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Chapter 12
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Followership Description
Followership Defined
Role-Based and Relational-Based Perspectives
Typologies of Followership
Theoretical Approaches
Followership and Destructive Leaders
How Does Followership Work?
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Followership Description
Followers play a central role in the leadership process.
Historically, leaders have captured most of our attention.
Leaders have been viewed as the causal agents for
organizational change.
Today, researchers view leadership as a shared process. Leaders
and followers are interdependent.
The world needs more followers, and less glorified leaders.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Followership Defined
Followership--is a process whereby an individual or individuals
accept the influence of others to accomplish a common goal.
Followership has an ethical dimension; it is not morally neutral.
There are ethical consequences to followership; the character
and behavior of followers have an impact on organizational
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Role-Based Perspective
Focus is on the typical roles followers enact while occupying a
formal or informal position within a hierarchical system.
Followers’ behaviors affect the leader and organizational
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Relational-Based Perspective
Based on social constructivism: People create meaning about
their reality as they interact with each other.
Followership is co-created by the leader and follower in a given
situation through communication.
Leadership occurs as people exert influence on each other and
respond to those influence attempts.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Four Typologies of Followership
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Zaleznik Typology (1965)
Psychological view of follower behaviors
Two axes of follower behaviors:
Four types of followers
- withdrawn (submissive/passive)
- masochistic (submissive/active)
- compulsive (dominance/passive)
- impulsive (dominance/active)
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Types represent followers’ responses to inner tensions regarding
authority. Tensions may be unconscious but often come to the
surface when interacting with the leader.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Kelly Typology (1992)
Most recognized followership typology
Followers are enormously valuable to organizations
Emphasizes the motivations of followers
What accounts for exemplary followership?
Two axes of follower behavior:
- independent critical thinking/dependent uncritical thinking
- active/passive
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Passive followers: Look to leader for direction and motivation
Conformist followers: On the leader’s side but still look for
direction and guidance
Alienated followers: Think for themselves and exhibit negative
Exemplary followers: Active, positive, and offer independent
constructive criticism
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Effective followers share same qualities:
They self-manage and think for themselves; exercise control,
work without supervision.
They show strong commitment to organizational goals and well
as personal goals.
They build their competence and master job skills.
They are credible, ethical, and courageous.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Chaleff Typology (1995, 2003, 2008)
Developed from WWI experience. Why do people follow toxic
leaders like Hitler? What can be done to prevent this from
Followers serve a common purpose along with leaders.
Followers need to take a more proactive role.
Followers need to take more responsibility, feel more agency,
and confidence in ability to influence others.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Prescriptive approach to making courageous followers:
Assume responsibility for the common purpose
Support the leader and organization
Constructively challenge the leader if the common purpose or
integrity of the group is being threatened
Champion the need for change when necessary
Take a moral stand that is different from the leader’s to prevent
ethical abuses
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Two axes of courageous followership:
- courage to support (low–high)
- courage to challenge (low–high)
Four styles of followership
- Resource (low support, low challenge)
- Individualist (low support, high challenge)
- Implementer (high support, low challenge)
- Partner (high support, high challenge)
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Kellerman Typology (2008)
Developed from perspective of political science
Leaders’ importance overestimated because they have more
power, authority and influence; importance of followers is
Followers are “unleaders” with less rank and who defer to
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Followers differentiated on one attribute: Level of engagement
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Five levels of followers:
Isolates are completely unengaged.
Bystanders are observers who do not participate.
Participants are partially engaged and willing to take a stand on
Activists feel strongly about the leader and the leader’s policies
and act on their own beliefs.
Diehards are totally dedicated to their cause; deeply committed
to supporting the leader or opposing the leader.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
The Value of Typologies
Provide a starting point for research
Highlight many ways followers have been conceptualized
Share some commonaliti es among them
Provide labels for follower types which can assist leaders in
effectively communicating with them
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Theoretical Approaches to Followership
Uhl-Bien (2014)--Followership is comprised of “characteristics,
behaviors and processes of individuals acting in relation to
Followership is a relationally-based process that includes how
followers and leaders interact to construct leadership and its
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Follower characteristics
- attributes, traits, motivations, and perceptions
Leader characteristics
- attributes, power, perceptions, and affect
Followership and leadership behaviors
- Extent to which followers obey, defer to, or resist the leader
- How leader influences followers to respond
Followership outcomes
-Results that influence the follower, leader, their relationship,
and the leadership process.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Two Theoretical Frameworks
Reversing the Lens
Focus on how followers affect leaders and organizational
Followers can be change agents
-Impact of follower characteristics onfollowerbehavior
- Impact of follower behavior on leaderperceptions and
behaviors and vice versa
- Impact of both followers and leaders on followership
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
The Leadership Co-Created Process
One person’s leadership behaviors interact with another
person’s followership behaviors to create leadership and its
Leader behaviors are influence attempts.
Follower behaviors grant power to another, comply, or
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
New Perspectives on Followership
Carsten, Harms, and Uhl-Bien, 2014
Followers get the job done
Followers work in the best interest of the organization’s mission
Followers challenge leaders
Followers support the leader
Followers learn from leaders
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Followership and Destructive Leaders
Lipman-Blumen: The Allure of Toxic Leaders (2005)
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
How Followership Works
Discussing followership elevates its importance and the value of
Followership is about how individuals accept influence of
others to reach a common goal
Research helps us understand why harmful leadership occurs
and sometimes goes unrestrained
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Recognizes followership as an integral part of the leadership
Forces a whole new way for people to think about leadership,
and to focus on followers
Views leadership as co-constructed
Provides a set of basic prescriptions for what a follower should
or shouldn’t’ do to be effective
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Little methodical research ahs been done so far
Current followership literature primarily based on observation
and anecdote
Leader-centric view of leadership may be too ingrained for
followership to gain importance
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
Followership is as important as leadership.
Learning about leadership can be useful for organizational
training and development.
Leaders can learn how to understand followers and how to most
effectively work with them.
Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
EDU562 Week 4: Global Perspectives in Teacher Education;
Research and Practice
Slide # Topics Narration
Slide 1 Introduction Welcome to Global Leaders in Education.
In this lesson, we will discuss Global Perspectives in
Teacher Education; Research and Practice.
Next slide.
Slide 2 Topics The following topics will be covered in this
Historical Tracing and Conceptual Framework;
Global Content;
Teacher Field Experiences;
Teacher Education Students’ Prior Knowledge and Global -
Mindedness; and
Teacher Education Faculty Development.
Next slide.
Slide 3 Historical Tracing
and Conceptual
Let‘s begin this discussion with Historical tracing and
conceptual framework. Teacher educators today are faced
with an urgent responsibility to transform curriculum and
pedagogy to better prepare teachers in educating the
young generation about increasing global interdependence
and their role in the emerging global society. Over the past
two decades, colleges and universities have attempted to
respond to these responsibilites by increasingly adding a
global dimension to their teacher education programs.
They have done so by encouraging the study of foreign
languages, creating internationally focused courses,
organizing cross-cultural fieldwork experiences, offering
extracurricular activities that are internationally oriented,
and other policies and practices to help prospective and
practicing teachers gain knowledge, skills, and
dispositions to teach from a global viewpoint.
Global education became the topic of choice during the
late 1960s and early 1970s when educators and scholars
introduced the public to what would happen if we had
global interdependence. The first teacher education
program for global perspectives began at the Center for
Teaching International Relations at the University of
Denver in 1969. It continued to grow with preparation
programs opening in 1971, 1972, and 1973. In the early
1980s, more programs were initiated because this was
known as the golden years of global education. However,
progress was hampered in the mid-1980s by emerging
attacks on global education.
Then in the 1990s, accelerating growth of global
interdependence in the economy, technology, politics, and
culture have brought global perspectives to the forefront
of teacher education again. Colleges and universities have
come to recognize that the United States is a part of an
interdependent and interconnected global system. Now the
question is what does it mean to teach from a global
perspective? What are the core elements in teacher
education programs that are globally oriented? Even
though educators and scholars emphasize different aspects
of interdependence, they all share the idea that a global
perspective course is more than courses on world
geography and world history and requires a holistic
approach that gives students an understanding of
Slide 4 Teacher Field
As a result of preparing teachers with the knowledge,
skills, and attitudes towards global education, various
articles, reviews, and books have been written. Much of
this research examines effects of international field
experiences, particular overseas student teaching, on the
global awareness of teacher candidates. Field experiences
have long been identified by both teacher educators and
prospective and experienced teachers as a major part of
preservice teacher preparation. Field experiences ar e the
key components of preparation where teacher candidates
learn to bridge theory and practice and develop
pedagogical and curricular strategies for meaningful
learning. In an attempt to improve the preparation of
teachers with global perspectives, teacher programs have
designed international field experiences. These
international field experiences are organized in various
ways, and range in duration from two weeks to daily full-
time student teaching for a semester.
A good number of research studies have been conducted
to examine both the short term and long term student
teaching experiences on the development of global
perspectives among preservice teachers. The students who
completed a four week international practicum working
with students and teachers in a private school in Italy
showed overall benefits that included both personal
change and professional growth, such as a better
appreciation of and respect for differences of others and
other cultures. The students who completes a full semester
in an international student teaching long term experience,
showed a shift in consciousness and perspective, an
empathetic understanding of the world and its people, an
appreciation for other cultures and perspectives, and
awareness of both global and domestic diversity.
Next slide.
Slide 5 Global Content Leading scholars in the field have long
argued that global
content should be an essential part of efforts in globalizing
teacher education to help prospective and practicing
teachers acquire the knowledge of the world and its
people. A globally oriented science education program
that is used in teacher preparation programs is called
Earth Systems Education. This program evolves a
concept of science literacy that is more attentive to the
post Cold-War global intellectual climate that places Earth
at the center of the science teaching and learning. This
new paradigm of science education has influenced the
curriculum development and teachers’ learning.
Social Studies teacher candidates learn global content,
along with cross-cultural experiential learning, global
pedagogy in the methods class, and practice in their field.
Teacher candidates are encouraged to look at their entire
program and take courses that will both prepare them to
teach about various regions of the world and give them a
global perspective on topics such as population or politics.
The promotion of technology in teacher education over
the past decade has shifted emphasis from technology
taught as a separate course to technology integrated into
academic courses. Teacher education scholars have been
particularly interested in exploring the potential of Internet
based technology, such as computer-mediated
communication, in building cross-cultural understanding
and promoting global awareness among preservice
teachers. Research has found that technology has shaped
the student teachers’ understanding of the importance of
teaching global perspectives and believed the potential of
Internet-based technology lies in two equally important
features: the advantage of instant access to updated
worldwide information from various sources and a tool for
communication across time, space, and culture.
Next slide.
Slide 6 Teacher Education
Students’ Prior
Knowledge and
Global Mindedness
Another line of research is to investigate student teachers’
prior knowledge of and dispositions toward global
education. In most of the studies that were done, teacher
candidates reported knowing most about the reasons for
war and famine and least about the reasons for economic
problems in less economically developed nations and
human rights abuse. Teacher candidates’ perceived levels
of knowledge varied according to the grade level they
planned to teach and their own education level whether it
be undergraduate or graduate. Some teacher candidates
expressed a concern that global education issues are
sensitive, controversial, and complex.
Many scholars in education have argued that to
successfully globalize teacher education there is a critical
need to foster teacher education faculty commitment to,
understanding of, and support for the movement. The
common core elements of teacher education development
was leadership among administrators, collaboration
among colleagues, and a sense of community between the
faculty and the administrators.
Next slide.
Slide 7 Check Your
Slide 8 Summary We have now reached the end of this lesson.
Let’s take a
look at what we’ve covered.
First, we discussed what teacher educators are doing to
increase the students’ familiarity with global
interdependence and their roles in a global society. Over
the past two decades, colleges and universities have
attempted to respond to these responsibilites by
increasingly adding a global dimension to their teacher
education programs. They have done so by encouraging
the study of foreign languages, creating internationally
focused courses, organizing cross-cultural fieldwork
experiences, offering extracurricular activities that are
internationally oriented, and other policies and practices to
help prospective and practicing teachers gain knowledge,
skills, and dispositions to teach from a global viewpoint.
Next, we were introduced to three types of field
experiences. The first was international. Designing
international field experiences is one of the major ways
teacher education programs have attempted to improve the
preparation of teachers with global perspectives. The
second is short term field experiences. These are around
four to six weeks of experiences in a foreign country.
Long term field experiences can last from a semester to a
year long. These types of field experiences had overall
benefits that included both personal change and
professional growth, such as a better appreciation of and
respect for differences of others and other cultures.
Then, we learned that leading scholars in the field have
long argued that global content should be an essential part
of efforts in globalizing teacher education to help
prospective and practicing teachers acquire the knowledge
of the world and its people.
Finally, we discussed how global content is incorporated
into the social studies and science teachers’ fieldwork and
course study. Students are now being encouraged to take
courses that will increase their global awareness.
This completes the lesson.
Global Leaders in Education
EDU 562
Global Perspectives in Teacher Education; Research and
Welcome to Global Leaders in Education.
In this lesson, we will discuss Global Perspectives in Teacher
Education; Research and Practice.
Next slide.
TopicsHistorical Tracing and Conceptual FrameworkGlobal
ContentTeacher Field ExperiencesTeacher Education Students’
Prior Knowledge and Global-MindednessTeacher Education
Faculty Development
The following topics will be covered in this lesson:
Historical Tracing and Conceptual Framework;
Global Content;
Teacher Field Experiences;
Teacher Education Students’ Prior Knowledge and Global-
Mindedness; and
Teacher Education Faculty Development.
Next slide.
Historical Tracing and Conceptual Framework
Selection and Evaluation Procedures
Research on Global Perspectives for Teacher Education
Let‘s begin this discussion with Historical tracing and
conceptual framework. Teacher educators today are faced with
an urgent responsibility to transform curriculum and pedagogy
to better prepare teachers in educating the young generation
about increasing global interdependence and their role in the
emerging global society. Over the past two decades, colleges
and universities have attempted to respond to these
responsibilites by increasingly adding a global dimension to
their teacher education programs. They have done so by
encouraging the study of foreign languages, creating
internationally focused courses, organizing cross-cultural
fieldwork experiences, offering extracurricular activities that
are internationally oriented, and other policies and practices to
help prospective and practicing teachers gain knowledge, skills,
and dispositions to teach from a global viewpoint.
Global education became the topic of choice during the late
1960s and early 1970s when educators and scholars introduced
the public to what would happen if we had global
interdependence. The first teacher education program for global
perspectives began at the Center for Teaching International
Relations at the University of Denver in 1969. It continued to
grow with preparation programs opening in 1971, 1972, and
1973. In the early 1980s, more programs were initiated because
this was known as the golden years of global education.
However, progress was hampered in the mid-1980s by
emerging attacks on global education.
Then in the 1990s, accelerating growth of global
interdependence in the economy, technology, politics, and
culture have brought global perspectives to the forefront of
teacher education again. Colleges and universities have come to
recognize that the United States is a part of an interdependent
and interconnected global system. Now the question is what
does it mean to teach from a global perspective? What are the
core elements in teacher education programs that are globally
oriented? Even though educators and scholars emphasize
different aspects of interdependence, they all share the idea that
a global perspective course is more than courses on world
geography and world history and requires a holistic approach
that gives students an understanding of themselves and their
relationship to the world community. Global education should
prepare teachers to build bridges across cultural boundaries and
citizens to be able to communicate and collborate with those
whose attitudes, values, knowledge, and ways of doing things
differ significantly from their own.
Next slide.
Teacher Field ExperiencesInternational Field ExperiencesShort
term Field ExperiencesLong term Field Experiences
As a result of preparing teachers with the knowledge, skills, and
attitudes towards global education, various articles, reviews,
and books have been written. Much of this research examines
effects of international field experiences, particular overseas
student teaching, on the global awareness of teacher candidates.
Field experiences have long been identified by both teacher
educators and prospective and experienced teachers as a major
part of preservice teacher preparation. Field experiences are the
key components of preparation where teacher candidates learn
to bridge theory and practice and develop pedagogical and
curricular strategies for meaningful learning. In an attempt to
improve the preparation of teachers with global perspectives,
teacher programs have designed international field experiences.
These international field experiences are organized in various
ways, and range in duration from two weeks to daily full-time
student teaching for a semester.
A good number of research studies have been conducted to
examine both the short term and long term student teaching
experiences on the development of global perspectives among
preservice teachers. The students who completed a four week
international practicum working with students and teachers in a
private school in Italy showed overall benefits that included
both personal change and professional growth, such as a better
appreciation of and respect for differences of others and other
cultures. The students who completes a full semester in an
international student teaching long term experience, showed a
shift in consciousness and perspective, an empathetic
understanding of the world and its people, an appreciation for
other cultures and perspectives, and awareness of both global
and domestic diversity.
Next slide.
Global Content
Earth Systems Education
Social Studies Education
Leading scholars in the field have long argued that global
content should be an essential part of efforts in globalizing
teacher education to help prospective and practicing teachers
acquire the knowledge of the world and its people. A globally
oriented science education program that is used in teacher
preparation programs is called Earth Systems Education. This
program evolves a concept of science literacy that is more
attentive to the post Cold-War global intellectual climate that
places Earth at the center of the science teaching and learning.
This new paradigm of science education has influenced the
curriculum development and teachers’ learning.
Social Studies teacher candidates learn global content, along
with cross-cultural experiential learning, global pedagogy in the
methods class, and practice in their field. Teacher candidates
are encouraged to look at their entire program and take courses
that will both prepare them to teach about various regions of the
world and give them a global perspective on topics such as
population or politics.
The promotion of technology in teacher education over the past
decade has shifted emphasis from technology taught as a
separate course to technology integrated into academic courses.
Teacher education scholars have been particularly interested in
exploring the potential of Internet based technology, such as
computer-mediated communication, in building cross-cultural
understanding and promoting global awareness among
preservice teachers. Research has found that technology has
shaped the student teachers’ understanding of the importance of
teaching global perspectives and believed the potential of
Internet-based technology lies in two equally important
features: the advantage of instant access to updated worldwide
information from various sources and a tool for communication
across time, space, and culture.
Next slide.
Teacher Education Students’ Prior Knowledge and Global
Teacher Education Faculty Development
Another line of research is to investigate student teachers’ prior
knowledge of and dispositions toward global education. In most
of the studies that were done, teacher candidates reported
knowing most about the reasons for war and famine and least
about the reasons for economic problems in less economically
developed nations and human rights abuse. Teacher candidates’
perceived levels of knowledge varied according to the grade
level they planned to teach and their own education level
whether it be undergraduate or graduate. Some teacher
candidates expressed a concern that global education issues are
sensitive, controversial, and complex.
