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Favorite Memory Research Paper
Think about the various memories that you have. Think about your favorite memory. What is this memory? When did this memory occur? Also,
think about why this memory is your favorite. Now, write an essay in which you describe your favorite memory and explain why it is so special,
and discuss the importance of a person having memories truly is. Do you have a favorite and special memorie? Well I do and I am going to tell
you all about it. In the first paragraph we will be talking about my favorite memory. In the second paragraph we will be talking about why it is my
favorite memory and why it is so special. In the final paragraph we will be talking about why is it important and special to have your own memories.
My favorite memory is when I won
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My Memories A Favorite Memory
An individual's childhood memory has impacted them in some way whether it be emotionally or physically. From one memory to another, good or
bad, develops the entity of a person's personality or logic. I considered one of my worst memories a favorite memory because, from that experience, I
gained development as an individual. The start of that development occurred on vacation without my parents attending. Like any other child, I became
very enthusiastic of the whole idea of freedom and self–guidance. After the majority of the trip, I became uninterested with self–guidance and I wanted
to rely on the adults to plan fun–filled activities. I was very disappointed with the fact that their lack of authority and action lead to an uneventful
vacation. I began to miss my parents' guidance because with every request or action they took it was in all the best interest of me. Whether it was
to hold my hand across the road or watch the things I eat, all of it was intended for my growth and safety. It was then that I realized how much my
parents really cared for me and it made me grow to respect their wishes even more. Concisely what began as a getaway from my parents resulted in a
realization of how much I should appreciate and respect them.
Getaway Gone Wrong
The Realization of Parents' Love It is evident that youthful memories are not coincidental: social gatherings, sports games, school outings, and perhaps
a special occasion impacts the personality of a
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My Favorite Memories Of Reading
Ever since I was a tiny first grader, reading was something that was never my favorite thing in the world. Sure, I would sit with the rest of the class
on the carpet and listen to my first grade teacher read a story, but I'd always look forward to it being over. For a while, reading was a subject that I
respected, but I never had a desire for it. The journey I've made from sitting on that rug with my first–grade class to now is something that I'm really
proud of, and that journey is remarkable to look back on. Expectedly, I've had some fond memories and some frustrating ones too. I remember in
first grade, I would read so rapidly that once I had finished reading a passage, I didn't even understand what I had just read. Of course, we all used
to think that it was a race to see who could finish reading first. But in reality, it was more about comprehending the text and being able to explain
it. I recall sitting at my desk, reading a piece of literature in front of my parents at conferences. After I had finished reading it, my teacher asked
what I had just read. Surprisingly enough, I couldn't really explain what I had just read. As you could imagine, I felt defeated and I was
embarrassed to fail in front of my family. Luckily, I learned that I had to slow down and actually pay attention to what I was reading. Some of the
better memories have been being able to finally read a book independently and being able to talk about it by myself. The freedom of being able to read
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My Memories Of My Memory Essay
Going through my memory bank to remember something I learned, which seems so long ago, has made me laugh because roller skating pops right
into my head. Out of all things to remember that was my worst and most exciting learning experience. I could not even tell you how old I was. I
would guess between five and eight years old. I remember getting a big brown box and in that box was a pair of roller skates. I remember being so
happy because I going to roller skate with all the other kids in the apartment complex, so I thought.
Playing with the other kids was not hard to do, but skating was difficult thing to learn. Once I put those skates on, I could not stand upright. I
would fall forward on my knees or backwards on my backside. I remember my arms flying all over the place. A couple of kids grabbed my hands
to help me, so I would not fall, but I still fell down. After some time, I learned to master standing completely still and only being able to move my
head from left to right. I managed to scoot and hold on to the walls to get around, but when I let go to move on my own, I just landed on the ground.
Each time I tried to use my foot to push, I would just tip over. I must have looked like a tree falling over each time. I was unable to keep up with my
friends, which meant I had many tantrums. I stood there hurt because I had fallen so many times that I had cut up my knees and hands and at that
moment, I decided I was not skating anymore. Being physically hurt
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Favorite Child Memory
My Favorite Child Memory Why must all good things come to an end? When I was younger, my parents had split, and I currently lived with my
mother. I was around three or four at the time, and my mother and I had been walking around the neighborhood, and we had stopped by a woman's
house, which was five or six houses away. The woman was my mother's friend more than my own, but a great companion nonetheless. The
woman's daughter was out in the driveway, and waved me over to come play tag in that little tan paved driveway. If I recall correctly, she was
wearing a nice pink and white plaid dress, with a small white shirt underneath, showing the most around the shoulders where the dress' spaghetti
straps lay atop of. "Tag, you're it!" She giggled, and tapped me softly on the shoulder, and I followed, a big grin on my lips as I laughed along with her,
the two pigtails her brown hair was tied up loosely by little pink bows near her ears were wriggling like her, out of my grasp. The two women sat in
lawn chairs to talk, the pieces of thick fabric laying across each other to form a seat and a backrest, in the color blue and orange, with little, white
plastic fold up legs. The girl and I both chased each other around for what seemed like hours, which was probably only a fifteen or so minutes. Our
patter of footsteps filling the air, sneakers and flip flops as they touched the ground only to leap away again, then to continue to cycle. Laughter filled
the air, ours and our parents,
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My Favorite Memory
I can never forget the nostalgic feeling that enlightens me everytime I drive pass the neighborhood that stores my favorite memories as a child.
