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Social Action and Community
Existing Product Research
Case Study: (Kick It Out)
Global change – football is a global community and with
the event of a World Cup global communities do come
together and racism can occur so therefore the campaign
has to make a global change.
Change attitudes – one of the many reasons of changing
attitudes is to show how much of a personal effect it can
have on players, no matter how much they get paid or
what status they are.
Raise awareness – everyone is aware of racism but don’t
realise that it still lingers in the game not just in the games
we know but in grass roots as well and can have just a big
impact on everyone.
Strengthen community ties – sets of fans become
communities at football grounds etc and by campaigning
for such a strong issue it brings them closer together and
emulates a bigger passion for other communities/sets of
fans to be together.
To campaign
Mainstream media – although football gets a lot of media
coverage, the breakdown of racism in the game doesn’t
merely because it gets sorted within the football club’s
reach or that we are unaware of it because the media
don’t cover a lower division of footballers.
Build relationships with subjects – Racism is not
something that everyone talks about on a day to day basis
other than when it appears in the media. If we have a
bigger understanding of how racism effects the lives of
footballers on their daily basis more people will understand
the depths of the campaign and not just join in with it
because their favourite footballer has.
The general aim of this campaign is to address that racism
still exists in football and that it needs to be banned on and
off the pitch.
2Creative Media Production 2012
One of the first stand out techniques is the black and white contrast, when talking about racism we
almost instantly have this connotation of black ethnicity and white ethnicity together and therefore
one of the techniques is to diagnose that racism is still there but the black and white also has a
serious tone as we all know anyway that racism is a serious issue.
One of the other clever techniques the campaign has used is that the word racism isn’t fully off the
pitch which could imply two things; racism is still fully not a tackled issue in football and is not fully
kicked out of the game or that racism should be left on the sidelines, that is not a go to that racism is
fine outside of football but that you should keep your comments to yourself and in this instance not
abuse football players or fans on and off the pitch.
The spikes on the word racism suggests that it should be behind bars or indefinitely banned. The
reason for suggesting being behind bars is that there has been some cases where fans have gone to
jail or been arrested because of their racist remarks, this however has been through social media
and not physically.
The colour green obviously reflects the colour of the football pitch and the font of yellow is eye
catching because it is one of the only colours that stands out against another bright colour. The
colours could also have a deeper meaning that the black suggests the punishment and the future
empty existence of racism whereas the bright colours imply a happy environment on the pitch.
Aside from the other advertisement, selling t-shirts with the slogan on and getting professional
footballers, like Jimmy Bullard to wear them to raise awareness. It can also outburst into celebrity
endorsement, the technique is that the footballers support the campaign and then the fans of that
particular footballer will support the campaign too.
One of the least subtle techniques is the slogan itself and the positioning of the slogan on the pitch,
the slogan “lets kick racism out of football” is set near the corner flag where you kick the ball so
although it’s a play on slogan it is still using football terms to show that it is solely football the
campaign is focusing on and that it also not using the campaign to help players the mainstream
audience know against racism but across the board of football including grass roots.
3Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (Kick It Out)
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
The first sort of impact Let’s Kick Racism Out Of Football had was when it was recognised and funded by the Football Association,
Premier League, Football Foundation and PFA in 1997. ‘There was no occasion, no fanfare. Just the two of us in an office in the
Business Design Centre, Islington. The first thing we did was write to all 92 professional clubs introducing who we were, and what we
aimed to do, and that we were now being backed by the game’s governing bodies. We got five replies.‘Within six months, however, we
were swamped by the media. The clubs, slowly but surely, began to come on board, with a geographical trend quickly emerging. If one
club from say, the north west, was seen with the Kick It Out t-shirts on, we’d get calls from other clubs in that area so as not to fall
behind to local rivals. The campaign began to take on a global significance too. What we were doing was, after all, quite unique.’ Ben
Tegg (
Thousands of activities up and down the country take place with integrating One Game, which is self explanatory. With particular events
for children there have been some challenges with professional players feeling that there hasn’t been enough to tackle racism and other
forms of discrimination (this was written in 2012 when there was racial allegations between Luis Suarez and Patrice Evra).
With the One Game campaign being introduced alongside the whole Kick It Out scheme, footballers and football managers came
together to recognize the importance of taking a stand against racism from the players perspective and the fans.
