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Reflective Essay On Teamwork
Nowadays, teamwork is an incredibly important part of an organization. As defined in "Fundamental
of management", work teams are "groups whose members work intensely on specific, common goals
using there positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, and complementary skills"
(Robbins, DeCenzo and Coulter, 2015, p.311). To simply understand, every time when we share a
specific job with other people, we participate in a work team. For myself, working in a team bring
about many interesting experiences of the way we interact with other members and deal with work
to achieve the last target. Therefore, the chance to cooperate with three other students in my class
during the group presentation assignment in last fortnight has left me numerous significant lessons. more content...
However, for each time, I always had a new feeling, a new experience because of different
colleagues, different styles of work and, especially, different roles of mine in my team. For this
cooperation, I worked with three completely strange people who I had never met before. They were
Ngoc, a boy with the same age as me, Thao, a girl who was one–year older than me, and Quang, the
oldest one in my group who was four–year older than me. This was the first time I had been a leader
of the team where I was the youngest person, which really put me under pressure and was one of
my most challenges of connecting team members together. It required me to always move forward
and improve my personal qualities more as a leader which were mentioned in Robbins text book:
drive, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self–confidence, intelligence, job –relevant knowledge
and extraversion (P.Robbins, 2015, p.361). Sometimes, I felt myself so incompetent when I got
troubles in arranging works as well as control the effectiveness and efficiency. However, with the
help of my coworkers, I finally overcome those
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Essay on Teamwork and Bureaucracy
According to Webster's New World Dictionary (Agnes, 2003, p. 662), one definition of teamwork
is "joint action by a group of people." I believe this is accurate, especially since every member of a
marching band has some higher goal to work for. If the band works well together, the final
performance might have fewer mistakes. The dictionary (Agnes, 2003, p. 88) also says that one
definition of bureaucracy is "the concentration of authority in administrative bureaus."
Starting in my freshman year of high school, I was part of the marching band. We learned how to do
the drills, and play the music. We also learned how to rely on our squad members to find our
positions on the field. As an individual, I learned that there is a type more content...
In the article Teamwork in Multiteam Systems (Marks, DeChurch, Mathieu, Panzer, & Alonso,
2005, p. 962), the authors say that some researchers feel that teamwork could negatively affect the
experience that different workers gain. Furthermore, Marks, DeChurch, Mathieu, Panzer, & Alonso
(2005, p. 962) state that some researchers claim that teamwork allows workers to collectively use
their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and collaborate with other workers. Marks et al. (2005, p. 962)
delve deeper into their research by stating that "teamwork can facilitate employees' accumulation of
task–specific human capital by encouraging mutual and collective learning processes." Looking
back on how marching band worked, it seems more obvious that the teamwork that was used helped
immensely, but it could have jeopardized the performances if someone had decided to not bother
listening to directions. Furthermore, it is easier to understand why the director of the marching band
had people who exhibited decent leadership skills in charge of the different sections rather than
members who might have been seen as followers. Marks et al. make the further claim that there are
researchers who feel that teamwork has no positive or negative significance for some workers at
different organizations. In addition to the other claims, Marks et al. state that
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reflection on team work
In this essay I am going to reflect on my experience working as part of a team and the preparation
on an oral presentation I had to do in class with people from different courses, as part of the
Foundations for Practice in Health and Social Care module. Reflection is educational and is used as
a means of self–knowledge and to develop using a process of feeling and learning by thinking about
what happened and what could have been done differently. (Rolfe, 2011, p.8–12) I will be using the
Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle to do this. In this model there are 6 different stages to look at to help
structure reflection, the description of the event, your feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and
an action plan. There is more than one more content...
(Gorman, 1998). I feel as a group with different knowledge of the topic we worked well together
after we overcame the issue of picking a topic. It felt a little awkward at first in the storming
stages, but as every meeting passed it got better and we learned to work as a team. Everyone had
a role and we all understood each other's roles and what we needed to do to produce the final
presentation. When the person before me was going though their part I was thinking I can't do this
and was starting to shake. I thought we did well to present out topic to our peers and we received
good feedback from the lecturer. I was very pleased that I did a good job presenting even though I
was nervous.
