howard County’s Office of
Workforce Development. This features
websites, classes, job listings, employment
support groups and tour of the resource
Out  About
• The Retired Officers’ Officers’ Wives’
Club is sponsoring a bus and boat trip
on the CO Canal on Oct. 16. Cost is
$38 and includes the bus to the canal
and the hourlong mule-powered barge
ride with commentary on the canal.
The group will eat lunch (at their own
expense) at the Old Anglers Inn prior
to the boat ride scheduled for 1:30 p.m.
The group will meet the bus at 11 a.m.
at the Ridgeview Shopping Center and
return around 5 p.m.
For reservations or more information,
call Joan Fiscus at 410-465-0492.
• The Orthodox Church of St.
Matthew Multicultural Festival,
Columbia’s largest international festival,
will be held Oct. 5 from 11 a.m. to 8
p.m. and Oct. 6 from 11:30 p.m. to 5
p.m. at the church, 7271 Eden Brook
Drive, Kings Contrivance Village Center,
The annual event features homemade
Greek, Slavic, Romanian, Ethiopian,
American and Lebanese foods; a
wine and beer garden; free cultural
entertainment; a children’s activity area;
silent auction; church tours; traditional
ethnic desserts; and specialty vendors.
For more information, go to or call 410-381-
• Community Day will be celebrated
Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. at 12511 Old
Gunpowder Road Spur, Beltsville. The event
will feature free prizes, international foods,
games, a basketball tournament, moon
bounce and an outdoor concert. For more
information, call 301-498-6006.
• Maryland Renaissance Festival will be
held through Oct. 20 at 1821 Crownsville
Road, Annapolis. Admission is $7 to $22.
For more information, email
• Leisure Travel Services is offering
its next monthly bus trips to New
York City on Oct. 5 and Nov. 16, with
discounts to attractions. Bus cost is $60.
For more information, call 301-677-7354
or visit
• Prostate Cancer Support Group meets
at Walter Reed National Military Medical
Center on the third Thursday of every month.
The next meeting is today from 1 to 2 p.m.
and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the America Building,
River Conference Room (next to the Prostate
Center), third floor.
Spouses/partners are invited. Military ID
required for base access. For men without a
military ID, call the Prostate Center 48 hours
prior to the event at 301-319-2900 for base
For more information, call retired Col. Jane
Hudak at 301-319-2918 or email jane.l.hudak.
• Meade Area Garden Club’s opening
party is Friday at 10 a.m. at the Jessup
Community Center, corner of Route 175
and Wigley Avenue
Sarah von Pollaro of “Urban Petals
Floral Designs” and “Flower Empowered”
of Washington, D.C., will present
“Demystifying Floral Design.”
Refreshments will be served. Reservations
are not required.
Annual membership is $20. For
more information, call Jennifer Garcia,
membership chair, at 443-949-8348, or
Sharon Durney, club president, at 410-761-
• Society of Military Widows meets for
MEETINGS September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 19
Community News  Notes
brunch the fourth Sunday of the month
at 1 p.m. at the Lanes. The next meeting is
Sunday. For more information, call Betty
Jones at 410-730-0127.
• Single Parent Support Group meets the
second and fourth Monday of the month
from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at School Age Services,
1900 Reece Road. The next meeting is
Monday. Free child care will be provided on
For more information, email Kimberly.
• Marriage Enrichment Group, sponsored
by Army Community Service, meets the
second and fourth Monday of every
month from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Community
Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave.
The next meeting is Monday. For more
information, call Celena Flowers or Jessica
Hobgood at 301-677-5590.
• Bully Proofing Support Group meets
the second and fourth Monday of the
month from 4 to 5 p.m. at Potomac Place
Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is
Monday. The group is geared for school-age
children and parents. For more information,
• Air Force Sergeants Association
Chapter 254 meets the fourth Wednesday
of the month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the
multipurpose room of Building 9801 at the
National Security Agency. The next meeting
is Wednesday. For more information, call
443-534-5170 or visit
• Retired Officers’ Wives’ Club is
sponsoring a luncheon meeting Oct. 1 at 11
a.m. at Club Meade.
Jim Heins, park supervisor for the CO
Canal, will present “The Park That Almost
Wasn’t,” a musical slideshow.
Cost is $18. Reservations are required.
For reservations, call your area
representative or Betty Wade at 410-551-
7082 by Sept. 26 at noon.
Regular membership is extended to
spouses, widows and widowers of retired
officers, and to retired officers of all military
Annual membership dues are $25.
Members may bring guests at any time to
the luncheons, which are held on the first
Tuesday of each month, except June, July,
August and January.
For more information, call Genny
Bellinger, ROWC president, at 410-674-2550.
 • Women’s Empowerment Group meets
every Wednesday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. to
provide a safe, confidential arena for the
support, education and empowerment of
women who have experienced past or present
family violence.
Location is only disclosed to participants.
To register, call Tina Gauth, victim advocate,
at 301-677-4117 or Samantha Herring,
victim advocate, at 301-677-4124.
• Fort Meade Homeschool Co-op meets
Fridays at 9:30 a.m. at 1900 Reece Road. For
more information, call Kelli Stricker at 410-
674-0297 or email ftmeadehomeschooling@
• Spanish Christian Service is conducted
Sundays at 1 p.m. at the Cavalry Chapel
located at 8465 Simonds St. and 6th
Armored Cavalry Road.
For more information, call Elias Mendez
at 301-677-7314 or 407-350-8749.
• Cub Scout Pack 377 invites boys in
first through fifth grades, or ages 7 to 10, to
attend its weekly Monday meetings at 6 p.m.
at Argonne Hills Chapel Center.
For more information, email Cubmaster
Christopher Lassiter at pack377_cm@yahoo.
com or Committee Chairperson Marco
Cilibert at
• Boy Scout Troop 379 meets Mondays
at 7 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center
on Rockenbach Road. The troop is
actively recruiting boys age 11 to 18. For
more information, email Lisa Yetman, at or Wendall Lawrence,
Scoutmaster, at
• Military Council for Catholic Women
is open to all women ages 18 and older
for prayer, faith, fellowship and service at
the Main Post Chapel. Mother’s Prayer
 Apologetics meets Tuesdays from 9:45
a.m. to noon when Anne Arundel County
schools are in session. Monthly programs
are held Mondays from 6:30 to 9 p.m.
For more information, email Beth Wright,
president, at or
call 305-240-1559.
• American Legion Post 276 is open to
veterans and active-duty service members
at 8068 Quarterfield Road in Severn.
Breakfast may be purchased beginning at 9
a.m. Lunches may be purchased from 11:30
a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Happy Hour is from 4 to
6 p.m. Dinner may be purchased at 6 p.m.
on Fridays and the fourth Sunday of every
Membership discounts are offered
for active-duty military. For more
information, call 410-969-8028 or visit
• Monthly Prayer Breakfast, hosted by the
Garrison Chaplain’s Office, is held the first
Thursday of every month at 7 a.m. at the
Conference Center.
The next breakfast is Oct. 3.
All Fort Meade employees, family
members, and civilian and military personnel
are invited. There is no cost for the buffet;
donations are optional.
For more information, call 301-677-6703
or email
• Meade Rod and Gun Club meets the
first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at
Perry’s Restaurant and Odie’s Pub at 1210
Annapolis Road, Odenton, in the banquet
hall in back of the building. The next
meeting is Oct. 3. Dinner is served at 6 p.m.
For more information, call 410-674-4000.
• National Alliance on Mental Illness of
Anne Arundel County offers a free support
group for families with a loved one suffering
from mental illness on the first Thursday
of every month at 7 p.m. at the Odenton
(West County) Library, 1325 Annapolis
Road. The next meeting is Oct. 3. For more
information, visit
• Families Dealing with Deployment,
Unaccompanied Permanent Change of
Station, Temporary Duty meets the first and
third Monday of every month from 5:30 to
6:30 p.m. at Meuse Forest Neighborhood
Center. The next meeting is Oct. 7. For more
information, email Kimberly.d.mckay6.ctr@
• Fort Meade TOP III Association meets
the second Wednesday of each month at
3 p.m. at the Courses. The next meeting
is Oct. 9. The association is open to all
Air Force active-duty and retired senior
noncommissioned officers. For more
information, call Master Sgt. Jonathan Jacob
at 443-479-0616 or email
• Fort Meade E9 Association meets the
second Friday of every month at 7 a.m. in
the Pin Deck Cafe at the Lanes. The next
meeting is Oct. 11. The association is open
to active, retired, Reserve and National
Guard E9s of any uniformed service. All E9s
in this area are invited to attend a breakfast
and meet the membership. For more
information, visit or call
• Meade Branch 212 of the Fleet Reserve
Association meets the second Saturday of
each month at 10 a.m. at VFW Post 160,
2597 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie. The next
meeting is Oct. 12. Active-duty, Reserve and
retired members of the U.S. Navy, Marine
Corps and Coast Guard are invited.
The organization’s annual picnic will be
held Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All
members and guests are invited.
For more information, call 443-604-2474
or 410-768-6288.
• Enlisted Spouses Club meets the second
Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Midway
Commons Neighborhood Center. The next
meeting is Oct. 14. For more information,
visit or email membership@
• New Spouse Connection meets the
second Monday of every month from 7
to 8:30 p.m. at the Community Readiness
Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next
meeting is Oct. 14. The program provides
an opportunity for all spouses new to the
military or to Fort Meade to meet and get
connected. For more information, contact
Pia Morales at
or 301-677-4110.
Get to work on time.
