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Jodie Wood
Styles of Documentaries
The 6 Different Styles of
Documentaries – Poetic
 Poetic: documentaries that tend toward subjective
interpretation of its subject, they forsake traditional narrative
content: individual characters and events remain undeveloped
in favor of creating a particular mood or tone.
 Example: Time – A Poetic Documentary
 They use no commentary in order to create an artistic
ambiance, similar to the use of words in poems. Focusing on
visual aesthetics, they use more well thought out artistic shots
with fitting music in the background. Could be found in
museums to create a beautiful image of a certain thing – for
example could be used in a science museum to show Earth.
The 6 Different Styles of
Documentaries – Expository
 Expository: They set up a specific point of view or argument about
a subject. Often a narrator speaks directly to the viewer which
draws attention to the relationship between the images on screen
and verbal commentary
 Example: City of Gold – Dir. Colin Law and Wolf Koenig
 They are great for storytelling and conveying a message to the
viewer as it is very direct and straight foreword. The visuals with
the commentary make it easy for the viewer to understand the
message being told to them. This is for educational topics where a
personal experience could be involved as it creates a bond
between the viewer and the person in the documentary, making it
more empathetic.
The 6 Different Styles of
Documentaries – Observational
 Observational: they focus on observing the world around them.
They give voices to different sides of an issue, getting ‘exclusive’
firsthand footage in both public and private settings
 Example: Crisis – Robert Dew
 They create a sense of realness and truth, allowing people to
connect to those who are powerful, such as country leaders. They
strip back to raw emotion of a particular issue and the real
problems, however it they can be abused to make propaganda or
manipulate the viewer to think a particular thing. They can
manipulate emotions to make the viewer to feel more empathetic
to the subject or against the issue.
The 6 Different Styles of
Documentaries – Participatory
 Participatory: the filmmaker themselves will be in the documentary –
whether its their voice or them physically, they are present. Comes from
the word participate – meaning the filmmaker gets involved.
 Example: Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons
 This is the most natural type of documentary as it includes conversations
which are usually scripted but are made in a way that makes them look
natural. There is usually lots of location changes and interviews with
various different people on a certain topic.
 The filmmaker themselves will actually get involved with certain activity,
such as staying at prisons, a certain job or sport, or it could be more
research based where the filmmaker documents themselves doing
research into a topic.
The 6 Different Styles of
Documentaries – Reflexive
 Reflexive: Very similar to Participatory, however, the focus
solely on the filmmaker themselves, rather then a subject. For
example, they could be biography films or vlog style video
 Example: Louis Theroux – any of his series
 Example: Icarus - Bryan Fogel
 It is about the filmmaker rather then the subject, so the
documentary will reflect them –the title will usually have their
name in the title, emphasizing that it is about them. It usually
includes the filmmaker taking in a certain activity or experience
done by the filmmaker themselves.
The 6 Different Styles of
Documentaries – Performative
 Performative: A type of a documentary that focuses on a
combination of styles whilst including a personal experience or
story to create an emotional connection to the audience, which
triggers an emotional response.
 Example: Supersized Me
 It is also known as the ‘Michael Moore’ effect as he uses this
technique most of his documentaries. He uses personal stories
as a way to construct social truths without having to argue the
validity of his experiences.
What are Fanzines?
 Fanzine by definition – a non-professional and non-official
publication produced by enthusiasts of a particular cultural
phenomenon for the pleasure of others who share their interest.
 Examples of Zines:
Fanzines can be
made about any
subject. They are
usually about music
but can cover topics
such as art, fashion,
films, television,
comics etc.
Interview styles:
 Narrative – this gives space for paraphrasing about what the
interviewee has said whilst having the raw material at hand to
make direct quotes. Easiest to offer context and analysis.
 Conversational – a looser form of formal writing which is
required for most essays. Room to address the reader directly
and the option of using first or second person. Used for class
assignments or magazine articles.
 Q&A – displays both the question asked and the answer given
by the interviewee. This gives a basic structure of an interview
and is the simplest to write into a magazine article – although
no freedom for analysis or paraphrasing.
 Unlike video editing, where things can be shuffled around last
minute, fanzines require pagination. This is when each page is
planned out carefully before production. It allows the editor to
understand how much space they have for an article and have
a clearly planned out project from start to finish.
 This means that when using software like InDesign, the work
isn’t broken up or shifted around as when printing print, it can
be off line or out of place.
 This will be extremely helpful during production as I will have
already have thought out the structure of the fanzine and have
the blue print to hand when constructing the fanzine.
Idea Generation
 Video format – graphics with some footage of my own plus
royalty free footage
 Is working at Home the Future?
 Coronavirus, pollution, economy
 Gen Z and their relationship with Social Media that could be
deadly: Body Image
 How gen z are being controlled into thinking that their body is not
 Accounts that protest that view and encourage self love
 The risk of mental health problems evolving due to social media
Body image on
social media and its
Creating a false and
unrealistic image that
influences young girls,
enforcing unrealistic
beauty standards –
leading to mental health
The ‘normal’ child has more
anxiety problems then a
psychiatric patient in the 50s –
body image on social media is a
large factor to these problems.
Source - American
Psychological Association:
Journal of Personality and Social
Instagram models
posting pictures with
super toned body then
posting a picture of their
real body. These popular
creators are making
certain body types
‘trendy’ making it seem
you cant be beautiful or
‘you’ without having that
body type.
Body image and representation on
social media mainly effects girls as
they are more likely to be judged
about their weight as people are
more likely to comment on it,
telling them they are not attractive
and a man doesn’t like it.
Because of such
demanding standards,
comment sections on
social media platforms
such as TikTok have
been filled with back
handed compliments
such as “you’re so
brave” or “I wasn’t
hungry anyway” making
it normal to comment on
a person’s weight and
insinuating they would
go to many lengths to
look like them.
People who are
comfortable in their
weight can be seen as a
threat because society
doesn’t like it when
people are happy with
Studies have shown that
loosing weight doesn’t
always equal happiness.
Main points
 False reality – happiness, body image, family life, lots of
 Self love accounts protesting the standards, showing girls to
love themselves
 Plastic surgery – celebrities lying, saying that their face is
natural when they actually got surgery, making these girls
believe that they look like that naturally.
 An increase of mental health illnesses such as body
dysmorphia, anxiety and depression in teenagers
 As a result, backhanded compliments being spread around the
Useful links
 Mamma Mia 2 and the many plot holes
 Was the sequel needed?
 Meryl Streep breaking her no sequel rule – was it worth it?
 Split views – 79% Rotten tomatoes, 6.7/10 IMDB, 75 million dollar
 The 30 – Year – Rule
 30 years after a decade, it comes back into style, happened with the
80’s and it now started with the 90’s
 Music trends, fashion trends, things are going in reverse
 Keeps happening at the start of each decade
The 30-Year-Rule
Trends in music – radios started
playing 80’s music, it was even in
the pop charts.
Pop artists started to create music
which could pass as 80’s music, for
example – uptown fuck (mark
ronson) Trends in tv and films –
80’s themed shows ie
stranger things, the
goldbergs, glow, films
such as submarine, the
rack pack, edie the eagle
All made 30 years after
the decade itself, fuelling
the popularity of the
trends in the decade.
American Horror Story –
1984 – made in 2018/19
Everything Sucks – set in
the 90s, Dazed &
Confused – set in the 70s,
made in the 90s
Fashion trends, double denim,
volumized hair, double denim.
People started wearing 80s
sweatshirts and windbreakers
started getting more popular.
Brands such as Nike brought
back old style trainers back into
production after a demand for
them again – Cortex. The design
of their products also reflect the
decade – shell material, large
blocks of colours, jackets made
in the same pattern as they did in
the 80s.
Crimped hair has also made a
comeback into society, making it
popular to buy and style their hair
like they did in the 80s
Interior design trends also
reflect this rule. Making the
styles of sofas that were
popular coming back, whilst
also using the same bright
colour patterns and chunky
plastic looking furniture.
90s trends coming back
recently, fashion and music,
following the trend. In the
80s, there was a surge of
50s music coming back.
Main Points
 Explain The 30-Year-Rule and how it works
 How the 80s were so popular last decade, the 90s already starting to come
back into fashion.
 Fashion trends
 Brands bringing back products from the 80s and creating clothes in the
style of the trends in the 80s
 Music becoming popular
 Radios playing nonstop 80s, even coming back into the pop charts.
