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Course Name- B Sc
    Subject Name - C++
      Semester - II

                         Neetu Gupta

•   Exception – Introduction
•   Exception handling
•   Try, catch
•   Throw
•   Exception specification
•   Custom exceptions
•   Using exception class
•   Few standard exceptions
•   Namespaces
•   using
•   using namespace
•   Preprocessor
•   Preprocessor directives
•   #include explained
Exception Handling - Introduction
• Exception handling is a mechanism that separates code
  that detects and handles exceptional circumstances from
  the rest of your program.

• Note that an exceptional circumstance is not necessarily
  an error.

• An exception is a situation that would be unusual for the
  program that is being processed.
• As a programmer, you should anticipate any abnormal
  behavior that could be caused by the user entering
  wrong information that could otherwise lead to
  unpredictable results.
• An error result or an unpredictable behavior on
  your program not caused by the operating
  system but that occurs in your program is called
  an exception.
• The ability to deal with a program’s eventual
  abnormal behavior is called exception handling.
• Exceptions are run-time anomalies, such as
  division by zero, that require immediate handling
  when encountered by your program.
• Exceptions are run-time anomalies, such as
  division by zero, that require immediate handling
  when encountered by your program.
• With C++ exception handling, your
  program can communicate unexpected
  events to a higher execution context that
  is better able to recover from such
  abnormal events.
• These exceptions are handled by code
  that is outside the normal flow of control.
• It could be in the same function that
  generates it or outside the function.
• When a function detects an exceptional
  situation, you represent this with an object.
  This object is called an exception object.
• This exception object is actually thrown
  when an exception case is encountered
• The handler code catches this exception
  object and writes the appropriate code to
  take a proper action to handle the case.
• During the execution of a program, the computer
  will face two types of situations: those it is
  prepared to deal with and those it doesn’t like.

• Imagine you write a program that asks the user
  to supply two numbers to perform a calculation.

• This is a classic easy program. When it comes
  up, the user is asked to simply type two
  numbers; the program would use them to
  perform a multiplication and display the result.
  Here is such a program:
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
   double a, b, c; // Request two numbers from the user
   cout << "Please provide two numbersn"; cout << "First
   Number: ";
   cin >> a;
   cout << "Second Number: ";
   cin >> b;
   // Multiply the numbers and display the result
   c = a * b;
   cout << "n" << a << " * " << b << " = " << c << "nn";
   return 0;
• Imagine that a user, thanks to his infinite creativity or
  because of just a mistake, decides to type the name of a
  country or somebody’s telephone number as one of the
  requested values.

• Since a program such as this one is not prepared to
  multiply two strings or one number to a string (actually,
  using operator overloading, you can tell the compiler how
  to perform almost any type of operation on the values of
  your program), it would not know what to do.

• Since a program such as this one is not prepared to
  multiply two strings or one number to a string (actually,
  using operator overloading, you can tell the compiler how
  to perform almost any type of operation on the values of
  your program), it would not know what to do.
• What actually happens is that, whenever the compiler is
  handed a task, it would try to perform the assignment. If
  it can’t perform the assignment, for any reason it is not
  prepared for, it would throw an error.

• As a programmer, if you can anticipate the type of error
  that could occur in your program, you can catch the error
  yourself and deal with it by telling the compiler what to do
  when this type of error occurs.

• As a programmer, you should anticipate any abnormal
  behavior that could be caused by the user entering
  wrong information that could otherwise lead to
  unpredictable results.
•   C++ provides mainly three keywords to handle an exception.

•   Trying the normal flow: (try block)
•   To deal with the expected behavior of a program, use the try
    keyword as in the following syntax:

              try {
                      normal code
                      that might generate an exception as well

