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      Excel in managing
      spreadsheet risk
      Finance would be virtually unthinkable without the humble spreadsheet.
      Jonathan Wyatt and Scott Bolderson offer advice on how to minimise the
      risks of using this ubiquitous business tool

                 HE RISK ASSOCIATED               only about financial reporting        management requires and where
                 with the use of                  Risk. Spreadsheet risk is pervasive   spreadsheets are as a result
                 spreadsheets has become          across the business as a whole.       widely used. A simple self-
                 increasingly high profile                                              assessment survey can generate
      over the last couple of years.                                                    very useful results.
      Businesses that are required to             There are four key stages to               Having identified high-risk
      comply with the Sarbanes Oxley              managing spreadsheet risk (See Key    areas, the next stage is to prepare
      Act are likely to have created an           stages). A good place to start is the an inventory or register of the
      inventory of spreadsheets deemed            areas of highest risk, which entails  spreadsheets in use. Once again,
      critical to the financial reporting         considering the business’s attitude   there are many ways of putting
      process. The number of                      to risk. What is it that keeps senior together the inventory and how the
      spreadsheets identified has been a                                                                   inventory is
      surprise to many businesses. For                                                                     prepared is not
                                                  “Automated solutions can help fine tune
      those who have not been through                                                                      important.
                                                  security and enforce change management
      this process, they may not have a                                                                    However, in our
                                                  and data retention policies”
      clue about how many spreadsheets                                                                     experience a
      exist in their organisation.                                                                         walkthrough of
           Unfortunately, having                                                                           key business
      prepared the inventories, and               management awake at night? What       processes is one of the best ways of
      assessed this risk, many                    decisions do we take that could       ensuring that all critical
      businesses have not been able to            have a significant impact on          spreadsheets are identified.
      identify practical solutions and            shareholder value? What could         Automated tools can also be used
      have found themselves asking the            seriously damage our reputation?      to scan networks for important
      question, what do we do next?               Work should be prioritised on         spreadsheets. Key attributes such
      The good news is that there are             those areas of highest risk.          as File Size and Last Modified date
      solutions out there. But the bad                 Whilst an inherent risk          can be used to identify potentially
      news is that for many businesses            assessment can be helpful, another    current and complex spreadsheets.
      the spreadsheets identified to date         key question to ask is where does     Sequential filenames can also be a
      are only the tip of the iceberg.            the business place heavy reliance     give away of regular analysis.
      Whilst an inventory prepared for            on spreadsheets? The middle                It is important to pick up
      the Sarbanes Oxley Act is a good            management team is usually very       spreadsheets supporting analyses
      start, it is important to remember          aware of which core applications      on which decisions are made,
      that the Sarbanes Oxley Act is              do not provide the information that   spreadsheets used for

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                                                    presentation and reporting
                                                    purposes, spreadsheets that drive
                                                    assumptions that feed into other
                                                    systems (or other spreadsheets),
                                                    spreadsheets that support the
                                                    control environment, that monitor
                                                    processes with a view to detecting
                                                    errors, and spreadsheets that are
                                                    used for data capture or to
                                                    process adjustments.
                                                         For each spreadsheet, it is
                                                    important to capture who is
                                                    deemed the spreadsheet owner(s);
                                                    who designed and built the
                                                    spreadsheet; key data maintained
                                                    in the spreadsheet; frequency with
                                                    which the analysis is prepared;
                                                    what the spreadsheet is used for;
                                                    and details of interfaces to/from
                                                    the spreadsheet. This information
                                                    is important in making an
                                                    assessment of the significance of
                                                    the spreadsheet.

                                                    The next stage is to assess the
                                                    importance of each spreadsheet,
                                                    which will enable the business to
                                                    prioritise on the spreadsheets that
                                                    matter. Each spreadsheet should be
                                                    considered from two perspectives:
                                                    criticality and complexity.
                                                         By understanding the functions
                                                    performed by the spreadsheet and
                                                    the overall control environment in
                                                    which it operates we can make an
                                                    assessment of the criticality of the
                                                    spreadsheet to the organisation. A
                                                    common mistake is to assess
                                                    criticality only in terms of direct

                                                       Key stages
                                                       •   Identify potentially critical spreadsheets
                                                       •   Understand the risk profile
                                                       •   Assess spreadsheet controls
                                                       •   Implement control solutions

