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How the year group did? 
Not Achieved = 30% 
Achieved = 18% 
Merit = 32% 
Excellence = 20% 
Score range: 
N = 0-7 
A = 8-12 
M = 13-18 
E = 19-24
Page 2: 
 Type of extreme natural event = VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS 
 Name of case studies e.g. Mt. Tarawera, NZ; Mt Pinatubo, 
Phi l l ipines; Nevado del Ruiz, Columbia; Mt Ruapehu, NZ; 
Eyjafjal lajökul l , Iceland (add in location) 
Par t (a) – This was a map or diagram DESCRIBING characteristics of 
your envi ronment that make i t VULNERABLE to volcanic eruptions 
(could be natural or cul tural characteristics) 
Par t (b) – This question asked you to FULLY EXPLAIN the natural OR 
cul tural characteristics of vulnerabi l i ty. So many of you just 
described the characteristics, repeating the info from par t (a). Many 
also just talked about ef fects/impacts of an eruption and not the 
characteristics of vulnerabi l i ty 
Appl ication of concept ENVIRONMENTS for E8 – not just rewri ting the 
defini tion given
N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 
D Dp Dp + S 
Or Di 
Dp + Sp 
Or Di 
Ep + S 
+ Di 
Ep + Sp 
+ Di 
Ec + Sc 
+ DiL 
Ec + Sc 
+ DiL + 
D – very basic description 
Dp – partial description 
S – specifics 
Sp – partial specifics 
Sc – comprehensive/integrated specifics 
Ep – partial explanation 
Ec – comprehensive explanation 
Di – basic diagram 
DiL – diagram annotated and linked to explanation 
C – concept 
NR – not relevant
Par t (a) – This question asked for annotated diagrams DESCRIBING 
NATURAL PROCESSES producing volcanic eruptions. As the 
concept here is PROCESS, a series of 3 diagrams would work best 
to describe the natural processes. Remember the dif ference 
between labels and annotations 
Par t (b) – Again here you had to FULLY EXPLAIN how the natural 
processes work to form a volcanic eruptions. You had to include 
specifics and refer to your diagrams 
Many described processes or par tially explained processes with no 
reference to a specific case study at al l 
Application of the concept PROCESS for E8, not just rewriting the 
definition given
N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 
D Dp Dp + S 
Or Di 
Dp + Sp 
Or Di 
Ep + S 
+ Di 
Ep + Sp 
+ Di 
Ec + Sc 
+ DiA 
Ec + Sc 
+ DiA + 
D – very basic description 
Dp – partial description 
S – specifics 
Sp – partial specifics 
Sc – comprehensive/integrated specifics 
Ep – partial explanation 
Ec – comprehensive explanation 
Di – basic diagram 
DiA – diagram annotated and linked to explanation 
C – concept 
NR – not relevant
Even though this question was not divided into par t (a) and par t 
(b) , it says you should use diagrams to suppor t your answer. This 
means for Merit and Excel lence a diagram is needed. 
This question is asking you to FULLY EXPLAIN ef fects of volcanic 
eruptions on the cultural environment. 
Annotated diagrams could be used for the DESCRIPTION of the 
ef fects. 
Application of concept CHANGE for E8.
N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 
D Dp Dp + S 
Or Di 
Dp + Sp 
Or Di 
Ep + S 
+ Di 
Ep + Sp 
+ Di 
Ec + Sc 
+ DiA 
Ec + Sc 
+ DiA + 
D – very basic description 
Dp – partial description 
S – specifics 
Sp – partial specifics 
Sc – comprehensive/integrated specifics 
Ep – partial explanation 
Ec – comprehensive explanation 
Di – basic diagram 
DiA – diagram annotated and linked to explanation 
C – concept 
NR – not relevant
 Diagrams and maps need to have titles that clearly state what 
you are drawing and what setting/environment it is in 
 Stick to ONE case study per question only. This way you can 
write in depth about that par ticular case study and therefore 
score higher grades 
 Refer to maps and diagrams in your written explanations 
 Remember the dif ference between DESCRIBE and FULLY EXPLAIN 
 When using Mt Tarawera case study and ef fects on the cultural 
environment, be careful when talking only about the Pink and 
White Terraces – this is a natural feature. You have to careful ly 
and insightfully l ink this to the tourism industry to include the 
Terraces as par t of the cultural environment 
 Those people who attended the revision workshops – wel l done! 
