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Husky Grind
Caryn Carlson Rothe, Erin
McLean, Julia Chamberlain,
  Michellene Steinberg
Planning Phase
The Husky Grind Project
Problem Statement:
   • The University of Washington community does not know about the
     new Husky Grind brand of coffee, the on-campus roaster, and cafe.
Project Mission Statement:
   • Our mission is to get the UW community excited about and involved
     with Husky Grind through the creation of an interactive website.
Project Objectives:
   • Due to the time constraints set in class, our objective is to create a
     medium-fidelity prototype of the Husky Grind website. We will
     determine the success of this project by testing the website with real
     users and acknowledging their responses.
List of Stakeholders:
   • There are four main stakeholders for this project: Housing and Food
     Services (HFS), the UW Community, Professor Atman, and ourselves
     as the team members.
Work Requirements
Project Management       Project Exit Criteria
• Initial Plan           • Initial Survey Results
   • WBS 1
   • Gantt Chart 1
                         • Lo-Fidelity Prototype
   • Risk Analysis       • Med-Fidelity Prototype 1

• Rework Project Plan    • Med-Fidelity Prototype 1
   • Final WBS             Test Results
   • Final Gantt Chart
                         • Final Med-Fidelity
• Final Report
                         • Final Presentation
Initial WBS with Critical Path
Initial Gantt Chart
Areas of Risk
           Risk                 Probability   Impact      Owner                              Outcome/Response
                                  (HML)        (HML)
Too few responses to the            Low       Medium   Caryn / Michellene Send out survey over a variety of mediums - email and facebook.
survey                                                                    Within facebook, posting the survey to different groups will prove
No one offers to test the         Medium       High    Caryn / Michellene If this occurs, we will conduct a heuristic evaluation of the prototype
prototype                                                                 and judge its characteristics based on a predetermined set of
                                                                          requirements and HCDE common practices.
Any part of the project takes     Medium       High            All        Our current project plan has given us 6 extra days after the
longer than expected                                                      completion of the project. This gives us 6 days of leniency in case
                                                                          something goes wrong
The prototype does not              Low        High           Julia       Our prototype will include findings from real survey responses. If the
engage the potential users                                                prototype does not engage potential users, simplify the design down
                                                                          to core functional components as found in testing. Turn the prototype
                                                                          into a mid-fidelity wireframe or mockup.
Medium-fidelity prototype         Medium       High       Erin / Julia    Periodically test during design cycle to ensure all components
(PowerPoint) failure                                                      (links, visuals, text) are working and formatted correctly. Final test
                                                                          of completed prototype 3 days before implementation to give
                                                                          enough time to fix bugs.
Technology failure during           Low        High            All        For individual computer failure: Each team member will have a
presentation                                                              current copy on their computer. If classroom technology failure
                                                                          proceed without visuals for the audience.
Scheduling conflict or              Low        Mid             All        Have overlap within the team skill set. Team members will openly
emergency - Team members                                                  communicate needs. Work will be assessed and divided up to keep
drops the ball on her part of                                             the project moving forward.
the project
Deliverable report is             Medium       Mid           Julia         The deliverable report demands editing. One team member will edit
improperly formatted and                                                   by standardizing common terms, adding transitions and connecting
not a cohesive document                                                    ideas, standardizing document formatting, and double-checking for
                                                                           spelling and grammatical errors.
Low-fi Prototype                    Low        High        Julia/Erin      Everyone sits down for a power-hour of designing and heuristic
incomplete by planned date                                                 evaluation. Other team members join the work to complete
                                                                           prototype ASAP for testing.
Execution Phase
Create an interactive website to promote community
involvement through the new Husky Grind Roaster
and Café. Our ideas were:

  •   Nutritional Information on Menu
  •   Voting on Seasonal Blends
  •   Calendar of Events
  •   Highlight UW’s promise toward Sustainability
  •   Submitting cup Designs and Barks
  •   Feedback
Mood Board
Menu        Seasonal Blends   Events      Express Yourself   Responsibility Feedback

Get Your Grind On
UW Dining is in the process of finalizing
the design of a new campus coffee
roaster to provide sustainably roasted
coffee beans to 24 on-campus espresso
locations. Scheduled to open in the
District Market of Alder Hall in Autumn
2012, Husky Grind will be the first ever
university coffee roaster.

