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Final Exam
Section I. Short answer.
1. What are point and non-point sources of pollution?
2. Symbiotic association between what two organisms is
important to coral health?
3. What process provides energy to reef and estuary food webs?
4. Cite 3 abiotic factors that influence the types of organisms
living in a reef ecosystem.
5. Why are marshes/wetlands/mangrove forests are critical to
estuary and reef ecosystems?
6. What is BOD and how is it increased?
7. What are three benefits provided to humans by forest
8. What processes bring nutrients to lake ecosystems?
9. What are the sources of nitrogen in forest ecosystems (natural
and human-made)?
10. Why is biodiversity important in forest communities?
Section – II Explain in detail the following
1. Harmful algae blooms occur when water quality is altered by
nutrients. What is the nutrient believed to trigger "toxic tides"
in coastal waters and describe the sources and routes from the
sites on land.
2. Diagram changes in water quality as nitrogen increases in an
estuary. Include nitrogen concentration, phytoplankton
concentrations, water clarity, SAV health, and dissolved
3. Many activities in the Great Lakes watershed alter water
quality. During these activities, water quality is degraded,
ultimately impacting lake ecosystem structure and function.
Pick two human activities and depict how they impact water
quality and ecosystem structure and function in the Great Lakes.
4. Human additions of pollutants such as sulfur and nitrous
oxides contribute to the phenomenon of “acid rain” and
"nitrogen saturation". Describe how acid rain or nitrogen
additions affect trees and soils in forest ecosystems.
EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019
A. Traore
Module 1 – Multimedia Learning
Module description:
This module, multimedia learning, is the first module in the
theoretical portion of the
course. It is important that you have a sound understanding of
theoretical foundations
of multimedia learning so that you understand the rationale
behind the guiding
principles. Thus, you can design multimedia lessons that are
conducive to learning.
Remember that using technology in learning is one thing, and
using technology to
create effective learning solutions is another thing. You are here
to learn how to use
technology as an effective learning tool.
In this module you will learn theories, concepts, and guidelines
multimedia learning. After this module, you should be able to:
▪ Describe theoretical foundations of multimedia learning
through studying the
cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML) and the
cognitive load theory
as examples
▪ Appreciate the importance of theories and research in
designing and
implementing multimedia learning solutions
▪ Identify principles for creating effective multimedia learning
▪ Acknowledge the multiplicity of viewpoints regarding
multimedia learning
The module in a nutshell:
Multimedia learning refers to the use of words (spoken or
written) and graphics (still
or moving) to present learning contents in a way that facilitates
learning. Examples
include textbooks with graphics, printed materials accompanied
with audio
recordings, computer-mediated learning, simulations,
educational games, online
learning, and virtual reality. In this course, however, we are
interested in multimedia
learning delivered on digital technology platforms such as
computers, smartphones,
tablets, virtual realities, or online.
The quality of students’ learning does not depend on the
medium (i.e. learning
delivery method), but it depends on a combination of factors
including instructional
design, learning content, student’s motivation, and instructional
strategies. The best
delivery method depends on the learning context. Therefore, the
main concern of
multimedia learning theories and principles is not to promote
the idea that multimedia
EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019
A. Traore
learning is better than (for example) face-to-face learning, but it
is to find ways to
make multimedia learning effective and more conducive to
The main advantages of multimedia learning over face-to-face
instructor-lead learning
include the delivery of instruction at distance, at a more
convenient time, and
sometimes at a lower cost. Moreover, multimedia learning can
help create learning
experiences that cannot be easily obtained in face-to-face
learning (for example
simulation software that can let engineering students experience
technical problems
that do not regularly happen in the real world).
Psychologists have developed many theories to explain
multimedia learning.
Examples of theories include the integrated model of text and
picture comprehension
(ITPC), the four-component instructional design model (4C/ID),
the cognitive load
theory (CLT), and the cognitive theory of multimedia learning
(CTML). These last
two theories are pretty similar, and they are part of your
required learning materials.
