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Execute an Analysis of Managers or Leaders in Your...
DUE DATE 5/09/12
Execute an analysis of managers or leaders in your organisation on the basis of the leadership grid as
was propounded by Jane Morton and Robert Black. The characteristics–traits used to classify the
managers – leaders should be established.
1. Introduction It is ... Show more content on ...
The model is an excellent way to map out different leadership styles, and an excellent way to
evaluate the leadership performed by leaders and managers.
This model identifies five different leadership styles based on the concern for people and the
concern for production. It is important to remember that none of the concerns are right or wrong,
and the concerns are ideally balanced to the respective situational context of leadership. The model
is graphically illustrated below. Source skills (2.09.2012)
* Concern for People relates to the degree to which a leader considers needs of employees and team
members before deciding how to accomplish a task. A high degree of concern could be coupled to a
more democratic leadership style, whereas a low concern for people could be coupled to an
autocratic leadership style. * Concern for Production relates to the degree to which a leader
emphasizes production effectiveness and efficiency when deciding how best to accomplish tasks.
By charting the position in the grid it is possible to diagnose which leadership style is being
performed, and to evaluate the appropriateness of the style of leadership.
2.1The five different leadership styles found in the managerial grid are presented below:
2.1.1Country Club Leadership – High Concern for
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The Gift of Leadership
We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it
in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching let him teach; if it is
encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously;
if it is leadership, let him govern diligently...
–Romans 12; 6–8
Leadership is an influence relationship between leaders and followers who intend real changes and
outcomes that reflect their shared purposes.
The explanation would be, influence is involved in leadership. Leadership is reciprocal, in many
organization the superiors influences their subordinates but in some organization subordinates
influences their superiors. Leadership involves creating change and the changes are towards the
outcome which the leaders and followers both want. An important aspect would be influencing
others to follow a common vision. Leadership is a people activity. Since leadership involves people,
there are followers. Every individual who has a great skill and is expertise in their field is a leader
for example musician, scientist, etc. In the leadership process follower is very essential. Those who
are a good leader knows how to follow, it's when they set an example for others.
There's one stereotype belief that the leaders are different and they are above all. But the thing is the
amount of qualities needed for an effective leadership is as same as for effective
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Case Study Of Carrrefour In Japan
I. Introduction
At the time of increasing globalization worldwide, going international is the ultimate choice for
most companies that aiming to expand their business and market in the future. However, entering
and sustaining a new market has always been the challenge for most companies that chose to do so.
Among the essentials matters to be considered in going international, the understanding of the
dynamics of international management (IM) issues and how to resolve it is of paramount to all
corporations. This paper will provide an analysis of concepts and highlight on cultural theories and a
case study of Carrefour in Japan to emphasize the importance of sufficient knowledge in IM
dynamisms in general, and cross cultural management, in particular. ... Show more content on ...
The company had completely ignored the fact that Japanese market is not as price sensitive as other
Asian markets. Many people came to Carrefour mostly out of curiosity, expecting it to give a
resemblance of French market with French products while on the contrary, the company were
selling more Japanese products and lost all ability to distinct itself with highly competitive local
supermarkets (Yamakawa, 2005, Choi & Mukoyama, 2009). There was the discordance between the
image that Carrefour tried to portrait as high quality, luxurious and sophisticated products when it
was following the EDLP model– 'Everyday low price', multi–store, convenience, retailing format.
Moreover, Carrefour Japan didn't make any adjustment regarding Japanese people as its shop signs
were in English with intimidating guards present at the store; westernized design shelves and cart
that were too high and heavy for average Japanese people; confusing the weight–then–price at
checkout system for vegetables and fruits while the people are used to purchase pre–packed goods
with known price tag and especially the non–diverse fish choice in seafood
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Manager's Locus of Control to Managerial Style
Does a manager's locus of control have a significant relationship with their managerial style?
C. Gordon
Research Paper/Proposal
Florida Institute of Technology
Objective The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a relationship between a person's
direction of their locus of control and their managerial style. More specifically, their managerial
style as it pertains to the Managerial Grid® created by Blake and Mouton, and the Six Styles of
Management developed by the HayGroup. The objective is to ascertain how influential the
personality and self–esteem implications of a person's locus of control is on their effectiveness in a
managerial role.
Research Question Does locus of control imply managerial style? ... Show more content on ...
His main concern is not to be held responsible for any mistakes. Results in: Disorganization,
dissatisfaction and disharmony due to lack of effective leadership. 2. Country Club style (Low
Production/High People) Description: One–sided, thoughtful attention the needs of employee.
Characteristics: The relationship–oriented manager has a high concern for people, but a low concern
for production. He pays much attention to the security and comfort of the employees. He hopes that
this will increase performance. He is almost incapable of employing the more punitive, coercive and
legitimate powers. This inability results from fear that using such powers could jeopardize
relationships with the other team members. Results in: A usually friendly atmosphere, but not
necessarily very productive. 3. Produce or Perish style (High Production/Low People) Description:
Authoritarian or compliance leader Characteristics: the task–oriented manager is autocratic, has a
high concern for production, and low concern for people. He finds employee needs unimportant
simply a means to an end. He provide his employees with money and expects performance back.
There is little or no allowance for cooperation or collaboration. He pressures his employees through
rules and punishments to achieve the company goals. Heavily task–oriented people are very strong
on schedules. They are
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Twelve O'Clock High
Twelve O'clock High Leadership and Management styles have played an important role in the
learning in Outcome Assessment and Quality Management. In class I have learned the positives and
negatives that come from the different leadership styles presented. The movie, Twelve O'clock High,
is a film that takes place in 1943 outside Nazi Germany. It depicts the 918th Bomb Group and the
problems that they are having. Throughout the movie we are presented with multiple leadership
styles from the commanding officers; Colonel Davenport, Brigadier General Savage, and Major
General Pritchard of Pine Tree. Through Colonel Davenport, Major General Pritchard, and Brigadier
General Savage at the start of the film we can see the distinct difference ... Show more content on ...
These are just some of the ideas that Savage now can work with in order to achieve his successful
move from telling to delegating. One of the first steps that Savage takes is to instill the men with
pride. He believes that they hold the same value that he has of pride it is just that they have
forgotten. Upon return from a successful mission Savage has a run in with Pritchard. Pritchard asks
why Savage did not return when the return call was made. Savage tells him it must have been a
"radio malfunction", which it clearly was not. After an argument Savage tells Pritchard that the men
deserve recognition for their success and that there might be some "Radio Malfunctions" in the
future also. Savage is starting to move up in his relationship status while he is trying to motivate the
918. Savage is starting to feel for these men but he is also getting tired because they have not
removed their transfer requests and they still are not exhibiting any pride in their work. Motivation
Savage calls Lieutenant Bishop, a Medal of Honor nominee, into his office and asks him why he
thinks the men of 918 are not showing any enthusiasm or pride despite their success. Bishop tells
him it is because they feel like guinea pigs; they feel like they are
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Is ABC Possible For Your Company?
Is ABC suitable for your company? ––Using Estrin, Kantor and Albers' contingency grid, If an
organization's score puts it in Quadrant three, Is ABC implementation recommended? Explain. Is
their method "foolproof?" Abstract Nowadays, we know that activity based costing system assigns
overhead costs to products or services products that using a two–stage process, which focuses on
activities. ABC is a relatively new and very important topic in managerial accounting. ABC allows
us to find a way that we could determine the profitability of every product, profitability of every
customer we serve, and the profitability of our process. Contents in brief, first that comparing
potential advantages of ABC versus traditional costing methods. The ... Show more content on ...
It consists of weighting and combining the weights of the ten factors and to evaluate implementing
ABC. The potential benefits of ABC can be analyzed in advance along two separate dimensions.
And there are ten mediating factors (Pricing Diversity, Support Diversity, Common Processes, Cost
Allocation, Growth of Indirect Costs, Pricing Freedom, Fixed Expense Ratio, Strategic
Considerations, Cost Reduction Effort, Analysis Frequency) can guide management in determining
the answers. The fist five factors (PD, SD, CP, CA, FG) based on the probability. The second
dimension of the model seeks to establish decisions. lY axis potential for ABC due to cost
distortion–––PD.SD.CP.CA.FG lX axis proclivity to use cost information in decision–––
PF.FE.SC.CR.AF To start management must analyze and responses to two key questions: 1. For a
given organization, is it likely that ABC will produce costs that are significantly different from those
that are generated with conventional accounting, and does it seem likely that those costs will be
"better"? 2. If information that is considered "better" is generated by the system, will the new
information change the dependent decisions made by the management? After finish these questions
managers of company can discuses the ten factors that support or reject implementation. Finally, the
combined weighted scores are plotted as a point on one of the four quadrants of a graph.Plotting the
Answers––– Use Contingency Grid Method The steps in the
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The Cultural Dimensions Of National Culture
"A set of basic assumptions – shared solutions to universal problems of external adaptation (how to
survive) and internal integration (how to stay together) – which have evolved over time and are
handed down from one generation to the next." (Schein, 1985). Culture is divided in into 2
categories one is National Culture and second is Organisational Culture. NATIONAL CULTURE
National Culture is regarded as "the pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting" (Hofstede, 1991, p.4),
which every person has acquired in childhood and carries along throughout life (Hofstede, 1991).
National culture is something a group of people or society or a city or a country follows. Its customs
traditions. As Quin Marrow's company is based in Los Angeles and was going to have a joint
venture with a Peruvian company. These both have very different national culture. Hofstede in his
study identified six major cultural dimensions.
Power distance index
Uncertainty avoidance
Long–term orientation
Image source: http://geert–
Hofstede's Power distance Index measures the extent to which the less powerful members of
organisations accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. Australia has a 36 on the
cultural scale of Hofstede's analysis and Peru has 64. Australia has almost equal distribution among
rich and poor as compared to Peru.
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Leadership Theories and Analysis
What is leadership?
Leadership is "the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a
shared goal". (Hemphill and Coons, 1957, p.7)
A leader is interpreted as someone who sets direction in an effort and influences people to follow
that direction. How they set that direction and influence people depends on a variety of factors. To
really comprehend the "territory" of leadership, one should briefly scan some of the major theories,
notice various styles of leadership and review some of the suggested traits and characteristics that
leaders should have.
There are many leadership theories. Arthur G. Jago (1982) proposed a framework that organizes
leadership theories based on each theory's focus and ... Show more content on ...
In this style, leaders look upon their followers as people – their needs, interests, problems,
development and so on. They are not simply units of production or means to an end.
Directive leadership. This style is characterized by leaders taking decisions for others and expecting
followers or subordinates to follow instructions.
Participative leadership. Here leaders try to share decision–making with others.
(Wright 1996: 36–7)
Contingencies theory.
The central idea of this approach was that effective leadership was dependent on a mix of factors.
Fred E. Fiedler argued that effectiveness depends on two interacting factors: leadership style and the
degree to which the situation gives the leader control and influence.
Devices Fiedler used to determine leader personality and the situation was Least Preferred Co–
worker (LPC) Scale. The LPC is used to measure a leader's motivation: "Task motivation" vs.
"relationship motivation" (these are the trait versions of the "concern of production" vs. "concern of
people" categories in the Managerial Grid).
Fiedler assumes that everybody's least preferred co–worker in fact is on average about equally
unpleasant. But people who are relationship motivated tend to describe their least preferred co–
workers in a more positive manner, e.g., more pleasant and more
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The Grid Model And Its Contribution To International...
Question 1
This case is review of the grid model and its contributions to international organizational
development. It talks about how Grid International design its learning process such that it combines
leadership styles with self–convincing learning methodology that creates motivation to change and
organizational development. The Grid has seven leadership styles that are based on varying concern
for people and results. The Grid approach to change takes a four–step organization development
process that builds a culture of mutual trust respect and candor through discussion of personal
values, norms and behaviors against soundest behaviors needed to accomplish standard of
excellence set by participants themselves. The process begins with individual development, then
move to intact team development, group to group development and organization strategic planning.
Grid international approach to organizational development is applied by many organizations around
the globe.
Question 2
Performance management performed by human resource leaders which aim at enhancing motivation
and production exhibits trait of the sound ... Show more content on ...
In this phase, there is the development of group to group relationships. Team to team conflicts are
resolved and a cooperative relationship is build based on mutual trust and respect. Management and
unions shared understanding of cross–functional roles and develop standard of excellence for
working together. The standards of excellence for working together is the collective agreement
between management and unions.
The concept of strategic human resource planning is seen in the final stage of Grid approach to
organizational development. In this stage where companies take full advantage of people common
language, standards of excellence, and skills in place to undertake organizational wide strategic
planning, it shows strategic human resource planning.
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Leadership Theory : The Ohio State University Essay
Although trait and skill theories have ideas that can be intertwined and can be compared
to one another, style leadership theory differs quite drastically. Instead of focusing on who the
leader is, if there is some type of genetic makeup to leaders, or whether skills can be learned,
style leadership focuses on what those leaders do, not who they are. Style theory refers to three
main theories or styles of leadership. These theories are known as the Ohio State University
studies, the Michigan University studies, and the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid.
In 1945, a group of researchers at Ohio State University sought to identify the observable
behaviors of leaders instead of focusing of their individual traits. To document their findings,
they generated a list of 150 statements designed to measure nine different dimensions of
leadership behavior. These statements were used to develop the Leaders ' Behavior Description
Questionnaire (LBDQ). The surveys were then given to members of a group, who were asked to
respond to a series of statements about the leader of their group. Respondents of the LBDQ–rated
leaders on how frequently they engaged in a certain behavior. The results of the survey
showed that two main behaviors, consideration and initiating structure. Consideration is how the
leader shows concern for members of the group. These leaders treated everyone as his/her equal and
were friendly and approachable. Initiation structure means the leader
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Style Theory of Leadership
According to Harold Koontz, "leadership is defined as an art or process of influencing people so that
they strive willingly and enthusiastically towards attainment of group goals".
