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                                                       Chapter I
                  For Those About to Tag
                                                       Jan H. Kietzmann
                                                 Simon Fraser University, Canada


The recent evolution of mobile auto-identification technologies invites firms to connect to mobile work
in altogether new ways. By strategically embedding “smart” devices, organizations involve individual
subjects and real objects in their corporate information flows, and execute more and more business pro-
cesses through such technologies as mobile Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID). The imminent path
from mobility to pervasiveness focuses entirely on improving organizational performance measures and
metrics of success. Work itself, and the dramatic changes these technologies introduce to the organiza-
tion and to the role of the mobile worker are by and large ignored. The aim of this chapter is to unveil
the key changes and challenges that emerge when mobile landscapes are “tagged”, and when mobile
workers and mobile auto-identification technologies work side-by-side. The motivation for this chapter is
to encourage thoughts that appreciate auto-identification technologies and their socio-technical impact
on specific mobile work practices and on the nature of mobile work in general.

Introduction                                                              ment of workspaces, times and contexts. Despite
                                                                          a long tradition of mobile work arrangements,
Mobile work is everywhere; and despite claims                             for example Hackney carriage drivers started in
by vendors and organizational consultants mo-                             London, UK in 1622, the phenomenon of mobility
bility is neither new nor particularly novel. On                          has not received much attention by organizational
the contrary, many traditional occupations have                           scholars over time.
always been highly mobile, including the work                                 The advancement of modern mobile tech-
of taxi-drivers, policemen, traveling merchants,                          nologies from the heavy, transmission-weak and
entertainers and trades people, to name a few.                            battery-hungry, expensive mobile phones of the
Their degree of mobility may differ, but what                             1980s to the omnipresent devices of today have
mobile workers have in common is a fluid arrange-                         raised mobility to the fore of both industry and

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For Those About to Tag

academia. Interaction among mobile workers, but            The motivation of this chapter is to discuss
also with location-dependent colleagues, superiors     the fundamental difference of mobility and per-
and clients is carried out via technologies that al-   vasiveness, with a focus on the user-technology
low subject-object-subject communication, with         relationship which, in today’s attempts to opti-
the device as a tool that facilitates the exchange     mize organizational effectiveness and efficiency
of voice, video or data.                               through embedded technologies, has been entirely
    Surprisingly, until recently, the success of the   overlooked.
mobile phone has not brought many radical innova-          The aim of this chapter is to unveil the key
tions forward. Improvements of mobile technolo-        changes and challenges that emerge when mobile
gies are seen primarily as incremental, with no        landscapes are “tagged”, and to prepare the reader
new breakthroughs or killer-applications in sight.     for the impact that tagging technologies can have
However, emerging mobile auto-identification           on mobile work environments. This chapter should
technologies invite firms to connect in various        be useful for developers of mobile technology, but
ways to their mobile landscape. By strategically       also for application developers. Most importantly,
embedding technologies with a very small foot-         this chapter is aimed at “those about to tag” – at
print, events involving individual subjects and        practitioners who contemplate the adoption of
real objects can be included within organizational     auto-identification technologies to improve their
information flows. Mobile radio-frequency identi-      organizational information flows.
fication (mobile RFID), for instance, allows firms
to place transponders (i.e. tags) and transceivers
(i.e. readers) throughout the terrain they cover to    Mobile landscapes
initiate object-to-object communication and drive
mobile business processes.                             The term and concept of mobility is difficult to
    In light of these developments, industry and       delineate; and in many ways are any attempts
academia have predominantly examined the               to define mobility too restrictive or not focused
increasing embeddedness of such context-aware          enough to be meaningful in any way (Kristoffer-
technologies in terms of their impact on the infor-    sen & Ljungberg, 2000). However, a discussion
mation content of work. The imperceptible object-      of changing mobile environments requires the
object interaction enabled by auto-identification      delimitation of mobility and location. In this light,
technologies is hailed as a dramatic improvement       common approaches conceptualize mobility and
for logistics and supply-chain management.             mobile technologies as the opposite of the fixed-
However, along this path from mobility to per-         location devices.
vasiveness, work itself, and the dramatic changes          In its early days, mobility indicated that a
these technologies introduce to the organization       particular application could be carried out at
and to the role of the mobile worker have so far       different but specific geographical localities,
been neglected. The introduction of mobile RFID        whether within urban spaces or at remote sites.
is discussed here as an example of many auto-          This notion of connectivity at different locales
identification technologies that mark the move         was of enormous significance when devices were
from a mobile landscape, in which mobile workers       first networked in a wireless fashion, and mobility
communicate at will with others as they navigate       referred more closely to the concept of portability
their terrain, to a pervasive ecosystems that exists   of devices. Remember working on laptop comput-
as an interactive system between its living, human     ers and having to find a wired access point (in
participants, the objects that shape their work and    an Internet Café, possibly) to send your emails?
the environment in which they exist.                   How about the early adopters of mobile telephony,

For Those About to Tag

who were plagued by poor signal reception and            tion via wire, broadcast through the air and data
widespread dead spots? Those were the days of            transmission made possible through computers.
portable technology, when the worker used to             The results are products such as mobile phones
travel to the data. Under mobility today, at least       or satellite networks that make use of a host of
in urban environments with the adequate infra-           these technologies. In addition to an increased
structure, users are less concerned with where they      depth through the convergence of technological
are. With GSM, 3G, GPRS etc., data travels to the        features within devices, artifacts will assume new
mobile worker, and as conquering a larger terrain        roles to facilitate amplified networking capabili-
becomes less of a novelty, mobile connectedness          ties. Each new generation of mobile communica-
across space, time and contexts becomes more of          tion technology (e.g., infrastructure and mobile
a necessity to the contemporary worker.                  phones) allows for higher rates of connectedness
                                                         and increased throughput for a range of devices
Space                                                    that span spatial boundaries.
                                                             For practitioners, this often means that their
The essence of spatial mobility lies in its inde-        workers are equipped with mobile technology,
pendence from the concept of location, at least          and that work that had to be pre-planned before
with respect to connectivity and data transfer.          could now be arranged more dynamically and on
Viewed more conceptually, true mobility refers to        the fly. For many, the mobile phone is seen as a
nomadic arrangements that assume a convergence           silver-bullet that enables mobile workers “to ex-
of systems and a compatibility of services across        change and retrieve information they need quickly,
devices and operating systems independent of             efficiently and effortlessly, regardless of their
location. Kleinrock, the much acclaimed origi-           physical location” (Hansmann, Merck, Nicklous,
nator of the expression refers to this nomadicity        & Stober, 2003, p. 13). However, despite all of the
as the arrival of the cliché of Anytime, Anywhere        new networking and communication choices, the
computing (1996), a concept approached with              concept of mobility does not suggest the “death of
increasing capabilities of technology and infra-         distance” (Cairncross, 1997), or more importantly
structure. Recent studies discuss the notion of          that location may become inconsequential. Much
hypermobility, signifying the “dynamic transfor-         of the work carried out by mobile workers is in
mation in location, operation, and interaction in        fact location-dependent; it is in many ways about
the workplace” (Kakihara, 2003, p. 238) facilitated      being at being somewhere, at sometime (Cousins &
through mobile technology.                               Robey, 2005), at a particular place, at a particular
    In pursuits of higher degrees of spatial mobility,   time (Wiberg & Ljungberg, 2000).
many seemingly new devices are introduced to the             Accordingly, more and more people and
market, promising to bring altogether new tech-          devices are on the move, requiring more and
nologies to the user. In many ways are such items        more information to cross spatial boundaries.
not entirely new inventions, but rather products         Nonetheless, mobility has not solved all of the
that incorporate numerous existing technologies in       problems. Many mobile activities are emergent,
one device. For example, computing and telephony         any upcoming tasks in the field might not even be
devices are becoming more indistinguishable as           known by mobile workers themselves, let alone
one is adopting features usually associated with the     their remote colleagues (Kakihara & Sørensen,
other. Traditionally distinctly different technolo-      2001). Managing schedules, for example, has
gies are blending into hypermedia (Kallinikos,           become much more difficult for on-site movers
2001(a)). Ljungberg and Sørensen (2000) describe         who move about at a specific work site, yo-yos
such convergence as a combination of communica-          who occasionally work away from a fixed loca-

