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                                                                                    IN er t ref
                                                                                      st l o
                                                                                       SI h g
Food for

                                                                                         D an er
                                                                                           E: g at
                                                                                           o ri

                                                                                                on or
Baby’s First Year

This brochure contains general guidelines for feeding healthy babies. Talk with the nutritionist or
health care provider for more information on feeding your baby.

Feeding tips for your baby:

Be Wise...Immunize
•	 Babies	need	shots	to	protect	them	from	disease.
•	 Bring	your	baby’s	shot	record	each	time	you	come	to	WIC.
WIC is an equal opportunity provider.                       DH 150-90, 10/10 Stock Number: 5730-090-0150-4
Prevent Choking                                                                                     These foods should not be fed to your baby:
                                                                                                    •	 honey—This	can	cause	food poisoning. Also, avoid foods made
Your baby should not be left alone when he/she is eating.                                              with honey such as honey graham crackers.
These foods can cause choking and should not be given to your baby:                                 •	 corn	syrup	and	other	sweet	syrups
•	 popcorn,	nuts,	and	seeds                                                                         •	 candies,	chocolate,	cake,	and	pie
•	 potato	chips,	corn	chips,	pretzels,	and	cheese	curls                                             •	 foods	and	drinks	with	artificial	sweeteners
•	 peanut	butter                                                                                    •	 soda	and	sweetened	drinks
•	 hard	cookies                                                                                     •	 all	types	of	coffee	and	tea
•	 raisins	and	other	dried	fruits                                                                   •	 baby	food	desserts
•	 raw	vegetables	such	as	carrots	and	celery                                                        •	 food	with	added	spices,	seasonings,	salt,	and	fat	such	as	french	
                                                                                                       fries and breaded fried foods
•	 marshmallows
                                                                                                    Do not feed home-prepared spinach, beets, turnips, carrots, or collards to babies under 6 months old.
•	 round	shaped	candies,	gum	drops,	and	chewing	gum                                                 These types of home-prepared vegetables may contain large amounts of nitrites or nitrates which
•	 hard	pieces	of	fruit,	whole	pieces	of	canned	fruit,	                                             could make babies under 6 months of age sick.
   whole grapes, whole cherries, or fruits with pits or
•	 granola	and	plain	wheat	germ                                                                     Wait until your baby is 1 year old to feed him/her these foods.
•	 hot,	sticky	breads	that	can	“ball	up”	and	cause	choking
                                                                                                    These foods may cause allergic reactions in babies:
•	 fish,	chicken,	or	turkey	with bones                                                              •	 egg	whites

•	 hot	dogs	and	sausages—These	also	should	not be fed to babies because they are high in            •	 shellfish	such	as	shrimp,	clams,	crab,	lobster,	scallops,	and	oysters
   fat and salt.                                                                                    •	 whole	cow’s	milk	(any	type)
•	 breaded	fish	sticks	and	“baby	food”	meat	sticks—These	foods	are	not	intended	for	infants	
   under 1 year of age.
                                                                                                    Health Advisory for Mercury in Fish
Cut, grind, or mash hard-to-chew foods:                                                             Fish can be an important part of a balanced diet. However, some fish contain high levels of mercury.
                                                                                                    Too much mercury can harm unborn babies, infants, and young children. Therefore, infants should be
                                                                                                    fed fish according to these guidelines:
                                                   •	 Cut	round	foods,	like	soft-cooked	carrots,	
                                                                                                    1.   Infants should not eat these fish with high mercury: Bass (Striped),	Bluefish,	Chilean	Sea	
                                                      into short strips instead of coin-shaped
                                                                                                         Bass,	Golden	Snapper,	Jack	(Amberjack,	Crevalle),	King	Mackerel,	Marlin,	Orange	Roughy,	Sea	
                                                                                                         Lamprey,	Shark,	Spanish	Mackerel	(Gulf	of	Mexico),	Swordfish,	Tilefish	(Gulf	of	
                                                   •	 Grind	tough	meat.                                  Mexico), Tuna (all fresh or frozen), and Walleye	(Great	Lakes).
