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Multi-dimensional modelling of external fixation and fracture stiffness
Bone fractures are a global public health issue, in which the incident is ever increasing annually
as the population grows. The bone fracture occurs when it is subjected to any anomaly stress,
which could also be due to diagnostical situations and conditions. Bone is an inborn tissue
which usually consists of cells, inorganic (i.e calcium) and organic such as matrix (30%),
mineral (60%) as well as water about 10% (Tan et al. 2021). The bone is made up of two tissues
namely cortical and cancellous bone with the elastic modulus ranging from 17 GPa to 20 GPa,
and 50 MPa to 100 MPa respectively (Athanasiou et al. 2004).
Previous researchers had shown that limb failure per annual is little above 37% and this is due
to the fractured of the tibia bone of the leg. The tibia is seen and recognised as the major weight-
bearing bone located at the lower leg’s limb as shown in Figure 1.0 (White and Folkens 2005;
van Niekerk et al. 2017a). The bone fracture occurred when it is subjected to any anomaly
stress which could also be due to pathologically situations and conditions. It enunciates and
the femur is attached behind it, it appears to be twice alongside the fibula, and distally with the
Figure 1.0: Fractured tibia
The tibia bone is simply referred to as a long and massive bone that lodges in the anterior and
leg segments of an internal part. It is situated at the medial of the fibula. The tibia is identified
as one of the longest fractured bones in the human body which is in the lower limb of the human
legs. It is consisting of one of the two bones that are made up of the leg of the human
being(Hadeed et al. 2018). It acted as the weight-bearing bone of the body. This also means
that it supports the body’s weight. The tibia is the second largest bone of the body after the
femur. This often works in synchronisation with other body components to accomplish various
mechanical, biological and chemical functions to sustain body weight, provide structural
support, protection of internal organs, cells, and mineral storage within the body of the human
digestive system.
The tibia bone which also connotes shinbone or shank bone is rightly the larger, the stronger
and the frontal of the two of the bones which are in the leg that is situated below the knee of
the human vertebrate. The femur with the tibia jointly forms the knee proximally together.
Below the human vertebrate knee, two bones come together in the lower leg: the tibia and
fibula. Then the tibia forms the human ankle jointly with the fibula and talus. With the
interosseous membrane, the tibia can join the knee with the ankle as well as be connected to
the fibula. This Tibia was positioned to bear the body’s weight in the lower limb of the body.
(Figure 2.0) (Bourne et al. 2021).
Figure 2.0: Diagram of the bone of a tibia
Tibia bones are made of three consecutive parts: Proximal, Shaft and distal.
The proximal tibia is the flat session of the bone that is situated at the upper portion and
connects to the knee joint.
The proximal tibia is the upper portion of the bone where it widens to help form
the knee joint.
Tibial fractures are estimated between 8.1/100.000 and 37/100.00 per year of the fracture
injuries incidence and Broken leg is 430/million population each year in the world. These
signify that there is approximately 25% of open injuries are caused by high-energy trauma (van
Niekerk et al. 2017b).
The term tibia is recorded as the most major broken bone in the leg of the human vertebrate.
A tibia fracture connotes any tibia bone break or cracks in the legs. It is the fracture that occurs
in the lower part of the leg of the vertebrate body. This usually happens many a time when a
man falls, or a force is applied indiscriminately that is beyond the one the leg can bear as well
as withstand. Mostly involves and resulted in tissue damage to the surrounding muscle or
ligament. Oftentimes, this may occur as a result of a collision/accident, etc. This is highly noted
that the tibia is commonly recorded as the one that sustained mostly injury during a motorcycle,
pedestrian, or motor vehicle accident(Scolaro and Taylor 2015).
Many times, any injuries incurred during an accident generally required admission to an
approved hospital for treatment. Most often, such treatment may require surgery. The bone
fracture usually leads to the loss of health, absence from work, absence from social activities,
productivity decrease, impairment of the quality of life, causes disability, and serves as a major
burden to the family, individual, and society as well as the health care sector(Achten et al.
More so, when a very long bone (i.e tibia) of the human body gets fractured/or broken down,
oftentimes, the body usually tries in response to the recuperation to the mutilation of the
fracture to produce callus in retort to the fracture spot measurement. In which the bone fractured
usually required a healing process the repair the bone(Sevitt 1981).
A broken bone has medically termed a fracture. The impact of the force on the leg depends on
if the leg bone will break or not. This means if the leg break, the bone's breaking point has
been exceeded a little. Therefore, the bone could crack relatively and then break all the
way through. The bone shatters when it encounters higher force, especially that of the
automobile(Luong and Gaillard 2017; Thompson et al. 2021).
There are different kinds of tibia fractures namely: Cozen’s Fracture, Stable fracture, open
fracture, transverse, oblique fracture, Displaced fracture, stress fracture, spiral fracture, and
comminuted fracture. These indicated that the bone fracture diagnoses may further be
categories base on the Pattern, cause and body part of the fracture.
It was significantly observed that bones grow and sometimes changes occur from childhood
into early adulthood. The tibia fracture healing depends on the cause of the broken bone
This is the common type of fracture for a child under the age of (6) six. This fracture occurs at
the very top of the tibia bone. There is also a significant bending when a too large force is
applied to the side of the leg. Cozen fracture is medically termed a valgus angulation distortion
of the tibia bone in children which results in a proximal tibial metaphyseal fracture pattern
(Dorman et al. 2013; Luong and Gaillard 2017; Luijkx and Teng 2018; Children’s
orthopaedics. 2019).
A stable fracture is referred to as a non-displaced fracture. This is the type of fracture where a
crack occurs in the bone and leaves the bone to appear intact and seem to retain its normal
human position without any traces of deformation. In another word, this makes the tibia bone
line up all its parts and still reserve /retain its right position during that period of the healing
process. The broken ends of the bone line up and are barely out of place (Harrison et al.
This represents a type of fracture that is term as a displaced fracture. This occurs when there is
a crack or noticeable fracture in the bone as a result of the moving apart of the bone of the body
so that it is no longer able to align together after the incident that had led to the fractured. This
only requires surgery to get the fracture corrected for the bone to realign together again.
This is a severe type of fracture which occurs when the bone is fractured, broken or splintered
into more than three pieces, segments, or separate parts. A considerable amount of force and
energy is involved to disintegrate the bone. Fractures of this kind and degree occur after a very
high-impact trauma (i.e. vehicular accidents, Cycling and motorbike accident). It requires
expert and professional acumen to get the realignment of the bone of the leg together (Filardi
This type of fracture called a stress fracture is also known as a hairline fracture. This results
when a force (i.e compressive, rotational, or tensile force) is applied indiscreetly to a bone, in
which the force is far greater than the inborn strength of the bone. These usually led to the
microfractures of the bone because of the continuum of mechanical deformation by the load
applied to the bone(Harrast and Colonno 2010; Kaeding and Najarian 2015). The stress fracture
occurs as a result of the overuse of the leg during an injury or at a particular deformity. It results
in continuous attack of the bone by any mechanical load. This represents a very tiny snail
fracture in the bone of the leg of the human being. Stress fractures are more common in
athletes(Patel 2010; Robinson et al. 2019). In which athletic injuries are about 20% and
80 % mostly occur in the lower limb. More importantly, the fracture stress of the femoral and
pelvic stress fracture accounted for 6.6% as well as 1.6% respectively (Patel et al. 2011;
Finestone and Milgrom 2015; Kaeding and Najarian 2015; Astur et al. 2016).
Bone Stress Injury (BSI) started in form of a reaction to stress which later transforms into a
stress fracture and becomes a fracture of the bone. The stress fracture could be further classified
based on their occurrences either as excessive or reoccurring results of the straining that is
placed on the structural normal or abnormal bone. The sets of spots where there are femoral/hip
stress fractures include a femoral shaft, femoral diaphysis, femoral neck, pubic rami, and sacral
ala (Song and Koo 2020; Nussbaum et al. 2021). The femoral neck stress fractures are made
up of two segments: the tension side (i.e. superior aspect when standing) and the compression
side (i.e. inferior aspect when standing). This could be considered as “high risk” or “low risk”.
The tensional side fractures accounted for high-risk, and the compression side of the femoral
neck are seen as low-risk fractures (Harris and Chahal 2015).
The open fracture of the lower limb estimates a little above 30% of the tibia fracture (Rees et
al. 2019). It is a fracture that has an open wound or break and is situated near the site of broken
bones. This signifies an injury where the hematoma fractured is visible to an outward
environment as a result of soft tissue violation. The common occurrence is about 30 open
fractures every 100,000 per annual (Jorge-Mora et al. 2018; Rees et al. 2019).
The transverse fracture often happens when a bone breaks straight across and
perpendicular to the long bone. This is expressed at a 90-degree angle to the long axis
of the bone. This usually takes place when a large force is applied perpendicularly to
the bone of the leg
An oblique fracture is a kind of fracture characterized by a break at a certain angle to
the bone. A rapidly sharp shock from the angle to the leg may result in an oblique
fracture that occurs as opposed to the long bone axis. The line of the fracture break appears
in all the long bones. The long bone in the body is affected by the oblique. The oblique is most
seen in the femur (Thigh), Tibia(shin) Fibula (calf), Humerus (upper arm), radius and Ulna
(forearm) and Clavicle (collarbone). This fracture is caused by falls and needs the help of a
surgeon to help to do surgery for the repair of the bone. `
Greenstick fracture is a fracture that is mostly seen in children that is less than 10yrs,
and whose bones have not fully strong(Lin and Wang 2020). The bone is therefore partly
fractured on one side of the leg and did not break totally, due to the rest of the bone which had
been a push to bend at the other end (Selvakumaran and Williams 2020). Greensticks occur
due to a fall on an outstretched arm, vehicle collision, injuries while doing sports, and
non-accidental trauma. Moreso, the aftermath effect of the greenstick fractured causes
pain to the body, bruises, swelling and deformity of the affected part.
During a greenstick fracture, the physician needs to engage in a physical examination
of the patient and raise questions to know about the brief history of the incident. Then,
the inspection of the injured part is vital to determine the fracture’s signs, pains and
swelling area. If the need arises, the doctor may recommend the patient for x-rays scan
to ensure the type of the fracture. Computed tomography or MRI scan could be helpful
in the confirmation of the injured nature.
This fracture results in bone weakening due to certain diseases which courses the
fracture easily. A pathologic fracture is a significant bone breakage which is easily
caused by diseases (I,.e cancer). This Pathologic fracture occurs in up to about 30% of
cancer patients. The long bone is proximally at a high risk of bone fracture and relates to
mortality increases. Pathologic fracture is caused by Osteoporosis as one of the leading
causes. Anyone that has osteoporosis diseases is prone to the bone becoming brittle or
weak, causing them to break easier than healthy bones (Chung et al. 2016; Howard et
al. 2019; Carrer et al. 2022).
transverse, oblique fracture, spiral fracture, or Toddler Fracture- Usually occurs in children
below the age. This is noticeable as the rest of the leg twists.
The lower leg’s limb could get cracked or fractured via the following paths.
1) Motor accidents or accidental fall
The hurtful wounds or injuries can be sustained by unexpected motor or car accidents.
This usually occurs as a result of imparting of the extreme pressure of the car causing
big injuries to one’s leg. If the pressure is large, this leads to a comminuted fracture.
The others that can inflict injuries are falling from a high place and a gunshot.
2) Age and Bone Disease
The common causes of bone weakening and brittle are various medical issue which
includes osteogenesis imperfecta, Osteoporosis, age, bone cancer, and osteosarcoma.
3) Sports and Outdoor Engagement
Engagement in cycling and Sports generally may result in a comminuted fracture. This
may require repeated impact near the shinbones (Filardi 2019).
1. Localized pain in some parts of the tibia
2. Lower leg swelling
3. Difficulty or inability to stand, walk, or bear weight
4. Critical deformity of the leg
5. Cracking and bruising around the leg shinbone
6. Foot sensationally changes
7. Site of the fracture of the bone protruding via the skin
8. Skin pushes up and out by the bone in the form of a tent-like appearance.
The doctor is saddled with the responsibility of diagnosing a person that suffers a fracture of
the tibia. It is highly recommended that a doctor should ask about a person’s medical history
and situational condition that led to the injury. It is noted that in the previous research and
hospital consultation, the initial diagnostic test and process include the use of the following
equipment for the diagnostic tests.
Diagnostic image of
Bone is said to be known to generally adapts its structure concerning exterior power-driven
and chemical stimuli. it possesses healing and regenerative characteristics that can repair any
micro cracks and fractures in the body.
Many individuals who suffer from stable and unstable fractures of the tibia are frequently
treated with external fixators, intramedullary nailing, internal fixation, use of Plaster of Paris
etc. The Stable and unstable fractures could be treated via Plaster of Paris and intramedullary
nail or using an external fixator respectively. The internal fixation treatment had crossed over
an era with the use of the plate and the screw. The bone plate helps to affix the screws for
anchorage and support. This could be useful to prevent any mobility of the fractured bone
without allowing any tensile stress at the fractured area/site. The compressive stress was
exerted on the fracture segments to maximize the healing of fractured bone.
It is crystally clear that bone fracture could either be the one that stays under the skin (i.e broken
inside the skin) or usually breaks out of the skin surface. This has resulted in an open fracture.
The word open fractures can be likened to the fractures where the crack/broken bones come or
break out of the skin. The fractures that occur in which the bone doesn’t break out from the
skin are term closed fractures.
From existing research, it was clearly shown that the Plaster of Paris casts are regularly applied
in the stable fractures’ treatment of a tibia bone in the leg of the body of anyone who had
fractured (Ogrodnik et al. 2007). Omoniyi et al opined that Plaster of Paris or gypsum is a class
of sulphate mineral which have CaSO42H2O chemical formulae that rightly presents
themselves as often as enormous, and generally prismatic crystals that range from colourless
to white (Omoniyi et al. 2020). Plaster of Paris is a very strong quantifiable substance and
material. This consists of a good white powder with highly toughens textures when dampened
and permitted to be dry. It is quite identified with the unique textures since the olden days that
the Plaster of Paris is made up of the plentiful gypsum that originates from a site near the city
of Paris in a country called France. This so-called Plaster of Paris is highly used for filling
joints, and it doesn’t show cracks any such easily. There is a great measure of suppleness in
the designing as well as moulding of the Plaster of Paris. This is majorly used for several kinds
of shapes curve. In retrospect, unstable fractures are frequently treated using dynamized
fixation as well as rigid fixation. Several researchers and notable authors (Aro and Chao 1993;
Richardson et al. 1995; Ogrodnik et al. 2007; Claes 2018; Xiong et al. 2018) contributed to the
invasive treatment of unstable fractures of the tibia bone of the leg of the body in the two
procedural classes with their unique severity as seen below
A. Dynamised fixation: This Fracture fixation dynamization could be categorised as a
frequently used methodology required for the early improvement of the fracture in the
healing process. More so, it is highly used for diverse methods of changing fractures'
fixation during the body's bone healing process. Dynamization of the intramedullary
fixation nail is vital during the treatment of bone fractures, which involves removing the
interwoven screws that are often used. A metal rod was inserted into the hollow of the
medullary human’s leg bone, and this serves as hard support for the fractures of the
bones. This singular process major aims to provide a milieu for quick fracture healing
as well as ensure the body structure of the fracture sites is healed and comes to a normal
state before the incidence occurs. This method enables the broken bone gaps to be close
in between at the fracture’s sites using the telescopic locomotive amid the nail and
tubular bone in the continuity and potentially compresses the fracture fragments. This
type of experimental as well as clinical studies rightly showed that this dynamization
can accelerate the bone healing process. The fracture is treated using flexible devices
that allow dynamization. For the tibia, a little above 90% are being treated with IM nails.
This can be seen further in figure 2.0 and figure 3.0
Figure 1.0 A: Fractures of the Proximal Tibia Figure 1.0 B: Tibia (shin bone)
shaft fractures
Figure 2.0: Self dynamisable internal Fixator
Figure 3.0: External Fixation
B. Rigid Fixation: The fracture is immobilized, so healing occurs using bone remodelling.
Typically using items such as plates and screws
The tibia bone which also connotes shinbone or shank bone is rightly the larger, the stronger
and the frontal of the two of the bones which is the leg that is situated below the knee of the
human vertebrate. The top of this tibia is noted to be significantly connected to the joint of the
kneel and the bone bottom is therefore connected to the ankle joint of the leg of the vertebrate.
The tibia is the longest bone in the lower part of the body. It serves as the connector between
the lower and upper limbs.
External fixation is necessary for proximal tibial fractures, which might be accompanied by
significant soft tissue damage. Since placing a normal external fixator without spanning the
knee is technically challenging, joint bridging external fixators are typically used only for
proximal tibial fractures. Nonetheless, this same majority of lower extremity external fixators
are heavy and uncomfortable for individuals. Because locking plates possess low profiles as
well as good angular stability, some clinicians recently employed them as either an external
fixator to treat tibial fractures. According to the locking-head mechanism, the locking plate has
axial and angular stability as well as creates a distinctive structure with the plate, screws, as
well as bone. External locking plates for the treatment of tibial fractures results showed
promising clinical outcomes in early research. External locking plate fixing is still not widely
accepted, nevertheless. Additionally, there haven't been many biomechanical studies of
external locking plate fixation. This research used finite element analysis to compare the
reliability of an external locking plate fixator and a traditional external fixator for extraarticular
proximal tibial fractures (Bauer, 2020).
The composite tibia was scanned using computed tomography (CT) in two dimensions
somewhere at trauma department of Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center in Zagreb,
Croatia. In a 512 512 matrix, the CT image slice thicknesses were 0.6 mm. Subsequently,
utilising the CT data and the 3D model reconstruction programme Mimics, a 3D model of both
the tibia was created. The 681 CT scans from the Digital Imaging and Communications in
Medicine collection were imported into Mimics in order to recreate the geometry of both the
tibia, along with the cortex and cancellous bone outlines (Zhao, 2020).