For Those About to Tag

tion, pendulums who work at two different sites,      Context
nomads who work from many sites and carriers
who work on the move (Lilischkis, 2003). While        Spatial and temporal dimensions of mobile com-
their work can be managed more flexibly, this         munication are the more obvious improvements
flexibility requires increased communication          introduced through modern technology. Both
between mobile workers and their peers. As a          are based on the objective affordances (Gibson,
result, mobile work is most important for purposes    1977) of the devices, infrastructures and support-
of data exchange and communication but is still       ing technologies. A more subjective affordance
seen as practically exercised in many cases at        (Dourish, 2001) refers to how people and mobile
particular times and places. In other words, while    technologies interact in different contexts (Perry,
location does not matter from the perspective of      O’Hara, Sellen, Brown, & Harper, 2001). A call
connectivity, signal reception and the ability to     in the middle of a meeting, for instance, requires
use a mobile device, it not only plays an impor-      the businesswoman to shift from her work context
tant role in the examination of where and how         to the context of being a mother, a text message
mobile work is carried out, but also in the mobile    during a security guard’s site visit interrupts his
management of time.                                   work and requires him to shift contexts and pay
                                                      attention to his mobile phone. With features such
Time                                                  as call waiting, incoming calls even interrupt
                                                      ongoing calls, requiring mobile workers to juggle
In addition to bridging spatial boundaries, mobile    two calls, and contexts, at a time, perhaps even
information and communication technologies al-        while driving or carrying out some other mobile
low people to communicate across temporal con-        work tasks.
straints. Particularly synchronous technologies           Most communication devices function in a
have of course shaped interaction with workers        binary fashion; based on signal reception they
in the field, and the mobile phone continues to       either render their users are generally available
be the communication medium of choice in most         or not accessible to everyone. For the practitioner,
instances. Asynchronous technologies such as          this means that mobile workers need to be more
mobile email are also important, especially for       flexible, and manage potential interruptions and
those who work from areas that do not provide         the danger of communication overload through
sufficient signal strength for mobile telephony or    screening incoming phone-calls and selecting
instant messaging. Either communication option        whom to answer or to ignore, prioritizing among
allows mobile workers to plan their tasks with        different contexts. Nonetheless, even this process
less of a focus on time, as site visits etc. can be   requires a shift in context for the user, a cognitive
rearranged flexibly with supervisors, colleagues      move away from his previous activity and towards
or clients. Similarly, mobile workers can now         the mobile device. These interaction modalities
use their time away from their real work to be        range from unobtrusive to obtrusive and from
productive. Mobile technologies are heralded          ephemeral to persistent (Ljungberg & Sørensen,
as reviving dead time, time spent at airports, in     2000). As a result, individuals’ work schedules,
traffic, or between meetings, thereby surpassing      their tasks’ start and completion times are harder
both the spatial and the temporal constraints of      to predict (Perry, O’Hara, Sellen, Brown, &
fixed-location technologies.                          Harper, 2001).
                                                          Today, context shifts and interruptions with
                                                      email and particularly with mobile telephony
                                                      raise expectations of responsiveness, and mo-

For Those About to Tag

bile workers spend a great portion of their days       visors spend an enormous amount of time on the
replying to a text message by sending another          phone, inquiring and reporting on mobile workers’
message, responding to an email with another           progress, location or upcoming stops. Moreover,
email and so on. Repetitive non-responses on a         Morrison’s customers, who never know if their
mobile telephone cause unease, even suspicion,         sites have been checked and if they are secure,
on behalf of the caller (Plant, 2001), whereas the     continuously call Morrison’s managers, who then
same scenario on a landline would not nearly have      need to call the mobile security guards before
the same effect. These examples clearly highlight      they call their customer back with the respective
how mobile information and communication               information.
technologies (ICTs) change the contexts in which           Communication involving mobile workers like
people communicate and interact on a personal          Simon, in most cases, suggests that the commu-
and professional level.                                nication is not carried out face to face, but via a
    The following scenario is a common account         mediating tool, a mobile communication device.
of mobile work today, and the reader likely recog-     This requires that any information from the field
nizes how mobile technology is deployed to span        needs to be needs to be sourced, worded and
spatial, temporal and contextual constraints. It       communicated by the respective mobile workers
shows how the use of mobile ICTs is dramatically       in the field. Not only does this suggest that this
shaped by the situation in which this communica-       information is highly subjective, but also that the
tion occurs, but also shows how mobile interaction     mobile worker has a high degree of discretion
shapes the mobile work activity itself.                with which he can shape the information passed
                                                       on to others. In one instance, a mobile security
                                                       guard could mistakenly report that a site was
Vignette A: Mobile Work at                             secure, when in fact it had been compromised.
Morrison Security Patrolling                           In the scenario above, the mobile worker could
                                                       knowingly pretend to be at a different location
Simon, a security guard for Morrison Patrolling        to circumvent being sent to an emergency by
starts his shift at 6pm, five evenings per week.       the traffic dispatcher. As a result, the mobile
He arrives at the main office, where he collects a     worker is at the heart of mobile communication,
worksheet that contains the various stops for his      in charge of mobile interaction even to the point
shift, a vehicle and a mobile phone. Throughout        where he could simply ignore an incoming call.
his twelve-hour shift, Simon does not return to        In the mobile landscape, the mobile worker is in
the office. He patrols the assigned premises and       charge, not only of his work activities but also of
ensures they are secure. In the event that they are    communication with others (see also Kalakota &
not, he calls his superior to inform him that he       Robinson, 2002). The objects that shape the mobile
will be late for his remaining stops. In the event     landscape, including the tools the mobile workers
of an emergency at a different site, a dispatcher      uses and the sites he visits are marginalized, and
calls Simon on his mobile phone to direct him          details of mobile work are only communicated
away from his scheduled visits and towards the         through subjective representations, via the phone
more urgent matter. For all activities, Simon keeps    or through documents, composed by the mobile
a paper-based log with the pertinent details. Of       worker (Kietzmann, 2008a).
course, as security guards spend their days away,
it is very difficult for the superior or dispatcher
to know where Simon and his colleagues are
throughout their shifts. As a result, guards, super-

For Those About to Tag

The Mobility of Things                                 received power on board. On the ground RFID
                                                       transceivers (readers) sent out signals that would
Mobility mostly refers to the extension of people’s    communicate with these tags. When a plane was
geographical reach, spanning both time and con-        approaching, and a communication between these
text. The mobile landscape is the result of com-       components could be established, it was assumed
munication carried out between different subjects,     that it was a friendly plane. If however, the signal
with the help of mobile phones, for instance, that     sent out by the reader did not trigger a response
enables and mediate the subject-object-subject         from the tag, the assumption was that it was an
interaction from a distance. Accordingly, mobility     enemy aircraft that should be attacked.
mostly refers to people who navigate the mobile            Applications today still rely on similar commu-
landscape. But what happens when objects start         nication between RFID tag and reader; although
to talk to each other? How does this influence         now the tags are miniscule microchips attached
mobile communication?                                  to an antenna, and are generally passive. This
    The movement of objects has traditionally          means, the tags do not have a constant power-
referred to shipping and transporting goods from       source, but are powered by an electromagnetic
one location to another, to importing and exporting    field emitted by the reader. In most cases, radio
of merchandise and to carrying personal belong-        signals inform nearby readers of a serial number
ings to new locations while traveling (Kakihara,       stored on the tag, which uniquely identifies any
2003). In discussions of mobile interaction, objects   item that bears it. So-called Smart Tags are used
often refer to activity-supporting objects, includ-    to track or trace objects everywhere. Think of
ing paper and pen, but also technological artifacts    the readers at the exit of a retail store that sound
such as mobile phones, PDAs and BlackBerry             an alarm when an unpaid item is taken out of the
terminals. Traditional mobility assumes that           store. Especially high value items, but also those
objects are inanimate goods, unable of initiating      that are popular store-loot are tagged, and the tag
and maintaining any type of communication,             needs to be disabled at the register before they can
and that human involvement is responsible for          be taken out of the store. Similarly, worldwide,
their movement and participation in any activity.      such tags already help keep track of more than
As such, the involvement of objects in mobility        100 million pets and 20 million livestock (Booth-
discussions is of limited interest; things are seen    Thomas, 2003).
as only supporting human activities on-demand.             The Auto-ID Center, initially established as an
However, novel developments especially through         academic research project headquartered at the
mobile RFID and Near-Field Communication are           Massachusetts Institute of Technology, developed
giving life to objects.                                the architecture for creating a seamless global
                                                       network of all physical objects (Auto-ID Labs
Mobile Radio Frequency Identification                  2005). The technology has since been transferred
                                                       to EPCGlobal, which now oversees the develop-
Traditional, non-mobile Radio Frequency Identi-        ment of standards for Electronic Product Codes
fication (RFID) is an auto-identification technol-     (EPC). Such EPC tags attached to every imagin-
ogy that has been available for several decades,       able item, and even people, are revolutionizing
perhaps with the first remarkable use in WWII,         logistics, supply chain and inventory management
when the Royal Air Force employed RFID to dif-         around the world, based on three main advantages
ferentiate between friendly and enemy aircraft.        of RFID over current alternatives (e.g., barcode).
The planes of the Allied Forces were equipped          First, RFID can identify items from a distance,
with bulky RFID active transponders (tags) that        without line of sight requirements. This means no

