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Beyond the Résumé
Approach Mastery in the Art and Science
of Talent Engagement
in Business,
The Most
“It is important to show
your team how to
balance their own lives
and know when to put
the phone down.”
Empowered women lead
with grace, resilience and
a vision that lights the
way for all
The Exceptional Attributes
- Lewis oper
hroughout history, women have continually proven their mettle, demonstrating prowess
Tand innovation across various sectors. The individuals featured in this edition have not
only shattered glass ceilings but also paved the way for future generations of women
From technology to finance, healthcare to entertainment, these women stand as pillars of
inspiration and empowerment. Their visionary approaches, unwavering determination, and
commitment to excellence serve as guiding lights for aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs.
This edition encapsulates the stories of ten outstanding women who have not only excelled in
their fields but have also made significant impacts through their work. Their diverse experiences
and achievements illuminate the possibilities for aspiring businesswomen, offering insights and
motivation for those navigating their own professional journeys.
In an era where leadership is enabling innovations, breaking barriers and fostering inclusivity,
WomenWorldMagazine takes great pride in highlighting the achievements and influence of
some of the most remarkable women in the world of business. “The 10 Most Empowering
Women in Business, 2023” is a testament to their exceptional contributions, resilience and
leadership in diverse industries.
We invite our readers to delve into the stories of these remarkable individuals, each a
testament to the potential and capabilities of women in business. Their journeys, challenges,
and triumphs serve as beacons of inspiration and motivation, proving that success knows no
This edition stands as a celebration of empowerment, a tribute to the remarkable strides made
by these women in their respective industries. It's a testament to the potential and possibilities
that lie ahead in the ever-evolving world of business. As we celebrate these phenomenal
women, let us continue to champion diversity, inclusivity, and empowerment in all spheres of
Financial Communica ons Innovator
Driving Success in Marke ng and IR
Baronowski - Schneider
Women Leaders in Technology
Harnessing the Power of Innovation
Leadership Perspective
Understanding the Role of Women
Leaders in Modern Business
P r o f i l e
Beyond the Résumé
Kiren Renner’s
Approach Mastery in the Art and Science of Talent Engagement
November, 2023
Company Name
Featured Person
Claudia Perlich joined Two Sigma as SVP of Strategic Data
Science, where she served as a chief scientist. She was
responsible for the reliable estimation of targeting models.
Daniel is a seasoned NLP data scientist with a strong
background in research and engineering in the Natural
Language Processing domain.
Gissel has several years leading and guiding engineering teams
in Machine Learning and Data Science projects.
Kirsten serves as a strategic executive partner and advisor,
dedicated to designing, developing, and implementing
innovative approaches and thought leadership.
Patricia Baronowski-Schneider is the driving force grabbing
opportunities right and left at Pristine Advisers—a boutique
international Investor Relations, Public Relations, Media
Relations and Marketing firm.
Two Sigma
Fidelity Investments
Accenture Federal Services
Pristine Advisers
Claudia Perlich
Data Scientist
Daniel Svoboda
Principal Data Scientist
Gissel Velarde
Senior Expert Data
Kirsten Renner
Talent Engagement
Beyond the Résumé
Approach Mastery in the Art and Science
of Talent Engagement
Kirsten Renner
Talent Engagement Lead
Accenture Federal
enturing into the dynamic realm of talent
Vengagement and leadership, Kirsten Renner
emerges as a formidable presence. As a
dedicated mother and a fervent supporter of the
Armed Forces, her journey has been marked by
commitment and selfless volunteerism. With an
impressive roster of speaking engagements spanning
renowned conferences, she has emerged as a
prominent figure in the cybersecurity and technology
Kirsten’s role as a Talent Engagement Lead at
Accenture Federal Services exemplifies her strategic
prowess. In this newly formed position, she
orchestrates innovative strategies and thought
leadership, elevating the collective voice and influence
of talent. Her deep understanding of the workforce
combined with data analytics and subject-matter
expertise positions her as a trailblazer in shaping the
workforce agenda.
Collaborating with C-suite executives, policymakers
and industry experts, Kirsten’s initiatives respond to
the shifting labor market and future talent trends. She
is renowned for her thought leadership and talent-
oriented solutions that prioritize the candidate
Kirsten’s role extends beyond the organization as she
actively engages in regional workforce-related events,
bridging the gap between talent and mission, one
meaningful connection at a time. Her accomplishments,
including accolades such as ‘Top Talent Team Lead’ and
‘America’s Best Corporate Recruiter,’ underscore her
exceptional contributions to the field.
Let’s explore Kirsten’s journey which reflects the dedication
and passion defining her professional endeavors and
personal values!
Pioneering Pathways
Kirsten was the former Director of Recruiting at
Novetta which played a pivotal role in transforming the
organization, “more than doubling the size” in just five
years in anticipation of acquisition. Following this, she
embarked on a new journey with Accenture Federal
Services (AFS), “integrating my team into the newly formed
National Security Portfolio.” Kirsten’s expertise was
instrumental in “improving and re-designing AFS recruiting
processes,” even introducing a modern applicant
tracking system.
As Kirsten ventured further into her career, she took on
a fresh challenge by creating and leading a role that
resonated with her passion. Her new focus was on
“engaging talent across the community through events,
initiatives, volunteering, and workforce development.”
Kirsten’s zest for connecting people shone through as
she defined herself in a single word: “Connector.”
Kirsten’s journey is marked by growth, innovation and
her commitment to bringing people together which also
serves as an inspiring example. Her experience
underscores the importance of adaptability and a
relentless drive for progress in terms of professional
development not just as an individual but also as a
Inspiring Brilliance
With a diverse background spanning information
technology, software development and helpdesk
services in both commercial and government sectors,
Kirsten’s journey took a transformative turn when she
pursued HR Management at the University of
Maryland Global Campus. Combining her passion for
technology and HR, she delved into technical recruiting
for over two decades. Kirsten’s unique approach lies in
her community involvement: “being a genuine
contributor in many ways,” from content creation,
speaking engagements, event management as well as
founding and running nonprofit organizations to help
build up the workforce. Thus, naturally falling into
talent engagement.
Throughout her career, she embraced talent
engagement naturally, becoming deeply embedded in
the communities she sought to hire from. Leading
teams of up to 30 people, Kirsten found her true
fulfillment in coaching and nurturing future leaders. For
her, the most rewarding aspect was “building the leaders
of the future, within my own teams and organization, as
well as within the workforce at large.”
Forging Leadership in the Fires of Experience
In the early days of Kirsten’s career, she was driven by a
perception of success that equated being the best with
outperforming her peers: “I thought doing measurably
‘better’ than those around me was indicative of success.”
However, a defining moment reshaped her perspective
and paved the way for her journey as a leader.
This transformational moment occurred when she
approached her new boss, excited about completing a
task her team couldn’t manage. His response, “That is
not your job,” marked a turning point. Her boss
explained that it was her responsibility to not only
excel individually but also to empower her team. This
eye-opening revelation propelled Kirsten into a
leadership role where she was determined to nurture
her team’s unique talents and provide them with the
tools to grow and shine: “From that moment forward, I
did everything I could to not just recognize each of their
unique gifts but to afford them opportunities to shine and
give them every resource to grow.”
Leading with Purpose
In Kirsten’s eyes, true leadership embodies
vulnerability, humility and honesty, “Be brave enough
to be vulnerable, humble, honest, and a great example of
ethics and hard work.” She emphasizes that
authenticity and openness are paramount. People in
leadership roles who pretend to know something
they don’t (or not asking for help when they need it)
are seen unfavorably by their subordinates in a short
matter of time and it’s hard to follow someone like
that. Acknowledging mistakes openly and its part of
shared humanity which fosters genuine connections:
“When folks see you do the right things for the right
reasons, they will naturally stand by your side.”
