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Examples Of Discursive Essay
Discursive Essay Basics
Paragraph 1: Introduction
Introduce the topic. Give some background about the situation in your country/area. Then mention
the possible reasons for the situation.
Crime is one of the most important issues ...
In the last few years, crime has been going up/down.
The most common crimes are ...
The most worrying trend is the increase in ...
One of the reasons for this is possibly the fact that unemployment has risen ...
Another reason is that...
Note: if you are 'for' something, put the arguments 'against' first. If you are 'against' something, put
the arguments 'for' first.
Paragraph 2: A list of arguments 'for7
Express the attitudes and reasons to support this point of view. Provide examples and facts where
possible. (see Style below) more content...
Provide examples and facts where possible. (see Style below)
Paragraph 4: Conclusion
Finally, give your own personal opinion about the topic.
In my opinion. ... /All things considered. I believe that...
In a discursive essay it is important to list the points of view of both sides of an argument as
objectively as possible. Only in the conclusion can you express your own point of view. Notice the
use of report structures (e.g. feel that), passives and formal linkers (e.g. moreover, furthermore) in
the sentences below.
Listing arguments:
Many people feel that harder sentences should be brought back.
The American system of 'three strikes and out' has supporters in Britain.
Moreover, some people say that conditions in prisons are too soft.
There are arguments for the restoration of the death penalty.
The wishes of victims' family and friends possibly need to be taken into account.
There are arguments against harder sentences and capital punishment
One of the arguments against longer prison sentence is that the prisons are already full.
Other people disagree and think that prisons should reform
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1200 Formative Essay examples
Sustainable Strategy – from Planning to Implementation M002LON
Afren plc's Management Report
Itipat Therdchitpaisarn 6157391
Dr. Jonathan Groucutt
Words Count : 1285/1769
Submission Date: 23 MAy 2015
Executive summary The purpose of this report is to identify the key factors that affect in
Afren plc in the term of macro and micro environment, and to evaluate company position and
strategic direction to make a recommendation to the company. By using PESTEL framework and
Porter's five force to analyze company external factors and SWOT analysis, VRIO framework and
TOWS for internal factors that base on The company's annual reports in years 2013 and 2014.
PESTEL more content...
Threat of Substitute (LOW)
Substitute products in the Porter's model are referred to products from others industry. In this case,
substitute products are the renewable energy sources such as nuclear power, solar power, coal, and
wind power, which have high production cost and sunk cost. Therefore, the threat of substitute to
Afren is still low.
Bargaining Power of Buyers ( HIGH )
As the growth in the shale, oil market is continuously increased the input of oil supplies in the
market by 11 per cent, which make an oil price fall cause of overwhelming supply (Meyer,2013).As
a result of this, the buyer has more choice to seek a supplier , which has a lower prices and better
contract condition. Thus, these forces become a high threat to Afren.
Bargaining Power of Supplier (LOW)
The main supplier of Afren referred to the oil–rich country in Africa such as Nigeria, which is the
main business unit of Afren (Afren plc.,2014). As Nigeria is supportive for foreign investment (Rice,
Rivalry Among the Existing Competitors (HIGH)
The international energy agency (IEA) report that global upstream expenditure and development in
oil and gas industry has a strong growth by averaging 11 percent per year in 2000 – 2012 and
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Art Analysis Essay
Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, our first
impression of their significance comes through our initial visual interpretation. When we first view a
painting or a statue or other piece of art, we notice first the visual details – its size, its medium, its
color, and its condition, for example – before we begin to ponder its greater significance. Indeed,
these visual clues are just as important as any other interpretation or meaning of a work, for they
allow us to understand just what that deeper meaning is. The expression on a statue's face tells us
the emotion and message that the artist is trying to convey. Its color, too, can provide clues: darker
or lighter colors can play a role in how more content...
The Stele depicts a simple scene: a seated man and standing woman behind him stare blankly
straight ahead. A woman standing on the left looks down upon them. All of them are ordinary
humans. They are not gods or goddesses. They are private people. Their clothing is plain,
consisting of simple robes. It is representational of a regular family mourning the loss of one of its
members, a scene that most people, even today, are able to relate to hundreds or even thousands of
years later.
The stele conveys a solemn forlornness that can be seen in the figures' faces. Their mouths are
tightly shut; their eyes gaze blankly ahead. The woman on the left stares ahead with little emotion
on her face. The stele does not depict any motion. All of the figures are standing (or sitting) still, in
quiet memorial. This solemnity adds to the emotion of a grave where the stele once stood. There is
no real clear answer as to who is being mourned. Are the seated man and the woman mourning the
loss of their daughter, on the left? Or is the woman on the left mourning the loss of a father? The
sculpture's ambiguity also adds to the emotion that it evokes. It might even be appropriate for its
purpose. Its function was to mark a gravesite – the site of the body of someone who has died. Death
is one of the most complex parts of life. It is the most ambiguous, for nobody knows for sure what
happens in death. The ambiguity of the stele highlights
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Example Of Search Strategy
Search strategy Three data bases were used to collect the data, namely, One Search, CINAHL and
ProQuest. These data bases were searched for the terms such as 'cardiac rehabilitation', 'quality of
life,' 'benefits', and 'CHD'. Inclusion criteria were qualitative articles, written in English and
published between the years of 2010 and 2017. Quantitative articles and articles written in
non–English languages are excluded from this study. Moreover, this study focused only on adults,
therefore the paediatric studies are also excluded from this study. After applying the inclusion and
exclusion strategy, 12 articles reported qualitative study regarding the topic and they are used in this
essay. Data analysis Braun and Clarke (2006) developed more content...
