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Feedback for learner
5/30/21, 10:16 PM
Thank you for your submission. Please make sure that you cite
frequently and paraphrase to lower your plagiarism scores. The
following was reported by Blackboard. "The text in this attempt
was likely copied from other sources because it includes
excessive quoted or paraphrased material. Review the attempt
for plagiarism." You are off to a good start with your Phase One
assignment. As you begin to progress, please ensure that you
cite within your project. This will support your thoughts as you
disseminate your research evidence. Remember as you write and
build your project. Continue to align your paper to ensure that
there are transitions from each phase, which includes
introductions, and summaries. Remember that you will build a
project in phases. Please remember to review your APA 7th
edition publishing guidelines, this will prevent any possible
similarity index issues and helps with formatting. If you need
additional assistance with APA, please do not forget to consult
the writing center if necessary. I am looking forward to your
continued work.
Influence of Transitional Care in Hospital Readmission among
Elderly Patients.
Influence of Transitional Care in Hospital Readmission among
Elderly Patients.
Transitional care is offered to a patient when they are leaving
one care setting such as a hospital, nursing home or intensive
care unit into another setting. Transitional care interventions
ensure the continuity of quality care to the patient and the
coordination of healthcare between different healthcare
providers (Menezes et al., 2019). Successful transitions require
trained practitioners and health plans indicating the patient’s
medications, previous treatment plans, and healthcare
preferences. Transitional care can occur within care settings
such as from primary care to intensive care, between settings
such as from a nursing home to a hospital, between healthcare
providers such a specialist to a palliative care medical provider,
or across different health conditions. Transitional care is
critical for older patients since they have unique needs
compared to other populations especially when transitioning
from the hospital to nursing homes or individual residences
(Menezes et al., 2019). Lack of proper transitional care may
lead to emergency hospital readmissions and other medical
unplanned events.
Multiple complicated conditions are barriers to managing
healthcare needs among older patients. Care transition is
thereby important for this population to reduce the risk of
infections and readmission (Fønss et al., 2021). Nurses ensure
the environment and the services provided are safe for effective
passage from one setting or specialist to the other. Older
patients receive diverse forms of care from different healthcare
providers owing to multiple chronic conditions. They are in the
greatest need of successfully transitional care. Poor transitional
care leads to unpleasant events, dissatisfaction, and mistrust of
the healthcare institution and medical providers, and a high
readmission rate.
Previous literature has identified various factors associated with
ineffective transitional care. Some of these include poor
communication between medical providers, incomplete patient
information, lack of awareness and education among older
patients, and cultural and language barriers (Fønss et al., 2021).
These factors lead to gaps in the provision of quality healthcare
among older patients. Religious and cultural barriers can be
especially challenging to nurses due to a lack of cultural-based
competency. Some religions such as Islam state that make
members of the family or heads of households should make
decisions for every member of the family. Women are not
allowed to make decisions without consulting male members.
Nurses find this challenging and time-consuming when deciding
on the specific transition care interventions since they have to
consult before every decision. There is also uncertainty in the
decisions made since they may not reflect the patient’s needs.
Healthcare needs for older adults are expected to increase
because statistics indicate an increase in the elderly population
between 2016 and 2080. According to the U.S Census Bureau
(2020), the older population has increased since 2010 with a
3.2% increase from 2018 to 2019. The increase has also led to
ethnic and racial diversity in the population. This has led to the
demand for healthcare that is specific to individual needs.
Changes in demographics will lead to challenges in the
provision of transitional care interventions. Older adults who
require medical care are unable to care for themselves due to
limited physical and mental functions. Healthcare institutions,
therefore, need to provide primary and secondary healthcare.
Older adults with complex conditions are at a high risk of
accidents which may lead to readmission. Findings from the
literature have indicated poor management of older patient’s
needs leads to consequences for the patient, healthcare
institutions, and professionals. The consequence to the patient
includes reduced health status and poor healthcare experiences.
However, the most significant problem is avoidable readmission
or rehospitalization. Research on hospital readmission has
indicated while most readmissions are necessary,
rehospitalization of 20% of older persons with chronic
conditions could be discovered earlier and prevented (Fønss et
al., 2021). Readmission of older adults has an impact on society
especially the cost of caring for older patients and meeting their
unique needs. Medicare healthcare costs increase when a patient
has more than one chronic condition. In 2011, the cost of an
older patient with one chronic condition was $2,097 while
$31,453 was allocated to patients with four or five chronic
conditions (Weeks et al., 2018). High healthcare costs are
attributed to older patient’s readmission due to poor transitional
Unforeseen readmission occurs due to a lack of proper planning
during discharge, medication errors, and lack of communication
between medical providers in the hospital and the older
patient’s caregiver. Family caregivers have a major role in
offering older patients with support in the hospital and after
they transfer to a different care setting (Allen et al., 2017).
However, they face enormous burdens since caregiving may
weigh on their physical and emotional states. Family caregivers
are frequently left out of the design and planning phase of
transitional care interventions and are unaware of the values,
requirements, and goals of care (Naylor et al., 2017). Nurses
must consider the role of family caregivers in transitional care
and work closely before the patient is discharged and during the
actual transfer of the patient to a different setting.
Hospital readmission has devastating effects on older adults and
is costly and dangerous. Poor transitional care leads to
readmission after less than 15 days of being discharged. Most
seniors are readmitted for pulmonary infections, pneumonia,
and heart failure (Naylor et al., 2017). Older patients acquire
hospital-acquired infections from frequent readmission that
worsens their complications. Readmission has adverse
consequences for hospital staff and medical providers too. Older
patients are likely to blame medical providers for readmission
and the hospital for poor quality healthcare. This discredits the
healthcare institution leading to decreased number of patients
seeking care in the hospital.
The problem of hospital readmission among seniors due to poor
transitional care is significant to nursing practice because
nurses have a role in ensuring smooth transitions that reduce
rehospitalization. Nurses help in coordinating healthcare
activities in different care settings and are active agents in the
transformation of healthcare delivery through the improvement
of care transition. Nursing care is dependent on the older
patient’s medical needs. Patients with acute conditions require
post-acute care services for instance rehabilitation, outpatient,
and home nursing services (Menezes et al., 2019). Nurses must
determine the appropriate post-care intervention for every older
patient for optimal outcomes. It is important to consider the
patients’ medical needs, physical and mental capacity, and the
environment they are transitioning to. The interaction and
relationship formed between the nurse and the older patient are
vital to improving transitional care.
During the provision of healthcare, nurses interact the most
with older patients compared to other medical providers. They
learn the patient’s history and other information that they use to
design transitional plans. Through the information, they can
identify barriers that may contribute to readmission. Financial
barriers are common in transitional care. Older patients and
their families are not able to meet medical needs such as
medication for multiple chronic conditions, nursing home
expenses, food, and adult diapers for those who are physically
challenged. Family members and caregivers should
communicate to the medical team if any barriers will impact a
successful transition. This allows proper planning and
identification of the proper transitional setting.