For Kirsten, leadership is about action, not just
words, “It matters when you see your leadership doing
the work too, not just barking orders. That is my style, I’m
a doer.” She advocates for leaders who lead by
example, engaging in every task, no matter how small.
She warns against toxic competitiveness, promoting
an environment where the team thrives collectively:
“Great leaders give credit away and take ownership for
missed shots, rather than blaming.”
Talent as Treasure
Kirsten is a dynamic force within her organization.
She thrives on connecting diverse interests: “I find
myself liaising between mutually interested parties on
multiple meaningful endeavors across the organization.”
Her focus spans vital areas such as recruiting,
diversity, workforce development, and cyber
initiatives. Through strategic partnerships, she
amplifies the impact of their collective efforts:
“Partnering and joining forces strengthen the power of
our reach and impact in each specialty area.”
Kirsten’s ultimate goal is to empower the larger
workforce, fostering growth and unity, “I hope to
continue to empower the workforce at large, both within
the community and inside my organization.”
Championing Change
Kirsten’s wisdom shines through as she emphasizes
the power of humility and seeking help when
necessary: “Change ‘I don’t know’ to ‘Here’s what I do
know.’“ True leadership, she believes, lies in the ability
to acknowledge limitations while being a dependable
figure: “Be brave enough to get help when needed while
remaining a leader that can be depended on.”
For Kirsten, the key to effective leadership is
harnessing the collective strength of the team: “A
leader’s arsenal is the people around them.” She
advocates for a harmonious blend of strengths,
ensuring each accomplishment is recognized: “Sort
and combine strengths in a complimentary way that
serves each mission, then be sure to compliment each
accomplishment.” This approach, she asserts, naturally
motivates the team making them stronger and more
prepared for the challenges that lie ahead.
Do what you need to
do for the mission
you value and the
people who matter
will see what you’ve
“Be brave enough to
be vulnerable, humble,
honest and a great
example of ethics and
hard work.”
Mirror, Mirror
Kirsten while reflecting on her leadership journey
enthusiastically shares numerous instances where she
empowered her team: “Absolutely! It’s hard to pick just
one because there have been so many examples in recent
years.” From entrusting her second in command with
critical process improvements to supporting team
members in speaking engagements, she recognized
potential and seized every opportunity, “I could see
which of my people were eager to jump in and contribute.”
As the workload multiplied, Kirsten navigated the
challenges by delegating tasks strategically and
nurturing future leaders, “There was no other way to get
through it than to start handing out the opportunities.”
From managing referrals to troubleshooting, she honed
the valuable skill of task delegation, fostering trust and
enabling her team to learn and grow.
Mentoring Matters
Kirsten’s journey as a Mentor traces back to a
legendary figure who instilled in her the ethos of
spreading skills and knowledge. For over a decade, she
dedicated more than 20 weekends annually, personally
mentoring and orchestrating teams of volunteers and
she shares “but building teams of volunteers to review
resumes, conduct mock interviews and do career coaching.”
Kirsten’s impact extended beyond individual
mentorship. She played a pivotal role in founding
diverse communities, including career villages and
technical domains like Car Hacking and Industrial
Control Systems: “The villages I have helped found and
run, provide training and mentorship for elite technical
skills to assist in building the cyber workforce.”
Talent Metamorphosis
In Kirsten’s career at AFS, she feels profoundly
fortunate: “I feel very fortunate that AFS has seen the
value in the work I do across the community and provides
me with support to do more.” Her role is dedicated to
leading the talent engagement initiative where she is
pioneering and evolving, “Exclusively creating and leading
the talent engagement initiative is new and still developing,
but I’m already taking the charge.”
In her innovative position, Kirsten sponsors pivotal
events like technical and diversity-focused conferences
and plays a key role in initiatives like the Hiring Village
for BSides Charm and ICS Village Workforce
Development Initiatives. Her involvement in
organizations like Abilities Unleashed showcases her
dedication to bridging gaps and enhancing workforce
strength, “This very role is an innovation in itself as it
bridges gaps between mutually interested parties to
increase the power of meaningful initiatives and help build
a stronger workforce and engage talent to join our critical
AFS’s recognition of the importance of talent
engagement speaks volumes, “it recognizes the
importance of giving TE its own space and letting me
spearhead it.”
Future Vistas
While acknowledging the commonality, Kirsten finds
herself captivated by Generative AI, “It seems almost
cliché to say it but could we get through a conversation like
this without mentioning Generative AI? I’ve been
experimenting with it and it’s terrifyingly brilliant.” Feeling
the urgency, she contemplates running her responses
through ChatGPT, underlining the technology’s
compelling impact on the conversations.
This very role is an
innovation in itself as it
bridges gaps between
mutually interested parties
to increase the power of
meaningful initiatives and
help build a stronger
workforce and engage
talent to join our critical
The Balancing Act
In Kirsten’s view, striking a balance between work and
personal life is fundamental, “It is important to show your
team how to balance their own lives and know when to put
the phone down.” Her advice to her team has always
been clear—no work emails or chats on personal
devices, encouraging them to prioritize personal
moments over work interruptions.
Reflecting on her own journey, Kirsten emphasizes the
rarity of work emergencies that truly require
immediate attention: “I can look over three decades and
hardly think of a work emergency that couldn’t have
waited.” Recognizing the importance of family time, she
regrets not emphasizing relaxation during her
children’s younger years, “My kids are grown now, but if I
could do it again, I would want them to see me relaxing on
vacation, not answering emails. That’s important.”
Adapting her approach, Kirsten now adheres to a
structured schedule, carving out time for herself amid
work commitments, “Now I stick to a pretty strict
schedule, with time for myself baked into those early and
late hours.” She values dedicated hours for workouts
and healthy meals, acknowledging the challenges she
faced during her children’s early years.
Dreams and Blueprints
Kirsten has her eyes set on a personal milestone as she
emphasizes “As an ultra runner, I still haven’t hit the 100-
mile mark (only 100k) so personally, I’d like to get that belt
buckle and am training for it now.” In her professional life
at AFS, she is satisfied as she shares, “I feel very settled
into my new role here at AFS where there seems to be no
limit on the ways I can contribute.”
Embracing the culture that encourages exploration, she
envisions her future with excitement, “The culture here
allows people to pivot into new roles where their interests
lead them.” Looking ahead, Kirsten envisions retirement
as a phase of advisory consulting, with the delightful
prospect of travel, “When this part of my journey closes, I
see retirement in the form of advisory consulting, with
sprinkles of travel and more puppies (and maybe a goat).”
Beyond the Résumé
Kirsten, brimming with excitement, shares a tantalizing
glimpse of her latest endeavor, “I’m working on a very fun
project right now working with a couple of brilliant people
to create 3D digital and physical assets with an associated
CTF for upcoming events.” While she keeps the details
under wraps, she hints at the project’s innovative
aspects, “It includes a smart building and augmented
reality and is very exciting!”
Bequeathing Wisdom
Kirsten, reflecting on her own journey, understands the
struggles many women face, “I hear women talk about
fighting to get the proverbial seat at the table, or be heard
and belong. I know what that feels like.” She offers a
powerful insight—if you’re not valued where you are,
consider your surroundings. Networking with fellow
women leaders becomes crucial: “Networking with other
women leaders will help you find your way.”
Kirsten advocates self-advocacy and resilience, “Always
be your own best advocate. Build your own table if you
need to and stand on said table when necessary.” She
shares wisdom from a woman CEO, reminding others
that leadership can be isolating, “It’s lonely at the top.”
