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The whole volume of this Masters Research thesis covers 64 pages
entails11 figures, 12 tables, 27 references and 1 attachment.
The main idea of research is to implement this project to provide
standard research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in
Kailahun in a bid to address the dreadful side effects of poorly produced
african traditional medicine and deal with the dosage disagreement
among African traditional doctors that have weighed down the
community; this will add value to the health sector and make medicine
accessible and affordable in the entire country.
The research thesis includes introduction, four chapters, conclusions,
references and an attachment.
In chapters of this research thesis we described problem and problematic
of the project, generated project business plan, generated, evaluated and selected
project alternatives, created project business plan, created SMART goal of the
project, and also created project logical matrix. Under development phase, we
created project scope, organizational project structure, project calendar plan and
project resource profile. And at the monitoring phase the tasks involved were,
evaluation of project real state by method of earned value, and project reports
whereas at the last phase we are to describe expertise of labour protection and
safety situations of the project.
It is observed that upon the successful implementation of these steps
in the chapters the desired project result which is establishing a research
and producing facility is realized. The result will address the dire need of
well research African traditional medicine and boost the health and
standard living condition of people.
1.1 Problem and Problematic……………………………………………... 9
1.2 Project Business Idea……………………………………………......... 1
1.3 Generating, Evaluating and Project Alternative Selection………......... 1
1.4 Project Business Panning……………………………………………... 1
1.5 SMART-Goal of the Project………………………………………….. 1
1.6 Project Logical Matrix………………………………………………... 2
2.1 Project Scope…………………………………………………………. 2
2.2 Organizational Project Structure……………………………………… 2
2.3 Project Calendar Plan……………………………………………......... 2
2.4 Project ResourceProfile………………………………………………. 3
3.1 Evaluation of Project Real state by Method of Earned Value………… 3
3.2 Project Reports………………………………………………………... 4
4.1 Harmful and Hazardous Factor……………………………………… 4
4.2 Requirements for Premises Computing Centers……………………. 4
4.3 Measures to ensure healthy working conditions. Design calculations of
4.4 Maintenance requirements of technical aesthetics………………….. 4
4.5 Providing visual ergonomic parameters computer…………………... 6
4.6 The calculation parameters ergonomic workplace…………………… 5
4.7 Hours of work and recreation personnel CC. The device of rooms,
recreational staff for CC………………………………………………
4.8 Providing electrical safety……………………………………………. 5
4.9 Protection against noise……………………………………………… 5
4.10 Protection against radiation, electrostatic fields……………………. 5
4.11 Fire safety…………………………………………………………….. 5
4.12 Proffered Recommendation for Labour safety……………………….. 5
LIST OF LITERATURE……………………………………………….
Substantiation of the urgency of chosen project; Traditional medicinal
plants are becoming increasingly important in the primary health care systems of
developing countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80%
of the population in Africa uses traditional medicine. In sub-Saharan Africa, the
ratio of traditional healers to the population is 1:500, whereas that of medical
doctors to the population is 1:40 000. This suggests that traditional practitioners
have silently borne the burden of maintaining health in these communities.
Although African governments and international organizations previously had little
contact with traditional medicine practitioners, health crises have fueled the need
to merge western and traditional treatments. Efforts have focused on re-linking
communities with traditional healers and encouraging equitable access and benefit
sharing of medicinal plants.
The particular concern or issue here is the problem of poor research and
production of traditional medicine. The current status of traditional Medicine in
Sierra Leone lack professionalism and efficacy.
The high cost of western pharmaceuticals and modern health services has
made them out of reach in most developing countries espercially Sierra Leone. The
need for an affordable treatment regime whose efficacy has been evaluated has led
to increased interest in traditional medicinal plants. The WHO is presently
supporting clinical studies on anti-malarial drugs, as well as treatments for HIV/
AIDS, sickle cell anemia and diabetes mellitus [2].
The goal of the project; the goal of this project is to Establish a research
and producing laboratory for African traditional medicine in kailahun – Sierra
The object of the research; is to provide well-research, efficacious and
approved African traditional medicine to the people in Sierra Leone.
The subject of the research; We are to describe problem and
problematic of the project, to generate project business idea, to generate, evaluate
and select project alternatives, to create project business plan, to create SMART
goal of the project, and to create project logical matrix. Under development phase,
we are to create project scope, organizational project structure, project calendar
plan and project resource profile. At the monitoring phase the tasks involved are,
evaluation of project real state by method of earned value, and project reports
whereas at the last phase we are to describe expertise of labour protection and
safety situations of the project.
The novelty of the research results; is an open standard laboratory of
two storey building structure. It is funished with standard research lab equipment
on the first floor and the administrative and consultacy section on the second floor.
The colour of the buildind is white with a security fence.
. The practical value of the research; The creation of this project will address not
only the needs of well research african traditional medicine but as well ultimately
help in reducing the skyrocket price of accessing standard medicine and the threat
of rare deases in the livelihood of Sierra Leone. This will ultimately breed to good
health and standard measures of medicine productional norms. The side effects of
poorly produced African traditional medicine and dosage problems will be
drastically alleviated to a levelheaded extent within Sierra Leone.
A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt
with and overcome is defined as a problem according to the oxford dictionary.
Analyzing this definition and looking up other definitions of the word problem, it
would always call attention to it extended counterpart – solution and in perceive
trigger the mind to the saying – “for every problem there is a solution”. Certainly,
in the characteristic of a research and a project, a problem is considered as the
raison d'être for it undertaken. Therefore a project must not be attempted without a
thorough highlight of the problems that give rise to it commencement.
This is a crucial aspect as it would justify the solution being put forward,
weather it is suitable and effective or not effective at all. But before highlighting
the problems for this project, it would be of essence to understand the premise of
this topic and it importance to it customer.
Traditional African medicine is the sum total of knowledge, skills, and practices
based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different African
cultures that are used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve,
or treat physical and mental illnesses[6]. According to Wikipedia the free
encyclopedia traditional African medicine is the holistic discipline involving
indigenous herbalism and African spirituality.
Plants typically contain mixtures of different phytochemicals, also known as
secondary metabolites that may act individually, additively, or in synergy to
improve health. Indeed, medicinal plants, unlike pharmacological drugs,
commonly have several chemicals working together catalytically and
synergistically to produce a combined effect that surpasses the total activity of the
individual constituents
Recognizing that traditional medicine is “the most affordable and accessible
system of health care for the majority of the African rural population,” the
Organization for African Unity (now the African Union) declared 2001-2010 to be
the Decade for African Traditional Medicine. The goal is to bring together all the
stakeholders in an effort to make “safe, efficacious, quality, and affordable
traditional medicines available to the vast majority of the African people.” This
goal is supported by the World Health Organization and IDRC.
The world has long been alerted of the risks associated with herbal
medicines but they continue to play significant roles in the management of minor
and major ailments in Sierra Leone, Africa as a whole and other countries where
their use is reported to be on the increase (table 1.1).[6]
Table 1.1
The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about
Percentage Place
85% Sierra Leone
80% Sub-Saharan Africa
Use traditional medicines for the management of their prevailing diseases. This
high use of herbal medicines may be due to accessibility, affordability, availability
and acceptability of traditional herbal medicines by majority of the population in
Sierra Leone and developing countries [6]
However, a number of herbs could cause adverse effects due to adulteration,
inappropriate formulations, plant and drug interactions, effects that are sometimes
life threatening or lethal.
Majority of the traditional African herbal medicines used in Sierra Leone are
provided by practitioners who live within the communities, have been trusted over
time and are often willing to assist the patients with their knowledge and skills,
sometimes at minimal costs to the patients. Most of this herbalist do not have fixed
prescribe dosage and most of these herbal medicines are used in their crude forms
although some pharmaceutical alteration is done.
The use of this inappropriate amount of herbal medicine among pregnant
women raises particular concerns of safety. In addition to these concerns,, there is
an absence of modern production facility of traditional herbal medicine and
researched on the aspect of safety and efficacy as is required for conventional
medicines in Sierra Leone. This situation do not only responsible for health issues
it also gives rise to increasing quakes and thus destroy and isolate African herbal
medicine authenticity into myth.[6]
In spite of these known concerns, study has proven that traditional African
medicine is an important aspect of the health sector in Sierra Leone and Africa as a
Therefore it is a field worth investing on through comprehensive research and a
modern laboratory where standardize production and be made in other to keep the
potency and efficacy of traditional African medicine.
1.2 Project Business Idea
Business is the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and
commercial and industrial aspects whiles idea is an approximate calculation of
quantity, degree or worth [15]. With these definitions, a business idea could be
understand to be a well prepared document with premeditated initiative for
profitable gains.
According to the “Venture companies for tomorrow” [25], Points to be noted
when preparing a promising business idea are: it should Fulfills a customer need –
a problem is solved, be Innovative with Uniqueness and clearly focus on long term
Furthermore, to make a convincing document of a business idea the document
should address an investor. Therefore reflecting the investor’s perspective and
interest whiles emphasizing on three aspects – customer benefits, market and
The project business idea is a document of the synopsis idea of the entire
project. It spell out the aim, the innovativeness of the project and how it will be
used in problem solving, benefits, limitations, as well as assumptions and risks.
See table below:
Table 1.2
Business idea of the proposed project
Project business idea
Creation Date 9.02.2014 Document Number MBN/522/14
The organization
Afro-Meds Limited
Number and name of the
Establishing a research and producing facility for
African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra
The author of the
Bunton-Nicol Melvin
The location of
the original document
Melvin’s 522 Achieve
Accuracy of the numerical information ± 40 - ± 50%
Reasons for project
Initialization in
 To research and produced effective traditional
African medicine in a modern facility free from
lethal side effects
 To put an end to inappropriate prescription and
standardize the traditional African medicinal
Essence of proposed
innovative idea and way
of its use for solving of
specific problem in
 Hybrid production: Traditional herbal drugs
will be produce using a blend of traditional
methods in a modern lab.
 The essence of this innovative idea is to ensure
an efficacy in traditional herbal medicine
Project aim  To establish a lab for research and producing
effective traditional African medicine
Expected benefits of the
 Consumers- safe, effective and reasonable cost
for traditional medicine.
 Government/country- boost in the health sector
 Investors- Profitability
Limitations of the project  Quality – imported equipment from prominent
companies. Fully installed experimental
apparatus in two storey laboratory
 Time – Project is to be completed within 1 year
of commencement. The laboratory will operate
6 days a week throughout the clock from
Monday to Friday but from 10 am to 4:00pm on
Assumptions and risks of
the project
 Possibility of documentation delay
 viable competitors
 Well funding
1.3 Generation and, Evaluation of Project Alternative
To solve a problem there will always be a capable alternative projects. This
section would examine and makes selection of the suitable project on the indicator
of cost involving and time, effectiveness of the problem solving ability and
calculated profit of business stakeholders.
The above indicators are crucial because a good project should endeavor
excellence in these indicators and therefore calculating scores on alternative
projects is justifiable.
Considering the problem there can be many problems solving alternative project
but since it is an analyses to select the best the evaluation would make use of three
viable options as listed below:
1. Establishing a research and producing laboratory for traditional African
medicine in Freetown – Sierra Leone.
2. Integrating traditional African medicinal programs in the medical university
of Sierra Leone.
3. Organizing training and workshop to sensitize traditional African healer in
research and production of traditional African medicine.
Below is the tabular representation of the evaluation of the above alternatives
that have potentials to solve the identified problem
Problem solving alternatives
Indicators mark Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3
value score coef
value score coeff
value score
Cost of
8 0.1 USD$
1 year
2.1 0.7 USD$
2 year
3.1 0.2 USD$
2 year
Table 1.3
Evaluation of alternatives
Fairly good very good Excellent
Scale 5 15 30
Based on the scores display on the above table the project alternative one (1)
emerges as the most rational alternative. After the comparative estimation of cost
and time, effectiveness of the problem solving capability and calculated profit of
business stakeholders, alternative one (1) proved more promising to the goal of
solving the problem and a better business reward than the others despite its great
financial factor.
1.4 Project Business Planning
Business plan is document used for planning out specific details about a
business. It is made up of a narrative section that includes a description of the
products or services, short- and long-range objectives, discussion of the industry,
business model and SWOT. The business plan is the blueprint for the business.this
is needed:
10 0.2 59% 6 0.2 31% 2.8 0.1 20% 1.2
Profits for
12 0.7 USD$
1 year
7.4 0.1 USD$
2 years
2.1 0.7 USD$
2 years
Total aggregate 1 15.5 1 8 6.5
To test the feasibility of your business idea: Writing a business plan is the best
way to test whether or not an idea for starting a business is feasible, other than
going out and doing it. In this sense, the business plan is the safety net; writing a
business plan can save a great deal of time and money if working through the
business plan reveals that the business idea is untenable. Often, an idea for starting
a business is discarded at the marketing analysis or competitive analysis stage,
freeing you to move on to a new (and better) idea.
To give new business the bestpossible chance of success:Writing a business
plan will ensure that you pay attention to both the broad operational and financial
objectives of the new business and the details, such as budgeting and market
planning. Taking the time to work through the process ofwriting a business plan
will make for a smoother startup period and fewer unforeseen problems as the
business becomes established.
To secure funding, suchas bank loans: both operating and startup capital is
needed to start a new business. To get any money from established financial
institutions such as banks without a well developed business plan is far fetch.
To attract investors: a solid business plan is needed to secure investors. A
presentation may pique their interest, but they will need a well-written document
they can take away and study before they will be prepared to make any investment
commitment [5].
 Running out of cash before the business begin because of lack of anticipated
your start-up costs
 Missing sales projections because you don’t really know who your
customers are and what they want
 Losing customers because your quality or service falls short
 Becoming overwhelmed by too many options because you never took the
time to focus on a mission and vision for your company
 Going bankrupt because you don’t have a rational business model or a plan
for how to make money
The business plan of the this project is submitted in attachments 1
1.5 SMART- goal of the project
SMART is a mnemonic acronym, use as a guide to highlight the goal of a
project in project management, The letters S and M usually mean specific and
measurable, whiles the other letters meant different things to different discipline
and organization
 Specific – target a specific area for improvement.
 Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
 Assignable – specify who will do it.
Achievable/Attainable – A criterion stresses the importance of
goals that are realistic and attainable
 Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given
available resources.
Relevant – a criterion stresses the importance of choosing goals
that matter
 Time-related.
Time-Bound – A criterion stresses the importance of grounding
goals within a time frame, giving them a target date
The SMART projections of this project are as follow:
Specific – precisely, the project is to establishing a research and producing
facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone, in order to
standardize, and market efficacious herbal medicine for reasonable cost.
The project product is the research and manufacturing facility. It would carry the
name “Afro-meds” And would develop research hybrid herbal medicine as a sub-
product by making use o available medicinal plant in Sierra Leone and using
mainstream methodology to develop it.
Establishing – in the caption of the project title means to lease a two storey
building for five (5) years and transform it into the project’s facility. The first floor
would be use for as the laboratory for research and production, whiles the second
floor will be use as the administrative section of the research establishment Afro-
Operation time or working hours will be from 8:00am to 8:00pm from Monday
to Friday and half day for Saturday for the administration and marketing but for
researcher and experts producing the project brand (afro-meds) herbal medicine,
will be working in shift around the clock that is to say twenty four seven (24/7).[4]
Measurable- Budget- $131,000
Duration- 1 year
Approximated project profit per annum is plus/minus $245,900
Achievable- even though this is a profit making project, one of its objectives is
promote indigenous innovation and make available effective and reasonable herbal
medicine to enhance the health sector. Therefore in the area of funding the
Government of Sierra Leone would play a key role and stakeholder. The Sierra
Leone community as a whole would welcome this project by patronizing because
this project will not only enhance the medicine disposition in the country but also
boost the economy by it export potentials. With envisage support and enthusiasm
of every stakeholder this project would not only be achievable but also a success.
Realistic- There is a vast cornucopia of medicinal plant species throughout
Sierra Leone and natural ingredients that constitute a good research atmosphere.
There is the existence of some ready material resources (building and medicinal
plant). The already traditional Medicine existing elsewhere in Africa is a proof of
this project being realistic. Attractive to consumers (because of price)
Timely- Project will start on the 1st of January 2015 and will be completed in on
the 30th of December 2016.
Is a project management tool, which allows presenting project fully at
development phase and using to monitor implementation phase and phase of
project closing. Logical Matrix gives an idea of interconnections of project result,
aim, project products and activities.
Table 1.4
Logical matrix of the project
Narrative Summary Description Indicators Source Assumptions
Global goal To ensure an approved
and certified traditional
Reduction of quake
traditional medicine by
In Sierra Leone
Health archive
Statistic Sierra Leone
Specific goal To provide and
maximize the efficacy
of traditional medicine
50% increase of use of
traditional medicine
and fatal side effects
reduce from 20% to
Health archive
Statistic Sierra Leone
Drug (herbal medicine)
Product Research facility for
traditional medicine
Make available a
medium to research
and develop traditional
Project management
Poor quality of
Lack of
Project management
Change of team
members may lead to
project incompetence
Project Development process start from conception through to execution or
implementation. Developing and planning of a project is very important. Developing
involves defining the characteristics of the project and expected results. The planning
stage of a project involves a series of steps that determine how to achieve a particular
goal or set of related goals. The project plan for this project is goals or action
strategies developed through various planning processes; gathering information and
meeting with stakeholders who will benefit from project. During the planning process
problems are identified and the characteristic of the project are analyzed. The project
plan creates a work plan for addressing those problems and attaining the goals. It
describes measurable beneficial impacts to the community that will result from the
project's implementation. It determines the level of resources or funding necessary to
implement the project. Why is project planning important? The success and
sustainability of a project is very closely tied to its planning process. Projects often
fail due to poor planning, many times because they do not define the problems well or
take important factors into consideration such as the needs and views of everyone
involved in and affected by the project. Effective planning provides detail and
structure to project work plans. Project Planning helps us to think ahead and prepare
for the future and clarify goals and develop a vision. It identify issues that will need to
be addressed, choose between options ,consider whether a project is possible and
make the best use of resources motivate staff and the community assign resources and
responsibilities achieve the best results[16].
2.1 Project Scope
Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and
documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines.
Scope refers to a project’s boundaries: it determines what work will be completed
during the project lifecycle. This includes identifying the work that won’t be included
in the current round of product/service development. During the planning process,
outputs are created to capture and define the work that needs to be completed. The
controlling and monitoring process is concerned with managing scope creep,
documenting, tracking, and approving/disapproving project changes. Finally, the
closing process includes an audit of project deliverables and assesses the outcomes
against the original plan. Scope is about product scope and project scope. Project
scope includes business requirements, project requirements and delivery
requirements. Product scope includes technological requirements, security
requirements and performance requirements This is due to the fact that it’s natural for
parts of a large project to change along the way, so the better the project has been
"scoped" at the beginning, the better the project team will be able to manage change.
