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“Share knowledge and good practices
regarding the use of IT/e-Learning in VET guidance”
International specialty magazine, for all curricular areas,
for teachers in the pre university educational system,
students and parents
Craiova, 2014
Coordonatorii revistei:
Teacher Georgeta Manafu-coordinator of the LDV Multilateral International Partnership
“Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education”
Teacher Popescu Oana- member in the LDV Multilateral International Partnership “Development of
guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education” – English teacher
© 2014 Editura Sitech Craiova
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© 2014 Editura Sitech Craiova
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Editura SITECH din Craiova este acreditată de C.N.C.S.I.S. din cadrul Ministerului Educaţiei şi
Cercetării pentru editare de carte ştiinţifică.
Editura SITECH Craiova, România
Aleea Teatrului, nr. 2, Bloc T1, parter
Tel/fax: 0251/414003
ISSN 2360 – 4522
ISSN–L 2360 – 4522
This magazine is a collection of the articles presented during the International Conference
“Share knowledge and good practices regarding the use of IT/e-Learning in VET guidance”,
organized on the 24th of April 2014 at the DOLJ County School Inspectorate by the teams at the
“Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool and the Automotive Technological Highschool, as part of
the LDV International Multilateral Partnership “Development of guidance and counselling
instruments in vocational education”, with national ID number LLP-LdV/PAR/2012/RO/179,
project number 22012-1-TR1-LEO04-35830 5.
The general purpose of this magazine is to share examples of good practice in order to
promote an innovative, creative approach in the educational system.
The articles in the magazine were listed under the following four sections:
 E-Learning, educational Software, multimedia presentations used in the instructive-
educational process, in career counselling and guidance;
 Vocational counselling and guidance;
 Permanent education in the age of knowledge. Dissemination of projects and LLP training
 Creativity and innovation in the instructive-educational process (examples of good practice)
This magazine mostly addresses teachers in the pre-universitary system, students and their
Coordinator of the LDV International Multilateral Partnership “Development of guidance and
counselling instruments in vocational education”,
Teacher Georgeta Manafu
“Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova
The web-log or the blog was invented by Jorn Barger in 1997 and it consists of a simple web
page containing opinions, personal information and links, random posts arranged chronologically,
the latest posts being showed first, as in a journal. Most of the blogs allow viewers to comment.
These comments contribute to the exchange of opinions.
Below there is a presentation of the blog that was created in the international program, the role it
had in the implementation of the activities of the project, in the dissemination activities and in the
evaluation of the activities of the project.
Between August 2012 and July 2014, the “Tudor Arghezi” highschool implemented the
international multilateral partnership Leonardo da Vinci “Development of guidance and counseling
instruments in vocational education” with the national number LLP-LdV/PAR/2012/RO/179 and the
project number 22012-1-TR1-LEO04-35830 5, along with the following partners:
 Comune di Sant’Angelo in Vado, ITALY
 Avanos Kiz Teknik Ve Meslek Lisesi, TURKEY
 Liceul Tehnologic Transporturi Auto, ROMANIA
 Professional Highschool of Electronics and Electrical Engineering "Marie Curie",
 Profesionalas Izglitibas Kompetences Centrs “Liepajas Valsts Tehnikums”, LATVIA
 Fundacion Para El Desarrollo De La Ciencia Y La Tecnologia En Extremadura
 Fundacja Rozwoju Inicjatyw Edukayjnych I Społecznych, POLAND
To date, the activities in the project were conducted according to the program from the
application form.
The research activity conducted in the project was:
-In February 2013 there were elaborated together with the project partners online
questionnaires for testing the interest of students in counseling and orientation. The questionnaires
have been digitized by the project coordinator from the highschool „Tudor Arghezi” and posted on
the project blog to be accessed by the schools in the project: After the questionnaires
have been accessed by the students in Bulgary, Turkey, Romania and Latvia, online reports were
made for the interpretation of the results.
-In May 2013 there were elaborated together with our project partners online
questionnaires for testing the interest of the students for the specializations for which tests on the
Moodle platform will be made. The questionnaires have been digitized by the project coordinator
from the “Tudor Arghezi” highschool on the project’s site and accessed online by the students from
8 schools in the Dolj County and by the Turkish students. The results of the activity, information
about schools and the interpretation of the results of the questionnaires can be accessed by
following the link below:
Between January and April 2014 the following activities have been carried:
- Research study for career guidance for secondary school students
- Career planning for the upper secondary school students
For the implementation of these activities:
- questionnaires for school orientation for secondary school students were created and
- the questionnaires have been digitized on the blog project
-The secondary school students applied the questionnaires
-An online interpretation report of the questionnaires and the related conclusions was
- Career planning portfolios were drawn for 25 secondary school students
- An online report was conducted and conclusions related to career planning were presented
- The results of the research were presented during a meeting with the students’ parents.
In the blog there were 13 main menus, 95 materials were loaded and it has been visited by
7104 users by the end of March 2014
Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova
By using asynchronous tools(blogs, wiki, e-mails) students can assume a more central
teaching presence, especially if they are assigned to moderate discussions. Synchronous
communication means real time communication between students (and teachers), most commonly
in the form of text chat, Skype sessions or online meetings (for example on Blackboard Collaborate
or WebEx). Several studies suggest that social presence is higher in synchronous discussions than in
asynchronous ones.
Many researchers suggest that synchronous communication works well with content that
inspires natural debate or passion, whereas asynchronous communication can be preferred for
content that is dry or requires reflection. Synchronous communication may not provide the time or
concentration required to engage deep ideas.
Engineering teacher STAN CARMEN
"Traian Vuia" Technical College, Galați
It is obvious that Romania is moving towards the information society of the future
(Information Society -IS ) due to the new technologies which have appeared in information and
communication. Lifelong learning, which involves using computers professionally, can no longer be
avoided. Open, distance and real-time learning will be overwhelming . The existence of the Internet
is one example of how this type of education can be promoted.
The concept of e-learning is gradually gaining ground as practice and research in the field
provide us with new experiences success and benchmarks for proper theoretical and methodological
construction . The dialogue between theory and practice also contributes to an increased efficiency
of concrete situations in which the new technologies are used in education, and to an increased
value of the conceptual level. The conclusion is that the projected performance is mainly driven by
the learning strategies, and not by the learning environment used to implement the training program.
E-learning is primarily a social response to the growing demand for education, the need for
diversification and sophistication of bids and training institutions on various levels : actors
(competent trainers , mixed communities of learning, etc.) , as well as contents ( media and various
teaching materials, teaching a multitude of elements, modular programs , a variety of adjacent
content, complementary , alternative , new disciplines ), assessment procedures ( adaptive tests ,
standardized tests with immediate automated feedback ), procedures for institutional management
(management students, online registration, the selection and certification of students , portfolio-
based activity, etc.) , extracurricular activities ( online resources, remote collaborative activities,
participation in online communities of practice or virtual campuses, etc.).
"Dimitrie Filişanu" Technological Highschool, Filiaşi
Professional counseling may be described as a set of activities which help the participants
choose a qualification, and the means to acquire the abilities needed to be integrated into the labour
market. It also helps the participants develop self-image and acknowledgement of their role in
society. Professional counseling requires an interactive process between information, monitoring,
practical activities and informal interviews.
Finding information about national exams or jobs becomes easy when accessing web pages
such as (Ministry of Education page), (Ministry of Work, Family and
Social Protection website), or (a page containing a large database of jobs).
In order to choose a job for their future, the student must understand it, see what it entails, if
they can do it, so they should discuss it with people who already work in that field. The teacher
should invite specialists from the areas that interest the students to talk about their experience. By
using the computer they can show multimedia presentations of different jobs.
Counsellors and teachers must help students become more motivated, more confident in
their abilities and constantly improve their knowledge by means of e-Learning, for instance.
Primary school teacher BUTOI MIRELA RODICA
”Tudor Arghezi”Theoretical Highschool , Craiova
Continuous progress, lifelong learning, development of personal skills are encouraged and
supported by specialists and have been growing stronger in recent years. Thankfully more and more
learning platforms in Romania have understood the changes of the new type of training, trying to
provide a modern and efficient educational endeavor.
A fundamental aspect that has made an appearance with the e-learning platforms and online
courses and in general, with the use of information technology and digital communications in
pedagogical practices is related to their cultural footprint.
E-learning environments integrate interactivity as the main mode of action for students.
These systems are developed through multiple ways to represent information, to simulate the
interactions and to express ideas, expanding purchases of intelligence by changing the requirements
of participation in culture. The digital environment is obviously expanding sphere, being used to
acquire information and to express ideas in a variety of ways: verbal, visual, auditory, or merge all
of them. As the learner interacts more with the training program, they are more involved and more
active than it would have been if they had only listened to a reading.
At the time of identification of pedagogical issues such as those related to intercultural
competence, e-learning environments can provide contextual opportunities for intercultural
experiences involving emotional reactions, spontaneous exchanges and processes aimed at helping
to inform and educate others. All these critical dimensions can be achieved using appropriate
resources and targeted educational experiences.
1. Byram Michael, Grybkova Bella , Starkey Hugh, Developing The Intercultural Dimension of Language
Teaching, 2002
2. Belslisle Clare, E-learning and Intercultural Dimensions of Learning Theories and Teaching Models
3. Cristea Boboilă, Instruirea asistată de calculator. Note de curs şi laborator, Ed. Sitech, Craiova, 2006
“GH.CHITU” College of Economics, Craiova
Using the Internet and e-learning is the most complex form of integrating informal education
into the formal one. Kulik (1987) compared the invention of the computer and its impact on
education to the invention of printing in the fifteenth century.
Thus the act of learning is no longer considered to be the effect of the teacher's work and
approaches, but the result of interaction with the computer students and teacher collaboration. E-
learning products can be grouped into: e-learning based on CD: students receive courses on CDs,
these courses will be installed on their computer and they can start learning; and e-learning based on
networking: courses can be accessed through the network (intranet / internet) on the central server.
The computer is extremely useful because it stimulates complex processes and phenomena like no
other teacher can. Mediation learning in children with disabilities by educational software makes
computers compensatory therapeutic to be used by students with disabilities to perform various
specific exercises. This approach extends the horizons of students beyond the classroom walls to the
world of telecommunications, online research thus providing access to resources that the
community to which they belong cannot provide locally.
Mihaela Brut, Instrumente pentru e-Learning. Ghidul informatic al profesorului modern, Ed.
Polirom, Iaşi, 2006;
Mihaela Brut, Sabin Buraga, Prezentări multimedia pe Web, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2004: multimedia
Carmen Holotescu, Ghid de eLearning, Timişoara, 2004;
Materialele electronice indicate în cartea Instrumente pentru e-Learning. Ghidul informatic al
profesorului modern, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2006
European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL)
Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova
In contemporary society rapid changes are occurring with immediate effects. For this
reason education must be renewed, supplemented, adjusted, so that we can talk about
innovation and creative teaching. For students, the school of the future must promote a high-
quality education and focus on the values that students believe in.
E-learning process, the Software educational represents a priority in education. E-
learning is very much used in modern language teaching. Specific skills of modern languages
can interact with the ICT skills, resulting in modern activities in the teaching-learning-
evaluation process. We can use several ICT tools in teaching modern languages, such as:
sources of information and documentation, presentations, multimedia applications, dictionaries
and enciclopedias, web portals, applications for evaluation.
The students have to understand the use of ICT tools this way: we use the ICT tools for
learning, we don’t learn to use ICT tools. The ICT tools must be used properly.
Nowadays, Romanian society is currently facing student disinterest in school and learning,
evidence of the highschool graduation rate having decreased in recent years. In this way, I tried to
involve highschool students in some various interdisciplinary projects, to spark their interest to
participate in school competitions, to be actively involved in their own growing process.
Through these courses, the students are encouraged to get knowledge in different domains
and through Informatics and illustrated materials let their imagination free to sketch the acquired
The project ” World War II: Battle of Kursk” is an educational web platform, accessible to
all Internet users, specifically addressed to students who want to learn in detail about the events of
the Battle of Kursk, but addressed to teachers as well, for quality teaching. Also the project aims to
promote teaching with a web page for enriching knowledge supported by the explanatory material
and to promote interdisciplinary courses.
The items presented on the site, the way in which they are arranged and the presence of
attractive and interactive elements make this webpage largely promote the notion of an
interdisciplinary course. The items which granted interests were videos, 3D representation of one of
the tanks used in World War II, and the map showing the main ideas of the lesson.
I believe that through interdisciplinary involvement and cooperation and by stimulating
interest in achieving concrete, useful products, students become active in the educational process.
“Ştefan Odobleja” College, Craiova
Information and Communications Technologies, a subject matter studied by our highschool
students helps them use information in order to obtain success in their work. Since people around
the world live in an informational society, everyone must know how to use a computer and the
Internet. Cultural contents from around the world can be found in digital format and they are
available to anyone, anywhere and anytime.
Computers allow students to acknowledge information in various forms using multimedia
programs, text processors, data bases, etc. Learning becomes easier when you see or hear
Online courses are recommended to all those who want to improve their lives, and to
develop personal learning abilities. Oracle Academy is one option in e-learning. Designed for
highschools, technical schools, colleges and universities, Oracle Academy provides software,
training and resources for students in 86 countries, preparing them for success regardless of their
future field of expertise.
“Participating students develop technical, analytical, and business skills that support the
pursuit of professional careers and advanced study.”
Primary school teacher DIMA LILIANA SIDONIA
Castranova Secondary School, Puţuri branch
Web resources provide teachers with information, documentation and the possibility of
extracting useful information needed in their professional development; web resources provide real-
time access to information published on the ministry's website and on that of the school
inspectorate, allowing teachers to be in touch with the new curricula and programs in progress, to
which they can participate. Teachers can also visit forums dedicated to improving teaching and
communicate with colleagues from other schools on topics of common interest. Web resources have
an important role for the teaching staff, such as enabling them to coordinate a conference, a project
or a meeting , make presentations, manage documents in a class/group, create a space for debate
and discussion with the members of a group or to conduct data collection. Although education
through web resources has many advantages as compared to traditional education, we cannot
always say that the e-learning methods are the most effective ones. It is obvious that the number of
users of Web resources is rising, and si is the quality of education. We also noted the beneficial
valences Internet has in teaching, learning and assessment of school subjects and the fact that there
are no more fields in web resources which do not play a role in solving problems. E-learning is
gaining ground over the traditional way of teaching and many adults associate the Internet with a
real teacher.
Railway Technological Highschool, Craiova
Multimedia software is conceived and developed by using electronic technologies which allow
people to create, develop, memorize and transmit numeric data, text, sound, pictures, static and
dynamic images by using various communication environments at the same time.
The main psycho-pedagogical requests addressed by multimedia software are the following:
 availability and variety of the information presented
 exercising control on the students’ own learning process
 information processing in order to allow the subject to develop their own analytical
and synthetical abilities
 ensuring feedback in the evaluation of the progress made
The institutions that develop and provide multimedia software offer, along with the multimedia CD,
some instructive and educational resources which have an undeniable influence.
Powered by information and communication technology and having a great addressability due to
the producing software companies and the Internet, this multimedia software attracts youth in
school activies as well as in the extracurricular ones.
Some favorable opinions for using multimedia software are: associating the concepts with static
and dynamic images, sounds and text facilitates the process of developing and appropriating the
concepts of education and achieves the goals of intellectual education.
Some unfavorable opinions concern the abuse of image, sound and text that damage conceptual
thinking and diminish the intellectual education level.
English/French teacher DUMITRAȘCU RALUCA
Pleșoi Secondary School
English/French teacher TORIȘTE ADINA ELENA
Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova
The concept of E-learning supposes the use of multimedia electronic means and of the
informational and communicational technologies to improve the quality of the learning process
through facilitating the access to resources and services. We live in a society of technology which is
in constant change and it is necessary to keep up with all these technological discoveries, especially
when the element of novelty is always the one that attracts the attention of our students and
integrating this type of multimedia methods in the process of teaching foreign languages has proven
to be one of the best ways to capture the attention of the youngsters who are overwhelmed and
bored with the traditional teaching methods.
The Internet is one of the most useful innovations in the last 20 years, its value in the educational
process being practically unlimited. But most of the students do not choose the best information or
practical applications that help them in the studying process. Here intervenes the teacher who needs
to filter the information available on the Internet before giving the students different links they can
use for the individual study.
E-learning supposes both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages would be saving
the time allocated to the journey to school and the lower costs of training, learning at an individual
pace, students being able to plan their own the agenda, the applications are time and space
consuming. Regarding the disadvantages we mention that the initial investment supposes very high
costs which fluctuates if we rapport to the classical teaching and training methods. There also can
occur technological problems due to the incompatibility between the software developed and the
pre-existent hardware configuration as well as the risk of the appearance of the digital student who
stops coming into contact with other people, thus being at risk of losing their true personal identity.
”GH.CHIŢU” College of economics, Craiova
E-Learning is asynchronous or synchronous learning conducted by means of the Internet,
intranet, extranet, or other Internet-based technologies and includes different methodologies based
on personalized content, virtual classrooms, simulation, forums, discussions and so on. The exact
purpose and types of objectives pursued in an educational software on each sequence is to help the
teacher design appropriate teaching strategies when using that software, and to develop assessment
tools that monitor the achievement of the specific benchmarks / competencies according to the
curriculum. Creating an information society cannot be realized without research and investment
projects, both in ICT and in educational processes.
As the final purpose is competence, no technology, no theory, no approach can eliminate or
neglect the teacher-student and student-student relationship.