1.1a ExercisePhysical inactivity is one of the modifiable risk factor for the coronary heart diseases
(Devries et al, 2011), and therefore exercise is used as an integral component of the primary and
secondary prevention in reducing mortality and improving the quality of life. Upon reviewing the
literature, the author found that, patients' perspective about physical exercise differs widely. In their
study Holder et al (2015) found that, the increased awareness of the mortality after the cardiac event,
help the patients to change their outlook towards life and this further help them to realise the health
benefit of exercise. In addition to that, some of the patients claimed that, exercise helped to divert
their mind and thus helps them to cope with the condition (Holder et al, 2015). Moreover, the
current cardiac rehabilitation programme, made the patients aware of the health benefits of exercise
and, therefore they were motivated to continue the exercise (Hillsdon et al, 2013; Morken et al,
2013). Exercising in a safe environment, under the supervision of the trained staff increases the
confidence of patients in participating exercise (Morken et al, 2013). The study also found that, the
patient increases their self–confidence level in performing exercise, after seeing the health
improvements in the former cardiac patients (Morken et al, 2013). Furthermore, Back et al (2017)
carried a further study to evaluate
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Critique Essay Examples
Critique Essay of Process and Learning
Out of all the projects for this course, I think the critique paper was the hardest because it challenged
how I thought about scientific journals when it came to identifying weak parts of a study and how to
critique the strengths and weaknesses within those articles in a scientific manner. As a result, my
writing process was affected by this in depth look into each of the three articles I chose on stroke
rehabilitation with a focus on virtual reality, and my understanding of science writing grew with this
With the critique paper, my writing process consisted of using the critique planning worksheet
provided on Blackboard, and meeting with you, the professor, outside the classroom during your more content...
For the proposal between my partner, Alicia Buettner, and I, we decided to find something that
related to each of our health profession majors. Our research for the proposal revealed the
importance of occupational and physical therapists working together in the field and the
changing technology in prostheses within rehabilitation treatment. With both topics in mind, we
chose to have our proposal addressing the need for occupational therapy (OT) and physical
therapy (PT) students working together in a class at the University of Findlay that also focused
on prostheses. After deciding on a topic for our proposal, the next step in the writing process was
following the break down for each section of the proposal that you, the professor, provided our
peers and us in the classroom. By discussing the content required for each of the sections in the
proposal and the correct formats we were to be using during class time, my partner and I were
able to gain a grasp on what you were requiring from our proposal. For example, Alicia and I spent
a great deal of time looking over the notes we wrote down from the board to make sure we were
following the correct guidelines for each section. The mini assignments also helped in reassuring
that Alicia and I were on the correct path for the proposal. With each
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Literacy Narrative Essay example
At this point in my life I find myself in an interesting predicament regarding my attitudes toward
reading and writing; more so towards reading. Years ago I used to love reading books for pleasure
but nowadays I find myself reading things that little to no effort to digest. This includes the very
basic posts on facebook expressing one's opinion on something or articles and threads on reddit
discussing topics I find intriguing. Perhaps it's the severe senioritis that has overcome me as I
enter my last semester at Chapman University. As I've gotten lazier I can see it start to reflect in
my everyday life. Deep down I still love to read but I rarely find myself getting truly invested into
the action unless it relates to something I am more content...
You can feed the mind as much as you want and it will never get full of reading. Sadly, I'm not the
same person that I was. I guess you could say it's part of growing up. It never really was
intentional but it's just the way how it ended up. On the other hand my attitudes toward writing
are very different. First let me say that deep down I truly do not like to write. I myself don't
personally like to write for leisure or pleasure but rather I write because I believe it is one of the
most important aspects of being able to communicate with those around you, both personally and
professionally. To put differently, my attitude towards writing is that I write because I need to
write and survive in the world around me. I write because I have to, not because I want to.
Hopefully this somewhat makes sense. To better explain let me make a comparison. When I am
assigned a writing assignment or I am writing because the action is being forced upon me I find
myself not enjoying the process and overall the end result is subpar. The perfect example of this
would be my junior year in high school when I was enrolled in AP english literature. I dreaded the
majority of the class simply because there was so much writing involved in the entire course and
therefore I was constantly writing just to get a grade. Being forced to write in such high volume
every week for an entire school year was not enjoyable for myself and as a result the
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Ad Analysis Essay examples
Effects of an Ad Advertising is the marketing of an idea in ways that encourages and persuades
audiences to take some sort of action. In most cases, the action would be to buy a product or
service while other are simply to raise awareness. Whatever the case may be, money is poured into
advertising every day. Marketing agencies try various ways to convince people to buy their products
using different persuasion techniques. After first examining an advertisement, one could analyze
how each detail in the ad was specifically designed to affect its audience in a way that convinces
them that they need what is being advertised. One would also be able to notice the values and
important aspects of a culture through its advertisements. more content...