The cognitive theory of multimedia learning asserts that in
order to make multimedia
lessons more conducive to learning, they should be designed in
a way that helps the
cognitive processing of learners. Cognitive processing refers to
how people’s
cognitive system (i.e. brain) processes new information and
makes sense of it, so
learning occurs (i.e. acquisition of new knowledge). Thus the
theory assumes three
things about the human cognitive system:
1. First, dual-channel: the brain processes visual and auditory
through two separate channels
2. Second, limited capacity: the brain can handle only a limited
amount of
information at once
3. And third, active processing: when learning, people pay
attention to relevant
details, those details are organized into coherent mental
representations, and
mental representations are integrated into existing knowledge
Based on the above three assumptions about the cognitive
system, the theory suggests
that people learn more effectively from multimedia, the
combination of words
(auditory) and graphics (visual), rather than from a single
medium, words or graphics.
Additionally, when designing multimedia lessons, the designer
should strive for three
things: to reduce extraneous processing, to manage essential
processing, and to
foster generative processing.
EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019
A. Traore
Reducing extraneous processing means reducing the amount of
work that learner’s
brain has to do by getting rid of any information that is not
necessary for achieving
the learning goal. This is achieved through the application of
five principles:
1. Coherence principle: get rid of unnecessary and distracting
2. Redundancy principle: use graphics/voice rather than
3. Signaling principle: point out important information
4. Spatial contiguity principle: put the text next to the graphic it
5. Temporal contiguity principle: present the audio with the
graphic it
Managing essential processing means presenting the learning
content in a way that
makes it easier for learner’s brain to process it. This is achieved
through the
application of three principles:
1. Segmenting principle: break learning content into small
2. Pre-training principle: present important concepts before the
3. Modality principle: use voice rather than text
Fostering generative processing means presenting learning
contents so that learners
strive to learn. This is achieved through the application of the
following principles:
1. Personalization principle: present information in an informal
conversational style
2. Voice principle: use friendly and easy to understand human
3. Embodiment principle: make on screen character acts like
In short, when designing multimedia lesson, keep it concise,
simple, and engaging.
It is important to note that the application of multimedia
learning principles depends
on many factors including learners’ prior knowledge, learners’
cultural background,
learning goal, the level of control learners have over the
content, and the learning
Finally, when thinking about multimedia learning principles, it
is important to keep in
mind boundary conditions which mean conditions under which a
given principle may
or may not be applicable.
EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019
A. Traore
You are required to explore the following learning materials:
Note: links to required learning materials are also on the
module main page
Mayer, R. E. (2017). Using multimedia for e-learning. Journal
of Computer Assisted
Learning. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12197
Paas, F., & Sweller, J. (2014). Implications of Cognitive Load
Theory for Multimedia
Learning. In R. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of
Learning (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 27-42).
Cambridge University Press.
How to optimize students' learning? Cognitive Theory of
Multimedia Learning:
13 Classic Principles of Multimedia Learning – Introduction:
Presentation Cognitive Load Theory:
Cognitive Load Theory and Multimedia Learning:
The following materials are not mandatory readings, they are
important if you
want to have deeper understanding of multimedia learning:
Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge handbook of
multimedia learning (2nd
ed., Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology). Cambridge:
Cambridge University
Press. doi:https://doi-
The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning is the most
reference in the field of multimedia learning. This edition
details all the theories I
mentioned above. It also describes and with practical examples
all the twelve basic
principles of multimedia learning, and it contains advanced
multimedia learning
principles (which we did not cover).
Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2012). E-Learning and the science
of instruction:
proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia
learning (3rd
ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118255971
This book is a great source if you want to learn multimedia
learning principles with
scenarios and real examples. The book also provides practical
guidelines for
designing e-learning solutions. Moreover, it talks about
limitations of multimedia
learning principles.
EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019
A. Traore
Module 1 – Multimedia Learning
Module description:
This module, multimedia learning, is the first module in the
theoretical portion of the
course. It is important that you have a sound understanding of
theoretical foundations
of multimedia learning so that you understand the rationale
behind the guiding
principles. Thus, you can design multimedia lessons that are
conducive to learning.