The Statement of Scope often referred to as SOS usually opens with a problem
statement. This statement captures a description of the catalysts which are related to
the project’s rationale and a summary of the new product/service that is being created.
This section of the SOS often reads like an executive summary of the entire project.
An important content area of the SOS is the list of product/service characteristics/
requirements and features. This section often reflects the shared vision that was
negotiated between the project manager, stakeholders, and team members. Product
services listed here not only reflect what is being included in the project, but how it
will be implemented (i.e. level of complexity, functionality, depth etc.).[19] This
section can also include statements about the items that will not be addressed in the
current scope of the project. Other sections in a SOS may include a list of anticipated
benefits and project success criteria. There may also be a section which summarizes
the list of deliverables that will be included in the scope of the project. The project
manager gathers initial project facts from the project charter. Moreover, background
information on the stakeholder’s workplace, existing business model and rules etc.
assists in creating the vision of the final product/service, and consequently, the project
scope A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a chart in which the critical work
elements, called tasks, of a project are illustrated to portray their relationships to each
other and to the project as a whole. The graphical nature of the WBS can help a
project manager predict outcomes based on various scenarios, which can ensure that
optimum decisions are made about whether or not to adopt suggested procedures or
changes. When creating a WBS, the project manager defines the key objectives first
and then identifies the tasks required to reach those goals. A WBS takes the form of a
tree diagram with the "trunk" at the top and the "branches" below. The primary
requirement or objective is shown at the top, with increasingly specific details shown
as the observer reads down. When completed, a well-structured WBS resembles a
flowchart in which all elements are logically connected, redundancy is avoided and no
critical elements are left out. Elements can be rendered as plain text or as text within
boxes. The elements at the bottom of the diagram represent tasks small enough to be
easily understood and carried out. Interactions are shown as lines connecting the
elements. A change in one of the critical elements may affect one or more of the
others. If necessary, these lines can arrow-heads to indicate time progression to cause-
The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a project Management chart use by
project managers to break-down complex projects to simpler and manageable task;
much larger tasks are broken-down to manageable chuck of work so that the chuck
can be easily supervised and estimated. Project managers use this method for
simplifying the project execution.[27]
Despite its name, the work breakdown structure is really a product breakdown
structure; because current best practice shows that, first the products or deliverables
should be identified, and only then, determine the activity is necessary to create such
According to the PMBOOK guide the WBS is a deliverable - Oriented Grouping
of Project Elements that Organizes and Defines the Total Scope of the Project. Each
Descending Level Represents an Increasingly Detailed Definition of the Project
The PMBOOK calls the WBS the ‘hub of information’ for project and should be
seen as the cornerstone component of the project plan, as it is used to identify the
activities, costs, quality attributes, risks and procurement aspects within the plan.
However, the WBS is consisting of a graphical, hierarchical chart that is logically
organized from the top downwards. Each ‘node’ on such a diagram, could be
considered as a work package, and consists of a unique alphanumeric (or just
numeric) code to uniquely locate and identify it.
The work breakdown structure of the project is as follow:
Fig.2.1 Work breakdown structure of the project
The concept of a work package can be a difficult one for some people. In project
management, a work package is defined as the effort required producing a deliverable
within a project. This effort may be a single task or it could be several related tasks.
Many people think of a work package as a sort of “mini project” within a larger
project. When all of the individual work packages within a larger project are
completed, the overall project is done.
Each step within a work package includes the steps needed for completion along
with a deadline for each step. This helps the project manager ensure the overall
project remains on schedule. The benefit of using work packages is that it allows
research and producing
facility forAfrican
Traditional Medicine
staff recruitment
training &
many different pieces of the overall project to be worked on at the same time, usually
by different groups of people. The team assigned to each work package completes
their tasks and then the individual packages all merge together seamlessly at the end.
 Each work package typically has someone assigned to oversee it. This could be
a supervisor, a team leader or may just be the team member who was
designated as the leader. Work packages are typically at the very bottom level
of the overall process of project management.
 Each work package is clearly distinguishable from all other work packages
 Each work package has a scheduled start and finish date
 Each work package has an assigned budget that is time-phased over the
duration of the work package
 Each work package either has a relatively short duration, or can be divided into
a series of milestones whose status can be objectively measured, or
 Each work package has a schedule that is integrated with higher-level
Table 2.2
List of work’s packages of the project
Package ID
(According WBS)
ID code
Description of works Duration(days)
1.1.1 1000 Project Concept document 2
1.1.2 1010 Business plan 7
1.2.1 1020 Governmental permits 31
1.2.2 1030 Community permit 5
1.3.1 1040 Consultation: laboratory Experts 7
1.3.2 1050 traditional healer Experts 14
1.3.3 1060 Business consultation 2
2.1.1 1070 property contract & Insurance 5
2.1.2 1080 Purchase the property 1
2.2.1 1090 Buy & import equipments 31
2.3.1 1100 indoor reconstruction 31
2.3.2 1110 reconstructing electricity and
ventilation system
2.3.3 1120 installing facility equipments 20
2.2.4 1130 waste adjustments 20
2.2.5 1140 Painting, safety signs, and
3.1.1 1150 Laboratory personnel 31
3.1.2 1160 Administrators 31
3.1.3 1170 Researchers 31
3.2.1 1180 Test all Equipments 7
3.2.2 1190 Train all staffs and researchers 31
4.1.1 1200 Symposium, TV, Radio,
4.1.2 1210 Commissioning ceremony 7
2.2 Organizational Project Structure
The Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) compliments the work
breakdown structure of the project. It main intent is to communicate how tasks with
delivering the project will be organized and structured as a Project Team. It's without
a doubt that OBS is the simplest of the three structures (WBS, OBS, RAM-matrix) in
terms of understanding, yet performs a great role in communicating the hierarchy of
the team and consequently the reporting lines within a project.
A project OBS is a depiction of the project organization arranged to indicate the
reporting relationships within the project context. The OBS reflects the way the
project is functionally organized. It is a direct representation and description of the
hierarchy and organizations that will provide resources to plan and perform work
identified in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
The OBS helps management focus on establishing the most efficient organization,
by taking into consideration availability and capability of management and technical
staff including subcontractors, to achieve project objectives. The OBS is depicted on
the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), where it is used to identify the
organization responsible and accountable for every element of the WBS and Scope of
Work (SOW)[13]
The organization break-down structure of the project is as follow:
Fig.2.3 Organizational Breakdown Structure of the project
Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM)
A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) uses the Work Breakdown Structure
(WBS) and the organizational structure to link deliverables and/or activities to
resources. The RAM provides a realistic picture of the resources needed and can
identify if you have enough resources for the project. Additionally, it clearly shows
who is responsible for what; if it is associated with the schedule it can identify when
the deliverable is needed. By creating a RAM; deliverables are assigned a responsible
party, who will review or add input and the appropriate approval authority is
The RAM can be as simple as placing a check mark in a matrix to assign the
deliverables or activities.
Additionally, roles and assignments are identified by using a coding structure such
Deliverable: Office, Role or
Office, Role or
Office, Role or
Enviro. Permits 
Traffic Report 
UtilityLocates 
IntersectionDesign  
Use the WBS to
identify deliverables
and activities.
Identify Office,Role, or
Person i.e. Utilities
Office, Utilities
Coordinator, or persons
Responsible - owner, the person who owns the work. Each deliverable/activity
must have an owner.
Approval - the person who approves the deliverable or activity. There should only
be one approver.
Consulted - this person delivers information required to do the work.
Informed - a person that needs to be informed of the progress of the work.
Deliverable: Project Manager
Mark Cross
Traffic Office
Tammi Bailey
Utilities or
Cindy Santos
Enviro. Permits A R
Traffic Report A R
UtilityLocates I I R
IntersectionDesign A C R C
RACI – Responsible, Approval, Consulted, Informed
Example #2
Participant - involved but not at a critical level
Accountable - must answer to management for the project task status
Review needed or required
Input needed or required
Sign Off Required
Deliverable: Team Leader
Marcia Weeks
Traffic Design
Frank Morelli
Enviro. Permits A S
Traffic Report A R A R
UtilityLocates I R R A
IntersectionDesign A R S R
PARIS – Participant, Accountable, Review, Input, Sign off
Example #3
The RAM of this project would use the RACI code format. Below is the RAM of
the project.
Table 2.4
Responsibility Assignment Matrix of the project
- trative
1. Planning R I C A
1.1. Concept R I C A
1.2. Permits R C A I
1.3. Consultation I R C A
2 Establishing R C A I
2.1 Property acquisition R I C A
2.2 Equipments I C A R
2.3 Reconstruction I C R A
3. Operations R C I A
3.1 Recruitment I C A R
3.2 Training
and testing
4. Closing R C A I
4.1 publications I R
4.2 opening R C A I
R: Responsible for activity
A: Assisting the Responsible Authority
C: Consulted before activity starts
I: inform for confirmation/approval
2.3 Project Calendar Plan
Any project requires a shared place for tracking progress. The Project calendar
plan Define and indicate milestones and keep staff on their toes with knowledge of
specific deadlines for their reference. This is normally on project management
software depending on the project manager and team. This is a spreadsheet that
provides a quick way to get your project off the ground and keep the beat going.
Project calendar defines holidays, weekends, regular working hours and shifts
applicable to the project team and is used as an input to the planning process for
developing the schedule [18].
There are no fix standard or principles in assigning project calendars, but however
there are some recommendations that shows Mon-Fri with an hour break is more
Fig 2.5 Project Calendar Plan/Gantt chart of the project
2.4 Project Resource Profiling
The resource profile outlines all the resource available throughout the life of the
project. These include both material and human resource, that is to say all contractors
and al equipment hired or bought necessary for project completion. The project
resource profile attempts to provide a snapshot look at the project scope and
requirements before work actually begins. A well-crafted project profile can help
when designing the project execution plan at a later stage, as well as in determining
the assignment of resources to the project.
A resource calendar defines the number of working hours per day for the resource.
You, as a team member, can add and modify exceptions to the resource calendar.
It is a chart showing the usage of a resource in a project over time. It is common to try
to reduce the peak of the resource usage by leveling or smoothing, thereby improving
the utilization of the resource [20]. Leveling is however, done only when some
resources are not well utilized. In other words, it’s done when some resources are
overloaded. Leveling will in this case, ensure that are resources are utilized
proportionately; even though the duration and/or cost of the project might change.
Resource leveling is the project management function of resolving project resource
over-allocation. By definition over-allocation means that a resource has been assigned
more work than can be accomplished in the available time as dictated by the
resource's calendar definition.
In most scenarios, over-allocations can be remedied manually by extending tasks
or moving them to accommodate the resource's availability.
In other instances, however, schedules can be impacted not only by the resources'
assignments in the current project, but by planned and proposed assignments in other
projects as managers compete for the most critical resources in an attempt to align
them with the most critical initiatives.
As well, project constraint dates, estimate to complete forecasts that do not align
with the constraints and dependencies can all play a role in whether a manager
chooses to level or manually adjust the project schedule.
Over-allocation can occur as the result of various events:
 Increased work on a task that causes the finish date to overlap with another
already assigned task.
 A forecasted finish that causes a task to slip also delaying a successor
dependency to start late.
 Full time assignments to tasks that start and end at the same time or overlap.
In the perfect world of dedicated project resources, resolving these conflicts
is more a decision of whether the project schedule has sufficient slack to
accommodate leveling or whether the current schedule is not constrained by
hard finish dates.
Fig 2.6 Resource profile for all resources
From figure 2.5 above, we can observe that none of the resources is indicated to
be over used. This means that there is no need for us to level the resource profile of
this project.
Fig 2.7 Resource profile for resource total
Just like the all resource diagram the resource total shows no indication of over-
allocation, there is no need to level the resources in this project at this stage.
Monitoring is the continuous assessment of project implementation in relation to
agreed schedules, and of the use of inputs, infrastructure, and services by project
beneficiaries. The concept of monitoring in project management forms or plays an
integral part with the whole process of managing the project till the project product is
This is due to the fact that monitoring helps amending and fixing loopholes.
Project monitoring is the process of tracking, reviewing, and regulating the
progressed in order to meet the performance objectives defined in the project
management plan. In addition to reviewing the work that is being performed, this
process also makes sure that the deliverables themselves, plus the way in which they
are being delivered according to the project management plan. The focus here is on
identifying any variances from the project management plan, to carry out problem-
solving in order to determine appropriate corrective and preventative action, perform
root cause analysis of such variances, and to manage the time and cost reserve
allocations. The corrective action that the project manager should be making here is
based on how the project has been progressing and from this how things are forecast
to continue. The results of the work being undertaken are compared to the baseline is
within the plan and appropriate adjustments made to ensure that the two are
harmonized. Such adjustments and changes to the work are both identified and
implemented within this process. Another key aspect here is to ensure that risks are
being managed properly, new risks identified, and that the overall project
performance remains on track [18].
Once the team is executing the work according to the project plan, the project
manager must always be diligent in monitoring and tracking the work that is being
This is done in order to:
 Ensure the team is working on the correct activities
 Ensure the team is on-schedule
 Ensure the team is on-budget
 Ensure the quality of the work is acceptable
 Ensure project control activities can be performed if deviations
from the plan are identified
The monitoring project management step is done in parallel to the other project
processes (planning, execution, etc.) to ensure those activities are also being done in
order to meet the project requirements. Considering that most of the project activities
(and costs) occur during the execution phase, however, you should put most of your
monitoring effort on this part of the project. You may have to assign additional
personnel to help you with monitoring the work that is performed. Often a project
controls person is assigned to help (on larger projects) with this activity.
Fig 3.1 Basic plan of the project from suretrak
The figure 3.1 above shows project target dates. The red bars are activities on
critical path, green bars are activities that are not on critical path and the yellow bars
are basic plan of the project.
Planned budget: $80788
Project duration: 382 days
Starting time: 30-05-2014
Finish on: 09-09-2015
Table 3.2
List of monitoring dates and responsible person for a project
No Days of monitoring Responsible person Interval
1 3th september 2014 Project manager 77 days
2 19th January 2015 Construction manager 163 days
3.1 Evaluation of the Projectrealstate by method of earnedvalue
Earned Value is an enhancement over traditional accounting progress measures.
Traditional methods focus on planned accomplishment (expenditure) and actual costs.
Earned Value goes one step further and examines actual accomplishment. This gives
managers greater insight into potential risk areas. With clearer picture, managers can
create risk mitigation plans based on actual cost, schedule and technical progress of
the work. It is an “early warning” program/project management tool that enables
managers to identify and control problems before they become insurmountable. It
allows projects to be managed better – on time, on budget. Earned Value Management
System is not a specific system or tool set, but rather, a set of guidelines that guide a
company’s management control system
The table 3.2 depicts actual 2 monitoring occasion of the project Planned. Below
in figure 3.3 is a graphical presentation of the first monitoring period from the
“suretrack” software.
Fig.3.3 Project state after 1 monitoring date
Fig 3.3 shows implemented activities from the starting of the project up to the first
monitoring date 3th September 2014. It is clearly depicted on the graph that all
activities within this period are completed on planned time with the exception of 1020
which finished 2 days early, 1030, finished 2 days late and 1040 2 days early the rest
are on schedule as planned.
To evaluate the project progress the Earned value method will be used. It will allow
the calculation of schedule variances and performance indexes and forecasts of
project costs and schedules at completion.
Fig 3.4 Earned value analysis of the project after First monitoring period
After first monitoring these are the data of the various indicators:
 BCWS= 35343
 Cost (AC)=35343
 EV= 33324
 BAC= 80788
 PT= 386 days
To make conclusion of the progress of the project the following calculation is
 Cost Variation (CV): this shows if there has been a deviation from the planned
costeither favored or not. It shows in monetary form how much more resources
were spent for works performed as compare to planned cost.
The formula for this calculation is: CV = EV- PV
Therefore, CV = EV-AC 33324 – 35343 = - 2019 This indicating a cost overrun
Schedule Variation (SV): this shows the deviation or otherwise of a project from
scheduled plan. It helps to monitor if the project is been implemented on time or not.
This shows in money form, how much less works are performed than was planned.
Formula for calculating SV is EV-PV.
Therefore: (SV) = EV- PV 33324 - 35343= - 2019
Conclusion: less works have been done within the schedule time
 Cost performance index (cpi): a measure of the efficiency of expenses spent on
a project. The formula that a business normally uses to assess the cost
performance index (cpi) is the ratio of earned value (EV) over actual cost (AC)
ie. (EV/AC). A value than 1, indicates a favourable condition, while less that 1
is not.
Therefore; CPI = EV/AC 33324 /35343= 0.94
This indicates that cost of work performance is not favorable.
 Schedule performance index (spi) = EV/PV 33324/35343= 0.94
This indicates that the earned value of work performed is 94%
 Cost deviation index (CDI): this indicates deviation in cost of project.
CDI= CV/EV - 2019 /33324= -0.06
Conclusion: This indicates no saving is made from planned budget.
 Estimate at completion (EAC) cost: this the estimated cost of the project at the
end of the project.
EAC=BAC/CPI 80788/0.94= 85944.6
This indicator shows forecasted budget
 Estimate at completion (EAC) time: this the estimated duration of the project at
the end of the project.
EAC (time)= planned time/SPI = 386/0.94 = 410.63
This indicator shows forecasted project duration.
 To complete cost performance indicator: this index showing the efficiency at
which the resources on the project should be utilized for the remainder of the
project. This can be calculated using the formula: TCPI = ( BAC – EV/BAC-
AC) =
(80788- 33324/ 80788- 35343) = 1.04
This indicator shows the future efficiency with which work can be done in budget and
in time
 Variance at Completion (VAC): this is difference between the budgets at
completion minus the estimate at completion. VAC means the BAC – EAC or
real cost. In other words, a project is over budget if VAC is a negative number
(EAC greater than BAC) it is under budget if VAC is positive (BAC greater
than EAC).
VAC = BAC- EAC 80788- 85944.6= -5156.6
This indicate more money was spent than budgeted.
Fig 3.5 Second Monitoring Date: 19th January 2015
Fig 3.4 shows implemented activities for second monitoring date 19th January 2015. It
is clearly depicted on the graph that all activities within this period are completed in
time, with the exception of 1100 which finished 3 day later and 1120 finish 2 days
early and 1140 also 2 days earlier than planned.
Fig 3.6 Earned value analysis of the project after second monitoring period
For calculation of EV indicators input date are as follows:
EV = 69,076
BCWS = 69,365
AC = 69,365
 Cost Variation (CV): CV = EV- PV
Therefore, CV = EV-AC 69,076- 69,365= -289
This indicates that 289$ has been spent than planned for works performed on this
date of monitoring.