•   We must place a portion of code under exception
•   This is done by enclosing that portion of code in a try
• It lets the compiler know that you are
  anticipating an abnormal behavior and will
  try to deal with it.
• The actual behavior that needs to be
  evaluated is included between an opening
  curly bracket “{“ and a closing curly
  bracket “}”.
• Inside of the brackets, implement the
  normal flow that the program should
  follow, at least for this section of the code.
•   Catching the exception: (catch block)
•   During the flow of the program as part of the
    try section, if an abnormal behavior occurs,
    instead of letting the program crash or letting
    the compiler send the error to the operating
    system, you can transfer the flow of the
    program to another section that can deal with
•   When an exceptional circumstance arises
    within that block, an exception is thrown that
    transfers the control to the exception handler
    i.e. the catch block here.
A complete syntax of such code could be
        try {
            // the program flow
        catch (Argument) {
            // Catch the exception
• This section always follows the try section and
  there must not be any code between the try’s
  closing bracket and the catch section.
• The catch keyword is required and follows the
  try section.
• The catch behaves a little like a function.
• It uses an argument that is passed by the
  previous try section.
• The argument can be a regular variable or a
• The behavior of the catch clause starts with an
  opening curly bracket “{“ and ends with a closing
  curly bracket “}”.
• The inside of the brackets is called the body of
  the catch clause. Therefore, use the body of the
  catch to deal with the error that was caused.
•   Throw an error: (throw statement)
•   An exception is thrown by using the
    throw keyword from inside the try block.
•   A throw expression accepts one
    parameter which is passed as an
    argument to the exception handler i.e.
    the catch block
           throw argument;
• We can also use a throw statement with
  no argument as
// A simple Example - exceptions
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main () {
   try {
        throw 20;
   catch (int e) {
       cout << "An exception occurred. Exception Nr. " << e << endl;
    return 0;
• The code under exception handling is enclosed
  in a try block.
• In this example this code simply throws an
              throw 20;
• A throw expression accepts one parameter (in
  this case the integer value 20), which is passed
  as an argument to the exception handler catch
     catch (int e) {
         cout << "An exception occurred. Exception Nr. " << e << endl;
A complete example
•    Lets write a program that reads age of
     student. It takes two actions after reading
     the age
    1. If the age > 0 that means it is a valid value,
       the age value is printed back
    2. If the age <=0 that means it is not a valid
       value, it is an exceptional value and this
       must be notified to the user.
        In this case we throw an error saying the proper
         message “ age should be grater than 0”
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    int StudentAge;
    cout << "Student Age: ";
    cin >> StudentAge;

    try {
            if( StudentAge < 0)
                     throw “Positive Number required”;
            cout << "n Student Age: " << StudentAge << "nn";
    catch( const char* str ) {
         cout << "n” << str << "n n";


    cout << "n";
    return 0;
• If you run this program and type a positive integer for the
  student’s age, the program would respond by displaying
  the student age. That’s a good outcome.

• If you run the program and type a letter or any character,
  the compiler would display the student age as 0. This is
  the first proof that the compilers are already configured
  to deal with some abnormal behavior of a program.

• If you enter the student age less than 0, then the throw
  statement is executed, that means the control is
  transferred to catch() block leaving rest of the statements
  below throw without executing.
try {
    if (condition)
    …….       These statements
              are not executed if   When a throw statement
    …….       throw is executed.    is encountered the control
}                                   automatically transfers to
                                    the catch block
catch(...) {
    catch – statement1;
    catch – statement2;
Catching multiple exceptions
• The exceptions as we have seen so far
  dealt with a single exception in a program.
• Most of the time, a typical program will
  throw different types of errors.
• The C++ language allows you to include
  multiple different catch blocks.
• Each catch block can face a specific case
  for error handling.
Catching multiple exceptions
• Syntax for this could be as
       try {
          Code to Try
       catch(Arg1) {
          One Exception
       catch(Arg2) {
          Another Exception
The compiler would proceed in a top-down as follows:

•   Following the normal flow control of the program, the compiler
    enters the try block.

•   If no exception occurs in the try block, the rest of the try block is

•   If an exception occurs in the try block, the try displays a throw that
    specifies the type of error that happened.

    – The compiler gets out of the try block and examines the first catch
    – If the first catch doesn’t match the thrown error, the compiler proceeds
      with the next catch. This continues until the compiler finds a catch that
      matches the thrown error.
    – If one of the catches matches the thrown error, the body of that catch
      block is executed and program executes further after the catch block as
      a normal execution.
Default Handler – catch(…)
If no catch matches the thrown error, you have (or the
     compiler has) two
– If there is no catch that matches the error (which
     means that you didn’t provide a matching catch), the
     compiler hands the program flow to the operating
     system (which calls the terminate() function).

–   Another alternative is to include a catch whose
    argument is three periods:
• The catch(…) is used if no other catch,
  provided there was another, matches the thrown

• The catch(…), if included as part of a catch
  clause, must always be the last catch, unless it
  is the only catch of the clause.

• If we use an ellipsis (...) as the parameter of
  catch, that handler will catch any exception no
  matter what the type of the throw exception is.
  This can be used as a default handler that
  catches all exceptions not caught by other
  handlers if it is specified at last.
try {
          // code here
        catch (int param) {
          cout << "int exception";
        catch (char param) {
          cout << "char exception";
        catch (...) {
          cout << "default exception";
• In this case the last handler would catch any
  exception thrown with any parameter that is
  neither an int nor a char.
Exception specifications

• When declaring a function we can limit the exception type it might
  directly or indirectly throw

• This can be done by appending a throw suffix to the function
  declaration like:

        float myfunction (char param) throw (int);

   This declares a function called myfunction which takes one
   argument of type char and returns an element of type float.
   The only exception that this function might throw is an exception of
   type int.
• When we use the throw keyword in the header
  of a function, it indicates what kind of exceptions
  that function may throw.
• Thus, any type that does not appear in the
  throw() part of the header cannot and will not be
  thrown by that function. This is called a
• In essence, you are making a promise to
  everyone who uses your function that there is a
  fixed list of exception types that your function
  may throw, and that these are the only types that
  need to be watched for in try blocks containing
  your function.
// Example
void doSomething (int value)
                   throw( int, CustomException )
   if( value > 5 ) {
       throw CustomException( "An error occurred." );
   else {
       throw 18;