Remember that using technology in learning is one thing, and
using technology to
create effective learning solutions is another thing. You are here
to learn how to use
technology as an effective learning tool.
In this module you will learn theories, concepts, and guidelines
multimedia learning. After this module, you should be able to:
▪ Describe theoretical foundations of multimedia learning
through studying the
cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML) and the
cognitive load theory
as examples
▪ Appreciate the importance of theories and research in
designing and
implementing multimedia learning solutions
▪ Identify principles for creating effective multimedia learning
▪ Acknowledge the multiplicity of viewpoints regarding
multimedia learning
The module in a nutshell:
Multimedia learning refers to the use of words (spoken or
written) and graphics (still
or moving) to present learning contents in a way that facilitates
learning. Examples
include textbooks with graphics, printed materials accompanied
with audio
recordings, computer-mediated learning, simulations,
educational games, online
learning, and virtual reality. In this course, however, we are
interested in multimedia
learning delivered on digital technology platforms such as
computers, smartphones,
tablets, virtual realities, or online.
The quality of students’ learning does not depend on the
medium (i.e. learning
delivery method), but it depends on a combination of factors
including instructional
design, learning content, student’s motivation, and instructional
strategies. The best
delivery method depends on the learning context. Therefore, the
main concern of
multimedia learning theories and principles is not to promote
the idea that multimedia
EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019
A. Traore
learning is better than (for example) face-to-face learning, but it
is to find ways to
make multimedia learning effective and more conducive to
The main advantages of multimedia learning over face-to-face
instructor-lead learning
include the delivery of instruction at distance, at a more
convenient time, and
sometimes at a lower cost. Moreover, multimedia learning can
help create learning
experiences that cannot be easily obtained in face-to-face
learning (for example
simulation software that can let engineering students experience
technical problems
that do not regularly happen in the real world).
Psychologists have developed many theories to explain
multimedia learning.
Examples of theories include the integrated model of text and
picture comprehension
(ITPC), the four-component instructional design model (4C/ID),
the cognitive load
theory (CLT), and the cognitive theory of multimedia learning
(CTML). These last
two theories are pretty similar, and they are part of your
required learning materials.
The cognitive theory of multimedia learning asserts that in
order to make multimedia
lessons more conducive to learning, they should be designed in
a way that helps the
cognitive processing of learners. Cognitive processing refers to
how people’s
cognitive system (i.e. brain) processes new information and
makes sense of it, so
learning occurs (i.e. acquisition of new knowledge). Thus the
theory assumes three
things about the human cognitive system:
1. First, dual-channel: the brain processes visual and auditory
through two separate channels
2. Second, limited capacity: the brain can handle only a limited
amount of
information at once
3. And third, active processing: when learning, people pay
attention to relevant
details, those details are organized into coherent mental
representations, and
mental representations are integrated into existing knowledge
Based on the above three assumptions about the cognitive
system, the theory suggests
that people learn more effectively from multimedia, the
combination of words
(auditory) and graphics (visual), rather than from a single
medium, words or graphics.
Additionally, when designing multimedia lessons, the designer
should strive for three
things: to reduce extraneous processing, to manage essential
processing, and to
foster generative processing.
EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019
A. Traore
Reducing extraneous processing means reducing the amount of
work that learner’s
brain has to do by getting rid of any information that is not
necessary for achieving
the learning goal. This is achieved through the application of
five principles:
1. Coherence principle: get rid of unnecessary and distracting
2. Redundancy principle: use graphics/voice rather than
3. Signaling principle: point out important information
4. Spatial contiguity principle: put the text next to the graphic it
5. Temporal contiguity principle: present the audio with the
graphic it
Managing essential processing means presenting the learning
content in a way that
makes it easier for learner’s brain to process it. This is achieved
through the
application of three principles:
1. Segmenting principle: break learning content into small
2. Pre-training principle: present important concepts before the
3. Modality principle: use voice rather than text
Fostering generative processing means presenting learning
contents so that learners
strive to learn. This is achieved through the application of the
following principles:
1. Personalization principle: present information in an informal
conversational style
2. Voice principle: use friendly and easy to understand human
3. Embodiment principle: make on screen character acts like
In short, when designing multimedia lesson, keep it concise,
simple, and engaging.