Yet, she emphasizes the importance of mission-driven
actions, “Fixing broken things can require behaviors that
can be polarizing. Do what you need to do for the mission
you value and the people who matter will see what you’ve
Harnessing the
n recent years, the presence of women in leadership
Iroles across various industries, including
technology, has been steadily increasing. With the
rapid development of different sectors, technology
plays an integral role in shaping our societies and
driving economic growth. As technology continues to
revolutionize industries and create new opportunities,
it is crucial to harness the power of innovation by
embracing diversity and inclusivity. As society
recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusivity,
the tech industry has also come to understand the
significance of empowering women to lead and
innovate. The presence of women leaders in technology
not only promotes equality but also brings unique
perspectives and insights to the table.
This article explores the rise of women leaders in technology
and the invaluable contributions they make to the field,
highlighting the ways in which they harness the power of
Breaking Stereotypes: Challenging the Status Quo
Overcoming Gender Bias
Women have historically been underrepresented in
technology fields due to various societal and cultural
biases. However, with the rise of digital transformation
and the growing recognition of gender equality, women
are breaking stereotypes and making significant strides
in the tech industry. By challenging the status quo,
women leaders are paving the way for a more inclusive
and diverse technological landscape.
Encouraging Future Generations
The presence of women leaders in technology serves as
a powerful inspiration for young girls and women who
aspire to pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technology,
Engineering and Mathematics). By serving as role
models, women leaders motivate and encourage future
generations to believe in their abilities and pursue their
passions, ultimately bridging the gender gap in the
technology sector.
Unique Perspectives: Driving Innovation
Diverse Problem Solving
Women leaders bring unique perspectives to the tech
industry, resulting in more diverse problem-solving
approaches. Their experiences, insights and approaches
to innovation often differ from their male counterparts,
enabling a broader range of solutions. By embracing
these diverse perspectives, companies can tap into a
wealth of creativity and ingenuity, leading to
groundbreaking innovations.
Nov 2023 | 16 |
Women Leaders in Technology
Nov 2023 | 17 |
Designing User-Centric Solutions
Women leaders excel in understanding user needs and
designing products and services that cater to a wider
audience. Their empathetic and inclusive approach
allows for the development of user-centric solutions,
ensuring that technology is accessible and beneficial to
all individuals. This user-driven innovation not only
enhances customer satisfaction but also opens up new
markets and opportunities.
Building Inclusive Work Cultures: Fostering
Empowering and Mentoring
Women leaders in technology play a pivotal role in
empowering and mentoring other women in the
industry. By providing guidance, support and
opportunities for growth, they contribute to the
development of a strong pipeline of female talent. This
mentorship fosters a culture of collaboration and
knowledge-sharing, leading to a more inclusive and
supportive work environment.
Diversity as a Competitive Advantage
Companies that embrace diversity and inclusivity gain a
competitive advantage in the tech industry. Women
leaders bring diverse skill sets, perspectives and
approaches, fostering a culture of innovation and
creativity. By building diverse teams, companies can tap
into a wider talent pool, attracting top talent and
driving organizational success.
Overcoming Challenges: Promoting Equality
Addressing Gender Bias
Despite progress, gender bias and stereotypes persist
in the tech industry. Women leaders continue to face
unique challenges such as unconscious bias, gender pay
gaps and lack of representation in leadership positions.
To harness the power of innovation fully, it is crucial to
address these challenges through policy changes,
diversity initiatives and creating a culture of inclusivity.
Advocating for Change
Women leaders in technology are strong advocates for
change and actively work towards creating more
equitable and inclusive workplaces. They collaborate
with industry organizations, participate in conferences
and engage in community initiatives to raise awareness
and drive action. By amplifying their voices, women
leaders bring attention to the importance of diversity
and equality in technology.
The presence of women leaders in technology is vital
for harnessing the power of innovation. As we move
forward, it is crucial to continue supporting and
empowering women leaders in technology, creating a
more diverse and prosperous future for all where we
can expect to see an increased number of women
leaders in the technology industry as organizations
recognize the value of diversity and inclusivity. These
leaders will continue to break down barriers and
challenge traditional norms, driving innovation through
their unique perspectives and problem-solving
approaches. They will play a crucial role in designing
user-centric solutions that cater to a wider audience
and promoting inclusive work cultures that foster
collaboration and mentorship. By advocating for
change and addressing gender bias, women leaders will
pave the way for a more equitable and thriving tech
industry. Their presence will not only shape the future
of technology but also inspire and empower the next
generation of female leaders to harness the power of
Nov 2023 | 18 |
Financial Communica ons Innovator Driving Success in
Marke ng and IR
he world of financial services is a vast and
Tcomplex landscape that encompasses a broad
range of businesses and institutions. It is con-
stantly adapting to new challenges and opportunities,
driven by technological advancements and the need for
economic growth and opportunity.
Patricia Baronowski-Schneider is the driving force
grabbing opportunities right and left at Pristine
Advisers—a boutique international Investor Relations,
Public Relations, Media Relations and Marketing firm.
With an impressive network of over 800,000 contacts,
Patricia's expertise shines in this domain.
In a global economy driven by technology, Patricia
understands that communication is paramount. Her
firm operates as a street-driven powerhouse, fostering
close relationships with key investors, analysts and
financial press to provide visibility and recognition for
In this digital age, where a single comment can send
shockwaves through the financial markets, Patricia's
team is dedicated to ensuring fund managers have the
guidance they need to communicate with authority and
transparency. They understand the significance of real-
time decision-making and the importance of addressing
challenging issues proactively.
Patricia's approach is forward-thinking. Being the CEO,
she recognizes that companies can no longer afford to
wait for annual reports as investment decisions happen
in real-time. Her firm is well-prepared to navigate the
digital landscape, offering clarity amid the chaos of
today's fast-paced financial conversations.
Let’s dive into the insights as the financial world evolves
minute by minute and how Patricia and Pristine Advisers
stand ready to provide the strategic expertise needed to
succeed in this ever-changing environment.
Discovering the Passion
"From a young age," Patricia reflects, "I felt drawn to the
immense power of strategic communications to shape
public perceptions and reputations and drive
transformative growth for organizations." Her fascination
with the impact of messaging and positioning on brands
spurred her to seek roles that blended marketing, PR,
media relations and investor communications.
"Seeing firsthand the influence compelling messaging had in
elevating brands inspired me." Guided by mentors,
Patricia took on leadership positions, driven to shape
multifaceted, integrated communication strategies.
In the CEO's Chair
"As CEO of Pristine Advisers," Patricia shares, "my core
responsibilities involve setting the strategic vision and
direction for our global integrated approach."
Those able to
blend strong business
acumen with the
branding, rela onship
and crea ve skills
required in public
rela ons and
communica ons.
Nov 2023 | 20 |
The 10 Most Empowering Women in Business, 2023
Her role spans investor relations, PR, media relations
and marketing communications. "I interface daily with
shareholders, journalists, influencers and analysts to
convey our value proposition in a tailored fashion,"
emphasizing the importance of trust-
building. Patricia excels in crisis
management, using transparency
and authentic storytelling to
rebuild credibility when
She oversees the
creation of various
materials, ensuring
brand consistency.
"We position our
brand and our client's
brands externally,"
Patricia notes,
emphasizing her
dedication to
maintaining a
strong public
image. Patricia
understands the
need to adapt,
saying, "I continu-
ally realign our
strategies with
emerging trends,
disruptive technolo-
gies and platforms,"
highlighting her
commitment to
staying relevant in the
ever-changing land-
scape of communica-
Trendspotting 101
"Staying abreast of the latest develop-
ments across the communications, public
relations, marketing technology and investor
relations landscapes is crucial in my role," Patricia
asserts. She actively engages in industry forums,
conferences, publications and communities worldwide
to keep ahead of innovative tactics and shifts. "I
frequently exchange ideas and case studies with peers," she
adds, highlighting her commitment to discussing best
practices that yield tangible results.