The role of nurses is to ensure timely and efficient transition by
sharing information with caregivers and clinicians and
coordinating with the medical team. The nurse needs to show
the patient and their caregiver how to use technology to
communicate with medical providers in case of a problem. They
are also significant in follow-ups to assess the older adult’s
health status to reduce hospitalization. Nursing is significant
since the practice promotes successful transitions and supports
the healthcare needs of the patient which reduces readmission.
Allen, J., Hutchinson, A. M., Brown, R., & Livingston, P. M.
(2017). User experience and care for older people transitioning
from hospital to home: Patients’ and carers’ perspectives.
Health Expectations, 21(2), 518–527.
Fønss Rasmussen, L., Grode, L. B., Lange, J., Barat, I., &
Gregersen, M. (2021). Impact of transitional care interventions
on hospital readmissions in older medical patients: a systematic
review. BMJ Open, 11(1), e040057.
Menezes, T. M. D. O., Oliveira, A. L. B. D., Santos, L. B.,
Freitas, R. A. D., Pedreira, L. C., & Veras, S. M. C. B. (2019).
Hospital transition care for the elderly: an integrative review.
Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 72(suppl 2), 294–301.
Naylor, M. D., Shaid, E. C., Carpenter, D., Gass, B., Levine, C.,
Li, J., Williams, M. V. (2017). Components of Comprehensive
and Effective Transitional Care. Journal of the American
Geriatrics Society, 65(6), 1119–1125.
US Census Bureau. (2020, June 25). 65 and Older Population
Grows Rapidly as Baby Boomers Age. Retrieved May 27, 2021,
Weeks, L. E., Macdonald, M., Martin-Misener, R., Helwig, M.,
Bishop, A., Iduye, D. F., & Moody, E. (2018). The impact of
transitional care programs on health services utilization in
community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review. JBI
database of systematic reviews and implementation
reports, 16(2), 345–384.
Descriptive Research
Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the
participants in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive
analysis is all about describing people who take part in the
There are three ways a researcher can go about doing a
descriptive research project, and they are:
· Observational, defined as a method of viewing and recording
the participants
· Case study, defined as an in-depth study of an individual or
group of individuals
· Survey, defined as a brief interview or discussion with an
individual about a specific topic
Descriptive Blog: The 3 Basic Types of Descriptive Research
Video: Descriptive Research Design
Mixed Methods Research
Mixed methods research (Extracted from the article below) is
the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study
or series of studies. It is a new methodology that is increasingly
used by health researchers, especially within health services
research. There is a growing literature on the theory, design,
and critical appraisal of mixed methods research. However, few
papers summarize this methodological approach for health
practitioners who wish to conduct or critically engage with
mixed methods studies.
Article: Using Mixed Methods in Health Research
Mixed Methods
Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for combining data from
multiple studies on a particular topic. A Meta-analysis is an
analytical tool for estimating the mean and variance of
underlying population effects from a collection of empirical
studies addressing ostensibly the same research question.
Meta‐ analysis has become an increasingly popular and valuable
tool in psychological research, and significant review articles
typically employ these methods.
Article: Meta-Analysis in Medical Research
Video Meta-Analysis (An Introduction)
According to the Centers for Disease Control, Epidemiology is
the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and
diseases in populations. In epidemiology, the patient is the
community and individuals are viewed collectively. By
definition, epidemiology is the study (scientific, systematic, and
data-driven) of the distribution (frequency, pattern) and
determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states and
events (not just diseases) in specified populations
(neighborhood, school, city, state, country, global).
Article: Epidemiology is a Science of High Importance
Video: Epidemiology
Longitudinal Studies
Longitudinal Study, an epidemiologic study that follows a
population forward over time, evaluating the effects of one or
more variables on a process. If individuals are followed, it is
termed a longitudinal cohort study. If classes—e.g., age
classes—are studied, it is a longitudinal cross-sectional study.
Longitudinal studies are the converse (opposite) of horizontal
(parallel) studies.
Article Longitudinal Studies
Video (A Lecture Recording): Longitudinal Studies
Research Paper Rubric
Phase 2-Design (Due by WEEK 6)
Students will continue their research topic, in this paper
students will perform a brief literature review on the topic
(Will need at least 5 support articles) and provide the desired
methodology for the project. Paper will be approximately 5-6
1. Brief literature review
2. Methodology and design of the study (Be detailed )
3. Sampling methodology
4. Necessary tools
5. Any algorithms or flow maps created.
This will be considered a Library Assignment as you will need
to visit the library to obtain information.
Outstanding 10 points
Very Good 8 points
Good 6 Points
Unacceptable 4 points
Integration of Knowledge
The paper demonstrates that the author understands and has
applied concepts learned in the course.
Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights.
The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and
synthesis of ideas
The paper demonstrates that the author, mostly, understands and
has applied concepts learned in the course.
Some conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of
the paper
The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent,
understands and has applied concepts learned in the course
The paper does not demonstrate that the author has understood,
and applied concepts learned in the course.
Topic Focus
The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this
A thesis statement provides direction for the paper, either by a
statement of a position or hypothesis
The topic is focused but lacks direction.
The paper is about a specific topic, but the writer has not
established a position.
The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment.
The topic is not clearly defined
Depth of Discussion
12.5 %
In-depth discussion and elaboration in all sections of the paper.
In-depth discussion and elaboration in most sections of the
The writer has omitted content.
Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas
Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief
discussion in only a few sections
Ties together information from all sources.
Paper flows from one issue to the next with no headings.
Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the
relationship among material obtained from all sources
Mostly, it ties together information from all sources.
Paper flows with only some disjointedness.
The author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the
relationship among material obtained from all sources.
Sometimes ties together information from all sources.
Paper does not flow.
Disjointedness is apparent.
The author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of
the relationship among material obtained from all sources.
It does not tie together information.
Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate
Headings are necessary to link concepts.
Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationship
Spelling and Grammar 12.5%
Minimal spelling and/or grammar mistakes
Some spelling and or grammar mistakes.
Noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes.
An unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes
Over 5 current sources, of which at least 3 are peer-review
journal articles or scholarly books.
Sources include both general background sources and
specialized sources.
Special-interest sources and popular literature and
acknowledged as such if they are cited.
All web sites utilized are authoritative.
5 current sources, of which at least 2 are peer-review journal
articles or scholarly books.
All web sites utilized are authoritative.
Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer-
reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites
utilized are credible.
Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer -
reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. Not all web site s
utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current.
Cites all data obtained from other sources.
APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography
Cites most data obtained from other sources.
APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography.
Cites some data obtained from other sources.
The citation style is inconsistent or incorrect.
It does not cite sources.
