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Factory Simulation Paper – Part 2
I know that several of you are concerned about the format and
length of this paper since they are not defined. Here are some
tips that I have learned about Operations Management that
might help.
Two ways that business professionals display information is in a
Decision Paper or Information Paper. These are both very
similar with the only difference being that the information paper
is designed to inform a decision maker and a decision paper is
providing the information necessary to make a decision. At this
point in your short Operations Manager career I would
recommend an Information Paper approach. This way you can
specifically inform your boss (the CEO) what you have done to
the factory and what the results were.
Here is a typical Information Paper format.
Title Page: With your name, the title of your paper (use
something real, not MGT 307), and a date
Start with an introductory paragraph that informs the boss of
what you are trying to tell them.
Bottom Line paragraph that says where you are and what is
next. This should be short.
Assumptions paragraph that states any assumptions that you
made or will have to make in the future.
Facts and Analysis paragraphs are the meat and potatoes. What
did you do? What did you expect to happen? What really did
happen? Support these facts with graphics. The graphics can
be visual displays of data or tables of data. You choose how
best to sell your results. You can do this either as a week by
week discussion or by a topic (forecasting, scheduling, etc.).
Summary and conclusion: This set of paragraphs brings all of
the highlights to a close.
References – if you need them. I don’t require them unless you
specifically call out something that the boss may need to take a
deeper look at.
Hopefully this format now allows you to tell your story about
the three things that you are being graded on:
1. How did your team’s factory improve over time? Use real
metrics to show that your team became more effective and more
efficient. 15 points
2. What did your team do and how did it affect your team’s
results? Use real metrics to show what happened. 50 points
3. What would you do differently and why? Use information
from the book/slides/videos/class to support your comments. 35
Good luck!
Factory Process Improvement Update
The First Two Months
Jerry Burch
April 2, 2018
This paper provides information about what we have done over
the first two months to improve the factory effectiveness and
efficiency. We have several things that have worked well and
others that we are still working on.
Bottom Line:
In the first two months we have increased X by Y. We expect
this to continue since we still have several projects that are just
now beginning to take effect. In particular we anticipate …
which will …
We assumed that continuous improvement processes will be
used to improve efficiency and effectiveness without hiring any
more employees and without making any financial improvement
to the factory.
Facts and Analysis:
(Here is where you really get to shine. A great way to display
this information is to start a paragraph telling what you were
trying to accomplish. Then put a graph just below that shows
what happened. Then put a paragraph explaining the data.
Repeat the process until you are done.)
Our first concern was to reduce the forecasting error around
Models A and B. To address this we chose to use a _______
forecasting technique based on the apparent ______ that we
saw. Figure 1 shows the Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE)
over time.
Figure 1 – Mean Absolute Percent Error over 7 week period
As you can see from Figure 1 we were able to reduce the MAPE
from around 30% to 15% over the 7 week period. We did this
by implementing _____ during week 4 which really helped and
then the second largest gain came in week ____ when we _____.
We think that we may be able to reduce the MAPE another
____% by _____ in the future.
Summary and conclusion:
In the first seven weeks of this project we have successfully
reduced ___ by ___%, increased ___ by $_____, … This gives
us an overall reduction of ____ of __ and _____ of an additional
____. We have made a few mistakes like _____ and ____ that
have slowed our progress and we will correct this by _____ in
the next ____ weeks/months.
References – if you need them. I don’t require them unless you
specifically call out something that the boss may need to take a
deeper look at.
___________________Applied Final Project Assignment
This course offers an applied final project assignment in lieu of
a proctored final exam.
Applied Final Assessment Project ( Paper)
Write a 10-12 page essay. You may select a topic from the
following list or suggest your own. If you want to write
on a topic not listed here, get your instructor's approval first.
illusory correlation
self-fulfilling prophecies
attribution errors
self-serving biases
aggression/social stimuli
intergroup conflict
peacemaking among individuals,
families, or groups
interpersonal attraction
cognitive dissonance
love and close relationships
helping behavior
conformity and obedience
indoctrination and cults
social loafing
leadership or minority influence
catharsis, frustration, and aggression
individualism vs. collectivism
gender roles
Use APA style subheadings, double-spacing, 12-point font, one-
inch margins (left, right, top, and bottom), page
numbering, and logical flow from topic to topic.
Information and/or quotes from other sources should be relevant
and thoughtfully placed. Consult the
Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association,
sixth edition, for proper form of citations and
references. You may use sources from the Web, your textbook
or other books, and scientific journals. Magazines
and newspapers are generally not acceptable. For instance, the
Journal of Personality and Social Psychology is
acceptable, but Psychology Today is not. If you are not sure,
ask your instructor.
The following criteria will be considered in the evaluation of
your paper:
1. Accuracy—Are your stated facts or ideas correct?
2. Clarity—Is your essay clear and easy to follow? You may
want to read your essay out loud to yourself. This
will help you catch incomplete sentences or lapses in logic.
3. Depth—Are the issues and implications well thought out and
4. Originality—What is your thesis (the main point of your
essay)? Have you stated your own views and
articulated them well? Use your own words. Do not copy
material directly from your text or other sources
without quotation marks. If you want to use the author's exact
words, put them in quotation marks and cite
the page number from your text or other source material. Don't
forget to express your own opinion.
5. Supporting evidence—Are your ideas supported with
empirical evidence? This is a crucial part of any well-
written essay. You may support your ideas with theories,
previously conducted research, or other
information you encounter in the text and other sources (journal
articles and so forth). You may also use
personal experiences as supporting evidence when appropriate.
6. References—Did you use appropriate references to support
the main points of your paper? You may find
references in the textbook bibliography that support your ideas.
Be sure you have these references—that is,
that you have the articles on hand if you used them, and make
sure that your references relate to the point
you are making or support your inferences.
7. Form, composition, spelling, and so forth —Isyour paper neat
and error-free? It helps to run spellcheck
before submitting your work and to have a colleague or friend
read over your work.
8. APA style—Did you follow the formatting rules of the
American Psychological Association (APA)? Use your
APA publication manual. You may also want to visit the APA
Web site, the APA Tutorial in the PSYC Learning
Tools in the Course Content Area of your WebTycho classroom
the UMUC Guide to Writing and Research,
and/or UMUC's library Web page.