•    Here we see that doSomething() is declared to be able to throw
     two types of exceptions: integers and CustomExceptions. Other
     functions who call this function now only need to write catch
     blocks for these two data types, and nothing more. doSomething()
     is promising that if it throws an exception, it will always be of one
     of those two types.
• At times we need a function to handle all the
  exceptions at its end only.
• That means no exception should pass through
  the function and send to caller of the function.
• If throw specifier in function declaration is left
  empty with no type, this means the function is
  not allowed to throw exceptions

      // no exceptions allowed
      int myfunction (int param) throw();
• Similarly we may need to have a function that
  can throw any possible exception type.
• Functions with no throw specifier (regular
  functions) are allowed to throw exceptions with
  any type:

     // all exceptions allowed
     int myfunction (int param);

  Here the function myfunction() can through any
  type of exception to its callers.
What can be thrown
•   As I mentioned earlier, virtually any data type
    in C++ can be thrown as an exception.

•   For example, we could just as easily have
    thrown an integer in our doSomething()

            void doSomething() {
                 throw 5;
• Or, we could have thrown, say, a boolean

 void doSomething() {
    bool someVariable = false;
    throw someVariable;
Here we are throwing a value of type bool in
Throw a class type
• Any data type in C++ can be thrown as an exception,
  and this includes any custom data types we create.

• Remember, any data type in C++ can be thrown as an
  exception, and this includes any custom data types we

• Therefore, we can create classes to represent our
  exceptions, and these classes can contain as much or
  as little information as we like, structured however we
// Define a class to handle custom exception
class CustomException {
       std::string message;

        CustomException( std::string message );
        std::string getMessage() {
              return message;
Here we have declared a simple class, CustomException.
•   The class has one data member, message, which will
    hold the error message associated with our exception.
    We define a basic constructor that takes a string as an
    argument to set the message, and we have an
    accessor for message.

•   Now, we can throw an instance of our
    CustomException class as an exception and throw it in
    a function like this:

          // Use this class to throw as an exception
          void doSomething() {
              throw CustomException( "An error occurred." );
• At first, this seems no more useful than
  throwing a lone string.
• The class even requires us to write more
  code just to create the class!
• But look at the concept again. Now that
  our exception is represented as an entire
  object of our class rather than a primitive
  or a string, we can add lots and lots of
  information to our exception by adding
  additional data members to our class.
class CustomException {

  string message;
  int errorCode;
  bool fatal;

      CustomException( string message );
         string getMessage() {
         return message;

     int getErrorCode() {
         return errorCode;

     bool isFatal() {
        return fatal;
Standard exceptions

• The C++ Standard library provides a base class
  specifically designed to declare objects to be thrown as
• It is called exception and is defined in the <exception>
  header file under the namespace std.
• This class has the usual default and copy constructors,
  operators and destructors, plus an additional virtual
  member function called what that returns a null-
  terminated character sequence (char *) and that can be
  overwritten in derived classes to contain some sort of
  description of the exception.
Use exception class
• We can write a class myexception to represent our
  exception using the class exception as:

// standard exceptions
#include <iostream>
#include <exception>
using namespace std;
class myexception: public exception {
    virtual const char* what() const throw() {
         return "My exception happened";
// This is how we can use myexception class
int main () {
   myexception myex;
   try {
         throw myex;
   catch (exception& e) {
         cout << e.what() << endl;
   return 0;

Output is::
  exception happened.
• All exceptions thrown by components of the C+
  + Standard library throw exceptions derived
  from this std::exception class. These are:

   Exception       Description
   bad_alloc       thrown by new on allocation failure
   bad_cast        thrown by new on allocation failure

   bad_exception   thrown when an exception type doesn't
                   match any catch
• For example, if we use the operator new and the
  memory cannot be allocated, an exception of type
  bad_alloc is thrown:
      try {
        int * myarray= new int[1000];
      catch (bad_alloc&) {
        cout << "Error allocating memory." << endl;

• It is recommended to include all dynamic memory
  allocations within a try block that catches this type of
  exception to perform a clean action instead of an
  abnormal program termination, which is what happens
  when this type of exception is thrown and not caught.
• Namespaces allow to group entities like
  classes, objects and functions under a
• This way the global scope can be divided
  in "sub-scopes", each one with its own
• This also allows us to use the same name
  for more classes if they are in different
• The format of namespaces is:

  namespace identifier

• Where identifier is any valid identifier and
  entities is the set of classes, objects and
  functions that are included within the
• For example
  namespace myNamespace {
     int a, b;

• In this case, the variables a and b are
  normal variables declared within a
  namespace called myNamespace.
Access entities from namespace
• In order to access these variables from outside
  the namespace like myNamespace definced
  here we have to use the scope operator ::.
• For example, to access the previous variables
  from outside myNamespace we can write:

Namespace - Usage
• The functionality of namespaces is especially
  useful in the case that there is a possibility that a
  global object or function uses the same identifier
  as another one, causing redefinition errors.