Additionally, 30-, 40-, 50-, and 60-mm rod offsets from the lateral surface of the lateral condyle
of the tibia were estimated for the EF-11 and EF-7 models. In order to reduce computation
time, the geometry of the Schanz and locking screws was reduced to a cylinder (D = 5 mm). In
the ELP model and the EF model, the locations of the three screws in the proximal tibia and
the three screws in the tibial diaphysis. Regarding the second screw from the proximal, the
lengths between screws in the ELP model appeared comparable to those found in the EF model.
Furthermore, compared with the first and second screws of the EF model, the primary and
secondary second screws of the ELP model were located in a position that was more posterior.
All screws were located in the linear position in the EF model. The first two screws in the ELP
model deviated from the proximal tibia due to the design of both the lateral proximal tibial
locking plate.
The Schanz pins and the bone, the locking screws and the locking plate, the rod, the clamps,
and the locking screws were all subject to tied limitations.
The outer cortical and inner cancellous bones produced by the model using finite elements
demonstrated the correctness of the model, as well as the material properties were given in
To simulate toe-touch weight bearing, an axial force of 50 N in a proximal to distal direction
was applied to the surface of the tibial plateau in all models. The tibial plafond was locked in
all degrees of freedom during the analysis to avoid stiff body motion. The three finite element
models with 30-, 40-, 50-, and 60-mm plate-rod offsets from either the lateral surface of the
lateral condyle of the tibia were measured for stress distribution, displacement at the fracture
gap, as well as stiffness. To determine the proper mesh refinement, a convergence analysis was
conducted. A model of an intact cortical tibia was used to perform mesh convergence analysis.
Utilizing the h-refinement method, the convergence analysis of the finite element model was
optimised and linked. Both the mesh sensitivity study between von Mises stress values and the
number of elements and the mesh sensitivity analysis between displacement magnitude and the
number of elements demonstrated convergence (Labus, 2022).
Treatment for fracture
The displaced bone fragments can always be placed back into balance by being pushed towards
proper anatomical places during closed manipulations, or they can be reduced openly, that
requires developing a surgical incision.
Closed Reduction
For more serious breaks, a closed reduction is necessary to set (realign) your bones. The
healthcare professional will physically push and pull on the outside of your body during this
non-surgical technique to align the damaged bones inside of you. Visitors will receive one of
the following to minimize your pain during the procedure:
• Local anesthesia to numb your fracture's surrounding area.
• Body-wide sedatives to promote relaxation.
• General anesthesia, which will make you unconscious during the procedure.
• The healthcare professional will place you in a cast or splint after the closed reduction.
Bone fracture Surgery
Surgery is required for some bone fractures. There are a few methods that surgeon may employ,
depending on the sort of fracture that have and how severely the bones have been harmed.
Internal Fixation
To allow your bones to mend and grow back together, your surgeon will realign (set) them in
the proper position and then secure them. Typically, they carry out a procedure known as an
internal fixation, in which your surgeon inserts metal into your bone to keep it in place while
it heals. To ensure that your bone can mend completely, people need to limit how much you
utilize that area of your body.
Techniques for internal fixation include:
 Rods: A horizontal rod that is put through the middle of the bone.
 Metal plates placed into your bone to hold the parts together in place.
 Plates and screws.
 Bone fragments that are too tiny for other fasteners are held in place by pins and wires.
They are frequently utilized along with either rods or plates.
 Some folks have these implants in place permanently. They could require more
operations to have them removed.
External Fixation
Perhaps might require an external fixing. On either side of the internal fracture, expert surgeon
will insert screws into the bone. These screws will later be connected to a bracket or brace that
will be wrapped around the external bone. Before having an internal fixation, this is typically
a temporary method of stabilizing bone fracture and giving it time to start healing.
An arthroplasty may be necessary if patients fracture a joint (such as your shoulder, elbow, or
knee) (joint replacement). The surgeon will replace the damaged joint with an artificial one
after removing the damaged joint. Metal, ceramic, or robust plastic can be used to make the
artificial joint (prosthesis). The replacement joint will move and look likes the normal joint.
Bone grafting
If the fracture is significantly dislocated or if the bone isn't reintegrating as it should, then may
require bone grafting. To repair the broken bone, the surgeon will introduce more bone tissue.
In order to keep the fragments together while the bone regenerates physicians will typically
conduct an internal fixation after that. There are several sources for bone grafts:
• External donor;
• Internally from somewhere else in the body, typically the top of the hip bone.
• A synthetic replacement component.
The bone will be immobilized after surgery. In order to use it as you did before the fracture;
people need to wear a splint, cast, brace, or sling.
Early mobilization and the return to an upright position reduce the risk of cardiac and other
problems of immobility, such as pressure ulcers, constipation, and urine stasis. Once the
fracture is stabilized or after healing, the limb can sometimes be moved and range-of-motion
exercises can begin. Choosing the right time to begin physical therapy is difficult. Starting
rehabilitation too soon might result in some kind of a malunion of the bone, whereas starting it
too late potentially result in what seems like a perfect union of the bone nevertheless leave the
muscles are unable move the limb. Nurses should be aware of the sort of rehabilitation program
patients are undertaking, particularly whether they have been fully weight-bearing, partially
weight-bearing, feeling their toes, or doing nothing at all, throughout to continue repositioning
clients whenever physiotherapy services are not readily available. They must also be aware of
any mobilization aids that may be used (Zhu, 2020).
Pain assessment and Management
However, it ought to be recognized as a key as well as normal component of recovering after
a surgery as well as injury. Pain can serve as a reliable indicator of injury or sickness. To make
sure the right analgesic is prescribed, used, and has the desired effect with the fewest side
effects possible, it is crucial to assess the pain. The nurse tending to the patient who has suffered
a fracture should be familiar with the various medications and their effects, dosages, and
actions (Zhu, 2020). Preemptive analgesia ought to be employed to make sure the patient's pain
is effectively managed both prior to and throughout completion of treatment. Patients may also
benefit from non-pharmacological pain management treatments like massage, posture, and
distraction strategies.
Internal or external fixation devices, which come in a variety of designs, can immobilize a
person. Internal fixation uses tools such intramedullary nails, compression nails, plates, and
screws and requires the patient to undergo surgery. Internal fixation can be used when external
fixation is ineffective, for example when a fracture involves a joint surface, whenever early
limb or joint movement is essential, or when avoiding prolonged bed rest is desirable. External
fixation can sometimes be achieved via slings, cast immobilization, skin or skeletal stimulation,
external fixator frames, and certain other non-surgical as well as surgical techniques.
One may only require a splint or cast if the fracture is minor and the bones have not moved
significantly from their original positions (if it is non-displaced). Typically, splinting is used
for three to five weeks. If patients require a cast, the duration will probably be longer, usually
six to eight weeks. People will probably need more X-rays in both situations to make sure the
bones are healing properly (Zhu, 2020).
NSAIDs that are available over-the-counter, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, might cause bleeding
and other issues after surgery (Zhu, 2020). The drugs you can take to lessen discomfort
following surgery will be discussed with the patient by their surgeon.
Literature Review
Fracture Stiffness
External fixation has been widely used to treat fractures for more than 2000 years. The
physiology of fracture healing is significantly influenced by the kind of fixation as well as level
of stability. When there is complete fracture stability, such as with compression plating, the
bone will undergo primary intramembranous bone healing. On the other side, relative fracture
stability, such as external fixing, results in subsequent enchondral bone repair. Additionally,
there are several ways to alter the external fixation design bone order to alter the fracture's
stability (Yusuf, 2018).
Stress distribution
The closest screw to the fracture gap upon that proximal side of the fracture gap was found to
have a maximum von Mises stress of 562.8 MPa in the ELP model with a 60-mm tibia-plate
offset. A 60-mm tibia-rod offset in the EF-7 model group resulted in a maximum von Mises
stress of 270 MPa in the rod that was measured from around Schanz screw closest to the
fracture gap on the proximal side of the fracture gap (Bauer, 2020). The Schanz screw closest
to the fracture gap on the distal side of the fracture gap throughout the model with a 60-mm
tibia-rod offset showed the highest von Mises stress in the EF-11 model group, which was
169.8 MPa (Labus, 2022).
The medial border of the tibia on the side closest to the fracture gap was used to quantify
displacement. The ELP model's maximum displacement with a 60-mm tibia-plate offset was
3.281 mm. The model with a 60-mm tibia-rod offset had the most displacement in the EF-7
model group, measuring 2.523 mm. The model with a 60-mm tibia rod offset had the highest
displacement in the EF-11 model group, at 0.984 mm (Thomas, 2019).
It still lacks sufficient evidence to justify clinical recommendations for external locking plate
fixation based on its biomechanical properties. According to our research, the external locking
plate fixator is less stiff than the standard external fixator. In every model, the stiffness
decreased as the plate/distance rod's from the bone surface grew. This is the very first finite
element analysis that compares an external locking plate fixator and a traditional external
fixator for proximal tibial fractures, as far as we are aware (Bauer, 2020).
An ideal osteosynthesis accelerates fracture healing by striking the right balance between
biology and mechanics. The idea of biological fracture fixation is maintaining the blood flow
to the periosteum and soft tissue while providing relative stability that encourages callus
development. Internal locking plate fixation could then result in irregular and asymmetrical
periosteal callus production or be too stiff to promote good fracture healing by callus formation.
In 2010, Bottlang unveiled a modified version of internal locked plating technology known as
"far cortical locking." With this method, the distant cortical locking screw shafts are bent in a
cantilevered manner to produce elastic fixation. The mechanism is comparable to an external
fixator, which gets its elasticity from the bending of the fixation pin. Far cortical locking
internal constructions create more calli than locked plating internal constructs because they
offer flexible fixing. External fixators offer flexible fixation as well, albeit too much flexibility
can result in instability and non-union (Black, 2018).
Influential Factors and Variables for Construct Stiffness and Stability
The pin configuration can be changed to change stability. By adding more pins, separating
them further apart, and positioning pins towards the fracture site, the construct can be made
stiffer. The pins must be placed out of the way of any impending surgical procedures during
definitive fixation. With each pin diameter increase, the construct gains four times more
strength while the tension at the bone-pin interface decreases. The largest impact of increasing
pin diameter on unilateral frame stability (Yusuf, 2018). Larger pins, however, increase the
risk of a stress riser, which may ultimately lead to a fracture. For instance, a 5 mm pin is 144%
stiffer than a 4 mm pin.
Other variants on pin morphology include those with a trocar tip, those covered with
hydroxyapatite, and those that drill themselves. Two more ways to change the construct's
strength are to increase the rod's diameter or place it closer to the bone. More bars can be placed
to the same pins to increase stability. Bars are secured to pins using clamps. Today, the most
preferred material for bars is carbon fibre, which is 15% stiffer than stainless steel.
External Fixator Types
Uniplanar, multiplanar, unilateral, bilateral, and circular fixators are only a few of the many
subclasses of external fixator types. By combining pins that are perpendicular to one another
and in several planes, one can create a multiplanar device. Uniplanar fixation devices are quick
and easy to operate, however they are not as accurate as multiplanar fixation devices. A
bilateral frame is created when pins are inserted into the bone, which can help improve stability.
With limb lengthening procedures, circular fixators are becoming more and more common, but
they are especially helpful for letting the patient to bear weight and have some joint motion
while undergoing therapy. Because they are more difficult to apply, disperse the weight with
smaller gauge pins and more of them.
There are several ways to enhance and modify the external fixation construct. Further
complicating matters are hybrid frames, which combine any of the aforementioned
constructions. For the best potential healing, the surgeon must determine the level of stability.
Furthermore, because stiffer is not necessarily better when it comes to external fixation, a firm
understanding of fundamental fracture principles is required (Thomas, 2019).
The relevant anatomy differs depending on the injury and kind of frame being used. It is
essential to have a solid understanding of the anatomy, especially for circular frames. The
femur, tibia, pelvis, humerus, and forearm will all have uniplanar pins implanted to study safe
zones and potential structures at risk (Augat, 2018).
The first branch of the femoral nerve crosses the anterior femur at a distance of 2 cm, while the
last branch does so on average 5.8 cm distal from the lesser trochanter, according to cadaver
studies by Beltran et al. The average distance between the superior reflection of the
suprapatellar pouch and the lateral joint line and proximal pole of the patella were 4.6 cm and
9.5 cm, respectively. The joint reflection, which can be as high as 7.4 cm above the proximal
patella, must be considered when preventing penetration into the knee joint and septic arthritis
(Augat, 2018). The femoral artery is situated anterior to the femoral head and flows medially
down the femoral shaft. Femoral half-pinning can be done anteriorly, laterally, or both. The
"safe zone" for placing anterior femoral pins is the 20 cm space between 5.8 cm distal to the
lesser trochanter and 7.4 cm proximal to the superior pole of the patella. In contrast, lateral
femoral pins pose no risk of severing the neurovascular systems and can be positioned
anywhere on the femur. The lateral pins, however, are what attach the fascia lata and vastus
The broad subcutaneous border of the tibia is easily palpable, making safe pin placement
uncomplicated. Pins should be positioned at least 14 mm distal from the joint line in order to
prevent them from entering the joint. Care must be taken not to protrude the distant cortex in
order to protect the neurovascular bundle. Making an incision and dissecting all the way down
to the bone may be necessary in order to protect the deep peroneal nerve and anterior tibial
artery. Numerous nerve systems surround the calcaneus, which is located near the distal end of
the lower extremity. The medial calcaneal nerve is most at danger when a posteroinferior
calcaneal pin is inserted. These pins are positioned from medial to lateral in order to protect
the medial retromalleolar structures (Rony, 2021).
External pelvic fixation can be done using either of two main methods. One can quickly and
readily feel where the iliac crest is located. The surgeon makes a small incision close to the
gluteal ridge in order to safeguard the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. This area is safe for
pinning as long as the pelvic inner and outer tables are intact. Direct fluoroscopic imaging is
required since it is more difficult to identify the beginning site and trajectory of anterior
superior iliac spine pins (Bauer, 2020).
External fixation of the upper extremities is challenging due to the intimate neurovascular
interactions between the neurovascular units. Half pins can be positioned closely laterally. The
medial brain shouldn't be invaded too much, and the axillary nerve needs to be safeguarded.
The radial nerve curves from medial to lateral at the midshaft of the posterior humerus. As a
result, half pins are placed anteriorly in the centre of the humerus. The medial and ulnar nerves
are medial to the humerus in the upper two thirds of the humerus before migrating
anterolaterally and posteriorly down the brachial artery, respectively. The medical practitioner
may press the bony prominences of the medial and lateral epicondyles. Dissection down to the
bone and the use of drill sleeves are recommended when placing pins into the humerus.
The ulna's subcutaneous boundary can also be plainly felt, and any place along this ridge can
be pierced with a pin. It is easy to avoid injury by palpating the ulnar nerve posterior to the
medial epicondyle before it travels anteromedially into the forearm, despite the fact that it is
vulnerable close to the elbow. Pins are more usually placed into the midshaft or distal radius
because proximal dissection of the radius threatens the posterior interosseous nerve and radial
nerve. Half pins are inserted dorsally into the middle section of the radius. Inserting distal
radius half pins requires making a little incision and dissecting all the way to the bone to avoid
injuring the superficial radial nerve (Bauer, 2020).
Clinicians in orthopaedic trauma, paediatric orthopaedics, and plastic surgery use external
fixation for a range of diseases. The following is a list of some of the indications for external
fixation devices:
• Injuries to the unstable pelvic ring
Comminuted periarticular fractures include those of the elbow, distal femur, tibial plateau,
pilon, and distal radius (Batbayar, 2019).
Huge amounts of soft tissue edoema accompanying fractures; patients who cannot undergo
open surgery due to hemodynamic instability; broken long bones in pieces; fractures
accompanied by severe bone loss; open fractures with a loss of soft tissue; limb lengthening
and deformity; osteomyelitis and bone thinning; and joints that become immobile following a
soft tissue flap. Nonunion, malunion, and infection; arthrodesis; and intraoperative fracture
reduction using traction (Batbayar, 2019).
External fixation is a minimally invasive operation that, when performed appropriately, is
generally safe and can be very helpful to the patient. There aren't many reasons why it shouldn't
be employed in orthopaedics as a result. One of the relative contraindications is a patient who
is obese, as it would be challenging to implant pins correctly in such a patient. A patient who
doesn't follow instructions is a relative contraindication because they might not have the device
removed. In addition, peri-prosthetic fractures can make less bone supply available for the pins.
General contraindications include patient resistance and physiological inability to undergo the
procedure (Zhao, 2020).
External fixation is used to stabilise various bones across the body, but the fundamental
technique is the same. The stability of the construction depends on the interaction between the
pins and the bones. The first step is making an incision in the skin just above where the pin will
be inserted. Since this could result in swelling and pin infections, it's crucial to take care to stop
skin and muscle from tenting on the pin. Small Penfield-type retractors are used to reflect the
periosteum from the underlying bone. A trocar and drill sleeve are advanced to the bone to
lessen tissue entrapment. The drill sleeve must be centred above the bone in order to enter the
medullary canal, travel through the near cortex, and exit the far cortex. It is best to predrill with
considerable irrigation to prevent heat necrosis of the bone contact. Self-drilling pins have a
drill tip point that the surgeon can place without previously pre-drilling. According to a
biomechanical study by Awndrianne et al., self-drilling pins had 25% less purchase than non-
drilling pins. Because of the resistance the screw encounters as it turns before breaching at the
far cortex, the close cortex may occasionally be stripped (Black, 2018).