Words like "help," "feel," and "faster," are used in this ad to subtly make readers believe that NyQuil
will cure Mom's illness quickly when, in fact, they really only say that the products might make her
symptoms briefly subside quicker than another indistinct method of treatment. This subtle method of
advertisement is actually very common in all types of ads. Another technique used to attract
attention of audiences is the adorable image of a mother and daughter playing dress up together.
When someone sees this image, they are expected to feel strong, loving emotion for the seemingly
deep mother–daughter connection in the photo. This mode of persuasion, pathos, is used to play on
the emotions of viewers who see this ad. By using pathos in advertising, advertisers are also showing
the main values of a culture. This NyQuil ad illustrates that one major value of American culture is
a strong family bond. The heartfelt image of a mother and daughter cheerfully playing dress up
together, the bold words, "Don't let a cold take away dress up Mommy," and the direct addressing of
"helping Mom," in the descriptions are all contributing to one major ideal. This entire ad is created
on the basis that most Americans place strong value on a deep, loving connection between mothers
and their daughters. In conclusion, various methods of advertising
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Essay on Lifelong Learning
Lifelong learning
Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an
individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and
non–formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically
structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized
school–like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal
learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and
knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her
environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, more content...
The computer industry is a growing field that will never stay the same as it was when it started.
We will always need additional learning to be able to keep our jobs or move up on the corporate
ladder. We can learn about these changes by going back to school, going to workshops, or on the
job training if it is available. These opportunities are tools that will help you learn more about your
job. The skills that you learn at one job will help you advance in that position or get you another
position with that company or another company. For example,
If you we are tired of being at that same died end job make that change and go back to school to get
that additional education to pursue your dream that you have. Working a job and having a career
are two different things. After spend some years in the work force I decided to further my
education. I wanted a career that I can advance in and learn more.
The process of designing a lifelong learning plan begins with putting it in writing. This plan,
sometimes called a learning contract, must be a dynamic process intended to provide structure in an
unstructured environment – known as everyday life.
Lifelong learning exists within this world, allowing learners the freedom to enroll in formal
continuing education programs or self–directed learning such as learning how to garden or play an
instrument, as examples. A personal learning plan or learning contract should focus on the following
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What I Have Learned Essay
What I Have Learned
When I think about what counts as learning to me, I think about my life. Just being able to live in
this world to me is a learning experience, because I feel that my life is full of lessons and I believe
that it takes lessons to learn in life. I feel that I have learned to understand learning more and to
also understand the value of learning. As I get older I can comprehend subject matters more than I
could ever do before. I am learning to be more serious and I find myself not taking life for granted
I also feel that maturing counts as learning for me because growing up I was continuously being
called immature. For me, maturing counts as learning because I find myself doing things I never
thought more content...
I feel that I have to get rid of bad habits in order to make room for better habits that I need for
everyday life. I am learning better habits everyday. Even though I did bad on my first exam I feel
that counted as learning for me because now I know what it takes for me to receive a high grade on
any test I take.
The biggest learning experience to me so far is life itself. I feel that way because there is so much to
learn in life. It takes growing up for me to learn in life. I am now beginning to understand the value
of learning because a year ago I did not appreciate learning. I did not value it like I value it now. I
took it for granted as if learning could just be given to me. I realize now that it has to be earned. My
attitude in high school was bad because I really did not feel I was learning, so I took it for granted.
In high school I felt as if the teachers were jokes and I also felt they did not care about educating
me properly. I am now starting to learn the value of an education. I now look forward to learning
new things everyday. I feel that I am beginning to have a passion for learning. I never thought that
I would feel this way about learning because I never did appreciate it like I do now. I now actually
yearn to learn; I feel that I need to learn new things. Every assignment I have done in college is
teaching me something new. I think I feel this way because I am maturing and I now view learning
differently than I did
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Essay about Sampling
Carrying out a survey of every single potential consumer (known as population) of a firm's product
would be impractical, time–consuming and costly. Businesses still, however, need to collect
enough primary data to have a clear idea of the views of consumers. This can be done by taking a
sample of the population. This sample group should be made up of consumers that are
representative of all potential buyers of the product. There are a number of ways in which a sample
can be chosen.
Random Sampling
This method gives each member of a group an equal chance of being chosen. In other words, the
sample is selected at random, rather like picking numbers out of a hat. Today computers
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So, if the business was interested in how 'class' affected consumers' demand for a food product, it
might divide the population up into different class groups, such as working class males, middle
class females etc. A random sample could then be chosen from each of these groups by making
sure that they were the same proportions of the sample in each category as in population as a
whole. So if the population had 10 per cent upper class males, so would the sample.
Quota Sampling
This sampling method involves the population being segmented into a number of groups which
share specific characteristics. These may be based on the age and the sex of the population.