To analyse the presentation and teamwork I need to be able to understand everyone has different
experiences and different ways of working and had their own view on teamwork. My confidence
grew as I got to know the team. Giving the presentation has helped me with my confidence, which
I will need when I am working in the health care. I have also learned to speak up more and
encourage others to take part when they where being quiet and not pulling their weight. It was
good to do research using the appropriate methods, looking at journals and professional sites. I
managed to hold it together during the presentation in front of everyone. I knew the presentation
was not going to go as well has it could due to the lack of practice. The reason I was so nervous was
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Persuasive Essay On Teamwork
The world today is a pretty scary place. We are living with threats and acts of destruction
throughout the world starting with terrorist threats in the middle east, nuclear war threats from
North Korea, to the recent catastrophic effects from hurricanes in the southern United States and
the Caribbean. These threats and acts of destruction effect many people every day. According to
The Balance, Hurricane Harvey, "caused $180 billion in damage. That's more than any other
natural disaster in U.S. history..." (Amadeo). Fortunately, many people have stepped up and
worked together to help with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts, from volunteering to provide shelter
and supplies to donating needed items and money. J.J. Watt, a professional football player for the
Houston Texans started a relief fund, which raised over 37 million dollars. Teamwork and the
willingness to help others are vital to the development and safety of our future world. Moreover,
this teamwork needs to be present in all situations in our world, from major hurricane relief funds to
helping the people who live everyday in poverty and crime ridden areas. People talk about how
important teamwork and cooperating together are in life; such prominent men as J.J. Watt, President
Trump, and even our own President here at Valparaiso University, Dr. Mark A. Heckler, are men who
influence others to volunteer and work together for the betterment of our future world. Teamwork is
necessary for a healthy, productive and safe
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Essay about Team Work
ZIETSMA My reflection paper is classified along the following lines. The above model draws
form ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, Understanding and Managing Life at Work, EIGHTH
EDITION by Gary Johns and Alan Saks and has been trifurcated stage wise in relation to the game,
Forbidden Island. The pre– game scenario began with FORMING. To be perfectly honest, I didn't
have a clue as regards "Forbidden Island" and wasn't too familiar with many board or card games.
My more content...
Interactions were now in order and a hotelier who was also a lawyer was elected the group leader
by virtue of his expertise .This relates to the" situational favourableness "scenario. and contingent
upon a) leader member relations, b) task structure of the group and c) position power based on
was an eye opener for me in terms of overall game play and my special powers as a diver. I tailored
some of my moves from the beginning to suit a team mate who had three treasure cards and
helped her get the next one for her to collect her treasure .It was the first among us all. Quickly,
every team member adopted a group objective oriented approach all our behavior was attuned to a
"lets win together" attitude. Interestingly, I was the last one in my group to get my treasure, but
all my group members made at least one move to help me and we finished the our first game in an
hour. In many real life scenarios we realize that just when we think we have the answer, the
question gets changed or things get harder. One needs to forge ahead with a renewed sense of
purpose till objectives are achieved, despite all odds. During the second game, I got the pilot card
and was able to move to any place on the island, helping my team mates and shoring up cards as
well. I was the first in the group to get my treasure in the second game and seized the opportunity to
assist my team members over the next half an
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Reflection On Teamwork
I thought I am not a good team player. I'm a very indecisive person and making decisions is a
difficult thing for me. In teamwork, I faced a lack of leadership and passion, which I felt was
rooted in my own problems. I needed to make proper improvements in this area, and one not
always strive for what she has done, the first time may be ask for nothing,but the long and long
will turn into laziness. And what the group needs is to make progress together. Based on the
contribution of each of us in a certain is equal, however also could have the rest of the members
would be more suggestions, and found example to show us. I thought that the contribution was
relatively more. My role in the group was a team member, and I didn't dare try to be a leader with
lack of decision. I was quite satisfied with my status currently, working together with the team in the
group, making progress, feeling their passion and improving my enthusiasm.
In this team cooperation, my most profound understanding was that cooperation requires team
spirit. As the saying goes, "one boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy . Anant to move
meters, moved around lift, meters, two ants to carry the body swinging around again, three meters,
ant to carry gently carried into the hole." These two statements have different results. "Three
monks" is a group, but they do not drink water because they are not able to talk and cooperate.
"Three ants come to move rice" can "gently carry the hole", it is the result of unity and cooperation.
Has good sings "unity is strength, and the power of teamwork is endless, once be developed the team
will create incredible miracle. In today's society, with the advent of the era of knowledge economy,
all kinds of knowledge, new technology constantly, the increasingly intense competition, social
demand more and more diversified, make people face in work and study situation and the
environment is extremely complex. In many cases, the individual ability alone has been difficult to
completely handle all kinds of complicated problems and take concrete and effective action. All these
require people form groups, and ask the organization members further interdependence, mutual
connection, mutual cooperation, and
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Essay on Teamwork: Dealing with Personalities
Personalities differ with one person to another. Dealing with other people according to their
personality will make the team stronger. Knowing personality type can help me to understand
myself better and to improve on my weaknesses. Personality defines individuals' inner characters
and who they are as a person. Their behavior patterns are consistent around other people as well by
themselves. Even though people hide their true personality in social settings, eventually their inner
nature comes out. Personality features define who I am. One of my strong personality traits that I
have is friendliness. Even though other people are unfriendly and unwelcome toward me, I show
kindness to them. A popular saying, "Treat others as you would more content...