 Tv and films creating content set in the 80s
 Stranger things/ glow/ AHS1984
 90s coming back into fashion quickly
 Trends in fashion and music
Useful links
 Why is the 30-year-rule a thing?
 As people get older, things from their teen years make them feel good as it
reminds them of when times were good. Psychologist have done studies
that show that “Nostalgia is experienced as an overwhelmingly positive
emotion. It as the effect of boosting one’s mood as well as increasing a
sense of meaning in life” – study done by David Ludden Ph.D. other
studies have shown that the music you listen in your teen years stay with
you. This is because people are reminded of the times where they have
little to no responsibility in life and they were typically the happiest. Both
these studies reflect the 30 year rule.
 Take a person who was 13 in 1980, they are now 40 years old. This
means they spent their entire teen years in the 80s. Hearing old songs or
seeing new fashion trends would take them back to their teen years,
making them want to keep listening to this music. This is the 30-year-rule
in motion. People going back to their teen years many years after they
have experienced it.
 The Medium of Music Videos
 How music videos can effect the ways that people think of a song
vs the singer.
 Different visual concepts used in the videos and how they can all
be different
 Rise of streaming – platforms like Spotify have introduced short
videos which can be put on the song cover
 Singers now release a single with a video, rather then just a song
 They can be a series – Fall Out Boy – The Youngblood Chronicles
– which fall on from each other – full albums.
The Medium Of
Music Videos
Music videos allow an artist to
visualize their song for their
fans, which could change a
entire songs meaning
completely. This can give the
song more meaning and adds
the impact of what the singer is
actually saying. i.e. FKA Twigs
uses her videos as an art form
to convey the utter raw
emotions in her songs.
Due to the rise of streaming
platforms such as YouTube,
which is the second most
popular search engine after
Google, music videos have
been made accessible to
everyone. This means that the
music videos can bring in lots
of income to an artist, making
them really important to an
artists career.
Music videos allow artists to be creative with
their songs and make something that
representative of that song or create an art
piece. For Example, Fall Out Boy created the
Youngblood Chronicles for their album Save
Rock and Roll. This gave their fans an 11 part
visual experience of their album, creating a
storyline that the fans could follow.
It is now expected of an artist
to release a single with a
partnering music video along
with it. This builds up hype for
the song and for the visual
experience, almost like 2 big
releases. For example singer
Ruel and Gracey released a
single together early this year
but release the music video
the day after the song came
out, drumming up even more
excitement to see the song
There are different
types of music
videos which can
be used:
Useful Links
 How Lorde has impacted the music industry with only 2 studio
albums and how she has influenced the youth of today
 Heartfelt, real, raw lyrics that speak to her listeners.
 She has a way of using words to create a sense of nostalgia
that is unsaid – Ribs – talks about a time where they were
happy and care free, but that feeling is not satisfying enough to
hold on too because they are older.
 She has little to no social media presence, yet she she has
over 10 million followers on Instagram and over 12 million
monthly listeners on Spotify, even though she has not released
music since 2017
Notes on the sources
 Net worth of $16 mill
 Won song of the year at the Grammy in 2014 at age 17, making her the youngest
person in history to win a Grammy In that category
 Signed to universal music group at age 13 to write music for them
 Self released an EP in Nov 2012, which was able for purchase in marc 2013 due to
popularity then released an album in Sept 2013, at age 17
 She has little to no appearance on social media, sending emails to her fans with
updates every few months
 Produces her own music with Jack Antonoff
 Wrote the soundtrack for the Hunger Games
 12.5 monthly listeners on Spotify even though she hasn’t released music since 2017
 2 world tours and festivals
 Royals was voted as one of the songs of the decade by Q magazine
 All done by the age of 23
Lorde’s Influence
on the Music
Net worth of $16 mill at
the age of 23, with only 2
studio albums out.
Won song of the year
at the Grammy in
2014 at age 17,
making her the
youngest person in
history to win a
Grammy In that
Signed to
universal music
group at age 13
to write music for
Self released an EP in Nov
2012, which was able for
purchase in march 2013
due to popularity then
released an album in Sept
2013, at age 17
She has little to no appearance
on social media, sending emails
to her fans with updates every
few months
Produces her own
music with Jack
Wrote the
soundtrack for the
Hunger Games
12.5 monthly listeners on
Spotify even though she
hasn’t released music
since 2017
2 world tours
and festivals
Royals was voted
as one of the songs
of the decade by Q
Useful Links
 Articles:
 Videos:
Notes on:
 ‘The Love Club’ EP she released was in the Top Five Charts in
New Zealand (her home country) for 5 months
 She is the youngest person to reach number 1 on the US Billboard
Charts (age 16) with ‘Royals’, since Tiffany in 1987 with “I Think
We’re Alone Now”
 She has had complete control in all her projects since she started
in music, because - “Everything that’s put out with my name on it
should be representative of me and what i want to do as an artist,
as opposed to what some dudes in a room think is going to make
a lot of money.” – direct quote from article
 Written by Dan Stubbs on 3rd October 2013
+ Notes on:
 “Lorde's work is distinctive in that it is written by her and for her: a
document of the nuanced fabric of one adolescent's reality that
has resonated universally” – quote
 On songs like "Liability," she stripped back the veneer of self-
deprecation and detachment to immerse herself in the sincerity of
rock-bottom insecurity. A teenager might rear back from it, but as a
newly-minted adult, Lorde is ready to sit with it, stand back up and
move on, acknowledging that those feelings exist but not letting
their weight anchor her in their depths
 She is able to make songs that relate to certain subjects which
both her and her audience can feel on an emotional level, no other
artist has been able to creating these songs like she has.
+ Notes on:
 Participatory documentary style, where the host sits and talks
about the certain subject, done in a way that appeals to the
 A mixture of footage and graphics used to give a visual of the
point being made, this breaks up the documentary, to keep the
viewer interested and makes it less boring, as its not only one
 Short, quick, fun video, making it easy to watch. The quick
commentary makes it enjoyable for viewers.
 Very informative and I perfect for the target age group that they
intend to attract – secondary school age.
+ Notes on:
 Observational style documentary about an age group in a
certain city
 Very pointed documentary, very specific subject which would
appeal to the audience. With this, it could appeal to older
generations and younger generations.
 Hits lots of different people, breaking up the documentary into
different parts as it shows different stories of various 16-year-
olds in London.
 Very quick paced documentary, keeping the watchers attention
as the location/ focus changes.
Fanzine research
+ Notes on :
 Fanzines brought the rise of music journalism
 Chatty almost informal style of journalism, people say its like
talking to a friend because the reader and writer both share a
common interest at the same level, so fanzines are able to
have more chatty, relaxed articles, as it is more personal then a
 Done by fans for fans – no big publishing management or
marketing strategy team – just passionate fans writing about
their favorite musicians or interest.
Existing Products -
When they started
 Fanzines were created in the 1930s by science-fiction
fandoms, taking the name ‘fanzine’ which is short for ‘fan –
magazine’, which later became just ‘zines’.
 Sci-Fi zines were the most popular category of zine until the
70s when music zines took over, due to the development of
machinery which made it easier for zines to be created. It was
mainly punk music zines, created in mainly London, Los
Angeles and New York.
 By 1993, over 40,000 zines were being printed in North
America alone – most of them about music and politics.
 Fanzines nowadays are usually online and can be in the form o blogs,
Instagram, Twitter or Facebook accounts dedicated to a celebrity or
YouTube shows. Fanzines have had to adapt to the rise of social media
and technology. This means that they have changed format slightly, as the
information they once held can be found in a simple Google search.
 The audience range is similar, however is its now younger, as more
younger people have access to the internet. Most of these accounts are
ran by 14-18 year-olds and can have thousand and thousands of followers
– thus it can be classed at a fanzine, only in a different format.
Sniffin’ Glue and Other Rock’n’Roll
 Sniffin’ Glue was a fanzine created
in July 1976 and went on
production for about a year.
 The name was inspired by a
Ramones song ‘Now I Wanna Sniff
Some Glue’
 It was all about punk bands in the
70s, including articles, pictures and
information about upcoming gigs or
Everyzine Everyzine
 Everyzine Everyzine is a fanzine
created by fans of the band
Everything Everything. It is an
online fanzine, found on Yumpu.
 It includes photos, fan comments,
articles, fan art and QR codes
which allow access to covers or
songs by the band.
 It is a long fanzine – totaling at
148 pages, which is a lot longer
then a usual fanzine is.