Rubric for Paper
5 4 3 2 1 0
1. All topics were discussed in clear detail
2. Assertions supported correctly
3. Ideas were interrelated coherently and logically
4. Author creatively enhances the topic
5. An introduction previews main points of reflection
6. Body of paper develops and elaborates main ideas
7. A conclusion summarizes main points
8. Paper free of mechanical errors (e.g., misspellings, typos,
9. Paper grammatically sound (proper sentence structure)
10. Citations and references in proper APA style
to be
Behaviors Demonstrated
5 paper contains no errors in this area
4 paper contains limited errors in this area; however, the
overall presentation of the material is readable and
3 paper contains limited errors in this area; however, the
overall presentation of the material is difficult to read
2 paper contains a number of errors in this area; however,
the overall presentation is acceptable
1 paper contains a number of errors in this area, and the
overall presentation is difficult to read
0 paper contains numerous errors in this area, which
detracts from the overall presentation
11/13/2018 Applied Final Project - PSYC 321 7380 Social
Psychology (2188) - UMUC Learning Management System
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Assignments Applied Final Project
Applied Final Project
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Rubric Name: Wri�ng Rubric
All topics were discussed in clear detail
Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o
Meets Some Exp Meets minimal ex Not Done / 10
Excep�onal ‑ 10 points
Asser�ons supported correctly
Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o
Meets Some Exp Meets minimal ex Not Done / 10
Excep�onal ‑ 10 points
Ideas were interrelated coherently and logically
Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o
Meets Some Exp Meets minimal ex Not Done / 10
Excep�onal ‑ 10 points
Author crea�vely enhances topic
Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o
Meets Some Exp Meets minimal ex Not Done / 10
PSYC 321 7380 Social Psychology (2188)
This is the earned grade for the final project (paper)
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Excep�onal ‑ 10 points
An introduc�on previews main points of reflec�on
Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o
Meets Some Exp Does not meet e Not Done / 15
Excep�onal ‑ 15 points
Body of paper develops and elaborates main ideas
Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o
Meets Some Exp Does not meet e Not Done / 15
Excep�onal ‑ 15 points
A conclusion summarizes main points
Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o
Meets Some Exp Does not meet e Not Done / 15
Excep�onal ‑ 15 points
Wri�ng Mechanics and Style
Paper free of mechanical errors (e.g., misspellings, typos, etc.)
Excep�onal Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Not Done / 5
Excep�onal ‑ 5 points
Paper gramma�cally sound (proper sentence structure)
Excep�onal Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Not Done / 5
Excep�onal ‑ 5 points
Cita�ons and references in proper APA style
Excep�onal Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Not Done / 5
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Excep�onal ‑ 5 points
Total / 100
Overall Score
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20 points minimum
Meets minimal expecta�ons
10 points minimum
Not Done
0 points minimum
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Factory Simulation Paper
How did your team’s factory improve over time? Use real
metrics to show that your team became more effective and more
efficient. 15 points
15 points
10 points
5 points
0 points
Explanation is thorough and includes graphics of metrics that
support explanation.
Explanation contains many details and includes graphics that
support explanation.
Explanation contains many details that support explanation.
Explanation does not address the question sufficiently
What did your team do and how did it affect your team’s
results? Use real metrics to show what happened. 50 points
50 points
40 points
30 points
20 points
Explanation is thorough and includes metrics that support
explanation for all topics that we have covered so far.
Explanation is thorough and includes metrics that support
explanation for most of the topics that we have covered so far.
Explanation is adequate and includes metrics that support
explanation for most of the topics that we have covered so far.
Explanation is limited, metrics that support explanation are
limited, or few of the topics that we have covered so are
What would you do differently and why? Use information from
the book/slides/videos/class to support your comments. 35
35 points
25 points
15 points
5 points
Explanation is thorough and includes all topics that we have
covered so far.
Explanation is thorough and includes most of the topics that we
have covered so far.
Explanation is limited and includes most of the topics that we
have covered so far OR few of the topics we have covered so far
are included.
Explanation is limited and few of the topics we have covered so
far are included.
As a reminder, here are the topics that we have covered so far:
1. Forecasting
2. Planning
3. Scheduling
4. Facility layout
5. Inventory Management
6. Supply Chain Management
7. Quality Management
8. Quality Control
There is no page requirement or required format. Please treat
this as a paper that you are sending to the CEO of the company
to justify keeping you as the Operations Manager. Justify your
being hired by demonstrating that you have improved the
operation AND/OR that you have learned enough to improve the
operations in the future.
Good luck!
Export SummaryThis document was exported from Numbers.
Each table was converted to an Excel worksheet. All other
objects on each Numbers sheet were placed on separate
worksheets. Please be aware that formula calculations may
differ in Excel.Numbers Sheet NameNumbers Table NameExcel
Worksheet NameInstructionsTable 1InstructionsStudent Report
0Table 1Student Report 0Student input 1Table 1Student input
1Student Report 1Table 1Student Report 1Student Input 2Table
1Student Input 2Student Report 2Table 1Student Report
2Student input 3Table 1Student input 3Student Report 3Table
1Student Report 3Student input 4Table 1Student input 4Student
Report 4Table 1Student Report 4Student input 5Table 1Student
input 5Student Report 5Table 1Student Report 5
InstructionsInstructionsYou have just been hired as the
Operations Manager of a factory that builds speakers.It is a
fairly simple process where the following steps occur:You
receive weekly demands from your customers and you must try
to fill those orders that week.You order on Fridays for the
demand that you expect for the next week and the material
shows up Sunday before the work week. If you do not order
enough that week, you will not be able to fill all of your orders
(you have a stock out)You have five employees that you can put
at any of the five work stations. However, you can not hire
more and you can't have more than one person at a
workstation.You make two different speakers (Model A and
Model B). Each speaker has 5 components that are soldered
together to make a solid state speaker.The difference between
Model A and B is that Model B is a higher end speaker and has
two upgraded parts (Part 1 and Part 3).The current process is set
up as an assembly line. Each morning every employee goes to
receiving and gathers enough parts to last them an hour. They
then work on those parts and until they are finished and then go
get another hours worth of parts. This effectively means that
each person is spending about 10 minutes each hour stocking
their area.Everyone starts the day at the same time and everyone
works until the work for that day is done.The current workload
has you people working overtime. The fully loaded pay
(including insurance and taxes) is $18.12 per hour and everyone
gets paid the same. Overtime is paid at time and a half.Each
week you team needs to make the following decisionsReview
the information on the Student Report for that week. This first
weekly report is Student Report 0You will find a lot of
information on the Student Report 0. Perhaps the most
important part is the weekly demand dataPlease notice that you
have 11 weeks of demand before you started the job.You also
have the current demand for the first week that you are
employed. In this case Model A total demand is 333 and Model
B is 144Fill out your team's Student input 1 to make your first
decisionPlease do not change the format of the page since the
information will be used in this manner by the instructorDecide
how many Model A and Model B you want to make that week
and put that informtion into the sheetDecide which of your
employees will work at each work stationDecide how many
additional parts you need to order to meet the expected demand
for the next weekAnd then decide what changes you want to
make to the factory or the operations of the factory. You are
allowed three requests to the CEO each week, so pick the things
that you think will matter the most.Submit the entire Excel
worksheet back to D2L before the due date.