Patricia's dedication to learning benefits her
team, as she swiftly integrates cutting-
edge strategies into their programs to
maintain a competitive edge. She
also takes time for reflection,
recognizing the impact of
macroeconomic changes on
their approach. "I analyze
how these changes may
impact us from cultural,
messaging and audience
engagement perspec-
tives," she explains,
showcasing her
adaptability and
foresight in
navigating the
dynamic world of
"As a woman
leading a major
global firm,"
Patricia shares,
"I've faced skepti-
cism and doubts
about my capabilities
from early in my
career." Her journey is
a testament to resil-
ience and determination,
marked by delivering
standout results and forging
executive relationships.
Patricia emphasizes the impor-
tance of making her voice heard
and respected at the leadership table,
gradually overcoming obstacles.
"I advocate tirelessly for other aspiring women leaders,"
Patricia states. She encourages confidence in one's
vision, highlighting accomplishments, collaborating
with fellow rising stars, taking risks and staying
Nov 2023 | 22 |
resolute. She believes in lifting others along the way,
echoing her commitment to mentorship.
Patricia's book, "Life's Obstacles Can Be Your Biggest
Motivators," reflects her experiences, from being a
young single mother to navigating abusive relationships
while pursuing an education. Her goal is clear: "to show
others that despite facing extreme obstacles, if one believes
in themselves, they can and will succeed."
Bequeathing Wisdom
"For women interested in communications leadership roles,"
Patricia advises, "build expertise across hard and soft skills
diligently." She emphasizes the importance of depth in
finance, operations and analytics, while also highlight-
ing the value of influencing, relationship-building,
creativity and emotional intelligence.
Patricia stresses the significance of mastering storytell-
ing and simplifying complex topics into digestible
soundbites. "Those able to blend strong business acumen
with the branding, relationship and creative skills required
in public relations and communications," she notes, "can
genuinely excel as strategic, well-rounded leaders over the
long term."
However, Patricia acknowledges that this path takes
"focus, grit and commitment to continuous self-
improvement." Her advice is clear—aspiring women
leaders should never stop learning and growing in their
Finally, Patricia underscores the importance of seeking
diverse perspectives. In the ever-evolving field of
communications, different viewpoints can be invaluable
for innovative thinking and staying relevant. Patricia's
advice is valuable not just for women but for anyone
looking to succeed in leadership roles within the
communications industry.
Adaptability and Achievement
"One major challenge I faced," Patricia recounts, "was
rebuilding credibility and trust after the acquisition of a
client with negative public perceptions." In the face of
adversity, she adopted a transparent approach, both
internally and externally, while remaining laser-focused
on highlighting the client's culture, capabilities and
Through the power of storytelling, Patricia conveyed
their true strengths and with dedication, they trans-
formed perceptions in 12-18 months. This experience
deeply reinforced for her the potency of strategic
communications, even in the most challenging circum-
stances. Patricia reflects on the lesson learned, saying,
"It underscored for me how strategic communications can
turn the tide through consistency, candor and genuine
Aspirations in Motion
"I'm thrilled to collaborate with the Strategic Advisor
Board," Patricia exclaims, "on high-impact initiatives
ranging from high-profile conferences, events and
publications to partnerships that provide immense value to
our community." Her enthusiasm extends to their Ad
Network, known for its tremendous ROI and the
Business Marketplace, among other endeavors.
Patricia's team is dedicated to elevating outreach and
engagement through innovative strategies and new
"We constantly strive to educate, connect with and inspire
our audiences," she explains. This commitment aligns
with their mission to reach new heights, creating
rewarding days filled with exciting possibilities.
Working with a company committed to achieving
maximum climate impact by enabling organizations of
all sizes to adopt profitable, proven Net Zero technolo-
gies is another thrilling endeavor for Patricia. Their goal
to halve CO2 emissions by 2030 through Innovo
Profitable Net Zero represents a groundbreaking
mission she is passionate about.
Nov 2023 | 23 |
Understanding the
Leaders in
Nov 3 24
202 | |
Leadership Perspective
rom several contributing factors in the success of
Fbusiness organizations, leadership has always been
the key game changer for it transformed the entire
course of the business culture. The participation of women
in several prominent leadership positions has been
increasing steadily across the business verticals. Walking
and working shoulder to shoulder with their male
counterparts, women have been remarkable performers in
different functions of the business organizations from the
managerial to the CEO level.
Women are breaking barriers, challenging traditional
norms, and making substantial contributions to the
corporate world. Let’s explore the evolving landscape of
women in leadership positions, highlighting their impact,
challenges, and the benefits they bring to businesses.
Rising by Changing Industry Paradigms
There has been a noticeable rise of women leaders in
recent few decades as they are on the rise, taking on key
roles across various industries. Despite the gender gap
posing an unsaid challenge, progress is being regularly
made. According to a report by Grant Thornton
International, the proportion of senior business profiles
held by women globally reached a record high of 29% in
2021, up from 25% in 2018. This increase signifies a
changing mindset and a more inclusive approach toward
Redefining Success Through Innovation
By challenging traditional stereotypes, women today
redefining what success should look like. Developing newer
avenues of generating success from the perspectives of
quality enhancements, standardizing services, product
development and scope enhancement, employee
involvement and boosting productivity. They are
disproving the notion that leadership is solely a male
domain and demonstrating that strong leadership
transcends gender. By breaking barriers, today’s women
leaders open doors for future generations and inspire
individuals to pursue their ambitions regardless of societal
Inspiring Role Models
In business, the leaders need to create an identity by
setting their own example through qualities of discipline,
presentation, communication, accountability, and learning
abilities. Women leaders have emerged as powerful role
Nov 3 25
202 | |
models and sources of inspiration for aspiring
professionals. By showcasing their achievements, they
motivate and empower others to aim for leadership
positions. Moreover, they often play a crucial role in
mentorship, training sessions and sponsorship
programs, guiding younger women in their career
journeys and providing valuable advice and support.
Effective Decision-Making
One of the notable advantages of having women
leaders in modern business is the diversity of
perspectives they bring to the table. Studies
consistently show that diverse leadership teams,
including women, result in better decision-making and
improved financial performance. Women leaders often
possess strong emotional intelligence, empathy, and
collaborative skills, which contribute to creating
inclusive work environments and fostering innovation.
Their decision-making is based on logical and pragmatic
thinking that ensures the realization of the
organization’s objectives.
Countering Challenges through Resilience
Despite progress, women leaders continue to face
unique challenges. Gender bias, stereotypes, and
limited opportunities are among the obstacles they
encounter. Regardless of these challenges they are not
deterred from their goals. These determined women
have displayed exceptional ability of perseverance,
positive attitude and team management by learning and
developing a progressive mindset. Through resilience,
determination, and strategic planning, women leaders
are breaking through glass ceilings and paving the way
for future generations. Anticipating the changes in the
operations, leaders implement certain policies that not
just counter the critical issues, but accelerate the
productivity of the teams across the departments.
Broader Perspective with Inclusivity
Recognize that the experiences of women leaders are
not homogenous and explore the concept of
intersectionality, acknowledging that women's
experiences are shaped by their race, ethnicity, age, and
other factors. Discuss the importance of creating
inclusive spaces that value and embrace the diversity of
women leaders. Smart in comprehending the ‘nerve’ of
the employees, the women leaders easily gel with the
teams and successfully instill the organizational
culture. Addressing smartly with respect to the
audience of employees, associates, vendors and
suppliers and also the stake holders, women leaders
have put forth the company policies and objectives very
clearly and categorically.
Influential Leadership Styles
Experts in people management skills, the women
leaders have displayed unique styles in leadership in
handling different situations effectively and with
professional finesse. The unique leadership styles and
approaches that women leaders often bring to the
business world, have been the change-making aspects
of the modern business. Several qualities such as
collaborative leadership, empathy, and relationship-
building skills that contribute to their effectiveness in
managing teams and driving organizational success.
