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Vidas Stirbys
Eduard Košický
Balázs Korcsog
Jesper Lange Nielsen
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The following report contains a solution for an updated visual identity using Design Thinking Method and a marketing campaign for Fjord & Baelt.
Research Made Fun is a project focused on improving visitors experience in Fjord & Baelt’s research center through a new way of displaying infor-
mation in their website, advertisement and the facility itself. Updated visual identity focuses on expanding the usage of photography and video
throughout Fjord & Baelt’s media, yet without sacrificing the amount of information given in text form. This approach will give an eye-catching image
to a Research Center, making it a more desirable destination for a younger audience.
A Communication Plan within the Ideation part of the report contains a media campaign plan focused to bring or bring back the attention to Fjord
& Baelt with an updated visual identity and possibly increase the amount of visitors.
“Fjord&Bælt is a combined research and experience center which commu-
nicates knowledge about marine life in the waters of Denmark. Fjord&Bælt
is one of the few places in the world where it is possible to get close to ma-
rine animal life. Observe our daily routines of training and feeding our two
porpoises – Freja and Sif – or our playful seals – Svante, Tulle and Naja. The
animals live and swim in true-to-nature basins continuously supplied with
fresh seawater from the fjord.
The center’s interesting exhibitions display a wide selection of fish and ben-
thic fauna, and it is also possible to listen to the biologist’s interesting sto-
ries – for a stimulating injection of knowledge vitamins for your brain. You
can also take part in our crab-catching competitions, fish-feedings, family
concerts and interesting lectures and films.
Pet a crab or feel a flatfish in our “touch pools” or take a walk on the bottom
of the sea (without getting your feet wet, mind you!) through our 40-me-
tre-long underwater tunnel, where you can catch glimpses of porpoises
and seals under water.
Visit Fjord&Bælt in Kerteminde for a magical experience filled with
memorable impressions!”
In this report document our group would like to present the reader a
well structured and refined visual identity with a different marketing
and business approach to address what we believe is the main issue
with how Fjord & Baelt operates based on our research findings.
	 How might Fjord & Baelt reach their target group more efficiently?
		How might we make the center more appealing to our future visitors?
		 How do we display the information in a more entertaining and engaging way?
The main problem for Fjord & Baelt is how to reach their target audience in the correct way that is also entertaining and engaging for their visitors.
Their display of information is based around too much text and reading that doesn’t involve customer engagement, and our main aim is to change
Since Fjord & Baelt is a research and experience center, the way they communicate their knowledge to the younger target audience (kids) needs
improvements in order to be easily understandable.
Based on our research and interview with the centers management, the website of Fjord & Baelt needs to brought in line with the current web devel-
op standards and trends. One of our main focuses for their website involves creating a video gallery that represents what the center stands for in a
more visually appealing way to their customers. Besides a video gallery, we have also decided to redesign their website with the correct web develop
and design methods kept in mind.
Design Thinking Process
The design thinking process is a creative framework
which will give the whole project a structure, it is
based on the following 5 phases. Phase one “Dis-
covery” is about researching, gathering information,
and getting inspiration for developing a concept
Phase two “Interpretation” is where the information
and research findings are utilized for framing op-
portunities for the concept. Phase three “Ideation”
This phase is used for generating and refining ideas.
Phase four “Experimentation” is the prototype part
of the design thinking process, here you create it,
and test it. Phase five “Evolution” is about recogniz-
ing problems the concept might face in the future,
track your learnings, and do more research to move
forward.(IDEO, 2012)
Personas is a method used for us to know the exact
target audience we would like to reach, it is a de-
scription of the stereotype we want to reach with our
campaign, installation, website etc.
For developing a product in a group, a persona is a
key element in order for everyone to follow the same
track.(Andersen et al., 2011)
Risk Analysis
Risk Analysis is a method used for the team to know
what to do, if anything goes wrong. In the early stage
of the project, a risk analysis is created, in order to
know the responses for things that might go wrong.
in the middle of an ongoing project, it will ultimately
save the team time. (Tonnquist and Hørlück, 2009)
Tonnquist, B. and Hørlück, J. (2009). Project Man-
agement - A Complete Guide. 1st ed. Aarhus: Renate
Nielsen Academia, pp.148-160.
Stakeholder Map
The Stakeholder Map is made in order to know who
is involved in the project. It gives the group a clear
vision of who is close the the project, who has a lot
of influence. These stakeholders help shape the out-
come of the final product.(,
The SCRUM method is a project management tool,
which helps organizing the stories for the whole pro-
ject. It is a good tool to get a clear overview of the
project as a whole, but also to see each individual
It involves around product backlog, sprints and daily
scrum meetings.(Scrum in 5 Minutes, 2012)
Business Model Canvas
The method Business Model Canvas, or for short
“BMC” is a visual chart of the the elements which de-
scribes the product’s value proposition, customers,
infrastructure and finances. The template is struc-
tured by building stones, which all affect each other,
this can be utilized to develop our concept.(Oster-
walder and Pigneur, 2013)
Moodboard is a collage of pictures and text to gen-
erate a certain mood for the person looking at it, it
is used early in the process for generating ideas and
concepts for the project.(A Practical Guide to Design-
ing for the Web, 2009)
Sketches and Wireframes
This method is used early in the design thinking pro-
cess, as sketches and wireframes will be used in the
ideation phase. Sketches can be used for generating
logos, concepts etc.
Wireframes starts with a low-fi wireframe, which will
be user tested, feedback from the low-fi will then
move onto a hi-fi wireframe, which will “BLOSSOM”
into the final website.(Chapman, 2017)
Prototyping is an important step in the process of
making a final concept product. The prototype will
be used for testing in favor of getting useful feed-
back. This feedback will go in to consideration, for us
to have the best possible outcome of a final product.
(Steane, 2017)
Think Aloud Testing
The Think Aloud Testing is about knowing what your
consumers think, while going through a preset of
tasks. It gives you their thought process of your de-
sign, It is a useful tool, to discover possible errors
with the usability of a product.(Nielsen, 2012)
CRAP method, is used to get an overview of the vis-
uals for the product. CRAP consists of contrast, repe-
tition, alignment and proximity, it is called four prin-
ciples of design. (Landa, 2013)
Touch, Enthuse and Act. our team is going to use this
method to properly structure the campaign website
in a way that guides the viewer to a “call to action”
section. Ellis, J. (2017).
Desk & Field Research
Desk and Field Research method, is used for re-
searching before going into the interpretation phase.
The secondary research, or desk research is gather-
ing information already available, this part is used
for making the target group, and persona. Primary
research is information you gather that did not al-
ready exist, this research we got from going out to
Fjord&Bælt where we gathered new data through
pictures, videos, and the presentation from the cli-
ent. (, 2017)
Use Case Diagram
This method is used to show the simplest form of
interaction with the system. It is used to identify the
different uses for each type of users of the system.
(, n.d.)
Communication Plan
The communication plan is about providing the
stakeholders information about the project. The
plan shows who should be giving what information,
when this information is being delivered, and which
channels we are going to communicate through
when delivering the information.(, 2016)
Customer Journey Map
This method can be used together with the persona,
It is used to develop empathy for the customer. This
is help the team knowing how the customer will in-
teract with our brand overtime, and which channels
they will use.(Alvarez, 2017)
Creative Brief
A short summary for everyone involved in
said project portraying the most important
parts. (, n.d.)
The design thinking process is a creative
framework which will give the whole pro-
ject a structure, it is based on the following
5 phases.
Phase one “Discovery” is about research-
ing, gathering information, and getting in-
spiration for developing a concept
Phase two “Interpretation” is where the
information and research findings are uti-
lized for framing opportunities for the con-
Phase three “Ideation” This phase is used for
generating and refining ideas.
Phase four “Experimentation” is the pro-
totype part of the design thinking process,
here you create it, and test it.
Phase five “Evolution” is about recognizing
problems the concept might face in the fu-
ture, track your learnings, and do more re-
search to move forward.(IDEO, 2012)
Q & A Session
Our group’s discovery phase begins with a visit to the Fjord & Baelt center
where we were able to learn about our client for the first time. This visit serves
as a field research for our project, therefore we have been taking numerous
pictures and videos on the spot to use it for later reference.
We have had the opportunity to freely observe the center and its visitors for
a couple hours. We took a full tour of the center without guidance to explore
their exhibitions and the animals themselves.
Afterwards we have been guided to a meeting point outside where they keep
their animals to observe how they have been fed and trained in front of the
visitors. The show has been set up in a way to both entertain and educate the
visitors with the help of five seals and two porpoise whales. The show’s leader
has been narrating the event in Danish language but always provided a brief
explanation in English as well.
Following this show we have had the opportunity to sit through a Question &
Answer session with a representative from Fjord & Baelt where we could ask
all the questions we came up with.
Our main conclusions from the Question & Answer session are:
They believe in their problem being too much text across the research center.
New, updated website would be a pleasant change.
Experience, fascination and understanding - these are the most important
keywords for Fjord & Baelt.
Media Campaign budget reaches up to 400 000dkk, & for anything else, the
money has to be raised.
One of their main purposes towards their audience is to educate them about
the importance & beauty of nature, thus making them more aware and pro-
tective of it.
Fjord & Baelt is one in five only places in the world and the only place in den-
mark where you can visit porpoise whales.
(See appendeix 7, page 84)
While our group was about to draw conclusions from the visit at the center
and the Q & A session, we have felt that there isn’t enough insight for us to tru-
ly empathise with the center and their visitors. Therefore we have decided as
a group that we would like to go back to the center and have another, more
in depth field research on the spot.
To prepare this research, we have managed to get in contact with the center
and they were more than happy to grant us free entry for the day. Our group
has prepared a research plan for our upcoming visit at the center, which con-
sisted the following parts:
Video Footage Storyboards
Questionnaire Survey
Technical material such as video cameras and an ipad has been borrowed
from EAL to conduct our field research.
During our first visit to the center we have been taking videos and pictures
purely on research basis, not looking out for small details like lightning and
composition. This time however, we wanted to make more commercial shots
for possible advertisement purposes in the future.
Our group have prepared a survey to hand out on an ipad at Fjord & Baelt in
order to gain more insight about our target group and how to reach them.
The main questions we were seeking are related to their age, use of medias
and demographic information.
Based on the responses above we have concluded that mainly we have
three kinds of target groups by age.
A, Children under 12 visiting with their parents or grandparents.
B, Youngsters between the age of 19 to 26 visiting mainly because of school
C, Elderly above 60 (Grandparents visiting and their grandchildren.)
Therefore our three main audience is in A, B and C age group.
In this question we were looking for statistics on different kind of media devices we
could use to reach our target audience.
Concluding on our question about Social Media we were looking for answers
on how and where we can reach our target groups. Not surprisingly, we have
found out that the easiest way to reach all of our target groups is by Face-
book. This is the social media which has been used by far the highest rate of
the responses. Our elder target group is most likely only using only Facebook
rather than any other Social Media platform.
Instagram and Snapchat has been picked by our youngster target group
mainly. Trip Advisor and Twitter falling behind on our survey results. This
shows that none of them are popular in Denmark at the moment.
In the pie chart on the left we
are presenting our results from
the demographical question
we have set up for our partic-
It shows clearly that almost
85% of the people that we
have asked came from the Fu-
nen region of Denmark.
What is the location of Fjord & Baelt, Kerteminde, Odense and Svendborg cities
and is the third largest island in Denmark with a population of almost half a mil-
lion people.
Questions focusing on mainly the visitor experience in Fjord & Baelt before, during and after their visit.
based on the information we have been given by the center. Their partners
and the annual income reports are both displayed on the current website.
While we were researching our partners, we conducted that information
about out competitors is an important aspect of the design thinking process
as well. We were gathering information and statistics through Danmarks
Statistik(, 2017).
Furthermore, the group analysed Fjord&Bælt as well as Naturamas annual
revenue(Anon, 2017), to get a better understanding of both facilities.
Resultatopgorelse for 2015
Note						Regnskab	Regnskab
						2015		2014
1	Nettoomsaetning			4.265.583	3.932.682
2	Andre driftsindtaegter			4.265.136	4.512.516
3	Vareforbrug				173.682	253.170
4	 Andre eksterne omkostninger		 5.562.237	 5.867.878
	Bruttofortjeneste			2.788.800	2.325.150
5	 Personaleomkostninger		 2.704.302	2.180.916
	 Af- og nedskrivninger			 0	 	 0
	Driftsresultat				82.294		144.234
6	Finansielle indtaegter			41.093		60.806
7	 Andre finansielle udgifter		 34.254		 2.942
	 Arets resultat				91.337		202.098
Fjord&Bælt is a resourceful zoo, their annual revenue in 2015 reduced by 50%
even though they grossed 300.000 DKK more, compared to their previous
Fjord&Bælt has 28 business partners which all provide them some form of support.
As we want to present an economical solution for Fjord&Bælt, we want to research
about each partner, in order to know if there is any possibility for a renewed partner-
ship, that are beneficial for every participant in the solution. Only the most relevan
partners are listed.
See appendix 1, on page 77
In order to create the most desirable website, we scouted competitor’s and
similar business’ websites to see how their websites are structured. We will
take a look at all of their design aspects such as positioning, colours, layout
and so on. We will gain a great overview of how other related businesses
structure and design their websites and therefore we can see what they are
doing well and improve on their mistakes.
National Museum (
Displays sub-museums in a slider form, then some more sub-museums be-
low that. Colour palette is consisting of shades of gray. Pretty bland and un-
Blue Planet (
One of the main competitors of Fjord & Baelt. Some navigation submenus
have too many items and are hard to read through. Hero is showing a story in
a video form as a background. Tickets are available to purchase right away.
Clear CTA button. Hero section is followed by the program for today and di-
rections to the aquarium. Instagram feed below. Has consistent sidebar with
the option to purchase tickets, program for today and directions. Colour pal-
ette is mostly blue and teal.
Copenhagen Zoo (
Very clear navigation. Essential information available right away: Opening
hours, activities, the option to purchase tickets. Uses a lot of pictures (mainly
animals) throughout the website. Main colour is green.
Odense Zoo (
Hero section is very beautifully done, but CTA button could be more popping.
Clear navigation with a button to purchase tickets right away, then a pro-
gram below the hero section. Colour palette consists of earth colours. Uses a
lot of pictures of animals.
Aalborg Zoo (
Isn’t available in English, but navigation seems cluttered and has too many
items. Slider with pictures of animals with CTA buttons. Below that essential
information such as purchasing tickets, opening hours and program. Web-
cam of animals + Instagram feed below. Main colour is brown.
To have a strong sense of how to market Fjord & Baelt Research Center, the
group went into the desk research phase, discovering how other Museums,
ZOOs & Research Centers did so in the past, that resulted in a success.
The Smartest, Funniest, Most Informative Museum Ads (
vV) To catch the eye of people outside of the museums, marketers used hu-
mor and witty ideas easily appreciated by mainstream culture.
State Museum of Architecture in Moscow
Encouraging to “Discover a full story”, with an imagery that takes most iconic
pieces of Russian Architecture to a whole new level.