According to Yukl (1994), "leadership is a process which one member of a group influences other
group members towards attainment of specific group goals".
Thus, leadership is a process of influencing the behavior of people by making them strive
voluntarily towards achievement of organizational goals. The above definition focuses on certain
important features of leadership– Leadership indicates ability of an individual to influence others It
is a group process. A leader is of no use if he has no followers and similarly a group or an
organization ... Show more content on ...
Specifically, consideration was more strongly related to the individual. In other words, the followers
or leaders who were high in consideration were more satisfied with their jobs and more motivated
and also had more respect for their leader. Initiating structure was more related to higher levels of
group and organizational productivity and more positive performance evaluations.
In a large correlational study, Fleishman and Harris (1962) reported that turnover rate was
negatively correlated with consideration, and positively associated with initiating structure, although
they emphasized the nonlinearity of the relationships. Also grievance rates are higher when leaders
are high on initiation. "There appear to be certain critical levels beyond which increased
Consideration or decreased Initiating Structure have no effect on turnover or grievance rate." In a
summary of literature, Yukl (1989) reports that the effect of consideration has been confirmed, but
the results of studies on initiating structure have not been clear or consistent.
Michigan studies
The University of Michigan leadership studies (Katz and Kahn, 1952; Katz, Maccoby, and
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Reflection As A Leader Essay
Every leader needs to know themselves better than they know anyone else on their team. To admit
that one has vulnerabilities means that they are not perfect so they cannot and will not expect
anyone else to be. The thing is, that leader must admit those mistakes and learn from them in order
to be able to help others to become their own type of leader within their own discipline.
Reflection as a Leader
When does one come to the realization that they are ready to be the leader of an organization? A
principal, or administrator of any kind, has to have the ability to be the final decision maker for a
group of people, but also has to inspire people and motivate them towards a common goal, such as a
vision statement.
Am I Ready?
In the article "Emotional Intelligence and School Leadership," it makes the assertion that "emotional
intelligence means having the ability to manage one's own emotions while being sensitive to the
needs of other people" (Gray, 2009). As a current curriculum writer and curriculum liaison between
the English departments on their respective campuses and the Curriculum and Instruction
Coordinator, I feel that I have handled the stresses and demands of the title with finesse and grace.
Have there been instances where things have been difficult to handle and control my emotions, yes;
however, how I handled those situations defines me as a leader that can "[solve] problems and
[make] judgments [that] are a part of a leader's system of values and beliefs"
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An Ethical Mind That Respect For Others Into Something...
According to The Harvard Business Review "An ethical mind broadens respect for others into
something more abstract. A person with an ethical mind asks herself, "What kind of a person,
worker, and citizen do I want to be? If all workers in my profession adopted the mind–set I have, or
if everyone did what I do, what would the world be like?"" (Fryer). I believe I definitely have an
ethical mind, ever since I was child I always wondered what kind of overall person I would be and
how that would affect others and my character. I always try to be as respectful and morally honest to
everyone I come across and every situation in my life. I have actually wondered what if everyone
not only in my profession, but in the world had the same mentality ... Show more content on ...
A deontologist focuses on doing what is "right". Like stated above, a lot of my ethical background
has come from the characteristics I was taught as a child such as honesty, fairness, and respect for
Although I do not have much professional leadership experience, in my personal and what I believe
my profession style would be is a coaching approach. "A coaching approach is a high directive–high
supportive style. In this approach, the leader focuses communication on both achieving goals and
meeting followers' socioemotional needs (Northouse, 2016, p.94). These types of leaders are
approachable, provide personal and professional support, and are friendly. This is the kind of leader
I would want to be, efficient in work productivity, but also welcoming and supportive of my
employees. This style of leadership builds trust and honesty, which makes employees more likely to
present ethical dilemmas to you, because they know the issue will be dealt with in a fair and just
One leadership model that I value is Blake and Mouton's Managerial (Leadership) Grid. "The
Leadership (Managerial) Grid joins concern for productions and concern for people in a model that
has two interesting axes" (Northouse, 2016, p.75). The horizontal axis signifies the leader's concern
for production, and the vertical axis signifies the leader's concern for people. Each side of the grid is
drawn to a 9 point scale, in which a 1 stands for minimum concern and a 9 stands for maximum
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Human Error : Crew Resource Management
Since 2000, out of all the fatal accidents aviation accidents, 75% of them were caused because of
human error according to the NTSB. Human errors can occur in three different ways say Ramón L.
Rivera. He states in the article, Managing Human Error, "1. A person intends to carry out an action,
does so correctly, the action is appropriate, and the desired goal is achieved. No error has occurred.
2. A person intends to carry out an action, does so correctly, the action is inappropriate, and the
desired goal is not achieved. An error has occurred. 3. A person intends to carry out an action, the
action is appropriate, does it incorrectly, and the desired goal is not achieved. An error has
occurred." The easiest way to counter human error is through crew resource management. Crew
resource management trains people to think outside the boxes and look at the problems in different
ways. It takes daily procedures and show what the outcome is if certain action is taken. Crew
resource management was first brought to the airlines in the 1980's by United Airlines. During this
time, airlines where more focused on the management training approach; which fixates on the
concept of changing the person's behavior. United Airline's crew resource management concept was
modeled after Robert Blake and Jane Mouton Managerial Grid. The Managerial Grid prompts the
aspect of the concern for the people and the concern for the product. There are five different styles
of leadership witch are
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Styles of Leadership in the IT Industry
Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. ––Warren G. Bennis
Leadership is a complex process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task,
or objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent.
Leadership, as a process, shapes the goals of a group or organization, motivates behavior toward the
achievement of those goals, and helps define group or organizational culture. It is primarily a
process of influence. Leadership is a dynamic or changing process in the ... Show more content on ...
It is not so, Good leaders are made not born. If one has the desire and willpower, heshe can become
an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never–ending process of self–study, education,
training, and experience.Leaders must be able to cope with complex technological change in their
organizations; general leadership skills are not sufficient in IT enriched environments. Specific
technology–related knowledge is required and it must directly relate to the tools, medium, strategies
and competencies found within the culture. An IT leader must possess analytical and listening skills
as true listening involves insight into what will work today, tomorrow and in the future. The IT
leader must take the initiative to try new methods without fear of failure, an enormous task facing
the IT leader when deciding on solutions to technology–related issues within his scope of influence.
Attrition rate is high in IT industry due to the work pressure wherein managers are not able to spend
enough time with their subordinates. In the fast–paced IT work environment, there is very limited
time and mind share devoted by a manager to his team member's personal training and thereby, the
manager is not influencing the employee's perception of growth. The only key to solving this
problem is to improve the leadership abilities of IT managers, to learn how to manage differences in
thinking of
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Boldly Unique: Student Internship Analysis
The "real world" is coming soon. The moment we all wait for, the moment we are able to put on our
graduation caps, and have the sense of relief. We're done! But as the soon–to–be graduates are
handed their diplomas, and we being the search, some of dread. A recurring theme in recent graduate
job search is the lack of experience factor. "Where do I get experience if no one is willing to hire
me?" "What will set our resume apart from the rest?" Easy answer, internships. Many students focus
on gaining experience with internships to add to the resume. Work experience makes you more
marketable as a job candidate; it also gives you the opportunity to fully understand the field you
have chosen. Then you can truly enter your field with your eyes wide open. Employers are not only
looking for experience, but the right experience.
Organization Communication: Approaches and Processes by Katherine Miller explains five key
concepts that can applied to any student building up their resume. These concepts include Robert
Blake and Jane Mouton's Managerial/Leadership Grid, division of labor, anticipatory phase of
organizational socialization, activity coordination flow, and realistic job previews (RJP's).
It all began towards the beginning of November of 2014. I had just started my first internship as a
social media coordinator for Boldly Unique. Boldly Unique was a start–up company owned by a
small business owner, who created custom–made headpieces for special occasions (i.e. weddings). I
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Conflict Management Blake and Mouton
This study presents a review of conflict management approach. It presents the various views and
definitions on conflict types of conflict. It further looks at five conflict management styles of Blake
and Mouton. In addition, it provides some insight into conflict management from a Malaysian
Introduction Whether conflict within an organization is viewed as desirable or not, the fact is that
conflict exists and is endemic. As human beings interact in organizations, differing values and
situations create tension. Conflict is thereby viewed as a situation in which two or more individuals
operating within a unit appear to be incompatible. When such conflict is recognized, acknowledged
and managed in a proper ... Show more content on ...
Nature of conflict
Conflict arises due to a variety of factors. Individual differences in goals, expectations, values,
proposed courses of action, and suggestions about how to best handle a situation are unavoidable.
When we add to this an amount of unease because of uncertainty as to a business's future, conflict
often increases. Perhaps this is why we see such a high amount of conflict today. Changes in
technology, global shifting of power, political unrest, and financial uncertainties are facts of life.
These factors – and others – make conflict unavoidable. To some managers, this inevitable
disharmony is lamentable and should be avoided at all costs. To others, conflict presents exciting
possibilities about the future – if managed in a positive, constructive fashion.
Traditionally, conflict within an organization has been seen as a sign of a problem. Conflict meant
there were differences of opinion, alternatives which needed to be considered, and opposing points
of view to be studied. Adaptation, accommodation and flexibility are the keys to survival in such a
Organizations are often found to be in similar precarious situations, and the same survival skills
apply in the organizational environment. Changes in personnel, clientele, product line, financial
climate, and even corporate philosophy and vision will happen. A manager needs to develop flexible
new coping skills to continue functioning in
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Case Analysis2
Coach Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K.) and Coach Robert Knight (Coach Knight) were two of the most
winning and successful coaches to ever coach basketball. These men are not just known for their
record wins, but for their unique leadership. They each had a unique way of leading their teams.
Coach Knight was Indiana University's head basketball coach and became a legend there. Coach K.
was the head coach at Duke University since 1980. A fact of interest, both of these two men knew
each other in an earlier time. Coach Knight had been Mike Krzyzewski's basketball coach when he
played for the United States Military Academy at West Point. It was there they began to build a
relationship of trust and respect that would follow and remain with them ... Show more content on ...
had a slight deficit when it came to technical skills. Coach K. made the human and conceptual skills
a higher priority. Coach K. was a genius in the ability of knowing his professions; this just means his
technical skills took a lower priority.
The capacity model by Michael Mumford contains five components. The skills that attributed to the
success of Coach Knight are the individual attributes. The skills of competency, motivation and
more specifically problem solving skills were the skills he possessed according to this model. He
had a deficit in his social judgment skills and environmental influences that, in turn, worked well for
Coach K and to his success. Coach K. often remarked on his upbringing and how this influenced the
quality of his communication. Coach K. struggled with the area of motivation, especially as it relates
to dominance. As stated above, Coach K. did not want to be a dictator, which simply meant
domination skills where not his priority.
The leadership styles of Coach Knight and Coach K. are different in a few aspects using the Blake
Mouton Managerial Grid. When referring to this leadership grid, Coach Knight falls under Produce
or Parish leadership. He views the players as being the means to an end. When we look at Coach K
using this grid he exemplifies high production–high people style. He stresses the needs of producing
and the needs of people of being an equal priority.
Neither of these coaches are middle of the road as
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Comparing Three Types Of Managers
2. Katzenbach and Kahn (2010) compare three types of managers in regard to motivation and pride
building (p. 79). This is similar to the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid. What insights from these
categories of managers and the Grid can you use to motivate performance in yourself and others?
Katzenbach and Khan believe there are three categories of manager: a good manager, a people
person and a pride–builder. A good manager is fair and rational working toward equality and
efficiency. They focus on the development of individuals with potential using formal development
plans. A people person is typically hands on and explains the reasoning behind their decision. This
individual is easy to work with and uses their connections to create development opportunities for
their favorites. A pride–builder encourages staff to be actively involved in problem solving and
empowers staff to pursue ideas. They strive to get the personal best effort from every team member
and are often a role–model for expected behaviors (2010). A good manager is focused on meeting
metrics and mastering the processes often using a standardized approach for all employees. A people
person creates a happy and social environment providing perks such as lunch and snacks. A pride–
builder realizes different approaches are needed for different individuals and tailors the motivation
and pride building to the individual or specific groups. A pride–builder is often called a master
motivator as they understand the
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Unit 4001
Unit 4001 – An Introduction to Management Styles
Name: Timothy Freeman
CMI Number: P04304125
1. Be able to understand assumptions about human nature and managerial behaviour.
1.1 Identify models which make suppositions about human nature and behaviour at work
Theory X and Theory Y represent two sets of assumptions about human nature and human
behaviour that are relevant to the practice of management. They describe two contrasting models of
workforce motivation. Theory X represents a negative view on of human nature that assumes
individuals generally dislike work, are irresponsible, and require close supervision to do their jobs.
Theory Y represents a positive view of human nature and assumes individuals are generally ... Show
more content on ...
Thus, if employees are treated in a Theory X manner, they will become lazy. If they are treated in
accordance with Theory Y, they will be motivated and committed to the organisational objectives.
McGregor believed that Theory Y assumptions were more valid than Theory X. Therefore, he
proposed such ideas as participation in decision–making, responsible and challenging jobs and good
group relations for maximising employee job motivation.
1.3 Evaluate a model of managerial style in which the manager can apply skills to identify, study
and review their pattern of behaviour
As I am responsible for managing a group of employees, then it is important for me to find an
effective management style so as to ensure maximum employee morale and productivity. There are
different ways to lead, and each style comes with its own pros and cons. Identifying which style of
management is most appropriate is a task that requires some deliberation. I am going to evaluate an
autocratic management style.
