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Written By
          Ng Chee Kin
       B.Sc.(Hons.), MBA

All Rights Reserved ©2012 Ng Chee Kin
Page 1

                       E X p r e�����

                                                                              3. When oxyhaemoglobin reaches the body cells, it      4. The oxygen is then absorbed by the body cells
                CHAPTER 1

                                                                                 breaks down and releases oxygen.                       for cellular respiration.

               1.1    Human Breathing Mechanism                                        Oxygen      Oxygenated blood returns                   Oxygenated blood

                                                                                                   to the heart                               pumped out of the                Other
                1. The human respiratory system:                                                                                  Heart       heart
                                                                                                   Oxygen enters blood in                                                      body
                                                         Blood capillaries
                                         Trachea                                                   the lungs                                                                   cells
                                                         around the alveoli

                                                                                                   Deoxygenated blood                         Deoxygenated blood
                                         Bronchus                                       Lungs      pumped out of the heart                    returns to the heart
                                         (plural: bronchi)

                                                                                       Key:      Movement of oxygen                            Haemoglobin
                                                                                                 Movement of oxygenated blood                  Oxyhaemoglobin

                                                                                                 Movement of deoxygenated blood

                                                                              1.3   The Importance of a Healthy Respiratory           CHAPTER 2
                                                        (plural: alveoli)
              Bronchioles                                                           .b
                                                                                    System                                            Blood Circulation and Transport
                                                                              1. Chemical substances which are harmful to the
                2. The air flow during inhalation:                                                                                   2.1      Transport System in Humans
                                                                                 respiratory system are:
                     Nose    Trachea          Bronchus        Bronchiole         (a) nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide from          1. The human heart:
                        Alveolus                                                     cigarette smoke
                                                                                 (b) sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon                                         Aorta

                                                                                                                                                  Vena cava
                3. The air flow during exhalation:                                   monoxide, asbestos dust, coal dust and                                                Pulmonary artery
                                                                                     hydrocarbons from vehicles and factories.       Semilunar
                     Alveolus        Bronchiole       Bronchus                                                                       valves
                                                                              2. Tar and asbestos dust are carcinogenic, which                                               Pulmonary
                     Trachea         Nose                                                                                                                                    vein

                                                                                 means they can cause lung cancer if inhaled
                                                                                 excessively.                                         atrium
               1.2    Transport of Oxygen in the Human Body                                                                                                                  Left atrium
                                                                              3. Bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms
                1. The oxygen dissolves in the moist lining of the               produce toxins which cause illnesses.               Tricuspid                                   Bicuspid

                                                                                                                                     valve                                       valve
                   alveolus and then it diffuses into the blood               4. We need to improve the quality of air in order
                   capillaries.                                                  to preserve healthy respiratory system.                                                        Left
                2. In the blood capillaries, oxygen will combine                                                                          Right                                 ventricle

                   with haemoglobin in the red blood cells to form                                                                        ventricle
                   oxyhaemoglobin.                                                                                                                                            Septum

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              Pulmonary artery             Aorta                                        4. Path of blood flow in the circulator system:                  5. Double circulatory system:
                                                                   Pulmonary                                                                                (a) Deoxygenated blood is pumped from the
              Vena cava                                            vein
                                                                                                                                                                heart to the lungs and oxygenated blood

                                                                                                    Deoxygenated               Oxygenated
              Right atrium                                          Semilunar                          blood                     blood                          flows back again to the heart.
                                                                                                                                                            (b) Oxygenated blood is pumped from the heat

              Vena cava                                                                                                                                         to the rest of the body and deoxygenated
                                                                      Left atrium                                     Lung
                                                                                                                                                                blood flows back again to the heart.
                                                                                                                                                         6. Human blood transports many substances in our

                                                                     Bicuspid                                                                               body.
              Tricuspid                                              valve                     Right                                         Left
              valve                                                                            atrium                                        atrium
                                                                      Septum                                                                                       Substance
                   Right                                                                                                                                                               From           To
                                                                     Left ventricle                                                                               transported

                                                                                             Right                                           Left              Oxygen (in         Lungs            All body
               Cardiac muscle
                                                                                             ventricle            Internal organs            ventricle         the form of                         cells
                                                                                                                   (for example,                               oxyhaemoglobin)
                       Deoxygenated blood                    Oxygenated blood                                        liver, gut)
                                                                                                                                                               Carbon dioxide     All body cells   Lungs

                                                                                                                                                               Digested food      Small            Liver and
                2. Functions of the heart:                                                                                                                     (glucose, amino    intestine        all body
                   (a) Pumps blood to all parts of the body.                                                                                                   acids)                              cells

                   (b) Transports nutrients and oxygen to the body                                            Rest of the body (for                            Waste materials    Liver and        Kidneys
                       cells.                                                                                 example, head, arms,                             (such as urea)     cells
                   (c) Transports carbon dioxide and waste

                       materials from the body cells.                                                                                                          Hormones           Endocrine        Target

                3. Types of blood vessels:                                                                                                                                        glands           organs

                          Characteristic                           Artery                           Vein                         Capillary
                                                                                              .b         Connective
                                                                                                                                                         2.2    Human Blood
                                                                                                                                                         1. Human blood consists of:
                                                                                                                                                            (a) 55% plasma
                                                           Lumen            Smooth          Lumen        Smooth             Lumen     Endothelium
                                                                                                         muscle                                             (b) 45% blood cells and platelets
                                                                                                                                                         2. Types of blood cells:

                                                                       Endothelium                   Endothelium
                                                                                                                                                                    Type                  Function

                     Size of lumen                 Small                              Large                            Very small                              Red blood cells   Carries oxygen from the
                                                                                                                                                                                 lungs to the body cells

                     Thickness of wall             Thick, muscular, elastic           Thin, less elastic,              Only one cell thick and
                                                                                                                                                               White blood       Defends the body against
                                                                                      muscular                         not muscular
                                                                                                                                                               cells             diseases
                     Speed of blood flow           Rapid                              Slow                             Very slow                               Platelets         Helps in blood clotting

                     Blood pressure                Very high pressure                 Low pressure                     Very low pressure                 3. Functions of blood:
                                                                                                                                                            (a) Transports gases and dissolved substances
                     Presence of valves            No except at aorta and             Yes                              No

                                                                                                                                                            (b) Protects the body against diseases
                                                   pulmonary artery                                                                                         (c) Maintains the body temperature at 37oC

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                4. Compatibility of blood groups:                        4. Transpiration is the process by which plant loses    3.2      The Urinary System in Humans
                                                                            water, in the form of water vapour.
                             Recipient’s blood
                                                                         5. Transpiration happens through the stomata

                     Donor’s             group     A     B      AB   O                                                                       Vena cava           Aorta
                                                                            (singular: stoma), tiny pores on the leaves of
                     blood group
                                                                            the plant.