Many scholars in education have argued that to successfully
globalize teacher education there is a critical need to foster
teacher education faculty commitment to, understanding of, and
support for the movement. The common core elements of
teacher education development was leadership among
administrators, collaboration among colleagues, and a sense of
community between the faculty and the administrators.
Next slide.
Summary Historical Tracing and Conceptual FrameworkGlobal
ContentTeacher Field ExperiencesTeacher Education Students’
Prior Knowledge and Global-MindednessTeacher Education
Faculty Development
We have now reached the end of this lesson. Let’s take a look
at what we’ve covered.
First, we discussed what teacher educators are doing to increase
the students’ familiarity with global interdependence and their
roles in a global society. Over the past two decades, colleges
and universities have attempted to respond to these
responsibilites by increasingly adding a global dimension to
their teacher education programs. They have done so by
encouraging the study of foreign languages, creating
internationally focused courses, organizing cross-cultural
fieldwork experiences, offering extracurricular activities that
are internationally oriented, and other policies and practices to
help prospective and practicing teachers gain knowledge, skills,
and dispositions to teach from a global viewpoint.
Next, we were introduced to three types of field experiences.
The first was international. Designing international field
experiences is one of the major ways teacher education
programs have attempted to improve the preparation of teachers
with global perspectives. The second is short term field
experiences. These are around four to six weeks of experiences
in a foreign country. Long term field experiences can last from
a semester to a year long. These types of field experiences had
overall benefits that included both personal change and
professional growth, such as a better appreciation of and respect
for differences of others and other cultures.
Then, we learned that leading scholars in the field have long
argued that global content should be an essential part of efforts
in globalizing teacher education to help prospective and
practicing teachers acquire the knowledge of the world and its
Finally, we discussed how global content is incorporated into
the social studies and science teachers’ fieldwork and course
study. Students are now being encouraged to take courses that
will increase their global awareness.
This completes the lesson.
six th edition
To Laurel, Scott, Lisa, and Madison
Peter G. Northouse
Western Michigan University
Theor y and prac tice • Six th Edition
To Laurel, Scott, Lisa, and Madison
Peter G. Northouse
Western Michigan University
Theor y and prac tice • Six th Edition
Copyright © 2013 by SAGE Publications, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be
reproduced or utilized in any form or by any
means, electronic or mechanical, including
photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without
permission in writing from the publisher.
Printed in the United States of America
Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data
Northouse, Peter Guy.
Leadership : theory and practice / Peter G.
Northouse. -- 6th ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN 978-1-4522-0340-9 (pbk.)
1. Leadership. 2. Leadership--Case studies. I. Title.
HM1261.N67 2013
303.3′4--dc23 2011049043
12 13 14 15 16 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
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Preface xiii
Special Features xiv
Audience xiv
Acknowledgments xvii
1. Introduction 1
Leadership Defined 2
Ways of Conceptualizing Leadership 4
Definition and Components 5
Leadership Described 6
Trait Versus Process Leadership 7
Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership 8
Leadership and Power 9
Leadership and Coercion 11
Leadership and Management 12
Plan of the Book 14
Summary 14
References 16
2. Trait Approach 19
Description 19
Intelligence 23
Self-Confidence 24
Determination 25
Integrity 25
Sociability 26
Five-Factor Personality Model and Leadership 26
Emotional Intelligence 27
How Does the Trait Approach Work? 28
Strengths 29
Criticisms 30
Application 32
Case Studies 32
Case 2.1 Choosing a New Director of Research 33
Case 2.2 A Remarkable Turnaround 34
Case 2.3 Recruiting for the Bank 36
Leadership Instrument 37
Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) 38
Summary 40
References 41
3. Skills Approach 43
Description 43
Three-Skill Approach 44
Skills Model 47
How Does the Skills Approach Work? 57
Strengths 58
Criticisms 59
Application 60
Case Studies 61
Case 3.1 A Strained Research Team 61
Case 3.2 A Shift for Lieutenant Colonel Adams 63
Case 3.3 Andy’s Recipe 65
Leadership Instrument 67
Skills Inventory 69
Summary 71
References 72
4. Style Approach 75
Description 75
The Ohio State Studies 76
The University of Michigan Studies 77
Blake and Mouton’s Managerial (Leadership) Grid 78
Paternalism/Maternalism 81
Opportunism 82
How Does the Style Approach Work? 83
Strengths 84
Criticisms 85
Application 86
Case Studies 87
Case 4.1 A Drill Sergeant at First 87
Case 4.2 Eating Lunch Standing Up 88
Case 4.3 We Are Family 89
Leadership Instrument 92
Style Questionnaire 93
Summary 95
References 96
5. Situational Approach 99
Description 99
Leadership Styles 101
Development Levels 102
How Does the Situational Approach Work? 103
Strengths 105
Criticisms 106
Application 109
Case Studies 110
Case 5.1 What Style Do I Use? 110
Case 5.2 Why Aren’t They Listening? 111
Case 5.3 Getting the Message Across 113
Leadership Instrument 114
Situational Leadership 116
Summary 119
References 120
6. Contingency Theory 123
Description 123
Leadership Styles 123
Situational Variables 124
How Does Contingency Theory Work? 126
Strengths 127
Criticisms 128
Application 130
Case Studies 130
Case 6.1 No Control Over the Student Council 131
Case 6.2 Giving Him a Hard Time 131
Case 6.3 What’s the Best Leader Match? 132
Leadership Instrument 133
Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) Measure 134
Summary 135
References 136
7. Path–Goal Theory 137
Description 137
Leader Behaviors 139
Subordinate Characteristics 141
Task Characteristics 142
How Does Path–Goal Theory Work? 143
Strengths 145
Criticisms 145
Application 147
Case Studies 148
Case 7.1 Three Shifts, Three Supervisors 148
Case 7.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others 150
Case 7.3 Marathon Runners at Different Levels 152
Leadership Instrument 154
Path–Goal Leadership Questionnaire 155
Summary 157
References 158
8. Leader–Member Exchange Theory 161
Description 161
Early Studies 161
Later Studies 164
Leadership Making 165
How Does LMX Theory Work? 168
Strengths 169
Criticisms 170
Application 172
Case Studies 173
Case 8.1 His Team Gets the Best Assignments 174
Case 8.2 Working Hard at Being Fair 175
Case 8.3 Taking on Additional Responsibilities 177
Leadership Instrument 179
LMX 7 Questionnaire 180
Summary 182
References 183
9. Transformational Leadership 185
Description 185
Transformational Leadership Defined 186
Transformational Leadership and Charisma 187
A Model of Transformational Leadership 189
Other Transformational Perspectives 196
How Does the Transformational Approach Work? 199
Strengths 200
Criticisms 202
Application 204
Case Studies 205
Case 9.1 The Vision Failed 206
Case 9.2 An Exploration in Leadership 207
Case 9.3 Her Vision of a Model Research Center 209
Leadership Instrument 211
Sample Items From the Multifactor Leadership
Questionnaire (MLQ) Form 5X-Short 213
Summary 214
References 215
10. Servant Leadership 219
Description 219
Servant Leadership Defined 220
Historical Basis of Servant Leadership 220
Ten Characteristics of a Servant Leader 221
Building a Theory About Servant Leadership 223
Model of Servant Leadership 225
Antecedent Conditions 226
Servant Leader Behaviors 227
Outcomes 230
Summary of the Model of Servant Leadership 232
How Does Servant Leadership Work? 232
Strengths 233
Criticisms 234
Application 235
Case Studies 236
Case 10.1 Anonymous Servant Leaders 237
Case 10.2 Doctor to the Poor 239
Case 10.3 Servant Leadership Takes Flight 241
Leadership Instrument 243
Servant Leadership Questionnaire 245
Summary 248
References 249
11. Authentic Leadership 253
Description 253
Authentic Leadership Defined 254
Approaches to Authentic Leadership 255
How Does Authentic Leadership Theory Work? 266
Strengths 267
Criticisms 269
Application 270
Case Studies 270
Case 11.1 Am I Really a Leader? 271
Case 11.2 A Leader Under Fire 274
Case 11.3 The Reluctant First Lady 276
Leadership Instrument 278
Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire 280
Summary 282
References 283
12. Team Leadership 287
Susan E. Kogler Hill
Description 287
Team Leadership Model 289
How Does the Team Leadership Model Work? 303
Strengths 305
Criticisms 306
Application 307
Case Studies 308
Case 12.1 Can This Virtual Team Work? 308
Case 12.2 They Dominated the Conversation 309
Case 12.3 Starts With a Bang, Ends With a Whimper 310
Leadership Instrument 311
Team Excellence and Collaborative Team Leader
Questionnaire 313
Summary 315
References 315
13. Psychodynamic Approach 319
Ernest L. Stech
Description 319
Eric Berne and Transactional Analysis 322
Sigmund Freud and Personality Types 325
Social Character and a Shift in
Leadership Perspective 328
Carl Jung and Personality Types 330
Types and Leadership 333
How Does the Psychodynamic Approach Work? 338
Strengths 338
Criticisms 339
Case Studies 340
Case 13.1 Not the Type Who Sees
the Big Picture 341
Case 13.2 Staff Meeting Problems 342
Case 13.3 Unexpected Reactions 343
Leadership Instrument 344
Psychodynamic Approach Survey 345
Summary 347
References 348
14. Women and Leadership 349
Crystal L. Hoyt
Description 349
Gender, Leadership Styles, and
Leadership Effectiveness 350
The Glass Ceiling Turned Labyrinth 352
Strengths 363
Criticisms 364
Application 365
Case Studies 366
Case 14.1 The “Glass Ceiling” 366
Case 14.2 Lack of Inclusion and Credibility 367
Case 14.3 Pregnancy as a Barrier to Job Status 368
Leadership Instrument 369
The Gender–Leader Implicit Association Test 370
Summary 374
Note 375
References 375
15. Culture and Leadership 383
Description 383
Culture Defined 384
Related Concepts 384
Dimensions of Culture 386
Clusters of World Cultures 390
Characteristics of Clusters 391
Leadership Behavior and Culture Clusters 395
Universally Desirable and Undesirable
Leadership Attributes 403
Strengths 404
Criticisms 405
Application 407
Case Studies 407
Case 15.1 A Challenging Workplace 408
Case 15.2 A Special Kind of Financing 410
Case 15.3 Whose Hispanic Center Is It? 411
Leadership Instrument 414
Dimensions of Culture Questionnaire 415
Summary 420
Notes 421
References 422
16. Leadership Ethics 423
Description 423
Ethics Defined 424
Ethical Theories 424
Centrality of Ethics to Leadership 428
Heifetz’s Perspective on Ethical Leadership 429
Burns’s Perspective on Ethical Leadership 429
Principles of Ethical Leadership 430
Strengths 437
Criticisms 438
Application 439
Case Studies 439
Case 16.1 A Struggling Company Without
Enough Cash 440
Case 16.2 How Safe Is Safe? 441
Case 16.3 Reexamining a Proposal 443
Leadership Instrument 444
Perceived Leader Integrity Scale (PLIS) 446
Summary 448
References 449
Author Index 453
Subject Index 463
About the Author 483
About the Contributors 485
T his sixth edition of Leadership: Theory and Practice is written
with the objective of bridging the gap between the often-
simplistic popu-
lar approaches to leadership and the more abstract theoretical
Like the previous editions, this edition reviews and analyzes a
number of leadership theories, giving special attention to how
each theo-
retical approach can be applied in real-world organizations. In
essence, my
purpose is to explore how leadership theory can inform and
direct the way
leadership is practiced.
New to this volume is a chapter on servant leadership, which
the nature of servant leadership, its underpinnings, and how it
works. The
chapter presents both a definition and a new evidence-based
model of
servant leadership. In addition, the strengths and weaknesses of
the servant
leadership approach are examined, and a questionnaire to help
assess their own levels of servant leadership is provided. Three
case studies
illustrating servant leadership are presented at the end of the
This edition retains many special features from previous
editions but has
been updated to include new research findings, figures and
tables, and
everyday applications for many leadership topics including
exchange theory, transformational and authentic leadership,
team leader-
ship, the labyrinth of women’s leadership, and historical
definitions of
leadership. The format of this edition parallels the format used
in earlier
editions. As with previous editions, the overall goal of
Leadership: Theory
and Practice is to advance our understanding of the many
approaches to leadership and ways to practice it more
Although this text presents and analyzes a wide range of
research, every attempt has been made to present the material in
a clear,
concise, and interesting manner. Reviewers of the book have
commented that clarity is one of its major strengths. In addition
to the
writing style, several other features of the book help make it
• Each chapter follows the same format: It is structured to
include first
theory and then practice.
• Every chapter contains a discussion of the strengths and
criticisms of
the approach under consideration, and assists the reader in
mining the relative merits of each approach.
• Each chapter includes an application section that discusses the
tical aspects of the approach and how it could be used in
organizational settings.
• Three case studies are provided in each chapter to illustrate
mon leadership issues and dilemmas. Thought-provoking
follow each case study, helping readers to interpret the case.
• A questionnaire is provided in each of the chapters to help the
apply the approach to his or her own leadership style or setting.
• Figures and tables illustrate the content of the theory and
make the
ideas more meaningful.
Through these special features, every effort has been made to
make this
text substantive, understandable, and practical.
This book provides both an in-depth presentation of leadership
theory and
a discussion of how it applies to real-life situations. Thus, it is
intended for
undergraduate and graduate classes in management, leadership
business, educational leadership, public administration, nursing
and allied
health, social work, criminal justice, industrial and
organizational psychol-
ogy, communication, religion, agricultural education, political
and mili-
tary science, and training and development. It is particularly
well suited as
a supplementary text for core organizational behavior courses or
as an
overview text within MBA curricula. This book would also be
useful as a
text in student activities, continuing education, in-service
training, and
other leadership-development programs.
Preface xv
Instructor Teaching Site
Instructor Resources are available on the password-protected
section of the
book’s companion website. Test banks include multiple choice
and true/false ques-
tions to test comprehension of fundamental material, as well as
essay questions that
ask students to apply the material. An electronic testbank,
compatible with PCs
and Macs through Diploma software, is also available. Chapter -
specific resources
include PowerPoint slides, study and discussion questions,
suggested exercises, full-
text journal articles, video links, audio links, and full -text
reference articles. General
resources include course-long projects, sample syllabi, and film
Printable PDF versions of the questionnaires from the text are
included for instruc-
tors to print and distribute for classroom use. The companion
site also features
information on how to use social media with Leadership, 6th
edition, including
instructions for creating wikis, blogs, and Twitter feeds to
accompany the text and
specific topics to discuss using these different technologies. Go
to www.sagepub.
com/northouse6e to access the companion site.
Student Study Site
To maximize students’ comprehension of this material, student
are available on the open-access portion of the book’s
companion website.
Resources include web quizzes, SAGE journal articles with
questions, video links, audio links, handbook and encyclopedia
articles, and
other study aides and resources. Students can go to
northouse6e to access the site.
Media Icons
Icons appearing at the bottom of the page will direct you to
media such as videos, audio links, journal articles, and
reference articles
that correspond with key chapter concepts. Visit the Student
Study Site at to access this media.
Video Icon
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Journal Icon
Reference Article Icon
M any people directly or indirectly contributed to the
development of the sixth edition of Leadership: Theory and
Practice. First, I would
like to acknowledge my editor, Lisa Shaw, and her talented
team at SAGE
Publications (Mayan, MaryAnn, Helen, Sarah, and Maggie) who
contributed significantly to the quality of this edition and
ensured its suc-
cess. For their very capable work during the production phase, I
would like
to thank copy editor Melinda Masson, and senior project editor
Garner. In his or her own unique way, each of these people
made valuable
contributions to the sixth edition.
For comprehensive reviews of the sixth edition, I would like to
the following reviewers:
Meera Alagaraja, University of Louisville
S. Todd Deal, Georgia Southern University
Carol McMillan, New School University
Keeok Park, University of La Verne
Harriet L. Schwartz, Carlow University
Kelli K. Smith, University of Nebraska-Lincoln
Danny L. Talbot, Washington State University
Robert L. Taylor, University of Louisville
John Tummons, University of Missouri
David E. Williams, Texas Tech University
Sharon A. Wulf, Worcester Polytechnic Institute School of
For their exceptional work creating content for the leadership
tool that accompanies the interactive eBook version of this text,
I would
like to thank John Baker (Western Kentucky University), Isolde
(Hope College), and Eleanor Dombrowski (University of
I would also like to thank the following people, who updated
and cre-
ated the excellent resources that appear on the Instructor
Teaching Site
and the Student Study Site:
Isolde Anderson, Hope College
Andrea Markowitz, Write for Your Business
Lizz Mathews, Western Michigan University
Mary Mathews, Western Michigan University
Rebecca G. McBride, Old Dominion University
Trey Patrick Mitchell, Western Michigan University
Lisa J. Northouse, Western Michigan University
Anita Pankake, University of Texas–Pan American
A special acknowledgment goes to Laurel Northouse for her
critiques and ongoing support. In addition, I am grateful to
Marie Lee, for
her exceptional editing and guidance throughout this project.
For his
review of and comments on the servant leadership chapter, I am
to Robert Liden (University of Illinois at Chicago).
Finally, I would like to thank the many undergraduate and
students whom I have taught through the years. Their ongoing
has helped clarify my thinking about leadership and encouraged
me to
make plain the practical implications of leadership theories.
L eadership is a highly sought-after and highly valued
commodity. In the 15 years since the first edition of this book
was published, the
public has become increasingly captivated by the idea of
People continue to ask themselves and others what makes good
leaders. As
individuals, they seek more information on how to become
leaders. As a result, bookstore shelves are filled with popular
books about
leaders and advice on how to be a leader. Many people believe
leadership is a way to improve their personal, social, and
professional lives.
Corporations seek those with leadership ability because they
believe they
bring special assets to their organizations and, ultimately,
improve the
bottom line. Academic institutions throughout the country have
by providing programs in leadership studies.
In addition, leadership has gained the attention of researchers
A review of the scholarly studies on leadership shows that there
is a wide variety
of different theoretical approaches to explain the complexities
of the leader-
ship process (e.g., Bass, 1990; Bryman, 1992; Bryman,
Collinson, Grint, Jack-
son & Uhl-Bien, 2011; Day & Antonakis, 2012; Gardner, 1990;
2009; Mumford, 2006; Rost, 1991). Some researchers
conceptualize leader-
ship as a trait or as a behavior, whereas others view leadership
from an infor-
mation-processing perspective or relational standpoint.