Research Paper-Planning
Research Paper-Planning
The issue of falls in the long-term care settings
The issue of falls in the long-term care settings
The issue of falls is a common event for elderly patients
who are living in acute care settings. This leads to the loss of
independence, injuries, and even death if proper intervention
and care are not taken. This, therefore, implies that the
preventive approaches are the major concern for elderly patients
and healthcare professionals. Reports reveal that about 700,000
to 1,000,000 fall-related cases are common within acute care
settings (Panneman, et al., 2021).
The United States Centers for Disease Control and
Prevention (CDC) reports that one in every four individuals of
age 65 years and above falls every year. This is more than 2.8
million injuries that are being treated within the emergency
departments every year. The reported annual rates of
hospitalization and deaths are 800, 000 and over 27, 000
respectively not forgetting the financial burden associated with
adult falls. The medical cost for the fall issue was anticipated to
rise to $ 67.7 billion by 2020 (Panneman, et al., 2021). Most of
the insurance firms are not reimbursing for these never events
hence causing more financial burden to the healthcare
These burdens and the adverse impacts of fall rates require
urgent interventions from healthcare professionals in acute care
settings. The best practices must be put in place to help in the
successful management of the falls thus enhancing the overall
safety and the autonomy of the individuals in healthcare
facilities. The purposeful, as well as timely hourly rounding,
has been recommended to be an effective intervention that helps
in meeting the needs of the clients, reduction of the fall rates in
every department or units, improvement of the patients' safety,
and helping in the proactive approaches towards addressing the
falls issues before they occur (Brewer, Carley, Benham-
Hutchins, Effken, & Reminga, 2018).
Identification of the problem
Even though hourly rounding has proven to be one of the
effective approaches that help reduce the burden and other
adverse problems caused by the issue of patients, little attention
has been given to such practices. There is an increased lack of
accountability by the nurses when it comes to implementing
hourly rounding. This, therefore, implies that however much the
hourly rounding intervention or practice is made available, the
reluctance in its implementation would still lead to an increase
in the rates of falls.
The reluctance and lack of accountability among nurses in
the implementation of this intervention are also increased by the
healthcare organizations. Many healthcare facilities have not
yet designed a plan that can help in holding the staff
accountable in the performance of the hourly rounding
responsibilities. Consequently, the fall rates have continued to
rise thus resulting in preventable injuries and deaths (Brewer et
al., 2018). The majority of the nursing staff are not active in the
performance of the hourly rounding on the patients thus leaving
these patients at risk of injuries.
The report by the National Institute of Health and Clinical
Excellence, NICE of 2004 reveals that the positive outcomes in
the reduction of the fall rates were successful when the patient
was provided with the information and education on the
prevention of falls. This is linked to the fact that the majority of
the residents in the acute care settings are at higher risks of
experiencing fall-related episodes as a result of the extended
hospital stay, reduction in their function for example handling
of the activity of the daily living (ADLs), polypharmacy, and
the advancement in their ages (National Institute for Clinical
Excellence (NICE), 2004).
The increase in the rates of falls among elderly individuals
requires immediate implementation of purposeful hourly
rounding procedures to help in reducing the adverse impacts and
the medical costs associated with fall-associated injuries. It is
therefore important for the frontline healthcare providers
especially nurses to make sure that the present knowledge of the
hourly rounding intervention is applied in the daily practice to
help in the improvement and the attainment of the maximum and
safe patient care (Radecki et al., 2018).
The significance of the problem
The issue of falls in the acute care settings is amongst the
major hospital-associated diseases that affect the safety of the
patients and requires interventions. The Joint Commission for
Transforming Healthcare acknowledges that patient of any age
is at risk of fall especially when the psychological needs
changes as a result of the present medical conditions. Therefore,
these patients are exposed to severe injuries that lead to
extended days of hospital stays and the burden associated with
the healthcare costs (Al Danaf, et al., 2018). The effective
approaches to the prevention and reduction of patient falls
require the identification of the risk factors linked to the fall.
The identification of the risk factors is helpful in the
determination of whether the present condition of the patient is
having a potential risk for fall. It also helps in the formulation
of effective interventions for such risks to prevent future
One of the barriers that have been identified to be the
cause of the failure to implement the prevention practices is the
absence of consistency in the implementation of the proposed
standardized intervention or healthcare care approaches. The
effective approaches in addressing the barrier involve the
utilization of the hospital data associated with the medication
errors and performance of the survey to act as a guideline
towards addressing the issues and promote change within the
organization (National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE),
The intervention involving the use of the intentional-
rounding is considered to be a proactive approach that assists in
meeting the needs of the patients. It helps in ensuring that
nurses remain to make routine visits to the patients' rooms and
checking for specific tools within the patients' wards and
gathering more information concerning the self-care of the
patient continuously and consistently. Therefore, the
introduction of the hourly rounding ad educating nurses about
their protocols required in their implementation helps in
ensuring that there is a reduction in the fall rates among
patients. There is a need to have a plan of the intentional hourly
rounding procedure and incorporating the education approach to
the nurse staff on the prevention of falls to increase the
knowledge concerning the approaches towards prevention of the
falls (Singh & Okeke, 2016). The identification of the problem
helps in determining the need for the education of the nurses in
combating the issue of fall rates.
The identification of the fall problems helps in revealing
the existence of the unaccountability and inconsistency about
the prevention protocols and the documentation of the records
of the patient's falls. The practice of hourly rounding help in
ensuring that patients' safety is promoted through meeting the
ADLs requirements of the patients. For example, nurses will be
able to assists patients with the Ps i.e. potty, pain, position, and
possession. This is important in ensuring that all the established
preventive measures for the assessment of the patients for
example the use of the Morse Fall Risk Assessment Scale are
implemented within the facility.
Al Danaf, J., Chang, B. H., Shear, M., Johnson, K. M., Miller,
S., Nester, L., . . . Amy, W. W. (2018). Surfacing and
addressing hospitalized patients’ needs: Proactive nurse
rounding as a tool. Journal of nursing management, 26(5), 540-
Brewer, B. B., Carley, K. M., Benham-Hutchins, M., Effken, J.
A., & Reminga, J. (2018). Nursing unit design, nursing staff
communication networks, and patient falls: Are they related?.
HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 11(4),
National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). (2004).
Clinical practice guideline for the assessment and prevention of
falls in older people. Royal College of Nursing. CG021fi4liguideUne.pdf
Panneman, M. J., Sterke, S. C., Eilering, M. J., Blatter, B. M.,
Polinder, S., & Van Beeck, E. F. (2021). Costs and benefits of
multifactorial fall prevention in nursing homes in the
Netherlands. Experimental gerontology, 143, 111173.
Radecki, B., Reynolds, S., & Kara, A. (2018). Inpatient fall
prevention from the patient's perspective: a qualitative study.
Applied Nursing Research, 43, 114-119.