Denver Museum of Nature and Science
Taking a well known iceberg image and transforming it into a written deeper
reasons of why Titanic has sunk.
Naval Museum of Alberta
Designed their advertisement according to where it is going to be placed,
creating an eye-catching illusion.
Amsterdam Torture Museum
Turning their advertisement into a torture itself.
Ways Zoos & Aquariums are Engaging Audiences
Through Social Technology (
Since Fjord & Baelt is a research center with a focus on nature and animals,
taking inspiration from how Zoos & Aquariums marketing ideas makes a per-
fect sense.
These are the notes and examples taken :
Most Popular Social Medias used by Zoos & Aquariums
	 1. Twitter
	 2. Facebook
	 3. Flickr
	 4. YouTube
	 5. Website
	 6. Interactive Pages
	 7. Blogging
	 8. Mobile Applications
	 9. Foursquare
	 10. Virtual Conferences
	 11. Podcasts
Taking an example from san francisco zoo, storytelling can be an engaging
way of capturing interest of an audience, by showing the story of an animal
in a very close up, personal way.
Example video:
It takes a little gorilla, and shows his day cycle, its habits and personality
traits. It connects the audience with the animal in a way that the customer
will have an increased interest of actually going there and seeing the star of
the video himself.
“The Knoxville Zoo creative partnership with the Mozilla Foundation raised
awareness of endangered species through a 24 hour live stream of two red
pandas (firefoxes). Their names, Ember and Spark, were determined by on-
line voters. I cannot lie: sometimes I open this tab on my browser and check-
in throughout the day. It’s that cute. (Please don’t judge…)”
Additional thoughts: Streaming is a popular way of having a 24 hour access
to check up on someone or something you like, and form a way of connec-
tion. Streaming daily lives of animals and allowing everyone to see is a cute
gesture that involves not only the Research Center, but everyone else to care
about the animals within.
QR codes
Leaving scannable QR codes across the Research Center, its installations
and aquariums links users to back to the website, where they would be able
to experience more in-depth descriptions and videos of the animals and oth-
er objects of interest.
Installations for fun photography
People love social media, photos and making sure all of their friends know
they are having fun. Installations tailored towards making it into a great pic-
ture is a great way to get exposed through social media.
Example from British Aquarium:
The New England Aquarium Has Some Great Advertising
Inspiring aquarium advertising giving sea creatures human-like personality
in a very british humorous way.
See the images on the right.
Visiting Fjord & Baelt has been an exciting experience, but in a different way
that we have expected. Simply comparing it to a zoo or a museum would not
be doing it justice. In our eyes, what makes it special is the the connection
it has between the staff and the animals within the research center. It was
a heartwarming sight and it made us feel connected too. Fjord & Baelt even
had warm blankets provided for us not to get cold to watch a performance.
The connection and closeness is what we have considered to be Fjord & Bae-
lt’s main selling point, therefore, the the way they present themselves should
have more emphasis on that. To improve Fjord & Baelt’s connection with the
user it has to make adjustments in the following areas :
The amount of text used within the website and the Research Center.
During the client interview, explained in the discovery(see page 10, paragraph
5) phase, it had been made clear that the usage of text within the research
center should be reduced. It does not work.
Fjord & Baelt’s educational purpose puts emphasis on younger target au-
One of the main points made during the client interview is that Fjord & Baelt
wants to teach the world about the importance of animals and nature, to be
more aware and protective about it. They would love to share this knowledge
with the youngest generations. From this we draw a conclusion that most of
what we have to do must be pleasing to the younger audience.
The quote from the Q&A with Fjord & Baelt sums this up perfectly: “What you
know, you are more willing to protect.”
The budget is limited.
“Media Campaign budget reaches up to 400 000dkk, and for anything else, the
money has to be raised.” - (See appendix 7, page 84).
We are working on a very limited budget. 400 000 dkk marketing budget
means we have to be smart about it and use the cheapest media channels in
a most effective way.
Non-existent budget for installations and additional equipment states that we
have to create our solution working with what the research center has already.
We focus on improving the user experience within the research center by im-
proving the functionality of the equipment that is already within the facility.
In the Discovery phase, we have shown the results of the field research at
Fjord & Baelt. Collecting and analyzing the data made us conclude on these
notes :
Most frequent visitor age groups we have encountered during our visit.
(See picture on page 11)
- 19 - 26 (42,1%)
- 60+ (26,3%)
- 0 - 12 (21,1%)
Analysis shows that school and college aged people are the majority of mu-
seums visitors. This makes sense due to Fjord & Baelt’s educational purpose.
The youngest of visitors only take around one quarter of the visitors within
that day. This slightly suggests that the Research Center might not be widely
considered an as place to take your kids / grandkids.
Most used medias.
Based on this survey we have concluded that the most popular devices are
Mobile and Ipad(See picture on page 12), therefore any kind of multimedia
solution we are going to make has to be responsive to be easily accessible
and operated from any viewport.
When we have looked into the individual responses we have found out that
the people whom are using newspapers are mainly in our elder target group
age, and they are also most likely using TV and Radio than our other target
group ages. (see page 12, paragraph 1)
Most used Social Medias.
Not surprisingly, Facebook remains the most used social media. This also
shows in our questionnaire results from the Discovery phase. (See page 12, par-
agraph 5)
- Facebook (89,5%)
- Instagram (57,9%)
- Snapchat (52,6%)
Instagram taking a second place, seems like an appealing option of market-
ing, as it mainly visual social media and is able to show our our product in
the way that we would want it to be presented. It is also mainly used by the
youngest target audiences.
Snapchat is very close to Instagram in terms of popularity within the visitors
of Research Center. At this point we are unsure if this social media platform is
suitable to our needs.
Where do visitors come from?
People coming from Fyn are the majority of Fjord & Baelt’s visitors (84,2%)(see
page 12, paragraph 3), which makes sense as the location is very attractive for
people around and within Fyn. Based on this research we have decided to fo-
cus on mainly the Funen area of Denmark in our advertising to reach as many
people as possible.
How did the visitors hear about Fjord & Baelt? (see page 13, picture 3)
- Friends / Family (73,7%)
- Online Media (15,8%)
- Posters / Flyers(10,5%)
We came to the conclusion that however almost 90% of our target group uses
Facebook, we have reached only 15% of them through this medial channel.
73.7 % of our respondents have been reached through their friends and/or
family, which means that our business is spreading by people whom already
visited the center and shere their experience. Therefore it is important for
Fjord & Baelt to give the best possible experience to their visitors because this
is their main selling point in attracting more people.
Online Medias scoring low also states that the current online marketing for
Fjord & Baelt is ineffective.
What do the visitors find the most attractive at Fjord & Baelt? (see page 13,
picture 2)
- Feeding of the animals (52,6%)
- Seals (47,4%)
With this question we were looking for the main selling point of the center
which is clearly the feeding show that takes place every day at the same time.
We have also found out that people are more interested in seals rather than
the whales that are also the part of the show.
How did the visitors rate the experience at the Research Center? (see page
13, picture 1)
- 7-9 (52,6%)
- 4-6 (36,8%)
This question focuses on the current stomer satisfaction. More than 50 % of
our respondents have answered 7-9 which is a strong satisfaction level, how-
ever the second most reply was 4-6 what is average. Out of 19 respondents
only one found that the center fulfills all their expectations.
Observing these numbers we can clearly see that there is room for improve-
ments in the satisfaction levels of our customers, and our design solution is
going to focus on this.
Looking at their partner Naturama, gives a clear view of a big decline in prof-
its as well. From 2015 to 2016, they went from around 150.000kr to 7.000kr in
profits(Anon, 2017).
This information is a decisive factor when presenting Fjord & Bælt with a low
budget solution.
From their Årsberetning(Anon, 2017) the team gathered that Fjord & Bælt is
also one of the only 5 places in the entire world, that houses porpoise whales,
as well as being the only place in Denmark where you have the opportunity
to experience whales. This should play a bigger factor when marketing their
attraction. Additionally, they house around 60 other species at their facility
from starfishes and crabs, to sharks, rays and harbor seals.
This concludes that Fjord&Bælt has a lot of material that can be used for a
good campaign strategy.
S.W.O.T. Analysis
Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats
S.W.O.T. Analysis has been performed to strengthen our understanding about
Fjord & Baelt’s main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Fol-
lowing this method made us look into Fjord & Baelt from another perspective
and notice a few things that we would have otherwise not.
Strengths: Fjord & Bælt has great value in their porpoise whales and seals at
their facility. They are the only place in Denmark that showcases whales, and
are one of the only 5 zoo’s in the world that have the ability to show their vis-
itors the porpoise whale up close. These values can and should be used for
further marketing of the zoo. They are a great tool for educational purposes,
as well as a good experience for the visitor.
As a substantial amount of their audience include a younger generation, their
attraction where you can touch and see crabs and fishes, is a great value of
theirs. In our questionnaire we went around Fjord&Bælt and asked people of
their opinion of the place, and even though we did not get it documented, a lot
of the visitors told us, that their kids absolutely loved having the opportunity to
touch the different species in the water.
Weaknesses: Fjord & Bælt has a problem of conveying the knowledge they
obtain for their research, to their audience. As of now, they have a lot of text
placed on their walls. It is not engaging, and going through the place, it did
not seem like people stopped to read it, which brings us to the next problem,
the interaction is little to non existing as their touch screens usually just leads
the visitor to even more text.
Their tunnel seems really empty, and could use some form support, that could
bring it up to par.
Opportunity: The tunnel lacks interaction and is really empty. This can be
seen as an opportunity for Fjord & Bælt, and could be used for an interaction
At this moment, Fjord&Bælt’s touch screens lacks interaction, when you
click on them, you either get a silenced video, or a wall of text, both of
these does not drag the audience in. These touch screens could be used
for better purposes at the facility, and as they already have them, it does
not cost them any money.
Threats: As of the external threats aspect, we have found that Fjord &
Baelt is unique in their position, because of the display of their display
of porpoise whales, seals and location. As mentioned already, they are
amongst 5 places in the world to have porpoise whales. While they are
not only a museum, but a research center this places them even more on
a separately segmented market.
Therefore our group believes that the threat of a new entry to this market
is really low, because of the segmentation.
While we believe that an opening of a scientific research center and mu-
seum with porpoise whales has a small chance, but there is still a possi-
bility for zoos around Denmark to acquire these animals and dive away
our target audience.
• Unique cultural
• Fun and educational
• Able to touch fish/
catch crabs
• Training of seals and
• A lot of space in tunnel
• Touch screens can be
• Text made intovideos
• Competitorswith better
• Getting outdated
• No marketing/not getting
• Too much text onwalls
• Empty tunnel
• Little to no interaction
• Touch screens is only text
Comparing and analysing just a few competitor’s similar business’ websites,
we can come to a certain closure:
Most of them use earth tone colours e.g. brown, green. Earth tone makes a
good choice for a website related to nature and animals. Websites related to
sea nature, such as Blue Planet (, use blue to
represent the color of the sea. Fjord & Baelt ( uses
#0079b9 Blue as a base color of their website. Taking all the above in consid-
eration, blue color still remains the basis of future design to be created for
Fjord & Baelt.
Visual Research made us create a moodboard. Moodboard helped us to con-
clude on a selection of colors we decided to experiment with. It also gives the
rough idea of a visual identity we want to achieve, making all group mem-
bers be on the same page when it comes to future designs for Fjord & Baelt.
Talking about the structure of websites, landing page has usually the same
structure and contains the most essential information.
Based on the marketing campaign research in the Discovery Phase(see page
16-19), being creative goes a long way when it comes to advertising a Zoo or
an Aquarium. Advertisements usually aim to reach a user with humorous and
light hearted content. Putting a smile on a person, before he even sees the
actual facility, will make him more interested to see more.
Embracing personalities of animals or giving them human-like characteris-
tics is a popular way in aquarium and zoo marketing. One popular way of
gaining an audience is to make an emotional connection with the animals
within. Even from long distance.
When it comes to experience inside or outside of the zoo / aquarium, it must
be designed with animals in mind. They are the main attraction and de-
sign decisions should strictly be based on not taking the way the attention
to them.
Based on the research conducted above in the Discovery and the conclu-
sions in the Interpretation section, our group has decided to to focus on Fjord
& Baelt’s two main problems, which is their outdated website and a lack of
consistent brand identity.
As earlier stated, Fjord&Bælt lacks structure and consistency and it shines
through when they are trying to convey their gathered knowledge from their
own research. We want to use their already installed tablets thus saving them
money, and use them for a better interaction between visitor and Fjord&Bælt.
Website Concept
In order to identify the main problems with Fjord & Baelts current website, our
group analysed their content, navigation and general usage of the website.
Based on this we were able to organize the new website with an easier navi-
gation system that allows for a more seamless user interface and interaction
Following this, with the help of the TEA(Elis, 2017) and CRAP(Landa, 2013)
analysis we were able to come up with a structure of a landing page that
focuses more on the needs of their visitors and their selling points.
Unlike their current website, our group wanted to take advantage of the neg-
ative space on the website, as well as the utilization of the whites and blacks
to create contrast.
When looking at the current Fjord&Bælt website, we concluded that they
needed a new and modernized look, as of now the website is unappeal-
ing and it lacks structure.
The combination of light green and blue creates too much contrast, and
is used inconsistently throughout their webpage. When going through
booking, you are able to book on multiple subpages, which should not
be the case, it creates confusion for the visitor.
Fjord&Bælt has a lot of information they want to deliver to their audience,
but the way it is structured leaves the visitor with a lot of subpages, which
a minimum amount of people will go through, and it is unnecessary, and
does not follow modern design.
These factors, being unappealing and lack of structure, were the main
factors we wanted to focus on when going into the ideation phase.
We have made a new colour palette we want Fjord&Bælt to use, com-
bined with a redefined website that follows a more modernized look, and
is more approachable as it is easy on the eye. The structure is simplified,
with the vision of still having the same information available for the vis-
Installation Concept
Our groups field research also revealed what we believe Fjord & Baelts sec-
ond biggest problem is the display of text through their exhibition.
In order to improve this we decided to take advantage of their already exist-
ing technology inside the center.
The concept is to replace the old touch screen with interactive videos. This
way the visitors are more engaged in the experience and learn more about
the center.
Visualising information is also a way of attracting a younger audience group,
as kids and school classes tend to skip a lot of reading due to getting bored.
Our goal is to have an engaging user interface when it comes to informative
touchscreens, so that it is enjoyable even for someone who is not willing to
read through all of the text, or to make a visitor interested in reading more.
Advertising campaign
research, page 20
Executive Summary
The communication plan gives us a good foundation to further develop their
visual identity as its current state in Fjord&Bælt is not consistent. It provides us
a greater view of how to reach out to our target group with our message.
By using methods such as AIDA, STP, SMART goals and Field Research, we have
created a communication plan to define a precise target group as well as the
channels we are going to use to communicate to said group.
Fjord&Bælt has a problem in conveying their knowledge to a younger audi-
ence, as well as keeping their visitors interested before, during and after their
visit. By working together with Fjord&Bælt, we will develop a clear message and
an improved communication, that supports the key visions they have.