Each memory holding its own story, dying to be told. Either it be positive or negative, they are what shaped me into the person I am today. I grew
up in Frogtown, a small town occupied by 17,049 of the 302,398 people living in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Frogtown is considered to be one of the
few ghetto areas in Saint Paul city, Opposing it's prosperous neighbor, Summit Hill. Growing up, violence was no stranger to us kids, hearing
gunshots that would pierce through my ear drums like a knife was normal. I still vividly remember the day I walked into a burglary at a corner
store directly next to my house. Everyday that I would walk home from my bus stop, the run down store always had its way of capturing my eyes.
Maybe it was the fresh blue paint that began to crack, with each crack connecting to each other, it began to form an image of what seems to be a
tree. Which was aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. Or maybe it was the fact that the store holds my favorite bag of chips; a bag that bursts with
unimaginable spicy but savory flavors and was obtainable by only a dollar. It was definitely that. Soon I caught on to the daily behavior of buying
chips and it was these small treats that distracted our little minds from the violence that grew like a virus in the winter. However, on a specific trip to
my daily routine of buying chips,
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My Favorite Memory From Kindergarten
When I was in kindergarten I lived in Georgia. My teacher for kindergarten was Mrs. Young and our class was a lot of fun. We had a section of our
classroom for lessons, painting and reading. My best memory from kindergarten was the big tree we had in our classroom for reading in. It had a
bunch of bean bag chairs and some big books in it. I loved reading up here. This is one of the only things I remember from kindergarten. After
Kindergarten I went on to first grade. I remember more from this grade mostly because I moved when I was in first grade. At the beginning of the
year, I had two teachers, Mrs. Roland and Ms. Major. We were very focused on reading in my class and so we had leapfrog leappads to help us improve
our reading. These had a bunch of interactive activities to do with the books we were reading and this is how I improved my reading. I was in this
class until around December, when my parents decided we were going to move. We moved down to Florida to be with my grandpa who was sick
at the time. We stayed with my grandparents until we found a house and a school to go. It was decided that I would go to Tropic Isles Elementary.
On my first day at this school, I was put into Mrs. Eaton's class, however, I did not stay in this class for long. After about a month I was moved into
Mrs. Hellier's class. She was stricter than my other teachers that I have had in the past. She did not like my class because we were very talkative and
one kids was always rude and talked
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My Favorite Memory Research Paper
Music has always been a big part of my life. It has gotten me through the funnest of times and the hardest. My mom would incourage us to listen
and express ourselves through the music we heard playing around us. My older sister used to sing to my little sister and I all the time and even got
us involved. We would perform little shows where we would sing and dance for my mom after work. Pots and pans were the drums, we used a
cardboard box and rubberbands to make a guitar, and we had a little toy microphone for the lead singer. I remember Respect by Aretha Franklin was
always our favorite. We had a lot of sass and that song is all about the sass. To this day, that is one of my favorite memories. In my house we like to call
ourselves a mini
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My Favorite Memories Of My Family
Even though me and my grandpa are over one thousand miles apart, we keep a good relationship. Every week we call each other and our conversations
are just as good as if he were right there. Me and my grandpa have always been close. My grandpa who I like to call Poppy is one of the best people I
have in my life. Me and him treasure the time we have together. We love to cook and basically do everything we can together whenever possible. He
is in my life just as much as any other member of my family. Even though I have numerous memories with him, one is very notable. Some of my
favorite memories with him happen over dinner. Dinner is one of the few times were all together. It's a lot different talking to someone in person than
on the phone. Everyone is brought together by great people and great food. We're at the table hours more than needed talking and joking. Good food,
better people, and and even better time.
Dinner is an all night affair. It all starts when my Poppy, my sisters, and I go into the kitchen and prep the food. The scent of fresh fruit and vegetables
snakes through the house. My grandparent's cats circle the counter like vultures, trying to get you to give them food. Once the prepping is done, the
real cooking begins. Sugar spice and everything nice is blended together in the perfect balance.The smell of a hearty homemade meal wafts through the
house. As the oven clock begin to wind down, we set the table. Then the oven goes of, signaling the beginning of
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Free College Admissions Essays: Out West
My grandma has a farm in rural Alberta. The cerulean sky stretches for miles. The sunny canola fields blanket rolling hills and part around trees. At
night, the infinite stars smile down on the darkened countryside. It's where my mom was born and raised with her three brothers. It's where I feel
at home. I was too young to remember our first trip to Alberta, to "the Farm" out West. There is a picture from that trip that I remember though,
and it's one of my favourites. In the picture I'm standing next to my cousin Brock. We are looking past the dirty window pane of the peeling
yellow playhouse that was in my Grandma's front yard. Brock has his hand on my back like we are an old married couple who have supported
each other through thick and thin. When I was three, I went Out West again. My grandma made a scrapbook with me from that trip. In it, it says
"Brock and I are best friends. He's my cousin." And it's true, all of my cousins out West have always been my best friends. Some of my most
treasured memories were made in their company. We were always marathoning Disney movies, having arm wrestling competitions, playing Payday
and The Game of LIFE, and singing "You Belong With Me" at the top of our lungs. It was a tradition to rewrite the same play every other year,
when we were all at the Farm together. It was a very simple good versus evil plot, but we would have so much fun with it. Whenever we were all
reunited against the backdrop of the farm, it was like the gods of
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Personal Narrative : My Favorite Memories
Throughout my years in school, I would watch in awe as my teachers stood in front of the class with a sense of confidence and ease. The older I
became, the more I realized how much educators did in order to make sure that the students in their classrooms succeeded. Even when I was not at
school, I sometimes got an inside perspective of the life of an educator from my aunt, who is a first grade teacher. I would hear all about the lessons
that she planned and some of the experiences that she has had as an educator. As she spoke about her experiences, I could genuinely tell how much
she enjoyed expanding the minds of her students. As I grew older, I recognized how much I enjoyed being with and helping children, whether it was
one of my peers or the children whom I babysat. One of my favorite memories is of babysitting a child who was struggling with her history
homework. I sat down with her, re–read the question aloud and walked her through the chapter in her book to find the answer. The moment she found
the answer in the book her face lit up. That is one of the many reasons that I want to be an educator. I love seeing the excitement of a child who was
once struggling when he or she finally reads a word that was challenging, or figures out the answer to a difficult mathematical question.