Singh, I., & Okeke, J. (2016). Reducing inpatient falls in a
100% single room elderly care environment: Evaluation of the
impact of a systematic nurse training program on falls risk
assessment (FRA). BMJ Quality Improvement Reports, 5(1).
doi:10.1136/bmjquality. u210921.w4741
Descriptive Research
Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the
participants in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive
analysis is all about describing people who take part in the
There are three ways a researcher can go about doing a
descriptive research project, and they are:
· Observational, defined as a method of viewing and recording
the participants
· Case study, defined as an in-depth study of an individual or
group of individuals
· Survey, defined as a brief interview or discussion with an
individual about a specific topic
Descriptive Blog: The 3 Basic Types of Descriptive Research
Video: Descriptive Research Design
Mixed Methods Research
Mixed methods research (Extracted from the article below) is
the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study
or series of studies. It is a new methodology that is increasingly
used by health researchers, especially within health services
research. There is a growing literature on the theory, design,
and critical appraisal of mixed methods research. However, few
papers summarize this methodological approach for health
practitioners who wish to conduct or critically engage with
mixed methods studies.
Article: Using Mixed Methods in Health Research
Mixed Methods
Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for combining data from
multiple studies on a particular topic. A Meta-analysis is an
analytical tool for estimating the mean and variance of
underlying population effects from a collection of empirical
studies addressing ostensibly the same research question.
Meta‐ analysis has become an increasingly popular and valuable
tool in psychological research, and significant review articles
typically employ these methods.
Article: Meta-Analysis in Medical Research
Video Meta-Analysis (An Introduction)
According to the Centers for Disease Control, Epidemiology is
the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and
diseases in populations. In epidemiology, the patient is the
community and individuals are viewed collectively. By
definition, epidemiology is the study (scientific, systematic, and
data-driven) of the distribution (frequency, pattern) and
determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states and
events (not just diseases) in specified populations
(neighborhood, school, city, state, country, global).
Article: Epidemiology is a Science of High Importance
Video: Epidemiology
Longitudinal Studies
Longitudinal Study, an epidemiologic study that follows a
population forward over time, evaluating the effects of one or
more variables on a process. If individuals are followed, it is
termed a longitudinal cohort study. If classes—e.g., age
classes—are studied, it is a longitudinal cross-sectional study.
Longitudinal studies are the converse (opposite) of horizontal
(parallel) studies.
Article Longitudinal Studies
Video (A Lecture Recording): Longitudinal Studies
Research Paper Rubric
Phase 2-Design (Due by WEEK 6)
Students will continue their research topic, in this paper
students will perform a brief literature review on the topic
(Will need at least 5 support articles) and provide the desired
methodology for the project. Paper will be approximately 5-6
1. Brief literature review
2. Methodology and design of the study (Be detailed )
3. Sampling methodology
4. Necessary tools
5. Any algorithms or flow maps created.
This will be considered a Library Assignment as you will need
to visit the library to obtain information.
Outstanding 10 points
Very Good 8 points
Good 6 Points
Unacceptable 4 points
Integration of Knowledge
The paper demonstrates that the author understands and has
applied concepts learned in the course.
Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights.
The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and
synthesis of ideas
The paper demonstrates that the author, mostly, understands and
has applied concepts learned in the course.
Some conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of
the paper
The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent,
understands and has applied concepts learned in the course
The paper does not demonstrate that the author has understood,
and applied concepts learned in the course.
Topic Focus
The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this
A thesis statement provides direction for the paper, either by a
statement of a position or hypothesis
The topic is focused but lacks direction.
The paper is about a specific topic, but the writer has not
established a position.
The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment.
The topic is not clearly defined
Depth of Discussion
12.5 %
In-depth discussion and elaboration in all sections of the paper.
In-depth discussion and elaboration in most sections of the
The writer has omitted content.
Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas
Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief
discussion in only a few sections
Ties together information from all sources.
Paper flows from one issue to the next with no headings.
Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the
relationship among material obtained from all sources
Mostly, it ties together information from all sources.
Paper flows with only some disjointedness.
The author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the
relationship among material obtained from all sources.
Sometimes ties together information from all sources.
Paper does not flow.
Disjointedness is apparent.
The author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of
the relationship among material obtained from all sources.
It does not tie together information.
Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate
Headings are necessary to link concepts.
Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationship
Spelling and Grammar 12.5%
Minimal spelling and/or grammar mistakes
Some spelling and or grammar mistakes.
Noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes.
An unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes
Over 5 current sources, of which at least 3 are peer-review
journal articles or scholarly books.
Sources include both general background sources and
specialized sources.
Special-interest sources and popular literature and
acknowledged as such if they are cited.
All web sites utilized are authoritative.
5 current sources, of which at least 2 are peer-review journal
articles or scholarly books.
All web sites utilized are authoritative.
Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer -
reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites
utilized are credible.
Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer -
reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. Not all web sites
utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current.
Cites all data obtained from other sources.
APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography
Cites most data obtained from other sources.
APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography.
Cites some data obtained from other sources.
The citation style is inconsistent or incorrect.
It does not cite sources.