Your results were definitely better than those who did not use the 
oppor tunities provided
How the year group did? 
Not Achieved = 16% 
Achieved = 33% 
Merit = 32% 
Excellence = 19% 
Score range: 
N = 0-7 
A = 8-13 
M = 14-19 
E = 20-24
PART A) Comparing population distribution between the Nor thern and 
Southern Hemispheres, using the figures provided. 
 Some people only described the Nor thern Hemisphere and made no 
comparison to the Southern Hemisphere. 
 Make sure you know where the hemispheres are – some people 
mixed them up! ! 
 A key wo rd i n t h e q ue s t i o n was “describe” . Some pe o pl e wrote f ar 
too much here and went into far too much detai l  this would only 
be n e c e s s ar y i f i t h ad as ke d yo u to “ ful ly explain”. Th e amo un t o f 
space given is also a hint! 
You MUST do the diagram! It needed to have on i t the patterns of 
population distribution and annotation  evidence and suppor ting 
detai l . E.g. West Bengal , showing the Ganges River flowing through 
an d a l abe l s ay i n g ‘l i n e ar pat te rn ’ 
Th e re we re s ome f an t as t i c di ag rams but s ome t h at s t i l l do n ’t k n ow 
place names in India.
 Use key words from the question 
 Factors were given to you, yet some people managed to not 
even answer the question. You MUST read the question 
carefully to know what is required! 
 1 paragraph is not enough – again look at how much space 
they give you as an indication of how much to write. 
 Make sure you know the di f ferences between natural and 
cultural factors – accessibi lity of Kashmir is not a cultural 
factor, it is natural because of the location it is in. 
 CONCEPT! Include this in your writing if you are told to – state 
the concept AND define it! Some people did this very wel l. 
 High Merit/Excellence required al l 3 par ts done, with 
suppor ting evidence and explanation for par t C) . High E = 
concept used.
Par t A) 
 One of the worst done par ts of the paper, simply because of 
people not reading the question/concept. 
 You needed to refer to the statement about population 
increase and so why is was not SUSTAINABLE (concept) and 
include specific information from India 
 People who did poorly in this question fai led to l ink it to 
sustainabil ity and/or India. 
Par t B) 
 This was done wel l by most people. For a Merit you had to say 
more than 1 way and have an explanation as to why this 
method was needed. 
 Including the outcome i f possible was also good e.g. IR8 
seeds fai l ing as farmers could not af ford the fer ti lisers to 
keep them going.
Par t A) Describe features of the population structure: 
 T h i s n e e d e d to h ave s u p p o r t in g ev i d e n c e s o s ay i n g “ h i g h l i fe 
ex p e c t an c y” wa s n ’ t e n o u g h – need to say what l ife expectancy 
was, perhaps that females had a higher l i fe expectancy than 
Par t B) Reasons for the population pyramid: 
 I f you mentioned that there was a large amount of people 
from 20-24 it is l ikely to be because of job oppor tunities or a 
university in the town. NOT that there is a large amount of 19 
year olds dying. High l i fe expectancy because of medical care 
avai lable etc. This is a town in the USA, not a developing 
 Another question that was poorly done, with some people not 
bothering to read what the question was asking! 
 You needed to state how the population had changed over 
time, and perhaps how it was going to change in the future. 
 Those who did this question wel l referred to the Demographic 
Transition Model, explaining what stage India was in now, and 
how it had CHANGED to this stage and why. Also included the 
s h a p e o f I n d i a ’ s p o p u l at io n py r ami d a n d h ow t h e s h a p e h a d 
changed over time and why. 
 T h ey me nt i o ne d t h i ng s l i ke net mi g r at io n we r e n’ t a l a r ge 
factor for change in India as only 1% of the population had 
immigrated to India and that internal migration was large. 
 Oh a n d i f yo u h a d n ’ t fi g u re d t h e c o n c e p t wa s……… CHANGE! 
 Concept was needed for an Excel lence.
 It was not dif ficult to achieve this paper and 
generally this paper was done well. 
 BUT….It was dif ficult to pass without attempting all 
 Those who did pass with only one or two questions 
done had completed the question(s) to an excellence 
Missing our parts of questions impacted the overall 
 It was obvious those who had revised – specific 
information and statistics were used throughout 
their paper.