Know the hours
of operation for
Access Gates
on Fort Meade
Gate 1: Rockenbach Road
5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Monday through Friday;
9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
weekends; closed holidays
Gate 3: Reece Road and
Maryland Route 175
(Demps Visitor Control
Center gate) 24-hour access
Demps Visitor Control Center,
Bldg. 902 Reece Road
7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m.,
Monday through Friday
Gate 4: Mapes Road and
Maryland Route 175
CLOSED until further notice
Gate 5: Llewellyn Avenue and
Maryland Route 175
6 to 8 a.m., Monday through
Friday for inbound traffic;
3 to 6 p.m., Monday through
Friday for outbound traffic
Gate 7: Mapes Road
and Route 32
5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m.
Monday through Friday;
9 a.m. to 9 p.m.
weekends and holidays

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Soundoff september 19, 2013

  • 1. good deed American War Mother volunteer donates pillows page 6 UPCOMING EVENTS Saturday, 8 a.m.: Football Fan Fare 5K Run - Constitution Park Wednesday, 11:30 a.m.: Hispanic Heritage Month Observance - McGillTraining Center Sept. 26, 7-9 p.m.: Trivia Night - The Lanes Oct. 3, 7 a.m.: Monthly Prayer Breakfast - The Conference Center Oct. 10, 7 p.m.: U.S.Army Field Band Hispanic Heritage Concert - Devers Hall Kickoff 34th IS opens football season with 35-0 shutout over 2nd MPs page 14 Soundoff!´ vol. 65 no. 37 Published in the interest of the Fort Meade community September 19, 2013 photo by noah scialom (Left to right) Col. Danny B.N. Jaghab, commander of U.S. Army Medical Department Activity, Fort Meade, and Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center; Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin; Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski; Maj. Gen. Dean G. Sienko, commanding general, U.S. Army Public Health Command; Rep. John Sarbanes; and Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley cut the ribbon to officially open Fort Meade’s new Army Wellness Center on Monday. For the story, see Page 12. well done
  • 2. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013 Commander’s Column Contents News.............................. 3 Sports...................................14 Crime Watch.................. 3 Movies..................................17 Community..................17 Classified..............................20 Editorial Staff Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter Public Affairs Officer Chad T. Jones Chief, Command Information Philip H. Jones Assistant Editor Senior Writer Rona S. Hirsch Staff Writer Lisa R. Rhodes Staff Writer Brandon Bieltz Design Coordinator Timothy Davis Supple­mental photography provided by The Baltimore Sun Media Group Advertising General Inquiries 410-332-6300 or email If you would like information about receiving Soundoff! on Fort Meade or are experiencing distribution issues, call 877-886-1206 or e-mail Office hours are Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., and Saturday through Sunday, 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. Printed by offset method of reproduction as a civilian enterprise in the interest of the personnel at Fort George G. Meade, Maryland, by The Baltimore Sun Media Group, 501 N. Calvert St., Baltimore, MD 21278, every Thursday except the last Thursday of the year in conjunction with the Fort Meade Public Affairs Office. Requests for publication must reach the Public Affairs Office no later than Friday before the desired publication date. Mailing address: Post Public Affairs Office, Soundoff! IMME-MEA-PA, Bldg. 4409, Fort Meade, MD 20755-5025. Telephone: 301-677-5602; DSN: 622-5602. Everything advertised in this publication must be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, creed, color, national origin, marital status, handicap or sex of purchaser, user or patron.A confirmed violation or rejection of this policy of equal opportunity by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source. Printed by The Baltimore Sun Co., LLC, a private firm, in no way connected with the Department of the Army. Opinions expressed by the publisher and writers herein are their own and are not to be considered an official expression by the Department of the Army. The appearance of advertisers in the publication does not constitute an endorsement by the Department of the Army of the products or services advertised. You can also keep track of Fort Meade on Twitter at and view the Fort Meade Live Blog at Soundoff!´ Guaranteed circulation: 11,285 Editor’s note: Constitution Day and Citizen- ship Day is a combined event that is observed annually on Sept. 17. This event commemorates the formation and signing of the Constitution of the United States on Sept. 17, 1787. It also recognizes all who, by coming of age or by naturalization, have become U.S. citizens. Constitution week is celebrated Sept. 17- 23. To learn more about the U.S. Constitution, visit “We the people of the United States, in order to form a more perfect union, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general welfare, and secure the blessings of liberty to ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.” These words are the preamble of the document that each of us — military and Department of Defense civilians — in the service of our nation takes an oath to defend, and that all U.S. citizens pledge an oath of allegiance. The Constitution is the supreme law of the United States of America. It was adopted on Sept. 17, 1787, by the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia and ratified by conventions in 11 states. It went into effect on March 4, 1789. The Constitution of the United States was drafted 11 years after we boldly declared independence from England and 160 years after the Pilgrims first landed on Plymouth Rock. The words in our Constitution codify an ideal, the principal of democracy, that all people are created equal and should be free to live their lives as equals. This concept was new in the late 1700s, or virtually new as it had been more than 1,300 years since the decline of the Roman Empire in the fifth century. “I do solemnly swear that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies foreign and domes- tic. That I bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the president of the United States …” Federal law requires everyone who enlists or re-enlists in the Armed Forces of the United States to take the enlistment oath. In taking this oath, we swear allegiance, not to a king or queen, or to a president, m o n a r c h or religious leader, but to a concept of freedom and equality recorded on a piece of paper, along with its subsequent amendments. And while every young man and woman have their own reasons for wanting to serve their county, the one thing that unites them all in everything they do in uniformed service to our county is the “Oath of Enlistment.” The Constitution of the United States is the world’s oldest written constitution one and serves as the model for a number of other constitutions around the world. It has provided the basis for political stability, indi- vidual freedom, economic growth and social progress. It gives every person knowledge of the way government is supposed to work and what they should be doing. So as we celebrate Constitution Day this week, I encourage every member of our Team Meade community to read or re-read our nation’s Constitution and its amendments. I encourage all to think about what the words mean to you. Think about why our founding fathers included each section and why the amendments were added in later years. Doing this can serve as a reminder that even in times of struggle, challenge or threat, our nation remains unique in the world. And the principals on which it was founded are worth every dollar and ounce of energy expended to defend it. As we close out this week, I also want to extend our deepest sympathy to the service members, civilian workers and their families affected by this week’s tragic event at the Washington Navy Yard. Our Team Meade family stands ready and willing to offer assistance in any way possible to help those affected by this event. It continues to be my great pleasure to serve alongside you and I hope, as always, you have a wonderful Team Meade day. Recognizing the document that defines our nation COL. Brian P. Foley Garrison Commander
  • 3. September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! News The Directorate of Emergency Ser- vices offers the following crime preven- tion and safety tips for when vacationing, shopping and in your vehicle; using social media; and to prevent identity theft. Home safety • Before leaving home for vacation and holidays, place your residence on the Quarters Check List. Call Community Policing Officer Timothy Perkins at 301- 343-0345 or 410-672-4212. • If you live off post, call the local police in your jurisdiction as they have similar programs. • Stop your mail; purchase light timers and set them in a random pattern; forward your home phone to a device you will be carrying with you; and check all doors and windows to ensure they are locked. • Always secure all valuables at all times. Make sure all high-value items are recorded by serial number and photo- graphed, and that documents are stored in a fireproof safe. Mail safety • Criminals are starting to follow delivery trucks to steal packages. Ensure you coordinate pickup and delivery of all mail items. Registered mail confirma- tions are the best assurance. Shopping safety • Shop with a friend. • Do not showcase what you buy at stores by making multiple trips to your vehicle. • Do not flash money around. Lock your doors if you are sitting in your car. • Have your keys ready before you get to your vehicle. Make a quick check under, around and in the rear seat of your vehicle. Identity theft • Keep your receipts. • If you are buying a large ticket item, write down the register number and cashier’s name. • Do not let the store employees keep your receipt. • Be aware of scams. Most scams can be cross-checked at Social media Any information is valuable to a criminal. • Do not give a blow-by-blow of your vacation details or showcase new holiday presents online. • Do not let everyone know you are going out of town or provide any finan- cial information. Vehicle preparation • Always have emergency equipment such as blankets, water, cell phone char- ger, battery jump box, dry food goods, flares and flashlights. Account fraud • Never cash a second- or third-party check for anyone, unless you personally know who they are. When you cash any form of legal tender, you are solely respon- sible for the fees that apply to the return. • If you suspect any form of criminal account fraud, immediately report it to the police. Police emergency numbers • Report all emergencies to the Fort Meade Police by calling 911. For non- emergencies, call 301-677-6622 or 301- 677-6540. Suspicious activities • If you see suspicious activities in your area, call 301-677-2619 or go to Crime prevention and safety tips Sept. 5, Shoplifting: AAFES loss prevention personnel at the Exchange observed the subject conceal and fail to pay for a pair of Nike sandals. Sept. 9, Larceny of private prop- erty: The victim stated person(s) unknown took her son’s red scooter from their back porch. Sept. 10, Larceny of private property: An unknown person(s) by unknown means removed an unse- cured and unattended flag from its holder. Sept.11,Shoplifting:AAFESlosspreventionpersonnel attheExchangeobservedthesubjectholdingamakeup concealer tester. She then proceeded toward the dress- ingroomwithashirtandthetester.Later,shedeparted the dressing room with the shirt and without the tester visible. She exited the store without payment. CommunityCommunity Crime Watch Compiled by the Fort Meade Directorate of Emergency Services • Moving violations: 13 • Nonmoving violations: 1 • Verbal warnings for traffic stops: 11 • Traffic accidents: 4 • Driving on suspended license: 0 • Driving on suspended registration: 0 • Driving without a license: 0 Fort Meade Public Affairs Office As the details of the Navy Yard shoot- ing unfold, Team Meade is asked to remain vigilant and focused on the safety and secu- rity at Fort Meade. When an active shooter situation occurs, witnesses must act quickly to protect them- selves and others. Remember that custom- ers and clients