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Family Relations And Social Development
Family relations and social development are one of the problematic fields to study in psychology as
psychologists seek to understand the workings of an individual within the family context (Minuchin,
1985). Other branches of psychology are involved in understanding the various aspects of the family
and the individual. For example, developmental psychology to analyse individual's developmental
milestones and difficulties and social psychology to examine the social interactions amongst
members. However, these two branches fail to provide a holistic understanding in studying the
family as it gives a relative individualistic perspective.
The family is an essential component in one's life, especially for the child. It plays a vital role in the
child's social development and emotional regulation (Morris, Silk, Steinberg, Myers, & Robinson,
2007) through their relationships with their parents (Cripps & Zyromski, 2009). Incidentally,
children's emotional regulation and familial influence are bidirectional processes (Morris et al.,
2009), reflecting a reciprocal impact on all family members. As such, it is imperative to use various
theoretical perspectives to analyse and understand any family situation instead of using
individualistic developmental and interaction perspective.
According to Minuchin (1985), six basic principles outline the Family Systems theory. Each
principle describes the function in which a family and its subsystems operate and the inextricable
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How Has The Rise Of Social Media Changed The Public Sphere?
Liping Luo BA (Hons) Journalism London College of Communication University of the Arts
London 13rd April 2015 Essay Question: How has the rise of social media changed the public
sphere? The Internet has been changing the world since it is created. As a part of new media, social
media is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. It has been helped to create a digital
global village that 26% of the world's population is using social media and the number is keep
increasing. (Qualman, 2013) This essay will attempt to discuss how has the social media changed
the public sphere, mainly focus on the improvement of public participation, social relations and
information dissemination. Also Mainland China is taken as an example to show that social media
enabling democracy in a developing country. Social media is also being used in good ways to spread
information. There are some disadvantages to be analyzed, too. The issues like lack of privacy,
social media violence and social media out of control will be discussed in this essay.
*INTRODUCTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA* The definition of social media Wigmore provided is that
the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community–based input, interaction,
content–sharing and collaboration. (2014) Social networks have evolved into online communities.
They can be based around all sorts of thing like friendship or common interests, which allows file
sharing, blogging and often–incorporate content from all sorts of other
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Public Relations And Social Media
Public relations use traditional media, social media and stakeholder engagement in everyday
practice. Each of these three concepts is contingent to the success of public relations and
practitioners use them in order to connect and communicate with publics and audiences to enforce
messages. Each concept correlates with one or more of Grunig and Hunt's four models of public
relations, emphasising the importance of these three concepts in the public relations industry. To
further understand these concepts, real world applications of each concept has been identified and
explored in relation to contemporary public relations practice and ethical considerations related to
the organisation's behaviour in practice.
Dominating the public relations realm for myriad years, traditional, or mass, media has been the
predominant means of communication. These communications mediums include newspapers,
magazines, radio, television, leaflets, and corporate videos (Theaker, 2001, p. 20). Other mediums
include public service announcements, media conferences, special events, and media release, which
is the most commonly used tool in public relations (Wilcox, Cameron, Reber, & Shin, 2011, p. 250).
Since its introduction, traditional media has become well established and has been able to captivate
audiences, moreover, these traditional mediums for information have become trustworthy and are
far more credible than social media (LexisNexis Survey Shows Today 's Consumers Trust
Traditional Media
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Locke And Rousseau 's Influence On Education
Education has been ever developing since the inception of the first schools. The early theorists
believed that children were mini adults. Children were treated the same as their adult counterparts.
They were given jobs at early ages, and dressed the same as their parents. This belief, that children
were just little adults, was called Preformationism. Though this may seem like an antiquated idea,
aspects of Preformationism are still scene in today's society. "We often lapse into the same thinking
today, as when we expect young children to sit still for hour, or when we assume that their thinking
is the same as ours" (Crain 5). Clearly there was the need for new theories, which would better
explain child development and education. This is where Locke and Rousseau come in.
John Locke, a British philosopher, focused on the role of social environment and experiences in
education. Locke believed that children's minds were blank slates. Meaning we are not born with
any innate notions or abilities. Locke consider the mind "to be...white paper void of all
characteristics, without any ideas." (Crain 7) The mind is very pliable and ready to accept new
information. Locke believed children learned in four ways, the first of which is associations. What
this means is that we simultaneously think of two things and associate them. For example if you get
sick after eating at McDonalds, you might feel stomach pain every time you see one. The next way
is repetition, or doing something several
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Personal Narrative: My Interest In Relation To The Field...
In relation to the field of social work, ever since I was a small child I have had an interest in
promoting social development and bring change to the society and the World at large. I started by
performing and completing voluntary jobs that made me feel easy and have a peaceful mind.
Currently, I work with a renowned child protection services group. My interest in protecting the
rights, freedoms, and privileges was magnified when I encountered a child who had been chased
away from home. His name was 'Walter' he lived in the cold streets with no food, shelter, water or
education. My first encounter with Walter was sorrowful. I could not imagine how he was surviving
in the streets. When it comes to personal qualifications as a social worker; I believe I have the
required skills in that I am an active listener. Social work requires an individual who actively listens
and responds in a positive way when it comes to solving a social problem. I also believe I qualify as
a social worker in that I am a very organized person. The organization is very important when it
comes to social work. Lack of organization may lead to disruption of social activities and loss of
time. I am a critical thinker who has to weigh and analyze options and scenarios from every existing
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A positive helping relationship is built and founded on trust and language. In this case, I would say
that I have a good ability when it comes creating positive relationships in that I am an eloquent
speaker, listener and above all I am good at motivating the public. Being an eloquent, good listener
and speaker has enabled me to become a traverse person who can be able to make professional
judgments that are true and significant. All forms of social work require one to be a professional
judge who can be able to relate and predict outcomes and events in an accurate
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The Impact Of Globalization On The Urban Environment And...
In 1990s America, obtaining freedom from governmental control became a social preoccupation.
Starting with liberalism's demand for increased individual freedom, what began as a small
movement eventually transformed into a culture–wide fight for social justice and economic growth
to create a free market where, ideally, no government would be needed. Activists term this modern
movement "neo–liberalism," or global market liberalism (capitalism), which calls for free–trade
policies. While adopting such a system for American cities has been advocated by many people for
its economic benefits, it also necessarily creates new relations between the city government and the
residents who live there, which in turn affects the urban environment and social relations within the
city. The question is a persistent one in our place and time: to globalize, or not to globalize?
Globalization requires highly specialized services, telecommunications, infrastructure, and
industrial services. Economic globalization has mostly been represented in terms of the duality
between national and global, where the global gains power and advantages at the expense of the
national. For example, Saskia Sassen, author of Whose City Is It?, states many disadvantages of
"global" cities for women, immigrants, and people of color, "whose political sense of self and
identities are not necessarily embedded in the nation" (206).
In developing cities there are large concentrations of diversity; immigration is a major
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Social Media: The New Public Relations Norm Essays
Social Media: the New PR Norm The most recent definition of public relations, according to the
Public Relations Society of America (2012), states that "Public Relations is a strategic
communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their
publics." Through the rapid advancement of modern media and technology, there have never been
more outlets and opportunities available for accomplishing the goals of public relations. Believing
the development of social media has not created serious changes in the way public relations
practitioners go about their duties would be foolish and a fast track to falling behind in this rapid
world of communication. The main goals of public relations are "to ... Show more content on ...
In addition to creating open forms of communication and direct access to consumers' opinions and
reactions, advancing social and visual technology delivers access to technologically advanced, eye–
catching, and interesting design and media tactics formerly available only to the tech savvy
generation. The internet has transformed the globe and it's lasting presence is inevitable, proving
that to discount social media's new but important role will ultimately lead to failure in the long term.
Though the positive impacts of social media on public relations are strong, issues imposed by social
media are inevitable and cannot be overlooked. The 24/7 news stream that is social media can be
regarded as a positive way to stay constantly informed but just as easily regarded as negative and
brain numbing, overloading the brain's ability to make moral decisions (Barnett 2009). Research
shows that the constant influx of terrible news could potentially be overloading our brains and
turning personal reactions dismissive. Emma Barnett, Technology and Digital Media Correspondent
of The Telegraph (U.K.), reports, "the research has found this overload may also be causing
increasing levels of depression and the quicker we know about events, the less it seems to be sinking
in and having the expected effect." The negative effects of constant news streaming can also be
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The True State Of Loneliness
"Being alive means being in a body–a body separated from all other bodies. And being separated
means being alone. This is true of every creature, and it is true of man more than any other creature.
He is not only alone; he also knows that he is alone. Awareof what he is, he therefore asks the
question of his aloneness. He asks why he is alone andhow he can overcome his being alone. He
cannot stand it; but cannot escape it either. It is his destiny to be alone and to be aware of it. Not
even God can take away this destiny from him." (Paul Tillich, 1963) There have been numerous
interpretations of the true state of loneliness, but how is it really defined? Would you think that a
person isolated in the corner of the room socially withdrawn from the crowed is lonely or someone
surrounded by their group of friends playing and laughing around? The fact of the matter is it could
be both individuals, there is no telling what they feel on the inside unless you can figure out the
signs and symptoms and analyze their background information in history. Some may not too choose
to believe it but someone close to you can be suffering from this condition. Loneliness seems to
have become a common characteristics that individuals share around the world. Although this is a
subject that has been a part of discussions and a focus of research for many years in philosophy ,
theology, psychology and literature, the scientific study has had a relatively short record. In this day
and age there have
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Facebook 's Impact On Social Life
This section discusses the social or public view. The concerns towards Facebook 's impacts on social
life have been raised through several dimensions. Illuminating some contributes that might be
helpful indication to analyse social aspect clearly. Such as social capital, Facebook users ' relations
(child– parents relationship) and Facebook resulting behaviours. There are different competing
position regarding the effect of Facebook on people 's social life. Some of these support the stance
that takes into consideration the Facebook as a significant platform for initiating and expanding
social interaction. However, the opponents of this idea argue that the Facebook takes the most
pessimistic role in deteriorates social and family relationship.
Facebook can easily shape the modern society life of both online and offline communication. Such
pattern of interaction may occur due to Facebook overwhelming usages and innovative limits that
scaffold online–offline connection. For example, college students could use Facebook as a
communication stage to enhance the beneficial social capital (social relation between individuals
that can be expected to provide support and have a productive benefit (Nicole, Charles & Cliff,
2007; Boxman et al. 1991, p. 52). Adler & Kwon (2002), confidently support that the Facebook
social capital has been associated with optimistic social outcome. Such as, better social wellbeing
and lower society crime. This may reflect powerfully bonding social and
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Behavior of the Student
Chapter 1
Problem and Its Background
This chapter covers the introduction, the theories related to it, the conceptual framework, the
statement of the problem, its significance to the group of individual, the scope and limitations, and
the definition of important terms used in the study.
Introduction The study of human behavior is absolutely essential for anyone to cultivate positive
relations with others and avoid unnecessary conflict. The study of human behavior needs to be part
of any educational curriculum program. The study of human behavior helps one to understand that
it's part of our human nature to make mistakes, that good intentions lead to mishaps and that stuff
happens. We've got to be cognizant of this knowledge in ... Show more content on
A person classifies his preferences which govern his behavior and action. Value actually guide man's
behavior and decision as he related himself in most situations in life. Every individual has his own
personal values that influence his dealings and reactions to circumstances.
Conceptual Framework
Assessment of problems thru: 1. Observation 2. Survey 3. Analysis
* Highly motivated students * Active participants on interactive discussions * Improved teaching
strategies of teachers * Innovative school administrators * Responsive government officials
1. What makes the students misbehave inside the classroom 2. Effect of the enumerated factors in
the student's misbehavior. 3. Causes of students misbehavior.
Figure 1. Paradigm
As shown in paradigm, the study seeks to find out whether the factors inside the classroom affecting
the misbehavior of the student. Using the IPO model, the inputs phase shows what contributed most
to the students' misbehavior; how the following factors are affecting the misbehavior of the students
inside the classroom such as teacher, classmates, and classroom environment; what are the causes of
misbehavior of the student inside the classroom. The process phase covers the process of activities
which the study undertakes like gathering data from group of respondents as well as
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Corporate Social responsibility is just good public relations
Corporate Social Responsibility is just good public relations.