We are creating a campaign for Fjord&Bælt in order to get them back on the
map, which will result in more visitors, better experiences before and after the
visit, and overall a happier customer.
The communication plan will help us define the message and the medias, that
will be used to build a clear and concise goal and thereby increase our chances
of more visitors.
Problem definition
	 How might Fjord & Baelt reach their target group more efficiently?
	 How might we make the center more appealing to our future visitors?
Table of content
STP 1.0
	 Personas 1.1
Determining the communication objectives 2.0
	 Purpose 2.1
	 Smart Goals 2.2
Message Design 3.0
	 The Customer Angle 3.1
	 The Internal Angle 3.2
	 The Competitive Angle 3.3
	 Synopsis 3.4
	 Designing the Message 3.5
	 Emotional Selling Point 3.6
	 Value Proposition 3.7
	 SEO Keywords 3.8
Media Channels 4.0
Media Budget 5.0
	 Budget of Promotion Mix 5.1
	 Selection of Promotion Mix 5.2
Media Mix 6.0
	 Media Mix Budget 6.1
Push/Pull 7.0
Measurement of Communication Effect 8.0
Customer Journey Map 9.0
Conclusion 10.0
Making an STP(Customer driven marketing, 2013) is an important step for the
company to identify the audience you want to target, furthermore it is a tool
used for knowing the positioning of the product and the company on the mar-
ket. STP stands for segment, target group and positioning. Fjord&Bælt has a
unique and strong position on the market, they are one of the only five places
in the world where you can visit porpoise whales(Anon. 2017) we believe this is
a strong selling point, and because of that, we decided not to utilize the Posi-
tioning in the STP.
To segment the market, we will go through the 5 major segmentation variables
in the consumer market each called:
	 Geographic Variables
	 Demographic Variables
	 Psychographic Variables
	 Behavioral Variables
	 Technographical Variables
Geographic variables:
Based on the field research questionnaire (see page 11-13) majority of the visi-
tors come from around Fyn.
Denmark. Fyn.
Both countryside and city is important.
Demographic variables:
Fjord & Baelt educational purpose(see page 4) makes us primarily target stu-
dents and children with their families. Income and gender we find irrelevant.
Students, school classes.
Grandkids with their grandparents, 5-13 years old / 60-75 years old.
Low to high income.
Female and male.
Psychographic variables:
	 Target audience can only be attracted by our product if they:
Like experiences.
Are interested in the animals.
Value educational attractions.
Technographical variable:
Based on the field research questionnaire(see page 11-13), majority of
young(0-26) visitors share these characteristics:
The knowledge from our younger audience regarding technology, is consid-
ered well known.
They use Instagram and Facebook.
Uses the internet a lot on iPads/Phone, and PC’s
As for older audience (40+):
They use YouTube and Facebook.
Low to medium technological knowledge.
Medium use of internet using iPads and phones.
Going through the most important variables to find the appropriate target
group, we are using Gallup Compass(, 2017), to find our ex-
act segments we want to target.
Variables such as psychographic and technographic were the most important
for our idea, as we want the target group to both be good with technology, and
wanting an experience.
According to the Gallup Compass segment descriptions, our target group can
be placed in both “The Modern Individuals” and “The Modern Socially Orient-
ed” segments(see appendix 8, page 85)(Det Moderne-individorienteret segment,
The modern individuals are characterized by the following: young, upbeat, and
knows new technology, which fits our variables perfectly. The age described in
this segment does not fit our young audience, we still find it the most fit for our
The modern socially oriented segment, is described as a segment who likes the
cultural aspects of life, they like going out and visiting museums, going to zoo
and such.
We have created personas(Andersen et al., 2011) to rep-
resent types of users within our general target audience,
Having multiple personas will increase the accuracy of
our Customer Journey Map which can be found under-
neath our visuals of personas. The personas was based
on the research from the segmentation and target group
section in the STP(see page 34-37) as well as the qualita-
tive interview from our primary research(see page 11-13).
In this section we will go through the purpose as well as the smart goals, which
consists of specification, explaining what we plan on improving, the measur-
able part of our idea, the achievable aspect of the project, in this case ticket
sales, the relevant aspect, and lastly Time Bound, when we want to achieve
this. The section was based on our desk research(see page 11-17). The reason
we want to determine our communication objectives, is to have a clear goal to
what we want to achieve with this project, as it keeps everyone in the group on
the same track.
Purpose. 2.1
To enhance the visitor’s experience before, during and after their visit at Fjord &
Smart Goals 2.2(, 2017)
Specific: Re design and improve Fjord & Baelt website to meet the current web
standards. Transform the way they communicate their message into a more
simpler way to be easily understandable.
Measurable: Double the traffic on Fjord & Baelt website after the re design.
Achievable: based on their ticket sales from 2014-2015, Fjord&Bælt had an in-
crease of 15,69% in sales.(Årsregnskab 2015, 2015) We would like to continue
this trend, and made our achievable goal to 20% more tickets than 2015 in the
year 2017.
Relevant: Increased engagement between the visitors and the exhibition in
the center.
Time Bound: Have a re defined website up and running by the end of May
2017. Implement the storytelling videos and sound around the exhibition by
the middle of June. Release the promotional campaign in the end of June.
As the team now have the knowledge of both the target group and the objec-
tives for the communication, the message design can be developed. This step is
an important key, as it will have a large impact on whether your communication
will sell or not. The message design used the guidelines from pardot(Salesforce
Pardot, 2017) where we approached the issue from three different angles, the
Customer Angle, in this angle we take a closer look at what the customer wants.
The Internal Angle, looking at the brand from within, the vision of the brand.
The Competitive Angle, keeping our marketplace on our minds. Based on this
analysis, the message was developed through a brainstorm(Pardot. 2017)and
later determined through qualitative interviews(see page 11-13).
The Customer Angle 3.1
The visitors of Fjord & Baelt are looking for an exciting and fun experience to
spend their day with learning about the sea life in Odense. Whether they are
families, schools or elderly people, the most common thing about all of them
that they are searching for a relaxed and fun experience by the sea. Their need
is to gather information about the sea life in Denmark, and their strong desire is
to get in close touch with them.
The Internal Angle 3.2
The staff inside Fjord & Baelt research center strives to show off their research
findings in the most informative way. Instead of guiding through the exhibition,
they let their information speak for itself and encourage customers to explore
the center on their own. Every day at the same time they hold an event where
is their main selling point because here they share their story with the visitors.
The Competitive Angle 3.3
In its existence Fjord & Baelt is unique in Fyn, and rare in Denmark. They
are a really specified research center concentrating on the wild life of the
Danish sea, trying to share their research findings to educate people. They
do have similar competitors on the market but nowhere near the center. The
chance for a new entrance on the market is small therefore their position is
in a good standing.
Synopsis 3.4
When observing Fjord & Baelt’s message, tone of voice and communication
as it is right now, one can come to the following conclusions:
Their choice of promotional channels are good, but they do not utilize it well
enough to generate traffic.
Their website is informative, but visually not appealing to their target group.
It uses old web design principles.
Their visual appearance is halfway completed. They have a well designed
logo but they don’t seem to utilize the strength of font and color design.
They display their information in mainly Danish, but also very consistently
using English and some places also have German language.
They would like to display the information inside the center in a better way
to communicate with their younger target group as well as elderly.
Based on the above mentioned points, if the center shifts their way of dis-
playing information with taking into consideration the currently available
multimedia solutions (ie.: Projector, Sound and Video, Touchscreen Games)
they can achieve much wider customer engagement.
Designing the message 3.5
With all the above in mind, our group have came up with different messages
Fjord & Baelt could stand for. Their message is education combined with fun
experience from young to old.
Keywords provided by Fjord & Baelt(see appendix 6 on page 83):
Additional Keywords based on Message Design:
	 Wild life
Fjord & Baelt, a fun experience for the whole family.
Fjord & Baelt. Research made fun.
Fjord & Baelt. Explore the sea, preserve the wildlife.
Fjord & Baelt, Dive in and explore.
Fjord & Baelt, The magic of the sea.
With these ideas kept in mind we have decided to run a survey as a part of
our field research to gain more insight about our target audience preferenc-
es. When our team summarized the results we have concluded that more
than 50% of the people who have filled out our survey thinks that Research
made fun is our most catching tagline for the message we are trying to con-
Final Message: Fjord & Baelt. Research Made Fun.
Emotional Selling Point 3.6
The team can both go for USP or ESP, we decided to go for ESP(EasyStudy,
2017). This was based on the facts that kids will more than likely show their
interest through emotions, rather than logic, as unique selling points are devel-
oped through reasoning and logic. Thinking about our emotional selling point
also made a strong case when brainstorming various ideas to what could be-
come our final message.
Value Propositions 3.7
Value Proposition(Laja, 2017) is our number 1 value and the reason for the cli-
ent to bother coming to a Fjord & Baelt.
	 Closeness to the wildlife.
A loved feature for Fjord & Baelt is the when the seals are at precense(see page
13 picture 1). The feeling of research center is different from what it is in a typical
ZOO. The animals and their daily interaction with the staff is a cozy, heartwarm-
ing experience, which will make you want to visit again.
SEO Keywords 3.9
SEO(Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide, 2010) is a very important
tool for our project, as our main idea will be a campaign involving more traf-
fic on Fjord&Bælts website. SEO provides guidelines for us to make sure, our
website is both easy to use, but also easier for search engine to understand
and find.
Search optimisation keywords to increase traffic to the website:
Sea, nature, research, center, Denmark, museum, seal, dolphin, water, fish,
wildlife, animals, nature, FJORD, BÆLT.
Media channels 4.0
Nowadays it’s very important to choose the correct medias to convey your mes-
sage as it can have a very strong impact. This impact can push the business
into the right direction or might ruin it.
As the message is now developed, we can take a closer look towards which me-
dia channels we want to utilize, in order for us to reach our desired target group.
Website(Owned Media): The old website will be redesigned as it doesn’t follow
the current web standards and is not appealing for the user. We will improve the
user experience as well as the pleasingness of the website in order to engage
more users. Essential content such as videos and general showcase of the ex-
hibitions will be brought to the spotlight to attract the customer. The website is
one of the most important media channels as it is the main source of bringing
new clientele.
Facebook(Owned/Paid): As of this moment of writing the Fjord&Bælt Facebook
page has around 2600 likes and quite active engagement and posting with
around 3 posts per week. Our concept looks to improve this to gain more trac-
tion and interaction with people and therefore more exposure which will secure
more visitors in the future.
Instagram(Owned/Paid): Fjord&Bælt is a place that attracts people primarily
through visual content such as pictures and videos. Ergo Instagram is the per-
fect place to be. Currently Fjord&Bælt has 303 followers with around 1 post per
week. We look to greatly improve this in our concept to help interest more peo-
Media Budget 5.0
Knowing which medias we want to utilize, the group took a closer look at
Fjord&Bælts media budget, this information was gathered in the Q&A Sec-
tion(see page 10) with the clients. The information provided will help us build
a more precise media mix, which we will go through in section 6.0 of the
communication plan.
Budget of Promotion Mix 5.1
During the Q&A with our client(see page 10) FJORD&BÆLT, we have gathered
that the budget for marketing purposes is reaching 400 000 DKK.
Our plan is to use the given budget to create a multimedia campaign, that
would bring back attention to FJORD&BÆLT official website, to re-capture
interest in the research center through new visual ideas implemented.
Selection of Promotion Mix 5.2
To select the appropriate media channels(The Balance, 2017) we have to
consider our target audience, of which the majority is school classes and
kids around the area of Funen and Denmark in general this, this is based on
our Field Research regarding visitors(see page 11-13).
To capture the attention of the younger target audience we choose visual
advertisements in medias of choice :
Promotional websites (ex. Visit Fyn)
Trip Advisor
Bus Stop Advertising
MEDIA MIX 6.0 & 6.1
As the message, media budget and channels have been determined and de-
veloped, the media mix(, 2017) can now be finalized
and argued for, this media mix is carefully chosen, as we want to reach our tar-
get group the most efficient way possible, these channels were chosen based
on our segments of our target groups(see page 11), our personas(see page 36-
37) and our qualititative interviews(see page 11-13), as they give a great view of
their needs in the technographical aspect.
Facebook & Instagram: Based on our qualitative interviews(see page 11-13),
these are the most commonly used medias within our target audience. This
leads us to choose these online medias to be our main focus to build our cam-
paign around. Intagram being a perfect tool to capture animal lives as if
Promotional Websites: To widen our target audience we are partnering up
with promotional websites to boost our business for people who are not in the
demographic area of Funen.
Trip Advisor: We have chosen this media because it is the biggest collection of
reviews on the internet up to date. The website earned its reputation as a trust-
worthy place to give feedback about businesses.
Posters / Flyers / Brochures: These offline medias are mainly supporting our
online advertising. Based on our research, offline media is not the the main me-
dia we will use, however we will still utilize it, as it plays a supportive role in our
Bus Stop Advertisements: This media will be used around the demograph-
ic area of Funen to further widen our target audience reach.
Media Mix Budget 6.1
Facebook & Instagram budget: 200 DKK / day(Facebook Business, 2017)
(Instagram for Business, 2017)
We are working with facebook’s Page Manager application to boost our
posts and page. Our daily budget for these are 200 DKK and we are running
our advertisements locally in funen to target mainly our older and elder tar-
get group.
Promotional Websites budget: up to 400 DKK / collab
These websites are mainly free but our budget goes up until 400 DKK per
Trip Advisor budget: up to 3000 DKK / month(, 2017)
Posters / Flyers & Brochures budget:
500 Flyers: 550 DKK
100 A2 Posters: 2200 DKKr
MEDIA MIX 6.1 & 6.2
Bus Stop Advertisements:
Bus Stop advertisements are way out of our budget considering the Media
would drain our entire media budget in a few weeks. Based on that we decided
that it is not a suitable marketing media for this project.(,
Media Exposure Plan 6.2
In order for us to get a clear and concise visual of how long we are going to
throw a campaign, a media exposure plan(Software, 2017) was developed. It
shows what actions are made in which weeks, for however long our campaign
is going to last.
Push/pull 7.0
To be specific, and for the group to know exactly which strategy we will be using
when marketing our project, we are clarifying whether it is a pull or push strat-
For our brand, we are going with the pull strategy(Andersen et al., 2011), the
reason behind this is because we are trying to get the customer to us, hence the
term pull. The marketer, in this case us or Fjord & Bælt, would attempt to pull
the customers in.
The common tactics for the pull strategy, is usually media promotions, in per-
son, or advertised sales promotions.
This way of marketing, we are going for a more experience focused approach,
as we want to intrigue the audience through our campaign, showing re-defined
installations and the refined website.
The opposite would be the push marketing, where it is more about short-term
Measurement Of Communication Effect 8.0
The main purpose is to attract new customers. This can be easily tracked by
looking through the system that Fjord&Bælt is using. This way we can see
whether our concept strategy is working accordingly.
The ROI(Staff, 2017) can be measured by comparing the number of custom-
ers before and after the campaign. This applies not only to number of cus-
tomers but also social media postings (Facebook, Instagram).