                                                    financial loss resulting from an
                                                    error in the spreadsheet. Whilst
                                                    potential for direct financial loss as
                                                    a result of error is clearly
                                                    important, there are other factors to
                                                    take into account.
                                                         For example, organisations
                                                    may wish to consider the
                                                    sensitivity of the information
                                                    contained in the spreadsheet and
                                                    the impact of information in the
                                                    spreadsheet getting into the wrong
                                                    hands. Or the opportunity to use
                                                    the spreadsheet to perpetrate ➲

                                                                 February 2006 | Internal Auditing & Business Risk
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                                                                                        is also helpful to have an              appropriate location on the
      ➲ fraud, for example by inflating
                                                                                        understanding of the complexity         network and it may be appropriate
      budgets, covering up poor
                                                                                        when evaluating the type and            to use passwords to control access
      performance, manipulating key
                                                                                        level of control to implement           to the spreadsheet. Design
      information on which bonus
                                                                                        around the spreadsheet.                 methods could be important: for a
      payments are based. Or the reliance
                                                                                             Assessing a spreadsheet’s          relatively complex spreadsheet it is
      on the spreadsheet as a key control
                                                                                        complexity can be based on a            important to design the
      over a business critical process.
                                                                                        number of criteria. For example, the    spreadsheet so as to reduce the risk
           When considering the criticality
                                                                                        size or scale of the spreadsheet; the   of errors arising. And integrity
      of a spreadsheet it is important to
                                                                                        spreadsheet layout and design; the      checks: check totals should be built
      not only consider the functions that
                                                                                        formulae design; and logical            into the spreadsheet to highlight
      the spreadsheet is performing but
                                                                                        complexity. There are a number of       errors arising from incomplete or
      other controls that operate which
                                                                                        relatively cheap automated              inaccurate data capture.
      may mitigate any risk associated
                                                                                        solutions in the market place that           At this stage the question
      with the spreadsheet. When
                                                                                        will perform this calculation based     should arise, should we really be
      performing the assessment, it is
                                                                                        on specific criteria defined by the     using a spreadsheet at all? If the
      rarely practical to use a linear scale
                                                                                        user. A manual approach is often        spreadsheet has high complexity
      of 1 to 5 for this, so more subjective
                                                                                        less efficient and can lead to          and high criticality and is used on a
      descriptions are needed.
                                                                                        inconsistencies.                        frequent basis over a prolonged
           For example, one may indicate
                                                                                                                                period, the answer is almost
      that no key business decisions are
                                                                                                                                certainly ‘no’. Whatever the
      made based on the information.
                                                       Figure 1                                                                 conclusion we reach on whether or
      The risk materialising would be of

                                                       Spreadsheet control                                                      not we should be using the
      embarrassment to those directly
                                                                                                                                spreadsheet, the likelihood is that it
      associated with the spreadsheet, but