This leadership style is also called authoritarian and, as the name suggests, puts the majority of
power and control in the hands of the manager. In an autocratic style of management, the leader
makes all of the decisions without any consultation to the employees. This is useful in situations
where you know more than the team members about the project at hand and must delegate and
oversee employees' job duties due to strict time restraints.
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Relevance Of Personality And Psychopathy
10.1.4 Relevance of personality and psychopathy in general
That the personality of a manager is a critical variable in their effectiveness is supported by the case
study, aspects of Hitler's personality being characteristically consistent, starting as empty lectures as
a young drifter, and being concretised when head of state. Whether his personality was a critical
variable in his effectiveness, or whether he happened to have a series of preoccupations that
articulated a zeitgeist in post war Germany unfortunately remains a conundrum.
Regarding the question of psychopathy as a critical variable for effective leadership, the research
proposes that the critical personality and behavioural variable for effective leadership is charisma ...
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In the Machiavellian matrix, the four types occupy the different sections of the diagram
Machiavellian characterised by an extreme pragmatism, with the moral valence of the actions taken
managerially are judged by the moral legitimacy and significance of the objective. (Similar to Blake
and Mouton's managerial grid concern for task)
Criminal where both bad or evil ends and means are utilised and striven for.
Kantian with a moral emphasis on the Kantian categorical imperative of treating people as ends
rather than means, such that the managerial objective in no way can justify less than ideal treatment
of subordinates. (concern for persons in the managerial grid)
Ethical, where there is "goodness of task" in terms of the ends, (for example the UK charitable
requirement to be working for the "public good"); and within which there is an expectation of a high
level of ethical practice or "means".
A second organisational moral dichotomy explored in Ch 4 above was Paine's proposal that
unethical practice may be more efficacious, and that there is a balance to be drawn between
economic and ethical acceptability. A further four square matrix places "economic
acceptability/efficacy" on the y axis, and "ethical acceptability" on the x axis.
In the Paine matrix of ethical vs economic acceptability, the distinction between Machiavellian
/Criminal and Kantian/Ethical cultures
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Leadership Is The Best Course Of Action For Leadership
Leadership is a complex subject, but for our purposes can be defined as the act of one person
influencing another person or group of people towards a common purpose that is beneficial for both
the leader and their followers. Many approaches have been taken by academics in attempting to
understand what leadership is at its core. Useful information has been unearthed by studying
leadership qualities in individuals and by studying the dynamic between leader and follower.
However, the abstractness of these studies left researches at somewhat of a loss for practical and
relevant information, that is until research began on the observable behavior of leaders. The Style
Approach is a useful way to look at the leader–follower relationship because it incorporates
elements of behaviorist psychology and applies them to the study leadership as a phenomenon. The
goal of this essay is to use observable behavior in the context of the Leadership Grid to determine
the best course of action for leadership in any scenario.
Findings on Leadership via the Style Approach The Style Approach differs from other ways of
understanding leadership in that it is focused on the here and now rather than traits or tendencies
which are more difficult to quantify. This approach allows room for the subject of a study to change
over time, rather than being rigidly casted as something because they displayed certain
characteristics at a certain time. It also eliminates the idea that a leader depends upon
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Leadership Qualities Of A Leader
Leadership, as u can easily know the meaning from the word. It is basically a process where a
person influences others to ensure that they reach their goals, directs the organization towards
success. However, it also depends on how effective the leader is and on the followers' interests. It
can basically be termed as teamwork, where an individual (a leader) influences a group of people to
make sure that they achieve the goal.
I did the assessment of myself from Keirsey personality temperament sorter chart to find out the
leadership quality in me. Initially, I thought I am not a good leader and I don't have the great quality
to be a leader. The chart helps me figure out and understand what leadership quality I have. I have ...
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I believe by knowing my strengths and weaknesses, it will help me to improve the quality of my
leadership style. I will try to overcome my weaknesses with the strengths I have.
Strengths and Weaknesses
I will identify few of the strengths and weaknesses, which I found out through the research I did
about the ENFJs on the intranet. According to Keirsey & Bates, only 5% population in general has
the ENFJ leadership style. ENFJs may find themselves feeling responsible for the feelings of others
to an extent, which places a burden on the relationship (Keirsey & Bates, 1984).
I found some of the strengths in me, which is common for most of ENFJs. All the personalities are
not same and it may vary person to person though. One of the common strengths I found is I am a
very reliable and tolerant person and yes, this is very true of myself. People I know have trust on my
decision. They found me reliable and they know I am a very tolerant person in any strange
situations. I always listen to them, value their opinions and try to help and see it through. I am
always ready to take a stand and avoid the contradiction. Most ENFJs are like that and they usually
avoid contradictions. ENFJs are selfless and so am I. I didn't realize this quality in me before I did
the assessment of myself. I am concerned more about others' wishes and needs than my own. I really
care about what other thinks and I take the further
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1. There is no singular purpose of leadership.
2. Influence can cause some behavior in some person for a specific purpose based on a power base.
3. Michael LeBoeuf refers to organizational theory, industrial engineering, and behavioral science as
the dynamic triangle.
4. Conceptual skills are more operational than managerial.
5. Universal theories search for an explanation of leadership unrelated to follower behavior or the
social environment within which it develops.
6. Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt identified four basic leadership styles.
7. Leaders who are effective can be described as one–dimensional.
8. The ... Show more content on ...
b. separately
c. discretely
d. disjointedly
e. none of the above
10. According to Souryal, the essence of managerial leadership lies in an administrator 's ability to
a. the nuances of functional leadership
b. the needs of people in work groups c. areas of compromise
d. a zone of credibility
e. none of the above
11. Organizational humanists believe the role of the managerial leader is to create conditions that
allow people to achieve their own goals by directing their productive efforts toward _______
a. full
b. mandated
c. altruistic
d. liberated
e. none of the above
12. Effective managerial leaders display
a. idiosyncratic traits
b. charismatic qualities
c. an assumed role
d. functionality
e. none of the above
13. The leadership skills associated with good management can be organized under the headings
a. specialized
b. abstract
c. human
d. innate
e. proactive
14. The managerial leader 's capacity to deal effectively with problems even though the lack of
information might preclude making a totally informed choice from among the available alternatives
is known as
a. anomic adaptability
b. tolerance for ambiguity
c. rational
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Strategic Leadership Plans of Organizations
1. The Blake–Mouton leadership grid uses the axes of concern of people and concern for production
to describe five different leadership styles auditory–compliance, middle of the road, impoverished,
team management and country club. The National Council on Aging can be described by the Blake–
Mouton model as team management. The organization's vision makes clear that t is a people–
oriented organization. Trust and respect are important, and work is done by people who share in the
common vision and are willing to work hard towards it.
2. Hersey and Blanchard argue that the maturity of followers is task specific. They focus their model
on two types of maturity job maturity and psychological maturity. The works at the NCOA tend to
be experienced people with many years on the job, and also having worked in other organizations
for long tenures as well. This gives them a high level of job maturity and psychological maturity as
well. In an organization that is characterized by high maturity of followers and a high relationship
orientation, the management style is usually supporting, which is a fairly accurate description of the
NCOA. New workers tend to receive more coaching, but the experienced workers seldom require
more than support for their tasks.
3. The American Association for Retired People fits into the Blake–Mouton leadership grid is
middle of the road management. There is equal emphasis on production as people at AARP. Part of
this is due to the organization's size and
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Maslow 's Hierarchy Of Needs Essay
In social work, leaders are in charge of motivating their employees to perform their jobs to the best
of their abilities. Sometimes leaders must apply a motivation or leadership theory in order to
motivate their employees. (Fisher, 2009)
Motivational theories are important for leaders in social worker. One of the most important tasks of
a leader is to stimulate productivity among employees. This requires motivation. Employees work in
the social work field for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is important for leaders to understand
what motivates employees. The three main motivational theories include Maslow's Hierarchy of
Needs, Hertzberg's Two Factors and Motivator Hygiene Theory, and McClelland's Trichotomy of
Needs. (Fisher, 2009) Leaders can use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to motivate employees. The
motivational needs in this theory form a pyramid. Leaders must recognize that employees may be on
different levels of needs from one another. The needs at the bottom of the pyramid must be met
before the needs at the higher levels. In order for this theory to work, leaders must identify the level
of need that each employee is currently facing. The first level of needs is the physiological level.
This level has motivators of food, shelter, and clothing. The second level of needs is security.
Leaders can provide this level of need by ensuring job security. The third level of needs is social
needs. Leaders can provide this level of need by helping the
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Case Study
Knight and Krzyzewski Case Study – Week 2
Brian Blubaum, RN BSN
Grand Canyon University
Leadership Styles and Development
LDR 600
Dr. Erick Aguilar
July 15, 2014
Knight and Krzyzewski Case Study– Week 2
"Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a
common goal (Northouse, 2013)." It's a series of decisions, actions and beliefs that are intertwined
with a number of other things. This paper will examine the unique leadership approaches of two
very prominent basketball coaches who have become legends on and off the basketball court; Duke
University basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski and Indiana University's Coach Bobby Knight.
Coach Krzyzewski's Leadership Approach
Coach Krzyzewski was ... Show more content on ...
Concern for production speaks to how a leader accomplishes organizational goals and objectives
while concern for people pays attention to the staff in the company or organization that are chartered
to reach goals (Northouse, 2013). The Leadership Grid is established by drawing the horizontal axis
representing the leader's concern for results and the vertical axis representing the leader's concern
for people. A score is assigned for each of these dimensions with a range from 1 (minimum) to 9
(maximum) concern. Plotting the respective scores from each axes provides a look at various
leadership styles. There are five styles of leadership identified: Team Management, Middle of the
Road Management, Impoverished Management, Authority–Compliance, and Country–Club
Management (Northouse, 2013).
Coach Krzyzewski embodies the Team Management approach to leading. This style focuses
particularly strong on both tasks as well as interpersonal relationships. It includes a level of
participation and teamwork that provides satisfaction for team members and their need to be
involved and committed to their work or goal. Coach Knight would be considered to have the
Paternalism style using both the Country–Club Management and Authority–Compliance models
interchangeably. This style is the "benevolent dictator" who acts graciously but does so for the
purpose of goal accomplishment (Northouse, 2013).
Both of
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Organizational Change and Stress
Topic: Organizational Change and Stress FUNDAMENTALS OF CHANGING AN
modifying an existing organization to increase organizational effectiveness – that is, the extent to
which an organization accomplishes its objective > These modifications can involve virtually any
organizational segment, but typically affect the lines of organizational authority, the levels of
responsibility held by various organization members and the established lines of organizational
communication * IMPORTANCE OF CHANGE The study of organizational change is extremely
important because all managers' at all organizational levels are faced throughout their careers with
the task ... Show more content on ...
ix organization are also called PROJECT ORGANIZATION There are several advantages and
disadvantages to making structural changes such as those reflected by the matrix organization
MAJOR ADVANTAGES * Such structural changes generally result in better control of a project *
Better customer relations * Shorter project development time * Lower project costs * Matrix
organizations are flexible enough to allow managers to shift resources to special projects as needed
DISADVANTAGE * Such structural changes generally create more complex internal operations,
which commonly cause conflict, encourage inconsistency in the application of company policy, and
result in a more difficult situation to manage * PEOPLE CHANGE Successfully changing people
factors necessarily involves some consideration of structure and technology, the primary emphasis is
CHANGE Emphasizes increasing organizational effectiveness by changing certain aspect of
organization members The focus of this kind of change is on such factors as employee's attitude and
leadership skills The process of people change can be referred to as ORGANIZATION
DEVELOPMENT (OD) * GRID OD One traditionally used OD technique for changing people in
organizations is called GRID ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT, or GRID OD *
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What Leadership Means Essay
What Leadership Means
Leadership is 'the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a
shared goal'. (Hemphill and Coons,
1957, p.7)
A leader is interpreted as someone who sets direction in an effort and influences people to follow
that direction. How they set that direction and influence people depends on a variety of factors. To
really comprehend the 'territory' of leadership, one should briefly scan some of the major theories,
notice various styles of leadership and review some of the suggested traits and characteristics that
leaders should have.
There are many leadership theories. Arthur G. Jago (1982) proposed a framework that organizes
leadership theories based on each theory's ... Show more content on ...
Initiating structure: Initiating structure, also known as job–oriented behaviour, refers to leadership
behaviour that is aimed at careful supervision of employee work methods and performance levels.
Some research indicates that those leaders that were high in consideration would be more effective
than those who were high in initiating structure, particularly in regard to maintaining employee
satisfaction and performance and reducing turnover and absenteeism.
Subsequent research argued that being high in both dimensions was necessary for effective
As the early researchers ran out of steam in their search for traits, they turned to what leaders did –
how they behaved (especially towards followers). They moved from leaders to leadership – and this
became the dominant way of approaching leadership within organizations in the
1950s and early 1960s. Different patterns of behaviour were grouped together and labelled as styles.
This became a very popular activity within management training ? perhaps the best known being
Blake and
Mouton?s Managerial Grid (1964; 1978). Various schemes appeared, designed to diagnose and
develop people?s style of working. Despite different names, the basic ideas were very similar. The
four main styles that appear are:
Concern for task / production.
