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In the dictionary, when looking for the word feminism, we find the definition below:
masculine name
(Latin femina, woman)
→ Militant movement for the improvement and extension of the role and rights of women in society.
→ Attitude of someone who aims to expand this role and these rights of women: Active feminism.
In this presentation, we will present you feminism and its actions in different periods, mainly in France
but also in the world and we will discuss how important feminism is to change the place of women in
society and mentalities.
I. Origins
II. What has been done previously ?
III. The actual situation
IV. The necessary changes
Origine of ‘’Witch’’
Capitalism begins in the 16th century, in the will to control, the state
hunts peasants to workshops, factories and factories, and arrogate
land. He met the body of women deemed "dangerous", unknown,
indomitable, by years of persecution. Carrying the manpower necessary
to increase the work of capital, maternity is put at the service of the
community. "For love," a woman devotes herself to her husband and
family, which is far more profitable than her author and child, her
education, and her retribution. Women who were accused of witchcraft
were often able to care for and accompany deliveries. They embodied
medical knowledge and formed "respected members of the community
until their activities were assimilated to evil organisms".
Witch hunt
The witch hunt that began in the sixteenth century, mainly in Europe, concerned only the healers. Any
female head that went beyond could evoke witch hunter vocations. To answer a neighbor, to speak
loudly, to have a strong character or a sexuality a little too free, to be a nuisance in some way was
enough to put them in danger. It was the growing place women occupied in the social space that the
witch hunters wanted to annihilate at the time.
Witch hunt
As a result, in this climate of terror, women have started to
keep a low profile and, from generation to generation, have
incorporated the idea that they must be discreet, docile, prude,
polite, good mothers, good wives, and if possible beautiful and
eternally young. The witch hunt will last two centuries.
Thousands of women are accused of infanticide, sexuality with
the devil or free sexuality, they are witches, cast spells ... These
women are tortured - they pierce their bodies with big needles
to find the mark of the devil, they are engaged and immersed
for a long time in the rivers - then burned alive in a public place
... Before expiating, they must denounce a witch of their
acquaintance to whom the same fate will be reserved.
List of victims of witch hunts
This "gigantic waste of talent, education, experience," this policy of terror (which was exercised against
Jews and heretical Christians too) took place at the peak of the Renaissance, in full bloom of the arts,
science and humanism. In contrast to the idea propagated by the Enlightenment, the "superstitious"
Middle Ages did not persecute any witches. "The very concept of witchcraft was not formulated until the
end of the Middle Ages," says Federici, "and there was never, during the" Dark Age ", collective trials and
executions, while the magic impregnated life "...
Between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, the witch hunt killed between 50,000 and 100,000
victims, tortured, sexually abused and burned. A large-scale massacre, then. Yet, the witch has been kept
as a "folkloric" memory: a lonely old woman with a sly laugh who rides her broom at night and casts
spells on her enemies.
CF :
List of victims of witch hunts
In the Seventies
Until today the word carries the worst of patriarchal sexism. Men
call them "witches" only women who break free from their law by
refusing to be confined to the insignificant chirping of conversation,
by not blissfully cherishing the childbirth or by not submitting their
bodies - hair included - to the beauty canons they have enacted. At
the heart of the 70s, Italian feminists had seized the witch to make it
the subversive symbol of female revolt. Their French sisters had
followed, and a feminist literary magazine bore the title of Witches
(subtitle Women live ...), under the leadership of Xaviere Gauthier,
Marguerite Duras or Nancy Huston.And then, driven by the
steamroller of the 80s, which brutally closed the tracks -launched
by the counterculture, the witches have eclipsed. Leaving in their
wake only the old and ugly creatures of children's tales and, in favor
of yet another TV replay, the adorable but harmless Samantha, My
Beloved Witch ...
Witch today
Today, women who have the "misfortune" of being too competent at work, too old, too sexually liberated
and / or who do not want children are no longer burned, but they are the object of the same mistrust (and
still suffer multiple sexist violence, moreover). The woman we called "witch" was nothing but an
independent woman, who was not defined in relation to a man. She lived in harmony with nature and with
her emotions and had no choice but to be a mother, to marry, to keep quiet ...
As early as the 1960s, feminists re-appropriated the image of the witch: we can cite the Women's
International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (WITCH) movement, whose members marched hand in hand
hand on Wall Street proclaiming the fall of the stock market (which, fortunately, happened). But also, fifty
years later, the "witches" who met in Washington to cast a spell on Donald Trump.