Since I can remember, I have dedicated my non–school time to working with children in different settings. My first real experience was in my early
teen years when I started babysitting.
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My Favorite Memory In High School
My favorite memory in high school so far is.... No specific memory stands out above the rest as my favorite memory in high school. I have had
plenty of good experiences in school throughout the past two years. Some experiences I enjoyed are Agora of 2016 and Romantic Idol 2017. Both
experiences were a product of Kinkaid's class and work. Journeying around the streets of Toledo was the objective of my Agora group. Speaking an
intro, reciting poetry, and coaching contestants were my favorite parts of Romantic Idol. Part B: Answer the following questions in complete
sentences. Remember to answer honestly and completely. Proofread for spelling errors. What is something you are proud of ? My academic
achievement is something that I am proud about. Excelling in the classroom I have taken numerous HR and AP courses. I have produced quality
work and tested well on various assessments. In the AP Biology examination, I scored a five. Outside of the classroom, I am proud of my successes
with running Cross Country and Track. 18:09.71 is my PR for a 5k and I am on track to beat it. What is something you believe in strongly? I have a
strong belief in the inherent equality of all people and that as such all should be treated equally. To me there is no reason to discriminate against a
person for any reason. We are all humans living on this planet, it does not matter what color your skin is, your sexual orientation, gender, or how
wealthy you may be. I
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What Is My Favourite Memory Essay
Whenever you come to visit me in this hospital whilst i lie in this isolated, 'vegetative state' memories of our times together come rushing back to me.
These memories that I reminisce about are now my life, the only thing I can really, truly connect to.
I recall my favourite days in winter when the light of the day had been replaced by the unrelenting blackness of the night, and we would sit in the little
cafГ©. Sitting there with mugs of coffee cupped between our stone cold hands, the warmth of the fire against our backs slowly warming us up. The
sweet smell of the cinnamon buns that would diffuse around us which made it difficult to resist the temptation of eating anymore, despite the guilt we
should have probably felt about the huge amount we had already consumed.
The CafГ© that once was filled with our bursts of loud uncivilised laughter from which people could have probably heard from outside in the pouring
rain, was now from what I can imagine just a lifeless cafГ©. There was nothing fancy about this cafГ©, no fancy furniture, no white etching upon the
glass, the feeling of just being there together and feeling as if we were away from the loud intimidating noises of London's streets was what made this
cafГ© so great.
I recall meeting in the little cafe that was not far from where we both lived every day after our long days at work.
Whatever the circumstance both of us would be there, so we could reminisce for hours and hours about our days of chaoticness and madness.
This was until ten years ago, the day when I didn't turn up to the cafГ©, the day my life ended physically and yours mentally.
Now I lie here in this hospital bed, my thoughts disattached from what was my body.
I am locked inside this body which was once mine but now it is a stranger to me and I have no control over what happens to it and when.
At first all I could feel was frustration. Frustration because I couldn't respond to you when you would talk to me, your hand in what used to be my
hand, your fingers entwined in fingers that are now unknown to me for i now have no feeling in this body you call mine.
There's no word for how I feel. I am now frozen, unable to do anything but listen to the world go by, trying to live everyones
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My Favorite Memory
One of my favorite places from my memory is my aunt's store. My cousins and I would go the store regularly, also, there was a pool hall right next
the store: I scavenged everywhere for kids and adults that dropped tala's(samoan currency) to buy snacks at the store. The store had some of the
best snacks that I still would eat to this day: it had homemade, banana, taro, and potato chips. The store consisted of different candies and
chocolates; I felt like I was Charley in the chocolate factory. I used to watch how they made the chips; they fried and seasoned the chips and I
would always get the first bag to eat. Inside the store was a refrigerator full of different drinks with all flavors; coconut, kiwi, watermelon, and etc.