                                                       framework                                                                is here to stay, at least in the short
      would have no real long term
                                                                                                                                term, and hence we need to look for
      impact on the business. Three may
                                                                                                                                ways and means of improving the
      indicate that an error in the
                                                                                                                                level of control.
      spreadsheet or a delay in
      preparation of the spreadsheet may
                                                                             Spreadsheet Policy
      result a significant loss to the
                                                                                                                                Stage four entails implementing
      business. Information contained in
                                                                                                                                control solutions. The first priority
      the spreadsheet is sensitive and
                                                                                                                                for a high-risk spreadsheet is
      employees could exploit the
                                                                                                                                usually to ensure that it is doing
      information if they had access to it.
                                                                                                                                what is was designed to do, which
      And, five may mean that an error in
                                                                                                                                is usually achieved through a
      the spreadsheet or a delay in                         Roles and              Control               Minimum
                                                                                                                                spreadsheet review. A spreadsheet
      preparation of the spreadsheet may                  responsibilities        Processes              Standards
                                                                                                                                review tests the logical security,
      result a material loss to the
                                                                                                                                internal consistency and arithmetic
      business. Information contained in
                                                                                                                                accuracy of the formulae,
      the spreadsheet is highly sensitive
                                                                                             When assessing complexity, it is   algorithms and calculations within
      and inappropriate disclosure may
                                                                                        important to also consider the          all cells of the selected spreadsheets.
      be exploited by markets or
                                                                                        complexity of the subject matter,       Consideration would also often be
      competitors or could be in breach of
                                                                                        not just the form of the spreadsheet.   given to the reasonableness of key
      legislation (such as data protection
                                                                                        Some form of judgement is               assumptions, and the accuracy of
      legislation). The spreadsheet could
                                                                                        required. Having performed the          data capture. This independent
      be used to perpetrate senior
                                                                                        analysis, some form of risk map         review is designed to provide
      management fraud.
                                                                                        should determine if further action is   reasonable assurance that the
      Scale                                                                             required and to prioritise the work.    spreadsheet does not contain
                                                                                             Assessing spreadsheet              material or logical errors.
      The scale does not usually start at 0.
                                                                                        controls is often the simplest               Unfortunately, a spreadsheet
      This is for the simple reason that if
                                                                                        stage as it is usually the case that    review only represents a point in
      internal audit identifies a
                                                                                        no controls, or at best inadequate      time assessment. Having
      spreadsheet in which an error
                                                                                        controls, exist. It is as a result      established the integrity of the
      would have no impact on the
                                                                                        usually a relatively quick process      spreadsheet, it is important to
      business, then the spreadsheet is
                                                                                        to assess the existing controls.        implement controls that provide
      probably not needed.
                                                                                             The type of controls required      us with reasonable assurance
          Assessing the complexity of a
                                                                                        would be dependent on the nature        going forward.
      spreadsheet is relatively
                                                                                        of the risk identified in stage two.         Defining a Spreadsheet
      straightforward and once again
                                                                                        The key controls in a spreadsheet to    Control Framework, such as that
      we tend to adopt a 5-point scale.
                                                                                        provide assurance over its integrity    illustrated in figure 1, will ensure
      Spreadsheets range in complexity
                                                                                        would typically include such issues     that all aspects of spreadsheet
      from simple worksheets to large
                                                                                        as access controls. For example, the    management are addressed.
      and complex models with many
                                                                                        spreadsheet should be stored in an           The diagram shows that there
      worksheets, links and formulae. It

 34   Internal Auditing & Business Risk | February 2006
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        are four key aspects to such a                  tune security and enforce change                                                                                then care should be taken with the
        framework. Spreadsheet policy                   management and data retention                                                                                   software selection process to
        ensures that senior management’s                policies. Some also provide very                                                                                ensure the business gets the
        expectations are clearly                        powerful tools for audit and review.                                                                            solutions it needs.
        communicated to the businesses                      However, such tools vary                                                                                         For most businesses
        and set down the ground rules                   significantly in terms of price,                                                                                spreadsheets are prepared using
        governing the use of spreadsheets.              quality and practicality. A solution                                                                            Microsoft Excel. Another very
        Roles and responsibilities define               that might be appropriate for a                                                                                 powerful and useful, but
        the requirements for identifying                large multinational may not be                                                                                  occasionally dangerous tool, is
        spreadsheet owners and setting                                                                                                                                  Microsoft Access. When performing
        out what is expected of the owner                                                                                                                               a review of spreadsheets internal
                                                        “Spreadsheet policy ensures that senior
        and other key individuals. Control                                                                                                                              auditors should also be looking to
        processes make clear the key steps                                                                                                                              pick up any user-managed
                                                        management's expectations are clearly
        around security, change, release                                                                                                                                databases. In most cases, analysis
                                                        communicated to the businesses and set
        management and monitoring of                                                                                                                                    performed in databases is of high
                                                        down the ground rules governing the use
        spreadsheets given the nature of a                                                                                                                              complexity. In our experience, if
        particular spreadsheet and given                                                                                                                                databases have been implemented
                                                        of spreadsheets”
        its risk classification. Finally,                                                                                                                               by the business and are not
        minimum standards to                                                                                                                                            managed by IT, then the likelihood
        communicate the baseline                        appropriate for a much smaller                                                                                  of error is high. The principles set
        standards that any spreadsheet,                 organisation. Many organisations                                                                                out above apply equally well to
        whatever the classification, is                 will in practice require a mixture                                                                              databases or other user managed
        required to comply with.                        of guidance, policies, and one or                                                                               data analysis tools.
             Currently there are a number of            more tools, to cost effectively
        commercial solutions to assist with             manage the risk.                                                                                                      Jonathan Wyatt is
        the operation of key control                         If automated solutions for                                                                                       managing director of
                                                                                                                                                                         technology risk and Scott
        processes within the Spreadsheet                spreadsheet management are
                                                                                                                                                                         Bolderson is associate director
        Control Framework, some of which                desirable, and for any organisation
                                                                                                                                                                         of technology risk at the
        are extremely powerful. These                   with a significant number of high-                                                                               consultant Protiviti
        automated solutions can help fine               risk spreadsheets they should be,