→ France
→ World
1) - Gender inequalities
In the workplace :
→ EU :
•In the European Union, a study of 28 EU
countries found that, in 21 countries,
women who applied for grants were less
successful than men who applied.
•94% of business presidents are men,
compared to 6% of women.
•The unemployment rate of women is lower
than that of men because they occupy more
precarious jobs (part time, fixed term
contract ...).
→ France
More than 80% of part-time jobs are held by
→ the US
•Median full-time earnings in 2013 :
Men : $50,033
Women : $39,157
At home :
→ France :
•1 woman dies every 3 days, victim of her spouse.
Men account for 27% of domestic violence victims.
•14.5% of women are victims of sexual violence in
their lifetime compared to 3.9% of men.
•In 2004, 14.5% of women aged 20 to 59 who were
no longer students were housewives, compared to
0.5% of men
Men only do 20% of household chores
→ the US :
•The CDC analyzed the murders of women in 18
american states from 2003 to 2014, finding a total
of 10,018 death and 55% of those were intimate
partner violence-related, meaning they occured
at the hands of a former or current partner or the
partner’s family or friends.
In the society :
In politics
→ France
→ World
Very few countries reach the 40-50% of
women elected to world parliaments. Only
nine countries exceed 40% according to the
Inter-Parliamentary Union (data as at 31
May 2012, except for France).
The disparities are very large: among the
highest representations, we find Rwanda
(56.3%), Cuba (45.2%) and South Africa
(42.3%). Conversely, some countries elected
very few women, for example Japan (10.8%),
Brazil (8.6%), or Iran (3.1%). There are still a
few countries, like Saudi Arabia, where no
woman is elected.
2) - Feminist movements around the World
Femen is a Ukrainian radical feminist activist
group intended to protect women’s rights.
The group became internationally known by
organizing actions, mostly topless (bare breasts
symbolizing the condition of Ukrainian women:
poor, vulnerable and only owners of their bodies)
with slogans written on the body, in order to
defend the rights of women, which also led him to
get involved on several other topics (democracy,
corruption, prostitution..).
Femen activists are followers of a radical feminism they call "sextremism".
The Femen movement is sometimes associated with the third feminist wave, sometimes considered as
part of what could be a "fourth feminist wave", or part of a post-feminist lineage representative of
enslavement and public ownership of the body. women, even in their struggles.
For various reasons, the Femen are the subject of much criticism.
La Barbe
La Barbe is a feminist action group
founded in 2008 in France. Its activists
denounce the absence or
under-representation of women in
economic, political, cultural and media
power structures.
They practice militancy based on brilliance and irony. During their unannounced actions, decked
out with fake beard, they congratulate male-dominated assemblies for their resistance to
feminization. The choice of their targets reminds us that women must be able to create, direct,
represent: in short, reach all positions and statuses, in the full extent of the echelons and sectors
of activity.
Guerrilla Girls
The Guerrilla Girls are a group of feminist artists founded in New York in 1985 and known for creating and
distributing posters to promote the place of women and people of color in the arts.
Their first performance was to put posters in the streets of their hometown, decrying the lack of
representation of these social groups in galleries and museums. Over the years, their activism has spread
to Hollywood criticism and the film industry, popular culture, stereotypes and corruption in the art world.
The group, which split abruptly in 2001 into several branches, Guerrilla Girls Inc,
GuerrillaGirlsBroadBand and Guerrilla Girls On Tour, has as characteristic to produce a committed and
protesting art wanting to reinvent feminism.
Les Chiennes de Garde
Les Chiennes de garde is a French association
created in 1999. As part of the feminist
movement, the association defends women
against sexist insults, particularly in the public
space, the media, advertising.
They summarize their action in three words:
"decrypt, denounce, resist". On the other hand,
the bitches guard under a banner announcing:
"Feminism has never killed anyone, machismo
kills every day," quote Benoite Groult, one of the
signatories of their manifesto.
Around the globe, many feminist movements are developing (ex: Muslim
feminism which claims a feminism internal to Islam and aims at a modification of
the relations between men and women within the Muslim religion …) and these
groups sometimes become mixed (ex: Osez le féminisme or Ni pute ni soumise).
A feminist world exists in a lush valley in Yunnan, south-west China,
in the far eastern foothills of the Himalayas. An ancient tribal
community of Tibetan Buddhists called the Mosuo, they live in a
surprisingly modern way: women are treated as equal, if not
superior, to men; both have as many, or as few, sexual partners as
they like, free from judgment; and extended families bring up the
children and care for the elderly.