Riot Grrl
 Riot grrrl is a musical genre and feminist punk movement, which inspired
the production of many fanzines which followed this movement.
 Zines such as Jigsaw, Twinkle Eye Fizzy, Starlet, Riot Girl London,
Aggamengmong Moggie, Vaginal Teeth, all followed the riot grrl
 It started in the early 90s as a feminist movement which inspired women
to make a change. It stared in Olympia, Washington by a small group of
women who wanted to start a ‘girl riot’ against sexism in their city. The
movement spread to over 26 countries. It combines punk music,
feminism and politics.
 A zine Radical Cheerleader Handbook used radical, controversial art to
create a shock factor to draw in young women into the movement.
Task 2: Idea Development and Planning U9 2.1
You could create a mood board of images related to your product. They could be inspirational or visually
interesting. Analyse what you have gathered.
Decide on content and think about how you will structure your piece – consider the conventions of your
chosen style/genre, think about the best methods to appeal to your audience.
Finally work out a production schedule for the project. Once you have a final proposal, begin to plan how you
intend to realise your project and what you will need to create/collect.
Planning will vary depending on if you are doing a web series, podcast or a fanzine.
Web-series: A script, storyboard, organisational docs and clearance forms for your contributors/sources.
Fanzine: Content outline, visual style, pagination, organisational documents.
Podcast: Script, organisational docs, clearance forms for your contributors/sources.
Lorde’s aesthetic
has changed from
album to album,
when talking about
her older music,
this will be the
colour scheme for
them parts.
Colour scheme from
album cover, so that the
theme and colours match
each other. This keeps a
subtle link between the
theme and fanzine.
- Microsoft YaHei UI Light -
Font options:
- Yu Gothic Light -
The colour scheme for
parts where live
performances are used
will change to this one:
- Gadugi -
Fonts to use for the title
or any parts where text is
necessary. Keeping the
same font as it keeps
consistency and makes it
look neater.
 At 12-years-old, she signed a development contract with Universal Music Group
where she wrote songs and music.
 In the space of 2 years (2012-2014), she released ‘The Love Club’ EP on
Soundcloud which got so much attention it was able to purchase less than 6
months later, she released a full length album, was the youngest person to reach
number 1 on the Billboard charts is over a decade, her singles Royals won her a
Grammy for best solo pop performance and song of the year, making her the
youngest person in history to receive that award in both categories, she had a
sold-out North American tour and even performed with Nirvana, Royals also won
best rock video a the MTV awards, making her the first woman to have won that
award. She also created the soundtrack for the film The Hunger Games:
Mockingjay part 1.
 She then took a 3-year break, both from the public eye and music. But in 2017,
she made her comeback with her single ‘Green Light’, which was received with
positive criticism. Her second album ‘Melodrama’ was nominated for Album of the
Year in 2018, but sadly lost. For the Grammys in 2018, Lorde wore an iconic
dress which supported the #MeToo movement which supports women who came
out about sexual assault. This dress caused many articles to be written and
controversy throughout the music industry.
Page Structures
Picture of Lorde
Title of Fanzine
PAGE – page
page 12
Concert / tour
poster of a similar
Inside of cover –
page 2
Inside of back cover
– page 11
Advert for a
Advert for a
Contents page – page
Page 10
Page of contents
1. a
2. a
3. a
4. a
5. a
6. a
End of an
Page 4 Page 9
Start of article
Small photo
Start of article
Page 5 Page 8
Large photo of Lorde
1st article continued
Page 6 Page 7
Double page spread of found fan art
Production Schedule:
Week Planning
Week One The first week of production, I will focus on
writing all the text needed for the entire
fanzine – this could be articles, fan opinions
I will also start collecting photos and fan art
that I can use for the zine.
Week Two Before I even start production, I will make
sure I have a full blueprint of the entire
fanzine that I can follow in the second
This is when I will start to put the fanzine
together, inputting all the the articles and
photos into the right places etc.
I will also focus on colour using the colour
schemes from my mood board.
Week Three In the final week, I will take this time to
brush up any last minute editing and
checking to see if the fanzine is in the
correct order and any double page spreads
run smooth.
Audience Research
+ Primary Audience research
 Asking this question was pretty vital for my
project as it helps me understand if my
chosen colour scheme fits with what my
audience thinks.
 It was a tight win by dark colours – only by
9%, which is the equivalent of 1 person.
Even though the category only ‘wins’ by a
small percentage, it helps me to know an
understand that the audience think of dark
colours when it comes to live music,
meaning when I use pictures from live
performances, the colours surrounding that
page should be darker rather then lighter.
 Doing this in my product will appeal to my
audience, as it means I have listened to
what they think of when watching live music,
this means that when they read the part of
the fanzine which is about live performance,
the colour scheme of dark colours will let
them make that connection in their head,
making them think of their gig experiences.
Primary Audience research
 The results to this question
confirmed that the topic I had
chosen was the right sort of thing
that people wanted to read. It
showed me that people do in fact
want to read about their favourite
 3 people did say no, but
considering the fact that the
opposite view got over 50% more
votes, it cancels out the people
who voted no, as I will focus on
the 70% who voted yes.
 It also tells me that the audience
like actually reading articles,
meaning I can infer that I should
include multiple articles in my
Primary Audience research
 The answers to this question helps
me understand what the audience
prefer structurally when reading a
magazine. This also means that I
can base the structure of my fanzine
around the preferences of my
audience. This also means that I
can include fun graphics matching a
colour scheme to surround the
selection of photos, it also means I
can fill up a few of my 12 pages with
 It also matches my prediction from
the audience, a being a member of
the target audience myself, the
answers I would put for these
questions are similar to the ones I
am getting.
+ Primary Audience research
 I needed the answers to be able to plan out the
structure of my fanzine, as it helps me
understand what the audience like when reading
a magazine. This means I can include this into
the blue print of the fanzine in a way that
appeals to the audience.
 For example, having the answers to the ‘Why?’
question allowed my audience to say why they
think structure is so important. Being able to
read these answers and see what the audience
find annoying when reading a magazine – e.g.
when a photo is placed in the middle of an
article, or when the paragraphs are split clearly
enough or if the structure isn’t aesthetic, it can
make reading it discomforting or not enjoyable.
It is important that I considering these factors
when planning out my fanzine as it could effect
the appeal to the target audience.
Primary Audience research
 This is also helpful to understand the
type of journalism the audience
prefers. This will be helpful so when
it comes to writing the articles, I know
that the audience prefers a more
relaxed, chatty style, rather then a
more formal, focused style of writing.
 It means I can plan my articles a bit
more loosely, as it isn’t as important
for it to be a formal article. It also
makes the article more personal to
the reader, as it makes it feel like
your are talking to a friend, rather
then being told a lot of information.
Secondary Audience research
Large block text –
one word name of
the fanzine ,
keeping it simple
and easy to
remember and
Short, little bits of
information explain
what is in the zine,
without lots of detail.
Matching font to the
title, only more
compressed and
thinner, this makes it
look neater and keeps
consistence throughout
the cover.
Price on the front,
very small price (it
would usually cover
printing costs)
Block colours used for
a simple design. It is a
simple yet effective
design – bright
colours are eye
catching to the
The colours against
the neutral
compliment the design
making it ‘pop’ more.
Secondary Audience research
The contrast between red
and black and the neutral
background make the
cover stand out to the
buyer, drawing attention
using bright colours. The
red connects the emotion
anger or passion which
could link to the subject of
the zine.
Small graphic on the
front, which breaks up
the cover from
different subjects,
probably created by
spray paint and
It’s a very loud cover –
there is lots of
information on it,
contrasting from the
cover before which was
more simplistic and
orgnised. The chaotic
layout of this zine links
to the subject of punk
music which is known to
be quite loud and
chaotic. This would have
attracted buyers more
as they would find it
more appealing to them.
Secondary Audience research
No colour –
probably due to the
high printing costs
and accessibility.
Obscene title which
would attract their
target audience as
the punk music
scene was known
for being crude and
Putting the names
of bigger bands to
draw in all different
fan bases to buy
their zine. This will
bring in a range of
music listeners
which would benefit
the zine as there
would be more
Including deals for
physical albums which
would appeal to the
buyers as they could
save money –
especially since the
fanzine itself is only
Production Log/Evaluation
Day 1
 Foe the first day of production, I created the layout for the front and back
cover of my fanzine, I took extra time with these as it would be the first
impression a reader would have when choosing to buy a zine. The cover
is the most important factor when buying a magazine, so it is important
that I take extra time to plan out the layout and colour schemes used for
the cover.