 Schedule Variation (SV) SV is EV-PV.
Therefore: (SV) = EV- PV 69,076- 69,365 = -289
Conclusion: less works have been done within the schedule time
 Cost performance index (cpi)
Therefore; CPI = EV/AC 69,076/69,365=
This indicates that cost of work performance is excellent or effective 99%.
 Schedule performance index (spi) = EV/PV 69,076/69,365= 0.99
This indicates that the earned value of work performed is 99%
 Cost deviation index (CDI): CDI= CV/EV -289/69,076 = 0
Conclusion: This indicates planned budget was used.
 Estimate at completion (EAC) EAC=BAC/CPI 80788/0.99= 81604.0
This indicator shows forecasted budget
 Estimate at completion (EAC) time
EAC (time)= planned time/SPI = 186/0.99= 187.87
This indicator shows forecasted project duration.
 To complete cost performance indicator: TCPI = ( BAC – EV/BAC- AC) =
(80788 - 69,076 / 80788 - 69,365) = 1.02
This indicator shows the future efficiency with which work can be done in
budget and in time
 Variance at Completion (VAC): VAC = BAC- EAC: 80788 - 81604.0 = -816
This indicate more money was spent than budgeted.
3.2 Project Reports
A project report is a record of any sort of project, whether it is a school project,
business project, or research project. Most commonly, project reports are written to
record the beginning, middle and end of specific project events, such as business
initiatives or school experiments. A project report can be written about almost any
topic, in fields such as science, marketing, education, or engineering. However, to
fulfill the standardized and formal requirements of teachers or executives,
professional project reports must have certain characteristics; these will include
specific sections of the project report, which are usually as follows:
Introduction,Table Of Contents, Main Sections, Conclusion, References
To create a polished and impressive business report, a person or group must
track the timeline of a specific subject, experiment, or business initiative. For
example, a marketing department might be asked to write a project report on their
latest Internet-based ad campaign. If the marketing executives "rolled out" a new
website or social networking service, they will announce the occurrence during the
Introduction, and then detail the rollout during the main Section(s). In their
Conclusion, they will summarize exactly how successful or unsuccessful the project
was, in relation to their initial projections and goals. This Conclusion should be
supported by evidence prepared in the Main Sections; such evidence may include
tables, pie charts, graphs, and spread sheet excerpts.
Details are the heart of soul of any effective project report; dates, times, facts,
and figures must be used to build credibility. Whether a project report is written about
a new housing development, a science experiment, or an ad campaign's rollout, it
should be based on quantifiable information that is easy for a layman to understand.
The best project reports will be written according to a formal template, and they
will be completely honest reckonings of all of the good and bad things that transpired
during the central event's timeline. From the Introduction to the Conclusion, the role
of the project report is to provide a factual record of the event that may later be used
to make decisions about planning similar events or initiatives in the future; this is one
reason why a project report can be a valuable tool in the business world.[17]
Table 3.5 below is the report on the current status of the research and producing
traditional laboratory at the first monitoring period.
Table 3.5
Report on project status at the first monitoring period
Yes No General state
 Will the project be completed in time?
 Will the project be completed within the budget?
 Will the produced products satisfy the fixed level of quality?
 If the requests for content changing are managed successfully?
 If the proposals are deciding successfully?
 If the risks are reducing successfully?
 If all the consumer’s requirements are satisfied?
Explanation of items with answer «no»:
From the calculations, we observed that the project could be completed later than
the scheduled period. There is therefore, the risk of time and resource.
Considerable achievement of the period:
All activities within this period are completed on planned time with the exception
of 1020 which finished 2 days early, 1030, finished 2 days late and 1040 2 days
early the rest are on schedule as planned. The effectiveness of performance is 94%
Achievements that are planned to be achieved on the next period:
Event though, the targeted activities will be 2 days delay for delievery, calculations
anticipate 94% effectiveness of performance which would great success in
quality.the following activities will be affected by time. Eradication of pending
risks can be achieve by the recommendation below.
Extra comments:
From the calculations we can observe that the earned value of this phase is not
favorable. The forecast indicates that we will need additional funds as well as 2
day more, for completion of this phase. therefore i would recommend addition of
fund to hire more workers as request of change for some chances to complet this
phase in time.
Table 3.6 below is the report on the current status of the research and producing
traditional laboratory at the second monitoring period.
Table 3.6
Reporton project status at the second monitoring period
Yes No General state
 Will the project be completed in time?
 Will the project be completed within the budget?
 Will the produced products satisfy the fixed level of quality?
 If the requests for content changing are managed successfully?
 If the proposals are deciding successfully?
 If the risks are reducing successfully?
 If all the consumer’s requirements are satisfied?
Explanation of items with answer «no»:
From the calculations, we observed that the project could be completed earlier
than the scheduled period. There is therefore, no risk in the duration at the 2nd
monitoring phase but there is still a little finacial deviation.
Considerable achievement of the period:
All activities within this period are completed in time with 99%
effectiveness, with the exception of 1100 which finished 3 day later and 1120
finish 2 days early and 1140 also 2 days earlier than planned but at the end of this
phase works will be completed a day earlier
Achievements that are planned to be achieved on the next period:
Activities which would start are expected to started and finished in time.
without deviation in time and cost.
Extra comments:
From the calculations we can observe that the earned value of this phase is
much encouraging as compared to the previous monitoring. The forecast indicates
that we will need a little additional funds but no additional time is required, at the
completion of the project we will finish the project as planned. Notwithstanding,
there is a slight need for additional resources.
An important aspect of complex measures aimed at improving working
conditions are measures of labor protection. To successfully implement all measures
necessary for the safety knowledge of physiology of labor which can properly
organize the work of man.
In this section, the degree project under the Law of Ukraine on the protection of
labor from 2002, highlights the key issues of safety and ergonomics of work,
projected operating room and calculation center. As an example, calculation is made
of ergonomic parameters of optimal job of one operator PC.
4.1. Harmful and hazardous factors.
Employees computing centers (CC) face exposure of physically dangerous and
harmful factors as increased noise, increased ambient temperature, the absence or lack
of illumination of working area, electricity, static electricity and others.
Significant burden on the central nervous system and visual system cause
increased neuro-emotional stress and consequently affects the cardiovascular system.
Regular PC users more often and in greater extent are exposed to psychological stress,
functional disorders of the central nervous system and upper respiratory tract. Low-
frequency electromagnetic fields in the interaction with other negative factors can
trigger cancer and leukemia. Dust attracted by electrostatic field monitor, sometimes
becomes the cause of dermatitis, a person worsening asthma symptoms, irritation of
mucous membranes. But the reason for rejection of human health is not only the
computers, but not strictly adherent to the principles of ergonomics. A long sitting in
a stationary position by some PC users, causes muscle weakness, change in the shape
of the spine, which in the most extreme cases can lead to disability among
professional operators which can also contribute to the increased frequency of
diseases of glaucoma and cataracts.
4.2. Requirements for premises computing centers.
Ski CC, their size (area, volume) must first meet the labor force and appearing
in their suite of technology. They must provide the relevant parameters of
microclimate, lighting, clean air, insulation from industrial noise, etc. To ensure
normal working conditions, health norms SN 245-71 to establish a computer, the
amount of industrial space at least 20 m3, the minimum area-6 m2.
А сomputer must be set so that the eyes on the screen can see the same object
extracted from the room. Distance from the computer to the wall should be not less
than 1 m. If you have multiple computers in one room the distance between the screen
one monitor and the back of another shall be not less than 2 m, distance between two
adjacent side walls of monitors should be at least 1.2 m.
The projected space will equip CC flavour changing ventilation and artificial
lighting. According to DSN, microclimate parameters should be in the
warm season: temperature 23-25C °, relative humidity 40-60%, air velocity 0.2 m / s,
cold season: temperature 22-24C °, relative humidity 40-60%, air velocity 0.2 m / s.
Operating rooms and offices should have natural lighting tent to side. In cases where a
natural light is not enough set composite coverage. Normalized artificial light for CC
before us at the combined coverage is 400 lm, total - 200 lm, daylight factor at the
natural side lighting - 1.5%. This additional artificial lighting can be used not only in
the dark, but in the daytime.
Efficient color processing facilities aimed at improving decisions are sanitary
working conditions, increase in productivity and safety. Ski CC should paint
according to color technology. Lighting facilities and equipments should be soft,
without shine.
Reduction of noise generated in the workplace CC internal sources and noise
penetrating from the outside is a very important task. The overall noise level
normalized GOST 12.1.003.-83: is not more than 40 dB for facilities construction
department, programming computers, laboratories for theoretical work and
experimental data processing. Levels of tension which allow electrostatic fields are
established by GOST 12.1.045-84: not more than 20 kV / m in the lingering hours.
4.3. Measuresto ensure healthy working conditions. Design calculations of
Dimensions of the room are: length = 10 m, width = 7 m, height = 3 m. In the
room are 3 employees, that is, each accounted for 23, which corresponds to sanitary
standards (at least 20).
Conditions for microclimate in the premises of PC.
The room was maintained throughout the normal temperature 25, humidity 55
and air velocity through the conditioner. Optimal microclimate standards referred to
in clause 4.2 of this section, and the level of ionization space when working with a PC
are given in Tables 4.1.
Таbles 4.1
Levels of ionized air space when working with PC
The levels of ionization The number of ions per 1 cm3 of air
n + n -
The minimum necessary 400 600
Optimal 1500-3000 30000-50000
The maximum admissible 50000 50000
4.4. Maintenance requirements of technical aesthetics.
Painting walls - light brown, the ceiling - white, floor - parquet, light brown.
Color design made with the advice of SN 181-70: the color of walls, ceiling, floor in
harmony with each other. In terms yellow and light brown colors, improve mood,
positively affecting the nervous system and internal organs.
Condition of room illumination computers.
Calculation of natural light
Coefficient of natural light (c.n.l.) with side lighting:
 1
, (4.1)
where w
S - square windows, m2, k - coefficient eclipse opposing home ( 5,1k ),
1r - coefficient ( 5,11 r ), f
S - area of floor, м2, w - light characteristics of the
window ( 7w ).
Because the normalized value c.n.l. with side illumination bureau service
%5,0e , that area needed windows
min. 
S wf
m . (4.2)
Maximum permissible value of natural light:
 cmеe bnorm , (4.3)
bе - acceptable coverage for the third light belt ( %5,13
е ),
m - coefficient of light climate ( 1m ), c - coefficient of sunny climate ( 8,0c ).
The maximum area of windows:
max. 
S wfnorm
м . (4.4)
In this way, provided natural light that enters through the windows with a total
area f
S , max.min. fff SSS  .
The windows are arranged along the length of the room in the wall, oriented
Calculation of artificial illumination.
Choosing lighting units with gas-discharge lamps;
Type of wiring - closed in building structures under plaster, wire - JSPPB,
switch the normal execution. Fixtures we place parallel rows.
Description of work - category IV, (contrast - big picture - light). Minimum
Illumination of combined coveredtion 400norm
E lx .
System coverage - Combined: general uniform plus local.
The required illumination for the combined coverage of gas-discharge of
general illumination lamps 200norm
E lx , local service bureau – 250. КМE lx . The
required safety factor s
K 1,5.
The most favorable ratio of the distance between the lights to a height of
suspension fixtures:
1,6, (4.5)
where fixt
L - distance between the lamps, m; fixth - height pendant fixtures, m.
21,326,1  fixtfixt hL m. (4.6)
Trail lighting width: 5,1. wfixtL m.
The distance between the lights is equal to the width plus the length of the lamp
0,05 м.
Distance from the wall to first row of lamps:
96,02,33,03,0 .1  lfixtLL m. (4.7)
The distance between the extreme lines of the width of the room:
08,596,0272 12  LbL m, (4.8)
where b - width of the space CC, м.
The number of rows that can be placed between the extreme lines of the width
of the room:
. 
N . (4.9)
The total number of rows of lights in width:
5232...  wfixttwfixt NN . (4.10)
The distance between the extreme rows of lights along the length of the room:
08,896,02102 13  LaL m, (4.11)
where a - length space CC, м.
The number of lights that can be placed between the extreme rows - either:
. 
N . (4.12)
The total number of rows of lights along the length:
3212...  lfixttlfixt NN . (4.13)
The total number of rows of lamps to be installed along the length and width:
1535.....  tlfixttwfixttfixt NNN . (4.14)
The coefficients of reflection from the walls and ceiling - by painting walls and
ceilings: wall 56%, ceil 73%. coefficient  , taking into account the uniformity of
coverage, depending on the type of fixtures and relationships : 13,1 .
Area of floor space illuminated:
70710  baSf
m . (4.15)
In length a, width b building, height and suspension lighting fixth find index
   
. (4.16)
Ratio of luminous flux: i 0,63.
Current (required) flux of a lamp:
F lm. (4.17)
Voltage network and the luminous flux of a lamp in reference tables (GOST
6825-91) determines the required power electric light bulb LB40 l
W 40 Wt. In each
lamp means LB40 lamp with a light stream 2580. TABLL
F lm.
The true light:
E lx. (4.18)
4.5. Providing visual ergonomic parameters computer.
Visual ergonomic computer settings are provided by the acquisition of high-
quality computers and their long prior to testing, to detect possible defects. Limit
values are given in these Table 4.2.
Таble 4.2.
Visual ergonomic options of computer
The maximum value
minimum value maximum value
The brightness of the sign
35 120
Outdoor lighting (lx) 100 250
Angular size of the sign
16 60
4.6. The calculation parameters ergonomic workplace.
Based on the standard (medium), ergonomic body parameters listed in
Table 4.3, calculate anthropometric parameters per job of a computer operator - man.
Options of other jobs are calculated similarly.
Fig. 4.1. Basic elements of the operator and his workplace
Determine the height of the eye over the article in the sitting position:
3,130493,81  LE hhАК cm, (4.19)
where E
h - eye height above the plane seat, cm; L
h - leg length, cm.
Anthropometric parameters of the operator PC – man.
№ Parameter value
1 Growth of standing, cm 179±6,62
2 Height sitting, cm 92,7±2,78
3 Height of eye above the plane seat, cm 81,3±2,63
4 The length of leg, cm 49±2,38
5 Body weight, kg 72,6±4,5
We calculate the height of the center of the screen above the article:
3,883,0603,130sin  FАКВК cm, (4.20)
where F – distance from the center of the screen to the eye; - the angle of the head
from eye level to the level of the center of the screen.
Find the height position of the keyboard ЕОМ on page:
3,886,0703,130sin  fAKACAKCK cm, (4.21)
where f - distance from the center of the keyboard to your eyes, cm;  - the angle of
the head from eye level to the level position the keyboard.
Determine the height of the plane sitting on the story:
493,813,130  E
hАКDК cm. (4.22)
We calculate the height of the footrest plane seat:
04949  E
hDКЕК cm. (4.23)
Note that the operators PC may be not only men but women. Therefore, in
accordance with GOST 12.2.032-78, CC use desktops with high working surface of
725 mm and working chair with lifting and turning the device. The design provides
seat height adjustment seat supporting surface within 400-500 mm and tilt angles to
15 degrees forward and back to 5 degrees. Each chair is equipped with armrests that
minimizes adverse effects on kystovi joints of hands. Since there is no way to adjust
the height of the table, then for every job set footrest width of not less than 30 cm, a
depth of not less than 40 cm, adjustable in height within 15 cm, adjustable angle of
inclination of the supporting surface to 20 °. Thus, we get comfortable workplace for
both men and women.
4.7 Hours of work and recreation personnel CC. The device of rooms,
recreational staff for CC.
CC Staff includes 3 people who work in shifts. The first change from 7.00 to
13.00 h, the second from 13.00 to 19.00, every change of 3 people that change
according to schedule. CC Staff working in the same mode as on holidays, weekends
and on weekdays. An exception is the state of emergency and the events which come
from all over the world, in this case CC is in full force.
During the sixth shift, the following breaks are set: Within 2 hours from start of
the transition time- 15 min, after 1.5 and 2.5 h after lunch are breaks of 15 and 10 min
respectively and lasting 5-10 min through each hour.
Lounge is located in an isolated ground of the house with a separate entrance
from the street and with CC. Thus, the area of rest rooms for staff CC is, that the
length of the room is 10 m, width - 7 m, height - 3 m.
Lounge is equipped with individual lockers to maintain the outer clothing,
chairs on the number of employees CC, tables. Also set washroom, closed waste.
The rest room should be regularly wet cleaned. Collection is in the morning and
as needed throughout the day. Periods of metastable states considerably (at least 2
times per year) and epidemic indicators lounge exposed dry cleaning and disinfection
chamber. This lounge is included in the total system air conditioning, used in CC.
4.8. Providing electrical safety.
Respectively before GOST 12.1.030-81 protective earthing electrical
installations should comply with the nominal voltage of 380 V and above AC and
440 V and above DC. According to the resistance of protective earthing PUE at any
time of year should not exceed 4 ohms in the voltage of 1000 V. Calculate the number
of tubes that make up the circuit ground, the length of the connecting strip and the
resulting leakage current resistance group earthing (contour).
Distance from ground to middle ground:
lt n m, (4.24)
where nl - depth of ground ( 7,0nl m ), l - length of vertical grounding ( 3l m).
The resistance of a single grounding rod of circular cross-section of land:
RP Om, (4.25)
where  - resistivity of the soil ( 95 Om m), d - diameter of the grounding (
04,0d m).
Approximate number of single grounding included in the outline:
n , (4.26)
where normGR . - normative value of resistance of protective earthing ( 4. normGR Om ),
P - utilization of tubular grounding ( 73,0P ).
Length of connecting strips:
    321941  nLL GS m, (4.27)
where GL - distance between the grounding ( 4GL m ).
Resistance band of connective:
R Om, (4.28)
where b - width of the connecting strip ( 4,0b m ).
The resulting leakage current resistance grounding group:
R Om, (4.29)
where S
 - factor connecting strip ( 34,0S ).
The considered building should also be constantly monitored by electrosecurity
department in respect of wiring, switches, plug sockets and cords, with which are
included in the electrical network.
4.9. Protection against noise.
Reducing noise at the source of radiation is provided by application of elastic
gasket between the base machine, the device and the supporting surface of it. As used
rubber gasket, felt, cork, different designs absorbers. Under the table noisy machines
rely soft mats of synthetic materials, and under legs of tables, where they are
established, - lining of soft rubber, felt, thickness 6-8mm. Mounting pads made by
attaching them to the bearings.
Also use insulating housings that do not interfere with the technological
process. Equally important to reduce noise during operation is a question of correct
and timely adjustment, lubrication and replacement of mechanical units noisy
Rational planning facilities, accommodation facilities in the CC is an important
factor that reduces noise at the existing equipment PC.