My favorite drink to have with my snack was a strawberry fanta, because I could exchange the glass bottle for a fanta watch. In Samoa a regular
norm was 90 to 95 degrees outside, so an ice cold refreshment with some chips was a go to choice almost every time. Although my aunt owned the
store, we were in big trouble from taking stuff from the store. We pulled our trampoline into the farther away from the house, and we hid there and
ate our stolen snacks from the store. My Aunt's house was one of my favorite childhood memories as kid because I spent almost everyday at her
house. Another childhood memory place I loved was my 3rd house on Allen Rd. This house brings so many memories of my childhood. The Summer
we moved into the house was the summer before my
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My Favorite Past Memories
What are your favorite past memories? One of my favorite memories would be going to hawaii. I went last year after my birthday. All of my
family went. My dad, step mom,sister,step sister,step brother,all four cousins, and all four aunts and uncles went with us. We stayed in hawaii on
kona island I think. We stayed in a little condo with just me my dad,step mom,sister,step sister, and step brother. The first day we just walked
around the town checking out our surrounding area. The second day we went to the beach and stayed there for about 4 hours. Later that day we
continued too just walk around fir a little bit. A couple days and many long drives later, we ended up at black sand beach. There were turltles
everywhere.. Then we later went too two step beach where there are a lot of dolphins. I was close enough too them too be able too reach out and
touch them. I mean, i didn't touch them because they were wild dolphins and there was like 40 of them, but i could've. Instead i decided too just swim
down about 10–20 feet below the surface and get underneath one of the dolphins. It worked. I couldn't breathe, but it worked. If you could travel
anywhere, where would you go? If I could travel too anywhere in the world i would travel too somewhere with beaches or remote like hawaii or
indonesia because I like the ocean and anywhere remote, you could be one of few people there. What are your favorite thingts too do? Some of my
favorite things too do would be any sports,
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My Favorite Memories Essay
Just about every other Sunday, my parents would take my siblings and I over to my grandmother's house and enjoy a meal with her. They were
peaceful Sundays, where we would stuff ourselves with her delicious hand cooked meals and I would just sit there and listen to all the gossip between
the adults while my little brother and sisters played. Friends and family would come and go throughout the day visiting whenever they were
available. Just thinking about those Sunday's always puts a smile on my face because those are some of my favorite memories as a child. My
grandmother loved having people over and would never turn down anyone for anything no matter what time of the day it was. In my eyes, she
was invincible because she always put others first and never stopped to rest. One day, my parents got a call that my grandmother had fallen and
wasn't feeling very well. A couple of days later we noticed that she was not quite acting like her normal self. She was not as active as she used to be
and her memory was starting to get a bit fuzzy. Our entire family started to worry so she was taken to the doctors. While there they discovered that she
had a cancerous brain tumor. As a naГЇve young teenage girl, I never thought my grandma would ever get sick. Not once did I ever see her get a fever,
the flu, or even something as small as a cold. It was a shock to not only myself but to anyone who ever knew her. Not once did I ever see my
grandmother let the news of cancer bring her down.
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My Favorite Memories
Some of the most vivid memories from my childhood were born and raised in a military housing neighborhood located off the base in Warminster,
Pennsylvania. My favorite memory however, was the time my brother and I met one of our childhood best friends. I still remember it as if it
happened yesterday, no matter how much dust it collects in the back of my head, I can always blow it off and replay it in my mind as if it was the
first time seeing it through my eyes. One humid summer day my older brother and I were outside in the backyard. I want to say I was 6 and my
brother was 8, but we were probably younger. The small fenced in space was just on the edge of the forest which allowed the ground to be covered
in dead pine needles that the trees would cast to the wind. We were bored as ever, discontent with the neglected pair of swings and lonely slide that
had been untouched for most of the summer. They called to us, but our boredom, unable to be satisfied by such a simple fix, declined their
invitation. We sat in a pair of lawn chairs that were set up against the white fence dividing our yard from the neighbors'. That's when I heard the
sound of springs on a trampoline only a few backyards down. It was a girl. The first thing I thought: cooties. She looked to be my brother's age, and
she was. With that being said, we decided to mess with this poor girl by calling out to her, only to quickly duck down behind the safety of our fence.
We were hooligans. This was probably not
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My Favorite Memories As A Kid
Childhood memory
One of my favorite memories as a kid was the time me my sister and the twin neighbors decided that today was a good day to swim. It was probably
late april or early may, the pool had been sitting out since last summer and the water had turned green. I of course had to go test out the water, as I
was taking my shoes and socks off I went to take a closer look at the water when suddenly my younger sister jumped straight in. She got up and
started to cry because the water was full of leaves and other gross things, so me and the twins jumped into the nasty, slimy, green water and had to
much fun to be disgusted. Even though everyday of my childhood wasn 't like that day, it 's been full of learning moments and entertaining moments,
good times and not as good times that have helped me figure out how to handle life today.
Thesis statement
The purpose of my oratory is to share the importance of making the most of your childhood.
I think that childhood should be embraced and treasured because it only lasts so long.
Attention step
So many kids are getting left behind or ignored, and it 's not necessarily by other kids. By the time some kids grow up they have terrible memories
from childhood, and in today 's society some could see suicide as an easier way out. Childhood is a physical and mental growing period and should
be both fun and educational so that they can grow up into intelligent adults Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15–24 year olds, and even
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My Favorite Memories Of My Family
Piglet, from Winnie the Pooh, once noticed that, "even thniyluough he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude." I
feel my childhood favorite perfectly highlights that we always have time in our lives to reflect and praise God with gratitude. Today people are so
preoccupied with how much have, they forget the actual value of people and experiences. I try to be satisfied with what I have because I know I am
very blessed compared to most people on the Earth. This holiday season I am especially thankful for all aspects of my "family." I have been blessed to
grow up being loved by so many people. Two of the most important people in my life, who have been pivotal in my upbringing are my grandparents.
