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                                                                        Special report

          Connecting the dots
       The importance of risk management cannot be underestimated. The emerging roles of
today’s risk manager demand a much wider set of competencies, as well as a board presence
    to enable frictionless communication and decisive action. From regulatory and legislative
       changes to cashflow and liquidity, risk in all its forms ignites the motivation for growth.
Risk management > Connecting the dots

A FERMA commitment
to the future
          s the new president of the         more recently the earthquake and
                                                                                                Jorge Luzzi
          Federation of European Risk        tsunami in Japan – have reinforced                 President,
          Management Associations            the importance of an effective risk                FERMA
(FERMA), I am pleased to collaborate         mitigation strategy to the board.
with FDE and support a unique report            The role of the modern risk manager           is fuelling ever greater pension
that explores the role risk management       was one of the items on the agenda               deficits, and CFOs, as pension plan
plays in corporate strategy. This topic      during the recent FERMA biannual forum           sponsors and often as trustees, need
is particularly relevant to our federation   in Stockholm, which attracted over               to be aware of the various options
as we have recently submitted                1,500 delegates and featured Joseph              for de-risking.
answers to the green paper by EU             Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank, as                 On page 60, Philip Broadley, group
Commission staff on a corporate              keynote speaker. Highlights of the forum         finance director of Old Mutual Group
governance framework, and later this         are featured in the first part of this report.   and chairman of the 100 Group’s
year we will provide further guidance           This is followed by a series of               pension committee, provides an
on the risk management provisions of         exclusive interviews with prominent              interesting perspective on the various
the eighth EU Company Law Directive          risk and insurance managers (who are             challenges presented by the proposed
in collaboration with the European           either board members or close                    risk-based supervision of IORPS to
Confederation of Institutes of Internal      affiliates of FERMA) interviewed                 regulate pan-European pension funds.
Auditing (ECIIA).                            alongside their finance directors.               Broadley touches on the challenges of
   What is of most relevance to the          These interviews are complemented                Solvency II, which is also a concern
readers of Finance Director Europe           with insight from two leading D&O                for FERMA and its members.
concerning these measures is that            liability insurance underwriters, who               As well as being the president of
there is clear responsibility given to       look at the importance of robust                 FERMA, I manage risk at the global
boards of directors and their audit          global D&O liability insurance in a              tyre company Pirelli, collaborating
committees. Senior management is             climate of bribery legislation and               closely with the Pirelli board as well
expected to be involved in risk              greater personal risks posed by                  as the group finance director, Michele
management and risk-taking. Directors        increasingly litigious stakeholders.             Lerici – I therefore hope that, as a
have to give direction depending on             The second part of this report                finance director or CFO, you find this
the risk appetite of shareholders.           revolves around the topic of defined             report of value.
   Key ‘black swan’ events and               benefit pension risk management.                    Look out for an interview with
disasters – the financial meltdown in        An aging population coupled                      Michele and me in a forthcoming
2008, the BP Oil disaster in 2010 and        with considerable market volatility              edition of Finance Director Europe.

  Since 1974, the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) has
  been the leading organisation for risk management in Europe, providing the means of
  coordinating risk management and optimising the impact of national risk management
  associations outside of their national boundaries. FERMA promotes communication among its members and also within
  IFRIMA (International Federation of Risk and Insurance Management Associations), of which FERMA is a member.
  FERMA is frequently invited to participate in meetings and discussion groups with other trade and business organisations.
  Through these professional networks FERMA presents the risk management methodology and its benefits to business and
  the community. Every two years, it holds its Risk Management Forum, featuring specific seminars and surveys.
  FERMA works with educational bodies in Europe and welcomes collaboration from academics and professionals involved
  in risk management. As part of its continuing influence, it is in ongoing discussion with risk management organisations in
  other countries to expand the membership.

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Risk management > Connecting the dots

     The role of the modern
                    risk manager

          he role of today’s risk manager         According to Taylor, a diverse set of     what risk management does is
          was a central talking point at the   skills and competencies are now              connect the dots, so that strategy
          annual forum of the Federation       required by today’s risk manager to          impacts the risk environment, and the
of European Risk Management                    operate effectively in today’s               most significant risks require the
Association (FERMA) that took place in         challenging global economic landscape.       strategy team to deal with that. So
Stockholm in October. During a plenary         This view was echoed by Julia Graham,        you link the two in discussions. I am
panel discussion, Paul Taylor, chairman        chief risk officer of DLA Piper, who also    not a strategist and I am not
of the UK risk management association          spoke at the forum, stressing the            responsible for that.” ■
Airmic and director of risk assurance at       importance of risk managers talking
Morgan Crucible, asserted that the role        the language of the board.
of the risk manager has evolved into a            “To skill-up, risk managers need to         Top ten risks for 2011
key support function for a board.              improve their own financial awareness
   “The role of insurable risk                 and ability to perform because if they         1.  Economic slowdown
management hasn’t changed, what has            are talking at a board level, [then] these     2.  Regulatory/legislative changes
changed is the broader scope of risks          are the kinds of issues that boards            3.  Increasing competition
that many risk managers are involved           understand and deal with,” she said.           4.  Damage to reputation/brand
with,” he said. “The role of a broader             One FERMA board member was                 5.  Business interruption
strategic enterprise risk management           keen to distinguish between risk               6.  Failure to innovate/meet
has evolved over the last ten years            management and strategy setting,                   customer needs
because boards of companies, senior            stating that a risk manager should not         7. Failure to attract top talent
executives, have reaIised that they need       be a board member or an architect of           8. Commodity price risk
to manage the downside risk of their           corporate strategy but instead be there        9. Technology failure or
business in a better way and they need         to help support strategy development.              system failure
to have clear contingencies in place               “Risk management is not                    10. Cashflow/liquidity risk
when things go do wrong, as sometimes          responsible for setting strategy. That         Source: Aon’s 2011 global risk management survey
things will go wrong.”                         is for the boards,” he said. “Instead,

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Risk management > Connecting the dots

Aligning governance, risk and
The recent ‘Roads to Ruin’ report by UK association Airmic suggested poor risk
management and corporate governance were behind companies’ failure to respond
effectively to crisis. Paul Taylor, Kevin Dangerfield and Terry Miles of Morgan
Crucible explain to Jim Banks why bringing together corporate governance and risk
management, including insurance, under one umbrella can bring significant rewards.

          isk has been foremost in
                                                  Kevin Dangerfield
          everyone’s mind since the               Kevin Dangerfield is chief financial officer of Morgan Crucible. He joined the
          global economy took a turn for          firm in 2000 as deputy group controller and was promoted to group financial
                                                  controller. He then joined the board and was appointed CFO in 2006. Previously,
the worse in 2008, and many companies             he worked for London International Group and Virgin Retail Europe.
have taken a long, hard look at how
they identify, quantify and manage risk.
In the boardroom, questions will often be
raised about how risk affects corporate           Paul Taylor
                                                  Paul Taylor is director of risk assurance at Morgan Crucible with responsibility
strategy, how it drives a business                for creating and implementing risk management strategy, upgrading
forward and what dangers it poses to              corporate governance, and managing and developing the internal audit
                                                  function. He is chairman of Airmic, the UK risk managers’ association.
profitability and long-term success.
   The UK is leading the way in
enterprise risk management and
corporate governance, with many                   Terry Miles
organisations looking at a broad                  Terry Miles is head of insurance procurement for Morgan Crucible. He is
                                                  responsible for the placing of global insurance policies and liaison with
spectrum of risk and controls, often
                                                  brokers. Prior to joining the firm in 2006, he worked for Aon, specialising
implementing a risk framework that                in global insurance programmes for major multinational corporations.
permeates the organisation from top to
bottom. One such company is Morgan
Crucible, which has a senior executive             A FTSE 250 company, Morgan                          disciplined manner, and the same is
focused on risk – not only to develop a         Crucible is one of the UK’s largest                    true of many corporations,” says
clearer picture of the company’s risk           manufacturers of carbon and ceramic                    Dangerfield. “Paul has come in to give
exposure and manage it more effectively         products for industrial use. Taylor has                us a level of risk analysis that goes
– but also to ensure that its attitude to       been at the company for three years,                   from the operational side right up to
risk is not too conservative. After all, risk   and along with the treasury team and                   the boardroom. It gives us clarity of
goes hand in hand with opportunity.             the head of insurance procurement,                     risk for the group, enabling
   “Why do this? Well, there are specific       Terry Miles, he reports to the                         management to think more clearly
benefits, like improved decision-making         company’s CFO Kevin Dangerfield, who                   about risk in a disciplined way as part
throughout the organisation, and there          also chairs its risk committee.                        of a comprehensive governance, risk
are fewer unwanted surprises, which                “I came in to evolve what was in                    and compliance plan.”
has happened recently in UBS and BP,”           place, moving towards a new direction,                    So far, the new approach to risk
says Paul Taylor, director of risk              a new strategy,” says Taylor. “There were              management has proven effective, not
assurance at the Morgan Crucible                discussions about what had been done                   only in identifying risk within the
Company and current chairman of                 well and what could be improved and                    organisation, but also external issues.
Airmic, the UK risk managers’                   we put together a three-year strategy on                  “We can’t control all of the external
association. “It also improves                  governance, risk and compliance, including             risks, like the trends in the global
compliance, which is important for a            internal audits and control of policies. Now,          economy or disasters such as the
quoted company. The changes we have             we are in the third year of the roll-out.”             earthquakes in Japan,” continues
made to hearts, minds and culture are              “In the past, the company had not                   Dangerfield. “But we have weathered
already bearing fruit.”                         looked at risk in a comprehensive and                  the economic storm well through 2009

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Risk management > Connecting the dots

  We want to quantify risk as a number. That focuses the attention when
deciding whether a risk is acceptable. Our holistic approach gives us better,
quicker decisions across risk, corporate governance and insurance.
and this year with resilient earnings        prevents risk managers from addressing      regulations in different jurisdictions.
and cashflow. That shows the change          issues in a company’s top echelons.            “We run local programmes under a
that has been made in the company,              Improving the structures, processes,     global umbrella and no one has the
how management looked at risk and            and even the language used for              answer to compliance on a global
the value of its sensitivity analysis.       managing risk can encompass all of          basis,” continues Miles. “A lot depends
We saw some issues from the crisis           these issues.                               on interpretation of the law, but you
in Japan, but we also saw the                   “Corporate governance and risk are       have to take a sensible approach. We
opportunities to supply to our               dealt with as one thing across the          no longer have a captive insurance
customers when our competitors could         group,” says Dangerfield. “It is            company, which many companies
not. So, our approach to risk means we are   important to set the tone from the top.     would think was a natural thing to
better at responding to outside events.”     For instance, robust controls are           have, because there has been a shift in
                                             important in light of the UK Bribery Act,   the insurance market and deductibles
A holistic approach                          so we have run global training sessions     are low, so there are not sufficient
Within this framework, corporate             as part of a rolling programme of           business drivers for a captive.”
governance is an important strand.           corporate governance measures on a             The structure for procuring insurance,
A recent report prepared by CASS             worldwide basis.”                           establishing risk controls and instilling
Business School on behalf of Airmic             A similarly broad approach is taken      corporate governance priorities should
showed that the main reasons                 to insurance as a powerful tool in          focus on giving everyone in an
companies fail to respond well to crises     managing risk.                              organisation a better understanding of
are tied to both risk management and            “It is mandatory for all countries in    how risk affects a business.
corporate governance policies.               our group to be part of a global               “It’s all about clarity of thought and
  The ‘Roads to Ruin’ report suggested       insurance programme, though auto and        the ability to see what the top risks are
that risks arise from inadequate             employee liability insurance are handled    in the organisation in a qualitative and
boardroom skills and the inability of        locally,” says Miles, head of insurance     quantitative way,” says Dangerfield.
non-executive directors to exercise          procurement. “We have a strong team            “What gets quantified gets managed,
control; blindness to inherent risks that    ethos here, so there is no resistance to    and we want to quantify risk as a
might threaten a company’s business          having a global programme.”                 number,” adds Taylor. “That focuses
model or reputation; inadequate                 Inevitably, there are challenges to      the attention when deciding whether
leadership on corporate culture;             implementing an insurance strategy          a risk is acceptable. Our holistic
defective internal communication;            across more than 50 countries, as           approach gives us better, quicker
organisational complexity; inappropriate     Morgan Crucible does, not least of          decisions across risk, corporate
incentives; and the ‘glass ceiling’ that     which is the complexity of the              governance and insurance.” ■

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Risk management > Connecting the dots

Held to account
In the wake of the global financial crisis, legal action is on the rise and is
increasingly being targeted not just at companies, but also at individual
executives. Géraud Verhille of Chartis discusses the legislative changes
that have facilitated this, the implications they have for executives and
boards of directors, and what they can do to protect themselves.

          he global financial crisis of 2008 set off a wave of      media, which gives people the ability to drum up support
          litigation activity that is gathering pace with each      and frame an issue in a certain way,” Verhille says.
          passing year. Grievances related to the ethical conduct      There has been a rise in the number of cases related to
of directors, alleged anti-competitive behaviour (anti-trust or     corporate bankruptcy proceedings, impropriety in the
corruption) and bankruptcy proceedings are being pursued to         context of mergers and acquisitions, including instances of
the fullest degree. Such cases are not only a cause of concern      aiding and abetting or simple breach of fiduciary duty. This
for corporations; they increasingly target individual executives.   is observed in many countries, including Spain where the
   The number of claims brought against company directors           burst of the real estate bubble – a sector rife with
in Europe is running at 20% above 2009 and 2010 levels,             acquisitions – has had far-reaching consequences including
which were already considered ‘peak years’, and this                bankruptcy proceedings and shareholder litigation.
pattern looks set to continue. The introduction of legislation         “On the litigious side, where there have been financial
such as the Dodd-Frank Act in the US and the Anti-Bribery           losses, shareholders are quite simply trying to bring directors
Act in the UK is likely to underpin this pattern in the future,     to account,” Verhille says. “Allegations based around the way
as it further empowers regulatory bodies and criminal               organisations make representations to the market are also
courts to place past and future actions of corporate board          very common at the moment. CFOs have personal liability
members under intense scrutiny.                                     for this, which is why regulators and shareholders are going
   “There is a greater push for transparency in what                after the individual, not just the company.”
corporations do, especially in the financial markets, and a            Another noteworthy change is the increase in collective
drive for a more ethical business conduct across the globe,”        action suits in European courts. The US has long been seen
says Géraud Verhille, vice-president, Financial Lines Europe        as the most favourable forum for such disputes, leading
at the insurer Chartis. “This is aided by legislation such as       many foreign investors to join US actions even if their case
the Dodd-Frank or Bribery Acts but also by the allocation of        did not directly relate to that jurisdiction. The US Supreme
government resources, the existence of bodies such as the           Court decision in the Morrison case has strengthened the
Enterprise Chamber in the Netherlands, or quite simply by           hand of judges to push such cases back into more
historically active regulators like the Corte dei Conti in Italy    geographically relevant arenas.
or the AMF in France. In a way this has been an existing trend         “They may not be full-blown class action suits like we see
for a number of years but the crisis has provided a renewed         in the US yet, but multiple party actions involving groups
political drive that has accelerated the process.”                  that have suffered common losses or share common
                                                                    problems are emerging in Europe,” Verhille explains. “What
                                                                    also contributes to this is US courts telling holders of foreign
  The number of claims brought                                      shares ‘there is an alternative forum for your class – you did
against company directors in                                        not purchase your shares on the US stock exchange’ and

Europe is running at 20% above                                      redirecting the case to an indigenous forum. As a
                                                                    consequence we see the foreign component of existing US
2009 and 2010 levels.                                               actions being pushed back into Europe and litigated here.”

