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VOL 1 / NO 41   September 2, 2010

over and out
     VINSON Impresses ATG and Clears FEP With a Clean Sweep
                                                                                               Story by MCSN Rosa Arzola
                                                                                               USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer

                                                                                                 Carl Vinson achieved an overall “Outstanding”
                                                                                            in the ship’s Final Evaluation Period (FEP) August
                                                                                                 FEP is designed to test a ship’s ability to perform
                                                                                            under multiple combat missions and respond to
                                                                                            casualty scenarios under different conditions.
                                                                                                 “Receiving an overall (score) of 98 percent in
                                                                                            FEP proved that all training teams accomplished
                                                                                            their mission,” said Chief Damage Controlman
                                                                                            (SW) Matt Brenner, Vinson’s Flying Squad
                                                                                            Damage Control Training Team Leader. “Vinson
                                                                                            is now ready to move on to harder training.”
                                                                                                 “This marks the official beginning of Carl
                                                                                            Vinson as a deployable and combat ready asset.”
                                                                                            said Lt. Cmdr. Amy Hunt, Carl Vinson’s Training
                                                                                            Officer. “Passing FEP gives us an opportunity
                                                                                            to show that we as a ship are ready to defend
                                                                                                 “As a whole, Carl Vinson did a great job,”
                                                                                            said Brenner. “The flying squad specifically
                                                                                            demonstrated they are on point when it comes
                                                                                            to fighting main-space fires and flooding,
                                                                                            pipe patching, toxic gas attacks and shipboard
                                                                                                 FEP was conducted by the Afloat Training
                                                                                            Group (ATG) Pacific, who served as trainers
                                                                                            and evaluators. ATG decided that Carl Vinson is
                                                                                            Emergency Surge Ready.
                                                                                                 “ATG recognized that we are willing to learn
                                                                                            and conduct business in a very professional way.”
                                                                                            said Hunt. “I think they noticed that our Sailors
                                                                                            showed a lot of motivation and enthusiasm.”
                                                                                                                                              See SWEEP, page 6
The Carl Vinson Voice is an internal document produced by and for the
crew of the USS Carl Vinson and their families. Its contents do not neces-
sarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government or the Departments
of Defense or the Navy and do not imply any endorsement thereby.                                       Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Adrian White
2                                                                                                                                        Carl Vinson Voice

     SCPOA Promotes Recycling On Board
     Story by MC3 Jessica Robertson
     USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer

      Since Carl Vinson has gone “green,” Sailors on
    board are no strangers to separating and managing
    garbage. There are paper bags everywhere on the ship
    designated for metal, plastic and paper.
      Vinson’s Second Class Petty Officers’ Association
    (SCPOA) is taking the idea of
      managing garbage one step further by promoting
    recycling on board. They’ve set up “tri-walls”—big
    cardboard boxes—in Hangar Bay 3 for aluminum
    cans. Religious Program Specialist 2nd Class (SW/
    AW) Sandra Hosier explained why the SCPOA has
    taken an interest in recycling.
      “We just wanted to give something back,” said Hosier.
    “The inspiration came from the Green Machine,
    which is a group of Sailors who are trying to come up
    with ways Vinson can be more eco-friendly.”
      Hosier said there’s an incentive for Sailors to go all
    the way to Hangar Bay 3 to recycle their cans, instead
    of just tossing them into the designated bags scattered
    around the ship.
      “Fifty-percent of our proceeds from the recycled cans
    goes back to the SCPOA, 25 percent goes to MWR,
    and the other 25 percent goes to the FRG (Family
    Readiness Group),” said Hosier. “It all goes to giving
    back to the Sailors and their families. Junior Sailors
    need support, especially when we’re in a foreign port
    and we have the chance to take tours. Not every Sailor
    has $50 or $60 to spend on a tour, and we want to
    make sure they have that chance, and they’re not stuck
                                                           watching their       Operations Specialist 3rd Class Michael Snelgrove sorts a bag of aluminum cans
                                            Publisher      friends leave the    to be recycled aboard. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman
                      Capt. Bruce H. Lindsey ship.”                             Zachary Bell.