I call my grandparents Nonna and Poppo from our Portuguese and Italian heritage. They live close to us in downtown San Clemente. The time spent
with Nonna and Poppo are some of the fondest memories of my childhood. One time Poppo drove my sister and me to their house after school in his
high–end, grey Bentley. At their house my Nonna had prepared us an afternoon "snack" in the back yard. It was linguine and clam sauce. Steaming
hot and salty like the sea, it was the best dish I had ever tasted. I associate that taste now with love. Linguine and clams instantly became my favorite
dish, and I have had the privilege to try it around the world, from the Fish Market in San Diego to century–old restaurants in Portugal. However, I have
never tasted any
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Favorite Memory Research Paper

  • 1. Favorite Memory Research Paper Think about the various memories that you have. Think about your favorite memory. What is this memory? When did this memory occur? Also, think about why this memory is your favorite. Now, write an essay in which you describe your favorite memory and explain why it is so special, and discuss the importance of a person having memories truly is. Do you have a favorite and special memorie? Well I do and I am going to tell you all about it. In the first paragraph we will be talking about my favorite memory. In the second paragraph we will be talking about why it is my favorite memory and why it is so special. In the final paragraph we will be talking about why is it important and special to have your own memories. My favorite memory is when I won Get more content on
  • 2. My Memories A Favorite Memory An individual's childhood memory has impacted them in some way whether it be emotionally or physically. From one memory to another, good or bad, develops the entity of a person's personality or logic. I considered one of my worst memories a favorite memory because, from that experience, I gained development as an individual. The start of that development occurred on vacation without my parents attending. Like any other child, I became very enthusiastic of the whole idea of freedom and self–guidance. After the majority of the trip, I became uninterested with self–guidance and I wanted to rely on the adults to plan fun–filled activities. I was very disappointed with the fact that their lack of authority and action lead to an uneventful vacation. I began to miss my parents' guidance because with every request or action they took it was in all the best interest of me. Whether it was to hold my hand across the road or watch the things I eat, all of it was intended for my growth and safety. It was then that I realized how much my parents really cared for me and it made me grow to respect their wishes even more. Concisely what began as a getaway from my parents resulted in a realization of how much I should appreciate and respect them. Getaway Gone Wrong The Realization of Parents' Love It is evident that youthful memories are not coincidental: social gatherings, sports games, school outings, and perhaps a special occasion impacts the personality of a Get more content on
  • 3. My Favorite Memories Of Reading Ever since I was a tiny first grader, reading was something that was never my favorite thing in the world. Sure, I would sit with the rest of the class on the carpet and listen to my first grade teacher read a story, but I'd always look forward to it being over. For a while, reading was a subject that I respected, but I never had a desire for it. The journey I've made from sitting on that rug with my first–grade class to now is something that I'm really proud of, and that journey is remarkable to look back on. Expectedly, I've had some fond memories and some frustrating ones too. I remember in first grade, I would read so rapidly that once I had finished reading a passage, I didn't even understand what I had just read. Of course, we all used to think that it was a race to see who could finish reading first. But in reality, it was more about comprehending the text and being able to explain it. I recall sitting at my desk, reading a piece of literature in front of my parents at conferences. After I had finished reading it, my teacher asked what I had just read. Surprisingly enough, I couldn't really explain what I had just read. As you could imagine, I felt defeated and I was embarrassed to fail in front of my family. Luckily, I learned that I had to slow down and actually pay attention to what I was reading. Some of the better memories have been being able to finally read a book independently and being able to talk about it by myself. The freedom of being able to read Get more content on
  • 4. My Memories Of My Memory Essay Going through my memory bank to remember something I learned, which seems so long ago, has made me laugh because roller skating pops right into my head. Out of all things to remember that was my worst and most exciting learning experience. I could not even tell you how old I was. I would guess between five and eight years old. I remember getting a big brown box and in that box was a pair of roller skates. I remember being so happy because I going to roller skate with all the other kids in the apartment complex, so I thought. Playing with the other kids was not hard to do, but skating was difficult thing to learn. Once I put those skates on, I could not stand upright. I would fall forward on my knees or backwards on my backside. I remember my arms flying all over the place. A couple of kids grabbed my hands to help me, so I would not fall, but I still fell down. After some time, I learned to master standing completely still and only being able to move my head from left to right. I managed to scoot and hold on to the walls to get around, but when I let go to move on my own, I just landed on the ground. Each time I tried to use my foot to push, I would just tip over. I must have looked like a tree falling over each time. I was unable to keep up with my friends, which meant I had many tantrums. I stood there hurt because I had fallen so many times that I had cut up my knees and hands and at that moment, I decided I was not skating anymore. Being physically hurt Get more content on
  • 5. Favorite Child Memory My Favorite Child Memory Why must all good things come to an end? When I was younger, my parents had split, and I currently lived with my mother. I was around three or four at the time, and my mother and I had been walking around the neighborhood, and we had stopped by a woman's house, which was five or six houses away. The woman was my mother's friend more than my own, but a great companion nonetheless. The woman's daughter was out in the driveway, and waved me over to come play tag in that little tan paved driveway. If I recall correctly, she was wearing a nice pink and white plaid dress, with a small white shirt underneath, showing the most around the shoulders where the dress' spaghetti straps lay atop of. "Tag, you're it!" She giggled, and tapped me softly on the shoulder, and I followed, a big grin on my lips as I laughed along with her, the two pigtails her brown hair was tied up loosely by little pink bows near her ears were wriggling like her, out of my grasp. The two women sat in lawn chairs to talk, the pieces of thick fabric laying across each other to form a seat and a backrest, in the color blue and orange, with little, white plastic fold up legs. The girl and I both chased each other around for what seemed like hours, which was probably only a fifteen or so minutes. Our patter of footsteps filling the air, sneakers and flip flops as they touched the ground only to leap away again, then to continue to cycle. Laughter filled the air, ours and our parents, Get more content on