Shareholder power                                                   A class act
This increased power to hold individuals to account                 This must also be seen in the context of the increased
manifests itself in a number of ways. Many direct or                strength of regulatory and legal authorities in a number of
derivative shareholder actions are being launched out of            different countries. In the UK, for example, the recently
anger and disillusionment with recent events. In certain            introduced Bribery Act has given the Serious Fraud Office
instances this is for financial recovery, but in many others it     potential access to a much greater number of companies and
is about governance. For example, new ‘say on pay’ rules            individuals. The terms of the legislation mean that the onus
have given shareholders greater powers of governance and a          of guilt has shifted, placing greater pressure on the executive
higher volume of motions are being tabled at company                boards of companies to prove that no wrongdoing has taken
general meetings. “This is at times even supported by social        place. Recent years have also seen a noted increase in

 50   Finance Director Europe |
Risk management > Connecting the dots

cross-border cooperation between regulators, an
acknowledgement of the global impact of how modern
                                                                         Know your ABC
business is conducted.                                                   There are three kinds of directors and officers (D&O) liability
   “Before the Bribery Act the criminal prosecution had to               insurance, which offer varying degrees of coverage:
prove that there was a ‘directing mind’ within a company                 nn n idenAndirectly covers directors and officers for
that led to an act of bribery,” Verhille explains. “Now, once an           losses resulting from claims made against them for
act of bribery has been discovered, a company can be liable                wrongful acts committed in their capacity as an
                                                                           executive for which no indemnification by their
unless it can demonstrate that all possible measures had
                                                                           company is possible.
been put in place to prevent it. It makes it so much more
                                                                         nn SidenB coverage reimburses a company for the cost
difficult for company directors and so much easier for the
                                                                           of indemnifying its directors or officers as a result of
authorities to enforce and fine.”                                          claims made against them.
   “The increase in the budget allocation to ensure
                                                                         n SidenC provides coverage for a company’s losses for
enforcement in the US and a review of plans to consolidate                 claims in relation to the violation of securities laws,
regulatory bodies in the UK for fear of losing effective                   typically brought by shareholders.
enforcement are strong political signs,” Verhille explains. “The
changes in the legal landscape regarding whistle-blowing
and self-reporting are also helping to allocate enforcement           Private vs public
resources more efficiently. As a result, we are now seeing that       In this environment, steps need to be taken not just by large
when regulators and subsequently investors decide to litigate,        public firms, but by private companies as well. In Verhille’s view
the action tends to go further. It’s an issue that sticks.”           there has been a misconception that directors of private
   In addition, some of the key deterrents to civil action are        companies have a much higher immunity to claims. The reality
eroding in Europe. The ‘loser pays’ rule made many possible           is that cases lodged against executives of private companies
claimants think twice about launching action, wary of the             now outnumber those brought against their public counterparts.
need for a watertight case if steep costs were to be avoided.            “Of course, most private companies don’t have to worry
The rise in the amount of litigation funding available in             about cases related to misrepresentation to financial markets,”
certain European countries mitigates this and the local               he explains. “But they are at the mercy of a whole range of
implantation of law firms used to US-style class actions, as          claims, not least brought about by state attorneys. For example,
well as the relaxing of contingency fee limitation (e.g. in the       with respect to health and safety, anti-trust issues, or cases
Netherlands) has provided extra impetus to pursue claims.             related to the environment, executives of private companies are
                                                                      just as accountable. On the civil side they face cases brought
Ensuring transparency                                                 by their stake-holders related to breach of fiduciary duty which
There are things that finance officers can do to mitigate             may have led to financial losses. All of these are on the rise.”
two of the largest risks they might face; one with respect to
representations to markets and the other to bankruptcies.             Defence industry
If companies are to ensure the correct representation of              For all the doom and gloom, strong defence of directors and
information to the markets, systems must be put in place              officers against litigation often proves successful. Even if
that allow for real-time, cross-company visibility of both            initial decisions prove unfavourable, recent history suggests
operational performance and liquidity levels. This includes           that many appeals lead to the dismissal of a case or the
subsidiaries and sub-groups, which are being targeted more            reduction of an award or fine. Comprehensive, road-tested
and more.                                                             directors and officers (D&O) insurance combined with strong
   “Most CFOs are clearly aware of these risks and their              claims-handling experience and a global footprint can go a
consequences, which is the first major step,” says Verhille.          long way to mitigating risk. Court action is always costly and
“In terms of mitigation, many have been moving in the right           stressful, but strong defences can make it much less so.
direction for years, changing the way organisations are run              “There just needs to be that risk awareness,” Verhille says.
to make more accurate representations to the market. There            “When it comes to criminal or regulatory investigations and
is also a lot of risk associated with providing guidance, as          prosecution, a powerful defence is expensive but paramount.
altering it tends to affect your share price. Should we provide       Whether you are big or small, strong defence is critical
it? How should we do it? These questions need to be                   because the ultimate consequences to a practice, or as a
assessed rigorously.                                                  director or officer, be it fines, imprisonment or disqualification,
   “When it comes to liquidity and solvency, CFOs must                could be considerable.” ■
monitor all parts of the group. Bankruptcies of subsidiaries or
affiliated companies can lead to tough litigation against
individuals – allegations of late notification or asset-stripping
                                                                        Further information
are typical. You have to try to stay abreast of these situations        Chartis
to build up as strong a defence as possible should anything   
happen,” he adds.

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Risk management > Connecting the dots

A triumph of risk
Insuring the right risks at the right price while mitigating all other hazards and exposures
for which cover is not available is often a complex and dynamic process. Javier van
Engelen and Sabrina Hartusch of international lingerie and shapewear manufacturer
Triumph International Spiesshofer & Braun KG explain why it helps to integrate insurance
and risk management within the finance and administration function.

         ased in Switzerland but founded     management, that all risks should be                   alignment among all stakeholders, not
         in Germany 125 years ago this       reviewed at least annually, along with                 to mention the great strides that have
         year, family-owned Triumph was      the strategies to mitigate them.                       been made in terms of Triumph’s
for a long time a decentralised                 Insurable hazards such as trade credits,            organisational structure.
organisation that grew to become a           any type of liability and trade or value
company with a turnover of CHF2.2            chain disruption were clear and defined.               Uninsurable risks
billion and 36,500 employees. Today, it      However, as Sabrina Hartusch, Triumph’s                Among the uninsurable risks that were
manufactures in ten out of the 46            global head of insurance, points out, it is            thrown up by the risk map, van Engelen
countries in which it has an established     still important to promote competition                 singles out three key areas. Being first
presence, and operates in a total of 120     among insurers and to diligently select                to market with quality, innovative and
different markets.                           your provider. The company insists that                consumer-focused products is a constant
   Triumph specialises in high-quality,      policies are tailored to Triumph’s specific            challenge he says can only be met by
mid-segment-priced underwear, where          requirements rather than simply                        the firm’s commitment to workmanship
fit and comfort are of crucial importance.   supplying off-the-shelf products.                      and its 125 years of experience.
Renowned brand names such as                    Hartusch has conducted a stringent                     A second risk concerns Triumph’s global
Triumph, Sloggi, Valisère and HOM            analysis of Triumph’s insurance world.                 scale. Its main competitor, Victoria’s Secret,
belong to the group. As CFO Javier van       As a result, the company does not pay                  may be bigger but it is US-focused.
Engelen explains, Triumph has recently       for risks it no longer considers important.            Triumph is the only truly international
made two major strategic changes. The        Moreover, competition has reduced                      player; it therefore must leverage that
company began to centralise its              premium cost and delivered a better                    reach to stay ahead of competitors who,
functions, not least risk management         service. What is also clear is that global             says van Engelen, will challenge it with
and insurance in its global headquarters     insurance is ultimately responsible for all            lower cost and lower-quality products in
in Bad Zurzach. It also decided to           company policies, from legal entity to                 an industry where margins are shrinking
establish its own retail stores alongside    personnel insurances.                                  because of commodity price rises.
its wholesale trade.                            Van Engelen and Hartusch have                          The third challenge is to remain best
                                             done much to promote effective                         in class, not just in commercial terms
Risk mapping                                 communication within the Finance and                   by bringing new products to market,
“Two years ago we started with global        Administration function and emphasise                  but also in the way Triumph manages
risk mapping,” says van Engelen. “We         the importance of cross-departmental                   itself internally.
asked everyone within the company to do
a risk map, a heat map of the biggest
risks that we have from their individual
                                               Javier van Engelen
functions.” Up until this point, there had     Javier van Engelen is the global CFO and a member of the global management
been a disjointed view of the totality of      board of Triumph International. Previously, he worked in multiple countries for
                                               Procter & Gamble and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals. He holds a masters degree
risk. Creating the map produced a picture      in Economics/Econometrics from the Antwerp Business School.
of the compounded risks and opened
executives’ eyes to the reality that while
individual risks could be managed, there
was considerable complexity when they          Sabrina Hartusch
                                               Sabrina Hartusch is global head of insurance at Triumph, responsible for the
were taken together.                           group’s global and the local subsidiaries’ insurances. She holds an MSc in
   It was also clear to the Triumph global     insurance and risk management from Cass Business School, London, and
                                               is on the board of the Swiss Association of Insurance and Risk Managers.
management board, which oversees risk

 52   Finance Director Europe |
Risk management > Connecting the dots

   “This comes back                                                                                            “For me, the biggest
to insurance, finance                                                                                       differentiator is not
and risk,” van Engelen                                                                                      necessarily being private or
explains. “What we’re                                                                                       public,” he says. “It is about
doing here in terms of                                                                                      how you manage your
our finance structure                                                                                       cash. There is one big
and the overall risk                                                                                        difference between private
management has to be                                                                                        and public companies,
a top-quality approach.”                                                                                    which has implications,
   The mitigating                                                                                           and that’s the quarterly
advantage that                                                                                              reporting. The advantage
Triumph enjoys is its                                                                                       that we have is that we do
family ownership.                                                                                           not have to worry about
Short lines of                                                                                              fluctuating results, quarter
communication                                                                                               by quarter. So we have a
mean that problems                                                                                          bit more flexibility. We do
can be spotted and                                                                                          not have to cover for all
fixed quickly, and                                                                                          potential risks and to
van Engelen notes                                                                                           hedge them over time so
that five generations                                                                                       that we avoid significant
of owners have                                                                                              disruption. We save money.”
pursued the same                                                                                               “The translation has
fundamental                                                                                                 nothing to do with the
mandate: to reinvest                                                                                        operational health of the
in the business.                                                                                            company,” van Engelen
   He also says that                                                                                        continues. “It doesn’t
it’s not possible to                                                                                        impact my profit margin.
have a global                                                                                               It is purely translating
mandate for credit                                                                                          operating results from all
risk. Instead he                                                                                            my subsidiaries into a Swiss
drives home to local                                                                                        franc consolidation report.”
subsidiaries the need                                                                                          The current strength
to assess credit risk     Triumph has been creating lingerie and shapewear for 125 years.                   of the Swiss franc has
and insure where                                                                                            only impacted the 2% of
appropriate. These local subsidiaries          any insurance against that. We thought        sales the company makes in Switzerland.
are held accountable for bad debts, but        there was absolutely no risk. We got it          There is one ‘risk’ that van Engelen
despite Triumph having many thousands wrong. However, in the total scheme of                 cheerfully admits he would never have
of customers, the recession has not            things, it was a very small pimple on a       suspected when he came to Triumph
produced any significant increase.             smooth surface.”                              three years ago. Apparently, when a new
   However, he admits: “Life is not               The solvency of Triumph’s insurers and     colour is introduced to an underwear
always rosy. We have been hit by one           their three renowned banks is always on       range, it can affect the all-important fit
bad debt. A major German retailer with         the risk radar. There is, however, one risk   of a garment. It seems there are some
a triple-A credit rating and they still        area van Engelen doesn’t have to worry        scenarios even an experienced CFO
went into insolvency and we didn’t have about: foreign exchange risk.                        cannot plan for. ■

  Company profile: Triumph International
  Triumph International, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of lingerie and underwear, is a family-owned company with
  36,500 employees worldwide and an annual turnover of CHF2.2 billion in 2010. It develops, produces and markets underwear,
  sleepwear and swimwear both wholesale and through its own stores for its Triumph, Sloggi, Valisère, and HOM brands.

  Triumph began life as a corset manufacturing business in southern Germany in 1886. Founders Michael Braun and Johann
  Gottfried Spiesshofer laid the foundations for an innovative product policy, coupled with the highest standards of material and
  workmanship. Triumph rapidly became a pioneer in the transformation of the shaping corset into luxury lingerie.

  Having extended its name to Triumph International in 1953, the company subsequently opened subsidiaries on all continents.
  Today, it has a presence in over 120 countries.