                                    Commanding Officer
                                                             SeniorChief        classes took the ball and ran with it. They’ve already
                                 Executive Editors         A v i a t i o n      given to the FRG and MWR,” said Campbell. “They’re
                     Lt. Cmdr. Erik Reynolds Boatswain’s Mate                   doing a fantastic job, and it helps the environment.
                                    Public Affairs Officer
                                                           ( F u e l ) ( AW /   You can’t ask for more than that.”
                        Lt. j.g. Erik Schneider S W ) S y l v e s t e r           Right now the group has 21 tri-walls set up. During
                             Deputy Public Affairs Officer
                                                           Campbell serves      the ship’s last underway period, three tri-walls
                                 Managing Editor           as the SCPOA’s       collected a total of 880 pounds of aluminum cans,
                            MC2 Ashley Van Dien            mentorand            adding up to $526. Sailors are encouraged to rinse out
                                       Photo Editor
                                                           guide, and helps     and crush their cans before depositing them in the
                               MC2 Adrian White            keep the group       tri-wall.
                                                           moving in the          Hosier said the SCPOA hopes to continue its
                                Layout and Design
                            MCSN Rosa A. Arzola
                                                           right direction.     recycling program during the Nimitz class carrier’s
                                                           He shared his        upcoming deployment, and they will keep working
                     Staff Writers/Photographers           impressionof         hard to give back to Vinson Sailors.
                            MC2 Ashley Van Dien
                                 MC3 Heather Roe
                                                           t h e S C P O A’ s     “There’s a satisfaction you get out of it,” said Hosier.
                                MC3 Luis Ramirez           recycling efforts    “You’re asking, ‘What can I do to help’, not ‘What can I
                               MCSN Zachary Bell           thus far.            get in return’. There’s so much reward and satisfaction
                                                             “The      second   in that alone, and it feels really good.”
September 2, 2010                                                                                                             3

 labor day weekend:
                                              safety first
     Story by MC3 Heather Roe
     USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer
                                                                 had a total loss of 24 Sailors to motor vehicle accidents
                                                                 and recreational activities. Two of these fatalities were
                                                                 during Labor Day weekend. So far during 2010’s “101
    Carl Vinson Sailors are looking forward to some well-        Critical Days of Summer,” the Navy has lost nine Sailors
  deserved time off during the long Labor Day weekend            to motor vehicle accidents and two Sailors to recreational
  coming their way. The options of activities are almost         activities.
  endless in Southern California, but will Sailors make the        “After all the training Carl Vinson conducts, Sailors
  right decisions when it comes to safety?                       are seeing the importance of [safety] more now,” said
    Carl Vinson is taking action to make sure Sailors are        Fire Controlman 1st Class (SW/AW) Ernest Peebles,
  aware of the precautions and dangers of every-day safety       a command safety representative. “Sailors are being
  hazards.                                                       more diligent and seeing how safety is intertwined with
    “Safety is all about having a plan and that’s what Sailors   shipboard readiness and everyday activities.”
  need to realize,” said Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class            “Safety in general is paramount,” said Peebles. “As a
  (SW/AW) Carlos Young, Safety Department’s Leading              ship preparing to deploy, we must be combat-ready and
  Petty Officer.                                                 we must be effective with our work.”
    With the summer season coming to an end, so are the            A Labor Day Safety video will be airing consistently
  Navy’s “101 Critical Days Summer.” But this does not           on SITE channel 5 through Friday afternoon and is
  mean Sailors are automatically safe from the potential         mandatory viewing for all hands. The training covers
  dangers of every-day activities.                               topics such as traffic safety, sexual health and basic
    “Situational awareness is one of the most important          safety for the long weekend. Sailors are reminded to
  precautions a Sailor must take,” said Young.                   have a plan, use their 5-1-1 card if necessary and to be
    During 2009’s “101 Critical Days of Summer,” the Navy        safe this Labor Day weekend.

 Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Luis Ramirez
4                                                                                                                     Carl Vinson Voice

A Birds-eye View of the Flight Deck
    Story by MC3 Jessica Robertson
    USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer

  It’s impossible to walk the decks of Carl Vinson
without passing a Sailor who plays a role in the safe
RAS Continued
launch and recovery of Vinson’s numerous aircraft.
Venture up to the 07 level and you’ll find one such
person. Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling)
Airman Jonathan Meeks works in “Spin”, the glass
bubble above the flight deck. Those who work in
Spin are literally the eyes of the flight deck.
  Spin’s Elevator Operators use a system called
ILARTS (Integrated Launch and Recovery
Television Surveillance) to monitor the flight deck
and keep track of everything that goes on there.
At sea, Vinson’s Spin is manned with ILARTS up
                                                        Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Michael Meyers stands a phone talker
and running 24 hours a day, seven days a week.
  “We use [ILARTS] to catch anything and watch at the Integrated Launch and Recovery Television Surveillance System (ILARTS)
everything on video, including what birds are station. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Adrian White.
taking off or landing,” said Meeks.                                In addition to tracking and directing air operations,
  Air Traffic Controller 2nd Class Adam Nuxoll, a Sailor in the ILARTS system is also vital to preventing flight deck
Operations Department OC Division, relies on ILARTS mishaps.
to complete his job effectively.                                   “[ILARTS] is there to show us what mistakes were made
  “[ILARTS] shows us who’s landed, who’s on deck, and and how to fix those mistakes,” Meeks said. “If it’s a fire, we
who’s still flying,” Nuxoll said. “It’s how everyone keeps have to know where it’s happening so we can pass on the
track of their pilots and aircraft during air operations. right information, so we don’t send people to the wrong
The ship’s mission is to launch and recover aircraft, and place. If it’s a piece of FOD (Foreign Object Debris) that
ILARTS helps us do just that.”                                    caused damage to one of the birds, we have to be able to
                                                                                        catch that on video too.”
                                                                                          The process of working in Spin is quite
                                                                                       selective, and the job itself isn’t suited
                                                                                       for everyone.
                                                                                          “I had to get a lot of qualifications before
                                                                                       I could work up here,” said Meeks. “You
                                                                                       have to be extremely familiar with the
                                                                                       flight deck. If you’re not, you won’t cut
                                                                                       it. It’s a dangerous job. If you don’t have
                                                                                       the proper training, you could easily get
                                                                                       someone hurt or killed.”
                                                                                          The rest of the crew may not immediately
                                                                                       see the value of the ILARTS system, but
                                                                                       it is used throughout the ship for the
                                                                                       safe and successful completion of flight
                                                                                       deck operations
                                                                                          “They might see [Channel 2] as just
                                                                                       another channel on TV, and they’ll
                                                                                       pass right by it for something more
                                                                                       interesting,” said Meeks. “But as long as
                                                                                       flight operations are happening, we’re
                                                                                        up there, keeping an eye on it all and
Interior Communications Electrician 3rd Class Larry Galvez mans a camera at the
                                                                                        keeping everything moving smoothly.”
island camera station. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class
Adrian White.
September 2, 2010                                                                                                                                              5

                                                                               IN THE
                                                                                                                  out, it all comes together.”
                                                                       Story by MC2 Ashley Van Dien
                                                                                                                    While Vinson was still in the yards,
                                                                       USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer
                                                                                                                  Garza had temporary assigned duty
                                                                                                                  (tad) to USS Eisenhower (CVN 69) for
                                                                                                                  a three-month deployment to the Gulf,
                                                                                                                  where he earned his full qualifications
                                                                                       The true definition of a   as a “blue shirt.” He actually earned his
                                                                                      “Shipmate” is someone       qualifications so quickly that he was
                                                                                      who will go above and       designated as the “Blue King,” who is the
                                                                                      beyond to help a fellow     leading blue shirt in charge of training,
                                                                                    Sailor out as much as         maintaining the chocks and chains and
                                                                                    possible, both personally     accounting for all the personnel in the
                                                                                   and          professionally.   fly hole.