It is important to note that the application of multimedia
learning principles depends
on many factors including learners’ prior knowledge, learners’
cultural background,
learning goal, the level of control learners have over the
content, and the learning
Finally, when thinking about multimedia learning principles, it
is important to keep in
mind boundary conditions which mean conditions under which a
given principle may
or may not be applicable.
EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019
A. Traore
You are required to explore the following learning materials:
Note: links to required learning materials are also on the
module main page
Mayer, R. E. (2017). Using multimedia for e-learning. Journal
of Computer Assisted
Learning. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12197
Paas, F., & Sweller, J. (2014). Implications of Cognitive Load
Theory for Multimedia
Learning. In R. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of
Learning (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 27-42).
Cambridge University Press.
How to optimize students' learning? Cognitive Theory of
Multimedia Learning:
13 Classic Principles of Multimedia Learning – Introduction:
Presentation Cognitive Load Theory:
Cognitive Load Theory and Multimedia Learning:
The following materials are not mandatory readings, they are
important if you
want to have deeper understanding of multimedia learning:
Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge handbook of
multimedia learning (2nd
ed., Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology). Cambridge:
Cambridge University
Press. doi:https://doi-
The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning is the most
reference in the field of multimedia learning. This edition
details all the theories I
mentioned above. It also describes and with practical examples
all the twelve basic
principles of multimedia learning, and it contains advanced
multimedia learning
principles (which we did not cover).
Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2012). E-Learning and the science
of instruction:
proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia
learning (3rd
ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118255971
This book is a great source if you want to learn multimedia
learning principles with
scenarios and real examples. The book also provides practical
guidelines for
designing e-learning solutions. Moreover, it talks about
limitations of multimedia
learning principles.

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  • 1. Final Exam Section I. Short answer. 1. What are point and non-point sources of pollution? 2. Symbiotic association between what two organisms is important to coral health? 3. What process provides energy to reef and estuary food webs? 4. Cite 3 abiotic factors that influence the types of organisms living in a reef ecosystem. 5. Why are marshes/wetlands/mangrove forests are critical to estuary and reef ecosystems? 6. What is BOD and how is it increased? 7. What are three benefits provided to humans by forest ecosystems? 8. What processes bring nutrients to lake ecosystems? 9. What are the sources of nitrogen in forest ecosystems (natural and human-made)? 10. Why is biodiversity important in forest communities? Section – II Explain in detail the following 1. Harmful algae blooms occur when water quality is altered by nutrients. What is the nutrient believed to trigger "toxic tides" in coastal waters and describe the sources and routes from the sites on land. 2. Diagram changes in water quality as nitrogen increases in an estuary. Include nitrogen concentration, phytoplankton concentrations, water clarity, SAV health, and dissolved oxygen. 3. Many activities in the Great Lakes watershed alter water quality. During these activities, water quality is degraded,
  • 2. ultimately impacting lake ecosystem structure and function. Pick two human activities and depict how they impact water quality and ecosystem structure and function in the Great Lakes. 4. Human additions of pollutants such as sulfur and nitrous oxides contribute to the phenomenon of “acid rain” and "nitrogen saturation". Describe how acid rain or nitrogen additions affect trees and soils in forest ecosystems. EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019 A. Traore 1 Module 1 – Multimedia Learning Module description: This module, multimedia learning, is the first module in the theoretical portion of the course. It is important that you have a sound understanding of theoretical foundations of multimedia learning so that you understand the rationale behind the guiding principles. Thus, you can design multimedia lessons that are conducive to learning. Remember that using technology in learning is one thing, and using technology to
  • 3. create effective learning solutions is another thing. You are here to learn how to use technology as an effective learning tool. In this module you will learn theories, concepts, and guidelines underlying multimedia learning. After this module, you should be able to: ▪ Describe theoretical foundations of multimedia learning through studying the cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML) and the cognitive load theory as examples ▪ Appreciate the importance of theories and research in designing and implementing multimedia learning solutions ▪ Identify principles for creating effective multimedia learning solutions ▪ Acknowledge the multiplicity of viewpoints regarding multimedia learning The module in a nutshell: Multimedia learning refers to the use of words (spoken or written) and graphics (still or moving) to present learning contents in a way that facilitates learning. Examples
