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Faculty of Business and Law
RESIT Assignment Brief
Module Title:
Making Money Online
Assignment Number
1 of 1
Module Code:
Assignment Title
E-Business Plan
Release Date:
Module Leader
Dr Simon Hill
Submission Date:
03/07/2017 @ 23:55
Time and Place:
Submission through Turnitin ONLY in a PDF file format
Assessment Information
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes 1,2,3,4
and accounts for 100% of the overall module mark. The learning
outcomes are:
1. reflect on their employability competencies and career
management skills and plan for their future development;
2. demonstrate an understanding of the process of trading
3. apply the above to a business opportunity or activity;
4. evaluate and reflect upon their own online trading
This assignment is an individual assignment.
A 1,750 word plan for an online start-up business or small
business operation, which is then implemented. You are only
allowed to go above or below this word count by 10% otherwise
marks may be deducted.
The word count is 1750. (In accordance with the Faculty
Assessment Tariff).
IMPORTANT: You should not use content, business ideas or
examples from previously submitted work. You must make a
fresh attempt with a new submission.
Criteria for Assessment
This table details the weightings of the eleven criteria by which
your work will be assessed.
Proportion of overall module mark
1. Introduction to the business idea
2. Overview of your organisation structure
4. Sales and marketing plan
5. Operational issues – getting your product/service to market
6. Finance (cash flow and start-up funding needs)
7. Risk management
8. Measuring success (SMART Targets)
9. Summary and Recommendations
10. Style and presentation
11. Research and references
Please refer to the Marking Scheme below for information on
how work is assessed and graded.
How to submit your assessment
The assessment must be submitted by 23.55 on 3RD JULY
2017. No paper copies are required. You can access the
submission link through the module web.
· Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not
submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that
you have fully submitted your work. Further guidance can be
found here: How to submit your assignment. Should you submit
work on time but fail the assignment, you may be offered a resit
opportunity, the resit mark will be capped at 40%. Resit
information will be made available by the Module Leader via
the course web.
· All work submitted after the submission deadline without a
valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of
· Short deferrals (extensions) of up to two calendar weeks can
only be given for genuine "force majeure" and medical reasons,
not for bad planning of your time. Please note that theft, loss, or
failure to keep a back-up file, are not valid reasons. The short
deferral must be applied for on or before the submission date.
You can apply for a short deferral by submitting an
Examination/ Coursework Deferral Application Form.
Application Forms along with the supporting evidence should
go to the relevant Student Support Office. For a longer delay in
submission a student may apply for a long deferral.
· Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their
· Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism
software and approved plagiarism checking websites.
As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out
research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is
important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s
writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass
this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It
is not acceptable to copy from another source without
acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or
thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct
quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the
works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides
documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please
Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are
experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs.
Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your
own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are
examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please
familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on
Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or
cheating being brought. Again, if you are unsure, please
contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Academic
Personal Tutor or a member of the course team.
Return of Marked Work
You can expect to have marked work returned to you by 24th
JULY 2017. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As
always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and
will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed
later in the year once the external examiner has completed his /
her review.
Marking and Assessment Scheme
Mark range
70 – 100%
In order to secure a mark in this range, a candidate must submit
an outstanding answer that could hardly be bettered. In addition
to the criteria identified below for a mark between 70-85%, an
answer scoring a mark of 85-100% would show an excellent
level of understanding and critical/analytic skills and
originality. For example, such an answer would include new
insights into online business which are not drawn from the
literature but from the student's own critical thinking, and
which add something to the existing literature.
An essay in this range will demonstrate a strong understanding
of theories, concepts and issues relating to online business.
There will be evidence of wide-ranging reading from a variety
of valid sources (as described and presented in the marking
criteria for 60-69%).
The assignment must be written in a clear, well-structured way
with a coherent and seamless flow and show evidence of
independent, critical thought. It must show extensive relevant
reading on the subject and intelligent use of the material to
present a well-balanced and well-argued assignment. For
example, the student will have considered a range of relevant
issues and be able to assess the strength and weaknesses of
various approaches/arguments and put forward a confident and
articulate view of their own.
60 – 69%
An essay in this mark range will demonstrate a good
understanding of the requirements of the assignment and of
theories, concepts and issues relating to online business. An
assignment in this percentage range will include a balanced
discussion of issues central to the question, how these are
addressed by different authors or sources and some critical
thinking into their relative merits or shortcomings.
The answer will be contain few errors and little, if any,
irrelevant material. It will show evidence of reading from a
variety of sources (i.e. more than 3 or 4) but not so many
sources that the discussion loses focus and becomes unclear or
irrelevant. All sources should be of some academic merit (e.g.
books, journals, reports, media publications). Unreferenced
material from non-credible internet sources MUST be avoided.
