SlideShare a Scribd company logo
for business
Marketing Strategy in
a mobile world
Kisson Lin, Greater China SMB team
Facebook | Instagram
for business
•  From Desktop to Mobile, from Mobile to Cross-Device 從桌機到手機,從手機到多屏
•  The Right Time, The Right People, The Right Content 對的時間,對的人,對的 容
•  Conversion Funnel: Discovery – Acquisition – Conversion/ Retention 購買漏斗:發現 - 獲得
潛力客 - 轉換/再行銷
•  Campaign elements: Objective – Targeting – Bidding – Creatives 行銷元素: 目的- 受眾 -
競價- 素材
•  General Creatives Best Practices 最佳素材規範
•  Media Plans for each industry 各行業行銷策略分享
From desktop to mobile
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Mobile	&	Smartphone	Users,	Worldwide,	2014-2018
Mobile	phone	users Smartphone	users
Mobile and smartphone users continue to grow
Source: eMarketer, April 2016.
2014 2015 2016 2017 2018
Mobile	Ad	Spend	Share	of	Digital	&	Total	Media,	
Worldwide,	2014-2018
Mobile	ad	spending	(%	of	total	digital	ad	spending)
Mobile	ad	spending	(%	of	total	media	ad	spending)
While Mobile Ad Spend will continue to gain share
Source: eMarketer, Mar 2016.
From mobile to cross-device
Millward Brown AdReaction 2014
53% 47%
1 Facebook Millward Brown 2014 6
2 Facebook GfK 2013 12
The Right Time, The Right People, The Right Content
The Right Time
1	in	5	minutes in mobile
time spent
Source: US Mobile Total Monthly Minutes, comScore, Sep 2014
很多受眾外, 大部分
Early Morning Late Morning Lunch time Afternoon Early evening Late evening
Facebook TV Newspaper Magazine
The One
Facebook in Global
Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016.
people use Facebook
every month
or 66% of monthly active
people return every day
1.65B 1.09B
Facebook in Hong Kong
Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016.
people use Facebook
every month
or 73% of monthly active
people return every day
>4.9M >3.6M
Facebook in
Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016.
* Percentage of Internet users calculated with data from eMarketer, February 2016.
Hong Kong
89%of Internet users*
Facebook in Taiwan
Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016.
月活躍用 或>72%月活躍用 每天登
>18M >13M
Facebook in
Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016.
* Percentage of Internet users calculated with data from eMarketer, February 2016.
95%互聯網用 *
The Power of Facebook Targeting
reach and
Largest set of
consumer data
Real people
(instead of
Source: Nielsen OCR, August 2013
92%	TheaverageFacebookreachfor
而Facebook上的廣告準確率是: accurate
78%	Theaverageonlinereachfor
平均來 ,其他數位廣告平台精
Reaching Real People – with Accuracy
The Right Content
對的 容
People have more control than ever before
現在,你用拇指就可以輕鬆控制看什麼 容
•  Most people would use mobile devices while watching TV;
•  每十位台灣消費者就有六位會一邊看電視,一邊使用行動裝置;
•  Research shows that when using smart phones, people’s concentration is 82% higher, and their
chances of being distracted is 79% lower;
•  使用智慧型手機時,專注力比觀看電視高出82%,受周遭環境的影響也相對的少79%;
•  Facebook ads has 2X effectiveness than TV ads, and 4X higher reach rate;
•  Facebook廣告的衝擊性是相同成本電視廣告的兩倍,觸及率比電視有效四倍;
•  Facebook increasesTV ads’ incremental reach by 8% especially for those who seldom watch TV;
•  Facebook可幫助品牌在接觸即使很少看電視的受眾時,新增8%的觸及率;
On average, people consume each piece of content on
Facebook mobile feed for 1.7 seconds
Young people have higher expectations for brands
72%	expect brand
content to be
期待品牌 容有 樂性
56%	would share brand content
if it was interesting
會分享有趣的品牌 容
Source: “Coming of Age on Screens,” by Crowd DNA
(study commissioned by Facebook), April-May 2014. Survey of 11, 165 young people, age 13-24, in 13 countries
Brands can make businesses personal again
year over year
video growth*
影片年成長數量 4B	video views on Facebook
Source: *Facebook Internal Data, November 2014; **Facebook Internal Data, March 2014
Within 5 hours
people consume
每五小時觀看 容相當於
of content
Source: Millward Brown Digital 2014 AdReaction Multiscreen US Report
Instagram in
Hong Kong
Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016.
Instagram in
Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016.
Source: Instagram internal data, November 2014
70M	photos contributed on Instagram
2.5B	photos liked every day on
Cinemagraphs on Instagram
X Autoplay for branding
Facebook carousel to drive
Video 影音故事
Carousel 輪播廣告
3D X Autoplay
Disclaimer: Misusing alcohol can damage your health, to be consumed in moderation
Carousel to showcase
various creatives
Ad sequencing 廣告排序
Bringing precision to story telling 讓你的品牌充滿故事,讓你的故事精確投放
Ad sequencing 廣告排序
Bringing precision to story telling 讓你的品牌充滿故事,讓你的故事精確投放
Media Strategy
Conversion Funnel 行銷購買漏斗
Conversion -> Retention
Ad Set
Website Conversions
Target X Target Y
Creative B – News Feed
Creative A – News Feed
Creative A – RHS
Creative C – RHS
Creative B – RHS
Creative B – News Feed
Creative A – News Feed
Creative A – RHS
Creative C – RHS
Creative B – RHS
Brand story works better than continuous hard-selling
資料來源:Facebook 行銷學團隊與 Adaptly 合作,針對 Refinery29 進行的研究,2014 年第 2 季
Website Traffic
Brand awareness
Continuous same CTA 持續進行 CTA Sequential CTA 依序安排 CTA
Lift in subscription rate
Brand Awareness 知名度	
• Brand Awareness 打響品
• Video Views 影⽚觀看次
• Local Awareness 打響本
The vast majority of people who purchase your products will do so
without clicking on your ads1; studies show that more than 90% of offline sales come from people
who don’t interact with ads during the campaign2.
*Source: 1Datalogix ROI study, Oct 2012; 2Facebook Telco Outcome Measurement, Mar 2013. 
“Today, marketers who attempt to optimize their
advertising campaigns solely around click are assigning no
value to the 84 percent of Internet users who don’t click on an ad.”
10% of the “clickiest” people on Facebook in the US are 4.2x more expensive to reach than the bottom
50%, for no other reason than they click on ads.
(on Facebook, on a cost-per-basis)
Campaign 1 Campaign 2 Campaign 3 Campaign 4 Campaign 5 Campaign 6
( )
( )
Page Post Engagement Brand Awareness
+72% +22% +106%
+38% +56%
Source: Internal analysis using test vs. control polls of 6 campaigns with budget and audience split evenly between Page Post Engagement optimization & Brand Awareness optimization, Aug & Sept, 2015
1. 品牌知名度
A successful brand awareness campaign has many
Reach Attention Message Quality Brand Awareness
(Measured by ad recall)
(Other Factors)
Number of people
reached per dollar spent
Amount of time people
spend looking at ads
relative to average ad
Brand linkage,
memorability, etc
Existing brand attributes,
priming, product usage,
Measured in terms of
total number of people
recalling the ad per
dollar spent
x x x =
觸及率	 注意⼒	 訊息品質	 品牌知名度	
x	 x	 x	 =
Brand Awareness 知名度	
• Brand Awareness 打響品
• Video Views 影⽚觀看次
• Local Awareness 打響本
Share a purpose-driven
message, highlighting your
Remarket to people who
viewed your video with a
benefit-driven message
created of
people who
viewed your
Mock video ad –
the end screen –
with a call to
action on it
Share another benefit
related to your product and
invite people to interact
further through a call-to-
2. 影片觀看
Brand Awareness 知名度	
• Brand Awareness 打響品
• Video Views 影⽚觀看次
• Local Awareness 打響本
Brand Awareness 知名度	
• Brand Awareness 打響品
• Video Views 影⽚觀看次
• Local Awareness 打響本
Call Now
在他們的 Newsfeed
致電	Brand Awareness 知名度	
• Brand Awareness 打響品
• Video Views 影⽚觀看次
• Local Awareness 打響本
只要按 Send
Messenger 的	
Brand Awareness 知名度	
• Brand Awareness 打響品
• Video Views 影⽚觀看次
• Local Awareness 打響本
“Get direction”
•  打響品牌知名度	
•  影⽚觀看次數	
•  打響本地市場知名度	
Get Direction
Newsfeed 看到
Brand Awareness 知名度	
• Brand Awareness 打響品
• Video Views 影⽚觀看次
• Local Awareness 打響本
Age and gender
Interested in basketball
New device owners
Android phone user
Newly wed
Engaged gamer
Core 受眾	
Brand Awareness 品牌知名度 	
Optimise for reach 最佳化觸及率	Optimise for Brand Awareness 最佳化知名度	
Daily Reach
Video Views 影⽚觀看次數	
Reach & Frequency
⾛期: 1 – 30 天 (heads up: 90 天)
最少潛在觸及⼈數: 30萬	
最少觸及⼈數: 20萬	
出價模式: 預估 CPM
版位: 動態消息 / 右欄 / Instagram (動態消息跟右欄必須分開)	
設定: 最早 ⾏銷活動完成6個⽉之前
最晚 ⾏銷活動開始前⼀天	
Video Autoplay
TIME's new cover: Never Offline.
The Apple Watch is just the start. How
wearable tech will change your life—
like it or not.
Acquisition 考量	
• Website Clicks 網
• App Installs ⾏動應
• Lead Generation
3-5 張圖/影⽚
Acquisition 考量	
• Website Clicks 網
• App Installs ⾏動應
• Lead Generation
註冊Facebook & SDK 安裝 步驟:
1.追蹤安裝轉化數據,開放 oCPM 以及 CPA競
3.測量安裝轉化的量,除了註冊 App,還必須
安裝 Facebook SDK,或者 facebook⽀持的第三
Acquisition 考量	
• Website Clicks 網
• App Installs ⾏動應
• Lead Generation
Acquisition 考量	
• Website Clicks 網
• App Installs ⾏動應
• Lead Generation
Acquisition 考量	
• Website Clicks 網
• App Installs ⾏動應
• Lead Generation
與 CRM(顧客關係
管理)或 API 整
Facebook 的用戶
開拓理想客群 即時取得
Facebook 名單型廣告解決開發潛在顧客時面臨的主要難題
Acquisition 考量	
• Website Clicks 網
• App Installs ⾏動應
• Lead Generation
Top 1%
Top 10%
•  顧客名單 	
•  網站訪客	
•  Mobile app 訪客	
•  粉絲	
Maximize 相似度	 Maximize ⼈數	
(oCPM)- 轉換率
多產品輪播廣告 – 更多推薦與創意
Cross Sell 
根據CRM 數據鎖定過往的購買客群
•  電⼦郵件地址
•  App ⽤⼾編號
•  網站⾃訂受眾
•  使⽤⾏動應⽤程式⽤⼾
1. 顧客名單
(網站,Mobile APP)
2. Facebook 像素	
Custom Audiences 自定義受眾
Leverage CRM to extend “email-open” reach (your reach)
Facebook ads
extended email
campaign reach
by 77%
ads only
Coordinating email and Facebook ads improved reach
When reached
with Facebook ads,
email openers were
22% more likely
to purchase
ads only
Cross channel coordination appealed to best clients
Email openers who saw ads were more likely to purchase
Website Custom Audiences 網站自定義受眾
Reach someone who:
•  Visited your site
•  Added an item to a shopping
•  Bought something
Using Custom Audiences pixel from your website
Custom Audiences
Broad Marketing Objectives
Exclude existing
Exclude users who have
already purchased the
Continue to show ads
on complimentary
Remarket to
potential customers
Capture users who have
expressed intent on your
Segment these users and
target them with ads
Find new potential
Use WCA as a seed to
create Lookalikes
Acquire new customers
who look like your
existing customers
(oCPM)-Optimising for
conversion 優化轉換率
Carousel ads to recommend relevant products
多產品輪播廣告 – 相關性商品推薦
動態廣告 – 電⼦商務精準再⾏銷
Source: Google’s Our Mobile Planet, Sept 2013 and Facebook case study, Dec 2013
Facebook使App內In App
結論 受眾設定
-  觸及範圍、頻率
-  點擊次數、互動
-  成本(觸及、點擊)
-  網站點擊率
-  註冊次數
-  轉換成本(結帳、註冊)
-  結帳次數
-  結帳成本
-  ROI
-  廣泛受眾
-  興趣受眾
-  興趣受眾
-  類似受眾
-  CRM
-  自訂受眾
Facebook Pixel
-  影片
-  創意視覺呈現
(Gif, Cinemagraph)
-  連結廣告
-  多 品廣告
-  連結廣告
-  多 品廣告
-  動態廣告(DPA)
-  品牌知名度
-  影片觀看次數
-  打響本地市場
-  網站導流
-  增加APP下載量
-  獲得潛在客 名
-  提升網站轉換率
-  增加APP使用率
– – –
Creatives and Best Practices
by Industry
Objective 目標 Audience Targeting 受眾 Strategy 策略 Ad Format 素材
Let more people know
about your brand
Broad: Maximize reach at optimal
frequency. (Age, gender, interest)
廣泛:最大化觸及 (年齡,性別,興趣)
•  Brand Awareness Ad - Maintain frequency at 1-3 exposures/
week (品牌知名度廣告,一周曝光1-3次)
•  Increase view rate of the video ads (增加影音廣告的觀看)
•  Video
•  Canvas
•  Photo ads with link
Generate Sales
Lookalike audienced based on
•  Website conversion ad with optimized CPM pegged to
conversions (網站轉換廣告,oCPM優化轉換率)
•  Exclude people who converted (排除已經轉換的人)
•  Link ads
•  Carouselwith photos, or
photos & 3-sec video mix
Retarget Site Visitors
Website custom audiences
retargeting pool 網站訪客
•  Website conversion asd, new products for site visitors (網站
•  Limit-time discount for shopping cart visitors (限時優惠,提
•  Exclude people who converted (30days window) (排除最近30
•  Carousel with photos, or
photos & 3-sec video mix
Maintain loyalty of
returning clients
提升現有客 忠實度
•  720 days email custom audience
•  30 day checkout 最近30天結帳
Seasonal promo/ New Products/ VIP (換季/新品/VIP專區)
(These are HV clients, they tend to spend more, so offer them a
good reason to come back every 14-30 days).
•  Canvas
•  Carousel with photo & 3-sec
video mix
Expand key client
•  Lookalike 30 days of converters
•  Lookalike 30 days CRM CA
•  Lookalike of fans
Website conversion/ Website clicks with canvas/ video/ photo
showcasing similar people using the products. Key is to show
lifestyle (not hard-sell). 網站轉換/網站點擊,素材裡面要有類似
的人用該 品的showcase,才能 生親近感。重點是Lifestyle, 不
•  Canvas
•  Photo/ Link ads
•  Carousel with photo & 3-sec
video mix
How to optimize – General practices
Creative Best Practices – General Rules
Creative best practices 素材最佳攻略
1. Posts with less than 2 lines receive 60% more engagement 少於兩行的文案互動率高60%
2. Think mobile and optimise creative for mobile devices 以移動端出發,優化手機上的瀏覽體驗
3. DR: LPP; Branding: Photo & Video DR: 連接貼文; Branding: 圖/ 影音
4. Your product name must be mentioned within the first few words of the copy 文案儘早提及品牌
5. Simple images with people and product perform better 簡單美麗的圖最好
6. Avoid using links in the copy, keep it clean and simple; 文案中最好少用鏈接
7. Limit hashtags to most 2, keep it consistent across platforms. Hashtag不要超過兩個
Without brand vs. With brand
GIF Cinemagraph
Carousel with video
Identify your business goal:
Develop a strategy before you create your ad:
Build Awareness Drive Foot Traffic Drive Online Conversions
Your ad should help you deliver against that goal.
Understand you target audience/s:
Speak directly to their motivations or address the barriers preventing them from becoming your customer.
Communicate the role of your business in their lives, why you should matter to them. Consider having different
versions of creative for different audiences to ensure you are speaking to what motivates them.