• In the example, there are two global variables
  with the same name: var. One is defined within
  the namespace first and the other one in
  second. No redefinition errors happen thanks to
// namespaces
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace first {
    int var = 5;

namespace second {
  double var = 3.1416;

int main () {
    cout << first::var << endl;
    cout << second::var << endl;
    return 0;
using – introduce names from a
• The keyword using is used to introduce a
  name from a namespace into the current
  declarative region.

• Lets declare two namespaces with names
  as first and second. Both of them have two
  variables named x and y.
// Example – using
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace first {
   int x = 5;
   int y = 10;
namespace second {
   double x = 3.1416;
   double y = 2.7183;
int main () {
   using first::x;
   using second::y;
   cout << x << endl;        // x is from first namespace
   cout << y << endl;        // y is from first namespace
   cout << first::y << endl;
   cout << second::x << endl;
   return 0;

Output is
• Notice how in this code, x (without any
  name qualifier) refers to first::x whereas y
  refers to second::y, exactly as our using
  declarations have specified.
• We still have to access first::y and
  second::x using their fully qualified names,
  as they are not specified by using
using namespace
• The keyword using can also be used as a
  directive to introduce an entire
• By doing this, we can access any name
  from that introduced namespace without
  fully qualifier as ::.
• We can access the names from
  introduced namespace by their names
// Example – using
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace first {
   int x = 5;
   int y = 10;
namespace second {
   double x = 3.1416;
   double y = 2.7183;
int main () {
   using namespace first;
   cout << x << endl;
   cout << y << endl;
   cout << second::x << endl;
   cout << second::y << endl;
   return 0;

Output is
• In this case, since we have declared that
  we were using namespace first, all direct
  uses of x and y without name qualifiers
  were referring to their declarations in
  namespace first.

• If we need to use the x and y of
  namespace second, we should fully
  qualify them using operator :: like
Scope of applying using
• using and using namespace have validity
  only in the same block in which they are
• or in the entire code if they are used
  directly in the global scope.
// using namespace example
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
namespace first {
   int x = 5;

namespace second {
  double x = 3.1416;
int main ()
    // define a new block by {} and introduce first here
           using namespace first;
           cout << x << endl;

    // define a new block by {} and introduce second here
           using namespace second;
           cout << x << endl;
    return 0;

Output is:
• In first block we only introduce first
  namespace, that means x, y reffered there
  will be of namespace first only.
• If we need to use the same of second
  namespace we should fully qualify them
  using ::
• Same explanation holds true for the
  second block {} where namespace second
  is introduced.
namespace alias
• A namespace alias is an alternative name
  for a namespace.
• A namespace alias is a convenient way of
  referring to a long namespace name by a
  different, shorter name.
• It is an alternate names for existing
namespace alias - syntax
• We can create an alias for a namespace as:
     namespace new_name = current_name;

     void f();

• In this example, the IBM identifier is an alias for
  useful for referring to long namespace identifiers.
an alias for a nested namespace
•   An alias can also be applied to a nested namespace.

           int j;
           namespace NESTED_IBM_PRODUCT
                  void a() { j++; }
                  int j;

namespace NIBM =

•   In this example, the NIBM identifier is an alias for the namespace
    NESTED_IBM_PRODUCT. This namespace is nested within the
std namespace
• All the files in the C++ standard library
  declare all of its entities within the std
• That is why we have generally included
  the using namespace std; statement in all
  programs that used any entity defined in
• A unique feature of c language is the preprocessor. A program can
  use the tools provided by preprocessor to make his program easy to
  read, modify, portable and more efficient.

• Preprocessor is a program that processes the code before it passes
  through the compiler. It operates under the control of preprocessor
  command lines and directives.

• Preprocessor directives are placed in the source program before the
  main line before the source code passes through the compiler it is
  examined by the preprocessor for any preprocessor directives.

• If there is any appropriate actions are taken then the source
  program is handed over to the compiler.
Preprocessor directives
• Preprocessor directives follow the special
  syntax rules and begin with the symbol

          #bin column1

• Notice that they do not require any
  semicolon at the end like any other normal
• A set of commonly used preprocessor
   #define    Defines a macro substitution

   #undef     Undefines a macro

   #include   Specifies a file to be included

   #ifdef     Tests for macro definition

   #endif     Specifies the end of #if

   #ifndef    Tests whether the macro is not def

   #if        Tests a compile time condition

   #else      Specifies alternatives when # if test fails
File inclusion - #include
• The preprocessor directive #include can be used
  to include any file in to your program if the
  function s or macro definitions are present in an
  external file they can be included in your file

           #include “filename”