                                                                    Finance Director Europe |             53
Risk management > Connecting the dots

Calculated risk
Risk management is a complex task for any multinational and DLA Piper, the world’s
largest law firm, knows only too well the many challenges posed by different regulations
and insurance requirements. Chief risk officer Julia Graham and CFO Paul Edwards
explain to Jim Banks why the company’s decision to appoint a CRO to coordinate an
enterprise-wide risk management strategy has been its trump card.

      n early 2011, DLA Piper became
      the world’s biggest law firm with       Julia Graham
                                              Julia Graham is chief risk officer for global law firm DLA Piper. Her
      more than 4,000 lawyers in 76           responsibilities include the design and procurement of international
offices in 30 countries. For such a           programmes for all classes of insurance. Graham is a past chair of
                                              Airmic and a board member and vice-president of FERMA.
globally distributed organisation risk
management and insurance provision
pose many challenges, not only in
terms of divergent regulations in             Paul Edwards
                                              Paul Edwards was appointed chief financial officer of DLA Piper
different jurisdictions, but also from a      International LLP in 2004. Prior to that he was finance director for eight
cost perspective.                             years at Simmons & Simmons. Edwards has also worked as a chartered
                                              accountant with Arthur Andersen in both London and Brisbane, Australia.
   To ensure that the right insurance
and risk mitigation strategies are in
place, and that they are cost-effective,
the organisation places great
                                               The CFO and CRO                                     Edwards, who is responsible for all
emphasis on the relationship between                                                            financial matters outside the US, is
chief risk officer (CRO) Julia Graham       may have a natural                                  part of the firm’s international board
and the firm’s top management,              conflict, the former                                and its management executive. An
including CFO Paul Edwards.
   Graham, immediate past president
                                            driving growth and the                              ACA, he qualified with Arthur
                                                                                                Andersen and has since worked in the
of Airmic and currently VP of FERMA,        latter controlling risk,                            finance teams of leading law firms.
is in charge of the firm’s handling of      but that tension can                                   “The key thing is the very existence
legal and regulatory risk, operational                                                          of a CRO, as we need a specialist to
risk – including HSE and business
                                            be very important in                                advise us when we make commercial
continuity – and client intake issues       creating solutions.                                 decisions,” he remarks. “We absolutely
such as conflicts of interest and                                                               need insurance, but it adds red tape
money-laundering countermeasures.           risk committee, which includes the                  and can constrain the business.
Her brief also covers compliance, the       chairman, managing directors and                       “Julia runs the risk committee and
purchase of insurance and claims            some senior partners, but my focus is               it is her job to show all the risks and
management for all classes of cover.        on insurance.                                       exposures the firm faces. Usually, the
Her previous experience in the financial       “Paul looks at financial management              CFO and CRO may have a natural
services industry gives her a unique        and control, so he wants to see that                conflict, the former driving growth
insight into how different things are in    I spend our money wisely. My role is                and the latter controlling risk, but that
a professional services firm.               to agree the insurance programme                    tension can be very important in
   “Our business model drives many          with the partners who run the                       creating solutions,” he adds.
things, including the relationship          business, while part of the CFO’s brief                Graham agrees but says that she is
between CRO and CFO,” says Graham.          is to address challenges like tax and               not always pushing in the opposite
“It is not like financial services, where   transfer pricing as part of the global              direction to Edwards.
often the CRO is the CFO and the role       insurance programme. He needs to                       “Risk management is not just about
focuses on the market, credit and           know that it is compliant and                       prevention; it is about converting
liquidity risk. In a law firm the agenda    appropriate for the territories in which            opportunity,” she explains. “It is partly
is different. Both Paul and I are on the    we work.”                                           about comforting non-executive directors

 54   Finance Director Europe |
Risk management > Connecting the dots

   Compliance can be a challenge, especially in emerging markets. You
have to navigate a very complex landscape in which markets are at very
different levels of maturity, and regimes are changing all the time.

so that they are less risk-averse. Risk    core team of centralised expertise         confirms Graham. “D&O insurance
has negative connotations, so the          under Graham makes managing                covers management liability for the
challenge is to play the upside.”          compliance simpler.                        actions of external directors and
   “The management team doesn’t see          “Compliance can be a challenge,          the management of the firm, but
the CRO role as a negative thing,”         especially in emerging markets, where      professional indemnity, or malpractice,
stresses Edwards. “We must have a          local tax and regulatory regimes           is our largest kind of cover by far and
more enlightened view. Professional        differ,” comments Graham. “You have        takes priority over D&O.”
indemnity, which is a very specific        to navigate a very complex landscape          Important work by the likes of
area of expertise for Julia, is very       in which markets are at very different     FERMA and Airmic is bringing the
important. Sure, the CFO might get         levels of maturity, and regimes are        industry together to improve the options
frustrated by the many regulations         changing all the time. There is no         from brokers and make choices less
around the world, but Julia must guide     blueprint for an insurance programme.      disparate, but there is still much to do.
us through that to help the board          You can’t just get an off-the-shelf           “The complexity of a global
understand them.”                          solution from a broker.”                   insurance programme means that as
                                             The core team handles many kinds of      CRO I have to be very inquisitive and
Global policy, local cover                 insurance, but the most significant is     constantly vigilant,” says Graham.
DLA Piper operates a global insurance      cover for malpractice; broadly speaking,   “My team must stay informed and
programme to ensure consistency and        this is the equivalent of D&O insurance.   educated, which helps relationships
economies of scale, but the most             “Malpractice insurance is the            with brokers. We develop a partnership
important driver is central control. The   biggest professional risk for us,”         with them and work closely together

                                                              Finance Director Europe |        55
Risk management > Connecting the dots


to design programmes. For instance,         compliance are managed very
we may need local cover to get a            closely together.”                         Company profile:
business running in a particular               “I want a CRO who brings up and
                                                                                       DLA Piper
market, as well as the umbrella of the      addresses issues by working with
                                                                                       nn DLAnPipernwasncreatedninn2005n
global programme. It is a complex           the CFO and senior management,”              bynthenmergernofnDLA,nPipern
structure, which is why we need a           says Edwards. “We want to know if            RudnicknandnGraynCary.n
dedicated professional to manage it.”       we have suitable plans for disaster
                                            recovery to react to things like           nn Thencompanynemploysn4,200n
Topical risks                               outbreaks of swine flu or the                Asia-Pacific,nEurope,nthenMiddlen
To control this complexity, DLA Piper       earthquakes that Japan had this year.        EastnandnthenUS.n
has a risk register which is constantly     We need Julia to put a good system
updated to track topical risks. These       in place that is cost-effective.”          nn Withnandirectnpresenceninn30n
comprise: the economic environment;            Events constantly inform the firm’s
the rising tide of tougher regulation;      risk profile. The ongoing problems at        Fortunen250nandnnearlynhalfnofnthen
security of information; the fight for      News Corporation emphasise issues            FTSEn350norntheirnsubsidiaries.n
top talent; perennial risks; and the risk   like reputational risk, and also raise
                                                                                       nn Thencompanynoffersnservicesninn
of catastrophes, whether they be            questions about the workability of
natural disasters or the social unrest      D&O cover when management                    banking;nhealthcare,ninsurancen
seen in markets like Egypt.                 schisms pit directors – and their            andnreinsurance,nandntechnology.n
   “We have to look at very specific        insurers – against each other.
                                                                                       nn DLAnPipernadoptsnannenterprisen
types of risk and mitigate any risk            In short, a big professional services
that might affect the way we deliver        firm needs not only a risk specialist        integrated,ninternationalnriskn
on our strategy,” says Graham. “We          like Graham, but a coherent, global,         managementnandncompliancenteam.n  n
are specific about risks so that people     enterprise-wide strategy for risk
                                                                                       nn Inn2011nDLAnPipernbecamenthen
can embed them in how they manage           management to ensure compliance
the business. Governance and risk           and cost-effective cover. ■

 56   Finance Director Europe |
Risk management > Connecting the dots

Reduce complexity
with global D&O cover
More than ever, company directors working in unfamiliar countries
and jurisdictions need robust D&O coverage. Michael Rieger-Goroncy
of Beazley explains why working with his firm – a Lloyd’s of London
insurer licensed to operate in 79 countries – can save businesses
valuable time and money.

       n 2009, the title for the FERMA conference was ‘Global          defence. In the absence of dedicated Side A cover that
       village: the future of risk management’. Two years later,       complies with local requirements to cover such costs, they will
       life in the village is far from harmonious. Political unrest    be completely on their own.
in the Middle East and North Africa, and extreme economic
volatility in the eurozone and North America have contributed          A flexible policy
to the world becoming a much more unstable place, with                 So how can insurers help to resolve this? Some are now
the risk of nationalist and protectionist reactions from               offering local policies provided by their regional subsidiary or
governments increasing daily. As a result, company directors           a local partner fronting the policy. However, this can prove
working in unfamiliar countries and jurisdictions require              both costly and complicated – especially if the local insurer is
reliable, far-reaching directors and officers liability insurance      not an expert in writing D&O insurance. Experience shows
(D&O) coverage.                                                        that getting local policies fulfilled is, at best, a difficult and
   In the past, directors have taken comfort in the fact that their    time-consuming task. Problems often arise when dealing with
global D&O policy purported to afford them cover all around            local laws and regulations, negotiating different terms and
the world. However, many governments are now requiring                 conditions for each jurisdiction, and, finally, consolidating all
directors and companies to use policies that comply with local         of this coverage in the global policy.
legislation. The penalties for failing to do so are significant;          Of course, everybody dreams of buying a genuinely global
either a sanction against companies and their insurers or –            policy that offers compliant coverage in each jurisdiction
more ominously from the director’s perspective – a prohibition         without having to resort to local policies. While there is no
                                                                       panacea, the problem can be significantly eased by working
   Many governments are now                                            with an insurer licensed to write direct business in a wide
                                                                       range of countries.
requiring directors and companies                                         Beazley, like other Lloyd’s of London insurers, is licensed in
to use policies that comply with                                       79 countries and can offer immediate coverage in many
local legislation. The penalties for                                   territories. This prevents the need for complicated, time
                                                                       consuming and costly local polices in these countries.
failing to do so are significant.                                         Furthermore, Beazley is able to offer this solution even
                                                                       when it is not the primary insurer on a programme, but on an
                       on the payment of D&O claims under a            excess layer only. The risk manager can elect to buy an
                            global policy.                             additional Beazley Side A excess endorsement with an
                                  The problem is particularly          ‘international drop down’ provision. While this may not
                                   serious for directors when          always prevent the company from having to buy local
                                     they are operating in             policies (for example, in Brazil, where Lloyd’s is not currently
                                       overseas jurisdictions          licensed), it will often help to make the placement of an
                                        that forbid companies          international programme much easier, faster and less
                                        indemnifying directors,        expensive than if the primary insurer needed to issue local
                                        meaning they cannot be         policies for all territories. ■
                                        protected by so-called
                                       Side B D&O cover. In
                                      these cases, the director
                                                                          Further information
                                    will be personally liable for         Beazley Group
                                 costs arising for local legal  
                              representation to conduct their

                                                                      Finance Director Europe |           57
Risk management > Connecting the dots

Clean without                                                                            US Foreign Corrupt
                                                                                         Practices Act (FCPA)
                                                                                         v UK Bribery Act
                                                                                         Who is being bribed?
                                                                                         FCPA: Limited to the bribing of
                                                                                         ‘foreign officials’.
                                                                                         Bribery Act: Prohibits bribes paid
                                                                                         to any person to induce them to
                                                                                         act ‘improperly’.
                                                                                         Nature of advantage obtained
When Siemens agreed to pay a record $1.34 billion fine for                               FCPA: Payment must be ‘to obtain
bribery and corruption in 2008, a wide-scale compliance                                  or retain business’.

transformation programme was already in full swing within                                Bribery Act: Not limited to
                                                                                         business advantage – extends to
the company. Finance Director Europe looks back at how                                   any improper action.
Siemens cleaned up its act and why robust compliance                                     1
                                                                                          Active offence vs passive
and internal controls are so important for modern                                        offence
companies in a climate of increased bribery legislation.                                 FCPA: Only the act of payment,
                                                                                         rather than the acceptance of
                                                                                         payment, is prohibited.

          he UK Bribery Act came into        culture to make this company a much         Bribery Act: Both bribing another
                                                                                         (‘active offence’) and being bribed
          force in July this year. FDE       more focused one.” 
                                                                                         (‘passive offence’) are prohibited.
          readers based outside of the
                                                                                         Potential penalties
UK will be interested to know that they      Pillars of strength
                                                                                         FCPA: Individuals face up to five
are not necessarily immune, as non-UK        The compliance transformation at            years in prison and fines of up to
subsidiaries of UK companies – as well       Siemens gained momentum when                $250,000; Entities face fines of up
as other non-UK incorporated companies       Andreas Pohlmann was appointed in           to $2 million.
– can be liable if they carry on a           September 2007 as chief compliance          Bribery Act: Individuals face  up
business or ‘part of a business’ in the      officer. In an interview given to the       to ten years’ imprisonment and
UK. Individuals, no matter what their        United Nations Global Compact,              potentially unlimited fines; for
                                                                                         entities, potentially unlimited fines.
nationality, are also liable if an offence
was committed in the UK; so too are
British nationals working abroad and
                                               The crisis gave us
directors and officers, even if they are     that fundamental                          and appropriate sanctioning across
only passively (see table, opposite)         push and change in                        all levels of the business in the event
involved in an offence.
   The UK Bribery Act takes a leaf out of
                                             culture to make this                      of employee misconduct. Peter
                                                                                       Solmssen, Siemens’ current general
the 34-year-old FCPA (Foreign Corrupt        company a much                            council, took over the role of chief
Practices Act) in the US and when            more focused one.                         compliance officer in 2010. In spite
comparing the two, the UK Act appears                                                  of the inevitable media storm that
tougher. The FCPA has clocked up over                                                  surrounded the scandal, Siemens’
50 successful prosecutions against           Pohlmann outlined Siemens’ three-pillar   reputation seems to have remained
companies including German                   “prevent, detect, respond” compliance     intact with revenues of €76 billion and
conglomerate Siemens, which agreed           system, whereby ‘prevent’ focuses on      a net income of €4.1 billion in 2010.
to pay a massive $1.34 billion fine in       information quality, integrity and           With ambiguities around the
December 2008 for operating a S$2.3          reliability, as well as anti-corruption   application of the UK Bribery Act in
billion slush fund in Singapore to help      training; ‘detect’ focuses on early-      specific scenarios such as corporate
win international contracts. Speaking        stage detection of misconduct, such       hospitality and the sensitivity of
on a Forbes podcast in July 2011, group      as a help desk function to encourage      specific vertical markets to bribery
CFO of Siemens, Joe Kaeser,                  employees to communicate problems         (such as the pharmaceutical
acknowledged that the crisis gave            and thus help build a stronger culture    sector), ensuring clear guidance and
Siemens a much-needed reality check.         of integrity; and ‘respond’ focuses on    policies for employees, such as those
“The compliance crisis gave us that          the strict enforcement of policies and    adopted by Siemens, could well be a
fundamental push and change in               regulations coupled with consistent       good idea for all companies today. ■

 58   Finance Director Europe |
Risk management > Connecting the dots

Seize the day
In today’s volatile pensions market, more and more
companies are looking to transfer the risk to insurance
providers. With a vast array of available options, including
annuity buy-ins and buyouts, Prudential’s Greg Wenzerul
(far right) and Andrew Reed explain why many companies
cannot afford to wait to transact.