Reducing noise that penetrates the production facilities outside, is achieved by
increasing the insulation protecting designs, sealing the perimeter of the porch
windows, doors.
4.10. Protection against radiation, electrostatic fields.
Displays, designed on the basis of electron tubes, are a source of electrostatic
field, the soft X-ray, ultraviolet, infrared, visible, low, and super high-frequency
electromagnetic radiation.
The most secured are displayed to the specified and protected by the closed
method of metal screen. This physical principle is realized by an additional metal
shell, which closes on integrated protective screen. As a result of such measures
electrical and electrostatic field can decrease to background values at the distance of
5.7 meters from the shell, and in conjunction with the system of compensating
magnetic field. Such a design provides maximum safety for the user. In addition, the
generated screen and alternating electric field in the Character screen can greatly
exceed fields produced by other elements of the monitor, and, most significantly, it is
spatially oriented towards the user.
Effective protection of the field - screen filter (necessarily certified for the
parameters characterizing the quality of lower electric fields in the frequency range 5
Hz-400 kHz). Levels of the fields in all modes with the image on the screen today,
certifies monitor with this protective filter in accordance with SNiP not
exceed 8 V / m (25 V / m) in the frequency range 5 Hz-2 kHz and 0.2 V / m (2.5 V /
m) in the frequency range 2 kHz-400 kHz. For NBC, if neighboring jobs fall into the
area of influence of the field (at a distance of 1,2-2,5 m from the screen) - a protective
covering back and side walls, installing special panels, the screening of the posterior
and lateral sides of the monitor installation of barriers between different users.
We use monitors and must meet rigid requirements for safe operation,
embodied in regulatory standards. In Europe, the monitors must meet standards on the
characteristics of CEE and the FCC, which exist for the certification of electronic
equipment for security and no interference communication system.
There are a number of international standards to be complied with applicable to
our monitors that have become so popular that now is actually international. Such
standards as MPR-II, TCO'92 and TCO'95, TCO'99. There are other national
standards of TUV, CSA, UL, which is generally well supported by manufacturers of
4.11. Fire safety.
Fire safety system provides fire prevention and fire protection system. All
premises must be "evacuation plan in case of fire," which governs the actions of
personnel in the event of fire ignition and pointing the location of fire equipment.
Sources of ignition in CC may be electronic circuitry of PC, devices, used for
maintenance, device power, where as a result of various disorders formed overheated
components, electrical sparks and arcs that can cause ignition of combustible
materials. In modern PC very high density deployment of electronic circuits. In close
proximity to each other are placed connecting wires, cables. In the flow of electric
current through them is allocated a significant amount of heat. It can possibly be
melting insulation. For removal of excess heat from PC are ventilation and air
conditioning. At a constant, these systems pose an additional fire hazard.
For the manufacture of building structures using the VC facilities, usually
brick, concrete, glass, metal and other materials. The use of wood should be limited,
and in case of fire to soak his compositions.
The houses VC fire hydrants are installed in corridors, staircases to platforms
and entrances. Water used to extinguish fires in buildings programmers, libraries,
support and office facilities. The use of water in the machine halls PC, storage media,
areas of instrumentation in the form of danger or damages or complete failure of
expensive equipment is possible in exceptional cases, when a fire takes dangerously
large sizes. The quantity of water should be minimal, and the device PC be protected
from water, covering them with tarpaulin or cloth.
In the premises CC used mainly carbon-dioxide fire extinguishers, which
advantage is the high performance fire fighting safety of electronic equipment,
insulating properties of carbon dioxide, which makes these extinguishers, even if you
can not disconnect electrical immediately. Therefore, the required hand fire
extinguishers are located areas (carbon-dioxide SO-8 in the amount of 1 pc.).
Detection and fire alarm is automatic sensors, signaling a fire accident type that react
to temperature increases.
Objects must be equipped with CC unit fixed automatic fire. In the design we
apply the CC installation of gas extinguishing action which is based on rapidly filling
the room with a gas extinguishing agent of sudden liquefaction of oxygen content in
the air.
To install an automatic fire extinguishing agent choose Freon 114V2 with
density 18,2
/mkg , extinguishing concentration of the fire extinguisher
/mkg . Ski CC belongs to the category of fire risk in and has a fire
resistance of 1 and 2 and, therefore, the factor that takes into account the peculiarities
of gas exchange in the building that 3,1U
к protected.
The volume of space that is protected
126342  HSWP
m : , (4.30)
volume of the container with extinguishing 15B
V l composition, filling ratio
9,0 container.
We calculate the required number of extinguishing agent:
5,263,1126162,0  UPBT кWGG kg. (4.31)
Determine the required number of cylinders of extinguishing agent:
N . (4.32)
We calculate the volume of cylinders for compressed air:
       5,1
 B
W l. (4.33)
To maintain the compressed air cylinders use capacity of 25 liters. Find the
required number of cylinders of compressed air:
 B
N . (4.34)
Since the required number of cylinders of compressed air is very little that this
building compressed air can not use.
5.0 Proffered Recommendations
Based on the above calculation and forecast it is recommended that established
site should be secure during the phase of development as to avert not only
unnecessary pollution but to prevent vulnerable children in contact with havards
associated to consrtuction, like the dug drainage pit, gathered dust, chemical
exposures, cements flames and littered nails.
Because even though this project is not been implented close to residential part,
children and others may tend to be curious.
However, we realized that necessary steps are to be take in a bid to provide the
goal of the project bearing in mind safety at the same time. In most provincial area in
Sierra Leone especially kailahun children are easy prey to consrtuction project
The urgency and need to evaluate the safety and labour protection of this entire
project is taken into due consideration to avert anormallies to the livelihood of not
only the residents of Kailahun but as well of those directly involved in the labour
aspectof the project as well.
This steps are necessary to meet in a bid to realized to very positive essence for
which the whole project is centered; which is the provision of standard medicinal
research and producing facility that will in turn boost the health and living standrad of
the entire Kailahun residents Sierra Loene as a whole. These observation were drwan
from a clear managerial and consultative perspectives, as a result this
recommendation is borne.
Conclusion: In accordance with the provisions in CC provided the necessary
size of the room for the appropriate work necessary microclimate parameters,
minimum noise level created, a comfortable and correct in sight to ergonomic
workplaces, met the requirements of technical aesthetics and the requirements for
computers, provided space for recreation staff VC. Also made the calculation of the
necessary parameters of natural and artificial coverage, special events provide
electricity, fire employees, their protection from noise, static electricity, various kinds
of radiation.
The project of Establish a research and producing laboratory for African
traditional medicine in kailahun – Sierra Leone is considered in this particular thesis.
The main reason to initiate this project is to provide well-research, efficacious and
approved African traditional medicine to the people in Sierra Leone. The application
of the project management approach to solve the problem will help in alleviating the
hardline problem of poor research and production of traditional medicine, lethal side
effects, dosage discrepancy, and help in reducing the skyrocket price of accessing
standard medicine and the threat of rare deases to the healthy livelihood of Sierra
Loene. The whole idea is commercial in nature and the impact would be financially
and socially viable.
At the phase of initialization of the project we described problem and
problematic of the project, generated project business plan, generated, evaluated and
selected project alternatives, created project business plan, created SMART goal of
the project, and also created project logical matrix. Under development phase, we
created project scope, organizational project structure, project calendar plan and
project resource profile. And at the monitoring phase the tasks involved were,
evaluation of project real state by method of earned value, and project reports whereas
at the last phase we are to describe expertise of labour protection and safety situations
of the project.
Its observed that by all clear indication the project is duly realized within this
context after all these above mentioned phases of project management are given
considerable thought.
List of Reference
1. Adevu, M (2012) “Moringa the Miracle Tree” is lunched in Sierra Leone. [E-
resource] – Access mode;
2. AfrikaNow Journal (fall 2006). Traditional Medicine Use in Sub-Saharan
Africa [E-resource] – Access mode;
3. An Introduction Earned Value Analysis, Suketu Nagrecha 2002. Retrieved
4. ART Criteria [E-resource] / Official web-portal of SMART-goal Criteria
Access mode:
5. Business Plan Entrepreneur [E-resource] / Official web-portal of Entrepreneur-
Access mode:
6. Cyrus, MacFoy. (2013). Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine in Sierra
7. DSN Sanitary standards microclimate of production facilities
8. GОSТ 12.1.003-83 Occupational safety standards system. Noise. General
safety requirements.
9. GОSТ 12.1.045-84 Occupational safety standards system. Electrostatic fields.
Tolerance levels and methods of control at working places.
10.GOST 6825-91 Tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting service.
11.GOST 12.2.032-78 Occupational safety standards system. Operator's location
in a sitting position. General ergonomic requirements.
12.GOST 12.1.030-81 Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety.
Protective condactive earth, neutralling.
13.OBS-Structure [E-resource] / Official web-portal of Tenrox Access mode:
14.The Pharmacy and Drugs Act (2001) Sierra Leone Web. [E-resource] -
Access mode:
15.The free dictionary by farlex. [E-resource] - Access mode:
16.Project Directory [E-resource] / Official web-portal for official partnership for MDG’s. - Access mode:
17.Project Target Dates [E-resource] Official web portal of Task Management
Guide Access Mode:
18.Project Monitoring [E-resource] / Official web-portal of Sportand Dev.Org.
Access mode:
19.Project Scope [E-resource] Official web portal of SearchCIO Access Mode:
20.ResourceLevelling [E-resource] / Official web-portal of Flash Card Access
21.SN-181-70 Information regarding design color interior trim manufacturing
industrial buildings.
22.P Hygienic requirements for videodyspleynyh terminals, personal
electronic computable machines and running.
23.Sanitary rules and norms.
24.SN 245-71 Sanitary design standards of industrial enterprises.
25.The Law of Ukraine «On Labour Protection», № 229-IV of 21.11.2002
26.Venture company of tomorrow; retrieve from
27.WBS-Structure [E-resource] / Official web-portal of Search Software Quality
Access mode:
Business Plan of the Project: Establishing a research and producing facility for
African traditional medicine in Kailahun – Sierra Leone
The Ministry of Health and Sanitation is directly responsible for health care
delivery in Sierra Leone. The Director of Medical Services is the administrative head
of the Ministry. The District Health Management Team controls the provincial health
care system. It is however worth noting that the health sector is in an appalling state
and immediately requires new resources, policies and structures. It is over-centralized,
under-funded and under-staff. Services are severely limited in much part of the
country and access depends entirely on how much you can afford to pay.
The public health sector employs only 190 doctors, of whom only 22 are Clinical
Specialists; to serve an estimated population of 5.3m.That is about one doctor for
every 30,000 people. While Sierra Leone does not train enough doctors, its real
problem is retaining them. Of the doctors trained in the past, only 10 % are presently
in the country. They are all migrating to other countries in search of greener pasture.
For most Sierra Leoneans, health care amounts to buying basic drugs from
pharmacies, some of which are registered and run by qualified personnel, others of
which are simply stalls on the street manned by unlicensed briefcase pharmacists.
The core functions of the Ministry of Health and sanitation (MoHS) are policy
formulation; standards setting and quality assurance; resource mobilization; capacity
development and technical support; provision of nationally coordinated services;
coordination of health services; monitoring and evaluation of the overall sector
performance and trainings. Under the ministry of health and sanitation there are a lot
of other related arms. Most important to this project is the pharmacy board. [4]
Attachment 1
According to the pharmacy and drug act in 2001 the pharmacy board is charge
with the responsibility to regulate and control the supply, manufacture, storage and
transportation of drugs, including nutritional agents and cosmetics; and to provide for
other matters related thereto. [5]
With the aforementioned it is clearly understand that the ministry of health and
sanitation in tandem with the pharmacy board are the related branch of this project.
1.1 Medical Infarastucture – (Number and Equipment of Hospitals)
However, with the return of peace and stability, government has redoubled her
efforts in restructuring the health care delivery. Most of the hospitals have either been
renovated or constructed back with outpatient clinics and four wheels drive vehicles
that can facilitate easy transportation of both patients and hospital personnel’s.
The provision of health services varies significantly across the country. The private
sector barely exists outside the provincial capitals with the vast majority of its
resources concentrated in the western area. The same is true of pharmacies. Of the
eight public hospitals providing Tertiary Health Care, 5 are in the western area, the
others are in the 12 provincial capitals Bo, Kenema and Makeni. Of the 15 public
hospitals providing secondary health care, 6 are in the western area and one in every
district head quarter town. [3]
The table below shows the number of functioning public health units:
Public health units
District (Provinces) PHUs
Bo (S) 143
Kenema (E) 133
Moyamba (S) 166
Pork Loko (N) 130
Bombali (N) 113
Kailahun (E) 84
Koinadugu (N) 81
Kono (E) 84
Tonkolili (N) 94
Bonth (S) 53
Kambia (N) 67
Pujehun (S) 71
Western Area 166
The private hospitals owned by religious bodies are better equipped than the
government hospitals. Through the Italian Government, a hospital has been
constructed to take care of patients in need of transplantation of body parts in Lunsar,
northern Sierra Leone. The operation theaters have been upgraded with recent
equipments. Connaught hospital in Freetown has been rehabilitated and modern
equipments installed there.
1.2 Health Profile of Sierra Leone
HIV/AIDS: Sierra Leone is considered to have a low-level epidemic. Results from
the 2008 SLDHS indicate that 1.5% of Sierra Leone adults aged 15 to 49 have HIV.
HIV prevalence among women in the same age group is slighter higher for women
than men (1.7% versus 1.2%). The HIV prevalence rate obtained in the 2005 sero-
prevalence survey was 1.54% which is the same rate obtained in the 2008 Sierra
Leone Demographic Health Survey (SLDHS). The results of the 2008 SLDHS
confirmed that Sierra Leone has a low-level HIV epidemic. HIV prevalence among
most at risk populations is not well described. [6]
Malaria: In Sierra Leone, malaria is one of the major leading causes of morbidity
and mortality in children under five years of age, accounting for about 50% of
outpatient visits and 38% hospital admissions. Malaria contributes to close to two of
every five child deaths and to one of every four deaths in a general population. Proven
malaria prevention and control interventions are available in Sierra Leone including
the most effective medicines especially Artemisinin-based combination therapy
(ACT) for treating patients and for prevention of infection with long-lasting
insecticide-treated nets (LLIN), indoor residual spraying (IRS) and Intermittent
Preventive Treatment during pregnancy (IPTp). [6]
Tuberculosis: The burden of tuberculosis (TB) is increasing in Sierra Leone.
Between 2004 and 2007, the number of registered TB cases in the country almost
doubled, in spite of a case detection rate of 52% (the WHO target is 75%). This is
further complicated by the recent emergence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis
(MDR-TB). The TB/HIV co-infection is also an issue of concern: the prevalence rate
TB/HIV co-infection is 11.6%. However, the defaulter rate has been declining and the
treatment success rate has increased from 83% in 2004 to 87% in 2008. [6]
Maternal and Child Health: Infant mortality and maternal mortality rates are
among the highest in the world (89/1,000 live births and 857/100,000 live births
respectively). Less than 50% of deliveries occur with a skilled attendant or at a health
facility and the availability of emergency obstetrics services is extremely limited.
Among children, malnutrition, stunting, and poor immunization coverage are still
significant problems. Malnutrition is the leading cause of death for children under 5
years of age. The under-five mortality rate is 140 per 1,000. Prevalence of anemia is
high among both children and women. [6]
Nutrition: Children in Sierra Leone are generally malnourished. In 2008, 21% of
children under age five were found to be underweight or too thin for their age while
36% were stunted or too short for their age and 10% were wasted or too thin for their
height (SLDHS 2008). Children in rural areas are more likely to be stunted and
wasted than children in urban areas. There is evidence of poor nutrition and feeding
practices among infants and children. Only 11% of infants less than six months of age
are exclusively breastfed, 23% of children are fed in accordance with infant and
young child feeding practices, and 26% of children age 6-59 months received a
vitamin A supplement. Seventy-six percent of children and 45% of women are
anemic. [6]
Family Planning and Reproductive Health: Most married women (92%) do not use
any family planning. Only 7% of married women currently use a modern method of
family planning. Another 2% are using a traditional method. Injectibles (3%) are the
most commonly used methods. Unmarried, sexually active women are most likely to
use family planning – 25% are using a modern method, most commonly the pill
(11%) (SLDHS 2008). [6]
Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs): Sierra Leone is endemic for six of the seven
diseases targeted by USAID’s NTDs Program, including: lymphatic filariasis,
onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, and three soil-transmitted helminthes. The program
in Sierra Leone has achieved remarkable success with national scale coverage of
preventive chemotherapy achieved for all of the targeted diseases. In addition to the
USAID programs, DoD invests heavily in the study and prevention of Lassa Fever.
The program employs a strategy that integrates the control/elimination activities for
the individual diseases within a Community Directed Treatment approach to conduct
mass drug administration using communities and schools as delivery channels. With
continued high-coverage of all eligible at-risk populations, the country is on track to
achieve global control and elimination goals. Last year the NTDs Program treated
approximately 4.5 million people for lymphatic filariasis, two million people for
onchocerciasis, 1.8 million people for schistosomiasis, and 1.2 million people for soil-
transmitted helminths.
Other major factors affecting the health status of the population include access to
clean water, particularly with respect to diarrheal illnesses. In rural communities, up
to 66% of people do not have access to safe water. In addition, the country suffers
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone
Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone

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Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone

  • 1. 3 ABSTRACT The whole volume of this Masters Research thesis covers 64 pages entails11 figures, 12 tables, 27 references and 1 attachment. Key words: PROJECT INITILAZATION, DEVELOPMENTING, MONITORING, OBS-STRUCTURE, WBS-STRUCTURE & AFRICAN TRADITIONAL MEDICINE, CLOSING AND ESTABLISHING RESEARCH AND PRODUCING LABORATORY. The main idea of research is to implement this project to provide standard research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun in a bid to address the dreadful side effects of poorly produced african traditional medicine and deal with the dosage disagreement among African traditional doctors that have weighed down the community; this will add value to the health sector and make medicine accessible and affordable in the entire country. The research thesis includes introduction, four chapters, conclusions, references and an attachment. In chapters of this research thesis we described problem and problematic of the project, generated project business plan, generated, evaluated and selected project alternatives, created project business plan, created SMART goal of the project, and also created project logical matrix. Under development phase, we created project scope, organizational project structure, project calendar plan and project resource profile. And at the monitoring phase the tasks involved were, evaluation of project real state by method of earned value, and project reports whereas at the last phase we are to describe expertise of labour protection and safety situations of the project.
  • 2. 4 It is observed that upon the successful implementation of these steps in the chapters the desired project result which is establishing a research and producing facility is realized. The result will address the dire need of well research African traditional medicine and boost the health and standard living condition of people.