External fixation is widely used for both temporary and long-term pelvic fixation. The two
main pin sites are the iliac wing and anterior inferior iliac spine. The iliac wing pins are inserted
into the bone through a very small incision around 2 cm posterior to the anterior superior iliac
spine. The goal insertion point is located at the gluteal ridge because it is the largest and
strongest portion of the iliac wing. After the cortex has been shattered, the pin can be manually
inserted between the inner and outer cortex. A second pin may be put directly posterior to the
first pin to increase stability. Due to the gluteal musculature's inherent defence, penetration
through the outer table is lessened when employing a blunt tip but is still acceptable. With the
right skills, this treatment can be finished quickly and with little fluoroscopy. Some patients
will tolerate supraacetabular pins better and have better control over their pelvis than they do
with iliac wing pins. Nonetheless, the safe insertion of supracetabular pins requires
fluoroscopy. Supraacetabular pins are placed into the thick bone that stretches from the anterior
inferior iliac spine to the posterior superior iliac spine. The fluoroscopic marker for this corridor
is called a "teardrop." The teardrop is 2 cm or so above the acetabular dome. When viewing
the obturator outlet image on intraoperative fluoroscopy, the teardrop is simple to identify. In
the obdurate inlet view, which also exposes the screw's depth, the pin can be seen travelling
back and forth across the inner and outer tables (Black, 2018). The iliac oblique view reveals
the pin's depth and path. The pin on this view needs to be placed one to two centimetres above
the sciatic notch in order to protect the gluteal arteries and sciatic nerve. The posterior obturator
can be stabilised with pelvic C-clamps that touch the posterior ilium. The C-clamp can be
applied quickly and without any fluoroscopic supervision. Due to the possibility of
overcompression and sacral nerve injury, concurrent sacral commination must be addressed
carefully (Black, 2018).
Upper Extremity
Comminuted both-bone forearm fractures with severe soft tissue abnormalities may need for
forearm stabilisation, which is best accomplished with 3 or 4 mm screws in the ulna given the
forearm's subcutaneous location. The superficial radial nerve and posterior interosseous nerve
should not be injured when placing pins into the radius. However, the distal pin in the base of
the second metacarpal bone and the proximal pin in the radius just beyond the radial artery
both effectively stabilise distal radius fractures. Both pins must be extracted using a blunt
dissection method and a small incision to avoid damaging the superficial radial nerve.
Although external fixation is rarely necessary for stabilising humeral fractures, it can be in
situations where the patient is exceedingly fat, there is extensive contamination, or there are
open wounds. Pins are placed posterolaterally and anteriorly into the proximal and distal
humeruses, respectively. At all costs, the olecranon fossa, axillary and radial nerves must be
avoided. Elbows that are floating or unstable are held in place by the proximal subcutaneous
ulna and posterolateral distal humerus pins (Silverman, 2018).
Lower Extremity
There are also possibilities for direct lateral or anterolateral pin implantation to stabilise the
femur. Joint penetration must be avoided carefully. The same anterolateral distal femur pins
may also be utilized in conjunction with subcutaneous anteromedial tibial pins positioned at
least 14mm distal to the joint line. Knee security must be attained at flexion angles between 5
and 15 degrees. To further stabilize the tibia, pins can be positioned distally along its
anteromedial surface. Care must be made to avoid the anteriorly traversing neurovascular
systems when placing pins distally on the tibia. For femur stability, there are alternatives for
straight lateral and anterolateral pin placement. Joint penetration should be carefully avoided.
These same anterolateral distal femur pins can also be used with subcutaneous anteromedial
tibial pins that are positioned at least 14mm distant from the joint line. To secure the knee,
flexion between 5 and 15 degrees should be used. Pins can be positioned distally along the
anteromedial surface to further support the tibia. Care must be taken to minimize the anteriorly
travelling neurovascular systems when pinning the tibia distally.
Pin Site Care
Although there are many different pin site care methods, they are all important to reduce
infection rates. There are numerous potential strategies, and there is insufficient data to declare
one to be superior to the others. There is still disagreement in the research about how to create
a comprehensive strategy that can consistently and regularly lower the incidence of pin site
infection, according to a 2015 systematic review.
The gauze used to wrap the pins after surgery may have been drenched in iodine or xeroform.
Movement increases the risk of infection close to the skin-pin interface, as is well recognised.
Wearing compression garments under the external fixator bars can lessen movement while the
skin surrounding the pins heals. compared daily pin care to no pin care in terms of soft tissue
integrity and stability. As long as the patient practises daily hygiene in the shower, the study's
findings indicate that there was no difference between the two groups and that routine pin-tract
care is not necessary. If skin discharge or erythema surrounds the pins, pin care should begin
and continue three times each day until the infection is gone (Silverman, 2018).
Fixation Stiffness
The following is a list of potential side effects of external fixation therapy:
Possible risks include osteomyelitis, pin site infection, frame or pin/wire failure or loosening,
soft-tissue impalement, neurovascular injury, compartment syndrome, and refracture around
pin (Eastell, 2021).
Clinical Relevance
External fixation is becoming a critical component of fracture care. In addition to providing
permanent repair, it can help stabilise fractures momentarily. External fixation can be
employed in damage control situations to prevent the so-called "second strike" problem since
it can be placed fast, with little blood loss, and with minimal to no invasiveness. Furthermore,
giving the soft tissue swelling in severe injuries some time to subside lowers the risk of
injection and wound problems proportionately (Eastell, 2021).
Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes
An interdisciplinary approach is necessary for treatment to be as efficient as feasible while
avoiding morbidity. Since these patients typically have multiple traumas, the critical care unit
must manage them. Coordination with the primary trauma team is necessary to set up interval
procedures. The orthopaedic and orthopaedic specialty-trained nursing teams must constantly
check pin site infections, soft tissue integrity, and neurovascular health. Nursing also oversees
post-procedure care, administers medication, cares for wounds, and should notify the treating
clinician of any issues. In order to help the patient move around while the external fixation
device is in place, physical therapy and occupational therapy consultation is crucial.
Additionally, they should inform the medical team of any advancements or potential relapses.
The interprofessional healthcare team method is therefore the most effective technique to
encourage positive patient outcomes while keeping an external focus (Liang, 2021).
Unilateral external fixators are typically used to stabilise the first fractured bone in patients
with a history of multiple trauma who are at risk for complications. If the orthopaedic surgeon
utilises the fixator correctly, complications are highly unlikely. The mechanical environment
significantly affects the callus production during the initial healing phase. The fixator's stiffness
is essential since its motion affects both the loosening of the pin and the healing of bone tissue
in addition to fracture repair. If this element is lacking, therapy may not be successful. Many
research have examined the physiological stiffness of external fixators in relation to axial
compression, bending, and torsion loads, which will result in different mechanical conditions
in the fractured site. They also installed load sensors on exterior fixators to measure their
performance. There are several loading pathways with differing stiffnesses for different fixator
types. In order to accomplish the proper interfragmentary mobility during the latter stages of
consolidation, adaptability can be achieved by better understanding the stiffness of the fixator.
Furthermore, a detailed understanding of fixator stiffnesses may help to control
interfragmentary motion while the bone heals (Liang, 2021).
The Sarafix fixator is well known across the world and has won numerous honors and prizes
at exhibitions abroad. Because experimental study has demonstrated that the rigidity of the
Sarafix fixator has a positive clinical impact on the management of bone fractures. However,
since the mechanical properties of the fixator are unknown, it is impossible to say whether it is
sufficiently rigid. The main goal of this study was to compare the stiffness of the Sarafix fixator
and this innovative fixator while analysing the stiffness characteristics of the novel fixator
(Labus, 2022).
To compare the stiffness of two unilateral external fixators, one is the well-known Sarafix
fixator, and the other is a new fixator. The Sarafix fixator was generally recognised as having
potent healing benefits due to its adequate rigidity. Compare the stiffness of two different types
of fixators to see if the novel fixator has enough rigidity. Due to their consistent construction
for all measures in this experiment, reused external fixators had no effect on stiffness.
The mean stiffness for the Sarafix fixator was only 95.407% (axial load), 91.84% (torsional
stress), and 86.87% (when compared to the new Fixator in this study) (bending load). The
innovative fixator outperformed the Sarafix external fixator when bending and torsion loads
were applied, however there was no obvious difference in axial loads between the two fixators,
according to numerical data for these two fixators (Labus, 2022). These results imply that a
singular unilateral fixator with a serrated mechanism can improve the tight connection between
fixator joints, hence increasing the rigidity of the fixator. The structural development of the
fixator and its dedication to using new materials for material enhancement are the two main
elements influencing the fixator's good stiffness properties (titanium). These improvements
help to alleviate various problems that can arise when using the external fixator. Additionally,
the novel fixator's superior rigidity qualities make it a useful tool for treating fractures in
orthopaedic surgery as well as combat casualties.
This essay's major subjects will be the communicating fracture of the tibia and fibula, along
with its pathophysiology, diagnostic assessment, pharmacology, and alternative treatments.
A fracture is a rupture in the continuity of a bone. Fractures can be categorized in a variety of
ways. A comminuted fracture is used to describe when a bone breaks, splinters, or compresses
into more than two or three pieces. The smaller fragments mimic objects that are in the air.
Surgery is required to repair the fracture, which may develop as a result of excessive pressure
on the bone (Thomas, 2019).
Age, osteoporosis, crushing force, sudden twisting action, low bone quality, osteoporosis, and
osteoporosis are some of the potential causes of fractures. Due to direct stress, high energy
processes can cause significant comminution, soft tissue injury, and bone loss. A fracture may
be brought on by any etiological factor or crushing injury, which may disrupt the muscles that
are connected to the bone and cause spasms. While the bottom half of the bone is moved, the
top half is left in place. The periosteum and blood arteries are deformed in the cortex and bone
marrow. Additionally, bleeding from soft tissue injuries has the potential to pass between
fracture fragments and under the periosteum. The death of the bone fracture site results in the
release of prostaglandins and histamines, which also results in an inflammatory response. The
results include loss of function, pain, edoema, and vasodilation (Thomas, 2019).
The diagnostic evaluation for leg fractures includes both the physical examination and the
patient's presentation. Trauma patients arrived with physical abnormalities that prevented them
from bearing their weight. A high index of suspicion should be maintained for growing
compartment pressure in the larger trauma patient. Assessing stability and range of motion can
be difficult when someone is in pain. A comprehensive neurovascular examination is necessary
for the evaluation of the posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis arteries. Examining the soft tissues
will reveal fracture signs and symptoms. Examining the skin for lesions, fracture blisters, and
abrasions is required. X-rays can be done to examine for hemarthrosis and displacement at the
fracture site on the anterior, posterior, and lateral sides. Computed tomography is also helpful
in proximal and distal shaft fractures (CT scan). A stress fracture cannot be seen on a plain X-
ray, hence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is suggested.
To gauge the efficiency of the anaesthetic and the degree of pain control, the patient's
hemodynamics, including awareness level, capillary refill, peripheral pulse, oxygen saturation,
heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and urine output, should be evaluated prior to
surgery. Disoriented and with a body temperature of 37.0°C, a heart rate of 108 beats per
minute, a respiratory rate of 28, a blood pressure of 154/86, and an oxygen saturation of 93%
(6 L/min via Hudson mask). The X-ray revealed the comminuted fracture of the tibia and fibula.
Utilizing medication is the most efficient technique to treat fracture pain. The severity of the
pain also affects how well this medication works. The therapy of trauma pain includes both
patient-controlled opioid analgesia and central regional opioid analgesia. An analgesic may be
selected based on the findings of the pain assessment. Fentanyl, methadone, morphine,
tramadol, and codeine may be administered intravenously to treat pain. The morphine is given
to Mr. Khalil because he is experiencing 9/10 agony (Notaroš, 2021). Morphine is a strong
agonist and pain reliever. It can be administered parenterally and is the first form of therapy.
Morphine's side effects include respiratory discomfort and sleep apnea. A resuscitation trolley
should be prepared and the patient should be examined if unfavourable symptoms continue.
Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, or NSAIDs, can also be employed to alleviate mild
discomfort. Mefenamic acid and ibuprofen are both effective painkillers (Qing, 2021).
Because they can be used to treat infections, antibiotics are beneficial. Use cefazolin,
piperacillin, and tobramycin to treat an infection at the site of a surgery or a wound.
Additionally, there is a chance of hematoma or thrombosis following trauma and orthopaedic
surgery. Low molecular weight heparin can be given to orthopaedic patients to stop
thromboembolism. Orphenadrine may be used to relieve muscle spasm discomfort. For patients
with hemodynamic instability, fluid therapy may be helpful (Notaroš, 2021).
Alternative therapies aim to achieve both operative and non-operative objectives. A cast is a
short-term circumferential therapy used to immobilise bones without surgery. In the event of a
tibial fracture, a protracted leg cast is necessary. A non-surgical technique termed closed
reduction is utilised to align the bones. Elevating the leg helps prevent edoema. External
fixation, a surgical technique including a metal device with metal pins, is used. With pin
fixation, it is used to correct the bone and restrict bone motion. It is utilised when the cast
cannot be placed. Internal fixation includes the use of plates, intramedullary rods, pins, and
bioabsorbable screws, among others. During surgery, the devices are inserted into the bone for
alignment. The X-ray evaluates the alignment at regular intervals. In addition, a cut is
performed in order to heal the broken bone during an open reduction procedure. Additionally,
internal fixation is superior to exterior fixation. It reduces the chance of misalignment. For
proximal and distal tibia fractures, percutaneous plating shaft is used when intramedullary
nailing is difficult. The patients will undergo internal fixation and open reduction. Nutritional
therapy is also necessary for fracture repair. Calcium and vitamin D supplements are highly
recommended for bone healing in orthopaedic patients.
Comminuted fractures are fractures that are unstable and may result in many breaks in the bone.
To ascertain the patient's condition, a blood test, physical examination, X-ray, CT scan, or MRI
may be performed. Analgesics, antibiotics, and anticoagulants can all be used to prevent the
issue. Morphine is given to the patient. The broken bone can be orientated through once
hemodynamic stability has been achieved (ORIF). Bone restoration may be the nutritional
therapy's main focus (Notaroš, 2021).
Typically painful, osteoporosis-related fractures cause a loss of height, trouble standing up
straight, despair, social isolation, and immobility. Statistics show that after the age of fifty, one
in three women and one in eight men have osteoporosis. The bones of the casualties will
deteriorate and fracture as a result, demonstrating this. Statistics show that 24 percent of people
with hip fractures die within a year, with men dying more frequently than women. In addition,
just 40% to 79% of patients recover to their pre-injury condition (Russ, 2022). As a result of
these deaths, both the government and the families of these people face costs. Effective
research and public education are needed if such incidences are to decline in the coming years.
Most people think that elderly folks are the main group affected by osteoporosis. However, this
is false because the sickness is gender- and age-neutral. Osteoporosis is a geriatric ailment that
typically manifests in teens. This is accounted for by the fact that during childhood and
adolescence, a significant amount of bone is created, increasing the size and density of the
skeleton structure. The skeleton reaches nearly 90% of its maximum bone mass by the ages of
eighteen for females and twenty for boys. This highlights the critical need of investing in bone
development during childhood.
Studies have regularly been undertaken in the past to examine the various aspects of the
diseases, their current state, as well as how well-informed the general public is about the
diseases, their prevention, and their treatment. However, there isn't enough information to show
how much people are aware of the condition. Because it will promote healthy lifestyle choices
and reduce the likelihood that people may develop the disease, public education is essential
(Russ, 2022).
Osteoporosis is a disorder that weakens bones, making them more likely to break. This is
mostly brought on by lower bone mass than the bone's normal peak mass. The most common
reason for birth fractures in elderly people is osteoporosis. Contrary to popular opinion,
however, not just older people are affected by the illness. All ages find it appealing and are
encouraged to act and lead healthy lives. The bones that are most likely to fracture as a result
of osteoporosis are the back bone, the forearm, and the hip bone. In contrast to other disorders,
this one has only bone fractures as its primary symptom. A fractured birth may cause pain in
addition to difficulty performing regular duties. Fracture is simply defined as a condition in
which bones become more fragile and more likely to break. One may not even be aware they
have the illness until one of the bones breaks. Bones affected by osteoporosis develop
exceptionally porous, foldable properties akin to sponges. The bone structure becomes
incredibly weak as a result, making even minor slips and falls more likely to result in fractures.
A condition where the bones are weak but not as severely as in osteoporosis is known as
osteoopenia. Any symptoms, however, should not be disregarded because fracture often
develops from osteopenia (Severyns, 2022).
Patients who have hip fractures may also experience reduced mobility. In addition, this could
result in a number of illnesses, including pneumonia and deep vein thrombosis or embolism.
The fatality rate is estimated to be around 13.5% six months after a hip fracture. Furthermore,
around 13% of sufferers with hip fractures require total assistance to transfer from one area to
another. Vertebral fractures, like skull fractures, can result in excruciatingly painful neurogenic
symptoms even though they are generally believed to have less of an impact on mortality.
These neurogenic pains might also result in physical deformities, can be very difficult to
control, and are upsetting to the patients. Occasionally, numerous spinal fractures might cause
kyphosis (severe hunch back). Breathing can be challenging because of the strain that the
internal organs are under as a result of the spinal fractures. Osteoporotic fractures therefore
impair health-related quality of life (Wu, 2020).
Age-related bone mass loss in humans is extremely common compared to other ape species.
Humans have less dense bones than other primates, which helps to explain this. Most human
bones are just porous and spongy in nature. As a result, humans are more likely to experience
fractures. Porous bones have the advantage of being able to more quickly absorb stress between
two surfaces as contrasted to those that are more dense. Porous bones also greatly contribute
to human suppleness and a lighter, more portable skeletal structure. It is clear that people
nowadays consume less calcium in their diets than other primates, which increases their chance
of developing osteoporosis.