                                                                                                                                                          Business and technology cannot
                                                                                                                                                          be separated. As businesses have

                                                                                              is a Gold Sponsor
                                                                                                                                                          become more reliant on technology,

               IT risk.
                                                                                             at this year’s ISACA
                                                                                                                                                          so the associated risks have grown.
                                                                                            EuroCACS event. Visit
                                                                                                                                                          Now more than ever it is essential to
                                                                                             us from 19-22 March
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               Seen clearly,                                                                                                                              Protiviti specialists ensure that your
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               controlled effect vely.                                                                                                                    Call +44 (0)20 7930 8808 or visit

                                                      Page 35
               Technology Risk                        Internal Audit                      Business Risk
               - Application Controls Effectiveness   - Audit Committee Advisory          - Integrity Risk Services (including
               - Information Security                 - Start-up and Development Advice     fraud, computer forensics and
               - IT Operations and Service Delivery   - Outsourcing and Co-sourcing         anti-money laundering)
               - End User Computing                     including IT Audit Services       - Regulatory Compliance and
                                                      - Internal Audit Quality              Corporate Governance
                                                        Assurance Review                  - Enterprise Risk Management
                                                                                          - Supply Chain and Revenue Assurance
               © 2006 Protiviti Ltd.

                                                                                                                                                               February 2006 | Internal Auditing & Business Risk

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Excel In Managing Spreadsheet Risk

