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Family Catechesis:
True Communication in the Family
Gradual disappearance of "Christian society":
“… even in countries evangelized many centuries
ago, the reality of a ‘Christian society’ … is now gone.”
JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, Apostolic Letter at the Close of the Great Jubilee
of the Year 2000, January 6, 2001
The studies point to a
progressive marginalization
of Christianity, making it
culturally insignificant,
reduced to the private fact …
“… in countries… where Churches of
ancient foundation… are experiencing a
progressive secularization of society and
a kind of ‘eclipse of the sense of God’…”
(Benedict XVI, First Vespers of the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul)
“In our own time, it (the mission) has
been particularly challenged by an
abandonment of the faith… There has
been a troubling loss of the sense of
the sacred, which has even called into
question faith in a provident creator
God, the revelation of Jesus Christ as
the one Savior,...”
(Benedict XVI, Ubicumque et semper)
Globalization is the coalescing
of social and cultural factors
which has initiated a process
that is weakening traditions and
institutions and thereby rapidly
eroding both social and cultural
ties as well as their ability to
communicate values and
provide answers to perennial
questions regarding life's
meaning and the truth.”
(Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum Laboris, 47)
At the level of economics,
“Many also admit that it does not in itself guarantee a fair
distribution of goods among the citizens of different
countries.” Hence, economic globalization has worked to the
detriment of the poor.
(JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Members of the Foundation for Ethics and
Economics, 17 May 2001, no. 2.)
At the level of culture
“The market has become the medium of a new
culture… And it led to the erosion of traditional
family and social values which are the values
that give the people direction in life.”
(JOHN PAUL II, “Address at Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences”, no. 3.)
At the level of economics
At the moral level
… it fosters a relativist attitude which makes it
more difficult to accept Christ as ‘the way, the
truth and the life’ for everyone.
(JOHN PAUL II, Homily at the Eucharistic Celebration at the Conclusion of the
Extraordinary Consistory, 24 May 2001)
At the level of culture
At the level of economics
Regarding the practice of faith and
the various forms of ecclesial life
Globalization has these effects: “a weakening of
faith in Christian communities, a diminished
regard for the authority of the magisterium, an
individualistic approach to belonging to the
Church, a decline in religious practice and a
disengagement in transmitting the faith to new
generations.” (Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum Laboris, 48)
At the moral level
At the level of culture
At the level of economics
“Poverty and other economic factors are among the
causes that provoke the phenomenon of migration in
great proportions (within Asia and even outside).”
(CAJILIG, Family Catechesis: Contextual Challenges, 110)
Reasons for Migration:
a. Rejection from the country of origin:
Those who flee economic conditions that threaten their lives
and physical safety, are the so-called ‘economic migrants’.
Their movement is more forced than voluntary.
Reasons for Migration:
b. An attraction towards the lifestyle of the
country of destination.
a. Rejection from the country of origin
a. Absenteeism of parents, as a result of parents
leaving for work;
b. Parents leaving their children to foreign house
(FABC document on Family Catechesis)
The basic units of Philippine society are the nuclear
family of the husband, wife and children, and the
bilaterally extended family which includes the families
of the husband and the wife.
Family is “a group of persons
united by ties of marriage,
blood or adoption; constituting
a single household; interacting
and communicating with each
other in their respective social
roles of husband and wife,
mother and father, son and
daughter, brother and sister;
and creating and maintaining a
common culture”.
The Non-Traditional Family Forms
1. Solo-parent family (has 5 Types)
a. widow or widower and his/her child/children;
b. single man or woman and his/her adopted child/children;
c. separated parent and his/her child/children;
d. unwed woman and her child/children; and
e. mistress and her child/children by a married man
2. Step-families or blended families.
3. Formed by homosexuals
4. Childless couples
5. Composed of siblings who have been orphaned,
or those whose parents are away as OCWs
The Family Code of the Philippines
Marriage is “a special contract of
permanent union between a man
and a woman entered into in
accordance with law for the
establishment of conjugal and
family life. It is the foundation of
the family and an inviolable social
institution whose
nature, consequences, and
incidents are governed by law and
not subject to stipulation.” (Art. 1)
Socialization in the
Filipino Family Socialization is a life-long process of
learning whereby the individual
acquires the accepted beliefs, values,
sentiments, norms and behavior of his
group and society.
Within the family, socialization is an
interactive process between children
and parents. The family is the chief
agent of socialization in the child’s life
because it is primarily in-charge of
nurturing the child during the early
formative years.
Faith Formation in the Filipino Family
“Filipino Catholic children receive from their family an
initial but very simple and scanty religious education.
It is because of the increasing break-up of families and
because parents, who are engrossed in work, find no more
time to catechize their children.”