Interviewers are then given targets for the number of people out of each segment who they must
interview. For example, and interviewer may be asked to interview 10 males between the ages of
18 and 25, or 15 females between the ages of 45 and 60. Once the target is reached, no more people
from that group are interviewed. The advantage of this sampling method is that it can be cheaper to
operate than many of the others. It is also useful where the proportions of the different groups within
the population are known. However, results from quota sampling are not statistically representative
of the population and are not randomly chosen. They must therefore be treated with caution.
Cluster Sampling
This involves
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Consciousness Essay example
To define such a universally experienced phenomena as consciousness may seem on the most
superficial level rather unnecessary. Yet a more scientific, and at times philosophical, investigation
into the phenomena demands some sort of confirmed interpretation which supercedes any such
common understanding. For our purposes the content of consciousness may be deemed those things
of which one is aware and thus can report. Thinking, as well, and the higher–level mechanisms
associated there in may also be components of this consciousness. While additionally an individuals'
conception that the way in which she experiences the world comes from more than just the neuronal
activity of her brain can be understood as a more content...
Certain individuals who have experienced extensive damage to those cortical areas related to sight
may report an inability to perceive visual stimuli. In some cases, when presented with a moving spot
of light, such individuals who claim to have witnessed no optical occurrence whatsoever will
subsequently "guess", well above chance level, the direction of the lights' movement (1). In this
phenomena of blindsight it would be the individual's "on–line system" (or "I–function") which
provokes the claims that he perceives no stimuli while clearly the "seeing system" has, though on an
unconscious level, seen something (1).
In an attempt to determine the location of the neuronal correlate of consciousness Crick and Koch
conducted research that used images characterized by their bistable precepts. Such visual stimuli (ex:
the Serendip – directional arrows) present a constant visual input which results in two possible
subject precepts – which tend to alternate in conscious perception. An experimental determination is
subsequently made as to which neurons in the brain are attending to the input and which to the
precept (whichever is being conceived at that moment). This type of investigative procedure has been
preformed on the macaque visual system and results from research published in 1989 by Logothetis
indicated that monkeys (non–human primates) and humans perceive such bistable inputs in
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Lifestyles Essay examples
Lifestyles Introduction
If you look up the word Lifestyle in the dictionary you will find the definition "a way of life or style
of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group". However this definition does
not pertain much to marketing, or consumer purchasing habits. Another definition that would be of
more relevance and importance to marketers is "Lifestyle refers to a pattern of consumption, of how
he or she spends their time and money".
A lifestyle marketing perspective shows how people sort themselves into groups on the basis of
activities they enjoy, how they spend their free time, and how they spend their disposable income.
This gives marketers a chance for market segmentation strategies. more content...
Psychographics is basically the separation of customers into categories depending on different
choices in consumption activities, and product usage.
Marketers were always fascinated by the intangibles of consumer demand but it wasn't until the
1960s when social upheaval splintered the mass market beyond anything recognizable that
marketers invented a way to measure those intangibles. However despite being around for over 30
years or so Psychographics is still one of the least understood concepts in marketing research.
Many marketers consider demographics and psychographics as two separate things when in
actuality psychographics was developed to compliment demographics. The term first appeared in
Grey Advertising's publication "Grey Matter" in 1965. It was hailed as a way for researchers to
quantify the slippery field of consumer psychology.
A psycho graphic study combines consumers' measurable demographic characteristics with the more
abstract aspects of attitudes, opinions, and interests. Demographic, purchasing media, and psycho
graphic information is coded from surveys, thrown together and analyzed until some groups with
shared characteristics are can be distinguished from all other groups.
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Methodology of Research Essay examples
Methodology of Research
The method that I will be using to research my area of sociology will be a
structured questionnaire, it will be structured so that the candidates stick to the
questions that they are asked and do not write about irrelevant matters. I will first of
all produce a pilot questionnaire and send it round to a test group of people, and
hopefully see whether or not I am able to obtain the relevant information that I need
for my research with the questions that I have asked my targeted group of people. If
the questionnaire provides me with my needed information, I will the produce more
and send them out to a larger sample of people and obtain more content...
Also using a questionnaire is a quick way to
obtain information and can cover a wide area of matters with just a few questions,
whereas if I had used an interview as my method it would of taken a much longer
amount of time and I might of not been able to get the answers that I needed out of
my candidates. Another bonus of using a questionnaire, would be that once I have
received all of the information I will be able to put my findings into the relevant
tables, and then I will be able to compare my findings to the secondary data that I
have gathered with and will be able to do this with ease.
