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Description and overview:
UnitedHealth Group, the parent company to UnitedHealthcare and Optum, is the largest
healthcare provider in the United States. With a mission to help people live healthier lives, UnitedHealth
Group provides its employees with access to over 75,000 volunteer opportunities through their
foundation, “Do Good, Live Well”. However, UnitedHealth Group employees and the general public
don’t fully understand who UnitedHealth Group is and are in need of a clear story to rally behind. Along
with 3 other executions, Stir agency has developed a plan to give the public a formal introduction to
UnitedHealth Group, and give employees a sense of pride for the company they work for. “Change Your
World”, our campaign and the new slogan for UnitedHealth Group, is the center of all of our executions.
UnitedDay is a day where all UnitedHealth Group employees are encouraged to go out and
volunteer in their communities. A major issue in each city will be chosen for UnitedDay volunteers to
target. UnitedHealth Group employees will act as brand ambassadors, encouraging their friends, family,
and the general public to join them in making change in their communities for good. How will we do
this? Read on.
A. Summary of client needs, concerns & definition of problem(s):
 We want to establish UnitedHealth Group as an industry leader and a modern company with a
mission employees will advocate for
 UnitedHealth Group’s story is fragmented and lacks clarity
 The representation of the CSR initiatives are convoluted
B. Business Goals:
Create a national campaign that drives employees in each UnitedHealth Group office, and the
general public to go out and volunteer to make an issue in their community better.
C. Success Criteria:
We are seeking high community and employee involvement. We hope to gain social media
following and create conversation about the positive impact UnitedHealth Group has on the
world. We’d like this annual event to create a sense of community internally amongst
UnitedHealth Group employees by giving them a sense of pride in the company they work for
and the work they do.
A. SWOTAnalysis & Recommendations:
1. Strengths
 Showcases UnitedHealth Group’s CSR and positive impact on the world
 Gives the general public an idea of who UnitedHealth Group is
 Gives employees an idea of who UnitedHealth Group is
 Unifies UnitedHealth Group employees by giving them a common goal to work towards and a
sense of pride for the company
2. Weaknesses:
 Requires high employee involvement and enthusiasm. Employees will act as brand ambassadors
and are an integral part in getting the rest of the world involved in United Day
3. Opportunities:
 This is the first introduction of UHG to the general public. This is an opportunity for UnitedHealth
Group to make a great first impression and perhaps sway the general public’s perception of large
corporations in the healthcare industry
 The requirement of high employee involvement and enthusiasm is also an opportunity because
it gives employees a means to unite under a positive and common goal.
4. Threats:
 Potential to be costly
 In the midst of the presidential election, big businesses such as UnitedHealth Group are
consistently the topic of conversation and, in some instances, seen as the enemy.
 This has never been done and has the potential to be rejected by employees and the general
B. Audience Analysis & Recommendations:
Target Audience:
2. Identification of Audience personas and character profile:
 Employees who have been with the company for 5 years or less
 Employees who aren’t engaged with the parent company UnitedHealth Group
 Young Adults
3. Identification of Audience social technographic profile:
 Involved in activism
 Politically conscious
 Socially conscious
 Environmentalists
 Creators
 Conversationalists
4. Audience Action Goals:
 Rally behind UnitedHealth Group and their mission: “Change Your World”
 Encourage others to also join UHG in their effort to make the world better
C. Communication strategy & Recommendations:
Key message: Join UnitedHealth Group in changing your community for good
Supporting messages:
 UnitedHealth Group is giving you the tools you need to change your community for good
 UnitedHealth Group cares about your community
D. Objectives and Strategies:
1. Restatement of business goals: Create a one-day national campaign that drives U.S. citizens and
employees in each UnitedHealth Group office to go out and volunteer to make an issue in their
community better.
2. Definition of key strategy: Connect UnitedHealth Group with their employees and the
communities they come from through UnitedDay (CSR)
3. Statement of support for key strategy. Aka Why? We want to make real efforts to create a story
for UnitedHealth Group employees. We can feed them a story and post reminders of that story
in the office but how well will that resonate on its own? We want employees to experience the
story. United Day tells employees that UnitedHealth Group cares about them, and more
specifically, their community. It also allows the general public to be a part of the story.