The role of women leaders in modern business is
steadily gaining prominence and recognition. They
bring diverse perspectives, foster inclusive cultures,
and drive better decision-making, positively impacting
both their organizations and society as a whole. As we
continue to strive for gender equality, it is imperative to
celebrate the achievements of women leaders and
support their continued growth in the business world.
With increased representation and opportunities,
women leaders are shaping a more equitable and
prosperous future for all.
Nov 2023 | 26 |
The ability to learn
is the most important
quality a leader
can have
The ability to learn
is the most important
quality a leader
can have

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  • 1. W O R L D M A G A Z I N E VOL 11 I ISSUE 01 I 2023 Beyond the Résumé Kiren Renner’s Approach Mastery in the Art and Science of Talent Engagement Empowering Women in Business, 2023 The Most “It is important to show your team how to balance their own lives and know when to put the phone down.”
  • 2. Empowered women lead with grace, resilience and a vision that lights the way for all
  • 5. The Exceptional Attributes - Lewis oper hroughout history, women have continually proven their mettle, demonstrating prowess Tand innovation across various sectors. The individuals featured in this edition have not only shattered glass ceilings but also paved the way for future generations of women leaders. From technology to finance, healthcare to entertainment, these women stand as pillars of inspiration and empowerment. Their visionary approaches, unwavering determination, and commitment to excellence serve as guiding lights for aspiring leaders and entrepreneurs. This edition encapsulates the stories of ten outstanding women who have not only excelled in their fields but have also made significant impacts through their work. Their diverse experiences and achievements illuminate the possibilities for aspiring businesswomen, offering insights and motivation for those navigating their own professional journeys. In an era where leadership is enabling innovations, breaking barriers and fostering inclusivity, WomenWorldMagazine takes great pride in highlighting the achievements and influence of some of the most remarkable women in the world of business. “The 10 Most Empowering Women in Business, 2023” is a testament to their exceptional contributions, resilience and leadership in diverse industries. We invite our readers to delve into the stories of these remarkable individuals, each a testament to the potential and capabilities of women in business. Their journeys, challenges, and triumphs serve as beacons of inspiration and motivation, proving that success knows no gender. This edition stands as a celebration of empowerment, a tribute to the remarkable strides made by these women in their respective industries. It's a testament to the potential and possibilities that lie ahead in the ever-evolving world of business. As we celebrate these phenomenal women, let us continue to champion diversity, inclusivity, and empowerment in all spheres of life.
  • 6. Financial Communica ons Innovator Driving Success in Marke ng and IR Patricia Baronowski - Schneider 20 Women Leaders in Technology Harnessing the Power of Innovation Leadership Perspective Understanding the Role of Women Leaders in Modern Business P r o f i l e 16 24
  • 7. Beyond the Résumé Kiren Renner’s Approach Mastery in the Art and Science of Talent Engagement
  • 9. Brief Company Name Featured Person Claudia Perlich joined Two Sigma as SVP of Strategic Data Science, where she served as a chief scientist. She was responsible for the reliable estimation of targeting models. Daniel is a seasoned NLP data scientist with a strong background in research and engineering in the Natural Language Processing domain. Gissel has several years leading and guiding engineering teams in Machine Learning and Data Science projects. Kirsten serves as a strategic executive partner and advisor, dedicated to designing, developing, and implementing innovative approaches and thought leadership. Patricia Baronowski-Schneider is the driving force grabbing opportunities right and left at Pristine Advisers—a boutique international Investor Relations, Public Relations, Media Relations and Marketing firm. Two Sigma Fidelity Investments Vodafone Accenture Federal Services Pristine Advisers Claudia Perlich Data Scientist Daniel Svoboda Principal Data Scientist Gissel Velarde Senior Expert Data Scientist Kirsten Renner Talent Engagement Lead Patricia Baronowski-Schneider CEO
  • 10. COVER STORY Beyond the Résumé Kiren Renner’s Approach Mastery in the Art and Science of Talent Engagement
  • 11. Kirsten Renner Talent Engagement Lead Accenture Federal Services
  • 12. enturing into the dynamic realm of talent Vengagement and leadership, Kirsten Renner emerges as a formidable presence. As a dedicated mother and a fervent supporter of the Armed Forces, her journey has been marked by commitment and selfless volunteerism. With an impressive roster of speaking engagements spanning renowned conferences, she has emerged as a prominent figure in the cybersecurity and technology landscape. Kirsten’s role as a Talent Engagement Lead at Accenture Federal Services exemplifies her strategic prowess. In this newly formed position, she orchestrates innovative strategies and thought leadership, elevating the collective voice and influence of talent. Her deep understanding of the workforce combined with data analytics and subject-matter expertise positions her as a trailblazer in shaping the workforce agenda. Collaborating with C-suite executives, policymakers and industry experts, Kirsten’s initiatives respond to the shifting labor market and future talent trends. She is renowned for her thought leadership and talent- oriented solutions that prioritize the candidate experience. Kirsten’s role extends beyond the organization as she actively engages in regional workforce-related events, bridging the gap between talent and mission, one meaningful connection at a time. Her accomplishments, including accolades such as ‘Top Talent Team Lead’ and ‘America’s Best Corporate Recruiter,’ underscore her exceptional contributions to the field. Let’s explore Kirsten’s journey which reflects the dedication and passion defining her professional endeavors and personal values! Pioneering Pathways Kirsten was the former Director of Recruiting at Novetta which played a pivotal role in transforming the organization, “more than doubling the size” in just five years in anticipation of acquisition. Following this, she embarked on a new journey with Accenture Federal Services (AFS), “integrating my team into the newly formed National Security Portfolio.” Kirsten’s expertise was instrumental in “improving and re-designing AFS recruiting processes,” even introducing a modern applicant tracking system. As Kirsten ventured further into her career, she took on a fresh challenge by creating and leading a role that resonated with her passion. Her new focus was on “engaging talent across the community through events, initiatives, volunteering, and workforce development.” Kirsten’s zest for connecting people shone through as she defined herself in a single word: “Connector.” Kirsten’s journey is marked by growth, innovation and her commitment to bringing people together which also serves as an inspiring example. Her experience underscores the importance of adaptability and a relentless drive for progress in terms of professional development not just as an individual but also as a leader. Inspiring Brilliance With a diverse background spanning information technology, software development and helpdesk services in both commercial and government sectors, Kirsten’s journey took a transformative turn when she pursued HR Management at the University of Maryland Global Campus. Combining her passion for technology and HR, she delved into technical recruiting for over two decades. Kirsten’s unique approach lies in her community involvement: “being a genuine contributor in many ways,” from content creation, speaking engagements, event management as well as founding and running nonprofit organizations to help build up the workforce. Thus, naturally falling into talent engagement. Throughout her career, she embraced talent engagement naturally, becoming deeply embedded in the communities she sought to hire from. Leading teams of up to 30 people, Kirsten found her true fulfillment in coaching and nurturing future leaders. For her, the most rewarding aspect was “building the leaders of the future, within my own teams and organization, as well as within the workforce at large.” Forging Leadership in the Fires of Experience In the early days of Kirsten’s career, she was driven by a perception of success that equated being the best with outperforming her peers: “I thought doing measurably ‘better’ than those around me was indicative of success.” However, a defining moment reshaped her perspective and paved the way for her journey as a leader.