Young Professionals Baby Boomers
•  Deals/specials, they
are savvy with their
money and want to
feel classy.
•  They work hard and play
hard and deserve
something special to end
their day.
•  They enjoy dining before the
crowds come in since they
have flexibility in their
•  Trying new versions of the
same foods that they love.
Define your theme:
Figure out what you want your audience to take away from your ad. Think about a theme or concept that will tie
your ads together. This is a way that you can express your brand’s unique point of view, what makes you stand out.
The theme can be a concept/idea or even a visual theme to create consistency among all of your ads.
Follow these Creative Executional Tips
1 Stop them as they scroll.
Single Focal Point
Visual Consistency among ads
Build for Mobile
People scroll quickly through their News Feed. Follow these tips to help get their attention between looking
At their friend’s birthday party photos and a video of their nephew’s first steps.
Connect with them when they look.2
Tell a Story, Not a Fact Use Short CopyIntegrate your Brand
Once you have their attention, reward them for stopping. It’s your chance to communicate your key message
in an inspiring way that will make them glad that they stopped and remember what you said.
Inspire them to act.3
Leverage the ad unit’s
full creative canvas to
get them to engage
You caught their attention, now it’s your chance to close the deal. Tell them what’s in it for them, what the
benefit is, so they’ll take the desired action.
Use your copy or a Call To Action
button to motivate them to act.
Video Tips
First :03 should grab their attention.
Video must work with sound off
Use subtitles where necessary to
emphasize key points.
Use visuals to tell your story
Film your video horizontally
Use natural lighting
Keep it simple and short
The tips on the other slides hold true for video. These are some additional tips that we’ve learned to help craft
great videos for News Feed.
Learn more:
Facebook Creative Best Practices
Develop a strategy before you create your ad:
Identify your business goal
Understand you target audience/s
Define your theme
Follow these Creative Executional Tips
Stop them as they scroll1
Connect with them when they look2
Inspire them to act3
Single Focal Point
Visual Consistency among ads
Build for Mobile
Integrate your brand
Tell a story, not a fact
Use short copy
Tell them what’s in it for them,
so they’ll take the desired action
Leverage the ad unit’s full
creative canvas to get
them to engage
Video Tips4
First :03 should grab their attention.
Video must works with sound off
Use subtitles where necessary to
emphasize key points.
Use visuals to tell your story
Film your video horizontally
Use natural lighting
Keep it simple and short
Case Study: 100 Days of hottest topic + Oreo
Best Practices by Vertical
Objective Targeting
Bidding Placement Creative
Website Conversion
18 – 45
Past 14D conversions
LAL past 30D visitors
LAL past 14D conversion
Past 30D visitors
18 – 45
Past 14D conversions
LAL past 30D visitors
LAL past 14D conversion
Past 30D visitors
Past 30D
Past 14D conversions
LAL past 14D
Past 14D
Past 14D conversions
Past 30D visitors
30D Visitors
Past 14D conversions
Past 14D conversions
Adset Adset Adset Adset Adset Adset
Acquisition (70% budget) Retargeting (30% budget)
Telling a Story
Target audience: Parents
Adding video to carousel increases playfulness in your ad and boosts engagement &
conversion. You can tell a story with the video/ carousel, and test which card is most
suitable for video.
Showcasing top categories
Target audience:
Core Audience exclu. past 60D Conversion
Hacking the carousel format: Every carousel is a 3 second video
showcasing different styles.
It’s more alike animated photos.
Check out the post here:
Creatives make huge
Showcasing different images of the same product
Target audience:
Past 30D WCA – Male
Showcasing different options of the same product
Target audience:
Past 30D WCA – Female
Showcasing different benefits of your products
Target audience:
Core Audience
Allegro is Poland’s largest ecommerce brand. It has enjoyed rapid growth since its
launch in 1999 and now serves a community of over 14 million people.
To make its name synonymous with gift-giving in Poland, Allegro worked with
its creative agency Bardzo and Facebook’s Creative Shop to create a memorable
TV and Facebook campaign.
The company’s emotive TV commercial followed the life of a young boy from
early Christmases when he received presents from Santa, to his adult life when
it was his turn to give the gifts. Creative Shop helped Allegro adapt this story for
News Feed to drive incremental reach amongst younger demographics.
Allegro then used Facebook’s highly immersive new Canvas format—becoming
the first brand in Poland to do so—to convert broad awareness into
consideration and action. Together with Creative Shop, the company created
short, engaging video loops from the TV commercial that illustrated various
present-giving situations. By showing customers that Allegro was the best place
to buy these presents, the Canvas campaign helped ensure that viewers
progressed along the path to purchase.
Allegro wanted to establish itself as a key destination for Christmas
shopping. Specifically, it wanted to make people aware of its campaign
line, “Allegro: what you’re looking for”.
I. E-Commerce
Hailing from Hong Kong but selling to the world, Casetify is an ecommerce startup that turns
personal Instagram snaps or designs by artists into cases for mobile phones, tablets and Apple
Watch bands. It aims to turn memorable moments into products that people love.
In the run-up to Mother’s Day, Casetify wanted to reach people who had previously visited the
website or bought a gift for their mum the previous year. It wanted to share a special offer with
them to bring them back.
Casetify’s cases are aesthetically stunning and its Facebook- and Instagram-using audiences are
visually driven, so the company used both photo ads and carousel ads to showcase product
photos and drive people to its website. With carousel ads, Casetify could display up to 5 photos of
different products with multiple links in a single ad. Casetify also ran link ads in mobile and
desktop News Feed and and in the right column to boost website traffic.
The ads featured a promotional offer that encouraged people to treat their mum with a unique
gift and also inspired them with examples of personalized cases.
The company unlocked the value of its customer data by using Custom Audiences to retarget
people who bought a Mother’s Day gift the previous year. It also used website Custom Audiences
to retarget people who had visited the Casetify website but didn’t make a purchase.
more sales than the
previous Mother’s Day
Return on ad spend
lower cost per
acquisition than
previous campaigns
increase in the average order
value since using Facebook Ads
I. E-Commerce
LovelyWholesale sells affordable, stylish clothes online for fashion-forward women around the world.
Based in China, its key markets span several continents, including Europe, North America and
Southeast Asia.
LovelyWholesale started its Facebook Ads journey with the goal of building brand awareness and
reaching new customers. The brand ran like ads to build its fan base, used lookalike audiences to
target people similar to its existing customers, and boosted its Page posts to get more exposure.
Next, LovelyWholesale used link ads to drive people to its website, measuring conversions using
Facebook’s conversion tracking pixel.
The brand used Custom Audiences to retarget website visitors who added something to their basket
but didn't buy it, displaying the same product (or something similar) to prompt them to return to the
website and complete their purchase.
LovelyWholesale didn't fully understand its diverse market. But by using Facebook Ads, it could
identify key customer demographics so it could better reach its global audience and drive traffic to
the LovelyWholesale website. It also wanted to optimize its return on ad spend and maximize online
increase in sales in 3 months
increase in website (65% of which came
from mobile)
Return on ad spend
Moving images to
create a mesmerizing
moment on mobile
Used cinemagraphs
on auto-play videos
to drive awareness
and carousel ads to
drive direct response
II. App Installs
Robot War Heroes
Objective Targeting
Bidding Placement Creative
Mobile App Install
Past 180D
Customer List
Page Fans
Page Fans
Customer List
Past 180D
Customer List
Page Fans
LAL – Customer List
Customer List
Past 180D visitor
Page fans
LAL – Past 180D visitor
Past 180D visitor
Customer List
Page Fans
LAL – Past 180D visitor
LAL – Customer List
Past 180D visitor
Customer List
Page Fans
LAL – Past 180D visitor
LAL – Customer List
Phase 1
Phase 3
Phase 2
II. App Installs
Video ads for
branding + DR and
to show how to use
Carousel ads to
drive conversion
Instagram –
Engaging and
enlarging reach
Canvas: Designed for
mobile, more info,
more attractive
II. App Installs
Pinkoi is a Taiwan-based online marketplace that helps over 20,000 international designers
and artists sell their work—much of it handmade. Design lovers in over 47 countries can
buy products from Pinkoi’s website or mobile app.
Pinkoi ran mobile app ads to drive people directly to its mobile app and encourage them to install it.
The company also ran carousel ads to showcase multiple products in the same ad, grouping products
with a similar color or theme. Those ads also clicked through to the app install page.
Pinkoi used website Custom Audiences to reach potential customers. When visitors expressed interest
in products on its website, Pinkoi showed them a personalized ad recommending similar items from the
same collection.
Throughout its 9-month campaign, Pinkoi used Facebook’s location targeting ability to pinpoint
potential customers in overseas markets and reach them with localized ad content.
Pinkoi wanted to connect design lovers with its team of designers from around the world
by growing its Facebook audience in Asia Pacific and attracting more people to its website
and mobile app.
of all website visits during the
campaign came from Facebook
lower cost per download than
other ad platforms
of the people who liked its Page during
the campaign came from overseas
II. App Installs
EZTABLE allows people to make restaurant reservations online via the EZTABLE website. Started by 4
friends in Taiwan, the company has also developed a mobile app to cater to the growing number of
smartphone users in Taiwan.
EZTABLE ran mobile app ads to direct people to its mobile app and encourage downloads.
It retargeted people who visited its website using website Custom Audiences with Facebook Ads that told
them about EZTABLE’s new mobile app.
To boost its reach, the brand used lookalike audiences to target people with a similar profile (people with
similar interests or from a similar age group) to EZTABLE’s existing customers—making it more likely for
them to respond favorably to its ads.
EZTABLE had recently developed a mobile app and made its website mobile-friendly. It wanted to take
full advantage of the mobile market to reach Taiwanese smartphone users and drive downloads of its
new mobile app.
growth in mobile
revenue in one year
app downloads in one year
lower cost per installation than
other ad platforms
II. App Installs
BASE is a Tokyo-based startup that makes it easy and affordable for anyone to set up a fully functioning
ecommerce store, either online or through the company’s mobile app. Customers have set up over 200,000
online stores through BASE as of October 2015.
BASE used carousel mobile app ads to feature multiple images in a single ad and drive people directly to its
app install page. The company developed 20 different versions of ad creative, each one with a different
The images featured products that people had shown an interest in on BASE’s Facebook Page, visuals that
would appeal to mobile phone owners (such as photos of mobile phone cases) and images of cats, which are
hugely popular on social media. BASE wanted the ads to be engaging and not feel like ads. It used consistent
colors and overall look and feel so that the ads would hold together as a campaign.
To help BASE learn which visuals performed best, the company optimized the ads. Optimization ensures that
the best-performing imagery gets served more often, boosting return on ad spend.
To maximize conversions, BASE used website Custom Audiences to retarget people who visited its website,
and served them a carousel ad that prompted them to install BASE’s mobile app.
The company also used Lookalike Audiences to target people who resembled its existing customers, making
it more likely that people who saw the ad would be interested in using the app.
lower cost per install after
one month
increase in sales in one month
increase in app installs
in one month
higher conversion rate using
website Custom Audiences
II. App Installs
Deezer lets subscribers discover artists and play their music, instantly. With more than 35 million tracks and 100 million
playlists to choose from, people can explore the music they just have to hear, online and offline, across all devices.
To get more music lovers to use its app, Deezer ran Facebook mobile app install ads in carousel format. Allowing the
company to showcase up to 5 images with links in a single ad, the carousel format is interactive, attention-grabbing and
perfectly suited to direct response campaigns. The campaign was targeted broadly to reach 18- to 50-year-olds in France
and 25- to 65-year-olds in Brazil.
Ads were created and optimized with Facebook Marketing Partner Marin Social’s Bulk Creator and Mass Editor. To
improve ad delivery, the team used A/B testing and automatically optimized based on the best-performing images. Finally,
the team measured the campaign results using Facebook’s measurement tools.
Deezer and Marin Social created imagery to showcase the company’s app and music offerings. They used 3 different types
of creative:
a storytelling ad featuring CDs stacked high, capturing the vast number of tracks Deezer offers to subscribers
a musical genre ad featuring playlists like rock, jazz or electronic, using a pile of “Best Of” CDs (this got the best cost per
acquisition in the Brazilian market)
an ad with generic creative featuring CDs stacked high, capturing the vast selection of tracks Deezer offers to subscribers
(this got the best cost per acquisition in the French market)
decrease in cost per
account signup
lower cost per app install
on Android (Brazil)
lower cost per app
install on iOS (Brazil)
lower cost per app
install (France)
II. App Installs
Mobile app Veems allows people to combine private photo messaging with short sound clips, capturing
and sharing authentic life moments. Veems is particularly popular among people using Android and is
rapidly making its mark in the app charts, with growing numbers of users across the globe.
The Veems Facebook Page zeroes in on engagement, building rapport through chatty, topical updates
and encouraging people to share their own content.
Veems founder Iddo Goren was keen to gain market insights from Facebook and by taking note of
feedback and engagement levels, he could clearly see where the product worked best. He directly asked
people what they wanted from a messaging app, how they would use it, and what features would most
appeal to them. These insights from current and would-be app users helped Iddo to make useful changes
to the app itself, and they also optimise the brand’s Facebook marketing activity.
Veems wanted to use Facebook to help drive app installs in both new and established markets, while
working with a modest marketing budget.
weekly increase in
II. App Installs
Money View is an Android app that makes it a breeze for people to securely manage their finances
when they’re on the go. It is particularly popular among young, mobile-savvy Indians.
Since October 2014, Money View has used mobile app ads to drive app installs. Once mobile app ads became
available in carousel format, the company adopted them to show people multiple product benefits in a single ad
that pointed them to a link to install the app. The creative featured bold colours, clear copy and informative
graphics to demonstrate how people can use the app to do everything from setting alerts to splitting a bill with
friends while they’re out and about.
In the first phase, Money View used behavioural targeting to reach India’s mobile generation by targeting people
who own a 3G device. Once it had grown its user base significantly, it was able to create a Custom Audience of
people who were engaged with its app. It then used Lookalike Audiences to find people who resemble them on
In the increasingly competitive app market, Money View wanted to reach the right people with its
ads so it could drive more app installs, reduce its cost per install, and successfully encourage new
customers to continue using the app after they installed it.
Increase in app engagement
Lower cost per install
Increase in app installs
II. App Installs
Japanese startup Fablic created the flea market app FRIL to help teens and 20-somethings discover, buy and sell
fashion items. Adopting a mobile-only approach, FRIL is a safe and convenient solution in a country with a large and
growing number of smartphone users.
As a mobile-first ecommerce business, Fablic focused on reaching people in the mobile News Feed. The company
used carousel ads for mobile app installs to showcase up to 5 products in a single ad. This allowed Fablic to attract
people’s attention with a visual ad and send them directly to the app install page, where they could install FRIL on
their mobile with one click while it was still fresh in their minds.
The company continually measured its ad relevance score to understand how well the carousel ads were resonating
with the audience, and then used these insights to refine its content strategy and show people ads that were even
more relevant to them.
To ensure it was spending its ad budget wisely, Fablic used Custom Audiences and its customer data to exclude
anyone who had already downloaded the app from seeing the ads. Using the same Custom Audience, the company
then used Lookalike Audiences to reach people who resembled existing customers, targeting both men and women.
FRIL was initially aimed at women, but Fablic wanted to expand into men’s fashion and find new male users. It
wanted to get more men to install the app for the first time, and also keep its cost per install low.
lower cost per install
than other media
higher click-through
rate than other media
ad relevance score
higher lifetime value than
other media
II. App Installs
Auction is an online auction company based in South Korea and owned by eBay. The
company recently launched a companion app, Auction Used Goods Marketplace.
After launching Used Goods Marketplace, the company set out to establish the app and
increase sales by driving app downloads and encouraging people to use it, and attracting
more buyers and sellers. The company also planned to run a brand effectiveness study after
the campaign to analyze its effectiveness.
When choosing its campaign media, Auction considered the media consumption trends of
its primary clients: the young generation that spends less time on above the line media
(mass and broadcast media, including TV) and more time on below the line media (more
niche-focused, targeted media, including digital channels).