Women own and inherit property, sow crops in this agrarian society,
and run the households – cooking, cleaning and child-rearing. The
men provide strength, ploughing, building, repairing homes,
slaughtering animals and helping with big familial decisions,
although the final say is always with Grandmother. Although men
have no paternal responsibilities – it is common for women not to
know who the father of their children is, and there is no stigma
attached to this – they have considerable responsibility as uncles to
their sisters’ children. In fact, along with elderly maternal
great-uncles, who are often the households’ second-in-charge,
younger uncles are the pivotal male influence on children.
A feminist way of life
1) - Paternal leave and stay-at-home
In France, fathers have on average 1.4 weeks of
paternity leave and about 70% of fathers exercise
this right. On the other hand, "if nearly three in
four fathers take paternity leave for a first child,
they are only two-thirds away from the third
child," notes the 2016 Drees study. Fathers
account for only 3.5% of parental leave users. This
is mainly due to the fact that fathers suffer a loss
of wages due to their absence of 11 days.
There have been many studies done which suggest the
importance of the paternal role in a child's life and
benefits of the stay-at-home dad.
A study conducted by a United States child
psychiatrist, Dr Kyle D. Pruett, found that infants
between 7 and 30 months responded more favorably to
being picked up by their fathers. Additional studies
show that during the first five years of a child's life,
the father's role is more influential than the mother's
in how the child learns to manage his or her body,
navigate social circumstances, and play.
Robert Frank, a professor of child development at Oakton Community College in Illinois, conducted
a study comparing households with a stay-at-home dad and households with a stay-at-home mom.
His study concluded that women were still able to form a strong bond with their children despite
working full-time outside the home. His study also concluded that in a family with a stay-at-home
dad arrangement, the maternal and paternal influences are equally strong.
Therefore, in some countries, it is now the men who stay at home and women who go to work (eg
Canada, North of Europe ..).
2) - Mental load
What is it ?
The mental load includes the planning work required to
ensure the children make it to Bollywood dancing, the
refrigerator is stocked for dinner and the smoke detector
battery gets replaced. It's incessant, gnawing and
exhausting, and disproportionately falls to women.
While we, as a society, have had many public discussions
about the gender distribution of housework and childcare,
the mental load is like a phantom — felt by many, but,
without the language to describe it, very difficult to
Emma’s Cartoon :
But earlier this year, a French cartoonist by the name of Emma gave form to the concept in her cartoon
"You should have asked". Women described seeing Emma's cartoon as a 'light bulb moment', which gave
them the language to explain the constant nagging associated with running a household.
Why do we do it?
Women adopt the mental load in part because we've been socialised that way (our mothers and
grandmothers did it, so we do it). But it's also because we anticipate that the blame for any family or
domestic failures will fall at our feet
In an era where "good" mothers are those who are unequivocally invested in our children and "good"
women always have a squeaky clean home and fresh biscuits on display, the mental load is on steroids,
requiring women's constant attention.
But by assuming the managerial role in the home, women are absolving other family members of this
exhausting work.For married couples, this means men have more mental space to plan for work and to
decompress in leisure. For many women, housework and the mental load are cast as ways to love and care
for the family.Yet, questions of equity are important here, especially if women's absorption of the mental
load and the managerial role are at the expense of their employment, sleep, leisure and health.
3) - In Politics
In the United States, women have never been
more numerous to run for the posts at stake in
these elections, scheduled for November 6: this
year, 589 of them ran for the House of
Representatives in the Senate. and at
governor's posts. In each of these races, they
also broke the record for the number of women
to pass the primaries stage. According to
Politico and the Center for American Women
and Politics, women have the historic
opportunity to win 127 more seats in the lower
house of Congress, exploding the proportion of
20% women who currently sit there, and who
has stagnated since 2013.
Today, in a world where disparities between men and women persist, things tend
to change.
Indeed, thanks to the different protest movements and the mentalities that
evolve, we are slowly moving towards a society where men and women are equal.
Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go.
Let's continue our efforts !
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Thank you for your attention !