Corporate Social Responsibility is defined as a notion that shows accommodation of corporate
behaviour to society's values and expectations. However individuals and government bodies suggest
similar yet so different opinions regarding corporate social responsibility like European
Commission says "corporate social responsibility is a concept where companies integrate social and
environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders
on a voluntary basis" (L.Hamilton ,P. Webster ,2009,The International Business Environment ,
Second Edition , Oxford University Press Inc.–US) and World Business Council for ... Show more
content on ...
CSR also imposes hidden costs on stakeholders like labour and owners when firm loses some of its
capital to corporate social responsibility activities which to be recovered will be taken from
shareholders dividends or labours wages .
Corporate social responsibility is just good public relations for some firms because they only use it
to expand their business and customer base , increase their customer loyalty by improving their
reputation also corporate image for potential investors and shareholders the right political spectrum
supports the idea of corporate social responsibility lacking legitimacy of either market or political
system , this is supported by the philosopher Elaine Sternberg who believes that using business
resources for non–business purpose is theft . If firms approve of this arguments than they use CSR
only to boost their profits
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What Is Social Relations
What are social relations and how do they manifest in society
Social relations or social interaction is any relationship between two or more individuals. Social
relations came about from individual agency form the basis of social structure and the basic self–
identity. A person constructs a sense of identity in relation to family, other people, cultural practices,
gender, social class, social/political systems, sexuality, geographic location and physical and mental
abilities. Basically social relations can be outlined by physical movements, actions with meaning
and purpose, social behaviours and social contacts (Ravindar Kumar; urban sociology; July 2010).
Types of relations
Social relations include household membership, community ... Show more content on ...
Being of the same place with other people consist of interacting, sharing same values of the same
community and that is where sense of unity comes in and this is all rounded by relationship between
the people, which is if it is not present societies would lack stability.
Intimate relationship as humans we long to belong somewhere and to be loved somehow, intimacy
is a word for that. People engage in relationships that consist of intimacy which means the sharing
of feelings, emotions and romance. Intimate relationship is interpersonal it includes sexual activity,
physically attached to the person, emotionally attached and giving personal support. It can be
another relation rather than family membership that a person can feel as close to someone as they
can possibly can.
Relations are found in every place even in the working environment, this type of relationship can be
between the employer and the employee and also between colleagues and it is called a professional
relation because it is based in the place of work where individuals are guided by work ethics and
appropriate behaviour. As this is a professional relation it is also a social support because people get
to know each other personally and end up providing each other with social support, this includes
sharing personal stuff good or bad, sadness or laughter, lending each other money and creating
opportunities for each
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Social Media Relations With Customers And The Pr Firm
In an effort to further support the claim that employing a public relations practitioner would be
beneficial to J. Gregory Salon, I've compiled two examples of PR success. This includes two types
of technological PR strategies, blogging and Photosharing. I chose these examples because of their
relevance to the salon's previous types of social media relations with customers and the PR firm's
extensive research processes.
LG Mobile
The following is an example of how the incorporation and reliance on a public relations firm helped
the company, LG, utilize digital media and increase awareness and profit. Ronnie Brown wrote the
article, titled "Utilizing the blogosphere to increase buzz and drive positive sentiment of mobile
phones." It is ... Show more content on ...
Their overall goal was to build awareness to increase sales and consideration on a small budget. The
first step to success was hiring Outside Line, a digital agency that specializes in social media
marketing and communication.
Before any direct action was taken, a large amount of research had to be done in order to learn about
the nature of their consumers, and how they respond to one another and the company. They focused
on the Internet, the top trend, and discovered a collection of factors (Brown. 2010):
The widespread adoption of broadband
Free online services that allow content creation
Collaborative sites
Information sharing via social bookmarking sites
Discussion of opinions on blogs and forums
Creation and maintenance of relationship through Facebook
They determined that blogs were rapidly growing in popularity, so they decided to make that the
center of the marketing campaign. After the consumer analysis, they researched LG's competitors to
learn about what they did and didn't have, and what LG could do differently in order to stand out.
They found that none of the competitors had blogs; therefore, blogs appeared to be the best place for
the campaign to start.
Once they had all the researched needed in order to make conclusions about their consumers, they
established goals and objectives that must be accomplished throughout and by the end of the
campaign. The objectives were (Brown. 2010):
Increasing the online buzz around its products
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The Relationship Between Social Media and Public Relations
This article examines the important role of social media to public relations practitioners. The
researcher wants to investigate the innovation of social media through the case study of Obama
presidential campaign and public health issue. Moreover social media can bring destruction to the
organization, if the user misuses the social media. Social media has brought a new challenge to the
society. The researcher use intensive interview and focus group toward public relations practitioners
to explore how important the social media did to them and the negative outcome of social media.
The researcher use quantitative method – survey to examine the appetency of the social media
among different size of community.
Introduction ... Show more content on ...
RQ3: What are the differences among PR practitioners' estimates of their public's user of social
media in domains locates in three sizes of community: urban, suburban and rural.
Different communities have the different demand on the social media, the researcher want to know
whether the people live in rural desire to use social media and how do the PR practitioners use
social media efficiently in different communities, the following hypothesis is made: people from
urban will tend to be more desirable on using social media than people from rural.
RQ4: How is the seriousness of misusing the social media?
Social media provide benefit and good effort to PR practitioner, journalist and organization in many
circumstances, the researcher want to investigate the negative outcome from the social media, and
how the social media impact the organization to damage rather than build a relationship with their
Literature Review
Numerous case studies have indicated the important of the social media toward the organization.
Social media allows organization to engage directly with stakeholder. This is the major
characteristic why social media is popular in the 21 century. Two widely used means of online
image construction and relationship building are blog and microblogging service. Those blog and
web logs usually allow reader comments, and often use tags to permit topical searching. Social
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Social Media Of Public Relations
In general worlds, public relations is a management function, which manage the spread of
information between organization and its publics, it is process of information exchange, also
maintain the relationship between audience, social media, companies...etc. Generally, the public
relation practitioners use forms such as printed text, images, speaking words or even combined
functions for communication. "Social media are a technically enhanced–think Internet and mobile–
based–way of discussing ideas with people in communities. Social media use words, pictures, audio,
and video to foster interaction". (Maddock and Viton, 2009)To working with social media,
practitioners must build and maintain relationships of mutual respect and trust with ... Show more
content on ...
There can be bunch of advantages working in social media of public relations including corporate
communications, team membership. Since everything is online, you're free to work anywhere could
connect with internet, make the desired response possible to engage stakeholders and also could
create a conversation exchanging information and views. There is also challenging to learn new
technology everyday during working, able to organizing the program and on–line digital. On the
contrary, there can also be disadvantages working in social media. The social media always
sensationalize things, suspicious of the fail and the truth, and somehow loss of objectivities. As an
employee working in the specialize area of social media public relations, a person should first have
skills of researching, planning, implementing and evaluating programs. They might use a variety of
research tools to gathering information about the clients, the industry, also relevant issues. Also
identify the individual or group who are interested in online programs. Communication skill is
always important in my opinion, it plays a really big role in every specialize part of public relations.
However, people who are participating in social media public relations might have advanced
communication skills. They may have skills to persuade stakeholders to support a decision, identify
and analysis a problem, the results and the solution, conduct decisions, also
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The Digital Possession Of Human Since The 19th Century
1. Publishing is the process of making information available and present to the public. Making
things public or generally known has its impact on the society. When modes of publishing change,
the communicative aspect of the society changes. Information flows differently in the respective
time, and the movement has transformed the social interaction between people.
2. Not only the advancement of publishing text, but also imagery, and I will focus on photography.
Photography is the common possession of human since the 19th century. The purposes of creating
photographs are numerous. The distinctiveness of photo taking creates different meaning, which had
its power to influence the society.
3. This essay will aim to identify and compare two publication technologies, which is the 18th
century photography publishing technology, Daguerreotype, and generally used mobile camera
phone in 21st century.
4. According to Kress and van Leeuwen (1990:23), "Viewing an image entails first and foremost,
before anything else has happened, being located in a particular social way by and in relation to the
image". In terms of social relationship, photography is one of the semiotic resources that we use for
communicating. In the past decades, photography acted in a role of recording the diversity of human
behaviour, customs and lifestyle.
5. Photos were taken to record the family, social life and leisure or sports activities in the 19th
century (Rouillé, 1987). Back in the 18s, photographic
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Public Relations : Print Media Vs. Social Media
Issues in Public Relations
Ivette Medrano Araujo
MCOM 253–002 Principles of PR and Integrated Communications
Towson University Issues in Public Relations: Print Media vs. Social Media Since its beginnings,
public relations have been helpful and effective to every type of business that applies it or situation
where it is applied. For decades, and even to date, one the most used ways of public relations have
been the print media; however, a new and different method known as social media emerged
worldwide and has caused different consequences in the field of public relations. Public relations
have existed even before the Common Era. In continents that now are known as Europe and Asia,
people carved on stones different types of negative messages about their opponents to discourage
them (Wilcox, Cameron & Reber, 2015, p. 40). This was a way of writing about a subject and letting
people read it, and after that chat about it, instead of approaching people individually, they decided
to do this in order to cover more "audience." Many centuries had to pass in order to come up with a
more accessible and sophisticated way to deliver messages to people. It was not until the invention
and development of the printing press in 1450 attributed to Johannes Guttenberg (Wilcox, et al.,
2015, p. 41) that print media would evolve in a different way in public relations. With the invention
of the printing press, many people started not only to read books that were published, being
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Jan Aart Scholte
Chapter 4 – Explaining Globalization
Scholte briefly examines six differing theoretical approaches to explaining globalization – what are
they? What is the central theme of each?
Liberalisms Liberalist position globalization is, at the most elementary level, a result of 'natural'
human desires for economic welfare and political liberty. As such, increased transplanetary
connectivity is ultimately derived from human drives to maximize material well–being (through
markets) and to exercise basic freedoms (as guaranteed by publicly accountable government). For
liberalists globalization is an outcome of people's strivings to escape poverty as well as to achieve
civil and political rights. On a liberalist account it is inherent in market ... Show more content on ...
In these cases, transplanetary connectivity is said to have arisen because of the way that people have
mentally constructed the social world with symbols, language, interpretation, and so on. From
ideational perspectives, globalization has resulted from particular forms and dynamics of
consciousness. For methodological idealists, patterns of production and governance are second–
order structures that derive from deeper cultural and socio–psychological forces. Such accounts of
globalization have come especially from the fields of Anthropology, Humanities, Media Studies,
and Sociology, although idealist arguments have also influenced some researchers in Geography,
Politics and even Business Studies. One type of ideational explanation is constructivism, an
approach that has been popular particularly since the 1990s among International Studies scholars in
North America and Western Europe who wish to develop an alternative perspective to liberalism and
political realism. As the theory's name suggests, constructivism concentrates on the ways that social
actors 'construct' their world: both within their own minds and through inter–subjective
communication with others. Particularly, constructivists examine how inter–subjective
communication generates common understandings of reality, shared norms for social behaviour, and
notions of group identity and solidarity. Conversation and
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How New Digital And Social Media Impacted Public Relation?...
Through the development of technology, the role of the media has been very important in public
relation practice. In a past, media is not a very common, the public relation always use one–way
communication. But nowadays, two–way communication is becoming more popular between public
relation and public now., it can be defining as relies on honesty and open two–way communication
and interaction, rather than one–way persuasion (Turney, 1998). Digital medias can be defining as a
new tool to communicate between target audience and public relation. Social media can be define as
engaging people to communication and interaction, and like a communication platform to share
their feeling or information. This essay is going to discuss about how new digital and social media
affected public relation practice related to two–way communication. Then discussing how social and
digital media can be used for the image and reputational purpose, and how to become effectively
and poorly. The last one will discuss new media how to affects corporate communication, public
relation and crisis communication. The new media is become have some crisis to the organization,
but the benefits are more than that to help the organization and public relation building the good
relationship to the public. Firstly, how using digital media affected public relation practice related to
two–way communication. Digital media is like a much bigger area and it is similar to social media,
it includes website, email, mobile
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Social Media: The Impact It Has In Public Relations....
Social Media: The impact it has in Public Relations According to Hootsuite, "2.8 billion people
were using social media by the end of 2016, up 21 percent from 2015." Over the past decade, social
media has managed to take our world by storm and only continues to grow, especially in the field of
public relations. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have become some of the most
prevalent tools to use for businesses. Social media has grown into a tool that plays a huge role in
public relations by assisting the business planning process. If utilized properly, social media can be
very gratifying due to it not only aiding with creating conversation, establishing relationships, but
also increasing brand reputation and awareness to ... Show more content on ...