“The great majority of Catholic parents do not feel
sufficiently equipped to give their children a more
comprehensive religious instruction. But the unfortunate
result is the growing number of children who are baptized
but never adequately catechized.” (NNCDP 81)
Faith Formation in the Filipino Family
“One reason for inadequacy of
parents and adults… is the lack of
continuing catechesis for them.”
(NNCDP 82)
Catholic educational institutions have been making a distinct
contribution to the total well-being of the country.” (PCP II 622)
Many Catholic parents and Catholic school graduates:
Catholic education = a passport to better opportunities for
earning a living
Many graduates of Catholic schools have
been successful economically and politically
but they have also contributed to the
dismal economic and political imbalances
existing in the country.” (PCP II 627)
Risk Behaviors
Findings show a high and increasing pattern of risk behaviors
among young people which are magnified by their tendency
towards multiple risk-taking: “adolescents who are exposed to
smoking, drinking or drug abuse are more likely to be sexually
active and that early sex is associated with other risky sexual
behaviors ...”
The Filipino Youth
Premarital Sex
Some factors:
a. The impact of changing family configuration.
b. The increased mobility of both parents and adolescents
in recent years meant a decline in direct supervision of
parents on their children.
a. The adolescents report the home to be the most
popular venue of the first sexual encounter due to
absentee parenting.
The Filipino Youth
Study made by de Irala et al. in 2009:
a. Students reported that they obtained
information about love and sexuality mainly
from friends (57.5% for males and 69.6% for
b. In the case of males, by the Internet and youth
magazines (27.1%); in the case of females, by
parents (30.7%). But generally, the youth
(especially girls) value parents’ opinion more than
friends’ in most topics.
c. The authoritative sources like priests and
teachers were not anymore in the top three
Discussion of Sex at Home
The Filipino Youth
The Filipino Youth
Actual Situation
a. Parental absenteeism is a
growing reality among the lives
of teens. Almost half (47%) do
not have either one or both
parents around most of the time
with them.
b. But among those whose parents
are more immersive in the lives
of the teens, in 2000 (Metro
Manila), more teens were
benefitting from more time with
2006 McCann-Erickson survey:
Increase in the time spent with
parents on a nationwide scale.
Both parents are eating breakfast and
dinner, chatting, watching TV, doing
chores, going to the Church, listening to
the music, studying or doing homework,
shopping and eating out more with their
children. They are also doing a better job
at imbibing the interests of the youth – TV
shows, music - as well as a more hands-on
approach when it comes to schoolwork.
generation Study. Youth Study Highlights.)
The Filipino Youth
2006 McCann Intergeneration
Study :
In general, the youth’s personal
standards have not deviated
much . BUT…
Some further ‘loosening’ of moral
standards were detected.
The Filipino Youth
2006 McCann Intergeneration Study :
a. Only the use of illegal drugs and, to a certain
extent, cheating on one’s boyfriend or girlfriend are
considered outright wrong.
b. For many other things, only 6 out of 10 persons
consider as wrong the following things: taking something
without paying, use of violence, drunk
driving, suicide, marital infidelity, staying away from school
work, hazing and casual sex.
The Filipino Youth
c. About half think that gambling, relationship with a
married person, pre-marital sex, sex on TV, phone/internet
sex, porn and sexually explicit language is wrong.
d. And less than half think that abortion,
divorce/separation, violence on TV, smoking cigarettes,
getting drunk, paying for sex and gay relationships are
McCANN ERICKSON PHILIPPINES, 2006 McCann Inter-generation Study. Youth Study Highlights.
The Filipino Youth
“The Church feels the responsibility to devise new tools
and new expressions to ensure that the word of
faith, which has begotten the true life of God in us, be
heard more and be better understood, even in the new
deserts of this world.” (Instrumentum Laboris, 8)
The Work of Evangelization
Evangelization points that every free movement of
the human heart towards God and towards his
kingdom cannot but by its very nature lead to
Christ and be oriented towards entrance into his
Church. (Cf. DNE 9-10)
Evangelization is our
response because it,
alone, offers to man the
Truth, i.e., God.
(Cf. Doctrinal Note on Some Aspects of
Evangelization 4)
John Paul II
“… a new evangelization. It will be new in its ardor, new in its
methods and new in its expressions.”
(Discourse to the assembly of Celam, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 9th March 1983)
Benedict XVI
“The New Evangelization is ‘new’ not in its content but..
in its inner thrust, open to the grace of the Holy Spirit which
constitutes the force of the new law of the Gospel that always
renews the Church;
‘new’ in ways that correspond with the
power of the Holy Spirit and which are
suited to the times and situations;
‘new’ because of being necessary
even in countries that have already
received the proclamation of the
(Homily on the Solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul at the
Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls on June 28, 2010)
Benedict XVI
New Evangelization is,
first and foremost, a
personal “profound
experience of God.”