 To create the front cover, I used pictures found of Lorde from the same
concert, meaning that the lighting and colour was similar to each picture.
This keeps consistency on the front page, not having loads of different
colours, which would make it look out of place.
 After researching physical music magazines, each copy usually have a
picture for a tour of a certain celebrity. Considering that my magazine is
mainly about Lorde, for the back cover I created a mock tour poster
inspired by her original poster. I changed it into my style, by cutting her
body out and layer two others which were slightly off set which created a
blurred effect. I used the style of writing the original used but I altered it
slightly so it fit with my style.
Day 2
 During day 2, I finished up the back cover of my fanzine and started an
experiment with a parallax moving picture. Because I am creating a digital
fanzine, I have decided to include a parallax picture in my digital copy and if I
decide to create a physical copy, I will use the original picture instead of the
 The parallax image has allowed me to develop my skills more with
Photoshop and Aftereffects. This will pay off when it comes to editing more
pictures into my fanzine. I found it quite easy to create and will definitely
practice creating them so I can use more complex ones in my FMP or future
projects. With this still fresh in my mind, I cracked on with creating an
experiment for the parallax I will use in my digital copy of my fanzine. For
this I did a simple cut of Lorde and kept the background the same. I then
took it into Aftereffects and did a 3D bounce rotation, showing off the layers
in the animation. I then took it to Premiere Pro to crop the video and put it on
a repeat which worked smoothly.
 On InDesign, I created the structure of my fanzine and added both the cover
and back page. This gives me the time to plan out the other pages and write
the articles.
Day 3
 On Day 3, I took a break from creating pages and decided to
start on the articles that would go inside the article. I decided
that I would have 2 main articles then have smaller blocks of
information around the pages. The subjects are, a brief history
of her career and an interview style article with a fan.
 I wrote the articles on a Word document first, then when the
time comes, I will add it onto the pages. This gives me the
opportunity to adjust the shape of the pages before I have
created them, just in case the article is too long or too short.
 I used all the information I found in my research to help me
write the article, so that it would fit in with the project.
Day 4
 On this day of production, I focused on getting the structure of the pages ready to add to
the InDesign file.
 I managed to complete pages 4/5 and pages 6/7, whilst planning out the next few pages,
which I will do tomorrow. This means that my zine is coming together nicely, however I do
need to make sure that I have work that can be done in college. I am really enjoying this
project and so far, I haven’t had many problems with the production stage.
 On pages 4/5 is the first article, matched with a few pictures. When writing the article, it
cover one side of an a4 piece of paper in size 10.5, so I got a bit worried that it wouldn’t fit
on the zine as it would be too long, however I was able to size it down and fit it in nicely
across the two pages. I used a gradient for the backgrounds which sampled colours from
one of the photos I used, to keep the consistency with the aesthetics. I made sure that I
used the same gradient across the two pages so when they are next to each other, the
gradients are the same and they fit together nicely.
 On page 6/7 there is a double page spread of fanart which I found. This was easy to make
as it breaks up the two articles with pictures, which doesn’t block up the whole zine with
just writing about Lorde. This was also nice to make as it showcases real work done by her
fans which wouldn’t usually be scene in a normal magazines, but short zines like to include
this work to give the fans a platform to show their talents.
Day 5
 On this day I made sure I had completed both articles and
edited them onto the pages which they would be on.
 By the end of the day, I only had 2 pages left to edit. However, I
have decided that I will go over each page and re-edit them to
match the aesthetics more and improve it more. I like the way it
is turning out, but it just needs a bit of perfecting.
 I decided that I would change some of the aspects in the
original fanzine so it would match up with the other parts more.
This would show development in my work throughout the
project. However, there were still some pages that I wasn’t
quite happy with, so I will probably shift those again.
Day 6
 I finished editing all the pages and constructed a first copy of
the fanzine in InDesign. This allowed me to see the final thing
in the correct structure, which meant I could also evaluate
which pages needed redoing and which ones fit nicely.
 In conclusion, I decided to re-edit five pages: page 2,3,4,5 and
11. I found that these pages didn’t look right with the rest of the
fanzine and should be readjusted.
 For page 2, I changed the structure of the advert. The original
copy was too relaxed and didn’t have much structure to it which
made it hard to read. I liked the background and the choice of
font, but I had just positioned everything weirdly and thought it
would look better if it had more structure to it.
Original Re-worked
 For page 3, I changed the background colour, as I found that
the original copy was far too dark and looked out of place with
the lighter pages. This made the page fit a lot better. I also
changed the font, as I didn’t like the original and thought the
newer one made it look more smart.
Original Re-worked
 Similarly, to page 3, I found that the gradient I had used for the
background in page 4 didn’t fit with the rest of the other article
of the fanzine. Granted, the different articles have different
subjects which could change their aesthetics, but I thought it
would look smarter if they matched.
Original Re-work
 Again, for page 5, I found that the gradient was far too dark,
and if I were t change page 4, I would have to change page 5
as well as it is a double page spread.
Original Re-work
 For page 11, I only really changed the name of the event and
the font I used. I’m not a big fan of this one after the re-work, so
I will probably change this again, until it fits nicely and I like how
it looks.
Original Re-work
Day 7
 When I had finished all the pages, I exported the pages into the
InDesign file, however when it came to exporting the InDesign
file, I struggled with getting the pages to show up when
exported. After a few attempts, I found that I had to export the
pages a different way by packaging them together then
uploading the spreads onto Issuu.
 I like how the final product came out at the end. Since I still
have a few days of production, there is still time to change any
pages around, if I decide that they don’t work.
Day 8
 After finishing the fanzine for the second time, I realized that it
needed to be changed a bit more, so I changed up some of the
pages a bit more dramatically.
 Here are the changes I made:
Page 3
For this rework, I wanted to keep consistency from the style of the cover into
the fanzine, so I changed it using the same style. I think it fitted a lot better
into the overall fanzine and it followed my research that I had done.
Pages 4/5/6
 For these pages, I changed the colour of the background, so it fit
with the colours in the pictures and so I could use red boxes to
make the pull quotes standout from the background. I think that the
newer pages fit better then the ones before, it also allowed me to
use more pull quotes and I could utilize more space.
Page 7
 I added this page so I could keep consistency of the cut-out
effect that I used on the cover and for the contents page. It
also made a nice graphic to break up the focus from articles.
Page 8/9/10
 Similarly to the first article, I shifted the structure. I changed
the single picture of Lorde to a bigger graphic which looked
better as it fit in more then the original page.
 For this project I feel as though that I have pushed myself
creatively, however I think that I could have pushed myself
even more to create a better product. I could have followed the
influence of a proper 70s fanzine and go wild with the editing
and all-round aesthetic of the zine.
 I redid the fanzine multiple times which shows my progression
of creativity and the evolution of the project itself. I liked the
cover I created and as I developed the zine more, I found that I
went back to the cut-out style which kept more consistency
throughout the entire project.
1. The Beat (2020) Jourdan Aldredge – The 6 Types of Documentaries
2. NME (2013) Dan Stubbs – 16-year-old Singer Lorde Is The Youngest Person To Score
US Number One for 26 Years
3. NPR Music (2018) Cyrena Touros – Lorde Is The 21st Century’s Author Of Adolescent
4. Wisecrack (2013) Thug Notes
5. Vice (2018) i-D Magazine
6. So Young Magazine (2019) Josh Whettingsteel
7. EE Braincell. (2020) Everyzine Everyzine
8. Britannica (2017) Michael Ray

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Factual project

  • 3. + The 6 Different Styles of Documentaries – Poetic  Poetic: documentaries that tend toward subjective interpretation of its subject, they forsake traditional narrative content: individual characters and events remain undeveloped in favor of creating a particular mood or tone.  Example: Time – A Poetic Documentary  They use no commentary in order to create an artistic ambiance, similar to the use of words in poems. Focusing on visual aesthetics, they use more well thought out artistic shots with fitting music in the background. Could be found in museums to create a beautiful image of a certain thing – for example could be used in a science museum to show Earth.