For Those About to Tag

more optical scanners at supermarket checkouts,         co-workers were shown how to use the data com-
for instance. Second, RFID can read multiple items      ing from the mobile RFID driven system. Mobile
at once. A truck can drive through the gates of a       guards then read tags attached to many objects
warehouse, and the inventory of the warehouse           within their mobile landscape (e.g., at gates, doors
is automatically updated with all the items ar-         and windows) and selected status responses from
riving at or leaving the premises. Third, RFID is       the menu on their mobile phone. For instance, when
unique. Barcode describes batches of items, for         a property was secured and checked, a security
instance soda-cans from the same flat carry the         guard placed the reader close to the tag on a door
same information. With RFID, each can can be            and selected “all ok” from the phone’s menu.
uniquely identified and traced. Together, these         This information was synchronously sent to the
three properties lead to a dramatic shift of interac-   back-office. In other events, temperature sensors
tion with and between objects. Especially when          were attached to tags, and once a security guard
readers and tags communicate from a distance they       with his reader was nearby, the tags queried him
transform subject-object-subject communication          to conduct certain safety checks. In even more
to object-object interaction.                           complex setups, a connected sensor measured the
    But all of the readers mentioned above are          temperature in a room, and once it exceeded its
stationary, attached to a store or a warehouse,         allowable limit, it sent a text message to the mobile
and the tags are mobile. What would happen if           worker or even left a voice message, asking him
the readers were mobile, too?                           to come to the room’s rescue immediately. The
    Mobile RFID was introduced only a few years         auto-identification properties and the mobility
ago, and surprisingly has so far stayed under the       and synchronicity of the RFID system virtually
radar of industry and academia. Unlike other            eliminated manual logs and work-sheets and
mobile technology developments, mobile RFID in-         drastically reduced the time guards had to spend
troduces entirely new affordances and interaction       on the phone to report on their whereabouts. Man-
possibilities to mobile work. Mobile RFID utilizes      agers, too, had to spend much less time manually
the combination of a mobile phone, equipped with        locating and coordinating the security guards,
an RFID reader, a local interaction server and          reports could be drawn up within minutes and
a large number of passive tags that work over a         Morison’s customers could access RFID-events
short distance (<3 centimeters). Passive tags, for      via extranet sites.
instance, are able to initiate communication once            These advantages are compelling, and “those
they are in the proximity of a reader, and vice         about to tag” have been convinced that auto-iden-
versa. Imagine the following:                           tification will solve their current mobility-related
                                                        information flow problems. However, introduc-
                                                        ing mobile RFID, for example, is not just about
Vignette B: Work with mobile                            adding a more advanced technology – it is a big
RFID technology                                         organizational intervention. It is often unclear
                                                        that everyday objects, as a result, become more
For Morrison Patrolling, tagging the mobile land-       active participants in mobile communication;
scape and supplying the mobile security guards          they adopt an increasingly important role in our
with mobile RFID readers promised to overcome           discussions of mobility.
many of the mobility-related difficulties. Simon             While some might argue that this interaction
and his mobile colleagues were trained to use the       is simply machine-to-machine interaction, mobile
mobile reader, tags were positioned throughout          RFID still involves human participation. How-
their work environment, and Simon’s office-bound        ever, the important change is that in many cases

For Those About to Tag

it is the human involvement that is on-demand,              For the practitioner, this raises many new
requested by objects in motion, not the other way       challenges. IT directors, systems designers, who
around. Mobile objects increasingly assume a            previously often worked on technology outside
heightened level of agency in mobile interactions       of its future application, now increasingly focus
that increasingly rely on mobile data, or informa-      on embedding technologies within their specific
tion. In addition to, or perhaps as a result of more    use context (McCullough, 2004). By building
people and more devices on the move, the amount         technology around everyday life their values shift
and depth of personal, public and organizational        from “objects to experiences, from performance
data transmitted is immense. In addition to wired       to appropriateness, from procedure to situation,
artifacts (e.g., landlines, desktop computers), or      and from behavior to intent” (McCullough, 2004,
fixed-location wireless devices (e.g., satellites),     p. 50). Thus argued, industry need to move from
mobile devices supply an ever-growing share of          linear to more complex and interactive ways of
data transmissions. Thanks to mobile phones,            viewing both technology and its future use. For
BlackBerry terminals, pagers and even short-            pervasive environments, professionals have to
range Bluetooth enabled devices, the need to be         learn how to capture, codify and represent mobile
at specific locations to transmit, broadcast and        work contexts most appropriately, to “disregard
receive data is at a decline. Moreover, wireless        irrelevant details while isolating and emphasiz-
local-area networks, often open to the public or        ing those properties of artifacts and situations
inviting customers at a minimal charge, and wire-       that are most significant” (Brooks, 1991, p. 53).
less broadband connections (e.g. WiFi cities) are       Developing and implementing context-aware
increasingly popular, adding to the mobility of         mobile auto-identification systems is tremen-
data and objects and bringing us ever closer to a       dously difficult, and many developers of mobile
truly pervasive ecosystem.                              information systems might find that they are not
                                                        well suited for the challenge. In a different paper,
                                                        the author of this chapter outlines an innovative
Towards Pervasive                                       approach to understanding mobile work and an
Ecosystems                                              interactive way to developing mobile information
                                                        systems accordingly (Kietzmann, 2008a). In this
In order for auto-identification technologies to be-    discussion of tagged environments, the focus is
come useful for mobile work, they need to “know”        more on the impact the technology will have on
more about the mobile context they are support-         its users and their communication practices.
ing. Basic mobile technologies are off-the-shelve
devices that support workers across all possible        A Mobile World
activities, regardless of the context of their mobile
landscape. A mobile phone knows nothing about           In a mobile landscape, the interaction depends on
its environment, and does not respond to unique         the mobile worker’s discretion and willingness to
changes other than signal reception. In a perva-        conduct mobile work accurately and disclose the
sive ecosystem; however, different technologies         requested information (e.g., location, time and the
(e.g., embedded tags, sensors, webcams) must to         status of the object or activity). Details of mobile
varying degrees “understand” which environ-             work are communicated directly through a mobile
mental and use characteristics to reveal (e.g., the     phone and through field notes, asynchronous logs
temperature of a room, users’ facial expressions)       and progress reports. In Simon’s case, his patrol-
(Höök, Benyon, & Monroe, 2003) and when to              ling logs were composed in his own language,
involve the human participant.                          according to his frames of reference. The resulting

For Those About to Tag

reports formed the most important representations       to share details of their mobile work; the human
of his mobile work, the only common objects             remains at the core of the mobile activity.
shared by mobile workers, mobile colleagues and
their remote supervisors. The worker’s discre-          A Tagged World
tion and the accuracy of his representations of
otherwise purely cognitive accounts of their work       While such an understanding holds true for the ma-
determine the overall reliability and validity of the   jority of mobile activities today, the development
interaction and its context. However, such subjec-      of mobile RFID is an indicator of a changing level
tive, imprecise evidence of details of mobile work      of coupling and embeddedness of computational
requires extensive synchronization with other           devices for mobile work. Good practice of systems
logs and legacy systems to replicate the chain of       development is to focus on a high level of intra-
events of mobile actions and operations.                activity cohesion and a low level of inter-activity
    Who does not remember the countless calls           dependencies, facilitating resilient relationships
that were necessary between manager and mobile          with minimal assumptions between interacting
worker to understand what had happened in the           activity systems. As computers disappear and
field? How about those necessary to understand          blend into the natural human environment (Weiser,
the reports written by mobile workers? Some             1991), they promise to become less distinguishable
are illegible because they have been written in a       from human affairs and to support their practices.
moving vehicle; others are unclear because they         Mobile technology lacks this embeddedness; it is
refer to specific objects that are well known to the    developed and diffused as a blank slate technol-
mobile worker, but not his manager. Due to this         ogy, one which has no built-in knowledge base or
inherent ambiguity of details of mobile activities,     knowledge capability of its environment beyond
the drawback of asynchronous representations and        the planning reasoning of its designers.
the challenge of interpreting others’ externaliza-          Pervasive computing, on the other hand,
tions, participants increasingly need to rely on        negates this concept and spirit of tabula rasa
synchronous verbal confirmations via the mobile         (McCullough, 2004) and relies on inscriptions
phone for the coordination and control of mobile        into the social and physical environment (ibid.).
work activities. However, just as much as the           For this, “no revolution in artificial intelligence is
asynchronous representations of mobile work, the        needed – just the proper embedding of computers
mediating tool (e.g., a mobile phone) guarantees        into the everyday world” (Weiser, 1991, p. 3). As
no meaningful, objective account of fieldwork for       technology is becoming increasingly embedded
this subject-object-subject interaction; it is merely   and context aware, for instance through RFID or
a conduit that enables the interaction.                 sensor technology, mobile and stationary people
    In any event, the mobile worker maintains           and objects can interact, collect and receive data
control over the technology and autonomy over           from a distance. The embeddedness of perva-
the content of the interaction, his cooperation and     sive technology meets current demands for an
participation in such communication (e.g., in some      increased time and data-sensitive understanding
cases, disclosed information about location may be      of the contexts of mobile work, as employers of
deliberately incorrect, in others the phone could       mobile workers and their customers insist on im-
consciously not be answered). Tools are neither         proving their insight into mobile work practices.
cohesively embedded within the mobile work en-          By developing an infrastructure of embedded,
vironment nor directly coupled to work activities.      physically nearly undetectable and location-
Attempts to exchange parameters of mobile work          independent tags and mobile RFID readers with
most definitely depend on the subject’s willingness     inscribed rules, the resulting pervasive ecosystem