                                                   •	 Mash	or	grind	cooked	beans,	corn,	and	        2. Infants 8 to 12 months old should eat no more than 2 meals per week of a variety
                                                      peas.                                            of fish that are lower in mercury. Some of the most commonly eaten fish that are
                                                                                                       low in mercury are canned light	tuna,	salmon,	pollock,	and	catfish.	White	albacore	
                                                   •	 Cut	cheese	chunks	into	very	small,	thin	
                                                                                                       tuna is higher in mercury, therefore light tuna should be selected instead of white albacore tuna.
                                                                                                    3. Check	local	advisories	about	the	safety	of	fish	caught	by	family	and	friends	in	local	lakes,	rivers,	
                                                   •	 Cut	grapes	and	cherries	into	very	small	
                                                                                                       and	 coastal	 areas.	 Information	 about	 Florida	 Fish	 Consumption	Advisories	 is	 available	 at	 this	
                                                      pieces and remove skin, seeds, or pits.
If you feed your baby with a bottle:
Make sure everything is clean: This means hands, kitchen, and equipment. Sterilize new bottles and
nipples before their first use. If you have chlorinated water, clean bottles in the dishwasher or by hand
with warm, soapy water. Otherwise, boil nipples and bottles in water for 5 to 10 minutes.
Formula preparation: Talk with your baby’s health care provider about the most appropriate water
for your baby that is available in your area and whether that water should be sterilized before mixing
with infant formula. Follow the mixing instructions on the label or as given by your baby’s health care
provider. For information about water fluoridation, see the Florida Department of Health, Dental Health
website at:
To reduce the amount of lead in the water: Do not boil the water for longer than 2 minutes. Use only
cold tap water and let the cold water run for 2 minutes before using it. Do not use hot tap water.
Warming baby’s bottle: The best way to warm a bottle of formula is to
place the bottle in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes, then shake
the bottle. Use a prepared bottle of formula immediately. Throw away any
formula left in the bottle after a feeding. Do not use a microwave oven to
heat breastmilk or infant formula. The liquid heats unevenly, can get too
hot, and can burn your baby’s mouth.
Storing formula: Mixed formula that has never been heated may be
stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Leftover, prepared formula
that has been warmed should be thrown out and not re-refrigerated for future use. Store ready-to-feed
and concentrated liquid formula covered in the original can in the refrigerator. Use within 48 hours of
opening. Powdered formula, which is covered tightly with a lid, may be stored in a cool, dry place for
up to 30 days.
Always hold your baby: Do not put your baby to bed with a bottle or prop the bottle in your baby’s
mouth. Your baby could choke or could develop tooth decay.

Baby Food Tips
•	 Buy only single-ingredient jars of baby foods such as plain vegetables, fruits, and meats. These baby
   foods have a greater nutritional value when compared to baby food mixed dinners. Plain meats can
   be mixed with plain vegetables or fruits to make your own “mixed” dinners.

•	 Plain	 fruits	 can	 be	 served	 instead	 of	 baby	 desser ts.	 Baby	 desser ts	 contain	 added
   sugars and starches, and are low in vitamins.

•	 Feed	your	baby	from	a	bowl,	not from the jar. This way, the baby’s saliva on the spoon will not spoil
   the food left in the jar. Refrigerate any food left in the jar and use within 2 days; or 24 hours if it is
   meat or egg yolk. Any food left in the bowl should be thrown away.

•	 Look	at	the	“use-by”	date	on	baby	food	jars	and	infant	formula	cans.	“Use-by”	dates	are	located	
   on the top of baby food jars and on the top or bottom of formula cans. If the date has passed, do
   not buy or use the food or formula. Do not buy or use baby food jars if seal is broken. The seal is
   broken if the button on the center of the top is popped out. Do not buy or use cans of formula that
   have dents, pinched tops or bottoms, puffed ends, leaks, or rust spots. The formula in damaged
   cans may be unsafe for your baby.