Auction created 2 animated video ads. The aim of the first ad was to increase awareness by
emphasizing the major benefits of the Used Goods Marketplace app and its features. This
video ran on both TV and Facebook.
For the second ad, Auction created a video that would resonate with younger consumers.
The company promoted this second video on digital media only.
Auction first used target blocks to maximize the reach of its main video ad within a short
period of time. It then continued the campaign for 3 weeks, using the reach and frequency.
Video impressions
Video views
of mobile ad recognition came
exclusively from Facebook
II. App Installs
Award-winning online games publisher RJ Games specialises in immersive social strategy games
with popular titles such as Under Siege, Under Fire and Under Control.
RJ Games has traditionally used basic retargeting to spur lapsed players back into action. However, it
knew that to increase from reactivated players, a more sophisticated strategy was needed. Using
latest release Under Control as a test case, RJ Games began by analysing player behaviour in real-
time battles, one-on-one fights and mass clan fighting. By identifying when and why players went
into battle and bought extra weapons, RJ Games was able to narrow its focus to 2 target player
types: those who fight one-on-one and those who fight in a clan.
RJ Games created desktop app engagement ads targeted to the 2 player types, using ad creative
specific to how each segment played the game. For example, clan fighters were served ads featuring
images of the clan, with a call to action to rejoin and support the fellow players in battle. Ads were
also adjusted to reflect player interests identified by Audience Insights.
Then, RJ Games used ads for virtual goods to drive in-game purchases with top players and with
players who had never yet purchased in-game. These ads ran around the Christmas period when
player leisure time was more plentiful and indulgent micro-spending more likely. RJ Games also
noticed an interesting side effect from using this format—players shared the ad with their friends
and in fan groups, creating a viral effect over the festive period.
average click-through rate
more engagement from
retargeted players
of re-engaged players
continued to pay after
initial payment
return on ad investment
II. App Installs
FunPlus, founded in 2010, is one of the fastest-growing gaming companies in the world. Every day,
millions of people around the world play FunPlus games like Family Farm and Royal Story.
FunPlus wanted to drive installs of its new game Family Farm Seaside by making it easier for
people to discover the game and play it with their friends.
To make it easier for people on Facebook to install Family Farm Seaside, FunPlus first enabled
Login with Facebook by implementing Facebook’s software development kit. To spur game installs,
the company also started running mobile app install ads beginning in November 2012. These ads
were targeted to appear in the mobile News Feeds of players on iOS devices such as iPads and
iPhones in countries where English, German and French were spoken. FunPlus refreshed ad
creative twice a week to keep users interested in its messages. To keep players engaged with the
game, FunPlus also created a Facebook Page for the game where it communicated game updates
and launched a community where players could discuss it.
Even after the launch of Family Farm Seaside, new players continued to find the game through
their Facebook friends. In total, Facebook delivered:
•  28% lower cost per install compared to two other mobile ad networks between January 2013
and March 2013
•  Highest conversion rate of all mobile ad networks used in all markets
•  200% higher click-through rate compared to other mobile ad networks
No. 1
lower cost per install compared to two
other mobile ad networks
conversion rate of all mobile ad
networks used in all markets
higher click-through rate compared to
other mobile ad networks
III. Travel
III. Travel – Success Stories – Carnival Cruise Line
Cruising to success
Canvas proved effective in helping Carnival increase brand interest and engage its key
audience. The campaign, which ran from December 7–15, 2015, also delivered the
following results:
Over 50% of viewers watched more than 25 seconds of the ad
50% of viewers watched the entire ad
7.7 million viewers reached
Carnival is one of the most popular cruise lines in the world, offering quality cruises and
memorable vacations to the Caribbean, Europe, Mexican Riviera, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada,
Australia, the Pacific Islands and elsewhere.
Carnival wanted to raise brand consideration and increase engagement by using
Facebook’s Canvas format and reaching out to millions of vacation seekers across the US.
III. Travel
With more than 18 million members, Interpark Tour is an online tour agency with the largest number of
PC and mobile visitors. Interpark Tour was the first in the market to introduce the best price guarantee on
plane tickets, and that strategy helped the company to consolidate its leading position as a online travel
agency providing end-to-end booking service. Interpark Tour actively communicates with the over 110,000
people who like its Facebook Page.
Interpark Tour's goal for its Facebook campaign was to encourage return visits, reservations, and
purchases by website visitors and Interpark Tour app users. It also wanted to drive mobile app downloads
among its customers—to double the app install rate and achieve a 20% decrease in cost per install. It also
wanted to cross-sell overseas hotel reservation to customers who had booked or purchased airline tickets
(achieving an 8% or greater conversion rate)
Interpark Tour uses Facebook as a channel to reach its target audience: people in their 20s. Targeting
existing website visitors and mobile app users on Facebook, it encouraged cross-sales of associated
products/services by promoting products with a special discount, news on travel destinations, and
seasonal content. It also provided a special accommodation discount and travel-related products/
services ads to generate additional sales.
click-through rate compared with other
mobile display ads
return on ad spend compared to
remarketing ads run on other platforms
Mobile app install rate
III. Travel
Loco Partners owns relux: an exclusive, members-only club that gives travellers access to a selection of highly
curated hotels and lodgings. For relux, true luxury means spending quality time with the people who matter.
Loco Partners created Custom Audiences out of 2 audience segments:
People who visited an accommodation page but didn’t explore any further
People who visited the “make a booking” page but didn’t complete their purchase.
It then used dynamic product ads to promote its entire catalogue of accommodation options, and reach
people with an ad containing a property that was relevant to their browsing history. It excluded anyone who
had made a booking to ensure that it was reaching new customers only. This strategy allowed Loco Partners
to follow up on warm leads and encourage bookings in a cost-efficient way.
The company used the carousel format to showcase multiple destinations in a single ad and entice travellers
Loco Partners wanted to reach out to people who had visited its website but didn’t buy anything, and increase
online reservations.
increase in reservations using dynamic
product ads
lower cost per acquisition than other
online media
higher click-through rate using
dynamic product ads
III. Travel
Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spas is an expanding chain of upscale resorts in Asia Pacific, the
Maldives, the Middle East and Africa. It’s a Thai hospitality brand that prizes warmth,
authentic experiences, luxurious furnishings and idyllic surroundings.
Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spas started by segmenting its audience into 3 main groups:
previous customers, potential customers and website visitors. It further segmented its
audience by location and localized its ads by using the appropriate language—for
example, translating ads for Brazil into Portuguese. The hotel chain chose copy and
images to suit the destination on promotion, or the specific stage of the customer
journey that each target represented.
Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spas knew that sharing seasonal offers to tempt people to
make an advance booking would generate the best results. Its advance purchase offer,
which was aimed at people who book holidays in advance, was the focus of its campaign.
To find new customers and expand its reach, the hotel chain used Lookalike Audiences to
target people with a similar profile to its existing customers.
Return on ad spend
of new website sessions
turned into top spenders
Website visits in
11 days
People reached
in 11 days
Delivered personalized messages around Diwali
targeted to Indian expats
IV. Retail/ F&B
Åhlénstried piloted a social game with fast-moving
images (made into a video), and you get 50% off if you
screenshot them:
IV. Retail/ F&B
V. Beauty Services
V. Beauty Services
V. Beauty/ Professional Services
Vita Liberata wanted to capitalise on the Black Friday promotional period to extend the brand’s digital reach and
drive conversions with existing and new customers.
The team first tried out boosted posts and ads optimized for website clicks, and then monitored performance to see
which would provide the best returns. A series of consecutive boosted posts with special offers targeted to Custom
Audiences and Lookalike Audiences brought immediate results over the Black Friday period.
V. Beauty/ Professional Services
Yoogaia has taken fitness and technology worlds by storm since it launched in October 2013. The
brainchild of Finnish yoga fan Mikko, Yoogaia offers live yoga and Pilates classes online, allowing
people to participate wherever they are—making daily practice easy.
Because Yoogaia markets across a number of different countries, it needs to understand its
audiences and find the best way to get them interested. Yoogaia’s home market in Finland is mainly
made up of women aged 30 and up, who regularly use Facebook. To reach this audience and stay
top of mind, the Yoogaia team used boosted posts, targeted ads and remarketing with Custom
Audiences and Lookalike Audiences.
With help from its Facebook account manager and digital marketing agency P+SBD, Yoogaia has
perfected its approach to multi-country marketing, using different location and language targeting
options, tools and ad accounts for specific objectives. The month-long mobile app install ad
campaign was carefully targeted to only relevant people on mobile and was designed to maximise
The Yoogaia team had a clear set of objectives to grow the service: build awareness, expand the
community and drive signups and sales. When the new Yoogaia iOS app launched, the company
also wanted to encourage people to sign up and install the app via mobile channels.
conversion rate for mobile
app install campaign
greater post-install
engagement than mobile
Unique click-through rate
V. Beauty/ Professional Services
Located in Tokyo, Coubic Inc. is a cloud-based support system for businesses. Its flagship Coubic
product is an online reservation and customer management system, while its Popcorn product is a
mobile app that helps people find last-minute deals for nearby salon treatments and massages.
To promote its Popcorn app, Coubic Inc. targeted people in Japan and ran carousel ads featuring 3–
5 images that showcased salon treatments such as manicures, hairstyles and massages to inspire
prospective customers to click through to the app.
To promote the Coubic product, the company kept its cost per acquisition low by using Lookalike
Audiences to target people with a similar profile to existing customers and visitors to the Coubic
The company also used website Custom Audiences to retarget people who visited the Coubic or
Popcorn websites but didn’t sign up.
Coubic Inc. wanted to efficiently reach small and local businesses and persuade them to use its
Coubic reservation system. The company also wanted to reach its target audience in Tokyo and
encourage them to use the Popcorn app.
lower cost per acquisition using
Lookalike Audiences
higher conversion rate by
retargeting website visitors
higher install rate for the mobile app
than other online ads
VI. CPG/ Branding
VI. CPG/ Branding
VI. CPG/ Branding
UNT specializes in developing innovative skincare products that delivers visible results. It believes that
everybody deserves healthy, radiant skin and that high quality beauty products should not be a luxury. Since it
was launched in 2004, UNT has expanded into 133 countries.
UNT uses its Facebook Page to create and engage with a community of like-minded people from around the
world. It takes care of its customers by responding to questions quickly via the Page and speaking to them
directly in a friendly tone. It reaches even more people by running video ads and photo ads, concentrating on 3
main content areas: healthcare, cosmetics and manicures.
UNT uses a highly targeted Facebook strategy. Audience Insights help the brand learn more about its target
audience, and it uses demographic and interest targeting to reach the right people.
To monitor online sales conversions, the brand places Facebook Pixels on its website. It then uses website
Custom Audiences to retarget people who have browsed selected product pages or abandoned their shopping
cart. UNT also uploads its customer data and uses Custom Audiences to retarget previous customers and drive
repeat business, especially when it has a time-sensitive offer to promote.
To quickly drive sales for its 11th anniversary, it used Lookalike Audiences to reach people who resembled its
existing customers—making it more likely that they’ll be interested in its products. Lookalike Audiences also
allows the brand reach new customers in less familiar overseas markets in Europe and America. This has helped
UNT unite people across the world with an interest in skincare, regardless of where they live.
increase in sales revenue during
the 13-hour anniversary sale
increase in members
Higher conversion rate using
website custom audiences
VI. CPG/ Branding
Based in Taiwan, PUFII is a fashion brand geared towards 18- to 35-year-old women. It offers affordable, on-trend and
high-quality clothes that are curated by experts. Founded in 2013, PUFII’s sister brand DANNA offers a wide range of
Korean-made fashion pieces.
PUFII posts content on its Facebook Page 4 times a day to help people discover new outfit inspiration. It uses
Audience Insights to learn more about its audience and deliver content that is relevant to them.
Since 2014, it has run video ads and photo ads to reach even more people visually, while link ads allow PUFII to boost
website traffic. The ads feature the latest products that PUFII adds to its collection every week, special offers and
seasonal trends to entice shoppers. When it wants to showcase more than one product in a single ad, the brand
chooses carousel ads.
PUFII uses conversion tracking to measure sales conversions and optimize its ads. It then uses Facebook’s advanced
targeting tools to reach its audience in 3 ways:
•  It uses website Custom Audiences to show people personalized ads featuring products related to what they’ve
been browsing, which helps the brand play personal shopper to its customers.
•  The brand creates Custom Audiences from uploaded customer data to tempt back previous customers who
haven’t bought anything in the past 180 days, encouraging them to keep browsing and buying new clothes.
•  It also uses Lookalike Audiences to target potential customers who resemble existing customers, making it more
likely that the people who see PUFII’s ads will be interested in the brand’s range.
Increase in website traffic
Higher click-through rate
Lower cost per conversion
Increase in revenue
VI. CPG/ Branding
Founded in 1924, HITEJINRO has played a significant part in the history of Korean liquor for over 90 years. As one of
Korea’s top liquor brands, HITEJINRO is dedicated to total customer satisfaction.
HITEJINRO created 2 brand videos starring K-pop star IU to help shift perceptions of the Chamisul soju brand among
young Koreans. It used Facebook’s precise targeting to reach as many of the right people as possible and ensure that
the ads were only shown to Korean adults aged 19 and over to comply with alcohol advertising laws.
The company split its audience into 2 groups: university students and office workers. To help increase the chances of
its target audience sharing the ad, it showed each audience the ad with the most relevant creative based on 2
subgroups: young audiences and male consumers.
HITEJINRO wanted to rebrand its Chamisul soju and position it as clean and fresh. It wanted to reach its target
audience online and achieve at least 2 million video plays for its campaign videos (starring K-pop star IU, the new face
of Chamisul soju) within 5 weeks.
lift in ad recall after
5 weeks
Video imporessions
Video plays
Unilever cleans up by
combining Facebook
and TV
16.7%	Facebook and TV made
a 16.7% higher impact
versus TV-only
Unilever cleans up by
combining Facebook
and TV
16.7%	Facebook and TV made
a 16.7% higher impact
versus TV-only
VII. Telecom/ Technology
Brand Awareness	
Video Views	
Website Clicks	
Lead Generation	
Local Awareness	
Late Majority
Early Adoptors	
Early Majority
VII. Telecom/ Technology
Based in China, OnePlus is a mobile technology startup that believes people should never settle for subpar
technology. The company has customers in 35 countries and regions. Its flagship OnePlus One smartphone comes
with top-range specifications and a premium design.
To engage with the global tech community, OnePlus invited people to its Facebook Page to build their dream
smartphone. It was a fun way to give everyone a chance to voice an opinion and feel more invested in the brand.
OnePlus continued to engage with this blossoming community by sharing creative, relevant content or updates
about the company’s journey every day. This helped people feel like they were part of the OnePlus story.
To maximize the reach of its Facebook content, OnePlus boosted Page posts that were time-sensitive, such as its
Welcome to the Plus Family contest and its pre-order events.
OnePlus also ran photo ads and link ads in the desktop News Feed and the right column to drive people to its
website. OnePlus featured positive quotes from well-known magazines and tech blogs like Fortune and TechCrunch
its photo and link ads, along with photos highlighting specific product advantages and links to the OnePlus website.
OnePlus also ran an one-off Facebook Ads campaign for one year from December 2013 to December 2014.
units of OnePlus One smartphone
sold in 9 months
Website traffic
New fans in one year
VII. Telecom/ Technology
freee develops cloud accounting and payroll software for sole proprietors and small businesses. Its software helps
small business manage their business accounting workload, giving them more time to spend on creative projects
and innovation.
freee had already been using Facebook’s targeting products, but this campaign was the first time it had tried out
Facebook’s more advanced targeting tools.
freee used Custom Audiences from your website to boost its conversion rate by retargeting website visitors who
hadn’t registered, prompting them register. It then used Lookalike Audiences to find new customers by targeting
people on Facebook with a similar profile to freee’s current customers.
freee tailored the creative of its ad content to each audience segment and their unique needs. For example, some
ads focused on invoicing, while others contained details about freee’s accounting software. To maximize its return
on ad spend throughout the campaign, it invested more in the best-performing ads.
freee wanted to find new customers and encourage businesses to sign up for a free trial of its core accounting
software product. freee wanted to maintain its cost per acquisition rate of 1,000-1,500 yen.
higher conversion rate on Facebook
than other advertising platforms
lower cost per installation than other
advertising platforms when mobile
app ads were used
higher conversion rate than other
advertising platforms when Lookalike
Audiences were used
VII. Telecom/ Technology
The Chinese mobile phone brand used Facebook to launch its new smartphone product in key African markets,
achieving a 5-point lift in brand awareness in one month.