Welford Laura Boussin Marie-Cléopâtre
Presentation made by :

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Feminism (Welford and Boussin)

  • 2. INTRODUCTION In the dictionary, when looking for the word feminism, we find the definition below: feminism masculine name (Latin femina, woman) → Militant movement for the improvement and extension of the role and rights of women in society. → Attitude of someone who aims to expand this role and these rights of women: Active feminism. In this presentation, we will present you feminism and its actions in different periods, mainly in France but also in the world and we will discuss how important feminism is to change the place of women in society and mentalities.
  • 3. SUMMARY Introduction I. Origins II. What has been done previously ? III. The actual situation IV. The necessary changes Conclusion Sources
  • 5. Origine of ‘’Witch’’ Capitalism begins in the 16th century, in the will to control, the state hunts peasants to workshops, factories and factories, and arrogate land. He met the body of women deemed "dangerous", unknown, indomitable, by years of persecution. Carrying the manpower necessary to increase the work of capital, maternity is put at the service of the community. "For love," a woman devotes herself to her husband and family, which is far more profitable than her author and child, her education, and her retribution. Women who were accused of witchcraft were often able to care for and accompany deliveries. They embodied medical knowledge and formed "respected members of the community until their activities were assimilated to evil organisms".
  • 6. Witch hunt The witch hunt that began in the sixteenth century, mainly in Europe, concerned only the healers. Any female head that went beyond could evoke witch hunter vocations. To answer a neighbor, to speak loudly, to have a strong character or a sexuality a little too free, to be a nuisance in some way was enough to put them in danger. It was the growing place women occupied in the social space that the witch hunters wanted to annihilate at the time.
  • 7. Witch hunt As a result, in this climate of terror, women have started to keep a low profile and, from generation to generation, have incorporated the idea that they must be discreet, docile, prude, polite, good mothers, good wives, and if possible beautiful and eternally young. The witch hunt will last two centuries. Thousands of women are accused of infanticide, sexuality with the devil or free sexuality, they are witches, cast spells ... These women are tortured - they pierce their bodies with big needles to find the mark of the devil, they are engaged and immersed for a long time in the rivers - then burned alive in a public place ... Before expiating, they must denounce a witch of their acquaintance to whom the same fate will be reserved.
  • 8. List of victims of witch hunts This "gigantic waste of talent, education, experience," this policy of terror (which was exercised against Jews and heretical Christians too) took place at the peak of the Renaissance, in full bloom of the arts, science and humanism. In contrast to the idea propagated by the Enlightenment, the "superstitious" Middle Ages did not persecute any witches. "The very concept of witchcraft was not formulated until the end of the Middle Ages," says Federici, "and there was never, during the" Dark Age ", collective trials and executions, while the magic impregnated life "... Between the sixteenth and eighteenth centuries, the witch hunt killed between 50,000 and 100,000 victims, tortured, sexually abused and burned. A large-scale massacre, then. Yet, the witch has been kept as a "folkloric" memory: a lonely old woman with a sly laugh who rides her broom at night and casts spells on her enemies. CF :
  • 9. List of victims of witch hunts
  • 10. In the Seventies Until today the word carries the worst of patriarchal sexism. Men call them "witches" only women who break free from their law by refusing to be confined to the insignificant chirping of conversation, by not blissfully cherishing the childbirth or by not submitting their bodies - hair included - to the beauty canons they have enacted. At the heart of the 70s, Italian feminists had seized the witch to make it the subversive symbol of female revolt. Their French sisters had followed, and a feminist literary magazine bore the title of Witches (subtitle Women live ...), under the leadership of Xaviere Gauthier, Marguerite Duras or Nancy Huston.And then, driven by the steamroller of the 80s, which brutally closed the tracks -launched by the counterculture, the witches have eclipsed. Leaving in their wake only the old and ugly creatures of children's tales and, in favor of yet another TV replay, the adorable but harmless Samantha, My Beloved Witch ...
  • 11. Witch today Today, women who have the "misfortune" of being too competent at work, too old, too sexually liberated and / or who do not want children are no longer burned, but they are the object of the same mistrust (and still suffer multiple sexist violence, moreover). The woman we called "witch" was nothing but an independent woman, who was not defined in relation to a man. She lived in harmony with nature and with her emotions and had no choice but to be a mother, to marry, to keep quiet ... As early as the 1960s, feminists re-appropriated the image of the witch: we can cite the Women's International Terrorist Conspiracy from Hell (WITCH) movement, whose members marched hand in hand hand on Wall Street proclaiming the fall of the stock market (which, fortunately, happened). But also, fifty years later, the "witches" who met in Washington to cast a spell on Donald Trump.