For Those About to Tag

provides cohesive, context-specific information         are highly cohesive. In other words, mobile work
directly to the tag-reading device. Given this          practices are no longer communicated selectively
increasing participation of information and com-        and by the choice of the individual, but by object-
munication devices, interaction becomes much            object interaction. This, of course, has a tremen-
less focused on the mobile worker and places            dous impact on the mobile worker, her mobile and
greater emphasis on the tools at the core of work       stationary colleagues, and their long-established
activities.                                             communication protocols. Pervasive ecosystems
     In these more advanced, pervasive activities,      query a number of details with each tag-reader
it is not only the mediated subject-object-subject      interaction in the field, and synchronously com-
interaction that is improved through this increased     municate the results via an interaction server to
embeddedness and availability for participants to       the back-office. While this interrogation sounds
interact (e.g., through consciously writing to tags     highly complex, it is actually quite simple.
and sending messages that are associated with               Once a system learns about four dimension
tag-events). Contradictory to mobile landscapes,        of a mobile activity, it can provide a highly
in pervasive ecosystems, objects not only convey        contextual picture of mobile work. Location,
information and mediate the interaction between         identity, status and time form the basis for this
subjects, but rather adopt an active stance and add     “individual pervasiveness” (Kietzmann, 2008b).
value through event-specific information, at times      For our security guard, this means that each time
without the explicit permission or knowledge of         he approaches a gate, for instance, and tag and
the mobile worker. Through embedding pervasive          reader connect, information is sent to the back-
devices among subjects (e.g., ID cards), tools (e.g.,   office that contains the identity of the object (and
mobile phones) and objects (e.g., gates and doors)      hence its location), the identity of the worker,
much more sophisticated and cohesive informa-           the status of the object (“all ok”), and the time
tion systems emerge, in which subjects, tools and       of the event. Similarly, superiors or even objects
objects are beginning to talk to one another and,       can reverse this information flow and impose a
by extension, know about each another. It is this       “pervasive order” (ibid.) onto mobile work (e.g., a
pervasive ecosystem, this interaction and embed-        machine can call the worker, or traffic managers
dedness, that determines mobile behavior at work,       can liaise a message through a tag to the worker).
rather than the free navigation of geographical         This object-driven information flow changes mo-
spaces. A mobile worker no longer travels through       bile work, particularly as it relates to elements of
his work world without traceable interaction            transparency, control and discretion.
(Sørensen, Fagrell, & Ljungstrand, 2000), but               For those about to tag, this raises the follow-
through a pervasive ecosystem (see Figure 2)            ing questions.
in which “mobility becomes less of a descrip-               First, is the mobile landscape one that can be
tion of an autonomous user freely moving in the         understood at all? Can the complexity of what
world and more of a contingent subject-position         mobile workers accomplish every day actually
made possible by object-object communication”           be captured and translated meaningfully into a
(Elichirigoity, 2004, p. 10).                           context-aware auto-identification system?
                                                            Second, who owns the information that needs
                                                        to be captured so that it can be codified? To a large
For Those about to Tag                                  extent, this will likely be the mobile workers, as
                                                        they usually are the only individuals who know
In pervasive ecosystems, all participants, human        the mobile landscape in detail.
or not, are directly coupled and their activities

For Those About to Tag

    Third, why would these mobile workers sup-         superiors and traffic managers who were able to
port the new system? Why not? These are ques-          schedule their mobile workers and trusted that
tions of control and discretion. If the mobile work    they completed their work independently now
environment was heavily regulated before, the          had transparent data that they could not ignore.
new order that the pervasive system will introduce     Some RFID driven events even demanded that
might not pose a great threat to mobile workers        superiors form decisions, which were previously
(e.g., heavily controlled occupations like bus         left up to the mobile worker. This requires a
drivers). If the mobile workers were left to their     system-wide look at users, not just a look at the
own judgment before, like taxi drivers, they might     mobile workers. If good data comes from the
refuse to use the system outright. This relates to     field, but those in the back office have no reason
the second question. If the mobile workers are the     to use it, the auto-identification system will fail
only individuals who understand the context of         to live up to its promise.
their work, and if they resist the notion of working       Lastly, the perception of auto-identification
in a more closely controlled environment, where        technologies requires some attention. On the
will the necessary context-information come            technology front, many seemingly futuristic de-
from? Will it be reliable?                             velopments are possible, if not already underway.
    Fourth, how is agency affected by the tagged       Imagine introducing a GPS sensor to the security
environment? In a mobile landscape, as outlined        guard’s mobile RFID tool, or add a techograph
above, communication rests with the mobile             to the equation. The iPhone has already shown
worker and the phone and other interaction tools       what is possible. How about connecting all of the
are simple conduits. In a pervasive ecosystem,         mobile RFID events to each other to populate an
the communication is driven increasingly by            “internet of things” that adds transparency and
these tools, and the person becomes the conduit.       extensive data-mining capabilities to all mobile
If mobile workers like this new arrangement, the       events? While these questions are of a much bigger
tagged environment has a much higher chance of         Orwellian nature, they might be on the minds of the
success. Under pervasiveness, the mobile worker        mobile users who are critical to the development
has much less control over the type of informa-        and adoption of a tagging technology. Especially
tion revealed, and over the content that becomes       users who are technology savvy might envision
visible to others. A previously sovereign mobile       how the following emerging trends might be ad-
worker all of a sudden becomes dependent on the        opted next, and how, as a result, their role might
information system, and the discretion with which      continue to change if they support the adoption
he carries out his work is now not up to the judg-     of auto-identification technologies today.
ment of the worker but to the embedded knowledge
and pre-programmed logic of the context-aware          Emerging Technologies
system. A security guard who previously used his
expert-knowledge to navigate through traffic and       Mobile RFID is only the beginning of many
might have changed the sequence of the stops along     context-aware technologies. And, in their current
his route now is required to follow the sequence       form, pervasive ecosystems are not yet entirely
ordered by the mobile RFID system.                     location independent since their read-range is still
    Fifth, who else is affected? Will everyone         quite limited. However, the pervasive ecosystem
support the new system? Tagged environments            marked by mobile RFID technology already
not only change mobile workers’ job description,       points at what will be presented by the inevitable
but also affect everyone who works with data           improvement of technology. Reading ranges are
from the field. In the Morrison Patrolling case,       already projected to approach 20 meters for more

For Those About to Tag

stationary readers (Garfinkel & Rosenberg, 2006),     that these advantages will improve their organiza-
on the mobile front this will only be a question of   tional metrics and success measures. Particularly
power management on the device. As more and           once mobile RFID becomes more standardized,
more objects and tools of mobile work become          the advantages of auto-identification technologies
embedded with tags and improved readers, we           might suggest an even stronger positive impact
will witness a continuously increasing mobility       of tagging the mobile landscape.
with pervasive devices, ultimately approaching            This chapter outlines some of these positive
ubiquitous computing environments (Lyytinen &         affordances of auto-identification, but also aims to
Yoo, 2002). Visions of the future home and retail     raise a word of caution. Tagging is a very complex
organizations (Albrecht & MacIntyre, 2005), the       and complicated process, which requires that a
next generation of cash (Angell & Kietzmann,          number of critical questions are asked and an-
2006), interactive fashion and wearable comput-       swered. In many cases, these are not of a technical
ing (Mann & Niedzviecki, 2002) etc. contribute        nature, but relate to the social and socio-political
to the notion of a pervasive ecosystem.               environment that is to be tagged.
    Of course, improved devices alone will not            Certainly, mobility and pervasiveness are not
change pervasiveness. Improved infrastructure         the same. Each has its unique advantages and
and middleware technologies, including smart          drawbacks. As this chapter outlined, the argu-
antennas, mesh networks and ad-hoc computing          ments that once led organizations to adopt mobile
will elevate current networking technology to-        technology must be different from those that drive
wards pervasive data-throughputs, especially once     tagging decisions today. It was the ambition of this
agreed-upon standards are in place. Derived from      chapter to illustrate how a tiny technology, such
nanotechnology’s concept of swarm computing,          as a mobile RFID tag, can change mobile work
amorphous technologies require that collective        practices and the nature of mobile work entirely.
networks can be built on individual devices’ ca-      Hopefully, this chapter has provided “those about
pacities to transmit signals without intercepting     to tag” with a number of interesting questions to
them. This ad-hoc technology allows each client       ponder, and has informed their decision in favor
(e.g., mobile phone) to function as a server and      or against mobile auto-identification technologies.
signals to hop from device to device. This increas-   It was not the motivation of this chapter to sug-
ingly location independence of computing occur-       gest that mobile RFID etc. are bad choices, but
rences will render a fixed-location infrastructure    to endorse critical thoughts among “those about
of senders and repeaters unnecessary, giving way      to tag” that will help determine if, and how, auto-
to a truly pervasive and ubiquitous world.            identification choices will transform their mobile
                                                      landscapes into pervasive ecosystems.