These people appreciate who I am and what I do for them. They also notice my faults. People on
the other side of the spectrum are those who always think about themselves and believe they are
right and everybody else is wrong. These types of people do not see me for whom I am. Majority
of the time others view my personality the same as how I view myself. My personality features
are generally consistent in my private life as well as my public life. When I am in public or at
school, I am a calm friendly person and because of that I am very approachable. People know and
remember me for whom I am even though I do not go out of my way to be known. I have taken
the Personality Spectrum assessment during my GEN/200 class test. The test displays a picture
of a brain divided into four sections. The sections were thinker, giver, organizer, and adventurer.
My result was interesting. I have scored 21 for organizer and adventurer and scored 19 for
thinker and giver. I would have thought I would score higher on thinker and giver. When I speak,
I usually think before I say a word especially when people come to me with a problem they are
facing or if they want my opinion on a particular issue. If I do not know, I usually do not say
anything or tell them I do not know. I scored lower in the giver section than organizer and
adventurer even though I give my time and money to help others. My room is messy but I scored
higher in the organizer category. Ever
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Essay about The Importance of Teamwork
The Importance of Teamwork In this assignment I am going to look at teamwork and important it
is, also linking it in with how vital teamwork is in the modern Public Services. To do this I will be
looking into the main theorists and their guidelines for a team to work well and to be efficient.
Teamwork is a group/ team of people working towards a common goal or target. Bill Gates describes
teamwork as 'A group with a common goal'. The advantages of a team working correctly is as
follows; being able to reach the goal quicker, this is because there are many people working
together. To become more efficient, this is because people have different strengths and so people
can more content...
At this stage there is no set positions as they can change. People are likely to argue over these
common subjects: leadership, structure, power, and authority. The members of the groups start to
build relationships with other members.
In Tuckman's Norming stage everyone knows which person plays which part. The different group
members start to listen to each other and appreciate the support from each other. This is an
important stage as the group starts to work hard towards the common task. People expect the same
amount of work and the support of others in the group. Big decisions are starting to be made.
Performing. The performing stage is the stage where people can work independently, in smaller
groups, or all together all respecting one another. The group's roles and authorities change to the
changing needs of the group and individuals. Stage four is said to be the most predictive. Relation
and problem solving in this part of the task is the most vital for the group to move forward and
reach their common goal.
Tuckman's final stage adjourning, involves the finishing's of task. This is where the different people
of the group need to recognise what they've done, and their role in the completion. This is the stage
where they see where they can
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Reflection on Teamwork in the Work Culture
Teamwork is an important component of today's work culture. Organizations use employees
organized into cross functional groups to achieve large work efforts. It is inevitable, as students
move from the classroom to the office, they will be asked to work and collaborate with others.
With the prevalence of working in groups today, it is important to assess each experience; to
reinforce positive experiences and identify lessons learned. In the following sections I will
highlight my experiences working with my project team throughout the duration of the tech497
class, both negative and positive. In most organizations a project manager, whom identifies team
members with the necessary skills to achieve the objectives required, selects the members of the
project team. In tech497 we are asked at the very beginning of the class to assimilate into groups,
define the project, and assign roles each team member will fulfill for remainder of the class. It is
my opinion that we did not perform the necessary due diligence in selecting the members of our
project team. Although the core of the project team were successful in working together, we placed
an unnecessary burden on the team by allowing a team member to join who was not committed to
the success of the group. If placed in a similar situation again, it would be my recommendation that a
skills survey and a questionnaire containing availability and commitment assessment questions be
utilized to determine if prospective members
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Teamwork And Collaboration Essay
The nurse's role in Teamwork and collaboration is critical. "Several roles of nurses include
caregiver, advocate, educator, leader, manager, collaborator, and researcher" (Masters, 2017, p.
332), this description of the nurse's role indicates nurses are involved in all aspects of the patient
care, and play a crucial role delivering the best care to the
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Teamwork in the Workplace Essay
In today's world teamwork is being utilized by companies across the globe. Employers are seeing the
value of teamwork and what can be accomplished when people put the strengths together. These
teams consist of people from different cultures with different personalities. Conflict is inevitable
when it comes to group dynamics. Conflict resolution is necessary to keep the group functioning
efficiently. This paper will analyze group dynamics and focus on conflict resolution by way of
Teams consist of personnel with varied backgrounds, experience, education, and intellectual ability.
These differences will, by nature lend themselves to varying perceptions in business, its problems
and solutions, which result more content...
Teamwork cannot be demanded. Everyone involved must discuss and understand what the goal is
and what is required of them. Teams should have traits such as goals and objectives, empowerment,
trust, authentic participation, innovation, creativity, risk taking and leadership. (Temme and Katzel,
1995) While finding a good balance, conflicts will most certainly arise. Conflict resolution strategies
must be utilized, for the team to be effective and meet the goals and objective of their assignment.