“Professional footballers are role models for so many people and it is important to remember that.” – Steven Pienaar plays for Everton
and South Africa
“Football must be open regardless of color or ethnicity”- Sol Campbell – former Arsenal player.
“I believe that England has shown the right direction and the right way by not tolerating discrimination and has done much more than
any other country.” – Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager.
From these quotes you can see the impact it has on the players, former players and managers as they deeply understand how
important it is to cut out discrimination and get on with the game fans and players love. (
One of the other impacts this organization has had is setting up a Professional Players Guidance Group in 2013 with the holding
responsibility to advise other members of the organization on how to best maintain and improve engagement with professional players
across the divisions on all issues the organization deals with.
A similar attribute to helping make an impact is the new app that is designed to let fans report any discrimination or racism they see at
the game they are attending or watching, another way of getting involved in the campaign is through all their social media accounts and
official website, the social media accounts they hold are; Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube.
4Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
Case Study: (Macmillan Cancer Trust)
Raise awareness – the purpose of this is to partly
raise awareness of cancer but strategically to raise the
issue of how lonely people with cancer can get
especially when it becomes their day to day routine
and they need someone to talk to, the Macmillan
nurses also provide home care support to family and
friends if their relative has passed on which goes
unrecognised from the poster adverts.
Strengthen Community ties – this could positively
contribute to setting up community cancer support
groups with a Macmillan nurse as it therefore helps
people locally and can lead on building friendships
within that community.
Providing information – not taken from the
advertisement but from background information,
people living with or survived cancer can get the
support they need. The main focus of not facing
cancer alone says that there is more information to be
dispensed but it is not apparent on this current
Mainstream Media – although there have been TV
adverts about the cancer trust they only seem to
appear when there is an event going on but with more
adverts being the priority it is harder to bring attention
to themselves in the media though they are known
quite well.
Build relationships with subjects – cancer is not a
nice thing to talk about whether someone you know
has it or not so with the right support from the trust
there is chance to develop an understanding and to
tackle the situation of where to get help.
Aims: The general aim of this campaign is to urge
people to talk about what they are suffering with and to
get the message across that there is people to help the
strong emphasis of ‘No one’ involves everyone having
5Creative Media Production 2012
The first technique that is used and we can see is the design of a megaphone with words written
across it, this influences that these things need to be shouted out as a big message of what the
charity does to make sure that people can be satisfied with the expectations. The words written are;
we fund nurses, we climb mountains, we fight inequality, we give our time, we support families, we
make coffee, we give grants, we live with cancer, we change lives. All of these come together to
effectively shout out how much they do to help people in our community and also the little things that
can make people’s day.
The colour green is neutral so it shows that there is not a specific gender targeted and that they
change lives for everyone. The font also contributes as it is not formal or too childish but is a
pleasant font that I guess has the effect of putting people at ease which reflects what the
organization is trying to do.
The other techniques that the organization takes part in is the charity events that raise money to fund
the nurses and support. The most popular people are familiar with is the Macmillan coffee mornings
which allows members of the community to come together and sell cakes and coffee all the money
then goes to charity. Another fundraising technique is selling Christmas cards acting as a sponsor so
that a percentage is part of the money going to towards public support.
The most recent social campaign from the charity was the ‘no make up selfie’ hash tag on Twitter,
the story comes from how people suffering from cancer chose to wear makeup because they don’t
want to look so ill, so with the public going bare faced it brought awareness of how cancer sufferers
actually look and feel without the use of makeup, a necessity some people take for granted.
The fundraising events can range from running, cycling and trekking to hosting a quiz or a coffee
night, in the latter these events show people coming together and compassion which underlies the
already expectations of the cancer nurses and people are doing something fun whilst helping a lot of
people out.
There are lots of fundraising events that are gender neutral and relating back to the original slogan
‘no one should face cancer alone’ it makes sure that all genders are accepted into getting the right
6Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (Macmillan Cancer Trust)
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
As well as providing support for cancer patients, the money that is raised goes into further research about cancer, after
looking through vital statistics, it seems that there are still some negatives as well as positives. However the positives
are; the number of people who have survived five or more years since diagnosis has increased by over 260,000 (21%)
in the five years to 2015, people now live nearly ten times longer after their cancer diagnosis compared to 40 years ago,
half of people diagnosed with cancer in England and Wales in 2010-11 are predicted to survive their disease for at least
10 years. In 2013 the cancer trust managed to reach 1.8 million people living with cancer to offer one of their services
through the force for change work.