The website’s main goal will be to attract as many new customers as possi-
ble. There is no clear conversion action such as buying or signing up, there-
fore conversion action can not really be measured. What we will measure
through Google Analytics is the leaving rate, most visited subpages and so
A customer journey map was developed in order for the group as well as the
client to get an empathetic view, of how a journey might be for their target au-
dience. This CJM was build around our personas(see page 36-37) as they are 3
different age groups, it provides us with the overall story from the individual’s
The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Going through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were able
to make a communication plan.
The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a greater impact in their audience.
Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to under-
standing, and also to avoid misunderstandings.
Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communication plan,
with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more efficiently, bot also
make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
Goal and purpose of the campaign : To increase awareness and gain attention
to Fjord & Baelt.
		Message of the campaign : Research made fun
Medias of choice :
		 Promotional websites (ex. Visit Fyn)
		Trip Advisor
		 Bus Stop Advertising
Media Exposure Plan(See page 43)
Media Mix Arguments
Facebook & Instagram: Based on our research (see page 12) and statistics (see
appendix 4-5 on page 81-82) we have chosen these online medias to be our main
focus to build our campaign around.
Promotional Websites: To widen our target audience we are partnering up with
promotional websites to boost our business for people who are not in the de-
mographic area of Funen.
Trip Advisor: We have chosen this media because it is the biggest collection of
reviews on the internet up to date. The website earned its reputation as a
trustworthy place to give feedback about businesses.
Posters / Flyers / Brochures: These offline medias are mainly supporting
our online advertising. Based on our research, we came to the conclusion
around 10%(see page 13) of our visitors are reached by this type of media,
therefore it plays a supportive role in our campaign.
Bus Stop Advertisements: We have considered this media advertisements
but based on our research it costs 230 000 DKK(Prisliste, 2017) to advertise in
the whole country. Because of the low engagement rate, we decided not to
use this option.
Media Mix Budget
Facebook & Instagram budget: 200 DKK / day
We are working with facebook’s Page Manager application to boost our
posts and page. Our daily budget for these are 200 DKK and we are running
our advertisements locally in funen to target mainly our older and elder tar-
get group.
Promotional Websites budget: up to 400 DKK / collab
These websites are mainly free but our budget goes up until 400 DKK per
Trip Advisor budget: up to 3000 DKK / month
Posters / Flyers & Brochures budget:
500 Flyers: 550 DKK
100 A2 Posters: 2200 DKK
Test Plan
As our project focuses mainly on our website, we wanted to utilize the think
aloud test method, by doing this, we can discover flaws and traits our website
might contain.
Our findings can be seen in a more detailed manner on the right.
(See page 66 for the test findings.)
We have used the matrix to describe a more large scale statistical webpage
testing. It is based on various types of visitors, focusing on our target group,
and an audience that would visit a page such a Fjord&Bælts website. By doing
so, we get a more detailed view of our webpage. This allows us to see if we
are in lack of following variables: attention, interest, desire and action. Further-
more we research the different stages our visitors are in in each individual task.
Using this information, we are able to improve our website in these matters.
Our approach to Fjord & Baelts new website is structured with a sketching and
wireframing process wich is based on our research findings in the discovery
phashe of design thinking.
Further improvements and adjustments will be made afterwards to the wire-
frames and the website prototype itself.
During the wireframing phase our team have decided to put together a clicka-
ble interactive website wireframe using to conduct our test-
ing and receive feedback on how the website is structured.
The interactive wireframe is available in the following link:
The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Go-
ing through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were
able to make a communication plan.
The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a
greater impact in their audience.
Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when
trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to un-
derstanding, and also to avoid misunderstandings.
Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our
research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communica-
tion plan, with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are
going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more
efficiently, bot also make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Go-
ing through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were
able to make a communication plan.
The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a
greater impact in their audience.
Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when
trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to un-
derstanding, and also to avoid misunderstandings.
Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our
research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communica-
tion plan, with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are
going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more
efficiently, bot also make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Go-
ing through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were
able to make a communication plan.
The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a
greater impact in their audience.
Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when
trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to un-
derstanding, and also to avoid misunderstandings.
Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our
research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communica-
tion plan, with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are
going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more
efficiently, bot also make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Go-
ing through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were
able to make a communication plan.
The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a
greater impact in their audience.
Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when
trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to un-
derstanding, and also to avoid misunderstandings.
Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our
research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communica-
tion plan, with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are
going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more
efficiently, bot also make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
Disclaimer: This is just a prototype and we are using the class of .disabled on
every link that is not functional on the website so the users have an easier time
navigating around the website and they don’t have to figure out what works
and what doesn’t. This class changes the cursor.
Flexbox is used throughout the website for displaying content. The CSS3 Flex-
ible Box, or flexbox, is a layout mode providing for the arrangement of ele-
ments on a page such that the elements behave predictably when the page
layout must accommodate different screen sizes and different display devices.
The primary layout on our website is achieved using these elements:
<div class=”container”></div>
<div class=”row”></div>
<div class=”column”></div>
Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and devel-
opment should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on
screen size, platform and orientation.(Editorial, 2011). We built the website
with responsive design in mind, because in today’s day and age it’s a must-
have thing. Google, which is one of the world’s biggest companies and has
world’s biggest and most used search engine actually punishes websites that
are not responsive (Hickman, 2016). So the responsive design is achieved
mainly using Flexbox, with little tweaks and fixes using regular CSS, such as
the @media command.
This section just below the header is a great example. It’s displayed using Flex-
in a grid of two. This is achieved by changing the flex-flow to row wrap which
means the content gets wrapped and displayed in the next line rather than con-
tinuing outside the document. The columns have a specified minimum width
of 50% so they are displayed two in a row. See the images on the right.
Reusing elements
Lots of times on websites, there are the same elements. It wouldn’t make sense
to code them over and over again, to deal with this, we use the PHP function in-
clude. It is used on all re-used basic elements such as the navigation, the footer.
Besides these basic elements, we also use it on our Call To Action section that
is re-used on almost every subpage.
This way if we decide to change, we only make one change in the cta-what-we-
offer.php file and it changes everywhere!
To call these files, we use the following command
As shown on the picture on the right, we have created a
style tile showing the fonts, colours and interface elements
we are going to use on the website, this makes sure we all
are on the same page throughout the rest of the project,
and that the essence of the visual brand is consistent. It is
base for the rest of the design for the visuals that are being
created for the project.
Open Sans
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
Source Sans Pro HEADLINES
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog
#00304C #0A369D
#00A6FB #E8DA45
Was own the were that because kicked far of world subdued out
embarkation and phase merit I pass the determined candidates,
could last room, nation why steadily fame. So with they proper
on paint, or harder.
Two videos have been created to work as an advertisement content for social
medias such as Facebook and Instagram.
Videos portray somewhere in between of a regular feeding show done at Fjord
& Baelt. According to questionnaire in the Discovery part of the report(see page
11-13), this event is the most entertaining experience in the research center.
Both videos share the same idea, timing and execution. The basic idea is to
capture a funny / cute animal moment and start the music at the same time as
the word “FUN” pops out to the screen.
Formula for these videos makes it easy for Fjord & Baelt to continue the same
style of advertisement. Phone camera being used in the video makes it inviting
for someone else who has a phone to recreate it and promote Fjord & Baelt on
social media.
Version 1 (See image on the bottom left)
First version of the videos included these effects :
A slight hint of #00A6FB from our color palette in the style guide, serving as
a color filter for the video.
Research Made Fun written in Source Sans Pro Font, that is directed to be
used as headlines in our style guide.
While the rest of the words are white, word FUN is colored in #00A6FB blue,
that we use in our style guide.
Fjord & Baelt logo or any hint of Fjord & Baelt was not included to the video
due to a user being able to see the company’s name as an account that is
publishing the advertisement on multimedia.
Shortly after, the feedback session from the group led to creating a second
version for these advertisements.
Version 2
Second version was considered to be the final on by the group. The changes it
included were these :
Color filter for the video has been replaced with the one being used for the
website header video.
Research Made Fun words are now aligned and colored to fit the original logo
of Fjord & Baelt.
Fjord & Baelt logo has been added to the end of the video.
Music has been added to add comedic timing for when the word “FUN” pops
out in the video.
Installation Concept has been developed in the form of video.
Principle of the interface is to replace selectable animal icons with full screen
videos of them. Clicking an animal on the old interface would be no longer
required with the new design. Informational text fits perfectly along the video,
as demonstrated in the Touchscreen Presentation Video.
Swiping animal videos would make Fjord & Baelt touch screen installations
more associatable to a mobile app which is widely used media according to
Questionnaire in the Discovery part of the report.
Swiping full screen videos of the animals is more fun. It improves interaction
and visuals within the research center. This was our goal considering the target
audience of kids and school classes.
The text used in the previous interface would still take place in the new one.
This way the new interface can be enjoyed by both - the ones who will read it
and the ones who will not.
Our group has prepared a test plan to gain more insight about the product we
develop in different phases of the design process. The test we have chosen to
do is the following: Think Aloud Testing
It helps us to understand better the structure of our website in the wireframing
phase, as well as refining small details about our final prototype.
Berenike / Think Aloud test subject 1 / 17.05.17
	 Can you find the opening hours?
I am going to the About page and looking for it, but i cannot find it there.
Therefore I am going into the Visit navigation because i would like to visit the
center so it might be there. It was not quite clear where the opening hours were
placed because when i’m looking for it I expect to see something in the From /
To format. The current way the opening hours are displayed looks like a movie
theater seat reservation.
	 Can you find Fjord and Baelts telephone number?
It think it will be placed in the footer which is, so yes.
	 Can you find out how much an adult ticket to the center costs?
Under the visit I can see the price lists. It costs 140 DKK for an adult to enter.
	 Can you find our Social Icons on the website?
I have found the on the bottom of the page, but i would have looked for the
on the top right corner of the website because i believe that they should have
been placed there.
The subject points out that it might be a great idea to include a home button
inside our navigation panel because not everybody knows to click the logo.
She thinks the Visit and the Experiences navigation could be easily merged
together. Wireframes doesn’t include drop down navigation menus we are
planning to implement.
The selection and purchase / booking of the tickets should have an option
to select multiple tickets at once.
Inside the booking subpage the subject suggested to reverse the order of
the Selection of the tickets and the form input fields to give an easier flow of
the page and the visitors eyes.
Sal / Think Aloud test subject 2 / 17.05.17
	 Can you find the social media icons on our website?
I would look for them on the bottom of the page. Successful.
	 Can you find out what is the website about?
I would look for this information inside the About navigation menu point.
	 Can you find out our opening hours?
I would go to the Visit navigation menu and it is the first thing I see in there.
	 Can you find out our telephone number?
Im scrolling to the bottom of the page because based on my previous expe-
riences that is the place where i will find this information.
	 If you would like to book a ticket, what would you do?
I click the most visible button in the navigation bar that says Booking.
Where would you look for an option to change the language of the website?
In the top right corner i would look for a flag icon or similar what you have.
I think the wireframes you have made look really professional to my eyes. Espe-
cially the Booking subpage. It is nicely structured and very informative.
I like the fact that the landing page is going to be a video, it is really cool.
The dive in part under the video is not quite necessary. It might be enough to
make just a visual representation or an arrow instead of the text / pun.
The call to action buttons below the header on the landing page are greatly
placed because it is almost the first thing the visitor will look for.
The participant really liked the small illustrations on our landing page.
For more test subjects see appendix 2 and 3 on page 79-80.
To follow the basics of design we applied the CRAP method to our new website
for Fjord&Bælt, by doing this we know the website is up to par, and is aestheti-
cally pleasing for the visitor to look at.
For the contrast we have used the colours blue and yellow, yellow being used
for attention. For repetition we have used the same typography throughout
the website, consistency in icons and buttons are using the colours according
to what their action is.
The alignment throughout the website can be seen as soon as you dive in, the
four most basic information boxes is in a grid of four, then followed up by a grid
of two underneath. The pictures and elements are all aligned to have a nice
and clean structure. For proximity we have placed the text close enough to the
pictures in the 2 grid information section, so there will be no confusion as to
which textbox belongs to what picture.
Based on the think aloud testing above our group have gained the following insights of our wireframes: Half of the participants think it would be a good idea
to include a home button to our navigation for easier use of the website.
	 1- Our Call to Action buttons: Get Tickets and Get A Seasonal pass could be merged into one single button.
	 2 - We have to find a different way to display our opening hours on the website because the current one is confusing for our visitors.
	 3 - When buying tickets visitors should be able to purchase multiple tickets.
While we were analysing the outcome of this test our group has decided to find solution for conclusion 1 and 3.
Upon further discussion of conclusion 2, the group did not find it necessary to change the layout of Fjord & Baelts current opening hours due to its complexity
and seasonal changes.
Working together with Fjord & Baelt gave our team an exciting opportunityto meet the needs of a real life client on the Danish market which will also
drive us in an international scale.
Based on the immersive research we have conducted the team believes that our multimedia solution solves the main issues present with Fjord & Baelt
currently. Mainly focusing on a website redesign we were able to come up with a refined user experience to further drive the visitors to the center. Our
secondary solution is focusing on how the center displays their information and research findings to the visitors, as well as their current media and
business plan.
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Fjord & Baelt
Fjord & Baelt
Fjord & Baelt
Fjord & Baelt
Fjord & Baelt
Fjord & Baelt
Fjord & Baelt
Fjord & Baelt
Fjord & Baelt
Fjord & Baelt

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Fjord & Baelt

  • 1. Vidas Stirbys Eduard Košický Balázs Korcsog Jesper Lange Nielsen Code Presentation Video: Client Presentation Video: Prototype: Admin Page: Login Information: Username: Admin Password: heslo
  • 3. PAGE 3 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY The following report contains a solution for an updated visual identity using Design Thinking Method and a marketing campaign for Fjord & Baelt. Research Made Fun is a project focused on improving visitors experience in Fjord & Baelt’s research center through a new way of displaying infor- mation in their website, advertisement and the facility itself. Updated visual identity focuses on expanding the usage of photography and video throughout Fjord & Baelt’s media, yet without sacrificing the amount of information given in text form. This approach will give an eye-catching image to a Research Center, making it a more desirable destination for a younger audience. A Communication Plan within the Ideation part of the report contains a media campaign plan focused to bring or bring back the attention to Fjord & Baelt with an updated visual identity and possibly increase the amount of visitors.
  • 4. PAGE 4 INTRODUCTION REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY “Fjord&Bælt is a combined research and experience center which commu- nicates knowledge about marine life in the waters of Denmark. Fjord&Bælt is one of the few places in the world where it is possible to get close to ma- rine animal life. Observe our daily routines of training and feeding our two porpoises – Freja and Sif – or our playful seals – Svante, Tulle and Naja. The animals live and swim in true-to-nature basins continuously supplied with fresh seawater from the fjord. The center’s interesting exhibitions display a wide selection of fish and ben- thic fauna, and it is also possible to listen to the biologist’s interesting sto- ries – for a stimulating injection of knowledge vitamins for your brain. You can also take part in our crab-catching competitions, fish-feedings, family concerts and interesting lectures and films. Pet a crab or feel a flatfish in our “touch pools” or take a walk on the bottom of the sea (without getting your feet wet, mind you!) through our 40-me- tre-long underwater tunnel, where you can catch glimpses of porpoises and seals under water. Visit Fjord&Bælt in Kerteminde for a magical experience filled with memorable impressions!” In this report document our group would like to present the reader a well structured and refined visual identity with a different marketing and business approach to address what we believe is the main issue with how Fjord & Baelt operates based on our research findings.