Leadership has been
studied using both qualitative and quantitative methods in many
including small groups, therapeutic groups, and large
organizations. Collec-
tively, the research findings on leadership from all of these
areas provide a
picture of a process that is far more sophisticated and complex
than the often-
simplistic view presented in some of the popular books on
This book treats leadership as a complex process having
dimensions. Based on the research literature, this text provides
an in-depth
1.1 Emerging Practices 1.2 Leadership in Nursing
description and application of many different approaches to
Our emphasis is on how theory can inform the practice of
leadership. In
this book, we describe each theory and then explain how the
theory can be
used in real situations.
There are many ways to finish the sentence, “Leadership is. . .
.” In fact, as
Stogdill (1974, p. 7) pointed out in a review of leadership
research, there
are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there
are people
who have tried to define it. It is much like the words
democracy, love, and
peace. Although each of us intuitively knows what we mean by
such words,
the words can have different meanings for different people. As
Box 1.1
shows, scholars and practitioners have attempted to define
leadership for
more than a century without universal consensus.
Box 1.1 The Evolution of Leadership Definitions
While many have a gut-level grasp of what leadership is,
putting a
definition to the term has proved to be a challenging endeavor
scholars and practitioners alike. More than a century has lapsed
leadership became a topic of academic introspection, and
have evolved continuously during that period. These definitions
been influenced by many factors from world affairs and politics
to the
perspectives of the discipline in which the topic is being
studied. In a
seminal work, Rost (1991) analyzed materials written from 1900
1990, finding more than 200 different definitions for leadership.
analysis provides a succinct history of how leadership has been
through the last century:
Definitions of leadership appearing in the first three decades of
the 20th
century emphasized control and centralization of power with a
theme of domination. For example, at a conference on
leadership in
1927, leadership was defined as “the ability to impress the will
of the
leader on those led and induce obedience, respect, loyalty, and
tion” (Moore, 1927, p. 124).
1.1 Development of Leadership
Chapter 1 Introduction 3
Traits became the focus of defining leadership, with an
emerging view of
leadership as influence rather than domination. Leadership is
also identi-
fied as the interaction of an individual’s specific personality
traits with
those of a group, noting that while the attitudes and activities of
many are changed by the one, the many may also influence a
The group approach came into the forefront with leadership
defined as the behavior of an individual while involved in
directing group
activities (Hemphill, 1949). At the same time, leadership by
persuasion is
distinguished from “drivership” or leadership by coercion
Three themes dominated leadership definitions during this
•• continuance of group theory, which framed leadership as
what leaders do in groups;
•• leadership as a relationship that develops shared goals,
which defined leadership based on behavior of the leader; and
•• effectiveness, in which leadership is defined by the ability to
influence overall group effectiveness.
Although a tumultuous time for world affairs, the 1960s saw
amongst leadership scholars. The prevailing definition of
leadership as
behavior that influences people toward shared goals was
underscored by
Seeman (1960) who described leadership as “acts by persons
influence other persons in a shared direction” (p. 53).
The group focus gave way to the organizational behavior
approach, where
leadership became viewed as “initiating and maintaining groups
or organiza-
tions to accomplish group or organizational goals” (Rost, 1991,
p. 59). Burns’s
(1978) definition, however, is the most important concept of
leadership to
emerge: “Leadership is the reciprocal process of mobilizing by
persons with
certain motives and values, various economic, political, and
other resources,
in a context of competition and conflict, in order to realize
goals indepen-
dently or mutually held by both leaders and followers” (p. 425).
1.3 Perspectives of Leadership 1.4 Followership
This decade exploded with scholarly and popular works on the
of leadership, bringing the topic to the apex of the academic and
consciousnesses. As a result, the number of definitions for
became a prolific stew with several persevering themes:
•• Do as the leader wishes. Leadership definitions still predomi -
nantly deliver the message that leadership is getting followers
do what the leader wants done.
•• Influence. Probably the most often used word in leadership
nitions of the 1980s, influence is examined from every angle. In
effort to distinguish leadership from management, however,
ars insist that leadership is noncoercive influence.
•• Traits. Spurred by the national bestseller In Search of
(Peters & Waterman, 1982), the leadership-as-excellence move-
ment brought leader traits back to the spotlight. As a result,
people’s understanding of leadership is based on a trait
•• Transformation. Burns (1978) is credited for initiating a
ment defining leadership as a transformational process, stating
that leadership occurs “when one or more persons engage with
others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one
to higher levels of motivation and morality” (p. 83).
Into the 21st Century
After decades of dissonance, leadership scholars agree on one
They can’t come up with a common definition for leadership.
continues as to whether leadership and manageme nt are separate
cesses, while others emphasize the trait, skill, or relational
aspects of
leadership. Because of such factors as growing global
influences and
generational differences, leadership will continue to have
different mean-
ings for different people. The bottom line is that leadership is a
concept for which a determined definition may long be in flux.
SOURCE: Adapted from Leadership for the Twenty-First
Century, by J. C. Rost, 1991,
New York: Praeger.
Ways of Conceptualizing Leadership
In the past 60 years, as many as 65 different classification
systems have
been developed to define the dimensions of leadership
(Fleishman et al.,
1991). One such classification system, directly related to our
discussion, is
1.1 Leadership and Power 1.5 Leadership in Organizations
Chapter 1 Introduction 5
the scheme proposed by Bass (1990, pp. 11–20). He suggested
that some
definitions view leadership as the focus of group processes.
From this per-
spective, the leader is at the center of group change and activity
embodies the will of the group. Another set of definitions
leadership from a personality perspective, which suggests that
leadership is
a combination of special traits or characteristics that some
individuals pos-
sess. These traits enable those individuals to induce others to
tasks. Other approaches to leadership define it as an act or a
things leaders do to bring about change in a group.
In addition, some define leadership in terms of the power
that exists between leaders and followers. From this viewpoint,
have power that they wield to effect change in others. Others
view leader-
ship as a transformational process that moves followers to
accomplish more
than is usually expected of them. Finally, some scholars address
from a skills perspective. This viewpoint stresses the
capabilities (knowl-
edge and skills) that make effective leadership possible.
Definition and Components
Despite the multitude of ways in which leadership has been
alized, the following components can be identified as central to
the phe-
nomenon: (a) Leadership is a process, (b) leadership involves
(c) leadership occurs in groups, and (d) leadership involves
common goals.
Based on these components, the following definition of
leadership is used
in this text:
Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a
group of
individuals to achieve a common goal.
Defining leadership as a process means that it is not a trait or
istic that resides in the leader, but rather a transactional event
that occurs
between the leader and the followers. Process implies that a
leader affects
and is affected by followers. It emphasizes that leadership is not
a linear,
one-way event, but rather an interactive event. When leadership
is defined
in this manner, it becomes available to everyone. It is not
restricted to the
formally designated leader in a group.
Leadership involves influence. It is concerned with how the
affects followers. Influence is the sine qua non of leadership.
influence, leadership does not exist.
Leadership occurs in groups. Groups are the context in which
takes place. Leadership involves influencing a group of
individuals who have
1.2 Role of Leadership 1.2 Working Across Generations
a common purpose. This can be a small task group, a
community group, or
a large group encompassing an entire organization. Leadership
is about
one individual influencing a group of others to accomplish
common goals.
Others (a group) are required for leadership to occur.
Leadership training
programs that teach people to lead themselves are not
considered a part of
leadership within the definition that is set forth in this
Leadership includes attention to common goals. Leaders direct
their ener-
gies toward individuals who are trying to achieve something
together. By
common, we mean that the leaders and followers have a mutual
Attention to common goals gives leadership an ethical overtone
because it
stresses the need for leaders to work with followers to achieve
selected goals.
Stressing mutuality lessens the possibility that leaders might act
toward follow-
ers in ways that are forced or unethical. It also increases the
possibility that
leaders and followers will work together toward a common good
(Rost, 1991).
Throughout this text, the people who engage in leadership will
called leaders, and those toward whom leadership is directed
will be called
followers. Both leaders and followers are involved together in
the leader-
ship process. Leaders need followers, and followers need
leaders (Burns,
1978; Heller & Van Til, 1983; Hollander, 1992; Jago, 1982).
leaders and followers are closely linked, it is the leader who
often initiates
the relationship, creates the communication linkages, and
carries the bur-
den for maintaining the relationship.
In our discussion of leaders and followers, attention will be
toward follower issues as well as leader issues. Leaders have an
responsibility to attend to the needs and concerns of followers.
As Burns
(1978) pointed out, discussions of leadership sometimes are
viewed as elitist
because of the implied power and importance often ascribed to
leaders in
the leader-follower relationship. Leaders are not above or better
than follow-
ers. Leaders and followers must be understood in relation to
each other
(Hollander, 1992) and collectively (Burns, 1978). They are in
the leader-
ship relationship together—and are two sides of the same coin
(Rost, 1991).
In addition to definitional issues, it is also important to discuss
several other
questions pertaining to the nature of leadership. In the
following section,
we will address questions such as how leadership as a trait
differs from
Chapter 1 Introduction 7
leadership as a process; how appointed leadership differs from
leadership; and how the concepts of power, coercion, and
differ from leadership.
Trait Versus Process Leadership
We have all heard statements such as “He is born to be a leader”
or “She
is a natural leader.” These statements are commonly expressed
by people
who take a trait perspective toward leadership. The trait
perspective sug-
gests that certain individuals have special innate or inborn
or qualities that make them leaders, and that it is these qualities
that dif-
ferentiate them from nonleaders. Some of the personal qualities
used to
identify leaders include unique physical factors (e.g., height),
features (e.g., extraversion), and other characteristics (e.g.,
and fluency; Bryman, 1992). In Chapter 2, we will discuss a
large body of
research that has examined these personal qualities.
To describe leadership as a trait is quite different from
describing it as a
process (Figure 1.1). The trait viewpoint conceptualizes
leadership as a
property or set of properties possessed in varying degrees by
different people
(Jago, 1982). This suggests that it resides in select people and
restricts lead-
ership to those who are believed to have special, usually inborn,
• Height
• Intelligence
• Extraversion
• Fluency
• Other Traits
Followers Followers
Leader Leader
Figure 1.1 The Different Views of Leadership
SOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership
Differs From Management
(pp. 3–8), by J. P. Kotter, 1990, New York: Free Press.
The process viewpoint suggests that leadership is a phenomenon
resides in the context of the interactions between leaders and
followers and
makes leadership available to everyone. As a process,
leadership can be
observed in leader behaviors (Jago, 1982), and can be learned.
The process
definition of leadership is consistent with the definition of
leadership that
we have set forth in this chapter.
Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership
Some people are leaders because of their formal position in an
zation, whereas others are leaders because of the way other
group mem-
bers respond to them. These two common forms of leadership
are called
assigned leadership and emergent leadership. Leadership that is
based on
occupying a position in an organization is assigned leadership.
Team lead-
ers, plant managers, department heads, directors, and
administrators are all
examples of assigned leadership.
Yet the person assigned to a leadership position does not always
become the
real leader in a particular setting. When others perceive an
individual as the
most influential member of a group or an organization,
regardless of the indi-
vidual’s title, the person is exhibiting emergent leadership. The
acquires emergent leadership through other people in the
organization who
support and accept that individual’s behavior. This type of
leadership is not
assigned by position; rather, it emerges over a period through
Some of the positive communication behaviors that account for
leader emergence include being verbally involved, being
informed, seeking oth-
ers’ opinions, initiating new ideas, and being firm but not rigid
(Fisher, 1974).
In addition to communication behaviors, researchers have found
personality plays a role in leadership emergence. For example,
Smith and
Foti (1998) found that certain personality traits were related to
emergence in a sample of 160 male college students. The
individuals who
were more dominant, more intelligent, and more confident about
own performance (general self-efficacy) were more likely to be
as leaders by other members of their task group. Although it is
whether these findings apply to women as well, Smith and Foti
that these three traits could be used to identify individuals
perceived to be
emergent leaders.
Leadership emergence may also be affected by gender-biased
tions. In a study of 40 mixed-sex college groups, Watson and
Hoffman (2004)
1.3 Effective Leadership
Chapter 1 Introduction 9
found that women who were urged to persuade their task groups
to adopt
high-quality decisions succeeded with the same frequency as
men with
identical instructions. Although women were equally influential
leaders in
their groups, they were rated significantly lower than
comparable men
were on leadership. Furthermore, these influential women were
also rated
as significantly less likable than comparably influential men
were. These
results suggest that there continue to be barriers to women’s
emergence as
leaders in some settings.
A unique perspective on leadership emergence is provided by
identity theory (Hogg, 2001). From this perspective, leadership
is the degree to which a person fits with the identity of the
group as a
whole. As groups develop over time, a group prototype also
develops. Indi-
viduals emerge as leaders in the group when they become most
like the
group prototype. Being similar to the prototype makes leaders
attractive to
the group and gives them influence with the group.
The leadership approaches we discuss in the subsequent
chapters of this
book apply equally to assigned leadership and emergent
leadership. When
a person is engaged in leadership, that person is a leader,
whether leader-
ship was assigned or emerged. This book focuses on the
leadership process
that occurs when any individual is engaged in influencing other
members in their efforts to reach a common goal.
Leadership and Power
The concept of power is related to leadership because it is part
of the
influence process. Power is the capacity or potential to
influence. People
have power when they have the ability to affect others’ beliefs,
attitudes, and
courses of action. Ministers, doctors, coaches, and teachers are
all examples
of people who have the potential to influence us. When they do,
they are
using their power, the resource they draw on to effect change in
The most widely cited research on power is French and Raven’s
work on the bases of social power. In their work, they
power from the framework of a dyadic relationship that
included both the
person influencing and the person being influenced. French and
identified five common and important bases of power: referent,
legitimate, reward, and coercive (Table 1.1). Each of these
bases of power
increases a leader’s capacity to influence the attitudes, values,
or behaviors
of others.
1.3 Nursing Roles in Heathcare 1.1 Power and Leadership
In organizations, there are two major kinds of power: position
and personal power. Position power is the power a person
derives from a
particular office or rank in a formal organizational system. It is
the influ-
ence capacity a leader derives from having higher status than
the followers
have. Vice presidents and department heads have more power
than staff
personnel do because of the positions they hold in the
organization. Posi-
tion power includes legitimate, reward, and coercive power
(Table 1.2).
Personal power is the influence capacity a leader derives from
seen by followers as likable and knowledgeable. When leaders
act in ways
that are important to followers, it gives leaders power. For
example, some
managers have power because their subordinates consider them
to be
good role models. Others have power because their subordinates
them as highly competent or considerate. In both cases, these
power is ascribed to them by others, based on how they are seen
in their
relationships with others. Personal power includes referent and
power (see Table 1.2).
In discussions of leadership, it is not unusual for leaders to be
as wielders of power, as individuals who dominate others. In
instances, power is conceptualized as a tool that leaders use to
Table 1.1 Five Bases of Power
Referent Power Based on followers’ identification and liking
for the leader.
A teacher who is adored by students has referent power.
Expert Power Based on followers’ perceptions of the leader’s
competence. A tour guide who is knowledgeable about a
foreign country has expert power.
Associated with having status or formal job authority.
A judge who administers sentences in the courtroom
exhibits legitimate power.
Reward Power Derived from having the capacity to provide
rewards to
others. A supervisor who gives rewards to employees who
work hard is using reward power.
Coercive Power Derived from having the capacity to penalize or
others. A coach who sits players on the bench for being
late to practice is using coercive power.
SOURCE: Adapted from “The Bases of Social Power,” by J. R.
French Jr. and B. Raven, 1962,
in D. Cartwright (Ed.), Group Dynamics: Research and Theory
(pp. 259–269), New York:
Harper & Row.
1.4 Bases of Power
‫ة‬ ‫الق‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وة‬ ‫ق‬
‫ير‬ ‫ب‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ال‬ ‫لطة‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬
‫ية‬ ‫شرع‬ ‫ال‬ ‫لطة‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬
‫ة‬ ‫طاق‬ ‫ال‬ ‫اة‬ ‫كاف‬ ‫م‬
‫ة‬ ‫سري‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ال‬ ‫او‬ ‫ية‬ ‫راه‬ ‫االك‬ ‫قوة‬ ‫ال‬
Chapter 1 Introduction 11
their own ends. Contrary to this view of power, Burns (1978)
power from a relationship standpoint. For Burns, power is not
an entity
that leaders use over others to achieve their own ends; instead,
occurs in relationships. It should be used by leaders and
followers to pro-
mote their collective goals.
In this text, our discussions of leadership treat power as a
concern for both leaders and followers. We pay attention to how
work with followers to reach common goals.
Leadership and Coercion
Coercive power is one of the specific kinds of power avail able
to leaders.
Coercion involves the use of force to effect change. To coerce
means to
influence others to do something against their will and may
manipulating penalties and rewards in their work environment.
often involves the use of threats, punishment, and negative
reward sched-
ules. Classic examples of coercive leaders are Adolf Hitler in
Germany, the
Taliban leaders in Afghanistan, Jim Jones in Guyana, and North
Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il, each of whom has used power and
to force followers to engage in extreme behaviors.
It is important to distinguish between coercion and leadership
it allows us to separate out from our examples of leadership the
of individuals such as Hitler, the Taliban, and Jones. In our
discussions of
leadership, coercive people are not used as models of ideal
leadership. Our
definition suggests that leadership is reserved for those who
influence a
group of individuals toward a common goal. Leaders who use
coercion are
interested in their own goals and seldom are interested in the
wants and
needs of subordinates. Using coercion runs counter to working
with follow-
ers to achieve a common goal.
Table 1.2 Types and Bases of Power
Position Power Personal Power
Legitimate Referent
Reward Expert
SOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership
Differs From Management
(pp. 3–8), by J. P. Kotter, 1990, New York: Free Press.
1.4 Leadership and Coercion 1.2 Leadership Defined
‫راة‬ ‫واالك‬ ‫قادة‬ ‫ال‬
Leadership and Management
Leadership is a process that is similar to management in many
Leadership involves influence, as does management. Leadership
working with people, which management entails as well.
Leadership is con-
cerned with effective goal accomplishment, and so is
management. In gen-
eral, many of the functions of management are activities that are
with the definition of leadership we set forth at the beginning of
this chapter.