                                                                                   Aviation        Boatswain’s      Garza is one of six qualified blue
                                                                                   Mate (Handling) Airman         shirts on Vinson’s flight deck. During
                                                                                   Cody Garza has a               flight operations, blue shirts are
                                                                    reputation for being dependable in his        responsible for the safe movement of
                                                                    work center, but he’s also considered         aircraft, directing and driving tractors
                                                                    a mentor to countless other Sailors on        that maneuver aircraft. They also chock
                                                                    board Carl Vinson.                            and chain helicopters and fixed-wing
                                                                      “ABHAN Garza possesses qualities            aircraft safely to the deck.
                                                                    that set him apart from the rest of his         One of Garza’s responsibilities as a
                                                                    peers. He is one of V-1 division’s front      qualified blue shirt on the flight deck
                                                                    runners,” said Aviation Boatswain’s           is training new personnel. Just this
                                                                    Mate (Handling) 1st Class (AW/SW)             underway period, Garza has had five
                                                                    Jorge Agostini, Air Department V-1            “T-heads”, or trainees, who shadowed
                                                                    Division Leading Petty Officer. “He is        him on the flight deck and learned
                                                                    what we call a “Go Getter.” Everything        from his impressive example.
                                                                    that he does has outstanding results.           “As a flight deck trainer, Garza is very
                                                                    Garza is very versatile on and off the        reliable,” said Agostini. “I can count
                                                                    flight deck.”                                 on him to train junior personnel and
                                                                      Garza reported on board Carl Vinson         get them to his level of flight deck
                                                                    in July, 2008 when the ship was in the        experience and ensure safety is always
                                                                    middle of its 5-year Refueling Complex        in mind.”
                                                                    Overhaul (RCOH). Garza was a                    “I train people on the flight deck and
                                                                    member of the tile team, which was            tell them how and why we do what we
                                                                    responsible for refurbishing more than        do,” said Garza. “I always try to set a
                                                                    55,000 square feet of tile on board.          good example for the people I train.
                                                                      “Garza did an awesome job and saved         In our job, it’s important to stay highly
                                                                    the Navy thousands of dollars thanks          motivated and stay on the top of our
                                                                    to his expertise in tiling,” said Agostini.   game.”
                                                                    “He also networked around the ship,             On top of dedicating himself to
                                                                    helping countless other Sailors from          his job and his shipmates, Garza has
                                                                    other departments.”                           several ambitions for his own personal
                                                                      “If you see someone who needs help,         development. His goals include making
                                                                    you should jump in and help them,”            the rank of third class petty officer and
                                                                    said Garza. “It’s the way I was raised,       earning both his Enlisted Aviation
                                                                    and hopefully others will see me helping      Warfare Specialist (EAWS) and Enlisted
                                                                    people and follow that same example.          Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) pins
 Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ashley Van Dien   Once everyone starts helping each other       by the end of this year.
6                                                                                                                        Carl Vinson Voice

 Carl Vinson Sailors man a fire hose during a firefighting drill on the flight deck. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd
 Class Adrian White.

SWEEP, Cont.
     “ATG Pacific was extremely impressed      1st Class (AW) Michael Panaccione, Air          we passed FEP because of our hard work
with Vinson’s training abilities,” said        Department V-3 Division Leading Petty           and training,” said Madlangbayan.
Senior Chief Damage Controlman (SW/            Officer.                                             Even though Carl Vinson has passed
AW) Michael Bates, Vinson’s Damage                  Several Sailors said Carl Vinson’s         FEP, continuous training is vital to
Control Training Team Leading Chief            success in FEP can be attributed to the         maintaining a combat-ready status.
Petty Officer. “I’m proud that my Sailors      ship’s dedication to routine operations and          “Yes we passed FEP, but what’s most
passed FEP even though it was their first      training.                                       important is that Sailors are combat-ready
time going through something like this.”            “We prepared for FEP by training           and able to handle any type of damage the
     Several departments on board were         every day and following the common              ship might encounter,” said Bates.
evaluated during FEP, and every Sailor         procedures, but I think what really made us           “There is no doubt in my mind that
contributed to Vinson’s success through        stand out was our teamwork, knowledge,          we will fly by the next Comprehensive
hard work and continuous training.             and motivation,” saidAviation Boatswain’s       Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX).