  • 5. PAGE 5 PROBLEM DEFINITION REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY How might Fjord & Baelt reach their target group more efficiently? How might we make the center more appealing to our future visitors? How do we display the information in a more entertaining and engaging way? The main problem for Fjord & Baelt is how to reach their target audience in the correct way that is also entertaining and engaging for their visitors. Their display of information is based around too much text and reading that doesn’t involve customer engagement, and our main aim is to change this. Since Fjord & Baelt is a research and experience center, the way they communicate their knowledge to the younger target audience (kids) needs improvements in order to be easily understandable. Based on our research and interview with the centers management, the website of Fjord & Baelt needs to brought in line with the current web devel- op standards and trends. One of our main focuses for their website involves creating a video gallery that represents what the center stands for in a more visually appealing way to their customers. Besides a video gallery, we have also decided to redesign their website with the correct web develop and design methods kept in mind.
  • 6. PAGE 6 METHODS REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Design Thinking Process The design thinking process is a creative framework which will give the whole project a structure, it is based on the following 5 phases. Phase one “Dis- covery” is about researching, gathering information, and getting inspiration for developing a concept Phase two “Interpretation” is where the information and research findings are utilized for framing op- portunities for the concept. Phase three “Ideation” This phase is used for generating and refining ideas. Phase four “Experimentation” is the prototype part of the design thinking process, here you create it, and test it. Phase five “Evolution” is about recogniz- ing problems the concept might face in the future, track your learnings, and do more research to move forward.(IDEO, 2012) Personas Personas is a method used for us to know the exact target audience we would like to reach, it is a de- scription of the stereotype we want to reach with our campaign, installation, website etc. For developing a product in a group, a persona is a key element in order for everyone to follow the same track.(Andersen et al., 2011) Risk Analysis Risk Analysis is a method used for the team to know what to do, if anything goes wrong. In the early stage of the project, a risk analysis is created, in order to know the responses for things that might go wrong. Astheseriskresponsesdoesnothavetobediscussed in the middle of an ongoing project, it will ultimately save the team time. (Tonnquist and Hørlück, 2009) Tonnquist, B. and Hørlück, J. (2009). Project Man- agement - A Complete Guide. 1st ed. Aarhus: Renate Nielsen Academia, pp.148-160. Stakeholder Map The Stakeholder Map is made in order to know who is involved in the project. It gives the group a clear vision of who is close the the project, who has a lot of influence. These stakeholders help shape the out- come of the final product.(, 2017) SCRUM The SCRUM method is a project management tool, which helps organizing the stories for the whole pro- ject. It is a good tool to get a clear overview of the project as a whole, but also to see each individual task. It involves around product backlog, sprints and daily scrum meetings.(Scrum in 5 Minutes, 2012) Business Model Canvas The method Business Model Canvas, or for short “BMC” is a visual chart of the the elements which de- scribes the product’s value proposition, customers, infrastructure and finances. The template is struc- tured by building stones, which all affect each other, this can be utilized to develop our concept.(Oster- walder and Pigneur, 2013) Moodboard Moodboard is a collage of pictures and text to gen- erate a certain mood for the person looking at it, it is used early in the process for generating ideas and concepts for the project.(A Practical Guide to Design- ing for the Web, 2009) Sketches and Wireframes This method is used early in the design thinking pro- cess, as sketches and wireframes will be used in the ideation phase. Sketches can be used for generating logos, concepts etc.
  • 7. PAGE 7 METHODS REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Wireframes starts with a low-fi wireframe, which will be user tested, feedback from the low-fi will then move onto a hi-fi wireframe, which will “BLOSSOM” into the final website.(Chapman, 2017) Prototyping Prototyping is an important step in the process of making a final concept product. The prototype will be used for testing in favor of getting useful feed- back. This feedback will go in to consideration, for us to have the best possible outcome of a final product. (Steane, 2017) Think Aloud Testing The Think Aloud Testing is about knowing what your consumers think, while going through a preset of tasks. It gives you their thought process of your de- sign, It is a useful tool, to discover possible errors with the usability of a product.(Nielsen, 2012) CRAP CRAP method, is used to get an overview of the vis- uals for the product. CRAP consists of contrast, repe- tition, alignment and proximity, it is called four prin- ciples of design. (Landa, 2013) TEA Touch, Enthuse and Act. our team is going to use this method to properly structure the campaign website in a way that guides the viewer to a “call to action” section. Ellis, J. (2017). Desk & Field Research Desk and Field Research method, is used for re- searching before going into the interpretation phase. The secondary research, or desk research is gather- ing information already available, this part is used for making the target group, and persona. Primary research is information you gather that did not al- ready exist, this research we got from going out to Fjord&Bælt where we gathered new data through pictures, videos, and the presentation from the cli- ent. (, 2017) Use Case Diagram This method is used to show the simplest form of interaction with the system. It is used to identify the different uses for each type of users of the system. (, n.d.) Communication Plan The communication plan is about providing the stakeholders information about the project. The plan shows who should be giving what information, when this information is being delivered, and which channels we are going to communicate through when delivering the information.(, 2016) Customer Journey Map This method can be used together with the persona, It is used to develop empathy for the customer. This is help the team knowing how the customer will in- teract with our brand overtime, and which channels they will use.(Alvarez, 2017) Creative Brief A short summary for everyone involved in said project portraying the most important parts. (, n.d.)
  • 8. PAGE 8 ANALYSIS REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ANALYSIS EVOLUTION EXPERIMENTATION IDEATION INTERPRETATIONDISCOVERY D E S I G N THINKING The design thinking process is a creative framework which will give the whole pro- ject a structure, it is based on the following 5 phases. Phase one “Discovery” is about research- ing, gathering information, and getting in- spiration for developing a concept Phase two “Interpretation” is where the information and research findings are uti- lized for framing opportunities for the con- cept. Phase three “Ideation” This phase is used for generating and refining ideas. Phase four “Experimentation” is the pro- totype part of the design thinking process, here you create it, and test it. Phase five “Evolution” is about recognizing problems the concept might face in the fu- ture, track your learnings, and do more re- search to move forward.(IDEO, 2012)
  • 10. PAGE 10 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY VISIT. Q & A. FIELD RESEARCH. Q & A Session Our group’s discovery phase begins with a visit to the Fjord & Baelt center where we were able to learn about our client for the first time. This visit serves as a field research for our project, therefore we have been taking numerous pictures and videos on the spot to use it for later reference. We have had the opportunity to freely observe the center and its visitors for a couple hours. We took a full tour of the center without guidance to explore their exhibitions and the animals themselves. Afterwards we have been guided to a meeting point outside where they keep their animals to observe how they have been fed and trained in front of the visitors. The show has been set up in a way to both entertain and educate the visitors with the help of five seals and two porpoise whales. The show’s leader has been narrating the event in Danish language but always provided a brief explanation in English as well. Following this show we have had the opportunity to sit through a Question & Answer session with a representative from Fjord & Baelt where we could ask all the questions we came up with. Our main conclusions from the Question & Answer session are: They believe in their problem being too much text across the research center. New, updated website would be a pleasant change. Experience, fascination and understanding - these are the most important keywords for Fjord & Baelt. Media Campaign budget reaches up to 400 000dkk, & for anything else, the money has to be raised. One of their main purposes towards their audience is to educate them about the importance & beauty of nature, thus making them more aware and pro- tective of it. Fjord & Baelt is one in five only places in the world and the only place in den- mark where you can visit porpoise whales. (See appendeix 7, page 84)
  • 11. PAGE 11 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY QUESTIONNAIRE. TARGET AUDIENCE RESEARCH. While our group was about to draw conclusions from the visit at the center and the Q & A session, we have felt that there isn’t enough insight for us to tru- ly empathise with the center and their visitors. Therefore we have decided as a group that we would like to go back to the center and have another, more in depth field research on the spot. To prepare this research, we have managed to get in contact with the center and they were more than happy to grant us free entry for the day. Our group has prepared a research plan for our upcoming visit at the center, which con- sisted the following parts: Video Footage Storyboards Pictures Questionnaire Survey Technical material such as video cameras and an ipad has been borrowed from EAL to conduct our field research. During our first visit to the center we have been taking videos and pictures purely on research basis, not looking out for small details like lightning and composition. This time however, we wanted to make more commercial shots for possible advertisement purposes in the future. Our group have prepared a survey to hand out on an ipad at Fjord & Baelt in order to gain more insight about our target group and how to reach them. The main questions we were seeking are related to their age, use of medias and demographic information. Based on the responses above we have concluded that mainly we have three kinds of target groups by age. A, Children under 12 visiting with their parents or grandparents. B, Youngsters between the age of 19 to 26 visiting mainly because of school C, Elderly above 60 (Grandparents visiting and their grandchildren.) Therefore our three main audience is in A, B and C age group.
  • 12. PAGE 12 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY QUESTIONNAIRE. TARGET AUDIENCE RESEARCH. In this question we were looking for statistics on different kind of media devices we could use to reach our target audience. Concluding on our question about Social Media we were looking for answers on how and where we can reach our target groups. Not surprisingly, we have found out that the easiest way to reach all of our target groups is by Face- book. This is the social media which has been used by far the highest rate of the responses. Our elder target group is most likely only using only Facebook rather than any other Social Media platform. Instagram and Snapchat has been picked by our youngster target group mainly. Trip Advisor and Twitter falling behind on our survey results. This shows that none of them are popular in Denmark at the moment. In the pie chart on the left we are presenting our results from the demographical question we have set up for our partic- ipants. It shows clearly that almost 85% of the people that we have asked came from the Fu- nen region of Denmark. What is the location of Fjord & Baelt, Kerteminde, Odense and Svendborg cities and is the third largest island in Denmark with a population of almost half a mil- lion people.
  • 14. PAGE 14 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ANNUAL INCOME. PARTNERS. DESK RESEARCH. WehaveconductedananalysisofFjord&Baelt’spartnersandannualincome based on the information we have been given by the center. Their partners and the annual income reports are both displayed on the current website. While we were researching our partners, we conducted that information about out competitors is an important aspect of the design thinking process as well. We were gathering information and statistics through Danmarks Statistik(, 2017). Furthermore, the group analysed Fjord&Bælt as well as Naturamas annual revenue(Anon, 2017), to get a better understanding of both facilities. Resultatopgorelse for 2015 Note Regnskab Regnskab 2015 2014 1 Nettoomsaetning 4.265.583 3.932.682 2 Andre driftsindtaegter 4.265.136 4.512.516 3 Vareforbrug 173.682 253.170 4 Andre eksterne omkostninger 5.562.237 5.867.878 Bruttofortjeneste 2.788.800 2.325.150 5 Personaleomkostninger 2.704.302 2.180.916 Af- og nedskrivninger 0 0 Driftsresultat 82.294 144.234 6 Finansielle indtaegter 41.093 60.806 7 Andre finansielle udgifter 34.254 2.942 Arets resultat 91.337 202.098 Fjord&Bælt is a resourceful zoo, their annual revenue in 2015 reduced by 50% even though they grossed 300.000 DKK more, compared to their previous year.
  • 15. PAGE 15 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ANNUAL INCOME. PARTNERS. DESK RESEARCH. Fjord&Bælt has 28 business partners which all provide them some form of support. As we want to present an economical solution for Fjord&Bælt, we want to research about each partner, in order to know if there is any possibility for a renewed partner- ship, that are beneficial for every participant in the solution. Only the most relevan partners are listed. See appendix 1, on page 77
  • 16. PAGE 16 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY WEBSITES & VISUALS. DESK RESEARCH. In order to create the most desirable website, we scouted competitor’s and similar business’ websites to see how their websites are structured. We will take a look at all of their design aspects such as positioning, colours, layout and so on. We will gain a great overview of how other related businesses structure and design their websites and therefore we can see what they are doing well and improve on their mistakes. National Museum ( Displays sub-museums in a slider form, then some more sub-museums be- low that. Colour palette is consisting of shades of gray. Pretty bland and un- appealing. Blue Planet ( One of the main competitors of Fjord & Baelt. Some navigation submenus have too many items and are hard to read through. Hero is showing a story in a video form as a background. Tickets are available to purchase right away. Clear CTA button. Hero section is followed by the program for today and di- rections to the aquarium. Instagram feed below. Has consistent sidebar with the option to purchase tickets, program for today and directions. Colour pal- ette is mostly blue and teal.
  • 17. PAGE 17 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY WEBSITES & VISUALS. DESK RESEARCH. Copenhagen Zoo ( Very clear navigation. Essential information available right away: Opening hours, activities, the option to purchase tickets. Uses a lot of pictures (mainly animals) throughout the website. Main colour is green. Odense Zoo ( Hero section is very beautifully done, but CTA button could be more popping. Clear navigation with a button to purchase tickets right away, then a pro- gram below the hero section. Colour palette consists of earth colours. Uses a lot of pictures of animals. Aalborg Zoo ( Isn’t available in English, but navigation seems cluttered and has too many items. Slider with pictures of animals with CTA buttons. Below that essential information such as purchasing tickets, opening hours and program. Web- cam of animals + Instagram feed below. Main colour is brown.
  • 18. PAGE 18 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKETING CAMPAIGNS. DESK RESEARCH To have a strong sense of how to market Fjord & Baelt Research Center, the group went into the desk research phase, discovering how other Museums, ZOOs & Research Centers did so in the past, that resulted in a success. The Smartest, Funniest, Most Informative Museum Ads ( vV) To catch the eye of people outside of the museums, marketers used hu- mor and witty ideas easily appreciated by mainstream culture. State Museum of Architecture in Moscow Encouraging to “Discover a full story”, with an imagery that takes most iconic pieces of Russian Architecture to a whole new level. Denver Museum of Nature and Science Taking a well known iceberg image and transforming it into a written deeper reasons of why Titanic has sunk.
  • 19. PAGE 19 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKETING CAMPAIGNS. DESK RESEARCH Naval Museum of Alberta Designed their advertisement according to where it is going to be placed, creating an eye-catching illusion. Amsterdam Torture Museum Turning their advertisement into a torture itself.