UnitedDay will give employees a sense of pride and a reason to advocate for UnitedHealth
E. Public Relations Objectives and Strategy:
1. Key traditional public relations objectives and supporting objectives:
 Position UnitedHealth Group as a company that cares about its employees, the communities
they come from, and making the world better
 Position UnitedDay as the day UnitedHealth Group employees along with the rest of the nation
come together to work towards a greater good
 Create a cool factor and an online conversation around UnitedDay
2. Key Strategies and Tactics:
 Interactive Advertisements: UnitedDay will target 5 major cities for promotion. The five targeted
cities are Minnetonka, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Dallas as these cities have the
largest UnitedHealth Group offices. Each of these cities have pressing issues that need to be
addressed which creates volunteer opportunities for UnitedDay. The advertisements will be set
up like installations. The installations will be put up 10 days before UnitedDay. There will be large
screens with motion sensors set up in high foot traffic locations. The screens will display a
countdown and when civilians walk past, an image of a major issue their city faces will show up
on the screen. This will capture people’s attention. As bystanders continue to watch the screen,
they’ll witness the image transform into one of the issue getting better. Lastly, they’ll see a call
to action. The hashtag #changeyourworld will show up on the screen, and the link where they
can sign up to volunteer for UnitedDay will be listed. The experiential advertisements will spark
online conversation and a general interest in UnitedDay.
 Concerts: Each of the targeted cities (Minnetonka, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas)
will have a benefit concert closing out UnitedDay. The concert will act as an incentive to
encourage people to get out and volunteer. Artists from each of these cities will be chosen to
perform and help raise awareness for UnitedDay and whatever major issue their city is battling.
UnitedDay volunteers who signed up via the online portal will be granted free access to the
 Live Stream: As UnitedDay closes out, the concerts in each of the 5 cities will begin at the same
time. People who are unable to attend will be able to access a live stream on UnitedHealth
Group’s website after a required donation of $5 to a cause. This will result in continued online
conversation about UnitedHealth Group even after UnitedDay.
F. Social Media Strategy and Tactics
LISTEN : Identify Audience
Geo-targeting Through geo-targeting, we will be able to explore Facebook users within the
cities that UHG offices are located.
Boosted posts Boosting Facebook posts will expose specific demographics reached.
Geo-targeting As with Facebook, geo-targeting will enable us to discover Twitter users
within UHG office locations.
Follow Listening in on Twitter conversations will allow us to establish social media
users to engage with.
Make lists By keeping up with conversations on Twitter, we will create lists of people to
engage with.
Geo-targeting Exploring Instagram users within UHG office locations will give us a better
understanding of those users.
Follow Keeping up with conversations and posts will give us a basic understanding of
our target audience on Instagram.
TALK : Spread the Message
Social Chorus
Posts Engaging with employees through Social Chorus is key. Keeping UHG
employees up-to-date with work events, CSR opportunities, milestones
reached, Goalympics winners, ‘Day in the Life...’, etc.
CEO greetings Weekly posts from the CEO will close the gap between those higher up and
Posts Via Facebook, we will share milestones reached, UnitedDay events, CSR
opportunities, ‘Day in the Life…’, Goalympics winners, etc. This is a great way
to share UHG life with followers.
Interaction Diving back into the list we created, we will now engage with those users and
start conversations.
Hashtag Using proprietary hashtags will allow users to interact with UHG and each
other when sharing their experiences and thoughts.
Countdown Through Twitter, we will have a 10-day Countdown to UnitedDay.
‘Day in the Life’ Sharing ‘Day in the Life’ of UHG employees posts via Twitter will allow
followers that are not on Facebook or Instagram to get involved.
Promote Instagram is a great way to use visuals in order to expose UHG values.
#ChangeYourWorld Photographs of how UHG makes it better will enable followers to see the
impact UHG employees have on
communities, the environment and the world.