     “Damage Control, Combat Systems,          Mate (Handling) Airman Maria Gemma              We already set the bar high,” said
Medical, Navigation, Deck, Engineering         Joy Madlangbayan, an Elevator Operator          Senior Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate
and Air Departments did an outstanding         in V-3 Division.                                (Handling) (AW) Terry Libed.
performance during FEP,” said Hunt. “And            The overall scores Vinson obtained              COMPTUEX focuses on evaluating
although Weapons was not evaluated,            in FEP have made both junior and senior         not only Carl Vinson but the Strike Group
they helped out a lot during integrated        Sailors proud.                                  as a whole for combat readiness.
trainings.”                                         “I am happy that we obtained an                 “Vinson will sustain training
      “We prepared as a whole by doing         outstanding in FEP,” said Hunt. “I’m            throughout deployment,” said Hunt. “We
stand-alone and integrated drills, in-         also proud of Vinson Sailors for the team       just proved that the ship is able to conduct
house and one-on-one training and going        effort between the training teams and their     combat mission-support functions and
over step-by-step procedures,” said            outstanding performance overall.”               survive widespread damage and we want
Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling)                “It’s a relief and a reward to know that   to keep on doing so.”

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Vinson Voice June 24

2 September 2010 VINSON Voice

  • 1. VOL 1 / NO 41 September 2, 2010 over and out VINSON Impresses ATG and Clears FEP With a Clean Sweep Story by MCSN Rosa Arzola USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer Carl Vinson achieved an overall “Outstanding” in the ship’s Final Evaluation Period (FEP) August 31. FEP is designed to test a ship’s ability to perform under multiple combat missions and respond to casualty scenarios under different conditions. “Receiving an overall (score) of 98 percent in FEP proved that all training teams accomplished their mission,” said Chief Damage Controlman (SW) Matt Brenner, Vinson’s Flying Squad Damage Control Training Team Leader. “Vinson is now ready to move on to harder training.” “This marks the official beginning of Carl Vinson as a deployable and combat ready asset.” said Lt. Cmdr. Amy Hunt, Carl Vinson’s Training Officer. “Passing FEP gives us an opportunity to show that we as a ship are ready to defend ourself.” “As a whole, Carl Vinson did a great job,” said Brenner. “The flying squad specifically demonstrated they are on point when it comes to fighting main-space fires and flooding, pipe patching, toxic gas attacks and shipboard firefighting.” FEP was conducted by the Afloat Training Group (ATG) Pacific, who served as trainers and evaluators. ATG decided that Carl Vinson is Emergency Surge Ready. “ATG recognized that we are willing to learn and conduct business in a very professional way.” said Hunt. “I think they noticed that our Sailors showed a lot of motivation and enthusiasm.” See SWEEP, page 6 The Carl Vinson Voice is an internal document produced by and for the crew of the USS Carl Vinson and their families. Its contents do not neces- sarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government or the Departments of Defense or the Navy and do not imply any endorsement thereby. Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Adrian White
  • 2. 2 Carl Vinson Voice SCPOA Promotes Recycling On Board Story by MC3 Jessica Robertson USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer Since Carl Vinson has gone “green,” Sailors on board are no strangers to separating and managing garbage. There are paper bags everywhere on the ship designated for metal, plastic and paper. Vinson’s Second Class Petty Officers’ Association (SCPOA) is taking the idea of managing garbage one step further by promoting recycling on board. They’ve set up “tri-walls”—big cardboard boxes—in Hangar Bay 3 for aluminum cans. Religious Program Specialist 2nd Class (SW/ AW) Sandra Hosier explained why the SCPOA has taken an interest in recycling. “We just wanted to give something back,” said Hosier. “The inspiration came from the Green Machine, which is a group of Sailors who are trying to come up with ways Vinson can be more eco-friendly.” Hosier said there’s an incentive for Sailors to go all the way to Hangar Bay 3 