                                     A                               6. Factors that affect the rate of transpiration:       Renal                                            gland
                                                                            (a) Light – the brighter the light, the greater      vein
                                     B                                                                                                                                         Renal
                                                                                the rate of transpiration.

                                     AB                                                                                                                                        artery
                                                                            (b) Temperature – the higher the temperature,
                                     O                                      the greater the rate of transpiration.           Right                                             Left
                                                                            (c) Humidity – the lower the humidity, the           kidney                                            kidney
                5. Universal donor is a person with blood group O.              greater the rate of transpiration.
                6. Universal recipient is a person with blood group

                                                                            (d) Wind – the faster the movement of air, the                                                        Ureters
                   AB.                                                          greater the rate of transpiration.
                                                                         7. Transpiration helps plants to absorb and transport                                                    Urinary
               2.3    Transport System in Plants                            water and minerals.                                                                                   bladder

                1. The transport system in plants is called the
                   vascular system.
                2. There are two main vascular tissues:                  CHAPTER 3
                   (a) Xylem- transports water and mineral salts

                       from the roots to the leaves                                                                                                                         
                   (b) Phloem- transports glucose from the leaves                                                                                                           
                                                                         3.1    Human Excretion

                       to all parts of the plants                                                                                                                           

                3. Xylem and phloem are found in the vascular            1. Excretion is a process of eliminating waste                      Cortex                         
                   bundle.                                                  products from the body.                                                                         
                                                       Xylem                                                                       Medulla                                  
                                                                         2. The organs responsible for removing waste                                                       


                                                                            products are called the excretory organs.

                                                                                                                                                                         Renal artery

                                                                         3. The waste products removed from the body are
                                                       Phloem                                                                      Pyramid
                                                                            called the excretory products.
                                           Cross section of leaf                                                                                                          Renal vein
                                                       Epidermis               Excretory organ        Excretory products

                                                       Phloem vascular
                                                       Xylem bundle            Skin               Water, mineral salts, urea
                                                                               Lungs              Water, carbon dioxide

                                          Cross section of stem
                                                                               Kidneys            Water, mineral salts, urea      1. The human urinary system consists of: kidney,
                                                   Root hair                                                                         ureter, bladder and urethra.
                                                         Cortex          4. Excretion helps to maintain the balance of water      2. Functions of kidneys:

                                                          Endodermis        content, chemical composition and pH in the              (a) To filter blood.
                                                           Xylem            body system.                                             (b) To remove urea, excess mineral salts and
                                                           Phloem                                                                        water to form urine.

                                                         Epidermis                                                                   (c) To control the balance of water and chemical
                                           Cross section of root                                                                         in the body.

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                3. Kidney failure happens when the kidneys of                 6. Most nitrogenous wastes are very poisonous.            4.2     Male Reproductive System
                   a person unable to perform their functions                 7. Some excretory products of plants are useful
                   properly.                                                     to humans such as: morphine, opium, cocaine,

                                                                                                                                              Organ                   Function
                4. Kidney failure can be treated through dialysis                tannins and oils.
                   or kidney transplant.

                                                                                                                                        Testis (plural:   • Produces sperms (the male
                5. Dialysis is a method used to filter and remove                                                                       testes)             gametes)
                   waste products from the blood of a patient.                CHAPTER 4                                                                   • Produces male sex hormones

               3.3    Excretion in Plants                                                                                               Scrotum           • Holds and protects the testes
                1. Plants excrete waste products mainly through              4.1      Understanding       Sexual      and    Asexual
                                                                                                                                        Sperm duct        • Transports sperms from the
                   simple diffusion.                                                  Reproduction
                                                                                                                                        (vas deferens)      testes to the urethra inside
                2. Excretion in plant is mainly done through the

                                                                              1. Reproduction is a process of producing new                                 the body
                   cell wall and stomata.
                                                                                 individuals by living organisms.
                3. Mineral salts such as calcium carbonate and
                                                                              2. Importance of reproduction:                            Urethra           • Allows sperms to flow out of
                   calcium oxalate are retained in the plant as
                                                                                 (a) To increase the number of individuals of the                           the body

                                                                                     same species.
                4. Minerals such as silicon salts are deposited in the
                                                                                 (b) To ensure certain species does not become          Penis             • Transfers semen into vagina
                   leaves to strengthen the leaf blade.
                                                                                     extinct.                                                               during copulation
                5. Nitrogenous waste products are removed when
                                                                              3. Types of reproduction:

                   plants shed their leaves, flowers or bark.
                                                                                                                                        Seminal           • Secrete fluid which contains
                                                                                                                                        vesicles            nutrients for the sperms

                                   Sexual                                                      Asexual                                  1. Sperm:
                (Involving the male and the female gametes)                                                                                (a) It is the male sex cell.

                     Animals                    Plant
                                                                     Binary fission
                                                                                   .b        Regeneration
                                                                                                                                           (b) It is produced by the testes.
                                                                                                                                           (c) It is also the smallest cell in the males’
                (sperm and ovum)            (pollen grain                    Spore formation                   Vegetative                  (d) It is shaped like a tadpole, which has a head,
                                             and ovule)                    (moss, ferns and fungi)            reproduction                      neck, middle piece and tail.
                                                                                                                                           (e) The head contains a nucleus which has

                                                                                                                                                genetic material.
                                                                                                                                           (f) The tail helps the sperm to move or swim in
                Seminal vesicle                                              Vas deferens
                                                                                                                              Seminal           the female reproductive system.
                                                            Vas deferens                                                      vesicle   2. Males reach puberty at 12 to 14 years old, which

                 Prostate gland
                                                                                                                                           is later than girls.
                                                                                                                                        3. There are physical, emotional and physiological
                                                                              Urethra                                        Prostate      changes during puberty.

                                                                Urethra                                                      gland      4. The testes start to produce sperm and male sex
                         Penis                                                  Penis
                                                                                                                                           hormones during puberty.

                         Testis                               Scrotum


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               4.3    Female Reproductive System                              1. Ovum (plural: ova):                                       (c) Fertile phase / ovulation phase (day 12 to 16)
                                                                                 (a) It is the female sex cell.                            (d) Premenstrual phase (day 17 to 28)
                                          Oviduct (Fallopian tube)               (b) It is produced by the ovary.                       6. Women of about 50 years of age undergo

                                                                                 (c) It is the largest cell in the females’ body.          menopause when their menstruation stops.
                                                                                 (d) It is spherical in shape, which contains a

                                                                                     nucleus and cytoplasm.                             4.5     Fertilisation and Pregnancy
                                                                                 (e) The nucleus contain genetic material.
                                                                                 (f) It cannot move by itself.                          1. Fertilisation is the fusion between the sperm and

                                                                                                                                           the ovum.
                                                                              4.4    Menstrual Cycle                                    2. Development of an embryo into a foetus until
                           Cervix                                                                                                          birth:
                                                                              1. Menstrual cycle is the changes in a woman’s ovary                     Sperm                Ovum
                           Vagina                                                and uterus over 28 days.