Many developments are at the horizon, and some,
including mobile RFID are already commercially        Albrecht, K., & MacIntyre, L. (2005). Spychips:
available. Of course, only the positive impact        How Major Corporations and Government Plan
of auto-identification technologies is advertised     to Track Your Every Move with RFID. Nelson
to organizations. And indeed, the synchronous         Current.
object-object information from the field enables
                                                      Angell, I., & Kietzmann, J. (2006). RFID and
altogether new forms of managing mobile work.
                                                      the End of Cash? Communications of the ACM,
Rightfully so, practitioners might be convinced
                                                      49(12), 90-96.

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For those about to tag: mobile and ubiquitous commerce

  • 1. 1 Chapter I For Those About to Tag Jan H. Kietzmann Simon Fraser University, Canada Abstract The recent evolution of mobile auto-identification technologies invites firms to connect to mobile work in altogether new ways. By strategically embedding “smart” devices, organizations involve individual subjects and real objects in their corporate information flows, and execute more and more business pro- cesses through such technologies as mobile Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID). The imminent path from mobility to pervasiveness focuses entirely on improving organizational performance measures and metrics of success. Work itself, and the dramatic changes these technologies introduce to the organiza- tion and to the role of the mobile worker are by and large ignored. The aim of this chapter is to unveil the key changes and challenges that emerge when mobile landscapes are “tagged”, and when mobile workers and mobile auto-identification technologies work side-by-side. The motivation for this chapter is to encourage thoughts that appreciate auto-identification technologies and their socio-technical impact on specific mobile work practices and on the nature of mobile work in general. Introduction ment of workspaces, times and contexts. Despite a long tradition of mobile work arrangements, Mobile work is everywhere; and despite claims for example Hackney carriage drivers started in by vendors and organizational consultants mo- London, UK in 1622, the phenomenon of mobility bility is neither new nor particularly novel. On has not received much attention by organizational the contrary, many traditional occupations have scholars over time. always been highly mobile, including the work The advancement of modern mobile tech- of taxi-drivers, policemen, traveling merchants, nologies from the heavy, transmission-weak and entertainers and trades people, to name a few. battery-hungry, expensive mobile phones of the Their degree of mobility may differ, but what 1980s to the omnipresent devices of today have mobile workers have in common is a fluid arrange- raised mobility to the fore of both industry and Copyright © 2009, IGI Global, distributing in print or electronic forms without written permission of IGI Global is prohibited.
  • 2. For Those About to Tag academia. Interaction among mobile workers, but The motivation of this chapter is to discuss also with location-dependent colleagues, superiors the fundamental difference of mobility and per- and clients is carried out via technologies that al- vasiveness, with a focus on the user-technology low subject-object-subject communication, with relationship which, in today’s attempts to opti- the device as a tool that facilitates the exchange mize organizational effectiveness and efficiency of voice, video or data. through embedded technologies, has been entirely Surprisingly, until recently, the success of the overlooked. mobile phone has not brought many radical innova- The aim of this chapter is to unveil the key tions forward. Improvements of mobile technolo- changes and challenges that emerge when mobile gies are seen primarily as incremental, with no landscapes are “tagged”, and to prepare the reader new breakthroughs or killer-applications in sight. for the impact that tagging technologies can have However, emerging mobile auto-identification on mobile work environments. This chapter should technologies invite firms to connect in various be useful for developers of mobile technology, but ways to their mobile landscape. By strategically also for application developers. Most importantly, embedding technologies with a very small foot- this chapter is aimed at “those about to tag” – at print, events involving individual subjects and practitioners who contemplate the adoption of real objects can be included within organizational auto-identification technologies to improve their information flows. Mobile radio-frequency identi- organizational information flows. fication (mobile RFID), for instance, allows firms to place transponders (i.e. tags) and transceivers (i.e. readers) throughout the terrain they cover to Mobile landscapes initiate object-to-object communication and drive mobile business processes. The term and concept of mobility is difficult to In light of these developments, industry and delineate; and in many ways are any attempts academia have predominantly examined the to define mobility too restrictive or not focused increasing embeddedness of such context-aware enough to be meaningful in any way (Kristoffer- technologies in terms of their impact on the infor- sen & Ljungberg, 2000). However, a discussion mation content of work. The imperceptible object- of changing mobile environments requires the object interaction enabled by auto-identification delimitation of mobility and location. In this light, technologies is hailed as a dramatic improvement common approaches conceptualize mobility and for logistics and supply-chain management. mobile technologies as the opposite of the fixed- However, along this path from mobility to per- location devices. vasiveness, work itself, and the dramatic changes In its early days, mobility indicated that a these technologies introduce to the organization particular application could be carried out at and to the role of the mobile worker have so far different but specific geographical localities, been neglected. The introduction of mobile RFID whether within urban spaces or at remote sites. is discussed here as an example of many auto- This notion of connectivity at different locales identification technologies that mark the move was of enormous significance when devices were from a mobile landscape, in which mobile workers first networked in a wireless fashion, and mobility communicate at will with others as they navigate referred more closely to the concept of portability their terrain, to a pervasive ecosystems that exists of devices. Remember working on laptop comput- as an interactive system between its living, human ers and having to find a wired access point (in participants, the objects that shape their work and an Internet Café, possibly) to send your emails? the environment in which they exist. How about the early adopters of mobile telephony, 2
  • 3. For Those About to Tag who were plagued by poor signal reception and tion via wire, broadcast through the air and data widespread dead spots? Those were the days of transmission made possible through computers. portable technology, when the worker used to The results are products such as mobile phones travel to the data. Under mobility today, at least or satellite networks that make use of a host of in urban environments with the adequate infra- these technologies. In addition to an increased structure, users are less concerned with where they depth through the convergence of technological are. With GSM, 3G, GPRS etc., data travels to the features within devices, artifacts will assume new mobile worker, and as conquering a larger terrain roles to facilitate amplified networking capabili- becomes less of a novelty, mobile connectedness ties. Each new generation of mobile communica- across space, time and contexts becomes more of tion technology (e.g., infrastructure and mobile a necessity to the contemporary worker. phones) allows for higher rates of connectedness and increased throughput for a range of devices Space that span spatial boundaries. For practitioners, this often means that their The essence of spatial mobility lies in its inde- workers are equipped with mobile technology, pendence from the concept of location, at least and that work that had to be pre-planned before with respect to connectivity and data transfer. could now be arranged more dynamically and on Viewed more conceptually, true mobility refers to the fly. For many, the mobile phone is seen as a nomadic arrangements that assume a convergence silver-bullet that enables mobile workers “to ex- of systems and a compatibility of services across change and retrieve information they need quickly, devices and operating systems independent of efficiently and effortlessly, regardless of their location. Kleinrock, the much acclaimed origi- physical location” (Hansmann, Merck, Nicklous, nator of the expression refers to this nomadicity & Stober, 2003, p. 13). However, despite all of the as the arrival of the cliché of Anytime, Anywhere new networking and communication choices, the computing (1996), a concept approached with concept of mobility does not suggest the “death of increasing capabilities of technology and infra- distance” (Cairncross, 1997), or more importantly structure. Recent studies discuss the notion of that location may become inconsequential. Much hypermobility, signifying the “dynamic transfor- of the work carried out by mobile workers is in mation in location, operation, and interaction in fact location-dependent; it is in many ways about the workplace” (Kakihara, 2003, p. 238) facilitated being at being somewhere, at sometime (Cousins & through mobile technology. Robey, 2005), at a particular place, at a particular In pursuits of higher degrees of spatial mobility, time (Wiberg & Ljungberg, 2000). many seemingly new devices are introduced to the Accordingly, more and more people and market, promising to bring altogether new tech- devices are on the move, requiring more and nologies to the user. In many ways are such items more information to cross spatial boundaries. not entirely new inventions, but rather products Nonetheless, mobility has not solved all of the that incorporate numerous existing technologies in problems. Many mobile activities are emergent, one device. For example, computing and telephony any upcoming tasks in the field might not even be devices are becoming more indistinguishable as known by mobile workers themselves, let alone one is adopting features usually associated with the their remote colleagues (Kakihara & Sørensen, other. Traditionally distinctly different technolo- 2001). Managing schedules, for example, has gies are blending into hypermedia (Kallinikos, become much more difficult for on-site movers 2001(a)). Ljungberg and Sørensen (2000) describe who move about at a specific work site, yo-yos such convergence as a combination of communica- who occasionally work away from a fixed loca- 3