Because I am establishing the role of women within working class households and the
effect that their roles have had on their families way of life. I need to be able to define
what I class as a working class household; which in my view is a family with either a
mum or a dad or both that goes out to work and then comes home to look after that
home and the family. Therefore I have asked questions to determine who in the
household goes out to work and the sort of jobs that they do around the home. By
asking these questions I feel that I will be able to differentiate between upper, lower
and middle class households and therefore gather the information that I
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Example Of Example Essays

  • 1. Examples Of Discursive Essay Discursive Essay Basics Paragraph 1: Introduction Introduce the topic. Give some background about the situation in your country/area. Then mention the possible reasons for the situation. Crime is one of the most important issues ... In the last few years, crime has been going up/down. The most common crimes are ... The most worrying trend is the increase in ... One of the reasons for this is possibly the fact that unemployment has risen ... Another reason is that... Note: if you are 'for' something, put the arguments 'against' first. If you are 'against' something, put the arguments 'for' first. Paragraph 2: A list of arguments 'for7 Express the attitudes and reasons to support this point of view. Provide examples and facts where possible. (see Style below) more content... Provide examples and facts where possible. (see Style below) Paragraph 4: Conclusion Finally, give your own personal opinion about the topic. In my opinion. ... /All things considered. I believe that... Style In a discursive essay it is important to list the points of view of both sides of an argument as objectively as possible. Only in the conclusion can you express your own point of view. Notice the use of report structures (e.g. feel that), passives and formal linkers (e.g. moreover, furthermore) in the sentences below. Listing arguments: Many people feel that harder sentences should be brought back. The American system of 'three strikes and out' has supporters in Britain. Moreover, some people say that conditions in prisons are too soft. There are arguments for the restoration of the death penalty. The wishes of victims' family and friends possibly need to be taken into account. There are arguments against harder sentences and capital punishment One of the arguments against longer prison sentence is that the prisons are already full. Other people disagree and think that prisons should reform
  • 2. Get more content on
  • 3. 1200 Formative Essay examples Sustainable Strategy – from Planning to Implementation M002LON Afren plc's Management Report Itipat Therdchitpaisarn 6157391 Dr. Jonathan Groucutt Words Count : 1285/1769 Submission Date: 23 MAy 2015 Executive summary The purpose of this report is to identify the key factors that affect in Afren plc in the term of macro and micro environment, and to evaluate company position and strategic direction to make a recommendation to the company. By using PESTEL framework and Porter's five force to analyze company external factors and SWOT analysis, VRIO framework and TOWS for internal factors that base on The company's annual reports in years 2013 and 2014. Contents Introduction1 EXTELNAL ANALYSIS2 PESTEL more content... Threat of Substitute (LOW) Substitute products in the Porter's model are referred to products from others industry. In this case, substitute products are the renewable energy sources such as nuclear power, solar power, coal, and wind power, which have high production cost and sunk cost. Therefore, the threat of substitute to Afren is still low. Bargaining Power of Buyers ( HIGH ) As the growth in the shale, oil market is continuously increased the input of oil supplies in the market by 11 per cent, which make an oil price fall cause of overwhelming supply (Meyer,2013).As a result of this, the buyer has more choice to seek a supplier , which has a lower prices and better contract condition. Thus, these forces become a high threat to Afren. Bargaining Power of Supplier (LOW) The main supplier of Afren referred to the oil–rich country in Africa such as Nigeria, which is the main business unit of Afren (Afren plc.,2014). As Nigeria is supportive for foreign investment (Rice, 2014). Rivalry Among the Existing Competitors (HIGH)
  • 4. The international energy agency (IEA) report that global upstream expenditure and development in oil and gas industry has a strong growth by averaging 11 percent per year in 2000 – 2012 and Get more content on
  • 5. Art Analysis Essay Though most works of art have some underlying, deeper meaning attached to them, our first impression of their significance comes through our initial visual interpretation. When we first view a painting or a statue or other piece of art, we notice first the visual details – its size, its medium, its color, and its condition, for example – before we begin to ponder its greater significance. Indeed, these visual clues are just as important as any other interpretation or meaning of a work, for they allow us to understand just what that deeper meaning is. The expression on a statue's face tells us the emotion and message that the artist is trying to convey. Its color, too, can provide clues: darker or lighter colors can play a role in how more content... The Stele depicts a simple scene: a seated man and standing woman behind him stare blankly straight ahead. A woman standing on the left looks down upon them. All of them are ordinary humans. They are not gods or goddesses. They are private people. Their clothing is plain, consisting of simple robes. It is representational of a regular family mourning the loss of one of its members, a scene that most people, even today, are able to relate to hundreds or even thousands of years later. The stele conveys a solemn forlornness that can be seen in the figures' faces. Their mouths are tightly shut; their eyes gaze blankly ahead. The woman on the left stares ahead with little emotion on her face. The stele does not depict any motion. All of the figures are standing (or sitting) still, in quiet memorial. This solemnity adds to the emotion of a grave where the stele once stood. There is no real clear answer as to who is being mourned. Are the seated man and the woman mourning the loss of their daughter, on the left? Or is the woman on the left mourning the loss of a father? The sculpture's ambiguity also adds to the emotion that it evokes. It might even be appropriate for its purpose. Its function was to mark a gravesite – the site of the body of someone who has died. Death is one of the most complex parts of life. It is the most ambiguous, for nobody knows for sure what happens in death. The ambiguity of the stele highlights Get more content on