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student Report 0Week 0 ReportTotal Costs$ 99,7557 min5
min7 min3 minTotal Revenue$ 124,122Central Shipping
ReceivePart 1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ 24,367and
ReceivingStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4PackageLabelPickupPart
1bPart 3b Finished AssemblyReady to shipWeek 1
demandModel A333Customer Satisfaction85%Model
B144EmployeeEmployee AssignmentInventoryAccuracyStep
1Step 2Step 3Step 4S&RWork Station1234S&RPart
nniferJeffPart 1b155Jessica0.750.970.970.970.97Part
3b155Jeff0.750.750.750.750.94Part 4462Part 5462Model
A0Model B0PartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier
2Labor cost$ 3,566.62Returns Model AModel BPart 1a
Cost$25 $27 $28 Inventory holding cost$539.97 Returns for
next period7231Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate
inventory$ 779.96Defects due to raw materials3214Part 1b
Cost$41 $40 $38 Transportation costs$ 700.00Defects due to
processes2611Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$
91,168.00Erroneous shipments146Part 2 Cost$45 $50 $61
Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2
quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36 $39 $41 Part 3a
quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46 $53 $55 Part 3b
quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112 $105 $107 Part 4
quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54 $57 $55 Part 5
quality0.970.980.995a$272$278 $292
b$298$305$316DemandModel APrevious
WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week
5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week
4336333Model BPrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek
1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week
9Week 10Week 11Week
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student input 1Week 1This is the first decision that you will
make. The information on Student Report 0 will help you make
your decisions.3 requests for CEO1Jeff needs more training in
all steps to have a better accuracy percentage. Jessica and Jim
need more training for step 1.2Jennifer needs more training in
all steps to have a better accuracy percentage.3Jessica and Jim
need more training in Step one to improve there accuracy
percentage.How much to makeQuantityModel A assemblies are
made first, then Model B assembliesModel A302Model A
consists of parts 1a, 2, 3a, 4, and 5Model B144Model B consists
of parts 1b, 2, 3b, 4, and 5Part 1aPart 1bPart 2Part 3aPart
3bPart 4Part 5How much to order385160555411160555555All
orders are placed on Monday and arrive on
SundayManpowerYou can put any employee in any of the work
stations. Changing work stations does not count as a
request/question to CEOWork Station1234S&RYou cannot
request more employees. The CEO says that you have to do the
job with the people you currently have
employees to choose fromJoshuaJessicaJenniferJimJeff
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student Report 1Week 1 ReportTotal Costs$ 136,2947 min5
min7 min3 minTotal Revenue$ 165,561Central Shipping
ReceivePart 1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ 29,267and
ReceivingStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4PackageLabelPickupPart
1bPart 3b Finished AssemblyReady to shipWeek 2 demandItems
made Week 1Model A354Model A302Customer
Satisfaction83%Model B146Model
B144EmployeeInventoryAccuracyStep 1Step 2Step 3Step
1a411Joshua0.990.990.990.990.991All of the training has been
donePart 1b171Jessica0.9850.9850.9850.9850.9852The CEO is
a big believer in training and trained all employees on every
workstation. You should see that the accuracy went up and your
defects/returns due to processes improved as wellPart
2571Jim0.990.990.990.990.993The CEO also trained everyone
in quality, so you are ready to start quality initiativesPart
3b171Jeff0.970.970.970.970.97Part 4571Part 5571Model
A0Model B0PartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier
2Labor cost$ 5,440.53Returns Model AModel BPart 1a
Cost$25$27$28Inventory holding cost$750.23Returns for next
period7032Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate
inventory$ 1,083.66Defects due to raw materials4320Part 1b
Cost$41$40$38Transportation costs$ 964.00Defects due to
processes188Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$
125,056.00Erroneous shipments94Part 2
Cost$45$50$61Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2
quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36$39$41Part 3a
quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46$53$55Part 3b
quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112$105$107Part 4
quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54$57$55Part 5
quality0.970.980.995DemandModel APrevious
WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week
5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week
03328359384336333354Model BPrevious
WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week
5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student Input 2Week 2This is the second decision that you will
make. The information on Student Report 1 will help you make
your decisions.3 requests for CEO1. On Part 1b - Go to Alt
Supplier #2 - cheaper and better quality.2. On Part 4 - Go to Alt
Supplier #2 - cheaper and better quality.3. On Part 5 - Go to Alt
Supplier #2 - Only $1 increase but better quality. Money saved
from other 2 requests will cover this increase for this part.How
much to makeQuantityModel A assemblies are made first, then
Model B assembliesModel A385Model A consists of parts 1a, 2,
3a, 4, and 5Model B146Model B consists of parts 1b, 2, 3b, 4,
and 5Part 1aPart 1bPart 2Part 3aPart 3bPart 4Part 5How much
to order354135500354135500500All orders are placed on
Monday and arrive on SundayManpowerYou can put any
employee in any of the work stations. Changing work stations
does not count as a request/question to CEOWork
Station1234S&RYou cannot request more employees. The CEO
says that you have to do the job with the people you currently
have working.EmployeeJimJoshuaJessicaJenniferJeff
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student Report 2Week 2 ReportTotal Costs$ 171,66912 min10
minTotal Revenue$ 177,582Central Shipping ReceivePart
1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ 5,913and ReceivingStep
1Step 2PackageLabelPickupPart 1bPart 3b Finished
AssemblyReady to shipWeek 3 demandItems made Week
2Model A403Model A385Customer Satisfaction80%Model
B157Model B146EmployeeInventoryAccuracyStep 1Step 2Step
3Step 4S&RQuestions/requestsReplyPart
1a380Joshua0.990.990.990.990.991The instructions say that you
must order all of your parts from one vendor. So, since all
three of your requests asked to go to Alt Supplier #2, I switched
all parts to Alt Supplier #2Part
3b160Jeff0.970.970.970.970.97Part 4540Part 5540Model
A31Model B0PartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier
2Labor cost$ 6,659.10Returns Model AModel BPart 1a
Cost$25$27$28Inventory holding cost$974.20Returns for next
period8633Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate
inventory$ 1,407.17Defects due to raw materials5421Part 1b
Cost$41$40$38Transportation costs$ 1,073.00Defects due to
processes218Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$
158,556.00Erroneous shipments114Part 2
Cost$45$50$61Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2
quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36$39$41Part 3a
quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46$53$55Part 3b
quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112$105$107Part 4
quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54$57$55Part 5
quality0.970.980.995DemandModel APrevious
WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week
5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week
06424298303328359384336333354403Model BPrevious
WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week