All sources must be included and properly referenced in the
references. The assignment will be well-organised and clearly
written/presented overall.
50 – 59%
The answer will demonstrate some reasonable understanding of
relevant theories, concepts and issues relating to online
business but also some minor errors of fact or understanding.
The assignment will not be based on an extensive range of
sources (for example few references are included), or much
evidence that they have been read closely or well-understood.
For example, the assignment will retell sources rather than
analyse them.
The assignment may be quite general in part. Some errors may
be present and some irrelevant material may be included.
The essay may not be particularly well-structured, and/or
clearly presented and contain some spelling mistakes and
grammatical errors. A few sentences may be unclear.
40 - 49%
A mark within this percentage range will be given to an essay
· shows some limited basic understanding of the subject but is
incomplete. For example, if it answers one part of a question
but not the rest.
· makes only very general statements
· includes some factual errors or misunderstandings e.g.
confusion between different companies or misuse of certain key
· shows limited use of material with limited reading/research on
the topic and includes only a very small number of references,
not all of which are included in the references
· includes spelling mistakes, is poorly structured with no clear
argument and grammar mistakes making it difficult to
· includes some irrelevant material.
35 – 39%
A mark within this percentage range will be given to an
assignment which:
· includes only a limited amount of relevant material.
· shows little evidence of reading/research on the topic. For
example, the essay includes only very few references, and relies
only on material or case studies used during the course.
· shows only a very basic understanding of the subject.
· is poorly presented with bad grammar, some spelling mistakes
and an incomplete reference list.
· has a poor structure and does not flow e.g. if there is no
conclusion or new facts are introduced in the conclusion rather
than introduction or main discussion.
· contains some fundamental errors.
20 – 34%
0 - 19%
A poor fail on this assignment means the assignment submitted:
· is poor and suggests that the student has spent very little time
on it e.g. if the answer is considerably under the word
requirement and/or presented in note form rather than as a fully
written up essay.
· bears little relation to the assignment topic.
· shows a poor understanding of theories, concepts and issues
relating to online business and to the learning outcomes detailed
in this document.
· contains some or many fundamental errors and
misunderstandings of the academic or other material used. For
example many of the facts cited are incorrect.
· uses literature or other material which is largely irrelevant or
has no academic value
· is poorly structured and poorly presented. For example,
sentences may be hard to understand and contain many spelling
or grammatical mistakes.
· contains no references.
Work within this mark range shows a complete failure to meet
the requirements of the assignment. A mark in this range will be
given for an essay which:
· is below 500 words in length.
· bears no link to the question chosen and shows very little or
no knowledge or understanding of any of the theories, concepts
and issues relating to online business. The answer may be
fundamentally wrong or trivial.
· contains no references and/or evidence of relevant reading.
· shows little understanding of the requirements of the
assignment and only a vague knowledge of the subject area.
· includes numerous fundamental errors in the understanding or
presentation of the material discussed. There is a general lack of
facts/evidence and what is provided is mostly incorrect and/or
· is poorly structured and poorly presented. Spelling and
grammar are poor. Many sentences are incomprehensible.
· the examiners do not feel could be described as a serious
attempt by any reasonable standards.
Assignment Brief – A203IAE
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Faculty of Business and Law
RESIT Assignment Brief
Module Title:
Digital Marketing
Assignment Number
Module Code:
Assignment Title
Digital Marketing Report
Assignment Weighting
Release Date:
Module Leader
Kayleigh Blackstock
Submission Date/Time:
03/07/2017 23:55:00
Time and Place:
Submission through Turnitin ONLY
Assessment Information
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
1. Evaluate the evolution of online marketing, making
references to lessons from traditional marketing theory.
2. Analyse and assess the implementation, control, and
evaluation of the online marketing planning process.
3. Conduct a critical analysis of contemporary issues in the area
of online marketing.
This assignment is an individual assignment.
This assignment requires you to:
You are working for Digital Marketing Agency which
specialises in clients in the mobile phone network industry.
Currently your agency is exploring running new campaign for
one of their clients. Select one of the clients listed below:
· Vodafone
· EE
· Three Mobile
For the selected client you are asked to prepare the following:
1. Business report (1500 words) – to analyse how they currently
encourage loyalty with customers via the website.
2. Recommendations for improvement to be submitted in the
form of a presentation (500 words) – to show how
improvements can be made. The target recipient of this
presentation is your client. You will not have to present your
recommendations, however you are expected to design a
presentation that would be suitable to send to a client.