( without the statistics the
impact behind the scenes is the research that is going on, the research into prolonging the lives of cancer patients and
eventually finding a cure for the disease. The impact of the money raised goes a long way, for example fundraising
raised £186.9 million last year through legacies and direct marketing, the way the money was spent was broken down
into 5 sections. £48.8m was spent on healthcare, £18.5m was spent on financial support, £17.6m was spent on
information and support, £18m was spent on campaigning and raising awareness, £12.2m was spent on practical and
emotional support, £4.4m was spent on learning and development. 1.73m people were reached face to face or or
through telephone services, in a breakdown 755,234 were helped by healthcare services, 722,113 times people used
information services, 46,377 were helped by practical and emotional support and 210,026 were helped with the aid of
financial services. Also through the no make up selfie twitter and facebook campaigns, over £135,000 was raised in
donations, although some of the impact of this has been criticized due to the fact that people weren’t actually donating to
the cause or raising awareness. Many celebrities got involved in this cause which prompted many others, celebrities
included Kym Marsh, Katie Price and Holly Willoughby.
7Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (Macmillan Cancer Trust)
Case Study: (NSPCC)
National Change – bringing change to make sure
infants are not neglected and new parents are
supported to make sure this doesn’t happen.
Change Attitude and Raise Awareness - most
people in society are aware that neglect happens but
most don’t understand the effects it has or don’t want
to speak out about the issue.
Challenge dominate representations –
stereotypically from the adverts we see from the
NSPCC it looks like the children are coming from poor
backgrounds which then leads us to associate that to
the abuse we hear in the media, so changing the way
society thinks by viewing the wider context and
challenging the stereotypical views.
Strengthen communities ties – looking into the
reason behind the advertisement, one of the reasons
is new parents not getting enough support, by having
community support groups for new parents this
campaign can have a positive impact on cutting down
on neglecting babies.
Provide information – the information provided to the
public is how they can get involved with backing the
campaign and in this instance getting the
government’s backing.
Build relationships with subjects – Neglect is
confidentiality so therefore not many people have
spoken out about it, as for young people the instance
is that people don’t know how to deal with the situation
and or understand the damaging impact and effect it
has on a young baby and child.
To Campaign
The aim of this pledge is to raise awareness about
how young neglect starts and to look at the ways
around it i.e. preventing it in the early stages. 8Creative Media Production 2012
One of the first techniques is to connect with the audience on an emotional level, the use of the image of a newborn
child is to feel sympathy or empathy and donate. The reason behind the campaign is to urge the government into
helping new parents get the support they need to prevent neglect.
The use of the image against the black background shows the seriousness but the image of the baby is still – not
crying, it makes you look at the baby more and appreciate the new life which relates back to the emotional level of the
campaign between the audience and the organization.
Nearly all of the wording is in capital letters, this interprets to shouting out, the font is not exactly eye catching however
the emotional language shouts out at the viewer. The use of turning the grammar of a full stop into words is also about
getting the viewer to feel something or connect on a personal level to then want to donate, slightly like advertising.
The way the baby is positioned is leaning towards the wording, it all comes down to having an emotional attachment,
when looking at the image you see the baby is peaceful but then you look at the writing and see what information the
charity is giving you.
I think for all the techniques, the charity is persuading you to connect on a personal level, especially appealing to
parents as they will have gone through the joy of having a child. Although mainly the campaign is about having support
for parents who experience post-natal depression and can’t look after their child, the cause of prevention.
It may seem more lenient to advertising however the campaign of building relationships with subjects is to help people
understand neglect in all forms and to talk more about what you and they can do to support parents from all
perspectives if we understand why neglect is happening.
9Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (NSPCC)
Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects
using words and or graphics.