But leadership is also different from management. Whereas the
study of
leadership can be traced back to Aristotle, management emerged
the turn of the 20th century with the advent of our
industrialized society.
Management was created as a way to reduce chaos in
organizations, to
make them run more effectively and efficiently. The primary
functions of
management, as first identified by Fayol (1916), were planning,
ing, staffing, and controlling. These functions are still
representative of the
field of management today.
In a book that compared the functions of management with the
tions of leadership, Kotter (1990) argued that the functions of
the two are
quite dissimilar (Figure 1.2). The overriding function of
management is to
Figure 1.2 Functions of Management and Leadership
Produces Order and Consistency
Produces Change and Movement
Planning and Budgeting
• Establish agendas
• Set timetables
• Allocate resources
Establishing Direction
• Create a vision
• Clarify big picture
• Set strategies
Organizing and Staffing
• Provide structure
• Make job placements
• Establish rules and procedures
Aligning People
• Communicate goals
• Seek commitment
• Build teams and coalitions
Controlling and Problem Solving
• Develop incentives
• Generate creative solutions
• Take corrective action
Motivating and Inspiring
• Inspire and energize
• Empower subordinates
• Satisfy unmet needs
SOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership
Differs From Management
(pp. 3–8), by J. P. Kotter, 1990, New York: Free Press.
‫يق‬ ‫س‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ال‬
Chapter 1 Introduction 13
provide order and consistency to organizations, whereas the
primary func-
tion of leadership is to produce change and movement.
Management is
about seeking order and stability; leadership is about seeking
adaptive and
constructive change.
As illustrated in Figure 1.2, the major activities of management
played out differently than the activities of leadership.
Although they are
different in scope, Kotter (1990, pp. 7–8) contended that both
and leadership are essential if an organization is to prosper. For
example, if
an organization has strong management without leadership, the
can be stifling and bureaucratic. Conversely, if an organization
has strong
leadership without management, the outcome can be
meaningless or mis-
directed change for change’s sake. To be effective,
organizations need to
nourish both competent management and skilled leadership.
Many scholars, in addition to Kotter (1990), argue that
leadership and
management are distinct constructs. For example, Bennis and
(1985) maintained that there is a significant difference between
the two.
To manage means to accomplish activities and master routines,
whereas to
lead means to influence others and create visions for change.
Bennis and
Nanus made the distinction very clear in their frequently quoted
“Managers are people who do things right and leaders are
people who do
the right thing” (p. 221).
Rost (1991) has also been a proponent of distinguishing
between leader-
ship and management. He contended that leadership is a
influence relationship and management is a unidirectional
authority rela-
tionship. Whereas leadership is concerned with the process of
mutual purposes, management is directed toward coordinating
activities in
order to get a job done. Leaders and followers work together to
create real
change, whereas managers and subordinates join forces to sell
goods and
services (Rost, 1991, pp. 149–152).
Approaching the issue from a narrower viewpoint, Zaleznik
(1977) went
so far as to argue that leaders and managers themselves are
distinct, and
that they are basically different types of people. He contended
that manag-
ers are reactive and prefer to work with people to solve
problems but do so
with low emotional involvement. They act to limit choices.
Zaleznik sug-
gested that leaders, on the other hand, are emotionally active
and involved.
They seek to shape ideas instead of responding to them and act
to expand
the available options to solve long-standing problems. Leaders
change the
way people think about what is possible.
Although there are clear differences between management and
ship, the two constructs overlap. When managers are involved
in influenc-
ing a group to meet its goals, they are involved in leadership.
When leaders
are involved in planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling,
they are
involved in management. Both processes involve influencing a
group of
individuals toward goal attainment. For purposes of our
discussion in this
book, we focus on the leadership process. In our examples and
case stud-
ies, we treat the roles of managers and leaders similarly and do
not empha-
size the differences between them.
This book is user-friendly. It is based on substantive theories
but is written
to emphasize practice and application. Each chapter in the book
the same format. The first section of each chapter briefly
describes the
leadership approach and discusses various research studies
applicable to
the approach. The second section of each chapter evaluates the
highlighting its strengths and criticisms. Special attention is
given to how
the approach contributes or fails to contribute to an overall
of the leadership process. The next section uses case studies to
discussion of how the approach can be applied in ongoing
Finally, each chapter provides a leadership questionnaire along
with a
discussion of how the questionnaire measures the reader’s
leadership style.
Each chapter ends with a summary and references.
Leadership is a topic with universal appeal; in the popular press
academic research literature, much has been written about
Despite the abundance of writing on the topic, leadership has
a major challenge to practitioners and researchers interested in
standing the nature of leadership. It is a highly valued
phenomenon that
is very complex.
Through the years, leadership has been defined and
in many ways. The component common to nearly all
classifications is
that leadership is an influence process that assists groups of
toward goal attainment. Specifically, in this book leadership is
defined as
Chapter 1 Introduction 15
a process whereby an individual influences a group of
individuals to
achieve a common goal.
Because both leaders and followers are part of the leadership
process, it
is important to address issues that confront followers as well as
issues that
confront leaders. Leaders and followers should be understood in
to each other.
In prior research, many studies have focused on leadership as a
The trait perspective suggests that certain people in our society
have spe-
cial inborn qualities that make them leaders. This view restricts
to those who are believed to have special characteristics. In
contrast, the
approach in this text suggests that leadership is a process that
can be
learned, and that it is available to everyone.
Two common forms of leadership are assigned and emergent.
leadership is based on a formal title or position in an
organization. Emer-
gent leadership results from what one does and how one
acquires support
from followers. Leadership, as a process, applies to individuals
in both
assigned roles and emergent roles.
Related to leadership is the concept of power, the potential to
ence. There are two major kinds of power: position and
personal. Position
power, which is much like assigned leadership, is the power an
derives from having a title in a formal organizational system. It
legitimate, reward, and coercive power. Personal power comes
from follow-
ers and includes referent and expert power. Followers give it to
because followers believe leaders have something of value.
Treating power
as a shared resource is important because it deemphasizes the
idea that
leaders are power wielders.
While coercion has been a common power brought to bear by
individuals in charge, it should not be viewed as ideal
leadership. Our
definition of leadership stresses using influence to bring
individuals toward
a common goal, while coercion involves the use of threats and
to induce change in followers for the sake of the leaders.
Coercion runs
counter to leadership because it does not treat leadership as a
process that
emphasizes working with followers to achieve shared
Leadership and management are different concepts that overlap.
are different in that management traditionally focuses on the
activities of
planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling, whereas
emphasizes the general influence process. According to some
management is concerned with creating order and stability,
whereas lead-
ership is about adaptation and constructive change. Other
researchers go
so far as to argue that managers and leaders are different types
of people,
with managers being more reactive and less emotionally
involved and
leaders being more proactive and more emotionally involved.
The over-
lap between leadership and management is centered on how both
influencing a group of individuals in goal attainment.
In this book, we discuss leadership as a complex process. Based
on the
research literature, we describe selected approaches to
leadership and
assess how they can be used to improve leadership in real
Visit the Student Study Site at
for web quizzes, leadership questionnaires, and media links
sented by the icons.
Bass, B. M. (1990). Bass and Stogdill’s handbook of leadership:
A survey of theory
and research. New York: Free Press.
Bennis, W. G., & Nanus, B. (1985). Leaders: The strategies for
taking charge. New York:
Harper & Row.
Bryman, A. (1992). Charisma and leadership in organizations.
London: Sage.
Bryman, A., Collinson, D., Grint, K., Jackson, G., Uhl-Bien, M.
(Eds.). (2011).
The SAGE handbook of leadership. London, UK: Sage.
Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row.
Copeland, N. (1942). Psychology and the soldier. Harrisburg,
PA: Military Service
Day, D. V., & Antonakis, J. (Eds.). (2012). The nature of
leadership (2nd ed.).
Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Fayol, H. (1916). General and industrial management. London:
Fisher, B. A. (1974). Small group decision making:
Communication and the group
process. New York: McGraw-Hill.
Fleishman, E. A., Mumford, M. D., Zaccaro, S. J., Levin, K. Y.,
Korotkin, A. L., &
Hein, M. B. (1991). Taxonomic efforts in the description of
leader behavior: A
synthesis and functional interpretation. Leadership Quarterly,
2(4), 245–287.
French, J. R., Jr., & Raven, B. (1959). The bases of social
power. In D. Cartwright
(Ed.), Studies in social power (pp. 259–269). Ann Arbor, MI:
Institute for Social
Gardner, J. W. (1990). On leadership. New York: Free Press.
Chapter 1 Introduction 17
Heller, T., & Van Til, J. (1983). Leadership and followership:
Some summary
propositions. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 18, 405–
Hemphill, J. K. (1949). Situational factors in leadership.
Columbus: Ohio State
University, Bureau of Educational Research.
Hickman, G. R. (Ed.). (2009). Leading organizations:
Perspectives for a new era
(2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
Hogg, M. A. (2001). A social identity theory of leadership.
Personality and Social
Psychology Review, 5, 184–200.
Hollander, E. P. (1992). Leadership, followership, self, and
others. Leadership
Quarterly, 3(1), 43–54.
Jago, A. G. (1982). Leadership: Perspectives in theory and
research. Management
Science, 28(3), 315–336.
Kotter, J. P. (1990). A force for change: How leadership differs
from management.
New York: Free Press.
Moore, B. V. (1927). The May conference on leadership.
Personnel Journal, 6,
Mumford, M. D. (2006). Pathways to outstanding leadership: A
analysis of charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leaders.
Mahwah, NJ:
Lawrence Erlbaum.
Peters, T. J., & Waterman, R. H. (1982). In search of
excellence: Lessons from
America’s best-run companies. New York: Warner Books.
Rost, J. C. (1991). Leadership for the twenty-first century. New
York: Praeger.
Seeman, M. (1960). Social status and leadership. Columbus:
Ohio State
University, Bureau of Educational Research.
Smith, J. A., & Foti, R. J. (1998). A pattern approach to the
study of leader
emergence. Leadership Quarterly, 9(2), 147–160.
Stogdill, R. M. (1974). Handbook of leadership: A survey of
theory and research.
New York: Free Press.
Watson, C., & Hoffman, L. R. (2004). The role of task-related
behavior in the
emergence of leaders. Group & Organization Management,
29(6), 659–685.
Zaleznik, A. (1977, May–June). Managers and leaders: Are they
different? Harvard
Business Review, 55, 67–78.
Trait Approach
Of interest to scholars throughout the 20th century, the trait
was one of the first systematic attempts to study leadership. In
the early
20th century, leadership traits were studied to determine what
made certain
people great leaders. The theories that were developed were
called “great
man” theories because they focused on identifying the innate
qualities and
characteristics possessed by great social, political, and military
leaders (e.g.,
Catherine the Great, Mohandas Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Abraham
Joan of Arc, and Napoleon Bonaparte). It was believed that
people were
born with these traits, and that only the “great” people
possessed them.
During this time, research concentrated on determining the
specific traits
that clearly differentiated leaders from followers (Bass, 1990;
Jago, 1982).
In the mid-20th century, the trait approach was challenged by
that questioned the universality of leadership traits. In a major
Stogdill (1948) suggested that no consistent set of traits
leaders from nonleaders across a variety of situations. An
individual with
leadership traits who was a leader in one situation might not be
a leader in
another situation. Rather than being a quality that individuals
leadership was reconceptualized as a relationship between
people in a
social situation. Personal factors related to leadership continued
to be
important, but researchers contended that these factors were to
be consid-
ered as relative to the requirements of the situation.
The trait approach has generated much interest among
researchers for
its explanation of how traits influence leadership (Bryman,
1992). For
example, an analysis of much of the previous trait research by
DeVader, and Alliger (1986) found that personality traits were
associated with individuals’ perceptions of leadership.
Similarly, Kirkpatrick
2.1 Everyday Leaders 2.1 Study of Leadership
and Locke (1991) went so far as to claim that effective leaders
are actually
distinct types of people in several key respects.
The trait approach has earned new interest through the current
sis given by many researchers to visionary and charismatic
leadership (see
Bass, 1990; Bennis & Nanus, 1985; Nadler & Tushman, 1989;
2007; Zaleznik, 1977). Charismatic leadership catapulted to the
of public attention with the 2008 election of the United States’
first African
American president, Barack Obama, who is charismatic, among
other attributes. In a study to determine what distinguishes
leaders from others, Jung and Sosik (2006) found that
charismatic leaders
consistently possess traits of self-monitoring, engagement in
management, motivation to attain social power, and motivation
to attain
self-actualization. In short, the trait approach is alive and well.
It began
with an emphasis on identifying the qualities of great persons,
shifted to
include the impact of situations on leadership, and, currently,
has shifted
back to reemphasize the critical role of traits in effective
Although the research on traits spanned the entire 20th century,
a good
overview of this approach is found in two surveys completed by
(1948, 1974). In his first survey, Stogdill analyzed and
synthesized more
than 124 trait studies conducted between 1904 and 1947. In his
study, he analyzed another 163 studies completed between 1948
and 1970.
By taking a closer look at each of these reviews, we can obtain
a clearer
picture of how individuals’ traits contribute to the leadership
Stogdill’s first survey identified a group of important leadership
that were related to how individuals in various groups became
leaders. His
results showed that the average individual in the leadership role
is different
from an average group member with regard to the following
eight traits:
intelligence, alertness, insight, responsibility, initiative,
persistence, self-
confidence, and sociability.
The findings of Stogdill’s first survey also indicated that an
does not become a leader solely because that individual
possesses certain
traits. Rather, the traits that leaders possess must be relevant to
situations in
which the leader is functioning. As stated earlier, leaders in one
may not necessarily be leaders in another situation. Findings
showed that
leadership was not a passive state but resulted from a working
between the leader and other group members. This research
marked the
beginning of a new approach to leadership research that focused
on leader-
ship behaviors and leadership situations.
2.2 Role of Consultant Nurses 2.1 Trait Leadership
Chapter 2 Trait Approach 21
Stogdill’s second survey, published in 1974, analyzed 163 new
and compared the findings of these studies to the findings he
had reported
in his first survey. The second survey was more balanced in its
of the role of traits and leadership. Whereas the first survey
implied that
leadership is determined principally by situational factors and
not person-
ality factors, the second survey argued more moderately that
both personal-
ity and situational factors were determinants of leadership. In
essence, the
second survey validated the original trait idea that a leader’s
are indeed a part of leadership.
Similar to the first survey, Stogdill’s second survey also
identified traits
that were positively associated with leadership. The list
included the follow-
ing 10 characteristics:
1. drive for responsibility and task completion;
2. vigor and persistence in pursuit of goals;
3. risk taking and originality in problem solving;
4. drive to exercise initiative in social situations;
5. self-confidence and sense of personal identity;
6. willingness to accept consequences of decision and action;
7. readiness to absorb interpersonal stress;
8. willingness to tolerate frustration and delay;
9. ability to influence other people’s behavior; and
10. capacity to structure social interaction systems to the
purpose at hand.
Mann (1959) conducted a similar study that examined more than
findings regarding personality and leadership in small groups,
but he
placed less emphasis on how situational factors influenced
Although tentative in his conclusions, Mann suggested that
traits could be used to distinguish leaders from nonleaders. His
identified leaders as strong in the following six traits:
intelligence, mascu-
linity, adjustment, dominance, extraversion, and conservatism.
Lord et al. (1986) reassessed Mann’s (1959) findings using a
sophisticated procedure called meta-analysis. Lord et al. found
that intel-
ligence, masculinity, and dominance were significantly related
to how
individuals perceived leaders. From their findings, the authors
2.1 Great Man Theory
strongly that personality traits could be used to make
discriminations con-
sistently across situations between leaders and nonleaders.
Both of these studies were conducted during periods in
American his-
tory where male leadership was prevalent in most aspects of
business and
society. In Chapter 14, we explore more contemporary research
the role of gender in leadership, and we look at whether traits
such as
masculinity and dominance still bear out as important factors in
guishing between leaders and nonleaders.
Yet another review argues for the importance of leadership
traits: Kirk-
patrick and Locke (1991, p. 59) contended that “it is
unequivocally clear
that leaders are not like other people.” From a qualitative
synthesis of
earlier research, Kirkpatrick and Locke postulated that leaders
from nonleaders on six traits: drive, motivation, integrity,
cognitive ability, and task knowledge. According to these
writers, indi-
viduals can be born with these traits, they can learn them, or
both. It is
these six traits that make up the “right stuff” for leaders.
Kirkpatrick and
Locke contended that leadership traits make some people
different from
others, and this difference should be recognized as an important
part of
the leadership process.
In the 1990s, researchers began to investigate the leadership
traits asso-
ciated with “social intelligence,” characterized as those abilities
to under-
stand one’s own and others’ feelings, behaviors, and thoughts
and to act
appropriately (Marlowe, 1986). Zaccaro (2002) defined social
gence as having such capacities as social awareness, social
acumen, self-
monitoring, and the ability to select and enact the best response
given the
contingencies of the situation and social environment. A number
empirical studies showed these capacities to be a key trait for
leaders. Zaccaro, Kemp, and Bader (2004) included such social
in the categories of leadership traits they outlined as important
attributes (see Table 2.1).
Table 2.1 provides a summary of the traits and characteristics
that were
identified by researchers from the trait approach. It illustrates
clearly the
breadth of traits related to leadership. Table 2.1 also shows how
difficult it
is to select certain traits as definitive leadership traits; some of
the traits
appear in several of the survey studies, whereas others appear in
only one
or two studies. Regardless of the lack of precision in Table 2.1,
however, it
represents a general convergence of research regarding which
traits are
leadership traits.
2.3 Importance of Leadership Traits
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
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FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
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FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
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FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
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FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
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FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
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FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. ©  SAG
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FollowershipChapter 12Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAG

  • 1. Followership Chapter 12 Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 2 2 Overview Followership Description Followership Defined Role-Based and Relational-Based Perspectives Typologies of Followership Theoretical Approaches Followership and Destructive Leaders How Does Followership Work? Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 3 Followership Description Followers play a central role in the leadership process. Historically, leaders have captured most of our attention. Leaders have been viewed as the causal agents for organizational change. Today, researchers view leadership as a shared process. Leaders and followers are interdependent.