are likely to follow the lead of employees and managers during an active shooter situation. Knowing and understanding how to pre- vent, prepare, respond to and recover from potential hazards can save lives. Many active shooter incidents can be prevented if indicators of violence are reported and acted upon. It is everyone’s responsibility to understand the indicators of a potentially violent individual, and report them immediately. Some warning signs of potential violence in a co-worker or student could be: • Overreacting to changes in policies, talking about incidents of violence or show- ing empathy for violent individuals. • Students show warning signs of vio- lence when they become withdrawn, under- go changes in appearance and hygiene, start making suicidal comments, or talk about weapons and violent crimes. These behavioral examples are not com- prehensive or intended to diagnose violent tendencies. However, if you notice these signs in people around you, report them to a trusted official such as a supervisor or teacher. The best way to prepare for an active shooter situation is to ensure that all indi- viduals know how to react, plans are in place and drills are conducted to validate those plans. Leaders are requested to develop emer- gency action plans, which define evacuation and shelter-in-place procedures, and ensure that emergency numbers are immediately available. Every organization should have an emergency action plan. In the event of an active shooter, take the following actions when applicable: • Evacuate: Leave everything behind, keep hands visible and follow instructions of police officers. • Hide out: If evacuation is not possible, find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. • Stay out of sight, lock and barricade the door, silence cell phone and turn off radios. • Hide behind large items that protect from gunfire, remain calm and, if possible, call 911 to alert police to the active shooter’s location. If you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen. • As a last resort — and only when your life is in imminent danger — attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by: - Acting as aggressively as possible against him/her - Throwing items and improvising weap- ons - Yelling - Committing to your actions • When law enforcement arrives, remain calm. Put hands in the air with fingers spread, and follow instructions from law enforcement personnel. Do not make sud- den movements or question law enforce- ment. • In the event that witnesses are taken to a designated assembly area for questioning following the incident, witnesses should stay in the area until they are officially released. Editor’s note: For more information on active shooter preparedness, visit www.dhs. gov/active-shooter-preparedness or call Fort Meade Antiterrorism Officer Mark A. George at 301-677-7310. How to respond to an active shooter
  • 4. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013 News Corvias Military Living Corvias Military Living, the priva- tized housing partner at Fort Meade, kicks off a series of resident oppor- tunities on Monday with a weeklong open house at 2965 2nd Army Drive. The model home will be open for tours Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The open house will conclude with a raffle of a 42-inch flat-screen TV scheduled for Friday at 5 p.m. Everyone who attends this event can receive a raffle ticket for a chance to win the TV and other prizes. Although the open house ends Friday, Corvias Military Living will extend other limited-time opportuni- ties for current and future residents through Nov. 11, Veterans Day, includ- ing paid moves, up to two months of free rent and referral rewards. Corvias invites enlisted personnel, E-1 through E-8, to move into family housing on Fort Meade with a paid local move. This unique opportunity will cover up to $1,500 of moving costs for eligible personnel within a 50-mile radius. “In this area, the commute to work and related costs are substantial,” said Maureen Van Besien, deputy community management director for Corvias Military Living. “But service members who live and work on Fort Meade have more time to spend with their family and spend less money on commuting and housing expenses.” Living on a military installa- tion offers many benefits including easy access to the commissary and Exchange as well as a community who knows the military lifestyle. Corvias Military Living residents experience that lifestyle and more, including four community centers. Each center has a resort-style swim- ming pool, fitness facility and mul- timedia room. In addition, Corvias offers such amenities as lawn care, pest control services and award-win- ning customer service. “One of the biggest perks of liv- ing with Corvias is our maintenance program,” Van Besien said. “We have 24/7 emergency on-call service. And then there is the year-round landscap- ing and snow removal. Our residents don’t have to mow their lawn or shovel sidewalks when it snows.” While the paid move program is limited to enlisted personnel, Corvias currently offers another special to all service members. There is avail- ability in housing at all rank levels, while some homes feature additional specials including up to two months free rent. This program can be used in addition to the paid move offer. So, for example, if a service member moves on post from the local commu- nity and into a home where Corvias offers two months free rent, the ser- vice member will receive both the free rent and a paid local move. Current housing residents also have the opportunity to take advantage of a special offer. Any resident who refers someone who then moves on post before Nov. 11 will receive a $500 reward check. “If anyone has any questions or would like to tour a home or com- munity center, they are welcome to contact us,” Van Besien said. “This is a great opportunity to take advantage of the resident experience Corvias has to offer.” To qualify for a paid move or other special offer, a lease must be signed by Nov. 11. For more information, stop by the Fort Meade Leasing and Relocation Center at 2965 2nd Army Drive; call 410-305-1258; or visit the website at Open house launches special offers for residents By Kelly L. Forys-Donahue U.S. Army Public Health Command “What? Are you serious? So-and-so tried to kill himself?” Unfortunately, at some time in your life, you may have heard these questions spoken in your circle of friends. Suicide is real. Most of us know someone whose life has been affected by suicidal behavior (a completed suicide or a suicide attempt). The pain and stress of the suicidal behavior spreads like a ripple to family, battle buddies, friends and co-workers. All of those individuals who could be impacted by suicidal behavior — includ- ing you — can help to recognize risk factors and stressors and act to increase the chances of saving a life. There is not one single factor or set of factors that indicate a person is thinking about suicide. Sometimes, we can look back at an incident of suicidal behavior and say, “Wow, we should’ve seen that coming.” But other times, the behavior seems to happen out-of-the-blue. Noticing the signs and risk factors of suicidal behavior is not always easy. Risk factors vary from person to per- son and change over time in the same person. An individual can have one or multi- ple risk factors contributing to a suicidal behavior. They include: • Relationship problems If someone has an argument with his significant other, it does not mean that he is going to hurt himself. However, relationship problems such as the death of a loved one or friend, breakups and divorces are very stressful and can be associated with suicidal behavior. • Substance use and abuse Alcohol and drugs are often abused in a misguided attempt to help cope with life stress. A sudden increase in substance use can signal a problem. Drug and alcohol use can increase the likelihood of risky behaviors such as being careless or impulsive with weap- ons, which is associated with completed suicides. • Life stressors Getting in trouble on the job, having civilian or military legal problems, and dealing with money issues or health problems are both mentally and physi- cally exhausting. Difficulty sleeping can add to the stress. Life stressors alone or coupled with other risk factors can lead to suicidal behaviors. • Behavioral health issues Stress can lead to behavioral health problems such as depression, anxiety and adjustment issues. For some indi- viduals, a terrifying event may lead to post-traumatic stress disorder. Individuals who are feeling depressed or anxious might withdraw from social support, making it more difficult for them to deal with everyday stress. When a person is alone, he may begin to iso- late from people, making it more dif- ficult for family, battle buddies, friends and co-workers to see that he or she is struggling. Without support from people who care, individuals can feel hopeless about the future and may not ask for help. Having one or more risk factors does not necessarily mean that a person is going to hurt himself. However, the risk factors described above have been shown to be associated with suicidal behavior. If we can all look for those factors and talk to the individual experiencing those stressors about how he is doing, together we can make a difference and improve the health and well-being of our family members, battle buddies, friends and co-workers. Counselors treat thousands of people for relationship problems, substance abuse, depression, PTSD and stress each year. Trained therapists are available at behavioral health clinics on post, in the civilian community and in Veterans Affairs clinics. The best way to help prevent sui- cidal behavior is to pay attention to your loved ones, battle buddies, friends and co-workers and watch for changes in their behavior. Reach out to someone you trust in your organization or in your personal life. Remember ACE: Ask, Care, Escort. If you see changes, or if something just seems “off,” say something, ask him if he is thinking about hurting himself. Show him you care. Take him to get help. Call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-TALK (8255). Your actions could save a life. Recognize the signs of suicide to save a life
  • 5. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013 News By Lisa R. Rhodes Staff Writer Barbara Tyler never imagined that her love for sewing would be recognized by the president of the United States. On Sept. 12, Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley presented Tyler with the President’s Volunteer Service Award, in part for the 80 military branch insignia pillows she sewed and donated to Fort Meade service members at Right Arm Night. “It made me feel good,” said Tyler, a resident of Cheverly, after the award pre- sentation at garrison headquarters. “All the people who got the pillows really appreciated them and loved it.” The award, which includes a letter signed by President Barack Obama, is given by the Corporation for National Community Service. “Thank you for your devotion to service and for doing all you can to share a better tomorrow for our great nation,” stated the letter from Obama. Tyler, her daughter Lucille Baker and family friend Phil Simms distributed the brightly colored plush pillows for free at Right Arm Night on Aug. 22. Foley and Garrison Command Sgt. Maj. Thomas J. Latter posed for a photo- graph with Tyler at the event. “We were truly impressed with your service and enthusiasm,” said Foley at the award presentation. “You’re a wonderful American.” Tyler has been sewing since she was a child in her hometown of Inwood, W. Va. She is the widow of Perry D. Tyler, who retired in 1966 after serving 16 years in the Air Force. Tyler also is a former president of the Harmony Chapter #3 Washington, D.C., chapter of the American War Mothers. She served from 1998 to 2000 and is still a member of the national organization, which was chartered by Congress in 1925. The members of AWM are mothers whose sons and daughters have served or who are serving in the armed forces. The organization’s objective is to aid the ser- vice members or veterans and their fami- lies, including those who are hospitalized, according to the AWM website. Tyler came up with the idea for the pillows after purchasing the fabric while traveling in Oklahoma. She said she had so