(Ubicumque et Semper)
Catechesis is an
essential moment
in the process of
evangelization. (GDC
This is not an optional
activity, but basic and
fundamental for building up
the personality of the
individual disciple, as it is for
the whole Christian
community. (GDC 64)
Good Catechesis is essential for the New
Evangelization that catechists provide the
ecclesial communities.
(13th Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, Proposition no. 29).
One cannot speak of the New Evangelization if the
catechesis of adults is non-existent, fragmented,
weak, or neglected. When these defects are present,
pastoral ministry faces a very serious challenge.
(13th Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, Proposition no. 29).
Adult catechesis is “the
chief form of catechesis.
All the other forms, which
are indeed always
necessary, are in some way
oriented to it.” (GCD 20)
Established by the sacrament of matrimony, the
Christian family as the domestic Church is the locus
and first agent in the giving of life and love, the
transmission of faith and the formation of the human
person according to the values of the gospel. In
imitating Christ, the whole Church must dedicate
herself to supporting families in the catechesis of
children and youth. In many cases the grandparents
will have a very important role.

At the same time the New Evangelization should strive
to address significant pastoral problems around
Christian Marriage, True Way to Form the Family
Christian revelation recognizes two specific ways of
realizing the human vocation to love in its entirety:
marriage and virginity or celibacy. (FC 11)
The communion of love between
God and people finds a
meaningful expression in the
marriage covenant which is
established between a man and a
woman. (FC 12)
Established by the sacrament of matrimony, the Christian
family as the domestic Church is the locus and first agent in
the giving of life and love, the transmission of faith and the
formation of the human person according to the values of
the gospel. In imitating Christ, the whole Church must
dedicate herself to supporting families in the catechesis of
children and youth. In many cases the grandparents will
have a very important role.

At the same time the New Evangelization should strive to address
significant pastoral problems around marriage…
The Christian Family as the Domestic Church
a. Lumen Gentium 11: “The family is, so to speak, the
domestic Church. In it parents should, by their word
and example, be the first heralds of the faith to the
children.” (LG 11)
b. Gaudium et Spes 3: The
family as “the principal
school of social virtues which
is necessary to every society”
c. Apostolicam Auctuositatem 11:
The family as “the primary (basic)
cell of the society given by God
The Christian Family as the Domestic Church
d. Gravissimum Educationis 3: …the role of parents is of
such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an
adequate substitute.
e. Christifideles Laici 62: The Christian Family,
as the ‘domestic Church’, also makes up a
natural and fundamental school for the
formation in the faith.
f. General Directory for Catechesis 255: The
family as “an environment or means of
growth in faith.”
Established by the sacrament of matrimony, the Christian
family as the domestic Church is the locus and first agent in
the giving of life and love, the transmission of faith and the
formation of the human person according to the values of
the gospel. In imitating Christ, the whole Church must
dedicate herself to supporting families in the catechesis of
children and youth. In many cases the grandparents will
have a very important role.

At the same time the New Evangelization should strive to address
significant pastoral problems around marriage…
1. Forming a Community of Persons
2. Serving Life
The parents have two particular duties:
a. Transmission of Life: Procreation as the
transmission of the divine image from person
to person is the fundamental task of the family
to serve life. (FC 28)
b. Education: Since parents have conferred life
on their children, they have a most solemn
obligation to educate their offspring...Hence,
“the family is the first school of those social
virtues which every society needs.” (GE 3)
Tasks of the Family (From Familiaris Consortio)
3. Participating in the Development of the Society
4. Sharing in the Life and Mission of the Church
“The couples are ‘co-operators of grace
and witness of the faith’. They are the
first to pass on the faith to their children
and to educate them in it.” (AA 11)
Family Catechesis
The Catechetical Role of Parents
“The parents are not called to supplement the process of
growth in faith, but are called to be the first to impart faith
to the children. It is a responsibility and an obligation which
they accept knowingly and consciously when they enter
into marriage and when they ask for baptism for their
children.” (Cf. The Rites of the Catholic Church, Vol. 1)
Triple Responsibility of parents (GDC 226) :
1. that of silent witnessing of a faith that is authentically
lived daily
2. that of accompanying their children in occasion of
particular events in their searching, and
3. that of interiorizing the more systematic catechesis
that the children receive in the community.
Family Catechesis
The Catechetical Role of Parents
“Family catechesis precedes, accompanies and
enriches all forms of catechesis.” (CT 68)
“The parents are the most
important guides in addressing the
great problems or issues of their
The children learn from their
parents the orientation for life…
They can be ‘formed’ regarding
their relationship with God.”
Gesù con mamma e papa, In cammino verso la Prima
Communione come catechesi familiare)
Family Catechesis
The Catechetical Role of Parents
Family and Migration
Among the rights of
the family is the right
to emigrate as a
family in search for a
better life. But the
right to migrate
includes the right to
be with one’s family.
It is the Christian formation and education in
the faith of the children carried out in the
family, where the parents have a
fundamental role.