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The Health Of Maoris Communities
Before 1769, Health of Maoris communities was good and had a life expectancy more than 30 at a
time of birth and they were unknown to many infectious diseases. But after the arrival of Europeans
(James Cook) in 1769, Maoris became prone to infectious diseases like measles, influenza,
tuberculosis, dysentery that lead to 30% declined in Maoris population. It results in high rate of
mortality of Maori community as they had a lack of immunity against viral and bacterial infection
that was common in a European country. At that time, there was no proper HealthCare System so
the medical care was given by missionaries. Since then the need for hospitals aroused for providing
better healthcare system for Maoris and Pakeha (European Community).
In ... Show more content on ...
Dr.Māui Pōmare, first native health officer travelled around the country giving advice on health to
In 1938, Social Security Act was passed under a supervision of Michael Joseph Savage the prime
minister of First Labour government. It marked the introduction of new system according to which
every citizen had an equal right to free health system within hospitals and other health services
irrespective of property and income.
In 1983, Health Board Act was passed, which reconstructed 27 hospital boards into 14 Area Health
Boards (AHB) funded by a population–based formula. In 2000, Health and Disability Act 2000
introduced under which District Health Boards(DHB) were created. There are 20 DHBs in New
Zealand and each DHB is monitored by a board of up to 11 members. It promoting the integration of
health services, especially primary and secondary care services. Since 2002, PHO (Primary Health
Organisation), currently 31, has been established to coordinate PHC Services for an enrolled
Presently the Ministry of Health is the supreme body that has overall responsibility for the health
and disability system, and is the main advisory body to the government on policy issues.
Evolution of Nursing: – In early 1800, there was no provision for skilled nursing, patients were
treated by untrained and uneducated women. After the colonisation of European in New Zealand,
hospital system was set up in 1845 by Governor George Grey and
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Leadership Styles And Philosophies Of Leadership Essay
Leadership and You Leaders play a crucial role in the society and organizations, especially with
regards to helping the organization achieve its objectives and purposes. These individuals use
varying approaches to leadership that inform their practices in motivating organizational members
towards the accomplishment of common objectives. Through their practices, leaders not only
influence the behaviors of their followers or subordinates but also help in shaping organizational
culture. The use of different leadership styles and philosophies is also attributed to the difference in
concept and practices of the leader. Moreover, leaders can improve their effectiveness through
adopting strategies that address the weaknesses of their leadership approaches since every leadership
style or approach has certain weaknesses.
Definition of Leadership Leadership is a term or concept that means different things to different
people depending on the context of where the leadership practice takes place. As a result, different
people have different definitions of what leadership is, which generates considerable problems in
attempts to effectively define leadership. From a personal perspective, leadership is a means for
talented individuals to influence others towards common objectives through sharing their knowledge
and perspectives (Mielach, 2013). This is probably the most suitable definition of leadership given
that the basis of leadership is to influence others regardless of
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Factors of Change
should be considered whenever change is being contemplated: 1. The Change Agent
2. Determining What should be Changed
3. The kind of Change to Make
4. Individuals affected by the Change
5. Evaluation of the Change THE CHANGE AGENT: The change agent might be a self designated
manager within the organization or an outside consultant hired because of a special expertise in a
particular area. This individual might be responsible for making very broad changes, like altering
the culture of the whole organization; or more narrow ones, like designing and implementing a new
safety program or a new quality program. Special skills are necessary for ... Show more content on ...
PEOPLE CHANGE: Although successfully changing people factors necessarily involves some
consideration of structure and technology, the primary emphasis is on people. Organization
Development (OD): People Change emphasizes increasing organizational effectiveness by changing
certain aspects of organization members.
The focus of this kind of change is on such factors as employee's attitudes and leadership skills.
The process of people change can be referred to as organization development (OD). Although OD
focuses mainly on changing certain aspects of people, these changes are based on an overview of
structure, technology, and all other organizational ingredients.
GRID OD: One traditional used OD techniques for changing people in organizations is called Grid
Organizational Development, or Grid OD. The managerial grid, a basic model describing various
managerial styles, is used as the foundation for grid OD. The managerial grid is based on the
premise that various managerial styles can be described by means of two primary attitudes of the
manager: concern for people and concern for production.
INDIVIDUAL AFFECTED BY THE CHANGE: To increase the chances of employee support, one
should be aware of the following factors: 1. The usual employee resistance to change
2. How this resistance can be reduced Resistance to Change: Resistance to change within an
organization is as common as the need for
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Marshall Plant
case study: Teamwork at Marshall's Processing Plant Marshalls is one large plant I the Midwestern
United States that process corn into fructose syrup used in soft drinks. Marshalls run year around for
24hours a day, with two different components, the wet mill and the refinery. Marshall's plant is a
computerized state–of–art plant and most of the work needs to just be monitoring, maintenance,
cleanup, and troubleshooting. The wet mill and refinery has about seventy five worker for each 12
hour shift. There are also about thirty employees who work in the office. It states that about 2 years
ago Marshall instituted a team management system to enhance productivity in the plant and improve
worker morale. They made them have two ... Show more content on ...
I will discuss how Marshall can improve on his management style by discussing three different
types of management; Maslow hierarchy style, McGregor's theory x and y, and lastly the Blake and
Moutons managerial grid.
As I heard what is going on I will like to talk first about the original goals set forth for the team
management system used. I think that it was a good intend however, it is using more of human
relations than human resources. We will try to get to get this business into the human resources
management. Human relation is task– related communication is still used but it is accompaniers by
communications that attempted to maintain the quality of human relationships with the
organizations. While if using human resources you are considering interactions and input from the
employees. The reason I think Marshall is using more of a relation than a resources is because yes
he is asking for advice. however, he is still listening and doing what the actually head team wants
and not really listening to what the company needs and what the employee thinks is best. The
employee are feeling unheard and thing that it is pointless for them to be having these meeting so
they are trying to avoid them as much as possible now to get everyone involve, Marshall needs to
start listening and actually following up on what the employee need and what.
The current analyze situation at Marshall's Processing Plant using
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Adolf Hitler: The Determinant Factors Of An Effective Leader
1. Leadership, in short, is an art. One needs to be highly skillful and crafty in their leadership styles
in effectively influencing and steering a group of individuals towards a common set of goals. This is
to suggest that 1) the type of leader, which also refers to the leader's 'personality', characterized by
traits and personal qualities, utilized to earn the trust of the people and lead them to undertake the
major tasks, and 2) his style of leadership, which describes the competencies and skills that the
leader 'applies' to guide, facilitate and support the people of the organization in their efforts to
accomplish the task, are the determinant factors of an effective leader. 2. Since good leadership
skills require a never ... Show more content on ...
The Leadership (Managerial) Grid joins concern for production and concern for people in a model
with two intersecting axes (Figure 1). The horizontal axis represents the leader's concern for results,
and the vertical axes represent the leader's concern for people. Each of the axes is drawn as a 9–
point scale on which a score of 1 represents minimum concern and 9 represents maximum concern.
By plotting scores from each of the axes, various leadership styles can be illustrated. The Leadership
Grid portrays five major leadership styles: authority–compliance (9,1), country club management
(1,9), impoverished management (1,1), middle–of the road management (5,5) and team management
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An Introduction to Management Styles
Unit 4001 – An Introduction to Management Styles
1. Be able to understand assumptions about human nature and managerial behaviour.
1.1 Identify models which make suppositions about human nature and behaviour at work
Theory X and Theory Y represent two sets of assumptions about human nature and human
behaviour that are relevant to the practice of management. They describe two contrasting models of
workforce motivation. Theory X represents a negative view on of human nature that assumes
individuals generally dislike work, are irresponsible, and require close supervision to do their jobs.
Theory Y represents a positive view of human nature and assumes individuals are generally hard–
working, creative, and able to take on responsibility ... Show more content on ...
7. The average human being is inherently self–centred and indifferent to organisational objectives.
8. The average human being by nature resists change.
9. The average human being is gullible and not very bright.
Theory Y views human beings in optimistic or positive terms. The assumptions of this theory are:
1. The average human being does not inherently dislike work.
2. Employees will exercise self–direction and self–control if they are committed to objectives.
External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means to make employees to work
towards objectives.
3. Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement.
4. The average human being can be motivated by higher level needs i.e. esteem and self–
actualisation needs.
5. The average human being learns not only to accept but to seek responsibility.
6. The average human being seeks responsibility because it allows them to satisfy higher–level
7. The capacity to exercise imagination and creativity in the solution of problems is widely spread
throughout the population.
Theory Y suggests or contributes the following thoughts :
(i) Management is responsible for organising the resources of the company to achieve organisational
(ii) Employees are not lazy or passive or resistant to organisational objectives.
(iii) Work is natural to employees if managers can release and channel the employees'
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Manager Interview Essay
I chose to interview Regina Geis, who holds the administrative role as acting supervisor for the
County Mental Health adult day program, which provides services for individuals with intellectual
disabilities. Ms. Geis has held this position for 15 months. This is her first managerial position
within a human service agency. Her style of management has changed over this short period of time.
She feels that she is now more direct with her direction with staff. She stated, "Maybe now I come
across as a little bit cold. But I have learned that I now have to use the least amount of words to get
my point across."
Ms. Geis feels that to be an effective leader one must demonstrate with a high level of confidence,
"even if I'm unsure of myself, ... Show more content on ...
She replied with "Linear like Dr. Sprague (agency CEO)."
Ms. Geis feels that the communication skills that one must possess in order to make advancements
in management are that one must be an effective communicator, know the work environment, and
the people you work with.
Edmondson (2009) discusses four different basic communication styles. The first style is expressive
which have a tendency to speak quickly, focus on the big picture, and have a high energy level. They
can be perceived as unpredictable, vain, or excessively jovial. Next are systematic who tend to focus
on small details, not on the larger picture, and try to avoid conflicts. The third type listed is
sympathetic. These individuals focus on people and relationships. They are good listeners and so
concern for everyone's needs. Sympathetics also do not like be at odds with others. Lastly, the fourth
communication style identified is directs who generally keep dialogue short and are perceived as a
multitaskers. The study recommends that the individual discover her own communication style and
adjust the style according to the situation.
Grant and Taylor (2014) conducted a study which identified six essential communication traits that
can aid women to demonstrate confidence: (1) starting strong, (2) staying succinct, (3)
dimensionalizing content, (4) owning voice, (5) controlling movement, and (6) projecting warmth
(p. 73). The authors found that the way a women talks about her accomplishments have
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The University Of Texas At Arlington
The University of Texas at Arlington
Fall 2015
CSE 5194 Assignment
Critique on
Non–cooperative, Semi–cooperative, and Cooperative Games–based Grid Resource Allocation
(Samee Ullah Khan and Ishfaq Ahmad Department of Computer Science and Engineering
University of Texas at Arlington, TX–76019, U.S.A. {sakhan, iahmad}
Simranjeet Kaur
UTA ID: 1001237306
Non–cooperative, Semi–cooperative, and Cooperative Games–based Grid Resource Allocation
Straightforward access to large–scale distributed computational assets is provided by computational
Grids. With the help of their size and geographic dissemination they help to create large computing
centers. Several simulation studies are performed for evaluating the mechanisms to allocate
resources in a Grid. There are three mechanisms to allocate resources in a Grid. The first method is
the non–cooperative sealed–bid method where the tasks are auctioned off to the highest bidder.
Second, the semi–cooperative n–round bid method in which each site delegates the task its work to
others if it cannot perform the work itself. Last, the cooperative method in which all the sites
cooperatively perform all the tasks as efficiently as possible. The simulation model has various
leveled Grid structure in which machines are built around larger computing centers called
"federations" [1].
In a computational framework, a large computational task is divided up among individual machines,
which run calculations in parallel and then
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Leadership Of The Public Sector
In modern IT market, leadership plays a vital role. However, everyone feels they know leadership,
and everyone can talk about it in detail. Although, leadership is a complicated set of processes that is
difficult to perform effectively. Furthermore, there are few different models of leadership which suit
various sectors.
Therefore, to be able to perform leadership coherently in organizations for hiring, development,
promotion and assessment, it is essential to make fundamental distinctions and expose assumptions.
(Wart, 2012)
Moreover, leadership is constantly changing because of new contexts, tools and concerns, in order to
represent by various situational demands on leadership (Kouzmin and Korac–Kakabadse, 2000). In
the table 1, we are ... Show more content on ...
It is about making choices, trade–offs, and deliberately choosing to be different.
It should not be confused with operational effectiveness or best practices – what is good for
everybody and what every business should be doing, such as TQM, benchmarking, or being a
learning organization (Porter, 1980). Thus, when the plan is developed, the goal is to be different
from the competitors. However, determine where the opportunities lie that you can best exploit
rather you are willing to do anything.
For example, you cannot put E–learning and knowledge management at the front position of your
strategic goals, if the leaders have principles and variety at the forefront of their strategic ideas.
There are certain steps involved into strategic leadership planning as mentioned here under:
Strategic plan is the start of Visioning. You need to determine how best your department can bring
about the changes that will sustain those plans, once the organizational strategic plans have been set
by your leaders.
Four approaches to perform best Visioning strategy:
Internal Audit – Where are you now? (Snapshot of present time)
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A Research Study Of Nestle Being The Largest And Global...
"The stellar universe is not as difficult of comprehension as the real actions of other people".
Marcel Proust
Management is the act of getting things done and organisations behaviour is a field of study which
studies the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behaviour within organisations.
This research report encapsulates the concepts about leadership, behavioural theories, their
effectiveness. It will also discuss organisational structures and their impact and effectiveness within
an organisation.
Culture shapes an organisation .the report will also include the different types of cultures and how
they develop an organisation's effectiveness.
The core of the research is the study of nestle being the largest and global food and beverage retailer
based in evaluation of the decision making acts and culture of nestle has been done
to see how effective they prove for nestle global.
What is Leadership?