  • 3. 5 TABLE OF CONTENT ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………… ... TABLE OF CONTENT………………………………………………………… INTRODUCTION ……………………………………………………………... 3 5 7 CHAPTER 1. PROJECT INITIALIZATION………………………………... 9 1.1 Problem and Problematic……………………………………………... 9 1.2 Project Business Idea……………………………………………......... 1 1 1.3 Generating, Evaluating and Project Alternative Selection………......... 1 3 1.4 Project Business Panning……………………………………………... 1 5 1.5 SMART-Goal of the Project………………………………………….. 1 6 1.6 Project Logical Matrix………………………………………………... 2 8 CHAPTER 2. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT…………………………….. 2 0 2.1 Project Scope…………………………………………………………. 2 1 2.2 Organizational Project Structure……………………………………… 2 6 2.3 Project Calendar Plan……………………………………………......... 2
  • 4. 6 9 2.4 Project ResourceProfile………………………………………………. 3 0 CHAPTER 3. PROJECT MONITORING……………………………….. 3 4 3.1 Evaluation of Project Real state by Method of Earned Value………… 3 6 3.2 Project Reports………………………………………………………... 4 1 CHAPTER 4. LABOUR PROTECTION AND SAFETY EXTRAORDINARY PROJECT SOLUTIONS……………………….. 4 5 4.1 Harmful and Hazardous Factor……………………………………… 4 5 4.2 Requirements for Premises Computing Centers……………………. 4 6 4.3 Measures to ensure healthy working conditions. Design calculations of jobs…………………………………………………………………. 4 7 4.4 Maintenance requirements of technical aesthetics………………….. 4 7 4.5 Providing visual ergonomic parameters computer…………………... 6 1 4.6 The calculation parameters ergonomic workplace…………………… 5 1 4.7 Hours of work and recreation personnel CC. The device of rooms, recreational staff for CC……………………………………………… 5 3 4.8 Providing electrical safety……………………………………………. 5
  • 5. 7 4 4.9 Protection against noise……………………………………………… 5 5 4.10 Protection against radiation, electrostatic fields……………………. 5 6 4.11 Fire safety…………………………………………………………….. 5 7 4.12 Proffered Recommendation for Labour safety……………………….. 5 9 CONCLUSION………………………………………………………… LIST OF LITERATURE………………………………………………. ATTACHEMENTS 6 1 6 3
  • 6. 8 INTRODUCTION Substantiation of the urgency of chosen project; Traditional medicinal plants are becoming increasingly important in the primary health care systems of developing countries. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that 80% of the population in Africa uses traditional medicine. In sub-Saharan Africa, the ratio of traditional healers to the population is 1:500, whereas that of medical doctors to the population is 1:40 000. This suggests that traditional practitioners have silently borne the burden of maintaining health in these communities. Although African governments and international organizations previously had little contact with traditional medicine practitioners, health crises have fueled the need to merge western and traditional treatments. Efforts have focused on re-linking communities with traditional healers and encouraging equitable access and benefit sharing of medicinal plants. The particular concern or issue here is the problem of poor research and production of traditional medicine. The current status of traditional Medicine in Sierra Leone lack professionalism and efficacy.
  • 7. 9 The high cost of western pharmaceuticals and modern health services has made them out of reach in most developing countries espercially Sierra Leone. The need for an affordable treatment regime whose efficacy has been evaluated has led to increased interest in traditional medicinal plants. The WHO is presently supporting clinical studies on anti-malarial drugs, as well as treatments for HIV/ AIDS, sickle cell anemia and diabetes mellitus [2]. The goal of the project; the goal of this project is to Establish a research and producing laboratory for African traditional medicine in kailahun – Sierra Leone The object of the research; is to provide well-research, efficacious and approved African traditional medicine to the people in Sierra Leone. The subject of the research; We are to describe problem and problematic of the project, to generate project business idea, to generate, evaluate and select project alternatives, to create project business plan, to create SMART goal of the project, and to create project logical matrix. Under development phase, we are to create project scope, organizational project structure, project calendar plan and project resource profile. At the monitoring phase the tasks involved are, evaluation of project real state by method of earned value, and project reports whereas at the last phase we are to describe expertise of labour protection and safety situations of the project. The novelty of the research results; is an open standard laboratory of two storey building structure. It is funished with standard research lab equipment on the first floor and the administrative and consultacy section on the second floor. The colour of the buildind is white with a security fence. . The practical value of the research; The creation of this project will address not only the needs of well research african traditional medicine but as well ultimately help in reducing the skyrocket price of accessing standard medicine and the threat
  • 8. 10 of rare deases in the livelihood of Sierra Leone. This will ultimately breed to good health and standard measures of medicine productional norms. The side effects of poorly produced African traditional medicine and dosage problems will be drastically alleviated to a levelheaded extent within Sierra Leone.
  • 9. 11 CHAPTER 1 PROJECT INITIALIZATION 1.1 PROBLEM AND PROBLEMATICS A matter or situation regarded as unwelcome or harmful and needing to be dealt with and overcome is defined as a problem according to the oxford dictionary. Analyzing this definition and looking up other definitions of the word problem, it would always call attention to it extended counterpart – solution and in perceive trigger the mind to the saying – “for every problem there is a solution”. Certainly, in the characteristic of a research and a project, a problem is considered as the raison d'être for it undertaken. Therefore a project must not be attempted without a thorough highlight of the problems that give rise to it commencement. This is a crucial aspect as it would justify the solution being put forward, weather it is suitable and effective or not effective at all. But before highlighting the problems for this project, it would be of essence to understand the premise of this topic and it importance to it customer. Traditional African medicine is the sum total of knowledge, skills, and practices based on the theories, beliefs, and experiences indigenous to different African cultures that are used to maintain health, as well as to prevent, diagnose, improve, or treat physical and mental illnesses[6]. According to Wikipedia the free encyclopedia traditional African medicine is the holistic discipline involving indigenous herbalism and African spirituality. Plants typically contain mixtures of different phytochemicals, also known as secondary metabolites that may act individually, additively, or in synergy to improve health. Indeed, medicinal plants, unlike pharmacological drugs, commonly have several chemicals working together catalytically and
  • 10. 12 synergistically to produce a combined effect that surpasses the total activity of the individual constituents Recognizing that traditional medicine is “the most affordable and accessible system of health care for the majority of the African rural population,” the Organization for African Unity (now the African Union) declared 2001-2010 to be the Decade for African Traditional Medicine. The goal is to bring together all the stakeholders in an effort to make “safe, efficacious, quality, and affordable traditional medicines available to the vast majority of the African people.” This goal is supported by the World Health Organization and IDRC. The world has long been alerted of the risks associated with herbal medicines but they continue to play significant roles in the management of minor and major ailments in Sierra Leone, Africa as a whole and other countries where their use is reported to be on the increase (table 1.1).[6] Table 1.1 The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about Percentage Place 85% Sierra Leone 80% Sub-Saharan Africa Use traditional medicines for the management of their prevailing diseases. This high use of herbal medicines may be due to accessibility, affordability, availability and acceptability of traditional herbal medicines by majority of the population in Sierra Leone and developing countries [6] However, a number of herbs could cause adverse effects due to adulteration, inappropriate formulations, plant and drug interactions, effects that are sometimes life threatening or lethal. Majority of the traditional African herbal medicines used in Sierra Leone are provided by practitioners who live within the communities, have been trusted over
  • 11. 13 time and are often willing to assist the patients with their knowledge and skills, sometimes at minimal costs to the patients. Most of this herbalist do not have fixed prescribe dosage and most of these herbal medicines are used in their crude forms although some pharmaceutical alteration is done. The use of this inappropriate amount of herbal medicine among pregnant women raises particular concerns of safety. In addition to these concerns,, there is an absence of modern production facility of traditional herbal medicine and researched on the aspect of safety and efficacy as is required for conventional medicines in Sierra Leone. This situation do not only responsible for health issues it also gives rise to increasing quakes and thus destroy and isolate African herbal medicine authenticity into myth.[6] In spite of these known concerns, study has proven that traditional African medicine is an important aspect of the health sector in Sierra Leone and Africa as a whole. Therefore it is a field worth investing on through comprehensive research and a modern laboratory where standardize production and be made in other to keep the potency and efficacy of traditional African medicine. 1.2 Project Business Idea Business is the activity of providing goods and services involving financial and commercial and industrial aspects whiles idea is an approximate calculation of quantity, degree or worth [15]. With these definitions, a business idea could be understand to be a well prepared document with premeditated initiative for profitable gains.
  • 12. 14 According to the “Venture companies for tomorrow” [25], Points to be noted when preparing a promising business idea are: it should Fulfills a customer need – a problem is solved, be Innovative with Uniqueness and clearly focus on long term profit. Furthermore, to make a convincing document of a business idea the document should address an investor. Therefore reflecting the investor’s perspective and interest whiles emphasizing on three aspects – customer benefits, market and revenue The project business idea is a document of the synopsis idea of the entire project. It spell out the aim, the innovativeness of the project and how it will be used in problem solving, benefits, limitations, as well as assumptions and risks. See table below: Table 1.2 Business idea of the proposed project Project business idea Creation Date 9.02.2014 Document Number MBN/522/14 The organization (customer) Afro-Meds Limited Number and name of the project Establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone The author of the Document Bunton-Nicol Melvin The location of the original document Melvin’s 522 Achieve Accuracy of the numerical information ± 40 - ± 50% Reasons for project Initialization in organization  To research and produced effective traditional African medicine in a modern facility free from lethal side effects  To put an end to inappropriate prescription and standardize the traditional African medicinal
  • 13. 15 practice Essence of proposed innovative idea and way of its use for solving of specific problem in organization.  Hybrid production: Traditional herbal drugs will be produce using a blend of traditional methods in a modern lab.  The essence of this innovative idea is to ensure an efficacy in traditional herbal medicine Project aim  To establish a lab for research and producing effective traditional African medicine Expected benefits of the project  Consumers- safe, effective and reasonable cost for traditional medicine.  Government/country- boost in the health sector  Investors- Profitability Limitations of the project  Quality – imported equipment from prominent companies. Fully installed experimental apparatus in two storey laboratory  Time – Project is to be completed within 1 year of commencement. The laboratory will operate 6 days a week throughout the clock from Monday to Friday but from 10 am to 4:00pm on Saturdays Assumptions and risks of the project  Possibility of documentation delay  viable competitors  Well funding 1.3 Generation and, Evaluation of Project Alternative To solve a problem there will always be a capable alternative projects. This section would examine and makes selection of the suitable project on the indicator of cost involving and time, effectiveness of the problem solving ability and calculated profit of business stakeholders.
  • 14. 16 The above indicators are crucial because a good project should endeavor excellence in these indicators and therefore calculating scores on alternative projects is justifiable. Considering the problem there can be many problems solving alternative project but since it is an analyses to select the best the evaluation would make use of three viable options as listed below: 1. Establishing a research and producing laboratory for traditional African medicine in Freetown – Sierra Leone. 2. Integrating traditional African medicinal programs in the medical university of Sierra Leone. 3. Organizing training and workshop to sensitize traditional African healer in research and production of traditional African medicine. Below is the tabular representation of the evaluation of the above alternatives that have potentials to solve the identified problem Problem solving alternatives Indicators mark Alternative 1 Alternative 2 Alternative 3 coeff icient value score coef fici ent value score coeff icien t value score Cost of Project and time 8 0.1 USD$ 131,000 1 year 2.1 0.7 USD$ 130,000 2 year 3.1 0.2 USD$ 150,000 2 year 2.8
  • 15. 17 Table 1.3 Evaluation of alternatives Fairly good very good Excellent Scale 5 15 30 Based on the scores display on the above table the project alternative one (1) emerges as the most rational alternative. After the comparative estimation of cost and time, effectiveness of the problem solving capability and calculated profit of business stakeholders, alternative one (1) proved more promising to the goal of solving the problem and a better business reward than the others despite its great financial factor. 1.4 Project Business Planning Business plan is document used for planning out specific details about a business. It is made up of a narrative section that includes a description of the products or services, short- and long-range objectives, discussion of the industry, business model and SWOT. The business plan is the blueprint for the business.this is needed: Effectiven ess Of problem Solving ability 10 0.2 59% 6 0.2 31% 2.8 0.1 20% 1.2 Profits for business stakehold ers 12 0.7 USD$ 245,900 1 year 7.4 0.1 USD$ 100,000 2 years 2.1 0.7 USD$ 105,000 2 years 2.5 Total aggregate 1 15.5 1 8 6.5
  • 16. 18 To test the feasibility of your business idea: Writing a business plan is the best way to test whether or not an idea for starting a business is feasible, other than going out and doing it. In this sense, the business plan is the safety net; writing a business plan can save a great deal of time and money if working through the business plan reveals that the business idea is untenable. Often, an idea for starting a business is discarded at the marketing analysis or competitive analysis stage, freeing you to move on to a new (and better) idea. To give new business the bestpossible chance of success:Writing a business plan will ensure that you pay attention to both the broad operational and financial objectives of the new business and the details, such as budgeting and market planning. Taking the time to work through the process ofwriting a business plan will make for a smoother startup period and fewer unforeseen problems as the business becomes established. To secure funding, suchas bank loans: both operating and startup capital is needed to start a new business. To get any money from established financial institutions such as banks without a well developed business plan is far fetch. To attract investors: a solid business plan is needed to secure investors. A presentation may pique their interest, but they will need a well-written document they can take away and study before they will be prepared to make any investment commitment [5].  Running out of cash before the business begin because of lack of anticipated your start-up costs  Missing sales projections because you don’t really know who your customers are and what they want  Losing customers because your quality or service falls short
  • 17. 19  Becoming overwhelmed by too many options because you never took the time to focus on a mission and vision for your company  Going bankrupt because you don’t have a rational business model or a plan for how to make money The business plan of the this project is submitted in attachments 1 1.5 SMART- goal of the project SMART is a mnemonic acronym, use as a guide to highlight the goal of a project in project management, The letters S and M usually mean specific and measurable, whiles the other letters meant different things to different discipline and organization  Specific – target a specific area for improvement.  Measurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.  Assignable – specify who will do it. Achievable/Attainable – A criterion stresses the importance of goals that are realistic and attainable  Realistic – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources. Relevant – a criterion stresses the importance of choosing goals that matter  Time-related. Time-Bound – A criterion stresses the importance of grounding goals within a time frame, giving them a target date The SMART projections of this project are as follow:
  • 18. 20 Specific – precisely, the project is to establishing a research and producing facility for African Traditional Medicine in Kailahun - Sierra Leone, in order to standardize, and market efficacious herbal medicine for reasonable cost. The project product is the research and manufacturing facility. It would carry the name “Afro-meds” And would develop research hybrid herbal medicine as a sub- product by making use o available medicinal plant in Sierra Leone and using mainstream methodology to develop it. Establishing – in the caption of the project title means to lease a two storey building for five (5) years and transform it into the project’s facility. The first floor would be use for as the laboratory for research and production, whiles the second floor will be use as the administrative section of the research establishment Afro- meds. Operation time or working hours will be from 8:00am to 8:00pm from Monday to Friday and half day for Saturday for the administration and marketing but for researcher and experts producing the project brand (afro-meds) herbal medicine, will be working in shift around the clock that is to say twenty four seven (24/7).[4] Measurable- Budget- $131,000 Duration- 1 year Approximated project profit per annum is plus/minus $245,900 Achievable- even though this is a profit making project, one of its objectives is promote indigenous innovation and make available effective and reasonable herbal medicine to enhance the health sector. Therefore in the area of funding the Government of Sierra Leone would play a key role and stakeholder. The Sierra Leone community as a whole would welcome this project by patronizing because this project will not only enhance the medicine disposition in the country but also boost the economy by it export potentials. With envisage support and enthusiasm of every stakeholder this project would not only be achievable but also a success.
  • 19. 21 Realistic- There is a vast cornucopia of medicinal plant species throughout Sierra Leone and natural ingredients that constitute a good research atmosphere. There is the existence of some ready material resources (building and medicinal plant). The already traditional Medicine existing elsewhere in Africa is a proof of this project being realistic. Attractive to consumers (because of price) Timely- Project will start on the 1st of January 2015 and will be completed in on the 30th of December 2016. 1.6 PROJECT LOGICAL MATRIX Is a project management tool, which allows presenting project fully at development phase and using to monitor implementation phase and phase of project closing. Logical Matrix gives an idea of interconnections of project result, aim, project products and activities.
  • 20. 22 Table 1.4 Logical matrix of the project Narrative Summary Description Indicators Source Assumptions Global goal To ensure an approved and certified traditional medicine Reduction of quake traditional medicine by 80% In Sierra Leone Health archive Statistic Sierra Leone Specific goal To provide and maximize the efficacy of traditional medicine 50% increase of use of traditional medicine and fatal side effects reduce from 20% to 2% Health archive Statistic Sierra Leone Drug (herbal medicine) abuse. Product Research facility for traditional medicine Make available a medium to research and develop traditional medicine Project management archive Poor quality of equipment. Lack of professionalism deforestation ACTIVITIES Planning Establishing Operation Closing Documents Resources monitoring Project management plan Change of team members may lead to project incompetence
  • 21. 23 CHAPTER 2 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT Project Development process start from conception through to execution or implementation. Developing and planning of a project is very important. Developing involves defining the characteristics of the project and expected results. The planning stage of a project involves a series of steps that determine how to achieve a particular goal or set of related goals. The project plan for this project is goals or action strategies developed through various planning processes; gathering information and meeting with stakeholders who will benefit from project. During the planning process problems are identified and the characteristic of the project are analyzed. The project plan creates a work plan for addressing those problems and attaining the goals. It describes measurable beneficial impacts to the community that will result from the project's implementation. It determines the level of resources or funding necessary to implement the project. Why is project planning important? The success and sustainability of a project is very closely tied to its planning process. Projects often fail due to poor planning, many times because they do not define the problems well or take important factors into consideration such as the needs and views of everyone involved in and affected by the project. Effective planning provides detail and structure to project work plans. Project Planning helps us to think ahead and prepare for the future and clarify goals and develop a vision. It identify issues that will need to be addressed, choose between options ,consider whether a project is possible and make the best use of resources motivate staff and the community assign resources and responsibilities achieve the best results[16].