  • 2. The world needs more followers, and less glorified leaders. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 4 Followership Defined Followership--is a process whereby an individual or individuals accept the influence of others to accomplish a common goal. Followership has an ethical dimension; it is not morally neutral. There are ethical consequences to followership; the character and behavior of followers have an impact on organizational outcomes. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 5 Role-Based Perspective Focus is on the typical roles followers enact while occupying a formal or informal position within a hierarchical system. Followers’ behaviors affect the leader and organizational outcomes. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 6 Relational-Based Perspective Based on social constructivism: People create meaning about their reality as they interact with each other. Followership is co-created by the leader and follower in a given situation through communication. Leadership occurs as people exert influence on each other and respond to those influence attempts. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
  • 3. 7 Four Typologies of Followership Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 8 Zaleznik Typology (1965) Psychological view of follower behaviors Two axes of follower behaviors: -dominance/submission -passivity/activity Four types of followers - withdrawn (submissive/passive) - masochistic (submissive/active) - compulsive (dominance/passive) - impulsive (dominance/active) Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 9 Types represent followers’ responses to inner tensions regarding
  • 4. authority. Tensions may be unconscious but often come to the surface when interacting with the leader. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 10 Kelly Typology (1992) Most recognized followership typology Followers are enormously valuable to organizations Emphasizes the motivations of followers What accounts for exemplary followership? Two axes of follower behavior: - independent critical thinking/dependent uncritical thinking - active/passive Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 11 Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 12
  • 5. Passive followers: Look to leader for direction and motivation Conformist followers: On the leader’s side but still look for direction and guidance Alienated followers: Think for themselves and exhibit negative energy Exemplary followers: Active, positive, and offer independent constructive criticism Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 13 Effective followers share same qualities: They self-manage and think for themselves; exercise control, work without supervision. They show strong commitment to organizational goals and well as personal goals. They build their competence and master job skills. They are credible, ethical, and courageous. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 14 Chaleff Typology (1995, 2003, 2008) Developed from WWI experience. Why do people follow toxic leaders like Hitler? What can be done to prevent this from recurring? Followers serve a common purpose along with leaders. Followers need to take a more proactive role. Followers need to take more responsibility, feel more agency, and confidence in ability to influence others. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 15
  • 6. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 16 Prescriptive approach to making courageous followers: Assume responsibility for the common purpose Support the leader and organization Constructively challenge the leader if the common purpose or integrity of the group is being threatened Champion the need for change when necessary Take a moral stand that is different from the leader’s to prevent ethical abuses Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 17 Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 18 Two axes of courageous followership: - courage to support (low–high) - courage to challenge (low–high) Four styles of followership
  • 7. - Resource (low support, low challenge) - Individualist (low support, high challenge) - Implementer (high support, low challenge) - Partner (high support, high challenge) Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 19 Kellerman Typology (2008) Developed from perspective of political science Leaders’ importance overestimated because they have more power, authority and influence; importance of followers is underestimated. Followers are “unleaders” with less rank and who defer to leaders. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 20 Followers differentiated on one attribute: Level of engagement (low–high) Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 21
  • 8. Five levels of followers: Isolates are completely unengaged. Bystanders are observers who do not participate. Participants are partially engaged and willing to take a stand on issues. Activists feel strongly about the leader and the leader’s policies and act on their own beliefs. Diehards are totally dedicated to their cause; deeply committed to supporting the leader or opposing the leader. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 22 The Value of Typologies Provide a starting point for research Highlight many ways followers have been conceptualized Share some commonaliti es among them Provide labels for follower types which can assist leaders in effectively communicating with them Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 23 Theoretical Approaches to Followership Uhl-Bien (2014)--Followership is comprised of “characteristics, behaviors and processes of individuals acting in relation to leaders.” Followership is a relationally-based process that includes how followers and leaders interact to construct leadership and its outcomes. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 24
  • 9. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 25 Follower characteristics - attributes, traits, motivations, and perceptions Leader characteristics - attributes, power, perceptions, and affect Followership and leadership behaviors - Extent to which followers obey, defer to, or resist the leader - How leader influences followers to respond Followership outcomes -Results that influence the follower, leader, their relationship, and the leadership process. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 26 Two Theoretical Frameworks Reversing the Lens Focus on how followers affect leaders and organizational outcomes Followers can be change agents -Impact of follower characteristics onfollowerbehavior - Impact of follower behavior on leaderperceptions and behaviors and vice versa - Impact of both followers and leaders on followership outcomes Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019.
  • 10. 27 Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 28 The Leadership Co-Created Process One person’s leadership behaviors interact with another person’s followership behaviors to create leadership and its outcomes. Leader behaviors are influence attempts. Follower behaviors grant power to another, comply, or challenge. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 29 Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 30 New Perspectives on Followership Carsten, Harms, and Uhl-Bien, 2014
  • 11. Followers get the job done Followers work in the best interest of the organization’s mission Followers challenge leaders Followers support the leader Followers learn from leaders Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 31 Followership and Destructive Leaders Lipman-Blumen: The Allure of Toxic Leaders (2005) Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 32 How Followership Works Discussing followership elevates its importance and the value of followers Followership is about how individuals accept influence of others to reach a common goal Research helps us understand why harmful leadership occurs and sometimes goes unrestrained Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 33 Strengths Recognizes followership as an integral part of the leadership equation Forces a whole new way for people to think about leadership, and to focus on followers Views leadership as co-constructed
  • 12. Provides a set of basic prescriptions for what a follower should or shouldn’t’ do to be effective Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 34 Criticisms Little methodical research ahs been done so far Current followership literature primarily based on observation and anecdote Leader-centric view of leadership may be too ingrained for followership to gain importance Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 35 Application Followership is as important as leadership. Learning about leadership can be useful for organizational training and development. Leaders can learn how to understand followers and how to most effectively work with them. Northouse, Leadership 8e. © SAGE Publications, 2019. 36 36 EDU562 Week 4: Global Perspectives in Teacher Education;
  • 13. Research and Practice Slide # Topics Narration Slide 1 Introduction Welcome to Global Leaders in Education. In this lesson, we will discuss Global Perspectives in Teacher Education; Research and Practice. Next slide. Slide 2 Topics The following topics will be covered in this lesson: Historical Tracing and Conceptual Framework; Global Content; Teacher Field Experiences; Teacher Education Students’ Prior Knowledge and Global - Mindedness; and Teacher Education Faculty Development. Next slide. Slide 3 Historical Tracing and Conceptual Framework Let‘s begin this discussion with Historical tracing and conceptual framework. Teacher educators today are faced with an urgent responsibility to transform curriculum and pedagogy to better prepare teachers in educating the young generation about increasing global interdependence and their role in the emerging global society. Over the past two decades, colleges and universities have attempted to
  • 14. respond to these responsibilites by increasingly adding a global dimension to their teacher education programs. They have done so by encouraging the study of foreign languages, creating internationally focused courses, organizing cross-cultural fieldwork experiences, offering extracurricular activities that are internationally oriented, and other policies and practices to help prospective and practicing teachers gain knowledge, skills, and dispositions to teach from a global viewpoint. Global education became the topic of choice during the late 1960s and early 1970s when educators and scholars introduced the public to what would happen if we had global interdependence. The first teacher education program for global perspectives began at the Center for Teaching International Relations at the University of Denver in 1969. It continued to grow with preparation programs opening in 1971, 1972, and 1973. In the early 1980s, more programs were initiated because this was known as the golden years of global education. However, progress was hampered in the mid-1980s by emerging attacks on global education. Then in the 1990s, accelerating growth of global interdependence in the economy, technology, politics, and culture have brought global perspectives to the forefront of teacher education again. Colleges and universities have come to recognize that the United States is a part of an interdependent and interconnected global system. Now the question is what does it mean to teach from a global perspective? What are the core elements in teacher education programs that are globally oriented? Even though educators and scholars emphasize different aspects of interdependence, they all share the idea that a global perspective course is more than courses on world geography and world history and requires a holistic
  • 15. approach that gives students an understanding of Slide 4 Teacher Field Experiences As a result of preparing teachers with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards global education, various articles, reviews, and books have been written. Much of this research examines effects of international field experiences, particular overseas student teaching, on the global awareness of teacher candidates. Field experiences have long been identified by both teacher educators and prospective and experienced teachers as a major part of preservice teacher preparation. Field experiences ar e the key components of preparation where teacher candidates learn to bridge theory and practice and develop pedagogical and curricular strategies for meaningful learning. In an attempt to improve the preparation of teachers with global perspectives, teacher programs have designed international field experiences. These international field experiences are organized in various ways, and range in duration from two weeks to daily full- time student teaching for a semester. A good number of research studies have been conducted to examine both the short term and long term student teaching experiences on the development of global perspectives among preservice teachers. The students who completed a four week international practicum working with students and teachers in a private school in Italy showed overall benefits that included both personal change and professional growth, such as a better appreciation of and respect for differences of others and other cultures. The students who completes a full semester
  • 16. in an international student teaching long term experience, showed a shift in consciousness and perspective, an empathetic understanding of the world and its people, an appreciation for other cultures and perspectives, and awareness of both global and domestic diversity. Next slide. Slide 5 Global Content Leading scholars in the field have long argued that global content should be an essential part of efforts in globalizing teacher education to help prospective and practicing teachers acquire the knowledge of the world and its people. A globally oriented science education program that is used in teacher preparation programs is called Earth Systems Education. This program evolves a concept of science literacy that is more attentive to the post Cold-War global intellectual climate that places Earth at the center of the science teaching and learning. This new paradigm of science education has influenced the curriculum development and teachers’ learning. Social Studies teacher candidates learn global content, along with cross-cultural experiential learning, global pedagogy in the methods class, and practice in their field. Teacher candidates are encouraged to look at their entire program and take courses that will both prepare them to teach about various regions of the world and give them a global perspective on topics such as population or politics. The promotion of technology in teacher education over the past decade has shifted emphasis from technology taught as a separate course to technology integrated into academic courses. Teacher education scholars have been
  • 17. particularly interested in exploring the potential of Internet based technology, such as computer-mediated communication, in building cross-cultural understanding and promoting global awareness among preservice teachers. Research has found that technology has shaped the student teachers’ understanding of the importance of teaching global perspectives and believed the potential of Internet-based technology lies in two equally important features: the advantage of instant access to updated worldwide information from various sources and a tool for communication across time, space, and culture. Next slide. Slide 6 Teacher Education Students’ Prior Knowledge and Global Mindedness Another line of research is to investigate student teachers’ prior knowledge of and dispositions toward global education. In most of the studies that were done, teacher candidates reported knowing most about the reasons for war and famine and least about the reasons for economic problems in less economically developed nations and human rights abuse. Teacher candidates’ perceived levels of knowledge varied according to the grade level they planned to teach and their own education level whether it be undergraduate or graduate. Some teacher candidates expressed a concern that global education issues are sensitive, controversial, and complex. Many scholars in education have argued that to successfully globalize teacher education there is a critical
  • 18. need to foster teacher education faculty commitment to, understanding of, and support for the movement. The common core elements of teacher education development was leadership among administrators, collaboration among colleagues, and a sense of community between the faculty and the administrators. Next slide. Slide 7 Check Your Understanding Slide 8 Summary We have now reached the end of this lesson. Let’s take a look at what we’ve covered. First, we discussed what teacher educators are doing to increase the students’ familiarity with global interdependence and their roles in a global society. Over the past two decades, colleges and universities have attempted to respond to these responsibilites by increasingly adding a global dimension to their teacher education programs. They have done so by encouraging the study of foreign languages, creating internationally focused courses, organizing cross-cultural fieldwork experiences, offering extracurricular activities that are internationally oriented, and other policies and practices to help prospective and practicing teachers gain knowledge, skills, and dispositions to teach from a global viewpoint. Next, we were introduced to three types of field experiences. The first was international. Designing international field experiences is one of the major ways teacher education programs have attempted to improve the
  • 19. preparation of teachers with global perspectives. The second is short term field experiences. These are around four to six weeks of experiences in a foreign country. Long term field experiences can last from a semester to a year long. These types of field experiences had overall benefits that included both personal change and professional growth, such as a better appreciation of and respect for differences of others and other cultures. Then, we learned that leading scholars in the field have long argued that global content should be an essential part of efforts in globalizing teacher education to help prospective and practicing teachers acquire the knowledge of the world and its people. Finally, we discussed how global content is incorporated into the social studies and science teachers’ fieldwork and course study. Students are now being encouraged to take courses that will increase their global awareness. This completes the lesson. Global Leaders in Education EDU 562 Global Perspectives in Teacher Education; Research and Practice *
  • 20. Welcome to Global Leaders in Education. In this lesson, we will discuss Global Perspectives in Teacher Education; Research and Practice. Next slide. TopicsHistorical Tracing and Conceptual FrameworkGlobal ContentTeacher Field ExperiencesTeacher Education Students’ Prior Knowledge and Global-MindednessTeacher Education Faculty Development The following topics will be covered in this lesson: Historical Tracing and Conceptual Framework; Global Content; Teacher Field Experiences; Teacher Education Students’ Prior Knowledge and Global- Mindedness; and Teacher Education Faculty Development. Next slide. * Historical Tracing and Conceptual Framework Selection and Evaluation Procedures Research on Global Perspectives for Teacher Education
  • 21. Let‘s begin this discussion with Historical tracing and conceptual framework. Teacher educators today are faced with an urgent responsibility to transform curriculum and pedagogy to better prepare teachers in educating the young generation about increasing global interdependence and their role in the emerging global society. Over the past two decades, colleges and universities have attempted to respond to these responsibilites by increasingly adding a global dimension to their teacher education programs. They have done so by encouraging the study of foreign languages, creating internationally focused courses, organizing cross-cultural fieldwork experiences, offering extracurricular activities that are internationally oriented, and other policies and practices to help prospective and practicing teachers gain knowledge, skills, and dispositions to teach from a global viewpoint. Global education became the topic of choice during the late 1960s and early 1970s when educators and scholars introduced the public to what would happen if we had global interdependence. The first teacher education program for global perspectives began at the Center for Teaching International Relations at the University of Denver in 1969. It continued to grow with preparation programs opening in 1971, 1972, and 1973. In the early 1980s, more programs were initiated because this was known as the golden years of global education. However, progress was hampered in the mid-1980s by emerging attacks on global education. Then in the 1990s, accelerating growth of global interdependence in the economy, technology, politics, and culture have brought global perspectives to the forefront of teacher education again. Colleges and universities have come to recognize that the United States is a part of an interdependent and interconnected global system. Now the question is what
  • 22. does it mean to teach from a global perspective? What are the core elements in teacher education programs that are globally oriented? Even though educators and scholars emphasize different aspects of interdependence, they all share the idea that a global perspective course is more than courses on world geography and world history and requires a holistic approach that gives students an understanding of themselves and their relationship to the world community. Global education should prepare teachers to build bridges across cultural boundaries and citizens to be able to communicate and collborate with those whose attitudes, values, knowledge, and ways of doing things differ significantly from their own. Next slide. * Teacher Field ExperiencesInternational Field ExperiencesShort term Field ExperiencesLong term Field Experiences As a result of preparing teachers with the knowledge, skills, and attitudes towards global education, various articles, reviews, and books have been written. Much of this research examines effects of international field experiences, particular overseas student teaching, on the global awareness of teacher candidates. Field experiences have long been identified by both teacher educators and prospective and experienced teachers as a major part of preservice teacher preparation. Field experiences are the key components of preparation where teacher candidates learn to bridge theory and practice and develop pedagogical and curricular strategies for meaningful learning. In an attempt to improve the preparation of teachers with global perspectives, teacher programs have designed international field experiences. These international field experiences are organized in various
  • 23. ways, and range in duration from two weeks to daily full-time student teaching for a semester. A good number of research studies have been conducted to examine both the short term and long term student teaching experiences on the development of global perspectives among preservice teachers. The students who completed a four week international practicum working with students and teachers in a private school in Italy showed overall benefits that included both personal change and professional growth, such as a better appreciation of and respect for differences of others and other cultures. The students who completes a full semester in an international student teaching long term experience, showed a shift in consciousness and perspective, an empathetic understanding of the world and its people, an appreciation for other cultures and perspectives, and awareness of both global and domestic diversity. Next slide. * Global Content Earth Systems Education Social Studies Education Technology Leading scholars in the field have long argued that global
  • 24. content should be an essential part of efforts in globalizing teacher education to help prospective and practicing teachers acquire the knowledge of the world and its people. A globally oriented science education program that is used in teacher preparation programs is called Earth Systems Education. This program evolves a concept of science literacy that is more attentive to the post Cold-War global intellectual climate that places Earth at the center of the science teaching and learning. This new paradigm of science education has influenced the curriculum development and teachers’ learning. Social Studies teacher candidates learn global content, along with cross-cultural experiential learning, global pedagogy in the methods class, and practice in their field. Teacher candidates are encouraged to look at their entire program and take courses that will both prepare them to teach about various regions of the world and give them a global perspective on topics such as population or politics. The promotion of technology in teacher education over the past decade has shifted emphasis from technology taught as a separate course to technology integrated into academic courses. Teacher education scholars have been particularly interested in exploring the potential of Internet based technology, such as computer-mediated communication, in building cross-cultural understanding and promoting global awareness among preservice teachers. Research has found that technology has shaped the student teachers’ understanding of the importance of teaching global perspectives and believed the potential of Internet-based technology lies in two equally important features: the advantage of instant access to updated worldwide information from various sources and a tool for communication across time, space, and culture. Next slide. *
  • 25. Teacher Education Students’ Prior Knowledge and Global Mindedness Teacher Education Faculty Development Another line of research is to investigate student teachers’ prior knowledge of and dispositions toward global education. In most of the studies that were done, teacher candidates reported knowing most about the reasons for war and famine and least about the reasons for economic problems in less economically developed nations and human rights abuse. Teacher candidates’ perceived levels of knowledge varied according to the grade level they planned to teach and their own education level whether it be undergraduate or graduate. Some teacher candidates expressed a concern that global education issues are sensitive, controversial, and complex. Many scholars in education have argued that to successfully globalize teacher education there is a critical need to foster teacher education faculty commitment to, understanding of, and support for the movement. The common core elements of teacher education development was leadership among administrators, collaboration among colleagues, and a sense of community between the faculty and the administrators. Next slide. * CYU_W4
  • 26. * Summary Historical Tracing and Conceptual FrameworkGlobal ContentTeacher Field ExperiencesTeacher Education Students’ Prior Knowledge and Global-MindednessTeacher Education Faculty Development We have now reached the end of this lesson. Let’s take a look at what we’ve covered. First, we discussed what teacher educators are doing to increase the students’ familiarity with global interdependence and their roles in a global society. Over the past two decades, colleges and universities have attempted to respond to these responsibilites by increasingly adding a global dimension to their teacher education programs. They have done so by encouraging the study of foreign languages, creating internationally focused courses, organizing cross-cultural fieldwork experiences, offering extracurricular activities that are internationally oriented, and other policies and practices to help prospective and practicing teachers gain knowledge, skills, and dispositions to teach from a global viewpoint. Next, we were introduced to three types of field experiences. The first was international. Designing international field experiences is one of the major ways teacher education programs have attempted to improve the preparation of teachers with global perspectives. The second is short term field experiences. These are around four to six weeks of experiences in a foreign country. Long term field experiences can last from
  • 27. a semester to a year long. These types of field experiences had overall benefits that included both personal change and professional growth, such as a better appreciation of and respect for differences of others and other cultures. Then, we learned that leading scholars in the field have long argued that global content should be an essential part of efforts in globalizing teacher education to help prospective and practicing teachers acquire the knowledge of the world and its people. Finally, we discussed how global content is incorporated into the social studies and science teachers’ fieldwork and course study. Students are now being encouraged to take courses that will increase their global awareness. This completes the lesson. * Leadership six th edition To Laurel, Scott, Lisa, and Madison Peter G. Northouse Western Michigan University Leadership Theor y and prac tice • Six th Edition
  • 28. To Laurel, Scott, Lisa, and Madison Peter G. Northouse Western Michigan University Leadership Theor y and prac tice • Six th Edition Copyright © 2013 by SAGE Publications, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or utilized in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher. Printed in the United States of America Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data Northouse, Peter Guy. Leadership : theory and practice / Peter G. Northouse. -- 6th ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 978-1-4522-0340-9 (pbk.)