NSPCC mainly feel that part of the reason of neglect is down to perinatal mental illnesses in parents. 2/1000 maternities
suffer from postpartum psychosis, 2/1000 maternities suffer from chronic mental illness, 30/1000 maternities suffer from
post traumatic stress disorder, 150/1000 maternities suffer from mild to moderate depressive illness and anxiety states,
300/1000 maternities suffer from adjustment disorders and distress,
10Creative Media Production 2012
Case Study: (NSPCC)

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Existing campaigns

  • 1. Social Action and Community Media Existing Product Research
  • 2. Case Study: (Kick It Out) Purpose: Global change – football is a global community and with the event of a World Cup global communities do come together and racism can occur so therefore the campaign has to make a global change. Change attitudes – one of the many reasons of changing attitudes is to show how much of a personal effect it can have on players, no matter how much they get paid or what status they are. Raise awareness – everyone is aware of racism but don’t realise that it still lingers in the game not just in the games we know but in grass roots as well and can have just a big impact on everyone. Strengthen community ties – sets of fans become communities at football grounds etc and by campaigning for such a strong issue it brings them closer together and emulates a bigger passion for other communities/sets of fans to be together. To campaign Mainstream media – although football gets a lot of media coverage, the breakdown of racism in the game doesn’t merely because it gets sorted within the football club’s reach or that we are unaware of it because the media don’t cover a lower division of footballers. Build relationships with subjects – Racism is not something that everyone talks about on a day to day basis other than when it appears in the media. If we have a bigger understanding of how racism effects the lives of footballers on their daily basis more people will understand the depths of the campaign and not just join in with it because their favourite footballer has. Aims: The general aim of this campaign is to address that racism still exists in football and that it needs to be banned on and off the pitch. 2Creative Media Production 2012
  • 3. Techniques: One of the first stand out techniques is the black and white contrast, when talking about racism we almost instantly have this connotation of black ethnicity and white ethnicity together and therefore one of the techniques is to diagnose that racism is still there but the black and white also has a serious tone as we all know anyway that racism is a serious issue. One of the other clever techniques the campaign has used is that the word racism isn’t fully off the pitch which could imply two things; racism is still fully not a tackled issue in football and is not fully kicked out of the game or that racism should be left on the sidelines, that is not a go to that racism is fine outside of football but that you should keep your comments to yourself and in this instance not abuse football players or fans on and off the pitch. The spikes on the word racism suggests that it should be behind bars or indefinitely banned. The reason for suggesting being behind bars is that there has been some cases where fans have gone to jail or been arrested because of their racist remarks, this however has been through social media and not physically. The colour green obviously reflects the colour of the football pitch and the font of yellow is eye catching because it is one of the only colours that stands out against another bright colour. The colours could also have a deeper meaning that the black suggests the punishment and the future empty existence of racism whereas the bright colours imply a happy environment on the pitch. Aside from the other advertisement, selling t-shirts with the slogan on and getting professional footballers, like Jimmy Bullard to wear them to raise awareness. It can also outburst into celebrity endorsement, the technique is that the footballers support the campaign and then the fans of that particular footballer will support the campaign too. One of the least subtle techniques is the slogan itself and the positioning of the slogan on the pitch, the slogan “lets kick racism out of football” is set near the corner flag where you kick the ball so although it’s a play on slogan it is still using football terms to show that it is solely football the campaign is focusing on and that it also not using the campaign to help players the mainstream audience know against racism but across the board of football including grass roots. 3Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (Kick It Out)
  • 4. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. The first sort of impact Let’s Kick Racism Out Of Football had was when it was recognised and funded by the Football Association, Premier League, Football Foundation and PFA in 1997. ‘There was no occasion, no fanfare. Just the two of us in an office in the Business Design Centre, Islington. The first thing we did was write to all 92 professional clubs introducing who we were, and what we aimed to do, and that we were now being backed by the game’s governing bodies. We got five replies.‘Within six months, however, we were swamped by the media. The clubs, slowly but surely, began to come on board, with a geographical trend quickly emerging. If one club from say, the north west, was seen with the Kick It Out t-shirts on, we’d get calls from other clubs in that area so as not to fall behind to local rivals. The campaign began to take on a global significance too. What we were doing was, after all, quite unique.’ Ben Tegg ( Thousands of activities up and down the country take place with integrating One Game, which is self explanatory. With particular events for children there have been some challenges with professional players feeling that there hasn’t been enough to tackle racism and other forms of discrimination (this was written in 2012 when there was racial allegations between Luis Suarez and Patrice Evra). With the One Game campaign being introduced alongside the whole Kick It Out scheme, footballers and football managers came together to recognize the importance of taking a stand against racism from the players perspective and the fans. “Professional footballers are role models for so many people and it is important to remember that.” – Steven Pienaar plays for Everton and South Africa “Football must be open regardless of color or ethnicity”- Sol Campbell – former Arsenal player. “I believe that England has shown the right direction and the right way by not tolerating discrimination and has done much more than any other country.” – Arsene Wenger, Arsenal manager. From these quotes you can see the impact it has on the players, former players and managers as they deeply understand how important it is to cut out discrimination and get on with the game fans and players love. ( game/players-and-managers/) One of the other impacts this organization has had is setting up a Professional Players Guidance Group in 2013 with the holding responsibility to advise other members of the organization on how to best maintain and improve engagement with professional players across the divisions on all issues the organization deals with. A similar attribute to helping make an impact is the new app that is designed to let fans report any discrimination or racism they see at the game they are attending or watching, another way of getting involved in the campaign is through all their social media accounts and official website, the social media accounts they hold are; Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, Flickr and YouTube. 4Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (campaign/organisation name)
  • 5. Case Study: (Macmillan Cancer Trust) Purpose: Raise awareness – the purpose of this is to partly raise awareness of cancer but strategically to raise the issue of how lonely people with cancer can get especially when it becomes their day to day routine and they need someone to talk to, the Macmillan nurses also provide home care support to family and friends if their relative has passed on which goes unrecognised from the poster adverts. Strengthen Community ties – this could positively contribute to setting up community cancer support groups with a Macmillan nurse as it therefore helps people locally and can lead on building friendships within that community. Providing information – not taken from the advertisement but from background information, people living with or survived cancer can get the support they need. The main focus of not facing cancer alone says that there is more information to be dispensed but it is not apparent on this current advertisement. Mainstream Media – although there have been TV adverts about the cancer trust they only seem to appear when there is an event going on but with more adverts being the priority it is harder to bring attention to themselves in the media though they are known quite well. Build relationships with subjects – cancer is not a nice thing to talk about whether someone you know has it or not so with the right support from the trust there is chance to develop an understanding and to tackle the situation of where to get help. Aims: The general aim of this campaign is to urge people to talk about what they are suffering with and to get the message across that there is people to help the strong emphasis of ‘No one’ involves everyone having support. 5Creative Media Production 2012
  • 6. Techniques: The first technique that is used and we can see is the design of a megaphone with words written across it, this influences that these things need to be shouted out as a big message of what the charity does to make sure that people can be satisfied with the expectations. The words written are; we fund nurses, we climb mountains, we fight inequality, we give our time, we support families, we make coffee, we give grants, we live with cancer, we change lives. All of these come together to effectively shout out how much they do to help people in our community and also the little things that can make people’s day. The colour green is neutral so it shows that there is not a specific gender targeted and that they change lives for everyone. The font also contributes as it is not formal or too childish but is a pleasant font that I guess has the effect of putting people at ease which reflects what the organization is trying to do. The other techniques that the organization takes part in is the charity events that raise money to fund the nurses and support. The most popular people are familiar with is the Macmillan coffee mornings which allows members of the community to come together and sell cakes and coffee all the money then goes to charity. Another fundraising technique is selling Christmas cards acting as a sponsor so that a percentage is part of the money going to towards public support. The most recent social campaign from the charity was the ‘no make up selfie’ hash tag on Twitter, the story comes from how people suffering from cancer chose to wear makeup because they don’t want to look so ill, so with the public going bare faced it brought awareness of how cancer sufferers actually look and feel without the use of makeup, a necessity some people take for granted. The fundraising events can range from running, cycling and trekking to hosting a quiz or a coffee night, in the latter these events show people coming together and compassion which underlies the already expectations of the cancer nurses and people are doing something fun whilst helping a lot of people out. There are lots of fundraising events that are gender neutral and relating back to the original slogan ‘no one should face cancer alone’ it makes sure that all genders are accepted into getting the right support. 6Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (Macmillan Cancer Trust)