much fabric, she wasn’t sure what to do with it. Baker said that as a former AWM presi- dent, giving to service members “is still in [Tyler’s] heart.” Sew Right American War Mother volunteer donates military insignia pillows A decade ago, Tyler sewed robes and slippers that she donated to service mem- bers at the former Walter Reed Army Medical Center in Washington, D.C., along with letters written by children from a school in her neighborhood. Tyler and her sister Katie Proctor began sewing the pillows last year. Capt. Leslie J. Johnson, commander of Headquarters and Headquarters Com- pany, met Tyler a few months ago when Tyler visited the Directorate of Family and Morale, Welfare and Recreation building, seeking assistance with the distribution of the pillows. “She wandered into our building look- ing for help,” Johnson said. “Mrs. Tyler initially wanted to give the pillows to wounded warriors to cheer them up.” However, Fort Meade’s Warrrior Transi- tion Unit could not accept the pillows due to legal constraints. The WTU referred Johnson and Tyler to Candace Godfrey, marketing manager and gifts and donation coordinator for FMWR. “She brought me a sample so that I could see her handmade pillow, and they were very nice,” Godfrey said. “I wanted to help her find a way to accomplish her mission, as well as bring a morale booster to our service members.” Godfrey invited Tyler to distribute the pillows at Right Arm Night at Club Meade. The pillows were put on display and given away to service members and DoD civilians on a first-come, first-served basis. “Ms. Tyler received numerous thank- yous, handshakes and hugs from the service members and civilians who attended the event,” Godfrey said. “Ms. Tyler received a round of applause from everyone at the event. It was really great to watch the exchange of gratitude.” Martha McClary, director of FMWR, thanked Tyler at the event for her donation and sent her a letter of appreciation. Tyler said she never imagined that her love for sewing would bring such recogni- tion. “I feel real good about it. Thank you,” she said. photo by philip H. jones Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley congratulates Barbara Tyler on receiving the President’s Volunteer Service Award, which he presented to her on Sept. 12 at garrison headquarters. Tyler was given the award, in part, for sewing and donating 80 military branch insignia pillows for Fort Meade service members and DoD civilians at Right Arm Night on Aug. 22 at Club Meade Barbara Tyler’s handmade military insignia pillows were on display at Right Arm Night on Aug. 22. The pillows were given away at no charge on a first-come, first-served basis to service members and DoD civilians. Photo courtesy of DFMWR
  • 6. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013 News Story and photo by Airman 1st Class Samuel Daub 70th ISR Wing Public Affairs Representatives from the Fort Meade Garrison Chapel visited Airmen of the 70th Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance Wing on Aug. 20 dur- ing its monthly dorm dinner. Hosted by the 707th Communica- tions Squadron, the event was cele- brated in the Roost at Building 9827. Garrison Chaplain (Col.) Carl Rau and Sgt. 1st Class Buffie F. Hall, gar- rison chapel noncommissioned officer in charge, were invited by the 70th Wing Chapel Office in gratitude of the support received through the garrison for ISR Wing chapel events. The 70th Wing Chapel is almost entirely funded through the garrison chapel community funds. Without the 70th Wing’s relationship with the gar- rison, programs such as the marriage and singles retreats, Bible studies, faith in films, seminars and dorm dinners would be severely impacted. Last year, the 70th Wing received more than $50,000 from garrison funds to support Airmen. “We are truly excited that they accepted our invitation to attend our dorm dinner tonight,” said Tech. Sgt. Clara Wise, 70th Wing Chapel Office NCOIC. “They have definitely been a blessing to the 70th ISR Wing Air Force personnel here at Fort Meade.” Before dinner, Chaplain (Capt.) Ronald Feeser of the 70th Wing Cha- pel Office introduced Rau and Hall and thanked them for their attendance and contribution. Rau spoke briefly about the joint service environment, emphasizing the value of military and civilians serving together as a team. “We are all in this together,” Rau said. “As chaplains, we are all doing the Lord’s work together.” Rau led the group in prayer, blessing the meal as well as the people involved in making the evening possible. “I think it’s pretty cool seeing lead- ership take time [out of their sched- ule] to come out here,” said Airman 1st Class Jonathon, 94th Intelligence Squadron cryptologic linguist. “I mean, a lot of the times they’re in uniform showing they just worked a whole day, and they still come out here to spend some time with the Airmen that live in the dorms. “I like the atmosphere. There’s a lot of very friendly people around here.” As the majority of participants fin- ished the meal and shifted focus from dinner to conversation, Rau shared his Chapel garrison staff attends dorm dinner hosted by 70th ISR Garrison Chaplain (Col.) Carl Rau directs his comments toward Chaplain (Capt.) Ronald Feeser, 70th ISR Wing Chapel Office, and Army Sgt. 1st Class Buffie F. Hall, Garrison Chapel NCOIC, during the dorm dinner celebrated Aug. 20. thoughts on the interactions around him. “One of the things I can take away is the friendliness of everyone, not just to me, but the friendliness to everyone,” he said. “Everyone is out here socializing. It’s not one of those quiet functions where you only talk to maybe the four people grouped around you. Everybody is coming together and enjoying food, fellow- ship, laughter, friendship, fun. I mean, look around — people are getting to know one another better, and if they don’t know each other, they’re intro- ducing themselves.” For more information on dorm din- ner and volunteer opportunities, call the 70th ISR Wing Chapel office at 301-677-0811. Moment in Time During World War I, Fort Meade was established in 1917 as Camp Meade, a cantonment for troops drafted for the war. In celebration of the installation’s 96th anniversary, Soundoff! is featuring a series of historical snapshots of the people and events at Fort Meade through the years. The 304th Engineer Regiment and WWI German artillery The Fort Meade Museum is packed with artifacts from battlefields throughout the world from several wars. Among the rare artifacts is a large World War I German artillery cartridge and a wicker basket carrier used to transport it. The casing and basket made their way from the fields of France to Fort Meade with the help of Col. James F. Barber and the 304th Engineer Regiment. Part of the 79th Division, a draftee division raised at Camp Meade in September 1917, the men of the 304th Engineers were from Philadelphia and Central Pennsylvania. Barber, a lieutenant colonel at the time, led the unit in the first phase of the Meuse-Argonne Battle. Shortly after, he assumed command of the unit and commanded its field operations. The field operations of the 304th Engineers included defusing and collecting enemy ordnance, which would explain how Barber came in possession of the 16- inch-tall cartridge and basket. The casing, which also was brought back from France, was used with the Krupp 42cm M-Gerät L/12 Dicke Bertha — or the “Big Bertha.” During the war, the casings were transported in a large wicker basket with thick felt holding the casing in- place inside. Very few of the baskets survived the war as many fell apart from re-use or had been burned for fuel. Barber donated the pieces after the war. They are now on display at the Fort Meade Museum.
  • 7. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013 News By Jane M. Winand Chief, Legal Assistance Division Perhaps you are moving soon or are planning a fall vacation. The Internet is filled with rental infor- mation. You can explore a new location from afar by going online to determine the local rental options. But beware! One of the newest scams involves false rental listings. The scammer could be advertising a rental that isn’t available or that may not even exist, all to trick you into sending money. Then the scammer has your money and you have no rental. Finding the perfect apartment or vaca- tion rental may be difficult, so when a sweet deal pops up it can be hard to refuse. Scammers use this technique to lure you in by hijacking a legitimate rental listing. The scammer will take the ad for a luxurious apartment or vacation home, change the email address or other contact information, make the rental charge very reasonable, and then place the modified listing on the scammer’s site. The altered listing may still include the original owner’s name. Other scammers hijack the email accounts of legitimate property own- ers who advertise on reputable vacation rental sites. Some scammers are brazen enough to make up fictitious listings for properties that either don’t exist or are not for rent. The advertisements look legitimate, so how do you protect yourself? If you find that dream property and are ready to make a commitment to rent, avoid the scammers by being alert for the following: • The ad directs you to wire money to pay a security deposit, application fee, first month’s rent, or vacation rental fee. Scammers often want you to wire them money, which is the same as sending cash. Once you wire the money, you can’t get it back. Be very suspicious of a request to wire money. • You haven’t seen the rental property, have never met the listing agent and have not signed a lease, yet the agent wants you to pay a security deposit or first month’s rent. You should first visit the property yourself before paying any money to the agent. If you can’t go there yourself, con- sider having a family member or friend go to the property to confirm that it is for rent and that it truly has all the amenities listed in the advertisement. • Search for the owner and property on the Internet to see if the same advertise- ment is listed under a different name. If so, then you should suspect that the ad is a scam. • Be very suspicious if the owner states that he or she is out of the country but has a procedure in place to get the rental key to you. It might involve a third party working on behalf of the owner. Some scammers go through elabo- rate third-party arrangements to give the unsuspecting consumer a fake key. Of course, all this happens after you have paid a rental payment or security deposit. • If you are contemplating renting a vacation villa overseas, pay with a credit card or through PayPal and use a repu- table vacation rental website. Some of the established vacation rental websites also have their own payment systems. For more information about rental scams, go to the Federal Trade Commission website at, or call the Fort Meade Legal Assistance Office at 301-677-9504 or 301-677-9536 to schedule an appoint- ment to speak with an attorney. Rental listings are latest trick used by scammers Chaplain’s Word CARING “People don’t care how much you know until they know how much you care.” — John C. Maxwell Leadership Expert DAYS at D.R. Horton ** For the Month of September From Each Column forJust *Prices,specifications,deliverydatesandavailabilityaresubjecttochangewithoutnoticeorobligation.Furnishingsnotincluded.Termsandconditionssubjectto creditapproval,marketchangesandavailability.**SeeCommunitySalesManagerfordetailsandrestrictions. Optionsareavailableperplanonto-be-builthomesin D.R.Horton’sVirginia,MarylandandDelawarecommunitiesonly.PromotiononlyapplicabletovalidcontractswrittenpriortoSeptember30,2013whicharesignedby D.RHortonandclose.Useofthisincentive withanyothercustomerincentiveissolelyatthediscretionofD.R.Horton.Subjecttochangewithoutnoticeorobligation. MHBR#535 GARAGE OPENER DOOR PENDANTlights lights CABINET Under Stairs OAK and SINK Upgrade Granite Upgrade ceramic inOwner’sBath HARDWOOD in Kitchen, Breakfast and Hall Upgrade #2 2 Inch WHITE blinds