• In the directive the filename is the name of the
  file containing the required definitions or
• Alternatively this directive can take the
  form as below without double quotation
          #include< filename >

• If used as above with filename within <>,
  in this format the file will be searched in
  only standard directories.
Thank You


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F6dc1 session6 c++

  • 1. Course Name- B Sc Subject Name - C++ Semester - II Neetu Gupta 1
  • 2. Contents • Exception – Introduction • Exception handling • Try, catch • Throw • Exception specification • Custom exceptions • Using exception class
  • 3. Contents • Few standard exceptions • Namespaces • using • using namespace • Preprocessor • Preprocessor directives • #include explained
  • 4. Exception Handling - Introduction • Exception handling is a mechanism that separates code that detects and handles exceptional circumstances from the rest of your program. • Note that an exceptional circumstance is not necessarily an error. • An exception is a situation that would be unusual for the program that is being processed. • As a programmer, you should anticipate any abnormal behavior that could be caused by the user entering wrong information that could otherwise lead to unpredictable results.
  • 5. • An error result or an unpredictable behavior on your program not caused by the operating system but that occurs in your program is called an exception. • The ability to deal with a program’s eventual abnormal behavior is called exception handling. • Exceptions are run-time anomalies, such as division by zero, that require immediate handling when encountered by your program. • Exceptions are run-time anomalies, such as division by zero, that require immediate handling when encountered by your program.
  • 6. • With C++ exception handling, your program can communicate unexpected events to a higher execution context that is better able to recover from such abnormal events. • These exceptions are handled by code that is outside the normal flow of control. • It could be in the same function that generates it or outside the function.
  • 7. • When a function detects an exceptional situation, you represent this with an object. This object is called an exception object. • This exception object is actually thrown when an exception case is encountered • The handler code catches this exception object and writes the appropriate code to take a proper action to handle the case.
  • 8. • During the execution of a program, the computer will face two types of situations: those it is prepared to deal with and those it doesn’t like. • Imagine you write a program that asks the user to supply two numbers to perform a calculation. • This is a classic easy program. When it comes up, the user is asked to simply type two numbers; the program would use them to perform a multiplication and display the result. Here is such a program:
  • 9. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { double a, b, c; // Request two numbers from the user cout << "Please provide two numbersn"; cout << "First Number: "; cin >> a; cout << "Second Number: "; cin >> b; // Multiply the numbers and display the result c = a * b; cout << "n" << a << " * " << b << " = " << c << "nn"; return 0; }
  • 10. • Imagine that a user, thanks to his infinite creativity or because of just a mistake, decides to type the name of a country or somebody’s telephone number as one of the requested values. • Since a program such as this one is not prepared to multiply two strings or one number to a string (actually, using operator overloading, you can tell the compiler how to perform almost any type of operation on the values of your program), it would not know what to do. • Since a program such as this one is not prepared to multiply two strings or one number to a string (actually, using operator overloading, you can tell the compiler how to perform almost any type of operation on the values of your program), it would not know what to do.
  • 11. • What actually happens is that, whenever the compiler is handed a task, it would try to perform the assignment. If it can’t perform the assignment, for any reason it is not prepared for, it would throw an error. • As a programmer, if you can anticipate the type of error that could occur in your program, you can catch the error yourself and deal with it by telling the compiler what to do when this type of error occurs. • As a programmer, you should anticipate any abnormal behavior that could be caused by the user entering wrong information that could otherwise lead to unpredictable results.
  • 12. C++ provides mainly three keywords to handle an exception. • Trying the normal flow: (try block) • To deal with the expected behavior of a program, use the try keyword as in the following syntax: try { normal code that might generate an exception as well } • We must place a portion of code under exception inspection. • This is done by enclosing that portion of code in a try block.
  • 13. • It lets the compiler know that you are anticipating an abnormal behavior and will try to deal with it. • The actual behavior that needs to be evaluated is included between an opening curly bracket “{“ and a closing curly bracket “}”. • Inside of the brackets, implement the normal flow that the program should follow, at least for this section of the code.
  • 14. Catching the exception: (catch block) • During the flow of the program as part of the try section, if an abnormal behavior occurs, instead of letting the program crash or letting the compiler send the error to the operating system, you can transfer the flow of the program to another section that can deal with it. • When an exceptional circumstance arises within that block, an exception is thrown that transfers the control to the exception handler i.e. the catch block here.
  • 15. A complete syntax of such code could be try { // the program flow } catch (Argument) { // Catch the exception } • This section always follows the try section and there must not be any code between the try’s closing bracket and the catch section. • The catch keyword is required and follows the try section.