TECNO was launching its new Phantom Z phone in select African countries. It needed to reach a diverse audience
that is spread across a large continent, on a large scale, and also raise awareness of both the brand and Phantom Z.
TECNO split its campaign into 2 phases. The first (June 12–July 12, 2014) focused on raising brand and product
awareness. Phase 2 (July 22–August 4, 2014) was aimed at driving pre-order sales.
To reach such a diverse audience on a large scale, TECNO launched its campaign with an all News Feed target block
for phase one. A target block guarantees advertisers maximum reach to a target audience over 3 days in specific
markets. For this campaign, TECNO targeted men in Nigeria, Egypt, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and
TECNO followed up the initial campaign with photo ads featuring product imagery and copy teasing the brand’s
Facebook fans about “something exciting coming very soon” to create a buzz around the Phantom Z.
For the second phase, TECNO ran link ads that drove people to a microsite where they could pre-order the Phantom
Z. These ads highlighted the features and benefits of the smartphone. TECNO targeted these ads to a range of
demographics, including 16- to 35-year-olds in select countries with an interest in tablets, mobile phones, Konga (a
Nigerian electronics retailer), Samsung (a competitor), music, films, online games, iPads (a competitor product),
smartphones or Android operating systems.
The brand used Nielsen Brand Effect to measure the impact of its ads on metrics like brand awareness and
purchase intent for TECNO’s products, as well as its competitors’ products.
5 pt
5 pt
lift in product awareness among
18- to 24-year-olds in one month
higher purchase intent among
those exposed to the ad
decrease in purchase intent for a
competitor's product
Scoring big during
World Cup 2014	
33%	incremental reach over
TV (Nielsen OCR)
Racing towards
2020 Olympics
with Facebook video
9.5pt	lift in awareness
of Panasonic’s project
VII. Education/ Banking/ Real estate
Israel’s MindCET Accelerator is an innovation center that brings together entrepreneurs, educators and
researchers to develop innovative groundbreaking educational technology, both in the region and further
Working with online advertising agency Jellop, MindCET ran Facebook link ads and ads in the right column to
deliver its message to the heart of its target audience. The campaign ran June 9–July 22, 2014. The team had run
similar campaigns on Facebook, so it was able to use the previous year’s leads to create a brand new lookalike
Facebook retargeting was a powerful and cost-effective tool, allowing MindCET to target landing page visitors
who hadn’t signed up on their first visit.
The center’s team had a clear vision for the campaign: to attract and engage education technology
entrepreneurs, and encourage signups to begin the application process for joining the accelerator.
lower average cost per lead
than Google AdWords
lower average cost per
lead than LinkedIn ads
of total leads generated by
lookalike audience
VII. Education/ Banking/ Real Estate
Open Colleges is Australia’s leading online learning provider, having educated more than 700,000 students.
Open Colleges wanted to enroll more students, boost mobile and desktop traffic to its website, and encourage
prospective students to complete an enquiry form. Like many brands, it had struggled to prove the effectiveness
of ads at driving offline conversions. For this campaign, Open Colleges wanted to find a meaningful and accurate
way to measure how effective its Facebook ads were at driving online enquiries and offline conversions.
Open Colleges uses lookalike audiences to reach potential students by targeting people with a similar profile to
both existing students and website visitors that it successfully converted through Facebook.
For this campaign, Open Colleges determined Facebook’s ability to drive incremental leads (how many people
went on to fill in the enquiry form) by placing a conversion pixel on its website and by using conversion lift.
Open Colleges also used conversion lift to determine the offline conversions—incremental course enrollments
and purchases—that resulted from people seeing its Facebook Ads. By comparing the conversions in the test
group to conversions in the control group, Facebook was able to report the lift that resulted from the ad
Based on this information, Open Colleges was able to look at its students’ purchasing journey holistically and get
valuable data on exactly which ads were resulting in incremental enrollments. It used these insights to optimize
its campaign and maximize its returns.
Lift in conversion rate for
website enquiries
Lift in offline sales
Return on ad spend
VII. Education/ Banking/ Real Estate
Increase in leads that came
directly from Facebook
Of all leads came from
carousel ads
Lower cost per lead using
carousel ads
Wave Infratech is bringing the smart city concept to North India with its premium real estate offering: the Wave City Center. The development
spans 152 acres, is protected by a high-tech security system and includes parks, offices, shops, recreational facilities and housing.
Wave Infratech has used Facebook Ads to create interest in the Wave City Center since January 2015. The real estate developer focuses on long-
term results, rather than individual campaigns.
Its strategy is to keep its ad content simple, refresh the creative every 15 days and highlight a property’s unique features by letting photos do the
talking. Wave Infratech has learned which days its posts are most successful, and optimises its content schedule to take advantage.
The company started posting link ads and photo ads in mobile and desktop News Feed to help drive website traffic, and adopted carousel ads
once they became available.
Wave Infratech uses carousel ads to showcase its offering in a more visual way and tell a bigger story across platforms and devices. It makes the
most of the format by showing off apartments from multiple angles, portraying a lavish, aspirational lifestyle and helping people to picture
themselves standing inside a room. After seeing positive initial results, the company invested more in carousel ads.
Because people spend a long time researching a property before making a decision, Wave Infratech doesn’t expect instant website conversions.
It uses website Custom Audiences to keep in touch with people who have browsed a property on its website by retargeting them with a
personalised Facebook ad. This means it captures leads even from people who haven’t registered online. For example, it places Facebook pixels
on the construction updates page, and retargets ads to people who visit the page whenever there’s an update. It also shows people similar
properties from the same category to encourage them to keep browsing.
To expand its reach cost-effectively, Wave Infratech uses Lookalike Audiences to target prospective buyers who resemble people who have
browsed properties on its website.
Banking on Facebook
video to build trust
9X	more effective cost
per reach vs TV
VII. Event Management/ Entertainment
Walt Disney Studios wanted to stoke excitement for the film’s release in Taiwan.
Since the last Star Wars movie premiered a decade ago, the marketing team wanted
to reach a massive audience and get people queuing to see the film.
Walt Disney Studios became the first brand in Taiwan to use Canvas: an immersive,
mobile-first way for brands to tell their stories.
Canvas vividly brought the film’s highlights to life through a powerful combination
of teaser photos, tilt-to-pan photos, carousel images and action-packed trailers.
People were able to interact with the content by swiping or tilting the screen,
zooming into the photos, clicking on a call-to-action button and watching the videos.
Taiwanese people can be wary about going to see new films at the cinema, and like to
learn as much as they can about the story in advance. Canvas gave cinemagoers a
rich, interactive content experience that teased just enough information about the
film and transported them to a galaxy far, far away.
The studio ran separate ads tailored to men and women, and the company carried
out A/B testing to optimize the creative and test Canvas ads against link ads. It also
used reach and frequency buying to predictably reach its audience an average of 4
times in the critical month building up to the film’s release.
5.5M 2M
38X 8ppt
16- to 45-years-
olds in Taiwan
Video views
higher click-through rate with
Canvas than link ads alone
lift in ad recall
(Nielsen Brand Effect)
VII. Event Management/ Entertainment
China Network Television (CNTV) is a new media platform under CCTV that covers multi-languages, local and
international events and news. CNTV produces the annual Spring Festival Gala (a live TV extravaganza). In 2015,
it broadcast the show online for its overseas audience for the first time.
Since so many people now watch TV online, CNTV planned to stream the 2015 Spring Festival Gala live to the
world on Facebook. CNTV wanted to grow its Facebook community, reach Chinese expats and encourage them
to watch the event live on Facebook.
CNTV started by setting up a Facebook event to promote the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala. The
broadcaster then ran event ads to make sure people marked it in their calendar.
To grow its Facebook community, CNTV ran like ads and used Lookalike Audiences to reach people with a similar
profile to those who already liked its Facebook Page. The broadcaster targeted its ads to expats from China (who
may not have been able to watch the event on TV) and used language targeting to reach people who are
interested in Chinese culture, but don’t speak the language.
In the run-up to the Spring Festival Gala, CNTV ran photo ads and video ads featuring highlights from past events
to create buzz and a sense of nostalgia among Chinese expats.
On the day of the Gala, CNTV used link ads to drive people to the page where it was live-streaming the event. It
staged a countdown, running the ads 60 minutes and then 30 minutes ahead of the event to build excitement.
CNTV continued to post real-time content throughout the day to drive a continuous flow of traffic to the
livestream page.
livestream viewers on
Video views in 2
People reached
VII. Event Management/ Entertainment
Booking company Transmission Events hosts Fun Fun Fun Fest (FFF), an annual festival in Austin, Texas that features
underground and progressive music, comedy, food and art, and attracts performers and fans from around the world.
Fun Fun Fun Fest needed to reach an international audience of music and comedy lovers with particular interests—
without breaking the bank. Specifically, the company wanted to increase VIP ticket sales and attract new audiences.
Umbel used Facebook to help Fun Fun Fun Fest organizers target the people most likely to buy tickets. First, the company
processed millions of audience data points to collect useful customer information, by using Facebook Login and the event
registration process.
Umbel then combined the social, interest, and behavioral data of the audience to create sub-groups for those who
“browsed the lineup” or “purchased VIP tickets.” Using Custom Audiences, it uploaded lists of previous attendees’ email
addresses and invited them to attend again.
Umbel then created Lookalike Audiences to take information it knew about Fun Fun Fun Fest’s existing audience—for
example, people that like The Daily Show—and built compelling ads to share with people who had similar interests.
Umbel also used unpublished Page post ads (ads that aren’t based on publicly-visible Page posts) to experiment with new
offers and creative for specific audiences without cluttering the Fun Fun Fun Fest Page. Unpublished ads helped it
understand which posts resonated best with different audiences so that it could more precisely target customers and sell
Return on ad spend from
ticket sales
VII. Event Management/ Entertainment
To achieve the ultimate objective for Jurassic World—a boom in ticket sales—Universal Pictures and its media agency, PHD
Media Germany, needed to create awareness and get people excited about the movie, particularly amongst 12- to 34-year-olds.2
The standard approach to movie promotion on Facebook in Germany among most other studios had been to simply run ads in
the week of the movie release. But as with all of its releases, Universal Pictures wanted to do things differently for Jurassic
To create anticipation and excitement for the movie, the studio and PHD Media planned a 15-month campaign starting in April
2014. The studio would spend half its budget in the months leading up to the release and the other half starting the week
The team began by building a community around the movie, keeping it entertained with great Facebook Page content, before
reaching out to a broader audience closer to the release date. TV and other digital channels were also used during launch week.
The Facebook campaign ran on desktop and mobile, and included video ads that played the movie trailer and featured a link to
book tickets. The reach and frequency tool helped the studio ensure that the ads reached the right people at an optimum
This approach—of long-term community building and activation on Facebook—has been at the core of all movie releases that
Universal Pictures and PHD have handled in Germany in recent years.
incremental reach to TV among people aged 12
and up
incremental reach to TV among core
audience of 12- to 34-year-olds
of people reached on Facebook were
age 12–39 versus 25% on TV
VII. Event Management/ Entertainment
LHC Les Lions is Lyon’s professional ice hockey team, currently competing in the French first division, la
Ligue Magnus. The team is managed by ice hockey pro Sébastien Berthet, who also serves as CEO.
LHC Les Lions has used Facebook to engage its fan community over the years, sharing league
updates, team news and offers via the club’s official Page. Recently, local agency Cojecom persuaded
Les Lions to try using Facebook to sell match tickets too.
Cojecom designed a conversion campaign featuring a series of link ads and promotional offers that
it served to the LHC Les Lions community in desktop and mobile News Feed. In addition, news of
fixtures, ticket prices and special offers were posted to the team’s Page during the week before each
match to boost engagement.
The main target for the campaigns was a Custom Audience created from people who have liked the
Les Lions Facebook Page, ice hockey fans, and the online ticket buyers database. The team also
targeted ads to lookalike audiences as part of the campaigns.
Purchase conversions
Return on ad spend
The Science Behind Effective
Video Ads
Creative Strategies
with Topic Data
More indepth reading 深入了解:
Life Through the Lens of Instagrammers
Creative Combinations
Targeting Millennials
How Facebook makes
paid search stronger
Multi-device: Thais, Taiwanese and
The M-Factor for Today’s Omni-
Channel Shoppers
Unlocking the
Monthly Video Spotlight
Creative Combinations that Work
Cross Border Handbook
Instagram Ads
Conversion (DR) Collateral
Discovery New Products
in New Places
Making Search Work
Case Studies
Lead Ads
The Road To Purchase in a Mobile-
First World
Storytelling Sells
Video Ads Pitch Decks
App Ads Collateral
Local Awareness Ads
Carousel Ads Pitch
Branding Pitch Decks
Blueprint -- Facebook Online Courses
Bidding & Pricing Collateral
Targeting Know How
Facebook Developers (API/
Pixel/ SDK/ Audience
network/ Commerce)
for business

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Facebook Marketing for a Mobile World (H1 2016)

  • 1. for business Marketing Strategy in a mobile world 移動時代的行銷策略 Kisson Lin, Greater China SMB team Facebook | Instagram for business
  • 2. AGENDA Trend 趨勢 •  From Desktop to Mobile, from Mobile to Cross-Device 從桌機到手機,從手機到多屏 •  The Right Time, The Right People, The Right Content 對的時間,對的人,對的 容 Strategy 策略 •  Conversion Funnel: Discovery – Acquisition – Conversion/ Retention 購買漏斗:發現 - 獲得 潛力客 - 轉換/再行銷 •  Campaign elements: Objective – Targeting – Bidding – Creatives 行銷元素: 目的- 受眾 - 競價- 素材 Cases 案例 •  General Creatives Best Practices 最佳素材規範 •  Media Plans for each industry 各行業行銷策略分享
  • 3. ...
  • 4. From desktop to mobile 從桌機到手機
  • 5. 4.07 4.26 4.43 4.59 4.74 1.57 1.86 2.10 2.32 2.53 0.00 0.50 1.00 1.50 2.00 2.50 3.00 3.50 4.00 4.50 5.00 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Billions Mobile & Smartphone Users, Worldwide, 2014-2018 Mobile phone users Smartphone users Mobile and smartphone users continue to grow Source: eMarketer, April 2016.
  • 6. 30.4% 44.2% 54.9% 61.9% 66.7% 8.3% 13.7% 18.9% 23.1% 26.8% 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Mobile Ad Spend Share of Digital & Total Media, Worldwide, 2014-2018 Mobile ad spending (% of total digital ad spending) Mobile ad spending (% of total media ad spending) While Mobile Ad Spend will continue to gain share Source: eMarketer, Mar 2016.
  • 7. From mobile to cross-device 從手機到多屏
  • 9. 1 65% 2 41% 2 40% 1 Facebook Millward Brown 2014 6 2 Facebook GfK 2013 12
  • 10. The Right Time, The Right People, The Right Content
  • 12. 1 in 5 minutes in mobile time spent 1/5在手機上的時間 Source: US Mobile Total Monthly Minutes, comScore, Sep 2014
  • 15. Facebook in Global Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016. people use Facebook every month or 66% of monthly active people return every day 1.65B 1.09B
  • 16. Facebook in Hong Kong Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016. people use Facebook every month or 73% of monthly active people return every day >4.9M >3.6M
  • 17. Facebook in Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016. * Percentage of Internet users calculated with data from eMarketer, February 2016. Hong Kong 4.9Mpeople 89%of Internet users* =
  • 18. Facebook in Taiwan Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016. 月活躍用 或>72%月活躍用 每天登 陸 >18M >13M
  • 19. Facebook in Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016. * Percentage of Internet users calculated with data from eMarketer, February 2016. Taiwan 18M用 95%互聯網用 * =
  • 20. The Power of Facebook Targeting Unparalleled reach and engagement 前所未有的觸及與互動 Largest set of consumer data 大量消費者洞察 Real people (instead of proxies) 真實身分
  • 21. Source: Nielsen OCR, August 2013 92% TheaverageFacebookreachfor broadlytargetedcampaignsis 而Facebook上的廣告準確率是: accurate 78% Theaverageonlinereachfor narrowlytargetedcampaignsis 平均來 ,其他數位廣告平台精 準投放時準確率是: accurate Reaching Real People – with Accuracy
  • 23.