Presentation slides are to be submitted at the end of your report
in the form of screenshots.
The business report should include:
· Brief introduction about the company that you have chosen (no
more than 200 words)
· Analysis of online loyalty literature (from journal articles)
· Analyse how the client applies these theories in their website
to encourage loyalty.
Recommendation (in the form of a presentation to be submitted
with report) should include:
· Summary of your analysis
· Clear recommendations on how client could improve their
You can prepare your recommendations for your presentation
using one of the following:
· Adobe Slate (no more than 500 words in total)
· Adobe Voice (duration between 2-4 minutes)
· Prezi (no more than 500 words)
· Any other creative tool of your choice (for video 2-4 minutes,
word based software no more than 500 words)
Criteria for Assessment
Structure 10%
Content is organised and appropriate; coherent; flow of
information, arguments, and concepts
Knowledge and Understanding 20%
Identifies, explains, draws on appropriate global marketing
theories, models, literature to demonstrate depth and breadth of
research to address the questions
Application 30%
Application of theory or practical examples given appropriate to
Analysis and Recommendations 30%
Evaluation and critical analysis of the topic, synthesis of
ideas/concepts, appropriate conclusions, justified
Presentation 10%
Spelling, punctuation, grammar, layout, accurate CU Harvard
Referencing style, writing style academic/professional
Word Count
The word count is 2000
There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after
internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10%
or more.
The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the
How to submit your assessment
The assessment must be submitted by 23.55:00 on 03/07/2017.
No paper copies are required. You can access the submission
link through the module web.
· Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not
submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that
you have fully submitted your work.
· All work submitted after the submission deadline without a
valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of
· The University wants you to do your best. However we know
that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit
your coursework by the deadline – these events should be
beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens,
you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two
weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral,
which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to
the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You
must apply before the deadline. You will find information about
the process and what is or is not considered to be an event
beyond your control at
· Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their
· Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism
software and approved plagiarism checking websites.
As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out
research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is
important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s
writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass
this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It
is not acceptable to copy from another source without
acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or
thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct
quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the
works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides
documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please
visit You can also check your
understanding of academic conduct by completing the Good
Academic Practice quiz available on Moodle.
Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are
experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs.
Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your
own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are
examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please
familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on
Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or
cheating being brought. Again, if you are unsure, please
contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Academic
Personal Tutor or a member of the course team.
Return of Marked Work
You can expect to have marked work returned to you
Xx/xx/xxxx. If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept
informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As
always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and
will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed
later in the year once the external examiner has completed his /
her review.
Assignment Brief Template
Page 3 of 3
Faculty of Business and Law
Assignment Brief
Module Title:
Research for Marketing
Assignment Number
Module Code:
Assignment Title
Sampling in market research
Assignment Weighting
Release Date:
April 2017
Module Leader
Adrian Pritchard
Submission Date/Time:
3/07/2017 23:55:00
Time and Place:
Submission through Turnitin ONLY
Assessment Information
This assignment is an individual assignment.
This assignment requires you to.
Explain the difference between probability/random and non
probability/quota samples, illustrate your answer with examples
(600-800 words).
Discuss the reasons as to why most research in business
situations is undertaken using non probability samples (200-400
Describe the problems of sample representativeness in internet
surveys (200-400 words).
Criteria for Assessment
Explanation of probability sampling
Explanation of quota sampling
Explanation of quotas in business situations
Analysis of problems in business situations
Internet surveys sampling
Analysis of internet survey problems
Standard of written work
Use of secondary sources
Word Count
The word count is 1500
There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after
internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10%
or more.
The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the
How to submit your assessment
The assessment must be submitted by 23.55:00 on 03/07/2017.
No paper copies are required. You can access the submission
link through the module web.
· Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not
submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that
you have fully submitted your work.
· All work submitted after the submission deadline without a
valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of
· Extensions of up to two calendar weeks can only be given for
genuine "force majeure" and medical reasons, not for bad
planning of your time. Please note that theft, loss, or failure to
keep a back-up file, are not valid reasons. The extension must
be applied for on or before the submission date. You can apply
for an extension by submitting an Examination/ Coursework
Deferral/Extension Application Form. Application Forms along
with the supporting evidence should go to the relevant Student
Support Office. For a longer delay in submission a student may
apply for a deferral.
· Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their
· Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism
software and approved plagiarism checking websites.
As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out
research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is
important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s
writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass
this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It
is not acceptable to copy from another source without
acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or
thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct
quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the
works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides
documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please
visit You can also check your
understanding of academic conduct by completing the Good
Academic Practice quiz available on Moodle.
Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are
experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs.
Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your
own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are
examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please
familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on
Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or
cheating being brought. Again, if you are unsure, please
contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Academic
Personal Tutor or a member of the course team.
Return of Marked Work
You can expect to have marked work returned to you in 15
working days. If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept
informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As
always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and
will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed
later in the year once the external examiner has completed his /
her review.
Assignment Brief Template
Page 3 of 3
Faculty of Business and Law
Assignment Brief
Module Title:
Assignment Number
Module Code:
Assignment Title
Assignment Weighting
50% of total module mark
Release Date:
Module Leader
Dr Lara Spiteri Cornish
Submission Date/Time:
03/07/2017 23:55:00
Time and Place:
Submission through Turnitin ONLY
Assessment Information
This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:
Students must:
1. Demonstrate an understanding of the main theories in
consumer behaviour and how these can be applied in marketing
2. Develop an understanding of current issues in consumer
3. Produce a critical analysis of a contemporary issue in
consumer behaviour.
CW1: Individual Essay will collectively assess intended
learning outcomes 1-3.
Coursework Question:
Critically discuss the role of technology in the consumption
behavior of the modern consumer and its impact on the
development of effective marketing strategies.
Content of Assignment:
1. Front page: Name; Student ID number; NAME OF SEMINAR
2. Introduction (max 200 words)
3. Main Body (max 1850 words)
4. Conclusion (max 200 words)
5. References (no word count: CU Harvard Referencing style)
Important Information:
1. You need to read at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles
for this essay. Use relevant theory to support your answer -
without references to relevant journal articles, you will struggle
to achieve the higher grades
2. Ignore journal articles older than 15 years – focus on those
articles written after 2000
3. I will be expecting to see references on EVERY page. Use 2-
4 references for each argument you make. Relying on ONE
author/paper for an argument is not good academic practice.
4. Your main source of research should be journal articles, but 1
or 2 book references are allowed. Website references ARE NOT
allowed as the academic rigor of many websites is questionable.
Note that GOOGLING is not an appropriate research method,
and sites like Wikipedia are completely unacceptable (please
see my CW PowerPoint slides for more details about this).
5. Essays must be correctly referenced according to the Harvard
Referencing style.
6. Quotes must be indented where appropriate. Please note that
while a few quotes help you make your argument, too many
quotes will result in a loss of marks. I want to mark YOUR
work not a list of quotes!
7. Essays must be double-line spaced and justified throughout.
Word Count
The word count is individual 2250 essay
There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after
internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10%
or more.
The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the
How to submit your assessment
The assessment must be submitted by 23.55:00 on xx/xx/xx. No
paper copies are required. You can access the submission link
through the module web.
· Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not
submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that
you have fully submitted your work.
· All work submitted after the submission deadline without a
valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of
· Extensions of up to two calendar weeks can only be given for
genuine "force majeure" and medical reasons, not for bad
planning of your time. Please note that theft, loss, or failure to
keep a back-up file, are not valid reasons. The extension must
be applied for on or before the submission date. You can apply
for an extension by submitting an Examination/ Coursework
Deferral/Extension Application Form. Application Forms along
with the supporting evidence should go to the relevant Student
Support Office. For a longer delay in submission a student may
apply for a deferral.
· Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their
· Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism
software and approved plagiarism checking websites.
As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out
research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is
important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s
writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass
this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It
is not acceptable to copy from another source without
acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or
thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct
quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the
works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides
documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please
visit You can also check your
understanding of academic conduct by completing the Good
Academic Practice quiz available on Moodle.
Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are
experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs.
Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your
own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are
examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please
familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on
Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or
cheating being brought. Again, if you are unsure, please
contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Academic
Personal Tutor or a member of the course team.
Return of Marked Work
You can expect to have marked work returned to you insert date
here (15 working days for level 1 and 2, 10 working days for
level 3 and M level). If for any reason there is a delay you will
be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided
online/in class/face to face. As always, marks will have been
internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional;
your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the
external examiner has completed his / her review.
Deferrals and Extensions
The University wants you to do your best. However we know
that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit
your coursework by the deadline – these events should be
beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens,
you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two
weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral,
which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to
the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You
must apply before the deadline.