                                                                              2. Menstrual cycle involves ovulation and                                                   Fertilisation
                                                                                 menstruation which happen regularly each
                          Ovary       Oviduct (Fallopian tube)                   month.
                                                                              3. Ovulation happens when an ovary releases a

                                                                                 mature ovum.                                                                      Embryo
                 Uterus                                                       4. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine wall                                         Implantation
                                                                                 and blood through the vagina.

                                                                              5. Menstruation can be divided into four stages:
                                                                     Cervix      (a) Menstruation phase (day 1 to 5)                                                      Childbirth
                                                                                 (b) Repair phase (day 6 to 11)                                                      Baby

                  Vagina                                                                                                   A zygote is formed

                                               Urethra                                                                Eight-cell Four-cell Two-cell

                     Organ                        Function
                                     • Produces ova (the female
                                                                                    .b        An embryo is formed
                                                                                                                      stage      stage     stage
                                                                                                                                                        The ovum is fertilised (fertilisation)
                                       gametes)                                     Embryo moves
                                                                                    towards uterus
                                     • Produces female sex hormones                                                       Ovary                         Fallopian tube

                Fallopian      • Place of fertilisation
                tube (oviduct)                                                                                                                          Ovary produces an ovum (ovulation)

                Uterus               • Place for the implantation of

                (womb)                 zygote                                                 Uterus                    Embryo attaches to
                                     • Place where the foetus                                                           uterine wall (implantation)
                                       develops and grows
                Cervix               • Widens during childbirth               4.6    Importance of Prenatal Care                        4.7     Importance of         Research        in    Human

                Vagina (birth        • Place where the sperms are                                                                               Reproduction
                                                                              1. Pregnant women need to take enough nutritious
                canal)                 deposited during copulation               food and have a balanced diet.                         1. Sterility (infertility) is the inability to produce

                                     • Baby is born through this              2. Pregnant women should avoid smoking, taking               children.
                                       birth canal                               alcohol or drugs.                                      2. Methods to overcome sterility:

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                   (a) Drug treatment (such as hormones)                                                                                            2. Germination happens when the embryo grows
                                                                               Structure                        Function
                   (b) Surgery                                                                                                                         into a seedling.
                   (c) In vitro fertilisation (IVF)                            Ovary         To protect the ovule                                   3. Seeds need air, water and suitable temperature

                3. Methods for birth control (contraception):                  Ovule         Contains ova (the female gametes)                         to germinate.
                   (a) Contraceptive pills

                   (b) Rhythm method (natural method)                          Anther        Contains pollen grains (the male gametes)             4.12               Vegetative reproduction in Flowering
                   (c) Using a condom                                          Filament      To support anther                                                        Plants
                   (d) Using a diaphragm

                                                                                                                                                    1. Vegetative reproduction is a method of producing
                   (e) Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD)                4.9     Pollination
                                                                                                                                                       new plants from any vegetative parts of the
                   (f) Vasectomy – sperm ducts cut and tied
                                                                               1. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from                    parent plant.
                   (g) Ligation (tubectomy) – oviducts cut and tied
                                                                                  the anther to the stigma.                                         2. Vegetative reproduction is an asexual
                                                                               2. Self-pollination and cross-pollination:                              reproduction.

               4.8      Sexual reproductive System of Flowering Plants
                                                                                          Pollen grains                             Stigma          3. Vegetative parts that can reproduce are: stem,
                1. Struture of a flower:                                                                                                               leaf and root.
                                                                                                           Pollen grains                Anther      4. Tissue culture and stem cuttings are techniques
                                        Flower                                                                                                         used to produce new plants.

                        Stamen                           Pistil
                                                                                                                                                    CHAPTER 5

                Anther      Filament      Ovary     Stigma         Style                                                                                 Growth

                Pollen grain              Ovule                                                                                                   5.1             Human Growth Pattern

                                                                                      One plant                     Another plant of                1. Growth is an irreversible and permanent process
                                          Petal                                                                     the same species                   in living things.
                                                                      Pistil    Key:                                                                2. Growth in humans can be determined by

                                                                                     .b Self-pollination

                                                                               4. Agents of pollination:
                                                                                                                    Cross-pollination                  measuring the height and weight.
                                                                                                                                                    3. Growth curve is divided into five stages:
                                                                                                                                                       (a) Infancy              (d) Adulthood
                   Filament                                       Ovary           (a) Wind               (c) Insects
                                                                                                                                                       (b) Childhood            (e) Old age
                                                                  Ovule           (b) Animals            (d) Water
                                                                                                                                                       (c) Adolescence
                           Nectary                        Sepal

                           Receptacle                                          4.10     Development of Fruits and Seeds in Plants
                                                   Pedicel                                                                                                     Infancy    Adolescence         Old age
                                                                               1. Fertilisation occurs when the male gamete fuses                                   Childhood       Adulthood
               Structure                     Function                             with the ovum in the ovule.

               Sepal          To protect flower during the bud stage           2. A zygote is formed when the ovum is fertilised                                                                        Negative

                                                                                                                                                 Height (cm)
                                                                                  by the male gamete.                                                                 Slow                              growth
               Petal          To attract insects or animals                    3. After fertilisation, the ovule will develop into a                                  growth    Rapid
               Stamen         The male reproductive part                          seed and the ovary become the fruit.

               Pistil         The female reproductive part
                                                                               4.11     Germination of Seeds                                                   Rapid
               Stigma         To receive pollen grains                                                                                                         growth

                                                                               1. A seed is made up of an embryo and a food
               Style          To support stigma                                                                                                                                                              Age (years)
                                                                                  store wrapped in a testa (seed coat).                                   0       3            13   20             65

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                                                                                                                                         2. Silicon always exists in the form of compounds
                CHAPTER 6
                                                                                                                                            such as silicas and silicates.
                 Land and Its Resources

                                                                                                                                         3. Silica is silicon dioxide, which consists of silicon
                                                                                                                                            and oxygen.