In the future it is expected to exist a significant number of platforms based on management
architecture using Web services (XML form). New software components and systems that will
describe themselves, that through a standard protocol will be accessed and opened conveniently and
efficiently. Examples of such platforms include: Smart Display, Tablet PC , Media Center, SPOT
(Smart Personal Object Technology).
“General Magheru” Technological Highschool Rm. Vâlcea
In the present context a key issue for modernizing and improving the performance of the
educational system is the continuous training of teachers. In this regard training programs have been
designed for secondary school teachers based on international exchange of experience and transfer
of best practices in the use of ICT tools and e-learning. These courses are better training and an
exchange of experience.
Participating in such a training program using information technology and tools for e-
learning in teaching I acquired substantial knowledge regarding IT & C tools and e-learning used
for teaching and learning, I learned how to make lessons more attractive and personalized learning
needs for my students, I discovered a better time management for teaching inside and outside the
classroom, ways to collaborate with other teachers for interdisciplinary lessons, e-learning practices
used by teachers around the world.
The training program developed the use ICT tools and e-learning and gave teachers the
opportunity to test the benefits and challenges of the teaching activities carried out in the virtual
environment and to share their learning experiences with e-learning to other teachers.
The ultimate goal was to increase the competitiveness of Romanian education and the access
to technology and e-learning resources.
Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova
“The age of speed"as the contemporary period is called, has radically transformed human
society and especially the individual in particular.
Distance learning is one of the handiest means of improving the adult who must deal with the
demands of a company in full progress and challenges of the latter to each of us.
Distance education is a learning process based on multimedia resources and allowing one or
more persons to train from in front of their home computer.
E-Learning differs from other types of training. We will try to highlight some of its
advantages and disadvantages as compared to traditional education.
• Access to information and handling done remotely without restriction;
• Training addresses any person, regardless of their level of training, age, socio-professional
category, race, etc.;
• Allows access to new skills indispensbile today, the demands of modern life;
• Anyone can familiarize themselves with new technologies: computer, multimedia systems,
inernet, etc.; • Facilitate local training, which promotes traveling without wasting time, a financial
economy training and optimal conditions (at home) especially for people with disabilities;
• favors creativity and spiritual discovery of data sheet shades;
• A trainer may apply to a large number of students while ensuring an individualized relationship
with each of them;
• Allows cost reduction (travel, trainers’ payment, etc.,);
• Students can benefit from the knowledge and experience of internationally renowned trainers;
• Provides self-training: conditions of space and time chosen by the student;
• The student is the focus and not the trainer;
• Student itinerary can be customized and does not apply to the whole group;
• It is based on interactive multimedia solutions that encourage the student and their interpretation
capabilities and make them concentrate and absorb quickly through direct observation;
• simulations, self-assessment tests or messaging, create an interactivity that puts the student, the
training center, in an active state, thus creating the premices for an effective training;
• Supports creating a sense of freedom and self-confidence (embarrassment in front of the
colleagues or the trainer dissipates);
• Eliminates the problem of the lack of educational institutions;
• Quality and quantity of information is evolving very quickly, which does not allow access to their
traditional means;
Disadvantages of distance learning may be:
• Lack of student physical, emotional cargo, authority and human expression;
• Technical problems related to training systems: computer failure, disruption of communication
network, terminal or server failure, attacks on electronic documents such as viruses or hacking, etc..
However, distance education is open to a promising start, with time it may grow by providing
those who wish to find the best information compiled according to the highest international
Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova
E-Learning is a term used to describe the learning process by means of a computer connected
to the internet. This computer can become a tool in the field of geography. It is not to initiate
students in computer science, but to learn geography better with the help of computer science.
According to Bernadette Schoummaker, the main areas of use are: documentary research
(search for documents in libraries or computer or filing cabinet to study the data in existing banks);
training and exercises (exercises in the form of a questionnaire, some of which may be in the form
of teaching games, for example, site or geographical coordinates); statistical and graphical
processing (commercial programs for translating data into tables, to perform various calculations, to
designate different geographical types); cartographic processing (creating maps, processing data,
making someone else's communicative support graphics); numerical processing of satellite imagery;
simulation (simulation of simple physical mechanisms-water cycle, soil erosion ... ); editing of texts
and documents (by the teacher, for personal use, for students’ texts, maps, questions, but also by the
students, for example for oral presentations); assessment (review exercises for students,
examination of documents).
 Byram Michael, Grybkova Bella , Starkey Hugh, Developing The Intercultural Dimension of
Language Teaching, 2002
 Belslisle Clare, E-learning and Intercultural Dimensions of Learning Theories and Teaching Models
 Văideanu George, Educaţia permanentă: Conceptul şi incidenţele educaţiei permanente asupra
învăţământului. În: Pedagogie (Ghid pentru profesori), Universitatea ,,Al.I.Cuza" - Iaşi, 1986
“C.D. Nenitescu” Technical College Craiova
The contribution of new technologies in the teaching activity is materialized through:
• resources for teaching and learning activities;
• application support for teaching activities;
• Web-based training.
The most used IT resources for teaching-learning activities are educational software
products (teaching), electronic books (eBook), educational multimedia applications such as
multimedia encyclopaedias, dictionaries, or various kinds of atlases.
Interconnection of computers has major consequences in the field of education, such as the
possibility of communication and sharing of resources, which through the necessity of permanent
education, led to the development of systems for Web-based training.
“Tudor Vianu” National College of Informatics, Bucharest
Abstract – In this paper there is presented a way to achieve performance among students using
e-learning platforms (.Campion and Infoarena).
”Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova
In the current socio-economic context, marked by the integration into the European structures,
the alignment of the Romanian education system to the European standards is a major objective.
How much is computer useful in achieving this objective is a question which has already been
answered: it is a necessity. Beyond the objectives of the curriculum, students learn to work with the
computer, which opens a new horizon for them. The interaction with the new information
technologies creates an additional motivation for learning. The informational society produces
fundamental changes in collective and individual existence. Every citizen should understand the
role of new information technologies and learn to use them. Education is meant to provide the
necessary support to acquire new knowledge and skills in using computers and information.
Integrating new technologies into school practice provides superior performance to a greater
number of students, who attach particular importance to intercultural communication. At the same
time students learn how to interact better in different situations.
As members of the European Union, we should understand inter-culturalism as "a tool for
improving equalization of opportunities and optimal insertion of foreign populations, European or
not, into the economic and social life, putting into practice the desire to strengthen the rights for all
and the development of democracy. " If education was a national one so far, in the current
Romanian, European and international context, we need to consider intercultural education. It
targets individual awareness, and the ability to communicate and relate to other cultures, tolerance
and how to avoid intercultural conflict (the interethnic conflicts have reciprocal recognition from a
cultural point of view as a source, among other things). In this way, education serves as a change
agent and most importantly, as a means of adapting to change. Promoting the existence of different
identities and different communication styles is an area where it strongly intervenes the impact of
new communication technologies. Under EU law, the term "intercultural" refers to the existence
and the equitable interaction of different cultures, and also to the possibility of generating cultural
expressions shared through dialogue and mutual respect. Intercultural education is "an ideological
option in democratic societies and aims to prepare the future citizens so that they can make the best
choice and to choose the contexts of value systems multiplication".
”Nicolae Titulescu” National Vocational College, Slatina
In modern society, e-Learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and
teaching. The information and communication systems serve as specific media to implement the
learning process. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, virtual
education opportunities and digital collaboration.
Moodle-Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment is an online Course
Management System, a software package designed by using pedagogical principles made by
teachers for teachers, a flexible environment for learning communities. It is also designed to support
a social constructionist framework of education, an open source, freely available which can easily
be installed on Windows, Mac, Linux servers.
Moodle Supports: small and large communities, e-learning in schools, different learning and
teaching styles, delivery of learning activities and publishing resources, collaboration and
communication, compatibility with different standards and tools, easy customization for users with
different needs.
“Ştefan Odobleja” College, Craiova
E-Learning is defined as students developing knowledge, skills and understanding, through
the use of computer-based technologies.
The recent developments in technology are changing the role of the teacher and the learning
experiences of school children, engendering an exciting future where students train in places other
than school. A new milestone in the development of e-learning in schools has been the use Virtual
Learning Environments (VLEs), enabling new opportunities to personalise learning, although this
can lead to inequity through the digital divide .
E-learning can provide better support for the less able, engage students who do not respond
well to ‘traditional’ classroom learning, provide opportunity for accelerated learning for gifted and
talented students, and develop independent learning skills through a personalised learning
E-Learning certainly has a place in the future curriculum of schools, but there needs to be an
awareness that students do need training in using e-learning materials and developing independent
learning skills.
Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova
Education is one of the decisive factors which contribute to the development of a society. It
can train engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs, doctors, teachers, managers, professional interest
groups, so necessary to any modern society. In recent years there have been various changes in the
educational system in Romania. This resulted in a change of perception that teachers intend to
practice, especially since the new conditions require a more powerful link between school and the
A particular problem is that many of our students know how to read and spell, but have no
clue what they read. Some of the causes identified by experts could be: in general, students do not
read because they do not have this skill; some teachers are demotivated, and sometimes treat work
superficially, including issues which are uninteresting for students, many students from poor
backgrounds are forced to work, and therefore have less time for studying.
Given this situation, the teacher has a difficult mission, they have to make time during both
the transmission of new knowledge and to compensate for the lack of self-study at home, more
acute in some students.
Primary school teacher NICOLAESCU GEORGETA
Dudaşu-Cerneţi Primary School, Mehedinţi
Traditional educational methods are unable to cope with the rush of knowledge and this
significantly varying qualifications, trades and business activities, which are becoming more
specialized and more interconnected.Thus, the new technologies of the information society have
been created to support education.
The introduction of information technology in all fields of activity influences the
educational system. The use of computer in teaching-learning-evaluation is a modern method of
teaching, interactive and guided activity.
As curious as it may seem, this ' superman ' capable of performing a variety of operations,
cannot replace the teacher from the classroom, but it may help them. I am not pleading in favour of
giving up traditional education methods, especially in the early years of school, when the teacher's
personal influence remains decisive, however the use of modern technologies is a necessity of the
educational process if adapted to the individual particularities of each student.
Computerization of education is a reality of today’s society. Educational software can be
used in any discipline, making it possible to achieve a different understanding of the phenomena.
By using the computer and educational software, students are much more attracted to study,
they are more interested in school, they become more responsible, more motivated to learn and they
broaden their scope of knowledge.
“General Magheru” Technological Highschool, Râmnicu-Vâlcea
“General Magheru” Technological Highschool, Râmnicu-Vâlcea
Learning based on projects is a new active-participative teaching-learning method; a
student-centered student training that involves a change of the student’s role. Within the projecs, it
is necessary for them to make more decissions, to colaborate, to take initiative, to make
presentations in front of a public, and, in many cases, to build their own general culture. Using the
computer allows students to find resources and to create a product.
We conceived and implemented the project presented in this paper, using the 6-step Method that
had a great success in the technological learning process in Germany. We had the opportunity to
analyze it, by visiting schools in Siengen, Constantz and Stuttgart, within the three POSDRU
international projects that we attended, between 2010 and 2013: “Euro-Meca-Form”, “Auto-Form”
and “Practice in Highschools”.
1) Informing – The suggested topic was an application of the unit „Automatic Adjustment
Systems”. We conceived a Students’ Guide, partially presented below, a guide for accomplishing
tasks within the project:
- fig.2 - - fig.3 –
Example of a mini-project topic:
- fig.1 -
We realized a project with our students, by using
the AEL platform, at the end of M4 Module –
Automizing Systems, following the specific stages
of the 6- Step Method(fig.1) :
- fig.4 - - fig.5 -
We proposed two mini-project topics, but we were also opened to what the children wanted to work
at, and for every proposal we selected a bibliography and an orientative structure.
2. Planning – was about conceiving a working plan and planning the resources used. With our
support, the students assigned the tasks to the members of the team. Each group was encouraged to
participate in an active way and to colaborate in realizing the project.
3. Decision making – Before starting the practical activity, the students had to decide on the
alternatives and strategies in solving the problems, an to modify the ones that couldn’t be applied,
with our help. An orientative plan was defined for the actions that were going to take place within
the project, for each group.
This stage was the hardest because our students didn't have too much exercise of teamwork.
We realized such a project is difficult because it takes a lot of time and the module approach of
the curricula offers a limited number of classes to go through the contents.
In order to guide the studying and understanding of the contents, we made datasheets, and in
order to apply them, the students solved the worksheets and the tests that were on the project’s
- fig.6 - - fig.7 -
4. Implementing – At this stage, the students had independent activities so that each member of
the team could accomplish their own task, according to the action plan and to the assigned work.
Mistakes were corrected.
5. Control – At this point, under our guidance, the students used a check grid(fig.8), that contains
specific control criteria of the activity.
- fig.8 - - fig.9 -
6. Evaluation – took place by presenting the project, appreciating its quality, the oral
presentation and the answers, but also the work of each student, following the evaluation-sheet of
the project(fig.9). The mistakes, the efficiency and the gained experience were highlightened, this
way creating the feedback.
1. Carmen Nicolin -M IV – Automizing Systems - Curricular Auxiliary (electronical format)-2010- ISBN
2. Intel Teach Program – Intel Teach Course
4. Gheorghiu T.,Constantin N. – Electric Circuits – Curricular Auxiliary (PHRE-TVET) - MEC-2006
”Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova
Moodle is a VLE - virtual learning environment or CMS - course management system which not
only manages the courses, but also mediates their creation, delivery and completion. Moodle
provides teachers with a variety of useful tools in teaching, learning and assessment and by means
of constructing the courses it allows an adaptation to the needs of the learners - pupils, students or
others who are going through a process of training, either initial or continuing.
In the world's top 100 online learning platforms, Moodle ranks 11th, a place where it has held
constantly for 7 years.
The Moodle e-learning platform offers support for distance learning so that users have access to the
relevant training whenever they want, it helps monitor their progress, and also supports online
training sessions of learning such as the virtual class.
Some software can be successfully integrated into the Moodle platform: Hot Potatoes online test
application, Geogebra and Wiris useful to teachers of mathematics, physics or chemistry, as they
contribute to an even more attractive image of scientific subjects, due to attractive elements,
Audacity (audio editor), and antiplagiarism systems.
Collège „Ştefan Odobleja”, Craiova
L’utilisation d’Internet en cours de langue permet de sortir du cadre de la classe, d’avoir
accès à de nouveaux horizons, de s’évader en quelque sorte dans la langue.
D’un point de vue purement pédagogique, l’intégration d’Internet en cours de langue permet
à l’apprenant d’être en contact avec des documents réels reflétant donc la culture et la langue telle
que vécue et utilisée. L’apprenant éprouvera du plaisir à aller par lui-même sur d’autres sites, à
découvrir d’autres aspects de la langue et à acquérir même des compétences de compréhension mais
aussi des compétences lexicales, grammaticales et interculturelles.
L’intégration de l’Internet en classe de français langue étrangère peut être réalisée sous
différents aspects. L’ordinateur permet aux apprenants de travailler, de progresser à leur rythme et
selon leurs besoins, ce qui est la source de plus grande motivation. Les apprenants ont donc la
possibilité de travailler seuls et refaire les exercices autant de fois qu’ils le désirent. Les exercices
en ligne peuvent être exploités comme supplément aux méthodes utilisées en cours mais aussi,
comme seule et unique proposition de réemploi systématique grammatical et lexical. Ils sont faciles
à intégrer et à exploiter en classe, peuvent être assez aisément utilisés de manière ponctuelle.
L’expérience prouve que l’utilisation de l’Internet favorise: l’accès aux connaissances par
les documents authentiques; la collaboration dans les recherches et les créations collectives.
Holboca Technological Highschool
Abstract: In this paper we wish to present three dynamic software programs that can be succesfully
used in the educational process, GeoGebra, Cabri and UnivTest generator Pro6.0 and some
applications of these programs in geometry, algebra and analysis.
Keywords: GeoGebra, Cabri 3D, Univtest generator Pro6.0.
“Dragomir Hurmuzescu” Energy Technical Highschool, Deva
After participating in training and refresher courses and studying publications specialized in
computer science, I felt that using computers in the classroom is an effective way of teaching and
assessing my students’ knowledge, skills and abilities.
For this we made an application for primary school mathematics classes. The program is
designed to be very easy to use both by those teachers who are less experienced computer users, and
for pupils of the second through the fourth grades, who can take a test without the teacher’s help.
They all use the computer to solve a test, during which the teacher normally carries current work in
The application has proven to be successful in the classroom, as all students who have a
computer at home asked for a copy, maybe because for them taking a test on the computer proves to
be an enjoyable activity.
1. Diamandi I., "Computer, desk mate" Agni Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993.
2. Sandor Kovacs, Bocu Dorin, "PC User's Manual" for the European Computer Driving Licence "Blue Publishing, Cluj
Napoca, 2004.
Primary school teacher POPESCU GEORGIANA
Automotive Technological Highscool, Craiova
Computer has become an usual component of our daily activity and the of Information and
Communication Technology (ICT) produced transformations in all society, in all the economical,
social and cultural aspects of life. We can say that nowadays information is extremely precious,
considering the fact that all fields of activity process and transmit information inside and outside
themselves. That is why the information must be stocked, processed and transmited in optimal
conditions which provide correctness and accuracy, so it must be a professional work.
In several countries, the use of computers and of ITC was introduced in school practice,
opening new horisons to the instructive process and this fact was directly due to the appearance and
development of personal computers. Don’t forget that the ones who invented the personal computer
intended it firstly to educative purposes. The main purpose is promoting individualized instruction
and stimulating learning by cooperation, so that the students can obtain, present and transmit
information in different forms : texts, tables, graphics.