You will find information about the process and what is or is
not considered to be an event beyond your control at
Assignment Brief Template
Page 2 of 3

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  • 1. Faculty of Business and Law RESIT Assignment Brief Module Title: Making Money Online Assignment Number 1 of 1 Module Code: A203IAE Assignment Title E-Business Plan Release Date: 19/05/2017 Module Leader Dr Simon Hill Submission Date: 03/07/2017 @ 23:55 Submission Time and Place: Submission through Turnitin ONLY in a PDF file format
  • 2. Assessment Information This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes 1,2,3,4 and accounts for 100% of the overall module mark. The learning outcomes are: 1. reflect on their employability competencies and career management skills and plan for their future development; 2. demonstrate an understanding of the process of trading online; 3. apply the above to a business opportunity or activity; 4. evaluate and reflect upon their own online trading experience(s). This assignment is an individual assignment. A 1,750 word plan for an online start-up business or small business operation, which is then implemented. You are only allowed to go above or below this word count by 10% otherwise marks may be deducted. The word count is 1750. (In accordance with the Faculty Assessment Tariff). IMPORTANT: You should not use content, business ideas or examples from previously submitted work. You must make a fresh attempt with a new submission. Criteria for Assessment This table details the weightings of the eleven criteria by which your work will be assessed. Criteria Proportion of overall module mark 1. Introduction to the business idea 5%
  • 3. 2. Overview of your organisation structure 10% 3. SWOT 10% 4. Sales and marketing plan 10% 5. Operational issues – getting your product/service to market 10% 6. Finance (cash flow and start-up funding needs) 10% 7. Risk management 10% 8. Measuring success (SMART Targets) 10% 9. Summary and Recommendations 5% 10. Style and presentation 10% 11. Research and references 10% Total 100% Please refer to the Marking Scheme below for information on how work is assessed and graded. How to submit your assessment The assessment must be submitted by 23.55 on 3RD JULY 2017. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through the module web. · Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work. Further guidance can be found here: How to submit your assignment. Should you submit work on time but fail the assignment, you may be offered a resit opportunity, the resit mark will be capped at 40%. Resit information will be made available by the Module Leader via
  • 4. the course web. · All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero. · Short deferrals (extensions) of up to two calendar weeks can only be given for genuine "force majeure" and medical reasons, not for bad planning of your time. Please note that theft, loss, or failure to keep a back-up file, are not valid reasons. The short deferral must be applied for on or before the submission date. You can apply for a short deferral by submitting an Examination/ Coursework Deferral Application Form. Application Forms along with the supporting evidence should go to the relevant Student Support Office. For a longer delay in submission a student may apply for a long deferral. · Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment. · Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites. GUIDELINES AND BACKGROUND TO THIS ASSIGNMENT Plagiarism As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please visit Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs. Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are
  • 5. examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. Again, if you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Academic Personal Tutor or a member of the course team. Return of Marked Work You can expect to have marked work returned to you by 24th JULY 2017. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed his / her review. Marking and Assessment Scheme Mark range Guidelines 70 – 100% In order to secure a mark in this range, a candidate must submit an outstanding answer that could hardly be bettered. In addition to the criteria identified below for a mark between 70-85%, an answer scoring a mark of 85-100% would show an excellent level of understanding and critical/analytic skills and originality. For example, such an answer would include new insights into online business which are not drawn from the literature but from the student's own critical thinking, and which add something to the existing literature. An essay in this range will demonstrate a strong understanding of theories, concepts and issues relating to online business. There will be evidence of wide-ranging reading from a variety of valid sources (as described and presented in the marking criteria for 60-69%).
  • 6. The assignment must be written in a clear, well-structured way with a coherent and seamless flow and show evidence of independent, critical thought. It must show extensive relevant reading on the subject and intelligent use of the material to present a well-balanced and well-argued assignment. For example, the student will have considered a range of relevant issues and be able to assess the strength and weaknesses of various approaches/arguments and put forward a confident and articulate view of their own. 60 – 69% An essay in this mark range will demonstrate a good understanding of the requirements of the assignment and of theories, concepts and issues relating to online business. An assignment in this percentage range will include a balanced discussion of issues central to the question, how these are addressed by different authors or sources and some critical thinking into their relative merits or shortcomings. The answer will be contain few errors and little, if any, irrelevant material. It will show evidence of reading from a variety of sources (i.e. more than 3 or 4) but not so many sources that the discussion loses focus and becomes unclear or irrelevant. All sources should be of some academic merit (e.g. books, journals, reports, media publications). Unreferenced material from non-credible internet sources MUST be avoided. All sources must be included and properly referenced in the references. The assignment will be well-organised and clearly written/presented overall. 50 – 59% The answer will demonstrate some reasonable understanding of relevant theories, concepts and issues relating to online business but also some minor errors of fact or understanding.