This influence is seen as driving new social and cultural transformations."(Valentinin).Therefore,
social media allows anyone, and everyone, to engage in discussion, thus creating more potential for
dialogue via public to organization and vise versa. The final way in which social media boosts
conversation is through shared content among social media users. This is explored in Perceived
usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived mutual relationship, perceived interactivity as
determinants of social media use among PR practitioners when stated that, social media is described
as online applications, platforms and media which aim to facilitate interactions, collaborations and
the sharing of content," (El–Kasim). As a result, communication between the public and companies
influences public engagement which leads to the sharing of user content, which can benefit any
In the same way, social media assists with relationship building which is an additional key
component of the business planning process. Developing and maintaining relationships of trust with
one's audience is at the heart of the professional and academic activities of public relations. Based
on the findings in Social media for Public relations: Lessons from 4 effective cases, it can be argued
that "social
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Technology And Its Effects On Human Anxiety
Over the past decade, advancements in communication technology have rapidly surpassed our
wildest dreams. A particular branch of communication technology known as smartphones, more
specifically the iPhone, has encompassed all social demographics with its amazing capabilities.
However, through the iPhone's technical abilities merging with social dynamics creating a socio–
technical ensemble; its portrayal in four different forms in the media, as well as becoming
naturalized in society and its affects on human anxiety, it is evident that the iPhone has many helpful
intended capabilities, but also un–conceived repercussions. When a new technology or an
advancement is introduced into society, there is no doubt that it will in, some way, reconfigure social
relations. In some ways the changes can be very beneficial, but not all changes are always
intentional. Wiebe Bijker introduced the idea that "A machine is a Socio–Technical Ensemble"
(Bijker,1993) which when broken down is a way of saying that all technology consists of social
dynamics and practicable technology. An iPhone is a prime example of a socio–technical ensemble.
The technical aspect of the iPhone lays within the engineers, how they designed it to be piece of
technology which allows people to communicate, perform functions, and be a platform for
applications. The social dynamics of the iPhone is created by people communicating using a device
and utilizing the apps it offers. The engineers of the iPhone can be seen
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Social Medi Interpersonal And Social Relations
Activity on social media sites such as Facebook through the use of the Internet has an impact on
individuals' interpersonal relations as it has changed the form of communication utilised in such
relationships. This literature review aims to examine the various resources discussing interpersonal
and social relations in the light of social media sites. To begin with, a clear line should be drawn
between interpersonal and social relations, as these two terms differ regardless of the platform, be it
online of offline. Hogg & Vaughan (2014) establish that interpersonal attraction relates to liking
somebody based on their idiosyncratic preferences and characteristics, while social attraction deals
with liking somebody due to a group membership of theirs. This implies that the interpersonal
relations between you and your sister is based on similar hobbies and temper, while the social
relations between you and your friend are based on your friend's membership of your varsity sports
team. This theory suggests that you can like somebody as a group member but not as an individual
and vice versa which has the implication that you may have social relations with a person only
through interacting in the university chess club or the online chess platform, but not outside. It
follows that you are indeed likely to initiate such a social relationship only within those bounds after
which you may or may not grow closer to a few individuals within the group depending on their
character, whereas
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Charles Dickens 's Views On Social Relations Through...
Charles Dickens had many opinions towards social relations. He showed compassion and pity to the
less fortune. He portrays the social relations through marriage and kinship. Through the first
marriage with Mr. and Mrs. Gradgrind Charles Dickens shows how an emotionless lifestyle can be
troublesome. Mr. Gradfrind only cared about facts. He taught the kids that facts were the core of
living. I agree somewhat that facts are very important but, just facts are not a proper life. Mr.
Grandgrind home life was falling apart as you read on in the book. His wife admits that she is not
happy within her marriage because of his fun less ways. His kids do not like him at all. He teaches
his kids to not use their imagination or to play. This is not a happy warm family that we normally
see in books. Which affects his kid's actions leading up Tom robbing Bounderby's bank. Another
social relationship is the relationship between the people of Coke Town. The only thing that
everyone can really connect to is money. That's their only goal is making money or working in
factories. They do not act like humans. They act more like machines clocking in and out at the same
time going home and dinner then bed. No fun no imagination no nothing that makes us humans.
Charles Dickens uses imagery in the beginning of the book to describe the town. When he talks
about the red and black color of the faces of the people is an example. He uses image to show an
unfriendly face on the people. Actually quite
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Relational Model: Alan Page Fiske's Theory
RELATIONAL MODELS THEORY Introduction Alan Page Fiske catalyzed the advocacy of the
relational model 's theory (RMT) in 1991. The theory states that there are four natural ways of
interrelating with other people. The author established the four models in his article structures of
social life. Fiske affirms that the models work together in varying combinations and control almost
all transactions by human beings (Bolender, 2010, p.60). He further asserts that the models unify
ideas on moral judgment, social justice, religious, political ideology, and social conflict. It also
informs the reactions to misfortunes and transgression. He explains that they are the foundation of
human sociality (Bolender, 2010, p.60). The four models of relations as identified by Fiske include
market pricing, equality matching, authority ranking, and communal sharing. The theory suggests
the four models as the first cognitive models which represent, comprehends, evaluates, and
constructs social relationships (Haslam, 2004, p.3). Therefore, the models do not define the type of
relationships that exists between individuals in principle; the models are not empirically
independent but are a contingent matter regarding the degree of their association as they operate in a
culture (Fiske and Fiske, 2007, p.284). The culture adopted by different communities varies
according to the combination of the four models. Fiske (1999) argues that everyone except the
person with mental incapacitation who will confuse
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Social Media 's Impact On Public Relations
Social media forums have had a positive impact on the Public Relations industry in the twenty first
century. The massive increase in social media usage has provided a medium by which it is easier to
connect with a larger audience worldwide. This has resulted in an adoption of social media
strategies for many PR specialists. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow these
specialists to keep up with the public's opinions on current events as well as promote businesses or
products. The public relations industry is very different from advertising. While advertisers pay for
exposure and visual aids, PR specialists use language and conferences to earn the trust of the public.
According to the Public Relations Society of America "Public relations is a strategic communication
process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics." PR
specialists are image shapers and storytellers that can be used to enhance, protect, and build
reputations through any form of media or self–created production. If the news is bad, they formulate
the best response to reduce the damage. Their job is to create positive publicity for their client as
well as enhance their reputation. Public relations specialists over the years have had to stay on top of
the changes in communication in order to adapt for the sake of their business. Before all these new
forms of media, the humble fax machine was depended on to send press releases. Most early PR
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Social Media And Public Relations
The scope of this project is designed to shed some light on an often misunderstood profession:
Public Relations. It is for both those wanting a career in PR as much as those just curious about a
subject that they have often heard about, but never really understood. Basic background information
such as: Defining what Public Relations is, the salary of a PR specialist, and their daily duties will
be discussed, with the main focus of the project being centered on the utilization of Social Media
within the Public Relations industry.
Public Relations (PR) is an exciting and rewarding career. PR deals with, "The way organizations,
companies and individuals communicate with the public and media" (International Public Relations
Organization, n.d.)
Social media (SM) is a widely used element in Public Relations that helps to facilitate all of the day
to day functions of a PR specialist. This presentation will focus on trying to help viewers gain a
better understanding of social media in general and how it is being used effectively to power the PR
industry. Vital topics that will be discussed are as follows: υ Defining what social media is υ The
most popular apps PR specialists utilize in their day to day duties υ The benefits of using social
media to garner new customer relationships and grow existing ones within the PR industry υ Where
PR professionals go to get training on social media programs υ How PR specialists measure the
success of social media usage υ According to Theaker
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Social Media Has Changed The Expectations Of Social...
Today, the average person spends at least two hours a day on social media sites. Through social
media, texting, and online chatrooms, people can communicate with others that they would
otherwise have no contact with. For this topic, it is important to define what 'friendship' really
means. Some have argued that a friend is someone they talk with; others say it's someone they've
shared an experience with. For this essay, friendship will be defined as someone who is kept in
constant contact with through and outside of the internet. The majority of effects seen from
technology are negative: from decreased in–person social interactions, to loss of identity, and
ultimately the watering down of friendships. Social media has changed the expectations of social
relationships. While technology does allow users to stay connected with family and friends from
varying distances, technology's negative effects also make it harder to maintain those relationships
and have a lasting impact on how people will pursue their future relationships.
With the rise of social media and other forms of online communication, people have the opportunity
to connect with old and new friends alike. However, this connection through technology has
changed how people view friendship. In his article "Faux Friendships," William Deresiewicz
discusses how much the ideas of friendship have changed over time. He argues that "...friendship,
for the ancients, was rare, precious, and hard–won," but now, "We can be friends
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History of Social Relations in India
Caste and gender equations in Indian history
No aspect of Indian history has excited more controversy than India 's history of social relations.
Western indologists and Western–influenced Indian intellectuals have seized upon caste divisions,
untouchability, religious obscurantism, and practices of dowry and sati as distinctive evidence of
India 's perennial backwardness. For many Indologists, these social ills have literally come to define
India – and have become almost the exclusive focus of their writings on India.
During the colonial period, it served the interests of the British (and their European cohorts) to
exaggerate the democratic character of their own societies while diminishing any socially redeeming
features of society ... Show more content on ...
For instance, we find no evidence of caste–like discrimination in societies where land was
collectively owned and jointly cultivated, or where goods and services were exchanged within the
village on the basis of barter, and there was no premium assigned to any particular type of work. All
services and all forms of human labor were valued equally. Such village communes may have once
existed throughout India and some appear to have survived until quite recently – especially in the
hills, (such as in parts of Himachal and the North East, including Assam and Tripura), but also in
Orissa and parts of Central India. In such societies, we also see little evidence of gender
In India, caste and gender discrimination appear to become more pronounced with the advent of
hereditary and authoritarian ruling dynasties, a powerful state bureaucracy, the growth of selective
property rights, and the domination of Brahmins over the rural poor in agrahara
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Relational Model 's Theory Of Social Life Essay
Introduction Alan Page Fiske catalyzed the advocacy of the relational model 's theory (RMT) in
1991. The theory states that there are four natural ways of interrelating with other people. The
author established the four models in his article structures of social life. Fiske affirms that the
models work together in varying combinations and control almost all transactions by human beings
(Bolender, 2010, p.60). He further asserts that the models unify ideas on moral judgment, social
justice, religious, political ideology, and social conflict. It also informs the reactions to misfortunes
and transgression. He explains that they are the foundation of human sociality (Bolender, 2010,
p.60). The four models of relations as identified by Fiske include market pricing, equality matching,
authority ranking, and communal sharing. The theory suggests the four models as the first cognitive
models which represent, comprehends, evaluates, and constructs social relationships (Haslam, 2004,
p.3). Therefore, the models do not define the type of relationships that exists between individuals in
principle; the models are not empirically independent but are a contingent matter regarding the
degree of their association as they operate in a culture (Fiske and Fiske, 2007, p.284). The culture
adopted by different communities varies according to the combination of the four models. Fiske
(1999) argues that everyone except the person with mental incapacitation who will confuse the
models understands
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Social Identity Theory And Theories Surrounding Intergroup...
There is a range of views expressed as to the reactions people have to criticisms from either the in–
group or the out–group; the majority of such opinions suggest that people prefer to hear criticisms
from people within their group than outside their group. Participants were given a vignette based on
a criticism which they were either led to believe came from a member of the in–group or a member
of the out–group. The results showed that participants responded with a lower sensitivity to negative
emotions if the criticism originated from a member of the in–group compared to from the out–
group. The mean results from the out–group totals to 4.46 compared to the mean results from the in–
group which totals to 3.784. ... Show more content on ...
The concept of Social Identity theory considers the extent to which social identity affects a person's
identity as well as how people can identify themselves as part of an in–group. There is a belief that a
person's social identity can be directly related to the perceived group membership (Social
Psychology: Traditional and Critical Perspectives, by Paul Dickerson). The current theory for social
identity focuses solely on one group identity when people can be part of more than one social group.