5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student input 3Week 3This is the third decision that you will
make. The information on Student Report 2 will help you make
your decisions.3 requests for CEO1. Additional training for Jeff
in all steps2. Change to Supplier #1 for all parts3. Change the
step process to allocate the fastest steps completed first.How
much to makeQuantityModel A assemblies are made first, then
Model B assembliesModel A372Model A consists of parts 1a, 2,
3a, 4, and 5Model B157Model B consists of parts 1b, 2, 3b, 4,
and 5Part 1aPart 1bPart 2Part 3aPart 3bPart 4Part 5How much
to order427172599427172599599All orders are placed on
Monday and arrive on SundayManpowerYou can put any
employee in any of the work stations. Changing work stations
does not count as a request/question to CEOWork
Station1234S&RYou cannot request more employees. The CEO
says that you have to do the job with the people you currently
have working.EmployeeJOSHJESSJENJEFFJIM
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student Report 3Week 3 ReportTotal Costs$ 163,4277 min5
min7 min3 minTotal Revenue$ 183,330Central Shipping
ReceivePart 1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ 19,903and
ReceivingStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4PackageLabelPickupPart
1bPart 3b Finished AssemblyReady to shipWeek 4 demandItems
made Week 3Model A386Model A372Customer
Satisfaction78%Model B153Model
B157EmployeeInventoryAccuracyStep 1Step 2Step 3Step
1a435Joshua0.990.990.990.990.991The boss said no more
training right nowPart
1b175Jessica0.9850.9850.9850.9850.9852Done, this will reduce
the overall cost of your materialPart
2610Jim0.990.990.990.990.993The process has been changed
and you will see a decrease in the amount of time it takes to
produce all of your speakersPart
3b175Jeff0.970.970.970.970.97You do need to find a way to
reduce the returns. What are things you can do from a Quality
Management standpoint?Part 4610Part 5610Model A0Model
B0PartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier 2Labor cost$
5,859.56Returns Model AModel BPart 1a
Cost$25$27$28Inventory holding cost$871.38Returns for next
period6929Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate
inventory$ 1,258.67Defects due to raw materials3615Part 1b
Cost$41$40$38Transportation costs$ 1,136.50Defects due to
processes2912Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$
151,301.00Erroneous shipments42Part 2
Cost$45$50$61Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2
quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36$39$41Part 3a
quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46$53$55Part 3b
quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112$105$107Part 4
quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54$57$55Part 5
quality0.970.980.995DemandModel APrevious
WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week
5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week
2Week 3Week
BPrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week
4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week
1Week 2Week 3Week
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student input 4Week 4This is the fourth decision that you will
make. The information on Student Report 3 will help you make
your decisions.3 requests for CEO1 Implement a poka-yoke
application to avoid simple human errors in the production of
the speakers.2 Implement six sigma to find and eliminate causes
of defects and errors in the manufacturing and service process.3
Evaluate the quality using the gap model method.How much to
makeQuantityModel A assemblies are made first, then Model B
assembliesModel A386Model A consists of parts 1a, 2, 3a, 4,
and 5Model B153Model B consists of parts 1b, 2, 3b, 4, and
5Part 1aPart 1bPart 2Part 3aPart 3bPart 4Part 5How much to
order361148509361148509509All orders are placed on Monday
and arrive on SundayManpowerYou can put any employee in
any of the work stations. Changing work stations does not
count as a request/question to CEOWork Station1234S&RYou
cannot request more employees. The CEO says that you have to
do the job with the people you currently have
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student Report 4Week 4 ReportTotal Costs$ 161,7847 min5
min7 min3 minTotal Revenue$ 152,427Central Shipping
ReceivePart 1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ (9,357)and
ReceivingStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4PackageLabelPickupPart
1bPart 3b Finished AssemblyReady to shipWeek 5 demandItems
made Week 4Model A319Model A386Customer
Satisfaction78%Model B146Model
B153EmployeeInventoryAccuracyStep 1Step 2Step 3Step
1a410Joshua0.990.990.990.990.991These are just buzz words.
What are you really asking to do?Part
1b170Jessica0.9850.9850.9850.9850.9852These are just buzz
words. What are you really asking to do?Part
2580Jim0.990.990.990.990.993These are just buzz words. What
are you really asking to do?Part
3b170Jeff0.970.970.970.970.97You have earned just over $45k
for the four weeks of managing the operations. At this point
these results should be much higher ($80k+) Here are some
things that you have done right, and things you could have
fixedPart 4580You did a very good job of training your
employees early and switching your process to free up some
time. You also switched to a supplier that had better quality
parts.Part 5580However, you could have addressed the quality
issue more directly by inspecting parts when they arrived or
inspecting assemblies along the wayModel A62Other things that
you could have addressed were performing physical inventories
which would have reduced you cost of inaccurate
inventoryModel B36The last thing is that you ended up with too
much inventory which actually caused you to lose money this
last roundPartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier
2Labor cost$ 4,464.32Returns Model AModel BPart 1a
Cost$25$27$28Inventory holding cost$1,142.67Returns for next
period10542Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate
inventory$ 1,650.52Defects due to raw materials5522Part 1b
Cost$41$40$38Transportation costs$ 940.50Defects due to
processes4418Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$
150,586.00Erroneous shipments62Part 2
Cost$45$50$61Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2
quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36$39$41Part 3a
quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46$53$55Part 3b
quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112$105$107Part 4
quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54$57$55Part 5
quality0.970.980.995DemandModel APrevious
WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week
5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week
2Week 3Week
BPrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week
4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week
1Week 2Week 3Week
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student input 5Student
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
Student Report 5
&"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P
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Factory Simulation Paper – Part 2 I know that several of you are.docx