  • 4. include textbooks with graphics, printed materials accompanied with audio recordings, computer-mediated learning, simulations, educational games, online learning, and virtual reality. In this course, however, we are interested in multimedia learning delivered on digital technology platforms such as computers, smartphones, tablets, virtual realities, or online. The quality of students’ learning does not depend on the medium (i.e. learning delivery method), but it depends on a combination of factors including instructional design, learning content, student’s motivation, and instructional strategies. The best delivery method depends on the learning context. Therefore, the main concern of multimedia learning theories and principles is not to promote the idea that multimedia EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019 A. Traore
  • 5. 2 learning is better than (for example) face-to-face learning, but it is to find ways to make multimedia learning effective and more conducive to learning. The main advantages of multimedia learning over face-to-face instructor-lead learning include the delivery of instruction at distance, at a more convenient time, and sometimes at a lower cost. Moreover, multimedia learning can help create learning experiences that cannot be easily obtained in face-to-face learning (for example simulation software that can let engineering students experience technical problems that do not regularly happen in the real world). Psychologists have developed many theories to explain multimedia learning. Examples of theories include the integrated model of text and picture comprehension (ITPC), the four-component instructional design model (4C/ID), the cognitive load theory (CLT), and the cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML). These last
  • 6. two theories are pretty similar, and they are part of your required learning materials. The cognitive theory of multimedia learning asserts that in order to make multimedia lessons more conducive to learning, they should be designed in a way that helps the cognitive processing of learners. Cognitive processing refers to how people’s cognitive system (i.e. brain) processes new information and makes sense of it, so learning occurs (i.e. acquisition of new knowledge). Thus the theory assumes three things about the human cognitive system: 1. First, dual-channel: the brain processes visual and auditory information through two separate channels 2. Second, limited capacity: the brain can handle only a limited amount of information at once 3. And third, active processing: when learning, people pay attention to relevant details, those details are organized into coherent mental representations, and
  • 7. mental representations are integrated into existing knowledge Based on the above three assumptions about the cognitive system, the theory suggests that people learn more effectively from multimedia, the combination of words (auditory) and graphics (visual), rather than from a single medium, words or graphics. Additionally, when designing multimedia lessons, the designer should strive for three things: to reduce extraneous processing, to manage essential processing, and to foster generative processing. EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019 A. Traore 3 Reducing extraneous processing means reducing the amount of work that learner’s brain has to do by getting rid of any information that is not necessary for achieving the learning goal. This is achieved through the application of five principles:
  • 8. 1. Coherence principle: get rid of unnecessary and distracting details 2. Redundancy principle: use graphics/voice rather than graphics/voice/text 3. Signaling principle: point out important information 4. Spatial contiguity principle: put the text next to the graphic it describes 5. Temporal contiguity principle: present the audio with the graphic it describes Managing essential processing means presenting the learning content in a way that makes it easier for learner’s brain to process it. This is achieved through the application of three principles: 1. Segmenting principle: break learning content into small chunks 2. Pre-training principle: present important concepts before the lesson 3. Modality principle: use voice rather than text Fostering generative processing means presenting learning contents so that learners
  • 9. strive to learn. This is achieved through the application of the following principles: 1. Personalization principle: present information in an informal and conversational style 2. Voice principle: use friendly and easy to understand human voice 3. Embodiment principle: make on screen character acts like human In short, when designing multimedia lesson, keep it concise, simple, and engaging. It is important to note that the application of multimedia learning principles depends on many factors including learners’ prior knowledge, learners’ cultural background, learning goal, the level of control learners have over the content, and the learning context. Finally, when thinking about multimedia learning principles, it is important to keep in mind boundary conditions which mean conditions under which a given principle may or may not be applicable.