These conflicts may be more evident in certain types of teams more so than in others. Conflict is
common when working in teams. Its is important to have team meeting in order to lay out
potential problems and disagreements and prepare to support the teams final decision. (Weinstein,
2007) In resolving conflict, ask the question, "How do we keep this from happening again?" The
first thing is to be objective. This helps in managing conflict by keeping team members focused on
the problem at hand (Huber, 2007) In the following section, we will see that there are several types
of teams to be discussed. Regardless of the type team, conflicts are inevitable and therefore,
resolutions must be found to remain productive. In an effort to address types of conflict resolution
strategies, we must first know a little about the teams themselves. In today's business world, there are
four basic team types; cross–functional teams, self–managed
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Team Work Scenarios Essay
Team Work Scenarios
Learning Team
Each team should respond in paragraph form to the questions that follow the scenarios presented
below. Any disagreements or complications that occur within the team regarding the correct response
should be noted in the Learning Team Reflection Worksheet for the week.
Duty–based (Deontological):
Donna was wrong for setting rules for the team without any input from Michael. He is not going to
follow the rules if there was no buy–in on the rules. Donna and Michael should renegotiate the rules
together and come up with a set of rules with which both are comfortable. If that doesn?t work, try to
get another team member (or a member from another team) to mediate between the more
Goal–based (Teleological):
Corin?s attitude is impacting the entire team. When it comes to team assignments, a team needs
knowledge from everyone to finish the project. When he blows them off, the other team members
have to pick up the slack and it makes it harder from them to complete the task.
Yes, Darcie is acting on a goal–based ethic by giving up part of herself for the good of the whole
team. She is adhering to the goal–based ethical theory of Utilitarianism or the greatest good for the
greatest number of people.
Jerry and Samantha?s arguments fit into the rights–based ethical philosophy because the movie was
censored by a local group, who do not make up the majority of the people in the community. Since
rights–based ethics relies upon the majority of people in a community to agree on a specific
behavior as acceptable or unacceptable, they are justified in challenging the local group?s actions.
Buck has experienced rights–based ethics because he heard what the majority of people in the
community feel about car noise levels. Both sides of an issue are debated at a town meeting and a
consensus is reached.
Karen falls into the human–nature section of ethics due to her egoist actions. She is only thinking of
her grade and not that her actions might have repercussions. When Karen?s teacher discovers her
plagiarism, she will
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The Essence of Teamwork Essay
The Essence of Teamwork
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one of them
should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who falls
when there is not another to raise him up?" – Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10
As the scriptural text quoted above implies, teamwork can accomplish what the individual cannot do
on his or her own. Teamwork is defined as "a small number of people with complementary skills
who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are
mutually accountable." (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993) In today's society, with so much emphasis on
pride and personal achievement, the concept of teamwork seems to more content...
However there is a problem when such methods frequently become a substitute for face–to–face
communications. Face to face meetings allow for immediate feedback in regards to decision–making
and a greater familiarity with other team members. The problems associated with virtual project
teaming are limited familiarity with other members, different time zones, inability to resolve
conflicts effectively and as always the possibility of technical difficulties with the equipment.
Cross–functional teams consist of team members of multiple disciplines, skills and talents. A great
amount of projects have parameters that extend above engineering and reach into areas such as
marketing, sales, public relations and so forth. Therefore, it is important that team members with
different qualifications work in harmony with each other if a project is to be successful.
Nevertheless, problems arise when vital team members are not available and no one has any
knowledge of their portion of the project. Problems also arise when one team member has little
respect for the discipline of another.
The by–product of the globalization movement of large corporations and organizations is a growth
in diversity. Project teams must develop products and provide services for a mass market. Therefore,
project teams now and in the future will include different people, cultures, creeds and different
approaches to conducting business. There is greater
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Reflection On Teamwork
Between all phases of this project, there is an overarching theme of teamwork. This class has shown
how different people work together. This class consists of undergraduate students, living in different
places, different schedules, and different skills and abilities still managing to meet deadlines and
prevent any major failures as a class throughout the whole project. A major lesson I learned was how
them leader–follower concept in projects. Also, I realized this concept is not as simple as one
person is in control and everyone does as he or she says. As I went through this project, I learned
that some people simply have no interest in taking the lead and have no problem doing work that
is asked of them in a respectful manner. As for myself, I often do not like telling people what to
do, nor being told what to do by my peers. However, it appears there must be some leadership and
some following throughout parts of this project and not everyone is concerned with having a task
assigned to them. This is a lesson that builds our writing process knowledge and I do not believe I
could have learned it without hands–on experience and working with other people, such as an
organization like the Gloria Gemma Foundation. I believe this is a perfect example of the learning
outcome, Discourse Community Knowledge, due to our ability to format a document in accordance
with what we believe the Gloria Gemma Foundation is hoping to see and meet their expectations.
Along with the Foundation's expectations, meeting the different groups we worked with standards
and expectations was another major part. Such as, the Activities Outside the Gloria Gemma
Building group. This team was given the task of determining prices and expenses of outdoor
activities and our class had a designed budget format that we were supposed to follow, as a group,
and expected to follow the standards we all agreed upon.