Family Catechesis
Nature of Family Catechesis
Frequently the recipients of this catechetical activity are
adults, as future spouses or Christian couples or parents.
(G. CAVALOTTO, La catechesi familiare nella Chiesa Cilena, in “Via, Verità e Vita”, 143
[1993] 80)
Family catechesis becomes “the action of
evangelization and Christian formation directly
addressed to parents and indirectly the whole
family in preparing children for First Communion.”
Family Catechesis
Nature of Family Catechesis
Family catechesis promotes the family in 4 points of view:
Family Catechesis
Nature of Family Catechesis
a. Family catechesis as
the family as its
recipient/object as it
turns itself to every
single member: parents
and children.
Family catechesis promotes the family in 4 points of view:
Family Catechesis
Nature of Family Catechesis
b. The communion,
the types of
relationship and
communication in
the family in the
light of the Gospel
become the themes
to be discussed.
Family catechesis promotes the family in 4 points of view:
Family Catechesis
Nature of Family Catechesis
c. Family catechesis makes the
family a central place of
catechesis. Catechesis is realized in
the dialogue at home, between
parents and children. Not only the
parents catechize their children
but often also the children are the
evangelizers of their parents.
Family catechesis promotes the
family in 4 points of view:
Family Catechesis
Nature of Family Catechesis
d. The family is the subject of catechesis not only in the
measure in which the parents are responsible for the
catechesis, but also in that the parents through
encounters with and among them become mature in the
faith and contribute in a decisive manner in shaping and
determining the process of catechesis.
Family Catechesis
Purpose of Family Catechesis
a. To develop the faith of adults.
b. To improve the life of the nuclear family.
c. To help parents to effectively implement the
task of being catechists of their children.
d. To integrate the adults in a stable Christian
e. To engage the adults in building a more just
Family catechesis
must never be
detached from the
concrete life of the
family in order that
it may be effective.
Incontro a Gesù con mamma e papa,
Family Catechesis
Types of Family Catechesis
Family Catechesis
Types of Family Catechesis
“Family catechesis assumes very different modalities,
such as witnessing of the faith in the daily life, the
Christian reading of the events, sacramental initiation,
formation of conscience, initiation into prayer life, etc.
It is a Christian education…
more witnessed to than taught,
more occasional than systematic,
more on-going and daily than
structured into periods.” (GDC 255)
In the Philippines, family
catechesis “is done through
family participation in the
weekly Sunday liturgy, the
great liturgical feasts of the
year, special parish
celebrations as well as
through formal catechetical
instruction.” (NNCDP 392)
Family Catechesis
Types of Family Catechesis
As support to the families, the
Christian community has to keep
watch of the conditions that render
the faith possible, intelligible and
Family Catechesis
Role of the Christian Community
The Christian community must help parents in
transmitting well the faith to their children. It must be a
transmission that is founded on closeness of persons –
interpersonal and intergenerational; it does not depend
on doing, but on living in the sense that the subject
commits his own existence to action.
And “in concrete, the Christian
community helps parents
assume their responsibility of
educating their children in the
faith by means of personal
contact, meetings, courses and
also adult catechesis directed
toward parents.” (GDC 227)
Family Catechesis
Role of the Christian Community
The Filipino Christian Family: The Domestic Church
“The Philippine Catholic Church, following the teaching
that the family is the ‘domestic Church; the Filipino family
has the unique advantage of catechizing and instilling
among its young members basic human values.” (NNCDP 66)
“The family is the most significant locus of catechesis in
the Philippines… For Filipino Catholics, the family is both
the context and the agent of catechesis.” (NNCDP 80)
(CBCP, The Christian Family, Good News for the Third Millenium)
Every pastoral plan of evangelization should also include a
respectful invitation to all those who live alone, to
experience God in the family of the Church.
It is necessary to educate people in how to
live human sexuality according to Christian
anthropology, both before marriage as well
as in marriage itself.
The Synod notes with appreciation those
families who leave their homes in order to
be evangelizers for Christ in other countries
and cultures.