The intergroup relations relates to how the group interacts within the "in–group", this leads on from
the social identity theory, such that it is the relationship between the group which directly affects a
person's self–identity. Becker, Wagner and Christ, 2011, discussed how intergroup attributions tend
to be characterised by the belief that the group the individual belongs to are the ones that have
positive contributions and the other groups not related to them have negative beliefs. There has been
research which suggests that if people have contact with the out–group then they are more likely to
become less prejudiced (Social Psychology, by Robbie Sutton and Karen Douglas).
The inter–group sensitivity effect describes the likeliness of people preferring criticism to originate
from the in–group than any criticism coming from the out–group. Hornsey et al in 2002 showed that
people find it easier to
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Body Mass Index Essay
Social relationships, academic performance, dietary habits and body mass index in school children:
A comparative study ABSTRACT Adolescence is always an interesting phase for doing research as
their quest for new things and self–identity goes on. This study aims to explore the relationship
among social relationships, academic performance, dietary habits and body mass index on school
children. We assumed that all the study variables will be significantly correlated with each other. We
tested our hypotheses using data collected from 201 school children (141 boys and 60 girls) in
different schools in Jalandhar, Punjab. Results revealed significant and positive relationship between
social relationship and academic performance, significant and positive relationship between social
relationship and food habit, significant and negative relationship between social relationship and
body mass index, significant and negative relationship between academic performance and body
mass index and significant and negative relationship between food habit and body mass index.
Moreover, there were gender differences on social relationships and food habit where males are
found to be higher than females. However, no gender differences were obtained on academic
performance and body mass index. Keywords: Social Relationships, Dietary habits, Academic
performance, Body mass index Introduction Human personality is greatly influenced by home and
school environment in the initial years. A child's
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Social Media And The Public Relations Industry
The Use of Social Media in the Public Relations Industry As technology advances, social media has
become more prominent in the public relations (PR) industry. Many PR practitioners now utilize
social media to interact with their publics, in attempts to have strong two–way symmetrical
communication and build relationships with them. I chose the topic of "The Use of Social Media in
the PR Industry" because I have a great interest in how practitioners use this newly developed
communication mechanism. After reading these articles, my search results revealed that
practitioners are fully aware of the benefits of using social media. They believe it is a new way to
establish two–way symmetrical communication with their publics, however, a vast majority of
practitioners do not understand how to go about utilizing social media for their organization. Social
media strategies will often differ for each organization because their public's have unique, specific
needs and interests. If PR practitioners fail to develop tailored strategies which create a consistent,
mutually beneficial relationship between their organization and its publics, their social media efforts
will not reach their fullest potential.
Study One: Avidar, Ruth (2009). Social media, societal culture and Israeli public relations pratice.
The Center for the Study of the Information Society.
This study is from the Public Relations Review and focuses on Israeli public relations practitioners'
use of social media. In the
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Toulmin Model in Relation to Social Media Effects
Social Media: The Downfall Nisha Abraham Sullivan University ENG 204: Advanced Writing July
11, 2013 Abstract Social Media is affecting our society in a negative way. From being the number
one cause of divorce, ruining people's careers, and being a haven for teen suicides, many
misfortunes arise due to social media. People may not notice its damaging side effects yet it is
slowly but surely proving detrimental to all involved in the game. By taking a step back and
maintaining self–control, any human being immersed in the frenzy of social media can enjoy its
perks without getting caught up in the whirlwind of unfortunate events. Keywords: social media,
internet, cyber, cyber bullying, suicide, divorce, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, ... Show more content
on ...
Private information that was previously segregated now becomes easily accessible to employers,
colleagues, recruiters, and clients, among other perhaps unintended audiences" (Abril, 2012, para.
4). Yes, most social media sites attain privacy settings but one must always remember there are
hiccups in everything on the internet and no guarantees leaks will not occur. As much as social
media has managed to ruin our society, it plays a positive role for the public as well. Social media
allowed people to use their networks as a form of reaching out to old friends and family across the
world. With America being known as the melting pot of the world, our society has several people
with family on the other side of the Earth. With social media in effect, this permits people to stay in
touch with long lost loved ones and keep ties tight. Not only has it sanctioned friends and family to
keep in touches but has granted people to relocate birth parents and unknown family members as
well. Yes, social media has failed our society greatly but there is always a rainbow somewhere after
a rainy day. Social media can play a positive role by bringing people back together. Even though the
world may seem small, we have a larger community than most can see with their eyes. The internet
blinds people from the dark abyss of deceit, lies, and secrets but it is gradually
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How Is Technology Changing The Self And Social Relations?
Jongseok Kim Sociology 130 Professor Anderson T. 11 September 2014 "How is Technology
Changing the Self and Social Relations?" The role of technological advancements is constantly
influencing in the transformation of the self and social relations. The usage of technology has both
positively and negatively affected individuals especially in our modern society. Through the
advancement of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, the continuous
development and popularity of social networking sites, and the growing number of users of various
ages, our society has become convenient yet obsessive and lethargic than many years prior to our
generation. It seems we cannot live a day without smartphones, without Internet, without mp3
players, and without cars. As our life becomes more dependent and reliant on technology, we
become accustomed to such behavior of using technology habitually; and without these, we would
be breaking our current patterns of living, thus making ourselves psychologically unstable in terms
of feeling anxious and obsessed. Hence, though our means of communication might have become
more convenient, it seems our face–to–face interaction and human communication skills have
worsened in terms of social relations. As Mansfield notes, "Our present anxiety about technology
defines the new and coming as the fulcrum of some unforeseen change which may lead to an
irreversible dehumanisation" (Mansfield 148). Earlier this month of 2014, Queen
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Psychology and Impact Personality Development
1. Define personality.
2. Analyze how biological, situational and mental processes impact personality development.
3. Discuss social and cultural contributions to personality development.
4. Describe the major dispositional theories of personality.
5. Describe the major process theories of personality.
6. Evaluate the major personality theories.
7. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of commonly used personality assessment techniques,
validity, reliability.
Define personality.
* Is a unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel and behave * Is shaped by
biological, situational, and mental processes in a sociocultural and development context * Impacts
people's cognition, motivation and ... Show more content on ...
one would play with an outgoing child more than an inhibited one pushes inhibited child towards
shyness * E.g. observational learning
* Emerge from temperaments and influenced by experiences * Guides thoughts and actions under
various conditions * Relatively stable * BIG 5 Traits * Openness to experience, Conscientious,
Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism * Has validity across cultures (but most of these studies
utilized university students as respondents who are more influenced by European–American views *
Quite accurate * Labels a person but gives no explanation on why
Evaluation of Trait Theories
X Portrayed personality as fixed and static rather than a process that can undergo development
changes depending on experiences
X oversimplified our complex nature
X Do not tell much
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Social Constructivism And Its Impact On International...
Social constructivism emerged in the mid–1990s, after the end of Cold War. Although it has been
seen as a 'young ' theory in International Relations, it has challenged the two dominant theories –
realism and liberalism. It also provided new theoretical openings to understand the International
Relations. Social constructivists tried to establish a "middle ground" between rationalism and
poststructuralism. Unlike realism, social constructivism claims that material capabilities of states,
such as military power, is not the only essential factor in International Relations. It also concentrates
on other non–material factors, including identity, culture, ideas, norms, institutions and interests.
Moreover, it believes that the interaction of structures and agency is a key in explaining the
international politics. However, not every social constructivists agree with the same themes of the
theory. There is contestation. According to Ted Hopf (1998), social constructivism can be divided
into two categories. The first type is the conventional constructivism, in other words, the 'weak '
constructivism. The second type is the critical constructivism, which is also called poststructuralism.
In this essay, I am going to discuss the limitations of the weak form of social constructivism from
the perspectives of other approaches, such as the critical constructivism and rationalism. The other
approaches can indicate the deficiency of the weak form of social constructivism. According to
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Social Interaction Influence Cognitive Development Essay
Social interaction plays an important role in people's life starting from the early childhood as infants
interact with their caregivers and build the emotional attachment that is the base for future
relationships. By social interaction with others children learn how to communicate, play and behave
in particular situation. Berk (2009) proposed the overview of the literature that concentrates upon
the early attachment and its importance. Knowing the influence of social interaction on child
development in the first few years, the essay is going to elaborate upon the implication of social
interaction on the development of cognition. Cognitive development as Lee & Gupta (eds.) claimed
is the term that refers to acquisition and development of ... Show more content on ...
The interesting question is whether the social interaction is shaped in similar way across different
children. Therefore, specific groups of children as normally developed, deprived of parental care,
with Down syndrome, and Autistic are going to be considered to elaborate whether social
interaction is a necessity for cognitive development and how social interaction influences the later
stages of children's life. The essay is going to introduce short overviews of Piaget (1926) and
Vygotsky's (1978) theories to indicate their different approaches when considering cognitive
development. Piaget (1926) developed a constructivist theory which is the basis for the other
cognitive development theories that followed. He proposed the definition of schema which refers to
children's construction of shaping their thought and actions through the set of cognitive processes as
assimilation, disequilibriums and accommodation. When encountering new experiences, children try
to interpret them in terms of known cognitive schemas. In case of failing, they need to adjust their
interpretation to the reality (Schaffter & Kipp,8th ed). Based on his assumptions, Piaget (1926)
proposed that child as a lone individual progress through four main stages of cognitive
development. On the other hand, Vygotsky (1978) presented sociocultural theory. Vygotsky (1978)
concentrated on the social interaction between child and adult considering
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Difference in Social Relations Between City Dwellers and...
Why are the social relations between urban and rural areas so different and what causes these
differences to occur? This question is what I am going to be arguing. I will be doing this not only
through my opinions and ideas, but also through the works of Georg Simmel, Louis Wirth and
Ernest Burgess. All three of these urban scholars add a slightly different view of urbanism as a way
of life.
Georg Simmel's interpretation of interpersonal social relations in the city is one based on the
stimulus a person comes in contact with. Simmel writes this in his essay, "The Metropolis and
Mental Life." He clearly states, "The intensification of emotional life due to the swift and
continuous shift of external and internal stimuli." (Blackwell, ... Show more content on ...
Simmel's work overlaps with that of Louis Wirth. Most notably their work overlaps in the struggle
to define the social relationships that are made in urban societies to those that are made in rural
communities. Wirth conveys this message in his work called, "Urbanism as a Way of Life." Wirth
writes, "The superficiality, the anonymity, and the transitory character of urban–social relations
make intelligible, also, the sophistication and the rationality generally ascribed to city dwellers."
(Metropolis, 68) Both Wirth and Simmel are aware that the social relationships of city dwellers are
ones based on intelligence and rationality and are removed of emotion. However, with Wirth, I
would like to focus on his idea that a city is not only high in population, but it is also high density
and high heterogeneity and how these things play a role in the social relationships of rural and urban
First, I would like to look at the competition levels between city dwellers and people in rural
communities. The high population and high density play a huge role in the amount of competition
that takes place in the city, compared to the amount that takes place in rural communities. The sheer
number of people and the relatively small area that they share cause the competition level to rise
exponentially. Also, the lack of emotional connections between city
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How To Write A Case Study Middleborough
Chapter One – Introduction First of all, the community profile will identify and describe the
characteristics of Middleborough illustrating current population levels, employment status, disease
prevalence and life span expectancies as well as a rationalization for choosing the area itself.
Secondly, chapter two will discuss and detect potential causes for the manifestation of eating
disorders; the national statistics of the UK will be explored and compared to the prevalence within
Middleborough. The socio–economic influences will be investigated to unravel the influential
factors that exacerbate self–destructive disorders/illnesses. Thirdly, chapter three will evaluate the
accessibility of services available within the geographical area and will take into consideration what
may encourage/discourage an individual seeking support. Finally, chapter four will define the
responsibilities and confabulate the role of the nurse in relation to facilitating health improvement
across the age continuum. Chapter One Middleborough is a large industrial town situated on the
south ... Show more content on ...