  • 20. PAGE 20 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKETING CAMPAIGNS. DESK RESEARCH Ways Zoos & Aquariums are Engaging Audiences Through Social Technology ( Since Fjord & Baelt is a research center with a focus on nature and animals, taking inspiration from how Zoos & Aquariums marketing ideas makes a per- fect sense. These are the notes and examples taken : Most Popular Social Medias used by Zoos & Aquariums 1. Twitter 2. Facebook 3. Flickr 4. YouTube 5. Website 6. Interactive Pages 7. Blogging 8. Mobile Applications 9. Foursquare 10. Virtual Conferences 11. Podcasts Storytelling Taking an example from san francisco zoo, storytelling can be an engaging way of capturing interest of an audience, by showing the story of an animal in a very close up, personal way. Example video: It takes a little gorilla, and shows his day cycle, its habits and personality traits. It connects the audience with the animal in a way that the customer will have an increased interest of actually going there and seeing the star of the video himself. Streaming “The Knoxville Zoo creative partnership with the Mozilla Foundation raised awareness of endangered species through a 24 hour live stream of two red pandas (firefoxes). Their names, Ember and Spark, were determined by on- line voters. I cannot lie: sometimes I open this tab on my browser and check- in throughout the day. It’s that cute. (Please don’t judge…)” Additional thoughts: Streaming is a popular way of having a 24 hour access to check up on someone or something you like, and form a way of connec- tion. Streaming daily lives of animals and allowing everyone to see is a cute gesture that involves not only the Research Center, but everyone else to care about the animals within. QR codes Leaving scannable QR codes across the Research Center, its installations and aquariums links users to back to the website, where they would be able to experience more in-depth descriptions and videos of the animals and oth- er objects of interest.
  • 21. PAGE 21 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKETING CAMPAIGNS. DESK RESEARCH Installations for fun photography People love social media, photos and making sure all of their friends know they are having fun. Installations tailored towards making it into a great pic- ture is a great way to get exposed through social media. Example from British Aquarium: ( The New England Aquarium Has Some Great Advertising ( Inspiring aquarium advertising giving sea creatures human-like personality in a very british humorous way. See the images on the right.
  • 23. PAGE 23 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CONCLUSIONS & NOTES ABOUT THE VISIT & CLIENT INTERVIEW. Visiting Fjord & Baelt has been an exciting experience, but in a different way that we have expected. Simply comparing it to a zoo or a museum would not be doing it justice. In our eyes, what makes it special is the the connection it has between the staff and the animals within the research center. It was a heartwarming sight and it made us feel connected too. Fjord & Baelt even had warm blankets provided for us not to get cold to watch a performance. The connection and closeness is what we have considered to be Fjord & Bae- lt’s main selling point, therefore, the the way they present themselves should have more emphasis on that. To improve Fjord & Baelt’s connection with the user it has to make adjustments in the following areas : The amount of text used within the website and the Research Center. During the client interview, explained in the discovery(see page 10, paragraph 5) phase, it had been made clear that the usage of text within the research center should be reduced. It does not work. Fjord & Baelt’s educational purpose puts emphasis on younger target au- dience. One of the main points made during the client interview is that Fjord & Baelt wants to teach the world about the importance of animals and nature, to be more aware and protective about it. They would love to share this knowledge with the youngest generations. From this we draw a conclusion that most of what we have to do must be pleasing to the younger audience. The quote from the Q&A with Fjord & Baelt sums this up perfectly: “What you know, you are more willing to protect.” The budget is limited. “Media Campaign budget reaches up to 400 000dkk, and for anything else, the money has to be raised.” - (See appendix 7, page 84). We are working on a very limited budget. 400 000 dkk marketing budget means we have to be smart about it and use the cheapest media channels in a most effective way. Non-existent budget for installations and additional equipment states that we have to create our solution working with what the research center has already. We focus on improving the user experience within the research center by im- proving the functionality of the equipment that is already within the facility.
  • 24. PAGE 24 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY TARGET GROUP QUESTIONNAIRE REMARKS, CONCLUSIONS AND INFO GRAPH. In the Discovery phase, we have shown the results of the field research at Fjord & Baelt. Collecting and analyzing the data made us conclude on these notes : Most frequent visitor age groups we have encountered during our visit. (See picture on page 11) - 19 - 26 (42,1%) - 60+ (26,3%) - 0 - 12 (21,1%) Analysis shows that school and college aged people are the majority of mu- seums visitors. This makes sense due to Fjord & Baelt’s educational purpose. The youngest of visitors only take around one quarter of the visitors within that day. This slightly suggests that the Research Center might not be widely considered an as place to take your kids / grandkids. Most used medias. Based on this survey we have concluded that the most popular devices are Mobile and Ipad(See picture on page 12), therefore any kind of multimedia solution we are going to make has to be responsive to be easily accessible and operated from any viewport. When we have looked into the individual responses we have found out that the people whom are using newspapers are mainly in our elder target group age, and they are also most likely using TV and Radio than our other target group ages. (see page 12, paragraph 1) Most used Social Medias. Not surprisingly, Facebook remains the most used social media. This also shows in our questionnaire results from the Discovery phase. (See page 12, par- agraph 5) - Facebook (89,5%) - Instagram (57,9%) - Snapchat (52,6%) Instagram taking a second place, seems like an appealing option of market- ing, as it mainly visual social media and is able to show our our product in the way that we would want it to be presented. It is also mainly used by the youngest target audiences. Snapchat is very close to Instagram in terms of popularity within the visitors of Research Center. At this point we are unsure if this social media platform is suitable to our needs. Where do visitors come from? People coming from Fyn are the majority of Fjord & Baelt’s visitors (84,2%)(see page 12, paragraph 3), which makes sense as the location is very attractive for people around and within Fyn. Based on this research we have decided to fo- cus on mainly the Funen area of Denmark in our advertising to reach as many people as possible.
  • 25. PAGE 25 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY TARGET GROUP QUESTIONNAIRE REMARKS, CONCLUSIONS AND INFO GRAPH. How did the visitors hear about Fjord & Baelt? (see page 13, picture 3) - Friends / Family (73,7%) - Online Media (15,8%) - Posters / Flyers(10,5%) We came to the conclusion that however almost 90% of our target group uses Facebook, we have reached only 15% of them through this medial channel. 73.7 % of our respondents have been reached through their friends and/or family, which means that our business is spreading by people whom already visited the center and shere their experience. Therefore it is important for Fjord & Baelt to give the best possible experience to their visitors because this is their main selling point in attracting more people. Online Medias scoring low also states that the current online marketing for Fjord & Baelt is ineffective. What do the visitors find the most attractive at Fjord & Baelt? (see page 13, picture 2) - Feeding of the animals (52,6%) - Seals (47,4%) With this question we were looking for the main selling point of the center which is clearly the feeding show that takes place every day at the same time. We have also found out that people are more interested in seals rather than the whales that are also the part of the show. How did the visitors rate the experience at the Research Center? (see page 13, picture 1) - 7-9 (52,6%) - 4-6 (36,8%) This question focuses on the current stomer satisfaction. More than 50 % of our respondents have answered 7-9 which is a strong satisfaction level, how- ever the second most reply was 4-6 what is average. Out of 19 respondents only one found that the center fulfills all their expectations. Observing these numbers we can clearly see that there is room for improve- ments in the satisfaction levels of our customers, and our design solution is going to focus on this.
  • 26. PAGE 26 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY INCOME AND BUDGET ANALYSIS & CONCLUSIONS. Looking at their partner Naturama, gives a clear view of a big decline in prof- its as well. From 2015 to 2016, they went from around 150.000kr to 7.000kr in profits(Anon, 2017). This information is a decisive factor when presenting Fjord & Bælt with a low budget solution. From their Årsberetning(Anon, 2017) the team gathered that Fjord & Bælt is also one of the only 5 places in the entire world, that houses porpoise whales, as well as being the only place in Denmark where you have the opportunity to experience whales. This should play a bigger factor when marketing their attraction. Additionally, they house around 60 other species at their facility from starfishes and crabs, to sharks, rays and harbor seals. This concludes that Fjord&Bælt has a lot of material that can be used for a good campaign strategy. S.W.O.T. Analysis Strengths / Weaknesses / Opportunities / Threats S.W.O.T. Analysis has been performed to strengthen our understanding about Fjord & Baelt’s main strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Fol- lowing this method made us look into Fjord & Baelt from another perspective and notice a few things that we would have otherwise not. Strengths: Fjord & Bælt has great value in their porpoise whales and seals at their facility. They are the only place in Denmark that showcases whales, and are one of the only 5 zoo’s in the world that have the ability to show their vis- itors the porpoise whale up close. These values can and should be used for further marketing of the zoo. They are a great tool for educational purposes, as well as a good experience for the visitor. As a substantial amount of their audience include a younger generation, their attraction where you can touch and see crabs and fishes, is a great value of theirs. In our questionnaire we went around Fjord&Bælt and asked people of their opinion of the place, and even though we did not get it documented, a lot of the visitors told us, that their kids absolutely loved having the opportunity to touch the different species in the water. Weaknesses: Fjord & Bælt has a problem of conveying the knowledge they obtain for their research, to their audience. As of now, they have a lot of text placed on their walls. It is not engaging, and going through the place, it did not seem like people stopped to read it, which brings us to the next problem, the interaction is little to non existing as their touch screens usually just leads the visitor to even more text. Their tunnel seems really empty, and could use some form support, that could bring it up to par. Opportunity: The tunnel lacks interaction and is really empty. This can be seen as an opportunity for Fjord & Bælt, and could be used for an interaction installation.
  • 27. PAGE 27 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY INCOME AND BUDGET ANALYSIS & CONCLUSIONS. At this moment, Fjord&Bælt’s touch screens lacks interaction, when you click on them, you either get a silenced video, or a wall of text, both of these does not drag the audience in. These touch screens could be used for better purposes at the facility, and as they already have them, it does not cost them any money. Threats: As of the external threats aspect, we have found that Fjord & Baelt is unique in their position, because of the display of their display of porpoise whales, seals and location. As mentioned already, they are amongst 5 places in the world to have porpoise whales. While they are not only a museum, but a research center this places them even more on a separately segmented market. Therefore our group believes that the threat of a new entry to this market is really low, because of the segmentation. While we believe that an opening of a scientific research center and mu- seum with porpoise whales has a small chance, but there is still a possi- bility for zoos around Denmark to acquire these animals and dive away our target audience. Strenghts • Unique cultural attraction • Fun and educational • Able to touch fish/ catch crabs • Training of seals and whales Opportunities • A lot of space in tunnel • Touch screens can be modified • Text made intovideos Threats • Competitorswith better technology • Getting outdated • No marketing/not getting noticed Internal External Weaknesses • Too much text onwalls • Empty tunnel • Little to no interaction • Touch screens is only text SWOT
  • 28. PAGE 28 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY WEBSITE & VISUAL RESEARCH CONCLUSIONS & MOODBOARD. Comparing and analysing just a few competitor’s similar business’ websites, we can come to a certain closure: Most of them use earth tone colours e.g. brown, green. Earth tone makes a good choice for a website related to nature and animals. Websites related to sea nature, such as Blue Planet (, use blue to represent the color of the sea. Fjord & Baelt ( uses #0079b9 Blue as a base color of their website. Taking all the above in consid- eration, blue color still remains the basis of future design to be created for Fjord & Baelt. Visual Research made us create a moodboard. Moodboard helped us to con- clude on a selection of colors we decided to experiment with. It also gives the rough idea of a visual identity we want to achieve, making all group mem- bers be on the same page when it comes to future designs for Fjord & Baelt. Talking about the structure of websites, landing page has usually the same structure and contains the most essential information.
  • 29. PAGE 29 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MARKETING CAMPAIGN. CONCLUSION AND DIRECTION Based on the marketing campaign research in the Discovery Phase(see page 16-19), being creative goes a long way when it comes to advertising a Zoo or an Aquarium. Advertisements usually aim to reach a user with humorous and light hearted content. Putting a smile on a person, before he even sees the actual facility, will make him more interested to see more. Embracing personalities of animals or giving them human-like characteris- tics is a popular way in aquarium and zoo marketing. One popular way of gaining an audience is to make an emotional connection with the animals within. Even from long distance. When it comes to experience inside or outside of the zoo / aquarium, it must be designed with animals in mind. They are the main attraction and de- sign decisions should strictly be based on not taking the way the attention to them.
  • 31. PAGE 31 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY DIRECTION, WEBSITE & INSTALLATION CONCEPT Direction Based on the research conducted above in the Discovery and the conclu- sions in the Interpretation section, our group has decided to to focus on Fjord & Baelt’s two main problems, which is their outdated website and a lack of consistent brand identity. As earlier stated, Fjord&Bælt lacks structure and consistency and it shines through when they are trying to convey their gathered knowledge from their own research. We want to use their already installed tablets thus saving them money, and use them for a better interaction between visitor and Fjord&Bælt. Website Concept In order to identify the main problems with Fjord & Baelts current website, our group analysed their content, navigation and general usage of the website. Based on this we were able to organize the new website with an easier navi- gation system that allows for a more seamless user interface and interaction flow. Following this, with the help of the TEA(Elis, 2017) and CRAP(Landa, 2013) analysis we were able to come up with a structure of a landing page that focuses more on the needs of their visitors and their selling points. Unlike their current website, our group wanted to take advantage of the neg- ative space on the website, as well as the utilization of the whites and blacks to create contrast. When looking at the current Fjord&Bælt website, we concluded that they needed a new and modernized look, as of now the website is unappeal- ing and it lacks structure. The combination of light green and blue creates too much contrast, and is used inconsistently throughout their webpage. When going through booking, you are able to book on multiple subpages, which should not be the case, it creates confusion for the visitor. Fjord&Bælt has a lot of information they want to deliver to their audience, but the way it is structured leaves the visitor with a lot of subpages, which a minimum amount of people will go through, and it is unnecessary, and does not follow modern design. These factors, being unappealing and lack of structure, were the main factors we wanted to focus on when going into the ideation phase. We have made a new colour palette we want Fjord&Bælt to use, com- bined with a redefined website that follows a more modernized look, and is more approachable as it is easy on the eye. The structure is simplified, with the vision of still having the same information available for the vis- itor.