  • 1. 0300 IA&BR February 06 9/1/06 20:34 Page 32 FEATURE Excel in managing spreadsheet risk Finance would be virtually unthinkable without the humble spreadsheet. Jonathan Wyatt and Scott Bolderson offer advice on how to minimise the risks of using this ubiquitous business tool T HE RISK ASSOCIATED only about financial reporting management requires and where with the use of Risk. Spreadsheet risk is pervasive spreadsheets are as a result spreadsheets has become across the business as a whole. widely used. A simple self- increasingly high profile assessment survey can generate Attitude over the last couple of years. very useful results. Businesses that are required to There are four key stages to Having identified high-risk comply with the Sarbanes Oxley managing spreadsheet risk (See Key areas, the next stage is to prepare Act are likely to have created an stages). A good place to start is the an inventory or register of the inventory of spreadsheets deemed areas of highest risk, which entails spreadsheets in use. Once again, critical to the financial reporting considering the business’s attitude there are many ways of putting process. The number of to risk. What is it that keeps senior together the inventory and how the spreadsheets identified has been a inventory is surprise to many businesses. For prepared is not “Automated solutions can help fine tune those who have not been through important. security and enforce change management this process, they may not have a However, in our and data retention policies” clue about how many spreadsheets experience a exist in their organisation. walkthrough of Unfortunately, having key business prepared the inventories, and management awake at night? What processes is one of the best ways of assessed this risk, many decisions do we take that could ensuring that all critical businesses have not been able to have a significant impact on spreadsheets are identified. identify practical solutions and shareholder value? What could Automated tools can also be used have found themselves asking the seriously damage our reputation? to scan networks for important question, what do we do next? Work should be prioritised on spreadsheets. Key attributes such The good news is that there are those areas of highest risk. as File Size and Last Modified date solutions out there. But the bad Whilst an inherent risk can be used to identify potentially news is that for many businesses assessment can be helpful, another current and complex spreadsheets. the spreadsheets identified to date key question to ask is where does Sequential filenames can also be a are only the tip of the iceberg. the business place heavy reliance give away of regular analysis. Whilst an inventory prepared for on spreadsheets? The middle It is important to pick up the Sarbanes Oxley Act is a good management team is usually very spreadsheets supporting analyses start, it is important to remember aware of which core applications on which decisions are made, that the Sarbanes Oxley Act is do not provide the information that spreadsheets used for 32 Internal Auditing & Business Risk | February 2006
  • 2. 0300 IA&BR February 06 9/1/06 20:34 Page 33 FEATURE presentation and reporting purposes, spreadsheets that drive assumptions that feed into other systems (or other spreadsheets), spreadsheets that support the control environment, that monitor processes with a view to detecting errors, and spreadsheets that are used for data capture or to process adjustments. For each spreadsheet, it is important to capture who is deemed the spreadsheet owner(s); who designed and built the spreadsheet; key data maintained in the spreadsheet; frequency with which the analysis is prepared; what the spreadsheet is used for; and details of interfaces to/from the spreadsheet. This information is important in making an assessment of the significance of the spreadsheet. Priorities The next stage is to assess the importance of each spreadsheet, which will enable the business to prioritise on the spreadsheets that matter. Each spreadsheet should be considered from two perspectives: criticality and complexity. By understanding the functions performed by the spreadsheet and the overall control environment in which it operates we can make an assessment of the criticality of the spreadsheet to the organisation. A common mistake is to assess criticality only in terms of direct Key stages • Identify potentially critical spreadsheets • Understand the risk profile • Assess spreadsheet controls • Implement control solutions financial loss resulting from an error in the spreadsheet. Whilst potential for direct financial loss as a result of error is clearly important, there are other factors to take into account. For example, organisations may wish to consider the sensitivity of the information contained in the spreadsheet and the impact of information in the spreadsheet getting into the wrong hands. Or the opportunity to use the spreadsheet to perpetrate ➲ 33 February 2006 | Internal Auditing & Business Risk
  • 3. 0300 IA&BR February 06 9/1/06 20:34 Page 34 FEATURE is also helpful to have an appropriate location on the ➲ fraud, for example by inflating understanding of the complexity network and it may be appropriate budgets, covering up poor when evaluating the type and to use passwords to control access performance, manipulating key level of control to implement to the spreadsheet. Design information on which bonus around the spreadsheet. methods could be important: for a payments are based. Or the reliance Assessing a spreadsheet’s relatively complex spreadsheet it is on the spreadsheet as a key control complexity can be based on a important to design the over a business critical process. number of criteria. For example, the spreadsheet so as to reduce the risk When considering the criticality size or scale of the spreadsheet; the of errors arising. And integrity of a spreadsheet it is important to spreadsheet layout and design; the checks: check totals should be built not only consider the functions that formulae design; and logical into the spreadsheet to highlight the spreadsheet is performing but complexity. There are a number of errors arising from incomplete or other controls that operate which relatively cheap automated inaccurate data capture. may mitigate any risk associated solutions in the market place that At this stage the question with the spreadsheet. When will perform this calculation based should arise, should we really be performing the assessment, it is on specific criteria defined by the using a spreadsheet at all? If the rarely practical to use a linear scale user. A manual approach is often spreadsheet has high complexity of 1 to 5 for this, so more subjective less efficient and can lead to and high criticality and is used on a descriptions are needed. inconsistencies. frequent basis over a prolonged For example, one may indicate period, the answer is almost that no key business decisions are certainly ‘no’. Whatever the made based on the information. Figure 1 conclusion we reach on whether or The risk materialising would be of Spreadsheet control not we should be using the embarrassment to those directly spreadsheet, the likelihood