Analyzing Information:
One other major technical writing theme throughout this class was repurposing data for different
stakeholders. This has been seen throughout the entire semester. From the original document and
description of the project, to the first presentation we made to the members of the foundation, to now
working on the
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The Importance Of A Leadership And Teamwork
Team Building
Leadership and teamwork are synonymous. Leadership is very important and is evident in the
culture of the school. Teamwork involves individuals working together to achieve a common goal.
Team building is the manner by which the team performance measures for improvement. It is the
process taken to manifest communication and encourage cooperation. Leadership and teamwork as
indicated by Sohmen (2013) center around soft skills that need to be implemented cautiously, and in
a sensible manner. Strong leaders have the ability to influence teamwork as well as build strong
teams to support the vision of the school.
Teachers are comfortable when working in their individual classrooms isolated from the rest of the
school. However, collaboration is vital to student achievement, student performance and teacher
success. Teachers can no longer work in isolation. It takes teamwork and collaborative shared efforts
to maximize student learning and student achievement. The leader sets the tone for everything that
happens in a school. Therefore, it is the leader's responsibility for building strong teams to facilitate
teamwork. The leader has the ability and power to influence teams of individuals to buy into
collaboration. The leader must sell the individuals on teamwork. Working together, everyone benefits
and experience success. The most important thing the leader can do to get teams to work
collaboratively is to have them work together to set measurable goals,
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Persuasive Essay On Teamwork
Benefitting from Dangerous Teamwork
Cheerleading is one of the most dangerous sports in the game. Besides throwing people in the air
and launching themselves into tumbling passes, cheerleaders take hits like a champ and fall down
to jump right back up. Being a cheerleader myself, I attribute this perseverance to one of the many
lessons learned from being involved in the sport. Cheerleading is not only a way to better oneself
physically but also as a person. Through cheerleading, people learn the importance of teamwork,
dedication, and responsibility.
Teamwork is an integral part of cheerleading. Cheerleading is a team sport therefore; it requires
people to work together as one cohesive group. This is something people learn quickly
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For the social cheerleader, this means all weekend activities are limited solely to cheer. Not a lot of
people are willing to sacrifice their free (and not so free) time cheering, but those who are learn the
value of dedication, and learn to apply this in all aspects of life such as relationships and careers.
One of the biggest things cheerleading can teach a person is responsibility. This is a value that
encompasses every aspect of the sport. The first things you are made to do in cheer is to take
responsibility when you mess up and deal with the consequences. For example, when we run the
routine in cheer everyone is expected to perform all their duties within the routine. If someone
misses an element or causes a part of the routine to mess up they must deal with the punishments
the coaches assign. Typically the punishments are sets of exercises meant to strengthen the body or
running the routine several more times, but the consequences are always carried out by the whole
team. This puts more responsibility on each individual because if they mess up the whole team
must pay the price. Another part of responsibility in cheer is keeping up with one's individual
skills. In order to maintain the ability to perform skills each athlete must practice on their own time
in order to keep up the skills they are responsible for. For example, I am
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Essay On Teamwork And Collaboration
Teamwork and Collaboration is Vital to Patient Care Successful teamwork and collaboration directly
affects the efficacy of interdisciplinary communication. When effective communication is achieved
within the healthcare team, this increases the amount of positive patient outcomes. Nurses and
physicians must cooperate in order to attain a synergetic relationship. Their roles are integral to
creating a safe environment for their patients. When all of these elements combine, the quality of
care improves and collegial relationships are strengthened.
Interdisciplinary Communication There are many factors that affect whether or not interdisciplinary
communication is effectual. For instance, nurses may perceive physician to be unapproachable.
Perhaps the way providers carry themselves or their body language influences this perception. A
physician may even have a certain reputation that is not favorable to nurses. This can cause feelings
of trepidation in nurses. Regardless of this, nurses must overcome those feelings and
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Poor communication puts patients in danger because it can lead to medical errors and adverse
events. For example, a medication error can occur if a physician's orders are not updated in time or
if the outgoing nurse does not provide the correct time in which a dose was administered last. Thus it
is crucial to communicate any recent treatment that has been implemented. In this way, nurses and
physicians can facilitate the prevention of errors. Another consequence of ineffective communication
is that it can decrease morale and increase work–related stress among members of the healthcare
team. If nurses and physicians are not understanding each other's actions, conflict ensues. It can
cause toxic interpersonal relationships. This, in turn, will affect the level of patient care because it is
difficult to focus amidst emotional strain and
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Self–Assessment Teamwork Assignment 5
Teamwork strategies In every organization, teamwork should be a term very emphasized among all
the members. However, a company should have the tools and willing to motivate its employees
towards a teamwork formation within the organization. Therefore, the company should
acknowledge the correct incentives that are applicable to build a motivational environment where
the people feel free to express ideas, and feel empowered to lead others to a common goal; a place
where they feel valued and important for the development of the company, and also, well
compensated. After providing incentives to employees that are part of a group within a company,
there are strategies and tactics needed to build that group into a teamwork where all the individual
goals align toward the organization objectives. The strategies for building teamwork are as follows:
–Get qualified members. People in teamwork should be excited and willing to succeed;
conscientious, extraverted and knowledgeable people with that spark needed to get a good
performance towards the proposed goals.