  • 6. My Favorite Memory I can never forget the nostalgic feeling that enlightens me everytime I drive pass the neighborhood that stores my favorite memories as a child. Each memory holding its own story, dying to be told. Either it be positive or negative, they are what shaped me into the person I am today. I grew up in Frogtown, a small town occupied by 17,049 of the 302,398 people living in Saint Paul, Minnesota. Frogtown is considered to be one of the few ghetto areas in Saint Paul city, Opposing it's prosperous neighbor, Summit Hill. Growing up, violence was no stranger to us kids, hearing gunshots that would pierce through my ear drums like a knife was normal. I still vividly remember the day I walked into a burglary at a corner store directly next to my house. Everyday that I would walk home from my bus stop, the run down store always had its way of capturing my eyes. Maybe it was the fresh blue paint that began to crack, with each crack connecting to each other, it began to form an image of what seems to be a tree. Which was aesthetically pleasing to the eyes. Or maybe it was the fact that the store holds my favorite bag of chips; a bag that bursts with unimaginable spicy but savory flavors and was obtainable by only a dollar. It was definitely that. Soon I caught on to the daily behavior of buying chips and it was these small treats that distracted our little minds from the violence that grew like a virus in the winter. However, on a specific trip to my daily routine of buying chips, Get more content on
  • 7. My Favorite Memory From Kindergarten When I was in kindergarten I lived in Georgia. My teacher for kindergarten was Mrs. Young and our class was a lot of fun. We had a section of our classroom for lessons, painting and reading. My best memory from kindergarten was the big tree we had in our classroom for reading in. It had a bunch of bean bag chairs and some big books in it. I loved reading up here. This is one of the only things I remember from kindergarten. After Kindergarten I went on to first grade. I remember more from this grade mostly because I moved when I was in first grade. At the beginning of the year, I had two teachers, Mrs. Roland and Ms. Major. We were very focused on reading in my class and so we had leapfrog leappads to help us improve our reading. These had a bunch of interactive activities to do with the books we were reading and this is how I improved my reading. I was in this class until around December, when my parents decided we were going to move. We moved down to Florida to be with my grandpa who was sick at the time. We stayed with my grandparents until we found a house and a school to go. It was decided that I would go to Tropic Isles Elementary. On my first day at this school, I was put into Mrs. Eaton's class, however, I did not stay in this class for long. After about a month I was moved into Mrs. Hellier's class. She was stricter than my other teachers that I have had in the past. She did not like my class because we were very talkative and one kids was always rude and talked Get more content on
  • 8. My Favorite Memory Research Paper Music has always been a big part of my life. It has gotten me through the funnest of times and the hardest. My mom would incourage us to listen and express ourselves through the music we heard playing around us. My older sister used to sing to my little sister and I all the time and even got us involved. We would perform little shows where we would sing and dance for my mom after work. Pots and pans were the drums, we used a cardboard box and rubberbands to make a guitar, and we had a little toy microphone for the lead singer. I remember Respect by Aretha Franklin was always our favorite. We had a lot of sass and that song is all about the sass. To this day, that is one of my favorite memories. In my house we like to call ourselves a mini Get more content on
  • 9. My Favorite Memories Of My Family Even though me and my grandpa are over one thousand miles apart, we keep a good relationship. Every week we call each other and our conversations are just as good as if he were right there. Me and my grandpa have always been close. My grandpa who I like to call Poppy is one of the best people I have in my life. Me and him treasure the time we have together. We love to cook and basically do everything we can together whenever possible. He is in my life just as much as any other member of my family. Even though I have numerous memories with him, one is very notable. Some of my favorite memories with him happen over dinner. Dinner is one of the few times were all together. It's a lot different talking to someone in person than on the phone. Everyone is brought together by great people and great food. We're at the table hours more than needed talking and joking. Good food, better people, and and even better time. Dinner is an all night affair. It all starts when my Poppy, my sisters, and I go into the kitchen and prep the food. The scent of fresh fruit and vegetables snakes through the house. My grandparent's cats circle the counter like vultures, trying to get you to give them food. Once the prepping is done, the real cooking begins. Sugar spice and everything nice is blended together in the perfect balance.The smell of a hearty homemade meal wafts through the house. As the oven clock begin to wind down, we set the table. Then the oven goes of, signaling the beginning of Get more content on
  • 10. Free College Admissions Essays: Out West My grandma has a farm in rural Alberta. The cerulean sky stretches for miles. The sunny canola fields blanket rolling hills and part around trees. At night, the infinite stars smile down on the darkened countryside. It's where my mom was born and raised with her three brothers. It's where I feel at home. I was too young to remember our first trip to Alberta, to "the Farm" out West. There is a picture from that trip that I remember though, and it's one of my favourites. In the picture I'm standing next to my cousin Brock. We are looking past the dirty window pane of the peeling yellow playhouse that was in my Grandma's front yard. Brock has his hand on my back like we are an old married couple who have supported each other through thick and thin. When I was three, I went Out West again. My grandma made a scrapbook with me from that trip. In it, it says "Brock and I are best friends. He's my cousin." And it's true, all of my cousins out West have always been my best friends. Some of my most treasured memories were made in their company. We were always marathoning Disney movies, having arm wrestling competitions, playing Payday and The Game of LIFE, and singing "You Belong With Me" at the top of our lungs. It was a tradition to rewrite the same play every other year, when we were all at the Farm together. It was a very simple good versus evil plot, but we would have so much fun with it. Whenever we were all reunited against the backdrop of the farm, it was like the gods of Get more content on