Get Your Study On Too

Make the Husky Grind your new favorite
study spot. Grab a cup of coffee and relax
in our spacious setup. All cafés on campus
have acess to the UW wireless network.

Find Us On…

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Menu   Seasonal Blends       Events      Express Yourself   Responsibility Feedback

     Explore Our Menu                       Americano                        Ingredients         Nutrition Facts

     - Drinks                                                                   Vanilla
        Brewed Coffee                                                           Water
        Espresso Beverages                                                      Coffee
        Chocolate Beverages
        Tea Beverages
        Blended Beverages

     + Food

                                            Coffee With Milk                 Ingredients         Nutrition Facts
   Choose Your Size

Tall         Grande       Venti
12 fl. Oz.   16 fl. Oz.   24 fl. Oz.

                                         Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map
Menu      Seasonal Blends   Events      Express Yourself     Responsibility Feedback

Seasonal Blends
                                                                                 The Thanksgiving blend has a rich,
 Vote for your favorite upcoming                                                 chocolate taste to it. It is smooth
                                                                                 with very little bitterness. Enjoy a
 seasonal blend! Don’t know which
 one to vote for? Go to our Events                               #1 Vote         cup of this blend after a pick-up
                                                                                 game of football or with a slice of
 pags to find the next coffee                                                    pumpkin pie.
 tasting event on campus. Click on
 a blend to learn more about where
 it comes from. Every quarter we             Hazelnut
 add the blend with the most votes
 to our regular offering of coffee.                                              This is our staff favorite. Dry and
                                                                                 brisk yet very savory. The notes of
                                                                 #2 Vote         hazelnut are strongest but do not
                                                                                 overpower the overall taste. We
                                                                                 recommend this as your Friday
                                                                                 Pick-Me-Up with a Mighty-O

                                                                                 Round, sweet, and luscious.
                                                                                 Delicate with crisp acidity. The
                                                                                 raspberry flavor dominates, with
                                                                                 hints of lemon and lavender.
                                                                 #3 Vote         Perfect for sipping while writing
                                                                                 the next great novel under the
                                                                                 cherry trees in the quad.

                               Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map
Menu    Seasonal Blends   Events      Express Yourself   Responsibility Feedback

Thanks For Voting!
  Get your social network to
 vote for your favorite blend.
  Share your vote using one
    of the buttons below.

           Go Back

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                                                Our Thanksgiving blend bean comes from the
                                                Mercedes Águeda Coffee Plantation in northern
                                                Argentina. The plantation is owned and
                                                operated by the Águeda family, who are native
                                                Argentinians and have worked the land for
                                                multiple generations.

                                                The smooth, alkaline taste of the Thanksgiving
                                                blend can be attributed to the low acidity of the
                                                plantation’s soil. Thanks to recent efforts to
                                                preserve the surrounding area, the Coffea plants
                                                have grown without exposure to harsh
                                                pollutants . Thus, the bean flavor has stayed
‘The Thanksgiving blend has a rich,
                                                consistent for hundreds of years.
chocolate taste to it. It is smooth with
very little bitterness. Enjoy a cup of              Go Back
this blend after a pick-up game of
football or with a slice of pumpkin

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Menu    Seasonal Blends   Events      Express Yourself   Responsibility Feedback

                                               The Hana Coffee Lab mixes traditional coffee
                                               harvesting practices with modern technology to
                                               create unique beans flavors such as Apple,
                                               Green Tea, and Pineapple. We especially liked
                                               their Raspberry and Hazelnut flavors and are
                                               offering both choices as a potential Spring

                                                 Go Back

  ‘This is our staff favorite. Dry and          ‘Round, sweet, and luscious. Delicate
 brisk yet very savory. The notes of               with crisp acidity. The raspberry
  hazelnut are strongest but do not             flavor dominates, with hints of lemon
   overpower the overall taste. We                 and lavender. Perfect for sipping
recommend this as your Friday Pick-                while writing the next great novel
   Me-Up with a Mighty-O Donut.’                  under the cherry trees in the quad.’