  • 22. 24 2.1 Project Scope Project scope is the part of project planning that involves determining and documenting a list of specific project goals, deliverables, tasks, costs and deadlines. Scope refers to a project’s boundaries: it determines what work will be completed during the project lifecycle. This includes identifying the work that won’t be included in the current round of product/service development. During the planning process, outputs are created to capture and define the work that needs to be completed. The controlling and monitoring process is concerned with managing scope creep, documenting, tracking, and approving/disapproving project changes. Finally, the closing process includes an audit of project deliverables and assesses the outcomes against the original plan. Scope is about product scope and project scope. Project scope includes business requirements, project requirements and delivery requirements. Product scope includes technological requirements, security requirements and performance requirements This is due to the fact that it’s natural for parts of a large project to change along the way, so the better the project has been "scoped" at the beginning, the better the project team will be able to manage change. The Statement of Scope often referred to as SOS usually opens with a problem statement. This statement captures a description of the catalysts which are related to the project’s rationale and a summary of the new product/service that is being created. This section of the SOS often reads like an executive summary of the entire project. An important content area of the SOS is the list of product/service characteristics/ requirements and features. This section often reflects the shared vision that was negotiated between the project manager, stakeholders, and team members. Product services listed here not only reflect what is being included in the project, but how it will be implemented (i.e. level of complexity, functionality, depth etc.).[19] This section can also include statements about the items that will not be addressed in the current scope of the project. Other sections in a SOS may include a list of anticipated
  • 23. 25 benefits and project success criteria. There may also be a section which summarizes the list of deliverables that will be included in the scope of the project. The project manager gathers initial project facts from the project charter. Moreover, background information on the stakeholder’s workplace, existing business model and rules etc. assists in creating the vision of the final product/service, and consequently, the project scope A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a chart in which the critical work elements, called tasks, of a project are illustrated to portray their relationships to each other and to the project as a whole. The graphical nature of the WBS can help a project manager predict outcomes based on various scenarios, which can ensure that optimum decisions are made about whether or not to adopt suggested procedures or changes. When creating a WBS, the project manager defines the key objectives first and then identifies the tasks required to reach those goals. A WBS takes the form of a tree diagram with the "trunk" at the top and the "branches" below. The primary requirement or objective is shown at the top, with increasingly specific details shown as the observer reads down. When completed, a well-structured WBS resembles a flowchart in which all elements are logically connected, redundancy is avoided and no critical elements are left out. Elements can be rendered as plain text or as text within boxes. The elements at the bottom of the diagram represent tasks small enough to be easily understood and carried out. Interactions are shown as lines connecting the elements. A change in one of the critical elements may affect one or more of the others. If necessary, these lines can arrow-heads to indicate time progression to cause- and-effect. The work breakdown structure (WBS) is a project Management chart use by project managers to break-down complex projects to simpler and manageable task; much larger tasks are broken-down to manageable chuck of work so that the chuck can be easily supervised and estimated. Project managers use this method for simplifying the project execution.[27]
  • 24. 26 Despite its name, the work breakdown structure is really a product breakdown structure; because current best practice shows that, first the products or deliverables should be identified, and only then, determine the activity is necessary to create such products According to the PMBOOK guide the WBS is a deliverable - Oriented Grouping of Project Elements that Organizes and Defines the Total Scope of the Project. Each Descending Level Represents an Increasingly Detailed Definition of the Project Work. The PMBOOK calls the WBS the ‘hub of information’ for project and should be seen as the cornerstone component of the project plan, as it is used to identify the activities, costs, quality attributes, risks and procurement aspects within the plan. However, the WBS is consisting of a graphical, hierarchical chart that is logically organized from the top downwards. Each ‘node’ on such a diagram, could be considered as a work package, and consists of a unique alphanumeric (or just numeric) code to uniquely locate and identify it. The work breakdown structure of the project is as follow:
  • 25. 27 Fig.2.1 Work breakdown structure of the project The concept of a work package can be a difficult one for some people. In project management, a work package is defined as the effort required producing a deliverable within a project. This effort may be a single task or it could be several related tasks. Many people think of a work package as a sort of “mini project” within a larger project. When all of the individual work packages within a larger project are completed, the overall project is done. Each step within a work package includes the steps needed for completion along with a deadline for each step. This helps the project manager ensure the overall project remains on schedule. The benefit of using work packages is that it allows research and producing facility forAfrican Traditional Medicine 1. Planning 1.1 Concept 1.2 Permits 1.3 Consultation 2. Establishing 2.1 Property aquisition 2.2 Equipments 2.3 Reconstruction 3. Operations 3.1 staff recruitment 3.2 training & testing 4. closing 4.1 publication 4.2 commission
  • 26. 28 many different pieces of the overall project to be worked on at the same time, usually by different groups of people. The team assigned to each work package completes their tasks and then the individual packages all merge together seamlessly at the end.  Each work package typically has someone assigned to oversee it. This could be a supervisor, a team leader or may just be the team member who was designated as the leader. Work packages are typically at the very bottom level of the overall process of project management.  Each work package is clearly distinguishable from all other work packages  Each work package has a scheduled start and finish date  Each work package has an assigned budget that is time-phased over the duration of the work package  Each work package either has a relatively short duration, or can be divided into a series of milestones whose status can be objectively measured, or  Each work package has a schedule that is integrated with higher-level schedules.[27] Table 2.2 List of work’s packages of the project Work Package ID (According WBS) Activity ID code Description of works Duration(days) 1.1.1 1000 Project Concept document 2 1.1.2 1010 Business plan 7 1.2.1 1020 Governmental permits 31 1.2.2 1030 Community permit 5 1.3.1 1040 Consultation: laboratory Experts 7 1.3.2 1050 traditional healer Experts 14 1.3.3 1060 Business consultation 2 2.1.1 1070 property contract & Insurance 5 2.1.2 1080 Purchase the property 1 2.2.1 1090 Buy & import equipments 31 2.3.1 1100 indoor reconstruction 31 2.3.2 1110 reconstructing electricity and ventilation system 24 2.3.3 1120 installing facility equipments 20 2.2.4 1130 waste adjustments 20 2.2.5 1140 Painting, safety signs, and beautification 21
  • 27. 29 3.1.1 1150 Laboratory personnel 31 3.1.2 1160 Administrators 31 3.1.3 1170 Researchers 31 3.2.1 1180 Test all Equipments 7 3.2.2 1190 Train all staffs and researchers 31 4.1.1 1200 Symposium, TV, Radio, Newspaper 31 4.1.2 1210 Commissioning ceremony 7 2.2 Organizational Project Structure The Organizational Breakdown Structure (OBS) compliments the work breakdown structure of the project. It main intent is to communicate how tasks with delivering the project will be organized and structured as a Project Team. It's without a doubt that OBS is the simplest of the three structures (WBS, OBS, RAM-matrix) in terms of understanding, yet performs a great role in communicating the hierarchy of the team and consequently the reporting lines within a project. A project OBS is a depiction of the project organization arranged to indicate the reporting relationships within the project context. The OBS reflects the way the project is functionally organized. It is a direct representation and description of the hierarchy and organizations that will provide resources to plan and perform work identified in the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS). The OBS helps management focus on establishing the most efficient organization, by taking into consideration availability and capability of management and technical staff including subcontractors, to achieve project objectives. The OBS is depicted on the Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM), where it is used to identify the organization responsible and accountable for every element of the WBS and Scope of Work (SOW)[13] The organization break-down structure of the project is as follow:
  • 28. 30 Fig.2.3 Organizational Breakdown Structure of the project Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) A Responsibility Assignment Matrix (RAM) uses the Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and the organizational structure to link deliverables and/or activities to resources. The RAM provides a realistic picture of the resources needed and can identify if you have enough resources for the project. Additionally, it clearly shows who is responsible for what; if it is associated with the schedule it can identify when the deliverable is needed. By creating a RAM; deliverables are assigned a responsible party, who will review or add input and the appropriate approval authority is identified. The RAM can be as simple as placing a check mark in a matrix to assign the deliverables or activities. Example#1 Additionally, roles and assignments are identified by using a coding structure such as RACI or PARIS: Project manager Research Expect Construction manager Adminitration Manager Financial manager Marketing manager Deliverable: Office, Role or person Office, Role or person Office, Role or person Enviro. Permits  Traffic Report  UtilityLocates  IntersectionDesign   Use the WBS to identify deliverables and activities. Identify Office,Role, or Person i.e. Utilities Office, Utilities Coordinator, or persons name
  • 29. 31 RACI: Responsible - owner, the person who owns the work. Each deliverable/activity must have an owner. Approval - the person who approves the deliverable or activity. There should only be one approver. Consulted - this person delivers information required to do the work. Informed - a person that needs to be informed of the progress of the work. Deliverable: Project Manager Mark Cross Environmental Coordinator Traffic Office Tammi Bailey Utilities or Cindy Santos Enviro. Permits A R Traffic Report A R UtilityLocates I I R IntersectionDesign A C R C RACI – Responsible, Approval, Consulted, Informed Example #2 PARIS: Participant - involved but not at a critical level Accountable - must answer to management for the project task status Review needed or required Input needed or required Sign Off Required Deliverable: Team Leader Marcia Weeks Environmental Office Traffic Design Frank Morelli Utilities Enviro. Permits A S Traffic Report A R A R UtilityLocates I R R A IntersectionDesign A R S R PARIS – Participant, Accountable, Review, Input, Sign off Example #3
  • 30. 32 The RAM of this project would use the RACI code format. Below is the RAM of the project. Table 2.4 Responsibility Assignment Matrix of the project OBS ID WBS Project Manager Research Expert Re- construction Manager Marketi ng manager Finance Manager Adminis - trative manager 1. Planning R I C A 1.1. Concept R I C A 1.2. Permits R C A I 1.3. Consultation I R C A 2 Establishing R C A I 2.1 Property acquisition R I C A 2.2 Equipments I C A R 2.3 Reconstruction I C R A 3. Operations R C I A 3.1 Recruitment I C A R 3.2 Training and testing C A I R 4. Closing R C A I 4.1 publications I R 4.2 opening R C A I R: Responsible for activity A: Assisting the Responsible Authority C: Consulted before activity starts I: inform for confirmation/approval 2.3 Project Calendar Plan Any project requires a shared place for tracking progress. The Project calendar plan Define and indicate milestones and keep staff on their toes with knowledge of specific deadlines for their reference. This is normally on project management software depending on the project manager and team. This is a spreadsheet that provides a quick way to get your project off the ground and keep the beat going.
  • 31. 33 Project calendar defines holidays, weekends, regular working hours and shifts applicable to the project team and is used as an input to the planning process for developing the schedule [18]. There are no fix standard or principles in assigning project calendars, but however there are some recommendations that shows Mon-Fri with an hour break is more suitable. Fig 2.5 Project Calendar Plan/Gantt chart of the project 2.4 Project Resource Profiling The resource profile outlines all the resource available throughout the life of the project. These include both material and human resource, that is to say all contractors and al equipment hired or bought necessary for project completion. The project resource profile attempts to provide a snapshot look at the project scope and requirements before work actually begins. A well-crafted project profile can help when designing the project execution plan at a later stage, as well as in determining the assignment of resources to the project.
  • 32. 34 A resource calendar defines the number of working hours per day for the resource. You, as a team member, can add and modify exceptions to the resource calendar. It is a chart showing the usage of a resource in a project over time. It is common to try to reduce the peak of the resource usage by leveling or smoothing, thereby improving the utilization of the resource [20]. Leveling is however, done only when some resources are not well utilized. In other words, it’s done when some resources are overloaded. Leveling will in this case, ensure that are resources are utilized proportionately; even though the duration and/or cost of the project might change. Resource leveling is the project management function of resolving project resource over-allocation. By definition over-allocation means that a resource has been assigned more work than can be accomplished in the available time as dictated by the resource's calendar definition. In most scenarios, over-allocations can be remedied manually by extending tasks or moving them to accommodate the resource's availability. In other instances, however, schedules can be impacted not only by the resources' assignments in the current project, but by planned and proposed assignments in other projects as managers compete for the most critical resources in an attempt to align them with the most critical initiatives. As well, project constraint dates, estimate to complete forecasts that do not align with the constraints and dependencies can all play a role in whether a manager chooses to level or manually adjust the project schedule. Over-allocation can occur as the result of various events:  Increased work on a task that causes the finish date to overlap with another already assigned task.  A forecasted finish that causes a task to slip also delaying a successor dependency to start late.  Full time assignments to tasks that start and end at the same time or overlap.
  • 33. 35 In the perfect world of dedicated project resources, resolving these conflicts is more a decision of whether the project schedule has sufficient slack to accommodate leveling or whether the current schedule is not constrained by hard finish dates. Fig 2.6 Resource profile for all resources From figure 2.5 above, we can observe that none of the resources is indicated to be over used. This means that there is no need for us to level the resource profile of this project.
  • 34. 36 Fig 2.7 Resource profile for resource total Just like the all resource diagram the resource total shows no indication of over- allocation, there is no need to level the resources in this project at this stage.
  • 35. 37 CHAPTER 3 PROJECT MONITORING Monitoring is the continuous assessment of project implementation in relation to agreed schedules, and of the use of inputs, infrastructure, and services by project beneficiaries. The concept of monitoring in project management forms or plays an integral part with the whole process of managing the project till the project product is realized This is due to the fact that monitoring helps amending and fixing loopholes. Project monitoring is the process of tracking, reviewing, and regulating the progressed in order to meet the performance objectives defined in the project management plan. In addition to reviewing the work that is being performed, this process also makes sure that the deliverables themselves, plus the way in which they are being delivered according to the project management plan. The focus here is on identifying any variances from the project management plan, to carry out problem- solving in order to determine appropriate corrective and preventative action, perform root cause analysis of such variances, and to manage the time and cost reserve allocations. The corrective action that the project manager should be making here is based on how the project has been progressing and from this how things are forecast to continue. The results of the work being undertaken are compared to the baseline is within the plan and appropriate adjustments made to ensure that the two are harmonized. Such adjustments and changes to the work are both identified and implemented within this process. Another key aspect here is to ensure that risks are being managed properly, new risks identified, and that the overall project performance remains on track [18]. Once the team is executing the work according to the project plan, the project manager must always be diligent in monitoring and tracking the work that is being performed.
  • 36. 38 This is done in order to:  Ensure the team is working on the correct activities  Ensure the team is on-schedule  Ensure the team is on-budget  Ensure the quality of the work is acceptable  Ensure project control activities can be performed if deviations from the plan are identified The monitoring project management step is done in parallel to the other project processes (planning, execution, etc.) to ensure those activities are also being done in order to meet the project requirements. Considering that most of the project activities (and costs) occur during the execution phase, however, you should put most of your monitoring effort on this part of the project. You may have to assign additional personnel to help you with monitoring the work that is performed. Often a project controls person is assigned to help (on larger projects) with this activity. Fig 3.1 Basic plan of the project from suretrak
  • 37. 39 The figure 3.1 above shows project target dates. The red bars are activities on critical path, green bars are activities that are not on critical path and the yellow bars are basic plan of the project. Planned budget: $80788 Project duration: 382 days Starting time: 30-05-2014 Finish on: 09-09-2015 Table 3.2 List of monitoring dates and responsible person for a project No Days of monitoring Responsible person Interval monitoring 1 3th september 2014 Project manager 77 days 2 19th January 2015 Construction manager 163 days 3.1 Evaluation of the Projectrealstate by method of earnedvalue Earned Value is an enhancement over traditional accounting progress measures. Traditional methods focus on planned accomplishment (expenditure) and actual costs. Earned Value goes one step further and examines actual accomplishment. This gives managers greater insight into potential risk areas. With clearer picture, managers can create risk mitigation plans based on actual cost, schedule and technical progress of the work. It is an “early warning” program/project management tool that enables managers to identify and control problems before they become insurmountable. It allows projects to be managed better – on time, on budget. Earned Value Management System is not a specific system or tool set, but rather, a set of guidelines that guide a company’s management control system
  • 38. 40 The table 3.2 depicts actual 2 monitoring occasion of the project Planned. Below in figure 3.3 is a graphical presentation of the first monitoring period from the “suretrack” software. Fig.3.3 Project state after 1 monitoring date Fig 3.3 shows implemented activities from the starting of the project up to the first monitoring date 3th September 2014. It is clearly depicted on the graph that all activities within this period are completed on planned time with the exception of 1020 which finished 2 days early, 1030, finished 2 days late and 1040 2 days early the rest are on schedule as planned. To evaluate the project progress the Earned value method will be used. It will allow the calculation of schedule variances and performance indexes and forecasts of project costs and schedules at completion.
  • 39. 41 Fig 3.4 Earned value analysis of the project after First monitoring period After first monitoring these are the data of the various indicators:  BCWS= 35343  Cost (AC)=35343  EV= 33324  BAC= 80788  PT= 386 days To make conclusion of the progress of the project the following calculation is important:  Cost Variation (CV): this shows if there has been a deviation from the planned costeither favored or not. It shows in monetary form how much more resources were spent for works performed as compare to planned cost. The formula for this calculation is: CV = EV- PV Therefore, CV = EV-AC 33324 – 35343 = - 2019 This indicating a cost overrun Schedule Variation (SV): this shows the deviation or otherwise of a project from scheduled plan. It helps to monitor if the project is been implemented on time or not. This shows in money form, how much less works are performed than was planned. Formula for calculating SV is EV-PV. Therefore: (SV) = EV- PV 33324 - 35343= - 2019
  • 40. 42 Conclusion: less works have been done within the schedule time  Cost performance index (cpi): a measure of the efficiency of expenses spent on a project. The formula that a business normally uses to assess the cost performance index (cpi) is the ratio of earned value (EV) over actual cost (AC) ie. (EV/AC). A value than 1, indicates a favourable condition, while less that 1 is not. Therefore; CPI = EV/AC 33324 /35343= 0.94 This indicates that cost of work performance is not favorable.  Schedule performance index (spi) = EV/PV 33324/35343= 0.94 This indicates that the earned value of work performed is 94%  Cost deviation index (CDI): this indicates deviation in cost of project. CDI= CV/EV - 2019 /33324= -0.06 Conclusion: This indicates no saving is made from planned budget.  Estimate at completion (EAC) cost: this the estimated cost of the project at the end of the project. EAC=BAC/CPI 80788/0.94= 85944.6 This indicator shows forecasted budget  Estimate at completion (EAC) time: this the estimated duration of the project at the end of the project. EAC (time)= planned time/SPI = 386/0.94 = 410.63 This indicator shows forecasted project duration.  To complete cost performance indicator: this index showing the efficiency at which the resources on the project should be utilized for the remainder of the project. This can be calculated using the formula: TCPI = ( BAC – EV/BAC- AC) = (80788- 33324/ 80788- 35343) = 1.04
  • 41. 43 This indicator shows the future efficiency with which work can be done in budget and in time  Variance at Completion (VAC): this is difference between the budgets at completion minus the estimate at completion. VAC means the BAC – EAC or real cost. In other words, a project is over budget if VAC is a negative number (EAC greater than BAC) it is under budget if VAC is positive (BAC greater than EAC). VAC = BAC- EAC 80788- 85944.6= -5156.6 This indicate more money was spent than budgeted. Fig 3.5 Second Monitoring Date: 19th January 2015 Fig 3.4 shows implemented activities for second monitoring date 19th January 2015. It is clearly depicted on the graph that all activities within this period are completed in time, with the exception of 1100 which finished 3 day later and 1120 finish 2 days early and 1140 also 2 days earlier than planned.