          hese are tricky times for defined benefit pension             is not possible. They may be quite heavy in equities, and
          schemes. Faced with the double whammy of                      equities have dropped down in value quite significantly.”
          increased longevity risk and extreme market                      Prudential therefore offers a nuanced range of approaches
volatility, many of them have been plunged into deficit. With           suitable for companies’ specific needs. With schemes
ever more schemes closing to new members, the central                   increasingly using a combination of solutions as part of their
concern for sponsors and trustees is finding ways to                    long-term risk management strategy, Prudential works on ways
safeguard existing members’ interests.                                  of incorporating these into an individually tailored route map.
   Managing down the risk is therefore seen as essential.                  An important point of focus has been adding flexibility to
“The current climate has really focused trustees’ minds on              buy-in contracts. One such area of flexibility is to cover
de-risking,” says Greg Wenzerul, corporate deal principal at            future retirees within a transaction at an affordable price –
Prudential. “For many trustees, the goal of de-risking their            a pilot project known as Defined Benefit Vestings. “Defined
schemes has become a lot more pressing.”                                Benefit Vestings allows you take out annuities as people
   The picture, however, is complex, with no two schemes                retire,” says Reed. “That’s particularly attractive when you’ve
operating in quite the same way, and no one solution suitable           secured your pensioners, and you just want to carry on
for all. While transferring risk to an insurance company may            building up the annuitisation.”
seem like an attractive prospect, it is important that sponsors            Another promising solution is the Future Premium Product
and trustees remain alert to what this may mean in practice.            (FPP). It is suited to most schemes and avoids the drawbacks
                                                                        of the much touted longevity swaps, which for some

   If you can find a counterparty                                       schemes may not represent especially good value for money.
                                                                           The main thing, as Reed and Wenzerul see it, is to ensure
that you believe is strong and                                          that you pick an insurance company that will work with you
reliable, and they can meet that                                        to provide the optimal solution for your particular scheme.

price, then transact. Don’t wait.                                       “With more turbulence expected ahead,” says Wenzerul, “we
                                                                        recommend schemes transact with a counterparty that is
                                                                        financially secure, stable and will be around in the market for
Buy-in vs buyout                                                        the life of its members.”
Two widely discussed options are annuity buy-in and                        It is an area of the market in which Prudential holds great
buy-out solutions. Buyouts transfer the pension liabilities             sway. With an instantly familiar brand and a long history in
from the sponsor company to the insurer, whereas buy-ins                life insurance, the company benefits from a potent
entail purchasing an insurance policy that fully matches                combination of solid administration and financial strength.
those liabilities.                                                      Since 1997, it has secured pension scheme liabilities in
   “At Prudential, we have been in the annuity buyout market            excess of £5.4 billion, and has successfully completed over
since the mid-90s, with the annuity buy-in market taking off            430 buy-out/buy-in transactions. Such transactions look set
around 2006,” explains Wenzerul. “The key difference is that            to continue for many years.
a buy-in is an asset of the scheme. It’s similar in many ways              “My view would be, understand what your criteria are for
to a corporate bond, but instead of coupon payments it pays             transacting,” says Reed. “If you can find a counterparty that
the actual benefits of the underlying members.”                         you believe is strong and reliable, and they can meet that
   While buy-ins represent the ultimate de-risking solution             price, then transact. Don’t wait. You often miss the boat.” ■
for many companies, they require the support of the
scheme’s sponsors and affordability remains a consideration.
   “It’s difficult to say, ‘now’s a good time to enter into a buy-in
                                                                           Further information
or a buy-out’,” says Andrew Reed, Prudential’s director of defined         Prudential
benefit solutions, “because although it is very much a good      
time if a company has the right assets, for some companies it

                                                                       Finance Director Europe |       59
Risk management > Connecting the dots

The risk
The effects of volatile investment markets on pension funds could be compounded by
the proposed EU risk mitigation regulations. Philip Broadley, group finance director
of Old Mutual and chairman of the pension committee of the UK’s highly influential
Hundred Group of Finance Directors, talks to Nigel Ash.

          arlier this year, Philip Broadley,
                                                 Philip Broadley
          CFO of Old Mutual and past             Philip Broadley is group finance director at Old Mutual. He held the same position
          chairman of the Hundred Group          at Prudential and was a partner in Arthur Andersen. Broadley is chairman of
                                                 the Hundred Group of Finance Directors’ pension committee and a founding
of finance directors visited an exhibition
                                                 member of the CFO Forum of European Insurance Company Finance Directors.
in Florence on the activity of the city’s
Renaissance bankers.
   “Florentine banks suffered from many        nature of a pension scheme and in the                   states such as the UK that had
of the same concerns we have today,”           end the importance and value that                       widespread systems of funded defined
observes Broadley, “about whether the          attaches to the sponsor’s covenant.”                    benefit provision.
bankers were facilitating trade or merely        While UK pension provision had taken                     Broadley accepts that pan-European
extracting an economic rent from doing         a while to develop, Broadley believes                   schemes might of themselves be
so. There were many questions relating         that the current system, with the                       relevant in the longer term. However,
to risk-taking in Florence during the          powers of the trustees and the ultimate                 he is concerned they would be of less
15th-century. That demonstrates that           backing of the Pension Protection                       use to multinational companies that
none of the arguments is new; they just        Fund, works effectively.                                also had operations outside the EU
come round every once in a while.”                                                                     and would in any case add
   The whole issue of risk is currently                                                                considerable complexity.
dominating regulatory thinking,                   There were many                                         He argues that, in the UK, members
particularly in Europe, and in the view of     questions relating to                                   of defined benefit schemes generally
many it is skewing thinking on efficient
markets. The very complexity of some
                                               risk-taking in Florence                                 understand their schemes and their
                                                                                                       benefits. They can “put their arms
proposed regulations, such as IORP 2           during the 15th century.                                around” their pension provisions,
(Institutions for Occupational Retirement      None of the arguments                                   which would not be the case in a
Provision) and Solvency II might even be
contributing to the element of risk that
                                               is new; they just                                       remote, pan-European fund.
                                                                                                          He has a further warning. “I would
they are supposed to be preventing.            come round every                                        think that, increasingly, employers
   “I suppose my anxiety is that we are        once in a while.                                        regard pension provision simply as part
living in an environment at the moment                                                                 of the overall remuneration that they
where, for understandable reasons, there                                                               offer to their employees. I would put
is a desire to take risk out of everything,”   Euro vision                                             forward the argument that certainly
explains Broadley. “I think it is true to      In July 2011, the Hundred Group, in                     very few large employers are now
say that there can be no reward without        its submission to the European                          particularly thinking in terms of pension
some risk in any enterprise, and this is       Commission’s call for advice on the                     provision from the point of view of any
also true of banking. If we want risk-free     proposals from the European Insurance                   welfare obligation.
banks, then we will either have to accept      and Occupational Pensions Authority,                       “So with that in mind, there are still
that our mortgages are repayable at call       argued that current pension provision                   quite significant differences in
or that our deposit accounts have a            across the EU was diverse. Therefore,                   remuneration practice in different
30-year notice period.”                        any significant reform of funding                       markets,” he continues. “Some of
   A key exception that Broadley and his       requirements would not necessarily                      those are a function of the markets
colleagues take to the thrust of proposed      assist those countries with the lowest                  themselves and people’s expectations.
EU legislation is that it conflates pensions   levels of provision. It would, however,                 Some of them are also a consequence
funds with insurers. “This ignores the         impact disproportionately member                        of other regulation.”

 60   Finance Director Europe |
Risk management > Connecting the dots

                                                                                                Objective of IAS 19
                                                                                                The objective of IAS 19 is to
                                                                                                prescribe the accounting and
                                                                                                disclosure for employee benefits,
                                                                                                or all forms of consideration given
                                                                                                by an entity in exchange for service
                                                                                                rendered by employees. The
                                                                                                principle underlying all of the detailed
                                                                                                requirements of the standard is that
                                                                                                the cost of providing employee
                                                                                                benefits should be recognised in
                                                                                                the period in which the benefit is
                                                                                                earned by the employee, rather
                                                                                                than when it is paid or payable.
                                                                                                          Source: Deloitte Global Services Limited

                                                                                             Cutting the clutter
                                                                                             Broadley sees the revision of IAS19 as
                                                                                             being of particular value to general
                                                                                             portfolio managers who need to have a
                                                                                             view across various sectors.
                                                                                                “There will be a reduction in profits
                                                                                             shown in the financing line from the
                                                                                             expected return on assets being
                                                                                             changed to the discount rate,” he
                                                                                             observes, “and that will affect everyone
                                                                                             and there will be a removal of spreading
                                                                                             from the small number of schemes
                                                                                             currently using it.”
   Broadley cites the efforts to regulate           Though apparently arcane, he                The impact will vary between firms,
banking pay. Just as the provision of            believes that this last element would be    and he anticipates there is likely to be a
saving products across Europe is still           particularly relevant for the UK, more so   large number of additional disclosures.
very different, so pension provision             probably than anywhere else in the EU.         “It is interesting that there are quite a
varies as a result of custom and practice.          “DB schemes will want even less          number of initiatives underway in various
   But he warns that over-regulation will be     to invest in equities than they do          quarters to ‘cut the clutter’ – the phrase
counterproductive. “It will lead to a further    currently,” he explains. “Thus it           that is used around financial reporting,” he
continuation of benefit reduction, the           increases the long-term trend, which        notes. “Yet here we have something that
closure of defined benefit (DB) schemes,         one can observe in the UK market,           is going against that. The removal of
the switch to defined contribution often         which is that pension funds will not        spreading will increase volatility for some
with lower contribution rates, buyouts and       wish to be long-term holders of equity.     but the benefit ultimately for analysts is
more conservative investment strategies          If the pension funds are not holders of     that there will be greater consistency
for those DB schemes that do survive.”           UK equity, who is?”                         between companies’ disclosures.” ■

                                                 n Introduce enhanced disclosures              estimates of mortality rates, tax
  Overview of changes                               about defined benefit plans.               and administration costs and
  introduced by IAS 19                                                                         risk-sharing and conditional
                                                 n Modify accounting for termination
  Employee Benefits,                                benefits, including distinguishing
                                                                                               indexation features.
  as amended in 2011                                benefits provided in exchange for        n Incorporate other matters
                                                    service and benefits provided in           submitted to the IFRS
  The standard requires recognition of              exchange for the termination of            Interpretations Committee.
  changes in the net defined benefit liability      employment and affect the
  (asset) including immediate recognition                                                    n Applicable on a modified
                                                    recognition and measurement of
  of defined benefit cost, disaggregation                                                      retrospective basis to annual periods
                                                    termination benefits.
  of defined benefit cost into components,                                                     beginning on or after 1 January
  recognition of remeasurements in other         n Clarification of miscellaneous              2013, with early adoption permitted.
  comprehensive income, plan amendments,            issues, including the classification
  curtailments and settlements:                     of employee benefits, current                         Source: Deloitte Global Services Limited

                                                                     Finance Director Europe |                      61
Risk management > Connecting the dots

Risky business
As finance directors look for ways of managing down the risk of their
pension schemes, they must select from a complex array of solutions,
both within their company and externally. John Smitherman-Cairns of
Lucida explains the benefits of transacting with an insurance company
and the importance of an individually tailored approach.

           ver the last few years, the pensions market has           longevity, and we’re seeing a lot of reports in the market around
           followed a clear-cut trend. With companies seeking        how people are living longer and the burden they’re placing on
           to protect against volatility, de-risking solutions are   corporates. With a longevity swap, the scheme chooses to
in greater demand than ever, and the market is evolving to           retain all the other risks of the pension scheme, but passes on
meet this demand.                                                    the longevity risk to an external party.”
   While much of the risk can be managed internally, the
external market is growing fast. Increasingly, finance directors     Flexible, strategic solutions
are calling upon insurance companies to take on the liability        As an insurance company specialising in annuity and longevity
from their pension funds, thus transferring the risk and             risk business, Lucida offers a full and nuanced range of solutions.
administrative burden elsewhere and freeing up resource to           Progressive buy-outs, for example, allow clients to purchase a
focus on their core business.                                        series of insurance policies over time, each covering a different
   “We are in a period where more and more UK corporates are         portion of the scheme and leading ultimately to a full pension
looking to take risk off the table,” says John Smitherman-Cairns,    de-risking solution. This fits better with some organisations’
corporate development director at Lucida. “For many it’s not a       funding plans and helps them to selectively de-risk.
case of, are they going to de-risk? It’s a case of, when are they       Day one risk transfer, meanwhile, removes risk
going to de-risk and what approach are they going to take?”          instantaneously while also giving the insurance company
   These are pertinent questions for finance directors, who are      responsibility for closing the pension scheme.
generally the ones tasked with writing the cheque. Of late, they        The difficult thing from a client’s perspective is working out
have been making some very significant contributions to              what will work best for them specifically. “There has been a
pension schemes. For example, in 2010, around £10 billion was        rapid expansion in the range of products offered, and that
paid in as deficit funding by FTSE 100 companies alone.              creates opportunities for pension funds, but also some
                                                                     confusion,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “So this is a process
   Writing insurance protection for                                  where clients often turn to expert support. We are very happy
                                                                     to sit down with trustee boards and companies, and talk them
defined benefit pension schemes                                      through what they are trying to achieve and how we can
is a capital intensive proposition                                   customise the product to deliver that.”

and demand has the prospect of                                          Lucida prides itself on delivering the optimum blend of
                                                                     strategies to meet each company’s requirements. The aim is to
outstripping capacity.                                               engage clients in open discussion at the earliest possible stage.
                                                                        Its individual focus extends right through to the payment
   “They don’t want that payment to just go into what they           schedule. In this regard, Lucida is immensely flexible, as
might see as the black hole of the defined benefit pension           Smitherman-Cairns explains: “We offer deferred premiums,
scheme,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “That’s what’s driving a lot        where a corporate can secure an insurance policy immediately
of the de-risking activity we’re seeing in the market.”              with part of the premium deferred and paid to the insurer at a
   For those that transact with external providers, the product      later date, say five years. This enables the pension scheme to
offering is extensive. In recent times, there has been much          retain a degree of investment freedom or fund the premium
discussion of buy-outs, where the liabilities are transferred        through future agreed contributions.
directly to the insurance company, and buy-ins, where the               “Rather than crystallise recent losses, deferred premiums
insurance policy fully matches the scheme liabilities. The           provide the pension scheme with the opportunity to benefit from
particularly striking thing, however, is the number of ways          future increases in the value of the retained assets before paying
these products can be adapted.                                       them to the insurer,” he continues. “This opens up possibilities to
   “Some companies want full risk transfer solutions, whereas        clients that have seen deficits emerge or widen and concluded
others want, or can only afford, solutions that just address a       that they cannot, at present, afford to transact. Therefore, there are
slice of the risk,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “Within defined          answers if your asset values have fallen. Solutions just need to be
benefit pension schemes there are obviously risks around             a bit more sophisticated to deal with the current market volatility.”