”Carol I”National College, Craiova
.“Ştefan Odobleja”National College, Craiova
The E-learning represents a type of education involving information and comunication
technologies (ICT).
There are various methods of implementing a system of distance learning, but whatever the
method, the lessons are provided in electronic format. Hence, the courses can be offered on CDs in
order for those interested to subsequently install them on their personal computers and learn at their
own pace. Another method is that of accessing courses, through the medium of an Internet network
or intranet, from the central server.
In order to create an eLearning platform, the following are required: an infrastructure – in
other words, the hardware and software elements necessary for the student to access the
information; the content of the courses in electronic format, and last but not least, the services that
are meant to handle the instruction process, services which consist in the making of the educational
plans, the evaluation of the acquired knowledge , etc.
A blog is a web diary, having the form of an online diary, used to introduce daily notes in an
easy and dynamic way, allowing, as well, the posting of comments from the visitors.
The method of publishing educational activities online, as well as the possibility to easily
integrate multimedia elements, represents a great advantage of using blogs. The interface is intuitive
and very easy to use, and users have unlimited access. The blog can also be an important instrument
in the making of educational projects, as well as in the collaboration, within these projects, between
students from different schools, or even cities or countries around the world. Another advantage of
using blogs is that it offers a good instrument of evaluation and feedback.
Railway Technological Highschool, Craiova
In the Information Society, Lifelong Learning (Lifelong Learning) is becoming a necessity
and information and communications technology is the most appropriate support for learning in
general and for continuous learning in particular. In recent years both the U.S. and the EU have
taken important steps to promote ICT in the learning process, the term e-learning becoming global.
This is emphasized by the large number of projects initiated by the EU, but also by the increasing
number of universities that use platforms and e-learning systems.
Electronic learning or e-learning involves using new media technologies and the Internet to
improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services, remote information
exchange and collaboration. The most common Elearning systems are the learning management
systems (LMS, Learning Management Systems) and learning content management (LCMS,
Learning Content Management Systems) in different variants.
According to analysis conducted by experts "blended learning", which uses a combination
of synchronous and asynchronous learning modes (with and without teacher) seems to be the most
desired and most widespread form of e-learning.
”Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova
E-learning (or eLearning) is the use of electronic media, information and communication
technologies (ICT) in education. E-learning covers all forms of educational technology in learning
and teaching. It includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and
streaming video. Many e-learning processes rely on the information and communication systems,
whether free-standing or based, on either local networks or the Internet in networked learning.
ThinkQuest Projects is a protected learning environment where students and teachers create
web-based projects and engage in global collaboration with peers. ThinkQuest Library includes
additional innovative learning resources for students of all ages on many different educational
topics. This library could be a useful resource for instance in student and teacher research. As of
February 2007, the ThinkQuest Library included over 6,000 Web sites which were created by
students from around the world as part of the ThinkQuest competition.
We can build a learning space, in which both the teacher and the students can create and
post content or information, using Wikispaces platform. Wikis are web pages presenting
information using files, pictures or links to other sites and can be created at
The pedagogical potential of these pages is to increase student involvement, to stimulate interest in
the issues addressed. Students are encouraged to contribute with original ideas. Wiki provides a
multimedia format of the pages by including text, graphics, animation, and fulfills a number of
functions such as: system group composition, discussion environment, knowledge base, email
system and collaboration tool. In this way, the projects developed using this platform are more
complex than those performed in a classical manner, without involving informatics tools.
Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova
With Google Docs you can access your files from anywhere.
Google Docs is a freeware web-based office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive
service. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating with other users.
Google Drive gives you access to your work from anywhere, across your Mac, PC, mobile
devices and on the web.
Create rich documents with images, tables, equations, drawings, links and more. Gather input
and manage feedback with social commenting.
Keep and share lists, track projects, analyze data and track results with the powerful
spreadsheet editor. Use tools like advanced formulas, embedded charts, filters and pivot tables to
get new perspectives on your data.
Create beautiful slides with the presentation editor, which supports things like embedded
videos, animations and dynamic slide transitions. Publish your presentations on the web so anyone
can view them, or share them privately.
“I. C. Brătianu” National College, Pitești
The project allows the development of language and communication
skills in French language by taking part in discussion forums, various multimedia activities, online
testing and through material posted by students and teachers. Students will be encouraged to freely
engage in conversations in an online French chat and take surveys, without the fear of
admonishment if wrong; they will also have their own projects uploaded on the site.
-favouring the French language in our high-school/our country
- involving the students and the FLE teachers in the development of the communication process
-diversifying the learning modules
-encouraging innovative teachers
-favouring the communication process (discussion forums, making worksheets, online testing,
taking surveys, chatting etc.)
-the visible and durable aspect of our project, through the website
- valuing our highschool
Olt County Teacher Training Center
Foreign language teachers are becoming increasingly interested in internet resources and in
the many teaching possibilities provided. The challenges brought by the use of ICT in teaching and
learning foreign languages are worthly heeded, as foreign languages teachers have to be very
demanding in terms of pedagogic and didactic quality when selecting new technologies and
applying them in classroom.
On the Internet one can find a lot of web sites (bonjourdefrance, lexiquefle, francparler,
lepointdufle) exclusively dedicated to French teachers and offering plenty of activities that one can
conduct with his/her students. Web sites offer inexhaustible resources: dictionaries, phonetics,
conjugation, vocabulary, grammar, and interactive exercises, games of figures or letters, subjects
for the French exams and their answers, comics, excerpts from literary texts, on-line dictations, for
every language level from beginners to advanced.
From a pedagogical point of view, the use of new language communication technologies in
teaching foreign languages generates a fundamental change in the school-teachers and the students-
students relationships. The teacher must become more than ever a facilitator of learning and he/she
should stimulate the progressive autonomy of his students in foreign language and facilitate the
assimilation of learning strategies and the development of language skills. The Internet can be very
useful to all those who want to share their experiences and to create new educational materials.
”Gh. Chițu” National College of Economics, Craiova
”Gh. Chițu” National College of Economics, Craiova
The new information and communications technologies change the perspective over the
educational practice, completing the educational frame with modern learning tehnologies particular
to the informational society. E-learning is not trying to replace the traditional educational systems,
only to strengthten the reaching process. Adopted in the teaching institutions, as a proper alternative
to the traditional education, this has led to establishing the so called distance learning. In the mean
time, it facilitates the sustained training process of the community members who adopt such an e-
learning solution. At the organisational level, e-learning systems may promote a colaborative
learning, optimising the specific organisational learning process of the modern companies.(10)
The issues presented in the study are the result of our indoor school experience of using
AEL laboratories, of the teaching-learning Method – Virtual Enterprise and, last but not least, of
consulting the numerous articles and books in this domain.
In the first chapter there are presented the general aspects of e-learning: it contains a lot of
domain specific terms and definitions, a short presentation of the evolution of computer based
training and an e-learning system arhitecture. Also, it highlights the advantages and also the
disadvantages of e-learning.
Web open source e-learning platforms often arrive at an impresive configuration.The
second chapter is dedicated to the latter, by presenting the most important open source e-learning
The third chapter is dedicated to Romanian e-learning, to the most visitated specialised
portals in presenting the offers for courses, many useful information about carrier planning and the
educational environment, various useful resourses for pupils, students, teachers, readers keen to
train and be informed. There is an overview of the main online courses, Romanian projects, as well
as the detailed AEL integrated platform for computer based training.
The fourth chapter consists of a selection of the most important courses, Web materials,
dictionaries and tutorials from the IT branch, worldwide educational programs followed by a short
presentation of the worldwide concept of distance learning.
The context is open and conditioned by the endorsed trained segment and by the”will of
life”of the living system called e-learning(13)
“Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova
“Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova
Counseling and Vocational Guidance is a scientific method which enables the passage from
potential to accomplished work and, furthermore, to success. This method is based on the principle
of personal development and it supposes the encouraging of autonomy and motivation of the
counseled person.
The factors of Counseling and Vocational Guidance are: the school, the family and the
School can play an essential role through each and every single subject, offering suggestive
images and information concerning a certain domain.
Family should ensure the social and emotional support of the children/teenager, by
observing and selecting their positive inclinations.
The social context is also very important, as it should “produce” a “healthy” society.
”Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova
”Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova
The Leonardo da Vinci International Multilateral Partnership “Development of guidance and
counselling instruments in vocational education” is implemented at the European level by means of
a Grundtvig Learning Partnership along with 8 partners:
 Comune di Sant’Angelo in Vado, ITALY
 Avanos Kiz Teknik Ve Meslek Lisesi, TURKEY
 Liceul Tehnologic Transporturi Auto, ROMANIA
 Liceul Teoretic Tudor Arghezi, ROMANIA
 Professional Highschool of Electronics and Electrical Engineering "Marie Curie",
 Profesionalas Izglitibas Kompetences Centrs “Liepajas Valsts Tehnikums”, LATVIA
 Fundacion Para El Desarrollo De La Ciencia Y La Tecnologia En Extremadura
 Fundacja Rozwoju Inicjatyw Edukayjnych I Społecznych, POLAND
The LDV international multilateral partnership “Development of guidance and counselling
instruments in vocational education” is identified with the national ID LLP-
LdV/PAR/2012/RO/179, project number 22012-1-TR1-LEO04-35830 5 and it is implemented between
August 2012 and July 2014.
The project “Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational
education" aims at sharing experience and examples of good practice among the partner
institutions, learning about various regulations, laws and guidelines which are used in the partner
contries, as well as any other methods, activities, studies, documents which will be implemented on
a multilinguistic e-Learning platform.
The beneficiaries of the project received updates concerning its results.
The project activities are uploaded on the project blog:
The multilinguistic e-Learning platform will be used by pupils in secondary school to take
tests for career planning and orientation.
”General Magheru” Technological Highschool, Râmnicu-Vâlcea
”General Magheru” Technological Highschool, Râmnicu-Vâlcea
Practice shows that at the end of their studies, teenagers are facing employers who need
immediate results from them. Career counseling helps the individual to find a compatible job, and
all along their professional life to continuously develop and enhance the value of their abilities. The
role of professional counseling and orientation is to develop the necessary knowledge and abilities
for an efficient career management.
Technological highschools sign partnerships with different economic operators to ensure the
students’ practice within their companies.
An example of good practice is an extra-curricular activity that we did with our students, a
visit to a working-point from Rm. Valcea, of the BIBUS SES S.R.L. company in Timisoara.
During this visit they received information about the most modern 3D fast prototyping
equipment, video inspection equipment, laser inscription equipment and micro-percussion,
hydraulic, mechanic and pneumatic equipment, used in industrial installations. All this information
helped them compare the standards of these professions to their personal characteristics and
qualifying levels.
The School- Economic Operator Partnership: “Modern Automatizing”
Coordinators: Teacher Sescioreanu Maria, Teacher Nicolin Carmen
The Project’s Purpose :
 Professional and school orientation;
 The efficiency of learning process;
 Social-professional integration of our teenagers;
 The new generation involvement in production.
In order to develop the necessary abilities for our students to better integrate in the working-
field, it is mandatory to offer them the possibility to be informed about different jobs. The given
information will lead our teenagers to take the best decision in what concerns their professional
Period: The “Other School” Week: the 2nd- 6th of April 2012
Target group: the 9th -12th students, technological sections
 To develop the quality of the educational act;
 To share a common vision on our students needs and interests;
 To facilitate and to develop the ability to communicate and to receive information;
 To develop the ability of socializing;
 To increase the students’ interest towards these professions;
 To motivate students to actively implicate in forming their own personalities;
 To develop the interest towards work and its quality;
 To enhance respect between students and employers.
 The project can be a studying environment and a means of interacting;
 The project stimulates cooperation between students, school and the economic operator,
motivating them to share information and to learn from each-other. It also encourages the
equality of chances;
 Students develop new adequate abilities both for their professional and personal lives.
 A visit to the working point from Rm. Valcea- S.C. BIBUS SES;
 Navigating on the society site:
And a presentation of the activities organized by them;
 Realizing promotional materials by different means of inscriptions;
 Debate on the theme “Jobs for the future”.
Project’s results and expected impact:
 To ensure access to information on the company’s activities;
 A new vision on educational problems’ approach;
 Opening by continuous study of new elements;
 Integrating new resources in class activity;
 Associating school information with those gained at the company.
Dissemination methods
 The project’s presentation and its results in front of Educational Boards, The Teachers
Board and on the school’s site;
 A photo album.
 The project’s presentation on the school site will be done after its reconstruction.
- Partial photo album
County Centre for Resources and Educational Assistance and Pedagogical Assistance Dolj County
„Steps to a Successful Career” is a career counseling program based on the Egan model for
eighth grade students.
The first session (W 1, W 2, W 3) will be designed to identify and clarify the problem
The purpose of these meetings will be to share and clarify the issue to the group by each
member thereof, creating a sense of community to help elucidate needs, choices and desires,
allowing the production of relevant information and developing and maintaining of positive and
constructive attitudes and the choice of the optimal solution .
The next stage of the counseling activity (W 4, W 5, W 6, W 7) will help students create an
accurate self-image by offering new perspectives and alternatives that will help them make the right
choice for their future educational and professional career.
The last stage of the activity (W 8, W 9, W 10, W11, W 12) will focus on the preparation
and accomplishment of actual steps - the option of education and work. These meetings will focus
on preparing strategic scenarios, on the action strategies aiming at strengthening the students, at
eliminating fear and uncertainty and at orienting them towards action. The initial choices of the
children will be reconsidered in choosing their specialization/qualifications. Once they have
identified their options they will move on to taking actual steps that help achieve the set goal.
”IULIA HASDEU” National College, Bucharest
195 Secondary School, Bucharest
The field of Counseling and Guidance, by its nature, requires a major interest in the
development of skills and values, dimensions of personality in the educational context as foundation
of the future adult’s nature.
Reality shows that choosing a career is a very important decision for the future of a young
person/ student. Every man is good or the best in a particular field. If they discover what they do
best, they will have already taken the first step towards success. The research aims at investigating
the teenager’s career choices.
Its overall objective targeted the insurance of the premises for the students’ transition towards
the higher educational levels or the labor market, through access to information, counseling and
guidance activities.
At the level of highschool youngsters, who are experiencing continuous movement and
transformation, communication and the ability to make decisions regarding their career are
sometimes questioned. In order to help the young people who graduate highschool, specialists in
human resources and educational counseling have launched certain guidance and counseling
programs and projects, among which ”VIA - counseling” and ” Personal life management”.
The following conclusions were reached as a result of this research:
1)-In highschool, interests are more stable, more active, more realistic, so they have better
skills for their area of interest; 2)-Technical and practical skills are underdeveloped in highschool;
3)-The highschool profile observed for four years channels their interests into several lines of
educational and vocational guidance.
The most important matters of micro-research highlight: a)-they are determined in terms of
their career 63%; b)-they have the capacity to see their future properly 60% c) -they analyze
managing to establish a link between the level of knowledge they have achieved and their future
aspirations 63% d)- they recognize characteristics of the chosen profession in a given situation 60%;
e)-they correlate their training level with the chosen job 45%.
”Ştefan Odobleja” National College, Craiova
In any school and vocational guidance, the teacher's personality has a very important role.
The teacher was (can become) a model for the student as intellectual, professional, moral citizens.
Of course, the model is valuable and efficient when the student does not copy it , but filters it in his
mind, considering what fits his abilities and what the society gives him at some point in the future.
In this context, the teacher must put into action his model in order to develop the individuality and
personality of the student, his option in choosing the school and profession.
Educational and vocational guidance must be a provision and a choice of the student in the
sense that it is based on real self-knowledge and awareness of the possibilities that their correlation
with socio -professional opportunities that society offers in the conditions of a free economy.
School orientation is a complex action both by the number of stakeholders (teachers,
parents, sponsors, specialists, etc.) and the fact that is a part of the educational process. It is a
permanent action that begins on the first day of school and lasts throughout the school.
1. Iucu, B. Romiţă- Managementul şi gestiunea clasei de elevi, Editura Polirom, 2000
2. Elena, Zamfir, Marian Preda- Diagnoza problemelor sociale şi comunitare, Editura Expert,
Bucureşti 2000
”Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova
Energy College, Craiova
The „NicolaeVelea” secondary school in Cepari, Arges is implementing an international
Grundtvig learning partnership, “Teaching recycling and Environmental Education” between July
2013 and August 2015 along with the following partners:
The international Grundtvig learning partnership “Teaching recycling and Environmental
Education” is identified at the European level as 2013-1-IT2-GRU06-51838 6 and at the national
level as GRU-13-P-LP-56-AG-IT.
Until now the project activities were organized according to the plan in the application form.
The research activity of the project was conducted between February and March 2014 with
the following results:
- A brochure, “The National Framework for Environmental Education 2013-2020-2030”:
1.The role of environmental education in implementing the environmental policy
2. The National Strategy for Sustainable Growth 2013-2020-2030
3. Target aims and foreseeable actions 2013, 2020, 2030 according to the EU
- examples of good practice:
1. “ The network for promoting cleaner villages / Raising awareness of the members of the
rural communities in the NW region concerning the impact of their activities upon the
environment "
2. “You recycle, we award you”
3. “The Văcărești natural park”
4. “Eco Attitude = Responsibility, Information, Action”
5. “Plant for the planet”
6. Learn, play, recycle
7. A greed educational oasis
9. Man makes places green again!
10. We can recycle, we can help.
Teacher BOŢA ANA
”Ştefan Odobleja” Highschool
We could say that professional guidance and counseling is just at the beginning in Romania, but in
the same time we can state that this is a subject which is on the uprising and is gaining interest
among parents and youth.Professional and school guidance done properly represents the premise of
a successful social and professional first step towards the career that the individual has chosen to
pursue.The problem of aptitudes, school choices and eventually career choices has become an
educational problem of the greatest interest. The parents and school coordinator have to fully
explain to the youth the direct correlation between school disciplines and future careers and trades
that the youth will be able to choose. In starting and in realizing professional and school guidance
there are a lot of interacting factors, such as: research, school, teachers, family, youth
organizations, mass-media, all of these can play an important role in the proper and efficient
professional and school guidance.The student must be treated with respect and seriousness also he
must be heard, encouraged and stimulated to assume responsibilities for his own future. He is his
own manager so it’s up to him to realistically evaluate his own resources, to set objectives and
develop projects for short, medium and long term regarding his future, also to be open to life’s
opportunities for him to succeed in his goals. A career life is represented by a sequence of positions
and activities; this process is directly influenced by: the current employment market situation, by
the existing job offers, the challenges and changes that will appear during time. In conclusion
school guidance plays an important role in shaping the future of our children.