 For some of you this has given you 
a good understanding of what is 
required to do wel l in 1.2 
 Go back through your paper and 
choose 1 question to redo – use 
the information we have just 
discussed to PERFECT your 
 Read through and see where you 
went wrong. In your book rewri te 
the IDEAL answer. 
 Use the key words from the 
question, the concept given, your 
speci fic information about India to 
make i t excel lence wor thy 
Not Achieved: 32% 
Achieved: 42% 
Merit: 20% 
Excellence: 6%
 Students who attempted ALL THREE questions stood a better 
chance of Achieving this paper 
 Accuracy IS IMPORTANT when applying geographic ski l ls 
 B = Basic answer 
 C = Complex answer. For Meri t and Excel lence you wanted to 
make sure you had lots of C answers 
 This was probably the worst paper in terms of resul ts, but this 
could be because people were thrown by the last question and 
fai led to attempt i t. 
 Remember the concept of TAONGA WILL BE IN YOUR END OF 
YEAR EXAM so you MUST understand i t.
a) RTQ, question was about LOCATION (where it is). 
Needed specific evidence 
B or C 
b) (i) (ii) Saw milling and 56 people BOTH for B 
b) (iii) Named examples needed e.g. Ulva Island Marine 
Reserve, Rakiura National Park, Stewart Island 
Forest Conservation Area 
TWO needed for C 
c) Precis mapping needs to be accurate. Roads 
should be a SINGLE line and areas must be 
SHADED IN. Cannot put an x for the island 
See map
 Shelter B 
 Road B or C 
 Ulva Island B 
 Sand/mud C
d) Most missed this question 
46º55’ needed degree AND minute symbols 
e) (i) Needed to be an OCCUPATION 
e.g. teacher, police officer, DOC ranger, hotel 
worker etc 
TWO needed for B 
(ii) 100m (had to have METRES) C 
f) Advantages and disadvantages needed with 
specific detail from the resource 
B or C depending on level 
of discussion 
N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 
1/11 2/11 3-4/11 5/11 6-7/11 8/11 
with 2 
with 3 
with 3 
with 4 
Marked on 6 things 
• Title (climate graph, NOT JUST temperature) 
• Scale (must include ºC) 
• Points in middle of Month 
• Points joined by single line 
• Line accurately touches axes on both sides 
• Dip or v shape between June and August 
B = 4 ticks 
C = 5 ticks 
b) (i) October B 
(ii) 138mm MUST have mm B 
(iii) March and July B (BOTH correct) 
c) February or March B = month named 
C = reason given 
d) Comparison of climate, KEY to look at AVERAGE 
rainfall vs AVERAGE temperature. Poorly done 
B or C 
e) (i) 200m B 
(ii) 17-18km (had to have km) B 
(iii) Must talk about BOTH tracks with specifics from 
the resource. Good students used the bullet 
pointed list and worked their way through this. 
B or C depending on 
level of detail and 
N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 
1/9 2/9 3/9 4/9 5/9 6/9 
2 C’s 
with 2 
with 3 
with 4 
 Each of the three paragraphs are assessed using the fol lowing 
N: Not answered, irrelevant or insuf ficient answer 
Ep: Par tial explanation (basic understanding of resource use 
but l i ttle suppor ting evidence) 
Ed: Detai led explanation (ful l explanation of the resource use is 
shown, wi th suppor ting evidence) 
 It was key here to know the di f ference between a NATURAL 
resource (wind, trees, fish, water, etc. ) and a CULTURAL resource 
(museum, sawmi l ls, school , stores, etc. ) 
 Students that used the defini tion of TAONGA which was given in 
the question in thei r answer general ly scored better as i t focused 
thei r response.
N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 
None Answered 
but no 
1 Ep 2 Ep 
1 Ed 
3 Ep 
1Ep & 
2 Ep & 
2 Ed 1 Ep & 
2 Ed 
3 Ed
 Generally speaking, students that attempted ALL par ts of ALL 
3 questions tended to Achieve. 