to recycle their cans, instead of just tossing them into the designated bags scattered around the ship. “Fifty-percent of our proceeds from the recycled cans goes back to the SCPOA, 25 percent goes to MWR, and the other 25 percent goes to the FRG (Family Readiness Group),” said Hosier. “It all goes to giving back to the Sailors and their families. Junior Sailors need support, especially when we’re in a foreign port and we have the chance to take tours. Not every Sailor has $50 or $60 to spend on a tour, and we want to make sure they have that chance, and they’re not stuck watching their Operations Specialist 3rd Class Michael Snelgrove sorts a bag of aluminum cans Publisher friends leave the to be recycled aboard. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist Seaman Capt. Bruce H. Lindsey ship.” Zachary Bell. Commanding Officer SeniorChief classes took the ball and ran with it. They’ve already Executive Editors A v i a t i o n given to the FRG and MWR,” said Campbell. “They’re Lt. Cmdr. Erik Reynolds Boatswain’s Mate doing a fantastic job, and it helps the environment. Public Affairs Officer ( F u e l ) ( AW / You can’t ask for more than that.” Lt. j.g. Erik Schneider S W ) S y l v e s t e r Right now the group has 21 tri-walls set up. During Deputy Public Affairs Officer Campbell serves the ship’s last underway period, three tri-walls Managing Editor as the SCPOA’s collected a total of 880 pounds of aluminum cans, MC2 Ashley Van Dien mentorand adding up to $526. Sailors are encouraged to rinse out Photo Editor guide, and helps and crush their cans before depositing them in the MC2 Adrian White keep the group tri-wall. moving in the Hosier said the SCPOA hopes to continue its Layout and Design MCSN Rosa A. Arzola right direction. recycling program during the Nimitz class carrier’s He shared his upcoming deployment, and they will keep working Staff Writers/Photographers impressionof hard to give back to Vinson Sailors. MC2 Ashley Van Dien MC3 Heather Roe t h e S C P O A’ s “There’s a satisfaction you get out of it,” said Hosier. MC3 Luis Ramirez recycling efforts “You’re asking, ‘What can I do to help’, not ‘What can I MCSN Zachary Bell thus far. get in return’. There’s so much reward and satisfaction “The second in that alone, and it feels really good.”
  • 3. September 2, 2010 3 labor day weekend: safety first Story by MC3 Heather Roe USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer had a total loss of 24 Sailors to motor vehicle accidents and recreational activities. Two of these fatalities were during Labor Day weekend. So far during 2010’s “101 Carl Vinson Sailors are looking forward to some well- Critical Days of Summer,” the Navy has lost nine Sailors deserved time off during the long Labor Day weekend to motor vehicle accidents and two Sailors to recreational coming their way. The options of activities are almost activities. endless in Southern California, but will Sailors make the “After all the training Carl Vinson conducts, Sailors right decisions when it comes to safety? are seeing the importance of [safety] more now,” said Carl Vinson is taking action to make sure Sailors are Fire Controlman 1st Class (SW/AW) Ernest Peebles, aware of the precautions and dangers of every-day safety a command safety representative. “Sailors are being hazards. more diligent and seeing how safety is intertwined with “Safety is all about having a plan and that’s what Sailors shipboard readiness and everyday activities.” need to realize,” said Aviation Ordnanceman 1st Class “Safety in general is paramount,” said Peebles. “As a (SW/AW) Carlos Young, Safety Department’s Leading ship preparing to deploy, we must be combat-ready and Petty Officer. we must be effective with our work.” With the summer season coming to an end, so are the A Labor Day Safety video will be airing consistently Navy’s “101 Critical Days Summer.” But this does not on SITE channel 5 through Friday afternoon and is mean Sailors are automatically safe from the potential mandatory viewing for all hands. The training covers dangers of every-day activities. topics such as traffic safety, sexual health and basic “Situational awareness is one of the most important safety for the long weekend. Sailors are reminded to precautions a Sailor must take,” said Young. have a plan, use their 5-1-1 card if necessary and to be During 2009’s “101 Critical Days of Summer,” the Navy safe this Labor Day weekend. Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 3rd Class Luis Ramirez