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Please read below, and write esaay.I need 3 pages.Overvi.docx
Please Read Before RespondingI need assistance with a .docx
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Please Read Before RespondingI need assistance with a .docx
Please provide response to the below post. Topic #1) You are an .docx
Please provide response to the below post. Topic #1) You are an .docxPlease provide response to the below post. Topic #1) You are an .docx
Please provide response to the below post. Topic #1) You are an .docx
Please provide an annotation for the two articles attached AND ide.docx
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Please provide an annotation for the two articles attached AND ide.docx
Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferr.docx
Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferr.docxPlease provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferr.docx
Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferr.docx
Please provide a brief response to the following questions1) How .docx
Please provide a brief response to the following questions1) How .docxPlease provide a brief response to the following questions1) How .docx
Please provide a brief response to the following questions1) How .docx
Please note that the following vignettes represent samples of the ty.docx
Please note that the following vignettes represent samples of the ty.docxPlease note that the following vignettes represent samples of the ty.docx
Please note that the following vignettes represent samples of the ty.docx
Please no plagiarism. I have attached an example to go by. The popul.docx
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Please no plagiarism. I have attached an example to go by. The popul.docx
PLEASE NO PLAGIARIZE!! Have 10 hours to fullfil this work. 1page or .docx
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PLEASE NO PLAGIARIZE!! Have 10 hours to fullfil this work. 1page or .docx
Please Paraphrase the following into a more scholarly toneI f.docx
Please Paraphrase the following into a more scholarly toneI f.docxPlease Paraphrase the following into a more scholarly toneI f.docx
Please Paraphrase the following into a more scholarly toneI f.docx
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Please only respond if you are familiar with raspberry piIam loo.docxPlease only respond if you are familiar with raspberry piIam loo.docx
Please only respond if you are familiar with raspberry piIam loo.docx
Please note this is 2 ASSIGNMENTS ......Please only orginial work on.docx
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please read the attached file cearfully before telling me you can do.docx
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please read the attached file cearfully before telling me you can do.docx
please read my post carefully.then place handshakei have the wor.docx
please read my post carefully.then place handshakei have the wor.docxplease read my post carefully.then place handshakei have the wor.docx
please read my post carefully.then place handshakei have the wor.docx
Please read the attachment.Please write a pure Essay Paper. Plea.docx
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Please read the attachment.Please write a pure Essay Paper. Plea.docx
Please read first because this Assignment is for correction.Plea.docx
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Please read below, and write esaay.I need 3 pages.Overvi.docx
Please Read Before RespondingI need assistance with a .docx
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Please Read Before RespondingI need assistance with a .docx
Please provide response to the below post. Topic #1) You are an .docx
Please provide response to the below post. Topic #1) You are an .docxPlease provide response to the below post. Topic #1) You are an .docx
Please provide response to the below post. Topic #1) You are an .docx
Please provide an annotation for the two articles attached AND ide.docx
Please provide an annotation for the two articles attached AND ide.docxPlease provide an annotation for the two articles attached AND ide.docx
Please provide an annotation for the two articles attached AND ide.docx
Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferr.docx
Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferr.docxPlease provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferr.docx
Please provide a statement that addresses your reasons for transferr.docx
Please provide a brief response to the following questions1) How .docx
Please provide a brief response to the following questions1) How .docxPlease provide a brief response to the following questions1) How .docx
Please provide a brief response to the following questions1) How .docx
Please note that the following vignettes represent samples of the ty.docx
Please note that the following vignettes represent samples of the ty.docxPlease note that the following vignettes represent samples of the ty.docx
Please note that the following vignettes represent samples of the ty.docx
Please no plagiarism. I have attached an example to go by. The popul.docx
Please no plagiarism. I have attached an example to go by. The popul.docxPlease no plagiarism. I have attached an example to go by. The popul.docx
Please no plagiarism. I have attached an example to go by. The popul.docx
PLEASE NO PLAGIARIZE!! Have 10 hours to fullfil this work. 1page or .docx
PLEASE NO PLAGIARIZE!! Have 10 hours to fullfil this work. 1page or .docxPLEASE NO PLAGIARIZE!! Have 10 hours to fullfil this work. 1page or .docx
PLEASE NO PLAGIARIZE!! Have 10 hours to fullfil this work. 1page or .docx
Please Paraphrase the following into a more scholarly toneI f.docx
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Please only respond if you are familiar with raspberry piIam loo.docx
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Please only respond if you are familiar with raspberry piIam loo.docx
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Please no plagiarism and make sure you are able to access all resour.docx
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Feedback for learner53021, 1016 PMThank you for your submis

  • 1. Feedback for learner 5/30/21, 10:16 PM Thank you for your submission. Please make sure that you cite frequently and paraphrase to lower your plagiarism scores. The following was reported by Blackboard. "The text in this attempt was likely copied from other sources because it includes excessive quoted or paraphrased material. Review the attempt for plagiarism." You are off to a good start with your Phase One assignment. As you begin to progress, please ensure that you cite within your project. This will support your thoughts as you disseminate your research evidence. Remember as you write and build your project. Continue to align your paper to ensure that there are transitions from each phase, which includes introductions, and summaries. Remember that you will build a project in phases. Please remember to review your APA 7th edition publishing guidelines, this will prevent any possible similarity index issues and helps with formatting. If you need additional assistance with APA, please do not forget to consult the writing center if necessary. I am looking forward to your continued work. 5 Influence of Transitional Care in Hospital Readmission among Elderly Patients.
  • 2. Influence of Transitional Care in Hospital Readmission among Elderly Patients. Transitional care is offered to a patient when they are leaving one care setting such as a hospital, nursing home or intensive care unit into another setting. Transitional care interventions ensure the continuity of quality care to the patient and the coordination of healthcare between different healthcare providers (Menezes et al., 2019). Successful transitions require trained practitioners and health plans indicating the patient’s medications, previous treatment plans, and healthcare preferences. Transitional care can occur within care settings such as from primary care to intensive care, between settings such as from a nursing home to a hospital, between healthcare providers such a specialist to a palliative care medical provider, or across different health conditions. Transitional care is critical for older patients since they have unique needs compared to other populations especially when transitioning from the hospital to nursing homes or individual residences (Menezes et al., 2019). Lack of proper transitional care may lead to emergency hospital readmissions and other medical unplanned events. Multiple complicated conditions are barriers to managing healthcare needs among older patients. Care transition is thereby important for this population to reduce the risk of infections and readmission (Fønss et al., 2021). Nurses ensure the environment and the services provided are safe for effective passage from one setting or specialist to the other. Older patients receive diverse forms of care from different healthcare providers owing to multiple chronic conditions. They are in the greatest need of successfully transitional care. Poor transitional care leads to unpleasant events, dissatisfaction, and mistrust of the healthcare institution and medical providers, and a high readmission rate. Previous literature has identified various factors associated with ineffective transitional care. Some of these include poor communication between medical providers, incomplete patient
  • 3. information, lack of awareness and education among older patients, and cultural and language barriers (Fønss et al., 2021). These factors lead to gaps in the provision of quality healthcare among older patients. Religious and cultural barriers can be especially challenging to nurses due to a lack of cultural-based competency. Some religions such as Islam state that make members of the family or heads of households should make decisions for every member of the family. Women are not allowed to make decisions without consulting male members. Nurses find this challenging and time-consuming when deciding on the specific transition care interventions since they have to consult before every decision. There is also uncertainty in the decisions made since they may not reflect the patient’s needs. Healthcare needs for older adults are expected to increase because statistics indicate an increase in the elderly population between 2016 and 2080. According to the U.S Census Bureau (2020), the older population has increased since 2010 with a 3.2% increase from 2018 to 2019. The increase has also led to ethnic and racial diversity in the population. This has led to the demand for healthcare that is specific to individual needs. Changes in demographics will lead to challenges in the provision of transitional care interventions. Older adults who require medical care are unable to care for themselves due to limited physical and mental functions. Healthcare institutions, therefore, need to provide primary and secondary healthcare. Older adults with complex conditions are at a high risk of accidents which may lead to readmission. Findings from the literature have indicated poor management of older patient’s needs leads to consequences for the patient, healthcare institutions, and professionals. The consequence to the patient includes reduced health status and poor healthcare experiences. However, the most significant problem is avoidable readmission or rehospitalization. Research on hospital readmission has indicated while most readmissions are necessary, rehospitalization of 20% of older persons with chronic conditions could be discovered earlier and prevented (Fønss et