is that it associated with the spreadsheet, but framework is here to stay, at least in the short would have no real long term term, and hence we need to look for impact on the business. Three may ways and means of improving the indicate that an error in the level of control. spreadsheet or a delay in preparation of the spreadsheet may Spreadsheet Policy Solutions result a significant loss to the Stage four entails implementing business. Information contained in control solutions. The first priority the spreadsheet is sensitive and for a high-risk spreadsheet is employees could exploit the usually to ensure that it is doing information if they had access to it. what is was designed to do, which And, five may mean that an error in is usually achieved through a the spreadsheet or a delay in Roles and Control Minimum spreadsheet review. A spreadsheet preparation of the spreadsheet may responsibilities Processes Standards review tests the logical security, result a material loss to the internal consistency and arithmetic business. Information contained in accuracy of the formulae, the spreadsheet is highly sensitive When assessing complexity, it is algorithms and calculations within and inappropriate disclosure may important to also consider the all cells of the selected spreadsheets. be exploited by markets or complexity of the subject matter, Consideration would also often be competitors or could be in breach of not just the form of the spreadsheet. given to the reasonableness of key legislation (such as data protection Some form of judgement is assumptions, and the accuracy of legislation). The spreadsheet could required. Having performed the data capture. This independent be used to perpetrate senior analysis, some form of risk map review is designed to provide management fraud. should determine if further action is reasonable assurance that the Scale required and to prioritise the work. spreadsheet does not contain Assessing spreadsheet material or logical errors. The scale does not usually start at 0. controls is often the simplest Unfortunately, a spreadsheet This is for the simple reason that if stage as it is usually the case that review only represents a point in internal audit identifies a no controls, or at best inadequate time assessment. Having spreadsheet in which an error controls, exist. It is as a result established the integrity of the would have no impact on the usually a relatively quick process spreadsheet, it is important to business, then the spreadsheet is to assess the existing controls. implement controls that provide probably not needed. The type of controls required us with reasonable assurance Assessing the complexity of a would be dependent on the nature going forward. spreadsheet is relatively of the risk identified in stage two. Defining a Spreadsheet straightforward and once again The key controls in a spreadsheet to Control Framework, such as that we tend to adopt a 5-point scale. provide assurance over its integrity illustrated in figure 1, will ensure Spreadsheets range in complexity would typically include such issues that all aspects of spreadsheet from simple worksheets to large as access controls. For example, the management are addressed. and complex models with many spreadsheet should be stored in an The diagram shows that there worksheets, links and formulae. It 34 Internal Auditing & Business Risk | February 2006
  • 4. p35xx 13/1/06 12:27 PM Page 1 FEATURE are four key aspects to such a tune security and enforce change then care should be taken with the framework. Spreadsheet policy management and data retention software selection process to ensures that senior management’s policies. Some also provide very ensure the business gets the expectations are clearly powerful tools for audit and review. solutions it needs. communicated to the businesses However, such tools vary For most businesses and set down the ground rules significantly in terms of price, spreadsheets are prepared using governing the use of spreadsheets. quality and practicality. A solution Microsoft Excel. Another very Roles and responsibilities define that might be appropriate for a powerful and useful, but the requirements for identifying large multinational may not be occasionally dangerous tool, is spreadsheet owners and setting Microsoft Access. When performing out what is expected of the owner a review of spreadsheets internal “Spreadsheet policy ensures that senior and other key individuals. Control auditors should also be looking to processes make clear the key steps pick up any user-managed management's expectations are clearly around security, change, release databases. In most cases, analysis communicated to the businesses and set management and monitoring of performed in databases is of high down the ground rules governing the use spreadsheets given the nature of a complexity. In our experience, if particular spreadsheet and given databases have been implemented of spreadsheets” its risk classification. Finally, by the business and are not minimum standards to managed by IT, then the likelihood communicate the baseline appropriate for a much smaller of error is high. The principles set standards that any spreadsheet, organisation. Many organisations out above apply equally well to whatever the classification, is will in practice require a mixture databases or other user managed required to comply with. of guidance, policies, and one or data analysis tools. Currently there are a number of more tools, to cost effectively commercial solutions to assist with manage the risk. Jonathan Wyatt is the operation of key control If automated solutions for managing director of technology risk and Scott processes within the Spreadsheet spreadsheet management are Bolderson is associate director Control Framework, some of which desirable, and for any organisation of technology risk at the are extremely powerful. These with a significant number of high- consultant Protiviti automated solutions can help fine risk spreadsheets they should be, Business and technology cannot Protiviti be separated. As businesses have is a Gold Sponsor become more reliant on technology, IT risk. at this year’s ISACA so the associated risks have grown. EuroCACS event. Visit Now more than ever it is essential to us from 19-22 March address the challenges around new 2006 at the Hilton technologies, escalating costs and London Metropole Hotel. compliance with regulations. ADVERT Seen clearly, Protiviti specialists ensure that your technology delivers more results and fewer regrets. controlled effect vely. Call +44 (0)20 7930 8808 or visit Page 35 Technology Risk Internal Audit Business Risk - Application Controls Effectiveness - Audit Committee Advisory - Integrity Risk Services (including - Information Security - Start-up and Development Advice fraud, computer forensics and - IT Operations and Service Delivery - Outsourcing and Co-sourcing anti-money laundering) - End User Computing including IT Audit Services - Regulatory Compliance and - Internal Audit Quality Corporate Governance Assurance Review - Enterprise Risk Management - Supply Chain and Revenue Assurance © 2006 Protiviti Ltd. 35 February 2006 | Internal Auditing & Business Risk