Hashtag Continuing to use the proprietary Hashtag #ChangeYourWorld will connect
followers to all UHG CSR posts.
Establish Buying,.net, and .org will be beneficial in building the
ENERGIZE : Call-to-action
Social Chorus
Goalympics On Social Chorus, UHG employees will be able to nominate and reward each
other for the Goalympics.
United Day Online sign-up will be available on Social Chorus, along with information on
United Day.
Goalympics Winners will be shared on Facebook, making UHG employees feel a sense of
pride, while getting followers involved in the games.
United Day Countdown to UnitedDay will be shared on Facebook, getting the event
information out to followers. We will also post a list of CSR opportunities and
an online sign-up forum for non-employees.
United Day The link for UnitedDay will be provide in UHG’s Twitter bio, in order to allow
easy access to the information. The 10-day Countdown creates a sense of
excitement for the day of CSR.
Hashtag The #ChangeYourWorld hashtag helps to build the slogan and inform
followers to keep up with the hashtag.
United Day The UnitedDay Countdown visuals will get followers excited and involved.
Hashtag Throughout the use of #ChangeYourWorld, followers can browse employee
posts in order to see what they are doing to Change Your World.
Geo-filters Employees will be able to use UHG Geo-filters when they are on UHG
campuses. This is a fun way to show off their company culture.
G. Media List
Digital Billboard
 What: Display of the countdown clock for “UnitedDay” and information on how to join the
 Placement: In downtown areas and along the highways for rural populations.
 What: A website that countdowns the number of days until “United Action” and will provide a
way for you to sign up.
 Placement: One standard website that links with all social media platforms and SocialChorus
E-Blast(For employees & Clients)
 What: To target employees and clients directly.
Geo Tag
 What: A creative graphic that will be placed on snapchat to influence people to join the
“Together for Good” movement.
 Placement: On Snapchat for a series of 10 days.
Experimental Ad
 What: This will provoke the viewer to feel obligated to join UHG in “United Action” and help give
back to the community with the employees.
 Placement: The placement and content of each ad will depend on the problem associated with
the city. For ex, half a million residents in Chicago live in food desserts. Therefore, that ad will be
based on that issue in Chicago and during “United Day” volunteers will help build a garden or
help supply neighborhoods with nutritious foods.
-LosAngeles, CA
-Dallas, TX
-Minnetonka, MN
-New York City, NY
-Chicago, IL
Digital Bus Shelters Signage
 What: This will include the digital countdown clock that leads to “United Action” and information
on how the public can join.
 Placement: Located in major cities that use public transportation as the primary source for
Mail Invite
 What: This is an invitation for “United Action” that will be sent out to rural populations, that the
OOH ads may not reach.
 Placement: This will be sent via USPS.
Print Ads(Newspapers & Magazines)
 What: Will contain information about “United Action” and how to join.
 Placement: In major newspaper publications New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Houston
Chronicle, People Magazine, and Time.
Radio Spot
 What: This radio spot will connect to people who take in information verbally on how people can
help and join UHG in giving back to the community by volunteering.
 Placement: On radio stations that target young adults. Ex Power 106, Hot 97 Power, and Wired
Web Banners
 What: A visual of the digital countdown clock until “United Day”
 Placement: On all UHG website and search engines. Ex yahoo, google, and bing.
CountdownClocksin Office
 What: This will be a digital clock that shows the days, hours, mins, and secs until “United Day”
 Placement: In the entrance/lobby of every UHG office.
H. Metrics:
1. How will relationships change if successful?
2. What will be measured, both quantitatively and qualitatively?
G. Crisis Communication Plan
1. Why youare creating this plan?
In the case that the employees of UnitedHealth Group reject UnitedDay and the overall “Change Your
World” campaign, there needs to be steps in place to resolve and effectively communicate with the
public about the issue
2.Whatcan happen?
In the case that the employees reject the big idea, this could lead to negative public perception which
may undermine the goal of UnitedDay which is to bring the UHG employees together to make an impact
in communities across the nation.