 62   Finance Director Europe |
Risk management > Connecting the dots

  Ultimately, the advisability of transacting will depend upon a      deals have been performed since 2006, with roughly £7 billion
corporate’s investment profile and objectives. Although the last      of those deals originating with FTSE 100 companies.
few years have not been kind to many funds, this does not                Nor do present market trends show any sign of abating.
apply across the board. If a company’s scheme, for example,           “I think we’re in a time where the product offering has become
holds a portfolio of gilts, transacting may not be as expensive as    increasingly sophisticated to appeal to a wide range of client
the true cost of holding on to the risk.                              needs,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “But if we look forward and
                                                                      take account of the growing demand for de-risking solutions, I
Informed decisions                                                    believe capacity could become a key issue.
The cost of de-risking will also depend on whether the client            “Writing insurance protection for defined benefit pension
is coming from an accounting or a funding perspective. Most           schemes is a capital intensive proposition and demand has the
trustee boards are focused on their funding liability, but            prospect of outstripping capacity, unless significant new capital
companies will also be focused on the P&L and balance                 comes into the market.”
sheet impact. Clear communication between the parties will
be imperative.                                                            As pension costs continue to
   Corporates that do not wish to transact tend to focus
on modifying benefits and restructuring their schemes
                                                                       rise, and the market remains
to dampen down some of the liability. Solutions include early          unpredictable, defined benefit
retirement programmes, enhanced transfer value exercises and           pension schemes are starting to
pension increase exchanges. However,
many businesses are running what is in essence a                       seem untenable.
quasi-insurance company on the side with limited control over
the way the risks are managed.                                           For now, the onus is on trustees and sponsors to manage
   “We monitor what’s happening in the markets almost on an           risk intelligently – a tricky process made simpler through
hour-by-hour basis,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “We make sure            harnessing all available expertise. “This is where trustees
that we’re selectively trading our assets to take advantage of        and corporate sponsors could benefit from a detailed
market opportunities, and that is quite an intensive approach to      conversation, either with their advisors or with insurance
managing our exposure. A pension scheme has quite a different         companies, just to talk through their options,” says
governance structure, and is not always in a position to be able      Smitherman-Cairns. “And there always will be options with
to react the same way.”                                               so many innovations on the product front.” ■
   The crucial thing is to stay savvy in the face of a rapidly
changing picture. As pension costs continue to rise, and the
market remains unpredictable, defined benefit pension schemes
                                                                        Further information
are starting to seem untenable.                                         Lucida
   Corporates are jumping onto the de-risking bandwagon in    
their droves. In the UK, around £30 billion of insurance-based

                                                                     Finance Director Europe |         63
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FDE - FERMA report