–Be well motivated yourself. All leaders should be role models, so, in order to motivate others,
managers and leaders should show up their motivation.
–Have urgent, constructive purpose. The members of the team should acquire an urgent behavior in
a constructive manner. Demanding performance keeps the team motivated to achieve goals. Also,
rewards should be part of the challenges.
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Essay On Team Work
Improved team–work is the first area of development need that surfaced due to the clinical
microsystem assessment. Tenured instructors who have been with the university for many years are
accustomed to the content as it has been delivered since the last curriculum revision. The team
teaching model is new for the school of nursing. The literature is limited in the most effective
methods for team teaching implementation. Review of the literature results in themes;
interdisciplinary teams across disciplines, team learning and teaching already established health care
teams. Improved team work is an area of needed development for the microsystem. Instructors may
have different definitions and approached to what is effective teaching team. more content...
Moreover, new technology is introduced frequently as updated formats and new instructional
delivery systems. One needed improvement is to be more thoughtful and intentional about
technology use in the classroom. Not all new technology enhances learning, particularly when
faculty members are not provided adequate training or time to transition to a new way of doing
Plan, do, study, act (PDSA) is a systematic cycle designed to organize a change (Hoyle & Johnson,
2015). Stage one involves the Plan, stake holders with knowledge and expertise come together to
define the problem to be addressed and develop an aim (Minnesota Department of Health, n.d.). The
aim statement addresses the following three fundamental questions; 1) What needs to be
accomplished? 2) How will a change create an improvement?, and 3) What can be done to sustain the
desired improvement. The microsystem analysis identifies the need for some improvement in team
work for curriculum redesign and classroom instructions. Currently the definition of team teaching is
based on each individual understanding of team. The concept of team teaching needs development to
better serve the students and empower the instructors to participate in the process.
Some course specific teams have been formed and started working on revisions to the curriculum.
Team teaching has been discussed as an integral aspect of the curriculum redesign but a shared
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Teamwork Research Paper
"We don't support each other because we are a team. We are a team because we support each
other," begins a passage from Tadatoshi Fujimaki's Kuroko No Basuke, a Japanese animation
series. From the passage alone, we can know the importance of teamwork. Teamwork refers to a
group of people which are working together and sharing responsibilities to achieve a common goal.
As a student, we are often required to work together as a team with other students in order to
complete a certain task or assignment. Teamwork is an effective approach for the completion of the
work in an effective manner which further enhances the performances of all members in the team
therewithal. The effectiveness of a team is frequently influenced by internal and external factors. more content...
For instance, as a student, we will be assigned into group works. One of the members might have
advantages or strengths in this part, and another member might be strong in this certain part of
the assignment. Weakness can be minimized when we are working on our areas of strength. For
that reason, it can be acknowledged that teamwork can make the best use of every member's
strength and at the same time, reducing everyone's weakness. Working as a team also will teach
us to do work more effectively. The outcomes from a great teamwork are very satisfying as it will
not only affect us but the whole team as well. More often than not, working as a team makes
everything fun and enjoyable. From a positive view of working together as a team, we can share a
lot of interesting ideas while working on a job or assignment. When we are tired, take a break and
make a small chit–chat session with the members and know them better. Laughter and fun can
reduce stress and at the same time, we can increase the effectiveness on the work given. As the
saying goes, kills two birds with one stone. Teams that enjoy working together can achieve great
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Essays On Teamwork

  • 1. Reflective Essay On Teamwork Nowadays, teamwork is an incredibly important part of an organization. As defined in "Fundamental of management", work teams are "groups whose members work intensely on specific, common goals using there positive synergy, individual and mutual accountability, and complementary skills" (Robbins, DeCenzo and Coulter, 2015, p.311). To simply understand, every time when we share a specific job with other people, we participate in a work team. For myself, working in a team bring about many interesting experiences of the way we interact with other members and deal with work to achieve the last target. Therefore, the chance to cooperate with three other students in my class during the group presentation assignment in last fortnight has left me numerous significant lessons. more content... However, for each time, I always had a new feeling, a new experience because of different colleagues, different styles of work and, especially, different roles of mine in my team. For this cooperation, I worked with three completely strange people who I had never met before. They were Ngoc, a boy with the same age as me, Thao, a girl who was one–year older than me, and Quang, the oldest one in my group who was four–year older than me. This was the first time I had been a leader of the team where I was the youngest person, which really put me under pressure and was one of my most challenges of connecting team members together. It required me to always move forward and improve my personal qualities more as a leader which were mentioned in Robbins text book: drive, desire to lead, honesty and integrity, self–confidence, intelligence, job –relevant knowledge and extraversion (P.Robbins, 