  • 29. 1. Leadership. 2. Leadership--Case studies. I. Title. HM1261.N67 2013 303.3′4--dc23 2011049043 12 13 14 15 16 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 FOR INFORMATION: SAGE Publications, Inc. 2455 Teller Road Thousand Oaks, California 91320 E-mail: [email protected] SAGE Publications Ltd. 1 Oliver’s Yard 55 City Road London EC1Y 1SP United Kingdom SAGE Publications India Pvt. Ltd. B 1/I 1 Mohan Cooperative Industrial Area Mathura Road, New Delhi 110 044 India SAGE Publications Asia-Pacific Pte. Ltd.
  • 30. 33 Pekin Street #02-01 Far East Square Singapore 048763 Acquiring Editor: Lisa Cuevas Shaw and Patricia Quinlin Associate Editor: Maggie Stanley Editorial Assistant: Mayan N. White Assistant Editor: MaryAnn Vail Project Editor: Eric Garner Copy Editor: Melinda Masson Typesetter: C&M Digitals (P) Ltd. Proofreader: Susan Schon Indexer: Judy Hunt Cover Designer: Gail Buschman Marketing Manager: Helen Salmon/Liz Thorton Permissions Editor: Karen Ehrmann Contents
  • 31. Preface xiii Special Features xiv Audience xiv Acknowledgments xvii 1. Introduction 1 Leadership Defined 2 Ways of Conceptualizing Leadership 4 Definition and Components 5 Leadership Described 6 Trait Versus Process Leadership 7 Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership 8 Leadership and Power 9 Leadership and Coercion 11 Leadership and Management 12 Plan of the Book 14 Summary 14 References 16 2. Trait Approach 19 Description 19 Intelligence 23 Self-Confidence 24 Determination 25 Integrity 25 Sociability 26 Five-Factor Personality Model and Leadership 26 Emotional Intelligence 27 How Does the Trait Approach Work? 28 Strengths 29
  • 32. Criticisms 30 Application 32 Case Studies 32 Case 2.1 Choosing a New Director of Research 33 Case 2.2 A Remarkable Turnaround 34 Case 2.3 Recruiting for the Bank 36 Leadership Instrument 37 Leadership Trait Questionnaire (LTQ) 38 Summary 40 References 41 3. Skills Approach 43 Description 43 Three-Skill Approach 44 Skills Model 47 How Does the Skills Approach Work? 57 Strengths 58 Criticisms 59 Application 60 Case Studies 61 Case 3.1 A Strained Research Team 61 Case 3.2 A Shift for Lieutenant Colonel Adams 63 Case 3.3 Andy’s Recipe 65 Leadership Instrument 67 Skills Inventory 69 Summary 71
  • 33. References 72 4. Style Approach 75 Description 75 The Ohio State Studies 76 The University of Michigan Studies 77 Blake and Mouton’s Managerial (Leadership) Grid 78 Paternalism/Maternalism 81 Opportunism 82 How Does the Style Approach Work? 83 Strengths 84 Criticisms 85 Application 86 Case Studies 87 Case 4.1 A Drill Sergeant at First 87 Case 4.2 Eating Lunch Standing Up 88 Case 4.3 We Are Family 89 Leadership Instrument 92 Style Questionnaire 93 Summary 95 References 96 5. Situational Approach 99 Description 99 Leadership Styles 101 Development Levels 102 How Does the Situational Approach Work? 103
  • 34. Strengths 105 Criticisms 106 Application 109 Case Studies 110 Case 5.1 What Style Do I Use? 110 Case 5.2 Why Aren’t They Listening? 111 Case 5.3 Getting the Message Across 113 Leadership Instrument 114 Situational Leadership 116 Summary 119 References 120 6. Contingency Theory 123 Description 123 Leadership Styles 123 Situational Variables 124 How Does Contingency Theory Work? 126 Strengths 127 Criticisms 128 Application 130 Case Studies 130 Case 6.1 No Control Over the Student Council 131 Case 6.2 Giving Him a Hard Time 131 Case 6.3 What’s the Best Leader Match? 132 Leadership Instrument 133 Least Preferred Coworker (LPC) Measure 134 Summary 135 References 136
  • 35. 7. Path–Goal Theory 137 Description 137 Leader Behaviors 139 Subordinate Characteristics 141 Task Characteristics 142 How Does Path–Goal Theory Work? 143 Strengths 145 Criticisms 145 Application 147 Case Studies 148 Case 7.1 Three Shifts, Three Supervisors 148 Case 7.2 Direction for Some, Support for Others 150 Case 7.3 Marathon Runners at Different Levels 152 Leadership Instrument 154 Path–Goal Leadership Questionnaire 155 Summary 157 References 158 8. Leader–Member Exchange Theory 161 Description 161 Early Studies 161 Later Studies 164 Leadership Making 165 How Does LMX Theory Work? 168 Strengths 169
  • 36. Criticisms 170 Application 172 Case Studies 173 Case 8.1 His Team Gets the Best Assignments 174 Case 8.2 Working Hard at Being Fair 175 Case 8.3 Taking on Additional Responsibilities 177 Leadership Instrument 179 LMX 7 Questionnaire 180 Summary 182 References 183 9. Transformational Leadership 185 Description 185 Transformational Leadership Defined 186 Transformational Leadership and Charisma 187 A Model of Transformational Leadership 189 Other Transformational Perspectives 196 How Does the Transformational Approach Work? 199 Strengths 200 Criticisms 202 Application 204 Case Studies 205 Case 9.1 The Vision Failed 206 Case 9.2 An Exploration in Leadership 207 Case 9.3 Her Vision of a Model Research Center 209 Leadership Instrument 211
  • 37. Sample Items From the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) Form 5X-Short 213 Summary 214 References 215 10. Servant Leadership 219 Description 219 Servant Leadership Defined 220 Historical Basis of Servant Leadership 220 Ten Characteristics of a Servant Leader 221 Building a Theory About Servant Leadership 223 Model of Servant Leadership 225 Antecedent Conditions 226 Servant Leader Behaviors 227 Outcomes 230 Summary of the Model of Servant Leadership 232 How Does Servant Leadership Work? 232 Strengths 233 Criticisms 234 Application 235 Case Studies 236 Case 10.1 Anonymous Servant Leaders 237 Case 10.2 Doctor to the Poor 239 Case 10.3 Servant Leadership Takes Flight 241 Leadership Instrument 243 Servant Leadership Questionnaire 245 Summary 248 References 249
  • 38. 11. Authentic Leadership 253 Description 253 Authentic Leadership Defined 254 Approaches to Authentic Leadership 255 How Does Authentic Leadership Theory Work? 266 Strengths 267 Criticisms 269 Application 270 Case Studies 270 Case 11.1 Am I Really a Leader? 271 Case 11.2 A Leader Under Fire 274 Case 11.3 The Reluctant First Lady 276 Leadership Instrument 278 Authentic Leadership Self-Assessment Questionnaire 280 Summary 282 References 283 12. Team Leadership 287 Susan E. Kogler Hill Description 287 Team Leadership Model 289 How Does the Team Leadership Model Work? 303 Strengths 305 Criticisms 306 Application 307 Case Studies 308
  • 39. Case 12.1 Can This Virtual Team Work? 308 Case 12.2 They Dominated the Conversation 309 Case 12.3 Starts With a Bang, Ends With a Whimper 310 Leadership Instrument 311 Team Excellence and Collaborative Team Leader Questionnaire 313 Summary 315 References 315 13. Psychodynamic Approach 319 Ernest L. Stech Description 319 Eric Berne and Transactional Analysis 322 Sigmund Freud and Personality Types 325 Social Character and a Shift in Leadership Perspective 328 Carl Jung and Personality Types 330 Types and Leadership 333 How Does the Psychodynamic Approach Work? 338 Strengths 338 Criticisms 339 Case Studies 340 Case 13.1 Not the Type Who Sees the Big Picture 341 Case 13.2 Staff Meeting Problems 342 Case 13.3 Unexpected Reactions 343 Leadership Instrument 344 Psychodynamic Approach Survey 345
  • 40. Summary 347 References 348 14. Women and Leadership 349 Crystal L. Hoyt Description 349 Gender, Leadership Styles, and Leadership Effectiveness 350 The Glass Ceiling Turned Labyrinth 352 Strengths 363 Criticisms 364 Application 365 Case Studies 366 Case 14.1 The “Glass Ceiling” 366 Case 14.2 Lack of Inclusion and Credibility 367 Case 14.3 Pregnancy as a Barrier to Job Status 368 Leadership Instrument 369 The Gender–Leader Implicit Association Test 370 Summary 374 Note 375 References 375 15. Culture and Leadership 383 Description 383 Culture Defined 384 Related Concepts 384
  • 41. Dimensions of Culture 386 Clusters of World Cultures 390 Characteristics of Clusters 391 Leadership Behavior and Culture Clusters 395 Universally Desirable and Undesirable Leadership Attributes 403 Strengths 404 Criticisms 405 Application 407 Case Studies 407 Case 15.1 A Challenging Workplace 408 Case 15.2 A Special Kind of Financing 410 Case 15.3 Whose Hispanic Center Is It? 411 Leadership Instrument 414 Dimensions of Culture Questionnaire 415 Summary 420 Notes 421 References 422 16. Leadership Ethics 423 Description 423 Ethics Defined 424 Ethical Theories 424 Centrality of Ethics to Leadership 428 Heifetz’s Perspective on Ethical Leadership 429 Burns’s Perspective on Ethical Leadership 429 Principles of Ethical Leadership 430 Strengths 437
  • 42. Criticisms 438 Application 439 Case Studies 439 Case 16.1 A Struggling Company Without Enough Cash 440 Case 16.2 How Safe Is Safe? 441 Case 16.3 Reexamining a Proposal 443 Leadership Instrument 444 Perceived Leader Integrity Scale (PLIS) 446 Summary 448 References 449 Author Index 453 Subject Index 463 About the Author 483 About the Contributors 485 xiii Preface T his sixth edition of Leadership: Theory and Practice is written with the objective of bridging the gap between the often- simplistic popu- lar approaches to leadership and the more abstract theoretical approaches. Like the previous editions, this edition reviews and analyzes a
  • 43. selected number of leadership theories, giving special attention to how each theo- retical approach can be applied in real-world organizations. In essence, my purpose is to explore how leadership theory can inform and direct the way leadership is practiced. New to this volume is a chapter on servant leadership, which examines the nature of servant leadership, its underpinnings, and how it works. The chapter presents both a definition and a new evidence-based model of servant leadership. In addition, the strengths and weaknesses of the servant leadership approach are examined, and a questionnaire to help readers assess their own levels of servant leadership is provided. Three case studies illustrating servant leadership are presented at the end of the chapter. This edition retains many special features from previous editions but has been updated to include new research findings, figures and tables, and everyday applications for many leadership topics including leader–member exchange theory, transformational and authentic leadership, team leader- ship, the labyrinth of women’s leadership, and historical definitions of leadership. The format of this edition parallels the format used in earlier
  • 44. editions. As with previous editions, the overall goal of Leadership: Theory and Practice is to advance our understanding of the many different approaches to leadership and ways to practice it more effectively. xiv LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE SPECIAL FEATURES Although this text presents and analyzes a wide range of leadership research, every attempt has been made to present the material in a clear, concise, and interesting manner. Reviewers of the book have consistently commented that clarity is one of its major strengths. In addition to the writing style, several other features of the book help make it user-friendly. • Each chapter follows the same format: It is structured to include first theory and then practice. • Every chapter contains a discussion of the strengths and criticisms of the approach under consideration, and assists the reader in deter- mining the relative merits of each approach. • Each chapter includes an application section that discusses the prac-
  • 45. tical aspects of the approach and how it could be used in today’s organizational settings. • Three case studies are provided in each chapter to illustrate com- mon leadership issues and dilemmas. Thought-provoking questions follow each case study, helping readers to interpret the case. • A questionnaire is provided in each of the chapters to help the reader apply the approach to his or her own leadership style or setting. • Figures and tables illustrate the content of the theory and make the ideas more meaningful. Through these special features, every effort has been made to make this text substantive, understandable, and practical. AUDIENCE This book provides both an in-depth presentation of leadership theory and a discussion of how it applies to real-life situations. Thus, it is intended for undergraduate and graduate classes in management, leadership studies, business, educational leadership, public administration, nursing and allied health, social work, criminal justice, industrial and organizational psychol- ogy, communication, religion, agricultural education, political and mili-
  • 46. tary science, and training and development. It is particularly well suited as a supplementary text for core organizational behavior courses or as an overview text within MBA curricula. This book would also be useful as a text in student activities, continuing education, in-service training, and other leadership-development programs. Preface xv Instructor Teaching Site Instructor Resources are available on the password-protected section of the book’s companion website. Test banks include multiple choice and true/false ques- tions to test comprehension of fundamental material, as well as essay questions that ask students to apply the material. An electronic testbank, compatible with PCs and Macs through Diploma software, is also available. Chapter - specific resources include PowerPoint slides, study and discussion questions, suggested exercises, full- text journal articles, video links, audio links, and full -text reference articles. General resources include course-long projects, sample syllabi, and film resources. Printable PDF versions of the questionnaires from the text are included for instruc- tors to print and distribute for classroom use. The companion site also features
  • 47. information on how to use social media with Leadership, 6th edition, including instructions for creating wikis, blogs, and Twitter feeds to accompany the text and specific topics to discuss using these different technologies. Go to www.sagepub. com/northouse6e to access the companion site. Student Study Site To maximize students’ comprehension of this material, student resources are available on the open-access portion of the book’s companion website. Resources include web quizzes, SAGE journal articles with discussion questions, video links, audio links, handbook and encyclopedia articles, and other study aides and resources. Students can go to northouse6e to access the site. Media Icons Icons appearing at the bottom of the page will direct you to online media such as videos, audio links, journal articles, and reference articles that correspond with key chapter concepts. Visit the Student Study Site at to access this media. Video Icon Audio Icon
  • 48. Journal Icon Reference Article Icon xvii Acknowledgments M any people directly or indirectly contributed to the development of the sixth edition of Leadership: Theory and Practice. First, I would like to acknowledge my editor, Lisa Shaw, and her talented team at SAGE Publications (Mayan, MaryAnn, Helen, Sarah, and Maggie) who have contributed significantly to the quality of this edition and ensured its suc- cess. For their very capable work during the production phase, I would like to thank copy editor Melinda Masson, and senior project editor Eric Garner. In his or her own unique way, each of these people made valuable contributions to the sixth edition. For comprehensive reviews of the sixth edition, I would like to thank the following reviewers: Meera Alagaraja, University of Louisville S. Todd Deal, Georgia Southern University
  • 49. Carol McMillan, New School University Keeok Park, University of La Verne Harriet L. Schwartz, Carlow University Kelli K. Smith, University of Nebraska-Lincoln Danny L. Talbot, Washington State University Robert L. Taylor, University of Louisville John Tummons, University of Missouri David E. Williams, Texas Tech University Sharon A. Wulf, Worcester Polytechnic Institute School of Business xviii LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE For their exceptional work creating content for the leadership profile tool that accompanies the interactive eBook version of this text, I would like to thank John Baker (Western Kentucky University), Isolde Anderson (Hope College), and Eleanor Dombrowski (University of Toledo). I would also like to thank the following people, who updated and cre- ated the excellent resources that appear on the Instructor
  • 50. Teaching Site and the Student Study Site: Isolde Anderson, Hope College Andrea Markowitz, Write for Your Business Lizz Mathews, Western Michigan University Mary Mathews, Western Michigan University Rebecca G. McBride, Old Dominion University Trey Patrick Mitchell, Western Michigan University Lisa J. Northouse, Western Michigan University Anita Pankake, University of Texas–Pan American A special acknowledgment goes to Laurel Northouse for her insightful critiques and ongoing support. In addition, I am grateful to Marie Lee, for her exceptional editing and guidance throughout this project. For his review of and comments on the servant leadership chapter, I am indebted to Robert Liden (University of Illinois at Chicago). Finally, I would like to thank the many undergraduate and graduate students whom I have taught through the years. Their ongoing feedback has helped clarify my thinking about leadership and encouraged me to make plain the practical implications of leadership theories.