  • 16. • The catch behaves a little like a function. • It uses an argument that is passed by the previous try section. • The argument can be a regular variable or a class. • The behavior of the catch clause starts with an opening curly bracket “{“ and ends with a closing curly bracket “}”. • The inside of the brackets is called the body of the catch clause. Therefore, use the body of the catch to deal with the error that was caused.
  • 17. Throw an error: (throw statement) • An exception is thrown by using the throw keyword from inside the try block. • A throw expression accepts one parameter which is passed as an argument to the exception handler i.e. the catch block throw argument;
  • 18. • We can also use a throw statement with no argument as throw;
  • 19. // A simple Example - exceptions #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main () { try { throw 20; } catch (int e) { cout << "An exception occurred. Exception Nr. " << e << endl; } return 0; }
  • 20. • The code under exception handling is enclosed in a try block. • In this example this code simply throws an exception: throw 20; • A throw expression accepts one parameter (in this case the integer value 20), which is passed as an argument to the exception handler catch block. catch (int e) { cout << "An exception occurred. Exception Nr. " << e << endl; }
  • 21. A complete example • Lets write a program that reads age of student. It takes two actions after reading the age 1. If the age > 0 that means it is a valid value, the age value is printed back 2. If the age <=0 that means it is not a valid value, it is an exceptional value and this must be notified to the user.  In this case we throw an error saying the proper message “ age should be grater than 0”
  • 22. #include <iostream> using namespace std; int main() { int StudentAge; cout << "Student Age: "; cin >> StudentAge; try { if( StudentAge < 0) throw “Positive Number required”; cout << "n Student Age: " << StudentAge << "nn"; } catch( const char* str ) { cout << "n” << str << "n n"; } cout << "n"; return 0; }
  • 23. • If you run this program and type a positive integer for the student’s age, the program would respond by displaying the student age. That’s a good outcome. • If you run the program and type a letter or any character, the compiler would display the student age as 0. This is the first proof that the compilers are already configured to deal with some abnormal behavior of a program. • If you enter the student age less than 0, then the throw statement is executed, that means the control is transferred to catch() block leaving rest of the statements below throw without executing.
  • 24. try { ……. if (condition) throw; ……. These statements are not executed if When a throw statement ……. throw is executed. is encountered the control } automatically transfers to the catch block catch(...) { catch – statement1; catch – statement2; ……….. }
  • 25. Catching multiple exceptions • The exceptions as we have seen so far dealt with a single exception in a program. • Most of the time, a typical program will throw different types of errors. • The C++ language allows you to include multiple different catch blocks. • Each catch block can face a specific case for error handling.
  • 26. Catching multiple exceptions • Syntax for this could be as try { Code to Try } catch(Arg1) { One Exception } catch(Arg2) { Another Exception }
  • 27. The compiler would proceed in a top-down as follows: • Following the normal flow control of the program, the compiler enters the try block. • If no exception occurs in the try block, the rest of the try block is executed. • If an exception occurs in the try block, the try displays a throw that specifies the type of error that happened. – The compiler gets out of the try block and examines the first catch – If the first catch doesn’t match the thrown error, the compiler proceeds with the next catch. This continues until the compiler finds a catch that matches the thrown error. – If one of the catches matches the thrown error, the body of that catch block is executed and program executes further after the catch block as a normal execution.
  • 28. Default Handler – catch(…) If no catch matches the thrown error, you have (or the compiler has) two alternatives. – If there is no catch that matches the error (which means that you didn’t provide a matching catch), the compiler hands the program flow to the operating system (which calls the terminate() function). – Another alternative is to include a catch whose argument is three periods: catch(…).
  • 29. • The catch(…) is used if no other catch, provided there was another, matches the thrown error. • The catch(…), if included as part of a catch clause, must always be the last catch, unless it is the only catch of the clause. • If we use an ellipsis (...) as the parameter of catch, that handler will catch any exception no matter what the type of the throw exception is. This can be used as a default handler that catches all exceptions not caught by other handlers if it is specified at last.
  • 30. try { // code here } catch (int param) { cout << "int exception"; } catch (char param) { cout << "char exception"; } catch (...) { cout << "default exception"; } • In this case the last handler would catch any exception thrown with any parameter that is neither an int nor a char.
  • 31. Exception specifications • When declaring a function we can limit the exception type it might directly or indirectly throw • This can be done by appending a throw suffix to the function declaration like: float myfunction (char param) throw (int); This declares a function called myfunction which takes one argument of type char and returns an element of type float. The only exception that this function might throw is an exception of type int.
  • 32. • When we use the throw keyword in the header of a function, it indicates what kind of exceptions that function may throw. • Thus, any type that does not appear in the throw() part of the header cannot and will not be thrown by that function. This is called a guarantee. • In essence, you are making a promise to everyone who uses your function that there is a fixed list of exception types that your function may throw, and that these are the only types that need to be watched for in try blocks containing your function.