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Family Catechesis and the Filipino Family

  • 2. Gradual disappearance of "Christian society": “… even in countries evangelized many centuries ago, the reality of a ‘Christian society’ … is now gone.” JOHN PAUL II, Novo Millennio Ineunte, Apostolic Letter at the Close of the Great Jubilee of the Year 2000, January 6, 2001 GENERAL SITUATION The studies point to a progressive marginalization of Christianity, making it culturally insignificant, reduced to the private fact …
  • 3. “… in countries… where Churches of ancient foundation… are experiencing a progressive secularization of society and a kind of ‘eclipse of the sense of God’…” (Benedict XVI, First Vespers of the solemnity of Saints Peter and Paul)
  • 4. “In our own time, it (the mission) has been particularly challenged by an abandonment of the faith… There has been a troubling loss of the sense of the sacred, which has even called into question faith in a provident creator God, the revelation of Jesus Christ as the one Savior,...” (Benedict XVI, Ubicumque et semper)
  • 5. SITUATION IN ASIA Globalization is the coalescing of social and cultural factors which has initiated a process that is weakening traditions and institutions and thereby rapidly eroding both social and cultural ties as well as their ability to communicate values and provide answers to perennial questions regarding life's meaning and the truth.” (Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum Laboris, 47)
  • 6. At the level of economics, “Many also admit that it does not in itself guarantee a fair distribution of goods among the citizens of different countries.” Hence, economic globalization has worked to the detriment of the poor. (JOHN PAUL II, Address to the Members of the Foundation for Ethics and Economics, 17 May 2001, no. 2.) SOME DANGERS OF GLOBALIZATION SITUATION IN ASIA
  • 7. At the level of culture “The market has become the medium of a new culture… And it led to the erosion of traditional family and social values which are the values that give the people direction in life.” (JOHN PAUL II, “Address at Pontifical Academy of Social Sciences”, no. 3.) At the level of economics SITUATION IN ASIA SOME DANGERS OF GLOBALIZATION
  • 8. At the moral level … it fosters a relativist attitude which makes it more difficult to accept Christ as ‘the way, the truth and the life’ for everyone. (JOHN PAUL II, Homily at the Eucharistic Celebration at the Conclusion of the Extraordinary Consistory, 24 May 2001) At the level of culture At the level of economics SITUATION IN ASIA SOME DANGERS OF GLOBALIZATION
  • 9. Regarding the practice of faith and the various forms of ecclesial life Globalization has these effects: “a weakening of faith in Christian communities, a diminished regard for the authority of the magisterium, an individualistic approach to belonging to the Church, a decline in religious practice and a disengagement in transmitting the faith to new generations.” (Synod of Bishops, Instrumentum Laboris, 48) At the moral level At the level of culture At the level of economics SITUATION IN ASIA SOME DANGERS OF GLOBALIZATION
  • 10. Migration “Poverty and other economic factors are among the causes that provoke the phenomenon of migration in great proportions (within Asia and even outside).” (CAJILIG, Family Catechesis: Contextual Challenges, 110) SITUATION IN ASIA
  • 11. Reasons for Migration: a. Rejection from the country of origin: Those who flee economic conditions that threaten their lives and physical safety, are the so-called ‘economic migrants’. Their movement is more forced than voluntary. SITUATION IN ASIA MIGRATION
  • 12. MIGRATION Reasons for Migration: b. An attraction towards the lifestyle of the country of destination. SITUATION IN ASIA a. Rejection from the country of origin
  • 13. a. Absenteeism of parents, as a result of parents leaving for work; b. Parents leaving their children to foreign house helpers; (FABC document on Family Catechesis) CHALLENGES RAISED BY MIGRATION
  • 14. The basic units of Philippine society are the nuclear family of the husband, wife and children, and the bilaterally extended family which includes the families of the husband and the wife. THE FILIPINO FAMILY
  • 15. Family is “a group of persons united by ties of marriage, blood or adoption; constituting a single household; interacting and communicating with each other in their respective social roles of husband and wife, mother and father, son and daughter, brother and sister; and creating and maintaining a common culture”. THE FILIPINO FAMILY
  • 16. The Non-Traditional Family Forms 1. Solo-parent family (has 5 Types) a. widow or widower and his/her child/children; b. single man or woman and his/her adopted child/children; c. separated parent and his/her child/children; d. unwed woman and her child/children; and e. mistress and her child/children by a married man 2. Step-families or blended families. 3. Formed by homosexuals 4. Childless couples 5. Composed of siblings who have been orphaned, or those whose parents are away as OCWs THE FILIPINO FAMILY
  • 17. The Family Code of the Philippines Marriage is “a special contract of permanent union between a man and a woman entered into in accordance with law for the establishment of conjugal and family life. It is the foundation of the family and an inviolable social institution whose nature, consequences, and incidents are governed by law and not subject to stipulation.” (Art. 1) THE FILIPINO FAMILY
  • 18. Socialization in the Filipino Family Socialization is a life-long process of learning whereby the individual acquires the accepted beliefs, values, sentiments, norms and behavior of his group and society. Within the family, socialization is an interactive process between children and parents. The family is the chief agent of socialization in the child’s life because it is primarily in-charge of nurturing the child during the early formative years. THE FILIPINO FAMILY