  • 51. 1 1 Introduction L eadership is a highly sought-after and highly valued commodity. In the 15 years since the first edition of this book was published, the public has become increasingly captivated by the idea of leadership. People continue to ask themselves and others what makes good leaders. As individuals, they seek more information on how to become effective leaders. As a result, bookstore shelves are filled with popular books about leaders and advice on how to be a leader. Many people believe that leadership is a way to improve their personal, social, and professional lives. Corporations seek those with leadership ability because they believe they bring special assets to their organizations and, ultimately, improve the bottom line. Academic institutions throughout the country have responded by providing programs in leadership studies. In addition, leadership has gained the attention of researchers worldwide. A review of the scholarly studies on leadership shows that there is a wide variety of different theoretical approaches to explain the complexities
  • 52. of the leader- ship process (e.g., Bass, 1990; Bryman, 1992; Bryman, Collinson, Grint, Jack- son & Uhl-Bien, 2011; Day & Antonakis, 2012; Gardner, 1990; Hickman, 2009; Mumford, 2006; Rost, 1991). Some researchers conceptualize leader- ship as a trait or as a behavior, whereas others view leadership from an infor- mation-processing perspective or relational standpoint. Leadership has been studied using both qualitative and quantitative methods in many contexts, including small groups, therapeutic groups, and large organizations. Collec- tively, the research findings on leadership from all of these areas provide a picture of a process that is far more sophisticated and complex than the often- simplistic view presented in some of the popular books on leadership. This book treats leadership as a complex process having multiple dimensions. Based on the research literature, this text provides an in-depth 1.1 Emerging Practices 1.2 Leadership in Nursing 2 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE description and application of many different approaches to leadership. Our emphasis is on how theory can inform the practice of
  • 53. leadership. In this book, we describe each theory and then explain how the theory can be used in real situations. LEADERSHIP DEFINED There are many ways to finish the sentence, “Leadership is. . . .” In fact, as Stogdill (1974, p. 7) pointed out in a review of leadership research, there are almost as many different definitions of leadership as there are people who have tried to define it. It is much like the words democracy, love, and peace. Although each of us intuitively knows what we mean by such words, the words can have different meanings for different people. As Box 1.1 shows, scholars and practitioners have attempted to define leadership for more than a century without universal consensus. Box 1.1 The Evolution of Leadership Definitions While many have a gut-level grasp of what leadership is, putting a definition to the term has proved to be a challenging endeavor for scholars and practitioners alike. More than a century has lapsed since leadership became a topic of academic introspection, and definitions have evolved continuously during that period. These definitions have been influenced by many factors from world affairs and politics
  • 54. to the perspectives of the discipline in which the topic is being studied. In a seminal work, Rost (1991) analyzed materials written from 1900 to 1990, finding more than 200 different definitions for leadership. His analysis provides a succinct history of how leadership has been defined through the last century: 1900–1929 Definitions of leadership appearing in the first three decades of the 20th century emphasized control and centralization of power with a common theme of domination. For example, at a conference on leadership in 1927, leadership was defined as “the ability to impress the will of the leader on those led and induce obedience, respect, loyalty, and coopera- tion” (Moore, 1927, p. 124). 1.1 Development of Leadership Chapter 1 Introduction 3 1930s Traits became the focus of defining leadership, with an emerging view of leadership as influence rather than domination. Leadership is
  • 55. also identi- fied as the interaction of an individual’s specific personality traits with those of a group, noting that while the attitudes and activities of the many are changed by the one, the many may also influence a leader. 1940s The group approach came into the forefront with leadership being defined as the behavior of an individual while involved in directing group activities (Hemphill, 1949). At the same time, leadership by persuasion is distinguished from “drivership” or leadership by coercion (Copeland, 1942). 1950s Three themes dominated leadership definitions during this decade: •• continuance of group theory, which framed leadership as what leaders do in groups; •• leadership as a relationship that develops shared goals, which defined leadership based on behavior of the leader; and •• effectiveness, in which leadership is defined by the ability to influence overall group effectiveness. 1960s
  • 56. Although a tumultuous time for world affairs, the 1960s saw harmony amongst leadership scholars. The prevailing definition of leadership as behavior that influences people toward shared goals was underscored by Seeman (1960) who described leadership as “acts by persons which influence other persons in a shared direction” (p. 53). 1970s The group focus gave way to the organizational behavior approach, where leadership became viewed as “initiating and maintaining groups or organiza- tions to accomplish group or organizational goals” (Rost, 1991, p. 59). Burns’s (1978) definition, however, is the most important concept of leadership to emerge: “Leadership is the reciprocal process of mobilizing by persons with certain motives and values, various economic, political, and other resources, in a context of competition and conflict, in order to realize goals indepen- dently or mutually held by both leaders and followers” (p. 425). (Continued) 1.3 Perspectives of Leadership 1.4 Followership 4 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE
  • 57. 1980s This decade exploded with scholarly and popular works on the nature of leadership, bringing the topic to the apex of the academic and public consciousnesses. As a result, the number of definitions for leadership became a prolific stew with several persevering themes: •• Do as the leader wishes. Leadership definitions still predomi - nantly deliver the message that leadership is getting followers to do what the leader wants done. •• Influence. Probably the most often used word in leadership defi- nitions of the 1980s, influence is examined from every angle. In an effort to distinguish leadership from management, however, schol- ars insist that leadership is noncoercive influence. •• Traits. Spurred by the national bestseller In Search of Excellence (Peters & Waterman, 1982), the leadership-as-excellence move- ment brought leader traits back to the spotlight. As a result, many people’s understanding of leadership is based on a trait orientation. •• Transformation. Burns (1978) is credited for initiating a move- ment defining leadership as a transformational process, stating that leadership occurs “when one or more persons engage with others in such a way that leaders and followers raise one
  • 58. another to higher levels of motivation and morality” (p. 83). Into the 21st Century After decades of dissonance, leadership scholars agree on one thing: They can’t come up with a common definition for leadership. Debate continues as to whether leadership and manageme nt are separate pro- cesses, while others emphasize the trait, skill, or relational aspects of leadership. Because of such factors as growing global influences and generational differences, leadership will continue to have different mean- ings for different people. The bottom line is that leadership is a complex concept for which a determined definition may long be in flux. SOURCE: Adapted from Leadership for the Twenty-First Century, by J. C. Rost, 1991, New York: Praeger. Ways of Conceptualizing Leadership In the past 60 years, as many as 65 different classification systems have been developed to define the dimensions of leadership (Fleishman et al., 1991). One such classification system, directly related to our discussion, is (Continued)
  • 59. 1.1 Leadership and Power 1.5 Leadership in Organizations Chapter 1 Introduction 5 the scheme proposed by Bass (1990, pp. 11–20). He suggested that some definitions view leadership as the focus of group processes. From this per- spective, the leader is at the center of group change and activity and embodies the will of the group. Another set of definitions conceptualizes leadership from a personality perspective, which suggests that leadership is a combination of special traits or characteristics that some individuals pos- sess. These traits enable those individuals to induce others to accomplish tasks. Other approaches to leadership define it as an act or a behavior—the things leaders do to bring about change in a group. In addition, some define leadership in terms of the power relationship that exists between leaders and followers. From this viewpoint, leaders have power that they wield to effect change in others. Others view leader- ship as a transformational process that moves followers to accomplish more than is usually expected of them. Finally, some scholars address leadership from a skills perspective. This viewpoint stresses the capabilities (knowl-
  • 60. edge and skills) that make effective leadership possible. Definition and Components Despite the multitude of ways in which leadership has been conceptu- alized, the following components can be identified as central to the phe- nomenon: (a) Leadership is a process, (b) leadership involves influence, (c) leadership occurs in groups, and (d) leadership involves common goals. Based on these components, the following definition of leadership is used in this text: Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Defining leadership as a process means that it is not a trait or character- istic that resides in the leader, but rather a transactional event that occurs between the leader and the followers. Process implies that a leader affects and is affected by followers. It emphasizes that leadership is not a linear, one-way event, but rather an interactive event. When leadership is defined in this manner, it becomes available to everyone. It is not restricted to the formally designated leader in a group. Leadership involves influence. It is concerned with how the leader
  • 61. affects followers. Influence is the sine qua non of leadership. Without influence, leadership does not exist. Leadership occurs in groups. Groups are the context in which leadership takes place. Leadership involves influencing a group of individuals who have 1.2 Role of Leadership 1.2 Working Across Generations 6 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE a common purpose. This can be a small task group, a community group, or a large group encompassing an entire organization. Leadership is about one individual influencing a group of others to accomplish common goals. Others (a group) are required for leadership to occur. Leadership training programs that teach people to lead themselves are not considered a part of leadership within the definition that is set forth in this discussion. Leadership includes attention to common goals. Leaders direct their ener- gies toward individuals who are trying to achieve something together. By common, we mean that the leaders and followers have a mutual purpose. Attention to common goals gives leadership an ethical overtone because it
  • 62. stresses the need for leaders to work with followers to achieve selected goals. Stressing mutuality lessens the possibility that leaders might act toward follow- ers in ways that are forced or unethical. It also increases the possibility that leaders and followers will work together toward a common good (Rost, 1991). Throughout this text, the people who engage in leadership will be called leaders, and those toward whom leadership is directed will be called followers. Both leaders and followers are involved together in the leader- ship process. Leaders need followers, and followers need leaders (Burns, 1978; Heller & Van Til, 1983; Hollander, 1992; Jago, 1982). Although leaders and followers are closely linked, it is the leader who often initiates the relationship, creates the communication linkages, and carries the bur- den for maintaining the relationship. In our discussion of leaders and followers, attention will be directed toward follower issues as well as leader issues. Leaders have an ethical responsibility to attend to the needs and concerns of followers. As Burns (1978) pointed out, discussions of leadership sometimes are viewed as elitist because of the implied power and importance often ascribed to leaders in the leader-follower relationship. Leaders are not above or better
  • 63. than follow- ers. Leaders and followers must be understood in relation to each other (Hollander, 1992) and collectively (Burns, 1978). They are in the leader- ship relationship together—and are two sides of the same coin (Rost, 1991). LEADERSHIP DESCRIBED In addition to definitional issues, it is also important to discuss several other questions pertaining to the nature of leadership. In the following section, we will address questions such as how leadership as a trait differs from Chapter 1 Introduction 7 leadership as a process; how appointed leadership differs from emergent leadership; and how the concepts of power, coercion, and management differ from leadership. Trait Versus Process Leadership We have all heard statements such as “He is born to be a leader” or “She is a natural leader.” These statements are commonly expressed by people who take a trait perspective toward leadership. The trait perspective sug- gests that certain individuals have special innate or inborn
  • 64. characteristics or qualities that make them leaders, and that it is these qualities that dif- ferentiate them from nonleaders. Some of the personal qualities used to identify leaders include unique physical factors (e.g., height), personality features (e.g., extraversion), and other characteristics (e.g., intelligence and fluency; Bryman, 1992). In Chapter 2, we will discuss a large body of research that has examined these personal qualities. To describe leadership as a trait is quite different from describing it as a process (Figure 1.1). The trait viewpoint conceptualizes leadership as a property or set of properties possessed in varying degrees by different people (Jago, 1982). This suggests that it resides in select people and restricts lead- ership to those who are believed to have special, usually inborn, talents. TRAIT DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP PROCESS DEFINITION OF LEADERSHIP Leadership • Height • Intelligence • Extraversion • Fluency • Other Traits
  • 65. Followers Followers Leadership Leader Leader (Interaction) Figure 1.1 The Different Views of Leadership SOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs From Management (pp. 3–8), by J. P. Kotter, 1990, New York: Free Press. 8 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE The process viewpoint suggests that leadership is a phenomenon that resides in the context of the interactions between leaders and followers and makes leadership available to everyone. As a process, leadership can be observed in leader behaviors (Jago, 1982), and can be learned. The process definition of leadership is consistent with the definition of leadership that we have set forth in this chapter. Assigned Versus Emergent Leadership Some people are leaders because of their formal position in an organi- zation, whereas others are leaders because of the way other
  • 66. group mem- bers respond to them. These two common forms of leadership are called assigned leadership and emergent leadership. Leadership that is based on occupying a position in an organization is assigned leadership. Team lead- ers, plant managers, department heads, directors, and administrators are all examples of assigned leadership. Yet the person assigned to a leadership position does not always become the real leader in a particular setting. When others perceive an individual as the most influential member of a group or an organization, regardless of the indi- vidual’s title, the person is exhibiting emergent leadership. The individual acquires emergent leadership through other people in the organization who support and accept that individual’s behavior. This type of leadership is not assigned by position; rather, it emerges over a period through communication. Some of the positive communication behaviors that account for successful leader emergence include being verbally involved, being informed, seeking oth- ers’ opinions, initiating new ideas, and being firm but not rigid (Fisher, 1974). In addition to communication behaviors, researchers have found that personality plays a role in leadership emergence. For example, Smith and
  • 67. Foti (1998) found that certain personality traits were related to leadership emergence in a sample of 160 male college students. The individuals who were more dominant, more intelligent, and more confident about their own performance (general self-efficacy) were more likely to be identified as leaders by other members of their task group. Although it is uncertain whether these findings apply to women as well, Smith and Foti suggested that these three traits could be used to identify individuals perceived to be emergent leaders. Leadership emergence may also be affected by gender-biased percep- tions. In a study of 40 mixed-sex college groups, Watson and Hoffman (2004) 1.3 Effective Leadership Chapter 1 Introduction 9 found that women who were urged to persuade their task groups to adopt high-quality decisions succeeded with the same frequency as men with identical instructions. Although women were equally influential leaders in their groups, they were rated significantly lower than comparable men were on leadership. Furthermore, these influential women were
  • 68. also rated as significantly less likable than comparably influential men were. These results suggest that there continue to be barriers to women’s emergence as leaders in some settings. A unique perspective on leadership emergence is provided by social identity theory (Hogg, 2001). From this perspective, leadership emergence is the degree to which a person fits with the identity of the group as a whole. As groups develop over time, a group prototype also develops. Indi- viduals emerge as leaders in the group when they become most like the group prototype. Being similar to the prototype makes leaders attractive to the group and gives them influence with the group. The leadership approaches we discuss in the subsequent chapters of this book apply equally to assigned leadership and emergent leadership. When a person is engaged in leadership, that person is a leader, whether leader- ship was assigned or emerged. This book focuses on the leadership process that occurs when any individual is engaged in influencing other group members in their efforts to reach a common goal. Leadership and Power The concept of power is related to leadership because it is part
  • 69. of the influence process. Power is the capacity or potential to influence. People have power when they have the ability to affect others’ beliefs, attitudes, and courses of action. Ministers, doctors, coaches, and teachers are all examples of people who have the potential to influence us. When they do, they are using their power, the resource they draw on to effect change in us. The most widely cited research on power is French and Raven’s (1959) work on the bases of social power. In their work, they conceptualized power from the framework of a dyadic relationship that included both the person influencing and the person being influenced. French and Raven identified five common and important bases of power: referent, expert, legitimate, reward, and coercive (Table 1.1). Each of these bases of power increases a leader’s capacity to influence the attitudes, values, or behaviors of others. 1.3 Nursing Roles in Heathcare 1.1 Power and Leadership 10 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE In organizations, there are two major kinds of power: position power
  • 70. and personal power. Position power is the power a person derives from a particular office or rank in a formal organizational system. It is the influ- ence capacity a leader derives from having higher status than the followers have. Vice presidents and department heads have more power than staff personnel do because of the positions they hold in the organization. Posi- tion power includes legitimate, reward, and coercive power (Table 1.2). Personal power is the influence capacity a leader derives from being seen by followers as likable and knowledgeable. When leaders act in ways that are important to followers, it gives leaders power. For example, some managers have power because their subordinates consider them to be good role models. Others have power because their subordinates view them as highly competent or considerate. In both cases, these managers’ power is ascribed to them by others, based on how they are seen in their relationships with others. Personal power includes referent and expert power (see Table 1.2). In discussions of leadership, it is not unusual for leaders to be described as wielders of power, as individuals who dominate others. In these instances, power is conceptualized as a tool that leaders use to
  • 71. achieve Table 1.1 Five Bases of Power Referent Power Based on followers’ identification and liking for the leader. A teacher who is adored by students has referent power. Expert Power Based on followers’ perceptions of the leader’s competence. A tour guide who is knowledgeable about a foreign country has expert power. Legitimate Power Associated with having status or formal job authority. A judge who administers sentences in the courtroom exhibits legitimate power. Reward Power Derived from having the capacity to provide rewards to others. A supervisor who gives rewards to employees who work hard is using reward power. Coercive Power Derived from having the capacity to penalize or punish others. A coach who sits players on the bench for being late to practice is using coercive power. SOURCE: Adapted from “The Bases of Social Power,” by J. R. French Jr. and B. Raven, 1962, in D. Cartwright (Ed.), Group Dynamics: Research and Theory (pp. 259–269), New York: Harper & Row. 1.4 Bases of Power
  • 72. ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ‫ة‬ ‫الق‬ ‫ع‬ ‫ال‬ ‫وة‬ ‫ق‬ ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ‫ير‬ ‫ب‬ ‫خ‬ ‫ال‬ ‫لطة‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬ ANAS Highlight ‫ية‬ ‫شرع‬ ‫ال‬ ‫لطة‬ ‫س‬ ‫ال‬ ANAS Highlight ‫ة‬ ‫طاق‬ ‫ال‬ ‫اة‬ ‫كاف‬ ‫م‬ ANAS Highlight ‫ة‬ ‫سري‬ ‫ق‬ ‫ال‬ ‫او‬ ‫ية‬ ‫راه‬ ‫االك‬ ‫قوة‬ ‫ال‬ ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight
  • 74. ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight Chapter 1 Introduction 11 their own ends. Contrary to this view of power, Burns (1978) emphasized power from a relationship standpoint. For Burns, power is not an entity that leaders use over others to achieve their own ends; instead, power occurs in relationships. It should be used by leaders and followers to pro- mote their collective goals. In this text, our discussions of leadership treat power as a relational concern for both leaders and followers. We pay attention to how leaders work with followers to reach common goals. Leadership and Coercion Coercive power is one of the specific kinds of power avail able to leaders. Coercion involves the use of force to effect change. To coerce means to influence others to do something against their will and may include manipulating penalties and rewards in their work environment. Coercion often involves the use of threats, punishment, and negative