                         Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map
Menu         Seasonal Blends         Events      Express Yourself         Responsibility Feedback

Event Calendar                                                                  May 2012
Every month we host a number of events in
                                                      Sun        Mon          Tue        Wed           Thu        Fri           Sat
our coffee house including coffee tastings and
concerts. Click on any of the events listed in
the calendar to the right to learn more.                                 1          2             3          4             5
                                                                                    Sip and
                                                 6          7            8          9             10         11            12
                                                                                                             Poetry Slam
Event Key                                                                                                    8:30PM

   Coffee Tasting
                                                 13         14           15         16            17         18            19
   Poetry Night

   Musical Performance
                                                 20         21           22         23            24         25            26
                                                            Leslie and
                                                            the Lys
                                                 27         28           29         30            31

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Jump to:

 - Leave Your Print                                                           Leave Your Print
  Submit a design
  Vote for your favorite                                                       Want your design to be on every coffee cup
                                                                               on campus. Submit your work and gather
 + Let’s Hear Your Bark!                                                       your social network to vote for it.
                                                                               Submission deadline is September 24th.

                              Submit a Design        Vote for Your Favorite

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Jump to:
                             Submit a design                            * Name
 - Leave Your Print
  Submit a design
  Vote for your favorite     This is the place where you submit
                             your designs for the coffee cups used      * Email Address
 + Let’s Hear Your Bark!     at cafes on campus. Please submit
                             original work. Limit 3 submissions per
                             academic quarter.
                                                                       * Design (JPG, GIF, and PNG only)

                                                                               * Indicates required fields


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Menu     Seasonal Blends     Events       Express Yourself          Responsibility Feedback

Jump to:

 - Leave Your Print
                                                                               Let’s Hear You Bark!
                                                "My regular Thursday mocha
                                                is always made with love and
 + Let’s Hear Your Bark!                        a foamy-heart swirl on top.
  Submit a design                               Thanks for the
  Vote for your favorite                        appreciation!“
                                                                               What do you have to say about Husky Grind cafe and
                                                        -Jane Doe, Student
                                                                               coffee? Send us a bark about your coffee experience and
                                                                               it will be featured on the website and on limited edition
                                                                               of cups!

                                  Submit Bark           Vote for Your Favorite

                                   Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map
Menu   Seasonal Blends    Events      Express Yourself   Responsibility Feedback

Jump to:
                             Submit a bark                             * Name
 - Leave Your Print
 + Let’s Hear Your Bark!
                             Show your love for Husky Grind here.
  Submit a design            What you have to say could be             * Email Address
  Vote for your favorite
                             featured on the website and limited
                             edition cups. Woof!

                                                                       * Bark (max 200 char.)
                                               Erin and/or Julia

                                                                              * Indicates required fields


                                  Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map
Menu       Seasonal Blends        Events      Express Yourself           Responsibility Feedback

Social Responsibility
 We believe that the best way to ensure
quality coffee and sustainability is to
form lasting relationships with coffee
farmers. Coffee is the second largest
commodity in the world, and through a
relationship with coffee farmers we can
help to create a sustainable future for
the beverage we love. We support
coffee farmers taking ownership of the
land they farm. Together, we can help
break the cycle of poverty.

Sustainability                                       Click on the map for more information on where our beans come from.

 We support and only by from sources
 that practice sustainable coffee
 harvesting. Sustainable coffee is
 coffee grown in a manner that is kind
 to the environment and its people. A
 sustainable farm gives back as much
 to the land and people as it
 receives. It seeks independence from
 non-renewable resources, using
 renewable resources when possible.
 Sustainable farming also minimizes
 pollution, takes steps to care for the
 environment, and cares for its

                                  Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map
Menu   Seasonal Blends     Events      Express Yourself   Responsibility Feedback

                           7% of our beans
                           come from the
                          Mercedes Águeda
                         Coffee Plantation in
                         northern Argentina

                                                                        Go Back

       Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map
Menu    Seasonal Blends        Events      Express Yourself    Responsibility Feedback

Tell Us How We’re Doing                                           * Name
Use the form to the left to send us your questions,
concerns, or compliments. We read all feedback
carefully and try to respond in a timely manner. If               * Email Address
you need a more immediate response, email our
Customer Relations Manager at
                                                                  * Subject