  • 4. al., 2021). Readmission of older adults has an impact on society especially the cost of caring for older patients and meeting their unique needs. Medicare healthcare costs increase when a patient has more than one chronic condition. In 2011, the cost of an older patient with one chronic condition was $2,097 while $31,453 was allocated to patients with four or five chronic conditions (Weeks et al., 2018). High healthcare costs are attributed to older patient’s readmission due to poor transitional care. Unforeseen readmission occurs due to a lack of proper planning during discharge, medication errors, and lack of communication between medical providers in the hospital and the older patient’s caregiver. Family caregivers have a major role in offering older patients with support in the hospital and after they transfer to a different care setting (Allen et al., 2017). However, they face enormous burdens since caregiving may weigh on their physical and emotional states. Family caregivers are frequently left out of the design and planning phase of transitional care interventions and are unaware of the values, requirements, and goals of care (Naylor et al., 2017). Nurses must consider the role of family caregivers in transitional care and work closely before the patient is discharged and during the actual transfer of the patient to a different setting. Hospital readmission has devastating effects on older adults and is costly and dangerous. Poor transitional care leads to readmission after less than 15 days of being discharged. Most seniors are readmitted for pulmonary infections, pneumonia, and heart failure (Naylor et al., 2017). Older patients acquire hospital-acquired infections from frequent readmission that worsens their complications. Readmission has adverse consequences for hospital staff and medical providers too. Older patients are likely to blame medical providers for readmission and the hospital for poor quality healthcare. This discredits the healthcare institution leading to decreased number of patients seeking care in the hospital. The problem of hospital readmission among seniors due to poor
  • 5. transitional care is significant to nursing practice because nurses have a role in ensuring smooth transitions that reduce rehospitalization. Nurses help in coordinating healthcare activities in different care settings and are active agents in the transformation of healthcare delivery through the improvement of care transition. Nursing care is dependent on the older patient’s medical needs. Patients with acute conditions require post-acute care services for instance rehabilitation, outpatient, and home nursing services (Menezes et al., 2019). Nurses must determine the appropriate post-care intervention for every older patient for optimal outcomes. It is important to consider the patients’ medical needs, physical and mental capacity, and the environment they are transitioning to. The interaction and relationship formed between the nurse and the older patient are vital to improving transitional care. During the provision of healthcare, nurses interact the most with older patients compared to other medical providers. They learn the patient’s history and other information that they use to design transitional plans. Through the information, they can identify barriers that may contribute to readmission. Financial barriers are common in transitional care. Older patients and their families are not able to meet medical needs such as medication for multiple chronic conditions, nursing home expenses, food, and adult diapers for those who are physically challenged. Family members and caregivers should communicate to the medical team if any barriers will impact a successful transition. This allows proper planning and identification of the proper transitional setting. The role of nurses is to ensure timely and efficient transition by sharing information with caregivers and clinicians and coordinating with the medical team. The nurse needs to show the patient and their caregiver how to use technology to communicate with medical providers in case of a problem. They are also significant in follow-ups to assess the older adult’s health status to reduce hospitalization. Nursing is significant since the practice promotes successful transitions and supports
  • 6. the healthcare needs of the patient which reduces readmission. References Allen, J., Hutchinson, A. M., Brown, R., & Livingston, P. M. (2017). User experience and care for older people transitioning from hospital to home: Patients’ and carers’ perspectives. Health Expectations, 21(2), 518–527. Fønss Rasmussen, L., Grode, L. B., Lange, J., Barat, I., & Gregersen, M. (2021). Impact of transitional care interventions on hospital readmissions in older medical patients: a systematic review. BMJ Open, 11(1), e040057. Menezes, T. M. D. O., Oliveira, A. L. B. D., Santos, L. B., Freitas, R. A. D., Pedreira, L. C., & Veras, S. M. C. B. (2019). Hospital transition care for the elderly: an integrative review. Revista Brasileira de Enfermagem, 72(suppl 2), 294–301. Naylor, M. D., Shaid, E. C., Carpenter, D., Gass, B., Levine, C., Li, J., Williams, M. V. (2017). Components of Comprehensive and Effective Transitional Care. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, 65(6), 1119–1125. US Census Bureau. (2020, June 25). 65 and Older Population Grows Rapidly as Baby Boomers Age. Retrieved May 27, 2021, from older-population-grows.html Weeks, L. E., Macdonald, M., Martin-Misener, R., Helwig, M., Bishop, A., Iduye, D. F., & Moody, E. (2018). The impact of transitional care programs on health services utilization in community-dwelling older adults: a systematic review. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 16(2), 345–384. 2017-003486 Descriptive Research
  • 7. Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive analysis is all about describing people who take part in the survey. There are three ways a researcher can go about doing a descriptive research project, and they are: · Observational, defined as a method of viewing and recording the participants · Case study, defined as an in-depth study of an individual or group of individuals · Survey, defined as a brief interview or discussion with an individual about a specific topic Descriptive Blog: The 3 Basic Types of Descriptive Research Methods research-methods/ Video: Descriptive Research Design Mixed Methods Research Mixed methods research (Extracted from the article below) is the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study or series of studies. It is a new methodology that is increasingly used by health researchers, especially within health services research. There is a growing literature on the theory, design, and critical appraisal of mixed methods research. However, few papers summarize this methodological approach for health practitioners who wish to conduct or critically engage with mixed methods studies. Article: Using Mixed Methods in Health Research Mixed Methods Meta-Analysis Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for combining data from multiple studies on a particular topic. A Meta-analysis is an analytical tool for estimating the mean and variance of
  • 8. underlying population effects from a collection of empirical studies addressing ostensibly the same research question. Meta‐ analysis has become an increasingly popular and valuable tool in psychological research, and significant review articles typically employ these methods. Article: Meta-Analysis in Medical Research Video Meta-Analysis (An Introduction) Epidemiology According to the Centers for Disease Control, Epidemiology is the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in populations. In epidemiology, the patient is the community and individuals are viewed collectively. By definition, epidemiology is the study (scientific, systematic, and data-driven) of the distribution (frequency, pattern) and determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states and events (not just diseases) in specified populations (neighborhood, school, city, state, country, global). Article: Epidemiology is a Science of High Importance Video: Epidemiology Longitudinal Studies Longitudinal Study, an epidemiologic study that follows a population forward over time, evaluating the effects of one or more variables on a process. If individuals are followed, it is termed a longitudinal cohort study. If classes—e.g., age classes—are studied, it is a longitudinal cross-sectional study. Longitudinal studies are the converse (opposite) of horizontal (parallel) studies. Article Longitudinal Studies Video (A Lecture Recording): Longitudinal Studies
  • 9. Research Paper Rubric Phase 2-Design (Due by WEEK 6) Students will continue their research topic, in this paper students will perform a brief literature review on the topic (Will need at least 5 support articles) and provide the desired methodology for the project. Paper will be approximately 5-6 pages. 1. Brief literature review 2. Methodology and design of the study (Be detailed ) 3. Sampling methodology 4. Necessary tools 5. Any algorithms or flow maps created. This will be considered a Library Assignment as you will need to visit the library to obtain information. Outstanding 10 points Very Good 8 points Good 6 Points Unacceptable 4 points Integration of Knowledge 12.5% The paper demonstrates that the author understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and synthesis of ideas The paper demonstrates that the author, mostly, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Some conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the paper The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course The paper does not demonstrate that the author has understood,
  • 10. and applied concepts learned in the course. Topic Focus 12.5% The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment. A thesis statement provides direction for the paper, either by a statement of a position or hypothesis The topic is focused but lacks direction. The paper is about a specific topic, but the writer has not established a position. The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment. The topic is not clearly defined Depth of Discussion 12.5 % In-depth discussion and elaboration in all sections of the paper. In-depth discussion and elaboration in most sections of the paper. The writer has omitted content. Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas excessively. Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief discussion in only a few sections Cohesiveness 12.5% Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next with no headings. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources Mostly, it ties together information from all sources. Paper flows with only some disjointedness. The author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources. Sometimes ties together information from all sources. Paper does not flow. Disjointedness is apparent. The author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of
  • 11. the relationship among material obtained from all sources. It does not tie together information. Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate issues. Headings are necessary to link concepts. Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationship Spelling and Grammar 12.5% Minimal spelling and/or grammar mistakes Some spelling and or grammar mistakes. Noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes. An unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes Sources 12.5% Over 5 current sources, of which at least 3 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Special-interest sources and popular literature and acknowledged as such if they are cited. All web sites utilized are authoritative. 5 current sources, of which at least 2 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are authoritative. Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer- reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are credible. Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer - reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. Not all web site s utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current. Citations 12.5% Cites all data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography Cites most data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography. Cites some data obtained from other sources.