  • 42. 44 Fig 3.6 Earned value analysis of the project after second monitoring period For calculation of EV indicators input date are as follows: EV = 69,076 BCWS = 69,365 AC = 69,365  Cost Variation (CV): CV = EV- PV Therefore, CV = EV-AC 69,076- 69,365= -289 This indicates that 289$ has been spent than planned for works performed on this date of monitoring.  Schedule Variation (SV) SV is EV-PV. Therefore: (SV) = EV- PV 69,076- 69,365 = -289 Conclusion: less works have been done within the schedule time  Cost performance index (cpi) Therefore; CPI = EV/AC 69,076/69,365= This indicates that cost of work performance is excellent or effective 99%.  Schedule performance index (spi) = EV/PV 69,076/69,365= 0.99 This indicates that the earned value of work performed is 99%  Cost deviation index (CDI): CDI= CV/EV -289/69,076 = 0 Conclusion: This indicates planned budget was used.  Estimate at completion (EAC) EAC=BAC/CPI 80788/0.99= 81604.0
  • 43. 45 This indicator shows forecasted budget  Estimate at completion (EAC) time EAC (time)= planned time/SPI = 186/0.99= 187.87 This indicator shows forecasted project duration.  To complete cost performance indicator: TCPI = ( BAC – EV/BAC- AC) = (80788 - 69,076 / 80788 - 69,365) = 1.02 This indicator shows the future efficiency with which work can be done in budget and in time  Variance at Completion (VAC): VAC = BAC- EAC: 80788 - 81604.0 = -816 This indicate more money was spent than budgeted. 3.2 Project Reports A project report is a record of any sort of project, whether it is a school project, business project, or research project. Most commonly, project reports are written to record the beginning, middle and end of specific project events, such as business initiatives or school experiments. A project report can be written about almost any topic, in fields such as science, marketing, education, or engineering. However, to fulfill the standardized and formal requirements of teachers or executives, professional project reports must have certain characteristics; these will include specific sections of the project report, which are usually as follows: Introduction,Table Of Contents, Main Sections, Conclusion, References To create a polished and impressive business report, a person or group must track the timeline of a specific subject, experiment, or business initiative. For example, a marketing department might be asked to write a project report on their latest Internet-based ad campaign. If the marketing executives "rolled out" a new website or social networking service, they will announce the occurrence during the Introduction, and then detail the rollout during the main Section(s). In their Conclusion, they will summarize exactly how successful or unsuccessful the project
  • 44. 46 was, in relation to their initial projections and goals. This Conclusion should be supported by evidence prepared in the Main Sections; such evidence may include tables, pie charts, graphs, and spread sheet excerpts. Details are the heart of soul of any effective project report; dates, times, facts, and figures must be used to build credibility. Whether a project report is written about a new housing development, a science experiment, or an ad campaign's rollout, it should be based on quantifiable information that is easy for a layman to understand. The best project reports will be written according to a formal template, and they will be completely honest reckonings of all of the good and bad things that transpired during the central event's timeline. From the Introduction to the Conclusion, the role of the project report is to provide a factual record of the event that may later be used to make decisions about planning similar events or initiatives in the future; this is one reason why a project report can be a valuable tool in the business world.[17] Table 3.5 below is the report on the current status of the research and producing traditional laboratory at the first monitoring period. Table 3.5 Report on project status at the first monitoring period Yes No General state  Will the project be completed in time?  Will the project be completed within the budget?  Will the produced products satisfy the fixed level of quality?  If the requests for content changing are managed successfully?  If the proposals are deciding successfully?  If the risks are reducing successfully?  If all the consumer’s requirements are satisfied? Explanation of items with answer «no»: From the calculations, we observed that the project could be completed later than the scheduled period. There is therefore, the risk of time and resource.
  • 45. 47 Considerable achievement of the period: All activities within this period are completed on planned time with the exception of 1020 which finished 2 days early, 1030, finished 2 days late and 1040 2 days early the rest are on schedule as planned. The effectiveness of performance is 94% Achievements that are planned to be achieved on the next period: Event though, the targeted activities will be 2 days delay for delievery, calculations anticipate 94% effectiveness of performance which would great success in quality.the following activities will be affected by time. Eradication of pending risks can be achieve by the recommendation below. Extra comments: From the calculations we can observe that the earned value of this phase is not favorable. The forecast indicates that we will need additional funds as well as 2 day more, for completion of this phase. therefore i would recommend addition of fund to hire more workers as request of change for some chances to complet this phase in time. Table 3.6 below is the report on the current status of the research and producing traditional laboratory at the second monitoring period. Table 3.6 Reporton project status at the second monitoring period Yes No General state  Will the project be completed in time?  Will the project be completed within the budget?  Will the produced products satisfy the fixed level of quality?  If the requests for content changing are managed successfully?  If the proposals are deciding successfully?  If the risks are reducing successfully?  If all the consumer’s requirements are satisfied? Explanation of items with answer «no»: From the calculations, we observed that the project could be completed earlier than the scheduled period. There is therefore, no risk in the duration at the 2nd monitoring phase but there is still a little finacial deviation. Considerable achievement of the period: All activities within this period are completed in time with 99% effectiveness, with the exception of 1100 which finished 3 day later and 1120 finish 2 days early and 1140 also 2 days earlier than planned but at the end of this phase works will be completed a day earlier
  • 46. 48 Achievements that are planned to be achieved on the next period: Activities which would start are expected to started and finished in time. without deviation in time and cost. Extra comments: From the calculations we can observe that the earned value of this phase is much encouraging as compared to the previous monitoring. The forecast indicates that we will need a little additional funds but no additional time is required, at the completion of the project we will finish the project as planned. Notwithstanding, there is a slight need for additional resources.
  • 47. 49 CHAPTER 4 LABOUR PROTECTION AND SAFETYEXTRAODINARY PROJECT SITUATION An important aspect of complex measures aimed at improving working conditions are measures of labor protection. To successfully implement all measures necessary for the safety knowledge of physiology of labor which can properly organize the work of man. In this section, the degree project under the Law of Ukraine on the protection of labor from 2002, highlights the key issues of safety and ergonomics of work, projected operating room and calculation center. As an example, calculation is made of ergonomic parameters of optimal job of one operator PC. 4.1. Harmful and hazardous factors. Employees computing centers (CC) face exposure of physically dangerous and harmful factors as increased noise, increased ambient temperature, the absence or lack of illumination of working area, electricity, static electricity and others. Significant burden on the central nervous system and visual system cause increased neuro-emotional stress and consequently affects the cardiovascular system. Regular PC users more often and in greater extent are exposed to psychological stress, functional disorders of the central nervous system and upper respiratory tract. Low- frequency electromagnetic fields in the interaction with other negative factors can trigger cancer and leukemia. Dust attracted by electrostatic field monitor, sometimes becomes the cause of dermatitis, a person worsening asthma symptoms, irritation of mucous membranes. But the reason for rejection of human health is not only the computers, but not strictly adherent to the principles of ergonomics. A long sitting in a stationary position by some PC users, causes muscle weakness, change in the shape of the spine, which in the most extreme cases can lead to disability among
  • 48. 50 professional operators which can also contribute to the increased frequency of diseases of glaucoma and cataracts. 4.2. Requirements for premises computing centers. Ski CC, their size (area, volume) must first meet the labor force and appearing in their suite of technology. They must provide the relevant parameters of microclimate, lighting, clean air, insulation from industrial noise, etc. To ensure normal working conditions, health norms SN 245-71 to establish a computer, the amount of industrial space at least 20 m3, the minimum area-6 m2. А сomputer must be set so that the eyes on the screen can see the same object extracted from the room. Distance from the computer to the wall should be not less than 1 m. If you have multiple computers in one room the distance between the screen one monitor and the back of another shall be not less than 2 m, distance between two adjacent side walls of monitors should be at least 1.2 m. The projected space will equip CC flavour changing ventilation and artificial lighting. According to DSN, microclimate parameters should be in the warm season: temperature 23-25C °, relative humidity 40-60%, air velocity 0.2 m / s, cold season: temperature 22-24C °, relative humidity 40-60%, air velocity 0.2 m / s. Operating rooms and offices should have natural lighting tent to side. In cases where a natural light is not enough set composite coverage. Normalized artificial light for CC before us at the combined coverage is 400 lm, total - 200 lm, daylight factor at the natural side lighting - 1.5%. This additional artificial lighting can be used not only in the dark, but in the daytime. Efficient color processing facilities aimed at improving decisions are sanitary working conditions, increase in productivity and safety. Ski CC should paint according to color technology. Lighting facilities and equipments should be soft, without shine. Reduction of noise generated in the workplace CC internal sources and noise penetrating from the outside is a very important task. The overall noise level
  • 49. 51 normalized GOST 12.1.003.-83: is not more than 40 dB for facilities construction department, programming computers, laboratories for theoretical work and experimental data processing. Levels of tension which allow electrostatic fields are established by GOST 12.1.045-84: not more than 20 kV / m in the lingering hours. 4.3. Measuresto ensure healthy working conditions. Design calculations of jobs. Dimensions of the room are: length = 10 m, width = 7 m, height = 3 m. In the room are 3 employees, that is, each accounted for 23, which corresponds to sanitary standards (at least 20). Conditions for microclimate in the premises of PC. The room was maintained throughout the normal temperature 25, humidity 55 and air velocity through the conditioner. Optimal microclimate standards referred to in clause 4.2 of this section, and the level of ionization space when working with a PC are given in Tables 4.1. Таbles 4.1 Levels of ionized air space when working with PC The levels of ionization The number of ions per 1 cm3 of air n + n - The minimum necessary 400 600 Optimal 1500-3000 30000-50000 The maximum admissible 50000 50000 4.4. Maintenance requirements of technical aesthetics. Painting walls - light brown, the ceiling - white, floor - parquet, light brown. Color design made with the advice of SN 181-70: the color of walls, ceiling, floor in harmony with each other. In terms yellow and light brown colors, improve mood, positively affecting the nervous system and internal organs.
  • 50. 52 Condition of room illumination computers. Calculation of natural light Coefficient of natural light (c.n.l.) with side lighting: wf w S rkS e    1 , (4.1) where w S - square windows, m2, k - coefficient eclipse opposing home ( 5,1k ), 1r - coefficient ( 5,11 r ), f S - area of floor, м2, w - light characteristics of the window ( 7w ). Because the normalized value c.n.l. with side illumination bureau service %5,0e , that area needed windows 10 5,15,1 7705,0 1 min.        rk Se S wf w 2 m . (4.2) Maximum permissible value of natural light: %2,18,015,13  cmеe bnorm , (4.3) where 3 bе - acceptable coverage for the third light belt ( %5,13 b е ), m - coefficient of light climate ( 1m ), c - coefficient of sunny climate ( 8,0c ). The maximum area of windows: 26 5,15,1 7702,1 1 max.        rk Se S wfnorm f 2 м . (4.4) In this way, provided natural light that enters through the windows with a total area f S , max.min. fff SSS  . The windows are arranged along the length of the room in the wall, oriented north. Calculation of artificial illumination. Choosing lighting units with gas-discharge lamps;
  • 51. 53 Type of wiring - closed in building structures under plaster, wire - JSPPB, switch the normal execution. Fixtures we place parallel rows. Description of work - category IV, (contrast - big picture - light). Minimum Illumination of combined coveredtion 400norm E lx . System coverage - Combined: general uniform plus local. The required illumination for the combined coverage of gas-discharge of general illumination lamps 200norm E lx , local service bureau – 250. КМE lx . The required safety factor s K 1,5. The most favorable ratio of the distance between the lights to a height of suspension fixtures:  fixt fixt h L 1,6, (4.5) where fixt L - distance between the lamps, m; fixth - height pendant fixtures, m. 21,326,1  fixtfixt hL m. (4.6) Trail lighting width: 5,1. wfixtL m. The distance between the lights is equal to the width plus the length of the lamp 0,05 м. Distance from the wall to first row of lamps: 96,02,33,03,0 .1  lfixtLL m. (4.7) The distance between the extreme lines of the width of the room: 08,596,0272 12  LbL m, (4.8) where b - width of the space CC, м. The number of rows that can be placed between the extreme lines of the width of the room: 31 2,1 08,51 . 2 .  wfixt wfixt L L N . (4.9)
  • 52. 54 The total number of rows of lights in width: 5232...  wfixttwfixt NN . (4.10) The distance between the extreme rows of lights along the length of the room: 08,896,02102 13  LaL m, (4.11) where a - length space CC, м. The number of lights that can be placed between the extreme rows - either: 11 2,3 08,813 .  fixt lfixt L L N . (4.12) The total number of rows of lights along the length: 3212...  lfixttlfixt NN . (4.13) The total number of rows of lamps to be installed along the length and width: 1535.....  tlfixttwfixttfixt NNN . (4.14) The coefficients of reflection from the walls and ceiling - by painting walls and ceilings: wall 56%, ceil 73%. coefficient  , taking into account the uniformity of coverage, depending on the type of fixtures and relationships : 13,1 . Area of floor space illuminated: 70710  baSf 2 m . (4.15) In length a, width b building, height and suspension lighting fixth find index space:     2 2710 70       fixthba ba . (4.16) Ratio of luminous flux: i 0,63. Current (required) flux of a lamp: 2511 63,015 7013,15,1200        ifixt.t fsnorm calc ηN SzKE F lm. (4.17)
  • 53. 55 Voltage network and the luminous flux of a lamp in reference tables (GOST 6825-91) determines the required power electric light bulb LB40 l W 40 Wt. In each lamp means LB40 lamp with a light stream 2580. TABLL F lm. The true light: 205 7013,15,1 63,0152580        fs ifixt.tL.TABL true SzK ηNF E lx. (4.18) 4.5. Providing visual ergonomic parameters computer. Visual ergonomic computer settings are provided by the acquisition of high- quality computers and their long prior to testing, to detect possible defects. Limit values are given in these Table 4.2. Таble 4.2. Visual ergonomic options of computer arameter The maximum value minimum value maximum value The brightness of the sign (cd/m2) 35 120 Outdoor lighting (lx) 100 250 Angular size of the sign (angl/min) 16 60 4.6. The calculation parameters ergonomic workplace. Based on the standard (medium), ergonomic body parameters listed in Table 4.3, calculate anthropometric parameters per job of a computer operator - man. Options of other jobs are calculated similarly.
  • 54. 56 Fig. 4.1. Basic elements of the operator and his workplace Determine the height of the eye over the article in the sitting position: 3,130493,81  LE hhАК cm, (4.19) where E h - eye height above the plane seat, cm; L h - leg length, cm. Таble.4.3 Anthropometric parameters of the operator PC – man. № Parameter value 1 Growth of standing, cm 179±6,62 2 Height sitting, cm 92,7±2,78 3 Height of eye above the plane seat, cm 81,3±2,63 4 The length of leg, cm 49±2,38 5 Body weight, kg 72,6±4,5 We calculate the height of the center of the screen above the article: 3,883,0603,130sin  FАКВК cm, (4.20) where F – distance from the center of the screen to the eye; - the angle of the head from eye level to the level of the center of the screen. Find the height position of the keyboard ЕОМ on page: 3,886,0703,130sin  fAKACAKCK cm, (4.21) В hг hп f F   А С Д Е К
  • 55. 57 where f - distance from the center of the keyboard to your eyes, cm;  - the angle of the head from eye level to the level position the keyboard. Determine the height of the plane sitting on the story: 493,813,130  E hАКDК cm. (4.22) We calculate the height of the footrest plane seat: 04949  E hDКЕК cm. (4.23) Note that the operators PC may be not only men but women. Therefore, in accordance with GOST 12.2.032-78, CC use desktops with high working surface of 725 mm and working chair with lifting and turning the device. The design provides seat height adjustment seat supporting surface within 400-500 mm and tilt angles to 15 degrees forward and back to 5 degrees. Each chair is equipped with armrests that minimizes adverse effects on kystovi joints of hands. Since there is no way to adjust the height of the table, then for every job set footrest width of not less than 30 cm, a depth of not less than 40 cm, adjustable in height within 15 cm, adjustable angle of inclination of the supporting surface to 20 °. Thus, we get comfortable workplace for both men and women. 4.7 Hours of work and recreation personnel CC. The device of rooms, recreational staff for CC. CC Staff includes 3 people who work in shifts. The first change from 7.00 to 13.00 h, the second from 13.00 to 19.00, every change of 3 people that change according to schedule. CC Staff working in the same mode as on holidays, weekends and on weekdays. An exception is the state of emergency and the events which come from all over the world, in this case CC is in full force. During the sixth shift, the following breaks are set: Within 2 hours from start of the transition time- 15 min, after 1.5 and 2.5 h after lunch are breaks of 15 and 10 min respectively and lasting 5-10 min through each hour.
  • 56. 58 Lounge is located in an isolated ground of the house with a separate entrance from the street and with CC. Thus, the area of rest rooms for staff CC is, that the length of the room is 10 m, width - 7 m, height - 3 m. Lounge is equipped with individual lockers to maintain the outer clothing, chairs on the number of employees CC, tables. Also set washroom, closed waste. The rest room should be regularly wet cleaned. Collection is in the morning and as needed throughout the day. Periods of metastable states considerably (at least 2 times per year) and epidemic indicators lounge exposed dry cleaning and disinfection chamber. This lounge is included in the total system air conditioning, used in CC. 4.8. Providing electrical safety. Respectively before GOST 12.1.030-81 protective earthing electrical installations should comply with the nominal voltage of 380 V and above AC and 440 V and above DC. According to the resistance of protective earthing PUE at any time of year should not exceed 4 ohms in the voltage of 1000 V. Calculate the number of tubes that make up the circuit ground, the length of the connecting strip and the resulting leakage current resistance group earthing (contour). Distance from ground to middle ground: 2,2 2 3 7,0 2  l lt n m, (4.24) where nl - depth of ground ( 7,0nl m ), l - length of vertical grounding ( 3l m). The resistance of a single grounding rod of circular cross-section of land: 27 32,24 32,24 ln5,0 04,0 32 ln 314,32 95 4 4 ln5,0 2 ln 2                       lt lt d l Pil RP Om, (4.25) where  - resistivity of the soil ( 95 Om m), d - diameter of the grounding ( 04,0d m). Approximate number of single grounding included in the outline: 9 73,04 27 .      PnormG Р R R n , (4.26)
  • 57. 59 where normGR . - normative value of resistance of protective earthing ( 4. normGR Om ), P - utilization of tubular grounding ( 73,0P ). Length of connecting strips:     321941  nLL GS m, (4.27) where GL - distance between the grounding ( 4GL m ). Resistance band of connective: 82,1 7,04,0 2048 lg 3214,32 952 lg 2 2       S S S S lb L PiL R Om, (4.28) where b - width of the connecting strip ( 4,0b m ). The resulting leakage current resistance grounding group: 33,2 73,082,1934,027 82,127        РSSР SP RnR RR R Om, (4.29) where S  - factor connecting strip ( 34,0S ). The considered building should also be constantly monitored by electrosecurity department in respect of wiring, switches, plug sockets and cords, with which are included in the electrical network. 4.9. Protection against noise. Reducing noise at the source of radiation is provided by application of elastic gasket between the base machine, the device and the supporting surface of it. As used rubber gasket, felt, cork, different designs absorbers. Under the table noisy machines rely soft mats of synthetic materials, and under legs of tables, where they are established, - lining of soft rubber, felt, thickness 6-8mm. Mounting pads made by attaching them to the bearings. Also use insulating housings that do not interfere with the technological process. Equally important to reduce noise during operation is a question of correct and timely adjustment, lubrication and replacement of mechanical units noisy equipment.