  • 10. EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019 A. Traore 4 You are required to explore the following learning materials: Note: links to required learning materials are also on the module main page Mayer, R. E. (2017). Using multimedia for e-learning. Journal of Computer Assisted Learning. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12197 Paas, F., & Sweller, J. (2014). Implications of Cognitive Load Theory for Multimedia Learning. In R. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 27-42). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139547369.004 How to optimize students' learning? Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning:
  • 11. 13 Classic Principles of Multimedia Learning – Introduction: Presentation Cognitive Load Theory: Cognitive Load Theory and Multimedia Learning: The following materials are not mandatory readings, they are important if you want to have deeper understanding of multimedia learning: Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning (2nd ed., Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:https://doi- The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning is the most comprehensive reference in the field of multimedia learning. This edition details all the theories I mentioned above. It also describes and with practical examples all the twelve basic
  • 12. principles of multimedia learning, and it contains advanced multimedia learning principles (which we did not cover). Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2012). E-Learning and the science of instruction: proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118255971 This book is a great source if you want to learn multimedia learning principles with scenarios and real examples. The book also provides practical guidelines for designing e-learning solutions. Moreover, it talks about limitations of multimedia learning principles. EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019 A. Traore 1
  • 13. Module 1 – Multimedia Learning Module description: This module, multimedia learning, is the first module in the theoretical portion of the course. It is important that you have a sound understanding of theoretical foundations of multimedia learning so that you understand the rationale behind the guiding principles. Thus, you can design multimedia lessons that are conducive to learning. Remember that using technology in learning is one thing, and using technology to create effective learning solutions is another thing. You are here to learn how to use technology as an effective learning tool. In this module you will learn theories, concepts, and guidelines underlying multimedia learning. After this module, you should be able to: ▪ Describe theoretical foundations of multimedia learning through studying the cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML) and the cognitive load theory
  • 14. as examples ▪ Appreciate the importance of theories and research in designing and implementing multimedia learning solutions ▪ Identify principles for creating effective multimedia learning solutions ▪ Acknowledge the multiplicity of viewpoints regarding multimedia learning The module in a nutshell: Multimedia learning refers to the use of words (spoken or written) and graphics (still or moving) to present learning contents in a way that facilitates learning. Examples include textbooks with graphics, printed materials accompanied with audio recordings, computer-mediated learning, simulations, educational games, online learning, and virtual reality. In this course, however, we are interested in multimedia learning delivered on digital technology platforms such as computers, smartphones, tablets, virtual realities, or online. The quality of students’ learning does not depend on the
  • 15. medium (i.e. learning delivery method), but it depends on a combination of factors including instructional design, learning content, student’s motivation, and instructional strategies. The best delivery method depends on the learning context. Therefore, the main concern of multimedia learning theories and principles is not to promote the idea that multimedia EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019 A. Traore 2 learning is better than (for example) face-to-face learning, but it is to find ways to make multimedia learning effective and more conducive to learning. The main advantages of multimedia learning over face-to-face instructor-lead learning include the delivery of instruction at distance, at a more convenient time, and sometimes at a lower cost. Moreover, multimedia learning can help create learning
  • 16. experiences that cannot be easily obtained in face-to-face learning (for example simulation software that can let engineering students experience technical problems that do not regularly happen in the real world). Psychologists have developed many theories to explain multimedia learning. Examples of theories include the integrated model of text and picture comprehension (ITPC), the four-component instructional design model (4C/ID), the cognitive load theory (CLT), and the cognitive theory of multimedia learning (CTML). These last two theories are pretty similar, and they are part of your required learning materials. The cognitive theory of multimedia learning asserts that in order to make multimedia lessons more conducive to learning, they should be designed in a way that helps the cognitive processing of learners. Cognitive processing refers to how people’s cognitive system (i.e. brain) processes new information and makes sense of it, so