Food for Baby’s                                                                                                6 to 8 Months                                                                                      8 to 12 Months

            First Year                                                                   Breastfed Babies
                                                                                         	 •	 4	to	6	or	more	breastfeedings	per	day
                                                                                                                                               Sample Daily Meal Plan
                                                                                                                                                 for ages 6 to 8 months
                                                                                                                                                                                               Breastfed Babies
                                                                                                                                                                                                 •	 4	to	6	or	more	breastfeedings	per	day
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Sample Daily Meal Plan
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    for ages 8 to 12 months
                                                                                         Formula Fed Babies                                    Early Morning                                   Formula Fed Babies                                 Early Morning
                 Birth to 6 Months
                                                                                         	 •	 6	to	8	oz	formula	per	feeding                    	 •	 breastfeed	or	give	6	to	8	oz	formula         •	 6	to	8	oz	formula	per	feeding                 	 •	 breastfeed	or	give	6	to	8	oz	formula
                                                                                         	 •	 4	to	5	feedings	per	day
                                                                                                                                                                                                 •	 4	to	5	feedings	per	day	for	ages	8-10	months
                                                                                         	 •	 total	of	27	to	32	oz	of	formula	per	day
                                                                                                                                                                                                 •	 3	to	4	feedings	per	day	for	ages	10-12	months
  •	 Pediatricians	recommend	babies	be	                                                  If	your	baby	is	both	breastfed	and	formula	fed,	      Mid Morning                                                                                        Mid Morning
                                                                                                                                                                                                 •	 total	of	24	to	32	oz	of	formula	per	day
     breastfed	until	at	least	1	year	of	age	        In the United States, it is          talk	with	the	nutritionist	or	health	care	provider	   	 •	 4	tablespoons	prepared	baby	cereal                                                            	 •	 4	to	8	tablespoons	prepared	cereal	
                                                    recommended that women               about	your	baby’s	feeding	pattern.                    	 •	 4	tablespoons	pureed	fruit                                                                         or	grits
     or	older.
                                                    with HIV or AIDS not breast-                                                                                                               Baby Cereal                                        	 •	 4	tablespoons	fruit
  •	 If	you	are	thinking	about	giving	              feed as the virus can be                                                                                                                   	 •	 4	to	8	tablespoons	or	more	per	day	of	
     infant	formula	(artificial	baby	milk)	         passed to their baby through
                                                                                         Feed your baby only one new food per week.            Noon Meal
                                                    breastmilk. If you do not know
                                                                                                                                                                                                     prepared	cereal
     to	your	breastfed	baby,	talk	with	the	                                              Then you can find out if your baby has a              	 •	 breastfeed	or	give	6	to	8	oz	formula                                                          Noon Meal
                                                    your HIV status, please ask                                                                	 •	 4	tablespoons	pureed	vegetables            	 •	 Begin	mixed	grain	baby	cereal	at	about		
     nutritionist	or	health	care	provider.                                               problem with the new food.                                                                                                                               	 •	 breastfeed	or	give	6	to	8	oz	formula
                                                    your health care provider for                                                                                                                    8	months.
                                                                                                                                               	 •	 1	to	3	tablespoons	pureed	meat                                                                	 •	 4	tablespoons	vegetables
  •	 Babies	who	are	not	breastfed	need	             an HIV test.