3.Have there been signs of warning?
The employees have been frustrated in the past and do not entirely understand what UHG does and
how their CSR initiatives impact everyone on a global scale. The public also has a poor perception of
large corporations and insurance providers in general which could lead to rejection of our new story,
“Change Your World”.
4. Has it happened to similar organizations?
In the Healthcare industry, this type of program has never been done. The risk is that this is an
unprecedented event with no clear track record of success within the healthcare industry. However, in
our research, we’ve found that companies with a clear mission and goal that resonates with employees
on a personal level, have happier, more engaged employees.
Purpose and Objective
The employees of UnitedHealth Group are not buying into the idea of United Day. They are not
interested in a day of CSR programming in the community and because of this, our image to the public is
not getting better. The objective of United Day is to bring both the employees and the public together
in an effort to help improve the communities they live in and also improve the image of UHG to the
The following steps provided will initiate what should be acted on uponthe crisis.
1) Initiate the Plan within 3 hours upon action.
2) Send out instant messages to Socialchorus to get employees encouraged and excited about United
3) Contact the public via social media to ensure that everyone is still keeping a positive outlook on
United Day.
Interview Tips
 Business Attire
 Be considerate and listen to the media with sympathy
 Maintain composure
 Convey that #ChangeYourWorld is for the community and a way for the general public to get
know UnitedHealth Group
Trick Questions
 What steps are being taken to address the concerns of the public and UnitedHealth Group
 Why is UHG all of a sudden attempting to connect with the public after so many years of being
very private and only communicating with law and policy makers?
 What do you say to critics who claim “Change Your World” is disingenuous?
 Is “Change Your World” and attempt to change public perception of UHG?
Pre-gathered Information:
Key Messages
 The goal for United Day is to unite the public and UHG employees for a day of service and fun for
communities across the nation.
 UnitedHealth Group is working diligently to provide the best experience possible for our
employees and to build real relationships with the general public
 We know the stigma that is on most insurance companies this day in age. At UHG we are
committed to breaking down those stigmas and doing our best to empower our employees to go
out and #ChangeYourWorld

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UNitedDay Full Plan

  • 1. Introduction Description and overview: UnitedHealth Group, the parent company to UnitedHealthcare and Optum, is the largest healthcare provider in the United States. With a mission to help people live healthier lives, UnitedHealth Group provides its employees with access to over 75,000 volunteer opportunities through their foundation, “Do Good, Live Well”. However, UnitedHealth Group employees and the general public don’t fully understand who UnitedHealth Group is and are in need of a clear story to rally behind. Along with 3 other executions, Stir agency has developed a plan to give the public a formal introduction to UnitedHealth Group, and give employees a sense of pride for the company they work for. “Change Your World”, our campaign and the new slogan for UnitedHealth Group, is the center of all of our executions. UnitedDay is a day where all UnitedHealth Group employees are encouraged to go out and volunteer in their communities. A major issue in each city will be chosen for UnitedDay volunteers to target. UnitedHealth Group employees will act as brand ambassadors, encouraging their friends, family, and the general public to join them in making change in their communities for good. How will we do this? Read on. Discovery A. Summary of client needs, concerns & definition of problem(s):  We want to establish UnitedHealth Group as an industry leader and a modern company with a mission employees will advocate for  UnitedHealth Group’s story is fragmented and lacks clarity  The representation of the CSR initiatives are convoluted
  • 2. B. Business Goals: Create a national campaign that drives employees in each UnitedHealth Group office, and the general public to go out and volunteer to make an issue in their community better. C. Success Criteria: We are seeking high community and employee involvement. We hope to gain social media following and create conversation about the positive impact UnitedHealth Group has on the world. We’d like this annual event to create a sense of community internally amongst UnitedHealth Group employees by giving them a sense of pride in the company they work for and the work they do. CommunicationsAudit: A. SWOTAnalysis & Recommendations: 1. Strengths  Showcases UnitedHealth Group’s CSR and positive impact on the world  Gives the general public an idea of who UnitedHealth Group is  Gives employees an idea of who UnitedHealth Group is  Unifies UnitedHealth Group employees by giving them a common goal to work towards and a sense of pride for the company 2. Weaknesses:  Requires high employee involvement and enthusiasm. Employees will act as brand ambassadors and are an integral part in getting the rest of the world involved in United Day