  • 33. // Example void doSomething (int value) throw( int, CustomException ) { if( value > 5 ) { throw CustomException( "An error occurred." ); } else { throw 18; } } • Here we see that doSomething() is declared to be able to throw two types of exceptions: integers and CustomExceptions. Other functions who call this function now only need to write catch blocks for these two data types, and nothing more. doSomething() is promising that if it throws an exception, it will always be of one of those two types.
  • 34. • At times we need a function to handle all the exceptions at its end only. • That means no exception should pass through the function and send to caller of the function. • If throw specifier in function declaration is left empty with no type, this means the function is not allowed to throw exceptions // no exceptions allowed int myfunction (int param) throw();
  • 35. • Similarly we may need to have a function that can throw any possible exception type. • Functions with no throw specifier (regular functions) are allowed to throw exceptions with any type: // all exceptions allowed int myfunction (int param); Here the function myfunction() can through any type of exception to its callers.
  • 36. What can be thrown • As I mentioned earlier, virtually any data type in C++ can be thrown as an exception. • For example, we could just as easily have thrown an integer in our doSomething() example: void doSomething() { throw 5; }
  • 37. • Or, we could have thrown, say, a boolean value: void doSomething() { bool someVariable = false; throw someVariable; } Here we are throwing a value of type bool in c++.
  • 38. Throw a class type • Any data type in C++ can be thrown as an exception, and this includes any custom data types we create. • Remember, any data type in C++ can be thrown as an exception, and this includes any custom data types we create. • Therefore, we can create classes to represent our exceptions, and these classes can contain as much or as little information as we like, structured however we like.
  • 39. // Define a class to handle custom exception class CustomException { private: std::string message; public: CustomException( std::string message ); std::string getMessage() { return message; }; };
  • 40. Here we have declared a simple class, CustomException. • The class has one data member, message, which will hold the error message associated with our exception. We define a basic constructor that takes a string as an argument to set the message, and we have an accessor for message. • Now, we can throw an instance of our CustomException class as an exception and throw it in a function like this: // Use this class to throw as an exception void doSomething() { throw CustomException( "An error occurred." ); }
  • 41. • At first, this seems no more useful than throwing a lone string. • The class even requires us to write more code just to create the class! • But look at the concept again. Now that our exception is represented as an entire object of our class rather than a primitive or a string, we can add lots and lots of information to our exception by adding additional data members to our class.
  • 42. class CustomException { private: string message; int errorCode; bool fatal; public: CustomException( string message ); string getMessage() { return message; }; int getErrorCode() { return errorCode; }; bool isFatal() { return fatal; }; };
  • 43. Standard exceptions • The C++ Standard library provides a base class specifically designed to declare objects to be thrown as exceptions. • It is called exception and is defined in the <exception> header file under the namespace std. • This class has the usual default and copy constructors, operators and destructors, plus an additional virtual member function called what that returns a null- terminated character sequence (char *) and that can be overwritten in derived classes to contain some sort of description of the exception.
  • 44. Use exception class • We can write a class myexception to represent our exception using the class exception as: // standard exceptions #include <iostream> #include <exception> using namespace std; class myexception: public exception { virtual const char* what() const throw() { return "My exception happened"; } };
  • 45. // This is how we can use myexception class int main () { myexception myex; try { throw myex; } catch (exception& e) { cout << e.what() << endl; } return 0; } Output is:: exception happened.
  • 46. • All exceptions thrown by components of the C+ + Standard library throw exceptions derived from this std::exception class. These are: Exception Description bad_alloc thrown by new on allocation failure bad_cast thrown by new on allocation failure bad_exception thrown when an exception type doesn't match any catch
  • 47. • For example, if we use the operator new and the memory cannot be allocated, an exception of type bad_alloc is thrown: try { int * myarray= new int[1000]; } catch (bad_alloc&) { cout << "Error allocating memory." << endl; } • It is recommended to include all dynamic memory allocations within a try block that catches this type of exception to perform a clean action instead of an abnormal program termination, which is what happens when this type of exception is thrown and not caught.
  • 48. Namespaces • Namespaces allow to group entities like classes, objects and functions under a name. • This way the global scope can be divided in "sub-scopes", each one with its own name. • This also allows us to use the same name for more classes if they are in different namespaces.
  • 49. • The format of namespaces is: namespace identifier { entities } • Where identifier is any valid identifier and entities is the set of classes, objects and functions that are included within the namespace.
  • 50. • For example namespace myNamespace { int a, b; } • In this case, the variables a and b are normal variables declared within a namespace called myNamespace.
  • 51. Access entities from namespace • In order to access these variables from outside the namespace like myNamespace definced here we have to use the scope operator ::. • For example, to access the previous variables from outside myNamespace we can write: myNamespace::a; myNamespace::b;
  • 52. Namespace - Usage • The functionality of namespaces is especially useful in the case that there is a possibility that a global object or function uses the same identifier as another one, causing redefinition errors. • In the example, there are two global variables with the same name: var. One is defined within the namespace first and the other one in second. No redefinition errors happen thanks to namespaces.