               6.1      Minerals in the Earth’s Crust                                                                                    4. Silicate is made up of silicon, metal and oxygen.
                                                                                                                                         5. Properties of silicas and silicates:
                1. Minerals are solid elements or compounds found naturally.                                                                (a) Insoluble in water
                2. Elements present in various minerals:

                                                                                                                                            (b) Do not react with acid
                                                                                                                                            (c) Do not break down when heated
                                          Oxide                   Carbonate                 Sulphide                    Silicate
                                                                                                                                            (d) Very stable and are not eroded easily
                                                                                                     Iron        China        Calcium
                  Element          Cassiterite Haematite      Calcite   Malachite     Galena
                                                                                                    pyrite        clay        silicate   6.4   Calcium Compounds

                Tin                                                                                                                     1. Properties of calcium carbonate:
                Iron                                                                                                                      (a) Insoluble in water
                                                                                                                                            (b) Reacts with dilute acids to produce salt, water
                Calcium                                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                                 and carbon dioxide
                Copper                                                                                                                     (c) Breaks down into calcium oxide and carbon
                Lead                                                                                                                            dioxide when heated
                                                                                                                                         2. Quicklime (calcium oxide) is formed when calcium
                Aluminium                                                                                           

                                                                                                                                            carbonate is heated strongly.
                Silicon                                                                                                                3. Slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) is formed when
                                                                                                                                            calcium oxide is added with some water.

                Oxygen                                                                                                        
                                                                                                                                         4. Limewater (calcium hydroxide solution) is formed

                Carbon                                                                                                                    when slaked lime is added with more water.
                Sulphur                                                                               
                                                                                                                                         6.5   Natural Fuel Resources and Their Importance
                3. Properties of minerals:
                       Properties               Description
                                                                                 (b) Metals react with sulphur to form metal
                                                                                                                                         1. Fossil fuels include petroleum, natural gas and
                                                                                                           Reaction        Reaction      2. Petroleum:
                      Hardness       Most mineral are hard                                                                                  (a) Formed from organism remains buried in
                                                                                            Metal          rate with       rate with
                      Solubility     Most minerals are insoluble in                                         oxygen          sulphur             sediment under heat and high pressure.

                      in water       water                                                                                                  (b) It contains many types of hydrocarbons which
                                                                                       Magnesium           Very fast       Very fast            can be separated by fractional distillation.
                      Action of      • Most metal oxides are stable
                                                                                       Aluminium           Very fast       Very fast        (c) The components of petroleum produced by
                      heat           • Metal sulphides break down
                                                                                                                                                fractional distillation are called fractions (or

                                       into metal oxide and release                    Zinc                  Fast             Fast
                                       sulphur dioxide gas                             Iron                  Fast             Fast          (d) Different fractions are obtained due to
                                                                                       Copper                Slow             Slow              different boiling points.
               6.2      Reactions Between Metals and Non-metals
                                                                                                                                                • the greater the boiling point, the darker

                1. Metals react with non-metals at different rates             6.3   Silicon Compounds                                              the colour of the fractions
                   to form stable compounds:                                                                                                    • the greater the boiling point, the more
                                                                               1. Silicon is the second most abundant element in                    viscous the fractions

                   (a) Metals react with oxygen to form metal
                       oxide                                                      the Earth’s crust.

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                        • the greater the boiling point, the more      2. Electrical charges can be produced through                                               Electron flow
                          soot is produced when the fractions are         friction between two objects.
                          burnt                                        3. Matters are made up of small particles called

                        • the greater the boiling point, the harder       atoms.
                          the fractions burn

                                                                                                   Electron (negatively charged)
                              Product of

                          Petroleum gas       Cooking gas                                            Proton (positively charged)              (b) Direction of electron flow

                          Petrol (gasoline)   Fuel for vehicles
                                                                                                    Neutron (no charged)                 The flow of electric current and electron
                          Naphta              For making plastics
                                              and polyvinyl chloride

                                                                                                                                     (b) Voltage
                                              (PVC)                                    Structure of an atom                              – the electrical force needed to move
                          Kerosene            Fuel for aircraft                                                                            electrical charges from one point to other
                                                                       4. An atom has two charged particles:                               in a conductor.
                          Diesel oil          Fuel for lorries and

                                                                          (a) Electrons, which have a negative charge (–)            (c) Resistance
                                                                          (b) Protons, which have a positive charge (+)                  – characteristic that resists the flow of electric
                          Lubricating oil     Lubricants for           5. Neutrons in an atom have no charge because                       current in a conductor.
                                              machines                    they are neutral.

                          Fuel oil            Fuel oil for ships       6. An atom becomes positively charged when it               7.3   Electric Current, Voltage and Resistance
                                                                          loses electrons.
                          Bitumen             To seal roads                                                                        1. Measuring current (symbol: I):
                                                                       7. An atom becomes negatively charged when it

                                                                                                                                      – connect an ammeter in series with other
                                                                          gains electrons.

                3. Natural gas:                                                                                                          electrical components in a circuit.
                   (a) consists of 90% methane, 10% of mixture of                                                                     – the deflection of the pointer of the ammeter
                                                                       7.2   Electricity
                       ethane, propane, butane and pentane.                                                                              shows the value of current flowing through
                   (b) It is usually found together with the
                   (c) It is used as fuel source and to produce
                                                                       1. Electricity is a form of energy. It is also called the
                                                                          electrical energy.
                                                                       2. Electrical energy can be generated by generators
                                                                                                                                         the components.
                                                                                                                                      – the SI unit for electric current is ampere
                                                                                                                                         (symbol: A).
                       fertilisers.                                       and electric cells.                                      2. Measuring voltage (symbol: V):
                4. Coal:                                               3. Current, voltage and resistance:                            – connect a voltmeter in parallel to other
                   (a) Made up of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and            (a) Current                                                    electrical components in a circuit.

                       sulphur.                                               – the rate of flow of charges.                          – the deflection of the pointer of the voltmeter
                   (b) It is formed from plant remains that grew in           – flows from the positive terminal to the                  shows the value of voltage across the
                       swamps.                                                   negative terminal of a battery.                         components.

                                                                                                                                      – the SI unit for voltage is volt (symbol: V).
                                                                                                                                   3. The SI unit for resistance (symbol: R) is the ohm
                CHAPTER 7                                                                                                             (symbol: Ω).

                                                                                                                                   7.4   The Relationship Between Current, Voltage
                                                                                                                                         and Resistance
               7.1    Electrostatics
                                                                                                                                   1. Resistor is an electrical component that resists

                1. Electrostatics is the study of static electrical
                                                                                (a) Direction of electric current flow                the flow of electric current.

TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) B 2nd.indd 10                                                                                                                                                  5/26/2009 4:12:30 PM
Page 9

                2. Ohm’s Law:                                                                                                            2. Advantages of a series circuit:
                   – the current flowing through a conductor is                                                    Symbol                   (a) When more cells are added to the circuit,
                     directly proportional to its voltage.                                                                                      the voltage and current increase. Hence, the

                                                                                  Rheostat                                                      bulbs glow brighter.
                                                 Voltage (V)                      (Variable                   or            or              (b) Bulbs light up with equal brightness because

                                Resistance (R) = —————–
                                                 Current (I)                      resistor)                                                     the current flows through each bulb is the
                   – the greater the resistance, the smaller the                  Fuse
                                                                                                                                         3. Disadvantages of a series circuit:

                                                                                  Galvanometer                        G
                                                                                                                                            (a) If one of the bulbs is fused (burned out), the
                   – increasing the voltage supplied will increase                                                    G
                                                                                                                                                other bulbs will not light up.
                     the current in the circuit.                                  Voltmeter                           V
                                                                                                                      V                     (b) The brightness of the bulbs decreases when
                                                                                                                      A                         more bulbs are connected in series, because
               7.5    Electric Circuits                                           Ammeter

                                                                                                                                                the electrical energy is shared by more
                1. An electric circuit is a path which allows an                                                                                bulbs.
                                                                            4. Comparison between series and parallel
                   electric current to flow through.
                                                                               circuits:                                                 7.7   Parallel Circuit
                2. A simple electric circuit is made up of 3

                   components:                                                           Series circuit            Parallel circuit      1. Current, voltage and total resistance in parallel
                   (a) A cell (a source of electrical energy)
                                                                                  • Has only one path         • Has more than one           circuit:
                   (b) A bulb (a resistor)
                                                                                    for current to flow         path for currect to      2. Advantages of a parallel circuit:
                   (c) Connecting wire (a conductive path)

                                                                                    through                     flow through                (a) When one of the bulbs is burned out, the
                                                                                  • Light bulbs do not        • Light bulbs glow                 other bulbs will still light up.
                                                                 Dry cell
                                                                                    glow as bright as           brighter than               (b) Each electrical component can be controlled

                                                                                    those connected in          those connected in               by separate switches.

                                                                 Wire                                                                       (c) All bulbs will light up with the same
                                                                                    parallel                    series
                                                                                  • If one light bulb         • If one light bulb
                                                Light bulb                        .bburns out, the
                                                                                    circuit becomes
                                                                                    incomplete. Hence,
                                                                                                                burns out, other
                                                                                                                light bulbs will still
                                                                                                                light up.
                                                                                                                                                           V   V1
                                                                                                                                                                             I = I1 + I2
                                                                                    other light bulbs                                            I
                                      An electric circuit                                                                                                      V            V = V1 = V2
                                                                                    will not light up.                                                I1
                3. Symbols of electrical components:                                                                                                               R1

                                                                            7.6    Series Circuit                                                      I2          R2       1 1  1
                       Electrical                                                                                                                                           R R1 R2
                                                      Symbol                1. Current, voltage and total resistance in series
                      component                                                                                                                                V
                                                                               circuit:                                                                            V2

                     Electric cell
                     Battery (more                                                                                  I = I1 = I2 = I3     3. Disadvantage of a parallel circuit:
                     than one cell)                                                                                                         (a) When more bulbs are connected in parallel,
                                                                                                                                                the dry cells will become weak quicker.

                     Switch                                                       I
                                                                                                                V = V1 + V2 + V3
                                                                                         I1R1   I2R2   I3R3
                                                                                                                                         7.8   Magnetism
                     Bulb                                   or
                                                                                                                   R = R1 + R2 + R3

                                                                                         V      V      V                                 1. Magnetism is the properties and effects of
                     Resistor                               or                           V1     V2     V3                                   magnetic substances.

TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) B 2nd.indd 11                                                                                                                                                        5/26/2009 4:12:34 PM
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Express Notes Science Form 3