  • 24. People have more control than ever before 現在,你用拇指就可以輕鬆控制看什麼 容
  • 25. •  Most people would use mobile devices while watching TV; •  每十位台灣消費者就有六位會一邊看電視,一邊使用行動裝置; •  Research shows that when using smart phones, people’s concentration is 82% higher, and their chances of being distracted is 79% lower; •  使用智慧型手機時,專注力比觀看電視高出82%,受周遭環境的影響也相對的少79%; •  Facebook ads has 2X effectiveness than TV ads, and 4X higher reach rate; •  Facebook廣告的衝擊性是相同成本電視廣告的兩倍,觸及率比電視有效四倍; •  Facebook increasesTV ads’ incremental reach by 8% especially for those who seldom watch TV; •  Facebook可幫助品牌在接觸即使很少看電視的受眾時,新增8%的觸及率;
  • 26. 1.7 seconds On average, people consume each piece of content on Facebook mobile feed for 1.7 seconds 人們在Facebook手機動態上平均 每條資訊只用1.7秒
  • 27. Young people have higher expectations for brands 年輕的消費者對品牌要求更高 72% expect brand content to be entertaining 期待品牌 容有 樂性 56% would share brand content if it was interesting 會分享有趣的品牌 容 Source: “Coming of Age on Screens,” by Crowd DNA (study commissioned by Facebook), April-May 2014. Survey of 11, 165 young people, age 13-24, in 13 countries
  • 28. Brands can make businesses personal again 品牌個人化,行銷多元化
  • 29.
  • 30. 影音已成主流 75% year over year video growth* 影片年成長數量 4B video views on Facebook daily** 每天在Facebook的 影片觀看 Source: *Facebook Internal Data, November 2014; **Facebook Internal Data, March 2014
  • 31. Within 5 hours people consume 每五小時觀看 容相當於 7hrs of content Source: Millward Brown Digital 2014 AdReaction Multiscreen US Report
  • 32. Instagram in Hong Kong Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016. Monthly Actives 2.1M
  • 33. Instagram in Taiwan Source: Based on Facebook data, March 2016. 月活躍用 3.9M
  • 34. Source: Instagram internal data, November 2014 70M photos contributed on Instagram daily 每天在Instagram上 發布的照片數量 2.5B photos liked every day on Instagram 每天在Instagram上 被讚的照片數量 inW7IcewnbRHJAZO01kzQgbgAZj05zCwTDKnbpyXdzIHs6d0p8CNn0cGdxpPEb9ETjIXQDSlfa8rKNmBDkekrfYu20SxIDvIish1qDpfWpfevk79lZWLEtWUtBb1NfHxFEBfvNPllRr
  • 35. Cinemagraphs on Instagram X Autoplay for branding + Facebook carousel to drive conversion HACK: STORYTELLING
  • 37. 3D X Autoplay HACK: STORYTELLING Disclaimer: Misusing alcohol can damage your health, to be consumed in moderation
  • 38. Carousel to showcase various creatives HACK: STORYTELLING
  • 39. Ad sequencing 廣告排序 Bringing precision to story telling 讓你的品牌充滿故事,讓你的故事精確投放
  • 40. Ad sequencing 廣告排序 Bringing precision to story telling 讓你的品牌充滿故事,讓你的故事精確投放
  • 42. Conversion Funnel 行銷購買漏斗 Conversion -> Retention “轉換à回購” Acquisition “獲得潛力顧客” Discovery “發現”
  • 43. 善用行銷活動三架構 Campaign Ads Ad Set Campaign Website Conversions Target X Target Y Creative B – News Feed Creative A – News Feed Creative A – RHS Creative C – RHS Creative B – RHS Creative B – News Feed Creative A – News Feed Creative A – RHS Creative C – RHS Creative B – RHS 廣告目的 預算 競價模式 創意展現 受眾設定
  • 45. Brand story works better than continuous hard-selling 資料來源:Facebook 行銷學團隊與 Adaptly 合作,針對 Refinery29 進行的研究,2014 年第 2 季 Website Traffic 購買考量 Brand awareness 打響品牌知名度 Conversion 客戶轉換 vs Continuous same CTA 持續進行 CTA Sequential CTA 依序安排 CTA Conversion 客戶轉換 Conversion 客戶轉換 Conversion 客戶轉換 +50% Lift in subscription rate 訂閱率 提升
  • 46. Brand Awareness 知名度 • Brand Awareness 打響品 牌知名度 • Video Views 影⽚觀看次 數 • Local Awareness 打響本 地市場知名度 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 47. The vast majority of people who purchase your products will do so without clicking on your ads1; studies show that more than 90% of offline sales come from people who don’t interact with ads during the campaign2. *Source: 1Datalogix ROI study, Oct 2012; 2Facebook Telco Outcome Measurement, Mar 2013. “Today, marketers who attempt to optimize their advertising campaigns solely around click are assigning no value to the 84 percent of Internet users who don’t click on an ad.” 10% of the “clickiest” people on Facebook in the US are 4.2x more expensive to reach than the bottom 50%, for no other reason than they click on ads.
  • 48. 對比貼文互動,品牌知名度廣告可以讓60%更多人記得你的廣告 (on Facebook, on a cost-per-basis) - 100 200 300 400 500 Campaign 1 Campaign 2 Campaign 3 Campaign 4 Campaign 5 Campaign 6 ( ) ( ) Page Post Engagement Brand Awareness +72% +22% +106% +64% +38% +56% Source: Internal analysis using test vs. control polls of 6 campaigns with budget and audience split evenly between Page Post Engagement optimization & Brand Awareness optimization, Aug & Sept, 2015 (thousandsofpeople) 1. 品牌知名度
  • 49. A successful brand awareness campaign has many factors Reach Attention Message Quality Brand Awareness (Measured by ad recall) (Other Factors) Number of people reached per dollar spent Amount of time people spend looking at ads relative to average ad Brand linkage, persuasion, memorability, etc Existing brand attributes, priming, product usage, etc Measured in terms of total number of people recalling the ad per dollar spent x x x =
  • 50. 成功的品牌知名度⾏銷活動有許多因素 觸及率 注意⼒ 訊息品質 品牌知名度 (以廣告回想來衡量) (其他因素) 每花費⼀美元觸及 的⽤⼾⼈數 ⽤⼾看廣告相對於平均 廣告所花費的時間 品牌連結、說服⼒、 記憶性等等 現有品牌屬性、促發效果、 產品⽤途等等 以每花費⼀美元回想廣告 的⽤⼾總⼈數來衡量 x x x =
  • 51. Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意 Brand Awareness 知名度 • Brand Awareness 打響品 牌知名度 • Video Views 影⽚觀看次 數 • Local Awareness 打響本 地市場知名度
  • 52. 通過系統自動儲存影片受眾的功能做再行銷 Share a purpose-driven message, highlighting your brand Remarket to people who viewed your video with a benefit-driven message Audience created of people who viewed your video Mock video ad – the end screen – with a call to action on it Share another benefit related to your product and invite people to interact further through a call-to- action 2. 影片觀看
  • 53. Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意 Brand Awareness 知名度 • Brand Awareness 打響品 牌知名度 • Video Views 影⽚觀看次 數 • Local Awareness 打響本 地市場知名度
  • 54. Brand Awareness 知名度 • Brand Awareness 打響品 牌知名度 • Video Views 影⽚觀看次 數 • Local Awareness 打響本 地市場知名度 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 55. Call Now 在你店附近的⼈可以 在他們的 Newsfeed 看到 你的廣告 致電 Brand Awareness 知名度 • Brand Awareness 打響品 牌知名度 • Video Views 影⽚觀看次 數 • Local Awareness 打響本 地市場知名度 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 56. 只要按 Send Message, Messenger 的 板⾯會⾃動出現 發信息 Brand Awareness 知名度 • Brand Awareness 打響品 牌知名度 • Video Views 影⽚觀看次 數 • Local Awareness 打響本 地市場知名度 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 57. 只要按 “Get direction” 電話上⾯的地圖 功能便會⾃動開 啟,帶受眾到你 的店去。 •  打響品牌知名度 •  影⽚觀看次數 •  打響本地市場知名度 Get Direction 在你店附近的⼈ 可以在他們的 Newsfeed 看到 你的廣告 Brand Awareness 知名度 • Brand Awareness 打響品 牌知名度 • Video Views 影⽚觀看次 數 • Local Awareness 打響本 地市場知名度 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 58. 感情狀態 地區 興趣 性別/年齡 Age and gender Interested in basketball New device owners Android phone user Newly wed Engaged gamer ⾏動裝置 系統 Core 受眾 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 59. Brand Awareness 品牌知名度 Optimise for reach 最佳化觸及率 Optimise for Brand Awareness 最佳化知名度 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 60. oCPM CPV Daily Reach Video Views 影⽚觀看次數 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 61. Reach & Frequency 購買規則 ⾛期: 1 – 30 天 (heads up: 90 天) 最少潛在觸及⼈數: 30萬 最少觸及⼈數: 20萬 出價模式: 預估 CPM 版位: 動態消息 / 右欄 / Instagram (動態消息跟右欄必須分開) 設定: 最早 ⾏銷活動完成6個⽉之前 最晚 ⾏銷活動開始前⼀天 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 63. 透過不同廣告形式傳達故事 動態圖⽚Cinemagraph Sponsored TIME TIME's new cover: Never Offline. The Apple Watch is just the start. How wearable tech will change your life— like it or not. Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 65. Acquisition 考量 • Website Clicks 網 站點擊次數 • App Installs ⾏動應 ⽤程式安裝次數 • Lead Generation 開發潛在客⼾ 點到外站 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 66. 3-5 張圖/影⽚ 可點到不同的外站 Acquisition 考量 • Website Clicks 網 站點擊次數 • App Installs ⾏動應 ⽤程式安裝次數 • Lead Generation 開發潛在客⼾ Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 67. 註冊Facebook & SDK 安裝 步驟: r7zjslqeyq3gexg/MAIA%20Registration %20Flow_Chi_tranditional.pptx?dl=0 1.追蹤安裝轉化數據,開放 oCPM 以及 CPA競 價選項,追求更好的廣告表現 2.使⽤“提⾼應⽤程式的互動率”廣告⺫標 3.測量安裝轉化的量,除了註冊 App,還必須 安裝 Facebook SDK,或者 facebook⽀持的第三 ⽅測量平台 Acquisition 考量 • Website Clicks 網 站點擊次數 • App Installs ⾏動應 ⽤程式安裝次數 • Lead Generation 開發潛在客⼾ Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 68. Acquisition 考量 • Website Clicks 網 站點擊次數 • App Installs ⾏動應 ⽤程式安裝次數 • Lead Generation 開發潛在客⼾ Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 69. Acquisition 考量 • Website Clicks 網 站點擊次數 • App Installs ⾏動應 ⽤程式安裝次數 • Lead Generation 開發潛在客⼾ 與 CRM(顧客關係 管理)或 API 整 合,迅速對潛在顧 客採取行動 利用目標設定和 最佳化功能, 觸及適合對象 利用預填資料又 方便編輯的表單, 提升資料品質 透過所有裝置觸 及正在使用 Facebook 的用戶 大規模 跨裝置收集 潛在顧客資料 改善潛在顧客 聯絡資料的品質 開拓理想客群 即時取得 潛在顧客資料 Facebook 名單型廣告解決開發潛在顧客時面臨的主要難題 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 70. Acquisition 考量 • Website Clicks 網 站點擊次數 • App Installs ⾏動應 ⽤程式安裝次數 • Lead Generation 開發潛在客⼾ 利用預填資料又方便編輯的表單,提升資料品質 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 71. Demographics Interests 來源 Lookalike Top 1% Lookalike Top 10% •  顧客名單 •  網站訪客 •  Mobile app 訪客 •  粉絲 Maximize 相似度 Maximize ⼈數 類似受眾 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意
  • 74. CRM Cross Sell 提⾼忠誠度 CONVERSION/ RETENTION 購買/再⾏銷
  • 76. 自訂廣告受眾 Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Creatives 創意 根據CRM 數據鎖定過往的購買客群 •  電⼦郵件地址 •  App ⽤⼾編號 對有購買慾望的潛在客⼾再⾏銷 網站訪客 •  網站⾃訂受眾 •  使⽤⾏動應⽤程式⽤⼾
  • 77. Matched targets 1. 顧客名單 (電郵地址,電話號碼) (網站,Mobile APP) 2. Facebook 像素 Facebook ⽤⼾ Custom Audiences 自定義受眾
  • 78. Leverage CRM to extend “email-open” reach (your reach) Facebook ads extended email campaign reach by 77% Facebook ads only Email openers Combined Coordinating email and Facebook ads improved reach
  • 79. When reached with Facebook ads, email openers were 22% more likely to purchase Facebook ads only Email openers Combined Cross channel coordination appealed to best clients Email openers who saw ads were more likely to purchase
  • 80. Website Custom Audiences 網站自定義受眾 Reach someone who: •  Visited your site •  Added an item to a shopping cart •  Bought something Using Custom Audiences pixel from your website Custom Audiences
  • 81. Broad Marketing Objectives Exclude existing customers Exclude users who have already purchased the product Continue to show ads on complimentary products Remarket to potential customers Capture users who have expressed intent on your website Segment these users and target them with ads Find new potential customers Use WCA as a seed to create Lookalikes Acquire new customers who look like your existing customers
  • 83. Objective 廣告⺫標 Targeting 受眾設定 Bidding 競價 Bidding 創意 Company Logo Carousel ads to recommend relevant products 多產品輪播廣告 – 相關性商品推薦 利⽤相同廣告模組,針對客群客製商品屬性
  • 86. Source: Google’s Our Mobile Planet, Sept 2013 and Facebook case study, Dec 2013 動態新聞 深層連結指向您應⽤程式 特定位置的網址 Facebook使App內In App Purchase成本降低了 ⼿機應⽤程式如何增加互動和轉換 60%
  • 87. 結論 受眾設定 獲得潛力顧客 發現 KPI -  觸及範圍、頻率 -  點擊次數、互動 -  成本(觸及、點擊) -  網站點擊率 -  註冊次數 -  轉換成本(結帳、註冊) -  結帳次數 -  結帳成本 -  ROI 再行銷 -  廣泛受眾 -  興趣受眾 -  興趣受眾 -  類似受眾 -  CRM -  自訂受眾 Facebook Pixel 廣告型態 -  影片 -  創意視覺呈現 (Gif, Cinemagraph) -  連結廣告 -  多 品廣告 -  連結廣告 -  多 品廣告 -  動態廣告(DPA) 廣告目的 -  品牌知名度 -  影片觀看次數 -  打響本地市場 知名度 -  網站導流 -  增加APP下載量 -  獲得潛在客 名 單 -  提升網站轉換率 -  增加APP使用率
  • 89. Creatives and Best Practices by Industry 各行業最佳策劃及素材示範
  • 90. Objective 目標 Audience Targeting 受眾 Strategy 策略 Ad Format 素材 Let more people know about your brand 增加品牌知名度 Broad: Maximize reach at optimal frequency. (Age, gender, interest) 廣泛:最大化觸及 (年齡,性別,興趣) •  Brand Awareness Ad - Maintain frequency at 1-3 exposures/ week (品牌知名度廣告,一周曝光1-3次) •  Increase view rate of the video ads (增加影音廣告的觀看) •  Video •  Canvas •  Photo ads with link Generate Sales 增加銷量 Lookalike audienced based on converters 已購買顧客的類似受眾 •  Website conversion ad with optimized CPM pegged to conversions (網站轉換廣告,oCPM優化轉換率) •  Exclude people who converted (排除已經轉換的人) •  Link ads •  Carouselwith photos, or photos & 3-sec video mix Retarget Site Visitors 網站訪客再行銷 Website custom audiences retargeting pool 網站訪客 •  Website conversion asd, new products for site visitors (網站 轉換廣告,新品呈現給網站訪客) •  Limit-time discount for shopping cart visitors (限時優惠,提 醒放置購物車而未結帳的人) •  Exclude people who converted (30days window) (排除最近30 天剛購買過的人) •  Carousel with photos, or photos & 3-sec video mix Maintain loyalty of returning clients 提升現有客 忠實度 •  720 days email custom audience 最近720天收集到的郵箱 •  30 day checkout 最近30天結帳 Seasonal promo/ New Products/ VIP (換季/新品/VIP專區) (These are HV clients, they tend to spend more, so offer them a good reason to come back every 14-30 days). •  Canvas •  Carousel with photo & 3-sec video mix Expand key client audience 拓展客 •  Lookalike 30 days of converters •  Lookalike 30 days CRM CA •  Lookalike of fans Website conversion/ Website clicks with canvas/ video/ photo showcasing similar people using the products. Key is to show lifestyle (not hard-sell). 網站轉換/網站點擊,素材裡面要有類似 的人用該 品的showcase,才能 生親近感。重點是Lifestyle, 不 要太hard-sell. •  Canvas •  Photo/ Link ads •  Carousel with photo & 3-sec video mix How to optimize – General practices
  • 91. Creative Best Practices – General Rules Creative best practices 素材最佳攻略 1. Posts with less than 2 lines receive 60% more engagement 少於兩行的文案互動率高60% 2. Think mobile and optimise creative for mobile devices 以移動端出發,優化手機上的瀏覽體驗 3. DR: LPP; Branding: Photo & Video DR: 連接貼文; Branding: 圖/ 影音 4. Your product name must be mentioned within the first few words of the copy 文案儘早提及品牌 5. Simple images with people and product perform better 簡單美麗的圖最好 6. Avoid using links in the copy, keep it clean and simple; 文案中最好少用鏈接 7. Limit hashtags to most 2, keep it consistent across platforms. Hashtag不要超過兩個 Without brand vs. With brand #GAMES 7.5M #SHOES 47M #CHRISTMAS 12M GIF Cinemagraph Carousel with video
  • 92. Identify your business goal: Develop a strategy before you create your ad: Build Awareness Drive Foot Traffic Drive Online Conversions 1 Your ad should help you deliver against that goal.