  • 75. reward sched- ules. Classic examples of coercive leaders are Adolf Hitler in Germany, the Taliban leaders in Afghanistan, Jim Jones in Guyana, and North Korea’s Supreme Leader Kim Jong-il, each of whom has used power and restraint to force followers to engage in extreme behaviors. It is important to distinguish between coercion and leadership because it allows us to separate out from our examples of leadership the behaviors of individuals such as Hitler, the Taliban, and Jones. In our discussions of leadership, coercive people are not used as models of ideal leadership. Our definition suggests that leadership is reserved for those who influence a group of individuals toward a common goal. Leaders who use coercion are interested in their own goals and seldom are interested in the wants and needs of subordinates. Using coercion runs counter to working with follow- ers to achieve a common goal. Table 1.2 Types and Bases of Power Position Power Personal Power Legitimate Referent Reward Expert Coercive
  • 76. SOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs From Management (pp. 3–8), by J. P. Kotter, 1990, New York: Free Press. 1.4 Leadership and Coercion 1.2 Leadership Defined ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS
  • 77. Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ‫راة‬ ‫واالك‬ ‫قادة‬ ‫ال‬ ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight 12 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE Leadership and Management Leadership is a process that is similar to management in many ways. Leadership involves influence, as does management. Leadership entails working with people, which management entails as well. Leadership is con- cerned with effective goal accomplishment, and so is management. In gen- eral, many of the functions of management are activities that are consistent with the definition of leadership we set forth at the beginning of this chapter. But leadership is also different from management. Whereas the study of leadership can be traced back to Aristotle, management emerged
  • 78. around the turn of the 20th century with the advent of our industrialized society. Management was created as a way to reduce chaos in organizations, to make them run more effectively and efficiently. The primary functions of management, as first identified by Fayol (1916), were planning, organiz- ing, staffing, and controlling. These functions are still representative of the field of management today. In a book that compared the functions of management with the func- tions of leadership, Kotter (1990) argued that the functions of the two are quite dissimilar (Figure 1.2). The overriding function of management is to Figure 1.2 Functions of Management and Leadership Management Produces Order and Consistency Leadership Produces Change and Movement Planning and Budgeting • Establish agendas • Set timetables • Allocate resources Establishing Direction
  • 79. • Create a vision • Clarify big picture • Set strategies Organizing and Staffing • Provide structure • Make job placements • Establish rules and procedures Aligning People • Communicate goals • Seek commitment • Build teams and coalitions Controlling and Problem Solving • Develop incentives • Generate creative solutions • Take corrective action Motivating and Inspiring • Inspire and energize • Empower subordinates • Satisfy unmet needs SOURCE: Adapted from A Force for Change: How Leadership Differs From Management (pp. 3–8), by J. P. Kotter, 1990, New York: Free Press. ANAS Highlight
  • 80. ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ‫يق‬ ‫س‬ ‫ن‬ ‫ت‬ ‫ال‬ ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight
  • 81. ANAS Highlight Chapter 1 Introduction 13 provide order and consistency to organizations, whereas the primary func- tion of leadership is to produce change and movement. Management is about seeking order and stability; leadership is about seeking adaptive and constructive change. As illustrated in Figure 1.2, the major activities of management are played out differently than the activities of leadership. Although they are different in scope, Kotter (1990, pp. 7–8) contended that both management and leadership are essential if an organization is to prosper. For example, if an organization has strong management without leadership, the outcome can be stifling and bureaucratic. Conversely, if an organization has strong leadership without management, the outcome can be meaningless or mis- directed change for change’s sake. To be effective, organizations need to nourish both competent management and skilled leadership. Many scholars, in addition to Kotter (1990), argue that leadership and management are distinct constructs. For example, Bennis and
  • 82. Nanus (1985) maintained that there is a significant difference between the two. To manage means to accomplish activities and master routines, whereas to lead means to influence others and create visions for change. Bennis and Nanus made the distinction very clear in their frequently quoted sentence, “Managers are people who do things right and leaders are people who do the right thing” (p. 221). Rost (1991) has also been a proponent of distinguishing between leader- ship and management. He contended that leadership is a multidirectional influence relationship and management is a unidirectional authority rela- tionship. Whereas leadership is concerned with the process of developing mutual purposes, management is directed toward coordinating activities in order to get a job done. Leaders and followers work together to create real change, whereas managers and subordinates join forces to sell goods and services (Rost, 1991, pp. 149–152). Approaching the issue from a narrower viewpoint, Zaleznik (1977) went so far as to argue that leaders and managers themselves are distinct, and that they are basically different types of people. He contended that manag- ers are reactive and prefer to work with people to solve
  • 83. problems but do so with low emotional involvement. They act to limit choices. Zaleznik sug- gested that leaders, on the other hand, are emotionally active and involved. They seek to shape ideas instead of responding to them and act to expand the available options to solve long-standing problems. Leaders change the way people think about what is possible. ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight ANAS Highlight
  • 85. ANAS Highlight 14 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE Although there are clear differences between management and leader- ship, the two constructs overlap. When managers are involved in influenc- ing a group to meet its goals, they are involved in leadership. When leaders are involved in planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling, they are involved in management. Both processes involve influencing a group of individuals toward goal attainment. For purposes of our discussion in this book, we focus on the leadership process. In our examples and case stud- ies, we treat the roles of managers and leaders similarly and do not empha- size the differences between them. PLAN OF THE BOOK This book is user-friendly. It is based on substantive theories but is written to emphasize practice and application. Each chapter in the book follows the same format. The first section of each chapter briefly describes the leadership approach and discusses various research studies applicable to the approach. The second section of each chapter evaluates the approach,
  • 86. highlighting its strengths and criticisms. Special attention is given to how the approach contributes or fails to contribute to an overall understanding of the leadership process. The next section uses case studies to prompt discussion of how the approach can be applied in ongoing organizations. Finally, each chapter provides a leadership questionnaire along with a discussion of how the questionnaire measures the reader’s leadership style. Each chapter ends with a summary and references. SUMMARY Leadership is a topic with universal appeal; in the popular press and academic research literature, much has been written about leadership. Despite the abundance of writing on the topic, leadership has presented a major challenge to practitioners and researchers interested in under- standing the nature of leadership. It is a highly valued phenomenon that is very complex. Through the years, leadership has been defined and conceptualized in many ways. The component common to nearly all classifications is that leadership is an influence process that assists groups of individuals toward goal attainment. Specifically, in this book leadership is defined as
  • 87. Chapter 1 Introduction 15 a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Because both leaders and followers are part of the leadership process, it is important to address issues that confront followers as well as issues that confront leaders. Leaders and followers should be understood in relation to each other. In prior research, many studies have focused on leadership as a trait. The trait perspective suggests that certain people in our society have spe- cial inborn qualities that make them leaders. This view restricts leadership to those who are believed to have special characteristics. In contrast, the approach in this text suggests that leadership is a process that can be learned, and that it is available to everyone. Two common forms of leadership are assigned and emergent. Assigned leadership is based on a formal title or position in an organization. Emer- gent leadership results from what one does and how one acquires support from followers. Leadership, as a process, applies to individuals
  • 88. in both assigned roles and emergent roles. Related to leadership is the concept of power, the potential to influ- ence. There are two major kinds of power: position and personal. Position power, which is much like assigned leadership, is the power an individual derives from having a title in a formal organizational system. It includes legitimate, reward, and coercive power. Personal power comes from follow- ers and includes referent and expert power. Followers give it to leaders because followers believe leaders have something of value. Treating power as a shared resource is important because it deemphasizes the idea that leaders are power wielders. While coercion has been a common power brought to bear by many individuals in charge, it should not be viewed as ideal leadership. Our definition of leadership stresses using influence to bring individuals toward a common goal, while coercion involves the use of threats and punishment to induce change in followers for the sake of the leaders. Coercion runs counter to leadership because it does not treat leadership as a process that emphasizes working with followers to achieve shared objectives.
  • 89. Leadership and management are different concepts that overlap. They are different in that management traditionally focuses on the activities of planning, organizing, staffing, and controlling, whereas leadership 16 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE emphasizes the general influence process. According to some researchers, management is concerned with creating order and stability, whereas lead- ership is about adaptation and constructive change. Other researchers go so far as to argue that managers and leaders are different types of people, with managers being more reactive and less emotionally involved and leaders being more proactive and more emotionally involved. The over- lap between leadership and management is centered on how both involve influencing a group of individuals in goal attainment. In this book, we discuss leadership as a complex process. Based on the research literature, we describe selected approaches to leadership and assess how they can be used to improve leadership in real situations. Visit the Student Study Site at for web quizzes, leadership questionnaires, and media links
  • 90. repre- sented by the icons. REFERENCES Bass, B. M. (1990). Bass and Stogdill’s handbook of leadership: A survey of theory and research. New York: Free Press. Bennis, W. G., & Nanus, B. (1985). Leaders: The strategies for taking charge. New York: Harper & Row. Bryman, A. (1992). Charisma and leadership in organizations. London: Sage. Bryman, A., Collinson, D., Grint, K., Jackson, G., Uhl-Bien, M. (Eds.). (2011). The SAGE handbook of leadership. London, UK: Sage. Burns, J. M. (1978). Leadership. New York: Harper & Row. Copeland, N. (1942). Psychology and the soldier. Harrisburg, PA: Military Service Publications. Day, D. V., & Antonakis, J. (Eds.). (2012). The nature of leadership (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Fayol, H. (1916). General and industrial management. London: Pitman. Fisher, B. A. (1974). Small group decision making: Communication and the group process. New York: McGraw-Hill. Fleishman, E. A., Mumford, M. D., Zaccaro, S. J., Levin, K. Y., Korotkin, A. L., &
  • 91. Hein, M. B. (1991). Taxonomic efforts in the description of leader behavior: A synthesis and functional interpretation. Leadership Quarterly, 2(4), 245–287. French, J. R., Jr., & Raven, B. (1959). The bases of social power. In D. Cartwright (Ed.), Studies in social power (pp. 259–269). Ann Arbor, MI: Institute for Social Research. Gardner, J. W. (1990). On leadership. New York: Free Press. Chapter 1 Introduction 17 Heller, T., & Van Til, J. (1983). Leadership and followership: Some summary propositions. Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, 18, 405– 414. Hemphill, J. K. (1949). Situational factors in leadership. Columbus: Ohio State University, Bureau of Educational Research. Hickman, G. R. (Ed.). (2009). Leading organizations: Perspectives for a new era (2nd ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Hogg, M. A. (2001). A social identity theory of leadership. Personality and Social Psychology Review, 5, 184–200. Hollander, E. P. (1992). Leadership, followership, self, and
  • 92. others. Leadership Quarterly, 3(1), 43–54. Jago, A. G. (1982). Leadership: Perspectives in theory and research. Management Science, 28(3), 315–336. Kotter, J. P. (1990). A force for change: How leadership differs from management. New York: Free Press. Moore, B. V. (1927). The May conference on leadership. Personnel Journal, 6, 124–128. Mumford, M. D. (2006). Pathways to outstanding leadership: A comparative analysis of charismatic, ideological, and pragmatic leaders. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum. Peters, T. J., & Waterman, R. H. (1982). In search of excellence: Lessons from America’s best-run companies. New York: Warner Books. Rost, J. C. (1991). Leadership for the twenty-first century. New York: Praeger. Seeman, M. (1960). Social status and leadership. Columbus: Ohio State University, Bureau of Educational Research. Smith, J. A., & Foti, R. J. (1998). A pattern approach to the study of leader emergence. Leadership Quarterly, 9(2), 147–160. Stogdill, R. M. (1974). Handbook of leadership: A survey of
  • 93. theory and research. New York: Free Press. Watson, C., & Hoffman, L. R. (2004). The role of task-related behavior in the emergence of leaders. Group & Organization Management, 29(6), 659–685. Zaleznik, A. (1977, May–June). Managers and leaders: Are they different? Harvard Business Review, 55, 67–78. 19 2 Trait Approach DESCRIPTION Of interest to scholars throughout the 20th century, the trait approach was one of the first systematic attempts to study leadership. In the early 20th century, leadership traits were studied to determine what made certain people great leaders. The theories that were developed were called “great man” theories because they focused on identifying the innate qualities and characteristics possessed by great social, political, and military leaders (e.g.,
  • 94. Catherine the Great, Mohandas Gandhi, Indira Gandhi, Abraham Lincoln, Joan of Arc, and Napoleon Bonaparte). It was believed that people were born with these traits, and that only the “great” people possessed them. During this time, research concentrated on determining the specific traits that clearly differentiated leaders from followers (Bass, 1990; Jago, 1982). In the mid-20th century, the trait approach was challenged by research that questioned the universality of leadership traits. In a major review, Stogdill (1948) suggested that no consistent set of traits differentiated leaders from nonleaders across a variety of situations. An individual with leadership traits who was a leader in one situation might not be a leader in another situation. Rather than being a quality that individuals possess, leadership was reconceptualized as a relationship between people in a social situation. Personal factors related to leadership continued to be important, but researchers contended that these factors were to be consid- ered as relative to the requirements of the situation. The trait approach has generated much interest among researchers for its explanation of how traits influence leadership (Bryman, 1992). For example, an analysis of much of the previous trait research by
  • 95. Lord, DeVader, and Alliger (1986) found that personality traits were strongly associated with individuals’ perceptions of leadership. Similarly, Kirkpatrick 2.1 Everyday Leaders 2.1 Study of Leadership ANAS Highlight 20 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE and Locke (1991) went so far as to claim that effective leaders are actually distinct types of people in several key respects. The trait approach has earned new interest through the current empha- sis given by many researchers to visionary and charismatic leadership (see Bass, 1990; Bennis & Nanus, 1985; Nadler & Tushman, 1989; Zaccaro, 2007; Zaleznik, 1977). Charismatic leadership catapulted to the forefront of public attention with the 2008 election of the United States’ first African American president, Barack Obama, who is charismatic, among many other attributes. In a study to determine what distinguishes charismatic leaders from others, Jung and Sosik (2006) found that charismatic leaders consistently possess traits of self-monitoring, engagement in
  • 96. impression management, motivation to attain social power, and motivation to attain self-actualization. In short, the trait approach is alive and well. It began with an emphasis on identifying the qualities of great persons, shifted to include the impact of situations on leadership, and, currently, has shifted back to reemphasize the critical role of traits in effective leadership. Although the research on traits spanned the entire 20th century, a good overview of this approach is found in two surveys completed by Stogdill (1948, 1974). In his first survey, Stogdill analyzed and synthesized more than 124 trait studies conducted between 1904 and 1947. In his second study, he analyzed another 163 studies completed between 1948 and 1970. By taking a closer look at each of these reviews, we can obtain a clearer picture of how individuals’ traits contribute to the leadership process. Stogdill’s first survey identified a group of important leadership traits that were related to how individuals in various groups became leaders. His results showed that the average individual in the leadership role is different from an average group member with regard to the following eight traits: intelligence, alertness, insight, responsibility, initiative,
  • 97. persistence, self- confidence, and sociability. The findings of Stogdill’s first survey also indicated that an individual does not become a leader solely because that individual possesses certain traits. Rather, the traits that leaders possess must be relevant to situations in which the leader is functioning. As stated earlier, leaders in one situation may not necessarily be leaders in another situation. Findings showed that leadership was not a passive state but resulted from a working relationship between the leader and other group members. This research marked the beginning of a new approach to leadership research that focused on leader- ship behaviors and leadership situations. 2.2 Role of Consultant Nurses 2.1 Trait Leadership Chapter 2 Trait Approach 21 Stogdill’s second survey, published in 1974, analyzed 163 new studies and compared the findings of these studies to the findings he had reported in his first survey. The second survey was more balanced in its description of the role of traits and leadership. Whereas the first survey implied that leadership is determined principally by situational factors and
  • 98. not person- ality factors, the second survey argued more moderately that both personal- ity and situational factors were determinants of leadership. In essence, the second survey validated the original trait idea that a leader’s characteristics are indeed a part of leadership. Similar to the first survey, Stogdill’s second survey also identified traits that were positively associated with leadership. The list included the follow- ing 10 characteristics: 1. drive for responsibility and task completion; 2. vigor and persistence in pursuit of goals; 3. risk taking and originality in problem solving; 4. drive to exercise initiative in social situations; 5. self-confidence and sense of personal identity; 6. willingness to accept consequences of decision and action; 7. readiness to absorb interpersonal stress; 8. willingness to tolerate frustration and delay; 9. ability to influence other people’s behavior; and 10. capacity to structure social interaction systems to the purpose at hand.
  • 99. Mann (1959) conducted a similar study that examined more than 1,400 findings regarding personality and leadership in small groups, but he placed less emphasis on how situational factors influenced leadership. Although tentative in his conclusions, Mann suggested that personality traits could be used to distinguish leaders from nonleaders. His results identified leaders as strong in the following six traits: intelligence, mascu- linity, adjustment, dominance, extraversion, and conservatism. Lord et al. (1986) reassessed Mann’s (1959) findings using a more sophisticated procedure called meta-analysis. Lord et al. found that intel- ligence, masculinity, and dominance were significantly related to how individuals perceived leaders. From their findings, the authors argued 2.1 Great Man Theory 22 LEADERSHIP THEORY AND PRACTICE strongly that personality traits could be used to make discriminations con- sistently across situations between leaders and nonleaders. Both of these studies were conducted during periods in American his- tory where male leadership was prevalent in most aspects of
  • 100. business and society. In Chapter 14, we explore more contemporary research regarding the role of gender in leadership, and we look at whether traits such as masculinity and dominance still bear out as important factors in distin- guishing between leaders and nonleaders. Yet another review argues for the importance of leadership traits: Kirk- patrick and Locke (1991, p. 59) contended that “it is unequivocally clear that leaders are not like other people.” From a qualitative synthesis of earlier research, Kirkpatrick and Locke postulated that leaders differ from nonleaders on six traits: drive, motivation, integrity, confidence, cognitive ability, and task knowledge. According to these writers, indi- viduals can be born with these traits, they can learn them, or both. It is these six traits that make up the “right stuff” for leaders. Kirkpatrick and Locke contended that leadership traits make some people different from others, and this difference should be recognized as an important part of the leadership process. In the 1990s, researchers began to investigate the leadership traits asso- ciated with “social intelligence,” characterized as those abilities to under- stand one’s own and others’ feelings, behaviors, and thoughts
  • 101. and to act appropriately (Marlowe, 1986). Zaccaro (2002) defined social intelli- gence as having such capacities as social awareness, social acumen, self- monitoring, and the ability to select and enact the best response given the contingencies of the situation and social environment. A number of empirical studies showed these capacities to be a key trait for effective leaders. Zaccaro, Kemp, and Bader (2004) included such social abilities in the categories of leadership traits they outlined as important leadership attributes (see Table 2.1). Table 2.1 provides a summary of the traits and characteristics that were identified by researchers from the trait approach. It illustrates clearly the breadth of traits related to leadership. Table 2.1 also shows how difficult it is to select certain traits as definitive leadership traits; some of the traits appear in several of the survey studies, whereas others appear in only one or two studies. Regardless of the lack of precision in Table 2.1, however, it represents a general convergence of research regarding which traits are leadership traits. 2.3 Importance of Leadership Traits