Automotive Tehnological Highschool, Craiova
School opens up career prospects for students, and builds up their knowledge and
perspective of the contemporary world. Through education we cultivate character, its moral
content , strength of will, clear judgment . Educating students to career choice involves the building
up positive attitudes towards work , developing a higher motivation in the exercise of the various
professions that they could possibly choose . Self-awareness helps develop one’s potential, but also
identify obstacles, resources and opportunities. One must not neglect the importance of verbal and
nonverbal information received from the others, and especially the importance of the views of role
models. Awareness of interests and of a system of values is another aspect of self-awareness. One’s
interests represent a person 's preferences for certain fields of activity and knowing them is essential
in making career decisions .Self-awareness requires knowing your own skills.It is said a person has
skills in a field if they obtain outstanding performance in that area. John Maxwell defines success
as: "Knowing our purpose in life, achieving our maximum potential and seeding the seeds of the
idea of charity." Students, young adults, and adults need to be trained so that they can make better
decisions about their lives. In this sense, counseling and career guidance become a major tool in the
development and affirmation of the personality of each person and in the correct choice of a
profession according to aspirations, desires and knowledge. It is important to show to students the
inconsistency of criteria for choosing the profession such as: it is beautiful, it is good, I find it
interesting, I like, etc
“Ştefan Odobleja” College, Craiova
“Ştefan Odobleja” College, Craiova
In many economically developed countries that have an appropriate ICT infrastructure,
there is a tendency to offer information services, advice and guidance for adults, in the form of self-
use, especially for those with higher education and are internet literate.
Another very important issue is providing access to information for persons who need it, in
terms of appropriateness relevant quality, reliability, consistency, completeness, etc. relative to the
dynamic needs of the users.
Offering information does not also imply solving their problems, but entails an active
approach on their part in order to achieve something for themselves: research, training, education,
practice, etc.
When dealing with adults, you have to take into account that their needs are already rooted,
stable, consistent, realistic and rational. All these emerge from their education, social and work
experience. In this case, merely offering information with the purpose of defining labor interests is
not enough. What they also need are internships and professional training in various fields of human
The means of “delivering” information is of overwhelming importance if you intend to
obtain a significant impact on career development. The information must be adapted to the
dominant form of perception by the target population with maximum impact on professional
development: electronic, printed, oral.
School Centre for Inclusive Education, Alexandria
,,Special needs” are defined differently; laws and regulations use various categorisations, some
still reflecting a defectology approach, although the term itself is now used less. Physically disabled
and severely mentally disabled children are usually looked after in special schools. At secondary
level, youngsters with special educational needs (SEN) tend to be in vocational courses or schools.
There is little or no expectation that they will continue into higher education.
There is a growing understanding that all children have a right to education under international
and national law; that all children are capable of being educated. Children learn in special schools,
and other children learn in special classes in regular schools. In general, more boys than girls are
categorised as having special needs; ethnic minority children are more likely to be so categorised.
It is important to distinguish between ,,children at risk”, ,,children with disabilities” and those
with ,,special needs”. .At risk. is the broadest category and can include children living in severe
poverty, children without parental care, children at risk of being abused, abandoned or trafficked,
children in the street and children living with HIV/Aids.
Some psychologists, speech therapists, pedagogues, school counselor and social workers are
trained for work with special needs children, but not all schools have access to specialist
professionals able to support teachers in inclusive settings.
Parents have a legal right to decide about their child’s placement, or at least to be an equal
partner with experts or school counselors in making such decisions. Parents mention transport to
and from school as a key problem; also the lack of trained teachers and advisors in schools to help
with day-to-day concerns in looking after their children. Many parents are obliged to spend the
school day in class with their child because teachers in large classes cannot provide enough
Youngsters with cognitive and complex disabilities are still generally looked after in special
schools; those with physical and sensory disabilities are more often integrated in regular schools.
Pre-primary school teacher GAVAN CAMELIA
”Nicolae Velea” School, Cepari, Arges
”Nicolae Velea” School, Cepari, Arges
The international Grundtvig learning partnership ”Teaching recycling and Environmental
Education” is implemented at the European level by means of a Grundtvig learning partnership by
eight partners:
- The international Grundtvig learning partnership “Teaching recycling and Environmental
Education” is identified at the European level as 2013-1-IT2-GRU06-51838 6 and at the
national level as GRU-13-P-LP-56-AG-IT.
The purpose of this project refers to:
- Sharing experiences and opportunities by means of meetings between various countries,
- Developing a network of operators, teachers in the environmental field and reycling
- Developing various instruments which are necessary for an efficient educational process
allowing the implementation of programmes aiming at the protection of the environment.
”Gheorghe Bibescu” Secondary School, Craiova
School is the main space of learning the cultural plurality through the appreciation of
diversity, of the distinct note brought by the culture of each participating social actor. It must form
the skill of treasuring the pluriculturality values; there are not superior and inferior values, but there
are only specific values that must be judged. The “modeling” of ethnic pride of the majority and the
consolidation of self-confidence of the minority are necessary at school.
Multiculturality is not the adversary of European universalism but a different form of it.
What unifies multiculturality with European universalism is the common will to place a culture
above the power of state or the interests of a social group.
Interculturality implies understanding, appreciation and valuation of own culture to which
the respect based on authentic information and on building curiosity towards the ethnic culture of
the other is added.
Interculturality is a process that is produced at the crossroad among cultures, not being an
aim in itself, but which can become finality when the unnatural transformations or the ill-fated
behaviors are noticed at this level of culture intersection.
All the children must be educated in order to fully participate and to contribute to a
democratic society. This means that the main democratic principles must be transmitted to them.
Thus, they engage themselves in defending the democratic values acquiring the necessary
knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities. These include a commitment to the right and human social
order, mutual confidence, respect for the rights and identities of others, opening, analytical abilities,
interpersonal abilities.
 M. Roncoroni, Good practice in intercultural education learning from and for each other, in «Equal
Voices», Issue n. 8, EUMC.
The Leonardo da Vinci project „The Skills Development of Future Sports Instructors with a view to
Facilitating the Insertion on the European Market” LLP-LdV/IVT/2013/RO/379 ranges among the
international projects implemented by the Sports Highschool “Petrache Triscu” in Craiova in
partnership with The Athletics Federation in Andalucia- Jaen branch, in Spain. The 20 beneficiaries,
students of 11th
and 12th
grades are going to take part in a number of theoretical and practical
activities in order to develop their skills as sports instructors. The course is completed with a
language and attendance certificate on the part of organisers.
“Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova
“Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova
In today's society , counseling and guidance to students is the answer to many educational
dilemmas. Since the end of secondary school students must make important choices that will mark
the powerful way in life , teachers have the task of helping to know the real possibilities and report
high-school requirements that will continue to follow .
Advice and guidance is not only an information and guidance to students at certain schools
and professions, but also a social action discovery and implementation of human resources to
For the good of the student , teachers and parents are forced to work together , to act responsibly ,
aware of the role it plays in career choice it.
As teenagers follow their path to finding identity , they are constantly trying to clarify what
is important to them. The teenager is very safe and also very insecure with himself , oscillating
between these two extreme choices . The right thing that we can do it for him is to help him to
structure and plan the future by taking responsibility of their own decisions .
Deputy headmistress teacher DRAGOMIR CARMEN-MARINELA
”Gheorghe Bibescu” Secondary School, Craiova
CFAE Seixal - Teacher Training Centre and CREF Sesimbra, caught my attention with its highly
personalized and original character. The identification of communication channels between socio-
educational stages of a modern society such as the cultural and media impact in education is the
main challenge for educational systems both in Portugal and Romania.
Ensuring equal opportunities to education regardless of ethnicity, culture, tradition is a
challenge, but also a priority in our educational efforts as teachers and active members of the
community. Thus there are activities we have initiated and coordinated with great impact in the
local, district and national community: The debate “The European culinary art - between tradition
and taste of childhood”, the debate “Our world through the eyes of the other”, The International
Symposium “We are what we want to be”, online debate “Education - The Way to intercultural
knowledge” etc. Activities have been popularized in the school magazine, local media, TV, in the
newspapers and on-line and have materialized in a movie presentation
In personal terms, my training need is linked to what sharing best practices means. From my
experience from the participation in various activities at the national level, I concluded that the
educational system in Romania is part of a young democracy that has not yet created intellectual
social habitus. As in any system, I believe that in education tradition is needed too and cultural
exchange between teachers in Romania and teachers in Portugal and other EU Member States can
teach us how to create the educational precepts and values to perpetuate from generation to
generation, since education in society is a long term investment.
Interaction was the word that was at the heart of personal experience by participating in this
training programme. Also, this experience had an individual character that arose intellectual interest
to discover similarities and differences between the two nations of Latin origin. At professional
level the experience of the participation in this training activity created the premises of an open
partnership between schools in the participating countries, facilitated access to modern education
tools such as digital media, leaded to a critical understanding of the principles of intercultural
education and communication.
"Matei Basarab" Highschool, Craiova
"Henri Coanda" Theoretical Highschool, Craiova
Romania's educational and social strategies place an important emphasis on school as a factor for
the development of social capital in its relation with the Community which it serves. One of the
problems included among the permanent priorities of our school and society is school counselling
and guidance. Its importance is set by the essential contribution that school can have in solving and
improving it. Its contribution shall not be reduced only to preparing young people to know how to
make a well-documented decision regarding their professional future, but also to preparing and
ensuring a workforce able to successfully cover all the sectors of social activity. Such training
should start early as the structure of our educational system allows choosing special classes for
highly skilled students.
While long seen as an individual problem, that each family should deal with according to their
social and professional status, guidance and counselling should not be left out of school. Since the
diversification of the field of activity and with the progress made by contemporary school,
orientation and vocational guidance have become a systematic concern of many private and state
institutions, especially schools.
"Traian Vuia" Highschool, Craiova
The modern society tends to gradually turn into a digital one, which requires the
educational system to adapt to a new orientation of teaching strategies, the use of modern methods
of teaching, learning and assessment based on the new technologies.
Learning in the modern society stepped out of the classroom, thus allowing the extension
of the study group to a large number of students that may be geographically dispersed. In this way it
is allowed the development of learning methods focused on individual learning and collaborative
group work.
This means new paradigms of education:
- Individualization of learning
- Motivating students
- Interactive Learning
- The status of the teacher is changed
- Development of individual and collaborative learning
I considered using educational platforms in the lessons and to create a virtual environment
accessible to all students where they can exchange views, make various constructive comments on
the subject or a given topic, collaborate to solve problems or specific projects.
For this purpose I used LearningApps: ”” is a Web 2.0 application, to
support learning and teaching processes with small interactive modules. Those modules can be used
directly in learning materials, but also for self studying. The aim is to collect reusable building
blocks and make them available to everyone. Blocks (called Apps) included for this reason no
specific framework or a specific learning scenario. The blocks are therefore not to be seen as
complete lessons or tasks, instead they must be embedded into an appropriate teaching scenario. “
Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova
The teacher who offers vocational guidance and counseling to today’s students must be not only an
involved educator, but also a character deeply rooted into the realities of the moment, who finds
himself in an evolutionary dynamic and a relentless personal progress. The professional orientation
of the youth is filtered by the teachers’ abilities and skills. Some of the skills and attitudes that a
modern teacher should possess in order to offer pertinent life counseling to the subjects of education
are mentioned below. We look at this problem from the double perspective of the teacher as
transmitter of vital information (in a certain area) and of the educator making education with means
(sometimes) exterior to information.
We conclude that high quality counseling is not the privilege of a certain type of person, with a
predetermined set of values, but the overlapping of some efforts, encompassing different forces
(community, family , school, etc.) which, nevertheless, have a well established focal point: the
trainable youth.
”ŞTEFAN ODOBLEJA” College, Craiova
Being informed, the knowledge of the particular interest domain and of its strategies, the
school counselling and the professional guidance of youth are the main points of dicussion.
Therefore, the workplace shift has become commonplace in our society. Career guidance is the
expression of some personal talents and dominant skills. I have considered it necessary to present
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Final nr 3 engleza

  • 1. 1 “Share knowledge and good practices regarding the use of IT/e-Learning in VET guidance” Nr.3 International specialty magazine, for all curricular areas, for teachers in the pre university educational system, students and parents SITECH PUBLISHING HOUSE Craiova, 2014
  • 2. 2 Coordonatorii revistei: Teacher Georgeta Manafu-coordinator of the LDV Multilateral International Partnership “Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education” Teacher Popescu Oana- member in the LDV Multilateral International Partnership “Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education” – English teacher © 2014 Editura Sitech Craiova Toate drepturile asupra acestei ediţii sunt rezervate editurii. Orice reproducere integrală sau parţială, prin orice procedeu, a unor pagini din această lucrare, efectuate fără autorizaţia editorului este ilicită şi constituie o contrafacere. Sunt acceptate reproduceri strict rezervate utilizării sau citării justificate de interes ştiinţific, cu specificarea respectivei citări. © 2014 Editura Sitech Craiova All rights reserved. This book is protected by copyright. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any means, including photocopying or utilised any information storage and retrieval system without written permision from the copyright owner. Editura SITECH din Craiova este acreditată de C.N.C.S.I.S. din cadrul Ministerului Educaţiei şi Cercetării pentru editare de carte ştiinţifică. Editura SITECH Craiova, România Aleea Teatrului, nr. 2, Bloc T1, parter Tel/fax: 0251/414003 E-mail: ISSN 2360 – 4522 ISSN–L 2360 – 4522
  • 3. 3 ARGUMENT This magazine is a collection of the articles presented during the International Conference “Share knowledge and good practices regarding the use of IT/e-Learning in VET guidance”, organized on the 24th of April 2014 at the DOLJ County School Inspectorate by the teams at the “Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool and the Automotive Technological Highschool, as part of the LDV International Multilateral Partnership “Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education”, with national ID number LLP-LdV/PAR/2012/RO/179, project number 22012-1-TR1-LEO04-35830 5. The general purpose of this magazine is to share examples of good practice in order to promote an innovative, creative approach in the educational system. The articles in the magazine were listed under the following four sections:  E-Learning, educational Software, multimedia presentations used in the instructive- educational process, in career counselling and guidance;  Vocational counselling and guidance;  Permanent education in the age of knowledge. Dissemination of projects and LLP training courses;  Creativity and innovation in the instructive-educational process (examples of good practice) This magazine mostly addresses teachers in the pre-universitary system, students and their parents. Coordinator of the LDV International Multilateral Partnership “Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education”, Teacher Georgeta Manafu
  • 4. 4 THE ROLE OF THE BLOG HTTP://WWW.LEONARDOVOCATIONALGUIDE.BLOGSPOT.RO/ IN THE LEONARDO DA VINCI INTERNATIONAL MULTILATERAL PARTNERSHIP „DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELING INSTRUMENTS IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION” Teacher GEORGETA MANAFU “Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova The web-log or the blog was invented by Jorn Barger in 1997 and it consists of a simple web page containing opinions, personal information and links, random posts arranged chronologically, the latest posts being showed first, as in a journal. Most of the blogs allow viewers to comment. These comments contribute to the exchange of opinions. Below there is a presentation of the blog that was created in the international program, the role it had in the implementation of the activities of the project, in the dissemination activities and in the evaluation of the activities of the project. Between August 2012 and July 2014, the “Tudor Arghezi” highschool implemented the international multilateral partnership Leonardo da Vinci “Development of guidance and counseling instruments in vocational education” with the national number LLP-LdV/PAR/2012/RO/179 and the project number 22012-1-TR1-LEO04-35830 5, along with the following partners:  Comune di Sant’Angelo in Vado, ITALY  Avanos Kiz Teknik Ve Meslek Lisesi, TURKEY  Liceul Tehnologic Transporturi Auto, ROMANIA  Professional Highschool of Electronics and Electrical Engineering "Marie Curie", BULGARIA  Profesionalas Izglitibas Kompetences Centrs “Liepajas Valsts Tehnikums”, LATVIA  Kadis, SLOVENIA  Fundacion Para El Desarrollo De La Ciencia Y La Tecnologia En Extremadura (FUNDECYT), SPAIN  Fundacja Rozwoju Inicjatyw Edukayjnych I Społecznych, POLAND To date, the activities in the project were conducted according to the program from the application form.