  • 93. Understand you target audience/s: Speak directly to their motivations or address the barriers preventing them from becoming your customer. Communicate the role of your business in their lives, why you should matter to them. Consider having different versions of creative for different audiences to ensure you are speaking to what motivates them. Young Professionals Baby Boomers Motivations: •  Deals/specials, they are savvy with their money and want to feel classy. •  They work hard and play hard and deserve something special to end their day. Motivations: •  They enjoy dining before the crowds come in since they have flexibility in their schedules •  Trying new versions of the same foods that they love. 2
  • 94. Define your theme: Figure out what you want your audience to take away from your ad. Think about a theme or concept that will tie your ads together. This is a way that you can express your brand’s unique point of view, what makes you stand out. The theme can be a concept/idea or even a visual theme to create consistency among all of your ads. 3
  • 95. Follow these Creative Executional Tips 1 Stop them as they scroll. Single Focal Point Visual Consistency among ads Build for Mobile People scroll quickly through their News Feed. Follow these tips to help get their attention between looking At their friend’s birthday party photos and a video of their nephew’s first steps.
  • 96. Connect with them when they look.2 Tell a Story, Not a Fact Use Short CopyIntegrate your Brand Once you have their attention, reward them for stopping. It’s your chance to communicate your key message in an inspiring way that will make them glad that they stopped and remember what you said.
  • 97. Inspire them to act.3 Leverage the ad unit’s full creative canvas to get them to engage You caught their attention, now it’s your chance to close the deal. Tell them what’s in it for them, what the benefit is, so they’ll take the desired action. Use your copy or a Call To Action button to motivate them to act.
  • 98. Video Tips First :03 should grab their attention. Video must work with sound off Use subtitles where necessary to emphasize key points. Use visuals to tell your story Film your video horizontally Use natural lighting Keep it simple and short The tips on the other slides hold true for video. These are some additional tips that we’ve learned to help craft great videos for News Feed. 4
  • 99. Learn more: Facebook Creative Best Practices Develop a strategy before you create your ad: Identify your business goal Understand you target audience/s Define your theme 1 2 3 Follow these Creative Executional Tips Stop them as they scroll1 Connect with them when they look2 Inspire them to act3 Single Focal Point Visual Consistency among ads Build for Mobile Integrate your brand Tell a story, not a fact Use short copy Tell them what’s in it for them, so they’ll take the desired action Leverage the ad unit’s full creative canvas to get them to engage Video Tips4 First :03 should grab their attention. Video must works with sound off Use subtitles where necessary to emphasize key points. Use visuals to tell your story Film your video horizontally Use natural lighting Keep it simple and short
  • 100. Case Study: 100 Days of hottest topic + Oreo
  • 101. Best Practices by Vertical 行業最佳實踐
  • 102. Objective Targeting Campaign Structure Bidding Placement Creative Website Conversion Female 18 – 45 Exclude: Past 14D conversions LAL past 30D visitors LAL past 14D conversion Past 30D visitors Fans Male 18 – 45 Exclude: Past 14D conversions LAL past 30D visitors LAL past 14D conversion Past 30D visitors Fans LAL – Past 30D Visitors Exclude: Past 14D conversions LAL past 14D conversions Fans LAL – Past 14D Conversion Exclude: Past 14D conversions Past 30D visitors Fans Past 30D Visitors Exclude: Past 14D conversions Fans Page Fans Exclude: Past 14D conversions Campaign Adset Adset Adset Adset Adset Adset Acquisition (70% budget) Retargeting (30% budget)
  • 103. Telling a Story Target audience: Parents Adding video to carousel increases playfulness in your ad and boosts engagement & conversion. You can tell a story with the video/ carousel, and test which card is most suitable for video.
  • 104. Showcasing top categories Target audience: Core Audience exclu. past 60D Conversion Hacking the carousel format: Every carousel is a 3 second video showcasing different styles. It’s more alike animated photos. Check out the post here: Creatives make huge differences!
  • 105. Showcasing different images of the same product Target audience: Past 30D WCA – Male
  • 106. Showcasing different options of the same product Target audience: Past 30D WCA – Female
  • 107. Showcasing different benefits of your products Target audience: Core Audience
  • 108. Canvas Link: Allegro is Poland’s largest ecommerce brand. It has enjoyed rapid growth since its launch in 1999 and now serves a community of over 14 million people. To make its name synonymous with gift-giving in Poland, Allegro worked with its creative agency Bardzo and Facebook’s Creative Shop to create a memorable TV and Facebook campaign. The company’s emotive TV commercial followed the life of a young boy from early Christmases when he received presents from Santa, to his adult life when it was his turn to give the gifts. Creative Shop helped Allegro adapt this story for News Feed to drive incremental reach amongst younger demographics. Allegro then used Facebook’s highly immersive new Canvas format—becoming the first brand in Poland to do so—to convert broad awareness into consideration and action. Together with Creative Shop, the company created short, engaging video loops from the TV commercial that illustrated various present-giving situations. By showing customers that Allegro was the best place to buy these presents, the Canvas campaign helped ensure that viewers progressed along the path to purchase. Allegro wanted to establish itself as a key destination for Christmas shopping. Specifically, it wanted to make people aware of its campaign line, “Allegro: what you’re looking for”.
  • 110. I. E-Commerce Hailing from Hong Kong but selling to the world, Casetify is an ecommerce startup that turns personal Instagram snaps or designs by artists into cases for mobile phones, tablets and Apple Watch bands. It aims to turn memorable moments into products that people love. In the run-up to Mother’s Day, Casetify wanted to reach people who had previously visited the website or bought a gift for their mum the previous year. It wanted to share a special offer with them to bring them back. Casetify’s cases are aesthetically stunning and its Facebook- and Instagram-using audiences are visually driven, so the company used both photo ads and carousel ads to showcase product photos and drive people to its website. With carousel ads, Casetify could display up to 5 photos of different products with multiple links in a single ad. Casetify also ran link ads in mobile and desktop News Feed and and in the right column to boost website traffic. The ads featured a promotional offer that encouraged people to treat their mum with a unique gift and also inspired them with examples of personalized cases. The company unlocked the value of its customer data by using Custom Audiences to retarget people who bought a Mother’s Day gift the previous year. It also used website Custom Audiences to retarget people who had visited the Casetify website but didn’t make a purchase. 3X 3X 50% 20% more sales than the previous Mother’s Day Return on ad spend lower cost per acquisition than previous campaigns increase in the average order value since using Facebook Ads
  • 111. I. E-Commerce LovelyWholesale sells affordable, stylish clothes online for fashion-forward women around the world. Based in China, its key markets span several continents, including Europe, North America and Southeast Asia. LovelyWholesale started its Facebook Ads journey with the goal of building brand awareness and reaching new customers. The brand ran like ads to build its fan base, used lookalike audiences to target people similar to its existing customers, and boosted its Page posts to get more exposure. Next, LovelyWholesale used link ads to drive people to its website, measuring conversions using Facebook’s conversion tracking pixel. The brand used Custom Audiences to retarget website visitors who added something to their basket but didn't buy it, displaying the same product (or something similar) to prompt them to return to the website and complete their purchase. LovelyWholesale didn't fully understand its diverse market. But by using Facebook Ads, it could identify key customer demographics so it could better reach its global audience and drive traffic to the LovelyWholesale website. It also wanted to optimize its return on ad spend and maximize online conversions. 50% 20X 3X increase in sales in 3 months increase in website (65% of which came from mobile) Return on ad spend
  • 112. Moving images to create a mesmerizing moment on mobile Used cinemagraphs on auto-play videos to drive awareness and carousel ads to drive direct response
  • 113. II. App Installs Robot War Heroes
  • 114. Objective Targeting Campaign Structure Bidding Placement Creative Mobile App Install Past 180D visitor Exclude: Customer List Page Fans Customer List Exclude: Page Fans Page Fans Exclude: Customer List LAL – Past 180D visitor Exclude: Customer List Page Fans LAL – Customer List LAL – Customer List Exclude: Past 180D visitor Page fans LAL – Past 180D visitor Female 18-54 Exclude: Past 180D visitor Customer List Page Fans LAL – Past 180D visitor LAL – Customer List Male 18-54 Exclude: Past 180D visitor Customer List Page Fans LAL – Past 180D visitor LAL – Customer List Campaign Phase 1 Phase 3 Phase 2
  • 115. II. App Installs Video ads for branding + DR and to show how to use Carousel ads to drive conversion directly Instagram – Engaging and enlarging reach Canvas: Designed for mobile, more info, more attractive
  • 116. II. App Installs Pinkoi is a Taiwan-based online marketplace that helps over 20,000 international designers and artists sell their work—much of it handmade. Design lovers in over 47 countries can buy products from Pinkoi’s website or mobile app. Pinkoi ran mobile app ads to drive people directly to its mobile app and encourage them to install it. The company also ran carousel ads to showcase multiple products in the same ad, grouping products with a similar color or theme. Those ads also clicked through to the app install page. Pinkoi used website Custom Audiences to reach potential customers. When visitors expressed interest in products on its website, Pinkoi showed them a personalized ad recommending similar items from the same collection. Throughout its 9-month campaign, Pinkoi used Facebook’s location targeting ability to pinpoint potential customers in overseas markets and reach them with localized ad content. Pinkoi wanted to connect design lovers with its team of designers from around the world by growing its Facebook audience in Asia Pacific and attracting more people to its website and mobile app. 50% 50% 53% of all website visits during the campaign came from Facebook lower cost per download than other ad platforms of the people who liked its Page during the campaign came from overseas
  • 117. II. App Installs EZTABLE allows people to make restaurant reservations online via the EZTABLE website. Started by 4 friends in Taiwan, the company has also developed a mobile app to cater to the growing number of smartphone users in Taiwan. EZTABLE ran mobile app ads to direct people to its mobile app and encourage downloads. It retargeted people who visited its website using website Custom Audiences with Facebook Ads that told them about EZTABLE’s new mobile app. To boost its reach, the brand used lookalike audiences to target people with a similar profile (people with similar interests or from a similar age group) to EZTABLE’s existing customers—making it more likely for them to respond favorably to its ads. EZTABLE had recently developed a mobile app and made its website mobile-friendly. It wanted to take full advantage of the mobile market to reach Taiwanese smartphone users and drive downloads of its new mobile app. 9X 700 K 70% growth in mobile revenue in one year app downloads in one year lower cost per installation than other ad platforms
  • 118. II. App Installs BASE is a Tokyo-based startup that makes it easy and affordable for anyone to set up a fully functioning ecommerce store, either online or through the company’s mobile app. Customers have set up over 200,000 online stores through BASE as of October 2015. BASE used carousel mobile app ads to feature multiple images in a single ad and drive people directly to its app install page. The company developed 20 different versions of ad creative, each one with a different image. The images featured products that people had shown an interest in on BASE’s Facebook Page, visuals that would appeal to mobile phone owners (such as photos of mobile phone cases) and images of cats, which are hugely popular on social media. BASE wanted the ads to be engaging and not feel like ads. It used consistent colors and overall look and feel so that the ads would hold together as a campaign. To help BASE learn which visuals performed best, the company optimized the ads. Optimization ensures that the best-performing imagery gets served more often, boosting return on ad spend. To maximize conversions, BASE used website Custom Audiences to retarget people who visited its website, and served them a carousel ad that prompted them to install BASE’s mobile app. The company also used Lookalike Audiences to target people who resembled its existing customers, making it more likely that people who saw the ad would be interested in using the app. 50% 10% 3X 50% lower cost per install after one month increase in sales in one month increase in app installs in one month higher conversion rate using website Custom Audiences
  • 119. II. App Installs Deezer lets subscribers discover artists and play their music, instantly. With more than 35 million tracks and 100 million playlists to choose from, people can explore the music they just have to hear, online and offline, across all devices. To get more music lovers to use its app, Deezer ran Facebook mobile app install ads in carousel format. Allowing the company to showcase up to 5 images with links in a single ad, the carousel format is interactive, attention-grabbing and perfectly suited to direct response campaigns. The campaign was targeted broadly to reach 18- to 50-year-olds in France and 25- to 65-year-olds in Brazil. Ads were created and optimized with Facebook Marketing Partner Marin Social’s Bulk Creator and Mass Editor. To improve ad delivery, the team used A/B testing and automatically optimized based on the best-performing images. Finally, the team measured the campaign results using Facebook’s measurement tools. Deezer and Marin Social created imagery to showcase the company’s app and music offerings. They used 3 different types of creative: a storytelling ad featuring CDs stacked high, capturing the vast number of tracks Deezer offers to subscribers a musical genre ad featuring playlists like rock, jazz or electronic, using a pile of “Best Of” CDs (this got the best cost per acquisition in the Brazilian market) an ad with generic creative featuring CDs stacked high, capturing the vast selection of tracks Deezer offers to subscribers (this got the best cost per acquisition in the French market) 50% 60% 40% 30% decrease in cost per account signup lower cost per app install on Android (Brazil) lower cost per app install on iOS (Brazil) lower cost per app install (France)
  • 120. II. App Installs Mobile app Veems allows people to combine private photo messaging with short sound clips, capturing and sharing authentic life moments. Veems is particularly popular among people using Android and is rapidly making its mark in the app charts, with growing numbers of users across the globe. The Veems Facebook Page zeroes in on engagement, building rapport through chatty, topical updates and encouraging people to share their own content. Veems founder Iddo Goren was keen to gain market insights from Facebook and by taking note of feedback and engagement levels, he could clearly see where the product worked best. He directly asked people what they wanted from a messaging app, how they would use it, and what features would most appeal to them. These insights from current and would-be app users helped Iddo to make useful changes to the app itself, and they also optimise the brand’s Facebook marketing activity. Veems wanted to use Facebook to help drive app installs in both new and established markets, while working with a modest marketing budget. 2.5X weekly increase in engagement
  • 121. II. App Installs Money View is an Android app that makes it a breeze for people to securely manage their finances when they’re on the go. It is particularly popular among young, mobile-savvy Indians. Since October 2014, Money View has used mobile app ads to drive app installs. Once mobile app ads became available in carousel format, the company adopted them to show people multiple product benefits in a single ad that pointed them to a link to install the app. The creative featured bold colours, clear copy and informative graphics to demonstrate how people can use the app to do everything from setting alerts to splitting a bill with friends while they’re out and about. In the first phase, Money View used behavioural targeting to reach India’s mobile generation by targeting people who own a 3G device. Once it had grown its user base significantly, it was able to create a Custom Audience of people who were engaged with its app. It then used Lookalike Audiences to find people who resemble them on Facebook. In the increasingly competitive app market, Money View wanted to reach the right people with its ads so it could drive more app installs, reduce its cost per install, and successfully encourage new customers to continue using the app after they installed it. 1.4X 48% 40% Increase in app engagement Lower cost per install Increase in app installs
  • 122. II. App Installs Japanese startup Fablic created the flea market app FRIL to help teens and 20-somethings discover, buy and sell fashion items. Adopting a mobile-only approach, FRIL is a safe and convenient solution in a country with a large and growing number of smartphone users. As a mobile-first ecommerce business, Fablic focused on reaching people in the mobile News Feed. The company used carousel ads for mobile app installs to showcase up to 5 products in a single ad. This allowed Fablic to attract people’s attention with a visual ad and send them directly to the app install page, where they could install FRIL on their mobile with one click while it was still fresh in their minds. The company continually measured its ad relevance score to understand how well the carousel ads were resonating with the audience, and then used these insights to refine its content strategy and show people ads that were even more relevant to them. To ensure it was spending its ad budget wisely, Fablic used Custom Audiences and its customer data to exclude anyone who had already downloaded the app from seeing the ads. Using the same Custom Audience, the company then used Lookalike Audiences to reach people who resembled existing customers, targeting both men and women. FRIL was initially aimed at women, but Fablic wanted to expand into men’s fashion and find new male users. It wanted to get more men to install the app for the first time, and also keep its cost per install low. 59% 2.7X 2.3X 40% lower cost per install than other media higher click-through rate than other media ad relevance score higher lifetime value than other media
  • 123. II. App Installs Auction is an online auction company based in South Korea and owned by eBay. The company recently launched a companion app, Auction Used Goods Marketplace. After launching Used Goods Marketplace, the company set out to establish the app and increase sales by driving app downloads and encouraging people to use it, and attracting more buyers and sellers. The company also planned to run a brand effectiveness study after the campaign to analyze its effectiveness. When choosing its campaign media, Auction considered the media consumption trends of its primary clients: the young generation that spends less time on above the line media (mass and broadcast media, including TV) and more time on below the line media (more niche-focused, targeted media, including digital channels). Auction created 2 animated video ads. The aim of the first ad was to increase awareness by emphasizing the major benefits of the Used Goods Marketplace app and its features. This video ran on both TV and Facebook. For the second ad, Auction created a video that would resonate with younger consumers. The company promoted this second video on digital media only. Auction first used target blocks to maximize the reach of its main video ad within a short period of time. It then continued the campaign for 3 weeks, using the reach and frequency. 26M 430K 48.6% Video impressions Video views of mobile ad recognition came exclusively from Facebook