2015, p.361). Sometimes, I felt myself so incompetent when I got troubles in arranging works as well as control the effectiveness and efficiency. However, with the help of my coworkers, I finally overcome those Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Teamwork and Bureaucracy According to Webster's New World Dictionary (Agnes, 2003, p. 662), one definition of teamwork is "joint action by a group of people." I believe this is accurate, especially since every member of a marching band has some higher goal to work for. If the band works well together, the final performance might have fewer mistakes. The dictionary (Agnes, 2003, p. 88) also says that one definition of bureaucracy is "the concentration of authority in administrative bureaus." Starting in my freshman year of high school, I was part of the marching band. We learned how to do the drills, and play the music. We also learned how to rely on our squad members to find our positions on the field. As an individual, I learned that there is a type more content... In the article Teamwork in Multiteam Systems (Marks, DeChurch, Mathieu, Panzer, & Alonso, 2005, p. 962), the authors say that some researchers feel that teamwork could negatively affect the experience that different workers gain. Furthermore, Marks, DeChurch, Mathieu, Panzer, & Alonso (2005, p. 962) state that some researchers claim that teamwork allows workers to collectively use their knowledge, skills, and abilities, and collaborate with other workers. Marks et al. (2005, p. 962) delve deeper into their research by stating that "teamwork can facilitate employees' accumulation of task–specific human capital by encouraging mutual and collective learning processes." Looking back on how marching band worked, it seems more obvious that the teamwork that was used helped immensely, but it could have jeopardized the performances if someone had decided to not bother listening to directions. Furthermore, it is easier to understand why the director of the marching band had people who exhibited decent leadership skills in charge of the different sections rather than members who might have been seen as followers. Marks et al. make the further claim that there are researchers who feel that teamwork has no positive or negative significance for some workers at different organizations. In addition to the other claims, Marks et al. state that Get more content on
  • 3. reflection on team work In this essay I am going to reflect on my experience working as part of a team and the preparation on an oral presentation I had to do in class with people from different courses, as part of the Foundations for Practice in Health and Social Care module. Reflection is educational and is used as a means of self–knowledge and to develop using a process of feeling and learning by thinking about what happened and what could have been done differently. (Rolfe, 2011, p.8–12) I will be using the Gibbs (1988) Reflective Cycle to do this. In this model there are 6 different stages to look at to help structure reflection, the description of the event, your feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion and an action plan. There is more than one more content... (Gorman, 1998). I feel as a group with different knowledge of the topic we worked well together after we overcame the issue of picking a topic. It felt a little awkward at first in the storming stages, but as every meeting passed it got better and we learned to work as a team. Everyone had a role and we all understood each other's roles and what we needed to do to produce the final presentation. When the person before me was going though their part I was thinking I can't do this and was starting to shake. I thought we did well to present out topic to our peers and we received good feedback from the lecturer. I was very pleased that I did a good job presenting even though I was nervous. To analyse the presentation and teamwork I need to be able to understand everyone has different experiences and different ways of working and had their own view on teamwork. My confidence grew as I got to know the team. Giving the presentation has helped me with my confidence, which I will need when I am working in the health care. I have also learned to speak up more and encourage others to take part when they where being quiet and not pulling their weight. It was good to do research using the appropriate methods, looking at journals and professional sites. I managed to hold it together during the presentation in front of everyone. I knew the presentation was not going to go as well has it could due to the lack of practice. The reason I was so nervous was Get more content on
  • 4. Persuasive Essay On Teamwork The world today is a pretty scary place. We are living with threats and acts of destruction throughout the world starting with terrorist threats in the middle east, nuclear war threats from North Korea, to the recent catastrophic effects from hurricanes in the southern United States and the Caribbean. These threats and acts of destruction effect many people every day. According to The Balance, Hurricane Harvey, "caused $180 billion in damage. That's more than any other natural disaster in U.S. history..." (Amadeo). Fortunately, many people have stepped up and worked together to help with Hurricane Harvey relief efforts, from volunteering to provide shelter and supplies to donating needed items and money. J.J. Watt, a professional football player for the Houston Texans started a relief fund, which raised over 37 million dollars. Teamwork and the willingness to help others are vital to the development and safety of our future world. Moreover, this teamwork needs to be present in all situations in our world, from major hurricane relief funds to helping the people who live everyday in poverty and crime ridden areas. People talk about how important teamwork and cooperating together are in life; such prominent men as J.J. Watt, President Trump, and even our own President here at Valparaiso University, Dr. Mark A. Heckler, are men who influence others to volunteer and work together for the betterment of our future world. Teamwork is necessary for a healthy, productive and safe Get more content on