An unfortunate consequence of this may encourage residents to participate in disorderly behaviors,
people may commit offences to feel valued and accepted within their community. However, those
who choose to disengage may find themselves in isolation or may even be victimized. Nevertheless,
the mimicking of behavior can have a detrimental effect especially upon vulnerable groups; with no
positive role model to follow children/mentally–ill/disabled and elderly individuals could be heavily
influenced by such matters. To support the above information developmental theorist Jean Piaget
stated; "Younger minors imitate the behavior they have observed from others, regardless of the
gender of the person and whether or not the behavior is gender appropriate"
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Family Relations And Social Development

  • 1. Family Relations And Social Development Family relations and social development are one of the problematic fields to study in psychology as psychologists seek to understand the workings of an individual within the family context (Minuchin, 1985). Other branches of psychology are involved in understanding the various aspects of the family and the individual. For example, developmental psychology to analyse individual's developmental milestones and difficulties and social psychology to examine the social interactions amongst members. However, these two branches fail to provide a holistic understanding in studying the family as it gives a relative individualistic perspective. The family is an essential component in one's life, especially for the child. It plays a vital role in the child's social development and emotional regulation (Morris, Silk, Steinberg, Myers, & Robinson, 2007) through their relationships with their parents (Cripps & Zyromski, 2009). Incidentally, children's emotional regulation and familial influence are bidirectional processes (Morris et al., 2009), reflecting a reciprocal impact on all family members. As such, it is imperative to use various theoretical perspectives to analyse and understand any family situation instead of using individualistic developmental and interaction perspective. According to Minuchin (1985), six basic principles outline the Family Systems theory. Each principle describes the function in which a family and its subsystems operate and the inextricable relationships ... Get more on ...
  • 2. How Has The Rise Of Social Media Changed The Public Sphere? Liping Luo BA (Hons) Journalism London College of Communication University of the Arts London 13rd April 2015 Essay Question: How has the rise of social media changed the public sphere? The Internet has been changing the world since it is created. As a part of new media, social media is a fundamental shift in the way we communicate. It has been helped to create a digital global village that 26% of the world's population is using social media and the number is keep increasing. (Qualman, 2013) This essay will attempt to discuss how has the social media changed the public sphere, mainly focus on the improvement of public participation, social relations and information dissemination. Also Mainland China is taken as an example to show that social media enabling democracy in a developing country. Social media is also being used in good ways to spread information. There are some disadvantages to be analyzed, too. The issues like lack of privacy, social media violence and social media out of control will be discussed in this essay. *INTRODUCTION OF SOCIAL MEDIA* The definition of social media Wigmore provided is that the collective of online communications channels dedicated to community–based input, interaction, content–sharing and collaboration. (2014) Social networks have evolved into online communities. They can be based around all sorts of thing like friendship or common interests, which allows file sharing, blogging and often–incorporate content from all sorts of other ... Get more on ...
  • 3. Public Relations And Social Media Public relations use traditional media, social media and stakeholder engagement in everyday practice. Each of these three concepts is contingent to the success of public relations and practitioners use them in order to connect and communicate with publics and audiences to enforce messages. Each concept correlates with one or more of Grunig and Hunt's four models of public relations, emphasising the importance of these three concepts in the public relations industry. To further understand these concepts, real world applications of each concept has been identified and explored in relation to contemporary public relations practice and ethical considerations related to the organisation's behaviour in practice. Dominating the public relations realm for myriad years, traditional, or mass, media has been the predominant means of communication. These communications mediums include newspapers, magazines, radio, television, leaflets, and corporate videos (Theaker, 2001, p. 20). Other mediums include public service announcements, media conferences, special events, and media release, which is the most commonly used tool in public relations (Wilcox, Cameron, Reber, & Shin, 2011, p. 250). Since its introduction, traditional media has become well established and has been able to captivate audiences, moreover, these traditional mediums for information have become trustworthy and are far more credible than social media (LexisNexis Survey Shows Today 's Consumers Trust Traditional Media ... Get more on ...
  • 4. Locke And Rousseau 's Influence On Education Education has been ever developing since the inception of the first schools. The early theorists believed that children were mini adults. Children were treated the same as their adult counterparts. They were given jobs at early ages, and dressed the same as their parents. This belief, that children were just little adults, was called Preformationism. Though this may seem like an antiquated idea, aspects of Preformationism are still scene in today's society. "We often lapse into the same thinking today, as when we expect young children to sit still for hour, or when we assume that their thinking is the same as ours" (Crain 5). Clearly there was the need for new theories, which would better explain child development and education. This is where Locke and Rousseau come in. John Locke, a British philosopher, focused on the role of social environment and experiences in education. Locke believed that children's minds were blank slates. Meaning we are not born with any innate notions or abilities. Locke consider the mind "to be...white paper void of all characteristics, without any ideas." (Crain 7) The mind is very pliable and ready to accept new information. Locke believed children learned in four ways, the first of which is associations. What this means is that we simultaneously think of two things and associate them. For example if you get sick after eating at McDonalds, you might feel stomach pain every time you see one. The next way is repetition, or doing something several ... Get more on ...
  • 5. Personal Narrative: My Interest In Relation To The Field... In relation to the field of social work, ever since I was a small child I have had an interest in promoting social development and bring change to the society and the World at large. I started by performing and completing voluntary jobs that made me feel easy and have a peaceful mind. Currently, I work with a renowned child protection services group. My interest in protecting the rights, freedoms, and privileges was magnified when I encountered a child who had been chased away from home. His name was 'Walter' he lived in the cold streets with no food, shelter, water or education. My first encounter with Walter was sorrowful. I could not imagine how he was surviving in the streets. When it comes to personal qualifications as a social worker; I believe I have the required skills in that I am an active listener. Social work requires an individual who actively listens and responds in a positive way when it comes to solving a social problem. I also believe I qualify as a social worker in that I am a very organized person. The organization is very important when it comes to social work. Lack of organization may lead to disruption of social activities and loss of time. I am a critical thinker who has to weigh and analyze options and scenarios from every existing ... Show more content on ... A positive helping relationship is built and founded on trust and language. In this case, I would say that I have a good ability when it comes creating positive relationships in that I am an eloquent speaker, listener and above all I am good at motivating the public. Being an eloquent, good listener and speaker has enabled me to become a traverse person who can be able to make professional judgments that are true and significant. All forms of social work require one to be a professional judge who can be able to relate and predict outcomes and events in an accurate ... Get more on ...
  • 6. The Impact Of Globalization On The Urban Environment And... In 1990s America, obtaining freedom from governmental control became a social preoccupation. Starting with liberalism's demand for increased individual freedom, what began as a small movement eventually transformed into a culture–wide fight for social justice and economic growth to create a free market where, ideally, no government would be needed. Activists term this modern movement "neo–liberalism," or global market liberalism (capitalism), which calls for free–trade policies. While adopting such a system for American cities has been advocated by many people for its economic benefits, it also necessarily creates new relations between the city government and the residents who live there, which in turn affects the urban environment and social relations within the city. The question is a persistent one in our place and time: to globalize, or not to globalize? Globalization requires highly specialized services, telecommunications, infrastructure, and industrial services. Economic globalization has mostly been represented in terms of the duality between national and global, where the global gains power and advantages at the expense of the national. For example, Saskia Sassen, author of Whose City Is It?, states many disadvantages of "global" cities for women, immigrants, and people of color, "whose political sense of self and identities are not necessarily embedded in the nation" (206). In developing cities there are large concentrations of diversity; immigration is a major ... Get more on ...
  • 7. Social Media: The New Public Relations Norm Essays Social Media: the New PR Norm The most recent definition of public relations, according to the Public Relations Society of America (2012), states that "Public Relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics." Through the rapid advancement of modern media and technology, there have never been more outlets and opportunities available for accomplishing the goals of public relations. Believing the development of social media has not created serious changes in the way public relations practitioners go about their duties would be foolish and a fast track to falling behind in this rapid world of communication. The main goals of public relations are "to ... Show more content on ... In addition to creating open forms of communication and direct access to consumers' opinions and reactions, advancing social and visual technology delivers access to technologically advanced, eye– catching, and interesting design and media tactics formerly available only to the tech savvy generation. The internet has transformed the globe and it's lasting presence is inevitable, proving that to discount social media's new but important role will ultimately lead to failure in the long term. Though the positive impacts of social media on public relations are strong, issues imposed by social media are inevitable and cannot be overlooked. The 24/7 news stream that is social media can be regarded as a positive way to stay constantly informed but just as easily regarded as negative and brain numbing, overloading the brain's ability to make moral decisions (Barnett 2009). Research shows that the constant influx of terrible news could potentially be overloading our brains and turning personal reactions dismissive. Emma Barnett, Technology and Digital Media Correspondent of The Telegraph (U.K.), reports, "the research has found this overload may also be causing increasing levels of depression and the quicker we know about events, the less it seems to be sinking in and having the expected effect." The negative effects of constant news streaming can also be ... Get more on ...
  • 8. The True State Of Loneliness "Being alive means being in a body–a body separated from all other bodies. And being separated means being alone. This is true of every creature, and it is true of man more than any other creature. He is not only alone; he also knows that he is alone. Awareof what he is, he therefore asks the question of his aloneness. He asks why he is alone andhow he can overcome his being alone. He cannot stand it; but cannot escape it either. It is his destiny to be alone and to be aware of it. Not even God can take away this destiny from him." (Paul Tillich, 1963) There have been numerous interpretations of the true state of loneliness, but how is it really defined? Would you think that a person isolated in the corner of the room socially withdrawn from the crowed is lonely or someone surrounded by their group of friends playing and laughing around? The fact of the matter is it could be both individuals, there is no telling what they feel on the inside unless you can figure out the signs and symptoms and analyze their background information in history. Some may not too choose to believe it but someone close to you can be suffering from this condition. Loneliness seems to have become a common characteristics that individuals share around the world. Although this is a subject that has been a part of discussions and a focus of research for many years in philosophy , theology, psychology and literature, the scientific study has had a relatively short record. In this day and age there have ... Get more on ...
  • 9. Facebook 's Impact On Social Life This section discusses the social or public view. The concerns towards Facebook 's impacts on social life have been raised through several dimensions. Illuminating some contributes that might be helpful indication to analyse social aspect clearly. Such as social capital, Facebook users ' relations (child– parents relationship) and Facebook resulting behaviours. There are different competing position regarding the effect of Facebook on people 's social life. Some of these support the stance that takes into consideration the Facebook as a significant platform for initiating and expanding social interaction. However, the opponents of this idea argue that the Facebook takes the most pessimistic role in deteriorates social and family relationship. Facebook can easily shape the modern society life of both online and offline communication. Such pattern of interaction may occur due to Facebook overwhelming usages and innovative limits that scaffold online–offline connection. For example, college students could use Facebook as a communication stage to enhance the beneficial social capital (social relation between individuals that can be expected to provide support and have a productive benefit (Nicole, Charles & Cliff, 2007; Boxman et al. 1991, p. 52). Adler & Kwon (2002), confidently support that the Facebook social capital has been associated with optimistic social outcome. Such as, better social wellbeing and lower society crime. This may reflect powerfully bonding social and ... Get more on ...
  • 10. Behavior of the Student Chapter 1 Problem and Its Background This chapter covers the introduction, the theories related to it, the conceptual framework, the statement of the problem, its significance to the group of individual, the scope and limitations, and the definition of important terms used in the study. Introduction The study of human behavior is absolutely essential for anyone to cultivate positive relations with others and avoid unnecessary conflict. The study of human behavior needs to be part of any educational curriculum program. The study of human behavior helps one to understand that it's part of our human nature to make mistakes, that good intentions lead to mishaps and that stuff happens. We've got to be cognizant of this knowledge in ... Show more content on ... A person classifies his preferences which govern his behavior and action. Value actually guide man's behavior and decision as he related himself in most situations in life. Every individual has his own personal values that influence his dealings and reactions to circumstances. Conceptual Framework Process Assessment of problems thru: 1. Observation 2. Survey 3. Analysis Output * Highly motivated students * Active participants on interactive discussions * Improved teaching strategies of teachers * Innovative school administrators * Responsive government officials Input 1. What makes the students misbehave inside the classroom 2. Effect of the enumerated factors in the student's misbehavior. 3. Causes of students misbehavior. FEEDBACK Figure 1. Paradigm As shown in paradigm, the study seeks to find out whether the factors inside the classroom affecting the misbehavior of the student. Using the IPO model, the inputs phase shows what contributed most
  • 11. to the students' misbehavior; how the following factors are affecting the misbehavior of the students inside the classroom such as teacher, classmates, and classroom environment; what are the causes of misbehavior of the student inside the classroom. The process phase covers the process of activities which the study undertakes like gathering data from group of respondents as well as ... Get more on ...