  • 124. II. App Installs Award-winning online games publisher RJ Games specialises in immersive social strategy games with popular titles such as Under Siege, Under Fire and Under Control. RJ Games has traditionally used basic retargeting to spur lapsed players back into action. However, it knew that to increase from reactivated players, a more sophisticated strategy was needed. Using latest release Under Control as a test case, RJ Games began by analysing player behaviour in real- time battles, one-on-one fights and mass clan fighting. By identifying when and why players went into battle and bought extra weapons, RJ Games was able to narrow its focus to 2 target player types: those who fight one-on-one and those who fight in a clan. RJ Games created desktop app engagement ads targeted to the 2 player types, using ad creative specific to how each segment played the game. For example, clan fighters were served ads featuring images of the clan, with a call to action to rejoin and support the fellow players in battle. Ads were also adjusted to reflect player interests identified by Audience Insights. Then, RJ Games used ads for virtual goods to drive in-game purchases with top players and with players who had never yet purchased in-game. These ads ran around the Christmas period when player leisure time was more plentiful and indulgent micro-spending more likely. RJ Games also noticed an interesting side effect from using this format—players shared the ad with their friends and in fan groups, creating a viral effect over the festive period. >5% 30% 46% 150X average click-through rate more engagement from retargeted players of re-engaged players continued to pay after initial payment return on ad investment
  • 125. II. App Installs FunPlus, founded in 2010, is one of the fastest-growing gaming companies in the world. Every day, millions of people around the world play FunPlus games like Family Farm and Royal Story. FunPlus wanted to drive installs of its new game Family Farm Seaside by making it easier for people to discover the game and play it with their friends. To make it easier for people on Facebook to install Family Farm Seaside, FunPlus first enabled Login with Facebook by implementing Facebook’s software development kit. To spur game installs, the company also started running mobile app install ads beginning in November 2012. These ads were targeted to appear in the mobile News Feeds of players on iOS devices such as iPads and iPhones in countries where English, German and French were spoken. FunPlus refreshed ad creative twice a week to keep users interested in its messages. To keep players engaged with the game, FunPlus also created a Facebook Page for the game where it communicated game updates and launched a community where players could discuss it. Even after the launch of Family Farm Seaside, new players continued to find the game through their Facebook friends. In total, Facebook delivered: •  28% lower cost per install compared to two other mobile ad networks between January 2013 and March 2013 •  Highest conversion rate of all mobile ad networks used in all markets •  200% higher click-through rate compared to other mobile ad networks 28% No. 1 200% lower cost per install compared to two other mobile ad networks conversion rate of all mobile ad networks used in all markets higher click-through rate compared to other mobile ad networks
  • 127. III. Travel – Success Stories – Carnival Cruise Line Cruising to success Canvas proved effective in helping Carnival increase brand interest and engage its key audience. The campaign, which ran from December 7–15, 2015, also delivered the following results: Over 50% of viewers watched more than 25 seconds of the ad 50% of viewers watched the entire ad 7.7 million viewers reached Carnival is one of the most popular cruise lines in the world, offering quality cruises and memorable vacations to the Caribbean, Europe, Mexican Riviera, Alaska, Hawaii, Canada, Australia, the Pacific Islands and elsewhere. Carnival wanted to raise brand consideration and increase engagement by using Facebook’s Canvas format and reaching out to millions of vacation seekers across the US. •
  • 128. III. Travel With more than 18 million members, Interpark Tour is an online tour agency with the largest number of PC and mobile visitors. Interpark Tour was the first in the market to introduce the best price guarantee on plane tickets, and that strategy helped the company to consolidate its leading position as a online travel agency providing end-to-end booking service. Interpark Tour actively communicates with the over 110,000 people who like its Facebook Page. Interpark Tour's goal for its Facebook campaign was to encourage return visits, reservations, and purchases by website visitors and Interpark Tour app users. It also wanted to drive mobile app downloads among its customers—to double the app install rate and achieve a 20% decrease in cost per install. It also wanted to cross-sell overseas hotel reservation to customers who had booked or purchased airline tickets (achieving an 8% or greater conversion rate) Interpark Tour uses Facebook as a channel to reach its target audience: people in their 20s. Targeting existing website visitors and mobile app users on Facebook, it encouraged cross-sales of associated products/services by promoting products with a special discount, news on travel destinations, and seasonal content. It also provided a special accommodation discount and travel-related products/ services ads to generate additional sales. 4X 60X 9X click-through rate compared with other mobile display ads return on ad spend compared to remarketing ads run on other platforms Mobile app install rate
  • 129. III. Travel Loco Partners owns relux: an exclusive, members-only club that gives travellers access to a selection of highly curated hotels and lodgings. For relux, true luxury means spending quality time with the people who matter. Loco Partners created Custom Audiences out of 2 audience segments: People who visited an accommodation page but didn’t explore any further People who visited the “make a booking” page but didn’t complete their purchase. It then used dynamic product ads to promote its entire catalogue of accommodation options, and reach people with an ad containing a property that was relevant to their browsing history. It excluded anyone who had made a booking to ensure that it was reaching new customers only. This strategy allowed Loco Partners to follow up on warm leads and encourage bookings in a cost-efficient way. The company used the carousel format to showcase multiple destinations in a single ad and entice travellers visually. Loco Partners wanted to reach out to people who had visited its website but didn’t buy anything, and increase online reservations. 20% 50% 5X increase in reservations using dynamic product ads lower cost per acquisition than other online media higher click-through rate using dynamic product ads
  • 130. III. Travel Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spas is an expanding chain of upscale resorts in Asia Pacific, the Maldives, the Middle East and Africa. It’s a Thai hospitality brand that prizes warmth, authentic experiences, luxurious furnishings and idyllic surroundings. Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spas started by segmenting its audience into 3 main groups: previous customers, potential customers and website visitors. It further segmented its audience by location and localized its ads by using the appropriate language—for example, translating ads for Brazil into Portuguese. The hotel chain chose copy and images to suit the destination on promotion, or the specific stage of the customer journey that each target represented. Anantara Hotels Resorts & Spas knew that sharing seasonal offers to tempt people to make an advance booking would generate the best results. Its advance purchase offer, which was aimed at people who book holidays in advance, was the focus of its campaign. To find new customers and expand its reach, the hotel chain used Lookalike Audiences to target people with a similar profile to its existing customers. 15X 79% 9K 700 K Return on ad spend of new website sessions turned into top spenders Website visits in 11 days People reached in 11 days
  • 131. Delivered personalized messages around Diwali targeted to Indian expats
  • 132. IV. Retail/ F&B screenshot-them-these-fast-moving-instagram-videos-160013 Åhlénstried piloted a social game with fast-moving images (made into a video), and you get 50% off if you screenshot them:
  • 134.
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  • 137. V. Beauty Services
  • 138. V. Beauty/ Professional Services Vita Liberata wanted to capitalise on the Black Friday promotional period to extend the brand’s digital reach and drive conversions with existing and new customers. The team first tried out boosted posts and ads optimized for website clicks, and then monitored performance to see which would provide the best returns. A series of consecutive boosted posts with special offers targeted to Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences brought immediate results over the Black Friday period.
  • 139. V. Beauty/ Professional Services Yoogaia has taken fitness and technology worlds by storm since it launched in October 2013. The brainchild of Finnish yoga fan Mikko, Yoogaia offers live yoga and Pilates classes online, allowing people to participate wherever they are—making daily practice easy. Because Yoogaia markets across a number of different countries, it needs to understand its audiences and find the best way to get them interested. Yoogaia’s home market in Finland is mainly made up of women aged 30 and up, who regularly use Facebook. To reach this audience and stay top of mind, the Yoogaia team used boosted posts, targeted ads and remarketing with Custom Audiences and Lookalike Audiences. With help from its Facebook account manager and digital marketing agency P+SBD, Yoogaia has perfected its approach to multi-country marketing, using different location and language targeting options, tools and ad accounts for specific objectives. The month-long mobile app install ad campaign was carefully targeted to only relevant people on mobile and was designed to maximise conversions. The Yoogaia team had a clear set of objectives to grow the service: build awareness, expand the community and drive signups and sales. When the new Yoogaia iOS app launched, the company also wanted to encourage people to sign up and install the app via mobile channels. 13% 2.6X 40% conversion rate for mobile app install campaign greater post-install engagement than mobile display Unique click-through rate
  • 140. V. Beauty/ Professional Services Located in Tokyo, Coubic Inc. is a cloud-based support system for businesses. Its flagship Coubic product is an online reservation and customer management system, while its Popcorn product is a mobile app that helps people find last-minute deals for nearby salon treatments and massages. To promote its Popcorn app, Coubic Inc. targeted people in Japan and ran carousel ads featuring 3– 5 images that showcased salon treatments such as manicures, hairstyles and massages to inspire prospective customers to click through to the app. To promote the Coubic product, the company kept its cost per acquisition low by using Lookalike Audiences to target people with a similar profile to existing customers and visitors to the Coubic website. The company also used website Custom Audiences to retarget people who visited the Coubic or Popcorn websites but didn’t sign up. Coubic Inc. wanted to efficiently reach small and local businesses and persuade them to use its Coubic reservation system. The company also wanted to reach its target audience in Tokyo and encourage them to use the Popcorn app. 50% 1.7X 5X lower cost per acquisition using Lookalike Audiences higher conversion rate by retargeting website visitors higher install rate for the mobile app than other online ads
  • 143. VI. CPG/ Branding UNT specializes in developing innovative skincare products that delivers visible results. It believes that everybody deserves healthy, radiant skin and that high quality beauty products should not be a luxury. Since it was launched in 2004, UNT has expanded into 133 countries. UNT uses its Facebook Page to create and engage with a community of like-minded people from around the world. It takes care of its customers by responding to questions quickly via the Page and speaking to them directly in a friendly tone. It reaches even more people by running video ads and photo ads, concentrating on 3 main content areas: healthcare, cosmetics and manicures. UNT uses a highly targeted Facebook strategy. Audience Insights help the brand learn more about its target audience, and it uses demographic and interest targeting to reach the right people. To monitor online sales conversions, the brand places Facebook Pixels on its website. It then uses website Custom Audiences to retarget people who have browsed selected product pages or abandoned their shopping cart. UNT also uploads its customer data and uses Custom Audiences to retarget previous customers and drive repeat business, especially when it has a time-sensitive offer to promote. To quickly drive sales for its 11th anniversary, it used Lookalike Audiences to reach people who resembled its existing customers—making it more likely that they’ll be interested in its products. Lookalike Audiences also allows the brand reach new customers in less familiar overseas markets in Europe and America. This has helped UNT unite people across the world with an interest in skincare, regardless of where they live. 2X 63% 50% increase in sales revenue during the 13-hour anniversary sale increase in members Higher conversion rate using website custom audiences
  • 144. VI. CPG/ Branding Based in Taiwan, PUFII is a fashion brand geared towards 18- to 35-year-old women. It offers affordable, on-trend and high-quality clothes that are curated by experts. Founded in 2013, PUFII’s sister brand DANNA offers a wide range of Korean-made fashion pieces. PUFII posts content on its Facebook Page 4 times a day to help people discover new outfit inspiration. It uses Audience Insights to learn more about its audience and deliver content that is relevant to them. Since 2014, it has run video ads and photo ads to reach even more people visually, while link ads allow PUFII to boost website traffic. The ads feature the latest products that PUFII adds to its collection every week, special offers and seasonal trends to entice shoppers. When it wants to showcase more than one product in a single ad, the brand chooses carousel ads. PUFII uses conversion tracking to measure sales conversions and optimize its ads. It then uses Facebook’s advanced targeting tools to reach its audience in 3 ways: •  It uses website Custom Audiences to show people personalized ads featuring products related to what they’ve been browsing, which helps the brand play personal shopper to its customers. •  The brand creates Custom Audiences from uploaded customer data to tempt back previous customers who haven’t bought anything in the past 180 days, encouraging them to keep browsing and buying new clothes. •  It also uses Lookalike Audiences to target potential customers who resemble existing customers, making it more likely that the people who see PUFII’s ads will be interested in the brand’s range. 30% 2X 40% 30% Increase in website traffic Higher click-through rate Lower cost per conversion Increase in revenue
  • 145. VI. CPG/ Branding Founded in 1924, HITEJINRO has played a significant part in the history of Korean liquor for over 90 years. As one of Korea’s top liquor brands, HITEJINRO is dedicated to total customer satisfaction. HITEJINRO created 2 brand videos starring K-pop star IU to help shift perceptions of the Chamisul soju brand among young Koreans. It used Facebook’s precise targeting to reach as many of the right people as possible and ensure that the ads were only shown to Korean adults aged 19 and over to comply with alcohol advertising laws. The company split its audience into 2 groups: university students and office workers. To help increase the chances of its target audience sharing the ad, it showed each audience the ad with the most relevant creative based on 2 subgroups: young audiences and male consumers. HITEJINRO wanted to rebrand its Chamisul soju and position it as clean and fresh. It wanted to reach its target audience online and achieve at least 2 million video plays for its campaign videos (starring K-pop star IU, the new face of Chamisul soju) within 5 weeks. 18M 2.2M 15ppt lift in ad recall after 5 weeks Video imporessions Video plays
  • 146. Unilever cleans up by combining Facebook and TV 16.7% Facebook and TV made a 16.7% higher impact versus TV-only
  • 147. Unilever cleans up by combining Facebook and TV 16.7% Facebook and TV made a 16.7% higher impact versus TV-only
  • 148. VII. Telecom/ Technology Brand Awareness 品牌知名度 Video Views 影片觀看 Website Clicks 網站點擊 Lead Generation 開發潛在客 Local Awareness 打響本地市場知名度 Late Majority Innovators Early Adoptors Early Majority
  • 149. VII. Telecom/ Technology Based in China, OnePlus is a mobile technology startup that believes people should never settle for subpar technology. The company has customers in 35 countries and regions. Its flagship OnePlus One smartphone comes with top-range specifications and a premium design. To engage with the global tech community, OnePlus invited people to its Facebook Page to build their dream smartphone. It was a fun way to give everyone a chance to voice an opinion and feel more invested in the brand. OnePlus continued to engage with this blossoming community by sharing creative, relevant content or updates about the company’s journey every day. This helped people feel like they were part of the OnePlus story. To maximize the reach of its Facebook content, OnePlus boosted Page posts that were time-sensitive, such as its Welcome to the Plus Family contest and its pre-order events. OnePlus also ran photo ads and link ads in the desktop News Feed and the right column to drive people to its website. OnePlus featured positive quotes from well-known magazines and tech blogs like Fortune and TechCrunch its photo and link ads, along with photos highlighting specific product advantages and links to the OnePlus website. OnePlus also ran an one-off Facebook Ads campaign for one year from December 2013 to December 2014. 500 M 1M 1M units of OnePlus One smartphone sold in 9 months Website traffic New fans in one year
  • 150. VII. Telecom/ Technology freee develops cloud accounting and payroll software for sole proprietors and small businesses. Its software helps small business manage their business accounting workload, giving them more time to spend on creative projects and innovation. freee had already been using Facebook’s targeting products, but this campaign was the first time it had tried out Facebook’s more advanced targeting tools. freee used Custom Audiences from your website to boost its conversion rate by retargeting website visitors who hadn’t registered, prompting them register. It then used Lookalike Audiences to find new customers by targeting people on Facebook with a similar profile to freee’s current customers. freee tailored the creative of its ad content to each audience segment and their unique needs. For example, some ads focused on invoicing, while others contained details about freee’s accounting software. To maximize its return on ad spend throughout the campaign, it invested more in the best-performing ads. freee wanted to find new customers and encourage businesses to sign up for a free trial of its core accounting software product. freee wanted to maintain its cost per acquisition rate of 1,000-1,500 yen. 2.5X 50% 5X higher conversion rate on Facebook than other advertising platforms lower cost per installation than other advertising platforms when mobile app ads were used higher conversion rate than other advertising platforms when Lookalike Audiences were used
  • 151. VII. Telecom/ Technology The Chinese mobile phone brand used Facebook to launch its new smartphone product in key African markets, achieving a 5-point lift in brand awareness in one month. TECNO was launching its new Phantom Z phone in select African countries. It needed to reach a diverse audience that is spread across a large continent, on a large scale, and also raise awareness of both the brand and Phantom Z. TECNO split its campaign into 2 phases. The first (June 12–July 12, 2014) focused on raising brand and product awareness. Phase 2 (July 22–August 4, 2014) was aimed at driving pre-order sales. To reach such a diverse audience on a large scale, TECNO launched its campaign with an all News Feed target block for phase one. A target block guarantees advertisers maximum reach to a target audience over 3 days in specific markets. For this campaign, TECNO targeted men in Nigeria, Egypt, Cameroon, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Tanzania and Uganda. TECNO followed up the initial campaign with photo ads featuring product imagery and copy teasing the brand’s Facebook fans about “something exciting coming very soon” to create a buzz around the Phantom Z. For the second phase, TECNO ran link ads that drove people to a microsite where they could pre-order the Phantom Z. These ads highlighted the features and benefits of the smartphone. TECNO targeted these ads to a range of demographics, including 16- to 35-year-olds in select countries with an interest in tablets, mobile phones, Konga (a Nigerian electronics retailer), Samsung (a competitor), music, films, online games, iPads (a competitor product), smartphones or Android operating systems. The brand used Nielsen Brand Effect to measure the impact of its ads on metrics like brand awareness and purchase intent for TECNO’s products, as well as its competitors’ products. 5 pt 5 pt 25% lift in product awareness among 18- to 24-year-olds in one month higher purchase intent among those exposed to the ad decrease in purchase intent for a competitor's product
  • 152.