  • 1. Written By Ng Chee Kin B.Sc.(Hons.), MBA All Rights Reserved ©2012 Ng Chee Kin
  • 2. Page 1 PREsSS E X p r e����� u .a 3. When oxyhaemoglobin reaches the body cells, it 4. The oxygen is then absorbed by the body cells CHAPTER 1 om breaks down and releases oxygen. for cellular respiration. Respiration 1.1 Human Breathing Mechanism Oxygen Oxygenated blood returns Oxygenated blood t.c to the heart pumped out of the Other 1. The human respiratory system: Heart heart Oxygen enters blood in body Blood capillaries Trachea the lungs cells around the alveoli po Deoxygenated blood Deoxygenated blood Bronchus Lungs pumped out of the heart returns to the heart Lung (plural: bronchi) gs Key: Movement of oxygen Haemoglobin Bronchiole Movement of oxygenated blood Oxyhaemoglobin iii Movement of deoxygenated blood lo Alveolus 1.3 The Importance of a Healthy Respiratory CHAPTER 2 (plural: alveoli) Bronchioles .b System Blood Circulation and Transport 1. Chemical substances which are harmful to the 2. The air flow during inhalation: 2.1 Transport System in Humans respiratory system are: in Nose Trachea Bronchus Bronchiole (a) nicotine, tar and carbon monoxide from 1. The human heart: Alveolus cigarette smoke (b) sulphur dioxide, nitrogen oxide, carbon Aorta ek Vena cava 3. The air flow during exhalation: monoxide, asbestos dust, coal dust and Pulmonary artery hydrocarbons from vehicles and factories. Semilunar Alveolus Bronchiole Bronchus valves 2. Tar and asbestos dust are carcinogenic, which Pulmonary Trachea Nose vein he means they can cause lung cancer if inhaled Right excessively. atrium 1.2 Transport of Oxygen in the Human Body Left atrium 3. Bacteria, viruses and other microorganisms 1. The oxygen dissolves in the moist lining of the produce toxins which cause illnesses. Tricuspid Bicuspid rc valve valve alveolus and then it diffuses into the blood 4. We need to improve the quality of air in order capillaries. to preserve healthy respiratory system. Left 2. In the blood capillaries, oxygen will combine Right ventricle m with haemoglobin in the red blood cells to form ventricle oxyhaemoglobin. Septum TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) A 2nd.indd 3 5/26/2009 4:12:56 PM
  • 3. Page 2 Pulmonary artery Aorta 4. Path of blood flow in the circulator system: 5. Double circulatory system: Pulmonary (a) Deoxygenated blood is pumped from the Vena cava vein heart to the lungs and oxygenated blood u Deoxygenated Oxygenated Right atrium Semilunar blood blood flows back again to the heart. (b) Oxygenated blood is pumped from the heat .a valves Vena cava to the rest of the body and deoxygenated Left atrium Lung blood flows back again to the heart. 6. Human blood transports many substances in our om Bicuspid body. Tricuspid valve Right Left valve atrium atrium Septum Substance Right From To Left ventricle transported ventricle t.c Right Left Oxygen (in Lungs All body Cardiac muscle ventricle Internal organs ventricle the form of cells (for example, oxyhaemoglobin) Deoxygenated blood Oxygenated blood liver, gut) Carbon dioxide All body cells Lungs po Digested food Small Liver and 2. Functions of the heart: (glucose, amino intestine all body (a) Pumps blood to all parts of the body. acids) cells gs (b) Transports nutrients and oxygen to the body Rest of the body (for Waste materials Liver and Kidneys cells. example, head, arms, (such as urea) cells (c) Transports carbon dioxide and waste iv legs) materials from the body cells. Hormones Endocrine Target lo 3. Types of blood vessels: glands organs Characteristic Artery Vein Capillary Structure Connective tissue .b Connective tissue 2.2 Human Blood 1. Human blood consists of: in (a) 55% plasma Lumen Smooth Lumen Smooth Lumen Endothelium muscle (b) 45% blood cells and platelets muscle 2. Types of blood cells: ek Endothelium Endothelium Type Function Size of lumen Small Large Very small Red blood cells Carries oxygen from the lungs to the body cells he Thickness of wall Thick, muscular, elastic Thin, less elastic, Only one cell thick and White blood Defends the body against muscular not muscular cells diseases Speed of blood flow Rapid Slow Very slow Platelets Helps in blood clotting rc Blood pressure Very high pressure Low pressure Very low pressure 3. Functions of blood: (a) Transports gases and dissolved substances Presence of valves No except at aorta and Yes No m (b) Protects the body against diseases pulmonary artery (c) Maintains the body temperature at 37oC TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) A 2nd.indd 4 5/26/2009 4:12:58 PM
  • 4. Page 3 4. Compatibility of blood groups: 4. Transpiration is the process by which plant loses 3.2 The Urinary System in Humans water, in the form of water vapour. Recipient’s blood 5. Transpiration happens through the stomata u Donor’s group A B AB O Vena cava Aorta (singular: stoma), tiny pores on the leaves of blood group the plant. .a Adrenal A     6. Factors that affect the rate of transpiration: Renal gland (a) Light – the brighter the light, the greater vein B     Renal the rate of transpiration. om AB     artery (b) Temperature – the higher the temperature, O     the greater the rate of transpiration. Right Left (c) Humidity – the lower the humidity, the kidney kidney 5. Universal donor is a person with blood group O. greater the rate of transpiration. 6. Universal recipient is a person with blood group t.c (d) Wind – the faster the movement of air, the Ureters AB. greater the rate of transpiration. 7. Transpiration helps plants to absorb and transport Urinary 2.3 Transport System in Plants water and minerals. bladder po 1. The transport system in plants is called the Urethra vascular system. 2. There are two main vascular tissues: CHAPTER 3 (a) Xylem- transports water and mineral salts Excretion gs from the roots to the leaves  Cortex (b) Phloem- transports glucose from the leaves  3.1 Human Excretion v to all parts of the plants   lo 3. Xylem and phloem are found in the vascular 1. Excretion is a process of eliminating waste Cortex  Medulla bundle. products from the body.  Xylem Medulla  2. The organs responsible for removing waste   .b  products are called the excretory organs.   Renal artery   3. The waste products removed from the body are Phloem Pyramid called the excretory products. in Cross section of leaf Renal vein Pelvis Epidermis Excretory organ Excretory products ek Phloem vascular Xylem bundle Skin Water, mineral salts, urea Ureter pith Lungs Water, carbon dioxide he Cross section of stem Kidneys Water, mineral salts, urea 1. The human urinary system consists of: kidney, Root hair ureter, bladder and urethra. Cortex 4. Excretion helps to maintain the balance of water 2. Functions of kidneys: rc Endodermis content, chemical composition and pH in the (a) To filter blood. Xylem body system. (b) To remove urea, excess mineral salts and Phloem water to form urine. m Epidermis (c) To control the balance of water and chemical Cross section of root in the body. TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) A 2nd.indd 5 5/26/2009 4:13:02 PM