  • 4. + The 6 Different Styles of Documentaries – Expository  Expository: They set up a specific point of view or argument about a subject. Often a narrator speaks directly to the viewer which draws attention to the relationship between the images on screen and verbal commentary  Example: City of Gold – Dir. Colin Law and Wolf Koenig _title  They are great for storytelling and conveying a message to the viewer as it is very direct and straight foreword. The visuals with the commentary make it easy for the viewer to understand the message being told to them. This is for educational topics where a personal experience could be involved as it creates a bond between the viewer and the person in the documentary, making it more empathetic.
  • 5. + The 6 Different Styles of Documentaries – Observational  Observational: they focus on observing the world around them. They give voices to different sides of an issue, getting ‘exclusive’ firsthand footage in both public and private settings  Example: Crisis – Robert Dew e  They create a sense of realness and truth, allowing people to connect to those who are powerful, such as country leaders. They strip back to raw emotion of a particular issue and the real problems, however it they can be abused to make propaganda or manipulate the viewer to think a particular thing. They can manipulate emotions to make the viewer to feel more empathetic to the subject or against the issue.
  • 6. + The 6 Different Styles of Documentaries – Participatory  Participatory: the filmmaker themselves will be in the documentary – whether its their voice or them physically, they are present. Comes from the word participate – meaning the filmmaker gets involved.  Example: Inside the World’s Toughest Prisons  This is the most natural type of documentary as it includes conversations which are usually scripted but are made in a way that makes them look natural. There is usually lots of location changes and interviews with various different people on a certain topic.  The filmmaker themselves will actually get involved with certain activity, such as staying at prisons, a certain job or sport, or it could be more research based where the filmmaker documents themselves doing research into a topic.
  • 7. + The 6 Different Styles of Documentaries – Reflexive  Reflexive: Very similar to Participatory, however, the focus solely on the filmmaker themselves, rather then a subject. For example, they could be biography films or vlog style video  Example: Louis Theroux – any of his series  Example: Icarus - Bryan Fogel  It is about the filmmaker rather then the subject, so the documentary will reflect them –the title will usually have their name in the title, emphasizing that it is about them. It usually includes the filmmaker taking in a certain activity or experience done by the filmmaker themselves.
  • 8. + The 6 Different Styles of Documentaries – Performative  Performative: A type of a documentary that focuses on a combination of styles whilst including a personal experience or story to create an emotional connection to the audience, which triggers an emotional response.  Example: Supersized Me  It is also known as the ‘Michael Moore’ effect as he uses this technique most of his documentaries. He uses personal stories as a way to construct social truths without having to argue the validity of his experiences.
  • 10. + What are Fanzines?  Fanzine by definition – a non-professional and non-official publication produced by enthusiasts of a particular cultural phenomenon for the pleasure of others who share their interest.  Examples of Zines: Fanzines can be made about any subject. They are usually about music but can cover topics such as art, fashion, films, television, comics etc.
  • 11. + Interview styles:  Narrative – this gives space for paraphrasing about what the interviewee has said whilst having the raw material at hand to make direct quotes. Easiest to offer context and analysis.  Conversational – a looser form of formal writing which is required for most essays. Room to address the reader directly and the option of using first or second person. Used for class assignments or magazine articles.  Q&A – displays both the question asked and the answer given by the interviewee. This gives a basic structure of an interview and is the simplest to write into a magazine article – although no freedom for analysis or paraphrasing.
  • 12. + Pagination  Unlike video editing, where things can be shuffled around last minute, fanzines require pagination. This is when each page is planned out carefully before production. It allows the editor to understand how much space they have for an article and have a clearly planned out project from start to finish.  This means that when using software like InDesign, the work isn’t broken up or shifted around as when printing print, it can be off line or out of place.  This will be extremely helpful during production as I will have already have thought out the structure of the fanzine and have the blue print to hand when constructing the fanzine.
  • 14. + Ideas  Video format – graphics with some footage of my own plus royalty free footage  Is working at Home the Future?  Coronavirus, pollution, economy  Gen Z and their relationship with Social Media that could be deadly: Body Image  How gen z are being controlled into thinking that their body is not beautiful  Accounts that protest that view and encourage self love  The risk of mental health problems evolving due to social media
  • 15. + Body image on social media and its effects Creating a false and unrealistic image that influences young girls, enforcing unrealistic beauty standards – leading to mental health problems. The ‘normal’ child has more anxiety problems then a psychiatric patient in the 50s – body image on social media is a large factor to these problems. Source - American Psychological Association: Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Instagram models posting pictures with super toned body then posting a picture of their real body. These popular creators are making certain body types ‘trendy’ making it seem you cant be beautiful or ‘you’ without having that body type. Body image and representation on social media mainly effects girls as they are more likely to be judged about their weight as people are more likely to comment on it, telling them they are not attractive and a man doesn’t like it. Because of such demanding standards, comment sections on social media platforms such as TikTok have been filled with back handed compliments such as “you’re so brave” or “I wasn’t hungry anyway” making it normal to comment on a person’s weight and insinuating they would go to many lengths to look like them. People who are comfortable in their weight can be seen as a threat because society doesn’t like it when people are happy with themselves. Studies have shown that loosing weight doesn’t always equal happiness.
  • 16. + Main points  False reality – happiness, body image, family life, lots of money.  Self love accounts protesting the standards, showing girls to love themselves  Plastic surgery – celebrities lying, saying that their face is natural when they actually got surgery, making these girls believe that they look like that naturally.  An increase of mental health illnesses such as body dysmorphia, anxiety and depression in teenagers  As a result, backhanded compliments being spread around the internet.
  • 17. + Useful links       image   
  • 18. + Ideas  Mamma Mia 2 and the many plot holes  Was the sequel needed?  Meryl Streep breaking her no sequel rule – was it worth it?  Split views – 79% Rotten tomatoes, 6.7/10 IMDB, 75 million dollar budget  The 30 – Year – Rule  30 years after a decade, it comes back into style, happened with the 80’s and it now started with the 90’s  Music trends, fashion trends, things are going in reverse  Keeps happening at the start of each decade
  • 19. + The 30-Year-Rule Trends in music – radios started playing 80’s music, it was even in the pop charts. Pop artists started to create music which could pass as 80’s music, for example – uptown fuck (mark ronson) Trends in tv and films – 80’s themed shows ie stranger things, the goldbergs, glow, films such as submarine, the rack pack, edie the eagle All made 30 years after the decade itself, fuelling the popularity of the trends in the decade. American Horror Story – 1984 – made in 2018/19 Everything Sucks – set in the 90s, Dazed & Confused – set in the 70s, made in the 90s Fashion trends, double denim, volumized hair, double denim. People started wearing 80s sweatshirts and windbreakers started getting more popular. Brands such as Nike brought back old style trainers back into production after a demand for them again – Cortex. The design of their products also reflect the decade – shell material, large blocks of colours, jackets made in the same pattern as they did in the 80s. Crimped hair has also made a comeback into society, making it popular to buy and style their hair like they did in the 80s Interior design trends also reflect this rule. Making the styles of sofas that were popular coming back, whilst also using the same bright colour patterns and chunky plastic looking furniture. 90s trends coming back recently, fashion and music, following the trend. In the 80s, there was a surge of 50s music coming back.
  • 20. + Main Points  Explain The 30-Year-Rule and how it works  How the 80s were so popular last decade, the 90s already starting to come back into fashion.  Fashion trends  Brands bringing back products from the 80s and creating clothes in the style of the trends in the 80s  Music becoming popular  Radios playing nonstop 80s, even coming back into the pop charts.  Tv and films creating content set in the 80s  Stranger things/ glow/ AHS1984  90s coming back into fashion quickly  Trends in fashion and music
  • 21. + Useful links  rolling-30-year-cycle-of-pop-culture-trends/  heres-how-to-wear-them-in-2019- 18553903#:~:text=%20%2780s%20Fashion%20Trends%20Are% 20Back%20%E2%80%94%20Here%27s,fashion- girl%20favorite%20in%20recent%20seasons%20%E2%80%94... %20More%20   apes/202003/the-psychology-nostalgia
  • 22. + Why?  Why is the 30-year-rule a thing?  As people get older, things from their teen years make them feel good as it reminds them of when times were good. Psychologist have done studies that show that “Nostalgia is experienced as an overwhelmingly positive emotion. It as the effect of boosting one’s mood as well as increasing a sense of meaning in life” – study done by David Ludden Ph.D. other studies have shown that the music you listen in your teen years stay with you. This is because people are reminded of the times where they have little to no responsibility in life and they were typically the happiest. Both these studies reflect the 30 year rule.  Take a person who was 13 in 1980, they are now 40 years old. This means they spent their entire teen years in the 80s. Hearing old songs or seeing new fashion trends would take them back to their teen years, making them want to keep listening to this music. This is the 30-year-rule in motion. People going back to their teen years many years after they have experienced it.