  • 153. Scoring big during World Cup 2014 33% incremental reach over TV (Nielsen OCR)
  • 154. Racing towards 2020 Olympics with Facebook video 9.5pt lift in awareness of Panasonic’s project sponsorship
  • 155. VII. Education/ Banking/ Real estate Israel’s MindCET Accelerator is an innovation center that brings together entrepreneurs, educators and researchers to develop innovative groundbreaking educational technology, both in the region and further afield. Working with online advertising agency Jellop, MindCET ran Facebook link ads and ads in the right column to deliver its message to the heart of its target audience. The campaign ran June 9–July 22, 2014. The team had run similar campaigns on Facebook, so it was able to use the previous year’s leads to create a brand new lookalike audience. Facebook retargeting was a powerful and cost-effective tool, allowing MindCET to target landing page visitors who hadn’t signed up on their first visit. The center’s team had a clear vision for the campaign: to attract and engage education technology entrepreneurs, and encourage signups to begin the application process for joining the accelerator. 80% 50% 65% lower average cost per lead than Google AdWords lower average cost per lead than LinkedIn ads of total leads generated by lookalike audience
  • 156. VII. Education/ Banking/ Real Estate Open Colleges is Australia’s leading online learning provider, having educated more than 700,000 students. Open Colleges wanted to enroll more students, boost mobile and desktop traffic to its website, and encourage prospective students to complete an enquiry form. Like many brands, it had struggled to prove the effectiveness of ads at driving offline conversions. For this campaign, Open Colleges wanted to find a meaningful and accurate way to measure how effective its Facebook ads were at driving online enquiries and offline conversions. Open Colleges uses lookalike audiences to reach potential students by targeting people with a similar profile to both existing students and website visitors that it successfully converted through Facebook. For this campaign, Open Colleges determined Facebook’s ability to drive incremental leads (how many people went on to fill in the enquiry form) by placing a conversion pixel on its website and by using conversion lift. Open Colleges also used conversion lift to determine the offline conversions—incremental course enrollments and purchases—that resulted from people seeing its Facebook Ads. By comparing the conversions in the test group to conversions in the control group, Facebook was able to report the lift that resulted from the ad campaign. Based on this information, Open Colleges was able to look at its students’ purchasing journey holistically and get valuable data on exactly which ads were resulting in incremental enrollments. It used these insights to optimize its campaign and maximize its returns. 95% 12% 2.4X Lift in conversion rate for website enquiries Lift in offline sales Return on ad spend
  • 157. VII. Education/ Banking/ Real Estate 5X 60% 40% Increase in leads that came directly from Facebook Of all leads came from carousel ads Lower cost per lead using carousel ads Wave Infratech is bringing the smart city concept to North India with its premium real estate offering: the Wave City Center. The development spans 152 acres, is protected by a high-tech security system and includes parks, offices, shops, recreational facilities and housing. Wave Infratech has used Facebook Ads to create interest in the Wave City Center since January 2015. The real estate developer focuses on long- term results, rather than individual campaigns. Its strategy is to keep its ad content simple, refresh the creative every 15 days and highlight a property’s unique features by letting photos do the talking. Wave Infratech has learned which days its posts are most successful, and optimises its content schedule to take advantage. The company started posting link ads and photo ads in mobile and desktop News Feed to help drive website traffic, and adopted carousel ads once they became available. Wave Infratech uses carousel ads to showcase its offering in a more visual way and tell a bigger story across platforms and devices. It makes the most of the format by showing off apartments from multiple angles, portraying a lavish, aspirational lifestyle and helping people to picture themselves standing inside a room. After seeing positive initial results, the company invested more in carousel ads. Because people spend a long time researching a property before making a decision, Wave Infratech doesn’t expect instant website conversions. It uses website Custom Audiences to keep in touch with people who have browsed a property on its website by retargeting them with a personalised Facebook ad. This means it captures leads even from people who haven’t registered online. For example, it places Facebook pixels on the construction updates page, and retargets ads to people who visit the page whenever there’s an update. It also shows people similar properties from the same category to encourage them to keep browsing. To expand its reach cost-effectively, Wave Infratech uses Lookalike Audiences to target prospective buyers who resemble people who have browsed properties on its website.
  • 158. Banking on Facebook video to build trust 9X more effective cost per reach vs TV
  • 159. VII. Event Management/ Entertainment Walt Disney Studios wanted to stoke excitement for the film’s release in Taiwan. Since the last Star Wars movie premiered a decade ago, the marketing team wanted to reach a massive audience and get people queuing to see the film. Walt Disney Studios became the first brand in Taiwan to use Canvas: an immersive, mobile-first way for brands to tell their stories. Canvas vividly brought the film’s highlights to life through a powerful combination of teaser photos, tilt-to-pan photos, carousel images and action-packed trailers. People were able to interact with the content by swiping or tilting the screen, zooming into the photos, clicking on a call-to-action button and watching the videos. Taiwanese people can be wary about going to see new films at the cinema, and like to learn as much as they can about the story in advance. Canvas gave cinemagoers a rich, interactive content experience that teased just enough information about the film and transported them to a galaxy far, far away. The studio ran separate ads tailored to men and women, and the company carried out A/B testing to optimize the creative and test Canvas ads against link ads. It also used reach and frequency buying to predictably reach its audience an average of 4 times in the critical month building up to the film’s release. 5.5M 2M 38X 8ppt 16- to 45-years- olds in Taiwan reached Video views higher click-through rate with Canvas than link ads alone lift in ad recall (Nielsen Brand Effect)
  • 160. VII. Event Management/ Entertainment China Network Television (CNTV) is a new media platform under CCTV that covers multi-languages, local and international events and news. CNTV produces the annual Spring Festival Gala (a live TV extravaganza). In 2015, it broadcast the show online for its overseas audience for the first time. Since so many people now watch TV online, CNTV planned to stream the 2015 Spring Festival Gala live to the world on Facebook. CNTV wanted to grow its Facebook community, reach Chinese expats and encourage them to watch the event live on Facebook. CNTV started by setting up a Facebook event to promote the live broadcast of the Spring Festival Gala. The broadcaster then ran event ads to make sure people marked it in their calendar. To grow its Facebook community, CNTV ran like ads and used Lookalike Audiences to reach people with a similar profile to those who already liked its Facebook Page. The broadcaster targeted its ads to expats from China (who may not have been able to watch the event on TV) and used language targeting to reach people who are interested in Chinese culture, but don’t speak the language. In the run-up to the Spring Festival Gala, CNTV ran photo ads and video ads featuring highlights from past events to create buzz and a sense of nostalgia among Chinese expats. On the day of the Gala, CNTV used link ads to drive people to the page where it was live-streaming the event. It staged a countdown, running the ads 60 minutes and then 30 minutes ahead of the event to build excitement. CNTV continued to post real-time content throughout the day to drive a continuous flow of traffic to the livestream page. 314K 9.5M 194 M livestream viewers on Facebook Video views in 2 months People reached
  • 161. VII. Event Management/ Entertainment Booking company Transmission Events hosts Fun Fun Fun Fest (FFF), an annual festival in Austin, Texas that features underground and progressive music, comedy, food and art, and attracts performers and fans from around the world. Fun Fun Fun Fest needed to reach an international audience of music and comedy lovers with particular interests— without breaking the bank. Specifically, the company wanted to increase VIP ticket sales and attract new audiences. Umbel used Facebook to help Fun Fun Fun Fest organizers target the people most likely to buy tickets. First, the company processed millions of audience data points to collect useful customer information, by using Facebook Login and the event registration process. Umbel then combined the social, interest, and behavioral data of the audience to create sub-groups for those who “browsed the lineup” or “purchased VIP tickets.” Using Custom Audiences, it uploaded lists of previous attendees’ email addresses and invited them to attend again. Umbel then created Lookalike Audiences to take information it knew about Fun Fun Fun Fest’s existing audience—for example, people that like The Daily Show—and built compelling ads to share with people who had similar interests. Umbel also used unpublished Page post ads (ads that aren’t based on publicly-visible Page posts) to experiment with new offers and creative for specific audiences without cluttering the Fun Fun Fun Fest Page. Unpublished ads helped it understand which posts resonated best with different audiences so that it could more precisely target customers and sell tickets. 30X Return on ad spend from ticket sales
  • 162. VII. Event Management/ Entertainment To achieve the ultimate objective for Jurassic World—a boom in ticket sales—Universal Pictures and its media agency, PHD Media Germany, needed to create awareness and get people excited about the movie, particularly amongst 12- to 34-year-olds.2 The standard approach to movie promotion on Facebook in Germany among most other studios had been to simply run ads in the week of the movie release. But as with all of its releases, Universal Pictures wanted to do things differently for Jurassic World. To create anticipation and excitement for the movie, the studio and PHD Media planned a 15-month campaign starting in April 2014. The studio would spend half its budget in the months leading up to the release and the other half starting the week before. The team began by building a community around the movie, keeping it entertained with great Facebook Page content, before reaching out to a broader audience closer to the release date. TV and other digital channels were also used during launch week. The Facebook campaign ran on desktop and mobile, and included video ads that played the movie trailer and featured a link to book tickets. The reach and frequency tool helped the studio ensure that the ads reached the right people at an optimum frequency. This approach—of long-term community building and activation on Facebook—has been at the core of all movie releases that Universal Pictures and PHD have handled in Germany in recent years. 4.1M 2.3M 80% incremental reach to TV among people aged 12 and up incremental reach to TV among core audience of 12- to 34-year-olds of people reached on Facebook were age 12–39 versus 25% on TV
  • 163. VII. Event Management/ Entertainment LHC Les Lions is Lyon’s professional ice hockey team, currently competing in the French first division, la Ligue Magnus. The team is managed by ice hockey pro Sébastien Berthet, who also serves as CEO. LHC Les Lions has used Facebook to engage its fan community over the years, sharing league updates, team news and offers via the club’s official Page. Recently, local agency Cojecom persuaded Les Lions to try using Facebook to sell match tickets too. Cojecom designed a conversion campaign featuring a series of link ads and promotional offers that it served to the LHC Les Lions community in desktop and mobile News Feed. In addition, news of fixtures, ticket prices and special offers were posted to the team’s Page during the week before each match to boost engagement. The main target for the campaigns was a Custom Audience created from people who have liked the Les Lions Facebook Page, ice hockey fans, and the online ticket buyers database. The team also targeted ads to lookalike audiences as part of the campaigns. >340 3X Purchase conversions Return on ad spend
  • 164. The Science Behind Effective Video Ads Creative Strategies with Topic Data More indepth reading 深入了解: Life Through the Lens of Instagrammers Creative Combinations Targeting Millennials How Facebook makes paid search stronger Multi-device: Thais, Taiwanese and Aussies The M-Factor for Today’s Omni- Channel Shoppers Unlocking the Mobile Opportunity Monthly Video Spotlight Creative Combinations that Work Cross Border Handbook Instagram Ads Collateral Conversion (DR) Collateral Discovery New Products in New Places Making Search Work Harder Case Studies Lead Ads Collateral The Road To Purchase in a Mobile- First World Storytelling Sells Video Ads Pitch Decks App Ads Collateral Local Awareness Ads Collateral Carousel Ads Pitch Decks Branding Pitch Decks Blueprint -- Facebook Online Courses Insights Bidding & Pricing Collateral Targeting Know How Canvas Collateral Facebook Developers (API/ Pixel/ SDK/ Audience network/ Commerce)