  • 1. Factory Simulation Paper – Part 2 I know that several of you are concerned about the format and length of this paper since they are not defined. Here are some tips that I have learned about Operations Management that might help. Two ways that business professionals display information is in a Decision Paper or Information Paper. These are both very similar with the only difference being that the information paper is designed to inform a decision maker and a decision paper is providing the information necessary to make a decision. At this point in your short Operations Manager career I would recommend an Information Paper approach. This way you can specifically inform your boss (the CEO) what you have done to the factory and what the results were. Here is a typical Information Paper format. Title Page: With your name, the title of your paper (use something real, not MGT 307), and a date Body: Start with an introductory paragraph that informs the boss of what you are trying to tell them. Bottom Line paragraph that says where you are and what is next. This should be short. Assumptions paragraph that states any assumptions that you made or will have to make in the future. Facts and Analysis paragraphs are the meat and potatoes. What did you do? What did you expect to happen? What really did happen? Support these facts with graphics. The graphics can be visual displays of data or tables of data. You choose how best to sell your results. You can do this either as a week by week discussion or by a topic (forecasting, scheduling, etc.). Summary and conclusion: This set of paragraphs brings all of the highlights to a close. References – if you need them. I don’t require them unless you specifically call out something that the boss may need to take a
  • 2. deeper look at. Hopefully this format now allows you to tell your story about the three things that you are being graded on: 1. How did your team’s factory improve over time? Use real metrics to show that your team became more effective and more efficient. 15 points 2. What did your team do and how did it affect your team’s results? Use real metrics to show what happened. 50 points 3. What would you do differently and why? Use information from the book/slides/videos/class to support your comments. 35 points Good luck! Factory Process Improvement Update The First Two Months Jerry Burch April 2, 2018 Purpose: This paper provides information about what we have done over the first two months to improve the factory effectiveness and efficiency. We have several things that have worked well and
  • 3. others that we are still working on. Bottom Line: In the first two months we have increased X by Y. We expect this to continue since we still have several projects that are just now beginning to take effect. In particular we anticipate … which will … Assumptions: We assumed that continuous improvement processes will be used to improve efficiency and effectiveness without hiring any more employees and without making any financial improvement to the factory. Facts and Analysis: (Here is where you really get to shine. A great way to display this information is to start a paragraph telling what you were trying to accomplish. Then put a graph just below that shows what happened. Then put a paragraph explaining the data. Repeat the process until you are done.) Our first concern was to reduce the forecasting error around Models A and B. To address this we chose to use a _______ forecasting technique based on the apparent ______ that we saw. Figure 1 shows the Mean Absolute Percent Error (MAPE) over time. Figure 1 – Mean Absolute Percent Error over 7 week period As you can see from Figure 1 we were able to reduce the MAPE from around 30% to 15% over the 7 week period. We did this by implementing _____ during week 4 which really helped and then the second largest gain came in week ____ when we _____. We think that we may be able to reduce the MAPE another ____% by _____ in the future. Summary and conclusion: In the first seven weeks of this project we have successfully reduced ___ by ___%, increased ___ by $_____, … This gives us an overall reduction of ____ of __ and _____ of an additional ____. We have made a few mistakes like _____ and ____ that have slowed our progress and we will correct this by _____ in
  • 4. the next ____ weeks/months. References – if you need them. I don’t require them unless you specifically call out something that the boss may need to take a deeper look at. _____________________________________________________ ___________________Applied Final Project Assignment (Paper) This course offers an applied final project assignment in lieu of a proctored final exam. Applied Final Assessment Project ( Paper) Write a 10-12 page essay. You may select a topic from the following list or suggest your own. If you want to write on a topic not listed here, get your instructor's approval first. illusory correlation self-fulfilling prophecies attribution errors self-serving biases self-handicapping aggression/social stimuli intergroup conflict peacemaking among individuals, families, or groups interpersonal attraction brainwashing cognitive dissonance loneliness
  • 5. love and close relationships helping behavior conformity and obedience indoctrination and cults social loafing groupthink leadership or minority influence prejudice discrimination catharsis, frustration, and aggression individualism vs. collectivism gender roles culture Use APA style subheadings, double-spacing, 12-point font, one- inch margins (left, right, top, and bottom), page numbering, and logical flow from topic to topic. Information and/or quotes from other sources should be relevant and thoughtfully placed. Consult the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, sixth edition, for proper form of citations and references. You may use sources from the Web, your textbook or other books, and scientific journals. Magazines and newspapers are generally not acceptable. For instance, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology is acceptable, but Psychology Today is not. If you are not sure, ask your instructor. The following criteria will be considered in the evaluation of your paper: 1. Accuracy—Are your stated facts or ideas correct? 2. Clarity—Is your essay clear and easy to follow? You may want to read your essay out loud to yourself. This will help you catch incomplete sentences or lapses in logic. 3. Depth—Are the issues and implications well thought out and
  • 6. explored? 4. Originality—What is your thesis (the main point of your essay)? Have you stated your own views and articulated them well? Use your own words. Do not copy material directly from your text or other sources without quotation marks. If you want to use the author's exact words, put them in quotation marks and cite the page number from your text or other source material. Don't forget to express your own opinion. 5. Supporting evidence—Are your ideas supported with empirical evidence? This is a crucial part of any well- written essay. You may support your ideas with theories, previously conducted research, or other information you encounter in the text and other sources (journal articles and so forth). You may also use personal experiences as supporting evidence when appropriate. 6. References—Did you use appropriate references to support the main points of your paper? You may find references in the textbook bibliography that support your ideas. Be sure you have these references—that is, that you have the articles on hand if you used them, and make sure that your references relate to the point you are making or support your inferences. 7. Form, composition, spelling, and so forth —Isyour paper neat and error-free? It helps to run spellcheck before submitting your work and to have a colleague or friend read over your work. 8. APA style—Did you follow the formatting rules of the American Psychological Association (APA)? Use your APA publication manual. You may also want to visit the APA Web site, the APA Tutorial in the PSYC Learning
  • 7. Tools in the Course Content Area of your WebTycho classroom the UMUC Guide to Writing and Research, and/or UMUC's library Web page. twinkletoes Highlight Rubric for Paper 5 4 3 2 1 0 CONTENT (X2) 1. All topics were discussed in clear detail 2. Assertions supported correctly 3. Ideas were interrelated coherently and logically 4. Author creatively enhances the topic ORGANIZATION (X3) 5. An introduction previews main points of reflection 6. Body of paper develops and elaborates main ideas 7. A conclusion summarizes main points WRITING MECHANICS and STYLE (X1) 8. Paper free of mechanical errors (e.g., misspellings, typos, etc.)