  • 7. The assignment will not be based on an extensive range of sources (for example few references are included), or much evidence that they have been read closely or well-understood. For example, the assignment will retell sources rather than analyse them. The assignment may be quite general in part. Some errors may be present and some irrelevant material may be included. The essay may not be particularly well-structured, and/or clearly presented and contain some spelling mistakes and grammatical errors. A few sentences may be unclear. 40 - 49% A mark within this percentage range will be given to an essay which: · shows some limited basic understanding of the subject but is incomplete. For example, if it answers one part of a question but not the rest. · makes only very general statements · includes some factual errors or misunderstandings e.g. confusion between different companies or misuse of certain key terms. · shows limited use of material with limited reading/research on the topic and includes only a very small number of references, not all of which are included in the references · includes spelling mistakes, is poorly structured with no clear argument and grammar mistakes making it difficult to understand. · includes some irrelevant material. 35 – 39% A mark within this percentage range will be given to an assignment which:
  • 8. · includes only a limited amount of relevant material. · shows little evidence of reading/research on the topic. For example, the essay includes only very few references, and relies only on material or case studies used during the course. · shows only a very basic understanding of the subject. · is poorly presented with bad grammar, some spelling mistakes and an incomplete reference list. · has a poor structure and does not flow e.g. if there is no conclusion or new facts are introduced in the conclusion rather than introduction or main discussion. · contains some fundamental errors. 20 – 34% 0 - 19% A poor fail on this assignment means the assignment submitted: · is poor and suggests that the student has spent very little time on it e.g. if the answer is considerably under the word requirement and/or presented in note form rather than as a fully written up essay. · bears little relation to the assignment topic. · shows a poor understanding of theories, concepts and issues relating to online business and to the learning outcomes detailed in this document. · contains some or many fundamental errors and misunderstandings of the academic or other material used. For example many of the facts cited are incorrect. · uses literature or other material which is largely irrelevant or has no academic value · is poorly structured and poorly presented. For example, sentences may be hard to understand and contain many spelling or grammatical mistakes. · contains no references. Work within this mark range shows a complete failure to meet the requirements of the assignment. A mark in this range will be given for an essay which:
  • 9. · is below 500 words in length. · bears no link to the question chosen and shows very little or no knowledge or understanding of any of the theories, concepts and issues relating to online business. The answer may be fundamentally wrong or trivial. · contains no references and/or evidence of relevant reading. · shows little understanding of the requirements of the assignment and only a vague knowledge of the subject area. · includes numerous fundamental errors in the understanding or presentation of the material discussed. There is a general lack of facts/evidence and what is provided is mostly incorrect and/or irrelevant. · is poorly structured and poorly presented. Spelling and grammar are poor. Many sentences are incomprehensible. · the examiners do not feel could be described as a serious attempt by any reasonable standards. Assignment Brief – A203IAE Page 2 of 5 Faculty of Business and Law RESIT Assignment Brief Module Title: Digital Marketing Assignment Number 1 RESIT Module Code: 205MKT Assignment Title Digital Marketing Report
  • 10. Assignment Weighting 50% Release Date: Module Leader Kayleigh Blackstock Submission Date/Time: 03/07/2017 23:55:00 Submission Time and Place: Submission through Turnitin ONLY Assessment Information This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes: 1. Evaluate the evolution of online marketing, making references to lessons from traditional marketing theory. 2. Analyse and assess the implementation, control, and evaluation of the online marketing planning process. 3. Conduct a critical analysis of contemporary issues in the area of online marketing. This assignment is an individual assignment.