  • 3. 3. Opportunities:  This is the first introduction of UHG to the general public. This is an opportunity for UnitedHealth Group to make a great first impression and perhaps sway the general public’s perception of large corporations in the healthcare industry  The requirement of high employee involvement and enthusiasm is also an opportunity because it gives employees a means to unite under a positive and common goal. 4. Threats:  Potential to be costly  In the midst of the presidential election, big businesses such as UnitedHealth Group are consistently the topic of conversation and, in some instances, seen as the enemy.  This has never been done and has the potential to be rejected by employees and the general public. B. Audience Analysis & Recommendations: Target Audience: 2. Identification of Audience personas and character profile:  Employees who have been with the company for 5 years or less  Employees who aren’t engaged with the parent company UnitedHealth Group  Young Adults 3. Identification of Audience social technographic profile:  Involved in activism  Politically conscious  Socially conscious
  • 4.  Environmentalists  Creators  Conversationalists 4. Audience Action Goals:  Rally behind UnitedHealth Group and their mission: “Change Your World”  Encourage others to also join UHG in their effort to make the world better C. Communication strategy & Recommendations: Key message: Join UnitedHealth Group in changing your community for good Supporting messages:  UnitedHealth Group is giving you the tools you need to change your community for good  UnitedHealth Group cares about your community D. Objectives and Strategies: 1. Restatement of business goals: Create a one-day national campaign that drives U.S. citizens and employees in each UnitedHealth Group office to go out and volunteer to make an issue in their community better. 2. Definition of key strategy: Connect UnitedHealth Group with their employees and the communities they come from through UnitedDay (CSR) 3. Statement of support for key strategy. Aka Why? We want to make real efforts to create a story for UnitedHealth Group employees. We can feed them a story and post reminders of that story in the office but how well will that resonate on its own? We want employees to experience the story. United Day tells employees that UnitedHealth Group cares about them, and more
  • 5. specifically, their community. It also allows the general public to be a part of the story. UnitedDay will give employees a sense of pride and a reason to advocate for UnitedHealth Group. E. Public Relations Objectives and Strategy: 1. Key traditional public relations objectives and supporting objectives:  Position UnitedHealth Group as a company that cares about its employees, the communities they come from, and making the world better  Position UnitedDay as the day UnitedHealth Group employees along with the rest of the nation come together to work towards a greater good  Create a cool factor and an online conversation around UnitedDay 2. Key Strategies and Tactics:  Interactive Advertisements: UnitedDay will target 5 major cities for promotion. The five targeted cities are Minnetonka, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, and Dallas as these cities have the largest UnitedHealth Group offices. Each of these cities have pressing issues that need to be addressed which creates volunteer opportunities for UnitedDay. The advertisements will be set up like installations. The installations will be put up 10 days before UnitedDay. There will be large screens with motion sensors set up in high foot traffic locations. The screens will display a countdown and when civilians walk past, an image of a major issue their city faces will show up on the screen. This will capture people’s attention. As bystanders continue to watch the screen, they’ll witness the image transform into one of the issue getting better. Lastly, they’ll see a call to action. The hashtag #changeyourworld will show up on the screen, and the link where they
  • 6. can sign up to volunteer for UnitedDay will be listed. The experiential advertisements will spark online conversation and a general interest in UnitedDay.  Concerts: Each of the targeted cities (Minnetonka, New York City, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas) will have a benefit concert closing out UnitedDay. The concert will act as an incentive to encourage people to get out and volunteer. Artists from each of these cities will be chosen to perform and help raise awareness for UnitedDay and whatever major issue their city is battling. UnitedDay volunteers who signed up via the online portal will be granted free access to the concerts/  Live Stream: As UnitedDay closes out, the concerts in each of the 5 cities will begin at the same time. People who are unable to attend will be able to access a live stream on UnitedHealth Group’s website after a required donation of $5 to a cause. This will result in continued online conversation about UnitedHealth Group even after UnitedDay. F. Social Media Strategy and Tactics LISTEN : Identify Audience Facebook Geo-targeting Through geo-targeting, we will be able to explore Facebook users within the cities that UHG offices are located. Boosted posts Boosting Facebook posts will expose specific demographics reached.