Only 20% of the estimated 15,000 vertebral fractures that are reported annually in Syria are
treated by a physician; this suggests that many more occur without being reported and may
result in additional fractures or even fatalities. Similar to the US, Turkey says that men and
women over 50 experience about 24,000 hip fractures year, with a projected increase to 36,000
by 2020. Furthermore, the majority of these fractures go undiagnosed by a doctor.
Hormonal factors may have an effect on a person's bone resorption rate. The rate of bone
development throughout growth may be impacted as a result of the increased risk of fractures.
Estrogen plays a crucial role in protecting bone tissue from deterioration. For instance, it
appears that women lose a significant amount of oestrogen following menopause. This clarifies
why elderly women would have a higher risk of osteoporosis (Zhu, 2020). The body's levels of
calcium metabolism also play a significant role in bone turnover in addition to oestrogen. Low
calcium metabolism and a lack of vitamin D both lead to the creation of bones with low density
and damage, which raises the risk of developing osteoporosis. This is the case because low
calcium levels in the blood prompt the parathyroid glands to secrete a hormone that seems to
accelerate the rates of bone resorption in order to provide enough calcium for the circulation.
This seems to swap bone growth for blood calcium levels, which results in bones that are not
adequately formed. Because they have long trabecular bone, the hip, wrist, and vertebral bones
are among those that are most susceptible to osteoporosis-related fractures (this refers to the
spongy like bone in the ends of longer bones and vertebrae). Since the trabecular is known to
be particularly active and contribute considerably to the process of bone remodelling, a bone
with longer trabecular, like the hip, would be more prone to fracture than other bones. The
word "cortical" is used to describe the tough outer layer of bones. Having a thick and rigid
cortex considerably reduces the risk of fracture. The hip, forearm, vertebra, and wrist are
among the bones with longer trabecular and inferior cortical that are more susceptible to
osteoporotic fractures. Around the age of thirty to thirty-five, trabecular and cortical bone start
to degrade; men experience losses of up to thirty percent while women have losses of up to
fifty percent. This contributes to the understanding of why women are more susceptible to
fractures than males (Mesnard, 2018).
The prevalence of hip fractures is thought to have increased by 25% globally. Regarding
reported cases, it was discovered that between the ages of 75 and 79, both men and women
encountered a sizable number of fractures (Mesnard, 2018). The statistics showed that over
75% of all reported hip fractures occurred in women. More than 50% of people over fifty who
had hip fractures were men. Hip fractures are characterized by persistent discomfort, the
patient's inability to move around independently, and a disability that places an extra burden
on completing everyday tasks. In terms of reported hip fractures, even other chronic illnesses
like breast cancer are becoming less frequent. One in six white women have a lifetime risk of
developing a hip fracture, compared to one in nine who have a risk factor for breast cancer, as
evidenced by the data. The results show that a woman over the age of 50 has a 2.8% lifetime
risk of passing away from complications related to a hip fracture. This is also equivalent to the
risk of dying from breast cancer and four times higher than the likelihood of dying from
endometrial cancer. The International Foundation of Osteoporosis estimates that 1.6 million
hip fractures occur each year worldwide. It is expected that this number will rise to 4.5 million
to 6.3 million persons by the year 2050. With a mean time between fractures of 3.3 years and
osteoporosis-related hip fractures occurring in 5–10% of patients, it is clear that patients who
have already experienced a hip fracture are at a high risk of suffering another fracture.
According to statistics, between 20 and 40% of people with hip fractures die within the first
year. Five years following a hip fracture, the death rate is significantly higher. Patients with
hip fractures are more likely to lose their functional abilities and become too reliant on nursing
care and outside assistance. One year after a hip fracture, only half of patients have fully
recovered their functional abilities, with an estimated 30% of patients becoming totally
dependent or ending up in nursing homes (Ge, 2021).
Vertebral Fractures
Statistics show that 35 to 50 percent of women over 50 had experienced at least one spinal
fracture. In the United States, there are more than 700,000 hip fracture cases reported each
year. However, only about a third of this total is known. A vertebral fracture had already
occurred in 324 of the 9704 women in a study who were 68.8 years old and followed for fifteen
years when the study began. A thorough examination of the study revealed that the likelihood
of vertebral fractures increased by 41.4% in the women who had previously experienced
fractures. Hip fractures were the reason for the study in 18.4% of the women.
Osteoporotic vertebral fractures are most frequently characterized by excruciating back pain,
deformity, patient height loss, immobility, and impaired pulmonary function. Due to issues like
low self-esteem, physical deformities, and depression that the majority of patients experience,
this has a negative impact on the casualty's quality of life. The fractures also greatly reduce the
patients' ability to participate in regular activities. A person who has had a vertebral fracture is
highly susceptible to getting another fracture in the future. Women who have had vertebral
fractures, for example, are more likely to get further fractures within the next year to two.
Despite this, it's estimated that only around a third of instances make it to a clinical setting,
with the majority remaining undetected. Hip fractures fracture prevention is a worldwide
problem that affects everyone. For instance, in Latin America, the proportion of spinal fractures
without a diagnosis rises to 46%. In comparison to 29% of fractures in Europe, South Africa,
and Australia, 45% of vertebral fractures in North America go untreated. This undercuts efforts
to prevent osteoporotic fractures in terms of growing death rates and recurrent fractures.
Fractures are more likely to occur in women than in men, and they seem to become more
frequent as people age (Pan, 2020).
Wrist fractures
White women have a 16% chance of suffering a wrist fracture throughout their lifetime. By the
time they are 70 years old, 20% of women are expected to have at least one wrist fracture.
Rib Fractures
Males in this age bracket are often physically active, and some may have fractured ribs while
engaging in routine physical activity, which is the cause of this. For instance, if someone breaks
a rib while exercising at a young age—around 35 years old—an osteoporosis test is often
ignored. However, a scan could determine whether or not such a person is in risk.
1.6 million of the fractures were hip fractures, 1.7 million were forearm bone fractures, and
roughly 1.4 million were symptomatic vertebral fractures. The United States of America and
Europe were responsible for 51% of these fractures, with Southern Asia and the Western
Pacific region accounting for the majority of the remaining fractures (Dong, 2021).
According to estimates, 71% of hip, spine, and distal forearm fractures occur in patients 65 and
older. Research shows that a 10% decrease in vertebral bone mass can double the risk of
vertebral fractures. Similar to this, a 10% decrease in hip bone mass can 2.5 times increase the
risk of developing a hip fracture. By 2050, it is expected that the number of hip fractures
recorded globally would have increased by around 310%, and among women, by about 240%.
According to reports, the 40% lifetime risk of hip, forearm, and vertebral fractures is
comparable to that of cardiovascular diseases.
Some of the major contributing factors to this are poor calcium intake, a lack of exercise, and
the common occurrence of vitamin D insufficiency in the majority of the world. It is estimated
that Saudi Arabia experiences 8,768 fractures annually, costing the country billions in medical
costs. Loss of the thick outer layer of the bone is referred to as cortical thinning. Thanks to
radiography, which aids in the diagnostic process, this is easily identifiable by X-ray. The most
frequent side effects of osteoporosis are vertebral fractures. For the identification of these
fractures, radiography of the spinal cord is crucial since it can quickly spot them.
Duel Energy X-ray
Dual energy X-rays, usually referred to as DEXA (or DXA) scans, can be used to help diagnose
and track osteoporosis. Because it is rapid, painless, and secure, this treatment can be used the
majority of the time. Depending on the area of the body being scanned, this operation can be
completed in as little as five minutes. In a nutshell, the process involves determining the
mineral density of the bone that is being examined and comparing it to the mineral density of
the bone of a healthy adult who is the same age and sex as the person getting diagnosis. The
estimated difference between the bone mineral density of the diagnosed and healthy person is
referred to as the "T-score."
A standard deviation of higher than -1 is regarded as typical when looking at the standard
deviations that were obtained. A standard deviation of between -1 and -2.5 is viewed as a
decreased mineral density of the bone in compared to the peak bone mass, even if this may not
be alarming. A standard deviation of less than -2.5 is considered osteoporosis, and treatment
should begin right away with medication and follow-up visits. When assessing the diagnosis
of a bone fracture, various additional criteria are analysed in addition to the mineral density of
the bones. In order to prevent bone fractures, a person's age, sex, and any previous injuries are
among these features (Dong, 2021).
Measurement Methods
These are the risk factors that are outside of an individual's control. One of the major risk
factors in this category is age; those who are older are more likely to develop fractures. Male
gender: Women are more susceptible to developing fractures related to the illness because of
the significant decrease of oestrogen following menopause. Males who have lower testosterone
levels are more vulnerable to fractures than females. Since no one person has any control over
them, all of these factors are referred to as non. People who have previously had fractures are
more likely to suffer subsequent fractures than people of the same age and sex who have never
undergone such fractures.
Excessive booze consumption Despite the fact that studies have shown that since alcohol tends
to make bones thicker, a small amount of alcohol consumption can assist decrease fractures.
On the other side, binge drinking greatly increases the chance of breaking a bone. Thus,
restricting alcohol intake can aid in lowering the risk of developing fractures. Mineral
deficiencies and vitamin D deficiency both raise the risk of fractures. Vitamin D deficiency is
quite typical around the world, especially among older people. Vitamin D deficiency is
associated with the release of the hormone parathyroid hormone, which is known to hasten
bone resorption and cause bone mass loss. This shows that consuming vitamin D-rich foods
and controlling vitamin D levels in the body will considerably help to lessen the detrimental
effects of fractures. In general, nutrition has a key role in preserving the body's healthy bone
status, which reduces the incidence of fractures. The main risk factors in this category are a
lack of calcium, fluoride, magnesium, and rarely phosphorus, as well as a lack of vitamins A,
K, E, and C. On the other hand, a person's risk of developing osteoporosis rises when they
consume too much sodium. Additionally, it has been shown that a lack of protein throughout
adolescence is linked to weak bones, whereas a lack of protein at old age reduces the mineral
makeup of bones (Rose, 2022).
The onset of osteoporosis has been linked to a variety of illnesses and ailments. This is due to
the fact that several of these illnesses have a direct or indirect relationship with bone health. In
general, being immobile can significantly contribute to a person's loss of bone mass. For
instance, patients who spend a lot of time in the hospital and move their bodies only very little
lose a lot of bone mass, which puts them at risk for osteoporotic fractures. On the other hand,
individuals who are highly active would have large bone masses because of the constant bodily
movement and exercise.
One endocrine disease that can cause a reduction in bone mass is Cushing's syndrome.
Nutritional problems are also known to play a significant role in poor bone development and
bone softening, both of which increase the risk of bone fractures. The main dietary element
that causes osteoporosis to develop is a deficiency in calcium. For healthy bones, additional
micronutrients including vitamin A, E, and K are also necessary in suitable amounts.
Osteoporosis is a serious danger for people with rheumatologic illnesses, such as juvenile
idiopathic and arthritis. This also includes systematically occurring illnesses like sarcoidosis
and amyloidosis. Because most inherited disorders impair a person's general development,
including poor bone structure, which in turn exposes one to a risk of osteoporotic bone
fractures, inherited disorders have also been strongly connected to osteoporosis.
In contrast to persons who have fractures detected by BMD scans, people at high risk of
experiencing bone fractures have recently drawn the majority of attention. The identification
of patients who are at higher risk for fractures appears to be very helpful in preventing future
osteoporotic fractures and hence aiding in disease management. Although the patient's
deteriorating bone tissues serve as the primary indicator of osteoporosis, the BMD is only one
factor in the risk of fractures. When examining bone fracture cases, various risk factors that
may cause fractures, such as associated diseases, prior fractures, and others, should be taken
into account (Huang, 2021).
As an illustration, the absence of hip fractures in the parents would most certainly increase the
likelihood of the person developing such fractures due to gene inheritance from the parents.
Additionally, infant weights should be treated carefully because there is a strong correlation
between them and their adult bone mass, according to studies. This is explained by the fact that
bone structure development occurs mostly in the early stages of life; hence, good health would
guarantee a considerable bone mass in later life.
The body's insufficient physical activity is also recognised as a factor insufficient bone
formation, which increases the risk of osteoporotic fractures. Lower bone density is another
effect of smoking tobacco, and this is most noticeable in the later years of a smoker's life. In
addition to smoking, drinking alcohol more frequently increases the risk of future bone
fractures because it prevents an individual from developing healthy bones. Alcohol
consumption in excess of four units per day can increase a person's risk of osteoporosis by
twofold. Instances of hip fractures and vertebral fractures, for example, are known to occur
more frequently in alcohol drinkers than in non-drinkers, and they typically do so after a
lifetime of heavy alcohol use (Fresen, 2022).
Other factors that contribute to the development of osteoporosis include several drugs, such as
the usage of corticosteroids. The risk of fractures, primarily hip fractures, increases with
continued use of this medication in both men and women. According to estimates, between 30
and 50 percent of people who use the medicine for a long time would eventually experience
osteoporotic fractures. Other medications have been discovered to be proton pump inhibitors,
which tend to lower the body's calcium absorption levels. Long-term use of these medicines
would lead to underdeveloped bone structure because calcium is essential for bone
development, increasing the risk of osteoporotic fractures.
Because low body weights are strongly correlated with low bone weights, which are
particularly fracture-prone, people who are underweight are at a great risk of developing
osteoporosis. The foundation also lists excessive exercise, particularly high-intensity workouts
in young women, as a risk factor for osteoporosis since it lowers bone density. According to
the Foundation for Osteoporosis, both men and women who have previously fractured their
bones due to a fall or other accident are more likely to get osteoporotic fractures in later life,
particularly in the next five to ten years. The foundation identifies men and women from middle
age to older who have a height reduction of more than 0.5cm per year as being at a high risk of
developing hip fractures. 90% of hip fractures, particularly in the elderly, are the consequence
of falls, according to the International Foundation of Osteoporosis (Raza, 2021).
The International Foundation of Osteoporosis (2015) states that a variety of drugs are currently
available for the treatment of osteoporosis and are successful in doing so. Numerous studies
have demonstrated that, depending on the population size, treatment can reduce the incidence
of hip fractures by up to 40%, vertebral fractures by 30–70% through effective osteoporosis
treatment, and other related fractures by up to 20% through similar therapies. Over the years,
osteoporosis therapies have shown to be efficient and affordable, making them available to
people all over the world. The most successful method of treating osteoporosis is identifying
people who are at a high risk of fracture but have not yet experienced one. This can significantly
reduce the likelihood of future fractures by up to 34%.
A person's BDM of vitamin D might rise with enough sun exposure over the course of their
lifetime. This makes a major contribution to lowering osteoporotic bone fractures, particularly
nonvertebral ones. Nevertheless, despite all of these efforts, non compliance remains one of
the biggest obstacles to treating osteoporosis. Only 40% of individuals receiving osteoporosis
medication, according to studies, follow their prescription for more than a year. Most patients
have a tendency to stop their therapy as soon as they start feeling better, which could lead to
other osteoporosis-related issues in the future. According to another research, just 20% of
patients would still be receiving treatment after two years had passed from the start of their
Exercise, especially when young, would significantly help in lowering one's chance of
developing osteoporosis because it has been shown that the majority of bone mass is acquired
throughout childhood and adolescence. It was shown that training more frequently and doing
more housework contributed more to bone mass improvement than more leisure time. Physical
activity plays a significant role in lowering fracture and fall-related occurrences. Exercise
appears to strengthen the back muscles, which can assist to reduce vertebral fractures. Physical
activity is also strongly connected to a lower risk of experiencing hip fractures in both men and
women. Studies have shown that therapeutic exercise, especially during the postmenopausal
period, can significantly enhance the mineral density of the bones in women. Exercises can
improve balance and confidence in elderly people who are prone to falling, which will lessen
their risk of suffering fractures of which 90% are caused by falls by reducing the number of
occurrences of falling (Zhao, 2022).
One of the lifestyle control techniques that can successfully lower the risk of developing
osteoporosis is to minimise an individual's use of alcohol and tobacco. This is true since
smoking and alcohol use are both strongly linked to a decline in bone mass; the effect of this
is typically duplicated after prolonged use in an individual's later years. Therefore, it is strongly
advised to cut back on the usage of such goods if one wants to limit the likelihood that they
may cause fractures when they are older.
An even greater impact can be had by good food habits in lowering the incidence of
osteoporosis-related fractures. For instance, ensuring proper calcium levels would help lower
the risk of osteoporosis. This is explained by the important function calcium plays in bone
growth, particularly in the early years of life. A healthy bone structure would be developed
with enough calcium levels in the body, which would lower fracture risks more significantly.
Calcium supplements have been administered to some individuals in an effort to increase the
mineral content of their bones. As a result, eating foods that are high in calcium helps the body
combat osteoporosis (Rui, 2021).
Eating fruits and vegetables is linked to the formation of strong bone structures in both men
and women. It has been demonstrated in numerous research that consuming meals high in
protein slows the loss of bone mass, particularly in aged men and women. Good diet has a
significant role in the rehabilitation of patients who have previously experienced osteoporotic
fractures as well as elderly and weak individuals by enhancing their bone mass and promoting
the healing of incurred fractures. Boosting the amount of calcium and vitamin D in daily food
consumption can help prevent future bone fractures because these nutrients have been shown
to be beneficial in increasing bone density and mineral content (Bao, 2022).
Due to low body weights brought on by physical exertion, bone fractures can arise with weight
reduction and exercise. The bones become underdeveloped from lack of exercise or physical
activity, becoming more fragile and prone to fracture. Physical activity dramatically increases
bone mass, making it highly recommended as a strategy to fight osteoporosis. For instance, the
prevalence of osteoporosis is much lower in overweight people than in underweight people.