  • 32. PAGE 32 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY DIRECTION, WEBSITE & INSTALLATION CONCEPT Installation Concept Our groups field research also revealed what we believe Fjord & Baelts sec- ond biggest problem is the display of text through their exhibition. In order to improve this we decided to take advantage of their already exist- ing technology inside the center. The concept is to replace the old touch screen with interactive videos. This way the visitors are more engaged in the experience and learn more about the center. Visualising information is also a way of attracting a younger audience group, as kids and school classes tend to skip a lot of reading due to getting bored. Our goal is to have an engaging user interface when it comes to informative touchscreens, so that it is enjoyable even for someone who is not willing to read through all of the text, or to make a visitor interested in reading more. Advertising campaign research, page 20
  • 33. PAGE 33 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMUNICATION PLAN Executive Summary The communication plan gives us a good foundation to further develop their visual identity as its current state in Fjord&Bælt is not consistent. It provides us a greater view of how to reach out to our target group with our message. By using methods such as AIDA, STP, SMART goals and Field Research, we have created a communication plan to define a precise target group as well as the channels we are going to use to communicate to said group. Introduction Fjord&Bælt has a problem in conveying their knowledge to a younger audi- ence, as well as keeping their visitors interested before, during and after their visit. By working together with Fjord&Bælt, we will develop a clear message and an improved communication, that supports the key visions they have. We are creating a campaign for Fjord&Bælt in order to get them back on the map, which will result in more visitors, better experiences before and after the visit, and overall a happier customer. The communication plan will help us define the message and the medias, that will be used to build a clear and concise goal and thereby increase our chances of more visitors. Problem definition How might Fjord & Baelt reach their target group more efficiently? How might we make the center more appealing to our future visitors? Table of content STP 1.0 Personas 1.1 Determining the communication objectives 2.0 Purpose 2.1 Smart Goals 2.2 Message Design 3.0 The Customer Angle 3.1 The Internal Angle 3.2 The Competitive Angle 3.3 Synopsis 3.4 Designing the Message 3.5 Emotional Selling Point 3.6 Value Proposition 3.7 SEO Keywords 3.8 Media Channels 4.0 Media Budget 5.0 Budget of Promotion Mix 5.1 Selection of Promotion Mix 5.2 Media Mix 6.0 Media Mix Budget 6.1 Push/Pull 7.0 Measurement of Communication Effect 8.0 Customer Journey Map 9.0 Conclusion 10.0
  • 34. PAGE 34 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMUNICATION PLAN STP 1.0 Making an STP(Customer driven marketing, 2013) is an important step for the company to identify the audience you want to target, furthermore it is a tool used for knowing the positioning of the product and the company on the mar- ket. STP stands for segment, target group and positioning. Fjord&Bælt has a unique and strong position on the market, they are one of the only five places in the world where you can visit porpoise whales(Anon. 2017) we believe this is a strong selling point, and because of that, we decided not to utilize the Posi- tioning in the STP. To segment the market, we will go through the 5 major segmentation variables in the consumer market each called: Geographic Variables Demographic Variables Psychographic Variables Behavioral Variables Technographical Variables Geographic variables: Based on the field research questionnaire (see page 11-13) majority of the visi- tors come from around Fyn. Denmark. Fyn. Both countryside and city is important. Demographic variables: Fjord & Baelt educational purpose(see page 4) makes us primarily target stu- dents and children with their families. Income and gender we find irrelevant. Students, school classes. Grandkids with their grandparents, 5-13 years old / 60-75 years old. Low to high income. Female and male. Psychographic variables: Target audience can only be attracted by our product if they: Like experiences. Are interested in the animals. Value educational attractions. Technographical variable: Based on the field research questionnaire(see page 11-13), majority of young(0-26) visitors share these characteristics: The knowledge from our younger audience regarding technology, is consid- ered well known. They use Instagram and Facebook. Uses the internet a lot on iPads/Phone, and PC’s
  • 35. PAGE 35 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY COMMUNICATION PLAN STP 1.0 As for older audience (40+): They use YouTube and Facebook. Low to medium technological knowledge. Medium use of internet using iPads and phones. Going through the most important variables to find the appropriate target group, we are using Gallup Compass(, 2017), to find our ex- act segments we want to target. Variables such as psychographic and technographic were the most important for our idea, as we want the target group to both be good with technology, and wanting an experience. According to the Gallup Compass segment descriptions, our target group can be placed in both “The Modern Individuals” and “The Modern Socially Orient- ed” segments(see appendix 8, page 85)(Det Moderne-individorienteret segment, 2017). The modern individuals are characterized by the following: young, upbeat, and knows new technology, which fits our variables perfectly. The age described in this segment does not fit our young audience, we still find it the most fit for our choice. The modern socially oriented segment, is described as a segment who likes the cultural aspects of life, they like going out and visiting museums, going to zoo and such.
  • 36. PAGE 36 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY STP PERSONAS 1.1 We have created personas(Andersen et al., 2011) to rep- resent types of users within our general target audience, Having multiple personas will increase the accuracy of our Customer Journey Map which can be found under- neath our visuals of personas. The personas was based on the research from the segmentation and target group section in the STP(see page 34-37) as well as the qualita- tive interview from our primary research(see page 11-13).
  • 38. PAGE 38 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY DETERMINING THE COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES 2.0 In this section we will go through the purpose as well as the smart goals, which consists of specification, explaining what we plan on improving, the measur- able part of our idea, the achievable aspect of the project, in this case ticket sales, the relevant aspect, and lastly Time Bound, when we want to achieve this. The section was based on our desk research(see page 11-17). The reason we want to determine our communication objectives, is to have a clear goal to what we want to achieve with this project, as it keeps everyone in the group on the same track. Purpose. 2.1 To enhance the visitor’s experience before, during and after their visit at Fjord & Baelt. Smart Goals 2.2(, 2017) Specific: Re design and improve Fjord & Baelt website to meet the current web standards. Transform the way they communicate their message into a more simpler way to be easily understandable. Measurable: Double the traffic on Fjord & Baelt website after the re design. Achievable: based on their ticket sales from 2014-2015, Fjord&Bælt had an in- crease of 15,69% in sales.(Årsregnskab 2015, 2015) We would like to continue this trend, and made our achievable goal to 20% more tickets than 2015 in the year 2017. Relevant: Increased engagement between the visitors and the exhibition in the center. Time Bound: Have a re defined website up and running by the end of May 2017. Implement the storytelling videos and sound around the exhibition by the middle of June. Release the promotional campaign in the end of June.
  • 39. PAGE 39 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MESSAGE DESIGN 3.0 As the team now have the knowledge of both the target group and the objec- tives for the communication, the message design can be developed. This step is an important key, as it will have a large impact on whether your communication will sell or not. The message design used the guidelines from pardot(Salesforce Pardot, 2017) where we approached the issue from three different angles, the Customer Angle, in this angle we take a closer look at what the customer wants. The Internal Angle, looking at the brand from within, the vision of the brand. The Competitive Angle, keeping our marketplace on our minds. Based on this analysis, the message was developed through a brainstorm(Pardot. 2017)and later determined through qualitative interviews(see page 11-13). The Customer Angle 3.1 The visitors of Fjord & Baelt are looking for an exciting and fun experience to spend their day with learning about the sea life in Odense. Whether they are families, schools or elderly people, the most common thing about all of them that they are searching for a relaxed and fun experience by the sea. Their need is to gather information about the sea life in Denmark, and their strong desire is to get in close touch with them. The Internal Angle 3.2 The staff inside Fjord & Baelt research center strives to show off their research findings in the most informative way. Instead of guiding through the exhibition, they let their information speak for itself and encourage customers to explore the center on their own. Every day at the same time they hold an event where theirmostskilledemployeestrainandfeedtheiranimalsatthepoolarea,which is their main selling point because here they share their story with the visitors. The Competitive Angle 3.3 In its existence Fjord & Baelt is unique in Fyn, and rare in Denmark. They are a really specified research center concentrating on the wild life of the Danish sea, trying to share their research findings to educate people. They do have similar competitors on the market but nowhere near the center. The chance for a new entrance on the market is small therefore their position is in a good standing. Synopsis 3.4 When observing Fjord & Baelt’s message, tone of voice and communication as it is right now, one can come to the following conclusions: Their choice of promotional channels are good, but they do not utilize it well enough to generate traffic. Their website is informative, but visually not appealing to their target group. It uses old web design principles. Their visual appearance is halfway completed. They have a well designed logo but they don’t seem to utilize the strength of font and color design. They display their information in mainly Danish, but also very consistently using English and some places also have German language. They would like to display the information inside the center in a better way to communicate with their younger target group as well as elderly. Based on the above mentioned points, if the center shifts their way of dis- playing information with taking into consideration the currently available multimedia solutions (ie.: Projector, Sound and Video, Touchscreen Games) they can achieve much wider customer engagement.
  • 40. PAGE 40 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MESSAGE DESIGN 3.0 Designing the message 3.5 With all the above in mind, our group have came up with different messages Fjord & Baelt could stand for. Their message is education combined with fun experience from young to old. Keywords provided by Fjord & Baelt(see appendix 6 on page 83): Experience Fascination Understanding Additional Keywords based on Message Design: Learn Educate Fun Explore Sea Marine Wild life Family Protect Preserve Ideas: Fjord & Baelt, a fun experience for the whole family. Fjord & Baelt. Research made fun. Fjord & Baelt. Explore the sea, preserve the wildlife. Fjord & Baelt, Dive in and explore. Fjord & Baelt, The magic of the sea. With these ideas kept in mind we have decided to run a survey as a part of our field research to gain more insight about our target audience preferenc- es. When our team summarized the results we have concluded that more than 50% of the people who have filled out our survey thinks that Research made fun is our most catching tagline for the message we are trying to con- vey. Final Message: Fjord & Baelt. Research Made Fun.
  • 41. PAGE 41 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MESSAGE DESIGN 3.0 Emotional Selling Point 3.6 The team can both go for USP or ESP, we decided to go for ESP(EasyStudy, 2017). This was based on the facts that kids will more than likely show their interest through emotions, rather than logic, as unique selling points are devel- oped through reasoning and logic. Thinking about our emotional selling point also made a strong case when brainstorming various ideas to what could be- come our final message. Value Propositions 3.7 Value Proposition(Laja, 2017) is our number 1 value and the reason for the cli- ent to bother coming to a Fjord & Baelt. Closeness to the wildlife. A loved feature for Fjord & Baelt is the when the seals are at precense(see page 13 picture 1). The feeling of research center is different from what it is in a typical ZOO. The animals and their daily interaction with the staff is a cozy, heartwarm- ing experience, which will make you want to visit again. SEO Keywords 3.9 SEO(Search Engine Optimization Starter Guide, 2010) is a very important tool for our project, as our main idea will be a campaign involving more traf- fic on Fjord&Bælts website. SEO provides guidelines for us to make sure, our website is both easy to use, but also easier for search engine to understand and find. Search optimisation keywords to increase traffic to the website: Sea, nature, research, center, Denmark, museum, seal, dolphin, water, fish, wildlife, animals, nature, FJORD, BÆLT.
  • 42. PAGE 42 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MEDIA CHANNELS 4.0 MEDIA BUDGET5.0 Media channels 4.0 Nowadays it’s very important to choose the correct medias to convey your mes- sage as it can have a very strong impact. This impact can push the business into the right direction or might ruin it. As the message is now developed, we can take a closer look towards which me- dia channels we want to utilize, in order for us to reach our desired target group. Website(Owned Media): The old website will be redesigned as it doesn’t follow the current web standards and is not appealing for the user. We will improve the user experience as well as the pleasingness of the website in order to engage more users. Essential content such as videos and general showcase of the ex- hibitions will be brought to the spotlight to attract the customer. The website is one of the most important media channels as it is the main source of bringing new clientele. Facebook(Owned/Paid): As of this moment of writing the Fjord&Bælt Facebook page has around 2600 likes and quite active engagement and posting with around 3 posts per week. Our concept looks to improve this to gain more trac- tion and interaction with people and therefore more exposure which will secure more visitors in the future. Instagram(Owned/Paid): Fjord&Bælt is a place that attracts people primarily through visual content such as pictures and videos. Ergo Instagram is the per- fect place to be. Currently Fjord&Bælt has 303 followers with around 1 post per week. We look to greatly improve this in our concept to help interest more peo- ple. Media Budget 5.0 Knowing which medias we want to utilize, the group took a closer look at Fjord&Bælts media budget, this information was gathered in the Q&A Sec- tion(see page 10) with the clients. The information provided will help us build a more precise media mix, which we will go through in section 6.0 of the communication plan. Budget of Promotion Mix 5.1 During the Q&A with our client(see page 10) FJORD&BÆLT, we have gathered that the budget for marketing purposes is reaching 400 000 DKK. Our plan is to use the given budget to create a multimedia campaign, that would bring back attention to FJORD&BÆLT official website, to re-capture interest in the research center through new visual ideas implemented. Selection of Promotion Mix 5.2 To select the appropriate media channels(The Balance, 2017) we have to consider our target audience, of which the majority is school classes and kids around the area of Funen and Denmark in general this, this is based on our Field Research regarding visitors(see page 11-13). To capture the attention of the younger target audience we choose visual advertisements in medias of choice : Online: Facebook Instagram Promotional websites (ex. Visit Fyn) Trip Advisor Offline: Posters Flyers Brochures Bus Stop Advertising
  • 43. PAGE 43 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MEDIA MIX 6.0 & 6.1 As the message, media budget and channels have been determined and de- veloped, the media mix(, 2017) can now be finalized and argued for, this media mix is carefully chosen, as we want to reach our tar- get group the most efficient way possible, these channels were chosen based on our segments of our target groups(see page 11), our personas(see page 36- 37) and our qualititative interviews(see page 11-13), as they give a great view of their needs in the technographical aspect. Facebook & Instagram: Based on our qualitative interviews(see page 11-13), these are the most commonly used medias within our target audience. This leads us to choose these online medias to be our main focus to build our cam- paign around. Intagram being a perfect tool to capture animal lives as if Promotional Websites: To widen our target audience we are partnering up with promotional websites to boost our business for people who are not in the demographic area of Funen. Trip Advisor: We have chosen this media because it is the biggest collection of reviews on the internet up to date. The website earned its reputation as a trust- worthy place to give feedback about businesses. Posters / Flyers / Brochures: These offline medias are mainly supporting our online advertising. Based on our research, offline media is not the the main me- dia we will use, however we will still utilize it, as it plays a supportive role in our campaign. Bus Stop Advertisements: This media will be used around the demograph- ic area of Funen to further widen our target audience reach. Media Mix Budget 6.1 Facebook & Instagram budget: 200 DKK / day(Facebook Business, 2017) (Instagram for Business, 2017) We are working with facebook’s Page Manager application to boost our posts and page. Our daily budget for these are 200 DKK and we are running our advertisements locally in funen to target mainly our older and elder tar- get group. Promotional Websites budget: up to 400 DKK / collab These websites are mainly free but our budget goes up until 400 DKK per partnership. Trip Advisor budget: up to 3000 DKK / month(, 2017) Posters / Flyers & Brochures budget: 500 Flyers: 550 DKK 100 A2 Posters: 2200 DKKr
  • 44. PAGE 44 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY MEDIA MIX 6.1 & 6.2 Bus Stop Advertisements: Bus Stop advertisements are way out of our budget considering the Media GuideofAFAJCDecaux.ThepricesofbushshelteradvertisementswithinOdense would drain our entire media budget in a few weeks. Based on that we decided that it is not a suitable marketing media for this project.(, 2017) Media Exposure Plan 6.2 In order for us to get a clear and concise visual of how long we are going to throw a campaign, a media exposure plan(Software, 2017) was developed. It shows what actions are made in which weeks, for however long our campaign is going to last.
  • 45. PAGE 45 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY PUSH-PULL 7.0 MEASUREMENT OF COMMUNICATION EFFECT8.0 Push/pull 7.0 To be specific, and for the group to know exactly which strategy we will be using when marketing our project, we are clarifying whether it is a pull or push strat- egy. For our brand, we are going with the pull strategy(Andersen et al., 2011), the reason behind this is because we are trying to get the customer to us, hence the term pull. The marketer, in this case us or Fjord & Bælt, would attempt to pull the customers in. The common tactics for the pull strategy, is usually media promotions, in per- son, or advertised sales promotions. This way of marketing, we are going for a more experience focused approach, as we want to intrigue the audience through our campaign, showing re-defined installations and the refined website. The opposite would be the push marketing, where it is more about short-term sales. Measurement Of Communication Effect 8.0 The main purpose is to attract new customers. This can be easily tracked by looking through the system that Fjord&Bælt is using. This way we can see whether our concept strategy is working accordingly. The ROI(Staff, 2017) can be measured by comparing the number of custom- ers before and after the campaign. This applies not only to number of cus- tomers but also social media postings (Facebook, Instagram). The website’s main goal will be to attract as many new customers as possi- ble. There is no clear conversion action such as buying or signing up, there- fore conversion action can not really be measured. What we will measure through Google Analytics is the leaving rate, most visited subpages and so on.