  • 5. 5 The research activity conducted in the project was: -In February 2013 there were elaborated together with the project partners online questionnaires for testing the interest of students in counseling and orientation. The questionnaires have been digitized by the project coordinator from the highschool „Tudor Arghezi” and posted on the project blog to be accessed by the schools in the project: After the questionnaires have been accessed by the students in Bulgary, Turkey, Romania and Latvia, online reports were made for the interpretation of the results. -In May 2013 there were elaborated together with our project partners online questionnaires for testing the interest of the students for the specializations for which tests on the Moodle platform will be made. The questionnaires have been digitized by the project coordinator from the “Tudor Arghezi” highschool on the project’s site and accessed online by the students from 8 schools in the Dolj County and by the Turkish students. The results of the activity, information about schools and the interpretation of the results of the questionnaires can be accessed by following the link below: Between January and April 2014 the following activities have been carried: - Research study for career guidance for secondary school students - Career planning for the upper secondary school students For the implementation of these activities: - questionnaires for school orientation for secondary school students were created and selected - the questionnaires have been digitized on the blog project -The secondary school students applied the questionnaires -An online interpretation report of the questionnaires and the related conclusions was conducted - Career planning portfolios were drawn for 25 secondary school students - An online report was conducted and conclusions related to career planning were presented - The results of the research were presented during a meeting with the students’ parents. In the blog there were 13 main menus, 95 materials were loaded and it has been visited by 7104 users by the end of March 2014
  • 6. 6 SYNCHRONOUS AND ASYNCHRONOUS IN E-LEARNING Teacher DRAGOMIR ILEANA Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova By using asynchronous tools(blogs, wiki, e-mails) students can assume a more central teaching presence, especially if they are assigned to moderate discussions. Synchronous communication means real time communication between students (and teachers), most commonly in the form of text chat, Skype sessions or online meetings (for example on Blackboard Collaborate or WebEx). Several studies suggest that social presence is higher in synchronous discussions than in asynchronous ones. Many researchers suggest that synchronous communication works well with content that inspires natural debate or passion, whereas asynchronous communication can be preferred for content that is dry or requires reflection. Synchronous communication may not provide the time or concentration required to engage deep ideas. E –LEARNING IN THE TECHNICAL TRAINING EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Engineering teacher STAN CARMEN "Traian Vuia" Technical College, Galați It is obvious that Romania is moving towards the information society of the future (Information Society -IS ) due to the new technologies which have appeared in information and communication. Lifelong learning, which involves using computers professionally, can no longer be avoided. Open, distance and real-time learning will be overwhelming . The existence of the Internet is one example of how this type of education can be promoted. The concept of e-learning is gradually gaining ground as practice and research in the field provide us with new experiences success and benchmarks for proper theoretical and methodological construction . The dialogue between theory and practice also contributes to an increased efficiency of concrete situations in which the new technologies are used in education, and to an increased
  • 7. 7 value of the conceptual level. The conclusion is that the projected performance is mainly driven by the learning strategies, and not by the learning environment used to implement the training program. E-learning is primarily a social response to the growing demand for education, the need for diversification and sophistication of bids and training institutions on various levels : actors (competent trainers , mixed communities of learning, etc.) , as well as contents ( media and various teaching materials, teaching a multitude of elements, modular programs , a variety of adjacent content, complementary , alternative , new disciplines ), assessment procedures ( adaptive tests , standardized tests with immediate automated feedback ), procedures for institutional management (management students, online registration, the selection and certification of students , portfolio- based activity, etc.) , extracurricular activities ( online resources, remote collaborative activities, participation in online communities of practice or virtual campuses, etc.). BUILDING A CAREER USING COMPUTERS Teacher AGAPIE MINODORA LUCIEA "Dimitrie Filişanu" Technological Highschool, Filiaşi Professional counseling may be described as a set of activities which help the participants choose a qualification, and the means to acquire the abilities needed to be integrated into the labour market. It also helps the participants develop self-image and acknowledgement of their role in society. Professional counseling requires an interactive process between information, monitoring, practical activities and informal interviews. Finding information about national exams or jobs becomes easy when accessing web pages such as (Ministry of Education page), (Ministry of Work, Family and Social Protection website), or (a page containing a large database of jobs). In order to choose a job for their future, the student must understand it, see what it entails, if they can do it, so they should discuss it with people who already work in that field. The teacher should invite specialists from the areas that interest the students to talk about their experience. By using the computer they can show multimedia presentations of different jobs. Counsellors and teachers must help students become more motivated, more confident in their abilities and constantly improve their knowledge by means of e-Learning, for instance.
  • 8. 8 THE INTERCULTURAL DIMENSION OF THE PROCESS OF E-LEARNING Primary school teacher BUTOI MIRELA RODICA ”Tudor Arghezi”Theoretical Highschool , Craiova Continuous progress, lifelong learning, development of personal skills are encouraged and supported by specialists and have been growing stronger in recent years. Thankfully more and more learning platforms in Romania have understood the changes of the new type of training, trying to provide a modern and efficient educational endeavor. A fundamental aspect that has made an appearance with the e-learning platforms and online courses and in general, with the use of information technology and digital communications in pedagogical practices is related to their cultural footprint. E-learning environments integrate interactivity as the main mode of action for students. These systems are developed through multiple ways to represent information, to simulate the interactions and to express ideas, expanding purchases of intelligence by changing the requirements of participation in culture. The digital environment is obviously expanding sphere, being used to acquire information and to express ideas in a variety of ways: verbal, visual, auditory, or merge all of them. As the learner interacts more with the training program, they are more involved and more active than it would have been if they had only listened to a reading. At the time of identification of pedagogical issues such as those related to intercultural competence, e-learning environments can provide contextual opportunities for intercultural experiences involving emotional reactions, spontaneous exchanges and processes aimed at helping to inform and educate others. All these critical dimensions can be achieved using appropriate resources and targeted educational experiences. BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Byram Michael, Grybkova Bella , Starkey Hugh, Developing The Intercultural Dimension of Language Teaching, 2002 2. Belslisle Clare, E-learning and Intercultural Dimensions of Learning Theories and Teaching Models 3. Cristea Boboilă, Instruirea asistată de calculator. Note de curs şi laborator, Ed. Sitech, Craiova, 2006
  • 9. 9 E-LEARNING – THE MOST COMPLEX FORM OF INTEGRATING INFORMAL EDUCATION INTO THE FORMAL ONE Ph. D teacher BUZULOIU DOINA “GH.CHITU” College of Economics, Craiova Using the Internet and e-learning is the most complex form of integrating informal education into the formal one. Kulik (1987) compared the invention of the computer and its impact on education to the invention of printing in the fifteenth century. Thus the act of learning is no longer considered to be the effect of the teacher's work and approaches, but the result of interaction with the computer students and teacher collaboration. E- learning products can be grouped into: e-learning based on CD: students receive courses on CDs, these courses will be installed on their computer and they can start learning; and e-learning based on networking: courses can be accessed through the network (intranet / internet) on the central server. The computer is extremely useful because it stimulates complex processes and phenomena like no other teacher can. Mediation learning in children with disabilities by educational software makes computers compensatory therapeutic to be used by students with disabilities to perform various specific exercises. This approach extends the horizons of students beyond the classroom walls to the world of telecommunications, online research thus providing access to resources that the community to which they belong cannot provide locally. Bibliography Mihaela Brut, Instrumente pentru e-Learning. Ghidul informatic al profesorului modern, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2006; Mihaela Brut, Sabin Buraga, Prezentări multimedia pe Web, Editura Polirom, Iaşi, 2004: multimedia Carmen Holotescu, Ghid de eLearning, Timişoara, 2004; Materialele electronice indicate în cartea Instrumente pentru e-Learning. Ghidul informatic al profesorului modern, Ed. Polirom, Iaşi, 2006 European Foundation for Quality in eLearning (EFQUEL)
  • 10. 10 ICT TOOLS IN THE TEACHING-LEARNING-EVALUATION PROCESS OF MODERN LANGUAGES Teacher CĂPINARU ILONA-MIHAELA Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova In contemporary society rapid changes are occurring with immediate effects. For this reason education must be renewed, supplemented, adjusted, so that we can talk about innovation and creative teaching. For students, the school of the future must promote a high- quality education and focus on the values that students believe in. E-learning process, the Software educational represents a priority in education. E- learning is very much used in modern language teaching. Specific skills of modern languages can interact with the ICT skills, resulting in modern activities in the teaching-learning- evaluation process. We can use several ICT tools in teaching modern languages, such as: sources of information and documentation, presentations, multimedia applications, dictionaries and enciclopedias, web portals, applications for evaluation. The students have to understand the use of ICT tools this way: we use the ICT tools for learning, we don’t learn to use ICT tools. The ICT tools must be used properly. THE SECOND WORLD WAR. THE BATTLE OF KURSK MULTIMEDIA PRESENTATION USED IN THE TEACHING PROCESS Teacher CĂPRĂRESCU IULIANA ALINA “HORIA HULUBEI” THEORETICAL HIGHSCHOOL Nowadays, Romanian society is currently facing student disinterest in school and learning, evidence of the highschool graduation rate having decreased in recent years. In this way, I tried to
  • 11. 11 involve highschool students in some various interdisciplinary projects, to spark their interest to participate in school competitions, to be actively involved in their own growing process. Through these courses, the students are encouraged to get knowledge in different domains and through Informatics and illustrated materials let their imagination free to sketch the acquired knowledge. The project ” World War II: Battle of Kursk” is an educational web platform, accessible to all Internet users, specifically addressed to students who want to learn in detail about the events of the Battle of Kursk, but addressed to teachers as well, for quality teaching. Also the project aims to promote teaching with a web page for enriching knowledge supported by the explanatory material and to promote interdisciplinary courses. The items presented on the site, the way in which they are arranged and the presence of attractive and interactive elements make this webpage largely promote the notion of an interdisciplinary course. The items which granted interests were videos, 3D representation of one of the tanks used in World War II, and the map showing the main ideas of the lesson. I believe that through interdisciplinary involvement and cooperation and by stimulating interest in achieving concrete, useful products, students become active in the educational process. INTERNET EDUCATION Teacher COJOCARU SORINA VIRGINIA “Ştefan Odobleja” College, Craiova Information and Communications Technologies, a subject matter studied by our highschool students helps them use information in order to obtain success in their work. Since people around the world live in an informational society, everyone must know how to use a computer and the Internet. Cultural contents from around the world can be found in digital format and they are available to anyone, anywhere and anytime. Computers allow students to acknowledge information in various forms using multimedia programs, text processors, data bases, etc. Learning becomes easier when you see or hear information.
  • 12. 12 Online courses are recommended to all those who want to improve their lives, and to develop personal learning abilities. Oracle Academy is one option in e-learning. Designed for highschools, technical schools, colleges and universities, Oracle Academy provides software, training and resources for students in 86 countries, preparing them for success regardless of their future field of expertise. “Participating students develop technical, analytical, and business skills that support the pursuit of professional careers and advanced study.” E -LEARNING IN COUNSELING AND CAREER GUIDANCE Primary school teacher DIMA LILIANA SIDONIA Castranova Secondary School, Puţuri branch Web resources provide teachers with information, documentation and the possibility of extracting useful information needed in their professional development; web resources provide real- time access to information published on the ministry's website and on that of the school inspectorate, allowing teachers to be in touch with the new curricula and programs in progress, to which they can participate. Teachers can also visit forums dedicated to improving teaching and communicate with colleagues from other schools on topics of common interest. Web resources have an important role for the teaching staff, such as enabling them to coordinate a conference, a project or a meeting , make presentations, manage documents in a class/group, create a space for debate and discussion with the members of a group or to conduct data collection. Although education through web resources has many advantages as compared to traditional education, we cannot always say that the e-learning methods are the most effective ones. It is obvious that the number of users of Web resources is rising, and si is the quality of education. We also noted the beneficial valences Internet has in teaching, learning and assessment of school subjects and the fact that there are no more fields in web resources which do not play a role in solving problems. E-learning is gaining ground over the traditional way of teaching and many adults associate the Internet with a real teacher.
  • 13. 13 USING MULTIMEDIA SOFTWARE IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Teacher DOBRE LUCIA CARMEN Railway Technological Highschool, Craiova Multimedia software is conceived and developed by using electronic technologies which allow people to create, develop, memorize and transmit numeric data, text, sound, pictures, static and dynamic images by using various communication environments at the same time. The main psycho-pedagogical requests addressed by multimedia software are the following:  availability and variety of the information presented  exercising control on the students’ own learning process  information processing in order to allow the subject to develop their own analytical and synthetical abilities  ensuring feedback in the evaluation of the progress made The institutions that develop and provide multimedia software offer, along with the multimedia CD, some instructive and educational resources which have an undeniable influence. Powered by information and communication technology and having a great addressability due to the producing software companies and the Internet, this multimedia software attracts youth in school activies as well as in the extracurricular ones. Some favorable opinions for using multimedia software are: associating the concepts with static and dynamic images, sounds and text facilitates the process of developing and appropriating the concepts of education and achieves the goals of intellectual education. Some unfavorable opinions concern the abuse of image, sound and text that damage conceptual thinking and diminish the intellectual education level.
  • 14. 14 THE IMPORTANCE OF USING MULTIMEDIA METHODS IN THE TEACHING OF ENGLISH English/French teacher DUMITRAȘCU RALUCA Pleșoi Secondary School English/French teacher TORIȘTE ADINA ELENA Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova The concept of E-learning supposes the use of multimedia electronic means and of the informational and communicational technologies to improve the quality of the learning process through facilitating the access to resources and services. We live in a society of technology which is in constant change and it is necessary to keep up with all these technological discoveries, especially when the element of novelty is always the one that attracts the attention of our students and integrating this type of multimedia methods in the process of teaching foreign languages has proven to be one of the best ways to capture the attention of the youngsters who are overwhelmed and bored with the traditional teaching methods. The Internet is one of the most useful innovations in the last 20 years, its value in the educational process being practically unlimited. But most of the students do not choose the best information or practical applications that help them in the studying process. Here intervenes the teacher who needs to filter the information available on the Internet before giving the students different links they can use for the individual study. E-learning supposes both advantages and disadvantages. Some of the advantages would be saving the time allocated to the journey to school and the lower costs of training, learning at an individual pace, students being able to plan their own the agenda, the applications are time and space consuming. Regarding the disadvantages we mention that the initial investment supposes very high costs which fluctuates if we rapport to the classical teaching and training methods. There also can occur technological problems due to the incompatibility between the software developed and the pre-existent hardware configuration as well as the risk of the appearance of the digital student who stops coming into contact with other people, thus being at risk of losing their true personal identity.
  • 15. 15 INTERACTIVE TRAINING OR E-LEARNING Teacher ILIUŢĂ MARIANA ”GH.CHIŢU” College of economics, Craiova E-Learning is asynchronous or synchronous learning conducted by means of the Internet, intranet, extranet, or other Internet-based technologies and includes different methodologies based on personalized content, virtual classrooms, simulation, forums, discussions and so on. The exact purpose and types of objectives pursued in an educational software on each sequence is to help the teacher design appropriate teaching strategies when using that software, and to develop assessment tools that monitor the achievement of the specific benchmarks / competencies according to the curriculum. Creating an information society cannot be realized without research and investment projects, both in ICT and in educational processes. As the final purpose is competence, no technology, no theory, no approach can eliminate or neglect the teacher-student and student-student relationship. In the future it is expected to exist a significant number of platforms based on management architecture using Web services (XML form). New software components and systems that will describe themselves, that through a standard protocol will be accessed and opened conveniently and efficiently. Examples of such platforms include: Smart Display, Tablet PC , Media Center, SPOT (Smart Personal Object Technology). E-LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE IN THE EDUCATIONAL SYSTEM Teacher ION MARIA-ADELINA “General Magheru” Technological Highschool Rm. Vâlcea In the present context a key issue for modernizing and improving the performance of the educational system is the continuous training of teachers. In this regard training programs have been designed for secondary school teachers based on international exchange of experience and transfer of best practices in the use of ICT tools and e-learning. These courses are better training and an exchange of experience.
  • 16. 16 Participating in such a training program using information technology and tools for e- learning in teaching I acquired substantial knowledge regarding IT & C tools and e-learning used for teaching and learning, I learned how to make lessons more attractive and personalized learning needs for my students, I discovered a better time management for teaching inside and outside the classroom, ways to collaborate with other teachers for interdisciplinary lessons, e-learning practices used by teachers around the world. The training program developed the use ICT tools and e-learning and gave teachers the opportunity to test the benefits and challenges of the teaching activities carried out in the virtual environment and to share their learning experiences with e-learning to other teachers. The ultimate goal was to increase the competitiveness of Romanian education and the access to technology and e-learning resources. THE ADVANTAGES OF DISTANCE LEARNING Teacher MARINESCU CORNELIA Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova “The age of speed"as the contemporary period is called, has radically transformed human society and especially the individual in particular. Distance learning is one of the handiest means of improving the adult who must deal with the demands of a company in full progress and challenges of the latter to each of us. Distance education is a learning process based on multimedia resources and allowing one or more persons to train from in front of their home computer. E-Learning differs from other types of training. We will try to highlight some of its advantages and disadvantages as compared to traditional education. Advantages: • Access to information and handling done remotely without restriction; • Training addresses any person, regardless of their level of training, age, socio-professional category, race, etc.; • Allows access to new skills indispensbile today, the demands of modern life; • Anyone can familiarize themselves with new technologies: computer, multimedia systems, inernet, etc.; • Facilitate local training, which promotes traveling without wasting time, a financial
  • 17. 17 economy training and optimal conditions (at home) especially for people with disabilities; • favors creativity and spiritual discovery of data sheet shades; • A trainer may apply to a large number of students while ensuring an individualized relationship with each of them; • Allows cost reduction (travel, trainers’ payment, etc.,); • Students can benefit from the knowledge and experience of internationally renowned trainers; • Provides self-training: conditions of space and time chosen by the student; • The student is the focus and not the trainer; • Student itinerary can be customized and does not apply to the whole group; • It is based on interactive multimedia solutions that encourage the student and their interpretation capabilities and make them concentrate and absorb quickly through direct observation; • simulations, self-assessment tests or messaging, create an interactivity that puts the student, the training center, in an active state, thus creating the premices for an effective training; • Supports creating a sense of freedom and self-confidence (embarrassment in front of the colleagues or the trainer dissipates); • Eliminates the problem of the lack of educational institutions; • Quality and quantity of information is evolving very quickly, which does not allow access to their traditional means; Disadvantages of distance learning may be: • Lack of student physical, emotional cargo, authority and human expression; • Technical problems related to training systems: computer failure, disruption of communication network, terminal or server failure, attacks on electronic documents such as viruses or hacking, etc.. However, distance education is open to a promising start, with time it may grow by providing those who wish to find the best information compiled according to the highest international standards.