  • 12. The citation style is inconsistent or incorrect. It does not cite sources. Research Paper-Planning 2 Research Paper-Planning The issue of falls in the long-term care settings The issue of falls in the long-term care settings The issue of falls is a common event for elderly patients who are living in acute care settings. This leads to the loss of independence, injuries, and even death if proper intervention and care are not taken. This, therefore, implies that the preventive approaches are the major concern for elderly patients and healthcare professionals. Reports reveal that about 700,000 to 1,000,000 fall-related cases are common within acute care
  • 13. settings (Panneman, et al., 2021). The United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reports that one in every four individuals of age 65 years and above falls every year. This is more than 2.8 million injuries that are being treated within the emergency departments every year. The reported annual rates of hospitalization and deaths are 800, 000 and over 27, 000 respectively not forgetting the financial burden associated with adult falls. The medical cost for the fall issue was anticipated to rise to $ 67.7 billion by 2020 (Panneman, et al., 2021). Most of the insurance firms are not reimbursing for these never events hence causing more financial burden to the healthcare organizations. These burdens and the adverse impacts of fall rates require urgent interventions from healthcare professionals in acute care settings. The best practices must be put in place to help in the successful management of the falls thus enhancing the overall safety and the autonomy of the individuals in healthcare facilities. The purposeful, as well as timely hourly rounding, has been recommended to be an effective intervention that helps in meeting the needs of the clients, reduction of the fall rates in every department or units, improvement of the patients' safety, and helping in the proactive approaches towards addressing the falls issues before they occur (Brewer, Carley, Benham- Hutchins, Effken, & Reminga, 2018). Identification of the problem Even though hourly rounding has proven to be one of the effective approaches that help reduce the burden and other adverse problems caused by the issue of patients, little attention has been given to such practices. There is an increased lack of accountability by the nurses when it comes to implementing hourly rounding. This, therefore, implies that however much the hourly rounding intervention or practice is made available, the reluctance in its implementation would still lead to an increase in the rates of falls. The reluctance and lack of accountability among nurses in
  • 14. the implementation of this intervention are also increased by the healthcare organizations. Many healthcare facilities have not yet designed a plan that can help in holding the staff accountable in the performance of the hourly rounding responsibilities. Consequently, the fall rates have continued to rise thus resulting in preventable injuries and deaths (Brewer et al., 2018). The majority of the nursing staff are not active in the performance of the hourly rounding on the patients thus leaving these patients at risk of injuries. The report by the National Institute of Health and Clinical Excellence, NICE of 2004 reveals that the positive outcomes in the reduction of the fall rates were successful when the patient was provided with the information and education on the prevention of falls. This is linked to the fact that the majority of the residents in the acute care settings are at higher risks of experiencing fall-related episodes as a result of the extended hospital stay, reduction in their function for example handling of the activity of the daily living (ADLs), polypharmacy, and the advancement in their ages (National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2004). The increase in the rates of falls among elderly individuals requires immediate implementation of purposeful hourly rounding procedures to help in reducing the adverse impacts and the medical costs associated with fall-associated injuries. It is therefore important for the frontline healthcare providers especially nurses to make sure that the present knowledge of the hourly rounding intervention is applied in the daily practice to help in the improvement and the attainment of the maximum and safe patient care (Radecki et al., 2018). The significance of the problem The issue of falls in the acute care settings is amongst the major hospital-associated diseases that affect the safety of the patients and requires interventions. The Joint Commission for Transforming Healthcare acknowledges that patient of any age is at risk of fall especially when the psychological needs changes as a result of the present medical conditions. Therefore,
  • 15. these patients are exposed to severe injuries that lead to extended days of hospital stays and the burden associated with the healthcare costs (Al Danaf, et al., 2018). The effective approaches to the prevention and reduction of patient falls require the identification of the risk factors linked to the fall. The identification of the risk factors is helpful in the determination of whether the present condition of the patient is having a potential risk for fall. It also helps in the formulation of effective interventions for such risks to prevent future occurrence. One of the barriers that have been identified to be the cause of the failure to implement the prevention practices is the absence of consistency in the implementation of the proposed standardized intervention or healthcare care approaches. The effective approaches in addressing the barrier involve the utilization of the hospital data associated with the medication errors and performance of the survey to act as a guideline towards addressing the issues and promote change within the organization (National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE), 2004). The intervention involving the use of the intentional- rounding is considered to be a proactive approach that assists in meeting the needs of the patients. It helps in ensuring that nurses remain to make routine visits to the patients' rooms and checking for specific tools within the patients' wards and gathering more information concerning the self-care of the patient continuously and consistently. Therefore, the introduction of the hourly rounding ad educating nurses about their protocols required in their implementation helps in ensuring that there is a reduction in the fall rates among patients. There is a need to have a plan of the intentional hourly rounding procedure and incorporating the education approach to the nurse staff on the prevention of falls to increase the knowledge concerning the approaches towards prevention of the falls (Singh & Okeke, 2016). The identification of the problem helps in determining the need for the education of the nurses in
  • 16. combating the issue of fall rates. The identification of the fall problems helps in revealing the existence of the unaccountability and inconsistency about the prevention protocols and the documentation of the records of the patient's falls. The practice of hourly rounding help in ensuring that patients' safety is promoted through meeting the ADLs requirements of the patients. For example, nurses will be able to assists patients with the Ps i.e. potty, pain, position, and possession. This is important in ensuring that all the established preventive measures for the assessment of the patients for example the use of the Morse Fall Risk Assessment Scale are implemented within the facility. References Al Danaf, J., Chang, B. H., Shear, M., Johnson, K. M., Miller, S., Nester, L., . . . Amy, W. W. (2018). Surfacing and addressing hospitalized patients’ needs: Proactive nurse rounding as a tool. Journal of nursing management, 26(5), 540- 547. Brewer, B. B., Carley, K. M., Benham-Hutchins, M., Effken, J. A., & Reminga, J. (2018). Nursing unit design, nursing staff communication networks, and patient falls: Are they related?. HERD: Health Environments Research & Design Journal, 11(4), 82-94. National Institute for Clinical Excellence (NICE). (2004). Clinical practice guideline for the assessment and prevention of falls in older people. Royal College of Nursing. CG021fi4liguideUne.pdf Panneman, M. J., Sterke, S. C., Eilering, M. J., Blatter, B. M., Polinder, S., & Van Beeck, E. F. (2021). Costs and benefits of multifactorial fall prevention in nursing homes in the Netherlands. Experimental gerontology, 143, 111173. Radecki, B., Reynolds, S., & Kara, A. (2018). Inpatient fall prevention from the patient's perspective: a qualitative study. Applied Nursing Research, 43, 114-119.