                                                                  * Comments

                                                                         * Indicates required fields

                              Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map
Re-planning Phase
Any part of the project takes longer than expected
and Low-fi Prototype incomplete by planned date,
Scheduling conflict or emergency
   • People got sick, we communicated and rescheduled
Med-fi prototype (PowerPoint) failure
   • We found link, formatting, missing pages, and typo issues
     when testing
Very few people initially offered to test the
   • We got more testers from the class and HCDE staff by
     asking in-person
Technology failure during presentation
   • Multiple copies of the presentation
   • Stored on DropBox
Final WBS with Critical Path
Final Gantt Chart
Concepts, Surprises, & Takeaways
• “The biggest take-away about project management that I
  learned during the last six weeks was that no matter how long
  you think a project task will take you will almost always be
  wrong if you are a novice project manager.”

• “Communication and individual responsibilities make
  everyone a project manager.”
Concepts, Surprises, & Takeaways
• “The major lesson I have learned from this project is to:
   • Put a lot of work into the initial planning of the project
   • Have every team member agree on their roles from the beginning
   • Have clear expectations
   • A work diary is great when you can’t scrum daily
   • Understand the capabilities of the software tool used for scheduling prior
     to jumping in and using it.”

• “It was surprising that 78% of respondents would have
  preferred to learn about events, promotions, and activities
  through an information board in the coffeehouse. Our team
  decided to disregard this information as we had been tasked
  by our stakeholders to design an interactive website.”
Thank You!