  • 13. This transformational moment occurred when she approached her new boss, excited about completing a task her team couldn’t manage. His response, “That is not your job,” marked a turning point. Her boss explained that it was her responsibility to not only excel individually but also to empower her team. This eye-opening revelation propelled Kirsten into a leadership role where she was determined to nurture her team’s unique talents and provide them with the tools to grow and shine: “From that moment forward, I did everything I could to not just recognize each of their unique gifts but to afford them opportunities to shine and give them every resource to grow.” Leading with Purpose In Kirsten’s eyes, true leadership embodies vulnerability, humility and honesty, “Be brave enough to be vulnerable, humble, honest, and a great example of ethics and hard work.” She emphasizes that authenticity and openness are paramount. People in leadership roles who pretend to know something they don’t (or not asking for help when they need it) are seen unfavorably by their subordinates in a short matter of time and it’s hard to follow someone like that. Acknowledging mistakes openly and its part of shared humanity which fosters genuine connections: “When folks see you do the right things for the right reasons, they will naturally stand by your side.” For Kirsten, leadership is about action, not just words, “It matters when you see your leadership doing the work too, not just barking orders. That is my style, I’m a doer.” She advocates for leaders who lead by example, engaging in every task, no matter how small. She warns against toxic competitiveness, promoting an environment where the team thrives collectively: “Great leaders give credit away and take ownership for missed shots, rather than blaming.” Talent as Treasure Kirsten is a dynamic force within her organization. She thrives on connecting diverse interests: “I find myself liaising between mutually interested parties on multiple meaningful endeavors across the organization.” Her focus spans vital areas such as recruiting, diversity, workforce development, and cyber initiatives. Through strategic partnerships, she amplifies the impact of their collective efforts: “Partnering and joining forces strengthen the power of our reach and impact in each specialty area.” Kirsten’s ultimate goal is to empower the larger workforce, fostering growth and unity, “I hope to continue to empower the workforce at large, both within the community and inside my organization.” Championing Change Kirsten’s wisdom shines through as she emphasizes the power of humility and seeking help when necessary: “Change ‘I don’t know’ to ‘Here’s what I do know.’“ True leadership, she believes, lies in the ability to acknowledge limitations while being a dependable figure: “Be brave enough to get help when needed while remaining a leader that can be depended on.” For Kirsten, the key to effective leadership is harnessing the collective strength of the team: “A leader’s arsenal is the people around them.” She advocates for a harmonious blend of strengths, ensuring each accomplishment is recognized: “Sort and combine strengths in a complimentary way that serves each mission, then be sure to compliment each accomplishment.” This approach, she asserts, naturally motivates the team making them stronger and more prepared for the challenges that lie ahead. Do what you need to do for the mission you value and the people who matter will see what you’ve done.
  • 14. “Be brave enough to be vulnerable, humble, honest and a great example of ethics and hard work.”
  • 15. Mirror, Mirror Kirsten while reflecting on her leadership journey enthusiastically shares numerous instances where she empowered her team: “Absolutely! It’s hard to pick just one because there have been so many examples in recent years.” From entrusting her second in command with critical process improvements to supporting team members in speaking engagements, she recognized potential and seized every opportunity, “I could see which of my people were eager to jump in and contribute.” As the workload multiplied, Kirsten navigated the challenges by delegating tasks strategically and nurturing future leaders, “There was no other way to get through it than to start handing out the opportunities.” From managing referrals to troubleshooting, she honed the valuable skill of task delegation, fostering trust and enabling her team to learn and grow. Mentoring Matters Kirsten’s journey as a Mentor traces back to a legendary figure who instilled in her the ethos of spreading skills and knowledge. For over a decade, she dedicated more than 20 weekends annually, personally mentoring and orchestrating teams of volunteers and she shares “but building teams of volunteers to review resumes, conduct mock interviews and do career coaching.” Kirsten’s impact extended beyond individual mentorship. She played a pivotal role in founding diverse communities, including career villages and technical domains like Car Hacking and Industrial Control Systems: “The villages I have helped found and run, provide training and mentorship for elite technical skills to assist in building the cyber workforce.” Talent Metamorphosis In Kirsten’s career at AFS, she feels profoundly fortunate: “I feel very fortunate that AFS has seen the value in the work I do across the community and provides me with support to do more.” Her role is dedicated to leading the talent engagement initiative where she is pioneering and evolving, “Exclusively creating and leading the talent engagement initiative is new and still developing, but I’m already taking the charge.” In her innovative position, Kirsten sponsors pivotal events like technical and diversity-focused conferences and plays a key role in initiatives like the Hiring Village for BSides Charm and ICS Village Workforce Development Initiatives. Her involvement in organizations like Abilities Unleashed showcases her dedication to bridging gaps and enhancing workforce strength, “This very role is an innovation in itself as it bridges gaps between mutually interested parties to increase the power of meaningful initiatives and help build a stronger workforce and engage talent to join our critical missions.” AFS’s recognition of the importance of talent engagement speaks volumes, “it recognizes the importance of giving TE its own space and letting me spearhead it.” Future Vistas While acknowledging the commonality, Kirsten finds herself captivated by Generative AI, “It seems almost cliché to say it but could we get through a conversation like this without mentioning Generative AI? I’ve been experimenting with it and it’s terrifyingly brilliant.” Feeling the urgency, she contemplates running her responses through ChatGPT, underlining the technology’s compelling impact on the conversations. This very role is an innovation in itself as it bridges gaps between mutually interested parties to increase the power of meaningful initiatives and help build a stronger workforce and engage talent to join our critical missions.
  • 16. The Balancing Act In Kirsten’s view, striking a balance between work and personal life is fundamental, “It is important to show your team how to balance their own lives and know when to put the phone down.” Her advice to her team has always been clear—no work emails or chats on personal devices, encouraging them to prioritize personal moments over work interruptions. Reflecting on her own journey, Kirsten emphasizes the rarity of work emergencies that truly require immediate attention: “I can look over three decades and hardly think of a work emergency that couldn’t have waited.” Recognizing the importance of family time, she regrets not emphasizing relaxation during her children’s younger years, “My kids are grown now, but if I could do it again, I would want them to see me relaxing on vacation, not answering emails. That’s important.” Adapting her approach, Kirsten now adheres to a structured schedule, carving out time for herself amid work commitments, “Now I stick to a pretty strict schedule, with time for myself baked into those early and late hours.” She values dedicated hours for workouts and healthy meals, acknowledging the challenges she faced during her children’s early years. Dreams and Blueprints Kirsten has her eyes set on a personal milestone as she emphasizes “As an ultra runner, I still haven’t hit the 100- mile mark (only 100k) so personally, I’d like to get that belt buckle and am training for it now.” In her professional life at AFS, she is satisfied as she shares, “I feel very settled into my new role here at AFS where there seems to be no limit on the ways I can contribute.” Embracing the culture that encourages exploration, she envisions her future with excitement, “The culture here allows people to pivot into new roles where their interests lead them.” Looking ahead, Kirsten envisions retirement as a phase of advisory consulting, with the delightful prospect of travel, “When this part of my journey closes, I see retirement in the form of advisory consulting, with sprinkles of travel and more puppies (and maybe a goat).” Beyond the Résumé Kirsten, brimming with excitement, shares a tantalizing glimpse of her latest endeavor, “I’m working on a very fun project right now working with a couple of brilliant people to create 3D digital and physical assets with an associated CTF for upcoming events.” While she keeps the details under wraps, she hints at the project’s innovative aspects, “It includes a smart building and augmented reality and is very exciting!” Bequeathing Wisdom Kirsten, reflecting on her own journey, understands the struggles many women face, “I hear women talk about fighting to get the proverbial seat at the table, or be heard and belong. I know what that feels like.” She offers a powerful insight—if you’re not valued where you are, consider your surroundings. Networking with fellow women leaders becomes crucial: “Networking with other women leaders will help you find your way.” Kirsten advocates self-advocacy and resilience, “Always be your own best advocate. Build your own table if you need to and stand on said table when necessary.” She shares wisdom from a woman CEO, reminding others that leadership can be isolating, “It’s lonely at the top.” Yet, she emphasizes the importance of mission-driven actions, “Fixing broken things can require behaviors that can be polarizing. Do what you need to do for the mission you value and the people who matter will see what you’ve done.”