  • 11. This assignment requires you to: You are working for Digital Marketing Agency which specialises in clients in the mobile phone network industry. Currently your agency is exploring running new campaign for one of their clients. Select one of the clients listed below: · Vodafone · EE · Three Mobile For the selected client you are asked to prepare the following: 1. Business report (1500 words) – to analyse how they currently encourage loyalty with customers via the website. 2. Recommendations for improvement to be submitted in the form of a presentation (500 words) – to show how improvements can be made. The target recipient of this presentation is your client. You will not have to present your recommendations, however you are expected to design a presentation that would be suitable to send to a client. Presentation slides are to be submitted at the end of your report in the form of screenshots. The business report should include: · Brief introduction about the company that you have chosen (no more than 200 words) · Analysis of online loyalty literature (from journal articles) · Analyse how the client applies these theories in their website to encourage loyalty. Recommendation (in the form of a presentation to be submitted with report) should include:
  • 12. · Summary of your analysis · Clear recommendations on how client could improve their loyalty. You can prepare your recommendations for your presentation using one of the following: · Adobe Slate (no more than 500 words in total) · Adobe Voice (duration between 2-4 minutes) · Prezi (no more than 500 words) · Any other creative tool of your choice (for video 2-4 minutes, word based software no more than 500 words) Criteria for Assessment Structure 10% Content is organised and appropriate; coherent; flow of information, arguments, and concepts Knowledge and Understanding 20% Identifies, explains, draws on appropriate global marketing theories, models, literature to demonstrate depth and breadth of research to address the questions Application 30% Application of theory or practical examples given appropriate to context Analysis and Recommendations 30% Evaluation and critical analysis of the topic, synthesis of ideas/concepts, appropriate conclusions, justified recommendations
  • 13. Presentation 10% Spelling, punctuation, grammar, layout, accurate CU Harvard Referencing style, writing style academic/professional Word Count The word count is 2000 There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more. The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the bibliography. How to submit your assessment The assessment must be submitted by 23.55:00 on 03/07/2017. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through the module web. · Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work. · All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero. · The University wants you to do your best. However we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply before the deadline. You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond your control at
  • 14. and-Extension.aspx · Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment. · Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites. GUIDELINES AND BACKGROUND TO THIS ASSIGNMENT Plagiarism As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please visit You can also check your understanding of academic conduct by completing the Good Academic Practice quiz available on Moodle. Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs. Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. Again, if you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Academic Personal Tutor or a member of the course team. Return of Marked Work You can expect to have marked work returned to you Xx/xx/xxxx. If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and
  • 15. will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed his / her review. Assignment Brief Template Page 3 of 3 Faculty of Business and Law Assignment Brief Module Title: Research for Marketing Assignment Number Resit Module Code: 200MKT Assignment Title Sampling in market research Assignment Weighting Release Date: April 2017 Module Leader Adrian Pritchard Submission Date/Time:
  • 16. 3/07/2017 23:55:00 Submission Time and Place: Submission through Turnitin ONLY Assessment Information This assignment is an individual assignment. This assignment requires you to. Explain the difference between probability/random and non probability/quota samples, illustrate your answer with examples (600-800 words). Discuss the reasons as to why most research in business situations is undertaken using non probability samples (200-400 words). Describe the problems of sample representativeness in internet surveys (200-400 words). Criteria for Assessment Explanation of probability sampling 1 2 3 4 5
  • 17. Explanation of quota sampling 1 2 3 4 5 Examples/illustration 1 2 3 4 5 Explanation of quotas in business situations 1 2 3 4 5 Analysis of problems in business situations 1 2 3
  • 18. 4 5 Internet surveys sampling 1 2 3 4 5 Analysis of internet survey problems 1 2 3 4 5 Standard of written work 1 2 3 4 5 Use of secondary sources
  • 19. 1 2 3 4 5 Referencing 1 2 3 4 5 Word Count The word count is 1500 There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more. The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the bibliography. How to submit your assessment The assessment must be submitted by 23.55:00 on 03/07/2017. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through the module web. · Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work.
  • 20. · All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero. · Extensions of up to two calendar weeks can only be given for genuine "force majeure" and medical reasons, not for bad planning of your time. Please note that theft, loss, or failure to keep a back-up file, are not valid reasons. The extension must be applied for on or before the submission date. You can apply for an extension by submitting an Examination/ Coursework Deferral/Extension Application Form. Application Forms along with the supporting evidence should go to the relevant Student Support Office. For a longer delay in submission a student may apply for a deferral. · Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment. · Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites. GUIDELINES AND BACKGROUND TO THIS ASSIGNMENT Plagiarism As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please visit You can also check your understanding of academic conduct by completing the Good Academic Practice quiz available on Moodle. Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs. Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your
  • 21. own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. Again, if you are unsure, please contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Academic Personal Tutor or a member of the course team. Return of Marked Work You can expect to have marked work returned to you in 15 working days. If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online. As always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed his / her review. Assignment Brief Template Page 3 of 3 Faculty of Business and Law Assignment Brief Module Title: CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Assignment Number 1 Module Code: 204MKT (RESIT) Assignment Title CW1 RESIT Assignment Weighting
  • 22. 50% of total module mark Release Date: 12/05/2017 Module Leader Dr Lara Spiteri Cornish Submission Date/Time: 03/07/2017 23:55:00 Submission Time and Place: Submission through Turnitin ONLY Assessment Information This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes: Students must: 1. Demonstrate an understanding of the main theories in consumer behaviour and how these can be applied in marketing endeavors. 2. Develop an understanding of current issues in consumer behaviour. 3. Produce a critical analysis of a contemporary issue in consumer behaviour.