  • 1. In association with: Special report Connecting the dots The importance of risk management cannot be underestimated. The emerging roles of today’s risk manager demand a much wider set of competencies, as well as a board presence to enable frictionless communication and decisive action. From regulatory and legislative changes to cashflow and liquidity, risk in all its forms ignites the motivation for growth.
  • 2. Risk management > Connecting the dots A FERMA commitment to the future A s the new president of the more recently the earthquake and Jorge Luzzi Federation of European Risk tsunami in Japan – have reinforced President, Management Associations the importance of an effective risk FERMA (FERMA), I am pleased to collaborate mitigation strategy to the board. with FDE and support a unique report The role of the modern risk manager is fuelling ever greater pension that explores the role risk management was one of the items on the agenda deficits, and CFOs, as pension plan plays in corporate strategy. This topic during the recent FERMA biannual forum sponsors and often as trustees, need is particularly relevant to our federation in Stockholm, which attracted over to be aware of the various options as we have recently submitted 1,500 delegates and featured Joseph for de-risking. answers to the green paper by EU Ackermann, CEO of Deutsche Bank, as On page 60, Philip Broadley, group Commission staff on a corporate keynote speaker. Highlights of the forum finance director of Old Mutual Group governance framework, and later this are featured in the first part of this report. and chairman of the 100 Group’s year we will provide further guidance This is followed by a series of pension committee, provides an on the risk management provisions of exclusive interviews with prominent interesting perspective on the various the eighth EU Company Law Directive risk and insurance managers (who are challenges presented by the proposed in collaboration with the European either board members or close risk-based supervision of IORPS to Confederation of Institutes of Internal affiliates of FERMA) interviewed regulate pan-European pension funds. Auditing (ECIIA). alongside their finance directors. Broadley touches on the challenges of What is of most relevance to the These interviews are complemented Solvency II, which is also a concern readers of Finance Director Europe with insight from two leading D&O for FERMA and its members. concerning these measures is that liability insurance underwriters, who As well as being the president of there is clear responsibility given to look at the importance of robust FERMA, I manage risk at the global boards of directors and their audit global D&O liability insurance in a tyre company Pirelli, collaborating committees. Senior management is climate of bribery legislation and closely with the Pirelli board as well expected to be involved in risk greater personal risks posed by as the group finance director, Michele management and risk-taking. Directors increasingly litigious stakeholders. Lerici – I therefore hope that, as a have to give direction depending on The second part of this report finance director or CFO, you find this the risk appetite of shareholders. revolves around the topic of defined report of value. Key ‘black swan’ events and benefit pension risk management. Look out for an interview with disasters – the financial meltdown in An aging population coupled Michele and me in a forthcoming 2008, the BP Oil disaster in 2010 and with considerable market volatility edition of Finance Director Europe. FERMA Since 1974, the Federation of European Risk Management Associations (FERMA) has been the leading organisation for risk management in Europe, providing the means of coordinating risk management and optimising the impact of national risk management associations outside of their national boundaries. FERMA promotes communication among its members and also within IFRIMA (International Federation of Risk and Insurance Management Associations), of which FERMA is a member. FERMA is frequently invited to participate in meetings and discussion groups with other trade and business organisations. Through these professional networks FERMA presents the risk management methodology and its benefits to business and the community. Every two years, it holds its Risk Management Forum, featuring specific seminars and surveys. FERMA works with educational bodies in Europe and welcomes collaboration from academics and professionals involved in risk management. As part of its continuing influence, it is in ongoing discussion with risk management organisations in other countries to expand the membership. Source: 46 Finance Director Europe |
  • 3. Risk management > Connecting the dots The role of the modern risk manager T he role of today’s risk manager According to Taylor, a diverse set of what risk management does is was a central talking point at the skills and competencies are now connect the dots, so that strategy annual forum of the Federation required by today’s risk manager to impacts the risk environment, and the of European Risk Management operate effectively in today’s most significant risks require the Association (FERMA) that took place in challenging global economic landscape. strategy team to deal with that. So Stockholm in October. During a plenary This view was echoed by Julia Graham, you link the two in discussions. I am panel discussion, Paul Taylor, chairman chief risk officer of DLA Piper, who also not a strategist and I am not of the UK risk management association spoke at the forum, stressing the responsible for that.” ■ Airmic and director of risk assurance at importance of risk managers talking Morgan Crucible, asserted that the role the language of the board. of the risk manager has evolved into a “To skill-up, risk managers need to Top ten risks for 2011 key support function for a board. improve their own financial awareness “The role of insurable risk and ability to perform because if they 1. Economic slowdown management hasn’t changed, what has are talking at a board level, [then] these 2. Regulatory/legislative changes changed is the broader scope of risks are the kinds of issues that boards 3. Increasing competition that many risk managers are involved understand and deal with,” she said. 4. Damage to reputation/brand with,” he said. “The role of a broader One FERMA board member was 5. Business interruption strategic enterprise risk management keen to distinguish between risk 6. Failure to innovate/meet has evolved over the last ten years management and strategy setting, customer needs because boards of companies, senior stating that a risk manager should not 7. Failure to attract top talent executives, have reaIised that they need be a board member or an architect of 8. Commodity price risk to manage the downside risk of their corporate strategy but instead be there 9. Technology failure or business in a better way and they need to help support strategy development. system failure to have clear contingencies in place “Risk management is not 10. Cashflow/liquidity risk when things go do wrong, as sometimes responsible for setting strategy. That Source: Aon’s 2011 global risk management survey things will go wrong.” is for the boards,” he said. “Instead, Finance Director Europe | 47
  • 4. Risk management > Connecting the dots Aligning governance, risk and compliance The recent ‘Roads to Ruin’ report by UK association Airmic suggested poor risk management and corporate governance were behind companies’ failure to respond effectively to crisis. Paul Taylor, Kevin Dangerfield and Terry Miles of Morgan Crucible explain to Jim Banks why bringing together corporate governance and risk management, including insurance, under one umbrella can bring significant rewards. R isk has been foremost in Kevin Dangerfield everyone’s mind since the Kevin Dangerfield is chief financial officer of Morgan Crucible. He joined the global economy took a turn for firm in 2000 as deputy group controller and was promoted to group financial controller. He then joined the board and was appointed CFO in 2006. Previously, the worse in 2008, and many companies he worked for London International Group and Virgin Retail Europe. have taken a long, hard look at how they identify, quantify and manage risk. In the boardroom, questions will often be raised about how risk affects corporate Paul Taylor Paul Taylor is director of risk assurance at Morgan Crucible with responsibility strategy, how it drives a business for creating and implementing risk management strategy, upgrading forward and what dangers it poses to corporate governance, and managing and developing the internal audit function. He is chairman of Airmic, the UK risk managers’ association. profitability and long-term success. The UK is leading the way in enterprise risk management and corporate governance, with many Terry Miles organisations looking at a broad Terry Miles is head of insurance procurement for Morgan Crucible. He is responsible for the placing of global insurance policies and liaison with spectrum of risk and controls, often brokers. Prior to joining the firm in 2006, he worked for Aon, specialising implementing a risk framework that in global insurance programmes for major multinational corporations. permeates the organisation from top to bottom. One such company is Morgan Crucible, which has a senior executive A FTSE 250 company, Morgan disciplined manner, and the same is focused on risk – not only to develop a Crucible is one of the UK’s largest true of many corporations,” says clearer picture of the company’s risk manufacturers of carbon and ceramic Dangerfield. “Paul has come in to give exposure and manage it more effectively products for industrial use. Taylor has us a level of risk analysis that goes – but also to ensure that its attitude to been at the company for three years, from the operational side right up to risk is not too conservative. After all, risk and along with the treasury team and the boardroom. It gives us clarity of goes hand in hand with opportunity. the head of insurance procurement, risk for the group, enabling “Why do this? Well, there are specific Terry Miles, he reports to the management to think more clearly benefits, like improved decision-making company’s CFO Kevin Dangerfield, who about risk in a disciplined way as part throughout the organisation, and there also chairs its risk committee. of a comprehensive governance, risk are fewer unwanted surprises, which “I came in to evolve what was in and compliance plan.” has happened recently in UBS and BP,” place, moving towards a new direction, So far, the new approach to risk says Paul Taylor, director of risk a new strategy,” says Taylor. “There were management has proven effective, not assurance at the Morgan Crucible discussions about what had been done only in identifying risk within the Company and current chairman of well and what could be improved and organisation, but also external issues. Airmic, the UK risk managers’ we put together a three-year strategy on “We can’t control all of the external association. “It also improves governance, risk and compliance, including risks, like the trends in the global compliance, which is important for a internal audits and control of policies. Now, economy or disasters such as the quoted company. The changes we have we are in the third year of the roll-out.” earthquakes in Japan,” continues made to hearts, minds and culture are “In the past, the company had not Dangerfield. “But we have weathered already bearing fruit.” looked at risk in a comprehensive and the economic storm well through 2009 48 Finance Director Europe |
  • 5. Risk management > Connecting the dots We want to quantify risk as a number. That focuses the attention when deciding whether a risk is acceptable. Our holistic approach gives us better, quicker decisions across risk, corporate governance and insurance. and this year with resilient earnings prevents risk managers from addressing regulations in different jurisdictions. and cashflow. That shows the change issues in a company’s top echelons. “We run local programmes under a that has been made in the company, Improving the structures, processes, global umbrella and no one has the how management looked at risk and and even the language used for answer to compliance on a global the value of its sensitivity analysis. managing risk can encompass all of basis,” continues Miles. “A lot depends We saw some issues from the crisis these issues. on interpretation of the law, but you in Japan, but we also saw the “Corporate governance and risk are have to take a sensible approach. We opportunities to supply to our dealt with as one thing across the no longer have a captive insurance customers when our competitors could group,” says Dangerfield. “It is company, which many companies not. So, our approach to risk means we are important to set the tone from the top. would think was a natural thing to better at responding to outside events.” For instance, robust controls are have, because there has been a shift in important in light of the UK Bribery Act, the insurance market and deductibles A holistic approach so we have run global training sessions are low, so there are not sufficient Within this framework, corporate as part of a rolling programme of business drivers for a captive.” governance is an important strand. corporate governance measures on a The structure for procuring insurance, A recent report prepared by CASS worldwide basis.” establishing risk controls and instilling Business School on behalf of Airmic A similarly broad approach is taken corporate governance priorities should showed that the main reasons to insurance as a powerful tool in focus on giving everyone in an companies fail to respond well to crises managing risk. organisation a better understanding of are tied to both risk management and “It is mandatory for all countries in how risk affects a business. corporate governance policies. our group to be part of a global “It’s all about clarity of thought and The ‘Roads to Ruin’ report suggested insurance programme, though auto and the ability to see what the top risks are that risks arise from inadequate employee liability insurance are handled in the organisation in a qualitative and boardroom skills and the inability of locally,” says Miles, head of insurance quantitative way,” says Dangerfield. non-executive directors to exercise procurement. “We have a strong team “What gets quantified gets managed, control; blindness to inherent risks that ethos here, so there is no resistance to and we want to quantify risk as a might threaten a company’s business having a global programme.” number,” adds Taylor. “That focuses model or reputation; inadequate Inevitably, there are challenges to the attention when deciding whether leadership on corporate culture; implementing an insurance strategy a risk is acceptable. Our holistic defective internal communication; across more than 50 countries, as approach gives us better, quicker organisational complexity; inappropriate Morgan Crucible does, not least of decisions across risk, corporate incentives; and the ‘glass ceiling’ that which is the complexity of the governance and insurance.” ■ Finance Director Europe | 49
  • 6. Risk management > Connecting the dots Held to account In the wake of the global financial crisis, legal action is on the rise and is increasingly being targeted not just at companies, but also at individual executives. Géraud Verhille of Chartis discusses the legislative changes that have facilitated this, the implications they have for executives and boards of directors, and what they can do to protect themselves. T he global financial crisis of 2008 set off a wave of media, which gives people the ability to drum up support litigation activity that is gathering pace with each and frame an issue in a certain way,” Verhille says. passing year. Grievances related to the ethical conduct There has been a rise in the number of cases related to of directors, alleged anti-competitive behaviour (anti-trust or corporate bankruptcy proceedings, impropriety in the corruption) and bankruptcy proceedings are being pursued to context of mergers and acquisitions, including instances of the fullest degree. Such cases are not only a cause of concern aiding and abetting or simple breach of fiduciary duty. This for corporations; they increasingly target individual executives. is observed in many countries, including Spain where the The number of claims brought against company directors burst of the real estate bubble – a sector rife with in Europe is running at 20% above 2009 and 2010 levels, acquisitions – has had far-reaching consequences including which were already considered ‘peak years’, and this bankruptcy proceedings and shareholder litigation. pattern looks set to continue. The introduction of legislation “On the litigious side, where there have been financial such as the Dodd-Frank Act in the US and the Anti-Bribery losses, shareholders are quite simply trying to bring directors Act in the UK is likely to underpin this pattern in the future, to account,” Verhille says. “Allegations based around the way as it further empowers regulatory bodies and criminal organisations make representations to the market are also courts to place past and future actions of corporate board very common at the moment. CFOs have personal liability members under intense scrutiny. for this, which is why regulators and shareholders are going “There is a greater push for transparency in what after the individual, not just the company.” corporations do, especially in the financial markets, and a Another noteworthy change is the increase in collective drive for a more ethical business conduct across the globe,” action suits in European courts. The US has long been seen says Géraud Verhille, vice-president, Financial Lines Europe as the most favourable forum for such disputes, leading at the insurer Chartis. “This is aided by legislation such as many foreign investors to join US actions even if their case the Dodd-Frank or Bribery Acts but also by the allocation of did not directly relate to that jurisdiction. The US Supreme government resources, the existence of bodies such as the Court decision in the Morrison case has strengthened the Enterprise Chamber in the Netherlands, or quite simply by hand of judges to push such cases back into more historically active regulators like the Corte dei Conti in Italy geographically relevant arenas. or the AMF in France. In a way this has been an existing trend “They may not be full-blown class action suits like we see for a number of years but the crisis has provided a renewed in the US yet, but multiple party actions involving groups political drive that has accelerated the process.” that have suffered common losses or share common problems are emerging in Europe,” Verhille explains. “What also contributes to this is US courts telling holders of foreign The number of claims brought shares ‘there is an alternative forum for your class – you did against company directors in not purchase your shares on the US stock exchange’ and Europe is running at 20% above redirecting the case to an indigenous forum. As a consequence we see the foreign component of existing US 2009 and 2010 levels. actions being pushed back into Europe and litigated here.” Shareholder power A class act This increased power to hold individuals to account This must also be seen in the context of the increased manifests itself in a number of ways. Many direct or strength of regulatory and legal authorities in a number of derivative shareholder actions are being launched out of different countries. In the UK, for example, the recently anger and disillusionment with recent events. In certain introduced Bribery Act has given the Serious Fraud Office instances this is for financial recovery, but in many others it potential access to a much greater number of companies and is about governance. For example, new ‘say on pay’ rules individuals. The terms of the legislation mean that the onus have given shareholders greater powers of governance and a of guilt has shifted, placing greater pressure on the executive higher volume of motions are being tabled at company boards of companies to prove that no wrongdoing has taken general meetings. “This is at times even supported by social place. Recent years have also seen a noted increase in 50 Finance Director Europe |
  • 7. Risk management > Connecting the dots cross-border cooperation between regulators, an acknowledgement of the global impact of how modern Know your ABC business is conducted. There are three kinds of directors and officers (D&O) liability “Before the Bribery Act the criminal prosecution had to insurance, which offer varying degrees of coverage: prove that there was a ‘directing mind’ within a company nn n idenAndirectly covers directors and officers for S that led to an act of bribery,” Verhille explains. “Now, once an losses resulting from claims made against them for act of bribery has been discovered, a company can be liable wrongful acts committed in their capacity as an executive for which no indemnification by their unless it can demonstrate that all possible measures had company is possible. been put in place to prevent it. It makes it so much more nn SidenB coverage reimburses a company for the cost difficult for company directors and so much easier for the of indemnifying its directors or officers as a result of authorities to enforce and fine.” claims made against them. “The increase in the budget allocation to ensure n SidenC provides coverage for a company’s losses for enforcement in the US and a review of plans to consolidate claims in relation to the violation of securities laws, regulatory bodies in the UK for fear of losing effective typically brought by shareholders. enforcement are strong political signs,” Verhille explains. “The changes in the legal landscape regarding whistle-blowing and self-reporting are also helping to allocate enforcement Private vs public resources more efficiently. As a result, we are now seeing that In this environment, steps need to be taken not just by large when regulators and subsequently investors decide to litigate, public firms, but by private companies as well. In Verhille’s view the action tends to go further. It’s an issue that sticks.” there has been a misconception that directors of private In addition, some of the key deterrents to civil action are companies have a much higher immunity to claims. The reality eroding in Europe. The ‘loser pays’ rule made many possible is that cases lodged against executives of private companies claimants think twice about launching action, wary of the now outnumber those brought against their public counterparts. need for a watertight case if steep costs were to be avoided. “Of course, most private companies don’t have to worry The rise in the amount of litigation funding available in about cases related to misrepresentation to financial markets,” certain European countries mitigates this and the local he explains. “But they are at the mercy of a whole range of implantation of law firms used to US-style class actions, as claims, not least brought about by state attorneys. For example, well as the relaxing of contingency fee limitation (e.g. in the with respect to health and safety, anti-trust issues, or cases Netherlands) has provided extra impetus to pursue claims. related to the environment, executives of private companies are just as accountable. On the civil side they face cases brought Ensuring transparency by their stake-holders related to breach of fiduciary duty which There are things that finance officers can do to mitigate may have led to financial losses. All of these are on the rise.” two of the largest risks they might face; one with respect to representations to markets and the other to bankruptcies. Defence industry If companies are to ensure the correct representation of For all the doom and gloom, strong defence of directors and information to the markets, systems must be put in place officers against litigation often proves successful. Even if that allow for real-time, cross-company visibility of both initial decisions prove unfavourable, recent history suggests operational performance and liquidity levels. This includes that many appeals lead to the dismissal of a case or the subsidiaries and sub-groups, which are being targeted more reduction of an award or fine. Comprehensive, road-tested and more. directors and officers (D&O) insurance combined with strong “Most CFOs are clearly aware of these risks and their claims-handling experience and a global footprint can go a consequences, which is the first major step,” says Verhille. long way to mitigating risk. Court action is always costly and “In terms of mitigation, many have been moving in the right stressful, but strong defences can make it much less so. direction for years, changing the way organisations are run “There just needs to be that risk awareness,” Verhille says. to make more accurate representations to the market. There “When it comes to criminal or regulatory investigations and is also a lot of risk associated with providing guidance, as prosecution, a powerful defence is expensive but paramount. altering it tends to affect your share price. Should we provide Whether you are big or small, strong defence is critical it? How should we do it? These questions need to be because the ultimate consequences to a practice, or as a assessed rigorously. director or officer, be it fines, imprisonment or disqualification, “When it comes to liquidity and solvency, CFOs must could be considerable.” ■ monitor all parts of the group. Bankruptcies of subsidiaries or affiliated companies can lead to tough litigation against individuals – allegations of late notification or asset-stripping Further information are typical. You have to try to stay abreast of these situations Chartis to build up as strong a defence as possible should anything happen,” he adds. Finance Director Europe | 51