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  • 18. Harnessing the PowerofInnovation n recent years, the presence of women in leadership Iroles across various industries, including technology, has been steadily increasing. With the rapid development of different sectors, technology plays an integral role in shaping our societies and driving economic growth. As technology continues to revolutionize industries and create new opportunities, it is crucial to harness the power of innovation by embracing diversity and inclusivity. As society recognizes the importance of diversity and inclusivity, the tech industry has also come to understand the significance of empowering women to lead and innovate. The presence of women leaders in technology not only promotes equality but also brings unique perspectives and insights to the table. This article explores the rise of women leaders in technology and the invaluable contributions they make to the field, highlighting the ways in which they harness the power of innovation. Breaking Stereotypes: Challenging the Status Quo Overcoming Gender Bias Women have historically been underrepresented in technology fields due to various societal and cultural biases. However, with the rise of digital transformation and the growing recognition of gender equality, women are breaking stereotypes and making significant strides in the tech industry. By challenging the status quo, women leaders are paving the way for a more inclusive and diverse technological landscape. Encouraging Future Generations The presence of women leaders in technology serves as a powerful inspiration for young girls and women who aspire to pursue careers in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics). By serving as role models, women leaders motivate and encourage future generations to believe in their abilities and pursue their passions, ultimately bridging the gender gap in the technology sector. Unique Perspectives: Driving Innovation Diverse Problem Solving Women leaders bring unique perspectives to the tech industry, resulting in more diverse problem-solving approaches. Their experiences, insights and approaches to innovation often differ from their male counterparts, enabling a broader range of solutions. By embracing these diverse perspectives, companies can tap into a wealth of creativity and ingenuity, leading to groundbreaking innovations. Nov 2023 | 16 |
  • 19. Women Leaders in Technology Nov 2023 | 17 |
  • 20. Designing User-Centric Solutions Women leaders excel in understanding user needs and designing products and services that cater to a wider audience. Their empathetic and inclusive approach allows for the development of user-centric solutions, ensuring that technology is accessible and beneficial to all individuals. This user-driven innovation not only enhances customer satisfaction but also opens up new markets and opportunities. Building Inclusive Work Cultures: Fostering Collaboration Empowering and Mentoring Women leaders in technology play a pivotal role in empowering and mentoring other women in the industry. By providing guidance, support and opportunities for growth, they contribute to the development of a strong pipeline of female talent. This mentorship fosters a culture of collaboration and knowledge-sharing, leading to a more inclusive and supportive work environment. Diversity as a Competitive Advantage Companies that embrace diversity and inclusivity gain a competitive advantage in the tech industry. Women leaders bring diverse skill sets, perspectives and approaches, fostering a culture of innovation and creativity. By building diverse teams, companies can tap into a wider talent pool, attracting top talent and driving organizational success. Overcoming Challenges: Promoting Equality Addressing Gender Bias Despite progress, gender bias and stereotypes persist in the tech industry. Women leaders continue to face unique challenges such as unconscious bias, gender pay gaps and lack of representation in leadership positions. To harness the power of innovation fully, it is crucial to address these challenges through policy changes, diversity initiatives and creating a culture of inclusivity. Advocating for Change Women leaders in technology are strong advocates for change and actively work towards creating more equitable and inclusive workplaces. They collaborate with industry organizations, participate in conferences and engage in community initiatives to raise awareness and drive action. By amplifying their voices, women leaders bring attention to the importance of diversity and equality in technology. The presence of women leaders in technology is vital for harnessing the power of innovation. As we move forward, it is crucial to continue supporting and empowering women leaders in technology, creating a more diverse and prosperous future for all where we can expect to see an increased number of women leaders in the technology industry as organizations recognize the value of diversity and inclusivity. These leaders will continue to break down barriers and challenge traditional norms, driving innovation through their unique perspectives and problem-solving approaches. They will play a crucial role in designing user-centric solutions that cater to a wider audience and promoting inclusive work cultures that foster collaboration and mentorship. By advocating for change and addressing gender bias, women leaders will pave the way for a more equitable and thriving tech industry. Their presence will not only shape the future of technology but also inspire and empower the next generation of female leaders to harness the power of innovation. Nov 2023 | 18 |
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  • 22. Financial Communica ons Innovator Driving Success in Marke ng and IR he world of financial services is a vast and Tcomplex landscape that encompasses a broad range of businesses and institutions. It is con- stantly adapting to new challenges and opportunities, driven by technological advancements and the need for economic growth and opportunity. Patricia Baronowski-Schneider is the driving force grabbing opportunities right and left at Pristine Advisers—a boutique international Investor Relations, Public Relations, Media Relations and Marketing firm. With an impressive network of over 800,000 contacts, Patricia's expertise shines in this domain. In a global economy driven by technology, Patricia understands that communication is paramount. Her firm operates as a street-driven powerhouse, fostering close relationships with key investors, analysts and financial press to provide visibility and recognition for clients. In this digital age, where a single comment can send shockwaves through the financial markets, Patricia's team is dedicated to ensuring fund managers have the guidance they need to communicate with authority and transparency. They understand the significance of real- time decision-making and the importance of addressing challenging issues proactively. Patricia's approach is forward-thinking. Being the CEO, she recognizes that companies can no longer afford to wait for annual reports as investment decisions happen in real-time. Her firm is well-prepared to navigate the digital landscape, offering clarity amid the chaos of today's fast-paced financial conversations. Let’s dive into the insights as the financial world evolves minute by minute and how Patricia and Pristine Advisers stand ready to provide the strategic expertise needed to succeed in this ever-changing environment. Discovering the Passion "From a young age," Patricia reflects, "I felt drawn to the immense power of strategic communications to shape public perceptions and reputations and drive transformative growth for organizations." Her fascination with the impact of messaging and positioning on brands spurred her to seek roles that blended marketing, PR, media relations and investor communications. "Seeing firsthand the influence compelling messaging had in elevating brands inspired me." Guided by mentors, Patricia took on leadership positions, driven to shape multifaceted, integrated communication strategies. In the CEO's Chair "As CEO of Pristine Advisers," Patricia shares, "my core responsibilities involve setting the strategic vision and direction for our global integrated approach." Q Those able to blend strong business acumen with the branding, rela onship and crea ve skills required in public rela ons and communica ons. Nov 2023 | 20 |
  • 23. The 10 Most Empowering Women in Business, 2023
  • 24. Her role spans investor relations, PR, media relations and marketing communications. "I interface daily with shareholders, journalists, influencers and analysts to convey our value proposition in a tailored fashion," emphasizing the importance of trust- building. Patricia excels in crisis management, using transparency and authentic storytelling to rebuild credibility when necessary. She oversees the creation of various materials, ensuring brand consistency. "We position our brand and our client's brands externally," Patricia notes, emphasizing her dedication to maintaining a strong public image. Patricia understands the need to adapt, saying, "I continu- ally realign our communication strategies with emerging trends, disruptive technolo- gies and platforms," highlighting her commitment to staying relevant in the ever-changing land- scape of communica- tions. Trendspotting 101 "Staying abreast of the latest develop- ments across the communications, public relations, marketing technology and investor relations landscapes is crucial in my role," Patricia asserts. She actively engages in industry forums, conferences, publications and communities worldwide to keep ahead of innovative tactics and shifts. "I frequently exchange ideas and case studies with peers," she adds, highlighting her commitment to discussing best practices that yield tangible results. Patricia's dedication to learning benefits her team, as she swiftly integrates cutting- edge strategies into their programs to maintain a competitive edge. She also takes time for reflection, recognizing the impact of macroeconomic changes on their approach. "I analyze how these changes may impact us from cultural, messaging and audience engagement perspec- tives," she explains, showcasing her adaptability and foresight in navigating the dynamic world of integrated communications. Breaking Barriers "As a woman leading a major global firm," Patricia shares, "I've faced skepti- cism and doubts about my capabilities from early in my career." Her journey is a testament to resil- ience and determination, marked by delivering standout results and forging executive relationships. Patricia emphasizes the impor- tance of making her voice heard and respected at the leadership table, gradually overcoming obstacles. "I advocate tirelessly for other aspiring women leaders," Patricia states. She encourages confidence in one's vision, highlighting accomplishments, collaborating with fellow rising stars, taking risks and staying Nov 2023 | 22 |