                                                                                                                                                                                               Vegetables: peeled; soft-cooked or                 	 •	 1	to	4	tablespoons	meat
     iron-fortified	infant	formula	until	they	                                           Baby Cereal
                                                                                                                                                                                                     canned; and then ground, mashed, or
     are	1	year	old.                                                                     	 •	 4	to	8	tablespoons	or	more	per	day	of	           Mid	Afternoon
                                                                                                                                               	 •	 breastfeed	or	give	6	to	8	oz	formula             chopped                                      Mid Afternoon
                                                                                              prepared	cereal
                                                                                                                                                                                               	 •	 4	to	8	tablespoons	or	more	per	day            	 •	 breastfeed	or	give	6	to	8	oz	formula
Breastfed Babies                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  	 •	 crackers
Birth to 2 months:                                                                       Pureed Vegetables                                     Evening Meal
                                                                                                                                                                                               Fruits: peeled; soft or soft-cooked or             	 •	 soft	cheese	or	yogurt
                                                                                         	 •	 4	to	8	tablespoons	or	more	per	day               	 •	 4	tablespoons	pureed	vegetables
  •	 8	to	12	or	more	breastfeedings	per	day                                                                                                                                                          canned; and then ground, mashed, or
                                                                                                                                               	 •	 1	to	3	tablespoons	pureed	meat
2 to 4 months:                                                                                                                                 	 •	 4	tablespoons	pureed	fruit                       chopped                                      Evening Meal
                                                                                         Pureed Fruits
   •	 8	to	10	or	more	breastfeedings	per	day                                                                                                                                                   	 •	 4	to	8	tablespoons	or	more	per	day            	 •	 4	tablespoons	vegetables
                                                                                         	 •	 4	to	8	tablespoons	or	more	per	day                                                                                                                  	 •	 1	to	4	tablespoons	meat	
4 to 6 months:                                                                                                                                 Before Bedtime
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  	 •	 4	tablespoons	fruit
   •	 6	to	8	or	more	breastfeedings	per	day                                                                                                    	 •	 breastfeed	or	give	6	to	8	oz	formula       Meat or Meat Substitutes: cooked and
                                                                                         Pureed Meats                                                                                                                                             	 •	 grains	such	as	noodles,	rice,	or	
                                                                                                                                               	 •	 4	tablespoons	prepared	baby	cereal               then ground, mashed, or chopped                   soft	tortilla	pieces
                                                                                         	 •	 cooked	lean	meat,	chicken	or	turkey
Formula Fed Babies                                                                                                                                                                             	 •	 lean	meat,	chicken,	turkey,	
                                                                                         	 •	 1	to	6	tablespoons	per	day                       Note:	More	breastfeedings	per	day	may	be	
Birth to 1 month:                                                                                                                                                                                    fish*	(no	shellfish),	dry	beans,	or	
                                                                                         	 	                                                   needed,	especially	for	younger	babies.                                                             Before Bedtime
  •	 2	to	3	oz	formula	per	feeding                                                                                                                                                                   egg	yolk	(yellow	part	of	the	egg	only)
                                                                                         Water                                                                                                                                                    	 •	 breastfeed	or	give	6	to	8	oz	formula
  •	 8	to	12	feedings	per	day                                                                                                                                                                  	 •	 1	to	6	tablespoons	per	day
                                                                                         	 •	 Babies	over	6	months	old	who	are	
1 to 4 months:                                                                                eating	a	variety	of	foods	may	need	to	be	                                                        *See	Health Advisory for Mercury in Fish           Note:	More	breastfeedings	per	day	may	be	
   •	 4	to	6	oz	formula	per	feeding                                                           given	about	4	to	8	oz	of	plain	water	per	                                                        on	the	other	side	of	this	brochure.                needed,	especially	for	younger	babies.
   •	 6	to	8	feedings	per	day                                                                 day.	There	may	be	times	when	your	baby	                                                          	 	
                                                                                              needs	to	be	given	more	water.	Check	             Making Your Own Baby Food
4 to 6 months:
                                                                                              with	your	baby’s	health	care	provider	for	       Make	your	own	baby	food	or	buy	it	in	           	 •	 crackers,	toast,	noodles,	rice,	grits,	and	
   •	 5	to	8	oz	formula	per	feeding                                                           more	information.                                jars	at	the	grocery	store.	See	the	“Baby	            soft	tortilla	pieces
   •	 5	to	6	feedings	per	day                                                                                                                                                                                                                     At 8 to 10 months, let your baby begin
                                                                                                                                               Food	Tips”	on	the	back	of	this	brochure	
                                                                                                                                                                                               	 •	 2	to	3	times	per	day
                                                                                         Fruit Juice is not recommended for                    for	information	about	buying	baby	food.	                                                           to eat some foods with his/her fingers.