  • 19. Faith Formation in the Filipino Family “Filipino Catholic children receive from their family an initial but very simple and scanty religious education. It is because of the increasing break-up of families and because parents, who are engrossed in work, find no more time to catechize their children.” THE FILIPINO FAMILY “The great majority of Catholic parents do not feel sufficiently equipped to give their children a more comprehensive religious instruction. But the unfortunate result is the growing number of children who are baptized but never adequately catechized.” (NNCDP 81)
  • 20. Faith Formation in the Filipino Family “One reason for inadequacy of parents and adults… is the lack of continuing catechesis for them.” (NNCDP 82) THE FILIPINO FAMILY
  • 21. Catholic educational institutions have been making a distinct contribution to the total well-being of the country.” (PCP II 622) BUT THE FILIPINO FAMILY Many Catholic parents and Catholic school graduates: Catholic education = a passport to better opportunities for earning a living AND SO… Many graduates of Catholic schools have been successful economically and politically but they have also contributed to the dismal economic and political imbalances existing in the country.” (PCP II 627)
  • 22. Risk Behaviors Findings show a high and increasing pattern of risk behaviors among young people which are magnified by their tendency towards multiple risk-taking: “adolescents who are exposed to smoking, drinking or drug abuse are more likely to be sexually active and that early sex is associated with other risky sexual behaviors ...” The Filipino Youth
  • 23. Premarital Sex Some factors: a. The impact of changing family configuration. b. The increased mobility of both parents and adolescents in recent years meant a decline in direct supervision of parents on their children. a. The adolescents report the home to be the most popular venue of the first sexual encounter due to absentee parenting. The Filipino Youth
  • 24. Study made by de Irala et al. in 2009: a. Students reported that they obtained information about love and sexuality mainly from friends (57.5% for males and 69.6% for females). b. In the case of males, by the Internet and youth magazines (27.1%); in the case of females, by parents (30.7%). But generally, the youth (especially girls) value parents’ opinion more than friends’ in most topics. c. The authoritative sources like priests and teachers were not anymore in the top three choices Discussion of Sex at Home The Filipino Youth
  • 25. The Filipino Youth Actual Situation a. Parental absenteeism is a growing reality among the lives of teens. Almost half (47%) do not have either one or both parents around most of the time with them. b. But among those whose parents are more immersive in the lives of the teens, in 2000 (Metro Manila), more teens were benefitting from more time with parents.
  • 26. 2006 McCann-Erickson survey: Increase in the time spent with parents on a nationwide scale. Both parents are eating breakfast and dinner, chatting, watching TV, doing chores, going to the Church, listening to the music, studying or doing homework, shopping and eating out more with their children. They are also doing a better job at imbibing the interests of the youth – TV shows, music - as well as a more hands-on approach when it comes to schoolwork. (McCANN ERICKSON PHILIPPINES, 2006 McCann Inter- generation Study. Youth Study Highlights.) The Filipino Youth
  • 27. Morality 2006 McCann Intergeneration Study : In general, the youth’s personal standards have not deviated much . BUT… Some further ‘loosening’ of moral standards were detected. The Filipino Youth
  • 28. Morality 2006 McCann Intergeneration Study : a. Only the use of illegal drugs and, to a certain extent, cheating on one’s boyfriend or girlfriend are considered outright wrong. b. For many other things, only 6 out of 10 persons consider as wrong the following things: taking something without paying, use of violence, drunk driving, suicide, marital infidelity, staying away from school work, hazing and casual sex. The Filipino Youth
  • 29. Morality c. About half think that gambling, relationship with a married person, pre-marital sex, sex on TV, phone/internet sex, porn and sexually explicit language is wrong. d. And less than half think that abortion, divorce/separation, violence on TV, smoking cigarettes, getting drunk, paying for sex and gay relationships are wrong. McCANN ERICKSON PHILIPPINES, 2006 McCann Inter-generation Study. Youth Study Highlights. The Filipino Youth
  • 30. “The Church feels the responsibility to devise new tools and new expressions to ensure that the word of faith, which has begotten the true life of God in us, be heard more and be better understood, even in the new deserts of this world.” (Instrumentum Laboris, 8)
  • 31. The Work of Evangelization Evangelization points that every free movement of the human heart towards God and towards his kingdom cannot but by its very nature lead to Christ and be oriented towards entrance into his Church. (Cf. DNE 9-10) Evangelization is our response because it, alone, offers to man the Truth, i.e., God. (Cf. Doctrinal Note on Some Aspects of Evangelization 4)
  • 32. John Paul II “… a new evangelization. It will be new in its ardor, new in its methods and new in its expressions.” (Discourse to the assembly of Celam, Port-au-Prince, Haiti, 9th March 1983)
  • 33. Benedict XVI “The New Evangelization is ‘new’ not in its content but.. in its inner thrust, open to the grace of the Holy Spirit which constitutes the force of the new law of the Gospel that always renews the Church; ‘new’ in ways that correspond with the power of the Holy Spirit and which are suited to the times and situations; ‘new’ because of being necessary even in countries that have already received the proclamation of the Gospel.” (Homily on the Solemnity of SS. Peter and Paul at the Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls on June 28, 2010)
  • 34. Benedict XVI New Evangelization is, first and foremost, a personal “profound experience of God.” (Ubicumque et Semper)
  • 35. Catechesis is an essential moment in the process of evangelization. (GDC 63) This is not an optional activity, but basic and fundamental for building up the personality of the individual disciple, as it is for the whole Christian community. (GDC 64)
  • 36. Good Catechesis is essential for the New Evangelization that catechists provide the ecclesial communities. (13th Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, Proposition no. 29).