  • 23. + Ideas  The Medium of Music Videos  How music videos can effect the ways that people think of a song vs the singer.  Different visual concepts used in the videos and how they can all be different  Rise of streaming – platforms like Spotify have introduced short videos which can be put on the song cover  Singers now release a single with a video, rather then just a song  They can be a series – Fall Out Boy – The Youngblood Chronicles – which fall on from each other – full albums.
  • 24. + The Medium Of Music Videos Music videos allow an artist to visualize their song for their fans, which could change a entire songs meaning completely. This can give the song more meaning and adds the impact of what the singer is actually saying. i.e. FKA Twigs uses her videos as an art form to convey the utter raw emotions in her songs. Due to the rise of streaming platforms such as YouTube, which is the second most popular search engine after Google, music videos have been made accessible to everyone. This means that the music videos can bring in lots of income to an artist, making them really important to an artists career. Music videos allow artists to be creative with their songs and make something that representative of that song or create an art piece. For Example, Fall Out Boy created the Youngblood Chronicles for their album Save Rock and Roll. This gave their fans an 11 part visual experience of their album, creating a storyline that the fans could follow. It is now expected of an artist to release a single with a partnering music video along with it. This builds up hype for the song and for the visual experience, almost like 2 big releases. For example singer Ruel and Gracey released a single together early this year but release the music video the day after the song came out, drumming up even more excitement to see the song visualized. There are different types of music videos which can be used: Performance Animated Lyric Concept Narrative
  • 26. + Ideas  How Lorde has impacted the music industry with only 2 studio albums and how she has influenced the youth of today  Heartfelt, real, raw lyrics that speak to her listeners.  She has a way of using words to create a sense of nostalgia that is unsaid – Ribs – talks about a time where they were happy and care free, but that feeling is not satisfying enough to hold on too because they are older.  She has little to no social media presence, yet she she has over 10 million followers on Instagram and over 12 million monthly listeners on Spotify, even though she has not released music since 2017
  • 28. + Info  Net worth of $16 mill  Won song of the year at the Grammy in 2014 at age 17, making her the youngest person in history to win a Grammy In that category  Signed to universal music group at age 13 to write music for them  Self released an EP in Nov 2012, which was able for purchase in marc 2013 due to popularity then released an album in Sept 2013, at age 17  She has little to no appearance on social media, sending emails to her fans with updates every few months  Produces her own music with Jack Antonoff  Wrote the soundtrack for the Hunger Games  12.5 monthly listeners on Spotify even though she hasn’t released music since 2017  2 world tours and festivals  Royals was voted as one of the songs of the decade by Q magazine  All done by the age of 23
  • 29. + Lorde’s Influence on the Music Industry Net worth of $16 mill at the age of 23, with only 2 studio albums out. Won song of the year at the Grammy in 2014 at age 17, making her the youngest person in history to win a Grammy In that category Signed to universal music group at age 13 to write music for them Self released an EP in Nov 2012, which was able for purchase in march 2013 due to popularity then released an album in Sept 2013, at age 17 She has little to no appearance on social media, sending emails to her fans with updates every few months Produces her own music with Jack Antonoff Wrote the soundtrack for the Hunger Games 12.5 monthly listeners on Spotify even though she hasn’t released music since 2017 2 world tours and festivals Royals was voted as one of the songs of the decade by Q magazine
  • 30. + Useful Links  Articles:   melodrama-is-fantastically-intimate-a-production-tour-de-force-200314/  author-of-adolescent-evolution?t=1600166818832  Videos:  jMkFP2QdTbt5Rk&index=2   ShQvOZGaQVN8pt_SID&index=10 
  • 31. + Notes on: 1246495  ‘The Love Club’ EP she released was in the Top Five Charts in New Zealand (her home country) for 5 months  She is the youngest person to reach number 1 on the US Billboard Charts (age 16) with ‘Royals’, since Tiffany in 1987 with “I Think We’re Alone Now”  She has had complete control in all her projects since she started in music, because - “Everything that’s put out with my name on it should be representative of me and what i want to do as an artist, as opposed to what some dudes in a room think is going to make a lot of money.” – direct quote from article  Written by Dan Stubbs on 3rd October 2013 Articles
  • 32. + Notes on: the-21st-centurys-author-of-adolescent- evolution?t=1600166818832  “Lorde's work is distinctive in that it is written by her and for her: a document of the nuanced fabric of one adolescent's reality that has resonated universally” – quote  On songs like "Liability," she stripped back the veneer of self- deprecation and detachment to immerse herself in the sincerity of rock-bottom insecurity. A teenager might rear back from it, but as a newly-minted adult, Lorde is ready to sit with it, stand back up and move on, acknowledging that those feelings exist but not letting their weight anchor her in their depths  She is able to make songs that relate to certain subjects which both her and her audience can feel on an emotional level, no other artist has been able to creating these songs like she has.
  • 33. + Notes on:  Participatory documentary style, where the host sits and talks about the certain subject, done in a way that appeals to the viewers.  A mixture of footage and graphics used to give a visual of the point being made, this breaks up the documentary, to keep the viewer interested and makes it less boring, as its not only one scene.  Short, quick, fun video, making it easy to watch. The quick commentary makes it enjoyable for viewers.  Very informative and I perfect for the target age group that they intend to attract – secondary school age.
  • 34. + Notes on: yzEvi7iBxQShQvOZGaQVN8pt_SID&index=10  Observational style documentary about an age group in a certain city  Very pointed documentary, very specific subject which would appeal to the audience. With this, it could appeal to older generations and younger generations.  Hits lots of different people, breaking up the documentary into different parts as it shows different stories of various 16-year- olds in London.  Very quick paced documentary, keeping the watchers attention as the location/ focus changes.
  • 35. + Fanzine research   to-underrepresented-scenes/     
  • 36. + Notes on : fanzine-in-the-digital-age  Fanzines brought the rise of music journalism  Chatty almost informal style of journalism, people say its like talking to a friend because the reader and writer both share a common interest at the same level, so fanzines are able to have more chatty, relaxed articles, as it is more personal then a magazine.  Done by fans for fans – no big publishing management or marketing strategy team – just passionate fans writing about their favorite musicians or interest.
  • 38. + When they started  Fanzines were created in the 1930s by science-fiction fandoms, taking the name ‘fanzine’ which is short for ‘fan – magazine’, which later became just ‘zines’.  Sci-Fi zines were the most popular category of zine until the 70s when music zines took over, due to the development of machinery which made it easier for zines to be created. It was mainly punk music zines, created in mainly London, Los Angeles and New York.  By 1993, over 40,000 zines were being printed in North America alone – most of them about music and politics.
  • 39. +  Fanzines nowadays are usually online and can be in the form o blogs, Instagram, Twitter or Facebook accounts dedicated to a celebrity or YouTube shows. Fanzines have had to adapt to the rise of social media and technology. This means that they have changed format slightly, as the information they once held can be found in a simple Google search.  The audience range is similar, however is its now younger, as more younger people have access to the internet. Most of these accounts are ran by 14-18 year-olds and can have thousand and thousands of followers – thus it can be classed at a fanzine, only in a different format.
  • 40. + Sniffin’ Glue and Other Rock’n’Roll Habits  Sniffin’ Glue was a fanzine created in July 1976 and went on production for about a year.  The name was inspired by a Ramones song ‘Now I Wanna Sniff Some Glue’  It was all about punk bands in the 70s, including articles, pictures and information about upcoming gigs or events.
  • 41. +
  • 42. + Everyzine Everyzine  Everyzine Everyzine is a fanzine created by fans of the band Everything Everything. It is an online fanzine, found on Yumpu.  It includes photos, fan comments, articles, fan art and QR codes which allow access to covers or songs by the band.  It is a long fanzine – totaling at 148 pages, which is a lot longer then a usual fanzine is.
  • 43. + Riot Grrl  Riot grrrl is a musical genre and feminist punk movement, which inspired the production of many fanzines which followed this movement.  Zines such as Jigsaw, Twinkle Eye Fizzy, Starlet, Riot Girl London, Aggamengmong Moggie, Vaginal Teeth, all followed the riot grrl movement.  It started in the early 90s as a feminist movement which inspired women to make a change. It stared in Olympia, Washington by a small group of women who wanted to start a ‘girl riot’ against sexism in their city. The movement spread to over 26 countries. It combines punk music, feminism and politics.  A zine Radical Cheerleader Handbook used radical, controversial art to create a shock factor to draw in young women into the movement.