 Even i f you wrote SOMETHING for the last question (and it was 
mostly incorrect) it would have given you 1 mark. This was the 
di f ference between an ACHIEVED and a NOT ACHIEVED for 
some people 
 Be accurate in your précis 
 Use speci fic information from 
the resource booklet but do not 
copy word for word

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Level 1 Geography TGS School Exams feedback 2014

  • 2. OVERALL RESULTS How the year group did? Not Achieved = 30% Achieved = 18% Merit = 32% Excellence = 20% Score range: N = 0-7 A = 8-12 M = 13-18 E = 19-24
  • 3. QUESTION 1 Page 2:  Type of extreme natural event = VOLCANIC ERUPTIONS  Name of case studies e.g. Mt. Tarawera, NZ; Mt Pinatubo, Phi l l ipines; Nevado del Ruiz, Columbia; Mt Ruapehu, NZ; Eyjafjal lajökul l , Iceland (add in location) Par t (a) – This was a map or diagram DESCRIBING characteristics of your envi ronment that make i t VULNERABLE to volcanic eruptions (could be natural or cul tural characteristics) Par t (b) – This question asked you to FULLY EXPLAIN the natural OR cul tural characteristics of vulnerabi l i ty. So many of you just described the characteristics, repeating the info from par t (a). Many also just talked about ef fects/impacts of an eruption and not the characteristics of vulnerabi l i ty Appl ication of concept ENVIRONMENTS for E8 – not just rewri ting the defini tion given
  • 4. N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 D Dp Dp + S Or Di Dp + Sp Or Di Ep + S + Di Ep + Sp + Di Ec + Sc + DiL Ec + Sc + DiL + C QUESTION 1 OVERALL Codes: D – very basic description Dp – partial description S – specifics Sp – partial specifics Sc – comprehensive/integrated specifics Ep – partial explanation Ec – comprehensive explanation Di – basic diagram DiL – diagram annotated and linked to explanation C – concept NR – not relevant
  • 5. QUESTION 2 Par t (a) – This question asked for annotated diagrams DESCRIBING NATURAL PROCESSES producing volcanic eruptions. As the concept here is PROCESS, a series of 3 diagrams would work best to describe the natural processes. Remember the dif ference between labels and annotations Par t (b) – Again here you had to FULLY EXPLAIN how the natural processes work to form a volcanic eruptions. You had to include specifics and refer to your diagrams Many described processes or par tially explained processes with no reference to a specific case study at al l Application of the concept PROCESS for E8, not just rewriting the definition given
  • 6. N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 D Dp Dp + S Or Di Dp + Sp Or Di Ep + S + Di Ep + Sp + Di Ec + Sc + DiA Ec + Sc + DiA + C QUESTION 2 OVERALL Codes: D – very basic description Dp – partial description S – specifics Sp – partial specifics Sc – comprehensive/integrated specifics Ep – partial explanation Ec – comprehensive explanation Di – basic diagram DiA – diagram annotated and linked to explanation C – concept NR – not relevant
  • 7. QUESTION 3 Even though this question was not divided into par t (a) and par t (b) , it says you should use diagrams to suppor t your answer. This means for Merit and Excel lence a diagram is needed. This question is asking you to FULLY EXPLAIN ef fects of volcanic eruptions on the cultural environment. Annotated diagrams could be used for the DESCRIPTION of the ef fects. Application of concept CHANGE for E8.
  • 8. N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 D Dp Dp + S Or Di Dp + Sp Or Di Ep + S + Di Ep + Sp + Di Ec + Sc + DiA Ec + Sc + DiA + C QUESTION 3 OVERALL Codes: D – very basic description Dp – partial description S – specifics Sp – partial specifics Sc – comprehensive/integrated specifics Ep – partial explanation Ec – comprehensive explanation Di – basic diagram DiA – diagram annotated and linked to explanation C – concept NR – not relevant
  • 9. TAKE NOTE….  Diagrams and maps need to have titles that clearly state what you are drawing and what setting/environment it is in  Stick to ONE case study per question only. This way you can write in depth about that par ticular case study and therefore score higher grades  Refer to maps and diagrams in your written explanations  Remember the dif ference between DESCRIBE and FULLY EXPLAIN  When using Mt Tarawera case study and ef fects on the cultural environment, be careful when talking only about the Pink and White Terraces – this is a natural feature. You have to careful ly and insightfully l ink this to the tourism industry to include the Terraces as par t of the cultural environment  Those people who attended the revision workshops – wel l done! Your results were definitely better than those who did not use the oppor tunities provided
  • 10. September 2014 EXAM FEEDBACK 1.2 POPULATION
  • 11. OVERALL RESULTS How the year group did? Not Achieved = 16% Achieved = 33% Merit = 32% Excellence = 19% Score range: N = 0-7 A = 8-13 M = 14-19 E = 20-24
  • 12. QUESTION 1 PART A) Comparing population distribution between the Nor thern and Southern Hemispheres, using the figures provided.  Some people only described the Nor thern Hemisphere and made no comparison to the Southern Hemisphere.  Make sure you know where the hemispheres are – some people mixed them up! !  A key wo rd i n t h e q ue s t i o n was “describe” . Some pe o pl e wrote f ar too much here and went into far too much detai l  this would only be n e c e s s ar y i f i t h ad as ke d yo u to “ ful ly explain”. Th e amo un t o f space given is also a hint! PART B) You MUST do the diagram! It needed to have on i t the patterns of population distribution and annotation  evidence and suppor ting detai l . E.g. West Bengal , showing the Ganges River flowing through an d a l abe l s ay i n g ‘l i n e ar pat te rn ’ Th e re we re s ome f an t as t i c di ag rams but s ome t h at s t i l l do n ’t k n ow place names in India.