  • 12. Corporate Social responsibility is just good public relations Corporate Social Responsibility is just good public relations. Corporate Social Responsibility is defined as a notion that shows accommodation of corporate behaviour to society's values and expectations. However individuals and government bodies suggest similar yet so different opinions regarding corporate social responsibility like European Commission says "corporate social responsibility is a concept where companies integrate social and environmental concerns in their business operations and in their interaction with their stakeholders on a voluntary basis" (L.Hamilton ,P. Webster ,2009,The International Business Environment , Second Edition , Oxford University Press Inc.–US) and World Business Council for ... Show more content on ... CSR also imposes hidden costs on stakeholders like labour and owners when firm loses some of its capital to corporate social responsibility activities which to be recovered will be taken from shareholders dividends or labours wages . Corporate social responsibility is just good public relations for some firms because they only use it to expand their business and customer base , increase their customer loyalty by improving their reputation also corporate image for potential investors and shareholders the right political spectrum supports the idea of corporate social responsibility lacking legitimacy of either market or political system , this is supported by the philosopher Elaine Sternberg who believes that using business resources for non–business purpose is theft . If firms approve of this arguments than they use CSR only to boost their profits ... Get more on ...
  • 13. What Is Social Relations What are social relations and how do they manifest in society Introduction Social relations or social interaction is any relationship between two or more individuals. Social relations came about from individual agency form the basis of social structure and the basic self– identity. A person constructs a sense of identity in relation to family, other people, cultural practices, gender, social class, social/political systems, sexuality, geographic location and physical and mental abilities. Basically social relations can be outlined by physical movements, actions with meaning and purpose, social behaviours and social contacts (Ravindar Kumar; urban sociology; July 2010). Types of relations Social relations include household membership, community ... Show more content on ... Being of the same place with other people consist of interacting, sharing same values of the same community and that is where sense of unity comes in and this is all rounded by relationship between the people, which is if it is not present societies would lack stability. Intimate relationship as humans we long to belong somewhere and to be loved somehow, intimacy is a word for that. People engage in relationships that consist of intimacy which means the sharing of feelings, emotions and romance. Intimate relationship is interpersonal it includes sexual activity, physically attached to the person, emotionally attached and giving personal support. It can be another relation rather than family membership that a person can feel as close to someone as they can possibly can. Relations are found in every place even in the working environment, this type of relationship can be between the employer and the employee and also between colleagues and it is called a professional relation because it is based in the place of work where individuals are guided by work ethics and appropriate behaviour. As this is a professional relation it is also a social support because people get to know each other personally and end up providing each other with social support, this includes sharing personal stuff good or bad, sadness or laughter, lending each other money and creating opportunities for each ... Get more on ...
  • 14. Social Media Relations With Customers And The Pr Firm In an effort to further support the claim that employing a public relations practitioner would be beneficial to J. Gregory Salon, I've compiled two examples of PR success. This includes two types of technological PR strategies, blogging and Photosharing. I chose these examples because of their relevance to the salon's previous types of social media relations with customers and the PR firm's extensive research processes. LG Mobile The following is an example of how the incorporation and reliance on a public relations firm helped the company, LG, utilize digital media and increase awareness and profit. Ronnie Brown wrote the article, titled "Utilizing the blogosphere to increase buzz and drive positive sentiment of mobile phones." It is ... Show more content on ... Their overall goal was to build awareness to increase sales and consideration on a small budget. The first step to success was hiring Outside Line, a digital agency that specializes in social media marketing and communication. Before any direct action was taken, a large amount of research had to be done in order to learn about the nature of their consumers, and how they respond to one another and the company. They focused on the Internet, the top trend, and discovered a collection of factors (Brown. 2010): The widespread adoption of broadband Free online services that allow content creation Collaborative sites Information sharing via social bookmarking sites Discussion of opinions on blogs and forums Creation and maintenance of relationship through Facebook They determined that blogs were rapidly growing in popularity, so they decided to make that the center of the marketing campaign. After the consumer analysis, they researched LG's competitors to learn about what they did and didn't have, and what LG could do differently in order to stand out. They found that none of the competitors had blogs; therefore, blogs appeared to be the best place for the campaign to start. Once they had all the researched needed in order to make conclusions about their consumers, they established goals and objectives that must be accomplished throughout and by the end of the
  • 15. campaign. The objectives were (Brown. 2010): Increasing the online buzz around its products ... Get more on ...
  • 16. The Relationship Between Social Media and Public Relations Abstract This article examines the important role of social media to public relations practitioners. The researcher wants to investigate the innovation of social media through the case study of Obama presidential campaign and public health issue. Moreover social media can bring destruction to the organization, if the user misuses the social media. Social media has brought a new challenge to the society. The researcher use intensive interview and focus group toward public relations practitioners to explore how important the social media did to them and the negative outcome of social media. The researcher use quantitative method – survey to examine the appetency of the social media among different size of community. Introduction ... Show more content on ... RQ3: What are the differences among PR practitioners' estimates of their public's user of social media in domains locates in three sizes of community: urban, suburban and rural. Different communities have the different demand on the social media, the researcher want to know whether the people live in rural desire to use social media and how do the PR practitioners use social media efficiently in different communities, the following hypothesis is made: people from urban will tend to be more desirable on using social media than people from rural. RQ4: How is the seriousness of misusing the social media? Social media provide benefit and good effort to PR practitioner, journalist and organization in many circumstances, the researcher want to investigate the negative outcome from the social media, and how the social media impact the organization to damage rather than build a relationship with their publics. Literature Review Numerous case studies have indicated the important of the social media toward the organization. Social media allows organization to engage directly with stakeholder. This is the major characteristic why social media is popular in the 21 century. Two widely used means of online image construction and relationship building are blog and microblogging service. Those blog and web logs usually allow reader comments, and often use tags to permit topical searching. Social ... Get more on ...
  • 17. Social Media Of Public Relations In general worlds, public relations is a management function, which manage the spread of information between organization and its publics, it is process of information exchange, also maintain the relationship between audience, social media, companies...etc. Generally, the public relation practitioners use forms such as printed text, images, speaking words or even combined functions for communication. "Social media are a technically enhanced–think Internet and mobile– based–way of discussing ideas with people in communities. Social media use words, pictures, audio, and video to foster interaction". (Maddock and Viton, 2009)To working with social media, practitioners must build and maintain relationships of mutual respect and trust with ... Show more content on ... There can be bunch of advantages working in social media of public relations including corporate communications, team membership. Since everything is online, you're free to work anywhere could connect with internet, make the desired response possible to engage stakeholders and also could create a conversation exchanging information and views. There is also challenging to learn new technology everyday during working, able to organizing the program and on–line digital. On the contrary, there can also be disadvantages working in social media. The social media always sensationalize things, suspicious of the fail and the truth, and somehow loss of objectivities. As an employee working in the specialize area of social media public relations, a person should first have skills of researching, planning, implementing and evaluating programs. They might use a variety of research tools to gathering information about the clients, the industry, also relevant issues. Also identify the individual or group who are interested in online programs. Communication skill is always important in my opinion, it plays a really big role in every specialize part of public relations. However, people who are participating in social media public relations might have advanced communication skills. They may have skills to persuade stakeholders to support a decision, identify and analysis a problem, the results and the solution, conduct decisions, also ... Get more on ...
  • 18. The Digital Possession Of Human Since The 19th Century 1. Publishing is the process of making information available and present to the public. Making things public or generally known has its impact on the society. When modes of publishing change, the communicative aspect of the society changes. Information flows differently in the respective time, and the movement has transformed the social interaction between people. 2. Not only the advancement of publishing text, but also imagery, and I will focus on photography. Photography is the common possession of human since the 19th century. The purposes of creating photographs are numerous. The distinctiveness of photo taking creates different meaning, which had its power to influence the society. 3. This essay will aim to identify and compare two publication technologies, which is the 18th century photography publishing technology, Daguerreotype, and generally used mobile camera phone in 21st century. 4. According to Kress and van Leeuwen (1990:23), "Viewing an image entails first and foremost, before anything else has happened, being located in a particular social way by and in relation to the image". In terms of social relationship, photography is one of the semiotic resources that we use for communicating. In the past decades, photography acted in a role of recording the diversity of human behaviour, customs and lifestyle. 5. Photos were taken to record the family, social life and leisure or sports activities in the 19th century (Rouillé, 1987). Back in the 18s, photographic ... Get more on ...
  • 19. Public Relations : Print Media Vs. Social Media Issues in Public Relations Ivette Medrano Araujo MCOM 253–002 Principles of PR and Integrated Communications Towson University Issues in Public Relations: Print Media vs. Social Media Since its beginnings, public relations have been helpful and effective to every type of business that applies it or situation where it is applied. For decades, and even to date, one the most used ways of public relations have been the print media; however, a new and different method known as social media emerged worldwide and has caused different consequences in the field of public relations. Public relations have existed even before the Common Era. In continents that now are known as Europe and Asia, people carved on stones different types of negative messages about their opponents to discourage them (Wilcox, Cameron & Reber, 2015, p. 40). This was a way of writing about a subject and letting people read it, and after that chat about it, instead of approaching people individually, they decided to do this in order to cover more "audience." Many centuries had to pass in order to come up with a more accessible and sophisticated way to deliver messages to people. It was not until the invention and development of the printing press in 1450 attributed to Johannes Guttenberg (Wilcox, et al., 2015, p. 41) that print media would evolve in a different way in public relations. With the invention of the printing press, many people started not only to read books that were published, being ... Get more on ...
  • 20. Jan Aart Scholte Chapter 4 – Explaining Globalization Scholte briefly examines six differing theoretical approaches to explaining globalization – what are they? What is the central theme of each? Liberalisms Liberalist position globalization is, at the most elementary level, a result of 'natural' human desires for economic welfare and political liberty. As such, increased transplanetary connectivity is ultimately derived from human drives to maximize material well–being (through markets) and to exercise basic freedoms (as guaranteed by publicly accountable government). For liberalists globalization is an outcome of people's strivings to escape poverty as well as to achieve civil and political rights. On a liberalist account it is inherent in market ... Show more content on ... In these cases, transplanetary connectivity is said to have arisen because of the way that people have mentally constructed the social world with symbols, language, interpretation, and so on. From ideational perspectives, globalization has resulted from particular forms and dynamics of consciousness. For methodological idealists, patterns of production and governance are second– order structures that derive from deeper cultural and socio–psychological forces. Such accounts of globalization have come especially from the fields of Anthropology, Humanities, Media Studies, and Sociology, although idealist arguments have also influenced some researchers in Geography, Politics and even Business Studies. One type of ideational explanation is constructivism, an approach that has been popular particularly since the 1990s among International Studies scholars in North America and Western Europe who wish to develop an alternative perspective to liberalism and political realism. As the theory's name suggests, constructivism concentrates on the ways that social actors 'construct' their world: both within their own minds and through inter–subjective communication with others. Particularly, constructivists examine how inter–subjective communication generates common understandings of reality, shared norms for social behaviour, and notions of group identity and solidarity. Conversation and ... Get more on ...
  • 21. How New Digital And Social Media Impacted Public Relation?... Through the development of technology, the role of the media has been very important in public relation practice. In a past, media is not a very common, the public relation always use one–way communication. But nowadays, two–way communication is becoming more popular between public relation and public now., it can be defining as relies on honesty and open two–way communication and interaction, rather than one–way persuasion (Turney, 1998). Digital medias can be defining as a new tool to communicate between target audience and public relation. Social media can be define as engaging people to communication and interaction, and like a communication platform to share their feeling or information. This essay is going to discuss about how new digital and social media affected public relation practice related to two–way communication. Then discussing how social and digital media can be used for the image and reputational purpose, and how to become effectively and poorly. The last one will discuss new media how to affects corporate communication, public relation and crisis communication. The new media is become have some crisis to the organization, but the benefits are more than that to help the organization and public relation building the good relationship to the public. Firstly, how using digital media affected public relation practice related to two–way communication. Digital media is like a much bigger area and it is similar to social media, it includes website, email, mobile ... Get more on ...