  • 8. 9. Paper grammatically sound (proper sentence structure) 10. Citations and references in proper APA style Points to be awarded Behaviors Demonstrated 5 paper contains no errors in this area 4 paper contains limited errors in this area; however, the overall presentation of the material is readable and appropriate 3 paper contains limited errors in this area; however, the overall presentation of the material is difficult to read 2 paper contains a number of errors in this area; however, the overall presentation is acceptable 1 paper contains a number of errors in this area, and the overall presentation is difficult to read 0 paper contains numerous errors in this area, which detracts from the overall presentation 11/13/2018 Applied Final Project - PSYC 321 7380 Social Psychology (2188) - UMUC Learning Management System
  • 9. .d2l?db=674382&grpid=0&isprv=0&bp=0&ou=332212 1/4 Assignments Applied Final Project Applied Final Project Hide Assignment Informa�on Instruc�ons Hide Rubrics Rubric Name: Wri�ng Rubric Content All topics were discussed in clear detail Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o Meets Some Exp Meets minimal ex Not Done / 10 Excep�onal ‑ 10 points Asser�ons supported correctly Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o Meets Some Exp Meets minimal ex Not Done / 10 Excep�onal ‑ 10 points Ideas were interrelated coherently and logically Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o Meets Some Exp Meets minimal ex Not Done / 10 Excep�onal ‑ 10 points
  • 10. Author crea�vely enhances topic Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o Meets Some Exp Meets minimal ex Not Done / 10 PSYC 321 7380 Social Psychology (2188) This is the earned grade for the final project (paper) Submit Cancel =332212 javascript:// javascript:// 11/13/2018 Applied Final Project - PSYC 321 7380 Social Psychology (2188) - UMUC Learning Management System .d2l?db=674382&grpid=0&isprv=0&bp=0&ou=332212 2/4 Excep�onal ‑ 10 points Organiza�on An introduc�on previews main points of reflec�on Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o Meets Some Exp Does not meet e Not Done / 15 Excep�onal ‑ 15 points
  • 11. Body of paper develops and elaborates main ideas Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o Meets Some Exp Does not meet e Not Done / 15 Excep�onal ‑ 15 points A conclusion summarizes main points Excep�onal Exceeds Expecta Meets Expecta�o Meets Some Exp Does not meet e Not Done / 15 Excep�onal ‑ 15 points Wri�ng Mechanics and Style Paper free of mechanical errors (e.g., misspellings, typos, etc.) Excep�onal Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Not Done / 5 Excep�onal ‑ 5 points Paper gramma�cally sound (proper sentence structure) Excep�onal Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Not Done / 5 Excep�onal ‑ 5 points Cita�ons and references in proper APA style Excep�onal Level 4 Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Not Done / 5 Submit Cancel 11/13/2018 Applied Final Project - PSYC 321 7380 Social
  • 12. Psychology (2188) - UMUC Learning Management System .d2l?db=674382&grpid=0&isprv=0&bp=0&ou=332212 3/4 Excep�onal ‑ 5 points Total / 100 Overall Score Submit Assignment Files to submit (0) file(s) to submit Excep�onal 50 points minimum Exceeds Expecta�ons 40 points minimum Meets Expecta�ons 30 points minimum Meets Some Expecta�ons 20 points minimum Meets minimal expecta�ons 10 points minimum
  • 13. Not Done 0 points minimum Submit Cancel 11/13/2018 Applied Final Project - PSYC 321 7380 Social Psychology (2188) - UMUC Learning Management System .d2l?db=674382&grpid=0&isprv=0&bp=0&ou=332212 4/4 Add a File Record Audio A�er uploading, you must click Submit to complete the submiss ion. Comments Paragraph Font Family Size Submit Cancel Factory Simulation Paper
  • 14. How did your team’s factory improve over time? Use real metrics to show that your team became more effective and more efficient. 15 points 15 points 10 points 5 points 0 points Explanation is thorough and includes graphics of metrics that support explanation. Explanation contains many details and includes graphics that support explanation. Explanation contains many details that support explanation. Explanation does not address the question sufficiently What did your team do and how did it affect your team’s results? Use real metrics to show what happened. 50 points 50 points 40 points 30 points 20 points Explanation is thorough and includes metrics that support explanation for all topics that we have covered so far. Explanation is thorough and includes metrics that support explanation for most of the topics that we have covered so far. Explanation is adequate and includes metrics that support explanation for most of the topics that we have covered so far. Explanation is limited, metrics that support explanation are limited, or few of the topics that we have covered so are included. What would you do differently and why? Use information from the book/slides/videos/class to support your comments. 35 points
  • 15. 35 points 25 points 15 points 5 points Explanation is thorough and includes all topics that we have covered so far. Explanation is thorough and includes most of the topics that we have covered so far. Explanation is limited and includes most of the topics that we have covered so far OR few of the topics we have covered so far are included. Explanation is limited and few of the topics we have covered so far are included. As a reminder, here are the topics that we have covered so far: 1. Forecasting 2. Planning 3. Scheduling 4. Facility layout 5. Inventory Management 6. Supply Chain Management 7. Quality Management 8. Quality Control There is no page requirement or required format. Please treat this as a paper that you are sending to the CEO of the company to justify keeping you as the Operations Manager. Justify your being hired by demonstrating that you have improved the operation AND/OR that you have learned enough to improve the operations in the future. Good luck!
  • 16. Export SummaryThis document was exported from Numbers. Each table was converted to an Excel worksheet. All other objects on each Numbers sheet were placed on separate worksheets. Please be aware that formula calculations may differ in Excel.Numbers Sheet NameNumbers Table NameExcel Worksheet NameInstructionsTable 1InstructionsStudent Report 0Table 1Student Report 0Student input 1Table 1Student input 1Student Report 1Table 1Student Report 1Student Input 2Table 1Student Input 2Student Report 2Table 1Student Report 2Student input 3Table 1Student input 3Student Report 3Table 1Student Report 3Student input 4Table 1Student input 4Student Report 4Table 1Student Report 4Student input 5Table 1Student input 5Student Report 5Table 1Student Report 5 InstructionsInstructionsYou have just been hired as the Operations Manager of a factory that builds speakers.It is a fairly simple process where the following steps occur:You receive weekly demands from your customers and you must try to fill those orders that week.You order on Fridays for the demand that you expect for the next week and the material shows up Sunday before the work week. If you do not order enough that week, you will not be able to fill all of your orders (you have a stock out)You have five employees that you can put at any of the five work stations. However, you can not hire more and you can't have more than one person at a workstation.You make two different speakers (Model A and Model B). Each speaker has 5 components that are soldered together to make a solid state speaker.The difference between Model A and B is that Model B is a higher end speaker and has two upgraded parts (Part 1 and Part 3).The current process is set up as an assembly line. Each morning every employee goes to receiving and gathers enough parts to last them an hour. They then work on those parts and until they are finished and then go get another hours worth of parts. This effectively means that each person is spending about 10 minutes each hour stocking