  • 13. QUESTION 1 CONT. PART C)  Use key words from the question  Factors were given to you, yet some people managed to not even answer the question. You MUST read the question carefully to know what is required!  1 paragraph is not enough – again look at how much space they give you as an indication of how much to write.  Make sure you know the di f ferences between natural and cultural factors – accessibi lity of Kashmir is not a cultural factor, it is natural because of the location it is in.  CONCEPT! Include this in your writing if you are told to – state the concept AND define it! Some people did this very wel l.  High Merit/Excellence required al l 3 par ts done, with suppor ting evidence and explanation for par t C) . High E = concept used.
  • 14. QUESTION 2 Par t A)  One of the worst done par ts of the paper, simply because of people not reading the question/concept.  You needed to refer to the statement about population increase and so why is was not SUSTAINABLE (concept) and include specific information from India  People who did poorly in this question fai led to l ink it to sustainabil ity and/or India. Par t B)  This was done wel l by most people. For a Merit you had to say more than 1 way and have an explanation as to why this method was needed.  Including the outcome i f possible was also good e.g. IR8 seeds fai l ing as farmers could not af ford the fer ti lisers to keep them going.
  • 15. QUESTION 3 Par t A) Describe features of the population structure:  T h i s n e e d e d to h ave s u p p o r t in g ev i d e n c e s o s ay i n g “ h i g h l i fe ex p e c t an c y” wa s n ’ t e n o u g h – need to say what l ife expectancy was, perhaps that females had a higher l i fe expectancy than males. Par t B) Reasons for the population pyramid:  I f you mentioned that there was a large amount of people from 20-24 it is l ikely to be because of job oppor tunities or a university in the town. NOT that there is a large amount of 19 year olds dying. High l i fe expectancy because of medical care avai lable etc. This is a town in the USA, not a developing country.
  • 16. QUESTION 3 CONT. PART C)  Another question that was poorly done, with some people not bothering to read what the question was asking!  You needed to state how the population had changed over time, and perhaps how it was going to change in the future.  Those who did this question wel l referred to the Demographic Transition Model, explaining what stage India was in now, and how it had CHANGED to this stage and why. Also included the s h a p e o f I n d i a ’ s p o p u l at io n py r ami d a n d h ow t h e s h a p e h a d changed over time and why.  T h ey me nt i o ne d t h i ng s l i ke net mi g r at io n we r e n’ t a l a r ge factor for change in India as only 1% of the population had immigrated to India and that internal migration was large.  Oh a n d i f yo u h a d n ’ t fi g u re d t h e c o n c e p t wa s……… CHANGE!  Concept was needed for an Excel lence.
  • 17. MARKER COMMENTS  It was not dif ficult to achieve this paper and generally this paper was done well.  BUT….It was dif ficult to pass without attempting all questions.  Those who did pass with only one or two questions done had completed the question(s) to an excellence level. Missing our parts of questions impacted the overall mark.  It was obvious those who had revised – specific information and statistics were used throughout their paper.
  • 18. WHERE TO NOW?  For some of you this has given you a good understanding of what is required to do wel l in 1.2  Go back through your paper and choose 1 question to redo – use the information we have just discussed to PERFECT your response.  Read through and see where you went wrong. In your book rewri te the IDEAL answer.  Use the key words from the question, the concept given, your speci fic information about India to make i t excel lence wor thy 
  • 20. OVERALL RESULTS Not Achieved: 32% Achieved: 42% Merit: 20% Excellence: 6%
  • 21. GENERAL COMMENTS  Students who attempted ALL THREE questions stood a better chance of Achieving this paper  Accuracy IS IMPORTANT when applying geographic ski l ls  B = Basic answer  C = Complex answer. For Meri t and Excel lence you wanted to make sure you had lots of C answers  This was probably the worst paper in terms of resul ts, but this could be because people were thrown by the last question and fai led to attempt i t.  Remember the concept of TAONGA WILL BE IN YOUR END OF YEAR EXAM so you MUST understand i t.