                                                                                                                                               To make pureed baby food:                                                                          At 10 to 12 months, let your baby begin
Water                                                                                    babies under 12 months of age.                                                                        Yogurt and Soft Cheese                             to feed himself/herself with a spoon.
Healthy	babies	under	6	months	old	                                                                                                             1.	 Prepare meats	 by	 removing	 the	           	 •	 small	amounts
do	not	usually	need	to	be	given	water	                                                                                                         bones,	skin,	and	visible	fat.
bottles.	Check	with	your	baby’s	health	
                                                 Baby Cereal                                                                                   2.	 P r e p a r e f r e s h f r u i t s a n d   Water
care	provider	for	more	information.
                                                                                         How many tablespoons are in a jar of                  vegetables	by	scrubbing	and	peeling	            	 •	 4	to	8	oz	per	day	or	as	needed.	See	
                                                 •	 Begin	 iron-for tified	 baby	    	                                                         off	the	skin.	Remove	stems,	pits,	and	
                                                                                         baby food?                                                                                                 information	about	water	in	the	6	to	8	
                                                    cereal	 bet ween	 4	 and	 6	                                                               seeds.	Some	fresh	fruits,	like	bananas,	             months	section.	Check	with	your	baby’s	
                                                    months.	For	babies	who	are	                                                                and	most	canned	fruits	and	vegetables	               health	care	provider	for	more	information.
                                                    only	breastfed,	wait	until	about	                                                          don’t	 need	 to	 be	 cooked	 before	
                                                    6	months.                                         5 tablespoons =                          pureeing.	Buy	canned	foods	that	have	
                                                 •	 Start	 with	 rice	 baby	 cereal.	                                                          no	added	sugar,	syrup,	or	salt.	                Fruit Juice is not recommended for
                                                    Mix	 dry	 cereal	 with	 breast-                                                                                                            babies under 12 months of age.
                                                    milk,	infant	formula,	or	water.                   8 tablespoons =                          3.	 Boil foods	until	soft,	in	just	enough	
                                                 •	 Feed	rice	cereal	for	1	week,	                                                              water	 to	 cover	 foods.	 Allow	 to	 cool.	
                                                    then	 start	 oatmeal	 or	 barley	                                                          Puree food in a food processor or
                                                    cereal.	 Feed	 your	 baby	 only	                                                           blender,	 adding	 small	 amounts	 of	
                                                    one	new	cereal	each	week.	                       12 tablespoons =                          cooking	water	until	mixture	is	smooth	              At 8 to 10 months, most babies are             At 10 to 12 months, most babies are
                                                 •	 Feed	 1	 to	 8	 tablespoons	                                                               and	creamy.                                         ready to begin to eat mashed or                ready to begin to eat chopped foods.
                                                    prepared	cereal	per	day	with	                                                                                                                  ground foods.
                                                    a	 spoon,	 not	 in	 a	 bottle	 or	
Most babies are ready to eat baby                   infant	feeder.
cereal when they can hold their                  •	 Wait	 until	 8	 months	 to	 start	
heads steady, sit with some support,                mixed	grain	baby	cereal.
and take cereal off a spoon.