Human exposure to heavy metals, especially lead and cadmium, has been linked to serious
bone diseases, according to research. In both male and female victims, high blood levels of
cadmium are associated with increased mineral loss from the bones. Consequently, discomfort
and a high risk of bone fractures follow, especially in the elderly. Additionally, it weakens
bones, making them more brittle and prone to fracture. Numerous studies have also connected
excessive use of soft drinks which frequently include phosphoric acid to poor bone health.
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final file - thesis-2.docx

  • 1. Multi-dimensional modelling of external fixation and fracture stiffness
  • 2. INTRODUCTION Bone fractures are a global public health issue, in which the incident is ever increasing annually as the population grows. The bone fracture occurs when it is subjected to any anomaly stress, which could also be due to diagnostical situations and conditions. Bone is an inborn tissue which usually consists of cells, inorganic (i.e calcium) and organic such as matrix (30%), mineral (60%) as well as water about 10% (Tan et al. 2021). The bone is made up of two tissues namely cortical and cancellous bone with the elastic modulus ranging from 17 GPa to 20 GPa, and 50 MPa to 100 MPa respectively (Athanasiou et al. 2004). Previous researchers had shown that limb failure per annual is little above 37% and this is due to the fractured of the tibia bone of the leg. The tibia is seen and recognised as the major weight- bearing bone located at the lower leg’s limb as shown in Figure 1.0 (White and Folkens 2005; van Niekerk et al. 2017a). The bone fracture occurred when it is subjected to any anomaly stress which could also be due to pathologically situations and conditions. It enunciates and the femur is attached behind it, it appears to be twice alongside the fibula, and distally with the talus. Figure 1.0: Fractured tibia
  • 3. The tibia bone is simply referred to as a long and massive bone that lodges in the anterior and leg segments of an internal part. It is situated at the medial of the fibula. The tibia is identified as one of the longest fractured bones in the human body which is in the lower limb of the human legs. It is consisting of one of the two bones that are made up of the leg of the human being(Hadeed et al. 2018). It acted as the weight-bearing bone of the body. This also means that it supports the body’s weight. The tibia is the second largest bone of the body after the femur. This often works in synchronisation with other body components to accomplish various mechanical, biological and chemical functions to sustain body weight, provide structural support, protection of internal organs, cells, and mineral storage within the body of the human digestive system. The tibia bone which also connotes shinbone or shank bone is rightly the larger, the stronger and the frontal of the two of the bones which are in the leg that is situated below the knee of the human vertebrate. The femur with the tibia jointly forms the knee proximally together. Below the human vertebrate knee, two bones come together in the lower leg: the tibia and fibula. Then the tibia forms the human ankle jointly with the fibula and talus. With the interosseous membrane, the tibia can join the knee with the ankle as well as be connected to the fibula. This Tibia was positioned to bear the body’s weight in the lower limb of the body. (Figure 2.0) (Bourne et al. 2021). Figure 2.0: Diagram of the bone of a tibia
  • 4. Tibia bones are made of three consecutive parts: Proximal, Shaft and distal. The proximal tibia is the flat session of the bone that is situated at the upper portion and connects to the knee joint. The proximal tibia is the upper portion of the bone where it widens to help form the knee joint. TIBIA FRACTURE Tibial fractures are estimated between 8.1/100.000 and 37/100.00 per year of the fracture injuries incidence and Broken leg is 430/million population each year in the world. These signify that there is approximately 25% of open injuries are caused by high-energy trauma (van Niekerk et al. 2017b). The term tibia is recorded as the most major broken bone in the leg of the human vertebrate. A tibia fracture connotes any tibia bone break or cracks in the legs. It is the fracture that occurs in the lower part of the leg of the vertebrate body. This usually happens many a time when a man falls, or a force is applied indiscriminately that is beyond the one the leg can bear as well as withstand. Mostly involves and resulted in tissue damage to the surrounding muscle or ligament. Oftentimes, this may occur as a result of a collision/accident, etc. This is highly noted that the tibia is commonly recorded as the one that sustained mostly injury during a motorcycle, pedestrian, or motor vehicle accident(Scolaro and Taylor 2015). Many times, any injuries incurred during an accident generally required admission to an approved hospital for treatment. Most often, such treatment may require surgery. The bone fracture usually leads to the loss of health, absence from work, absence from social activities, productivity decrease, impairment of the quality of life, causes disability, and serves as a major burden to the family, individual, and society as well as the health care sector(Achten et al. 2015). More so, when a very long bone (i.e tibia) of the human body gets fractured/or broken down, oftentimes, the body usually tries in response to the recuperation to the mutilation of the fracture to produce callus in retort to the fracture spot measurement. In which the bone fractured usually required a healing process the repair the bone(Sevitt 1981). FRACTURE TYPES
  • 5. A broken bone has medically termed a fracture. The impact of the force on the leg depends on if the leg bone will break or not. This means if the leg break, the bone's breaking point has been exceeded a little. Therefore, the bone could crack relatively and then break all the way through. The bone shatters when it encounters higher force, especially that of the automobile(Luong and Gaillard 2017; Thompson et al. 2021). There are different kinds of tibia fractures namely: Cozen’s Fracture, Stable fracture, open fracture, transverse, oblique fracture, Displaced fracture, stress fracture, spiral fracture, and comminuted fracture. These indicated that the bone fracture diagnoses may further be categories base on the Pattern, cause and body part of the fracture. It was significantly observed that bones grow and sometimes changes occur from childhood into early adulthood. The tibia fracture healing depends on the cause of the broken bone COZEN’S FRACTURE This is the common type of fracture for a child under the age of (6) six. This fracture occurs at the very top of the tibia bone. There is also a significant bending when a too large force is applied to the side of the leg. Cozen fracture is medically termed a valgus angulation distortion of the tibia bone in children which results in a proximal tibial metaphyseal fracture pattern (Dorman et al. 2013; Luong and Gaillard 2017; Luijkx and Teng 2018; Children’s orthopaedics. 2019). STABLE FRACTURE A stable fracture is referred to as a non-displaced fracture. This is the type of fracture where a crack occurs in the bone and leaves the bone to appear intact and seem to retain its normal human position without any traces of deformation. In another word, this makes the tibia bone line up all its parts and still reserve /retain its right position during that period of the healing process. The broken ends of the bone line up and are barely out of place (Harrison et al. 2016) DISPLACED FRACTURE This represents a type of fracture that is term as a displaced fracture. This occurs when there is a crack or noticeable fracture in the bone as a result of the moving apart of the bone of the body so that it is no longer able to align together after the incident that had led to the fractured. This only requires surgery to get the fracture corrected for the bone to realign together again.
  • 6. COMMINUTED FRACTURE This is a severe type of fracture which occurs when the bone is fractured, broken or splintered into more than three pieces, segments, or separate parts. A considerable amount of force and energy is involved to disintegrate the bone. Fractures of this kind and degree occur after a very high-impact trauma (i.e. vehicular accidents, Cycling and motorbike accident). It requires expert and professional acumen to get the realignment of the bone of the leg together (Filardi 2019). STRESS FRACTURE This type of fracture called a stress fracture is also known as a hairline fracture. This results when a force (i.e compressive, rotational, or tensile force) is applied indiscreetly to a bone, in which the force is far greater than the inborn strength of the bone. These usually led to the microfractures of the bone because of the continuum of mechanical deformation by the load applied to the bone(Harrast and Colonno 2010; Kaeding and Najarian 2015). The stress fracture occurs as a result of the overuse of the leg during an injury or at a particular deformity. It results in continuous attack of the bone by any mechanical load. This represents a very tiny snail fracture in the bone of the leg of the human being. Stress fractures are more common in athletes(Patel 2010; Robinson et al. 2019). In which athletic injuries are about 20% and 80 % mostly occur in the lower limb. More importantly, the fracture stress of the femoral and pelvic stress fracture accounted for 6.6% as well as 1.6% respectively (Patel et al. 2011; Finestone and Milgrom 2015; Kaeding and Najarian 2015; Astur et al. 2016). Bone Stress Injury (BSI) started in form of a reaction to stress which later transforms into a stress fracture and becomes a fracture of the bone. The stress fracture could be further classified based on their occurrences either as excessive or reoccurring results of the straining that is placed on the structural normal or abnormal bone. The sets of spots where there are femoral/hip stress fractures include a femoral shaft, femoral diaphysis, femoral neck, pubic rami, and sacral ala (Song and Koo 2020; Nussbaum et al. 2021). The femoral neck stress fractures are made up of two segments: the tension side (i.e. superior aspect when standing) and the compression side (i.e. inferior aspect when standing). This could be considered as “high risk” or “low risk”. The tensional side fractures accounted for high-risk, and the compression side of the femoral neck are seen as low-risk fractures (Harris and Chahal 2015).
  • 7. OPEN FRACTURE The open fracture of the lower limb estimates a little above 30% of the tibia fracture (Rees et al. 2019). It is a fracture that has an open wound or break and is situated near the site of broken bones. This signifies an injury where the hematoma fractured is visible to an outward environment as a result of soft tissue violation. The common occurrence is about 30 open fractures every 100,000 per annual (Jorge-Mora et al. 2018; Rees et al. 2019). TRANSVERSE FRACTURE The transverse fracture often happens when a bone breaks straight across and perpendicular to the long bone. This is expressed at a 90-degree angle to the long axis of the bone. This usually takes place when a large force is applied perpendicularly to the bone of the leg OBLIQUE FRACTURE An oblique fracture is a kind of fracture characterized by a break at a certain angle to the bone. A rapidly sharp shock from the angle to the leg may result in an oblique fracture that occurs as opposed to the long bone axis. The line of the fracture break appears in all the long bones. The long bone in the body is affected by the oblique. The oblique is most seen in the femur (Thigh), Tibia(shin) Fibula (calf), Humerus (upper arm), radius and Ulna (forearm) and Clavicle (collarbone). This fracture is caused by falls and needs the help of a surgeon to help to do surgery for the repair of the bone. ` GREENSTICK FRACTURE Greenstick fracture is a fracture that is mostly seen in children that is less than 10yrs, and whose bones have not fully strong(Lin and Wang 2020). The bone is therefore partly fractured on one side of the leg and did not break totally, due to the rest of the bone which had been a push to bend at the other end (Selvakumaran and Williams 2020). Greensticks occur due to a fall on an outstretched arm, vehicle collision, injuries while doing sports, and non-accidental trauma. Moreso, the aftermath effect of the greenstick fractured causes pain to the body, bruises, swelling and deformity of the affected part.
  • 8. During a greenstick fracture, the physician needs to engage in a physical examination of the patient and raise questions to know about the brief history of the incident. Then, the inspection of the injured part is vital to determine the fracture’s signs, pains and swelling area. If the need arises, the doctor may recommend the patient for x-rays scan to ensure the type of the fracture. Computed tomography or MRI scan could be helpful in the confirmation of the injured nature.
  • 9. PATHOLOGIC FRACTURE This fracture results in bone weakening due to certain diseases which courses the fracture easily. A pathologic fracture is a significant bone breakage which is easily caused by diseases (I,.e cancer). This Pathologic fracture occurs in up to about 30% of cancer patients. The long bone is proximally at a high risk of bone fracture and relates to mortality increases. Pathologic fracture is caused by Osteoporosis as one of the leading causes. Anyone that has osteoporosis diseases is prone to the bone becoming brittle or weak, causing them to break easier than healthy bones (Chung et al. 2016; Howard et al. 2019; Carrer et al. 2022). transverse, oblique fracture, spiral fracture, or Toddler Fracture- Usually occurs in children below the age. This is noticeable as the rest of the leg twists. POSSIBLE CAUSES OF TIBIA FRACTURES The lower leg’s limb could get cracked or fractured via the following paths. 1) Motor accidents or accidental fall The hurtful wounds or injuries can be sustained by unexpected motor or car accidents. This usually occurs as a result of imparting of the extreme pressure of the car causing big injuries to one’s leg. If the pressure is large, this leads to a comminuted fracture. The others that can inflict injuries are falling from a high place and a gunshot. 2) Age and Bone Disease The common causes of bone weakening and brittle are various medical issue which includes osteogenesis imperfecta, Osteoporosis, age, bone cancer, and osteosarcoma. 3) Sports and Outdoor Engagement Engagement in cycling and Sports generally may result in a comminuted fracture. This may require repeated impact near the shinbones (Filardi 2019).
  • 10. SYMPTOM OF TIBIA FRACTURE 1. Localized pain in some parts of the tibia 2. Lower leg swelling 3. Difficulty or inability to stand, walk, or bear weight 4. Critical deformity of the leg 5. Cracking and bruising around the leg shinbone 6. Foot sensationally changes 7. Site of the fracture of the bone protruding via the skin 8. Skin pushes up and out by the bone in the form of a tent-like appearance. DIAGNOSIS OF THE TIBIA FRACTURE The doctor is saddled with the responsibility of diagnosing a person that suffers a fracture of the tibia. It is highly recommended that a doctor should ask about a person’s medical history and situational condition that led to the injury. It is noted that in the previous research and hospital consultation, the initial diagnostic test and process include the use of the following equipment for the diagnostic tests. Diagnostic image of DIAGNOSIS OF THE TIBIA FRACTURE FRACTURE TREATMENT Bone is said to be known to generally adapts its structure concerning exterior power-driven and chemical stimuli. it possesses healing and regenerative characteristics that can repair any micro cracks and fractures in the body. Many individuals who suffer from stable and unstable fractures of the tibia are frequently treated with external fixators, intramedullary nailing, internal fixation, use of Plaster of Paris etc. The Stable and unstable fractures could be treated via Plaster of Paris and intramedullary nail or using an external fixator respectively. The internal fixation treatment had crossed over an era with the use of the plate and the screw. The bone plate helps to affix the screws for anchorage and support. This could be useful to prevent any mobility of the fractured bone without allowing any tensile stress at the fractured area/site. The compressive stress was exerted on the fracture segments to maximize the healing of fractured bone. It is crystally clear that bone fracture could either be the one that stays under the skin (i.e broken inside the skin) or usually breaks out of the skin surface. This has resulted in an open fracture.
  • 11. The word open fractures can be likened to the fractures where the crack/broken bones come or break out of the skin. The fractures that occur in which the bone doesn’t break out from the skin are term closed fractures. From existing research, it was clearly shown that the Plaster of Paris casts are regularly applied in the stable fractures’ treatment of a tibia bone in the leg of the body of anyone who had fractured (Ogrodnik et al. 2007). Omoniyi et al opined that Plaster of Paris or gypsum is a class of sulphate mineral which have CaSO42H2O chemical formulae that rightly presents themselves as often as enormous, and generally prismatic crystals that range from colourless to white (Omoniyi et al. 2020). Plaster of Paris is a very strong quantifiable substance and material. This consists of a good white powder with highly toughens textures when dampened and permitted to be dry. It is quite identified with the unique textures since the olden days that the Plaster of Paris is made up of the plentiful gypsum that originates from a site near the city of Paris in a country called France. This so-called Plaster of Paris is highly used for filling joints, and it doesn’t show cracks any such easily. There is a great measure of suppleness in the designing as well as moulding of the Plaster of Paris. This is majorly used for several kinds of shapes curve. In retrospect, unstable fractures are frequently treated using dynamized fixation as well as rigid fixation. Several researchers and notable authors (Aro and Chao 1993; Richardson et al. 1995; Ogrodnik et al. 2007; Claes 2018; Xiong et al. 2018) contributed to the invasive treatment of unstable fractures of the tibia bone of the leg of the body in the two procedural classes with their unique severity as seen below A. Dynamised fixation: This Fracture fixation dynamization could be categorised as a frequently used methodology required for the early improvement of the fracture in the healing process. More so, it is highly used for diverse methods of changing fractures' fixation during the body's bone healing process. Dynamization of the intramedullary fixation nail is vital during the treatment of bone fractures, which involves removing the interwoven screws that are often used. A metal rod was inserted into the hollow of the medullary human’s leg bone, and this serves as hard support for the fractures of the bones. This singular process major aims to provide a milieu for quick fracture healing as well as ensure the body structure of the fracture sites is healed and comes to a normal state before the incidence occurs. This method enables the broken bone gaps to be close in between at the fracture’s sites using the telescopic locomotive amid the nail and tubular bone in the continuity and potentially compresses the fracture fragments. This type of experimental as well as clinical studies rightly showed that this dynamization
  • 12. can accelerate the bone healing process. The fracture is treated using flexible devices that allow dynamization. For the tibia, a little above 90% are being treated with IM nails. This can be seen further in figure 2.0 and figure 3.0 Figure 1.0 A: Fractures of the Proximal Tibia Figure 1.0 B: Tibia (shin bone) shaft fractures Figure 2.0: Self dynamisable internal Fixator
  • 13. Figure 3.0: External Fixation B. Rigid Fixation: The fracture is immobilized, so healing occurs using bone remodelling. Typically using items such as plates and screws The tibia bone which also connotes shinbone or shank bone is rightly the larger, the stronger and the frontal of the two of the bones which is the leg that is situated below the knee of the human vertebrate. The top of this tibia is noted to be significantly connected to the joint of the kneel and the bone bottom is therefore connected to the ankle joint of the leg of the vertebrate. The tibia is the longest bone in the lower part of the body. It serves as the connector between the lower and upper limbs. External fixation is necessary for proximal tibial fractures, which might be accompanied by significant soft tissue damage. Since placing a normal external fixator without spanning the knee is technically challenging, joint bridging external fixators are typically used only for proximal tibial fractures. Nonetheless, this same majority of lower extremity external fixators are heavy and uncomfortable for individuals. Because locking plates possess low profiles as well as good angular stability, some clinicians recently employed them as either an external fixator to treat tibial fractures. According to the locking-head mechanism, the locking plate has
  • 14. axial and angular stability as well as creates a distinctive structure with the plate, screws, as well as bone. External locking plates for the treatment of tibial fractures results showed promising clinical outcomes in early research. External locking plate fixing is still not widely accepted, nevertheless. Additionally, there haven't been many biomechanical studies of external locking plate fixation. This research used finite element analysis to compare the reliability of an external locking plate fixator and a traditional external fixator for extraarticular proximal tibial fractures (Bauer, 2020). The composite tibia was scanned using computed tomography (CT) in two dimensions somewhere at trauma department of Sestre Milosrdnice University Hospital Center in Zagreb, Croatia. In a 512 512 matrix, the CT image slice thicknesses were 0.6 mm. Subsequently, utilising the CT data and the 3D model reconstruction programme Mimics, a 3D model of both the tibia was created. The 681 CT scans from the Digital Imaging and Communications in Medicine collection were imported into Mimics in order to recreate the geometry of both the tibia, along with the cortex and cancellous bone outlines (Zhao, 2020). Additionally, 30-, 40-, 50-, and 60-mm rod offsets from the lateral surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia were estimated for the EF-11 and EF-7 models. In order to reduce computation time, the geometry of the Schanz and locking screws was reduced to a cylinder (D = 5 mm). In the ELP model and the EF model, the locations of the three screws in the proximal tibia and the three screws in the tibial diaphysis. Regarding the second screw from the proximal, the lengths between screws in the ELP model appeared comparable to those found in the EF model. Furthermore, compared with the first and second screws of the EF model, the primary and secondary second screws of the ELP model were located in a position that was more posterior. All screws were located in the linear position in the EF model. The first two screws in the ELP model deviated from the proximal tibia due to the design of both the lateral proximal tibial locking plate.