Leadership may be considered as the process (act) of influencing the activities of an organized group
in its efforts toward goal setting and goal achievement. (Stogdill, 1950: 3)
Leaders set a direction for us all by giving a vision .leaders inspire and encourage. Without
leaderships a group of individuals would degenerates into argument and conflict, because we see
things in different ways and lean towards different solutions. Leadership helps to point us in the
same direction and harness our efforts jointly. (Mills, 2005)
... Get more on ...

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  • 2. By charting the position in the grid it is possible to diagnose which leadership style is being performed, and to evaluate the appropriateness of the style of leadership. 2.1The five different leadership styles found in the managerial grid are presented below: 2.1.1Country Club Leadership – High Concern for ... Get more on ...
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  • 4. The Gift of Leadership Introduction We have different gifts, according to the grace given us. If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith. If it is serving, let him serve; if it is teaching let him teach; if it is encouraging, let him encourage; if it is contributing to the needs of others, let him give generously; if it is leadership, let him govern diligently... –Romans 12; 6–8 Leadership is an influence relationship between leaders and followers who intend real changes and outcomes that reflect their shared purposes. The explanation would be, influence is involved in leadership. Leadership is reciprocal, in many organization the superiors influences their subordinates but in some organization subordinates influences their superiors. Leadership involves creating change and the changes are towards the outcome which the leaders and followers both want. An important aspect would be influencing others to follow a common vision. Leadership is a people activity. Since leadership involves people, there are followers. Every individual who has a great skill and is expertise in their field is a leader for example musician, scientist, etc. In the leadership process follower is very essential. Those who are a good leader knows how to follow, it's when they set an example for others. There's one stereotype belief that the leaders are different and they are above all. But the thing is the amount of qualities needed for an effective leadership is as same as for effective ... Get more on ...
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  • 6. Case Study Of Carrrefour In Japan I. Introduction At the time of increasing globalization worldwide, going international is the ultimate choice for most companies that aiming to expand their business and market in the future. However, entering and sustaining a new market has always been the challenge for most companies that chose to do so. Among the essentials matters to be considered in going international, the understanding of the dynamics of international management (IM) issues and how to resolve it is of paramount to all corporations. This paper will provide an analysis of concepts and highlight on cultural theories and a case study of Carrefour in Japan to emphasize the importance of sufficient knowledge in IM dynamisms in general, and cross cultural management, in particular. ... Show more content on ... The company had completely ignored the fact that Japanese market is not as price sensitive as other Asian markets. Many people came to Carrefour mostly out of curiosity, expecting it to give a resemblance of French market with French products while on the contrary, the company were selling more Japanese products and lost all ability to distinct itself with highly competitive local supermarkets (Yamakawa, 2005, Choi & Mukoyama, 2009). There was the discordance between the image that Carrefour tried to portrait as high quality, luxurious and sophisticated products when it was following the EDLP model– 'Everyday low price', multi–store, convenience, retailing format. Moreover, Carrefour Japan didn't make any adjustment regarding Japanese people as its shop signs were in English with intimidating guards present at the store; westernized design shelves and cart that were too high and heavy for average Japanese people; confusing the weight–then–price at checkout system for vegetables and fruits while the people are used to purchase pre–packed goods with known price tag and especially the non–diverse fish choice in seafood ... Get more on ...
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  • 8. Manager's Locus of Control to Managerial Style Does a manager's locus of control have a significant relationship with their managerial style? C. Gordon Research Paper/Proposal Florida Institute of Technology Objective The purpose of this study is to determine if there is a relationship between a person's direction of their locus of control and their managerial style. More specifically, their managerial style as it pertains to the Managerial Grid® created by Blake and Mouton, and the Six Styles of Management developed by the HayGroup. The objective is to ascertain how influential the personality and self–esteem implications of a person's locus of control is on their effectiveness in a managerial role. Research Question Does locus of control imply managerial style? ... Show more content on ... His main concern is not to be held responsible for any mistakes. Results in: Disorganization, dissatisfaction and disharmony due to lack of effective leadership. 2. Country Club style (Low Production/High People) Description: One–sided, thoughtful attention the needs of employee. Characteristics: The relationship–oriented manager has a high concern for people, but a low concern for production. He pays much attention to the security and comfort of the employees. He hopes that this will increase performance. He is almost incapable of employing the more punitive, coercive and legitimate powers. This inability results from fear that using such powers could jeopardize relationships with the other team members. Results in: A usually friendly atmosphere, but not necessarily very productive. 3. Produce or Perish style (High Production/Low People) Description: Authoritarian or compliance leader Characteristics: the task–oriented manager is autocratic, has a high concern for production, and low concern for people. He finds employee needs unimportant simply a means to an end. He provide his employees with money and expects performance back. There is little or no allowance for cooperation or collaboration. He pressures his employees through rules and punishments to achieve the company goals. Heavily task–oriented people are very strong on schedules. They are ... Get more on ...
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  • 10. Twelve O'Clock High Twelve O'clock High Leadership and Management styles have played an important role in the learning in Outcome Assessment and Quality Management. In class I have learned the positives and negatives that come from the different leadership styles presented. The movie, Twelve O'clock High, is a film that takes place in 1943 outside Nazi Germany. It depicts the 918th Bomb Group and the problems that they are having. Throughout the movie we are presented with multiple leadership styles from the commanding officers; Colonel Davenport, Brigadier General Savage, and Major General Pritchard of Pine Tree. Through Colonel Davenport, Major General Pritchard, and Brigadier General Savage at the start of the film we can see the distinct difference ... Show more content on ... These are just some of the ideas that Savage now can work with in order to achieve his successful move from telling to delegating. One of the first steps that Savage takes is to instill the men with pride. He believes that they hold the same value that he has of pride it is just that they have forgotten. Upon return from a successful mission Savage has a run in with Pritchard. Pritchard asks why Savage did not return when the return call was made. Savage tells him it must have been a "radio malfunction", which it clearly was not. After an argument Savage tells Pritchard that the men deserve recognition for their success and that there might be some "Radio Malfunctions" in the future also. Savage is starting to move up in his relationship status while he is trying to motivate the 918. Savage is starting to feel for these men but he is also getting tired because they have not removed their transfer requests and they still are not exhibiting any pride in their work. Motivation Savage calls Lieutenant Bishop, a Medal of Honor nominee, into his office and asks him why he thinks the men of 918 are not showing any enthusiasm or pride despite their success. Bishop tells him it is because they feel like guinea pigs; they feel like they are ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Is ABC Possible For Your Company? Is ABC suitable for your company? ––Using Estrin, Kantor and Albers' contingency grid, If an organization's score puts it in Quadrant three, Is ABC implementation recommended? Explain. Is their method "foolproof?" Abstract Nowadays, we know that activity based costing system assigns overhead costs to products or services products that using a two–stage process, which focuses on activities. ABC is a relatively new and very important topic in managerial accounting. ABC allows us to find a way that we could determine the profitability of every product, profitability of every customer we serve, and the profitability of our process. Contents in brief, first that comparing potential advantages of ABC versus traditional costing methods. The ... Show more content on ... It consists of weighting and combining the weights of the ten factors and to evaluate implementing ABC. The potential benefits of ABC can be analyzed in advance along two separate dimensions. And there are ten mediating factors (Pricing Diversity, Support Diversity, Common Processes, Cost Allocation, Growth of Indirect Costs, Pricing Freedom, Fixed Expense Ratio, Strategic Considerations, Cost Reduction Effort, Analysis Frequency) can guide management in determining the answers. The fist five factors (PD, SD, CP, CA, FG) based on the probability. The second dimension of the model seeks to establish decisions. lY axis potential for ABC due to cost distortion–––PD.SD.CP.CA.FG lX axis proclivity to use cost information in decision––– PF.FE.SC.CR.AF To start management must analyze and responses to two key questions: 1. For a given organization, is it likely that ABC will produce costs that are significantly different from those that are generated with conventional accounting, and does it seem likely that those costs will be "better"? 2. If information that is considered "better" is generated by the system, will the new information change the dependent decisions made by the management? After finish these questions managers of company can discuses the ten factors that support or reject implementation. Finally, the combined weighted scores are plotted as a point on one of the four quadrants of a graph.Plotting the Answers––– Use Contingency Grid Method The steps in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 14. The Cultural Dimensions Of National Culture CULTURE "A set of basic assumptions – shared solutions to universal problems of external adaptation (how to survive) and internal integration (how to stay together) – which have evolved over time and are handed down from one generation to the next." (Schein, 1985). Culture is divided in into 2 categories one is National Culture and second is Organisational Culture. NATIONAL CULTURE National Culture is regarded as "the pattern of thinking, feeling, and acting" (Hofstede, 1991, p.4), which every person has acquired in childhood and carries along throughout life (Hofstede, 1991). National culture is something a group of people or society or a city or a country follows. Its customs traditions. As Quin Marrow's company is based in Los Angeles and was going to have a joint venture with a Peruvian company. These both have very different national culture. Hofstede in his study identified six major cultural dimensions. Power distance index Individualism Uncertainty avoidance Masculinity Long–term orientation Indulgence Image source: http://geert– Hofstede's Power distance Index measures the extent to which the less powerful members of organisations accept and expect that power is distributed unequally. Australia has a 36 on the cultural scale of Hofstede's analysis and Peru has 64. Australia has almost equal distribution among rich and poor as compared to Peru. ... Get more on ...
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  • 16. Leadership Theories and Analysis What is leadership? Leadership is "the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a shared goal". (Hemphill and Coons, 1957, p.7) A leader is interpreted as someone who sets direction in an effort and influences people to follow that direction. How they set that direction and influence people depends on a variety of factors. To really comprehend the "territory" of leadership, one should briefly scan some of the major theories, notice various styles of leadership and review some of the suggested traits and characteristics that leaders should have. There are many leadership theories. Arthur G. Jago (1982) proposed a framework that organizes leadership theories based on each theory's focus and ... Show more content on ... In this style, leaders look upon their followers as people – their needs, interests, problems, development and so on. They are not simply units of production or means to an end. Directive leadership. This style is characterized by leaders taking decisions for others and expecting followers or subordinates to follow instructions. Participative leadership. Here leaders try to share decision–making with others. (Wright 1996: 36–7) Contingencies theory. The central idea of this approach was that effective leadership was dependent on a mix of factors. Fred E. Fiedler argued that effectiveness depends on two interacting factors: leadership style and the degree to which the situation gives the leader control and influence. Devices Fiedler used to determine leader personality and the situation was Least Preferred Co– worker (LPC) Scale. The LPC is used to measure a leader's motivation: "Task motivation" vs. "relationship motivation" (these are the trait versions of the "concern of production" vs. "concern of people" categories in the Managerial Grid). Fiedler assumes that everybody's least preferred co–worker in fact is on average about equally
  • 17. unpleasant. But people who are relationship motivated tend to describe their least preferred co– workers in a more positive manner, e.g., more pleasant and more ... Get more on ...
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  • 19. The Grid Model And Its Contribution To International... Question 1 This case is review of the grid model and its contributions to international organizational development. It talks about how Grid International design its learning process such that it combines leadership styles with self–convincing learning methodology that creates motivation to change and organizational development. The Grid has seven leadership styles that are based on varying concern for people and results. The Grid approach to change takes a four–step organization development process that builds a culture of mutual trust respect and candor through discussion of personal values, norms and behaviors against soundest behaviors needed to accomplish standard of excellence set by participants themselves. The process begins with individual development, then move to intact team development, group to group development and organization strategic planning. Grid international approach to organizational development is applied by many organizations around the globe. Question 2 Performance management performed by human resource leaders which aim at enhancing motivation and production exhibits trait of the sound ... Show more content on ... In this phase, there is the development of group to group relationships. Team to team conflicts are resolved and a cooperative relationship is build based on mutual trust and respect. Management and unions shared understanding of cross–functional roles and develop standard of excellence for working together. The standards of excellence for working together is the collective agreement between management and unions. The concept of strategic human resource planning is seen in the final stage of Grid approach to organizational development. In this stage where companies take full advantage of people common language, standards of excellence, and skills in place to undertake organizational wide strategic planning, it shows strategic human resource planning. Question ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Leadership Theory : The Ohio State University Essay Although trait and skill theories have ideas that can be intertwined and can be compared to one another, style leadership theory differs quite drastically. Instead of focusing on who the leader is, if there is some type of genetic makeup to leaders, or whether skills can be learned, style leadership focuses on what those leaders do, not who they are. Style theory refers to three main theories or styles of leadership. These theories are known as the Ohio State University studies, the Michigan University studies, and the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid. In 1945, a group of researchers at Ohio State University sought to identify the observable behaviors of leaders instead of focusing of their individual traits. To document their findings, they generated a list of 150 statements designed to measure nine different dimensions of leadership behavior. These statements were used to develop the Leaders ' Behavior Description Questionnaire (LBDQ). The surveys were then given to members of a group, who were asked to respond to a series of statements about the leader of their group. Respondents of the LBDQ–rated leaders on how frequently they engaged in a certain behavior. The results of the survey showed that two main behaviors, consideration and initiating structure. Consideration is how the leader shows concern for members of the group. These leaders treated everyone as his/her equal and were friendly and approachable. Initiation structure means the leader ... Get more on ...