  • 6. Example Of Search Strategy Search strategy Three data bases were used to collect the data, namely, One Search, CINAHL and ProQuest. These data bases were searched for the terms such as 'cardiac rehabilitation', 'quality of life,' 'benefits', and 'CHD'. Inclusion criteria were qualitative articles, written in English and published between the years of 2010 and 2017. Quantitative articles and articles written in non–English languages are excluded from this study. Moreover, this study focused only on adults, therefore the paediatric studies are also excluded from this study. After applying the inclusion and exclusion strategy, 12 articles reported qualitative study regarding the topic and they are used in this essay. Data analysis Braun and Clarke (2006) developed more content... 1.1a ExercisePhysical inactivity is one of the modifiable risk factor for the coronary heart diseases (Devries et al, 2011), and therefore exercise is used as an integral component of the primary and secondary prevention in reducing mortality and improving the quality of life. Upon reviewing the literature, the author found that, patients' perspective about physical exercise differs widely. In their study Holder et al (2015) found that, the increased awareness of the mortality after the cardiac event, help the patients to change their outlook towards life and this further help them to realise the health benefit of exercise. In addition to that, some of the patients claimed that, exercise helped to divert their mind and thus helps them to cope with the condition (Holder et al, 2015). Moreover, the current cardiac rehabilitation programme, made the patients aware of the health benefits of exercise and, therefore they were motivated to continue the exercise (Hillsdon et al, 2013; Morken et al, 2013). Exercising in a safe environment, under the supervision of the trained staff increases the confidence of patients in participating exercise (Morken et al, 2013). The study also found that, the patient increases their self–confidence level in performing exercise, after seeing the health improvements in the former cardiac patients (Morken et al, 2013). Furthermore, Back et al (2017) carried a further study to evaluate Get more content on
  • 7. Critique Essay Examples Critique Essay of Process and Learning Out of all the projects for this course, I think the critique paper was the hardest because it challenged how I thought about scientific journals when it came to identifying weak parts of a study and how to critique the strengths and weaknesses within those articles in a scientific manner. As a result, my writing process was affected by this in depth look into each of the three articles I chose on stroke rehabilitation with a focus on virtual reality, and my understanding of science writing grew with this paper. With the critique paper, my writing process consisted of using the critique planning worksheet provided on Blackboard, and meeting with you, the professor, outside the classroom during your more content... For the proposal between my partner, Alicia Buettner, and I, we decided to find something that related to each of our health profession majors. Our research for the proposal revealed the importance of occupational and physical therapists working together in the field and the changing technology in prostheses within rehabilitation treatment. With both topics in mind, we chose to have our proposal addressing the need for occupational therapy (OT) and physical therapy (PT) students working together in a class at the University of Findlay that also focused on prostheses. After deciding on a topic for our proposal, the next step in the writing process was following the break down for each section of the proposal that you, the professor, provided our peers and us in the classroom. By discussing the content required for each of the sections in the proposal and the correct formats we were to be using during class time, my partner and I were able to gain a grasp on what you were requiring from our proposal. For example, Alicia and I spent a great deal of time looking over the notes we wrote down from the board to make sure we were following the correct guidelines for each section. The mini assignments also helped in reassuring that Alicia and I were on the correct path for the proposal. With each Get more content on
  • 8. Literacy Narrative Essay example At this point in my life I find myself in an interesting predicament regarding my attitudes toward reading and writing; more so towards reading. Years ago I used to love reading books for pleasure but nowadays I find myself reading things that little to no effort to digest. This includes the very basic posts on facebook expressing one's opinion on something or articles and threads on reddit discussing topics I find intriguing. Perhaps it's the severe senioritis that has overcome me as I enter my last semester at Chapman University. As I've gotten lazier I can see it start to reflect in my everyday life. Deep down I still love to read but I rarely find myself getting truly invested into the action unless it relates to something I am more content... You can feed the mind as much as you want and it will never get full of reading. Sadly, I'm not the same person that I was. I guess you could say it's part of growing up. It never really was intentional but it's just the way how it ended up. On the other hand my attitudes toward writing are very different. First let me say that deep down I truly do not like to write. I myself don't personally like to write for leisure or pleasure but rather I write because I believe it is one of the most important aspects of being able to communicate with those around you, both personally and professionally. To put differently, my attitude towards writing is that I write because I need to write and survive in the world around me. I write because I have to, not because I want to. Hopefully this somewhat makes sense. To better explain let me make a comparison. When I am assigned a writing assignment or I am writing because the action is being forced upon me I find myself not enjoying the process and overall the end result is subpar. The perfect example of this would be my junior year in high school when I was enrolled in AP english literature. I dreaded the majority of the class simply because there was so much writing involved in the entire course and therefore I was constantly writing just to get a grade. Being forced to write in such high volume every week for an entire school year was not enjoyable for myself and as a result the Get more content on