  • 15. The Schanz pins and the bone, the locking screws and the locking plate, the rod, the clamps, and the locking screws were all subject to tied limitations. The outer cortical and inner cancellous bones produced by the model using finite elements demonstrated the correctness of the model, as well as the material properties were given in accordance. To simulate toe-touch weight bearing, an axial force of 50 N in a proximal to distal direction was applied to the surface of the tibial plateau in all models. The tibial plafond was locked in all degrees of freedom during the analysis to avoid stiff body motion. The three finite element models with 30-, 40-, 50-, and 60-mm plate-rod offsets from either the lateral surface of the lateral condyle of the tibia were measured for stress distribution, displacement at the fracture gap, as well as stiffness. To determine the proper mesh refinement, a convergence analysis was conducted. A model of an intact cortical tibia was used to perform mesh convergence analysis. Utilizing the h-refinement method, the convergence analysis of the finite element model was optimised and linked. Both the mesh sensitivity study between von Mises stress values and the number of elements and the mesh sensitivity analysis between displacement magnitude and the number of elements demonstrated convergence (Labus, 2022). Treatment for fracture Reduction The displaced bone fragments can always be placed back into balance by being pushed towards proper anatomical places during closed manipulations, or they can be reduced openly, that requires developing a surgical incision. Closed Reduction
  • 16. For more serious breaks, a closed reduction is necessary to set (realign) your bones. The healthcare professional will physically push and pull on the outside of your body during this non-surgical technique to align the damaged bones inside of you. Visitors will receive one of the following to minimize your pain during the procedure: • Local anesthesia to numb your fracture's surrounding area. • Body-wide sedatives to promote relaxation. • General anesthesia, which will make you unconscious during the procedure. • The healthcare professional will place you in a cast or splint after the closed reduction. Bone fracture Surgery Surgery is required for some bone fractures. There are a few methods that surgeon may employ, depending on the sort of fracture that have and how severely the bones have been harmed. Internal Fixation To allow your bones to mend and grow back together, your surgeon will realign (set) them in the proper position and then secure them. Typically, they carry out a procedure known as an internal fixation, in which your surgeon inserts metal into your bone to keep it in place while it heals. To ensure that your bone can mend completely, people need to limit how much you utilize that area of your body. Techniques for internal fixation include:  Rods: A horizontal rod that is put through the middle of the bone.  Metal plates placed into your bone to hold the parts together in place.  Plates and screws.
  • 17.  Bone fragments that are too tiny for other fasteners are held in place by pins and wires. They are frequently utilized along with either rods or plates.  Some folks have these implants in place permanently. They could require more operations to have them removed. External Fixation Perhaps might require an external fixing. On either side of the internal fracture, expert surgeon will insert screws into the bone. These screws will later be connected to a bracket or brace that will be wrapped around the external bone. Before having an internal fixation, this is typically a temporary method of stabilizing bone fracture and giving it time to start healing. Arthroplasty An arthroplasty may be necessary if patients fracture a joint (such as your shoulder, elbow, or knee) (joint replacement). The surgeon will replace the damaged joint with an artificial one after removing the damaged joint. Metal, ceramic, or robust plastic can be used to make the artificial joint (prosthesis). The replacement joint will move and look likes the normal joint. Bone grafting If the fracture is significantly dislocated or if the bone isn't reintegrating as it should, then may require bone grafting. To repair the broken bone, the surgeon will introduce more bone tissue. In order to keep the fragments together while the bone regenerates physicians will typically conduct an internal fixation after that. There are several sources for bone grafts: • External donor; • Internally from somewhere else in the body, typically the top of the hip bone. • A synthetic replacement component.
  • 18. The bone will be immobilized after surgery. In order to use it as you did before the fracture; people need to wear a splint, cast, brace, or sling. Rehabilitation Early mobilization and the return to an upright position reduce the risk of cardiac and other problems of immobility, such as pressure ulcers, constipation, and urine stasis. Once the fracture is stabilized or after healing, the limb can sometimes be moved and range-of-motion exercises can begin. Choosing the right time to begin physical therapy is difficult. Starting rehabilitation too soon might result in some kind of a malunion of the bone, whereas starting it too late potentially result in what seems like a perfect union of the bone nevertheless leave the muscles are unable move the limb. Nurses should be aware of the sort of rehabilitation program patients are undertaking, particularly whether they have been fully weight-bearing, partially weight-bearing, feeling their toes, or doing nothing at all, throughout to continue repositioning clients whenever physiotherapy services are not readily available. They must also be aware of any mobilization aids that may be used (Zhu, 2020). Pain assessment and Management However, it ought to be recognized as a key as well as normal component of recovering after a surgery as well as injury. Pain can serve as a reliable indicator of injury or sickness. To make sure the right analgesic is prescribed, used, and has the desired effect with the fewest side effects possible, it is crucial to assess the pain. The nurse tending to the patient who has suffered a fracture should be familiar with the various medications and their effects, dosages, and actions (Zhu, 2020). Preemptive analgesia ought to be employed to make sure the patient's pain is effectively managed both prior to and throughout completion of treatment. Patients may also benefit from non-pharmacological pain management treatments like massage, posture, and distraction strategies.
  • 19. Immobilization Internal or external fixation devices, which come in a variety of designs, can immobilize a person. Internal fixation uses tools such intramedullary nails, compression nails, plates, and screws and requires the patient to undergo surgery. Internal fixation can be used when external fixation is ineffective, for example when a fracture involves a joint surface, whenever early limb or joint movement is essential, or when avoiding prolonged bed rest is desirable. External fixation can sometimes be achieved via slings, cast immobilization, skin or skeletal stimulation, external fixator frames, and certain other non-surgical as well as surgical techniques. One may only require a splint or cast if the fracture is minor and the bones have not moved significantly from their original positions (if it is non-displaced). Typically, splinting is used for three to five weeks. If patients require a cast, the duration will probably be longer, usually six to eight weeks. People will probably need more X-rays in both situations to make sure the bones are healing properly (Zhu, 2020). Medications NSAIDs that are available over-the-counter, such as aspirin or ibuprofen, might cause bleeding and other issues after surgery (Zhu, 2020). The drugs you can take to lessen discomfort following surgery will be discussed with the patient by their surgeon. Literature Review Fracture Stiffness External fixation has been widely used to treat fractures for more than 2000 years. The physiology of fracture healing is significantly influenced by the kind of fixation as well as level of stability. When there is complete fracture stability, such as with compression plating, the bone will undergo primary intramembranous bone healing. On the other side, relative fracture
  • 20. stability, such as external fixing, results in subsequent enchondral bone repair. Additionally, there are several ways to alter the external fixation design bone order to alter the fracture's stability (Yusuf, 2018). Stress distribution The closest screw to the fracture gap upon that proximal side of the fracture gap was found to have a maximum von Mises stress of 562.8 MPa in the ELP model with a 60-mm tibia-plate offset. A 60-mm tibia-rod offset in the EF-7 model group resulted in a maximum von Mises stress of 270 MPa in the rod that was measured from around Schanz screw closest to the fracture gap on the proximal side of the fracture gap (Bauer, 2020). The Schanz screw closest to the fracture gap on the distal side of the fracture gap throughout the model with a 60-mm tibia-rod offset showed the highest von Mises stress in the EF-11 model group, which was 169.8 MPa (Labus, 2022). Displacement The medial border of the tibia on the side closest to the fracture gap was used to quantify displacement. The ELP model's maximum displacement with a 60-mm tibia-plate offset was 3.281 mm. The model with a 60-mm tibia-rod offset had the most displacement in the EF-7 model group, measuring 2.523 mm. The model with a 60-mm tibia rod offset had the highest displacement in the EF-11 model group, at 0.984 mm (Thomas, 2019). It still lacks sufficient evidence to justify clinical recommendations for external locking plate fixation based on its biomechanical properties. According to our research, the external locking plate fixator is less stiff than the standard external fixator. In every model, the stiffness decreased as the plate/distance rod's from the bone surface grew. This is the very first finite element analysis that compares an external locking plate fixator and a traditional external fixator for proximal tibial fractures, as far as we are aware (Bauer, 2020).
  • 21. An ideal osteosynthesis accelerates fracture healing by striking the right balance between biology and mechanics. The idea of biological fracture fixation is maintaining the blood flow to the periosteum and soft tissue while providing relative stability that encourages callus development. Internal locking plate fixation could then result in irregular and asymmetrical periosteal callus production or be too stiff to promote good fracture healing by callus formation. In 2010, Bottlang unveiled a modified version of internal locked plating technology known as "far cortical locking." With this method, the distant cortical locking screw shafts are bent in a cantilevered manner to produce elastic fixation. The mechanism is comparable to an external fixator, which gets its elasticity from the bending of the fixation pin. Far cortical locking internal constructions create more calli than locked plating internal constructs because they offer flexible fixing. External fixators offer flexible fixation as well, albeit too much flexibility can result in instability and non-union (Black, 2018). Influential Factors and Variables for Construct Stiffness and Stability The pin configuration can be changed to change stability. By adding more pins, separating them further apart, and positioning pins towards the fracture site, the construct can be made stiffer. The pins must be placed out of the way of any impending surgical procedures during definitive fixation. With each pin diameter increase, the construct gains four times more strength while the tension at the bone-pin interface decreases. The largest impact of increasing pin diameter on unilateral frame stability (Yusuf, 2018). Larger pins, however, increase the risk of a stress riser, which may ultimately lead to a fracture. For instance, a 5 mm pin is 144% stiffer than a 4 mm pin. Other variants on pin morphology include those with a trocar tip, those covered with hydroxyapatite, and those that drill themselves. Two more ways to change the construct's strength are to increase the rod's diameter or place it closer to the bone. More bars can be placed
  • 22. to the same pins to increase stability. Bars are secured to pins using clamps. Today, the most preferred material for bars is carbon fibre, which is 15% stiffer than stainless steel. External Fixator Types Uniplanar, multiplanar, unilateral, bilateral, and circular fixators are only a few of the many subclasses of external fixator types. By combining pins that are perpendicular to one another and in several planes, one can create a multiplanar device. Uniplanar fixation devices are quick and easy to operate, however they are not as accurate as multiplanar fixation devices. A bilateral frame is created when pins are inserted into the bone, which can help improve stability. With limb lengthening procedures, circular fixators are becoming more and more common, but they are especially helpful for letting the patient to bear weight and have some joint motion while undergoing therapy. Because they are more difficult to apply, disperse the weight with smaller gauge pins and more of them. There are several ways to enhance and modify the external fixation construct. Further complicating matters are hybrid frames, which combine any of the aforementioned constructions. For the best potential healing, the surgeon must determine the level of stability. Furthermore, because stiffer is not necessarily better when it comes to external fixation, a firm understanding of fundamental fracture principles is required (Thomas, 2019). The relevant anatomy differs depending on the injury and kind of frame being used. It is essential to have a solid understanding of the anatomy, especially for circular frames. The femur, tibia, pelvis, humerus, and forearm will all have uniplanar pins implanted to study safe zones and potential structures at risk (Augat, 2018). The first branch of the femoral nerve crosses the anterior femur at a distance of 2 cm, while the last branch does so on average 5.8 cm distal from the lesser trochanter, according to cadaver studies by Beltran et al. The average distance between the superior reflection of the
  • 23. suprapatellar pouch and the lateral joint line and proximal pole of the patella were 4.6 cm and 9.5 cm, respectively. The joint reflection, which can be as high as 7.4 cm above the proximal patella, must be considered when preventing penetration into the knee joint and septic arthritis (Augat, 2018). The femoral artery is situated anterior to the femoral head and flows medially down the femoral shaft. Femoral half-pinning can be done anteriorly, laterally, or both. The "safe zone" for placing anterior femoral pins is the 20 cm space between 5.8 cm distal to the lesser trochanter and 7.4 cm proximal to the superior pole of the patella. In contrast, lateral femoral pins pose no risk of severing the neurovascular systems and can be positioned anywhere on the femur. The lateral pins, however, are what attach the fascia lata and vastus lateralis. The broad subcutaneous border of the tibia is easily palpable, making safe pin placement uncomplicated. Pins should be positioned at least 14 mm distal from the joint line in order to prevent them from entering the joint. Care must be taken not to protrude the distant cortex in order to protect the neurovascular bundle. Making an incision and dissecting all the way down to the bone may be necessary in order to protect the deep peroneal nerve and anterior tibial artery. Numerous nerve systems surround the calcaneus, which is located near the distal end of the lower extremity. The medial calcaneal nerve is most at danger when a posteroinferior calcaneal pin is inserted. These pins are positioned from medial to lateral in order to protect the medial retromalleolar structures (Rony, 2021). External pelvic fixation can be done using either of two main methods. One can quickly and readily feel where the iliac crest is located. The surgeon makes a small incision close to the gluteal ridge in order to safeguard the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve. This area is safe for pinning as long as the pelvic inner and outer tables are intact. Direct fluoroscopic imaging is required since it is more difficult to identify the beginning site and trajectory of anterior superior iliac spine pins (Bauer, 2020).
  • 24. External fixation of the upper extremities is challenging due to the intimate neurovascular interactions between the neurovascular units. Half pins can be positioned closely laterally. The medial brain shouldn't be invaded too much, and the axillary nerve needs to be safeguarded. The radial nerve curves from medial to lateral at the midshaft of the posterior humerus. As a result, half pins are placed anteriorly in the centre of the humerus. The medial and ulnar nerves are medial to the humerus in the upper two thirds of the humerus before migrating anterolaterally and posteriorly down the brachial artery, respectively. The medical practitioner may press the bony prominences of the medial and lateral epicondyles. Dissection down to the bone and the use of drill sleeves are recommended when placing pins into the humerus. The ulna's subcutaneous boundary can also be plainly felt, and any place along this ridge can be pierced with a pin. It is easy to avoid injury by palpating the ulnar nerve posterior to the medial epicondyle before it travels anteromedially into the forearm, despite the fact that it is vulnerable close to the elbow. Pins are more usually placed into the midshaft or distal radius because proximal dissection of the radius threatens the posterior interosseous nerve and radial nerve. Half pins are inserted dorsally into the middle section of the radius. Inserting distal radius half pins requires making a little incision and dissecting all the way to the bone to avoid injuring the superficial radial nerve (Bauer, 2020). Indications Clinicians in orthopaedic trauma, paediatric orthopaedics, and plastic surgery use external fixation for a range of diseases. The following is a list of some of the indications for external fixation devices: • Injuries to the unstable pelvic ring Comminuted periarticular fractures include those of the elbow, distal femur, tibial plateau, pilon, and distal radius (Batbayar, 2019).