  • 37. ADULT CATECHESIS One cannot speak of the New Evangelization if the catechesis of adults is non-existent, fragmented, weak, or neglected. When these defects are present, pastoral ministry faces a very serious challenge. (13th Synod of Bishops on the New Evangelization, Proposition no. 29). Adult catechesis is “the chief form of catechesis. All the other forms, which are indeed always necessary, are in some way oriented to it.” (GCD 20)
  • 38. Proposition 48 : THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY Established by the sacrament of matrimony, the Christian family as the domestic Church is the locus and first agent in the giving of life and love, the transmission of faith and the formation of the human person according to the values of the gospel. In imitating Christ, the whole Church must dedicate herself to supporting families in the catechesis of children and youth. In many cases the grandparents will have a very important role.
 At the same time the New Evangelization should strive to address significant pastoral problems around marriage… NEW EVANGELIZATION and THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY
  • 39. Christian Marriage, True Way to Form the Family Christian revelation recognizes two specific ways of realizing the human vocation to love in its entirety: marriage and virginity or celibacy. (FC 11) NEW EVANGELIZATION and THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY The communion of love between God and people finds a meaningful expression in the marriage covenant which is established between a man and a woman. (FC 12)
  • 40. Proposition 48 : THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY Established by the sacrament of matrimony, the Christian family as the domestic Church is the locus and first agent in the giving of life and love, the transmission of faith and the formation of the human person according to the values of the gospel. In imitating Christ, the whole Church must dedicate herself to supporting families in the catechesis of children and youth. In many cases the grandparents will have a very important role.
 At the same time the New Evangelization should strive to address significant pastoral problems around marriage… NEW EVANGELIZATION and THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY
  • 41. The Christian Family as the Domestic Church a. Lumen Gentium 11: “The family is, so to speak, the domestic Church. In it parents should, by their word and example, be the first heralds of the faith to the children.” (LG 11) NEW EVANGELIZATION and THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY b. Gaudium et Spes 3: The family as “the principal school of social virtues which is necessary to every society” c. Apostolicam Auctuositatem 11: The family as “the primary (basic) cell of the society given by God himself”
  • 42. The Christian Family as the Domestic Church d. Gravissimum Educationis 3: …the role of parents is of such importance that it is almost impossible to provide an adequate substitute. NEW EVANGELIZATION and THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY e. Christifideles Laici 62: The Christian Family, as the ‘domestic Church’, also makes up a natural and fundamental school for the formation in the faith. f. General Directory for Catechesis 255: The family as “an environment or means of growth in faith.”
  • 43. Proposition 48 : THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY Established by the sacrament of matrimony, the Christian family as the domestic Church is the locus and first agent in the giving of life and love, the transmission of faith and the formation of the human person according to the values of the gospel. In imitating Christ, the whole Church must dedicate herself to supporting families in the catechesis of children and youth. In many cases the grandparents will have a very important role.
 At the same time the New Evangelization should strive to address significant pastoral problems around marriage… NEW EVANGELIZATION and THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY
  • 44. 1. Forming a Community of Persons 2. Serving Life The parents have two particular duties: a. Transmission of Life: Procreation as the transmission of the divine image from person to person is the fundamental task of the family to serve life. (FC 28) b. Education: Since parents have conferred life on their children, they have a most solemn obligation to educate their offspring...Hence, “the family is the first school of those social virtues which every society needs.” (GE 3) Tasks of the Family (From Familiaris Consortio) 3. Participating in the Development of the Society 4. Sharing in the Life and Mission of the Church
  • 45. “The couples are ‘co-operators of grace and witness of the faith’. They are the first to pass on the faith to their children and to educate them in it.” (AA 11) Family Catechesis The Catechetical Role of Parents “The parents are not called to supplement the process of growth in faith, but are called to be the first to impart faith to the children. It is a responsibility and an obligation which they accept knowingly and consciously when they enter into marriage and when they ask for baptism for their children.” (Cf. The Rites of the Catholic Church, Vol. 1)
  • 46. Triple Responsibility of parents (GDC 226) : 1. that of silent witnessing of a faith that is authentically lived daily 2. that of accompanying their children in occasion of particular events in their searching, and 3. that of interiorizing the more systematic catechesis that the children receive in the community. Family Catechesis The Catechetical Role of Parents “Family catechesis precedes, accompanies and enriches all forms of catechesis.” (CT 68)
  • 47. “The parents are the most important guides in addressing the great problems or issues of their children. The children learn from their parents the orientation for life… They can be ‘formed’ regarding their relationship with God.” (A. BIESINGER, H. BENDEL and D. BIESINGER, Incontro a Gesù con mamma e papa, In cammino verso la Prima Communione come catechesi familiare) Family Catechesis The Catechetical Role of Parents
  • 48. Family and Migration Among the rights of the family is the right to emigrate as a family in search for a better life. But the right to migrate includes the right to be with one’s family. MIGRATION: THE CHURCH’S INTERVENTION
  • 49. It is the Christian formation and education in the faith of the children carried out in the family, where the parents have a fundamental role. Family Catechesis Nature of Family Catechesis Frequently the recipients of this catechetical activity are adults, as future spouses or Christian couples or parents. (G. CAVALOTTO, La catechesi familiare nella Chiesa Cilena, in “Via, Verità e Vita”, 143 [1993] 80)
  • 50. Family catechesis becomes “the action of evangelization and Christian formation directly addressed to parents and indirectly the whole family in preparing children for First Communion.” Family Catechesis Nature of Family Catechesis
  • 51. Family catechesis promotes the family in 4 points of view: Family Catechesis Nature of Family Catechesis a. Family catechesis as the family as its recipient/object as it turns itself to every single member: parents and children.