  • 44. +
  • 46. Task 2: Idea Development and Planning U9 2.1 You could create a mood board of images related to your product. They could be inspirational or visually interesting. Analyse what you have gathered. Decide on content and think about how you will structure your piece – consider the conventions of your chosen style/genre, think about the best methods to appeal to your audience. Finally work out a production schedule for the project. Once you have a final proposal, begin to plan how you intend to realise your project and what you will need to create/collect. Planning will vary depending on if you are doing a web series, podcast or a fanzine. Web-series: A script, storyboard, organisational docs and clearance forms for your contributors/sources. Fanzine: Content outline, visual style, pagination, organisational documents. Podcast: Script, organisational docs, clearance forms for your contributors/sources.
  • 47. Lorde’s aesthetic has changed from album to album, when talking about her older music, this will be the colour scheme for them parts.
  • 48. Colour scheme from album cover, so that the theme and colours match each other. This keeps a subtle link between the theme and fanzine. LORDE: HER JOURNEY - Microsoft YaHei UI Light - Font options: LORDE: HER JOURNEY - Yu Gothic Light - The colour scheme for parts where live performances are used will change to this one: LORDE: HER JOURNEY - Gadugi - Fonts to use for the title or any parts where text is necessary. Keeping the same font as it keeps consistency and makes it look neater.
  • 49. + Content  At 12-years-old, she signed a development contract with Universal Music Group where she wrote songs and music.  In the space of 2 years (2012-2014), she released ‘The Love Club’ EP on Soundcloud which got so much attention it was able to purchase less than 6 months later, she released a full length album, was the youngest person to reach number 1 on the Billboard charts is over a decade, her singles Royals won her a Grammy for best solo pop performance and song of the year, making her the youngest person in history to receive that award in both categories, she had a sold-out North American tour and even performed with Nirvana, Royals also won best rock video a the MTV awards, making her the first woman to have won that award. She also created the soundtrack for the film The Hunger Games: Mockingjay part 1.  She then took a 3-year break, both from the public eye and music. But in 2017, she made her comeback with her single ‘Green Light’, which was received with positive criticism. Her second album ‘Melodrama’ was nominated for Album of the Year in 2018, but sadly lost. For the Grammys in 2018, Lorde wore an iconic dress which supported the #MeToo movement which supports women who came out about sexual assault. This dress caused many articles to be written and controversy throughout the music industry.
  • 50. Page Structures Picture of Lorde Title of Fanzine COVER PAGE – page 1 BACK PAGE – page 12 Concert / tour poster of a similar artist
  • 51. Inside of cover – page 2 Inside of back cover – page 11 Advert for a festival/gig/event Advert for a festival/gig/event
  • 52. Contents page – page 3 Page 10 Page of contents 1. a 2. a 3. a 4. a 5. a 6. a End of an article. Picture/ small graphic
  • 53. Page 4 Page 9 Start of article Small photo Start of article one
  • 54. Page 5 Page 8 Large photo of Lorde Picture/graphic 1st article continued
  • 55. Page 6 Page 7 Double page spread of found fan art
  • 56. Production Schedule: Week Planning Week One The first week of production, I will focus on writing all the text needed for the entire fanzine – this could be articles, fan opinions etc. I will also start collecting photos and fan art that I can use for the zine. Week Two Before I even start production, I will make sure I have a full blueprint of the entire fanzine that I can follow in the second week. This is when I will start to put the fanzine together, inputting all the the articles and photos into the right places etc. I will also focus on colour using the colour schemes from my mood board. Week Three In the final week, I will take this time to brush up any last minute editing and checking to see if the fanzine is in the correct order and any double page spreads run smooth.
  • 58. + Primary Audience research  Asking this question was pretty vital for my project as it helps me understand if my chosen colour scheme fits with what my audience thinks.  It was a tight win by dark colours – only by 9%, which is the equivalent of 1 person. Even though the category only ‘wins’ by a small percentage, it helps me to know an understand that the audience think of dark colours when it comes to live music, meaning when I use pictures from live performances, the colours surrounding that page should be darker rather then lighter.  Doing this in my product will appeal to my audience, as it means I have listened to what they think of when watching live music, this means that when they read the part of the fanzine which is about live performance, the colour scheme of dark colours will let them make that connection in their head, making them think of their gig experiences.
  • 59. + Primary Audience research  The results to this question confirmed that the topic I had chosen was the right sort of thing that people wanted to read. It showed me that people do in fact want to read about their favourite artist.  3 people did say no, but considering the fact that the opposite view got over 50% more votes, it cancels out the people who voted no, as I will focus on the 70% who voted yes.  It also tells me that the audience like actually reading articles, meaning I can infer that I should include multiple articles in my zine.
  • 60. + Primary Audience research  The answers to this question helps me understand what the audience prefer structurally when reading a magazine. This also means that I can base the structure of my fanzine around the preferences of my audience. This also means that I can include fun graphics matching a colour scheme to surround the selection of photos, it also means I can fill up a few of my 12 pages with photos.  It also matches my prediction from the audience, a being a member of the target audience myself, the answers I would put for these questions are similar to the ones I am getting.
  • 61. + Primary Audience research  I needed the answers to be able to plan out the structure of my fanzine, as it helps me understand what the audience like when reading a magazine. This means I can include this into the blue print of the fanzine in a way that appeals to the audience.  For example, having the answers to the ‘Why?’ question allowed my audience to say why they think structure is so important. Being able to read these answers and see what the audience find annoying when reading a magazine – e.g. when a photo is placed in the middle of an article, or when the paragraphs are split clearly enough or if the structure isn’t aesthetic, it can make reading it discomforting or not enjoyable. It is important that I considering these factors when planning out my fanzine as it could effect the appeal to the target audience.
  • 62. + Primary Audience research  This is also helpful to understand the type of journalism the audience prefers. This will be helpful so when it comes to writing the articles, I know that the audience prefers a more relaxed, chatty style, rather then a more formal, focused style of writing.  It means I can plan my articles a bit more loosely, as it isn’t as important for it to be a formal article. It also makes the article more personal to the reader, as it makes it feel like your are talking to a friend, rather then being told a lot of information.
  • 63. + Secondary Audience research Large block text – one word name of the fanzine , keeping it simple and easy to remember and design Short, little bits of information explain what is in the zine, without lots of detail. Matching font to the title, only more compressed and thinner, this makes it look neater and keeps consistence throughout the cover. Price on the front, very small price (it would usually cover printing costs) Block colours used for a simple design. It is a simple yet effective design – bright colours are eye catching to the buyers. The colours against the neutral background compliment the design making it ‘pop’ more.
  • 64. + Secondary Audience research The contrast between red and black and the neutral background make the cover stand out to the buyer, drawing attention using bright colours. The red connects the emotion anger or passion which could link to the subject of the zine. Small graphic on the front, which breaks up the cover from different subjects, probably created by spray paint and stencils. It’s a very loud cover – there is lots of information on it, contrasting from the cover before which was more simplistic and orgnised. The chaotic layout of this zine links to the subject of punk music which is known to be quite loud and chaotic. This would have attracted buyers more as they would find it more appealing to them.
  • 65. + Secondary Audience research No colour – probably due to the high printing costs and accessibility. Obscene title which would attract their target audience as the punk music scene was known for being crude and outrageous. Putting the names of bigger bands to draw in all different fan bases to buy their zine. This will bring in a range of music listeners which would benefit the zine as there would be more buyers. Including deals for physical albums which would appeal to the buyers as they could save money – especially since the fanzine itself is only 20p.
  • 67. + Day 1  Foe the first day of production, I created the layout for the front and back cover of my fanzine, I took extra time with these as it would be the first impression a reader would have when choosing to buy a zine. The cover is the most important factor when buying a magazine, so it is important that I take extra time to plan out the layout and colour schemes used for the cover.  To create the front cover, I used pictures found of Lorde from the same concert, meaning that the lighting and colour was similar to each picture. This keeps consistency on the front page, not having loads of different colours, which would make it look out of place.  After researching physical music magazines, each copy usually have a picture for a tour of a certain celebrity. Considering that my magazine is mainly about Lorde, for the back cover I created a mock tour poster inspired by her original poster. I changed it into my style, by cutting her body out and layer two others which were slightly off set which created a blurred effect. I used the style of writing the original used but I altered it slightly so it fit with my style.