  • 25. Huge amounts of soft tissue edoema accompanying fractures; patients who cannot undergo open surgery due to hemodynamic instability; broken long bones in pieces; fractures accompanied by severe bone loss; open fractures with a loss of soft tissue; limb lengthening and deformity; osteomyelitis and bone thinning; and joints that become immobile following a soft tissue flap. Nonunion, malunion, and infection; arthrodesis; and intraoperative fracture reduction using traction (Batbayar, 2019). Contraindications External fixation is a minimally invasive operation that, when performed appropriately, is generally safe and can be very helpful to the patient. There aren't many reasons why it shouldn't be employed in orthopaedics as a result. One of the relative contraindications is a patient who is obese, as it would be challenging to implant pins correctly in such a patient. A patient who doesn't follow instructions is a relative contraindication because they might not have the device removed. In addition, peri-prosthetic fractures can make less bone supply available for the pins. General contraindications include patient resistance and physiological inability to undergo the procedure (Zhao, 2020). Technique External fixation is used to stabilise various bones across the body, but the fundamental technique is the same. The stability of the construction depends on the interaction between the pins and the bones. The first step is making an incision in the skin just above where the pin will be inserted. Since this could result in swelling and pin infections, it's crucial to take care to stop skin and muscle from tenting on the pin. Small Penfield-type retractors are used to reflect the periosteum from the underlying bone. A trocar and drill sleeve are advanced to the bone to lessen tissue entrapment. The drill sleeve must be centred above the bone in order to enter the medullary canal, travel through the near cortex, and exit the far cortex. It is best to predrill with
  • 26. considerable irrigation to prevent heat necrosis of the bone contact. Self-drilling pins have a drill tip point that the surgeon can place without previously pre-drilling. According to a biomechanical study by Awndrianne et al., self-drilling pins had 25% less purchase than non- drilling pins. Because of the resistance the screw encounters as it turns before breaching at the far cortex, the close cortex may occasionally be stripped (Black, 2018). Pelvis External fixation is widely used for both temporary and long-term pelvic fixation. The two main pin sites are the iliac wing and anterior inferior iliac spine. The iliac wing pins are inserted into the bone through a very small incision around 2 cm posterior to the anterior superior iliac spine. The goal insertion point is located at the gluteal ridge because it is the largest and strongest portion of the iliac wing. After the cortex has been shattered, the pin can be manually inserted between the inner and outer cortex. A second pin may be put directly posterior to the first pin to increase stability. Due to the gluteal musculature's inherent defence, penetration through the outer table is lessened when employing a blunt tip but is still acceptable. With the right skills, this treatment can be finished quickly and with little fluoroscopy. Some patients will tolerate supraacetabular pins better and have better control over their pelvis than they do with iliac wing pins. Nonetheless, the safe insertion of supracetabular pins requires fluoroscopy. Supraacetabular pins are placed into the thick bone that stretches from the anterior inferior iliac spine to the posterior superior iliac spine. The fluoroscopic marker for this corridor is called a "teardrop." The teardrop is 2 cm or so above the acetabular dome. When viewing the obturator outlet image on intraoperative fluoroscopy, the teardrop is simple to identify. In the obdurate inlet view, which also exposes the screw's depth, the pin can be seen travelling back and forth across the inner and outer tables (Black, 2018). The iliac oblique view reveals the pin's depth and path. The pin on this view needs to be placed one to two centimetres above the sciatic notch in order to protect the gluteal arteries and sciatic nerve. The posterior obturator
  • 27. can be stabilised with pelvic C-clamps that touch the posterior ilium. The C-clamp can be applied quickly and without any fluoroscopic supervision. Due to the possibility of overcompression and sacral nerve injury, concurrent sacral commination must be addressed carefully (Black, 2018). Upper Extremity Comminuted both-bone forearm fractures with severe soft tissue abnormalities may need for forearm stabilisation, which is best accomplished with 3 or 4 mm screws in the ulna given the forearm's subcutaneous location. The superficial radial nerve and posterior interosseous nerve should not be injured when placing pins into the radius. However, the distal pin in the base of the second metacarpal bone and the proximal pin in the radius just beyond the radial artery both effectively stabilise distal radius fractures. Both pins must be extracted using a blunt dissection method and a small incision to avoid damaging the superficial radial nerve. Although external fixation is rarely necessary for stabilising humeral fractures, it can be in situations where the patient is exceedingly fat, there is extensive contamination, or there are open wounds. Pins are placed posterolaterally and anteriorly into the proximal and distal humeruses, respectively. At all costs, the olecranon fossa, axillary and radial nerves must be avoided. Elbows that are floating or unstable are held in place by the proximal subcutaneous ulna and posterolateral distal humerus pins (Silverman, 2018). Lower Extremity There are also possibilities for direct lateral or anterolateral pin implantation to stabilise the femur. Joint penetration must be avoided carefully. The same anterolateral distal femur pins may also be utilized in conjunction with subcutaneous anteromedial tibial pins positioned at least 14mm distal to the joint line. Knee security must be attained at flexion angles between 5 and 15 degrees. To further stabilize the tibia, pins can be positioned distally along its
  • 28. anteromedial surface. Care must be made to avoid the anteriorly traversing neurovascular systems when placing pins distally on the tibia. For femur stability, there are alternatives for straight lateral and anterolateral pin placement. Joint penetration should be carefully avoided. These same anterolateral distal femur pins can also be used with subcutaneous anteromedial tibial pins that are positioned at least 14mm distant from the joint line. To secure the knee, flexion between 5 and 15 degrees should be used. Pins can be positioned distally along the anteromedial surface to further support the tibia. Care must be taken to minimize the anteriorly travelling neurovascular systems when pinning the tibia distally. Pin Site Care Although there are many different pin site care methods, they are all important to reduce infection rates. There are numerous potential strategies, and there is insufficient data to declare one to be superior to the others. There is still disagreement in the research about how to create a comprehensive strategy that can consistently and regularly lower the incidence of pin site infection, according to a 2015 systematic review. The gauze used to wrap the pins after surgery may have been drenched in iodine or xeroform. Movement increases the risk of infection close to the skin-pin interface, as is well recognised. Wearing compression garments under the external fixator bars can lessen movement while the skin surrounding the pins heals. compared daily pin care to no pin care in terms of soft tissue integrity and stability. As long as the patient practises daily hygiene in the shower, the study's findings indicate that there was no difference between the two groups and that routine pin-tract care is not necessary. If skin discharge or erythema surrounds the pins, pin care should begin and continue three times each day until the infection is gone (Silverman, 2018). Fixation Stiffness
  • 29. Complications The following is a list of potential side effects of external fixation therapy: Possible risks include osteomyelitis, pin site infection, frame or pin/wire failure or loosening, soft-tissue impalement, neurovascular injury, compartment syndrome, and refracture around pin (Eastell, 2021). Clinical Relevance External fixation is becoming a critical component of fracture care. In addition to providing permanent repair, it can help stabilise fractures momentarily. External fixation can be employed in damage control situations to prevent the so-called "second strike" problem since it can be placed fast, with little blood loss, and with minimal to no invasiveness. Furthermore, giving the soft tissue swelling in severe injuries some time to subside lowers the risk of injection and wound problems proportionately (Eastell, 2021). Enhancing Healthcare Team Outcomes An interdisciplinary approach is necessary for treatment to be as efficient as feasible while avoiding morbidity. Since these patients typically have multiple traumas, the critical care unit must manage them. Coordination with the primary trauma team is necessary to set up interval procedures. The orthopaedic and orthopaedic specialty-trained nursing teams must constantly check pin site infections, soft tissue integrity, and neurovascular health. Nursing also oversees post-procedure care, administers medication, cares for wounds, and should notify the treating clinician of any issues. In order to help the patient move around while the external fixation device is in place, physical therapy and occupational therapy consultation is crucial. Additionally, they should inform the medical team of any advancements or potential relapses.
  • 30. The interprofessional healthcare team method is therefore the most effective technique to encourage positive patient outcomes while keeping an external focus (Liang, 2021). Unilateral external fixators are typically used to stabilise the first fractured bone in patients with a history of multiple trauma who are at risk for complications. If the orthopaedic surgeon utilises the fixator correctly, complications are highly unlikely. The mechanical environment significantly affects the callus production during the initial healing phase. The fixator's stiffness is essential since its motion affects both the loosening of the pin and the healing of bone tissue in addition to fracture repair. If this element is lacking, therapy may not be successful. Many research have examined the physiological stiffness of external fixators in relation to axial compression, bending, and torsion loads, which will result in different mechanical conditions in the fractured site. They also installed load sensors on exterior fixators to measure their performance. There are several loading pathways with differing stiffnesses for different fixator types. In order to accomplish the proper interfragmentary mobility during the latter stages of consolidation, adaptability can be achieved by better understanding the stiffness of the fixator. Furthermore, a detailed understanding of fixator stiffnesses may help to control interfragmentary motion while the bone heals (Liang, 2021). The Sarafix fixator is well known across the world and has won numerous honors and prizes at exhibitions abroad. Because experimental study has demonstrated that the rigidity of the Sarafix fixator has a positive clinical impact on the management of bone fractures. However, since the mechanical properties of the fixator are unknown, it is impossible to say whether it is sufficiently rigid. The main goal of this study was to compare the stiffness of the Sarafix fixator and this innovative fixator while analysing the stiffness characteristics of the novel fixator (Labus, 2022).
  • 31. To compare the stiffness of two unilateral external fixators, one is the well-known Sarafix fixator, and the other is a new fixator. The Sarafix fixator was generally recognised as having potent healing benefits due to its adequate rigidity. Compare the stiffness of two different types of fixators to see if the novel fixator has enough rigidity. Due to their consistent construction for all measures in this experiment, reused external fixators had no effect on stiffness. The mean stiffness for the Sarafix fixator was only 95.407% (axial load), 91.84% (torsional stress), and 86.87% (when compared to the new Fixator in this study) (bending load). The innovative fixator outperformed the Sarafix external fixator when bending and torsion loads were applied, however there was no obvious difference in axial loads between the two fixators, according to numerical data for these two fixators (Labus, 2022). These results imply that a singular unilateral fixator with a serrated mechanism can improve the tight connection between fixator joints, hence increasing the rigidity of the fixator. The structural development of the fixator and its dedication to using new materials for material enhancement are the two main elements influencing the fixator's good stiffness properties (titanium). These improvements help to alleviate various problems that can arise when using the external fixator. Additionally, the novel fixator's superior rigidity qualities make it a useful tool for treating fractures in orthopaedic surgery as well as combat casualties. This essay's major subjects will be the communicating fracture of the tibia and fibula, along with its pathophysiology, diagnostic assessment, pharmacology, and alternative treatments. A fracture is a rupture in the continuity of a bone. Fractures can be categorized in a variety of ways. A comminuted fracture is used to describe when a bone breaks, splinters, or compresses into more than two or three pieces. The smaller fragments mimic objects that are in the air. Surgery is required to repair the fracture, which may develop as a result of excessive pressure on the bone (Thomas, 2019).
  • 32. Age, osteoporosis, crushing force, sudden twisting action, low bone quality, osteoporosis, and osteoporosis are some of the potential causes of fractures. Due to direct stress, high energy processes can cause significant comminution, soft tissue injury, and bone loss. A fracture may be brought on by any etiological factor or crushing injury, which may disrupt the muscles that are connected to the bone and cause spasms. While the bottom half of the bone is moved, the top half is left in place. The periosteum and blood arteries are deformed in the cortex and bone marrow. Additionally, bleeding from soft tissue injuries has the potential to pass between fracture fragments and under the periosteum. The death of the bone fracture site results in the release of prostaglandins and histamines, which also results in an inflammatory response. The results include loss of function, pain, edoema, and vasodilation (Thomas, 2019). The diagnostic evaluation for leg fractures includes both the physical examination and the patient's presentation. Trauma patients arrived with physical abnormalities that prevented them from bearing their weight. A high index of suspicion should be maintained for growing compartment pressure in the larger trauma patient. Assessing stability and range of motion can be difficult when someone is in pain. A comprehensive neurovascular examination is necessary for the evaluation of the posterior tibial and dorsalis pedis arteries. Examining the soft tissues will reveal fracture signs and symptoms. Examining the skin for lesions, fracture blisters, and abrasions is required. X-rays can be done to examine for hemarthrosis and displacement at the fracture site on the anterior, posterior, and lateral sides. Computed tomography is also helpful in proximal and distal shaft fractures (CT scan). A stress fracture cannot be seen on a plain X- ray, hence magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is suggested. To gauge the efficiency of the anaesthetic and the degree of pain control, the patient's hemodynamics, including awareness level, capillary refill, peripheral pulse, oxygen saturation, heart rate, blood pressure, respiratory rate, and urine output, should be evaluated prior to surgery. Disoriented and with a body temperature of 37.0°C, a heart rate of 108 beats per
  • 33. minute, a respiratory rate of 28, a blood pressure of 154/86, and an oxygen saturation of 93% (6 L/min via Hudson mask). The X-ray revealed the comminuted fracture of the tibia and fibula. Utilizing medication is the most efficient technique to treat fracture pain. The severity of the pain also affects how well this medication works. The therapy of trauma pain includes both patient-controlled opioid analgesia and central regional opioid analgesia. An analgesic may be selected based on the findings of the pain assessment. Fentanyl, methadone, morphine, tramadol, and codeine may be administered intravenously to treat pain. The morphine is given to Mr. Khalil because he is experiencing 9/10 agony (Notaroš, 2021). Morphine is a strong agonist and pain reliever. It can be administered parenterally and is the first form of therapy. Morphine's side effects include respiratory discomfort and sleep apnea. A resuscitation trolley should be prepared and the patient should be examined if unfavourable symptoms continue. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medicines, or NSAIDs, can also be employed to alleviate mild discomfort. Mefenamic acid and ibuprofen are both effective painkillers (Qing, 2021). Because they can be used to treat infections, antibiotics are beneficial. Use cefazolin, piperacillin, and tobramycin to treat an infection at the site of a surgery or a wound. Additionally, there is a chance of hematoma or thrombosis following trauma and orthopaedic surgery. Low molecular weight heparin can be given to orthopaedic patients to stop thromboembolism. Orphenadrine may be used to relieve muscle spasm discomfort. For patients with hemodynamic instability, fluid therapy may be helpful (Notaroš, 2021). Alternative therapies aim to achieve both operative and non-operative objectives. A cast is a short-term circumferential therapy used to immobilise bones without surgery. In the event of a tibial fracture, a protracted leg cast is necessary. A non-surgical technique termed closed reduction is utilised to align the bones. Elevating the leg helps prevent edoema. External fixation, a surgical technique including a metal device with metal pins, is used. With pin fixation, it is used to correct the bone and restrict bone motion. It is utilised when the cast
  • 34. cannot be placed. Internal fixation includes the use of plates, intramedullary rods, pins, and bioabsorbable screws, among others. During surgery, the devices are inserted into the bone for alignment. The X-ray evaluates the alignment at regular intervals. In addition, a cut is performed in order to heal the broken bone during an open reduction procedure. Additionally, internal fixation is superior to exterior fixation. It reduces the chance of misalignment. For proximal and distal tibia fractures, percutaneous plating shaft is used when intramedullary nailing is difficult. The patients will undergo internal fixation and open reduction. Nutritional therapy is also necessary for fracture repair. Calcium and vitamin D supplements are highly recommended for bone healing in orthopaedic patients. Comminuted fractures are fractures that are unstable and may result in many breaks in the bone. To ascertain the patient's condition, a blood test, physical examination, X-ray, CT scan, or MRI may be performed. Analgesics, antibiotics, and anticoagulants can all be used to prevent the issue. Morphine is given to the patient. The broken bone can be orientated through once hemodynamic stability has been achieved (ORIF). Bone restoration may be the nutritional therapy's main focus (Notaroš, 2021). Typically painful, osteoporosis-related fractures cause a loss of height, trouble standing up straight, despair, social isolation, and immobility. Statistics show that after the age of fifty, one in three women and one in eight men have osteoporosis. The bones of the casualties will deteriorate and fracture as a result, demonstrating this. Statistics show that 24 percent of people with hip fractures die within a year, with men dying more frequently than women. In addition, just 40% to 79% of patients recover to their pre-injury condition (Russ, 2022). As a result of these deaths, both the government and the families of these people face costs. Effective research and public education are needed if such incidences are to decline in the coming years. Most people think that elderly folks are the main group affected by osteoporosis. However, this is false because the sickness is gender- and age-neutral. Osteoporosis is a geriatric ailment that
  • 35. typically manifests in teens. This is accounted for by the fact that during childhood and adolescence, a significant amount of bone is created, increasing the size and density of the skeleton structure. The skeleton reaches nearly 90% of its maximum bone mass by the ages of eighteen for females and twenty for boys. This highlights the critical need of investing in bone development during childhood. Studies have regularly been undertaken in the past to examine the various aspects of the diseases, their current state, as well as how well-informed the general public is about the diseases, their prevention, and their treatment. However, there isn't enough information to show how much people are aware of the condition. Because it will promote healthy lifestyle choices and reduce the likelihood that people may develop the disease, public education is essential (Russ, 2022). Osteoporosis is a disorder that weakens bones, making them more likely to break. This is mostly brought on by lower bone mass than the bone's normal peak mass. The most common reason for birth fractures in elderly people is osteoporosis. Contrary to popular opinion, however, not just older people are affected by the illness. All ages find it appealing and are encouraged to act and lead healthy lives. The bones that are most likely to fracture as a result of osteoporosis are the back bone, the forearm, and the hip bone. In contrast to other disorders, this one has only bone fractures as its primary symptom. A fractured birth may cause pain in addition to difficulty performing regular duties. Fracture is simply defined as a condition in which bones become more fragile and more likely to break. One may not even be aware they have the illness until one of the bones breaks. Bones affected by osteoporosis develop exceptionally porous, foldable properties akin to sponges. The bone structure becomes incredibly weak as a result, making even minor slips and falls more likely to result in fractures. A condition where the bones are weak but not as severely as in osteoporosis is known as
  • 36. osteoopenia. Any symptoms, however, should not be disregarded because fracture often develops from osteopenia (Severyns, 2022). Patients who have hip fractures may also experience reduced mobility. In addition, this could result in a number of illnesses, including pneumonia and deep vein thrombosis or embolism. The fatality rate is estimated to be around 13.5% six months after a hip fracture. Furthermore, around 13% of sufferers with hip fractures require total assistance to transfer from one area to another. Vertebral fractures, like skull fractures, can result in excruciatingly painful neurogenic symptoms even though they are generally believed to have less of an impact on mortality. These neurogenic pains might also result in physical deformities, can be very difficult to control, and are upsetting to the patients. Occasionally, numerous spinal fractures might cause kyphosis (severe hunch back). Breathing can be challenging because of the strain that the internal organs are under as a result of the spinal fractures. Osteoporotic fractures therefore impair health-related quality of life (Wu, 2020). Age-related bone mass loss in humans is extremely common compared to other ape species. Humans have less dense bones than other primates, which helps to explain this. Most human bones are just porous and spongy in nature. As a result, humans are more likely to experience fractures. Porous bones have the advantage of being able to more quickly absorb stress between two surfaces as contrasted to those that are more dense. Porous bones also greatly contribute to human suppleness and a lighter, more portable skeletal structure. It is clear that people nowadays consume less calcium in their diets than other primates, which increases their chance of developing osteoporosis. Only 20% of the estimated 15,000 vertebral fractures that are reported annually in Syria are treated by a physician; this suggests that many more occur without being reported and may result in additional fractures or even fatalities. Similar to the US, Turkey says that men and
  • 37. women over 50 experience about 24,000 hip fractures year, with a projected increase to 36,000 by 2020. Furthermore, the majority of these fractures go undiagnosed by a doctor. Hormonal factors may have an effect on a person's bone resorption rate. The rate of bone development throughout growth may be impacted as a result of the increased risk of fractures. Estrogen plays a crucial role in protecting bone tissue from deterioration. For instance, it appears that women lose a significant amount of oestrogen following menopause. This clarifies why elderly women would have a higher risk of osteoporosis (Zhu, 2020). The body's levels of calcium metabolism also play a significant role in bone turnover in addition to oestrogen. Low calcium metabolism and a lack of vitamin D both lead to the creation of bones with low density and damage, which raises the risk of developing osteoporosis. This is the case because low calcium levels in the blood prompt the parathyroid glands to secrete a hormone that seems to accelerate the rates of bone resorption in order to provide enough calcium for the circulation. This seems to swap bone growth for blood calcium levels, which results in bones that are not adequately formed. Because they have long trabecular bone, the hip, wrist, and vertebral bones are among those that are most susceptible to osteoporosis-related fractures (this refers to the spongy like bone in the ends of longer bones and vertebrae). Since the trabecular is known to be particularly active and contribute considerably to the process of bone remodelling, a bone with longer trabecular, like the hip, would be more prone to fracture than other bones. The word "cortical" is used to describe the tough outer layer of bones. Having a thick and rigid cortex considerably reduces the risk of fracture. The hip, forearm, vertebra, and wrist are among the bones with longer trabecular and inferior cortical that are more susceptible to osteoporotic fractures. Around the age of thirty to thirty-five, trabecular and cortical bone start to degrade; men experience losses of up to thirty percent while women have losses of up to fifty percent. This contributes to the understanding of why women are more susceptible to fractures than males (Mesnard, 2018).