  • 4. 4 Carl Vinson Voice A Birds-eye View of the Flight Deck Story by MC3 Jessica Robertson USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer It’s impossible to walk the decks of Carl Vinson without passing a Sailor who plays a role in the safe RAS Continued launch and recovery of Vinson’s numerous aircraft. Venture up to the 07 level and you’ll find one such person. Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Jonathan Meeks works in “Spin”, the glass bubble above the flight deck. Those who work in Spin are literally the eyes of the flight deck. Spin’s Elevator Operators use a system called ILARTS (Integrated Launch and Recovery Television Surveillance) to monitor the flight deck and keep track of everything that goes on there. At sea, Vinson’s Spin is manned with ILARTS up Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) Airman Michael Meyers stands a phone talker and running 24 hours a day, seven days a week. “We use [ILARTS] to catch anything and watch at the Integrated Launch and Recovery Television Surveillance System (ILARTS) everything on video, including what birds are station. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Adrian White. taking off or landing,” said Meeks. In addition to tracking and directing air operations, Air Traffic Controller 2nd Class Adam Nuxoll, a Sailor in the ILARTS system is also vital to preventing flight deck Operations Department OC Division, relies on ILARTS mishaps. to complete his job effectively. “[ILARTS] is there to show us what mistakes were made “[ILARTS] shows us who’s landed, who’s on deck, and and how to fix those mistakes,” Meeks said. “If it’s a fire, we who’s still flying,” Nuxoll said. “It’s how everyone keeps have to know where it’s happening so we can pass on the track of their pilots and aircraft during air operations. right information, so we don’t send people to the wrong The ship’s mission is to launch and recover aircraft, and place. If it’s a piece of FOD (Foreign Object Debris) that ILARTS helps us do just that.” caused damage to one of the birds, we have to be able to catch that on video too.” The process of working in Spin is quite selective, and the job itself isn’t suited for everyone. “I had to get a lot of qualifications before I could work up here,” said Meeks. “You have to be extremely familiar with the flight deck. If you’re not, you won’t cut it. It’s a dangerous job. If you don’t have the proper training, you could easily get someone hurt or killed.” The rest of the crew may not immediately see the value of the ILARTS system, but it is used throughout the ship for the safe and successful completion of flight deck operations “They might see [Channel 2] as just another channel on TV, and they’ll pass right by it for something more interesting,” said Meeks. “But as long as flight operations are happening, we’re up there, keeping an eye on it all and Interior Communications Electrician 3rd Class Larry Galvez mans a camera at the keeping everything moving smoothly.” island camera station. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Adrian White.
  • 5. September 2, 2010 5 Sailor SPOTLIGHT IN THE out, it all comes together.” Story by MC2 Ashley Van Dien While Vinson was still in the yards, USS Carl Vinson Staff Writer Garza had temporary assigned duty (tad) to USS Eisenhower (CVN 69) for a three-month deployment to the Gulf, where he earned his full qualifications The true definition of a as a “blue shirt.” He actually earned his “Shipmate” is someone qualifications so quickly that he was who will go above and designated as the “Blue King,” who is the beyond to help a fellow leading blue shirt in charge of training, Sailor out as much as maintaining the chocks and chains and possible, both personally accounting for all the personnel in the and professionally. fly hole. Aviation Boatswain’s Garza is one of six qualified blue Mate (Handling) Airman shirts on Vinson’s flight deck. During Cody Garza has a flight operations, blue shirts are reputation for being dependable in his responsible for the safe movement of work center, but he’s also considered aircraft, directing and driving tractors a mentor to countless other Sailors on that maneuver aircraft. They also chock board Carl Vinson. and chain helicopters and fixed-wing “ABHAN Garza possesses qualities aircraft safely to the deck. that set him apart from the rest of his One of Garza’s responsibilities as a peers. He is one of V-1 division’s front qualified blue shirt on the flight deck runners,” said Aviation Boatswain’s is training new personnel. Just this Mate (Handling) 1st Class (AW/SW) underway period, Garza has had five Jorge Agostini, Air