  • 9. Ad Analysis Essay examples Effects of an Ad Advertising is the marketing of an idea in ways that encourages and persuades audiences to take some sort of action. In most cases, the action would be to buy a product or service while other are simply to raise awareness. Whatever the case may be, money is poured into advertising every day. Marketing agencies try various ways to convince people to buy their products using different persuasion techniques. After first examining an advertisement, one could analyze how each detail in the ad was specifically designed to affect its audience in a way that convinces them that they need what is being advertised. One would also be able to notice the values and important aspects of a culture through its advertisements. more content... Words like "help," "feel," and "faster," are used in this ad to subtly make readers believe that NyQuil will cure Mom's illness quickly when, in fact, they really only say that the products might make her symptoms briefly subside quicker than another indistinct method of treatment. This subtle method of advertisement is actually very common in all types of ads. Another technique used to attract attention of audiences is the adorable image of a mother and daughter playing dress up together. When someone sees this image, they are expected to feel strong, loving emotion for the seemingly deep mother–daughter connection in the photo. This mode of persuasion, pathos, is used to play on the emotions of viewers who see this ad. By using pathos in advertising, advertisers are also showing the main values of a culture. This NyQuil ad illustrates that one major value of American culture is a strong family bond. The heartfelt image of a mother and daughter cheerfully playing dress up together, the bold words, "Don't let a cold take away dress up Mommy," and the direct addressing of "helping Mom," in the descriptions are all contributing to one major ideal. This entire ad is created on the basis that most Americans place strong value on a deep, loving connection between mothers and their daughters. In conclusion, various methods of advertising Get more content on
  • 10. Essay on Lifelong Learning Lifelong learning Lifelong learning is the continuous building of skills and knowledge throughout the life of an individual. The first characteristic of lifelong learning is that it encompasses both formal and non–formal/informal types of education and training. Formal learning includes the hierarchically structured school system that runs from primary school through the university and organized school–like programs created in business for technical and professional training. Whereas informal learning describes a lifelong process whereby individuals acquire attitudes, values, skills and knowledge from daily experience and the educational influences and resources in his or her environment, from family and neighbors, from work and play, more content... The computer industry is a growing field that will never stay the same as it was when it started. We will always need additional learning to be able to keep our jobs or move up on the corporate ladder. We can learn about these changes by going back to school, going to workshops, or on the job training if it is available. These opportunities are tools that will help you learn more about your job. The skills that you learn at one job will help you advance in that position or get you another position with that company or another company. For example, If you we are tired of being at that same died end job make that change and go back to school to get that additional education to pursue your dream that you have. Working a job and having a career are two different things. After spend some years in the work force I decided to further my education. I wanted a career that I can advance in and learn more. The process of designing a lifelong learning plan begins with putting it in writing. This plan, sometimes called a learning contract, must be a dynamic process intended to provide structure in an unstructured environment – known as everyday life. Lifelong learning exists within this world, allowing learners the freedom to enroll in formal continuing education programs or self–directed learning such as learning how to garden or play an instrument, as examples. A personal learning plan or learning contract should focus on the following four Get more content on
  • 11. What I Have Learned Essay What I Have Learned When I think about what counts as learning to me, I think about my life. Just being able to live in this world to me is a learning experience, because I feel that my life is full of lessons and I believe that it takes lessons to learn in life. I feel that I have learned to understand learning more and to also understand the value of learning. As I get older I can comprehend subject matters more than I could ever do before. I am learning to be more serious and I find myself not taking life for granted anymore. I also feel that maturing counts as learning for me because growing up I was continuously being called immature. For me, maturing counts as learning because I find myself doing things I never thought more content... I feel that I have to get rid of bad habits in order to make room for better habits that I need for everyday life. I am learning better habits everyday. Even though I did bad on my first exam I feel that counted as learning for me because now I know what it takes for me to receive a high grade on any test I take. The biggest learning experience to me so far is life itself. I feel that way because there is so much to learn in life. It takes growing up for me to learn in life. I am now beginning to understand the value of learning because a year ago I did not appreciate learning. I did not value it like I value it now. I took it for granted as if learning could just be given to me. I realize now that it has to be earned. My attitude in high school was bad because I really did not feel I was learning, so I took it for granted. In high school I felt as if the teachers were jokes and I also felt they did not care about educating me properly. I am now starting to learn the value of an education. I now look forward to learning new things everyday. I feel that I am beginning to have a passion for learning. I never thought that I would feel this way about learning because I never did appreciate it like I do now. I now actually yearn to learn; I feel that I need to learn new things. Every assignment I have done in college is teaching me something new. I think I feel this way because I am maturing and I now view learning differently than I did Get more content on
  • 12. Essay about Sampling Sampling Carrying out a survey of every single potential consumer (known as population) of a firm's product would be impractical, time–consuming and costly. Businesses still, however, need to collect enough primary data to have a clear idea of the views of consumers. This can be done by taking a sample of the population. This sample group should be made up of consumers that are representative of all potential buyers of the product. There are a number of ways in which a sample can be chosen. Random Sampling This method gives each member of a group an equal chance of being chosen. In other words, the sample is selected at random, rather like picking numbers out of a hat. Today computers more content... So, if the business was interested in how 'class' affected consumers' demand for a food product, it might divide the population up into different class groups, such as working class males, middle class females etc. A random sample could then be chosen from each of these groups by making sure that they were the same proportions of the sample in each category as in population as a whole. So if the population had 10 per cent upper class males, so would the sample. Quota Sampling This sampling method involves the population being segmented into a number of groups which share specific characteristics. These may be based on the age and the sex of the population. Interviewers are then given targets for the number of people out of each segment who they must interview. For example, and interviewer may be asked to interview 10 males between the ages of 18 and 25, or 15 females between the ages of 45 and 60. Once the target is reached, no more people from that group are interviewed. The advantage of this sampling method is that it can be cheaper to operate than many of the others. It is also useful where the proportions of the different groups within the population are known. However, results from quota sampling are not statistically representative of the population and are not randomly chosen. They must therefore be treated with caution. Cluster Sampling This involves Get more content on