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  • 23. Style Theory of Leadership According to Harold Koontz, "leadership is defined as an art or process of influencing people so that they strive willingly and enthusiastically towards attainment of group goals". According to Yukl (1994), "leadership is a process which one member of a group influences other group members towards attainment of specific group goals". Thus, leadership is a process of influencing the behavior of people by making them strive voluntarily towards achievement of organizational goals. The above definition focuses on certain important features of leadership– Leadership indicates ability of an individual to influence others It is a group process. A leader is of no use if he has no followers and similarly a group or an organization ... Show more content on ... Specifically, consideration was more strongly related to the individual. In other words, the followers or leaders who were high in consideration were more satisfied with their jobs and more motivated and also had more respect for their leader. Initiating structure was more related to higher levels of group and organizational productivity and more positive performance evaluations. In a large correlational study, Fleishman and Harris (1962) reported that turnover rate was negatively correlated with consideration, and positively associated with initiating structure, although they emphasized the nonlinearity of the relationships. Also grievance rates are higher when leaders are high on initiation. "There appear to be certain critical levels beyond which increased Consideration or decreased Initiating Structure have no effect on turnover or grievance rate." In a summary of literature, Yukl (1989) reports that the effect of consideration has been confirmed, but the results of studies on initiating structure have not been clear or consistent. Michigan studies The University of Michigan leadership studies (Katz and Kahn, 1952; Katz, Maccoby, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Reflection As A Leader Essay Every leader needs to know themselves better than they know anyone else on their team. To admit that one has vulnerabilities means that they are not perfect so they cannot and will not expect anyone else to be. The thing is, that leader must admit those mistakes and learn from them in order to be able to help others to become their own type of leader within their own discipline. Reflection as a Leader When does one come to the realization that they are ready to be the leader of an organization? A principal, or administrator of any kind, has to have the ability to be the final decision maker for a group of people, but also has to inspire people and motivate them towards a common goal, such as a vision statement. Am I Ready? In the article "Emotional Intelligence and School Leadership," it makes the assertion that "emotional intelligence means having the ability to manage one's own emotions while being sensitive to the needs of other people" (Gray, 2009). As a current curriculum writer and curriculum liaison between the English departments on their respective campuses and the Curriculum and Instruction Coordinator, I feel that I have handled the stresses and demands of the title with finesse and grace. Have there been instances where things have been difficult to handle and control my emotions, yes; however, how I handled those situations defines me as a leader that can "[solve] problems and [make] judgments [that] are a part of a leader's system of values and beliefs" ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. An Ethical Mind That Respect For Others Into Something... According to The Harvard Business Review "An ethical mind broadens respect for others into something more abstract. A person with an ethical mind asks herself, "What kind of a person, worker, and citizen do I want to be? If all workers in my profession adopted the mind–set I have, or if everyone did what I do, what would the world be like?"" (Fryer). I believe I definitely have an ethical mind, ever since I was child I always wondered what kind of overall person I would be and how that would affect others and my character. I always try to be as respectful and morally honest to everyone I come across and every situation in my life. I have actually wondered what if everyone not only in my profession, but in the world had the same mentality ... Show more content on ... A deontologist focuses on doing what is "right". Like stated above, a lot of my ethical background has come from the characteristics I was taught as a child such as honesty, fairness, and respect for others. Although I do not have much professional leadership experience, in my personal and what I believe my profession style would be is a coaching approach. "A coaching approach is a high directive–high supportive style. In this approach, the leader focuses communication on both achieving goals and meeting followers' socioemotional needs (Northouse, 2016, p.94). These types of leaders are approachable, provide personal and professional support, and are friendly. This is the kind of leader I would want to be, efficient in work productivity, but also welcoming and supportive of my employees. This style of leadership builds trust and honesty, which makes employees more likely to present ethical dilemmas to you, because they know the issue will be dealt with in a fair and just manner. One leadership model that I value is Blake and Mouton's Managerial (Leadership) Grid. "The Leadership (Managerial) Grid joins concern for productions and concern for people in a model that has two interesting axes" (Northouse, 2016, p.75). The horizontal axis signifies the leader's concern for production, and the vertical axis signifies the leader's concern for people. Each side of the grid is drawn to a 9 point scale, in which a 1 stands for minimum concern and a 9 stands for maximum ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Human Error : Crew Resource Management Since 2000, out of all the fatal accidents aviation accidents, 75% of them were caused because of human error according to the NTSB. Human errors can occur in three different ways say Ramón L. Rivera. He states in the article, Managing Human Error, "1. A person intends to carry out an action, does so correctly, the action is appropriate, and the desired goal is achieved. No error has occurred. 2. A person intends to carry out an action, does so correctly, the action is inappropriate, and the desired goal is not achieved. An error has occurred. 3. A person intends to carry out an action, the action is appropriate, does it incorrectly, and the desired goal is not achieved. An error has occurred." The easiest way to counter human error is through crew resource management. Crew resource management trains people to think outside the boxes and look at the problems in different ways. It takes daily procedures and show what the outcome is if certain action is taken. Crew resource management was first brought to the airlines in the 1980's by United Airlines. During this time, airlines where more focused on the management training approach; which fixates on the concept of changing the person's behavior. United Airline's crew resource management concept was modeled after Robert Blake and Jane Mouton Managerial Grid. The Managerial Grid prompts the aspect of the concern for the people and the concern for the product. There are five different styles of leadership witch are ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Styles of Leadership in the IT Industry CONTEMPORARY ISSUES & CHALLENGES IN CORPORATE EXCELLENCE "STYLES OF LEADERSHIP IN THE I.T. INDUSTRY" Leadership is the capacity to translate vision into reality. ––Warren G. Bennis ] ABSTRACT Leadership is a complex process by which a person influences others to accomplish a mission, task, or objective and directs the organization in a way that makes it more cohesive and coherent. Leadership, as a process, shapes the goals of a group or organization, motivates behavior toward the achievement of those goals, and helps define group or organizational culture. It is primarily a process of influence. Leadership is a dynamic or changing process in the ... Show more content on ... It is not so, Good leaders are made not born. If one has the desire and willpower, heshe can become an effective leader. Good leaders develop through a never–ending process of self–study, education, training, and experience.Leaders must be able to cope with complex technological change in their organizations; general leadership skills are not sufficient in IT enriched environments. Specific technology–related knowledge is required and it must directly relate to the tools, medium, strategies and competencies found within the culture. An IT leader must possess analytical and listening skills as true listening involves insight into what will work today, tomorrow and in the future. The IT leader must take the initiative to try new methods without fear of failure, an enormous task facing the IT leader when deciding on solutions to technology–related issues within his scope of influence. Attrition rate is high in IT industry due to the work pressure wherein managers are not able to spend enough time with their subordinates. In the fast–paced IT work environment, there is very limited time and mind share devoted by a manager to his team member's personal training and thereby, the manager is not influencing the employee's perception of growth. The only key to solving this problem is to improve the leadership abilities of IT managers, to learn how to manage differences in thinking of ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Boldly Unique: Student Internship Analysis The "real world" is coming soon. The moment we all wait for, the moment we are able to put on our graduation caps, and have the sense of relief. We're done! But as the soon–to–be graduates are handed their diplomas, and we being the search, some of dread. A recurring theme in recent graduate job search is the lack of experience factor. "Where do I get experience if no one is willing to hire me?" "What will set our resume apart from the rest?" Easy answer, internships. Many students focus on gaining experience with internships to add to the resume. Work experience makes you more marketable as a job candidate; it also gives you the opportunity to fully understand the field you have chosen. Then you can truly enter your field with your eyes wide open. Employers are not only looking for experience, but the right experience. Organization Communication: Approaches and Processes by Katherine Miller explains five key concepts that can applied to any student building up their resume. These concepts include Robert Blake and Jane Mouton's Managerial/Leadership Grid, division of labor, anticipatory phase of organizational socialization, activity coordination flow, and realistic job previews (RJP's). It all began towards the beginning of November of 2014. I had just started my first internship as a social media coordinator for Boldly Unique. Boldly Unique was a start–up company owned by a small business owner, who created custom–made headpieces for special occasions (i.e. weddings). I ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Conflict Management Blake and Mouton Abstract This study presents a review of conflict management approach. It presents the various views and definitions on conflict types of conflict. It further looks at five conflict management styles of Blake and Mouton. In addition, it provides some insight into conflict management from a Malaysian perspective. Introduction Whether conflict within an organization is viewed as desirable or not, the fact is that conflict exists and is endemic. As human beings interact in organizations, differing values and situations create tension. Conflict is thereby viewed as a situation in which two or more individuals operating within a unit appear to be incompatible. When such conflict is recognized, acknowledged and managed in a proper ... Show more content on ... Nature of conflict Conflict arises due to a variety of factors. Individual differences in goals, expectations, values, proposed courses of action, and suggestions about how to best handle a situation are unavoidable. When we add to this an amount of unease because of uncertainty as to a business's future, conflict often increases. Perhaps this is why we see such a high amount of conflict today. Changes in technology, global shifting of power, political unrest, and financial uncertainties are facts of life. These factors – and others – make conflict unavoidable. To some managers, this inevitable disharmony is lamentable and should be avoided at all costs. To others, conflict presents exciting possibilities about the future – if managed in a positive, constructive fashion. Traditionally, conflict within an organization has been seen as a sign of a problem. Conflict meant there were differences of opinion, alternatives which needed to be considered, and opposing points of view to be studied. Adaptation, accommodation and flexibility are the keys to survival in such a situation. Organizations are often found to be in similar precarious situations, and the same survival skills apply in the organizational environment. Changes in personnel, clientele, product line, financial climate, and even corporate philosophy and vision will happen. A manager needs to develop flexible new coping skills to continue functioning in ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Case Analysis2 Coach Mike Krzyzewski (Coach K.) and Coach Robert Knight (Coach Knight) were two of the most winning and successful coaches to ever coach basketball. These men are not just known for their record wins, but for their unique leadership. They each had a unique way of leading their teams. Coach Knight was Indiana University's head basketball coach and became a legend there. Coach K. was the head coach at Duke University since 1980. A fact of interest, both of these two men knew each other in an earlier time. Coach Knight had been Mike Krzyzewski's basketball coach when he played for the United States Military Academy at West Point. It was there they began to build a relationship of trust and respect that would follow and remain with them ... Show more content on ... had a slight deficit when it came to technical skills. Coach K. made the human and conceptual skills a higher priority. Coach K. was a genius in the ability of knowing his professions; this just means his technical skills took a lower priority. The capacity model by Michael Mumford contains five components. The skills that attributed to the success of Coach Knight are the individual attributes. The skills of competency, motivation and more specifically problem solving skills were the skills he possessed according to this model. He had a deficit in his social judgment skills and environmental influences that, in turn, worked well for Coach K and to his success. Coach K. often remarked on his upbringing and how this influenced the quality of his communication. Coach K. struggled with the area of motivation, especially as it relates to dominance. As stated above, Coach K. did not want to be a dictator, which simply meant domination skills where not his priority. The leadership styles of Coach Knight and Coach K. are different in a few aspects using the Blake Mouton Managerial Grid. When referring to this leadership grid, Coach Knight falls under Produce or Parish leadership. He views the players as being the means to an end. When we look at Coach K using this grid he exemplifies high production–high people style. He stresses the needs of producing and the needs of people of being an equal priority. Neither of these coaches are middle of the road as ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. Comparing Three Types Of Managers 2. Katzenbach and Kahn (2010) compare three types of managers in regard to motivation and pride building (p. 79). This is similar to the Blake and Mouton Managerial Grid. What insights from these categories of managers and the Grid can you use to motivate performance in yourself and others? Katzenbach and Khan believe there are three categories of manager: a good manager, a people person and a pride–builder. A good manager is fair and rational working toward equality and efficiency. They focus on the development of individuals with potential using formal development plans. A people person is typically hands on and explains the reasoning behind their decision. This individual is easy to work with and uses their connections to create development opportunities for their favorites. A pride–builder encourages staff to be actively involved in problem solving and empowers staff to pursue ideas. They strive to get the personal best effort from every team member and are often a role–model for expected behaviors (2010). A good manager is focused on meeting metrics and mastering the processes often using a standardized approach for all employees. A people person creates a happy and social environment providing perks such as lunch and snacks. A pride– builder realizes different approaches are needed for different individuals and tailors the motivation and pride building to the individual or specific groups. A pride–builder is often called a master motivator as they understand the ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Unit 4001 Unit 4001 – An Introduction to Management Styles Name: Timothy Freeman CMI Number: P04304125 1. Be able to understand assumptions about human nature and managerial behaviour. 1.1 Identify models which make suppositions about human nature and behaviour at work Theory X and Theory Y represent two sets of assumptions about human nature and human behaviour that are relevant to the practice of management. They describe two contrasting models of workforce motivation. Theory X represents a negative view on of human nature that assumes individuals generally dislike work, are irresponsible, and require close supervision to do their jobs. Theory Y represents a positive view of human nature and assumes individuals are generally ... Show more content on ... Thus, if employees are treated in a Theory X manner, they will become lazy. If they are treated in accordance with Theory Y, they will be motivated and committed to the organisational objectives. McGregor believed that Theory Y assumptions were more valid than Theory X. Therefore, he proposed such ideas as participation in decision–making, responsible and challenging jobs and good group relations for maximising employee job motivation. 