Department V-1 “T-heads”, or trainees, who shadowed Division Leading Petty Officer. “He is him on the flight deck and learned what we call a “Go Getter.” Everything from his impressive example. that he does has outstanding results. “As a flight deck trainer, Garza is very Garza is very versatile on and off the reliable,” said Agostini. “I can count flight deck.” on him to train junior personnel and Garza reported on board Carl Vinson get them to his level of flight deck in July, 2008 when the ship was in the experience and ensure safety is always middle of its 5-year Refueling Complex in mind.” Overhaul (RCOH). Garza was a “I train people on the flight deck and member of the tile team, which was tell them how and why we do what we responsible for refurbishing more than do,” said Garza. “I always try to set a 55,000 square feet of tile on board. good example for the people I train. “Garza did an awesome job and saved In our job, it’s important to stay highly the Navy thousands of dollars thanks motivated and stay on the top of our to his expertise in tiling,” said Agostini. game.” “He also networked around the ship, On top of dedicating himself to helping countless other Sailors from his job and his shipmates, Garza has other departments.” several ambitions for his own personal “If you see someone who needs help, development. His goals include making you should jump in and help them,” the rank of third class petty officer and said Garza. “It’s the way I was raised, earning both his Enlisted Aviation and hopefully others will see me helping Warfare Specialist (EAWS) and Enlisted people and follow that same example. Surface Warfare Specialist (ESWS) pins Photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Ashley Van Dien Once everyone starts helping each other by the end of this year.
  • 6. 6 Carl Vinson Voice Carl Vinson Sailors man a fire hose during a firefighting drill on the flight deck. U.S. Navy photo by Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class Adrian White. SWEEP, Cont. “ATG Pacific was extremely impressed 1st Class (AW) Michael Panaccione, Air we passed FEP because of our hard work with Vinson’s training abilities,” said Department V-3 Division Leading Petty and training,” said Madlangbayan. Senior Chief Damage Controlman (SW/ Officer. Even though Carl Vinson has passed AW) Michael Bates, Vinson’s Damage Several Sailors said Carl Vinson’s FEP, continuous training is vital to Control Training Team Leading Chief success in FEP can be attributed to the maintaining a combat-ready status. Petty Officer. “I’m proud that my Sailors ship’s dedication to routine operations and “Yes we passed FEP, but what’s most passed FEP even though it was their first training. important is that Sailors are combat-ready time going through something like this.” “We prepared for FEP by training and able to handle any type of damage the Several departments on board were every day and following the common ship might encounter,” said Bates. evaluated during FEP, and every Sailor procedures, but I think what really made us “There is no doubt in my mind that contributed to Vinson’s success through stand out was our teamwork, knowledge, we will fly by the next Comprehensive hard work and continuous training. and motivation,” saidAviation Boatswain’s Training Unit Exercise (COMPTUEX). “Damage Control, Combat Systems, Mate (Handling) Airman Maria Gemma We already set the bar high,” said Medical, Navigation, Deck, Engineering Joy Madlangbayan, an Elevator Operator Senior Chief Aviation Boatswain’s Mate and Air Departments did an outstanding in V-3 Division. (Handling) (AW) Terry Libed. performance during FEP,” said Hunt. “And The overall scores Vinson obtained COMPTUEX focuses on evaluating although Weapons was not evaluated, in FEP have made both junior and senior not only Carl Vinson but the Strike Group they helped out a lot during integrated Sailors proud. as a whole for combat readiness. trainings.” “I am happy that we obtained an “Vinson will sustain training “We prepared as a whole by doing outstanding in FEP,” said Hunt. “I’m throughout deployment,” said Hunt. “We stand-alone and integrated drills, in- also proud of Vinson Sailors for the team just proved that the ship is able to conduct house and one-on-one training and going effort between the training teams and their combat mission-support functions and over step-by-step procedures,” said outstanding performance overall.” survive widespread damage and we want Aviation Boatswain’s Mate (Handling) “It’s a relief and a reward to know that to keep on doing so.”