  • 7. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. As well as providing support for cancer patients, the money that is raised goes into further research about cancer, after looking through vital statistics, it seems that there are still some negatives as well as positives. However the positives are; the number of people who have survived five or more years since diagnosis has increased by over 260,000 (21%) in the five years to 2015, people now live nearly ten times longer after their cancer diagnosis compared to 40 years ago, half of people diagnosed with cancer in England and Wales in 2010-11 are predicted to survive their disease for at least 10 years. In 2013 the cancer trust managed to reach 1.8 million people living with cancer to offer one of their services through the force for change work. ( without the statistics the impact behind the scenes is the research that is going on, the research into prolonging the lives of cancer patients and eventually finding a cure for the disease. The impact of the money raised goes a long way, for example fundraising raised £186.9 million last year through legacies and direct marketing, the way the money was spent was broken down into 5 sections. £48.8m was spent on healthcare, £18.5m was spent on financial support, £17.6m was spent on information and support, £18m was spent on campaigning and raising awareness, £12.2m was spent on practical and emotional support, £4.4m was spent on learning and development. 1.73m people were reached face to face or or through telephone services, in a breakdown 755,234 were helped by healthcare services, 722,113 times people used information services, 46,377 were helped by practical and emotional support and 210,026 were helped with the aid of financial services. Also through the no make up selfie twitter and facebook campaigns, over £135,000 was raised in donations, although some of the impact of this has been criticized due to the fact that people weren’t actually donating to the cause or raising awareness. Many celebrities got involved in this cause which prompted many others, celebrities included Kym Marsh, Katie Price and Holly Willoughby. 7Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (Macmillan Cancer Trust)
  • 8. Case Study: (NSPCC) Purpose: National Change – bringing change to make sure infants are not neglected and new parents are supported to make sure this doesn’t happen. Change Attitude and Raise Awareness - most people in society are aware that neglect happens but most don’t understand the effects it has or don’t want to speak out about the issue. Challenge dominate representations – stereotypically from the adverts we see from the NSPCC it looks like the children are coming from poor backgrounds which then leads us to associate that to the abuse we hear in the media, so changing the way society thinks by viewing the wider context and challenging the stereotypical views. Strengthen communities ties – looking into the reason behind the advertisement, one of the reasons is new parents not getting enough support, by having community support groups for new parents this campaign can have a positive impact on cutting down on neglecting babies. Provide information – the information provided to the public is how they can get involved with backing the campaign and in this instance getting the government’s backing. Build relationships with subjects – Neglect is confidentiality so therefore not many people have spoken out about it, as for young people the instance is that people don’t know how to deal with the situation and or understand the damaging impact and effect it has on a young baby and child. To Campaign Aims: The aim of this pledge is to raise awareness about how young neglect starts and to look at the ways around it i.e. preventing it in the early stages. 8Creative Media Production 2012
  • 9. Techniques: One of the first techniques is to connect with the audience on an emotional level, the use of the image of a newborn child is to feel sympathy or empathy and donate. The reason behind the campaign is to urge the government into helping new parents get the support they need to prevent neglect. The use of the image against the black background shows the seriousness but the image of the baby is still – not crying, it makes you look at the baby more and appreciate the new life which relates back to the emotional level of the campaign between the audience and the organization. Nearly all of the wording is in capital letters, this interprets to shouting out, the font is not exactly eye catching however the emotional language shouts out at the viewer. The use of turning the grammar of a full stop into words is also about getting the viewer to feel something or connect on a personal level to then want to donate, slightly like advertising. The way the baby is positioned is leaning towards the wording, it all comes down to having an emotional attachment, when looking at the image you see the baby is peaceful but then you look at the writing and see what information the charity is giving you. I think for all the techniques, the charity is persuading you to connect on a personal level, especially appealing to parents as they will have gone through the joy of having a child. Although mainly the campaign is about having support for parents who experience post-natal depression and can’t look after their child, the cause of prevention. It may seem more lenient to advertising however the campaign of building relationships with subjects is to help people understand neglect in all forms and to talk more about what you and they can do to support parents from all perspectives if we understand why neglect is happening. 9Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (NSPCC)
  • 10. Impact: Evidence of any change being brought about through projects using words and or graphics. NSPCC mainly feel that part of the reason of neglect is down to perinatal mental illnesses in parents. 2/1000 maternities suffer from postpartum psychosis, 2/1000 maternities suffer from chronic mental illness, 30/1000 maternities suffer from post traumatic stress disorder, 150/1000 maternities suffer from mild to moderate depressive illness and anxiety states, 300/1000 maternities suffer from adjustment disorders and distress, 10Creative Media Production 2012 Case Study: (NSPCC)