  • 8. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013 Cover Story photos by noah scialom Rep. John Sarbanes takes a look at a BOD POD that measures body mass during a tour of Fort Meade’s new Army Wellness Center, following the official ribbon-cutting ceremony Monday morning. Sarbanes was joined on the tour and at the ceremony by Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski and Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin. By Lisa R. Rhodes Staff Writer A cold rain did not dampen the enthu- siasm for the ribbon-cutting ceremony that officially opened Fort Meade’s new Army Wellness Center on Monday morn- ing. Located in part of Building 4418 on Llewellyn Avenue, the site of the Medal of Honor Memorial Library, the AWC operates under the aegis of the Preventive Medicine Services Division at Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center. The facility offers free, holistic health services to help service members, their family members, retirees and DoD civil- ians to build and sustain a healthy lifestyle and prevent chronic diseases such as heart disease and diabetes. Col. Danny B.N. Jaghab, commander of U.S. Army Medical Department Activ- ity, Fort Meade, and Kimbrough, was joined by Maj. Gen. Dean G. Sienko, commanding general, U.S. Army Public Health Command, Garrison Commander Col. Brian P. Foley, Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski, Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin and Rep. John Sarbanes in making brief remarks at the ceremony. “I’m really honored to have the respon- sibility for delivering programs through this center that will help service members and their families, retirees and DoD civilians build and sustain good health,” Jaghab said. “Our Army is committed to developing a team of physically fit and psychologically strong Soldiers, families and civilians who have the resilience and total fitness that enables them to meet the Army’s mission today.” Fort Meade’s AWC is the Army’s 16th operational Army Wellness Center and is a program of the U.S. Army Medical Command. The AWCs are overseen by the Army Public Health Command. The hourlong ceremony at Fort Meade began with a musical prelude and the National Anthem by the U.S. Army Field Band’s clarinet quartet, and the invocation by Chaplain (Maj.) James P. Covey, Fort Meade’s Family Life Ministry chaplain. After remarks by the distinguished guests, Jamie Valis, director of the new Army Wellness Center, led a tour of the facility. “It’s definitely an exciting time,” Valis Wellness center helps Meade build, sustain healthy lifestyles said after the tour. “We are honored to be a part of the Army’s mission for Army Wellness Centers.” In his remarks, Sienko said wellness is “the cornerstone that will help our Army and our nation transfer from a health care system to a system for health.” Army Surgeon General Lt. Gen. Patri- cia Horoho has made this transition a top priority, Sienko said, along with preven- tive medicine. “As a nation and Army, we must comprehensively, boldly and innovatively embrace prevention and invest in a public health approach to health,” Sienko said. “This is our most promising path to a healthy population. A robust system of Army Wellness Centers is critical to this end-state.” Sienko said the Public Health Com- mand has conducted two studies of AWCs and has found that the health of clients has improved in their body mass index, body fat, muscle strength, endur- ance, flexibility, resting heart rate, blood pressure and aerobic capacity. “Data are accumulating that these cen- ters work,” Sienko said. “They make peo- ple healthier. They will prevent chronic diseases and improve quality of life.” Before introducing Mikulski, Foley noted Fort Meade’s selection as one of three Army bases to participate as a pilot installation in the DoD’s Healthy Base Initiative. (See sidebar). Mikulski, who was instrumental in ensuring that Fort Meade was included in the initiative, said the new AWC will “help our military and their families be fit for duty and develop the resiliency habits and know-how that they need to be the best fighting force and the best family support that they can be.” Cardin spoke of the congressional delegation’s commitment to “deal with the health of the people who serve in our military. “What’s here at Meade will be a model for our nation,” Cardin said. “... We believe that this is the future of health care and it’s right here at Meade.” Sarbanes emphasized the importance of prevention in health care. “For too long, too much of our health care system was about treating people after they’re already sick, instead of keep- ing them well on the front end,” he said. “Having an Army Wellness Center that will focus on fitness, nutrition and stress management, and all these things that are a part of healthy living will make a tremendous difference for the Soldiers and their families.” The AWC provides a standardized core of health services: a health assess- ment review, which is an analysis of the patient’s health status, risk for disease and ability to exercise safely; physical fitness testing and exercise prescription; healthy nutrition using metabolic testing to provide individualized strategies for weight loss, gain or maintenance; stress management using biofeedback to reduce stress; general wellness education through classes on topics such as healthy lifestyles, increased resiliency and self-care; and
  • 9. September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 13 tobacco education using assessments to determine an individual’s readiness to become tobacco-free. Valis leads a staff of health educators, a nurse educator and a health promotion technician. The staff provides the core health services and follow-up. The tour included a view of the center’s equipment for metabolic testing, a BOD POD to measure body mass, a health assessment room and a biofeedback room. The center, which is located in the back of the library, also includes a reception area and office space for staff. Service members, and their family mem- bers, retirees and Army civilian employees can make an appointment at the center at 301-677-2006 or can be referred by their unit or a physician at Kimbrough. Col. Danny B.N. Jaghab, commander of U.S. Army Medical Department Activity, Fort Meade, and Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center, escorts Sen. Barbara A. Mikulski through the rain to the ribbon- cutting ceremony Monday morning for the garrison’s new Army Wellness Center. Fort Meade has been selected to participate in the Healthy Base Initiative, a dem- onstration project for the Defense Department’s Operation Live Well. Operation Live Well is aimed at increasing the health and wellness of the total force, including civilians and family members, Pentagon officials said. As part of the yearlong demonstration project, Fort Meade, along with 13 other participating DoD installations and sites, will be examined for its ability to create environments that enable sustainable healthy lifestyles. Best practices will be shared with the military services for further implementation throughout the armed forces. The installations will serve as pilot sites to evaluate initiatives to improve nutritional choices, increase physical activity, reduce obesity and decrease tobacco use. “We are pleased that Fort Meade is participating in the Healthy Base Initiative,” said Rosemary Williams, deputy assistant secretary of Defense for Military Community and Family Policy. “The leadership at Fort Meade is committed to an active, healthy lifestyle.” Williams said Fort Meade is diverse in geography, mission, personnel and resources, and the installation has adequate dining and fitness facilities and other infrastructure to support the pilot. “A healthy and fit force is essential to national security,”Williams said. “The Depart- ment of Defense is faced with both recruitment and retention challenges, as well as rising health care costs.” Twenty-seven percent of Americans cannot join the military because they fail to meet weight standards, and the military separates thousands of members from service because they are not meeting standards or cannot pass the fitness tests. “We intend to lead by example and take on the challenge of reversing obesity trends among children and adults, as well as rising tobacco use in the military community,” Williams said. For more information about the Healthy Base Initiative, visit http://www.militaryone- Fort Meade joins Healthy Base Initiative Staff Sgt. Michael Sapp, of Kimbrough Ambulatory Care Center’s Preventive Medicine staff, demonstrates how to use the metabolic testing station at Fort Meade’s new Army Wellness Center. ‘What’s here at Meade will be a model for our nation ... We believe that this is the future of health care.’ Sen. Benjamin L. Cardin
  • 10. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013 Sports By Brandon Bieltz Staff Writer With a brand new lineup of players replacing last season’s championship-cali- ber team, the 34th Intelligence Squadron and coach Cameron Greene were not quite sure what was going to happen in the intramural football season opener against the 2nd Military Police Detachment on Monday. It turned out the team had little to worry about as the 34th IS played a dominate game against the 2nd MPs en route to a 35-0 win at Mullins Field. Sean McDaid led the 34th IS with four total touchdowns — two passing, one rush- ing and one on an interception. “I’m pretty sure anybody will take that,” Greene said of the shutout win. In preseason practices, the 34th IS had been working on replacing a majority of last year’s team that lost to the 29th IS Black Knights in the championship game 26-6. Only three players from last season’s roster remain on the team. “During practice and now, we’re just try- ing to piece it together and, hopefully, make something happen,” Greene said. The 2nd MPs also were working with a new, unfamiliar roster as it is the team’s inaugural season in the intramural league. With very little practice prior to the season opener, coach Robert Citrullo said his team is looking strongest on the defensive side of the ball. “We have some speed demons on our team and a couple [of] bigger guys that will hold our line,” he said. Regardless of the team’s early-season success as players become familiar with each other’s playing styles, Citrullo said the team is more focused on having a good time on the gridiron. “We’re really just out here to have a little fun,” he said. “Everybody loves to win, but we’re really just here to have some fun.” At the beginning of Monday’s game, the inexperience of the 2nd MPs was evident as their first drive ended with a safety resulting from a miscue in the end zone. Already up 2-0 before even taking a snap, the 34th IS quickly went to work as McDaid engineered a seven-play drive that was capped with a touchdown pass to Josh- ua Smalls to build the early lead to 9-0. The 2nd MPs’struggles continued on the team’s second drive as Travis Smith’s pass was picked off by McDaid near midfield. With a short field, McDaid hit Jackie Fair for the quarterback’s second touchdown to extend the 34th IS’ lead to 16-0. 34th IS opens intramural season with big win A 2nd MP quarterback change yielded the same results, as Samuel Johnson was intercepted by Jon Rake on the following drive. On the 34th IS’ first play of the pos- session, McDaid sprinted into the end zone dodging several would-be tacklers to give the team a 22-0 lead into half time. At the start of the half, the 2nd MPs’ defense was able to hold the 34th IS’ potent offense to a three-and-out, but were unable to move the ball on the ensuing posses- sion. After being held on the first possession of the half, McDaid and Smalls connected again for a second touchdown, increasing the 34th IS lead to 28-0. McDaid sealed the 35-0 win for the 34th IS when he picked off Samuel Johnson and returned the interception for a touchdown. While it is far too early to predict a repeat of last year’s season, Greene said, the team now has a better idea of what kind of players they have and will look to continue improve as the season progresses. “Still had first-game jitters, but we pulled out the win,” he said. “Can’t argue with the end result, but we can definitely be better.” photos by noah scialom 34th Intelligence Squadron’s quarterback Sean McDaid evades a tackle during Monday’s intramural football season-opener at Mullins Field. McDaid had four total touchdowns for the 34th IS — two passes, one rushing and one returning an interception. BELOW: Marcus White of the 2nd Military Police Detachment extends for a catch during the first game of the intramural football season on Monday at Mullins Field. The 2nd MPs were defeated by the 34th IS, 35-0.