  • 8. Risk management > Connecting the dots A triumph of risk management Insuring the right risks at the right price while mitigating all other hazards and exposures for which cover is not available is often a complex and dynamic process. Javier van Engelen and Sabrina Hartusch of international lingerie and shapewear manufacturer Triumph International Spiesshofer & Braun KG explain why it helps to integrate insurance and risk management within the finance and administration function. B ased in Switzerland but founded management, that all risks should be alignment among all stakeholders, not in Germany 125 years ago this reviewed at least annually, along with to mention the great strides that have year, family-owned Triumph was the strategies to mitigate them. been made in terms of Triumph’s for a long time a decentralised Insurable hazards such as trade credits, organisational structure. organisation that grew to become a any type of liability and trade or value company with a turnover of CHF2.2 chain disruption were clear and defined. Uninsurable risks billion and 36,500 employees. Today, it However, as Sabrina Hartusch, Triumph’s Among the uninsurable risks that were manufactures in ten out of the 46 global head of insurance, points out, it is thrown up by the risk map, van Engelen countries in which it has an established still important to promote competition singles out three key areas. Being first presence, and operates in a total of 120 among insurers and to diligently select to market with quality, innovative and different markets. your provider. The company insists that consumer-focused products is a constant Triumph specialises in high-quality, policies are tailored to Triumph’s specific challenge he says can only be met by mid-segment-priced underwear, where requirements rather than simply the firm’s commitment to workmanship fit and comfort are of crucial importance. supplying off-the-shelf products. and its 125 years of experience. Renowned brand names such as Hartusch has conducted a stringent A second risk concerns Triumph’s global Triumph, Sloggi, Valisère and HOM analysis of Triumph’s insurance world. scale. Its main competitor, Victoria’s Secret, belong to the group. As CFO Javier van As a result, the company does not pay may be bigger but it is US-focused. Engelen explains, Triumph has recently for risks it no longer considers important. Triumph is the only truly international made two major strategic changes. The Moreover, competition has reduced player; it therefore must leverage that company began to centralise its premium cost and delivered a better reach to stay ahead of competitors who, functions, not least risk management service. What is also clear is that global says van Engelen, will challenge it with and insurance in its global headquarters insurance is ultimately responsible for all lower cost and lower-quality products in in Bad Zurzach. It also decided to company policies, from legal entity to an industry where margins are shrinking establish its own retail stores alongside personnel insurances. because of commodity price rises. its wholesale trade. Van Engelen and Hartusch have The third challenge is to remain best done much to promote effective in class, not just in commercial terms Risk mapping communication within the Finance and by bringing new products to market, “Two years ago we started with global Administration function and emphasise but also in the way Triumph manages risk mapping,” says van Engelen. “We the importance of cross-departmental itself internally. asked everyone within the company to do a risk map, a heat map of the biggest risks that we have from their individual Javier van Engelen functions.” Up until this point, there had Javier van Engelen is the global CFO and a member of the global management been a disjointed view of the totality of board of Triumph International. Previously, he worked in multiple countries for Procter & Gamble and AstraZeneca Pharmaceuticals. He holds a masters degree risk. Creating the map produced a picture in Economics/Econometrics from the Antwerp Business School. of the compounded risks and opened executives’ eyes to the reality that while individual risks could be managed, there was considerable complexity when they Sabrina Hartusch Sabrina Hartusch is global head of insurance at Triumph, responsible for the were taken together. group’s global and the local subsidiaries’ insurances. She holds an MSc in It was also clear to the Triumph global insurance and risk management from Cass Business School, London, and is on the board of the Swiss Association of Insurance and Risk Managers. management board, which oversees risk 52 Finance Director Europe |
  • 9. Risk management > Connecting the dots “This comes back “For me, the biggest to insurance, finance differentiator is not and risk,” van Engelen necessarily being private or explains. “What we’re public,” he says. “It is about doing here in terms of how you manage your our finance structure cash. There is one big and the overall risk difference between private management has to be and public companies, a top-quality approach.” which has implications, The mitigating and that’s the quarterly advantage that reporting. The advantage Triumph enjoys is its that we have is that we do family ownership. not have to worry about Short lines of fluctuating results, quarter communication by quarter. So we have a mean that problems bit more flexibility. We do can be spotted and not have to cover for all fixed quickly, and potential risks and to van Engelen notes hedge them over time so that five generations that we avoid significant of owners have disruption. We save money.” pursued the same “The translation has fundamental nothing to do with the mandate: to reinvest operational health of the in the business. company,” van Engelen He also says that continues. “It doesn’t it’s not possible to impact my profit margin. have a global It is purely translating mandate for credit operating results from all risk. Instead he my subsidiaries into a Swiss drives home to local franc consolidation report.” subsidiaries the need The current strength to assess credit risk Triumph has been creating lingerie and shapewear for 125 years. of the Swiss franc has and insure where only impacted the 2% of appropriate. These local subsidiaries any insurance against that. We thought sales the company makes in Switzerland. are held accountable for bad debts, but there was absolutely no risk. We got it There is one ‘risk’ that van Engelen despite Triumph having many thousands wrong. However, in the total scheme of cheerfully admits he would never have of customers, the recession has not things, it was a very small pimple on a suspected when he came to Triumph produced any significant increase. smooth surface.” three years ago. Apparently, when a new However, he admits: “Life is not The solvency of Triumph’s insurers and colour is introduced to an underwear always rosy. We have been hit by one their three renowned banks is always on range, it can affect the all-important fit bad debt. A major German retailer with the risk radar. There is, however, one risk of a garment. It seems there are some a triple-A credit rating and they still area van Engelen doesn’t have to worry scenarios even an experienced CFO went into insolvency and we didn’t have about: foreign exchange risk. cannot plan for. ■ Company profile: Triumph International Triumph International, one of the world’s leading manufacturers of lingerie and underwear, is a family-owned company with 36,500 employees worldwide and an annual turnover of CHF2.2 billion in 2010. It develops, produces and markets underwear, sleepwear and swimwear both wholesale and through its own stores for its Triumph, Sloggi, Valisère, and HOM brands. Triumph began life as a corset manufacturing business in southern Germany in 1886. Founders Michael Braun and Johann Gottfried Spiesshofer laid the foundations for an innovative product policy, coupled with the highest standards of material and workmanship. Triumph rapidly became a pioneer in the transformation of the shaping corset into luxury lingerie. Having extended its name to Triumph International in 1953, the company subsequently opened subsidiaries on all continents. Today, it has a presence in over 120 countries. Finance Director Europe | 53
  • 10. Risk management > Connecting the dots Calculated risk Risk management is a complex task for any multinational and DLA Piper, the world’s largest law firm, knows only too well the many challenges posed by different regulations and insurance requirements. Chief risk officer Julia Graham and CFO Paul Edwards explain to Jim Banks why the company’s decision to appoint a CRO to coordinate an enterprise-wide risk management strategy has been its trump card. I n early 2011, DLA Piper became the world’s biggest law firm with Julia Graham Julia Graham is chief risk officer for global law firm DLA Piper. Her more than 4,000 lawyers in 76 responsibilities include the design and procurement of international offices in 30 countries. For such a programmes for all classes of insurance. Graham is a past chair of Airmic and a board member and vice-president of FERMA. globally distributed organisation risk management and insurance provision pose many challenges, not only in terms of divergent regulations in Paul Edwards Paul Edwards was appointed chief financial officer of DLA Piper different jurisdictions, but also from a International LLP in 2004. Prior to that he was finance director for eight cost perspective. years at Simmons & Simmons. Edwards has also worked as a chartered accountant with Arthur Andersen in both London and Brisbane, Australia. To ensure that the right insurance and risk mitigation strategies are in place, and that they are cost-effective, the organisation places great The CFO and CRO Edwards, who is responsible for all emphasis on the relationship between financial matters outside the US, is chief risk officer (CRO) Julia Graham may have a natural part of the firm’s international board and the firm’s top management, conflict, the former and its management executive. An including CFO Paul Edwards. Graham, immediate past president driving growth and the ACA, he qualified with Arthur Andersen and has since worked in the of Airmic and currently VP of FERMA, latter controlling risk, finance teams of leading law firms. is in charge of the firm’s handling of but that tension can “The key thing is the very existence legal and regulatory risk, operational of a CRO, as we need a specialist to risk – including HSE and business be very important in advise us when we make commercial continuity – and client intake issues creating solutions. decisions,” he remarks. “We absolutely such as conflicts of interest and need insurance, but it adds red tape money-laundering countermeasures. risk committee, which includes the and can constrain the business. Her brief also covers compliance, the chairman, managing directors and “Julia runs the risk committee and purchase of insurance and claims some senior partners, but my focus is it is her job to show all the risks and management for all classes of cover. on insurance. exposures the firm faces. Usually, the Her previous experience in the financial “Paul looks at financial management CFO and CRO may have a natural services industry gives her a unique and control, so he wants to see that conflict, the former driving growth insight into how different things are in I spend our money wisely. My role is and the latter controlling risk, but that a professional services firm. to agree the insurance programme tension can be very important in “Our business model drives many with the partners who run the creating solutions,” he adds. things, including the relationship business, while part of the CFO’s brief Graham agrees but says that she is between CRO and CFO,” says Graham. is to address challenges like tax and not always pushing in the opposite “It is not like financial services, where transfer pricing as part of the global direction to Edwards. often the CRO is the CFO and the role insurance programme. He needs to “Risk management is not just about focuses on the market, credit and know that it is compliant and prevention; it is about converting liquidity risk. In a law firm the agenda appropriate for the territories in which opportunity,” she explains. “It is partly is different. Both Paul and I are on the we work.” about comforting non-executive directors 54 Finance Director Europe |
  • 11. Risk management > Connecting the dots Compliance can be a challenge, especially in emerging markets. You have to navigate a very complex landscape in which markets are at very different levels of maturity, and regimes are changing all the time. so that they are less risk-averse. Risk core team of centralised expertise confirms Graham. “D&O insurance has negative connotations, so the under Graham makes managing covers management liability for the challenge is to play the upside.” compliance simpler. actions of external directors and “The management team doesn’t see “Compliance can be a challenge, the management of the firm, but the CRO role as a negative thing,” especially in emerging markets, where professional indemnity, or malpractice, stresses Edwards. “We must have a local tax and regulatory regimes is our largest kind of cover by far and more enlightened view. Professional differ,” comments Graham. “You have takes priority over D&O.” indemnity, which is a very specific to navigate a very complex landscape Important work by the likes of area of expertise for Julia, is very in which markets are at very different FERMA and Airmic is bringing the important. Sure, the CFO might get levels of maturity, and regimes are industry together to improve the options frustrated by the many regulations changing all the time. There is no from brokers and make choices less around the world, but Julia must guide blueprint for an insurance programme. disparate, but there is still much to do. us through that to help the board You can’t just get an off-the-shelf “The complexity of a global understand them.” solution from a broker.” insurance programme means that as The core team handles many kinds of CRO I have to be very inquisitive and Global policy, local cover insurance, but the most significant is constantly vigilant,” says Graham. DLA Piper operates a global insurance cover for malpractice; broadly speaking, “My team must stay informed and programme to ensure consistency and this is the equivalent of D&O insurance. educated, which helps relationships economies of scale, but the most “Malpractice insurance is the with brokers. We develop a partnership important driver is central control. The biggest professional risk for us,” with them and work closely together Finance Director Europe | 55
  • 12. Risk management > Connecting the dots nThenproblemsnatnNewsnCorporationnemphasisenissuesnlikenreputationalnrisk,n andnraisenquestionsnaboutnthenworkabilitynofnD&Oncovernwhennmanagementn schismsnpitndirectorsn–nandntheirninsurersn–nagainstneachnother.n to design programmes. For instance, compliance are managed very we may need local cover to get a closely together.” Company profile: business running in a particular “I want a CRO who brings up and DLA Piper market, as well as the umbrella of the addresses issues by working with nn DLAnPipernwasncreatedninn2005n global programme. It is a complex the CFO and senior management,” bynthenmergernofnDLA,nPipern structure, which is why we need a says Edwards. “We want to know if RudnicknandnGraynCary.n dedicated professional to manage it.” we have suitable plans for disaster recovery to react to things like nn Thencompanynemploysn4,200n lawyersninnnearlyn76nofficesninn Topical risks outbreaks of swine flu or the Asia-Pacific,nEurope,nthenMiddlen To control this complexity, DLA Piper earthquakes that Japan had this year. EastnandnthenUS.n has a risk register which is constantly We need Julia to put a good system updated to track topical risks. These in place that is cost-effective.” nn Withnandirectnpresenceninn30n countries,nDLAnPiper’snclientsn comprise: the economic environment; Events constantly inform the firm’s includenmorenthannhalfnofnthen the rising tide of tougher regulation; risk profile. The ongoing problems at Fortunen250nandnnearlynhalfnofnthen security of information; the fight for News Corporation emphasise issues FTSEn350norntheirnsubsidiaries.n top talent; perennial risks; and the risk like reputational risk, and also raise nn Thencompanynoffersnservicesninn of catastrophes, whether they be questions about the workability of multiplenbusinessnsectorsnincludingn natural disasters or the social unrest D&O cover when management banking;nhealthcare,ninsurancen seen in markets like Egypt. schisms pit directors – and their andnreinsurance,nandntechnology.n “We have to look at very specific insurers – against each other. nn DLAnPipernadoptsnannenterprisen types of risk and mitigate any risk In short, a big professional services approachntonriskndeliverednbynann that might affect the way we deliver firm needs not only a risk specialist integrated,ninternationalnriskn on our strategy,” says Graham. “We like Graham, but a coherent, global, managementnandncompliancenteam.n n are specific about risks so that people enterprise-wide strategy for risk nn Inn2011nDLAnPipernbecamenthen can embed them in how they manage management to ensure compliance world’snlargestnlawnfirm.n the business. Governance and risk and cost-effective cover. ■ 56 Finance Director Europe |
  • 13. Risk management > Connecting the dots Reduce complexity with global D&O cover More than ever, company directors working in unfamiliar countries and jurisdictions need robust D&O coverage. Michael Rieger-Goroncy of Beazley explains why working with his firm – a Lloyd’s of London insurer licensed to operate in 79 countries – can save businesses valuable time and money. I n 2009, the title for the FERMA conference was ‘Global defence. In the absence of dedicated Side A cover that village: the future of risk management’. Two years later, complies with local requirements to cover such costs, they will life in the village is far from harmonious. Political unrest be completely on their own. in the Middle East and North Africa, and extreme economic volatility in the eurozone and North America have contributed A flexible policy to the world becoming a much more unstable place, with So how can insurers help to resolve this? Some are now the risk of nationalist and protectionist reactions from offering local policies provided by their regional subsidiary or governments increasing daily. As a result, company directors a local partner fronting the policy. However, this can prove working in unfamiliar countries and jurisdictions require both costly and complicated – especially if the local insurer is reliable, far-reaching directors and officers liability insurance not an expert in writing D&O insurance. Experience shows (D&O) coverage. that getting local policies fulfilled is, at best, a difficult and In the past, directors have taken comfort in the fact that their time-consuming task. Problems often arise when dealing with global D&O policy purported to afford them cover all around local laws and regulations, negotiating different terms and the world. However, many governments are now requiring conditions for each jurisdiction, and, finally, consolidating all directors and companies to use policies that comply with local of this coverage in the global policy. legislation. The penalties for failing to do so are significant; Of course, everybody dreams of buying a genuinely global either a sanction against companies and their insurers or – policy that offers compliant coverage in each jurisdiction more ominously from the director’s perspective – a prohibition without having to resort to local policies. While there is no panacea, the problem can be significantly eased by working Many governments are now with an insurer licensed to write direct business in a wide range of countries. requiring directors and companies Beazley, like other Lloyd’s of London insurers, is licensed in to use policies that comply with 79 countries and can offer immediate coverage in many local legislation. The penalties for territories. This prevents the need for complicated, time consuming and costly local polices in these countries. failing to do so are significant. Furthermore, Beazley is able to offer this solution even when it is not the primary insurer on a programme, but on an on the payment of D&O claims under a excess layer only. The risk manager can elect to buy an global policy. additional Beazley Side A excess endorsement with an The problem is particularly ‘international drop down’ provision. While this may not serious for directors when always prevent the company from having to buy local they are operating in policies (for example, in Brazil, where Lloyd’s is not currently overseas jurisdictions licensed), it will often help to make the placement of an that forbid companies international programme much easier, faster and less indemnifying directors, expensive than if the primary insurer needed to issue local meaning they cannot be policies for all territories. ■ protected by so-called Side B D&O cover. In these cases, the director Further information will be personally liable for Beazley Group costs arising for local legal representation to conduct their Finance Director Europe | 57