  • 17. their area.Everyone starts the day at the same time and everyone works until the work for that day is done.The current workload has you people working overtime. The fully loaded pay (including insurance and taxes) is $18.12 per hour and everyone gets paid the same. Overtime is paid at time and a half.Each week you team needs to make the following decisionsReview the information on the Student Report for that week. This first weekly report is Student Report 0You will find a lot of information on the Student Report 0. Perhaps the most important part is the weekly demand dataPlease notice that you have 11 weeks of demand before you started the job.You also have the current demand for the first week that you are employed. In this case Model A total demand is 333 and Model B is 144Fill out your team's Student input 1 to make your first decisionPlease do not change the format of the page since the information will be used in this manner by the instructorDecide how many Model A and Model B you want to make that week and put that informtion into the sheetDecide which of your employees will work at each work stationDecide how many additional parts you need to order to meet the expected demand for the next weekAnd then decide what changes you want to make to the factory or the operations of the factory. You are allowed three requests to the CEO each week, so pick the things that you think will matter the most.Submit the entire Excel worksheet back to D2L before the due date. &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student Report 0Week 0 ReportTotal Costs$ 99,7557 min5 min7 min3 minTotal Revenue$ 124,122Central Shipping ReceivePart 1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ 24,367and ReceivingStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4PackageLabelPickupPart 1bPart 3b Finished AssemblyReady to shipWeek 1 demandModel A333Customer Satisfaction85%Model B144EmployeeEmployee AssignmentInventoryAccuracyStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4S&RWork Station1234S&RPart 1a328Joshua0.980.980.980.980.98EmployeeJoshuaJessicaJimJe
  • 18. nniferJeffPart 1b155Jessica0.750.970.970.970.97Part 2462Jim0.750.980.980.980.98Part 3a302Jennifer0.950.950.950.950.95Part 3b155Jeff0.750.750.750.750.94Part 4462Part 5462Model A0Model B0PartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier 2Labor cost$ 3,566.62Returns Model AModel BPart 1a Cost$25 $27 $28 Inventory holding cost$539.97 Returns for next period7231Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate inventory$ 779.96Defects due to raw materials3214Part 1b Cost$41 $40 $38 Transportation costs$ 700.00Defects due to processes2611Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$ 91,168.00Erroneous shipments146Part 2 Cost$45 $50 $61 Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2 quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36 $39 $41 Part 3a quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46 $53 $55 Part 3b quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112 $105 $107 Part 4 quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54 $57 $55 Part 5 quality0.970.980.995a$272$278 $292 b$298$305$316DemandModel APrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 11313536363435363332363534270757884889399104110115120 1273881001191351518810312014014891100Returns721191511 5115182657177859072Total26132938440642429830332835938 4336333Model BPrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 11161714141415161617141715230303133333031333329273133 13637414445495259636667Returns31487171712727293033323 1Total10813115315916211712313013913914214436946053756 5586415426458498523478 &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student input 1Week 1This is the first decision that you will make. The information on Student Report 0 will help you make your decisions.3 requests for CEO1Jeff needs more training in
  • 19. all steps to have a better accuracy percentage. Jessica and Jim need more training for step 1.2Jennifer needs more training in all steps to have a better accuracy percentage.3Jessica and Jim need more training in Step one to improve there accuracy percentage.How much to makeQuantityModel A assemblies are made first, then Model B assembliesModel A302Model A consists of parts 1a, 2, 3a, 4, and 5Model B144Model B consists of parts 1b, 2, 3b, 4, and 5Part 1aPart 1bPart 2Part 3aPart 3bPart 4Part 5How much to order385160555411160555555All orders are placed on Monday and arrive on SundayManpowerYou can put any employee in any of the work stations. Changing work stations does not count as a request/question to CEOWork Station1234S&RYou cannot request more employees. The CEO says that you have to do the job with the people you currently have working.EmployeeJoshuaJimJessicaJenniferJeffCurrent employees to choose fromJoshuaJessicaJenniferJimJeff &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student Report 1Week 1 ReportTotal Costs$ 136,2947 min5 min7 min3 minTotal Revenue$ 165,561Central Shipping ReceivePart 1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ 29,267and ReceivingStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4PackageLabelPickupPart 1bPart 3b Finished AssemblyReady to shipWeek 2 demandItems made Week 1Model A354Model A302Customer Satisfaction83%Model B146Model B144EmployeeInventoryAccuracyStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4S&RQuestions/requestsReplyPart 1a411Joshua0.990.990.990.990.991All of the training has been donePart 1b171Jessica0.9850.9850.9850.9850.9852The CEO is a big believer in training and trained all employees on every workstation. You should see that the accuracy went up and your defects/returns due to processes improved as wellPart 2571Jim0.990.990.990.990.993The CEO also trained everyone in quality, so you are ready to start quality initiativesPart 3a411Jennifer0.9750.9750.9750.9750.975Part
  • 20. 3b171Jeff0.970.970.970.970.97Part 4571Part 5571Model A0Model B0PartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier 2Labor cost$ 5,440.53Returns Model AModel BPart 1a Cost$25$27$28Inventory holding cost$750.23Returns for next period7032Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate inventory$ 1,083.66Defects due to raw materials4320Part 1b Cost$41$40$38Transportation costs$ 964.00Defects due to processes188Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$ 125,056.00Erroneous shipments94Part 2 Cost$45$50$61Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2 quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36$39$41Part 3a quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46$53$55Part 3b quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112$105$107Part 4 quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54$57$55Part 5 quality0.970.980.995DemandModel APrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week 21313536363435363332363534312707578848893991041101151 201271343881001191351518810312014014891100119Returns7 21191511511518265717785907270Total2613293844064242983 03328359384336333354Model BPrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week 21161714141415161617141715152303031333330313333292731 29331363741444549525963666770Returns31487171712727293 033323132Total108131153159162117123130139139142144146 &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student Input 2Week 2This is the second decision that you will make. The information on Student Report 1 will help you make your decisions.3 requests for CEO1. On Part 1b - Go to Alt Supplier #2 - cheaper and better quality.2. On Part 4 - Go to Alt Supplier #2 - cheaper and better quality.3. On Part 5 - Go to Alt Supplier #2 - Only $1 increase but better quality. Money saved from other 2 requests will cover this increase for this part.How much to makeQuantityModel A assemblies are made first, then
  • 21. Model B assembliesModel A385Model A consists of parts 1a, 2, 3a, 4, and 5Model B146Model B consists of parts 1b, 2, 3b, 4, and 5Part 1aPart 1bPart 2Part 3aPart 3bPart 4Part 5How much to order354135500354135500500All orders are placed on Monday and arrive on SundayManpowerYou can put any employee in any of the work stations. Changing work stations does not count as a request/question to CEOWork Station1234S&RYou cannot request more employees. The CEO says that you have to do the job with the people you currently have working.EmployeeJimJoshuaJessicaJenniferJeff &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student Report 2Week 2 ReportTotal Costs$ 171,66912 min10 minTotal Revenue$ 177,582Central Shipping ReceivePart 1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ 5,913and ReceivingStep 1Step 2PackageLabelPickupPart 1bPart 3b Finished AssemblyReady to shipWeek 3 demandItems made Week 2Model A403Model A385Customer Satisfaction80%Model B157Model B146EmployeeInventoryAccuracyStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4S&RQuestions/requestsReplyPart 1a380Joshua0.990.990.990.990.991The instructions say that you must order all of your parts from one vendor. So, since all three of your requests asked to go to Alt Supplier #2, I switched all parts to Alt Supplier #2Part 1b160Jessica0.9850.9850.9850.9850.9852Part 2540Jim0.990.990.990.990.993Part 3a380Jennifer0.9750.9750.9750.9750.975Part 3b160Jeff0.970.970.970.970.97Part 4540Part 5540Model A31Model B0PartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier 2Labor cost$ 6,659.10Returns Model AModel BPart 1a Cost$25$27$28Inventory holding cost$974.20Returns for next period8633Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate inventory$ 1,407.17Defects due to raw materials5421Part 1b Cost$41$40$38Transportation costs$ 1,073.00Defects due to processes218Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$ 158,556.00Erroneous shipments114Part 2