  • 15. 1) - Gender inequalities III/ THE ACTUAL SITUATION
  • 16. In the workplace : → EU : •In the European Union, a study of 28 EU countries found that, in 21 countries, women who applied for grants were less successful than men who applied. •94% of business presidents are men, compared to 6% of women. •The unemployment rate of women is lower than that of men because they occupy more precarious jobs (part time, fixed term contract ...). → France More than 80% of part-time jobs are held by women. → the US •Median full-time earnings in 2013 : Men : $50,033 Women : $39,157
  • 17. At home : → France : •1 woman dies every 3 days, victim of her spouse. Men account for 27% of domestic violence victims. •14.5% of women are victims of sexual violence in their lifetime compared to 3.9% of men. •In 2004, 14.5% of women aged 20 to 59 who were no longer students were housewives, compared to 0.5% of men Men only do 20% of household chores → the US : •The CDC analyzed the murders of women in 18 american states from 2003 to 2014, finding a total of 10,018 death and 55% of those were intimate partner violence-related, meaning they occured at the hands of a former or current partner or the partner’s family or friends.
  • 19.
  • 21. → World Very few countries reach the 40-50% of women elected to world parliaments. Only nine countries exceed 40% according to the Inter-Parliamentary Union (data as at 31 May 2012, except for France). The disparities are very large: among the highest representations, we find Rwanda (56.3%), Cuba (45.2%) and South Africa (42.3%). Conversely, some countries elected very few women, for example Japan (10.8%), Brazil (8.6%), or Iran (3.1%). There are still a few countries, like Saudi Arabia, where no woman is elected.
  • 22. 2) - Feminist movements around the World
  • 23. Femen Femen is a Ukrainian radical feminist activist group intended to protect women’s rights. The group became internationally known by organizing actions, mostly topless (bare breasts symbolizing the condition of Ukrainian women: poor, vulnerable and only owners of their bodies) with slogans written on the body, in order to defend the rights of women, which also led him to get involved on several other topics (democracy, corruption, prostitution..). Femen activists are followers of a radical feminism they call "sextremism". The Femen movement is sometimes associated with the third feminist wave, sometimes considered as part of what could be a "fourth feminist wave", or part of a post-feminist lineage representative of enslavement and public ownership of the body. women, even in their struggles. For various reasons, the Femen are the subject of much criticism.
  • 24. La Barbe La Barbe is a feminist action group founded in 2008 in France. Its activists denounce the absence or under-representation of women in economic, political, cultural and media power structures. They practice militancy based on brilliance and irony. During their unannounced actions, decked out with fake beard, they congratulate male-dominated assemblies for their resistance to feminization. The choice of their targets reminds us that women must be able to create, direct, represent: in short, reach all positions and statuses, in the full extent of the echelons and sectors of activity.
  • 25. Guerrilla Girls The Guerrilla Girls are a group of feminist artists founded in New York in 1985 and known for creating and distributing posters to promote the place of women and people of color in the arts. Their first performance was to put posters in the streets of their hometown, decrying the lack of representation of these social groups in galleries and museums. Over the years, their activism has spread to Hollywood criticism and the film industry, popular culture, stereotypes and corruption in the art world. The group, which split abruptly in 2001 into several branches, Guerrilla Girls Inc, GuerrillaGirlsBroadBand and Guerrilla Girls On Tour, has as characteristic to produce a committed and protesting art wanting to reinvent feminism.
  • 26. Les Chiennes de Garde Les Chiennes de garde is a French association created in 1999. As part of the feminist movement, the association defends women against sexist insults, particularly in the public space, the media, advertising. They summarize their action in three words: "decrypt, denounce, resist". On the other hand, the bitches guard under a banner announcing: "Feminism has never killed anyone, machismo kills every day," quote Benoite Groult, one of the signatories of their manifesto.
  • 27. Around the globe, many feminist movements are developing (ex: Muslim feminism which claims a feminism internal to Islam and aims at a modification of the relations between men and women within the Muslim religion …) and these groups sometimes become mixed (ex: Osez le féminisme or Ni pute ni soumise).