  • 11. September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 15 Sports Story and photo by Brandon Bieltz Staff Writer For 24 minutes, Meade High’s offense led by Kyle Evans and Marcus Smith overpowered the South River Seahawks on Friday to score 45 points. But when the Mustangs’ offense stalled out by racking up 152 yards of penalties, the aggressive defensive unit kept control of the game by producing four turnovers and keeping a South River comeback at bay. The well-rounded Meade squad cap- tured the 45-22 win on South River’s home turf to improve its record to 2-0. Evans led the offense with 199 yards and two touch- downs on 17 carries, while Kavon Wither- spoon led the ball-hawking defense with an interception and fumble recovery. “This one we feel like we dominated physically from start to finish,” said head coach Rich Holzer. The Mustangs started Friday’s game where they left off against Glen Burnie the week before — struggling to find the end zone. Shut out by the Seahawks in the first quarter, the Meade defense kept South River off the board as well by forcing two turnovers. “We had to believe in each other to stop them to win the game,” Witherspoon said. On the Seahawks’ opening drive, line- backer Robert Hogan picked off Jalen Jones in South River territory just past midfield. But the offense failed to capital- ize on a short field. On the ensuing South River drive, Daniel Butler recovered a fumble at the Meade 44-yard line. The fumble recovery set up a nine-play drive engineered by quarterback Marcus Smith that was capped off with an Evan’s 22-yard touchdown run to gave the Mus- tangs’ their first score. A missed extra point kept the score at 6-0 South River responded with a 70-yard drive that resulted in a touchdown pass to Billy O’Hara. But the lead was short-lived as Smith connected with David Richards for a 89-yard touchdown pass for Meade to regain the lead, 13-7. The Mustangs then drove down the field again with a 10-play drive that ended with a 28-yard Gio Ogo field goal. A South River three-and-out forced a punt from the 29-yard line, which Evans returned to the 3-yard line. Smith, who had 91 yards on 19 carries, rushed for the 3-yard touchdown, giving the Mustangs a 23-7 lead at halftime. Meade opened the third quarter strug- gling on offense as South River started to find its rhythm. The Mustang defense Ground game, defense pushes Meade past South River Meade running back Kyle Evans pulls away from defenders during Friday’s game at South River. Evans ran for 199 and two touchdowns on 17 carries as the Mustangs improved their record to 2-0 with the 45-22 victory over the Seahawks. again forced a much-needed fumble as the Seahawks were driving deep into Meade territory. Witherspoon recovered a fumble at the Meade 5-yard line, ending the scor- ing threat. “That was huge,” Holzer said. “They were driving on us and that can put them back in the game somewhat, and it kind of shut the door on them.” Smith and the Mustangs opened the fourth quarter by capping off a 32-yard drive with a 20-yard touchdown pass to Deventae Dunn for a 30-7 lead. On Meade’s following drive, backup quarterback DJ Pate rushed for a 37-yard touchdown. The two-point conversion — a pass from Hogan to Will Huff — extended the lead to 38-7. Down 38-14, the Seahawks began fight- ing back, putting together two scoring drives and forcing a safety to cut the lead to 38-16. However, a 94-yard touchdown run by Evans padded the Mustang’s lead to 45-22. Witherspoon ended any chance of a South River comeback with an intercep- tion at the Meade 24-yard line as the Mus- tangs sealed the 45-22 win. Smith went 12-19 for 194 yards and two touchdowns. Dunn led the receiv- ers with two catches for 96 yards and a touchdown. Evans said the win feels better than last week’s over Glen Burnie, but the team needs to keep up its intensity and focus on improving. “It feels good; we still have a lot of work to do,” he said. “We’re not taking this as a really good win, but we feel good about it.” Week Three: (2-0) Old Mill at (2-0) Meade High, Friday at 6:30 p.m. The last time the Mustangs saw the Patriots was in the regional championships last year as Meade won the Class 4A East Regional title 28-21. “I’m sure they’re going to be fired up, our kids will be fired up,” Holzer said. “This is a chance for our kids to prove that they are for real. I’m anticipating a pretty hard-fought game.” Always a playoff contender, Old Mill opened the season with wins against Broadneck and Arundel. Running back Marcus Hicks, with 185 yards and six touchdowns, has been the Patriots’ main offensive weapon on a unit that focuses on ball control and eats up the clock. The defensive line and linebacker corps will need to shut down the run and force the Patriots to throw. Meade’s young offensive line and Smith will see more pressure and blitzes than they have in the first two games. The offense will need to make big plays to keep the Patriot defense from attacking the line. Following the South River game, Evans said the team had immediately turned its attention to the Old Mill matchup. “That’s all we’re worried about from this point on,” he said.
  • 12. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013 Sports Sports Shorts Football Fan Fare 5K and 1 Mile Walk The installation’s annual Run Series continues Saturday with a Football Fan Fare 5K and 1 Mile Walk at 8 a.m. at Constitution Park. The pre-registration cost for individuals is $15. Cost on the day of the run is $25. The pre-registration cost for groups of seven to 10 is $75. The pre-registration cost is $45 for a family of three to six people. All pre-registered runners will receive a T-shirt. To pre-register, go to For more information, call 301-677-3867. Meade High 2013 Fall 5K Run/Walk The Meade Athletic Boosters will sponsor a 5K Run/Walk to support all athletic teams at Meade High School on Oct. 19 at 9 a.m. Race will start at the Meade High track. Online registrations will be open on until Oct. 13, or on race day from 8 to 8:45 a.m. Cost of the race is $20 for adults and $15 for students until Oct. 13, and $25 on race day. A race T-shirt is guaranteed with online registration before Oct. 13. Medals will be given for first- and second-place in each category. Printable registration form can be found at cfm?action=main.boosters. Register online at boosters-fall-5k-2013. Cougars roundup Football • The 70-pound Cougars defeated the Southern Bulldogs, 18-6 • The 80-pound Cougars defeated Pasadena Chargers, 13-0 • The 90-pound Cougars had a bye • The 100-pound Cougars were defeated by the Gambrills-Odenton Wildcats, 36-0 • The 11U Cougars defeated the Pasadena Chargers, 18-12 Soccer • The Under-9 Cougars tied the Arundel Dragons, 2-2 • The Under-10 Cougars tied South River, 1-1 • The Under-12 Cougars tied the Severn Phoenix, 1-1 Now unless you are officially whacked in the head, you know how much fun it is to pop a squat in the dentist chair. But my visit on Wednesday actually started pretty well. Right after my X-rays, Dr. Hamilton buttered me up by saying my teeth didn’t look like they were dipped in butter, and everything was pretty much straight. Then, of course, the scraping began. That was followed by the polishing, and then we made an appointment to fill a couple of teeth. I think he threw a crown in there as well. Finally, he brought up my missing molars. “You’re 39, Chad, and pretty soon your …” The rest of Dr. Hamilton’s sentence might as well have been in gibberish because of how he said the number 39, like it was a backhanded compliment like, “That shirt makes you look thin” or “That beard really covers your double chin.” Plus, I know what he really wanted to say is, “in a few months you’re going to be 40.” To be precise, I am three months, 14 days, 13 hours and seven minutes from the big 4-0. And even though I’m fairly confident all my hair won’t fall out and I won’t be falling asleep at 6 p.m. starting on Jan. 2, 2014, I do know that I’m officially on top of the proverbial hill and looking down on becoming dusty. And after all the recent work Fort Meade has been doing regarding wellness and the Healthy Base Initiative, I couldn’t help but take a look at myself. In the words of motivational speaker Matt Foley, I’m not what you would call “healthy.” I eat peanut butter like Homer goes through brownies. I’ve been put on medi- cation for anxiety, and my 10-year old daughter recently smoked me in a 5K. Now I have tried to be healthy. I’ve done a few days of exercise here and there. I have fought the urge to dig my tarnished, silver table spoon into the jar of pea- nut butter, and I have even learned some breathing exercises. But as I sit on the edge of middle age, I real- ize that my ear- lier attempts were basically Band- Aids to cover up the fact that I don’t live a healthy lifestyle. Moreover, I need some help. Fortunately, Fort Meade has the tools to help me and any other member of Team Meade who may be in the same sinking ship. To prove it to you, I’m starting the Healthy Chad Initiative. Next Wednesday I’m heading to the Army Wellness Center for my body evalu- ation. From there I’m going to use their guidance on things like exercise, diet and stress management, along with the mul- tiple other resources available on the Fort Meade Resiliency Campus to get healthy. Now my friend Jamie at the Wellness Center told me that we’ll get to setting goals and timelines after I take a seat in the Bod Pod. But the hope is that at a minimum, when this HCI is over and I’m knee-deep into a healthy lifestyle, I will be under 200 pounds for the first time since the mid-90s and able to whip my daughter in a race. And guess what? You’re coming on this journey with me. Well, technically, a video camera is coming with me to document the experience, and then I’m going to be running regular broadcasts on Facebook and the Fort Meade Live Blog. Of course, if you want to get a head start on your healthy initiative, call the Army Wellness Center at 301-677-2006. And as always, if you have any ques- tions on this or anything to do with sports, contact me at or hit me up on Twitter @ctjibber. The Healthy Chad Initiative Chad T. Jones, Public Affairs Officer Jibber Jabber - Opinion For all your varsity and intramural sports schedules, scores and standings, visit