  • 22. Cost$45$50$61Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2 quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36$39$41Part 3a quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46$53$55Part 3b quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112$105$107Part 4 quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54$57$55Part 5 quality0.970.980.995DemandModel APrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week 2Week 31313536363435363332363534313027075788488939910411011 51201271341413881001191351518810312014014891100119146 Returns72119151151151826571778590727086Total2613293844 06424298303328359384336333354403Model BPrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week 2Week 31161714141415161617141715151323030313333303133332927 31293333136374144454952596366677078Returns31487171712 72729303332313233Total1081311531591621171231301391391 42144146157 &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student input 3Week 3This is the third decision that you will make. The information on Student Report 2 will help you make your decisions.3 requests for CEO1. Additional training for Jeff in all steps2. Change to Supplier #1 for all parts3. Change the step process to allocate the fastest steps completed first.How much to makeQuantityModel A assemblies are made first, then Model B assembliesModel A372Model A consists of parts 1a, 2, 3a, 4, and 5Model B157Model B consists of parts 1b, 2, 3b, 4, and 5Part 1aPart 1bPart 2Part 3aPart 3bPart 4Part 5How much to order427172599427172599599All orders are placed on Monday and arrive on SundayManpowerYou can put any employee in any of the work stations. Changing work stations does not count as a request/question to CEOWork Station1234S&RYou cannot request more employees. The CEO
  • 23. says that you have to do the job with the people you currently have working.EmployeeJOSHJESSJENJEFFJIM &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student Report 3Week 3 ReportTotal Costs$ 163,4277 min5 min7 min3 minTotal Revenue$ 183,330Central Shipping ReceivePart 1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ 19,903and ReceivingStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4PackageLabelPickupPart 1bPart 3b Finished AssemblyReady to shipWeek 4 demandItems made Week 3Model A386Model A372Customer Satisfaction78%Model B153Model B157EmployeeInventoryAccuracyStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4S&RQuestions/requestsReplyPart 1a435Joshua0.990.990.990.990.991The boss said no more training right nowPart 1b175Jessica0.9850.9850.9850.9850.9852Done, this will reduce the overall cost of your materialPart 2610Jim0.990.990.990.990.993The process has been changed and you will see a decrease in the amount of time it takes to produce all of your speakersPart 3a435Jennifer0.9750.9750.9750.9750.975Part 3b175Jeff0.970.970.970.970.97You do need to find a way to reduce the returns. What are things you can do from a Quality Management standpoint?Part 4610Part 5610Model A0Model B0PartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier 2Labor cost$ 5,859.56Returns Model AModel BPart 1a Cost$25$27$28Inventory holding cost$871.38Returns for next period6929Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate inventory$ 1,258.67Defects due to raw materials3615Part 1b Cost$41$40$38Transportation costs$ 1,136.50Defects due to processes2912Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$ 151,301.00Erroneous shipments42Part 2 Cost$45$50$61Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2 quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36$39$41Part 3a quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46$53$55Part 3b quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112$105$107Part 4
  • 24. quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54$57$55Part 5 quality0.970.980.995DemandModel APrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 41313536363435363332363534313030270757884889399104110 11512012713414114138810011913515188103120140148911001 19146146Returns7211915115115182657177859072708669Total 261329384406424298303328359384336333354468386Model BPrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 41161714141415161617141715151313230303133333031333329 27312933333313637414445495259636667707878Returns31487 1717127272930333231323329Total10813115315916211712313 0139139142144146195153 &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student input 4Week 4This is the fourth decision that you will make. The information on Student Report 3 will help you make your decisions.3 requests for CEO1 Implement a poka-yoke application to avoid simple human errors in the production of the speakers.2 Implement six sigma to find and eliminate causes of defects and errors in the manufacturing and service process.3 Evaluate the quality using the gap model method.How much to makeQuantityModel A assemblies are made first, then Model B assembliesModel A386Model A consists of parts 1a, 2, 3a, 4, and 5Model B153Model B consists of parts 1b, 2, 3b, 4, and 5Part 1aPart 1bPart 2Part 3aPart 3bPart 4Part 5How much to order361148509361148509509All orders are placed on Monday and arrive on SundayManpowerYou can put any employee in any of the work stations. Changing work stations does not count as a request/question to CEOWork Station1234S&RYou cannot request more employees. The CEO says that you have to do the job with the people you currently have working.EmployeeJOSHJESSJENJEFFJIM
  • 25. &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student Report 4Week 4 ReportTotal Costs$ 161,7847 min5 min7 min3 minTotal Revenue$ 152,427Central Shipping ReceivePart 1aPart 2Part 3aPart 4Part 5Profit$ (9,357)and ReceivingStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4PackageLabelPickupPart 1bPart 3b Finished AssemblyReady to shipWeek 5 demandItems made Week 4Model A319Model A386Customer Satisfaction78%Model B146Model B153EmployeeInventoryAccuracyStep 1Step 2Step 3Step 4S&RQuestions/requestsReplyPart 1a410Joshua0.990.990.990.990.991These are just buzz words. What are you really asking to do?Part 1b170Jessica0.9850.9850.9850.9850.9852These are just buzz words. What are you really asking to do?Part 2580Jim0.990.990.990.990.993These are just buzz words. What are you really asking to do?Part 3a410Jennifer0.9750.9750.9750.9750.975Part 3b170Jeff0.970.970.970.970.97You have earned just over $45k for the four weeks of managing the operations. At this point these results should be much higher ($80k+) Here are some things that you have done right, and things you could have fixedPart 4580You did a very good job of training your employees early and switching your process to free up some time. You also switched to a supplier that had better quality parts.Part 5580However, you could have addressed the quality issue more directly by inspecting parts when they arrived or inspecting assemblies along the wayModel A62Other things that you could have addressed were performing physical inventories which would have reduced you cost of inaccurate inventoryModel B36The last thing is that you ended up with too much inventory which actually caused you to lose money this last roundPartsCurrent SupplierAlt Supplier 1Alt Supplier 2Labor cost$ 4,464.32Returns Model AModel BPart 1a Cost$25$27$28Inventory holding cost$1,142.67Returns for next period10542Part 1a quality0.970.980.995Cost of inaccurate
  • 26. inventory$ 1,650.52Defects due to raw materials5522Part 1b Cost$41$40$38Transportation costs$ 940.50Defects due to processes4418Part 1b quality0.970.980.995Material Cost$ 150,586.00Erroneous shipments62Part 2 Cost$45$50$61Equipment Maintenance costs$ 3,000.00Part 2 quality0.970.980.995Part 3a Cost$36$39$41Part 3a quality0.970.980.995Part 3b Cost$46$53$55Part 3b quality0.970.980.995Part 4 Cost$112$105$107Part 4 quality0.970.980.995Part 5 Cost$54$57$55Part 5 quality0.970.980.995DemandModel APrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 41313536363435363332363534313030270757884889399104110 11512012713414114138810011913515188103120140148911001 19146146Returns7211915115115182657177859072566869Total 261329384406424298303328359384336333340468386Model BPrevious WeeksCurrentCustomerWeek 1Week2Week 3Week 4Week 5Week 6Week 7Week 8Week 9Week 10Week 11Week 1Week 2Week 3Week 41161714141415161617141715151313230303133333031333329 27312933333313637414445495259636667707878Returns31487 1717127272930333231262629Total10813115315916211712313 0139139142144140195153 &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student input 5Student &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P Student Report 5 &"Helvetica Neue,Regular"&12&K000000&P