  • 28. A feminist world exists in a lush valley in Yunnan, south-west China, in the far eastern foothills of the Himalayas. An ancient tribal community of Tibetan Buddhists called the Mosuo, they live in a surprisingly modern way: women are treated as equal, if not superior, to men; both have as many, or as few, sexual partners as they like, free from judgment; and extended families bring up the children and care for the elderly. Women own and inherit property, sow crops in this agrarian society, and run the households – cooking, cleaning and child-rearing. The men provide strength, ploughing, building, repairing homes, slaughtering animals and helping with big familial decisions, although the final say is always with Grandmother. Although men have no paternal responsibilities – it is common for women not to know who the father of their children is, and there is no stigma attached to this – they have considerable responsibility as uncles to their sisters’ children. In fact, along with elderly maternal great-uncles, who are often the households’ second-in-charge, younger uncles are the pivotal male influence on children. A feminist way of life
  • 29. IV/ THE NECESSARY CHANGES 1) - Paternal leave and stay-at-home dads In France, fathers have on average 1.4 weeks of paternity leave and about 70% of fathers exercise this right. On the other hand, "if nearly three in four fathers take paternity leave for a first child, they are only two-thirds away from the third child," notes the 2016 Drees study. Fathers account for only 3.5% of parental leave users. This is mainly due to the fact that fathers suffer a loss of wages due to their absence of 11 days.
  • 30.
  • 31. There have been many studies done which suggest the importance of the paternal role in a child's life and benefits of the stay-at-home dad. A study conducted by a United States child psychiatrist, Dr Kyle D. Pruett, found that infants between 7 and 30 months responded more favorably to being picked up by their fathers. Additional studies show that during the first five years of a child's life, the father's role is more influential than the mother's in how the child learns to manage his or her body, navigate social circumstances, and play.
  • 32. Robert Frank, a professor of child development at Oakton Community College in Illinois, conducted a study comparing households with a stay-at-home dad and households with a stay-at-home mom. His study concluded that women were still able to form a strong bond with their children despite working full-time outside the home. His study also concluded that in a family with a stay-at-home dad arrangement, the maternal and paternal influences are equally strong. Therefore, in some countries, it is now the men who stay at home and women who go to work (eg Canada, North of Europe ..).
  • 33. 2) - Mental load What is it ? The mental load includes the planning work required to ensure the children make it to Bollywood dancing, the refrigerator is stocked for dinner and the smoke detector battery gets replaced. It's incessant, gnawing and exhausting, and disproportionately falls to women. While we, as a society, have had many public discussions about the gender distribution of housework and childcare, the mental load is like a phantom — felt by many, but, without the language to describe it, very difficult to discuss.
  • 34. Emma’s Cartoon : But earlier this year, a French cartoonist by the name of Emma gave form to the concept in her cartoon "You should have asked". Women described seeing Emma's cartoon as a 'light bulb moment', which gave them the language to explain the constant nagging associated with running a household. CF: Tp5osTHEul1SQvTbihjdbjBqpkRkdLcKFHKztoA0SliCA7cqMcovTho
  • 35. Why do we do it? Women adopt the mental load in part because we've been socialised that way (our mothers and grandmothers did it, so we do it). But it's also because we anticipate that the blame for any family or domestic failures will fall at our feet In an era where "good" mothers are those who are unequivocally invested in our children and "good" women always have a squeaky clean home and fresh biscuits on display, the mental load is on steroids, requiring women's constant attention. But by assuming the managerial role in the home, women are absolving other family members of this exhausting work.For married couples, this means men have more mental space to plan for work and to decompress in leisure. For many women, housework and the mental load are cast as ways to love and care for the family.Yet, questions of equity are important here, especially if women's absorption of the mental load and the managerial role are at the expense of their employment, sleep, leisure and health.
  • 36. 3) - In Politics In the United States, women have never been more numerous to run for the posts at stake in these elections, scheduled for November 6: this year, 589 of them ran for the House of Representatives in the Senate. and at governor's posts. In each of these races, they also broke the record for the number of women to pass the primaries stage. According to Politico and the Center for American Women and Politics, women have the historic opportunity to win 127 more seats in the lower house of Congress, exploding the proportion of 20% women who currently sit there, and who has stagnated since 2013.
  • 37. CONCLUSION Today, in a world where disparities between men and women persist, things tend to change. Indeed, thanks to the different protest movements and the mentalities that evolve, we are slowly moving towards a society where men and women are equal. Nevertheless, there is still a long way to go. Let's continue our efforts !
  • 38. Sources,2022641.asp,124987.php tant-de-candidates-aux-elections-de-mi-mandat_2950953.html
  • 39.
  • 41. Thank you for your attention ! Welford Laura Boussin Marie-Cléopâtre Presentation made by :