  • 25. resolute. She believes in lifting others along the way, echoing her commitment to mentorship. Patricia's book, "Life's Obstacles Can Be Your Biggest Motivators," reflects her experiences, from being a young single mother to navigating abusive relationships while pursuing an education. Her goal is clear: "to show others that despite facing extreme obstacles, if one believes in themselves, they can and will succeed." Bequeathing Wisdom "For women interested in communications leadership roles," Patricia advises, "build expertise across hard and soft skills diligently." She emphasizes the importance of depth in finance, operations and analytics, while also highlight- ing the value of influencing, relationship-building, creativity and emotional intelligence. Patricia stresses the significance of mastering storytell- ing and simplifying complex topics into digestible soundbites. "Those able to blend strong business acumen with the branding, relationship and creative skills required in public relations and communications," she notes, "can genuinely excel as strategic, well-rounded leaders over the long term." However, Patricia acknowledges that this path takes "focus, grit and commitment to continuous self- improvement." Her advice is clear—aspiring women leaders should never stop learning and growing in their roles. Finally, Patricia underscores the importance of seeking diverse perspectives. In the ever-evolving field of communications, different viewpoints can be invaluable for innovative thinking and staying relevant. Patricia's advice is valuable not just for women but for anyone looking to succeed in leadership roles within the communications industry. Adaptability and Achievement "One major challenge I faced," Patricia recounts, "was rebuilding credibility and trust after the acquisition of a client with negative public perceptions." In the face of adversity, she adopted a transparent approach, both internally and externally, while remaining laser-focused on highlighting the client's culture, capabilities and results. Through the power of storytelling, Patricia conveyed their true strengths and with dedication, they trans- formed perceptions in 12-18 months. This experience deeply reinforced for her the potency of strategic communications, even in the most challenging circum- stances. Patricia reflects on the lesson learned, saying, "It underscored for me how strategic communications can turn the tide through consistency, candor and genuine empathy." Aspirations in Motion "I'm thrilled to collaborate with the Strategic Advisor Board," Patricia exclaims, "on high-impact initiatives ranging from high-profile conferences, events and publications to partnerships that provide immense value to our community." Her enthusiasm extends to their Ad Network, known for its tremendous ROI and the Business Marketplace, among other endeavors. Patricia's team is dedicated to elevating outreach and engagement through innovative strategies and new relationships. "We constantly strive to educate, connect with and inspire our audiences," she explains. This commitment aligns with their mission to reach new heights, creating rewarding days filled with exciting possibilities. Working with a company committed to achieving maximum climate impact by enabling organizations of all sizes to adopt profitable, proven Net Zero technolo- gies is another thrilling endeavor for Patricia. Their goal to halve CO2 emissions by 2030 through Innovo Profitable Net Zero represents a groundbreaking mission she is passionate about. Nov 2023 | 23 |
  • 26. Understanding the RoleofWomen Leaders in ModernBusiness Nov 3 24 202 | |
  • 27. Leadership Perspective rom several contributing factors in the success of Fbusiness organizations, leadership has always been the key game changer for it transformed the entire course of the business culture. The participation of women in several prominent leadership positions has been increasing steadily across the business verticals. Walking and working shoulder to shoulder with their male counterparts, women have been remarkable performers in different functions of the business organizations from the managerial to the CEO level. Women are breaking barriers, challenging traditional norms, and making substantial contributions to the corporate world. Let’s explore the evolving landscape of women in leadership positions, highlighting their impact, challenges, and the benefits they bring to businesses. Rising by Changing Industry Paradigms There has been a noticeable rise of women leaders in recent few decades as they are on the rise, taking on key roles across various industries. Despite the gender gap posing an unsaid challenge, progress is being regularly made. According to a report by Grant Thornton International, the proportion of senior business profiles held by women globally reached a record high of 29% in 2021, up from 25% in 2018. This increase signifies a changing mindset and a more inclusive approach toward leadership. Redefining Success Through Innovation By challenging traditional stereotypes, women today redefining what success should look like. Developing newer avenues of generating success from the perspectives of quality enhancements, standardizing services, product development and scope enhancement, employee involvement and boosting productivity. They are disproving the notion that leadership is solely a male domain and demonstrating that strong leadership transcends gender. By breaking barriers, today’s women leaders open doors for future generations and inspire individuals to pursue their ambitions regardless of societal expectations. Inspiring Role Models In business, the leaders need to create an identity by setting their own example through qualities of discipline, presentation, communication, accountability, and learning abilities. Women leaders have emerged as powerful role Nov 3 25 202 | |
  • 28. models and sources of inspiration for aspiring professionals. By showcasing their achievements, they motivate and empower others to aim for leadership positions. Moreover, they often play a crucial role in mentorship, training sessions and sponsorship programs, guiding younger women in their career journeys and providing valuable advice and support. Effective Decision-Making One of the notable advantages of having women leaders in modern business is the diversity of perspectives they bring to the table. Studies consistently show that diverse leadership teams, including women, result in better decision-making and improved financial performance. Women leaders often possess strong emotional intelligence, empathy, and collaborative skills, which contribute to creating inclusive work environments and fostering innovation. Their decision-making is based on logical and pragmatic thinking that ensures the realization of the organization’s objectives. Countering Challenges through Resilience Despite progress, women leaders continue to face unique challenges. Gender bias, stereotypes, and limited opportunities are among the obstacles they encounter. Regardless of these challenges they are not deterred from their goals. These determined women have displayed exceptional ability of perseverance, positive attitude and team management by learning and developing a progressive mindset. Through resilience, determination, and strategic planning, women leaders are breaking through glass ceilings and paving the way for future generations. Anticipating the changes in the operations, leaders implement certain policies that not just counter the critical issues, but accelerate the productivity of the teams across the departments. Broader Perspective with Inclusivity Recognize that the experiences of women leaders are not homogenous and explore the concept of intersectionality, acknowledging that women's experiences are shaped by their race, ethnicity, age, and other factors. Discuss the importance of creating inclusive spaces that value and embrace the diversity of women leaders. Smart in comprehending the ‘nerve’ of the employees, the women leaders easily gel with the teams and successfully instill the organizational culture. Addressing smartly with respect to the audience of employees, associates, vendors and suppliers and also the stake holders, women leaders have put forth the company policies and objectives very clearly and categorically. Influential Leadership Styles Experts in people management skills, the women leaders have displayed unique styles in leadership in handling different situations effectively and with professional finesse. The unique leadership styles and approaches that women leaders often bring to the business world, have been the change-making aspects of the modern business. Several qualities such as collaborative leadership, empathy, and relationship- building skills that contribute to their effectiveness in managing teams and driving organizational success. The role of women leaders in modern business is steadily gaining prominence and recognition. They bring diverse perspectives, foster inclusive cultures, and drive better decision-making, positively impacting both their organizations and society as a whole. As we continue to strive for gender equality, it is imperative to celebrate the achievements of women leaders and support their continued growth in the business world. With increased representation and opportunities, women leaders are shaping a more equitable and prosperous future for all. Nov 2023 | 26 |
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  • 31. The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have The ability to learn is the most important quality a leader can have