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Food for babys_1st_yr-eng

  • 1. A rw yo p o al u IN er t ref st l o SI h g Food for D an er E: g at o ri r on or Baby’s First Year ! This brochure contains general guidelines for feeding healthy babies. Talk with the nutritionist or health care provider for more information on feeding your baby. Feeding tips for your baby: Be Wise...Immunize • Babies need shots to protect them from disease. • Bring your baby’s shot record each time you come to WIC. WIC is an equal opportunity provider. DH 150-90, 10/10 Stock Number: 5730-090-0150-4
  • 2. Prevent Choking These foods should not be fed to your baby: • honey—This can cause food poisoning. Also, avoid foods made Your baby should not be left alone when he/she is eating. with honey such as honey graham crackers. These foods can cause choking and should not be given to your baby: • corn syrup and other sweet syrups • popcorn, nuts, and seeds • candies, chocolate, cake, and pie • potato chips, corn chips, pretzels, and cheese curls • foods and drinks with artificial sweeteners • peanut butter • soda and sweetened drinks • hard cookies • all types of coffee and tea • raisins and other dried fruits • baby food desserts • raw vegetables such as carrots and celery • food with added spices, seasonings, salt, and fat such as french fries and breaded fried foods • marshmallows Do not feed home-prepared spinach, beets, turnips, carrots, or collards to babies under 6 months old. • round shaped candies, gum drops, and chewing gum These types of home-prepared vegetables may contain large amounts of nitrites or nitrates which • hard pieces of fruit, whole pieces of canned fruit, could make babies under 6 months of age sick. whole grapes, whole cherries, or fruits with pits or seeds • granola and plain wheat germ Wait until your baby is 1 year old to feed him/her these foods. • hot, sticky breads that can “ball up” and cause choking These foods may cause allergic reactions in babies: • fish, chicken, or turkey with bones • egg whites • hot dogs and sausages—These also should not be fed to babies because they are high in • shellfish such as shrimp, clams, crab, lobster, scallops, and oysters fat and salt. • whole cow’s milk (any type) • breaded fish sticks and “baby food” meat sticks—These foods are not intended for infants under 1 year of age. Health Advisory for Mercury in Fish Cut, grind, or mash hard-to-chew foods: Fish can be an important part of a balanced diet. However, some fish contain high levels of mercury. Too much mercury can harm unborn babies, infants, and young children. Therefore, infants should be fed fish according to these guidelines: • Cut round foods, like soft-cooked carrots, 1. Infants should not eat these fish with high mercury: Bass (Striped), Bluefish, Chilean Sea into short strips instead of coin-shaped Bass, Golden Snapper, Jack (Amberjack, Crevalle), King Mackerel, Marlin, Orange Roughy, Sea slices. Lamprey, Shark, Spanish Mackerel (Gulf of Mexico), Swordfish, Tilefish (Gulf of • Grind tough meat. Mexico), Tuna (all fresh or frozen), and Walleye (Great Lakes). • Mash or grind cooked beans, corn, and 2. Infants 8 to 12 months old should eat no more than 2 meals per week of a variety peas. of fish that are lower in mercury. Some of the most commonly eaten fish that are low in mercury are canned light tuna, salmon, pollock, and catfish. White albacore • Cut cheese chunks into very small, thin tuna is higher in mercury, therefore light tuna should be selected instead of white albacore tuna. pieces. 3. Check local advisories about the safety of fish caught by family and friends in local lakes, rivers, • Cut grapes and cherries into very small and coastal areas. Information about Florida Fish Consumption Advisories is available at this pieces and remove skin, seeds, or pits. website:
  • 3. If you feed your baby with a bottle: Make sure everything is clean: This means hands, kitchen, and equipment. Sterilize new bottles and nipples before their first use. If you have chlorinated water, clean bottles in the dishwasher or by hand with warm, soapy water. Otherwise, boil nipples and bottles in water for 5 to 10 minutes. Formula preparation: Talk with your baby’s health care provider about the most appropriate water for your baby that is available in your area and whether that water should be sterilized before mixing with infant formula. Follow the mixing instructions on the label or as given by your baby’s health care provider. For information about water fluoridation, see the Florida Department of Health, Dental Health website at: To reduce the amount of lead in the water: Do not boil the water for longer than 2 minutes. Use only cold tap water and let the cold water run for 2 minutes before using it. Do not use hot tap water. Warming baby’s bottle: The best way to warm a bottle of formula is to place the bottle in a bowl of warm water for a few minutes, then shake the bottle. Use a prepared bottle of formula immediately. Throw away any formula left in the bottle after a feeding. Do not use a microwave oven to heat breastmilk or infant formula. The liquid heats unevenly, can get too hot, and can burn your baby’s mouth. Storing formula: Mixed formula that has never been heated may be stored in the refrigerator for up to 24 hours. Leftover, prepared formula that has been warmed should be thrown out and not re-refrigerated for future use. Store ready-to-feed and concentrated liquid formula covered in the original can in the refrigerator. Use within 48 hours of opening. Powdered formula, which is covered tightly with a lid, may be stored in a cool, dry place for up to 30 days. Always hold your baby: Do not put your baby to bed with a bottle or prop the bottle in your baby’s mouth. Your baby could choke or could develop tooth decay. Baby Food Tips • Buy only single-ingredient jars of baby foods such as plain vegetables, fruits, and meats. These baby foods have a greater nutritional value when compared to baby food mixed dinners. Plain meats can be mixed with plain vegetables or fruits to make your own “mixed” dinners. • Plain fruits can be served instead of baby desser ts. Baby desser ts contain added sugars and starches, and are low in vitamins. • Feed your baby from a bowl, not from the jar. This way, the baby’s saliva on the spoon will not spoil the food left in the jar. Refrigerate any food left in the jar and use within 2 days; or 24 hours if it is meat or egg yolk. Any food left in the bowl should be thrown away. • Look at the “use-by” date on baby food jars and infant formula cans. “Use-by” dates are located on the top of baby food jars and on the top or bottom of formula cans. If the date has passed, do not buy or use the food or formula. Do not buy or use baby food jars if seal is broken. The seal is broken if the button on the center of the top is popped out. Do not buy or use cans of formula that have dents, pinched tops or bottoms, puffed ends, leaks, or rust spots. The formula in damaged cans may be unsafe for your baby.
  • 4. Food for Baby’s 6 to 8 Months 8 to 12 Months First Year Breastfed Babies • 4 to 6 or more breastfeedings per day Sample Daily Meal Plan for ages 6 to 8 months Breastfed Babies • 4 to 6 or more breastfeedings per day Sample Daily Meal Plan for ages 8 to 12 months Formula Fed Babies Early Morning Formula Fed Babies Early Morning Birth to 6 Months • 6 to 8 oz formula per feeding • breastfeed or give 6 to 8 oz formula • 6 to 8 oz formula per feeding • breastfeed or give 6 to 8 oz formula • 4 to 5 feedings per day • 4 to 5 feedings per day for ages 8-10 months • total of 27 to 32 oz of formula per day • 3 to 4 feedings per day for ages 10-12 months • Pediatricians recommend babies be If your baby is both breastfed and formula fed, Mid Morning Mid Morning • total of 24 to 32 oz of formula per day breastfed until at least 1 year of age In the United States, it is talk with the nutritionist or health care provider • 4 tablespoons prepared baby cereal • 4 to 8 tablespoons prepared cereal recommended that women about your baby’s feeding pattern. • 4 tablespoons pureed fruit or grits or older. with HIV or AIDS not breast- Baby Cereal • 4 tablespoons fruit • If you are thinking about giving feed as the virus can be • 4 to 8 tablespoons or more per day of infant formula (artificial baby milk) passed to their baby through Feed your baby only one new food per week. Noon Meal breastmilk. If you do not know prepared cereal to your breastfed baby, talk with the Then you can find out if your baby has a • breastfeed or give 6 to 8 oz formula Noon Meal your HIV status, please ask • 4 tablespoons pureed vegetables • Begin mixed grain baby cereal at about nutritionist or health care provider. problem with the new food. • breastfeed or give 6 to 8 oz formula your health care provider for 8 months. • 1 to 3 tablespoons pureed meat • 4 tablespoons vegetables • Babies who are not breastfed need an HIV test. Vegetables: peeled; soft-cooked or • 1 to 4 tablespoons meat iron-fortified infant