  • 11. Personal Narrative : My Favorite Memories Throughout my years in school, I would watch in awe as my teachers stood in front of the class with a sense of confidence and ease. The older I became, the more I realized how much educators did in order to make sure that the students in their classrooms succeeded. Even when I was not at school, I sometimes got an inside perspective of the life of an educator from my aunt, who is a first grade teacher. I would hear all about the lessons that she planned and some of the experiences that she has had as an educator. As she spoke about her experiences, I could genuinely tell how much she enjoyed expanding the minds of her students. As I grew older, I recognized how much I enjoyed being with and helping children, whether it was one of my peers or the children whom I babysat. One of my favorite memories is of babysitting a child who was struggling with her history homework. I sat down with her, re–read the question aloud and walked her through the chapter in her book to find the answer. The moment she found the answer in the book her face lit up. That is one of the many reasons that I want to be an educator. I love seeing the excitement of a child who was once struggling when he or she finally reads a word that was challenging, or figures out the answer to a difficult mathematical question. Since I can remember, I have dedicated my non–school time to working with children in different settings. My first real experience was in my early teen years when I started babysitting. Get more content on
  • 12. My Favorite Memory In High School My favorite memory in high school so far is.... No specific memory stands out above the rest as my favorite memory in high school. I have had plenty of good experiences in school throughout the past two years. Some experiences I enjoyed are Agora of 2016 and Romantic Idol 2017. Both experiences were a product of Kinkaid's class and work. Journeying around the streets of Toledo was the objective of my Agora group. Speaking an intro, reciting poetry, and coaching contestants were my favorite parts of Romantic Idol. Part B: Answer the following questions in complete sentences. Remember to answer honestly and completely. Proofread for spelling errors. What is something you are proud of ? My academic achievement is something that I am proud about. Excelling in the classroom I have taken numerous HR and AP courses. I have produced quality work and tested well on various assessments. In the AP Biology examination, I scored a five. Outside of the classroom, I am proud of my successes with running Cross Country and Track. 18:09.71 is my PR for a 5k and I am on track to beat it. What is something you believe in strongly? I have a strong belief in the inherent equality of all people and that as such all should be treated equally. To me there is no reason to discriminate against a person for any reason. We are all humans living on this planet, it does not matter what color your skin is, your sexual orientation, gender, or how wealthy you may be. I Get more content on
  • 13. What Is My Favourite Memory Essay Whenever you come to visit me in this hospital whilst i lie in this isolated, 'vegetative state' memories of our times together come rushing back to me. These memories that I reminisce about are now my life, the only thing I can really, truly connect to. I recall my favourite days in winter when the light of the day had been replaced by the unrelenting blackness of the night, and we would sit in the little cafГ©. Sitting there with mugs of coffee cupped between our stone cold hands, the warmth of the fire against our backs slowly warming us up. The sweet smell of the cinnamon buns that would diffuse around us which made it difficult to resist the temptation of eating anymore, despite the guilt we should have probably felt about the huge amount we had already consumed. The CafГ© that once was filled with our bursts of loud uncivilised laughter from which people could have probably heard from outside in the pouring rain, was now from what I can imagine just a lifeless cafГ©. There was nothing fancy about this cafГ©, no fancy furniture, no white etching upon the glass, the feeling of just being there together and feeling as if we were away from the loud intimidating noises of London's streets was what made this cafГ© so great. I recall meeting in the little cafe that was not far from where we both lived every day after our long days at work. Whatever the circumstance both of us would be there, so we could reminisce for hours and hours about our days of chaoticness and madness. This was until ten years ago, the day when I didn't turn up to the cafГ©, the day my life ended physically and yours mentally. Now I lie here in this hospital bed, my thoughts disattached from what was my body. I am locked inside this body which was once mine but now it is a stranger to me and I have no control over what happens to it and when. At first all I could feel was frustration. Frustration because I couldn't respond to you when you would talk to me, your hand in what used to be my hand, your fingers entwined in fingers that are now unknown to me for i now have no feeling in this body you call mine. There's no word for how I feel. I am now frozen, unable to do anything but listen to the world go by, trying to live everyones
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  • 15. My Favorite Memory One of my favorite places from my memory is my aunt's store. My cousins and I would go the store regularly, also, there was a pool hall right next the store: I scavenged everywhere for kids and adults that dropped tala's(samoan currency) to buy snacks at the store. The store had some of the best snacks that I still would eat to this day: it had homemade, banana, taro, and potato chips. The store consisted of different candies and chocolates; I felt like I was Charley in the chocolate factory. I used to watch how they made the chips; they fried and seasoned the chips and I would always get the first bag to eat. Inside the store was a refrigerator full of different drinks with all flavors; coconut, kiwi, watermelon, and etc. My favorite drink to have with my snack was a strawberry fanta, because I could exchange the glass bottle for a fanta watch. In Samoa a regular norm was 90 to 95 degrees outside, so an ice cold refreshment with some chips was a go to choice almost every time. Although my aunt owned the store, we were in big trouble from taking stuff from the store. We pulled our trampoline into the farther away from the house, and we hid there and ate our stolen snacks from the store. My Aunt's house was one of my favorite childhood memories as kid because I spent almost everyday at her house. Another childhood memory place I loved was my 3rd house on Allen Rd. This house brings so many memories of my childhood. The Summer we moved into the house was the summer before my Get more content on