  • 5. Page 4 3. Kidney failure happens when the kidneys of 6. Most nitrogenous wastes are very poisonous. 4.2 Male Reproductive System a person unable to perform their functions 7. Some excretory products of plants are useful properly. to humans such as: morphine, opium, cocaine, u Organ Function 4. Kidney failure can be treated through dialysis tannins and oils. or kidney transplant. .a Testis (plural: • Produces sperms (the male 5. Dialysis is a method used to filter and remove testes) gametes) waste products from the blood of a patient. CHAPTER 4 • Produces male sex hormones Reproduction om 3.3 Excretion in Plants Scrotum • Holds and protects the testes 1. Plants excrete waste products mainly through 4.1 Understanding Sexual and Asexual Sperm duct • Transports sperms from the simple diffusion. Reproduction (vas deferens) testes to the urethra inside 2. Excretion in plant is mainly done through the t.c 1. Reproduction is a process of producing new the body cell wall and stomata. individuals by living organisms. 3. Mineral salts such as calcium carbonate and 2. Importance of reproduction: Urethra • Allows sperms to flow out of calcium oxalate are retained in the plant as (a) To increase the number of individuals of the the body crystals. po same species. 4. Minerals such as silicon salts are deposited in the (b) To ensure certain species does not become Penis • Transfers semen into vagina leaves to strengthen the leaf blade. extinct. during copulation 5. Nitrogenous waste products are removed when 3. Types of reproduction: gs plants shed their leaves, flowers or bark. Seminal • Secrete fluid which contains vesicles nutrients for the sperms Reproduction vi lo Sexual Asexual 1. Sperm: (Involving the male and the female gametes) (a) It is the male sex cell. Animals Plant Binary fission (bacteria) .b Regeneration (planaria) Budding (yeast) (b) It is produced by the testes. (c) It is also the smallest cell in the males’ body. in (sperm and ovum) (pollen grain Spore formation Vegetative (d) It is shaped like a tadpole, which has a head, and ovule) (moss, ferns and fungi) reproduction neck, middle piece and tail. (e) The head contains a nucleus which has ek genetic material. (f) The tail helps the sperm to move or swim in Seminal vesicle Vas deferens Seminal the female reproductive system. Vas deferens vesicle 2. Males reach puberty at 12 to 14 years old, which he Prostate gland is later than girls. 3. There are physical, emotional and physiological Epididymis Urethra Prostate changes during puberty. rc Urethra gland 4. The testes start to produce sperm and male sex Penis Penis hormones during puberty. Testis Scrotum m Scrotum Testis TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) A 2nd.indd 6 5/26/2009 4:13:03 PM
  • 6. Page 5 4.3 Female Reproductive System 1. Ovum (plural: ova): (c) Fertile phase / ovulation phase (day 12 to 16) (a) It is the female sex cell. (d) Premenstrual phase (day 17 to 28) Oviduct (Fallopian tube) (b) It is produced by the ovary. 6. Women of about 50 years of age undergo u (c) It is the largest cell in the females’ body. menopause when their menstruation stops. (d) It is spherical in shape, which contains a .a nucleus and cytoplasm. 4.5 Fertilisation and Pregnancy (e) The nucleus contain genetic material. Ovary (f) It cannot move by itself. 1. Fertilisation is the fusion between the sperm and om the ovum. Uterus 4.4 Menstrual Cycle 2. Development of an embryo into a foetus until Cervix birth: 1. Menstrual cycle is the changes in a woman’s ovary Sperm Ovum Vagina and uterus over 28 days. t.c 2. Menstrual cycle involves ovulation and Fertilisation menstruation which happen regularly each Zygote Ovary Oviduct (Fallopian tube) month. 3. Ovulation happens when an ovary releases a po mature ovum. Embryo Uterus 4. Menstruation is the shedding of the uterine wall Implantation and blood through the vagina. Foetus gs 5. Menstruation can be divided into four stages: Cervix (a) Menstruation phase (day 1 to 5) Childbirth (b) Repair phase (day 6 to 11) Baby vii lo Vagina A zygote is formed Urethra Eight-cell Four-cell Two-cell Ovary Organ Function • Produces ova (the female .b An embryo is formed stage stage stage in The ovum is fertilised (fertilisation) gametes) Embryo moves towards uterus • Produces female sex hormones Ovary Fallopian tube ek Fallopian • Place of fertilisation tube (oviduct) Ovary produces an ovum (ovulation) Uterus • Place for the implantation of he (womb) zygote Uterus Embryo attaches to • Place where the foetus uterine wall (implantation) develops and grows Cervix • Widens during childbirth 4.6 Importance of Prenatal Care 4.7 Importance of Research in Human rc Vagina (birth • Place where the sperms are Reproduction 1. Pregnant women need to take enough nutritious canal) deposited during copulation food and have a balanced diet. 1. Sterility (infertility) is the inability to produce m • Baby is born through this 2. Pregnant women should avoid smoking, taking children. birth canal alcohol or drugs. 2. Methods to overcome sterility: TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) A 2nd.indd 7 5/26/2009 4:13:06 PM
  • 7. Page 6 (a) Drug treatment (such as hormones) 2. Germination happens when the embryo grows Structure Function (b) Surgery into a seedling. (c) In vitro fertilisation (IVF) Ovary To protect the ovule 3. Seeds need air, water and suitable temperature u 3. Methods for birth control (contraception): Ovule Contains ova (the female gametes) to germinate. (a) Contraceptive pills .a (b) Rhythm method (natural method) Anther Contains pollen grains (the male gametes) 4.12 Vegetative reproduction in Flowering (c) Using a condom Filament To support anther Plants (d) Using a diaphragm om 1. Vegetative reproduction is a method of producing (e) Intrauterine contraceptive device (IUCD) 4.9 Pollination new plants from any vegetative parts of the (f) Vasectomy – sperm ducts cut and tied 1. Pollination is the transfer of pollen grains from parent plant. (g) Ligation (tubectomy) – oviducts cut and tied the anther to the stigma. 2. Vegetative reproduction is an asexual 2. Self-pollination and cross-pollination: reproduction. t.c 4.8 Sexual reproductive System of Flowering Plants Pollen grains Stigma 3. Vegetative parts that can reproduce are: stem, 1. Struture of a flower: leaf and root. Pollen grains Anther 4. Tissue culture and stem cuttings are techniques Flower used to produce new plants. po Stamen Pistil CHAPTER 5 gs Anther Filament Ovary Stigma Style Growth viii Pollen grain Ovule 5.1 Human Growth Pattern lo One plant Another plant of 1. Growth is an irreversible and permanent process Petal the same species in living things. Pistil Key: 2. Growth in humans can be determined by Stamen Anther Stigma Style .b Self-pollination 4. Agents of pollination: Cross-pollination measuring the height and weight. 3. Growth curve is divided into five stages: (a) Infancy (d) Adulthood in Filament Ovary (a) Wind (c) Insects (b) Childhood (e) Old age Ovule (b) Animals (d) Water (c) Adolescence Nectary Sepal ek Receptacle 4.10 Development of Fruits and Seeds in Plants Pedicel Infancy Adolescence Old age 1. Fertilisation occurs when the male gamete fuses Childhood Adulthood Structure Function with the ovum in the ovule. he Minimal Sepal To protect flower during the bud stage 2. A zygote is formed when the ovum is fertilised Negative Height (cm) growth by the male gamete. Slow growth Petal To attract insects or animals 3. After fertilisation, the ovule will develop into a growth Rapid growth Stamen The male reproductive part seed and the ovary become the fruit. rc Pistil The female reproductive part 4.11 Germination of Seeds Rapid Stigma To receive pollen grains growth m 1. A seed is made up of an embryo and a food Style To support stigma Age (years) store wrapped in a testa (seed coat). 0 3 13 20 65 TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) A 2nd.indd 8 5/26/2009 4:13:08 PM