  • 38. The prevalence of hip fractures is thought to have increased by 25% globally. Regarding reported cases, it was discovered that between the ages of 75 and 79, both men and women encountered a sizable number of fractures (Mesnard, 2018). The statistics showed that over 75% of all reported hip fractures occurred in women. More than 50% of people over fifty who had hip fractures were men. Hip fractures are characterized by persistent discomfort, the patient's inability to move around independently, and a disability that places an extra burden on completing everyday tasks. In terms of reported hip fractures, even other chronic illnesses like breast cancer are becoming less frequent. One in six white women have a lifetime risk of developing a hip fracture, compared to one in nine who have a risk factor for breast cancer, as evidenced by the data. The results show that a woman over the age of 50 has a 2.8% lifetime risk of passing away from complications related to a hip fracture. This is also equivalent to the risk of dying from breast cancer and four times higher than the likelihood of dying from endometrial cancer. The International Foundation of Osteoporosis estimates that 1.6 million hip fractures occur each year worldwide. It is expected that this number will rise to 4.5 million to 6.3 million persons by the year 2050. With a mean time between fractures of 3.3 years and osteoporosis-related hip fractures occurring in 5–10% of patients, it is clear that patients who have already experienced a hip fracture are at a high risk of suffering another fracture. According to statistics, between 20 and 40% of people with hip fractures die within the first year. Five years following a hip fracture, the death rate is significantly higher. Patients with hip fractures are more likely to lose their functional abilities and become too reliant on nursing care and outside assistance. One year after a hip fracture, only half of patients have fully recovered their functional abilities, with an estimated 30% of patients becoming totally dependent or ending up in nursing homes (Ge, 2021). Vertebral Fractures
  • 39. Statistics show that 35 to 50 percent of women over 50 had experienced at least one spinal fracture. In the United States, there are more than 700,000 hip fracture cases reported each year. However, only about a third of this total is known. A vertebral fracture had already occurred in 324 of the 9704 women in a study who were 68.8 years old and followed for fifteen years when the study began. A thorough examination of the study revealed that the likelihood of vertebral fractures increased by 41.4% in the women who had previously experienced fractures. Hip fractures were the reason for the study in 18.4% of the women. Osteoporotic vertebral fractures are most frequently characterized by excruciating back pain, deformity, patient height loss, immobility, and impaired pulmonary function. Due to issues like low self-esteem, physical deformities, and depression that the majority of patients experience, this has a negative impact on the casualty's quality of life. The fractures also greatly reduce the patients' ability to participate in regular activities. A person who has had a vertebral fracture is highly susceptible to getting another fracture in the future. Women who have had vertebral fractures, for example, are more likely to get further fractures within the next year to two. Despite this, it's estimated that only around a third of instances make it to a clinical setting, with the majority remaining undetected. Hip fractures fracture prevention is a worldwide problem that affects everyone. For instance, in Latin America, the proportion of spinal fractures without a diagnosis rises to 46%. In comparison to 29% of fractures in Europe, South Africa, and Australia, 45% of vertebral fractures in North America go untreated. This undercuts efforts to prevent osteoporotic fractures in terms of growing death rates and recurrent fractures. Fractures are more likely to occur in women than in men, and they seem to become more frequent as people age (Pan, 2020). Wrist fractures
  • 40. White women have a 16% chance of suffering a wrist fracture throughout their lifetime. By the time they are 70 years old, 20% of women are expected to have at least one wrist fracture. Rib Fractures Males in this age bracket are often physically active, and some may have fractured ribs while engaging in routine physical activity, which is the cause of this. For instance, if someone breaks a rib while exercising at a young age—around 35 years old—an osteoporosis test is often ignored. However, a scan could determine whether or not such a person is in risk. 1.6 million of the fractures were hip fractures, 1.7 million were forearm bone fractures, and roughly 1.4 million were symptomatic vertebral fractures. The United States of America and Europe were responsible for 51% of these fractures, with Southern Asia and the Western Pacific region accounting for the majority of the remaining fractures (Dong, 2021). According to estimates, 71% of hip, spine, and distal forearm fractures occur in patients 65 and older. Research shows that a 10% decrease in vertebral bone mass can double the risk of vertebral fractures. Similar to this, a 10% decrease in hip bone mass can 2.5 times increase the risk of developing a hip fracture. By 2050, it is expected that the number of hip fractures recorded globally would have increased by around 310%, and among women, by about 240%. According to reports, the 40% lifetime risk of hip, forearm, and vertebral fractures is comparable to that of cardiovascular diseases. Some of the major contributing factors to this are poor calcium intake, a lack of exercise, and the common occurrence of vitamin D insufficiency in the majority of the world. It is estimated that Saudi Arabia experiences 8,768 fractures annually, costing the country billions in medical costs. Loss of the thick outer layer of the bone is referred to as cortical thinning. Thanks to radiography, which aids in the diagnostic process, this is easily identifiable by X-ray. The most
  • 41. frequent side effects of osteoporosis are vertebral fractures. For the identification of these fractures, radiography of the spinal cord is crucial since it can quickly spot them. Duel Energy X-ray Dual energy X-rays, usually referred to as DEXA (or DXA) scans, can be used to help diagnose and track osteoporosis. Because it is rapid, painless, and secure, this treatment can be used the majority of the time. Depending on the area of the body being scanned, this operation can be completed in as little as five minutes. In a nutshell, the process involves determining the mineral density of the bone that is being examined and comparing it to the mineral density of the bone of a healthy adult who is the same age and sex as the person getting diagnosis. The estimated difference between the bone mineral density of the diagnosed and healthy person is referred to as the "T-score." A standard deviation of higher than -1 is regarded as typical when looking at the standard deviations that were obtained. A standard deviation of between -1 and -2.5 is viewed as a decreased mineral density of the bone in compared to the peak bone mass, even if this may not be alarming. A standard deviation of less than -2.5 is considered osteoporosis, and treatment should begin right away with medication and follow-up visits. When assessing the diagnosis of a bone fracture, various additional criteria are analysed in addition to the mineral density of the bones. In order to prevent bone fractures, a person's age, sex, and any previous injuries are among these features (Dong, 2021). Measurement Methods These are the risk factors that are outside of an individual's control. One of the major risk factors in this category is age; those who are older are more likely to develop fractures. Male gender: Women are more susceptible to developing fractures related to the illness because of the significant decrease of oestrogen following menopause. Males who have lower testosterone
  • 42. levels are more vulnerable to fractures than females. Since no one person has any control over them, all of these factors are referred to as non. People who have previously had fractures are more likely to suffer subsequent fractures than people of the same age and sex who have never undergone such fractures. Excessive booze consumption Despite the fact that studies have shown that since alcohol tends to make bones thicker, a small amount of alcohol consumption can assist decrease fractures. On the other side, binge drinking greatly increases the chance of breaking a bone. Thus, restricting alcohol intake can aid in lowering the risk of developing fractures. Mineral deficiencies and vitamin D deficiency both raise the risk of fractures. Vitamin D deficiency is quite typical around the world, especially among older people. Vitamin D deficiency is associated with the release of the hormone parathyroid hormone, which is known to hasten bone resorption and cause bone mass loss. This shows that consuming vitamin D-rich foods and controlling vitamin D levels in the body will considerably help to lessen the detrimental effects of fractures. In general, nutrition has a key role in preserving the body's healthy bone status, which reduces the incidence of fractures. The main risk factors in this category are a lack of calcium, fluoride, magnesium, and rarely phosphorus, as well as a lack of vitamins A, K, E, and C. On the other hand, a person's risk of developing osteoporosis rises when they consume too much sodium. Additionally, it has been shown that a lack of protein throughout adolescence is linked to weak bones, whereas a lack of protein at old age reduces the mineral makeup of bones (Rose, 2022). The onset of osteoporosis has been linked to a variety of illnesses and ailments. This is due to the fact that several of these illnesses have a direct or indirect relationship with bone health. In general, being immobile can significantly contribute to a person's loss of bone mass. For instance, patients who spend a lot of time in the hospital and move their bodies only very little lose a lot of bone mass, which puts them at risk for osteoporotic fractures. On the other hand,
  • 43. individuals who are highly active would have large bone masses because of the constant bodily movement and exercise. One endocrine disease that can cause a reduction in bone mass is Cushing's syndrome. Nutritional problems are also known to play a significant role in poor bone development and bone softening, both of which increase the risk of bone fractures. The main dietary element that causes osteoporosis to develop is a deficiency in calcium. For healthy bones, additional micronutrients including vitamin A, E, and K are also necessary in suitable amounts. Osteoporosis is a serious danger for people with rheumatologic illnesses, such as juvenile idiopathic and arthritis. This also includes systematically occurring illnesses like sarcoidosis and amyloidosis. Because most inherited disorders impair a person's general development, including poor bone structure, which in turn exposes one to a risk of osteoporotic bone fractures, inherited disorders have also been strongly connected to osteoporosis. In contrast to persons who have fractures detected by BMD scans, people at high risk of experiencing bone fractures have recently drawn the majority of attention. The identification of patients who are at higher risk for fractures appears to be very helpful in preventing future osteoporotic fractures and hence aiding in disease management. Although the patient's deteriorating bone tissues serve as the primary indicator of osteoporosis, the BMD is only one factor in the risk of fractures. When examining bone fracture cases, various risk factors that may cause fractures, such as associated diseases, prior fractures, and others, should be taken into account (Huang, 2021). As an illustration, the absence of hip fractures in the parents would most certainly increase the likelihood of the person developing such fractures due to gene inheritance from the parents. Additionally, infant weights should be treated carefully because there is a strong correlation between them and their adult bone mass, according to studies. This is explained by the fact that
  • 44. bone structure development occurs mostly in the early stages of life; hence, good health would guarantee a considerable bone mass in later life. The body's insufficient physical activity is also recognised as a factor insufficient bone formation, which increases the risk of osteoporotic fractures. Lower bone density is another effect of smoking tobacco, and this is most noticeable in the later years of a smoker's life. In addition to smoking, drinking alcohol more frequently increases the risk of future bone fractures because it prevents an individual from developing healthy bones. Alcohol consumption in excess of four units per day can increase a person's risk of osteoporosis by twofold. Instances of hip fractures and vertebral fractures, for example, are known to occur more frequently in alcohol drinkers than in non-drinkers, and they typically do so after a lifetime of heavy alcohol use (Fresen, 2022). Other factors that contribute to the development of osteoporosis include several drugs, such as the usage of corticosteroids. The risk of fractures, primarily hip fractures, increases with continued use of this medication in both men and women. According to estimates, between 30 and 50 percent of people who use the medicine for a long time would eventually experience osteoporotic fractures. Other medications have been discovered to be proton pump inhibitors, which tend to lower the body's calcium absorption levels. Long-term use of these medicines would lead to underdeveloped bone structure because calcium is essential for bone development, increasing the risk of osteoporotic fractures. Because low body weights are strongly correlated with low bone weights, which are particularly fracture-prone, people who are underweight are at a great risk of developing osteoporosis. The foundation also lists excessive exercise, particularly high-intensity workouts in young women, as a risk factor for osteoporosis since it lowers bone density. According to the Foundation for Osteoporosis, both men and women who have previously fractured their
  • 45. bones due to a fall or other accident are more likely to get osteoporotic fractures in later life, particularly in the next five to ten years. The foundation identifies men and women from middle age to older who have a height reduction of more than 0.5cm per year as being at a high risk of developing hip fractures. 90% of hip fractures, particularly in the elderly, are the consequence of falls, according to the International Foundation of Osteoporosis (Raza, 2021). The International Foundation of Osteoporosis (2015) states that a variety of drugs are currently available for the treatment of osteoporosis and are successful in doing so. Numerous studies have demonstrated that, depending on the population size, treatment can reduce the incidence of hip fractures by up to 40%, vertebral fractures by 30–70% through effective osteoporosis treatment, and other related fractures by up to 20% through similar therapies. Over the years, osteoporosis therapies have shown to be efficient and affordable, making them available to people all over the world. The most successful method of treating osteoporosis is identifying people who are at a high risk of fracture but have not yet experienced one. This can significantly reduce the likelihood of future fractures by up to 34%. A person's BDM of vitamin D might rise with enough sun exposure over the course of their lifetime. This makes a major contribution to lowering osteoporotic bone fractures, particularly nonvertebral ones. Nevertheless, despite all of these efforts, non compliance remains one of the biggest obstacles to treating osteoporosis. Only 40% of individuals receiving osteoporosis medication, according to studies, follow their prescription for more than a year. Most patients have a tendency to stop their therapy as soon as they start feeling better, which could lead to other osteoporosis-related issues in the future. According to another research, just 20% of patients would still be receiving treatment after two years had passed from the start of their treatment. Exercise
  • 46. Exercise, especially when young, would significantly help in lowering one's chance of developing osteoporosis because it has been shown that the majority of bone mass is acquired throughout childhood and adolescence. It was shown that training more frequently and doing more housework contributed more to bone mass improvement than more leisure time. Physical activity plays a significant role in lowering fracture and fall-related occurrences. Exercise appears to strengthen the back muscles, which can assist to reduce vertebral fractures. Physical activity is also strongly connected to a lower risk of experiencing hip fractures in both men and women. Studies have shown that therapeutic exercise, especially during the postmenopausal period, can significantly enhance the mineral density of the bones in women. Exercises can improve balance and confidence in elderly people who are prone to falling, which will lessen their risk of suffering fractures of which 90% are caused by falls by reducing the number of occurrences of falling (Zhao, 2022). One of the lifestyle control techniques that can successfully lower the risk of developing osteoporosis is to minimise an individual's use of alcohol and tobacco. This is true since smoking and alcohol use are both strongly linked to a decline in bone mass; the effect of this is typically duplicated after prolonged use in an individual's later years. Therefore, it is strongly advised to cut back on the usage of such goods if one wants to limit the likelihood that they may cause fractures when they are older. Nutrition An even greater impact can be had by good food habits in lowering the incidence of osteoporosis-related fractures. For instance, ensuring proper calcium levels would help lower the risk of osteoporosis. This is explained by the important function calcium plays in bone growth, particularly in the early years of life. A healthy bone structure would be developed with enough calcium levels in the body, which would lower fracture risks more significantly.
  • 47. Calcium supplements have been administered to some individuals in an effort to increase the mineral content of their bones. As a result, eating foods that are high in calcium helps the body combat osteoporosis (Rui, 2021). Eating fruits and vegetables is linked to the formation of strong bone structures in both men and women. It has been demonstrated in numerous research that consuming meals high in protein slows the loss of bone mass, particularly in aged men and women. Good diet has a significant role in the rehabilitation of patients who have previously experienced osteoporotic fractures as well as elderly and weak individuals by enhancing their bone mass and promoting the healing of incurred fractures. Boosting the amount of calcium and vitamin D in daily food consumption can help prevent future bone fractures because these nutrients have been shown to be beneficial in increasing bone density and mineral content (Bao, 2022). Conclusion Due to low body weights brought on by physical exertion, bone fractures can arise with weight reduction and exercise. The bones become underdeveloped from lack of exercise or physical activity, becoming more fragile and prone to fracture. Physical activity dramatically increases bone mass, making it highly recommended as a strategy to fight osteoporosis. For instance, the prevalence of osteoporosis is much lower in overweight people than in underweight people. Human exposure to heavy metals, especially lead and cadmium, has been linked to serious bone diseases, according to research. In both male and female victims, high blood levels of cadmium are associated with increased mineral loss from the bones. Consequently, discomfort and a high risk of bone fractures follow, especially in the elderly. Additionally, it weakens bones, making them more brittle and prone to fracture. Numerous studies have also connected excessive use of soft drinks which frequently include phosphoric acid to poor bone health. References
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