  • 16. My Favorite Past Memories What are your favorite past memories? One of my favorite memories would be going to hawaii. I went last year after my birthday. All of my family went. My dad, step mom,sister,step sister,step brother,all four cousins, and all four aunts and uncles went with us. We stayed in hawaii on kona island I think. We stayed in a little condo with just me my dad,step mom,sister,step sister, and step brother. The first day we just walked around the town checking out our surrounding area. The second day we went to the beach and stayed there for about 4 hours. Later that day we continued too just walk around fir a little bit. A couple days and many long drives later, we ended up at black sand beach. There were turltles everywhere.. Then we later went too two step beach where there are a lot of dolphins. I was close enough too them too be able too reach out and touch them. I mean, i didn't touch them because they were wild dolphins and there was like 40 of them, but i could've. Instead i decided too just swim down about 10–20 feet below the surface and get underneath one of the dolphins. It worked. I couldn't breathe, but it worked. If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? If I could travel too anywhere in the world i would travel too somewhere with beaches or remote like hawaii or indonesia because I like the ocean and anywhere remote, you could be one of few people there. What are your favorite thingts too do? Some of my favorite things too do would be any sports, Get more content on
  • 17. My Favorite Memories Essay Just about every other Sunday, my parents would take my siblings and I over to my grandmother's house and enjoy a meal with her. They were peaceful Sundays, where we would stuff ourselves with her delicious hand cooked meals and I would just sit there and listen to all the gossip between the adults while my little brother and sisters played. Friends and family would come and go throughout the day visiting whenever they were available. Just thinking about those Sunday's always puts a smile on my face because those are some of my favorite memories as a child. My grandmother loved having people over and would never turn down anyone for anything no matter what time of the day it was. In my eyes, she was invincible because she always put others first and never stopped to rest. One day, my parents got a call that my grandmother had fallen and wasn't feeling very well. A couple of days later we noticed that she was not quite acting like her normal self. She was not as active as she used to be and her memory was starting to get a bit fuzzy. Our entire family started to worry so she was taken to the doctors. While there they discovered that she had a cancerous brain tumor. As a naГЇve young teenage girl, I never thought my grandma would ever get sick. Not once did I ever see her get a fever, the flu, or even something as small as a cold. It was a shock to not only myself but to anyone who ever knew her. Not once did I ever see my grandmother let the news of cancer bring her down. Get more content on
  • 18. My Favorite Memories Some of the most vivid memories from my childhood were born and raised in a military housing neighborhood located off the base in Warminster, Pennsylvania. My favorite memory however, was the time my brother and I met one of our childhood best friends. I still remember it as if it happened yesterday, no matter how much dust it collects in the back of my head, I can always blow it off and replay it in my mind as if it was the first time seeing it through my eyes. One humid summer day my older brother and I were outside in the backyard. I want to say I was 6 and my brother was 8, but we were probably younger. The small fenced in space was just on the edge of the forest which allowed the ground to be covered in dead pine needles that the trees would cast to the wind. We were bored as ever, discontent with the neglected pair of swings and lonely slide that had been untouched for most of the summer. They called to us, but our boredom, unable to be satisfied by such a simple fix, declined their invitation. We sat in a pair of lawn chairs that were set up against the white fence dividing our yard from the neighbors'. That's when I heard the sound of springs on a trampoline only a few backyards down. It was a girl. The first thing I thought: cooties. She looked to be my brother's age, and she was. With that being said, we decided to mess with this poor girl by calling out to her, only to quickly duck down behind the safety of our fence. We were hooligans. This was probably not Get more content on
  • 19. My Favorite Memories As A Kid Childhood memory One of my favorite memories as a kid was the time me my sister and the twin neighbors decided that today was a good day to swim. It was probably late april or early may, the pool had been sitting out since last summer and the water had turned green. I of course had to go test out the water, as I was taking my shoes and socks off I went to take a closer look at the water when suddenly my younger sister jumped straight in. She got up and started to cry because the water was full of leaves and other gross things, so me and the twins jumped into the nasty, slimy, green water and had to much fun to be disgusted. Even though everyday of my childhood wasn 't like that day, it 's been full of learning moments and entertaining moments, good times and not as good times that have helped me figure out how to handle life today. Thesis statement The purpose of my oratory is to share the importance of making the most of your childhood. I think that childhood should be embraced and treasured because it only lasts so long. Attention step So many kids are getting left behind or ignored, and it 's not necessarily by other kids. By the time some kids grow up they have terrible memories from childhood, and in today 's society some could see suicide as an easier way out. Childhood is a physical and mental growing period and should be both fun and educational so that they can grow up into intelligent adults Suicide is the 3rd leading cause of death for 15–24 year olds, and even Get more content on
  • 20. My Favorite Memories Of My Family Piglet, from Winnie the Pooh, once noticed that, "even thniyluough he had a very small heart, it could hold a rather large amount of gratitude." I feel my childhood favorite perfectly highlights that we always have time in our lives to reflect and praise God with gratitude. Today people are so preoccupied with how much have, they forget the actual value of people and experiences. I try to be satisfied with what I have because I know I am very blessed compared to most people on the Earth. This holiday season I am especially thankful for all aspects of my "family." I have been blessed to grow up being loved by so many people. Two of the most important people in my life, who have been pivotal in my upbringing are my grandparents. I call my grandparents Nonna and Poppo from our Portuguese and Italian heritage. They live close to us in downtown San Clemente. The time spent with Nonna and Poppo are some of the fondest memories of my childhood. One time Poppo drove my sister and me to their house after school in his high–end, grey Bentley. At their house my Nonna had prepared us an afternoon "snack" in the back yard. It was linguine and clam sauce. Steaming hot and salty like the sea, it was the best dish I had ever tasted. I associate that taste now with love. Linguine and clams instantly became my favorite dish, and I have had the privilege to try it around the world, from the Fish Market in San Diego to century–old restaurants in Portugal. However, I have never tasted any Get more content on