  • 17. doi: Singh, I., & Okeke, J. (2016). Reducing inpatient falls in a 100% single room elderly care environment: Evaluation of the impact of a systematic nurse training program on falls risk assessment (FRA). BMJ Quality Improvement Reports, 5(1). doi:10.1136/bmjquality. u210921.w4741 Descriptive Research Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the participants in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive analysis is all about describing people who take part in the survey. There are three ways a researcher can go about doing a descriptive research project, and they are: · Observational, defined as a method of viewing and recording the participants · Case study, defined as an in-depth study of an individual or group of individuals · Survey, defined as a brief interview or discussion with an individual about a specific topic Descriptive Blog: The 3 Basic Types of Descriptive Research Methods research-methods/ Video: Descriptive Research Design Mixed Methods Research Mixed methods research (Extracted from the article below) is the use of quantitative and qualitative methods in a single study or series of studies. It is a new methodology that is increasingly used by health researchers, especially within health services research. There is a growing literature on the theory, design, and critical appraisal of mixed methods research. However, few papers summarize this methodological approach for health practitioners who wish to conduct or critically engage with mixed methods studies.
  • 18. Article: Using Mixed Methods in Health Research Mixed Methods Meta-Analysis Meta-analysis is a statistical technique for combining data from multiple studies on a particular topic. A Meta-analysis is an analytical tool for estimating the mean and variance of underlying population effects from a collection of empirical studies addressing ostensibly the same research question. Meta‐ analysis has become an increasingly popular and valuable tool in psychological research, and significant review articles typically employ these methods. Article: Meta-Analysis in Medical Research Video Meta-Analysis (An Introduction) Epidemiology According to the Centers for Disease Control, Epidemiology is the method used to find the causes of health outcomes and diseases in populations. In epidemiology, the patient is the community and individuals are viewed collectively. By definition, epidemiology is the study (scientific, systematic, and data-driven) of the distribution (frequency, pattern) and determinants (causes, risk factors) of health-related states and events (not just diseases) in specified populations (neighborhood, school, city, state, country, global). Article: Epidemiology is a Science of High Importance Video: Epidemiology Longitudinal Studies Longitudinal Study, an epidemiologic study that follows a population forward over time, evaluating the effects of one or more variables on a process. If individuals are followed, it is termed a longitudinal cohort study. If classes—e.g., age
  • 19. classes—are studied, it is a longitudinal cross-sectional study. Longitudinal studies are the converse (opposite) of horizontal (parallel) studies. Article Longitudinal Studies Video (A Lecture Recording): Longitudinal Studies Research Paper Rubric Phase 2-Design (Due by WEEK 6) Students will continue their research topic, in this paper students will perform a brief literature review on the topic (Will need at least 5 support articles) and provide the desired methodology for the project. Paper will be approximately 5-6 pages. 1. Brief literature review 2. Methodology and design of the study (Be detailed ) 3. Sampling methodology 4. Necessary tools 5. Any algorithms or flow maps created. This will be considered a Library Assignment as you will need to visit the library to obtain information. Outstanding 10 points Very Good 8 points Good 6 Points Unacceptable 4 points Integration of Knowledge 12.5% The paper demonstrates that the author understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Concepts are integrated into the writer’s own insights. The writer provides concluding remarks that show analysis and
  • 20. synthesis of ideas The paper demonstrates that the author, mostly, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course. Some conclusions, however, are not supported in the body of the paper The paper demonstrates that the author, to a certain extent, understands and has applied concepts learned in the course The paper does not demonstrate that the author has understood, and applied concepts learned in the course. Topic Focus 12.5% The topic is focused narrowly enough for the scope of this assignment. A thesis statement provides direction for the paper, either by a statement of a position or hypothesis The topic is focused but lacks direction. The paper is about a specific topic, but the writer has not established a position. The topic is too broad for the scope of this assignment. The topic is not clearly defined Depth of Discussion 12.5 % In-depth discussion and elaboration in all sections of the paper. In-depth discussion and elaboration in most sections of the paper. The writer has omitted content. Quotations from others outweigh the writer’s own ideas excessively. Cursory discussion in all the sections of the paper or brief discussion in only a few sections Cohesiveness 12.5% Ties together information from all sources. Paper flows from one issue to the next with no headings. Author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources
  • 21. Mostly, it ties together information from all sources. Paper flows with only some disjointedness. The author’s writing demonstrates an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources. Sometimes ties together information from all sources. Paper does not flow. Disjointedness is apparent. The author’s writing does not demonstrate an understanding of the relationship among material obtained from all sources. It does not tie together information. Paper does not flow and appears to be created from disparate issues. Headings are necessary to link concepts. Writing does not demonstrate understanding any relationship Spelling and Grammar 12.5% Minimal spelling and/or grammar mistakes Some spelling and or grammar mistakes. Noticeable spelling and grammar mistakes. An unacceptable number of spelling and/or grammar mistakes Sources 12.5% Over 5 current sources, of which at least 3 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. Sources include both general background sources and specialized sources. Special-interest sources and popular literature and acknowledged as such if they are cited. All web sites utilized are authoritative. 5 current sources, of which at least 2 are peer-review journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are authoritative. Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer - reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. All web sites utilized are credible. Fewer than 5 current sources or fewer than 2 of 5 are peer - reviewed journal articles or scholarly books. Not all web sites
  • 22. utilized are credible, and/or sources are not current. Citations 12.5% Cites all data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography Cites most data obtained from other sources. APA citation style is used in both text and bibliography. Cites some data obtained from other sources. The citation style is inconsistent or incorrect. It does not cite sources.