  • 4. For Those About to Tag tion, pendulums who work at two different sites, Context nomads who work from many sites and carriers who work on the move (Lilischkis, 2003). While Spatial and temporal dimensions of mobile com- their work can be managed more flexibly, this munication are the more obvious improvements flexibility requires increased communication introduced through modern technology. Both between mobile workers and their peers. As a are based on the objective affordances (Gibson, result, mobile work is most important for purposes 1977) of the devices, infrastructures and support- of data exchange and communication but is still ing technologies. A more subjective affordance seen as practically exercised in many cases at (Dourish, 2001) refers to how people and mobile particular times and places. In other words, while technologies interact in different contexts (Perry, location does not matter from the perspective of O’Hara, Sellen, Brown, & Harper, 2001). A call connectivity, signal reception and the ability to in the middle of a meeting, for instance, requires use a mobile device, it not only plays an impor- the businesswoman to shift from her work context tant role in the examination of where and how to the context of being a mother, a text message mobile work is carried out, but also in the mobile during a security guard’s site visit interrupts his management of time. work and requires him to shift contexts and pay attention to his mobile phone. With features such Time as call waiting, incoming calls even interrupt ongoing calls, requiring mobile workers to juggle In addition to bridging spatial boundaries, mobile two calls, and contexts, at a time, perhaps even information and communication technologies al- while driving or carrying out some other mobile low people to communicate across temporal con- work tasks. straints. Particularly synchronous technologies Most communication devices function in a have of course shaped interaction with workers binary fashion; based on signal reception they in the field, and the mobile phone continues to either render their users are generally available be the communication medium of choice in most or not accessible to everyone. For the practitioner, instances. Asynchronous technologies such as this means that mobile workers need to be more mobile email are also important, especially for flexible, and manage potential interruptions and those who work from areas that do not provide the danger of communication overload through sufficient signal strength for mobile telephony or screening incoming phone-calls and selecting instant messaging. Either communication option whom to answer or to ignore, prioritizing among allows mobile workers to plan their tasks with different contexts. Nonetheless, even this process less of a focus on time, as site visits etc. can be requires a shift in context for the user, a cognitive rearranged flexibly with supervisors, colleagues move away from his previous activity and towards or clients. Similarly, mobile workers can now the mobile device. These interaction modalities use their time away from their real work to be range from unobtrusive to obtrusive and from productive. Mobile technologies are heralded ephemeral to persistent (Ljungberg & Sørensen, as reviving dead time, time spent at airports, in 2000). As a result, individuals’ work schedules, traffic, or between meetings, thereby surpassing their tasks’ start and completion times are harder both the spatial and the temporal constraints of to predict (Perry, O’Hara, Sellen, Brown, & fixed-location technologies. Harper, 2001). Today, context shifts and interruptions with email and particularly with mobile telephony raise expectations of responsiveness, and mo- 4
  • 5. For Those About to Tag bile workers spend a great portion of their days visors spend an enormous amount of time on the replying to a text message by sending another phone, inquiring and reporting on mobile workers’ message, responding to an email with another progress, location or upcoming stops. Moreover, email and so on. Repetitive non-responses on a Morrison’s customers, who never know if their mobile telephone cause unease, even suspicion, sites have been checked and if they are secure, on behalf of the caller (Plant, 2001), whereas the continuously call Morrison’s managers, who then same scenario on a landline would not nearly have need to call the mobile security guards before the same effect. These examples clearly highlight they call their customer back with the respective how mobile information and communication information. technologies (ICTs) change the contexts in which Communication involving mobile workers like people communicate and interact on a personal Simon, in most cases, suggests that the commu- and professional level. nication is not carried out face to face, but via a The following scenario is a common account mediating tool, a mobile communication device. of mobile work today, and the reader likely recog- This requires that any information from the field nizes how mobile technology is deployed to span needs to be needs to be sourced, worded and spatial, temporal and contextual constraints. It communicated by the respective mobile workers shows how the use of mobile ICTs is dramatically in the field. Not only does this suggest that this shaped by the situation in which this communica- information is highly subjective, but also that the tion occurs, but also shows how mobile interaction mobile worker has a high degree of discretion shapes the mobile work activity itself. with which he can shape the information passed on to others. In one instance, a mobile security guard could mistakenly report that a site was Vignette A: Mobile Work at secure, when in fact it had been compromised. Morrison Security Patrolling In the scenario above, the mobile worker could knowingly pretend to be at a different location Simon, a security guard for Morrison Patrolling to circumvent being sent to an emergency by starts his shift at 6pm, five evenings per week. the traffic dispatcher. As a result, the mobile He arrives at the main office, where he collects a worker is at the heart of mobile communication, worksheet that contains the various stops for his in charge of mobile interaction even to the point shift, a vehicle and a mobile phone. Throughout where he could simply ignore an incoming call. his twelve-hour shift, Simon does not return to In the mobile landscape, the mobile worker is in the office. He patrols the assigned premises and charge, not only of his work activities but also of ensures they are secure. In the event that they are communication with others (see also Kalakota & not, he calls his superior to inform him that he Robinson, 2002). The objects that shape the mobile will be late for his remaining stops. In the event landscape, including the tools the mobile workers of an emergency at a different site, a dispatcher uses and the sites he visits are marginalized, and calls Simon on his mobile phone to direct him details of mobile work are only communicated away from his scheduled visits and towards the through subjective representations, via the phone more urgent matter. For all activities, Simon keeps or through documents, composed by the mobile a paper-based log with the pertinent details. Of worker (Kietzmann, 2008a). course, as security guards spend their days away, it is very difficult for the superior or dispatcher to know where Simon and his colleagues are throughout their shifts. As a result, guards, super- 5
  • 6. For Those About to Tag The Mobility of Things received power on board. On the ground RFID transceivers (readers) sent out signals that would Mobility mostly refers to the extension of people’s communicate with these tags. When a plane was geographical reach, spanning both time and con- approaching, and a communication between these text. The mobile landscape is the result of com- components could be established, it was assumed munication carried out between different subjects, that it was a friendly plane. If however, the signal with the help of mobile phones, for instance, that sent out by the reader did not trigger a response enables and mediate the subject-object-subject from the tag, the assumption was that it was an interaction from a distance. Accordingly, mobility enemy aircraft that should be attacked. mostly refers to people who navigate the mobile Applications today still rely on similar commu- landscape. But what happens when objects start nication between RFID tag and reader; although to talk to each other? How does this influence now the tags are miniscule microchips attached mobile communication? to an antenna, and are generally passive. This The movement of objects has traditionally means, the tags do not have a constant power- referred to shipping and transporting goods from source, but are powered by an electromagnetic one location to another, to importing and exporting field emitted by the reader. In most cases, radio of merchandise and to carrying personal belong- signals inform nearby readers of a serial number ings to new locations while traveling (Kakihara, stored on the tag, which uniquely identifies any 2003). In discussions of mobile interaction, objects item that bears it. So-called Smart Tags are used often refer to activity-supporting objects, includ- to track or trace objects everywhere. Think of ing paper and pen, but also technological artifacts the readers at the exit of a retail store that sound such as mobile phones, PDAs and BlackBerry an alarm when an unpaid item is taken out of the terminals. Traditional mobility assumes that store. Especially high value items, but also those objects are inanimate goods, unable of initiating that are popular store-loot are tagged, and the tag and maintaining any type of communication, needs to be disabled at the register before they can and that human involvement is responsible for be taken out of the store. Similarly, worldwide, their movement and participation in any activity. such tags already help keep track of more than As such, the involvement of objects in mobility 100 million pets and 20 million livestock (Booth- discussions is of limited interest; things are seen Thomas, 2003). as only supporting human activities on-demand. The Auto-ID Center, initially established as an However, novel developments especially through academic research project headquartered at the mobile RFID and Near-Field Communication are Massachusetts Institute of Technology, developed giving life to objects. the architecture for creating a seamless global network of all physical objects (Auto-ID Labs Mobile Radio Frequency Identification 2005). The technology has since been transferred to EPCGlobal, which now oversees the develop- Traditional, non-mobile Radio Frequency Identi- ment of standards for Electronic Product Codes fication (RFID) is an auto-identification technol- (EPC). Such EPC tags attached to every imagin- ogy that has been available for several decades, able item, and even people, are revolutionizing perhaps with the first remarkable use in WWII, logistics, supply chain and inventory management when the Royal Air Force employed RFID to dif- around the world, based on three main advantages ferentiate between friendly and enemy aircraft. of RFID over current alternatives (e.g., barcode). The planes of the Allied Forces were equipped First, RFID can identify items from a distance, with bulky RFID active transponders (tags) that without line of sight requirements. This means no 6