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Final Presentation

  • 1. Husky Grind Project Caryn Carlson Rothe, Erin McLean, Julia Chamberlain, Michellene Steinberg
  • 3. The Husky Grind Project Problem Statement: • The University of Washington community does not know about the new Husky Grind brand of coffee, the on-campus roaster, and cafe. Project Mission Statement: • Our mission is to get the UW community excited about and involved with Husky Grind through the creation of an interactive website. Project Objectives: • Due to the time constraints set in class, our objective is to create a medium-fidelity prototype of the Husky Grind website. We will determine the success of this project by testing the website with real users and acknowledging their responses. List of Stakeholders: • There are four main stakeholders for this project: Housing and Food Services (HFS), the UW Community, Professor Atman, and ourselves as the team members.
  • 4. Work Requirements Project Management Project Exit Criteria • Initial Plan • Initial Survey Results • WBS 1 • Gantt Chart 1 • Lo-Fidelity Prototype • Risk Analysis • Med-Fidelity Prototype 1 • Rework Project Plan • Med-Fidelity Prototype 1 • Final WBS Test Results • Final Gantt Chart • Final Med-Fidelity Prototype • Final Report • Final Presentation
  • 5. Initial WBS with Critical Path
  • 7. Areas of Risk Risk Probability Impact Owner Outcome/Response (HML) (HML) Too few responses to the Low Medium Caryn / Michellene Send out survey over a variety of mediums - email and facebook. survey Within facebook, posting the survey to different groups will prove useful No one offers to test the Medium High Caryn / Michellene If this occurs, we will conduct a heuristic evaluation of the prototype prototype and judge its characteristics based on a predetermined set of requirements and HCDE common practices. Any part of the project takes Medium High All Our current project plan has given us 6 extra days after the longer than expected completion of the project. This gives us 6 days of leniency in case something goes wrong The prototype does not Low High Julia Our prototype will include findings from real survey responses. If the engage the potential users prototype does not engage potential users, simplify the design down to core functional components as found in testing. Turn the prototype into a mid-fidelity wireframe or mockup. Medium-fidelity prototype Medium High Erin / Julia Periodically test during design cycle to ensure all components (PowerPoint) failure (links, visuals, text) are working and formatted correctly. Final test of completed prototype 3 days before implementation to give enough time to fix bugs. Technology failure during Low High All For individual computer failure: Each team member will have a presentation current copy on their computer. If classroom technology failure proceed without visuals for the audience. Scheduling conflict or Low Mid All Have overlap within the team skill set. Team members will openly emergency - Team members communicate needs. Work will be assessed and divided up to keep drops the ball on her part of the project moving forward. the project Deliverable report is Medium Mid Julia The deliverable report demands editing. One team member will edit improperly formatted and by standardizing common terms, adding transitions and connecting not a cohesive document ideas, standardizing document formatting, and double-checking for spelling and grammatical errors. Low-fi Prototype Low High Julia/Erin Everyone sits down for a power-hour of designing and heuristic incomplete by planned date evaluation. Other team members join the work to complete prototype ASAP for testing.
  • 9. Ideation Create an interactive website to promote community involvement through the new Husky Grind Roaster and Café. Our ideas were: • Nutritional Information on Menu • Voting on Seasonal Blends • Calendar of Events • Highlight UW’s promise toward Sustainability • Submitting cup Designs and Barks • Feedback
  • 11. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Get Your Grind On UW Dining is in the process of finalizing the design of a new campus coffee roaster to provide sustainably roasted coffee beans to 24 on-campus espresso locations. Scheduled to open in the District Market of Alder Hall in Autumn 2012, Husky Grind will be the first ever university coffee roaster. Get Your Study On Too Make the Husky Grind your new favorite study spot. Grab a cup of coffee and relax in our spacious setup. All cafés on campus have acess to the UW wireless network. Find Us On… Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 12. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Explore Our Menu Americano Ingredients Nutrition Facts - Drinks Vanilla Milk Brewed Coffee Water Espresso Beverages Coffee Chocolate Beverages Tea Beverages Blended Beverages + Food Coffee With Milk Ingredients Nutrition Facts Choose Your Size Vanilla Milk Water Coffee Tall Grande Venti 12 fl. Oz. 16 fl. Oz. 24 fl. Oz. Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 13. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Thanksgiving Seasonal Blends The Thanksgiving blend has a rich, Vote for your favorite upcoming chocolate taste to it. It is smooth with very little bitterness. Enjoy a seasonal blend! Don’t know which one to vote for? Go to our Events #1 Vote cup of this blend after a pick-up game of football or with a slice of pags to find the next coffee pumpkin pie. tasting event on campus. Click on a blend to learn more about where it comes from. Every quarter we Hazelnut add the blend with the most votes to our regular offering of coffee. This is our staff favorite. Dry and brisk yet very savory. The notes of #2 Vote hazelnut are strongest but do not overpower the overall taste. We recommend this as your Friday Pick-Me-Up with a Mighty-O Donut. Raspberry Round, sweet, and luscious. Delicate with crisp acidity. The raspberry flavor dominates, with hints of lemon and lavender. #3 Vote Perfect for sipping while writing the next great novel under the cherry trees in the quad. Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 14. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Thanks For Voting! Get your social network to vote for your favorite blend. Share your vote using one of the buttons below. Go Back Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 15. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Our Thanksgiving blend bean comes from the Mercedes Águeda Coffee Plantation in northern Argentina. The plantation is owned and operated by the Águeda family, who are native Argentinians and have worked the land for multiple generations. The smooth, alkaline taste of the Thanksgiving blend can be attributed to the low acidity of the plantation’s soil. Thanks to recent efforts to preserve the surrounding area, the Coffea plants have grown without exposure to harsh pollutants . Thus, the bean flavor has stayed ‘The Thanksgiving blend has a rich, consistent for hundreds of years. chocolate taste to it. It is smooth with very little bitterness. Enjoy a cup of Go Back this blend after a pick-up game of football or with a slice of pumpkin pie.’ Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 16. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback The Hana Coffee Lab mixes traditional coffee harvesting practices with modern technology to create unique beans flavors such as Apple, Green Tea, and Pineapple. We especially liked their Raspberry and Hazelnut flavors and are offering both choices as a potential Spring Blend. Go Back ‘This is our staff favorite. Dry and ‘Round, sweet, and luscious. Delicate brisk yet very savory. The notes of with crisp acidity. The raspberry hazelnut are strongest but do not flavor dominates, with hints of lemon overpower the overall taste. We and lavender. Perfect for sipping recommend this as your Friday Pick- while writing the next great novel Me-Up with a Mighty-O Donut.’ under the cherry trees in the quad.’ Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 17. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Event Calendar May 2012 Every month we host a number of events in Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat our coffee house including coffee tastings and concerts. Click on any of the events listed in the calendar to the right to learn more. 1 2 3 4 5 Sip and Stitch 4:30-5:30PM 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 Poetry Slam Event Key 8:30PM Coffee Tasting 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 Poetry Night Musical Performance 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 Leslie and the Lys 8:30PM 27 28 29 30 31 Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 18. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Jump to: - Leave Your Print Leave Your Print Submit a design Vote for your favorite Want your design to be on every coffee cup on campus. Submit your work and gather + Let’s Hear Your Bark! your social network to vote for it. Submission deadline is September 24th. Submit a Design Vote for Your Favorite Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 19. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Jump to: Submit a design * Name - Leave Your Print Submit a design Vote for your favorite This is the place where you submit your designs for the coffee cups used * Email Address + Let’s Hear Your Bark! at cafes on campus. Please submit original work. Limit 3 submissions per academic quarter. * Design (JPG, GIF, and PNG only) Browse * Indicates required fields Submit Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 20. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Jump to: - Leave Your Print Let’s Hear You Bark! "My regular Thursday mocha is always made with love and + Let’s Hear Your Bark! a foamy-heart swirl on top. Submit a design Thanks for the Vote for your favorite appreciation!“ What do you have to say about Husky Grind cafe and -Jane Doe, Student coffee? Send us a bark about your coffee experience and it will be featured on the website and on limited edition of cups! Submit Bark Vote for Your Favorite Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 21. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Jump to: Submit a bark * Name - Leave Your Print + Let’s Hear Your Bark! Show your love for Husky Grind here. Submit a design What you have to say could be * Email Address Vote for your favorite featured on the website and limited edition cups. Woof! * Bark (max 200 char.) Erin and/or Julia * Indicates required fields Submit Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 22. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Social Responsibility We believe that the best way to ensure quality coffee and sustainability is to form lasting relationships with coffee farmers. Coffee is the second largest commodity in the world, and through a relationship with coffee farmers we can help to create a sustainable future for the beverage we love. We support coffee farmers taking ownership of the land they farm. Together, we can help break the cycle of poverty. Sustainability Click on the map for more information on where our beans come from. We support and only by from sources that practice sustainable coffee harvesting. Sustainable coffee is coffee grown in a manner that is kind to the environment and its people. A sustainable farm gives back as much to the land and people as it receives. It seeks independence from non-renewable resources, using renewable resources when possible. Sustainable farming also minimizes pollution, takes steps to care for the environment, and cares for its employees. Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 23. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback 7% of our beans come from the Mercedes Águeda Coffee Plantation in northern Argentina Go Back Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 24. Menu Seasonal Blends Events Express Yourself Responsibility Feedback Tell Us How We’re Doing * Name Use the form to the left to send us your questions, concerns, or compliments. We read all feedback carefully and try to respond in a timely manner. If * Email Address you need a more immediate response, email our Customer Relations Manager at * Subject * Comments * Indicates required fields Customer Service Affiliates Terms Site Map Copyright
  • 26. Problems Any part of the project takes longer than expected and Low-fi Prototype incomplete by planned date, Scheduling conflict or emergency • People got sick, we communicated and rescheduled Med-fi prototype (PowerPoint) failure • We found link, formatting, missing pages, and typo issues when testing Very few people initially offered to test the prototype. • We got more testers from the class and HCDE staff by asking in-person Technology failure during presentation • Multiple copies of the presentation • Stored on DropBox
  • 27. Final WBS with Critical Path
  • 30. Concepts, Surprises, & Takeaways • “The biggest take-away about project management that I learned during the last six weeks was that no matter how long you think a project task will take you will almost always be wrong if you are a novice project manager.” • “Communication and individual responsibilities make everyone a project manager.”
  • 31. Concepts, Surprises, & Takeaways • “The major lesson I have learned from this project is to: • Put a lot of work into the initial planning of the project • Have every team member agree on their roles from the beginning • Have clear expectations • A work diary is great when you can’t scrum daily • Understand the capabilities of the software tool used for scheduling prior to jumping in and using it.” • “It was surprising that 78% of respondents would have preferred to learn about events, promotions, and activities through an information board in the coffeehouse. Our team decided to disregard this information as we had been tasked by our stakeholders to design an interactive website.”