  • 18. 18 THE CURRENT CONTEXT AND THE NEED FOR E-LEARNING Teacher MARINESCU IONUŢ CĂTĂLIN Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova E-Learning is a term used to describe the learning process by means of a computer connected to the internet. This computer can become a tool in the field of geography. It is not to initiate students in computer science, but to learn geography better with the help of computer science. According to Bernadette Schoummaker, the main areas of use are: documentary research (search for documents in libraries or computer or filing cabinet to study the data in existing banks); training and exercises (exercises in the form of a questionnaire, some of which may be in the form of teaching games, for example, site or geographical coordinates); statistical and graphical processing (commercial programs for translating data into tables, to perform various calculations, to designate different geographical types); cartographic processing (creating maps, processing data, making someone else's communicative support graphics); numerical processing of satellite imagery; simulation (simulation of simple physical mechanisms-water cycle, soil erosion ... ); editing of texts and documents (by the teacher, for personal use, for students’ texts, maps, questions, but also by the students, for example for oral presentations); assessment (review exercises for students, examination of documents). BIBLIOGRAPHY  Byram Michael, Grybkova Bella , Starkey Hugh, Developing The Intercultural Dimension of Language Teaching, 2002  Belslisle Clare, E-learning and Intercultural Dimensions of Learning Theories and Teaching Models  Văideanu George, Educaţia permanentă: Conceptul şi incidenţele educaţiei permanente asupra învăţământului. În: Pedagogie (Ghid pentru profesori), Universitatea ,,Al.I.Cuza" - Iaşi, 1986 MODERN METHODS AND MEANS USED IN THE INSTRUCTIVE- EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Teacher ELENA MARINICĂ “C.D. Nenitescu” Technical College Craiova The contribution of new technologies in the teaching activity is materialized through: • resources for teaching and learning activities; • application support for teaching activities;
  • 19. 19 • Web-based training. The most used IT resources for teaching-learning activities are educational software products (teaching), electronic books (eBook), educational multimedia applications such as multimedia encyclopaedias, dictionaries, or various kinds of atlases. Interconnection of computers has major consequences in the field of education, such as the possibility of communication and sharing of resources, which through the necessity of permanent education, led to the development of systems for Web-based training. E-LEARNING AND PERFORMANCE IN COMPUTER SCIENCE Teacher CARMEN-NICOLETA MINCĂ “Tudor Vianu” National College of Informatics, Bucharest Abstract – In this paper there is presented a way to achieve performance among students using e-learning platforms (.Campion and Infoarena). INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY IN EDUCATION Teacher IRINA MORĂRAŞU ”Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova In the current socio-economic context, marked by the integration into the European structures, the alignment of the Romanian education system to the European standards is a major objective. How much is computer useful in achieving this objective is a question which has already been answered: it is a necessity. Beyond the objectives of the curriculum, students learn to work with the computer, which opens a new horizon for them. The interaction with the new information technologies creates an additional motivation for learning. The informational society produces fundamental changes in collective and individual existence. Every citizen should understand the role of new information technologies and learn to use them. Education is meant to provide the
  • 20. 20 necessary support to acquire new knowledge and skills in using computers and information. Integrating new technologies into school practice provides superior performance to a greater number of students, who attach particular importance to intercultural communication. At the same time students learn how to interact better in different situations. As members of the European Union, we should understand inter-culturalism as "a tool for improving equalization of opportunities and optimal insertion of foreign populations, European or not, into the economic and social life, putting into practice the desire to strengthen the rights for all and the development of democracy. " If education was a national one so far, in the current Romanian, European and international context, we need to consider intercultural education. It targets individual awareness, and the ability to communicate and relate to other cultures, tolerance and how to avoid intercultural conflict (the interethnic conflicts have reciprocal recognition from a cultural point of view as a source, among other things). In this way, education serves as a change agent and most importantly, as a means of adapting to change. Promoting the existence of different identities and different communication styles is an area where it strongly intervenes the impact of new communication technologies. Under EU law, the term "intercultural" refers to the existence and the equitable interaction of different cultures, and also to the possibility of generating cultural expressions shared through dialogue and mutual respect. Intercultural education is "an ideological option in democratic societies and aims to prepare the future citizens so that they can make the best choice and to choose the contexts of value systems multiplication". E-LEARNING IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Teacher CLAUDYA MARIA NEACŞA ”Nicolae Titulescu” National Vocational College, Slatina In modern society, e-Learning comprises all forms of electronically supported learning and teaching. The information and communication systems serve as specific media to implement the learning process. E-learning applications and processes include Web-based learning, virtual education opportunities and digital collaboration. Moodle-Modular Object Oriented Dynamic Learning Environment is an online Course Management System, a software package designed by using pedagogical principles made by
  • 21. 21 teachers for teachers, a flexible environment for learning communities. It is also designed to support a social constructionist framework of education, an open source, freely available which can easily be installed on Windows, Mac, Linux servers. Moodle Supports: small and large communities, e-learning in schools, different learning and teaching styles, delivery of learning activities and publishing resources, collaboration and communication, compatibility with different standards and tools, easy customization for users with different needs. REFERENCES: E- LEARNING IN OUR SCHOOLS Teacher NICĂ CRISTINA “Ştefan Odobleja” College, Craiova E-Learning is defined as students developing knowledge, skills and understanding, through the use of computer-based technologies. The recent developments in technology are changing the role of the teacher and the learning experiences of school children, engendering an exciting future where students train in places other than school. A new milestone in the development of e-learning in schools has been the use Virtual Learning Environments (VLEs), enabling new opportunities to personalise learning, although this can lead to inequity through the digital divide . E-learning can provide better support for the less able, engage students who do not respond well to ‘traditional’ classroom learning, provide opportunity for accelerated learning for gifted and talented students, and develop independent learning skills through a personalised learning experience.
  • 22. 22 E-Learning certainly has a place in the future curriculum of schools, but there needs to be an awareness that students do need training in using e-learning materials and developing independent learning skills. INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION - NECESSITY AND UTILITY Teacher NICOLAE MARIANA Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova Education is one of the decisive factors which contribute to the development of a society. It can train engineers, researchers, entrepreneurs, doctors, teachers, managers, professional interest groups, so necessary to any modern society. In recent years there have been various changes in the educational system in Romania. This resulted in a change of perception that teachers intend to practice, especially since the new conditions require a more powerful link between school and the society. A particular problem is that many of our students know how to read and spell, but have no clue what they read. Some of the causes identified by experts could be: in general, students do not read because they do not have this skill; some teachers are demotivated, and sometimes treat work superficially, including issues which are uninteresting for students, many students from poor backgrounds are forced to work, and therefore have less time for studying. Given this situation, the teacher has a difficult mission, they have to make time during both the transmission of new knowledge and to compensate for the lack of self-study at home, more acute in some students.
  • 23. 23 EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE – AN EFFICIENT MEANS TO ACHIEVE A "DIFFERENT" TEACHING Primary school teacher NICOLAESCU GEORGETA Dudaşu-Cerneţi Primary School, Mehedinţi Traditional educational methods are unable to cope with the rush of knowledge and this significantly varying qualifications, trades and business activities, which are becoming more specialized and more interconnected.Thus, the new technologies of the information society have been created to support education. The introduction of information technology in all fields of activity influences the educational system. The use of computer in teaching-learning-evaluation is a modern method of teaching, interactive and guided activity. As curious as it may seem, this ' superman ' capable of performing a variety of operations, cannot replace the teacher from the classroom, but it may help them. I am not pleading in favour of giving up traditional education methods, especially in the early years of school, when the teacher's personal influence remains decisive, however the use of modern technologies is a necessity of the educational process if adapted to the individual particularities of each student. Computerization of education is a reality of today’s society. Educational software can be used in any discipline, making it possible to achieve a different understanding of the phenomena. By using the computer and educational software, students are much more attracted to study, they are more interested in school, they become more responsible, more motivated to learn and they broaden their scope of knowledge.
  • 24. 24 THE PROJECT METHOD – A NEW APPROACH Teacher NICOLIN CARMEN “General Magheru” Technological Highschool, Râmnicu-Vâlcea Teacher IOVA ALINA IONELA “General Magheru” Technological Highschool, Râmnicu-Vâlcea Learning based on projects is a new active-participative teaching-learning method; a student-centered student training that involves a change of the student’s role. Within the projecs, it is necessary for them to make more decissions, to colaborate, to take initiative, to make presentations in front of a public, and, in many cases, to build their own general culture. Using the computer allows students to find resources and to create a product. We conceived and implemented the project presented in this paper, using the 6-step Method that had a great success in the technological learning process in Germany. We had the opportunity to analyze it, by visiting schools in Siengen, Constantz and Stuttgart, within the three POSDRU international projects that we attended, between 2010 and 2013: “Euro-Meca-Form”, “Auto-Form” and “Practice in Highschools”. 1) Informing – The suggested topic was an application of the unit „Automatic Adjustment Systems”. We conceived a Students’ Guide, partially presented below, a guide for accomplishing tasks within the project: - fig.2 - - fig.3 – Example of a mini-project topic: - fig.1 - We realized a project with our students, by using the AEL platform, at the end of M4 Module – Automizing Systems, following the specific stages of the 6- Step Method(fig.1) :
  • 25. 25 - fig.4 - - fig.5 - We proposed two mini-project topics, but we were also opened to what the children wanted to work at, and for every proposal we selected a bibliography and an orientative structure. 2. Planning – was about conceiving a working plan and planning the resources used. With our support, the students assigned the tasks to the members of the team. Each group was encouraged to participate in an active way and to colaborate in realizing the project. 3. Decision making – Before starting the practical activity, the students had to decide on the alternatives and strategies in solving the problems, an to modify the ones that couldn’t be applied, with our help. An orientative plan was defined for the actions that were going to take place within the project, for each group. This stage was the hardest because our students didn't have too much exercise of teamwork. We realized such a project is difficult because it takes a lot of time and the module approach of the curricula offers a limited number of classes to go through the contents. In order to guide the studying and understanding of the contents, we made datasheets, and in order to apply them, the students solved the worksheets and the tests that were on the project’s portfolio. - fig.6 - - fig.7 -
  • 26. 26 4. Implementing – At this stage, the students had independent activities so that each member of the team could accomplish their own task, according to the action plan and to the assigned work. Mistakes were corrected. 5. Control – At this point, under our guidance, the students used a check grid(fig.8), that contains specific control criteria of the activity. - fig.8 - - fig.9 - 6. Evaluation – took place by presenting the project, appreciating its quality, the oral presentation and the answers, but also the work of each student, following the evaluation-sheet of the project(fig.9). The mistakes, the efficiency and the gained experience were highlightened, this way creating the feedback. BIBLIOGRAPHY: 1. Carmen Nicolin -M IV – Automizing Systems - Curricular Auxiliary (electronical format)-2010- ISBN 978-973-0-08285-2. 2. Intel Teach Program – Intel Teach Course 3. 4. Gheorghiu T.,Constantin N. – Electric Circuits – Curricular Auxiliary (PHRE-TVET) - MEC-2006 VIRTUAL TRAINING ENVIRONMENTS –THE MOODLE PLATFORM Teacher PĂTRAȘCU COSTELA ”Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova Moodle is a VLE - virtual learning environment or CMS - course management system which not only manages the courses, but also mediates their creation, delivery and completion. Moodle provides teachers with a variety of useful tools in teaching, learning and assessment and by means
  • 27. 27 of constructing the courses it allows an adaptation to the needs of the learners - pupils, students or others who are going through a process of training, either initial or continuing. In the world's top 100 online learning platforms, Moodle ranks 11th, a place where it has held constantly for 7 years. The Moodle e-learning platform offers support for distance learning so that users have access to the relevant training whenever they want, it helps monitor their progress, and also supports online training sessions of learning such as the virtual class. Some software can be successfully integrated into the Moodle platform: Hot Potatoes online test application, Geogebra and Wiris useful to teachers of mathematics, physics or chemistry, as they contribute to an even more attractive image of scientific subjects, due to attractive elements, Audacity (audio editor), and antiplagiarism systems. L’UTILISATION DE L’INTERNET EN COURS DE FLE Teacher EUGENIA PĂUN Collège „Ştefan Odobleja”, Craiova L’utilisation d’Internet en cours de langue permet de sortir du cadre de la classe, d’avoir accès à de nouveaux horizons, de s’évader en quelque sorte dans la langue. D’un point de vue purement pédagogique, l’intégration d’Internet en cours de langue permet à l’apprenant d’être en contact avec des documents réels reflétant donc la culture et la langue telle que vécue et utilisée. L’apprenant éprouvera du plaisir à aller par lui-même sur d’autres sites, à découvrir d’autres aspects de la langue et à acquérir même des compétences de compréhension mais aussi des compétences lexicales, grammaticales et interculturelles. L’intégration de l’Internet en classe de français langue étrangère peut être réalisée sous différents aspects. L’ordinateur permet aux apprenants de travailler, de progresser à leur rythme et selon leurs besoins, ce qui est la source de plus grande motivation. Les apprenants ont donc la possibilité de travailler seuls et refaire les exercices autant de fois qu’ils le désirent. Les exercices en ligne peuvent être exploités comme supplément aux méthodes utilisées en cours mais aussi, comme seule et unique proposition de réemploi systématique grammatical et lexical. Ils sont faciles à intégrer et à exploiter en classe, peuvent être assez aisément utilisés de manière ponctuelle.
  • 28. 28 L’expérience prouve que l’utilisation de l’Internet favorise: l’accès aux connaissances par les documents authentiques; la collaboration dans les recherches et les créations collectives. THE USE OF EDUCATIONAL SOFTWARE IN TEACHING MATHEMATICS Teacher OTILIA PÎNTEA Holboca Technological Highschool Abstract: In this paper we wish to present three dynamic software programs that can be succesfully used in the educational process, GeoGebra, Cabri and UnivTest generator Pro6.0 and some applications of these programs in geometry, algebra and analysis. Keywords: GeoGebra, Cabri 3D, Univtest generator Pro6.0. COMPUTER - THE STUDENT HANDBOOK AND ELECTRONIC TENDER Teacher POENAR FLORELA “Dragomir Hurmuzescu” Energy Technical Highschool, Deva After participating in training and refresher courses and studying publications specialized in computer science, I felt that using computers in the classroom is an effective way of teaching and assessing my students’ knowledge, skills and abilities. For this we made an application for primary school mathematics classes. The program is designed to be very easy to use both by those teachers who are less experienced computer users, and for pupils of the second through the fourth grades, who can take a test without the teacher’s help. They all use the computer to solve a test, during which the teacher normally carries current work in maths. The application has proven to be successful in the classroom, as all students who have a computer at home asked for a copy, maybe because for them taking a test on the computer proves to be an enjoyable activity. REFERENCES 1. Diamandi I., "Computer, desk mate" Agni Publishing House, Bucharest, 1993. 2. Sandor Kovacs, Bocu Dorin, "PC User's Manual" for the European Computer Driving Licence "Blue Publishing, Cluj Napoca, 2004.
  • 29. 29 THE IMPORTANCE OF USING ICT IN THE INSTRUCTIVE- EDUCATIVE PROCESS Primary school teacher POPESCU GEORGIANA Automotive Technological Highscool, Craiova Computer has become an usual component of our daily activity and the of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) produced transformations in all society, in all the economical, social and cultural aspects of life. We can say that nowadays information is extremely precious, considering the fact that all fields of activity process and transmit information inside and outside themselves. That is why the information must be stocked, processed and transmited in optimal conditions which provide correctness and accuracy, so it must be a professional work. In several countries, the use of computers and of ITC was introduced in school practice, opening new horisons to the instructive process and this fact was directly due to the appearance and development of personal computers. Don’t forget that the ones who invented the personal computer intended it firstly to educative purposes. The main purpose is promoting individualized instruction and stimulating learning by cooperation, so that the students can obtain, present and transmit information in different forms : texts, tables, graphics. ELEARNING BLOG Teacher PROCOP MARCIANA ”Carol I”National College, Craiova Teacher VIŞAN-DIMITRIU DANIEL .“Ştefan Odobleja”National College, Craiova The E-learning represents a type of education involving information and comunication technologies (ICT). There are various methods of implementing a system of distance learning, but whatever the method, the lessons are provided in electronic format. Hence, the courses can be offered on CDs in order for those interested to subsequently install them on their personal computers and learn at their
  • 30. 30 own pace. Another method is that of accessing courses, through the medium of an Internet network or intranet, from the central server. In order to create an eLearning platform, the following are required: an infrastructure – in other words, the hardware and software elements necessary for the student to access the information; the content of the courses in electronic format, and last but not least, the services that are meant to handle the instruction process, services which consist in the making of the educational plans, the evaluation of the acquired knowledge , etc. A blog is a web diary, having the form of an online diary, used to introduce daily notes in an easy and dynamic way, allowing, as well, the posting of comments from the visitors. The method of publishing educational activities online, as well as the possibility to easily integrate multimedia elements, represents a great advantage of using blogs. The interface is intuitive and very easy to use, and users have unlimited access. The blog can also be an important instrument in the making of educational projects, as well as in the collaboration, within these projects, between students from different schools, or even cities or countries around the world. Another advantage of using blogs is that it offers a good instrument of evaluation and feedback. THE USE OF MULTIMEDIA IN E-LEARNING Teacher RUICU DELIA MAGDALENA Railway Technological Highschool, Craiova In the Information Society, Lifelong Learning (Lifelong Learning) is becoming a necessity and information and communications technology is the most appropriate support for learning in general and for continuous learning in particular. In recent years both the U.S. and the EU have taken important steps to promote ICT in the learning process, the term e-learning becoming global. This is emphasized by the large number of projects initiated by the EU, but also by the increasing number of universities that use platforms and e-learning systems. Electronic learning or e-learning involves using new media technologies and the Internet to improve the quality of learning by facilitating access to resources and services, remote information exchange and collaboration. The most common Elearning systems are the learning management systems (LMS, Learning Management Systems) and learning content management (LCMS, Learning Content Management Systems) in different variants.