  • 17. learning occurs (i.e. acquisition of new knowledge). Thus the theory assumes three things about the human cognitive system: 1. First, dual-channel: the brain processes visual and auditory information through two separate channels 2. Second, limited capacity: the brain can handle only a limited amount of information at once 3. And third, active processing: when learning, people pay attention to relevant details, those details are organized into coherent mental representations, and mental representations are integrated into existing knowledge Based on the above three assumptions about the cognitive system, the theory suggests that people learn more effectively from multimedia, the combination of words (auditory) and graphics (visual), rather than from a single medium, words or graphics. Additionally, when designing multimedia lessons, the designer should strive for three things: to reduce extraneous processing, to manage essential
  • 18. processing, and to foster generative processing. EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019 A. Traore 3 Reducing extraneous processing means reducing the amount of work that learner’s brain has to do by getting rid of any information that is not necessary for achieving the learning goal. This is achieved through the application of five principles: 1. Coherence principle: get rid of unnecessary and distracting details 2. Redundancy principle: use graphics/voice rather than graphics/voice/text 3. Signaling principle: point out important information 4. Spatial contiguity principle: put the text next to the graphic it describes 5. Temporal contiguity principle: present the audio with the graphic it describes
  • 19. Managing essential processing means presenting the learning content in a way that makes it easier for learner’s brain to process it. This is achieved through the application of three principles: 1. Segmenting principle: break learning content into small chunks 2. Pre-training principle: present important concepts before the lesson 3. Modality principle: use voice rather than text Fostering generative processing means presenting learning contents so that learners strive to learn. This is achieved through the application of the following principles: 1. Personalization principle: present information in an informal and conversational style 2. Voice principle: use friendly and easy to understand human voice 3. Embodiment principle: make on screen character acts like human In short, when designing multimedia lesson, keep it concise, simple, and engaging.
  • 20. It is important to note that the application of multimedia learning principles depends on many factors including learners’ prior knowledge, learners’ cultural background, learning goal, the level of control learners have over the content, and the learning context. Finally, when thinking about multimedia learning principles, it is important to keep in mind boundary conditions which mean conditions under which a given principle may or may not be applicable. EDCI 337, Interactive Multimedia Learning | August 2019 A. Traore 4 You are required to explore the following learning materials: Note: links to required learning materials are also on the module main page Mayer, R. E. (2017). Using multimedia for e-learning. Journal
  • 21. of Computer Assisted Learning. doi: 10.1111/jcal.12197 Paas, F., & Sweller, J. (2014). Implications of Cognitive Load Theory for Multimedia Learning. In R. Mayer (Ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Multimedia Learning (Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology, pp. 27-42). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:10.1017/CBO9781139547369.004 How to optimize students' learning? Cognitive Theory of Multimedia Learning: 13 Classic Principles of Multimedia Learning – Introduction: Presentation Cognitive Load Theory: Cognitive Load Theory and Multimedia Learning: The following materials are not mandatory readings, they are important if you
  • 22. want to have deeper understanding of multimedia learning: Mayer, R. E. (Ed.). (2014). The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning (2nd ed., Cambridge Handbooks in Psychology). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. doi:https://doi- The Cambridge handbook of multimedia learning is the most comprehensive reference in the field of multimedia learning. This edition details all the theories I mentioned above. It also describes and with practical examples all the twelve basic principles of multimedia learning, and it contains advanced multimedia learning principles (which we did not cover). Clark, R. C., & Mayer, R. E. (2012). E-Learning and the science of instruction: proven guidelines for consumers and designers of multimedia learning (3rd ed.). Hoboken, NJ: Wiley. doi:10.1002/9781118255971 This book is a great source if you want to learn multimedia learning principles with
  • 23. scenarios and real examples. The book also provides practical guidelines for designing e-learning solutions. Moreover, it talks about limitations of multimedia learning principles.