1.3 Evaluate a model of managerial style in which the manager can apply skills to identify, study and review their pattern of behaviour As I am responsible for managing a group of employees, then it is important for me to find an effective management style so as to ensure maximum employee morale and productivity. There are different ways to lead, and each style comes with its own pros and cons. Identifying which style of management is most appropriate is a task that requires some deliberation. I am going to evaluate an autocratic management style. 3|Page This leadership style is also called authoritarian and, as the name suggests, puts the majority of power and control in the hands of the manager. In an autocratic style of management, the leader makes all of the decisions without any consultation to the employees. This is useful in situations where you know more than the team members about the project at hand and must delegate and oversee employees' job duties due to strict time restraints. ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Relevance Of Personality And Psychopathy 10.1.4 Relevance of personality and psychopathy in general That the personality of a manager is a critical variable in their effectiveness is supported by the case study, aspects of Hitler's personality being characteristically consistent, starting as empty lectures as a young drifter, and being concretised when head of state. Whether his personality was a critical variable in his effectiveness, or whether he happened to have a series of preoccupations that articulated a zeitgeist in post war Germany unfortunately remains a conundrum. Regarding the question of psychopathy as a critical variable for effective leadership, the research proposes that the critical personality and behavioural variable for effective leadership is charisma ... Show more content on ... In the Machiavellian matrix, the four types occupy the different sections of the diagram Machiavellian characterised by an extreme pragmatism, with the moral valence of the actions taken managerially are judged by the moral legitimacy and significance of the objective. (Similar to Blake and Mouton's managerial grid concern for task) Criminal where both bad or evil ends and means are utilised and striven for. Kantian with a moral emphasis on the Kantian categorical imperative of treating people as ends rather than means, such that the managerial objective in no way can justify less than ideal treatment of subordinates. (concern for persons in the managerial grid) Ethical, where there is "goodness of task" in terms of the ends, (for example the UK charitable requirement to be working for the "public good"); and within which there is an expectation of a high level of ethical practice or "means". A second organisational moral dichotomy explored in Ch 4 above was Paine's proposal that unethical practice may be more efficacious, and that there is a balance to be drawn between economic and ethical acceptability. A further four square matrix places "economic acceptability/efficacy" on the y axis, and "ethical acceptability" on the x axis. In the Paine matrix of ethical vs economic acceptability, the distinction between Machiavellian /Criminal and Kantian/Ethical cultures ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Leadership Is The Best Course Of Action For Leadership Leadership is a complex subject, but for our purposes can be defined as the act of one person influencing another person or group of people towards a common purpose that is beneficial for both the leader and their followers. Many approaches have been taken by academics in attempting to understand what leadership is at its core. Useful information has been unearthed by studying leadership qualities in individuals and by studying the dynamic between leader and follower. However, the abstractness of these studies left researches at somewhat of a loss for practical and relevant information, that is until research began on the observable behavior of leaders. The Style Approach is a useful way to look at the leader–follower relationship because it incorporates elements of behaviorist psychology and applies them to the study leadership as a phenomenon. The goal of this essay is to use observable behavior in the context of the Leadership Grid to determine the best course of action for leadership in any scenario. Findings on Leadership via the Style Approach The Style Approach differs from other ways of understanding leadership in that it is focused on the here and now rather than traits or tendencies which are more difficult to quantify. This approach allows room for the subject of a study to change over time, rather than being rigidly casted as something because they displayed certain characteristics at a certain time. It also eliminates the idea that a leader depends upon ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. Leadership Qualities Of A Leader Introduction Leadership, as u can easily know the meaning from the word. It is basically a process where a person influences others to ensure that they reach their goals, directs the organization towards success. However, it also depends on how effective the leader is and on the followers' interests. It can basically be termed as teamwork, where an individual (a leader) influences a group of people to make sure that they achieve the goal. I did the assessment of myself from Keirsey personality temperament sorter chart to find out the leadership quality in me. Initially, I thought I am not a good leader and I don't have the great quality to be a leader. The chart helps me figure out and understand what leadership quality I have. I have ... Show more content on ... I believe by knowing my strengths and weaknesses, it will help me to improve the quality of my leadership style. I will try to overcome my weaknesses with the strengths I have. Strengths and Weaknesses I will identify few of the strengths and weaknesses, which I found out through the research I did about the ENFJs on the intranet. According to Keirsey & Bates, only 5% population in general has the ENFJ leadership style. ENFJs may find themselves feeling responsible for the feelings of others to an extent, which places a burden on the relationship (Keirsey & Bates, 1984). I found some of the strengths in me, which is common for most of ENFJs. All the personalities are not same and it may vary person to person though. One of the common strengths I found is I am a very reliable and tolerant person and yes, this is very true of myself. People I know have trust on my decision. They found me reliable and they know I am a very tolerant person in any strange situations. I always listen to them, value their opinions and try to help and see it through. I am always ready to take a stand and avoid the contradiction. Most ENFJs are like that and they usually avoid contradictions. ENFJs are selfless and so am I. I didn't realize this quality in me before I did the assessment of myself. I am concerned more about others' wishes and needs than my own. I really care about what other thinks and I take the further ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. welcome CHAPTER 3 LEADERSHIP: THE INTEGRATIVE VARIABLE TRUE/FALSE QUESTIONS 1. There is no singular purpose of leadership. 2. Influence can cause some behavior in some person for a specific purpose based on a power base. 3. Michael LeBoeuf refers to organizational theory, industrial engineering, and behavioral science as the dynamic triangle. 4. Conceptual skills are more operational than managerial. 5. Universal theories search for an explanation of leadership unrelated to follower behavior or the social environment within which it develops. 6. Robert Tannenbaum and Warren Schmidt identified four basic leadership styles. 7. Leaders who are effective can be described as one–dimensional. 8. The ... Show more content on ... interdependently b. separately c. discretely d. disjointedly e. none of the above 10. According to Souryal, the essence of managerial leadership lies in an administrator 's ability to identify a. the nuances of functional leadership b. the needs of people in work groups c. areas of compromise d. a zone of credibility e. none of the above 11. Organizational humanists believe the role of the managerial leader is to create conditions that allow people to achieve their own goals by directing their productive efforts toward _______
  • 50. participation. a. full b. mandated c. altruistic d. liberated e. none of the above 12. Effective managerial leaders display a. idiosyncratic traits b. charismatic qualities c. an assumed role d. functionality e. none of the above 13. The leadership skills associated with good management can be organized under the headings a. specialized b. abstract c. human d. innate e. proactive 14. The managerial leader 's capacity to deal effectively with problems even though the lack of information might preclude making a totally informed choice from among the available alternatives is known as a. anomic adaptability b. tolerance for ambiguity c. rational ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Strategic Leadership Plans of Organizations 1. The Blake–Mouton leadership grid uses the axes of concern of people and concern for production to describe five different leadership styles auditory–compliance, middle of the road, impoverished, team management and country club. The National Council on Aging can be described by the Blake– Mouton model as team management. The organization's vision makes clear that t is a people– oriented organization. Trust and respect are important, and work is done by people who share in the common vision and are willing to work hard towards it. 2. Hersey and Blanchard argue that the maturity of followers is task specific. They focus their model on two types of maturity job maturity and psychological maturity. The works at the NCOA tend to be experienced people with many years on the job, and also having worked in other organizations for long tenures as well. This gives them a high level of job maturity and psychological maturity as well. In an organization that is characterized by high maturity of followers and a high relationship orientation, the management style is usually supporting, which is a fairly accurate description of the NCOA. New workers tend to receive more coaching, but the experienced workers seldom require more than support for their tasks. 3. The American Association for Retired People fits into the Blake–Mouton leadership grid is middle of the road management. There is equal emphasis on production as people at AARP. Part of this is due to the organization's size and ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Maslow 's Hierarchy Of Needs Essay In social work, leaders are in charge of motivating their employees to perform their jobs to the best of their abilities. Sometimes leaders must apply a motivation or leadership theory in order to motivate their employees. (Fisher, 2009) Motivational theories are important for leaders in social worker. One of the most important tasks of a leader is to stimulate productivity among employees. This requires motivation. Employees work in the social work field for a variety of reasons. Therefore, it is important for leaders to understand what motivates employees. The three main motivational theories include Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs, Hertzberg's Two Factors and Motivator Hygiene Theory, and McClelland's Trichotomy of Needs. (Fisher, 2009) Leaders can use Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs to motivate employees. The motivational needs in this theory form a pyramid. Leaders must recognize that employees may be on different levels of needs from one another. The needs at the bottom of the pyramid must be met before the needs at the higher levels. In order for this theory to work, leaders must identify the level of need that each employee is currently facing. The first level of needs is the physiological level. This level has motivators of food, shelter, and clothing. The second level of needs is security. Leaders can provide this level of need by ensuring job security. The third level of needs is social needs. Leaders can provide this level of need by helping the ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Case Study Knight and Krzyzewski Case Study – Week 2 Brian Blubaum, RN BSN Grand Canyon University Leadership Styles and Development LDR 600 Dr. Erick Aguilar July 15, 2014 Knight and Krzyzewski Case Study– Week 2 "Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal (Northouse, 2013)." It's a series of decisions, actions and beliefs that are intertwined with a number of other things. This paper will examine the unique leadership approaches of two very prominent basketball coaches who have become legends on and off the basketball court; Duke University basketball coach Mike Krzyzewski and Indiana University's Coach Bobby Knight. Coach Krzyzewski's Leadership Approach Coach Krzyzewski was ... Show more content on ... Concern for production speaks to how a leader accomplishes organizational goals and objectives while concern for people pays attention to the staff in the company or organization that are chartered to reach goals (Northouse, 2013). The Leadership Grid is established by drawing the horizontal axis representing the leader's concern for results and the vertical axis representing the leader's concern for people. A score is assigned for each of these dimensions with a range from 1 (minimum) to 9 (maximum) concern. Plotting the respective scores from each axes provides a look at various leadership styles. There are five styles of leadership identified: Team Management, Middle of the Road Management, Impoverished Management, Authority–Compliance, and Country–Club Management (Northouse, 2013). Coach Krzyzewski embodies the Team Management approach to leading. This style focuses particularly strong on both tasks as well as interpersonal relationships. It includes a level of participation and teamwork that provides satisfaction for team members and their need to be involved and committed to their work or goal. Coach Knight would be considered to have the Paternalism style using both the Country–Club Management and Authority–Compliance models interchangeably. This style is the "benevolent dictator" who acts graciously but does so for the purpose of goal accomplishment (Northouse, 2013). Conclusion Both of
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  • 59. Organizational Change and Stress Topic: Organizational Change and Stress FUNDAMENTALS OF CHANGING AN ORGANIZATION * DEFINING CHANGING AN ORGANIZATION > The process of modifying an existing organization to increase organizational effectiveness – that is, the extent to which an organization accomplishes its objective > These modifications can involve virtually any organizational segment, but typically affect the lines of organizational authority, the levels of responsibility held by various organization members and the established lines of organizational communication * IMPORTANCE OF CHANGE The study of organizational change is extremely important because all managers' at all organizational levels are faced throughout their careers with the task ... Show more content on ... ix organization are also called PROJECT ORGANIZATION There are several advantages and disadvantages to making structural changes such as those reflected by the matrix organization MAJOR ADVANTAGES * Such structural changes generally result in better control of a project * Better customer relations * Shorter project development time * Lower project costs * Matrix organizations are flexible enough to allow managers to shift resources to special projects as needed DISADVANTAGE * Such structural changes generally create more complex internal operations, which commonly cause conflict, encourage inconsistency in the application of company policy, and result in a more difficult situation to manage * PEOPLE CHANGE Successfully changing people factors necessarily involves some consideration of structure and technology, the primary emphasis is on people * COMMONLY USED MEANS OF CHANGING ORGANIZATION MEMBERS * DESCRIBING PEOPLE CHANGE: ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT (OD) PEOPLE CHANGE Emphasizes increasing organizational effectiveness by changing certain aspect of organization members The focus of this kind of change is on such factors as employee's attitude and leadership skills The process of people change can be referred to as ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT (OD) * GRID OD One traditionally used OD technique for changing people in organizations is called GRID ORGANIZATION DEVELOPMENT, or GRID OD * MANAGERIAL GRID Basic ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. What Leadership Means Essay What Leadership Means Leadership is 'the behaviour of an individual when he is directing the activities of a group towards a shared goal'. (Hemphill and Coons, 1957, p.7) A leader is interpreted as someone who sets direction in an effort and influences people to follow that direction. How they set that direction and influence people depends on a variety of factors. To really comprehend the 'territory' of leadership, one should briefly scan some of the major theories, notice various styles of leadership and review some of the suggested traits and characteristics that leaders should have. There are many leadership theories. Arthur G. Jago (1982) proposed a framework that organizes leadership theories based on each theory's ... Show more content on ... Initiating structure: Initiating structure, also known as job–oriented behaviour, refers to leadership behaviour that is aimed at careful supervision of employee work methods and performance levels. Some research indicates that those leaders that were high in consideration would be more effective than those who were high in initiating structure, particularly in regard to maintaining employee satisfaction and performance and reducing turnover and absenteeism. Subsequent research argued that being high in both dimensions was necessary for effective leadership. As the early researchers ran out of steam in their search for traits, they turned to what leaders did – how they behaved (especially towards followers). They moved from leaders to leadership – and this became the dominant way of approaching leadership within organizations in the 1950s and early 1960s. Different patterns of behaviour were grouped together and labelled as styles. This became a very popular activity within management training ? perhaps the best known being Blake and Mouton?s Managerial Grid (1964; 1978). Various schemes appeared, designed to diagnose and develop people?s style of working. Despite different names, the basic ideas were very similar. The four main styles that appear are: Concern for task / production.