  • 13. September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 17 Community News Notes The deadline for Soundoff! community “News and Notes” is Friday at noon. All submissions are posted at the editor’s discretion and may be edited for space and grammar. Look for additional community events on the Fort Meade website at www. and the Fort Meade Facebook page at For more information or to submit an announcement, email Philip Jones at philip. or call 301-677-5602. Public notice Fort Meade will conduct a Restoration Advisory Board meeting today at 7 p.m. at the Holiday Inn Express, 7481 Ridge Road, Hanover. RAB meetings are held to keep the public informed and involved in Fort Meade’s environmental cleanup and restoration program, and to provide opportunities for public involvement. Topics for this meeting include updates on the former mortar range, Manor View dump site, Little Patuxent River parcel, and the Nevada Avenue investigation. Members of the public and the media are invited. In order to foster communication and open discussion, video recording devices are prohibited from the meeting room. Residents interested in learning more about the restoration program or in becoming a RAB member are encouraged to attend the meeting. For more information, call 301-677- 9365 or visit Environmental programs/RAB. Commissary baggers needed The commissary is accepting applications for bagger positions. Ten bagger positions are available for the morning shift, Mondays to Fridays from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Seven bagger positions are available for The movie schedule is subject to change. For a recorded announcement of showings, call 301- 677-5324. Further listings are available on the Army and Air Force Exchange Service website at Movies start Wednesdays to Saturdays at 6:30 p.m. and Sundays at 2 p.m. NEW PRICES: Tickets are $5.50 for adults (12 and older) and $3 for children. 3D Movies: $7.50 adults, $5 children. Today through Sept. 29 Today Friday: “We’re The Millers” (R). A drug dealer goes to Mexico with a fake family to complete a big deal. With Jennifer Aniston, Jason Sudeikis, Will Poulter. Saturday Sunday: “Percy Jackson: Sea of Mon- sters” (PG). Percy and friends go in search of the Golden Fleece. With Logan Lerman, Brandon T. Jackson, Alexandra Daddario. (3D Saturday) Sept. 25, 28: “Planes 3D” (PG). A crop-dusting plane dreams of competing in a famous aerial race but must overcome his fear of heights. With Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Brad Garrett. Sept. 26, 27: “Elysium” (R). In 2159, the wealthy live aboard a luxurious space station while others suffer on the surface. With Matt Damon, Jodie Foster, Sharlto Copley. Sept. 29: “Planes” (PG). A crop-dusting plane dreams of competing in a famous aerial race but must overcome his fear of heights. With Dane Cook, Stacy Keach, Brad Garrett. Movies Connect with Fort Meade at /ftmeade NEWS EVENTS CONTINUED ON PAGE 18 file photo HIspanic Heritage observanceThe Fort Meade community is invited to commemorate the 2013 Hispanic Heritage Month Observance on Wednesday from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. at McGill Training Center. Admission is free and open to the public. The theme is “Hispanics: Serving and Leading Our Nation with Pride and Honor.” The keynote speaker is Col. Irene M. Zoppi, who serves as com- mander of the Strategic Intelligence Group at Bolling Air Force Base in Washington, D.C. Zoppi was born and raised in Puerto Rico. The event will also feature a dance demonstration by Salsa with Silvia, and a food sampling catered by Chevys Fresh Mex. All Fort Meade service members and civilians are encouraged to attend with supervisory approval and without charge to annual leave. Adminis- trative leave is authorized. For more information, call 301-677-7419 or 301-677-6687. Relax, Refresh Revitalize At Howard County’s Best Yoga Studio! @YogaCtrColumbia FREEYOGA, PILATES QIGONG CLASSES September 30 - October 6, 2013 Over 65 Free classes to choose from. No Prior Yoga or Fitness Experience Necessary. No Obligation. Call 410-720-4340 Or Email Us at To Reserve Your Spot. Visit For The Full Schedule. The Yoga Center Offers Discounted Classes For Seniors, Teens Active Military Personnel Their Spouse. The Yoga Center Of Columbia 8950 Route 108, Suite 109, Columbia, MD 21045 410.720.4340 Find us on Facebook! 9101 Cherry Lane | Suite 202 | Laurel, MD 20708 • • Less time... • Fewer needles... • The best technology with the greatest care... • Every patient receives a personalized consultation... • We verify insurance coverage for you! • We strive for excellence. A different kind of dentist for the entire family. lence.lence. DO YOU HAVE GUM DISEASE? Call today for a free consultation to see if you qualify for revolutionary non-surgical Laser Therapy with little to no discomfort. Dr. Stewart Rosenberg contributed to the creation of Laser Technology used in dentistry. Dr. Rosenberg continues to educate and train dental professionals around the world. Dr. Gita TajickDr. Stewart Rosenberg
  • 14. SOUNDOFF! September 19, 2013 Community News Notes the afternoon shift, Mondays to Fridays from 2:30 to 9:30 p.m. Bagger positions are open to active- duty service members, family members of active-duty military, and retirees. Applications will be processed Monday from 9 a.m. to noon on a first-come, first- served basis at Club Meade, 6600 Mapes Road. Applicants must come in person and bring their current military/dependent ID card and Social Security number. For more information, call 301-677- 5502. OSC Bingo Bonanza The Fort Meade Officers’ Spouses’ Club will sponsor its annual Bingo Bonanza on Oct. 18 at McGill Training Center, 8452 Zimborski Ave. Doors open at 6 p.m. Bingo begins at 7 p.m. Tickets cost $20. Purchase tickets before Oct. 15 to get a second book of 20 bingo games for free. Pre-sale tickets are available online at until Oct. 15. For more information, contact the OSC bingo chair at 2ndvice@ Fall Chamber Concert Series The U.S. Army Field Band will perform its Fall Chamber Concert Series on and off post: • Hispanic Heritage Celebration: Oct. 10, 7 p.m., U.S. Army Field Band Building-Devers Hall, 4214 Field Band Drive, Fort Meade • Mixed Performers Concert: Oct. 20, 3 p.m., St. Bernadette Parish, 801 Stevenson Road, Severn The concert will showcase the variety of sounds and styles of the Field Band’s Soldier-musicians. For more information, visit  Quarter auction The Enlisted Spouses Club is hosting Quarter Mania, a quarter auction, on Friday at Jessup Community Hall, 2920 Jessup Road. Doors open at 6 p.m. Play begins at 7 p.m. Admission is $6 and includes two paddles. Group fee is $20 for four people and includes paddles. Cost for each additional paddle is $2. Players who register online at and/or bring five nonperishable food items, may select either an extra paddle or magic paddle ticket at the door. Bring quarters. Bids will be one to four quarters on a variety of themes. Snacks will be available for purchase. For more information, email Kim at Square Dance Club The Swinging Squares Square Dance Club dances the third and fifth Saturday of the month from September to the end of May at Meade Middle School. The first dance will be Saturday from 7:30-10 p.m. Admission is $6. Square dance attire is optional. Dance classes are held Thursday nights at 7:30 p.m. at Meade Middle School, starting Saturday. Each class costs $6. The first two classes are free. For more information, call Darlene at 410-519-2536 (voice); 410-868-5050 (text), or Carl at 410-271-8776 (voice/text). Pressed flower class Meade Area Garden Club is sponsoring a class on the art of pressed flowers on Oct. 9 from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at the Jessup Community Hall located on Route 175. Participants will create their own items to take home. Cost is $20. Reservations are required. For reservations or more information, call Lois Stephenson at 410-740-8024. Karaoke Night The next Karaoke Night is today from 7 to 10 p.m. in the 11th Frame Lounge at the Lanes. The event is held the third Thursday of the month. For more information, call 301-677- 5541 or visit Jummah prayers Individuals interested in participating in Jummah prayers on Fort Meade should call 301-677-1301. Fort Meade has a room available at Argonne Hills Chapel Center, 7100 Rockenbach Road. The community also is seeking individuals who would like to join in a morning prayer on Fridays. Employment Readiness classes The Employment Readiness Program helps the military community with job readiness by providing employment con- sultations/coaching, career classes and assessments, and job search/interview preparation assistance. For more information call Vikki Tor- rence or Rose Holland at 301-677-5590. • Interview Skills Class: Tuesday, 9 a.m. to noon, Army Community Service, 830 Chisholm Ave. Learn basic interviewing skills and tips on dressing for success to present yourself as the best candidate for the job. Learn the dos and the don’ts at job interviews, and strategies on working a job fair. • Resume Open Forum: Wednesday, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., Potomac Place Neighborhood Center, 2nd Corps Bou- levard, hosted by Military and Spouse Job Club • Get Ready! Employment Orientation: Sept. 29, 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., ACS, 830 Chisholm Ave. Learn about job readiness resourc- es through Fort Meade’s Employment Readiness Program, the Anne Arundel Workforce Development’s Kick Start Pro- gram and Howard County’s Office of Workforce Development. This features websites, classes, job listings, employment support groups and tour of the resource center. Out About • The Retired Officers’ Officers’ Wives’ Club is sponsoring a bus and boat trip on the CO Canal on Oct. 16. Cost is $38 and includes the bus to the canal and the hourlong mule-powered barge ride with commentary on the canal. The group will eat lunch (at their own expense) at the Old Anglers Inn prior to the boat ride scheduled for 1:30 p.m. The group will meet the bus at 11 a.m. at the Ridgeview Shopping Center and return around 5 p.m. For reservations or more information, call Joan Fiscus at 410-465-0492. • The Orthodox Church of St. Matthew Multicultural Festival, Columbia’s largest international festival, will be