  • 22. Social Media: The Impact It Has In Public Relations.... Social Media: The impact it has in Public Relations According to Hootsuite, "2.8 billion people were using social media by the end of 2016, up 21 percent from 2015." Over the past decade, social media has managed to take our world by storm and only continues to grow, especially in the field of public relations. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram and Twitter have become some of the most prevalent tools to use for businesses. Social media has grown into a tool that plays a huge role in public relations by assisting the business planning process. If utilized properly, social media can be very gratifying due to it not only aiding with creating conversation, establishing relationships, but also increasing brand reputation and awareness to ... Show more content on ... This influence is seen as driving new social and cultural transformations."(Valentinin).Therefore, social media allows anyone, and everyone, to engage in discussion, thus creating more potential for dialogue via public to organization and vise versa. The final way in which social media boosts conversation is through shared content among social media users. This is explored in Perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, perceived mutual relationship, perceived interactivity as determinants of social media use among PR practitioners when stated that, social media is described as online applications, platforms and media which aim to facilitate interactions, collaborations and the sharing of content," (El–Kasim). As a result, communication between the public and companies influences public engagement which leads to the sharing of user content, which can benefit any brand. In the same way, social media assists with relationship building which is an additional key component of the business planning process. Developing and maintaining relationships of trust with one's audience is at the heart of the professional and academic activities of public relations. Based on the findings in Social media for Public relations: Lessons from 4 effective cases, it can be argued that "social ... Get more on ...
  • 23. Technology And Its Effects On Human Anxiety Over the past decade, advancements in communication technology have rapidly surpassed our wildest dreams. A particular branch of communication technology known as smartphones, more specifically the iPhone, has encompassed all social demographics with its amazing capabilities. However, through the iPhone's technical abilities merging with social dynamics creating a socio– technical ensemble; its portrayal in four different forms in the media, as well as becoming naturalized in society and its affects on human anxiety, it is evident that the iPhone has many helpful intended capabilities, but also un–conceived repercussions. When a new technology or an advancement is introduced into society, there is no doubt that it will in, some way, reconfigure social relations. In some ways the changes can be very beneficial, but not all changes are always intentional. Wiebe Bijker introduced the idea that "A machine is a Socio–Technical Ensemble" (Bijker,1993) which when broken down is a way of saying that all technology consists of social dynamics and practicable technology. An iPhone is a prime example of a socio–technical ensemble. The technical aspect of the iPhone lays within the engineers, how they designed it to be piece of technology which allows people to communicate, perform functions, and be a platform for applications. The social dynamics of the iPhone is created by people communicating using a device and utilizing the apps it offers. The engineers of the iPhone can be seen ... Get more on ...
  • 24. Social Medi Interpersonal And Social Relations Activity on social media sites such as Facebook through the use of the Internet has an impact on individuals' interpersonal relations as it has changed the form of communication utilised in such relationships. This literature review aims to examine the various resources discussing interpersonal and social relations in the light of social media sites. To begin with, a clear line should be drawn between interpersonal and social relations, as these two terms differ regardless of the platform, be it online of offline. Hogg & Vaughan (2014) establish that interpersonal attraction relates to liking somebody based on their idiosyncratic preferences and characteristics, while social attraction deals with liking somebody due to a group membership of theirs. This implies that the interpersonal relations between you and your sister is based on similar hobbies and temper, while the social relations between you and your friend are based on your friend's membership of your varsity sports team. This theory suggests that you can like somebody as a group member but not as an individual and vice versa which has the implication that you may have social relations with a person only through interacting in the university chess club or the online chess platform, but not outside. It follows that you are indeed likely to initiate such a social relationship only within those bounds after which you may or may not grow closer to a few individuals within the group depending on their character, whereas ... Get more on ...
  • 25. Charles Dickens 's Views On Social Relations Through... Charles Dickens had many opinions towards social relations. He showed compassion and pity to the less fortune. He portrays the social relations through marriage and kinship. Through the first marriage with Mr. and Mrs. Gradgrind Charles Dickens shows how an emotionless lifestyle can be troublesome. Mr. Gradfrind only cared about facts. He taught the kids that facts were the core of living. I agree somewhat that facts are very important but, just facts are not a proper life. Mr. Grandgrind home life was falling apart as you read on in the book. His wife admits that she is not happy within her marriage because of his fun less ways. His kids do not like him at all. He teaches his kids to not use their imagination or to play. This is not a happy warm family that we normally see in books. Which affects his kid's actions leading up Tom robbing Bounderby's bank. Another social relationship is the relationship between the people of Coke Town. The only thing that everyone can really connect to is money. That's their only goal is making money or working in factories. They do not act like humans. They act more like machines clocking in and out at the same time going home and dinner then bed. No fun no imagination no nothing that makes us humans. Charles Dickens uses imagery in the beginning of the book to describe the town. When he talks about the red and black color of the faces of the people is an example. He uses image to show an unfriendly face on the people. Actually quite ... Get more on ...
  • 26. Relational Model: Alan Page Fiske's Theory RELATIONAL MODELS THEORY Introduction Alan Page Fiske catalyzed the advocacy of the relational model 's theory (RMT) in 1991. The theory states that there are four natural ways of interrelating with other people. The author established the four models in his article structures of social life. Fiske affirms that the models work together in varying combinations and control almost all transactions by human beings (Bolender, 2010, p.60). He further asserts that the models unify ideas on moral judgment, social justice, religious, political ideology, and social conflict. It also informs the reactions to misfortunes and transgression. He explains that they are the foundation of human sociality (Bolender, 2010, p.60). The four models of relations as identified by Fiske include market pricing, equality matching, authority ranking, and communal sharing. The theory suggests the four models as the first cognitive models which represent, comprehends, evaluates, and constructs social relationships (Haslam, 2004, p.3). Therefore, the models do not define the type of relationships that exists between individuals in principle; the models are not empirically independent but are a contingent matter regarding the degree of their association as they operate in a culture (Fiske and Fiske, 2007, p.284). The culture adopted by different communities varies according to the combination of the four models. Fiske (1999) argues that everyone except the person with mental incapacitation who will confuse ... Get more on ...
  • 27. Social Media 's Impact On Public Relations Social media forums have had a positive impact on the Public Relations industry in the twenty first century. The massive increase in social media usage has provided a medium by which it is easier to connect with a larger audience worldwide. This has resulted in an adoption of social media strategies for many PR specialists. Sites such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram allow these specialists to keep up with the public's opinions on current events as well as promote businesses or products. The public relations industry is very different from advertising. While advertisers pay for exposure and visual aids, PR specialists use language and conferences to earn the trust of the public. According to the Public Relations Society of America "Public relations is a strategic communication process that builds mutually beneficial relationships between organizations and their publics." PR specialists are image shapers and storytellers that can be used to enhance, protect, and build reputations through any form of media or self–created production. If the news is bad, they formulate the best response to reduce the damage. Their job is to create positive publicity for their client as well as enhance their reputation. Public relations specialists over the years have had to stay on top of the changes in communication in order to adapt for the sake of their business. Before all these new forms of media, the humble fax machine was depended on to send press releases. Most early PR ... Get more on ...
  • 28. Social Media And Public Relations The scope of this project is designed to shed some light on an often misunderstood profession: Public Relations. It is for both those wanting a career in PR as much as those just curious about a subject that they have often heard about, but never really understood. Basic background information such as: Defining what Public Relations is, the salary of a PR specialist, and their daily duties will be discussed, with the main focus of the project being centered on the utilization of Social Media within the Public Relations industry. Public Relations (PR) is an exciting and rewarding career. PR deals with, "The way organizations, companies and individuals communicate with the public and media" (International Public Relations Organization, n.d.) Social media (SM) is a widely used element in Public Relations that helps to facilitate all of the day to day functions of a PR specialist. This presentation will focus on trying to help viewers gain a better understanding of social media in general and how it is being used effectively to power the PR industry. Vital topics that will be discussed are as follows: υ Defining what social media is υ The most popular apps PR specialists utilize in their day to day duties υ The benefits of using social media to garner new customer relationships and grow existing ones within the PR industry υ Where PR professionals go to get training on social media programs υ How PR specialists measure the success of social media usage υ According to Theaker ... Get more on ...
  • 29. Social Media Has Changed The Expectations Of Social... Today, the average person spends at least two hours a day on social media sites. Through social media, texting, and online chatrooms, people can communicate with others that they would otherwise have no contact with. For this topic, it is important to define what 'friendship' really means. Some have argued that a friend is someone they talk with; others say it's someone they've shared an experience with. For this essay, friendship will be defined as someone who is kept in constant contact with through and outside of the internet. The majority of effects seen from technology are negative: from decreased in–person social interactions, to loss of identity, and ultimately the watering down of friendships. Social media has changed the expectations of social relationships. While technology does allow users to stay connected with family and friends from varying distances, technology's negative effects also make it harder to maintain those relationships and have a lasting impact on how people will pursue their future relationships. With the rise of social media and other forms of online communication, people have the opportunity to connect with old and new friends alike. However, this connection through technology has changed how people view friendship. In his article "Faux Friendships," William Deresiewicz discusses how much the ideas of friendship have changed over time. He argues that "...friendship, for the ancients, was rare, precious, and hard–won," but now, "We can be friends ... Get more on ...
  • 30. History of Social Relations in India Caste and gender equations in Indian history No aspect of Indian history has excited more controversy than India 's history of social relations. Western indologists and Western–influenced Indian intellectuals have seized upon caste divisions, untouchability, religious obscurantism, and practices of dowry and sati as distinctive evidence of India 's perennial backwardness. For many Indologists, these social ills have literally come to define India – and have become almost the exclusive focus of their writings on India. During the colonial period, it served the interests of the British (and their European cohorts) to exaggerate the democratic character of their own societies while diminishing any socially redeeming features of society ... Show more content on ... For instance, we find no evidence of caste–like discrimination in societies where land was collectively owned and jointly cultivated, or where goods and services were exchanged within the village on the basis of barter, and there was no premium assigned to any particular type of work. All services and all forms of human labor were valued equally. Such village communes may have once existed throughout India and some appear to have survived until quite recently – especially in the hills, (such as in parts of Himachal and the North East, including Assam and Tripura), but also in Orissa and parts of Central India. In such societies, we also see little evidence of gender discrimination. In India, caste and gender discrimination appear to become more pronounced with the advent of hereditary and authoritarian ruling dynasties, a powerful state bureaucracy, the growth of selective property rights, and the domination of Brahmins over the rural poor in agrahara ... Get more on ...
  • 31. Relational Model 's Theory Of Social Life Essay Introduction Alan Page Fiske catalyzed the advocacy of the relational model 's theory (RMT) in 1991. The theory states that there are four natural ways of interrelating with other people. The author established the four models in his article structures of social life. Fiske affirms that the models work together in varying combinations and control almost all transactions by human beings (Bolender, 2010, p.60). He further asserts that the models unify ideas on moral judgment, social justice, religious, political ideology, and social conflict. It also informs the reactions to misfortunes and transgression. He explains that they are the foundation of human sociality (Bolender, 2010, p.60). The four models of relations as identified by Fiske include market pricing, equality matching, authority ranking, and communal sharing. The theory suggests the four models as the first cognitive models which represent, comprehends, evaluates, and constructs social relationships (Haslam, 2004, p.3). Therefore, the models do not define the type of relationships that exists between individuals in principle; the models are not empirically independent but are a contingent matter regarding the degree of their association as they operate in a culture (Fiske and Fiske, 2007, p.284). The culture adopted by different communities varies according to the combination of the four models. Fiske (1999) argues that everyone except the person with mental incapacitation who will confuse the models understands ... Get more on ...
  • 32. Social Identity Theory And Theories Surrounding Intergroup... Abstract There is a range of views expressed as to the reactions people have to criticisms from either the in– group or the out–group; the majority of such opinions suggest that people prefer to hear criticisms from people within their group than outside their group. Participants were given a vignette based on a criticism which they were either led to believe came from a member of the in–group or a member of the out–group. The results showed that participants responded with a lower sensitivity to negative emotions if the criticism originated from a member of the in–group compared to from the out– group. The mean results from the out–group totals to 4.46 compared to the mean results from the in– group which totals to 3.784. ... Show more content on ... The concept of Social Identity theory considers the extent to which social identity affects a person's identity as well as how people can identify themselves as part of an in–group. There is a belief that a person's social identity can be directly related to the perceived group membership (Social Psychology: Traditional and Critical Perspectives, by Paul Dickerson). The current theory for social identity focuses solely on one group identity when people can be part of more than one social group. The intergroup relations relates to how the group interacts within the "in–group", this leads on from the social identity theory, such that it is the relationship between the group which directly affects a person's self–identity. Becker, Wagner and Christ, 2011, discussed how intergroup attributions tend to be characterised by the belief that the group the individual belongs to are the ones that have positive contributions and the other groups not related to them have negative beliefs. There has been research which suggests that if people have contact with the out–group then they are more likely to become less prejudiced (Social Psychology, by Robbie Sutton and Karen Douglas). The inter–group sensitivity effect describes the likeliness of people preferring criticism to originate from the in–group than any criticism coming from the out–group. Hornsey et al in 2002 showed that people find it easier to ... Get more on ...