  • 8. Page 7 2. Silicon always exists in the form of compounds CHAPTER 6 such as silicas and silicates. Land and Its Resources u 3. Silica is silicon dioxide, which consists of silicon and oxygen. .a 6.1 Minerals in the Earth’s Crust 4. Silicate is made up of silicon, metal and oxygen. 5. Properties of silicas and silicates: 1. Minerals are solid elements or compounds found naturally. (a) Insoluble in water 2. Elements present in various minerals: om (b) Do not react with acid (c) Do not break down when heated Oxide Carbonate Sulphide Silicate (d) Very stable and are not eroded easily Iron China Calcium Element Cassiterite Haematite Calcite Malachite Galena pyrite clay silicate 6.4 Calcium Compounds t.c Tin  1. Properties of calcium carbonate: Iron   (a) Insoluble in water (b) Reacts with dilute acids to produce salt, water Calcium   po and carbon dioxide Copper  (c) Breaks down into calcium oxide and carbon Lead  dioxide when heated 2. Quicklime (calcium oxide) is formed when calcium Aluminium  gs carbonate is heated strongly. Silicon   3. Slaked lime (calcium hydroxide) is formed when calcium oxide is added with some water. ix Oxygen       4. Limewater (calcium hydroxide solution) is formed lo Carbon   when slaked lime is added with more water. Sulphur   6.5 Natural Fuel Resources and Their Importance 3. Properties of minerals: Properties Description .b (b) Metals react with sulphur to form metal sulphide 1. Fossil fuels include petroleum, natural gas and coal. in Reaction Reaction 2. Petroleum: Hardness Most mineral are hard (a) Formed from organism remains buried in Metal rate with rate with Solubility Most minerals are insoluble in oxygen sulphur sediment under heat and high pressure. ek in water water (b) It contains many types of hydrocarbons which Magnesium Very fast Very fast can be separated by fractional distillation. Action of • Most metal oxides are stable Aluminium Very fast Very fast (c) The components of petroleum produced by heat • Metal sulphides break down fractional distillation are called fractions (or he into metal oxide and release Zinc Fast Fast distillates). sulphur dioxide gas Iron Fast Fast (d) Different fractions are obtained due to Copper Slow Slow different boiling points. 6.2 Reactions Between Metals and Non-metals • the greater the boiling point, the darker rc 1. Metals react with non-metals at different rates 6.3 Silicon Compounds the colour of the fractions to form stable compounds: • the greater the boiling point, the more 1. Silicon is the second most abundant element in viscous the fractions m (a) Metals react with oxygen to form metal oxide the Earth’s crust. TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) A 2nd.indd 9 5/26/2009 4:13:08 PM
  • 9. Page 8 • the greater the boiling point, the more 2. Electrical charges can be produced through Electron flow soot is produced when the fractions are friction between two objects. burnt 3. Matters are made up of small particles called u • the greater the boiling point, the harder atoms. the fractions burn .a Electron (negatively charged) Product of Uses distillation om Petroleum gas Cooking gas Proton (positively charged) (b) Direction of electron flow Petrol (gasoline) Fuel for vehicles Neutron (no charged) The flow of electric current and electron Naphta For making plastics and polyvinyl chloride t.c (b) Voltage (PVC) Structure of an atom – the electrical force needed to move Kerosene Fuel for aircraft electrical charges from one point to other 4. An atom has two charged particles: in a conductor. Diesel oil Fuel for lorries and po (a) Electrons, which have a negative charge (–) (c) Resistance buses (b) Protons, which have a positive charge (+) – characteristic that resists the flow of electric Lubricating oil Lubricants for 5. Neutrons in an atom have no charge because current in a conductor. machines they are neutral. gs Fuel oil Fuel oil for ships 6. An atom becomes positively charged when it 7.3 Electric Current, Voltage and Resistance loses electrons. Bitumen To seal roads 1. Measuring current (symbol: I): 7. An atom becomes negatively charged when it x – connect an ammeter in series with other gains electrons. lo 3. Natural gas: electrical components in a circuit. (a) consists of 90% methane, 10% of mixture of – the deflection of the pointer of the ammeter 7.2 Electricity ethane, propane, butane and pentane. shows the value of current flowing through (b) It is usually found together with the petroleum. (c) It is used as fuel source and to produce .b 1. Electricity is a form of energy. It is also called the electrical energy. 2. Electrical energy can be generated by generators the components. – the SI unit for electric current is ampere (symbol: A). in fertilisers. and electric cells. 2. Measuring voltage (symbol: V): 4. Coal: 3. Current, voltage and resistance: – connect a voltmeter in parallel to other (a) Made up of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen and (a) Current electrical components in a circuit. ek sulphur. – the rate of flow of charges. – the deflection of the pointer of the voltmeter (b) It is formed from plant remains that grew in – flows from the positive terminal to the shows the value of voltage across the swamps. negative terminal of a battery. components. he – the SI unit for voltage is volt (symbol: V). Current 3. The SI unit for resistance (symbol: R) is the ohm CHAPTER 7 (symbol: Ω). Electricity rc 7.4 The Relationship Between Current, Voltage and Resistance 7.1 Electrostatics 1. Resistor is an electrical component that resists m 1. Electrostatics is the study of static electrical (a) Direction of electric current flow the flow of electric current. charges. TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) B 2nd.indd 10 5/26/2009 4:12:30 PM
  • 10. Page 9 2. Ohm’s Law: 2. Advantages of a series circuit: Electrical – the current flowing through a conductor is Symbol (a) When more cells are added to the circuit, component directly proportional to its voltage. the voltage and current increase. Hence, the u Rheostat bulbs glow brighter. Voltage (V) (Variable or or (b) Bulbs light up with equal brightness because .a Resistance (R) = —————– Current (I) resistor) the current flows through each bulb is the same. – the greater the resistance, the smaller the Fuse 3. Disadvantages of a series circuit: om current. Galvanometer G G (a) If one of the bulbs is fused (burned out), the – increasing the voltage supplied will increase G V other bulbs will not light up. the current in the circuit. Voltmeter V V (b) The brightness of the bulbs decreases when A more bulbs are connected in series, because A A 7.5 Electric Circuits Ammeter t.c the electrical energy is shared by more 1. An electric circuit is a path which allows an bulbs. 4. Comparison between series and parallel electric current to flow through. circuits: 7.7 Parallel Circuit 2. A simple electric circuit is made up of 3 po components: Series circuit Parallel circuit 1. Current, voltage and total resistance in parallel (a) A cell (a source of electrical energy) • Has only one path • Has more than one circuit: (b) A bulb (a resistor) for current to flow path for currect to 2. Advantages of a parallel circuit: (c) Connecting wire (a conductive path) gs through flow through (a) When one of the bulbs is burned out, the • Light bulbs do not • Light bulbs glow other bulbs will still light up. Dry cell glow as bright as brighter than (b) Each electrical component can be controlled xi those connected in those connected in by separate switches. lo Wire (c) All bulbs will light up with the same parallel series brightness. • If one light bulb • If one light bulb Light bulb .bburns out, the circuit becomes incomplete. Hence, burns out, other light bulbs will still light up. V V V1 I = I1 + I2 in other light bulbs I An electric circuit V V = V1 = V2 will not light up. I1 3. Symbols of electrical components: R1 ek 7.6 Series Circuit I2 R2 1 1 1 —=—+— Electrical R R1 R2 Symbol 1. Current, voltage and total resistance in series component V circuit: V2 he Electric cell V Battery (more I = I1 = I2 = I3 3. Disadvantage of a parallel circuit: V than one cell) (a) When more bulbs are connected in parallel, the dry cells will become weak quicker. rc Switch I V = V1 + V2 + V3 I1R1 I2R2 I3R3 7.8 Magnetism Bulb or R = R1 + R2 + R3 m V V V 1. Magnetism is the properties and effects of Resistor or V1 V2 V3 magnetic substances. TWB Sci F3 (Exp Note) B 2nd.indd 11 5/26/2009 4:12:34 PM