  • 58. 60 Rational planning facilities, accommodation facilities in the CC is an important factor that reduces noise at the existing equipment PC. Reducing noise that penetrates the production facilities outside, is achieved by increasing the insulation protecting designs, sealing the perimeter of the porch windows, doors. 4.10. Protection against radiation, electrostatic fields. Displays, designed on the basis of electron tubes, are a source of electrostatic field, the soft X-ray, ultraviolet, infrared, visible, low, and super high-frequency electromagnetic radiation. The most secured are displayed to the specified and protected by the closed method of metal screen. This physical principle is realized by an additional metal shell, which closes on integrated protective screen. As a result of such measures electrical and electrostatic field can decrease to background values at the distance of 5.7 meters from the shell, and in conjunction with the system of compensating magnetic field. Such a design provides maximum safety for the user. In addition, the generated screen and alternating electric field in the Character screen can greatly exceed fields produced by other elements of the monitor, and, most significantly, it is spatially oriented towards the user. Effective protection of the field - screen filter (necessarily certified for the parameters characterizing the quality of lower electric fields in the frequency range 5 Hz-400 kHz). Levels of the fields in all modes with the image on the screen today, certifies monitor with this protective filter in accordance with SNiP not exceed 8 V / m (25 V / m) in the frequency range 5 Hz-2 kHz and 0.2 V / m (2.5 V / m) in the frequency range 2 kHz-400 kHz. For NBC, if neighboring jobs fall into the area of influence of the field (at a distance of 1,2-2,5 m from the screen) - a protective covering back and side walls, installing special panels, the screening of the posterior and lateral sides of the monitor installation of barriers between different users.
  • 59. 61 We use monitors and must meet rigid requirements for safe operation, embodied in regulatory standards. In Europe, the monitors must meet standards on the characteristics of CEE and the FCC, which exist for the certification of electronic equipment for security and no interference communication system. There are a number of international standards to be complied with applicable to our monitors that have become so popular that now is actually international. Such standards as MPR-II, TCO'92 and TCO'95, TCO'99. There are other national standards of TUV, CSA, UL, which is generally well supported by manufacturers of monitors. 4.11. Fire safety. Fire safety system provides fire prevention and fire protection system. All premises must be "evacuation plan in case of fire," which governs the actions of personnel in the event of fire ignition and pointing the location of fire equipment. Sources of ignition in CC may be electronic circuitry of PC, devices, used for maintenance, device power, where as a result of various disorders formed overheated components, electrical sparks and arcs that can cause ignition of combustible materials. In modern PC very high density deployment of electronic circuits. In close proximity to each other are placed connecting wires, cables. In the flow of electric current through them is allocated a significant amount of heat. It can possibly be melting insulation. For removal of excess heat from PC are ventilation and air conditioning. At a constant, these systems pose an additional fire hazard. For the manufacture of building structures using the VC facilities, usually brick, concrete, glass, metal and other materials. The use of wood should be limited, and in case of fire to soak his compositions. The houses VC fire hydrants are installed in corridors, staircases to platforms and entrances. Water used to extinguish fires in buildings programmers, libraries, support and office facilities. The use of water in the machine halls PC, storage media, areas of instrumentation in the form of danger or damages or complete failure of
  • 60. 62 expensive equipment is possible in exceptional cases, when a fire takes dangerously large sizes. The quantity of water should be minimal, and the device PC be protected from water, covering them with tarpaulin or cloth. In the premises CC used mainly carbon-dioxide fire extinguishers, which advantage is the high performance fire fighting safety of electronic equipment, insulating properties of carbon dioxide, which makes these extinguishers, even if you can not disconnect electrical immediately. Therefore, the required hand fire extinguishers are located areas (carbon-dioxide SO-8 in the amount of 1 pc.). Detection and fire alarm is automatic sensors, signaling a fire accident type that react to temperature increases. Objects must be equipped with CC unit fixed automatic fire. In the design we apply the CC installation of gas extinguishing action which is based on rapidly filling the room with a gas extinguishing agent of sudden liquefaction of oxygen content in the air. To install an automatic fire extinguishing agent choose Freon 114V2 with density 18,2 3 /mkg , extinguishing concentration of the fire extinguisher 162,0BG 3 /mkg . Ski CC belongs to the category of fire risk in and has a fire resistance of 1 and 2 and, therefore, the factor that takes into account the peculiarities of gas exchange in the building that 3,1U к protected. The volume of space that is protected 126342  HSWP 3 m : , (4.30) volume of the container with extinguishing 15B V l composition, filling ratio 9,0 container. We calculate the required number of extinguishing agent: 5,263,1126162,0  UPBT кWGG kg. (4.31) Determine the required number of cylinders of extinguishing agent:
  • 61. 63 1 9,018,215 5,26      B T B V G N . (4.32) We calculate the volume of cylinders for compressed air:        5,1 5150 2015151        B MINMAX TC C MIN B PP WWP W l. (4.33) To maintain the compressed air cylinders use capacity of 25 liters. Find the required number of cylinders of compressed air: 06,0 25 5,1 25  B B W N . (4.34) Since the required number of cylinders of compressed air is very little that this building compressed air can not use. 5.0 Proffered Recommendations Based on the above calculation and forecast it is recommended that established site should be secure during the phase of development as to avert not only unnecessary pollution but to prevent vulnerable children in contact with havards associated to consrtuction, like the dug drainage pit, gathered dust, chemical exposures, cements flames and littered nails. Because even though this project is not been implented close to residential part, children and others may tend to be curious. However, we realized that necessary steps are to be take in a bid to provide the goal of the project bearing in mind safety at the same time. In most provincial area in Sierra Leone especially kailahun children are easy prey to consrtuction project havards. The urgency and need to evaluate the safety and labour protection of this entire project is taken into due consideration to avert anormallies to the livelihood of not
  • 62. 64 only the residents of Kailahun but as well of those directly involved in the labour aspectof the project as well. This steps are necessary to meet in a bid to realized to very positive essence for which the whole project is centered; which is the provision of standard medicinal research and producing facility that will in turn boost the health and living standrad of the entire Kailahun residents Sierra Loene as a whole. These observation were drwan from a clear managerial and consultative perspectives, as a result this recommendation is borne. Conclusion: In accordance with the provisions in CC provided the necessary size of the room for the appropriate work necessary microclimate parameters, minimum noise level created, a comfortable and correct in sight to ergonomic workplaces, met the requirements of technical aesthetics and the requirements for computers, provided space for recreation staff VC. Also made the calculation of the necessary parameters of natural and artificial coverage, special events provide electricity, fire employees, their protection from noise, static electricity, various kinds of radiation.
  • 63. 65 CONCLUSION The project of Establish a research and producing laboratory for African traditional medicine in kailahun – Sierra Leone is considered in this particular thesis. The main reason to initiate this project is to provide well-research, efficacious and approved African traditional medicine to the people in Sierra Leone. The application of the project management approach to solve the problem will help in alleviating the hardline problem of poor research and production of traditional medicine, lethal side effects, dosage discrepancy, and help in reducing the skyrocket price of accessing standard medicine and the threat of rare deases to the healthy livelihood of Sierra Loene. The whole idea is commercial in nature and the impact would be financially and socially viable. At the phase of initialization of the project we described problem and problematic of the project, generated project business plan, generated, evaluated and selected project alternatives, created project business plan, created SMART goal of the project, and also created project logical matrix. Under development phase, we created project scope, organizational project structure, project calendar plan and project resource profile. And at the monitoring phase the tasks involved were, evaluation of project real state by method of earned value, and project reports whereas at the last phase we are to describe expertise of labour protection and safety situations of the project. Its observed that by all clear indication the project is duly realized within this context after all these above mentioned phases of project management are given considerable thought.
  • 64. 66 List of Reference 1. Adevu, M (2012) “Moringa the Miracle Tree” is lunched in Sierra Leone. [E- resource] – Access mode; Stories/2011/February/Moringa-the-Miracle-Tree-is-launched-in-Sierra-Leone 2. AfrikaNow Journal (fall 2006). Traditional Medicine Use in Sub-Saharan Africa [E-resource] – Access mode; 3. An Introduction Earned Value Analysis, Suketu Nagrecha 2002. Retrieved from 4. ART Criteria [E-resource] / Official web-portal of SMART-goal Criteria Access mode: 5. Business Plan Entrepreneur [E-resource] / Official web-portal of Entrepreneur- Access mode: 6. Cyrus, MacFoy. (2013). Medicinal Plants and Traditional Medicine in Sierra Leone 7. DSN Sanitary standards microclimate of production facilities 8. GОSТ 12.1.003-83 Occupational safety standards system. Noise. General safety requirements. 9. GОSТ 12.1.045-84 Occupational safety standards system. Electrostatic fields. Tolerance levels and methods of control at working places. 10.GOST 6825-91 Tubular fluorescent lamps for general lighting service. 11.GOST 12.2.032-78 Occupational safety standards system. Operator's location in a sitting position. General ergonomic requirements. 12.GOST 12.1.030-81 Occupational safety standards system. Electric safety. Protective condactive earth, neutralling. 13.OBS-Structure [E-resource] / Official web-portal of Tenrox Access mode: structure
  • 65. 67 14.The Pharmacy and Drugs Act (2001) Sierra Leone Web. [E-resource] - Access mode: 15.The free dictionary by farlex. [E-resource] - Access mode: 16.Project Directory [E-resource] / Official web-portal for official partnership for MDG’s. - Access mode: 17.Project Target Dates [E-resource] Official web portal of Task Management Guide Access Mode: are-project-target-dates-.php. 18.Project Monitoring [E-resource] / Official web-portal of Sportand Dev.Org. Access mode: oring___evaluation__m_e__/ 19.Project Scope [E-resource] Official web portal of SearchCIO Access Mode: 20.ResourceLevelling [E-resource] / Official web-portal of Flash Card Access mode: management/deck/10906038__/ 21.SN-181-70 Information regarding design color interior trim manufacturing industrial buildings. 22.P Hygienic requirements for videodyspleynyh terminals, personal electronic computable machines and running. 23.Sanitary rules and norms. 24.SN 245-71 Sanitary design standards of industrial enterprises. 25.The Law of Ukraine «On Labour Protection», № 229-IV of 21.11.2002 26.Venture company of tomorrow; retrieve from
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  • 68. 70 Business Plan of the Project: Establishing a research and producing facility for African traditional medicine in Kailahun – Sierra Leone 1.0 ANALYSIS OF THE BRANCH The Ministry of Health and Sanitation is directly responsible for health care delivery in Sierra Leone. The Director of Medical Services is the administrative head of the Ministry. The District Health Management Team controls the provincial health care system. It is however worth noting that the health sector is in an appalling state and immediately requires new resources, policies and structures. It is over-centralized, under-funded and under-staff. Services are severely limited in much part of the country and access depends entirely on how much you can afford to pay. The public health sector employs only 190 doctors, of whom only 22 are Clinical Specialists; to serve an estimated population of 5.3m.That is about one doctor for every 30,000 people. While Sierra Leone does not train enough doctors, its real problem is retaining them. Of the doctors trained in the past, only 10 % are presently in the country. They are all migrating to other countries in search of greener pasture. [3] For most Sierra Leoneans, health care amounts to buying basic drugs from pharmacies, some of which are registered and run by qualified personnel, others of which are simply stalls on the street manned by unlicensed briefcase pharmacists. The core functions of the Ministry of Health and sanitation (MoHS) are policy formulation; standards setting and quality assurance; resource mobilization; capacity development and technical support; provision of nationally coordinated services; coordination of health services; monitoring and evaluation of the overall sector performance and trainings. Under the ministry of health and sanitation there are a lot of other related arms. Most important to this project is the pharmacy board. [4] Attachment 1
  • 69. 71 According to the pharmacy and drug act in 2001 the pharmacy board is charge with the responsibility to regulate and control the supply, manufacture, storage and transportation of drugs, including nutritional agents and cosmetics; and to provide for other matters related thereto. [5] With the aforementioned it is clearly understand that the ministry of health and sanitation in tandem with the pharmacy board are the related branch of this project. 1.1 Medical Infarastucture – (Number and Equipment of Hospitals) However, with the return of peace and stability, government has redoubled her efforts in restructuring the health care delivery. Most of the hospitals have either been renovated or constructed back with outpatient clinics and four wheels drive vehicles that can facilitate easy transportation of both patients and hospital personnel’s. The provision of health services varies significantly across the country. The private sector barely exists outside the provincial capitals with the vast majority of its resources concentrated in the western area. The same is true of pharmacies. Of the eight public hospitals providing Tertiary Health Care, 5 are in the western area, the others are in the 12 provincial capitals Bo, Kenema and Makeni. Of the 15 public hospitals providing secondary health care, 6 are in the western area and one in every district head quarter town. [3] The table below shows the number of functioning public health units: Table.1.1 Public health units District (Provinces) PHUs Bo (S) 143 Kenema (E) 133 Moyamba (S) 166 Pork Loko (N) 130
  • 70. 72 Bombali (N) 113 Kailahun (E) 84 Koinadugu (N) 81 Kono (E) 84 Tonkolili (N) 94 Bonth (S) 53 Kambia (N) 67 Pujehun (S) 71 Western Area 166 The private hospitals owned by religious bodies are better equipped than the government hospitals. Through the Italian Government, a hospital has been constructed to take care of patients in need of transplantation of body parts in Lunsar, northern Sierra Leone. The operation theaters have been upgraded with recent equipments. Connaught hospital in Freetown has been rehabilitated and modern equipments installed there. 1.2 Health Profile of Sierra Leone HIV/AIDS: Sierra Leone is considered to have a low-level epidemic. Results from the 2008 SLDHS indicate that 1.5% of Sierra Leone adults aged 15 to 49 have HIV. HIV prevalence among women in the same age group is slighter higher for women than men (1.7% versus 1.2%). The HIV prevalence rate obtained in the 2005 sero- prevalence survey was 1.54% which is the same rate obtained in the 2008 Sierra Leone Demographic Health Survey (SLDHS). The results of the 2008 SLDHS confirmed that Sierra Leone has a low-level HIV epidemic. HIV prevalence among most at risk populations is not well described. [6] Malaria: In Sierra Leone, malaria is one of the major leading causes of morbidity and mortality in children under five years of age, accounting for about 50% of outpatient visits and 38% hospital admissions. Malaria contributes to close to two of every five child deaths and to one of every four deaths in a general population. Proven
  • 71. 73 malaria prevention and control interventions are available in Sierra Leone including the most effective medicines especially Artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT) for treating patients and for prevention of infection with long-lasting insecticide-treated nets (LLIN), indoor residual spraying (IRS) and Intermittent Preventive Treatment during pregnancy (IPTp). [6] Tuberculosis: The burden of tuberculosis (TB) is increasing in Sierra Leone. Between 2004 and 2007, the number of registered TB cases in the country almost doubled, in spite of a case detection rate of 52% (the WHO target is 75%). This is further complicated by the recent emergence of multi-drug resistant tuberculosis (MDR-TB). The TB/HIV co-infection is also an issue of concern: the prevalence rate TB/HIV co-infection is 11.6%. However, the defaulter rate has been declining and the treatment success rate has increased from 83% in 2004 to 87% in 2008. [6] Maternal and Child Health: Infant mortality and maternal mortality rates are among the highest in the world (89/1,000 live births and 857/100,000 live births respectively). Less than 50% of deliveries occur with a skilled attendant or at a health facility and the availability of emergency obstetrics services is extremely limited. Among children, malnutrition, stunting, and poor immunization coverage are still significant problems. Malnutrition is the leading cause of death for children under 5 years of age. The under-five mortality rate is 140 per 1,000. Prevalence of anemia is high among both children and women. [6] Nutrition: Children in Sierra Leone are generally malnourished. In 2008, 21% of children under age five were found to be underweight or too thin for their age while 36% were stunted or too short for their age and 10% were wasted or too thin for their height (SLDHS 2008). Children in rural areas are more likely to be stunted and wasted than children in urban areas. There is evidence of poor nutrition and feeding practices among infants and children. Only 11% of infants less than six months of age are exclusively breastfed, 23% of children are fed in accordance with infant and
  • 72. 74 young child feeding practices, and 26% of children age 6-59 months received a vitamin A supplement. Seventy-six percent of children and 45% of women are anemic. [6] Family Planning and Reproductive Health: Most married women (92%) do not use any family planning. Only 7% of married women currently use a modern method of family planning. Another 2% are using a traditional method. Injectibles (3%) are the most commonly used methods. Unmarried, sexually active women are most likely to use family planning – 25% are using a modern method, most commonly the pill (11%) (SLDHS 2008). [6] Neglected Tropical Diseases (NTDs): Sierra Leone is endemic for six of the seven diseases targeted by USAID’s NTDs Program, including: lymphatic filariasis, onchocerciasis, schistosomiasis, and three soil-transmitted helminthes. The program in Sierra Leone has achieved remarkable success with national scale coverage of preventive chemotherapy achieved for all of the targeted diseases. In addition to the USAID programs, DoD invests heavily in the study and prevention of Lassa Fever. The program employs a strategy that integrates the control/elimination activities for the individual diseases within a Community Directed Treatment approach to conduct mass drug administration using communities and schools as delivery channels. With continued high-coverage of all eligible at-risk populations, the country is on track to achieve global control and elimination goals. Last year the NTDs Program treated approximately 4.5 million people for lymphatic filariasis, two million people for onchocerciasis, 1.8 million people for schistosomiasis, and 1.2 million people for soil- transmitted helminths. Other major factors affecting the health status of the population include access to clean water, particularly with respect to diarrheal illnesses. In rural communities, up to 66% of people do not have access to safe water. In addition, the country suffers