  • 7. For Those About to Tag more optical scanners at supermarket checkouts, co-workers were shown how to use the data com- for instance. Second, RFID can read multiple items ing from the mobile RFID driven system. Mobile at once. A truck can drive through the gates of a guards then read tags attached to many objects warehouse, and the inventory of the warehouse within their mobile landscape (e.g., at gates, doors is automatically updated with all the items ar- and windows) and selected status responses from riving at or leaving the premises. Third, RFID is the menu on their mobile phone. For instance, when unique. Barcode describes batches of items, for a property was secured and checked, a security instance soda-cans from the same flat carry the guard placed the reader close to the tag on a door same information. With RFID, each can can be and selected “all ok” from the phone’s menu. uniquely identified and traced. Together, these This information was synchronously sent to the three properties lead to a dramatic shift of interac- back-office. In other events, temperature sensors tion with and between objects. Especially when were attached to tags, and once a security guard readers and tags communicate from a distance they with his reader was nearby, the tags queried him transform subject-object-subject communication to conduct certain safety checks. In even more to object-object interaction. complex setups, a connected sensor measured the But all of the readers mentioned above are temperature in a room, and once it exceeded its stationary, attached to a store or a warehouse, allowable limit, it sent a text message to the mobile and the tags are mobile. What would happen if worker or even left a voice message, asking him the readers were mobile, too? to come to the room’s rescue immediately. The Mobile RFID was introduced only a few years auto-identification properties and the mobility ago, and surprisingly has so far stayed under the and synchronicity of the RFID system virtually radar of industry and academia. Unlike other eliminated manual logs and work-sheets and mobile technology developments, mobile RFID in- drastically reduced the time guards had to spend troduces entirely new affordances and interaction on the phone to report on their whereabouts. Man- possibilities to mobile work. Mobile RFID utilizes agers, too, had to spend much less time manually the combination of a mobile phone, equipped with locating and coordinating the security guards, an RFID reader, a local interaction server and reports could be drawn up within minutes and a large number of passive tags that work over a Morison’s customers could access RFID-events short distance (<3 centimeters). Passive tags, for via extranet sites. instance, are able to initiate communication once These advantages are compelling, and “those they are in the proximity of a reader, and vice about to tag” have been convinced that auto-iden- versa. Imagine the following: tification will solve their current mobility-related information flow problems. However, introduc- ing mobile RFID, for example, is not just about Vignette B: Work with mobile adding a more advanced technology – it is a big RFID technology organizational intervention. It is often unclear that everyday objects, as a result, become more For Morrison Patrolling, tagging the mobile land- active participants in mobile communication; scape and supplying the mobile security guards they adopt an increasingly important role in our with mobile RFID readers promised to overcome discussions of mobility. many of the mobility-related difficulties. Simon While some might argue that this interaction and his mobile colleagues were trained to use the is simply machine-to-machine interaction, mobile mobile reader, tags were positioned throughout RFID still involves human participation. How- their work environment, and Simon’s office-bound ever, the important change is that in many cases 7
  • 8. For Those About to Tag it is the human involvement that is on-demand, For the practitioner, this raises many new requested by objects in motion, not the other way challenges. IT directors, systems designers, who around. Mobile objects increasingly assume a previously often worked on technology outside heightened level of agency in mobile interactions of its future application, now increasingly focus that increasingly rely on mobile data, or informa- on embedding technologies within their specific tion. In addition to, or perhaps as a result of more use context (McCullough, 2004). By building people and more devices on the move, the amount technology around everyday life their values shift and depth of personal, public and organizational from “objects to experiences, from performance data transmitted is immense. In addition to wired to appropriateness, from procedure to situation, artifacts (e.g., landlines, desktop computers), or and from behavior to intent” (McCullough, 2004, fixed-location wireless devices (e.g., satellites), p. 50). Thus argued, industry need to move from mobile devices supply an ever-growing share of linear to more complex and interactive ways of data transmissions. Thanks to mobile phones, viewing both technology and its future use. For BlackBerry terminals, pagers and even short- pervasive environments, professionals have to range Bluetooth enabled devices, the need to be learn how to capture, codify and represent mobile at specific locations to transmit, broadcast and work contexts most appropriately, to “disregard receive data is at a decline. Moreover, wireless irrelevant details while isolating and emphasiz- local-area networks, often open to the public or ing those properties of artifacts and situations inviting customers at a minimal charge, and wire- that are most significant” (Brooks, 1991, p. 53). less broadband connections (e.g. WiFi cities) are Developing and implementing context-aware increasingly popular, adding to the mobility of mobile auto-identification systems is tremen- data and objects and bringing us ever closer to a dously difficult, and many developers of mobile truly pervasive ecosystem. information systems might find that they are not well suited for the challenge. In a different paper, the author of this chapter outlines an innovative Towards Pervasive approach to understanding mobile work and an Ecosystems interactive way to developing mobile information systems accordingly (Kietzmann, 2008a). In this In order for auto-identification technologies to be- discussion of tagged environments, the focus is come useful for mobile work, they need to “know” more on the impact the technology will have on more about the mobile context they are support- its users and their communication practices. ing. Basic mobile technologies are off-the-shelve devices that support workers across all possible A Mobile World activities, regardless of the context of their mobile landscape. A mobile phone knows nothing about In a mobile landscape, the interaction depends on its environment, and does not respond to unique the mobile worker’s discretion and willingness to changes other than signal reception. In a perva- conduct mobile work accurately and disclose the sive ecosystem; however, different technologies requested information (e.g., location, time and the (e.g., embedded tags, sensors, webcams) must to status of the object or activity). Details of mobile varying degrees “understand” which environ- work are communicated directly through a mobile mental and use characteristics to reveal (e.g., the phone and through field notes, asynchronous logs temperature of a room, users’ facial expressions) and progress reports. In Simon’s case, his patrol- (Höök, Benyon, & Monroe, 2003) and when to ling logs were composed in his own language, involve the human participant. according to his frames of reference. The resulting 8
  • 9. For Those About to Tag reports formed the most important representations to share details of their mobile work; the human of his mobile work, the only common objects remains at the core of the mobile activity. shared by mobile workers, mobile colleagues and their remote supervisors. The worker’s discre- A Tagged World tion and the accuracy of his representations of otherwise purely cognitive accounts of their work While such an understanding holds true for the ma- determine the overall reliability and validity of the jority of mobile activities today, the development interaction and its context. However, such subjec- of mobile RFID is an indicator of a changing level tive, imprecise evidence of details of mobile work of coupling and embeddedness of computational requires extensive synchronization with other devices for mobile work. Good practice of systems logs and legacy systems to replicate the chain of development is to focus on a high level of intra- events of mobile actions and operations. activity cohesion and a low level of inter-activity Who does not remember the countless calls dependencies, facilitating resilient relationships that were necessary between manager and mobile with minimal assumptions between interacting worker to understand what had happened in the activity systems. As computers disappear and field? How about those necessary to understand blend into the natural human environment (Weiser, the reports written by mobile workers? Some 1991), they promise to become less distinguishable are illegible because they have been written in a from human affairs and to support their practices. moving vehicle; others are unclear because they Mobile technology lacks this embeddedness; it is refer to specific objects that are well known to the developed and diffused as a blank slate technol- mobile worker, but not his manager. Due to this ogy, one which has no built-in knowledge base or inherent ambiguity of details of mobile activities, knowledge capability of its environment beyond the drawback of asynchronous representations and the planning reasoning of its designers. the challenge of interpreting others’ externaliza- Pervasive computing, on the other hand, tions, participants increasingly need to rely on negates this concept and spirit of tabula rasa synchronous verbal confirmations via the mobile (McCullough, 2004) and relies on inscriptions phone for the coordination and control of mobile into the social and physical environment (ibid.). work activities. However, just as much as the For this, “no revolution in artificial intelligence is asynchronous representations of mobile work, the needed – just the proper embedding of computers mediating tool (e.g., a mobile phone) guarantees into the everyday world” (Weiser, 1991, p. 3). As no meaningful, objective account of fieldwork for technology is becoming increasingly embedded this subject-object-subject interaction; it is merely and context aware, for instance through RFID or a conduit that enables the interaction. sensor technology, mobile and stationary people In any event, the mobile worker maintains and objects can interact, collect and receive data control over the technology and autonomy over from a distance. The embeddedness of perva- the content of the interaction, his cooperation and sive technology meets current demands for an participation in such communication (e.g., in some increased time and data-sensitive understanding cases, disclosed information about location may be of the contexts of mobile work, as employers of deliberately incorrect, in others the phone could mobile workers and their customers insist on im- consciously not be answered). Tools are neither proving their insight into mobile work practices. cohesively embedded within the mobile work en- By developing an infrastructure of embedded, vironment nor directly coupled to work activities. physically nearly undetectable and location- Attempts to exchange parameters of mobile work independent tags and mobile RFID readers with most definitely depend on the subject’s willingness inscribed rules, the resulting pervasive ecosystem 9