  • 68. + Day 2  During day 2, I finished up the back cover of my fanzine and started an experiment with a parallax moving picture. Because I am creating a digital fanzine, I have decided to include a parallax picture in my digital copy and if I decide to create a physical copy, I will use the original picture instead of the parallax.  The parallax image has allowed me to develop my skills more with Photoshop and Aftereffects. This will pay off when it comes to editing more pictures into my fanzine. I found it quite easy to create and will definitely practice creating them so I can use more complex ones in my FMP or future projects. With this still fresh in my mind, I cracked on with creating an experiment for the parallax I will use in my digital copy of my fanzine. For this I did a simple cut of Lorde and kept the background the same. I then took it into Aftereffects and did a 3D bounce rotation, showing off the layers in the animation. I then took it to Premiere Pro to crop the video and put it on a repeat which worked smoothly.  On InDesign, I created the structure of my fanzine and added both the cover and back page. This gives me the time to plan out the other pages and write the articles.
  • 69. + Day 3  On Day 3, I took a break from creating pages and decided to start on the articles that would go inside the article. I decided that I would have 2 main articles then have smaller blocks of information around the pages. The subjects are, a brief history of her career and an interview style article with a fan.  I wrote the articles on a Word document first, then when the time comes, I will add it onto the pages. This gives me the opportunity to adjust the shape of the pages before I have created them, just in case the article is too long or too short.  I used all the information I found in my research to help me write the article, so that it would fit in with the project.
  • 70. + Day 4  On this day of production, I focused on getting the structure of the pages ready to add to the InDesign file.  I managed to complete pages 4/5 and pages 6/7, whilst planning out the next few pages, which I will do tomorrow. This means that my zine is coming together nicely, however I do need to make sure that I have work that can be done in college. I am really enjoying this project and so far, I haven’t had many problems with the production stage.  On pages 4/5 is the first article, matched with a few pictures. When writing the article, it cover one side of an a4 piece of paper in size 10.5, so I got a bit worried that it wouldn’t fit on the zine as it would be too long, however I was able to size it down and fit it in nicely across the two pages. I used a gradient for the backgrounds which sampled colours from one of the photos I used, to keep the consistency with the aesthetics. I made sure that I used the same gradient across the two pages so when they are next to each other, the gradients are the same and they fit together nicely.  On page 6/7 there is a double page spread of fanart which I found. This was easy to make as it breaks up the two articles with pictures, which doesn’t block up the whole zine with just writing about Lorde. This was also nice to make as it showcases real work done by her fans which wouldn’t usually be scene in a normal magazines, but short zines like to include this work to give the fans a platform to show their talents.
  • 71. + Day 5  On this day I made sure I had completed both articles and edited them onto the pages which they would be on.  By the end of the day, I only had 2 pages left to edit. However, I have decided that I will go over each page and re-edit them to match the aesthetics more and improve it more. I like the way it is turning out, but it just needs a bit of perfecting.  I decided that I would change some of the aspects in the original fanzine so it would match up with the other parts more. This would show development in my work throughout the project. However, there were still some pages that I wasn’t quite happy with, so I will probably shift those again.
  • 72. + Day 6  I finished editing all the pages and constructed a first copy of the fanzine in InDesign. This allowed me to see the final thing in the correct structure, which meant I could also evaluate which pages needed redoing and which ones fit nicely.  In conclusion, I decided to re-edit five pages: page 2,3,4,5 and 11. I found that these pages didn’t look right with the rest of the fanzine and should be readjusted.
  • 73. + Re-adjustments:  For page 2, I changed the structure of the advert. The original copy was too relaxed and didn’t have much structure to it which made it hard to read. I liked the background and the choice of font, but I had just positioned everything weirdly and thought it would look better if it had more structure to it. Original Re-worked
  • 74. + Re-adjustments:  For page 3, I changed the background colour, as I found that the original copy was far too dark and looked out of place with the lighter pages. This made the page fit a lot better. I also changed the font, as I didn’t like the original and thought the newer one made it look more smart. Original Re-worked
  • 75. + Re-adjustments:  Similarly, to page 3, I found that the gradient I had used for the background in page 4 didn’t fit with the rest of the other article of the fanzine. Granted, the different articles have different subjects which could change their aesthetics, but I thought it would look smarter if they matched. Original Re-work
  • 76. + Re-adjustments:  Again, for page 5, I found that the gradient was far too dark, and if I were t change page 4, I would have to change page 5 as well as it is a double page spread. Original Re-work
  • 77. + Re-adjustments:  For page 11, I only really changed the name of the event and the font I used. I’m not a big fan of this one after the re-work, so I will probably change this again, until it fits nicely and I like how it looks. Original Re-work
  • 78. + Day 7  When I had finished all the pages, I exported the pages into the InDesign file, however when it came to exporting the InDesign file, I struggled with getting the pages to show up when exported. After a few attempts, I found that I had to export the pages a different way by packaging them together then uploading the spreads onto Issuu.  I like how the final product came out at the end. Since I still have a few days of production, there is still time to change any pages around, if I decide that they don’t work.
  • 79. + Day 8  After finishing the fanzine for the second time, I realized that it needed to be changed a bit more, so I changed up some of the pages a bit more dramatically.  Here are the changes I made:
  • 80. + Page 3 For this rework, I wanted to keep consistency from the style of the cover into the fanzine, so I changed it using the same style. I think it fitted a lot better into the overall fanzine and it followed my research that I had done.
  • 81. + Pages 4/5/6  For these pages, I changed the colour of the background, so it fit with the colours in the pictures and so I could use red boxes to make the pull quotes standout from the background. I think that the newer pages fit better then the ones before, it also allowed me to use more pull quotes and I could utilize more space.
  • 82. + Page 7  I added this page so I could keep consistency of the cut-out effect that I used on the cover and for the contents page. It also made a nice graphic to break up the focus from articles.
  • 83. + Page 8/9/10  Similarly to the first article, I shifted the structure. I changed the single picture of Lorde to a bigger graphic which looked better as it fit in more then the original page.
  • 84. +  For this project I feel as though that I have pushed myself creatively, however I think that I could have pushed myself even more to create a better product. I could have followed the influence of a proper 70s fanzine and go wild with the editing and all-round aesthetic of the zine.  I redid the fanzine multiple times which shows my progression of creativity and the evolution of the project itself. I liked the cover I created and as I developed the zine more, I found that I went back to the cut-out style which kept more consistency throughout the entire project.
  • 86. + Bibliography 1. The Beat (2020) Jourdan Aldredge – The 6 Types of Documentaries 2. NME (2013) Dan Stubbs – 16-year-old Singer Lorde Is The Youngest Person To Score US Number One for 26 Years 3. NPR Music (2018) Cyrena Touros – Lorde Is The 21st Century’s Author Of Adolescent Evolution 4. Wisecrack (2013) Thug Notes 5. Vice (2018) i-D Magazine 6. So Young Magazine (2019) Josh Whettingsteel 7. EE Braincell. (2020) Everyzine Everyzine 8. Britannica (2017) Michael Ray

Editor's Notes

  1. You could create a mood board of images related to your product. They could be inspirational or visually interesting. Analyse what you have gathered.
  2. If you do any additional subject research, record that here. This might be most relevant if you are producing a magazine or a documentary but even a fiction trailer might require some additional research in to a particular subject. Getting some background information on your subject would be a really good idea. Find some resources, log them, read them and write something about them.
  3. Planning will vary depending on if you are doing a web series, podcast or a fanzine. Web-series: A script, storyboard, organisational docs and clearance forms for your contributors/sources. Fanzine: Content outline, visual style, pagination, organisational documents. Podcast: Script, organisational docs, clearance forms for your contributors/sources.
  4. Finally work out a production schedule for the project. Once you have a final proposal, begin to plan how you intend to realise your project and what you will need to create/collect.
  5. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  6. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  7. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  8. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  9. Use this for any primary audience research that you do. Questionnaires, interviews, vox pops, focus groups… whatever you did, record the responses here and note what you have learned and how it will influence your project.
  10. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  11. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  12. Use this space to record any secondary audience research you might do. This is finding out about the audience for existing products.
  13. List all products researched in previous sections. Include anything additional you have watched/read in preparation for production. Alphabetise your list.