  • 23. CW1: Individual Essay will collectively assess intended learning outcomes 1-3. Coursework Question: Critically discuss the role of technology in the consumption behavior of the modern consumer and its impact on the development of effective marketing strategies. Content of Assignment: 1. Front page: Name; Student ID number; NAME OF SEMINAR TUTOR 2. Introduction (max 200 words) 3. Main Body (max 1850 words) 4. Conclusion (max 200 words) 5. References (no word count: CU Harvard Referencing style) Important Information: 1. You need to read at least 10 peer-reviewed journal articles for this essay. Use relevant theory to support your answer - without references to relevant journal articles, you will struggle to achieve the higher grades 2. Ignore journal articles older than 15 years – focus on those articles written after 2000 3. I will be expecting to see references on EVERY page. Use 2- 4 references for each argument you make. Relying on ONE author/paper for an argument is not good academic practice. 4. Your main source of research should be journal articles, but 1 or 2 book references are allowed. Website references ARE NOT
  • 24. allowed as the academic rigor of many websites is questionable. Note that GOOGLING is not an appropriate research method, and sites like Wikipedia are completely unacceptable (please see my CW PowerPoint slides for more details about this). 5. Essays must be correctly referenced according to the Harvard Referencing style. 6. Quotes must be indented where appropriate. Please note that while a few quotes help you make your argument, too many quotes will result in a loss of marks. I want to mark YOUR work not a list of quotes! 7. Essays must be double-line spaced and justified throughout. Word Count The word count is individual 2250 essay There will be a penalty of a deduction of 10% of the mark (after internal moderation) for work exceeding the word limit by 10% or more. The word limit includes quotations, but excludes the bibliography. How to submit your assessment The assessment must be submitted by 23.55:00 on xx/xx/xx. No paper copies are required. You can access the submission link through the module web. · Your coursework will be given a zero mark if you do not submit a copy through Turnitin. Please take care to ensure that you have fully submitted your work. · All work submitted after the submission deadline without a valid and approved reason (see below) will be given a mark of zero. · Extensions of up to two calendar weeks can only be given for genuine "force majeure" and medical reasons, not for bad planning of your time. Please note that theft, loss, or failure to
  • 25. keep a back-up file, are not valid reasons. The extension must be applied for on or before the submission date. You can apply for an extension by submitting an Examination/ Coursework Deferral/Extension Application Form. Application Forms along with the supporting evidence should go to the relevant Student Support Office. For a longer delay in submission a student may apply for a deferral. · Students MUST keep a copy and/or an electronic file of their assignment. · Checks will be made on your work using anti-plagiarism software and approved plagiarism checking websites. GUIDELINES AND BACKGROUND TO THIS ASSIGNMENT Plagiarism As part of your study you will be involved in carrying out research and using this when writing up your coursework. It is important that you correctly acknowledge someone else’s writing, thoughts or ideas and that you do not attempt to pass this off as your own work. Doing so is known as plagiarism. It is not acceptable to copy from another source without acknowledging that it is someone else’s writing or thinking. This includes using paraphrasing as well as direct quotations. You are expected to correctly cite and reference the works of others. The Centre for Academic Writing provides documents to help you get this right. If you are unsure, please visit You can also check your understanding of academic conduct by completing the Good Academic Practice quiz available on Moodle. Moodle includes a plagiarism detection system and assessors are experienced enough to recognise plagiarism when it occurs. Copying another student’s work, using previous work of your own or copying large sections from a book or the internet are examples of plagiarism and carry serious consequences. Please familiarise yourself with the CU Harvard Reference Style (on Moodle) and use it correctly to avoid a case of plagiarism or cheating being brought. Again, if you are unsure, please
  • 26. contact the Centre for Academic Writing, your Academic Personal Tutor or a member of the course team. Return of Marked Work You can expect to have marked work returned to you insert date here (15 working days for level 1 and 2, 10 working days for level 3 and M level). If for any reason there is a delay you will be kept informed. Marks and feedback will be provided online/in class/face to face. As always, marks will have been internally moderated only, and will therefore be provisional; your mark will be formally agreed later in the year once the external examiner has completed his / her review. Deferrals and Extensions The University wants you to do your best. However we know that sometimes events happen which mean that you can’t submit your coursework by the deadline – these events should be beyond your control and not easy to predict. If this happens, you can apply for an extension to your deadline for up to two weeks, or if you need longer, you can apply for a deferral, which takes you to the next assessment period (for example, to the resit period following the main Assessment Boards). You must apply before the deadline. You will find information about the process and what is or is not considered to be an event beyond your control at and-Extension.aspx Assignment Brief Template Page 2 of 3