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  • 64. The Health Of Maoris Communities Before 1769, Health of Maoris communities was good and had a life expectancy more than 30 at a time of birth and they were unknown to many infectious diseases. But after the arrival of Europeans (James Cook) in 1769, Maoris became prone to infectious diseases like measles, influenza, tuberculosis, dysentery that lead to 30% declined in Maoris population. It results in high rate of mortality of Maori community as they had a lack of immunity against viral and bacterial infection that was common in a European country. At that time, there was no proper HealthCare System so the medical care was given by missionaries. Since then the need for hospitals aroused for providing better healthcare system for Maoris and Pakeha (European Community). In ... Show more content on ... Dr.Māui Pōmare, first native health officer travelled around the country giving advice on health to tribes. In 1938, Social Security Act was passed under a supervision of Michael Joseph Savage the prime minister of First Labour government. It marked the introduction of new system according to which every citizen had an equal right to free health system within hospitals and other health services irrespective of property and income. In 1983, Health Board Act was passed, which reconstructed 27 hospital boards into 14 Area Health Boards (AHB) funded by a population–based formula. In 2000, Health and Disability Act 2000 introduced under which District Health Boards(DHB) were created. There are 20 DHBs in New Zealand and each DHB is monitored by a board of up to 11 members. It promoting the integration of health services, especially primary and secondary care services. Since 2002, PHO (Primary Health Organisation), currently 31, has been established to coordinate PHC Services for an enrolled population. Presently the Ministry of Health is the supreme body that has overall responsibility for the health and disability system, and is the main advisory body to the government on policy issues. Evolution of Nursing: – In early 1800, there was no provision for skilled nursing, patients were treated by untrained and uneducated women. After the colonisation of European in New Zealand, hospital system was set up in 1845 by Governor George Grey and ... Get more on ...
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  • 66. Leadership Styles And Philosophies Of Leadership Essay Leadership and You Leaders play a crucial role in the society and organizations, especially with regards to helping the organization achieve its objectives and purposes. These individuals use varying approaches to leadership that inform their practices in motivating organizational members towards the accomplishment of common objectives. Through their practices, leaders not only influence the behaviors of their followers or subordinates but also help in shaping organizational culture. The use of different leadership styles and philosophies is also attributed to the difference in concept and practices of the leader. Moreover, leaders can improve their effectiveness through adopting strategies that address the weaknesses of their leadership approaches since every leadership style or approach has certain weaknesses. Definition of Leadership Leadership is a term or concept that means different things to different people depending on the context of where the leadership practice takes place. As a result, different people have different definitions of what leadership is, which generates considerable problems in attempts to effectively define leadership. From a personal perspective, leadership is a means for talented individuals to influence others towards common objectives through sharing their knowledge and perspectives (Mielach, 2013). This is probably the most suitable definition of leadership given that the basis of leadership is to influence others regardless of ... Get more on ...
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  • 68. Factors of Change FACTORS TO CONSIDER WHEN CHANGING AN ORGANIZATION The following factors should be considered whenever change is being contemplated: 1. The Change Agent 2. Determining What should be Changed 3. The kind of Change to Make 4. Individuals affected by the Change 5. Evaluation of the Change THE CHANGE AGENT: The change agent might be a self designated manager within the organization or an outside consultant hired because of a special expertise in a particular area. This individual might be responsible for making very broad changes, like altering the culture of the whole organization; or more narrow ones, like designing and implementing a new safety program or a new quality program. Special skills are necessary for ... Show more content on ... PEOPLE CHANGE: Although successfully changing people factors necessarily involves some consideration of structure and technology, the primary emphasis is on people. Organization Development (OD): People Change emphasizes increasing organizational effectiveness by changing certain aspects of organization members. The focus of this kind of change is on such factors as employee's attitudes and leadership skills. The process of people change can be referred to as organization development (OD). Although OD focuses mainly on changing certain aspects of people, these changes are based on an overview of structure, technology, and all other organizational ingredients. GRID OD: One traditional used OD techniques for changing people in organizations is called Grid Organizational Development, or Grid OD. The managerial grid, a basic model describing various managerial styles, is used as the foundation for grid OD. The managerial grid is based on the premise that various managerial styles can be described by means of two primary attitudes of the manager: concern for people and concern for production. INDIVIDUAL AFFECTED BY THE CHANGE: To increase the chances of employee support, one should be aware of the following factors: 1. The usual employee resistance to change 2. How this resistance can be reduced Resistance to Change: Resistance to change within an organization is as common as the need for ... Get more on ...
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  • 70. Marshall Plant case study: Teamwork at Marshall's Processing Plant Marshalls is one large plant I the Midwestern United States that process corn into fructose syrup used in soft drinks. Marshalls run year around for 24hours a day, with two different components, the wet mill and the refinery. Marshall's plant is a computerized state–of–art plant and most of the work needs to just be monitoring, maintenance, cleanup, and troubleshooting. The wet mill and refinery has about seventy five worker for each 12 hour shift. There are also about thirty employees who work in the office. It states that about 2 years ago Marshall instituted a team management system to enhance productivity in the plant and improve worker morale. They made them have two ... Show more content on ... I will discuss how Marshall can improve on his management style by discussing three different types of management; Maslow hierarchy style, McGregor's theory x and y, and lastly the Blake and Moutons managerial grid. As I heard what is going on I will like to talk first about the original goals set forth for the team management system used. I think that it was a good intend however, it is using more of human relations than human resources. We will try to get to get this business into the human resources management. Human relation is task– related communication is still used but it is accompaniers by communications that attempted to maintain the quality of human relationships with the organizations. While if using human resources you are considering interactions and input from the employees. The reason I think Marshall is using more of a relation than a resources is because yes he is asking for advice. however, he is still listening and doing what the actually head team wants and not really listening to what the company needs and what the employee thinks is best. The employee are feeling unheard and thing that it is pointless for them to be having these meeting so they are trying to avoid them as much as possible now to get everyone involve, Marshall needs to start listening and actually following up on what the employee need and what. The current analyze situation at Marshall's Processing Plant using ... Get more on ...
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  • 72. Adolf Hitler: The Determinant Factors Of An Effective Leader INTRODUCTION 1. Leadership, in short, is an art. One needs to be highly skillful and crafty in their leadership styles in effectively influencing and steering a group of individuals towards a common set of goals. This is to suggest that 1) the type of leader, which also refers to the leader's 'personality', characterized by traits and personal qualities, utilized to earn the trust of the people and lead them to undertake the major tasks, and 2) his style of leadership, which describes the competencies and skills that the leader 'applies' to guide, facilitate and support the people of the organization in their efforts to accomplish the task, are the determinant factors of an effective leader. 2. Since good leadership skills require a never ... Show more content on ... The Leadership (Managerial) Grid joins concern for production and concern for people in a model with two intersecting axes (Figure 1). The horizontal axis represents the leader's concern for results, and the vertical axes represent the leader's concern for people. Each of the axes is drawn as a 9– point scale on which a score of 1 represents minimum concern and 9 represents maximum concern. By plotting scores from each of the axes, various leadership styles can be illustrated. The Leadership Grid portrays five major leadership styles: authority–compliance (9,1), country club management (1,9), impoverished management (1,1), middle–of the road management (5,5) and team management ... Get more on ...
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  • 74. An Introduction to Management Styles Unit 4001 – An Introduction to Management Styles 1. Be able to understand assumptions about human nature and managerial behaviour. 1.1 Identify models which make suppositions about human nature and behaviour at work Theory X and Theory Y represent two sets of assumptions about human nature and human behaviour that are relevant to the practice of management. They describe two contrasting models of workforce motivation. Theory X represents a negative view on of human nature that assumes individuals generally dislike work, are irresponsible, and require close supervision to do their jobs. Theory Y represents a positive view of human nature and assumes individuals are generally hard– working, creative, and able to take on responsibility ... Show more content on ... 7. The average human being is inherently self–centred and indifferent to organisational objectives. 8. The average human being by nature resists change. 9. The average human being is gullible and not very bright. Theory Y views human beings in optimistic or positive terms. The assumptions of this theory are: 1. The average human being does not inherently dislike work. 2. Employees will exercise self–direction and self–control if they are committed to objectives. External control and the threat of punishment are not the only means to make employees to work towards objectives. 3. Commitment to objectives is a function of the rewards associated with their achievement. 4. The average human being can be motivated by higher level needs i.e. esteem and self– actualisation needs. 5. The average human being learns not only to accept but to seek responsibility. 6. The average human being seeks responsibility because it allows them to satisfy higher–level needs. 7. The capacity to exercise imagination and creativity in the solution of problems is widely spread throughout the population. Theory Y suggests or contributes the following thoughts : (i) Management is responsible for organising the resources of the company to achieve organisational objectives. (ii) Employees are not lazy or passive or resistant to organisational objectives. (iii) Work is natural to employees if managers can release and channel the employees' ... Get more on ...
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  • 76. Manager Interview Essay I chose to interview Regina Geis, who holds the administrative role as acting supervisor for the County Mental Health adult day program, which provides services for individuals with intellectual disabilities. Ms. Geis has held this position for 15 months. This is her first managerial position within a human service agency. Her style of management has changed over this short period of time. She feels that she is now more direct with her direction with staff. She stated, "Maybe now I come across as a little bit cold. But I have learned that I now have to use the least amount of words to get my point across." Ms. Geis feels that to be an effective leader one must demonstrate with a high level of confidence, "even if I'm unsure of myself, ... Show more content on ... She replied with "Linear like Dr. Sprague (agency CEO)." Ms. Geis feels that the communication skills that one must possess in order to make advancements in management are that one must be an effective communicator, know the work environment, and the people you work with. Edmondson (2009) discusses four different basic communication styles. The first style is expressive which have a tendency to speak quickly, focus on the big picture, and have a high energy level. They can be perceived as unpredictable, vain, or excessively jovial. Next are systematic who tend to focus on small details, not on the larger picture, and try to avoid conflicts. The third type listed is sympathetic. These individuals focus on people and relationships. They are good listeners and so concern for everyone's needs. Sympathetics also do not like be at odds with others. Lastly, the fourth communication style identified is directs who generally keep dialogue short and are perceived as a multitaskers. The study recommends that the individual discover her own communication style and adjust the style according to the situation. Grant and Taylor (2014) conducted a study which identified six essential communication traits that can aid women to demonstrate confidence: (1) starting strong, (2) staying succinct, (3) dimensionalizing content, (4) owning voice, (5) controlling movement, and (6) projecting warmth (p. 73). The authors found that the way a women talks about her accomplishments have ... Get more on ...
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  • 78. The University Of Texas At Arlington The University of Texas at Arlington Fall 2015 CSE 5194 Assignment Critique on Non–cooperative, Semi–cooperative, and Cooperative Games–based Grid Resource Allocation (Samee Ullah Khan and Ishfaq Ahmad Department of Computer Science and Engineering University of Texas at Arlington, TX–76019, U.S.A. {sakhan, iahmad} Simranjeet Kaur UTA ID: 1001237306 Non–cooperative, Semi–cooperative, and Cooperative Games–based Grid Resource Allocation Straightforward access to large–scale distributed computational assets is provided by computational Grids. With the help of their size and geographic dissemination they help to create large computing centers. Several simulation studies are performed for evaluating the mechanisms to allocate resources in a Grid. There are three mechanisms to allocate resources in a Grid. The first method is the non–cooperative sealed–bid method where the tasks are auctioned off to the highest bidder. Second, the semi–cooperative n–round bid method in which each site delegates the task its work to others if it cannot perform the work itself. Last, the cooperative method in which all the sites cooperatively perform all the tasks as efficiently as possible. The simulation model has various leveled Grid structure in which machines are built around larger computing centers called "federations" [1]. In a computational framework, a large computational task is divided up among individual machines, which run calculations in parallel and then ... Get more on ...
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  • 80. Leadership Of The Public Sector In modern IT market, leadership plays a vital role. However, everyone feels they know leadership, and everyone can talk about it in detail. Although, leadership is a complicated set of processes that is difficult to perform effectively. Furthermore, there are few different models of leadership which suit various sectors. Therefore, to be able to perform leadership coherently in organizations for hiring, development, promotion and assessment, it is essential to make fundamental distinctions and expose assumptions. (Wart, 2012) Moreover, leadership is constantly changing because of new contexts, tools and concerns, in order to represent by various situational demands on leadership (Kouzmin and Korac–Kakabadse, 2000). In the table 1, we are ... Show more content on ... It is about making choices, trade–offs, and deliberately choosing to be different. It should not be confused with operational effectiveness or best practices – what is good for everybody and what every business should be doing, such as TQM, benchmarking, or being a learning organization (Porter, 1980). Thus, when the plan is developed, the goal is to be different from the competitors. However, determine where the opportunities lie that you can best exploit rather you are willing to do anything. For example, you cannot put E–learning and knowledge management at the front position of your strategic goals, if the leaders have principles and variety at the forefront of their strategic ideas. There are certain steps involved into strategic leadership planning as mentioned here under: VISIONING Strategic plan is the start of Visioning. You need to determine how best your department can bring about the changes that will sustain those plans, once the organizational strategic plans have been set by your leaders. Four approaches to perform best Visioning strategy: Internal Audit – Where are you now? (Snapshot of present time) ... Get more on ...
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  • 82. A Research Study Of Nestle Being The Largest And Global... "The stellar universe is not as difficult of comprehension as the real actions of other people". Marcel Proust Management is the act of getting things done and organisations behaviour is a field of study which studies the impact that individuals, groups and structure have on behaviour within organisations. This research report encapsulates the concepts about leadership, behavioural theories, their effectiveness. It will also discuss organisational structures and their impact and effectiveness within an organisation. Culture shapes an organisation .the report will also include the different types of cultures and how they develop an organisation's effectiveness. The core of the research is the study of nestle being the largest and global food and beverage retailer based in evaluation of the decision making acts and culture of nestle has been done to see how effective they prove for nestle global. ACTIVITY 1 What is Leadership? Leadership may be considered as the process (act) of influencing the activities of an organized group in its efforts toward goal setting and goal achievement. (Stogdill, 1950: 3) Leaders set a direction for us all by giving a vision .leaders inspire and encourage. Without leaderships a group of individuals would degenerates into argument and conflict, because we see things in different ways and lean towards different solutions. Leadership helps to point us in the same direction and harness our efforts jointly. (Mills, 2005) ... Get more on ...