  • 10. For Those About to Tag provides cohesive, context-specific information are highly cohesive. In other words, mobile work directly to the tag-reading device. Given this practices are no longer communicated selectively increasing participation of information and com- and by the choice of the individual, but by object- munication devices, interaction becomes much object interaction. This, of course, has a tremen- less focused on the mobile worker and places dous impact on the mobile worker, her mobile and greater emphasis on the tools at the core of work stationary colleagues, and their long-established activities. communication protocols. Pervasive ecosystems In these more advanced, pervasive activities, query a number of details with each tag-reader it is not only the mediated subject-object-subject interaction in the field, and synchronously com- interaction that is improved through this increased municate the results via an interaction server to embeddedness and availability for participants to the back-office. While this interrogation sounds interact (e.g., through consciously writing to tags highly complex, it is actually quite simple. and sending messages that are associated with Once a system learns about four dimension tag-events). Contradictory to mobile landscapes, of a mobile activity, it can provide a highly in pervasive ecosystems, objects not only convey contextual picture of mobile work. Location, information and mediate the interaction between identity, status and time form the basis for this subjects, but rather adopt an active stance and add “individual pervasiveness” (Kietzmann, 2008b). value through event-specific information, at times For our security guard, this means that each time without the explicit permission or knowledge of he approaches a gate, for instance, and tag and the mobile worker. Through embedding pervasive reader connect, information is sent to the back- devices among subjects (e.g., ID cards), tools (e.g., office that contains the identity of the object (and mobile phones) and objects (e.g., gates and doors) hence its location), the identity of the worker, much more sophisticated and cohesive informa- the status of the object (“all ok”), and the time tion systems emerge, in which subjects, tools and of the event. Similarly, superiors or even objects objects are beginning to talk to one another and, can reverse this information flow and impose a by extension, know about each another. It is this “pervasive order” (ibid.) onto mobile work (e.g., a pervasive ecosystem, this interaction and embed- machine can call the worker, or traffic managers dedness, that determines mobile behavior at work, can liaise a message through a tag to the worker). rather than the free navigation of geographical This object-driven information flow changes mo- spaces. A mobile worker no longer travels through bile work, particularly as it relates to elements of his work world without traceable interaction transparency, control and discretion. (Sørensen, Fagrell, & Ljungstrand, 2000), but For those about to tag, this raises the follow- through a pervasive ecosystem (see Figure 2) ing questions. in which “mobility becomes less of a descrip- First, is the mobile landscape one that can be tion of an autonomous user freely moving in the understood at all? Can the complexity of what world and more of a contingent subject-position mobile workers accomplish every day actually made possible by object-object communication” be captured and translated meaningfully into a (Elichirigoity, 2004, p. 10). context-aware auto-identification system? Second, who owns the information that needs to be captured so that it can be codified? To a large For Those about to Tag extent, this will likely be the mobile workers, as they usually are the only individuals who know In pervasive ecosystems, all participants, human the mobile landscape in detail. or not, are directly coupled and their activities 10
  • 11. For Those About to Tag Third, why would these mobile workers sup- superiors and traffic managers who were able to port the new system? Why not? These are ques- schedule their mobile workers and trusted that tions of control and discretion. If the mobile work they completed their work independently now environment was heavily regulated before, the had transparent data that they could not ignore. new order that the pervasive system will introduce Some RFID driven events even demanded that might not pose a great threat to mobile workers superiors form decisions, which were previously (e.g., heavily controlled occupations like bus left up to the mobile worker. This requires a drivers). If the mobile workers were left to their system-wide look at users, not just a look at the own judgment before, like taxi drivers, they might mobile workers. If good data comes from the refuse to use the system outright. This relates to field, but those in the back office have no reason the second question. If the mobile workers are the to use it, the auto-identification system will fail only individuals who understand the context of to live up to its promise. their work, and if they resist the notion of working Lastly, the perception of auto-identification in a more closely controlled environment, where technologies requires some attention. On the will the necessary context-information come technology front, many seemingly futuristic de- from? Will it be reliable? velopments are possible, if not already underway. Fourth, how is agency affected by the tagged Imagine introducing a GPS sensor to the security environment? In a mobile landscape, as outlined guard’s mobile RFID tool, or add a techograph above, communication rests with the mobile to the equation. The iPhone has already shown worker and the phone and other interaction tools what is possible. How about connecting all of the are simple conduits. In a pervasive ecosystem, mobile RFID events to each other to populate an the communication is driven increasingly by “internet of things” that adds transparency and these tools, and the person becomes the conduit. extensive data-mining capabilities to all mobile If mobile workers like this new arrangement, the events? While these questions are of a much bigger tagged environment has a much higher chance of Orwellian nature, they might be on the minds of the success. Under pervasiveness, the mobile worker mobile users who are critical to the development has much less control over the type of informa- and adoption of a tagging technology. Especially tion revealed, and over the content that becomes users who are technology savvy might envision visible to others. A previously sovereign mobile how the following emerging trends might be ad- worker all of a sudden becomes dependent on the opted next, and how, as a result, their role might information system, and the discretion with which continue to change if they support the adoption he carries out his work is now not up to the judg- of auto-identification technologies today. ment of the worker but to the embedded knowledge and pre-programmed logic of the context-aware Emerging Technologies system. A security guard who previously used his expert-knowledge to navigate through traffic and Mobile RFID is only the beginning of many might have changed the sequence of the stops along context-aware technologies. And, in their current his route now is required to follow the sequence form, pervasive ecosystems are not yet entirely ordered by the mobile RFID system. location independent since their read-range is still Fifth, who else is affected? Will everyone quite limited. However, the pervasive ecosystem support the new system? Tagged environments marked by mobile RFID technology already not only change mobile workers’ job description, points at what will be presented by the inevitable but also affect everyone who works with data improvement of technology. Reading ranges are from the field. In the Morrison Patrolling case, already projected to approach 20 meters for more 11
  • 12. For Those About to Tag stationary readers (Garfinkel & Rosenberg, 2006), that these advantages will improve their organiza- on the mobile front this will only be a question of tional metrics and success measures. Particularly power management on the device. As more and once mobile RFID becomes more standardized, more objects and tools of mobile work become the advantages of auto-identification technologies embedded with tags and improved readers, we might suggest an even stronger positive impact will witness a continuously increasing mobility of tagging the mobile landscape. with pervasive devices, ultimately approaching This chapter outlines some of these positive ubiquitous computing environments (Lyytinen & affordances of auto-identification, but also aims to Yoo, 2002). Visions of the future home and retail raise a word of caution. Tagging is a very complex organizations (Albrecht & MacIntyre, 2005), the and complicated process, which requires that a next generation of cash (Angell & Kietzmann, number of critical questions are asked and an- 2006), interactive fashion and wearable comput- swered. In many cases, these are not of a technical ing (Mann & Niedzviecki, 2002) etc. contribute nature, but relate to the social and socio-political to the notion of a pervasive ecosystem. environment that is to be tagged. Of course, improved devices alone will not Certainly, mobility and pervasiveness are not change pervasiveness. Improved infrastructure the same. Each has its unique advantages and and middleware technologies, including smart drawbacks. As this chapter outlined, the argu- antennas, mesh networks and ad-hoc computing ments that once led organizations to adopt mobile will elevate current networking technology to- technology must be different from those that drive wards pervasive data-throughputs, especially once tagging decisions today. It was the ambition of this agreed-upon standards are in place. Derived from chapter to illustrate how a tiny technology, such nanotechnology’s concept of swarm computing, as a mobile RFID tag, can change mobile work amorphous technologies require that collective practices and the nature of mobile work entirely. networks can be built on individual devices’ ca- Hopefully, this chapter has provided “those about pacities to transmit signals without intercepting to tag” with a number of interesting questions to them. This ad-hoc technology allows each client ponder, and has informed their decision in favor (e.g., mobile phone) to function as a server and or against mobile auto-identification technologies. signals to hop from device to device. This increas- It was not the motivation of this chapter to sug- ingly location independence of computing occur- gest that mobile RFID etc. are bad choices, but rences will render a fixed-location infrastructure to endorse critical thoughts among “those about of senders and repeaters unnecessary, giving way to tag” that will help determine if, and how, auto- to a truly pervasive and ubiquitous world. identification choices will transform their mobile landscapes into pervasive ecosystems. Conclusion References Many developments are at the horizon, and some, including mobile RFID are already commercially Albrecht, K., & MacIntyre, L. (2005). Spychips: available. Of course, only the positive impact How Major Corporations and Government Plan of auto-identification technologies is advertised to Track Your Every Move with RFID. Nelson to organizations. And indeed, the synchronous Current. object-object information from the field enables Angell, I., & Kietzmann, J. (2006). RFID and altogether new forms of managing mobile work. the End of Cash? Communications of the ACM, Rightfully so, practitioners might be convinced 49(12), 90-96. 12
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