  • 46. PAGE 46 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CUSTOMER JOURNEY MAP 9.0 A customer journey map was developed in order for the group as well as the client to get an empathetic view, of how a journey might be for their target au- dience. This CJM was build around our personas(see page 36-37) as they are 3 different age groups, it provides us with the overall story from the individual’s perspective.
  • 47. PAGE 47 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CONCLUSION 10.0 The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Going through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were able to make a communication plan. The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a greater impact in their audience. Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to under- standing, and also to avoid misunderstandings. Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communication plan, with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more efficiently, bot also make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
  • 48. PAGE 48 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADVERTISING CAMPAIGN Goal and purpose of the campaign : To increase awareness and gain attention to Fjord & Baelt. Message of the campaign : Research made fun Medias of choice : Online: Facebook Instagram Promotional websites (ex. Visit Fyn) Trip Advisor Offline: Posters Flyers Brochures Bus Stop Advertising Media Exposure Plan(See page 43) Media Mix Arguments Facebook & Instagram: Based on our research (see page 12) and statistics (see appendix 4-5 on page 81-82) we have chosen these online medias to be our main focus to build our campaign around. Promotional Websites: To widen our target audience we are partnering up with promotional websites to boost our business for people who are not in the de- mographic area of Funen. Trip Advisor: We have chosen this media because it is the biggest collection of reviews on the internet up to date. The website earned its reputation as a trustworthy place to give feedback about businesses. Posters / Flyers / Brochures: These offline medias are mainly supporting our online advertising. Based on our research, we came to the conclusion around 10%(see page 13) of our visitors are reached by this type of media, therefore it plays a supportive role in our campaign. Bus Stop Advertisements: We have considered this media advertisements but based on our research it costs 230 000 DKK(Prisliste, 2017) to advertise in the whole country. Because of the low engagement rate, we decided not to use this option. Media Mix Budget Facebook & Instagram budget: 200 DKK / day We are working with facebook’s Page Manager application to boost our posts and page. Our daily budget for these are 200 DKK and we are running our advertisements locally in funen to target mainly our older and elder tar- get group. Promotional Websites budget: up to 400 DKK / collab These websites are mainly free but our budget goes up until 400 DKK per partnership. Trip Advisor budget: up to 3000 DKK / month Posters / Flyers & Brochures budget: 500 Flyers: 550 DKK 100 A2 Posters: 2200 DKK
  • 49. PAGE 49 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY TEST PLAN & MATRIX Test Plan As our project focuses mainly on our website, we wanted to utilize the think aloud test method, by doing this, we can discover flaws and traits our website might contain. Our findings can be seen in a more detailed manner on the right. (See page 66 for the test findings.)
  • 50. PAGE 50 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY TEST PLAN & MATRIX Matrix We have used the matrix to describe a more large scale statistical webpage testing. It is based on various types of visitors, focusing on our target group, and an audience that would visit a page such a Fjord&Bælts website. By doing so, we get a more detailed view of our webpage. This allows us to see if we are in lack of following variables: attention, interest, desire and action. Further- more we research the different stages our visitors are in in each individual task. Using this information, we are able to improve our website in these matters.
  • 52. PAGE 52 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY SKETCHING & WIREFRAMING A WEBSITE Our approach to Fjord & Baelts new website is structured with a sketching and wireframing process wich is based on our research findings in the discovery phashe of design thinking. Further improvements and adjustments will be made afterwards to the wire- frames and the website prototype itself.
  • 53. PAGE 53 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY SKETCHING & WIREFRAMING A WEBSITE During the wireframing phase our team have decided to put together a clicka- ble interactive website wireframe using to conduct our test- ing and receive feedback on how the website is structured. The interactive wireframe is available in the following link:
  • 57. PAGE 57 The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Go- ing through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were able to make a communication plan. The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a greater impact in their audience. Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to un- derstanding, and also to avoid misunderstandings. Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communica- tion plan, with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more efficiently, bot also make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
  • 58. PAGE 58 The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Go- ing through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were able to make a communication plan. The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a greater impact in their audience. Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to un- derstanding, and also to avoid misunderstandings. Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communica- tion plan, with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more efficiently, bot also make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
  • 59. PAGE 59 The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Go- ing through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were able to make a communication plan. The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a greater impact in their audience. Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to un- derstanding, and also to avoid misunderstandings. Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communica- tion plan, with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more efficiently, bot also make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
  • 60. PAGE 60 The communication plan is an important tool when making a campaign. Go- ing through all the individual steps, backed up by a strong research, we were able to make a communication plan. The target group was defined as the communication was adjusted to make a greater impact in their audience. Making a creative brief based on the communication plan is a great tool when trying to communicate the ideas, and overall have a good overview, as to un- derstanding, and also to avoid misunderstandings. Fjord&Bælts new message “Research made Fun” is shaped based on all our research and thoroughly hand picked using the guidelines of the communica- tion plan, with this message, and the channels we will use, and how they are going to be utilized, we will be able to not only hit the target audience more efficiently, bot also make Fjord&Bælt more appealing for future visitors.
  • 61. PAGE 61 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CODING Disclaimer: This is just a prototype and we are using the class of .disabled on every link that is not functional on the website so the users have an easier time navigating around the website and they don’t have to figure out what works and what doesn’t. This class changes the cursor. Flexbox Flexbox is used throughout the website for displaying content. The CSS3 Flex- ible Box, or flexbox, is a layout mode providing for the arrangement of ele- ments on a page such that the elements behave predictably when the page layout must accommodate different screen sizes and different display devices. ( out/Using_CSS_flexible_boxes) The primary layout on our website is achieved using these elements: <div class=”container”></div> <div class=”row”></div> <div class=”column”></div> Responsiveness Responsive Web design is the approach that suggests that design and devel- opment should respond to the user’s behavior and environment based on screen size, platform and orientation.(Editorial, 2011). We built the website with responsive design in mind, because in today’s day and age it’s a must- have thing. Google, which is one of the world’s biggest companies and has world’s biggest and most used search engine actually punishes websites that are not responsive (Hickman, 2016). So the responsive design is achieved mainly using Flexbox, with little tweaks and fixes using regular CSS, such as the @media command.
  • 62. PAGE 62 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CODING This section just below the header is a great example. It’s displayed using Flex- boxandthenbelow1000px,whenitwouldn’tproperlyfitanymore,it’sdisplayed in a grid of two. This is achieved by changing the flex-flow to row wrap which means the content gets wrapped and displayed in the next line rather than con- tinuing outside the document. The columns have a specified minimum width of 50% so they are displayed two in a row. See the images on the right.
  • 63. PAGE 63 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY CODING Reusing elements Lots of times on websites, there are the same elements. It wouldn’t make sense to code them over and over again, to deal with this, we use the PHP function in- clude. It is used on all re-used basic elements such as the navigation, the footer. Besides these basic elements, we also use it on our Call To Action section that is re-used on almost every subpage. This way if we decide to change, we only make one change in the cta-what-we- offer.php file and it changes everywhere! To call these files, we use the following command
  • 64. PAGE 64 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY STYLE TILE As shown on the picture on the right, we have created a style tile showing the fonts, colours and interface elements we are going to use on the website, this makes sure we all are on the same page throughout the rest of the project, and that the essence of the visual brand is consistent. It is base for the rest of the design for the visuals that are being created for the project. Open Sans The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog BODY TEXT Source Sans Pro HEADLINES The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog #00304C #0A369D #00A6FB #E8DA45 READ MORE FJORD&BAELT NEW CAMPAIGN LAUNCHED! Was own the were that because kicked far of world subdued out embarkation and phase merit I pass the determined candidates, could last room, nation why steadily fame. So with they proper on paint, or harder.
  • 65. PAGE 65 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADVERTISEMENT CONTENT POSTERS & VIDEOS Video Two videos have been created to work as an advertisement content for social medias such as Facebook and Instagram. Videos portray somewhere in between of a regular feeding show done at Fjord & Baelt. According to questionnaire in the Discovery part of the report(see page 11-13), this event is the most entertaining experience in the research center. Both videos share the same idea, timing and execution. The basic idea is to capture a funny / cute animal moment and start the music at the same time as the word “FUN” pops out to the screen. Formula for these videos makes it easy for Fjord & Baelt to continue the same style of advertisement. Phone camera being used in the video makes it inviting for someone else who has a phone to recreate it and promote Fjord & Baelt on social media. Version 1 (See image on the bottom left) First version of the videos included these effects : A slight hint of #00A6FB from our color palette in the style guide, serving as a color filter for the video. Research Made Fun written in Source Sans Pro Font, that is directed to be used as headlines in our style guide. While the rest of the words are white, word FUN is colored in #00A6FB blue, that we use in our style guide. Fjord & Baelt logo or any hint of Fjord & Baelt was not included to the video due to a user being able to see the company’s name as an account that is publishing the advertisement on multimedia. Shortly after, the feedback session from the group led to creating a second version for these advertisements.
  • 66. PAGE 66 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY ADVERTISEMENT CONTENT POSTERS & VIDEOS Version 2 Second version was considered to be the final on by the group. The changes it included were these : Color filter for the video has been replaced with the one being used for the website header video. Research Made Fun words are now aligned and colored to fit the original logo of Fjord & Baelt. Fjord & Baelt logo has been added to the end of the video. Music has been added to add comedic timing for when the word “FUN” pops out in the video.
  • 67. PAGE 67 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY INSTALLATION Installation Concept has been developed in the form of video. Principle of the interface is to replace selectable animal icons with full screen videos of them. Clicking an animal on the old interface would be no longer required with the new design. Informational text fits perfectly along the video, as demonstrated in the Touchscreen Presentation Video. Swiping animal videos would make Fjord & Baelt touch screen installations more associatable to a mobile app which is widely used media according to Questionnaire in the Discovery part of the report. Swiping full screen videos of the animals is more fun. It improves interaction and visuals within the research center. This was our goal considering the target audience of kids and school classes. The text used in the previous interface would still take place in the new one. This way the new interface can be enjoyed by both - the ones who will read it and the ones who will not.
  • 69. PAGE 69 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY TESTING Introduction Our group has prepared a test plan to gain more insight about the product we develop in different phases of the design process. The test we have chosen to do is the following: Think Aloud Testing It helps us to understand better the structure of our website in the wireframing phase, as well as refining small details about our final prototype. Berenike / Think Aloud test subject 1 / 17.05.17 Can you find the opening hours? I am going to the About page and looking for it, but i cannot find it there. Therefore I am going into the Visit navigation because i would like to visit the center so it might be there. It was not quite clear where the opening hours were placed because when i’m looking for it I expect to see something in the From / To format. The current way the opening hours are displayed looks like a movie theater seat reservation. Can you find Fjord and Baelts telephone number? It think it will be placed in the footer which is, so yes. Can you find out how much an adult ticket to the center costs? Under the visit I can see the price lists. It costs 140 DKK for an adult to enter. Can you find our Social Icons on the website? I have found the on the bottom of the page, but i would have looked for the on the top right corner of the website because i believe that they should have been placed there. Insight The subject points out that it might be a great idea to include a home button inside our navigation panel because not everybody knows to click the logo. She thinks the Visit and the Experiences navigation could be easily merged together. Wireframes doesn’t include drop down navigation menus we are planning to implement. The selection and purchase / booking of the tickets should have an option to select multiple tickets at once. Inside the booking subpage the subject suggested to reverse the order of the Selection of the tickets and the form input fields to give an easier flow of the page and the visitors eyes. Sal / Think Aloud test subject 2 / 17.05.17 Can you find the social media icons on our website? I would look for them on the bottom of the page. Successful. Can you find out what is the website about? I would look for this information inside the About navigation menu point. Can you find out our opening hours? I would go to the Visit navigation menu and it is the first thing I see in there. Can you find out our telephone number? Im scrolling to the bottom of the page because based on my previous expe-
  • 70. PAGE 70 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY TESTING riences that is the place where i will find this information. If you would like to book a ticket, what would you do? I click the most visible button in the navigation bar that says Booking. Where would you look for an option to change the language of the website? In the top right corner i would look for a flag icon or similar what you have. Insight I think the wireframes you have made look really professional to my eyes. Espe- cially the Booking subpage. It is nicely structured and very informative. I like the fact that the landing page is going to be a video, it is really cool. The dive in part under the video is not quite necessary. It might be enough to make just a visual representation or an arrow instead of the text / pun. The call to action buttons below the header on the landing page are greatly placed because it is almost the first thing the visitor will look for. The participant really liked the small illustrations on our landing page. For more test subjects see appendix 2 and 3 on page 79-80.
  • 71. PAGE 71 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY C.R.A.P ANALYSIS To follow the basics of design we applied the CRAP method to our new website for Fjord&Bælt, by doing this we know the website is up to par, and is aestheti- cally pleasing for the visitor to look at. For the contrast we have used the colours blue and yellow, yellow being used for attention. For repetition we have used the same typography throughout the website, consistency in icons and buttons are using the colours according to what their action is. The alignment throughout the website can be seen as soon as you dive in, the four most basic information boxes is in a grid of four, then followed up by a grid of two underneath. The pictures and elements are all aligned to have a nice and clean structure. For proximity we have placed the text close enough to the pictures in the 2 grid information section, so there will be no confusion as to which textbox belongs to what picture.
  • 72. PAGE 72 REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY FINAL INSIGHTS & CHANGES Based on the think aloud testing above our group have gained the following insights of our wireframes: Half of the participants think it would be a good idea to include a home button to our navigation for easier use of the website. 1- Our Call to Action buttons: Get Tickets and Get A Seasonal pass could be merged into one single button. 2 - We have to find a different way to display our opening hours on the website because the current one is confusing for our visitors. 3 - When buying tickets visitors should be able to purchase multiple tickets. While we were analysing the outcome of this test our group has decided to find solution for conclusion 1 and 3. Upon further discussion of conclusion 2, the group did not find it necessary to change the layout of Fjord & Baelts current opening hours due to its complexity and seasonal changes.
  • 73. PAGE 73 CONCLUSION REFERENCE LIST APPENDIX CONCLUSIONEVOLUTIONEXPERIMENTATIONIDEATIONINTERPRETATIONDISCOVERYANALYSISMETHODSPROBLEM DEFINITIONINTRODUCTIONEXECUTIVE SUMMARY Working together with Fjord & Baelt gave our team an exciting opportunityto meet the needs of a real life client on the Danish market which will also drive us in an international scale. Based on the immersive research we have conducted the team believes that our multimedia solution solves the main issues present with Fjord & Baelt currently. Mainly focusing on a website redesign we were able to come up with a refined user experience to further drive the visitors to the center. Our secondary solution is focusing on how the center displays their information and research findings to the visitors, as well as their current media and business plan.
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