  • 33. Body Mass Index Essay Social relationships, academic performance, dietary habits and body mass index in school children: A comparative study ABSTRACT Adolescence is always an interesting phase for doing research as their quest for new things and self–identity goes on. This study aims to explore the relationship among social relationships, academic performance, dietary habits and body mass index on school children. We assumed that all the study variables will be significantly correlated with each other. We tested our hypotheses using data collected from 201 school children (141 boys and 60 girls) in different schools in Jalandhar, Punjab. Results revealed significant and positive relationship between social relationship and academic performance, significant and positive relationship between social relationship and food habit, significant and negative relationship between social relationship and body mass index, significant and negative relationship between academic performance and body mass index and significant and negative relationship between food habit and body mass index. Moreover, there were gender differences on social relationships and food habit where males are found to be higher than females. However, no gender differences were obtained on academic performance and body mass index. Keywords: Social Relationships, Dietary habits, Academic performance, Body mass index Introduction Human personality is greatly influenced by home and school environment in the initial years. A child's ... Get more on ...
  • 34. Social Media And The Public Relations Industry The Use of Social Media in the Public Relations Industry As technology advances, social media has become more prominent in the public relations (PR) industry. Many PR practitioners now utilize social media to interact with their publics, in attempts to have strong two–way symmetrical communication and build relationships with them. I chose the topic of "The Use of Social Media in the PR Industry" because I have a great interest in how practitioners use this newly developed communication mechanism. After reading these articles, my search results revealed that practitioners are fully aware of the benefits of using social media. They believe it is a new way to establish two–way symmetrical communication with their publics, however, a vast majority of practitioners do not understand how to go about utilizing social media for their organization. Social media strategies will often differ for each organization because their public's have unique, specific needs and interests. If PR practitioners fail to develop tailored strategies which create a consistent, mutually beneficial relationship between their organization and its publics, their social media efforts will not reach their fullest potential. Study One: Avidar, Ruth (2009). Social media, societal culture and Israeli public relations pratice. The Center for the Study of the Information Society. This study is from the Public Relations Review and focuses on Israeli public relations practitioners' use of social media. In the ... Get more on ...
  • 35. Toulmin Model in Relation to Social Media Effects Social Media: The Downfall Nisha Abraham Sullivan University ENG 204: Advanced Writing July 11, 2013 Abstract Social Media is affecting our society in a negative way. From being the number one cause of divorce, ruining people's careers, and being a haven for teen suicides, many misfortunes arise due to social media. People may not notice its damaging side effects yet it is slowly but surely proving detrimental to all involved in the game. By taking a step back and maintaining self–control, any human being immersed in the frenzy of social media can enjoy its perks without getting caught up in the whirlwind of unfortunate events. Keywords: social media, internet, cyber, cyber bullying, suicide, divorce, Facebook, MySpace, Twitter, ... Show more content on ... Private information that was previously segregated now becomes easily accessible to employers, colleagues, recruiters, and clients, among other perhaps unintended audiences" (Abril, 2012, para. 4). Yes, most social media sites attain privacy settings but one must always remember there are hiccups in everything on the internet and no guarantees leaks will not occur. As much as social media has managed to ruin our society, it plays a positive role for the public as well. Social media allowed people to use their networks as a form of reaching out to old friends and family across the world. With America being known as the melting pot of the world, our society has several people with family on the other side of the Earth. With social media in effect, this permits people to stay in touch with long lost loved ones and keep ties tight. Not only has it sanctioned friends and family to keep in touches but has granted people to relocate birth parents and unknown family members as well. Yes, social media has failed our society greatly but there is always a rainbow somewhere after a rainy day. Social media can play a positive role by bringing people back together. Even though the world may seem small, we have a larger community than most can see with their eyes. The internet blinds people from the dark abyss of deceit, lies, and secrets but it is gradually ... Get more on ...
  • 36. How Is Technology Changing The Self And Social Relations? Jongseok Kim Sociology 130 Professor Anderson T. 11 September 2014 "How is Technology Changing the Self and Social Relations?" The role of technological advancements is constantly influencing in the transformation of the self and social relations. The usage of technology has both positively and negatively affected individuals especially in our modern society. Through the advancement of electronic devices such as smartphones, tablets, and computers, the continuous development and popularity of social networking sites, and the growing number of users of various ages, our society has become convenient yet obsessive and lethargic than many years prior to our generation. It seems we cannot live a day without smartphones, without Internet, without mp3 players, and without cars. As our life becomes more dependent and reliant on technology, we become accustomed to such behavior of using technology habitually; and without these, we would be breaking our current patterns of living, thus making ourselves psychologically unstable in terms of feeling anxious and obsessed. Hence, though our means of communication might have become more convenient, it seems our face–to–face interaction and human communication skills have worsened in terms of social relations. As Mansfield notes, "Our present anxiety about technology defines the new and coming as the fulcrum of some unforeseen change which may lead to an irreversible dehumanisation" (Mansfield 148). Earlier this month of 2014, Queen ... Get more on ...
  • 37. Psychology and Impact Personality Development 1. Define personality. 2. Analyze how biological, situational and mental processes impact personality development. 3. Discuss social and cultural contributions to personality development. 4. Describe the major dispositional theories of personality. 5. Describe the major process theories of personality. 6. Evaluate the major personality theories. 7. Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of commonly used personality assessment techniques, validity, reliability. Define personality. Personality * Is a unique and relatively stable ways in which people think, feel and behave * Is shaped by biological, situational, and mental processes in a sociocultural and development context * Impacts people's cognition, motivation and ... Show more content on ... one would play with an outgoing child more than an inhibited one pushes inhibited child towards shyness * E.g. observational learning Traits * Emerge from temperaments and influenced by experiences * Guides thoughts and actions under various conditions * Relatively stable * BIG 5 Traits * Openness to experience, Conscientious, Extraversion, Agreeableness, Neuroticism * Has validity across cultures (but most of these studies utilized university students as respondents who are more influenced by European–American views * Quite accurate * Labels a person but gives no explanation on why Evaluation of Trait Theories X Portrayed personality as fixed and static rather than a process that can undergo development changes depending on experiences X oversimplified our complex nature X Do not tell much ... Get more on ...
  • 38. Social Constructivism And Its Impact On International... Social constructivism emerged in the mid–1990s, after the end of Cold War. Although it has been seen as a 'young ' theory in International Relations, it has challenged the two dominant theories – realism and liberalism. It also provided new theoretical openings to understand the International Relations. Social constructivists tried to establish a "middle ground" between rationalism and poststructuralism. Unlike realism, social constructivism claims that material capabilities of states, such as military power, is not the only essential factor in International Relations. It also concentrates on other non–material factors, including identity, culture, ideas, norms, institutions and interests. Moreover, it believes that the interaction of structures and agency is a key in explaining the international politics. However, not every social constructivists agree with the same themes of the theory. There is contestation. According to Ted Hopf (1998), social constructivism can be divided into two categories. The first type is the conventional constructivism, in other words, the 'weak ' constructivism. The second type is the critical constructivism, which is also called poststructuralism. In this essay, I am going to discuss the limitations of the weak form of social constructivism from the perspectives of other approaches, such as the critical constructivism and rationalism. The other approaches can indicate the deficiency of the weak form of social constructivism. According to ... Get more on ...
  • 39. Social Interaction Influence Cognitive Development Essay Social interaction plays an important role in people's life starting from the early childhood as infants interact with their caregivers and build the emotional attachment that is the base for future relationships. By social interaction with others children learn how to communicate, play and behave in particular situation. Berk (2009) proposed the overview of the literature that concentrates upon the early attachment and its importance. Knowing the influence of social interaction on child development in the first few years, the essay is going to elaborate upon the implication of social interaction on the development of cognition. Cognitive development as Lee & Gupta (eds.) claimed is the term that refers to acquisition and development of ... Show more content on ... The interesting question is whether the social interaction is shaped in similar way across different children. Therefore, specific groups of children as normally developed, deprived of parental care, with Down syndrome, and Autistic are going to be considered to elaborate whether social interaction is a necessity for cognitive development and how social interaction influences the later stages of children's life. The essay is going to introduce short overviews of Piaget (1926) and Vygotsky's (1978) theories to indicate their different approaches when considering cognitive development. Piaget (1926) developed a constructivist theory which is the basis for the other cognitive development theories that followed. He proposed the definition of schema which refers to children's construction of shaping their thought and actions through the set of cognitive processes as assimilation, disequilibriums and accommodation. When encountering new experiences, children try to interpret them in terms of known cognitive schemas. In case of failing, they need to adjust their interpretation to the reality (Schaffter & Kipp,8th ed). Based on his assumptions, Piaget (1926) proposed that child as a lone individual progress through four main stages of cognitive development. On the other hand, Vygotsky (1978) presented sociocultural theory. Vygotsky (1978) concentrated on the social interaction between child and adult considering ... Get more on ...
  • 40. Difference in Social Relations Between City Dwellers and... Why are the social relations between urban and rural areas so different and what causes these differences to occur? This question is what I am going to be arguing. I will be doing this not only through my opinions and ideas, but also through the works of Georg Simmel, Louis Wirth and Ernest Burgess. All three of these urban scholars add a slightly different view of urbanism as a way of life. Georg Simmel's interpretation of interpersonal social relations in the city is one based on the stimulus a person comes in contact with. Simmel writes this in his essay, "The Metropolis and Mental Life." He clearly states, "The intensification of emotional life due to the swift and continuous shift of external and internal stimuli." (Blackwell, ... Show more content on ... Simmel's work overlaps with that of Louis Wirth. Most notably their work overlaps in the struggle to define the social relationships that are made in urban societies to those that are made in rural communities. Wirth conveys this message in his work called, "Urbanism as a Way of Life." Wirth writes, "The superficiality, the anonymity, and the transitory character of urban–social relations make intelligible, also, the sophistication and the rationality generally ascribed to city dwellers." (Metropolis, 68) Both Wirth and Simmel are aware that the social relationships of city dwellers are ones based on intelligence and rationality and are removed of emotion. However, with Wirth, I would like to focus on his idea that a city is not only high in population, but it is also high density and high heterogeneity and how these things play a role in the social relationships of rural and urban communities. First, I would like to look at the competition levels between city dwellers and people in rural communities. The high population and high density play a huge role in the amount of competition that takes place in the city, compared to the amount that takes place in rural communities. The sheer number of people and the relatively small area that they share cause the competition level to rise exponentially. Also, the lack of emotional connections between city ... Get more on ...
  • 41. How To Write A Case Study Middleborough Chapter One – Introduction First of all, the community profile will identify and describe the characteristics of Middleborough illustrating current population levels, employment status, disease prevalence and life span expectancies as well as a rationalization for choosing the area itself. Secondly, chapter two will discuss and detect potential causes for the manifestation of eating disorders; the national statistics of the UK will be explored and compared to the prevalence within Middleborough. The socio–economic influences will be investigated to unravel the influential factors that exacerbate self–destructive disorders/illnesses. Thirdly, chapter three will evaluate the accessibility of services available within the geographical area and will take into consideration what may encourage/discourage an individual seeking support. Finally, chapter four will define the responsibilities and confabulate the role of the nurse in relation to facilitating health improvement across the age continuum. Chapter One Middleborough is a large industrial town situated on the south ... Show more content on ... An unfortunate consequence of this may encourage residents to participate in disorderly behaviors, people may commit offences to feel valued and accepted within their community. However, those who choose to disengage may find themselves in isolation or may even be victimized. Nevertheless, the mimicking of behavior can have a detrimental effect especially upon vulnerable groups; with no positive role model to follow children/mentally–ill/disabled and elderly individuals could be heavily influenced by such matters. To support the above information developmental theorist Jean Piaget stated; "Younger minors imitate the behavior they have observed from others, regardless of the gender of the person and whether or not the behavior is gender appropriate" ... Get more on ...