  • 13. Consciousness Essay example Consciousness To define such a universally experienced phenomena as consciousness may seem on the most superficial level rather unnecessary. Yet a more scientific, and at times philosophical, investigation into the phenomena demands some sort of confirmed interpretation which supercedes any such common understanding. For our purposes the content of consciousness may be deemed those things of which one is aware and thus can report. Thinking, as well, and the higher–level mechanisms associated there in may also be components of this consciousness. While additionally an individuals' conception that the way in which she experiences the world comes from more than just the neuronal activity of her brain can be understood as a more content... Certain individuals who have experienced extensive damage to those cortical areas related to sight may report an inability to perceive visual stimuli. In some cases, when presented with a moving spot of light, such individuals who claim to have witnessed no optical occurrence whatsoever will subsequently "guess", well above chance level, the direction of the lights' movement (1). In this phenomena of blindsight it would be the individual's "on–line system" (or "I–function") which provokes the claims that he perceives no stimuli while clearly the "seeing system" has, though on an unconscious level, seen something (1). In an attempt to determine the location of the neuronal correlate of consciousness Crick and Koch conducted research that used images characterized by their bistable precepts. Such visual stimuli (ex: the Serendip – directional arrows) present a constant visual input which results in two possible subject precepts – which tend to alternate in conscious perception. An experimental determination is subsequently made as to which neurons in the brain are attending to the input and which to the precept (whichever is being conceived at that moment). This type of investigative procedure has been preformed on the macaque visual system and results from research published in 1989 by Logothetis indicated that monkeys (non–human primates) and humans perceive such bistable inputs in Get more content on
  • 14. Lifestyles Essay examples Lifestyles Introduction If you look up the word Lifestyle in the dictionary you will find the definition "a way of life or style of living that reflects the attitudes and values of a person or group". However this definition does not pertain much to marketing, or consumer purchasing habits. Another definition that would be of more relevance and importance to marketers is "Lifestyle refers to a pattern of consumption, of how he or she spends their time and money". A lifestyle marketing perspective shows how people sort themselves into groups on the basis of activities they enjoy, how they spend their free time, and how they spend their disposable income. This gives marketers a chance for market segmentation strategies. more content... Psychographics is basically the separation of customers into categories depending on different choices in consumption activities, and product usage. Marketers were always fascinated by the intangibles of consumer demand but it wasn't until the 1960s when social upheaval splintered the mass market beyond anything recognizable that marketers invented a way to measure those intangibles. However despite being around for over 30 years or so Psychographics is still one of the least understood concepts in marketing research. Many marketers consider demographics and psychographics as two separate things when in actuality psychographics was developed to compliment demographics. The term first appeared in Grey Advertising's publication "Grey Matter" in 1965. It was hailed as a way for researchers to quantify the slippery field of consumer psychology. A psycho graphic study combines consumers' measurable demographic characteristics with the more abstract aspects of attitudes, opinions, and interests. Demographic, purchasing media, and psycho graphic information is coded from surveys, thrown together and analyzed until some groups with shared characteristics are can be distinguished from all other groups. Get more content on
  • 15. Methodology of Research Essay examples Methodology of Research The method that I will be using to research my area of sociology will be a structured questionnaire, it will be structured so that the candidates stick to the questions that they are asked and do not write about irrelevant matters. I will first of all produce a pilot questionnaire and send it round to a test group of people, and hopefully see whether or not I am able to obtain the relevant information that I need for my research with the questions that I have asked my targeted group of people. If the questionnaire provides me with my needed information, I will the produce more and send them out to a larger sample of people and obtain more content... Also using a questionnaire is a quick way to obtain information and can cover a wide area of matters with just a few questions, whereas if I had used an interview as my method it would of taken a much longer amount of time and I might of not been able to get the answers that I needed out of my candidates. Another bonus of using a questionnaire, would be that once I have received all of the information I will be able to put my findings into the relevant tables, and then I will be able to compare my findings to the secondary data that I have gathered with and will be able to do this with ease. Because I am establishing the role of women within working class households and the effect that their roles have had on their families way of life. I need to be able to define what I class as a working class household; which in my view is a family with either a mum or a dad or both that goes out to work and then comes home to look after that
  • 16. home and the family. Therefore I have asked questions to determine who in the household goes out to work and the sort of jobs that they do around the home. By asking these questions I feel that I will be able to differentiate between upper, lower and middle class households and therefore gather the information that I Get more content on