  • 22. QUESTION ONE: MAP AND PHOTO INTERPRETATION ANSWER SCORE a) RTQ, question was about LOCATION (where it is). Needed specific evidence B or C b) (i) (ii) Saw milling and 56 people BOTH for B b) (iii) Named examples needed e.g. Ulva Island Marine Reserve, Rakiura National Park, Stewart Island Forest Conservation Area TWO needed for C c) Precis mapping needs to be accurate. Roads should be a SINGLE line and areas must be SHADED IN. Cannot put an x for the island See map
  • 23. QUESTION ONE: PRECIS MAPS  Shelter B  Road B or C  Ulva Island B  Sand/mud C
  • 24. QUESTION ONE: MAP AND PHOTO INTERPRETATION ANSWER SCORE d) Most missed this question 46º55’ needed degree AND minute symbols B e) (i) Needed to be an OCCUPATION e.g. teacher, police officer, DOC ranger, hotel worker etc TWO needed for B (ii) 100m (had to have METRES) C f) Advantages and disadvantages needed with specific detail from the resource B or C depending on level of discussion QUESTION ONE OVERALL N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 1/11 2/11 3-4/11 5/11 6-7/11 8/11 with 2 C’s 9/11 with 3 C’s 10/11 with 3 C’s 10/11 with 4 C’s
  • 25. QUESTION TWO: GRAPH, TABLES AND ANSWER SCORE a) MUST be a LINE GRAPH Marked on 6 things • Title (climate graph, NOT JUST temperature) • Scale (must include ºC) • Points in middle of Month • Points joined by single line • Line accurately touches axes on both sides • Dip or v shape between June and August B = 4 ticks C = 5 ticks b) (i) October B (ii) 138mm MUST have mm B (iii) March and July B (BOTH correct) c) February or March B = month named C = reason given d) Comparison of climate, KEY to look at AVERAGE rainfall vs AVERAGE temperature. Poorly done B or C STATISTICS
  • 26. QUESTION TWO: GRAPH, TABLES AND ANSWER SCORE e) (i) 200m B (ii) 17-18km (had to have km) B (iii) Must talk about BOTH tracks with specifics from the resource. Good students used the bullet pointed list and worked their way through this. B or C depending on level of detail and discussion STATISTICS QUESTION TWO OVERALL N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 1/9 2/9 3/9 4/9 5/9 6/9 with 2 C’s 7/9 with 2 C’s 8/9 with 3 C’s 8/9 with 4 C’s
  • 27. QUESTION THREE: APPLICATION OF GEOGRAPHIC CONCEPTS  Each of the three paragraphs are assessed using the fol lowing codes N: Not answered, irrelevant or insuf ficient answer Ep: Par tial explanation (basic understanding of resource use but l i ttle suppor ting evidence) Ed: Detai led explanation (ful l explanation of the resource use is shown, wi th suppor ting evidence)  It was key here to know the di f ference between a NATURAL resource (wind, trees, fish, water, etc. ) and a CULTURAL resource (museum, sawmi l ls, school , stores, etc. )  Students that used the defini tion of TAONGA which was given in the question in thei r answer general ly scored better as i t focused thei r response.
  • 28. QUESTION THREE OVERALL N0 N1 N2 A3 A4 M5 M6 E7 E8 None Answered but no relevant info 1 Ep 2 Ep OR 1 Ed 3 Ep OR 1Ep & 1Ed 2 Ep & 1Ed 2 Ed 1 Ep & 2 Ed 3 Ed
  • 30. ADVICE FOR THE END OF THE YEAR  Generally speaking, students that attempted ALL par ts of ALL 3 questions tended to Achieve.  Even i f you wrote SOMETHING for the last question (and it was mostly incorrect) it would have given you 1 mark. This was the di f ference between an ACHIEVED and a NOT ACHIEVED for some people  Be accurate in your précis maps and READ THE QUESTION  Use speci fic information from the resource booklet but do not copy word for word