  • 7. Twitter Geo-targeting As with Facebook, geo-targeting will enable us to discover Twitter users within UHG office locations. Follow Listening in on Twitter conversations will allow us to establish social media users to engage with. Make lists By keeping up with conversations on Twitter, we will create lists of people to engage with. Instagram Geo-targeting Exploring Instagram users within UHG office locations will give us a better understanding of those users. Follow Keeping up with conversations and posts will give us a basic understanding of our target audience on Instagram. TALK : Spread the Message Social Chorus Posts Engaging with employees through Social Chorus is key. Keeping UHG employees up-to-date with work events, CSR opportunities, milestones reached, Goalympics winners, ‘Day in the Life...’, etc.
  • 8. CEO greetings Weekly posts from the CEO will close the gap between those higher up and employees. Facebook Posts Via Facebook, we will share milestones reached, UnitedDay events, CSR opportunities, ‘Day in the Life…’, Goalympics winners, etc. This is a great way to share UHG life with followers. Twitter Interaction Diving back into the list we created, we will now engage with those users and start conversations. Hashtag Using proprietary hashtags will allow users to interact with UHG and each other when sharing their experiences and thoughts. Countdown Through Twitter, we will have a 10-day Countdown to UnitedDay. ‘Day in the Life’ Sharing ‘Day in the Life’ of UHG employees posts via Twitter will allow followers that are not on Facebook or Instagram to get involved. Instagram Promote Instagram is a great way to use visuals in order to expose UHG values. #ChangeYourWorld Photographs of how UHG makes it better will enable followers to see the impact UHG employees have on communities, the environment and the world.
  • 9. Hashtag Continuing to use the proprietary Hashtag #ChangeYourWorld will connect followers to all UHG CSR posts. Website Establish Buying,.net, and .org will be beneficial in building the slogan. ENERGIZE : Call-to-action Social Chorus Goalympics On Social Chorus, UHG employees will be able to nominate and reward each other for the Goalympics. United Day Online sign-up will be available on Social Chorus, along with information on United Day. Facebook Goalympics Winners will be shared on Facebook, making UHG employees feel a sense of pride, while getting followers involved in the games. United Day Countdown to UnitedDay will be shared on Facebook, getting the event information out to followers. We will also post a list of CSR opportunities and an online sign-up forum for non-employees. Twitter
  • 10. United Day The link for UnitedDay will be provide in UHG’s Twitter bio, in order to allow easy access to the information. The 10-day Countdown creates a sense of excitement for the day of CSR. Hashtag The #ChangeYourWorld hashtag helps to build the slogan and inform followers to keep up with the hashtag. Instagram United Day The UnitedDay Countdown visuals will get followers excited and involved. Hashtag Throughout the use of #ChangeYourWorld, followers can browse employee posts in order to see what they are doing to Change Your World. Snapchat Geo-filters Employees will be able to use UHG Geo-filters when they are on UHG campuses. This is a fun way to show off their company culture. G. Media List Digital Billboard  What: Display of the countdown clock for “UnitedDay” and information on how to join the movement.  Placement: In downtown areas and along the highways for rural populations. Microsite  What: A website that countdowns the number of days until “United Action” and will provide a way for you to sign up.  Placement: One standard website that links with all social media platforms and SocialChorus E-Blast(For employees & Clients)  What: To target employees and clients directly. Geo Tag
  • 11.  What: A creative graphic that will be placed on snapchat to influence people to join the “Together for Good” movement.  Placement: On Snapchat for a series of 10 days. Experimental Ad  What: This will provoke the viewer to feel obligated to join UHG in “United Action” and help give back to the community with the employees.  Placement: The placement and content of each ad will depend on the problem associated with the city. For ex, half a million residents in Chicago live in food desserts. Therefore, that ad will be based on that issue in Chicago and during “United Day” volunteers will help build a garden or help supply neighborhoods with nutritious foods. -LosAngeles, CA -Dallas, TX -Minnetonka, MN -New York City, NY -Chicago, IL Digital Bus Shelters Signage  What: This will include the digital countdown clock that leads to “United Action” and information on how the public can join.  