  • 31. 31 According to analysis conducted by experts "blended learning", which uses a combination of synchronous and asynchronous learning modes (with and without teacher) seems to be the most desired and most widespread form of e-learning. THE IMPORTANCE OF ELEARNING PLATFORMS IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Teacher TRANDAFIR ILEANA ”Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova E-learning (or eLearning) is the use of electronic media, information and communication technologies (ICT) in education. E-learning covers all forms of educational technology in learning and teaching. It includes numerous types of media that deliver text, audio, images, animation, and streaming video. Many e-learning processes rely on the information and communication systems, whether free-standing or based, on either local networks or the Internet in networked learning. ThinkQuest Projects is a protected learning environment where students and teachers create web-based projects and engage in global collaboration with peers. ThinkQuest Library includes additional innovative learning resources for students of all ages on many different educational topics. This library could be a useful resource for instance in student and teacher research. As of February 2007, the ThinkQuest Library included over 6,000 Web sites which were created by students from around the world as part of the ThinkQuest competition. We can build a learning space, in which both the teacher and the students can create and post content or information, using Wikispaces platform. Wikis are web pages presenting information using files, pictures or links to other sites and can be created at The pedagogical potential of these pages is to increase student involvement, to stimulate interest in the issues addressed. Students are encouraged to contribute with original ideas. Wiki provides a multimedia format of the pages by including text, graphics, animation, and fulfills a number of functions such as: system group composition, discussion environment, knowledge base, email system and collaboration tool. In this way, the projects developed using this platform are more complex than those performed in a classical manner, without involving informatics tools.
  • 32. 32 TOOLS FOR EDITING DOCUMENTS ONLINE Teacher TROANȚĂ NICOLETA Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova With Google Docs you can access your files from anywhere. Google Docs is a freeware web-based office suite offered by Google within its Google Drive service. It allows users to create and edit documents online while collaborating with other users. Google Drive gives you access to your work from anywhere, across your Mac, PC, mobile devices and on the web. Create rich documents with images, tables, equations, drawings, links and more. Gather input and manage feedback with social commenting. Keep and share lists, track projects, analyze data and track results with the powerful spreadsheet editor. Use tools like advanced formulas, embedded charts, filters and pivot tables to get new perspectives on your data. Create beautiful slides with the presentation editor, which supports things like embedded videos, animations and dynamic slide transitions. Publish your presentations on the web so anyone can view them, or share them privately. 1. 2. competitie/ AN E-LEARNING PLATFORM– WWW.JEPARLEFRANCAIS.COM Teacher IULIAN UNTARU “I. C. Brătianu” National College, Pitești The project allows the development of language and communication skills in French language by taking part in discussion forums, various multimedia activities, online testing and through material posted by students and teachers. Students will be encouraged to freely engage in conversations in an online French chat and take surveys, without the fear of admonishment if wrong; they will also have their own projects uploaded on the site.
  • 33. 33 Goals -favouring the French language in our high-school/our country - involving the students and the FLE teachers in the development of the communication process -diversifying the learning modules -encouraging innovative teachers -favouring the communication process (discussion forums, making worksheets, online testing, taking surveys, chatting etc.) -the visible and durable aspect of our project, through the website - valuing our highschool USING THE NEW TECHNOLOGIES IN TEACHING FRENCH Methodology teacher ADINA CAMELIA VOICULESCU Olt County Teacher Training Center Foreign language teachers are becoming increasingly interested in internet resources and in the many teaching possibilities provided. The challenges brought by the use of ICT in teaching and learning foreign languages are worthly heeded, as foreign languages teachers have to be very demanding in terms of pedagogic and didactic quality when selecting new technologies and applying them in classroom. On the Internet one can find a lot of web sites (bonjourdefrance, lexiquefle, francparler, lepointdufle) exclusively dedicated to French teachers and offering plenty of activities that one can conduct with his/her students. Web sites offer inexhaustible resources: dictionaries, phonetics, conjugation, vocabulary, grammar, and interactive exercises, games of figures or letters, subjects for the French exams and their answers, comics, excerpts from literary texts, on-line dictations, for every language level from beginners to advanced. From a pedagogical point of view, the use of new language communication technologies in teaching foreign languages generates a fundamental change in the school-teachers and the students- students relationships. The teacher must become more than ever a facilitator of learning and he/she should stimulate the progressive autonomy of his students in foreign language and facilitate the
  • 34. 34 assimilation of learning strategies and the development of language skills. The Internet can be very useful to all those who want to share their experiences and to create new educational materials. E-LEARNING - OVERVIEW, ADVANTAGES, DISADVANTAGES AND APPLICABILITY IN ROMANIA Teacher ZARAGIU MILENA-EUGENIA ”Gh. Chițu” National College of Economics, Craiova Teacher SILAGHI DANIELA ”Gh. Chițu” National College of Economics, Craiova The new information and communications technologies change the perspective over the educational practice, completing the educational frame with modern learning tehnologies particular to the informational society. E-learning is not trying to replace the traditional educational systems, only to strengthten the reaching process. Adopted in the teaching institutions, as a proper alternative to the traditional education, this has led to establishing the so called distance learning. In the mean time, it facilitates the sustained training process of the community members who adopt such an e- learning solution. At the organisational level, e-learning systems may promote a colaborative learning, optimising the specific organisational learning process of the modern companies.(10) The issues presented in the study are the result of our indoor school experience of using AEL laboratories, of the teaching-learning Method – Virtual Enterprise and, last but not least, of consulting the numerous articles and books in this domain. In the first chapter there are presented the general aspects of e-learning: it contains a lot of domain specific terms and definitions, a short presentation of the evolution of computer based training and an e-learning system arhitecture. Also, it highlights the advantages and also the disadvantages of e-learning. Web open source e-learning platforms often arrive at an impresive configuration.The second chapter is dedicated to the latter, by presenting the most important open source e-learning platforms. The third chapter is dedicated to Romanian e-learning, to the most visitated specialised portals in presenting the offers for courses, many useful information about carrier planning and the
  • 35. 35 educational environment, various useful resourses for pupils, students, teachers, readers keen to train and be informed. There is an overview of the main online courses, Romanian projects, as well as the detailed AEL integrated platform for computer based training. The fourth chapter consists of a selection of the most important courses, Web materials, dictionaries and tutorials from the IT branch, worldwide educational programs followed by a short presentation of the worldwide concept of distance learning. The context is open and conditioned by the endorsed trained segment and by the”will of life”of the living system called e-learning(13) THE FACTORS OF COUNSELING AND VOCATIONAL GUIDANCE: SCHOOL, FAMILY, SOCIETY Teacher ANDREEA MINEA “Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova Teacher ANDREEA SĂNDOI “Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova Counseling and Vocational Guidance is a scientific method which enables the passage from potential to accomplished work and, furthermore, to success. This method is based on the principle of personal development and it supposes the encouraging of autonomy and motivation of the counseled person. The factors of Counseling and Vocational Guidance are: the school, the family and the society. School can play an essential role through each and every single subject, offering suggestive images and information concerning a certain domain. Family should ensure the social and emotional support of the children/teenager, by observing and selecting their positive inclinations. The social context is also very important, as it should “produce” a “healthy” society.
  • 36. 36 THE LEONARDO DA VINCI INTERNATIONAL MULTILATERAL PARTNERSHIP “DEVELOPMENT OF GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING INSTRUMENTS IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION” DISSEMINATION Teacher GEORGETA MANAFU ”Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova Teacher FLORENTA AVRAM ”Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova The Leonardo da Vinci International Multilateral Partnership “Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education” is implemented at the European level by means of a Grundtvig Learning Partnership along with 8 partners:  Comune di Sant’Angelo in Vado, ITALY  Avanos Kiz Teknik Ve Meslek Lisesi, TURKEY  Liceul Tehnologic Transporturi Auto, ROMANIA  Liceul Teoretic Tudor Arghezi, ROMANIA  Professional Highschool of Electronics and Electrical Engineering "Marie Curie", BULGARIA  Profesionalas Izglitibas Kompetences Centrs “Liepajas Valsts Tehnikums”, LATVIA  Kadis, SLOVENIA  Fundacion Para El Desarrollo De La Ciencia Y La Tecnologia En Extremadura (FUNDECYT), SPAIN  Fundacja Rozwoju Inicjatyw Edukayjnych I Społecznych, POLAND The LDV international multilateral partnership “Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education” is identified with the national ID LLP- LdV/PAR/2012/RO/179, project number 22012-1-TR1-LEO04-35830 5 and it is implemented between August 2012 and July 2014. The project “Development of guidance and counselling instruments in vocational education" aims at sharing experience and examples of good practice among the partner institutions, learning about various regulations, laws and guidelines which are used in the partner
  • 37. 37 contries, as well as any other methods, activities, studies, documents which will be implemented on a multilinguistic e-Learning platform. The beneficiaries of the project received updates concerning its results. The project activities are uploaded on the project blog:  The multilinguistic e-Learning platform will be used by pupils in secondary school to take tests for career planning and orientation. THE IMPORTANCE OF AN ECONOMIC OPERATOR IN PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION Teacher SESCIOREANU MARIA ”General Magheru” Technological Highschool, Râmnicu-Vâlcea Teacher IOVA ALINA IONELA ”General Magheru” Technological Highschool, Râmnicu-Vâlcea Practice shows that at the end of their studies, teenagers are facing employers who need immediate results from them. Career counseling helps the individual to find a compatible job, and all along their professional life to continuously develop and enhance the value of their abilities. The role of professional counseling and orientation is to develop the necessary knowledge and abilities for an efficient career management. Technological highschools sign partnerships with different economic operators to ensure the students’ practice within their companies. An example of good practice is an extra-curricular activity that we did with our students, a visit to a working-point from Rm. Valcea, of the BIBUS SES S.R.L. company in Timisoara. During this visit they received information about the most modern 3D fast prototyping equipment, video inspection equipment, laser inscription equipment and micro-percussion, hydraulic, mechanic and pneumatic equipment, used in industrial installations. All this information helped them compare the standards of these professions to their personal characteristics and qualifying levels. The School- Economic Operator Partnership: “Modern Automatizing” Coordinators: Teacher Sescioreanu Maria, Teacher Nicolin Carmen
  • 38. 38 The Project’s Purpose :  Professional and school orientation;  The efficiency of learning process;  Social-professional integration of our teenagers;  The new generation involvement in production. Motivation: In order to develop the necessary abilities for our students to better integrate in the working- field, it is mandatory to offer them the possibility to be informed about different jobs. The given information will lead our teenagers to take the best decision in what concerns their professional route. Period: The “Other School” Week: the 2nd- 6th of April 2012 Target group: the 9th -12th students, technological sections Objectives:  To develop the quality of the educational act;  To share a common vision on our students needs and interests;  To facilitate and to develop the ability to communicate and to receive information;  To develop the ability of socializing;  To increase the students’ interest towards these professions;  To motivate students to actively implicate in forming their own personalities;  To develop the interest towards work and its quality;  To enhance respect between students and employers. Advantages:  The project can be a studying environment and a means of interacting;  The project stimulates cooperation between students, school and the economic operator, motivating them to share information and to learn from each-other. It also encourages the equality of chances;  Students develop new adequate abilities both for their professional and personal lives. Actions:  A visit to the working point from Rm. Valcea- S.C. BIBUS SES;  Navigating on the society site: And a presentation of the activities organized by them;  Realizing promotional materials by different means of inscriptions;  Debate on the theme “Jobs for the future”.
  • 39. 39 Project’s results and expected impact:  To ensure access to information on the company’s activities;  A new vision on educational problems’ approach;  Opening by continuous study of new elements;  Integrating new resources in class activity;  Associating school information with those gained at the company. Dissemination methods  The project’s presentation and its results in front of Educational Boards, The Teachers Board and on the school’s site;  A photo album.  The project’s presentation on the school site will be done after its reconstruction. THE STUDY VISIT AT BIBUS SES 03.04.2011 - Partial photo album Bibliography: 1. 2. 3.
  • 40. 40 ”STEPS TO A SUCCESSFUL CAREER”- A COUNSELING PROGRAM School counselor NICOLETA-ADRIANA FLOREA County Centre for Resources and Educational Assistance and Pedagogical Assistance Dolj County „Steps to a Successful Career” is a career counseling program based on the Egan model for eighth grade students. The first session (W 1, W 2, W 3) will be designed to identify and clarify the problem group. The purpose of these meetings will be to share and clarify the issue to the group by each member thereof, creating a sense of community to help elucidate needs, choices and desires, allowing the production of relevant information and developing and maintaining of positive and constructive attitudes and the choice of the optimal solution . The next stage of the counseling activity (W 4, W 5, W 6, W 7) will help students create an accurate self-image by offering new perspectives and alternatives that will help them make the right choice for their future educational and professional career. The last stage of the activity (W 8, W 9, W 10, W11, W 12) will focus on the preparation and accomplishment of actual steps - the option of education and work. These meetings will focus on preparing strategic scenarios, on the action strategies aiming at strengthening the students, at eliminating fear and uncertainty and at orienting them towards action. The initial choices of the children will be reconsidered in choosing their specialization/qualifications. Once they have identified their options they will move on to taking actual steps that help achieve the set goal.
  • 41. 41 THE ROAD TO PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS Ph.D teacher MARIANA LILI BADEA ”IULIA HASDEU” National College, Bucharest Ph. D teacher FLORENTINA IOFCIU 195 Secondary School, Bucharest The field of Counseling and Guidance, by its nature, requires a major interest in the development of skills and values, dimensions of personality in the educational context as foundation of the future adult’s nature. Reality shows that choosing a career is a very important decision for the future of a young person/ student. Every man is good or the best in a particular field. If they discover what they do best, they will have already taken the first step towards success. The research aims at investigating the teenager’s career choices. Its overall objective targeted the insurance of the premises for the students’ transition towards the higher educational levels or the labor market, through access to information, counseling and guidance activities. At the level of highschool youngsters, who are experiencing continuous movement and transformation, communication and the ability to make decisions regarding their career are sometimes questioned. In order to help the young people who graduate highschool, specialists in human resources and educational counseling have launched certain guidance and counseling programs and projects, among which ”VIA - counseling” and ” Personal life management”. The following conclusions were reached as a result of this research: 1)-In highschool, interests are more stable, more active, more realistic, so they have better skills for their area of interest; 2)-Technical and practical skills are underdeveloped in highschool; 3)-The highschool profile observed for four years channels their interests into several lines of educational and vocational guidance. The most important matters of micro-research highlight: a)-they are determined in terms of their career 63%; b)-they have the capacity to see their future properly 60% c) -they analyze managing to establish a link between the level of knowledge they have achieved and their future aspirations 63% d)- they recognize characteristics of the chosen profession in a given situation 60%; e)-they correlate their training level with the chosen job 45%.