formula until they Baby Cereal canned; and then ground, mashed, or are 1 year old. • 4 to 8 tablespoons or more per day of Mid Afternoon • breastfeed or give 6 to 8 oz formula chopped Mid Afternoon prepared cereal • 4 to 8 tablespoons or more per day • breastfeed or give 6 to 8 oz formula Breastfed Babies • crackers Birth to 2 months: Pureed Vegetables Evening Meal Fruits: peeled; soft or soft-cooked or • soft cheese or yogurt • 4 to 8 tablespoons or more per day • 4 tablespoons pureed vegetables • 8 to 12 or more breastfeedings per day canned; and then ground, mashed, or • 1 to 3 tablespoons pureed meat 2 to 4 months: • 4 tablespoons pureed fruit chopped Evening Meal Pureed Fruits • 8 to 10 or more breastfeedings per day • 4 to 8 tablespoons or more per day • 4 tablespoons vegetables • 4 to 8 tablespoons or more per day • 1 to 4 tablespoons meat 4 to 6 months: Before Bedtime • 4 tablespoons fruit • 6 to 8 or more breastfeedings per day • breastfeed or give 6 to 8 oz formula Meat or Meat Substitutes: cooked and Pureed Meats • grains such as noodles, rice, or • 4 tablespoons prepared baby cereal then ground, mashed, or chopped soft tortilla pieces • cooked lean meat, chicken or turkey Formula Fed Babies • lean meat, chicken, turkey, • 1 to 6 tablespoons per day Note: More breastfeedings per day may be Birth to 1 month: fish* (no shellfish), dry beans, or needed, especially for younger babies. Before Bedtime • 2 to 3 oz formula per feeding egg yolk (yellow part of the egg only) Water • breastfeed or give 6 to 8 oz formula • 8 to 12 feedings per day • 1 to 6 tablespoons per day • Babies over 6 months old who are 1 to 4 months: eating a variety of foods may need to be *See Health Advisory for Mercury in Fish Note: More breastfeedings per day may be • 4 to 6 oz formula per feeding given about 4 to 8 oz of plain water per on the other side of this brochure. needed, especially for younger babies. • 6 to 8 feedings per day day. There may be times when your baby needs to be given more water. Check Making Your Own Baby Food 4 to 6 months: Grains with your baby’s health care provider for Make your own baby food or buy it in • crackers, toast, noodles, rice, grits, and • 5 to 8 oz formula per feeding more information. jars at the grocery store. See the “Baby soft tortilla pieces • 5 to 6 feedings per day At 8 to 10 months, let your baby begin Food Tips” on the back of this brochure • 2 to 3 times per day Fruit Juice is not recommended for for information about buying baby food. to eat some foods with his/her fingers. To make pureed baby food: At 10 to 12 months, let your baby begin Water babies under 12 months of age. Yogurt and Soft Cheese to feed himself/herself with a spoon. Healthy babies under 6 months old 1. Prepare meats by removing the • small amounts do not usually need to be given water bones, skin, and visible fat. bottles. Check with your baby’s health Baby Cereal 2. P r e p a r e f r e s h f r u i t s a n d Water care provider for more information. How many tablespoons are in a jar of vegetables by scrubbing and peeling • 4 to 8 oz per day or as needed. See • Begin iron-for tified baby off the skin. Remove stems, pits, and baby food? information about water in the 6 to 8 cereal bet ween 4 and 6 seeds. Some fresh fruits, like bananas, months section. Check with your baby’s months. For babies who are and most canned fruits and vegetables health care provider for more information. only breastfed, wait until about don’t need to be cooked before 6 months. 5 tablespoons = pureeing. Buy canned foods that have • Start with rice baby cereal. no added sugar, syrup, or salt. Fruit Juice is not recommended for Mix dry cereal with breast- babies under 12 months of age. milk, infant formula, or water. 8 tablespoons = 3. Boil foods until soft, in just enough • Feed rice cereal for 1 week, water to cover foods. Allow to cool. then start oatmeal or barley Puree food in a food processor or cereal. Feed your baby only blender, adding small amounts of one new cereal each week. 12 tablespoons = cooking water until mixture is smooth At 8 to 10 months, most babies are At 10 to 12 months, most babies are • Feed 1 to 8 tablespoons and creamy. ready to begin to eat mashed or ready to begin to eat chopped foods. prepared cereal per day with ground foods. a spoon, not in a bottle or Most babies are ready to eat baby infant feeder. cereal when they can hold their • Wait until 8 months to start heads steady, sit with some support, mixed grain baby cereal. and take cereal off a spoon.