  • 14. Risk management > Connecting the dots soap Clean without US Foreign Corrupt Practices Act (FCPA) v UK Bribery Act Who is being bribed? FCPA: Limited to the bribing of ‘foreign officials’. Bribery Act: Prohibits bribes paid to any person to induce them to act ‘improperly’. Nature of advantage obtained When Siemens agreed to pay a record $1.34 billion fine for FCPA: Payment must be ‘to obtain bribery and corruption in 2008, a wide-scale compliance or retain business’. transformation programme was already in full swing within Bribery Act: Not limited to business advantage – extends to the company. Finance Director Europe looks back at how any improper action. Siemens cleaned up its act and why robust compliance 1 Active offence vs passive and internal controls are so important for modern offence companies in a climate of increased bribery legislation. FCPA: Only the act of payment, rather than the acceptance of payment, is prohibited. T he UK Bribery Act came into culture to make this company a much Bribery Act: Both bribing another (‘active offence’) and being bribed force in July this year. FDE more focused one.”  (‘passive offence’) are prohibited. readers based outside of the Potential penalties UK will be interested to know that they Pillars of strength FCPA: Individuals face up to five are not necessarily immune, as non-UK The compliance transformation at years in prison and fines of up to subsidiaries of UK companies – as well Siemens gained momentum when $250,000; Entities face fines of up as other non-UK incorporated companies Andreas Pohlmann was appointed in to $2 million. – can be liable if they carry on a September 2007 as chief compliance Bribery Act: Individuals face  up business or ‘part of a business’ in the officer. In an interview given to the to ten years’ imprisonment and UK. Individuals, no matter what their United Nations Global Compact, potentially unlimited fines; for entities, potentially unlimited fines. nationality, are also liable if an offence was committed in the UK; so too are British nationals working abroad and The crisis gave us directors and officers, even if they are that fundamental and appropriate sanctioning across only passively (see table, opposite) push and change in all levels of the business in the event involved in an offence. The UK Bribery Act takes a leaf out of culture to make this of employee misconduct. Peter Solmssen, Siemens’ current general the 34-year-old FCPA (Foreign Corrupt company a much council, took over the role of chief Practices Act) in the US and when more focused one. compliance officer in 2010. In spite comparing the two, the UK Act appears of the inevitable media storm that tougher. The FCPA has clocked up over surrounded the scandal, Siemens’ 50 successful prosecutions against Pohlmann outlined Siemens’ three-pillar reputation seems to have remained companies including German “prevent, detect, respond” compliance intact with revenues of €76 billion and conglomerate Siemens, which agreed system, whereby ‘prevent’ focuses on a net income of €4.1 billion in 2010. to pay a massive $1.34 billion fine in information quality, integrity and With ambiguities around the December 2008 for operating a S$2.3 reliability, as well as anti-corruption application of the UK Bribery Act in billion slush fund in Singapore to help training; ‘detect’ focuses on early- specific scenarios such as corporate win international contracts. Speaking stage detection of misconduct, such hospitality and the sensitivity of on a Forbes podcast in July 2011, group as a help desk function to encourage specific vertical markets to bribery CFO of Siemens, Joe Kaeser, employees to communicate problems (such as the pharmaceutical acknowledged that the crisis gave and thus help build a stronger culture sector), ensuring clear guidance and Siemens a much-needed reality check. of integrity; and ‘respond’ focuses on policies for employees, such as those “The compliance crisis gave us that the strict enforcement of policies and adopted by Siemens, could well be a fundamental push and change in regulations coupled with consistent good idea for all companies today. ■ 58 Finance Director Europe |
  • 15. Risk management > Connecting the dots Seize the day In today’s volatile pensions market, more and more companies are looking to transfer the risk to insurance providers. With a vast array of available options, including annuity buy-ins and buyouts, Prudential’s Greg Wenzerul (far right) and Andrew Reed explain why many companies cannot afford to wait to transact. T hese are tricky times for defined benefit pension is not possible. They may be quite heavy in equities, and schemes. Faced with the double whammy of equities have dropped down in value quite significantly.” increased longevity risk and extreme market Prudential therefore offers a nuanced range of approaches volatility, many of them have been plunged into deficit. With suitable for companies’ specific needs. With schemes ever more schemes closing to new members, the central increasingly using a combination of solutions as part of their concern for sponsors and trustees is finding ways to long-term risk management strategy, Prudential works on ways safeguard existing members’ interests. of incorporating these into an individually tailored route map. Managing down the risk is therefore seen as essential. An important point of focus has been adding flexibility to “The current climate has really focused trustees’ minds on buy-in contracts. One such area of flexibility is to cover de-risking,” says Greg Wenzerul, corporate deal principal at future retirees within a transaction at an affordable price – Prudential. “For many trustees, the goal of de-risking their a pilot project known as Defined Benefit Vestings. “Defined schemes has become a lot more pressing.” Benefit Vestings allows you take out annuities as people The picture, however, is complex, with no two schemes retire,” says Reed. “That’s particularly attractive when you’ve operating in quite the same way, and no one solution suitable secured your pensioners, and you just want to carry on for all. While transferring risk to an insurance company may building up the annuitisation.” seem like an attractive prospect, it is important that sponsors Another promising solution is the Future Premium Product and trustees remain alert to what this may mean in practice. (FPP). It is suited to most schemes and avoids the drawbacks of the much touted longevity swaps, which for some If you can find a counterparty schemes may not represent especially good value for money. The main thing, as Reed and Wenzerul see it, is to ensure that you believe is strong and that you pick an insurance company that will work with you reliable, and they can meet that to provide the optimal solution for your particular scheme. price, then transact. Don’t wait. “With more turbulence expected ahead,” says Wenzerul, “we recommend schemes transact with a counterparty that is financially secure, stable and will be around in the market for Buy-in vs buyout the life of its members.” Two widely discussed options are annuity buy-in and It is an area of the market in which Prudential holds great buy-out solutions. Buyouts transfer the pension liabilities sway. With an instantly familiar brand and a long history in from the sponsor company to the insurer, whereas buy-ins life insurance, the company benefits from a potent entail purchasing an insurance policy that fully matches combination of solid administration and financial strength. those liabilities. Since 1997, it has secured pension scheme liabilities in “At Prudential, we have been in the annuity buyout market excess of £5.4 billion, and has successfully completed over since the mid-90s, with the annuity buy-in market taking off 430 buy-out/buy-in transactions. Such transactions look set around 2006,” explains Wenzerul. “The key difference is that to continue for many years. a buy-in is an asset of the scheme. It’s similar in many ways “My view would be, understand what your criteria are for to a corporate bond, but instead of coupon payments it pays transacting,” says Reed. “If you can find a counterparty that the actual benefits of the underlying members.” you believe is strong and reliable, and they can meet that While buy-ins represent the ultimate de-risking solution price, then transact. Don’t wait. You often miss the boat.” ■ for many companies, they require the support of the scheme’s sponsors and affordability remains a consideration. “It’s difficult to say, ‘now’s a good time to enter into a buy-in Further information or a buy-out’,” says Andrew Reed, Prudential’s director of defined Prudential benefit solutions, “because although it is very much a good time if a company has the right assets, for some companies it Finance Director Europe | 59
  • 16. Risk management > Connecting the dots The risk renaissance The effects of volatile investment markets on pension funds could be compounded by the proposed EU risk mitigation regulations. Philip Broadley, group finance director of Old Mutual and chairman of the pension committee of the UK’s highly influential Hundred Group of Finance Directors, talks to Nigel Ash. E arlier this year, Philip Broadley, Philip Broadley CFO of Old Mutual and past Philip Broadley is group finance director at Old Mutual. He held the same position chairman of the Hundred Group at Prudential and was a partner in Arthur Andersen. Broadley is chairman of the Hundred Group of Finance Directors’ pension committee and a founding of finance directors visited an exhibition member of the CFO Forum of European Insurance Company Finance Directors. in Florence on the activity of the city’s Renaissance bankers. “Florentine banks suffered from many nature of a pension scheme and in the states such as the UK that had of the same concerns we have today,” end the importance and value that widespread systems of funded defined observes Broadley, “about whether the attaches to the sponsor’s covenant.” benefit provision. bankers were facilitating trade or merely While UK pension provision had taken Broadley accepts that pan-European extracting an economic rent from doing a while to develop, Broadley believes schemes might of themselves be so. There were many questions relating that the current system, with the relevant in the longer term. However, to risk-taking in Florence during the powers of the trustees and the ultimate he is concerned they would be of less 15th-century. That demonstrates that backing of the Pension Protection use to multinational companies that none of the arguments is new; they just Fund, works effectively. also had operations outside the EU come round every once in a while.” and would in any case add The whole issue of risk is currently considerable complexity. dominating regulatory thinking, There were many He argues that, in the UK, members particularly in Europe, and in the view of questions relating to of defined benefit schemes generally many it is skewing thinking on efficient markets. The very complexity of some risk-taking in Florence understand their schemes and their benefits. They can “put their arms proposed regulations, such as IORP 2 during the 15th century. around” their pension provisions, (Institutions for Occupational Retirement None of the arguments which would not be the case in a Provision) and Solvency II might even be contributing to the element of risk that is new; they just remote, pan-European fund. He has a further warning. “I would they are supposed to be preventing. come round every think that, increasingly, employers “I suppose my anxiety is that we are once in a while. regard pension provision simply as part living in an environment at the moment of the overall remuneration that they where, for understandable reasons, there offer to their employees. I would put is a desire to take risk out of everything,” Euro vision forward the argument that certainly explains Broadley. “I think it is true to In July 2011, the Hundred Group, in very few large employers are now say that there can be no reward without its submission to the European particularly thinking in terms of pension some risk in any enterprise, and this is Commission’s call for advice on the provision from the point of view of any also true of banking. If we want risk-free proposals from the European Insurance welfare obligation. banks, then we will either have to accept and Occupational Pensions Authority, “So with that in mind, there are still that our mortgages are repayable at call argued that current pension provision quite significant differences in or that our deposit accounts have a across the EU was diverse. Therefore, remuneration practice in different 30-year notice period.” any significant reform of funding markets,” he continues. “Some of A key exception that Broadley and his requirements would not necessarily those are a function of the markets colleagues take to the thrust of proposed assist those countries with the lowest themselves and people’s expectations. EU legislation is that it conflates pensions levels of provision. It would, however, Some of them are also a consequence funds with insurers. “This ignores the impact disproportionately member of other regulation.” 60 Finance Director Europe |
  • 17. Risk management > Connecting the dots Objective of IAS 19 The objective of IAS 19 is to prescribe the accounting and disclosure for employee benefits, or all forms of consideration given by an entity in exchange for service rendered by employees. The principle underlying all of the detailed requirements of the standard is that the cost of providing employee benefits should be recognised in the period in which the benefit is earned by the employee, rather than when it is paid or payable. Source: Deloitte Global Services Limited Cutting the clutter Broadley sees the revision of IAS19 as being of particular value to general portfolio managers who need to have a view across various sectors. “There will be a reduction in profits shown in the financing line from the expected return on assets being changed to the discount rate,” he observes, “and that will affect everyone and there will be a removal of spreading from the small number of schemes currently using it.” Broadley cites the efforts to regulate Though apparently arcane, he The impact will vary between firms, banking pay. Just as the provision of believes that this last element would be and he anticipates there is likely to be a saving products across Europe is still particularly relevant for the UK, more so large number of additional disclosures. very different, so pension provision probably than anywhere else in the EU. “It is interesting that there are quite a varies as a result of custom and practice. “DB schemes will want even less number of initiatives underway in various But he warns that over-regulation will be to invest in equities than they do quarters to ‘cut the clutter’ – the phrase counterproductive. “It will lead to a further currently,” he explains. “Thus it that is used around financial reporting,” he continuation of benefit reduction, the increases the long-term trend, which notes. “Yet here we have something that closure of defined benefit (DB) schemes, one can observe in the UK market, is going against that. The removal of the switch to defined contribution often which is that pension funds will not spreading will increase volatility for some with lower contribution rates, buyouts and wish to be long-term holders of equity. but the benefit ultimately for analysts is more conservative investment strategies If the pension funds are not holders of that there will be greater consistency for those DB schemes that do survive.” UK equity, who is?” between companies’ disclosures.” ■ n Introduce enhanced disclosures estimates of mortality rates, tax Overview of changes about defined benefit plans. and administration costs and introduced by IAS 19 risk-sharing and conditional n Modify accounting for termination Employee Benefits, benefits, including distinguishing indexation features. as amended in 2011 benefits provided in exchange for n Incorporate other matters service and benefits provided in submitted to the IFRS The standard requires recognition of exchange for the termination of Interpretations Committee. changes in the net defined benefit liability employment and affect the (asset) including immediate recognition n Applicable on a modified recognition and measurement of of defined benefit cost, disaggregation retrospective basis to annual periods termination benefits. of defined benefit cost into components, beginning on or after 1 January recognition of remeasurements in other n Clarification of miscellaneous 2013, with early adoption permitted. comprehensive income, plan amendments, issues, including the classification curtailments and settlements: of employee benefits, current Source: Deloitte Global Services Limited Finance Director Europe | 61
  • 18. Risk management > Connecting the dots Risky business As finance directors look for ways of managing down the risk of their pension schemes, they must select from a complex array of solutions, both within their company and externally. John Smitherman-Cairns of Lucida explains the benefits of transacting with an insurance company and the importance of an individually tailored approach. O ver the last few years, the pensions market has longevity, and we’re seeing a lot of reports in the market around followed a clear-cut trend. With companies seeking how people are living longer and the burden they’re placing on to protect against volatility, de-risking solutions are corporates. With a longevity swap, the scheme chooses to in greater demand than ever, and the market is evolving to retain all the other risks of the pension scheme, but passes on meet this demand. the longevity risk to an external party.” While much of the risk can be managed internally, the external market is growing fast. Increasingly, finance directors Flexible, strategic solutions are calling upon insurance companies to take on the liability As an insurance company specialising in annuity and longevity from their pension funds, thus transferring the risk and risk business, Lucida offers a full and nuanced range of solutions. administrative burden elsewhere and freeing up resource to Progressive buy-outs, for example, allow clients to purchase a focus on their core business. series of insurance policies over time, each covering a different “We are in a period where more and more UK corporates are portion of the scheme and leading ultimately to a full pension looking to take risk off the table,” says John Smitherman-Cairns, de-risking solution. This fits better with some organisations’ corporate development director at Lucida. “For many it’s not a funding plans and helps them to selectively de-risk. case of, are they going to de-risk? It’s a case of, when are they Day one risk transfer, meanwhile, removes risk going to de-risk and what approach are they going to take?” instantaneously while also giving the insurance company These are pertinent questions for finance directors, who are responsibility for closing the pension scheme. generally the ones tasked with writing the cheque. Of late, they The difficult thing from a client’s perspective is working out have been making some very significant contributions to what will work best for them specifically. “There has been a pension schemes. For example, in 2010, around £10 billion was rapid expansion in the range of products offered, and that paid in as deficit funding by FTSE 100 companies alone. creates opportunities for pension funds, but also some confusion,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “So this is a process Writing insurance protection for where clients often turn to expert support. We are very happy to sit down with trustee boards and companies, and talk them defined benefit pension schemes through what they are trying to achieve and how we can is a capital intensive proposition customise the product to deliver that.” and demand has the prospect of Lucida prides itself on delivering the optimum blend of strategies to meet each company’s requirements. The aim is to outstripping capacity. engage clients in open discussion at the earliest possible stage. Its individual focus extends right through to the payment “They don’t want that payment to just go into what they schedule. In this regard, Lucida is immensely flexible, as might see as the black hole of the defined benefit pension Smitherman-Cairns explains: “We offer deferred premiums, scheme,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “That’s what’s driving a lot where a corporate can secure an insurance policy immediately of the de-risking activity we’re seeing in the market.” with part of the premium deferred and paid to the insurer at a For those that transact with external providers, the product later date, say five years. This enables the pension scheme to offering is extensive. In recent times, there has been much retain a degree of investment freedom or fund the premium discussion of buy-outs, where the liabilities are transferred through future agreed contributions. directly to the insurance company, and buy-ins, where the “Rather than crystallise recent losses, deferred premiums insurance policy fully matches the scheme liabilities. The provide the pension scheme with the opportunity to benefit from particularly striking thing, however, is the number of ways future increases in the value of the retained assets before paying these products can be adapted. them to the insurer,” he continues. “This opens up possibilities to “Some companies want full risk transfer solutions, whereas clients that have seen deficits emerge or widen and concluded others want, or can only afford, solutions that just address a that they cannot, at present, afford to transact. Therefore, there are slice of the risk,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “Within defined answers if your asset values have fallen. Solutions just need to be benefit pension schemes there are obviously risks around a bit more sophisticated to deal with the current market volatility.” 62 Finance Director Europe |
  • 19. Risk management > Connecting the dots Ultimately, the advisability of transacting will depend upon a deals have been performed since 2006, with roughly £7 billion corporate’s investment profile and objectives. Although the last of those deals originating with FTSE 100 companies. few years have not been kind to many funds, this does not Nor do present market trends show any sign of abating. apply across the board. If a company’s scheme, for example, “I think we’re in a time where the product offering has become holds a portfolio of gilts, transacting may not be as expensive as increasingly sophisticated to appeal to a wide range of client the true cost of holding on to the risk. needs,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “But if we look forward and take account of the growing demand for de-risking solutions, I Informed decisions believe capacity could become a key issue. The cost of de-risking will also depend on whether the client “Writing insurance protection for defined benefit pension is coming from an accounting or a funding perspective. Most schemes is a capital intensive proposition and demand has the trustee boards are focused on their funding liability, but prospect of outstripping capacity, unless significant new capital companies will also be focused on the P&L and balance comes into the market.” sheet impact. Clear communication between the parties will be imperative. As pension costs continue to Corporates that do not wish to transact tend to focus on modifying benefits and restructuring their schemes rise, and the market remains to dampen down some of the liability. Solutions include early unpredictable, defined benefit retirement programmes, enhanced transfer value exercises and pension schemes are starting to pension increase exchanges. However, many businesses are running what is in essence a seem untenable. quasi-insurance company on the side with limited control over the way the risks are managed. For now, the onus is on trustees and sponsors to manage “We monitor what’s happening in the markets almost on an risk intelligently – a tricky process made simpler through hour-by-hour basis,” says Smitherman-Cairns. “We make sure harnessing all available expertise. “This is where trustees that we’re selectively trading our assets to take advantage of and corporate sponsors could benefit from a detailed market opportunities, and that is quite an intensive approach to conversation, either with their advisors or with insurance managing our exposure. A pension scheme has quite a different companies, just to talk through their options,” says governance structure, and is not always in a position to be able Smitherman-Cairns. “And there always will be options with to react the same way.” so many innovations on the product front.” ■ The crucial thing is to stay savvy in the face of a rapidly changing picture. As pension costs continue to rise, and the market remains unpredictable, defined benefit pension schemes Further information are starting to seem untenable. Lucida Corporates are jumping onto the de-risking bandwagon in their droves. In the UK, around £30 billion of insurance-based Finance Director Europe | 63