  • 42. 42 CREATIVITY IN COUNSELING AND GUIDANCE OF PROFESSIONAL SCHOOL STUDENTS Teacher ECATERINA BOARNĂ ”Ştefan Odobleja” National College, Craiova In any school and vocational guidance, the teacher's personality has a very important role. The teacher was (can become) a model for the student as intellectual, professional, moral citizens. Of course, the model is valuable and efficient when the student does not copy it , but filters it in his mind, considering what fits his abilities and what the society gives him at some point in the future. In this context, the teacher must put into action his model in order to develop the individuality and personality of the student, his option in choosing the school and profession. Educational and vocational guidance must be a provision and a choice of the student in the sense that it is based on real self-knowledge and awareness of the possibilities that their correlation with socio -professional opportunities that society offers in the conditions of a free economy. School orientation is a complex action both by the number of stakeholders (teachers, parents, sponsors, specialists, etc.) and the fact that is a part of the educational process. It is a permanent action that begins on the first day of school and lasts throughout the school. REFERENCES : 1. Iucu, B. Romiţă- Managementul şi gestiunea clasei de elevi, Editura Polirom, 2000 2. Elena, Zamfir, Marian Preda- Diagnoza problemelor sociale şi comunitare, Editura Expert, Bucureşti 2000
  • 43. 43 THE INTERNATIONAL GRUNDTVIG LEARNING PARTNERSHIP “TEACHING RECYCLING AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION” Teacher MANAFU GEORGETA ”Tudor Arghezi” Theoretical Highschool, Craiova Teacher LULACHE MARIANA Energy College, Craiova The „NicolaeVelea” secondary school in Cepari, Arges is implementing an international Grundtvig learning partnership, “Teaching recycling and Environmental Education” between July 2013 and August 2015 along with the following partners: - ULIXES SCS, ITALY - ASSOCIATION "SOCIAL CENTER BURGAS", BULGARIA - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NICOLAE VELEA CEPARI, ROMANIA - SYDDANSK ERHVERVSSKOLE, DENMARK - THE ENVIRONMENTAL ACADEMY LTD., THE U.K. - NORTH MATRA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, HUNGARY - MONTE, DESENVOLVIMENTO ALENTEJO CENTRAL ACE, PORTUGAL - MALATYA PROVINCE DIRECTORATE OF NATIOANAL EDUCATION, TURKEY The international Grundtvig learning partnership “Teaching recycling and Environmental Education” is identified at the European level as 2013-1-IT2-GRU06-51838 6 and at the national level as GRU-13-P-LP-56-AG-IT. Until now the project activities were organized according to the plan in the application form. The research activity of the project was conducted between February and March 2014 with the following results: - A brochure, “The National Framework for Environmental Education 2013-2020-2030”: 1.The role of environmental education in implementing the environmental policy 2. The National Strategy for Sustainable Growth 2013-2020-2030 3. Target aims and foreseeable actions 2013, 2020, 2030 according to the EU strategy - examples of good practice:
  • 44. 44 1. “ The network for promoting cleaner villages / Raising awareness of the members of the rural communities in the NW region concerning the impact of their activities upon the environment " 2. “You recycle, we award you” 3. “The Văcărești natural park” 4. “Eco Attitude = Responsibility, Information, Action” 5. “Plant for the planet” 6. Learn, play, recycle 7. A greed educational oasis 8. RECYCLETTE 9. Man makes places green again! 10. We can recycle, we can help. SCHOOL GUIDANCE- A DETERMINING FACTOR IN SHAPING HUMAN PERSONALITY Teacher BOŢA ANA ”Ştefan Odobleja” Highschool We could say that professional guidance and counseling is just at the beginning in Romania, but in the same time we can state that this is a subject which is on the uprising and is gaining interest among parents and youth.Professional and school guidance done properly represents the premise of a successful social and professional first step towards the career that the individual has chosen to pursue.The problem of aptitudes, school choices and eventually career choices has become an educational problem of the greatest interest. The parents and school coordinator have to fully explain to the youth the direct correlation between school disciplines and future careers and trades that the youth will be able to choose. In starting and in realizing professional and school guidance there are a lot of interacting factors, such as: research, school, teachers, family, youth organizations, mass-media, all of these can play an important role in the proper and efficient professional and school guidance.The student must be treated with respect and seriousness also he must be heard, encouraged and stimulated to assume responsibilities for his own future. He is his
  • 45. 45 own manager so it’s up to him to realistically evaluate his own resources, to set objectives and develop projects for short, medium and long term regarding his future, also to be open to life’s opportunities for him to succeed in his goals. A career life is represented by a sequence of positions and activities; this process is directly influenced by: the current employment market situation, by the existing job offers, the challenges and changes that will appear during time. In conclusion school guidance plays an important role in shaping the future of our children. SELF-AWARENESS, THE WAY TO PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS Teacher ENE İOANA Automotive Tehnological Highschool, Craiova School opens up career prospects for students, and builds up their knowledge and perspective of the contemporary world. Through education we cultivate character, its moral content , strength of will, clear judgment . Educating students to career choice involves the building up positive attitudes towards work , developing a higher motivation in the exercise of the various professions that they could possibly choose . Self-awareness helps develop one’s potential, but also identify obstacles, resources and opportunities. One must not neglect the importance of verbal and nonverbal information received from the others, and especially the importance of the views of role models. Awareness of interests and of a system of values is another aspect of self-awareness. One’s interests represent a person 's preferences for certain fields of activity and knowing them is essential in making career decisions .Self-awareness requires knowing your own skills.It is said a person has skills in a field if they obtain outstanding performance in that area. John Maxwell defines success as: "Knowing our purpose in life, achieving our maximum potential and seeding the seeds of the idea of charity." Students, young adults, and adults need to be trained so that they can make better decisions about their lives. In this sense, counseling and career guidance become a major tool in the development and affirmation of the personality of each person and in the correct choice of a profession according to aspirations, desires and knowledge. It is important to show to students the inconsistency of criteria for choosing the profession such as: it is beautiful, it is good, I find it interesting, I like, etc
  • 46. 46 INFORMATION AND COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGIES IN CAREER COUNSELLING Teacher MONICA CEUCĂ-DIACONESCU “Ştefan Odobleja” College, Craiova Teacher ADINA DEMETRIAN “Ştefan Odobleja” College, Craiova In many economically developed countries that have an appropriate ICT infrastructure, there is a tendency to offer information services, advice and guidance for adults, in the form of self- use, especially for those with higher education and are internet literate. Another very important issue is providing access to information for persons who need it, in terms of appropriateness relevant quality, reliability, consistency, completeness, etc. relative to the dynamic needs of the users. Offering information does not also imply solving their problems, but entails an active approach on their part in order to achieve something for themselves: research, training, education, practice, etc. When dealing with adults, you have to take into account that their needs are already rooted, stable, consistent, realistic and rational. All these emerge from their education, social and work experience. In this case, merely offering information with the purpose of defining labor interests is not enough. What they also need are internships and professional training in various fields of human activity. The means of “delivering” information is of overwhelming importance if you intend to obtain a significant impact on career development. The information must be adapted to the dominant form of perception by the target population with maximum impact on professional development: electronic, printed, oral.
  • 47. 47 EDUCATION AND COUNSELING TO STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Teacher CHIAR CARMEN – IULIANA School Centre for Inclusive Education, Alexandria ,,Special needs” are defined differently; laws and regulations use various categorisations, some still reflecting a defectology approach, although the term itself is now used less. Physically disabled and severely mentally disabled children are usually looked after in special schools. At secondary level, youngsters with special educational needs (SEN) tend to be in vocational courses or schools. There is little or no expectation that they will continue into higher education. There is a growing understanding that all children have a right to education under international and national law; that all children are capable of being educated. Children learn in special schools, and other children learn in special classes in regular schools. In general, more boys than girls are categorised as having special needs; ethnic minority children are more likely to be so categorised. It is important to distinguish between ,,children at risk”, ,,children with disabilities” and those with ,,special needs”. .At risk. is the broadest category and can include children living in severe poverty, children without parental care, children at risk of being abused, abandoned or trafficked, children in the street and children living with HIV/Aids. Some psychologists, speech therapists, pedagogues, school counselor and social workers are trained for work with special needs children, but not all schools have access to specialist professionals able to support teachers in inclusive settings. Parents have a legal right to decide about their child’s placement, or at least to be an equal partner with experts or school counselors in making such decisions. Parents mention transport to and from school as a key problem; also the lack of trained teachers and advisors in schools to help with day-to-day concerns in looking after their children. Many parents are obliged to spend the school day in class with their child because teachers in large classes cannot provide enough attention. Youngsters with cognitive and complex disabilities are still generally looked after in special schools; those with physical and sensory disabilities are more often integrated in regular schools.
  • 48. 48 THE INTERNATIONAL GRUNDTVIG LEARNING PARTNERSHIP “TEACHING RECYCLING AND ENVIRONMENTAL EDUCATION” Pre-primary school teacher GAVAN CAMELIA ”Nicolae Velea” School, Cepari, Arges Teacher GAVAN NICOLAE ”Nicolae Velea” School, Cepari, Arges The international Grundtvig learning partnership ”Teaching recycling and Environmental Education” is implemented at the European level by means of a Grundtvig learning partnership by eight partners: - ULIXES SCS, ITALY - ASSOCIATION "SOCIAL CENTER BURGAS", BULGARIA - SCOALA GIMNAZIALA NICOLAE VELEA CEPARI, ROMANIA - SYDDANSK ERHVERVSSKOLE, DENMARK - THE ENVIRONMENTAL ACADEMY LTD., THE UK - NORTH MATRA ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION ASSOCIATION, HUNGARY - MONTE, DESENVOLVIMENTO ALENTEJO CENTRAL ACE, PORTUGAL - MALATYA PROVINCE DIRECTORATE OF NATIOANAL EDUCATION, TURKEY - The international Grundtvig learning partnership “Teaching recycling and Environmental Education” is identified at the European level as 2013-1-IT2-GRU06-51838 6 and at the national level as GRU-13-P-LP-56-AG-IT. The purpose of this project refers to: - Sharing experiences and opportunities by means of meetings between various countries, - Developing a network of operators, teachers in the environmental field and reycling methods, - Developing various instruments which are necessary for an efficient educational process allowing the implementation of programmes aiming at the protection of the environment.
  • 49. 49 INTERCULTURAL EDUCATIONAL POLICIES IN EDUCATIONAL PROJECTS Teacher CRUCERU LAVINIA ”Gheorghe Bibescu” Secondary School, Craiova School is the main space of learning the cultural plurality through the appreciation of diversity, of the distinct note brought by the culture of each participating social actor. It must form the skill of treasuring the pluriculturality values; there are not superior and inferior values, but there are only specific values that must be judged. The “modeling” of ethnic pride of the majority and the consolidation of self-confidence of the minority are necessary at school. Multiculturality is not the adversary of European universalism but a different form of it. What unifies multiculturality with European universalism is the common will to place a culture above the power of state or the interests of a social group. Interculturality implies understanding, appreciation and valuation of own culture to which the respect based on authentic information and on building curiosity towards the ethnic culture of the other is added. Interculturality is a process that is produced at the crossroad among cultures, not being an aim in itself, but which can become finality when the unnatural transformations or the ill-fated behaviors are noticed at this level of culture intersection. All the children must be educated in order to fully participate and to contribute to a democratic society. This means that the main democratic principles must be transmitted to them. Thus, they engage themselves in defending the democratic values acquiring the necessary knowledge, skills, attitudes and abilities. These include a commitment to the right and human social order, mutual confidence, respect for the rights and identities of others, opening, analytical abilities, interpersonal abilities. BIBLIOGRAPHY:  M. Roncoroni, Good practice in intercultural education learning from and for each other, in «Equal Voices», Issue n. 8, EUMC.
  • 50. 50 SKILLS DEVELOPMENT OF FUTURE SPORTS INSTRUCTORS WITH A VIEW TO FACILITATING THEIR INSERTION ON THE EUROPEAN MARKET Teacher DICĂ ALINA-MARILENA ”PETRACHE TRIŞCU” SPORTS HIGHSCHOOL, CRAIOVA Teacher APOSTOLACHE HERMINA MARIA ”PETRACHE TRIŞCU” SPORTS HIGHSCHOOL, CRAIOVA The Leonardo da Vinci project „The Skills Development of Future Sports Instructors with a view to Facilitating the Insertion on the European Market” LLP-LdV/IVT/2013/RO/379 ranges among the international projects implemented by the Sports Highschool “Petrache Triscu” in Craiova in partnership with The Athletics Federation in Andalucia- Jaen branch, in Spain. The 20 beneficiaries, students of 11th and 12th grades are going to take part in a number of theoretical and practical activities in order to develop their skills as sports instructors. The course is completed with a language and attendance certificate on the part of organisers. COMMUNICATION WITH FAMILY - AN IMPORTANT FACTOR IN THE PROFESSIONAL ORIENTATION OF STUDENTS Ph. D teacher DODENCIU MIRELA “Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova Teacher JIANU SIMONA “Matei Basarab” Highschool, Craiova In today's society , counseling and guidance to students is the answer to many educational dilemmas. Since the end of secondary school students must make important choices that will mark the powerful way in life , teachers have the task of helping to know the real possibilities and report high-school requirements that will continue to follow . Advice and guidance is not only an information and guidance to students at certain schools and professions, but also a social action discovery and implementation of human resources to
  • 51. 51 society. For the good of the student , teachers and parents are forced to work together , to act responsibly , aware of the role it plays in career choice it. As teenagers follow their path to finding identity , they are constantly trying to clarify what is important to them. The teenager is very safe and also very insecure with himself , oscillating between these two extreme choices . The right thing that we can do it for him is to help him to structure and plan the future by taking responsibility of their own decisions . CULTURAL DIVERSITY, EQUALITY OF CHANCES AND INTERDEPENDENCY -DISSEMINTION OF GOOD PRACTICES – Deputy headmistress teacher DRAGOMIR CARMEN-MARINELA ”Gheorghe Bibescu” Secondary School, Craiova ,,ICT AS A TOOL FOR MEDIA AND INTERCULTURAL EDUCATION, organized by CFAE Seixal - Teacher Training Centre and CREF Sesimbra, caught my attention with its highly personalized and original character. The identification of communication channels between socio- educational stages of a modern society such as the cultural and media impact in education is the main challenge for educational systems both in Portugal and Romania. Ensuring equal opportunities to education regardless of ethnicity, culture, tradition is a challenge, but also a priority in our educational efforts as teachers and active members of the community. Thus there are activities we have initiated and coordinated with great impact in the local, district and national community: The debate “The European culinary art - between tradition and taste of childhood”, the debate “Our world through the eyes of the other”, The International Symposium “We are what we want to be”, online debate “Education - The Way to intercultural knowledge” etc. Activities have been popularized in the school magazine, local media, TV, in the newspapers and on-line and have materialized in a movie presentation In personal terms, my training need is linked to what sharing best practices means. From my experience from the participation in various activities at the national level, I concluded that the educational system in Romania is part of a young democracy that has not yet created intellectual
  • 52. 52 social habitus. As in any system, I believe that in education tradition is needed too and cultural exchange between teachers in Romania and teachers in Portugal and other EU Member States can teach us how to create the educational precepts and values to perpetuate from generation to generation, since education in society is a long term investment. Interaction was the word that was at the heart of personal experience by participating in this training programme. Also, this experience had an individual character that arose intellectual interest to discover similarities and differences between the two nations of Latin origin. At professional level the experience of the participation in this training activity created the premises of an open partnership between schools in the participating countries, facilitated access to modern education tools such as digital media, leaded to a critical understanding of the principles of intercultural education and communication. THE IMPORTANCE OF COUNSELING AND SCHOOL ORIENTATION IN THE STUDENTS’ CHOICE OF CAREER Teacher FILIP AMELIA STEFANIA "Matei Basarab" Highschool, Craiova Teacher CIOPONEA NICOLAIE MIRCEA OVIDIU "Henri Coanda" Theoretical Highschool, Craiova Romania's educational and social strategies place an important emphasis on school as a factor for the development of social capital in its relation with the Community which it serves. One of the problems included among the permanent priorities of our school and society is school counselling and guidance. Its importance is set by the essential contribution that school can have in solving and improving it. Its contribution shall not be reduced only to preparing young people to know how to make a well-documented decision regarding their professional future, but also to preparing and ensuring a workforce able to successfully cover all the sectors of social activity. Such training should start early as the structure of our educational system allows choosing special classes for highly skilled students. While long seen as an individual problem, that each family should deal with according to their social and professional status, guidance and counselling should not be left out of school. Since the diversification of the field of activity and with the progress made by contemporary school, orientation and vocational guidance have become a systematic concern of many private and state institutions, especially schools.
  • 53. 53 WEB TECHNOLOGIES - INNOVATION IN THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS Teacher OANA SORINA RĂDULESCU "Traian Vuia" Highschool, Craiova The modern society tends to gradually turn into a digital one, which requires the educational system to adapt to a new orientation of teaching strategies, the use of modern methods of teaching, learning and assessment based on the new technologies. Learning in the modern society stepped out of the classroom, thus allowing the extension of the study group to a large number of students that may be geographically dispersed. In this way it is allowed the development of learning methods focused on individual learning and collaborative group work. This means new paradigms of education: - Individualization of learning - Motivating students - Interactive Learning - The status of the teacher is changed - Development of individual and collaborative learning I considered using educational platforms in the lessons and to create a virtual environment accessible to all students where they can exchange views, make various constructive comments on the subject or a given topic, collaborate to solve problems or specific projects. For this purpose I used LearningApps: ”” is a Web 2.0 application, to support learning and teaching processes with small interactive modules. Those modules can be used directly in learning materials, but also for self studying. The aim is to collect reusable building blocks and make them available to everyone. Blocks (called Apps) included for this reason no specific framework or a specific learning scenario. The blocks are therefore not to be seen as complete lessons or tasks, instead they must be embedded into an appropriate teaching scenario. “ (
  • 54. 54 THE MODERN TEACHER SUPPORT FOR TODAY’S YOUNGSTERS’ CAREER ORIENTATION AND COUNSELING Teacher ILIE MILICA Automotive Technological Highschool, Craiova The teacher who offers vocational guidance and counseling to today’s students must be not only an involved educator, but also a character deeply rooted into the realities of the moment, who finds himself in an evolutionary dynamic and a relentless personal progress. The professional orientation of the youth is filtered by the teachers’ abilities and skills. Some of the skills and attitudes that a modern teacher should possess in order to offer pertinent life counseling to the subjects of education are mentioned below. We look at this problem from the double perspective of the teacher as transmitter of vital information (in a certain area) and of the educator making education with means (sometimes) exterior to information. We conclude that high quality counseling is not the privilege of a certain type of person, with a predetermined set of values, but the overlapping of some efforts, encompassing different forces (community, family , school, etc.) which, nevertheless, have a well established focal point: the trainable youth. USEFUL TOOLS FOR INTEGRATING THE YOUNG ON THE LABOUR MARKET Teacher ILIESCU CAMELIA EUGENIA ”ŞTEFAN ODOBLEJA” College, Craiova Being informed, the knowledge of the particular interest domain and of its strategies, the school counselling and the professional guidance of youth are the main points of dicussion. Therefore, the workplace shift has become commonplace in our society. Career guidance is the expression of some personal talents and dominant skills. I have considered it necessary to present