  • 52. Family catechesis promotes the family in 4 points of view: Family Catechesis Nature of Family Catechesis b. The communion, the types of relationship and communication in the family in the light of the Gospel become the themes to be discussed.
  • 53. Family catechesis promotes the family in 4 points of view: Family Catechesis Nature of Family Catechesis c. Family catechesis makes the family a central place of catechesis. Catechesis is realized in the dialogue at home, between parents and children. Not only the parents catechize their children but often also the children are the evangelizers of their parents.
  • 54. Family catechesis promotes the family in 4 points of view: Family Catechesis Nature of Family Catechesis d. The family is the subject of catechesis not only in the measure in which the parents are responsible for the catechesis, but also in that the parents through encounters with and among them become mature in the faith and contribute in a decisive manner in shaping and determining the process of catechesis.
  • 55. Family Catechesis Purpose of Family Catechesis a. To develop the faith of adults. b. To improve the life of the nuclear family. c. To help parents to effectively implement the task of being catechists of their children. d. To integrate the adults in a stable Christian community. e. To engage the adults in building a more just society.
  • 56. Family catechesis must never be detached from the concrete life of the family in order that it may be effective. (BIESINGER, BENDEL and BIESINGER, Incontro a Gesù con mamma e papa, 56) Family Catechesis Types of Family Catechesis
  • 57. Family Catechesis Types of Family Catechesis “Family catechesis assumes very different modalities, such as witnessing of the faith in the daily life, the Christian reading of the events, sacramental initiation, formation of conscience, initiation into prayer life, etc. It is a Christian education… more witnessed to than taught, more occasional than systematic, more on-going and daily than structured into periods.” (GDC 255)
  • 58. In the Philippines, family catechesis “is done through family participation in the weekly Sunday liturgy, the great liturgical feasts of the year, special parish celebrations as well as through formal catechetical instruction.” (NNCDP 392) Family Catechesis Types of Family Catechesis
  • 59. As support to the families, the Christian community has to keep watch of the conditions that render the faith possible, intelligible and desirable. Family Catechesis Role of the Christian Community The Christian community must help parents in transmitting well the faith to their children. It must be a transmission that is founded on closeness of persons – interpersonal and intergenerational; it does not depend on doing, but on living in the sense that the subject commits his own existence to action.
  • 60. And “in concrete, the Christian community helps parents assume their responsibility of educating their children in the faith by means of personal contact, meetings, courses and also adult catechesis directed toward parents.” (GDC 227) Family Catechesis Role of the Christian Community
  • 61. The Filipino Christian Family: The Domestic Church “The Philippine Catholic Church, following the teaching that the family is the ‘domestic Church; the Filipino family has the unique advantage of catechizing and instilling among its young members basic human values.” (NNCDP 66) “The family is the most significant locus of catechesis in the Philippines… For Filipino Catholics, the family is both the context and the agent of catechesis.” (NNCDP 80) (CBCP, The Christian Family, Good News for the Third Millenium) NEW EVANGELIZATION and THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY
  • 63. Proposition 48 : THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY Every pastoral plan of evangelization should also include a respectful invitation to all those who live alone, to experience God in the family of the Church. NEW EVANGELIZATION and THE CHRISTIAN FAMILY It is necessary to educate people in how to live human sexuality according to Christian anthropology, both before marriage as well as in marriage itself. The Synod notes with appreciation those families who leave their homes in order to be evangelizers for Christ in other countries and cultures.