Placement: Located in major cities that use public transportation as the primary source for transportation, Mail Invite  What: This is an invitation for “United Action” that will be sent out to rural populations, that the OOH ads may not reach.  Placement: This will be sent via USPS. Print Ads(Newspapers & Magazines)  What: Will contain information about “United Action” and how to join.  Placement: In major newspaper publications New York Times, Chicago Tribune, Houston Chronicle, People Magazine, and Time. Radio Spot  What: This radio spot will connect to people who take in information verbally on how people can help and join UHG in giving back to the community by volunteering.  Placement: On radio stations that target young adults. Ex Power 106, Hot 97 Power, and Wired 96.5. Web Banners  What: A visual of the digital countdown clock until “United Day”  Placement: On all UHG website and search engines. Ex yahoo, google, and bing.
  • 12. CountdownClocksin Office  What: This will be a digital clock that shows the days, hours, mins, and secs until “United Day”  Placement: In the entrance/lobby of every UHG office. H. Metrics: 1. How will relationships change if successful? 2. What will be measured, both quantitatively and qualitatively? G. Crisis Communication Plan 1. Why youare creating this plan? In the case that the employees of UnitedHealth Group reject UnitedDay and the overall “Change Your World” campaign, there needs to be steps in place to resolve and effectively communicate with the public about the issue 2.Whatcan happen? In the case that the employees reject the big idea, this could lead to negative public perception which may undermine the goal of UnitedDay which is to bring the UHG employees together to make an impact in communities across the nation. 3.Have there been signs of warning? The employees have been frustrated in the past and do not entirely understand what UHG does and how their CSR initiatives impact everyone on a global scale. The public also has a poor perception of large corporations and insurance providers in general which could lead to rejection of our new story, “Change Your World”. 4. Has it happened to similar organizations? In the Healthcare industry, this type of program has never been done. The risk is that this is an unprecedented event with no clear track record of success within the healthcare industry. However, in our research, we’ve found that companies with a clear mission and goal that resonates with employees on a personal level, have happier, more engaged employees. Purpose and Objective The employees of UnitedHealth Group are not buying into the idea of United Day. They are not interested in a day of CSR programming in the community and because of this, our image to the public is not getting better. The objective of United Day is to bring both the employees and the public together in an effort to help improve the communities they live in and also improve the image of UHG to the public.
  • 13. The following steps provided will initiate what should be acted on uponthe crisis. 1) Initiate the Plan within 3 hours upon action. 2) Send out instant messages to Socialchorus to get employees encouraged and excited about United Day. 3) Contact the public via social media to ensure that everyone is still keeping a positive outlook on United Day. Interview Tips  Business Attire  Be considerate and listen to the media with sympathy  Maintain composure  Convey that #ChangeYourWorld is for the community and a way for the general public to get know UnitedHealth Group Trick Questions  What steps are being taken to address the concerns of the public and UnitedHealth Group employees?  Why is UHG all of a sudden attempting to connect with the public after so many years of being very private and only communicating with law and policy makers?  What do you say to critics who claim “Change Your World” is disingenuous?  Is “Change Your World” and attempt to change public perception of UHG? Pre-gathered Information: Key Messages  The goal for United Day is to unite the public and UHG employees for a day of service and fun for communities across the nation.  UnitedHealth Group is working diligently to provide the best experience possible for our employees and to build real relationships with the general public  We know the stigma that is on most insurance companies this day in age. At UHG we are committed to breaking down those stigmas and doing our best to empower our employees to go out and #ChangeYourWorld