held Oct. 5 from 11 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Oct. 6 from 11:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. at the church, 7271 Eden Brook Drive, Kings Contrivance Village Center, Columbia. The annual event features homemade Greek, Slavic, Romanian, Ethiopian, American and Lebanese foods; a wine and beer garden; free cultural entertainment; a children’s activity area; silent auction; church tours; traditional ethnic desserts; and specialty vendors. For more information, go to or call 410-381- 2284. • Community Day will be celebrated Saturday from noon to 4 p.m. at 12511 Old Gunpowder Road Spur, Beltsville. The event will feature free prizes, international foods, games, a basketball tournament, moon bounce and an outdoor concert. For more information, call 301-498-6006. • Maryland Renaissance Festival will be held through Oct. 20 at 1821 Crownsville Road, Annapolis. Admission is $7 to $22. For more information, email • Leisure Travel Services is offering its next monthly bus trips to New York City on Oct. 5 and Nov. 16, with discounts to attractions. Bus cost is $60. For more information, call 301-677-7354 or visit • Prostate Cancer Support Group meets at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center on the third Thursday of every month. The next meeting is today from 1 to 2 p.m. and 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the America Building, River Conference Room (next to the Prostate Center), third floor. Spouses/partners are invited. Military ID required for base access. For men without a military ID, call the Prostate Center 48 hours prior to the event at 301-319-2900 for base access. For more information, call retired Col. Jane Hudak at 301-319-2918 or email jane.l.hudak. • Meade Area Garden Club’s opening party is Friday at 10 a.m. at the Jessup Community Center, corner of Route 175 and Wigley Avenue Sarah von Pollaro of “Urban Petals Floral Designs” and “Flower Empowered” of Washington, D.C., will present “Demystifying Floral Design.” Refreshments will be served. Reservations are not required. Annual membership is $20. For more information, call Jennifer Garcia, membership chair, at 443-949-8348, or Sharon Durney, club president, at 410-761- 5019. • Society of Military Widows meets for NEWS EVENTS CONTINUED FROM PAGE 17 EDUCATION RECREATION MEETINGS
  • 15. September 19, 2013 SOUNDOFF! 19 Community News Notes brunch the fourth Sunday of the month at 1 p.m. at the Lanes. The next meeting is Sunday. For more information, call Betty Jones at 410-730-0127. • Single Parent Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday of the month from 6 to 7:30 p.m. at School Age Services, 1900 Reece Road. The next meeting is Monday. Free child care will be provided on site. For more information, email Kimberly. • Marriage Enrichment Group, sponsored by Army Community Service, meets the second and fourth Monday of every month from 3 to 4 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is Monday. For more information, call Celena Flowers or Jessica Hobgood at 301-677-5590. • Bully Proofing Support Group meets the second and fourth Monday of the month from 4 to 5 p.m. at Potomac Place Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Monday. The group is geared for school-age children and parents. For more information, email • Air Force Sergeants Association Chapter 254 meets the fourth Wednesday of the month from 3:30 to 4:30 p.m. in the multipurpose room of Building 9801 at the National Security Agency. The next meeting is Wednesday. For more information, call 443-534-5170 or visit • Retired Officers’ Wives’ Club is sponsoring a luncheon meeting Oct. 1 at 11 a.m. at Club Meade. Jim Heins, park supervisor for the CO Canal, will present “The Park That Almost Wasn’t,” a musical slideshow. Cost is $18. Reservations are required. For reservations, call your area representative or Betty Wade at 410-551- 7082 by Sept. 26 at noon. Regular membership is extended to spouses, widows and widowers of retired officers, and to retired officers of all military branches. Annual membership dues are $25. Members may bring guests at any time to the luncheons, which are held on the first Tuesday of each month, except June, July, August and January. For more information, call Genny Bellinger, ROWC president, at 410-674-2550.  • Women’s Empowerment Group meets every Wednesday from 2 to 3:30 p.m. to provide a safe, confidential arena for the support, education and empowerment of women who have experienced past or present family violence. Location is only disclosed to participants. To register, call Tina Gauth, victim advocate, at 301-677-4117 or Samantha Herring, victim advocate, at 301-677-4124. • Fort Meade Homeschool Co-op meets Fridays at 9:30 a.m. at 1900 Reece Road. For more information, call Kelli Stricker at 410- 674-0297 or email ftmeadehomeschooling@ • Spanish Christian Service is conducted Sundays at 1 p.m. at the Cavalry Chapel located at 8465 Simonds St. and 6th Armored Cavalry Road. For more information, call Elias Mendez at 301-677-7314 or 407-350-8749. • Cub Scout Pack 377 invites boys in first through fifth grades, or ages 7 to 10, to attend its weekly Monday meetings at 6 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center. For more information, email Cubmaster Christopher Lassiter at pack377_cm@yahoo. com or Committee Chairperson Marco Cilibert at • Boy Scout Troop 379 meets Mondays at 7 p.m. at Argonne Hills Chapel Center on Rockenbach Road. The troop is actively recruiting boys age 11 to 18. For more information, email Lisa Yetman, at or Wendall Lawrence, Scoutmaster, at • Military Council for Catholic Women is open to all women ages 18 and older for prayer, faith, fellowship and service at the Main Post Chapel. Mother’s Prayer Apologetics meets Tuesdays from 9:45 a.m. to noon when Anne Arundel County schools are in session. Monthly programs are held Mondays from 6:30 to 9 p.m. For more information, email Beth Wright, president, at or call 305-240-1559. • American Legion Post 276 is open to veterans and active-duty service members at 8068 Quarterfield Road in Severn. Breakfast may be purchased beginning at 9 a.m. Lunches may be purchased from 11:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. Happy Hour is from 4 to 6 p.m. Dinner may be purchased at 6 p.m. on Fridays and the fourth Sunday of every month. Membership discounts are offered for active-duty military. For more information, call 410-969-8028 or visit • Monthly Prayer Breakfast, hosted by the Garrison Chaplain’s Office, is held the first Thursday of every month at 7 a.m. at the Conference Center. The next breakfast is Oct. 3. All Fort Meade employees, family members, and civilian and military personnel are invited. There is no cost for the buffet; donations are optional. For more information, call 301-677-6703 or email • Meade Rod and Gun Club meets the first Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. at Perry’s Restaurant and Odie’s Pub at 1210 Annapolis Road, Odenton, in the banquet hall in back of the building. The next meeting is Oct. 3. Dinner is served at 6 p.m. For more information, call 410-674-4000. • National Alliance on Mental Illness of Anne Arundel County offers a free support group for families with a loved one suffering from mental illness on the first Thursday of every month at 7 p.m. at the Odenton (West County) Library, 1325 Annapolis Road. The next meeting is Oct. 3. For more information, visit • Families Dealing with Deployment, Unaccompanied Permanent Change of Station, Temporary Duty meets the first and third Monday of every month from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. at Meuse Forest Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Oct. 7. For more information, email Kimberly.d.mckay6.ctr@ • Fort Meade TOP III Association meets the second Wednesday of each month at 3 p.m. at the Courses. The next meeting is Oct. 9. The association is open to all Air Force active-duty and retired senior noncommissioned officers. For more information, call Master Sgt. Jonathan Jacob at 443-479-0616 or email • Fort Meade E9 Association meets the second Friday of every month at 7 a.m. in the Pin Deck Cafe at the Lanes. The next meeting is Oct. 11. The association is open to active, retired, Reserve and National Guard E9s of any uniformed service. All E9s in this area are invited to attend a breakfast and meet the membership. For more information, visit or call 410-551-7953. • Meade Branch 212 of the Fleet Reserve Association meets the second Saturday of each month at 10 a.m. at VFW Post 160, 2597 Dorsey Road, Glen Burnie. The next meeting is Oct. 12. Active-duty, Reserve and retired members of the U.S. Navy, Marine Corps and Coast Guard are invited. The organization’s annual picnic will be held Saturday from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. All members and guests are invited. For more information, call 443-604-2474 or 410-768-6288. • Enlisted Spouses Club meets the second Monday of each month at 7 p.m. at Midway Commons Neighborhood Center. The next meeting is Oct. 14. For more information, visit or email membership@ • New Spouse Connection meets the second Monday of every month from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Community Readiness Center, 830 Chisholm Ave. The next meeting is Oct. 14. The program provides an opportunity for all spouses new to the military or to Fort Meade to meet and get connected. For more information, contact Pia Morales at or 301-677-4110. Get to work on time. Know the hours of operation for Access Gates on Fort Meade Gate 1: Rockenbach Road 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekends; closed holidays Gate 3: Reece Road and Maryland Route 175 (Demps Visitor Control Center gate) 24-hour access Demps Visitor Control Center, Bldg. 902 Reece Road 7:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., Monday through Friday Gate 4: Mapes Road and Maryland Route 175 CLOSED until further notice Gate 5: Llewellyn Avenue and Maryland Route 175 6 to 8 a.m., Monday through Friday for inbound traffic; 3 to 6 p.m., Monday through Friday for outbound traffic Gate 7: Mapes Road and Route 32 5:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Friday; 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. weekends and holidays