  • 53. // namespaces #include <iostream> using namespace std; namespace first { int var = 5; } namespace second { double var = 3.1416; } int main () { cout << first::var << endl; cout << second::var << endl; return 0; }
  • 54. using – introduce names from a namespace • The keyword using is used to introduce a name from a namespace into the current declarative region. • Lets declare two namespaces with names as first and second. Both of them have two variables named x and y.
  • 55. // Example – using #include <iostream> using namespace std; namespace first { int x = 5; int y = 10; } namespace second { double x = 3.1416; double y = 2.7183; }
  • 56. int main () { using first::x; using second::y; cout << x << endl; // x is from first namespace cout << y << endl; // y is from first namespace cout << first::y << endl; cout << second::x << endl; return 0; } Output is 5 2.7183 10 3.1416
  • 57. • Notice how in this code, x (without any name qualifier) refers to first::x whereas y refers to second::y, exactly as our using declarations have specified. • We still have to access first::y and second::x using their fully qualified names, as they are not specified by using declaration.
  • 58. using namespace • The keyword using can also be used as a directive to introduce an entire namespace. • By doing this, we can access any name from that introduced namespace without fully qualifier as ::. • We can access the names from introduced namespace by their names directly.
  • 59. // Example – using #include <iostream> using namespace std; namespace first { int x = 5; int y = 10; } namespace second { double x = 3.1416; double y = 2.7183; }
  • 60. int main () { using namespace first; cout << x << endl; cout << y << endl; cout << second::x << endl; cout << second::y << endl; return 0; } Output is 5 2.7183 10 3.1416
  • 61. • In this case, since we have declared that we were using namespace first, all direct uses of x and y without name qualifiers were referring to their declarations in namespace first. • If we need to use the x and y of namespace second, we should fully qualify them using operator :: like second::x second::y
  • 62. Scope of applying using • using and using namespace have validity only in the same block in which they are stated • or in the entire code if they are used directly in the global scope.
  • 63. // using namespace example #include <iostream> using namespace std; namespace first { int x = 5; } namespace second { double x = 3.1416; }
  • 64. int main () { // define a new block by {} and introduce first here { using namespace first; cout << x << endl; } // define a new block by {} and introduce second here { using namespace second; cout << x << endl; } return 0; } Output is: 5 3.1416
  • 65. • In first block we only introduce first namespace, that means x, y reffered there will be of namespace first only. • If we need to use the same of second namespace we should fully qualify them using :: • Same explanation holds true for the second block {} where namespace second is introduced.
  • 66. namespace alias • A namespace alias is an alternative name for a namespace. • A namespace alias is a convenient way of referring to a long namespace name by a different, shorter name. • It is an alternate names for existing namespaces
  • 67. namespace alias - syntax • We can create an alias for a namespace as: namespace new_name = current_name; Example: namespace INTERNATIONAL_BUSINESS_MACHINES { void f(); } namespace IBM = INTERNATIONAL_BUSINESS_MACHINES; • In this example, the IBM identifier is an alias for INTERNATIONAL_BUSINESS_MACHINES. This is useful for referring to long namespace identifiers.
  • 68. an alias for a nested namespace • An alias can also be applied to a nested namespace. namespace INTERNATIONAL_BUSINESS_MACHINES { int j; namespace NESTED_IBM_PRODUCT { void a() { j++; } int j; } } namespace NIBM = INTERNATIONAL_BUSINESS_MACHINES::NESTED_IBM_PRODUCT • In this example, the NIBM identifier is an alias for the namespace NESTED_IBM_PRODUCT. This namespace is nested within the INTERNATIONAL_BUSINESS_MACHINES namespace.
  • 69. std namespace • All the files in the C++ standard library declare all of its entities within the std namespace. • That is why we have generally included the using namespace std; statement in all programs that used any entity defined in iostream.
  • 70. Preprocessor • A unique feature of c language is the preprocessor. A program can use the tools provided by preprocessor to make his program easy to read, modify, portable and more efficient. • Preprocessor is a program that processes the code before it passes through the compiler. It operates under the control of preprocessor command lines and directives. • Preprocessor directives are placed in the source program before the main line before the source code passes through the compiler it is examined by the preprocessor for any preprocessor directives. • If there is any appropriate actions are taken then the source program is handed over to the compiler.
  • 71. Preprocessor directives • Preprocessor directives follow the special syntax rules and begin with the symbol #bin column1 • Notice that they do not require any semicolon at the end like any other normal statement
  • 72. • A set of commonly used preprocessor directives #define Defines a macro substitution #undef Undefines a macro #include Specifies a file to be included #ifdef Tests for macro definition #endif Specifies the end of #if #ifndef Tests whether the macro is not def #if Tests a compile time condition #else Specifies alternatives when # if test fails
  • 73. File inclusion - #include • The preprocessor directive #include can be used to include any file in to your program if the function s or macro definitions are present in an external file they can be included in your file #include “filename” • In the directive the filename is the name of the file containing the required definitions or functions.
  • 74. • Alternatively this directive can take the form as below without double quotation marks. #include< filename > • If used as above with filename within <>, in this format the file will be searched in only standard directories.

Editor's Notes

  1. Amity Business School