  • 5. Essay about Team Work REFLECTION PAPER INDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENTORGS– 5100 Submitted by: VIKRAM KATTUPUTHUR PRASANNA STUDENT ID: 212448858 Submitted to: PROF. CHARLENE ZIETSMA My reflection paper is classified along the following lines. The above model draws form ORGANIZATIONAL BEHAVIOR, Understanding and Managing Life at Work, EIGHTH EDITION by Gary Johns and Alan Saks and has been trifurcated stage wise in relation to the game, Forbidden Island. The pre– game scenario began with FORMING. To be perfectly honest, I didn't have a clue as regards "Forbidden Island" and wasn't too familiar with many board or card games. My more content... Interactions were now in order and a hotelier who was also a lawyer was elected the group leader by virtue of his expertise .This relates to the" situational favourableness "scenario. and contingent upon a) leader member relations, b) task structure of the group and c) position power based on FRED FIEDLERS CONTINGENCY THEORY[1] . PERFORMING: The first round of the game was an eye opener for me in terms of overall game play and my special powers as a diver. I tailored some of my moves from the beginning to suit a team mate who had three treasure cards and helped her get the next one for her to collect her treasure .It was the first among us all. Quickly, every team member adopted a group objective oriented approach all our behavior was attuned to a "lets win together" attitude. Interestingly, I was the last one in my group to get my treasure, but all my group members made at least one move to help me and we finished the our first game in an hour. In many real life scenarios we realize that just when we think we have the answer, the question gets changed or things get harder. One needs to forge ahead with a renewed sense of purpose till objectives are achieved, despite all odds. During the second game, I got the pilot card and was able to move to any place on the island, helping my team mates and shoring up cards as well. I was the first in the group to get my treasure in the second game and seized the opportunity to assist my team members over the next half an Get more content on
  • 6. Reflection On Teamwork I thought I am not a good team player. I'm a very indecisive person and making decisions is a difficult thing for me. In teamwork, I faced a lack of leadership and passion, which I felt was rooted in my own problems. I needed to make proper improvements in this area, and one not always strive for what she has done, the first time may be ask for nothing,but the long and long will turn into laziness. And what the group needs is to make progress together. Based on the contribution of each of us in a certain is equal, however also could have the rest of the members would be more suggestions, and found example to show us. I thought that the contribution was relatively more. My role in the group was a team member, and I didn't dare try to be a leader with lack of decision. I was quite satisfied with my status currently, working together with the team in the group, making progress, feeling their passion and improving my enthusiasm. In this team cooperation, my most profound understanding was that cooperation requires team spirit. As the saying goes, "one boy is a boy, two boys half a boy, three boys no boy . Anant to move meters, moved around lift, meters, two ants to carry the body swinging around again, three meters, ant to carry gently carried into the hole." These two statements have different results. "Three monks" is a group, but they do not drink water because they are not able to talk and cooperate. "Three ants come to move rice" can "gently carry the hole", it is the result of unity and cooperation. Has good sings "unity is strength, and the power of teamwork is endless, once be developed the team will create incredible miracle. In today's society, with the advent of the era of knowledge economy, all kinds of knowledge, new technology constantly, the increasingly intense competition, social demand more and more diversified, make people face in work and study situation and the environment is extremely complex. In many cases, the individual ability alone has been difficult to completely handle all kinds of complicated problems and take concrete and effective action. All these require people form groups, and ask the organization members further interdependence, mutual connection, mutual cooperation, and Get more content on
  • 7. Essay on Teamwork: Dealing with Personalities Personalities differ with one person to another. Dealing with other people according to their personality will make the team stronger. Knowing personality type can help me to understand myself better and to improve on my weaknesses. Personality defines individuals' inner characters and who they are as a person. Their behavior patterns are consistent around other people as well by themselves. Even though people hide their true personality in social settings, eventually their inner nature comes out. Personality features define who I am. One of my strong personality traits that I have is friendliness. Even though other people are unfriendly and unwelcome toward me, I show kindness to them. A popular saying, "Treat others as you would more content... These people appreciate who I am and what I do for them. They also notice my faults. People on the other side of the spectrum are those who always think about themselves and believe they are right and everybody else is wrong. These types of people do not see me for whom I am. Majority of the time others view my personality the same as how I view myself. My personality features are generally consistent in my private life as well as my public life. When I am in public or at school, I am a calm friendly person and because of that I am very approachable. People know and remember me for whom I am even though I do not go out of my way to be known. I have taken the Personality Spectrum assessment during my GEN/200 class test. The test displays a picture of a brain divided into four sections. The sections were thinker, giver, organizer, and adventurer. My result was interesting. I have scored 21 for organizer and adventurer and scored 19 for thinker and giver. I would have thought I would score higher on thinker and giver. When I speak, I usually think before I say a word especially when people come to me with a problem they are facing or if they want my opinion on a particular issue. If I do not know, I usually do not say anything or tell them I do not know. I scored lower in the giver section than organizer and adventurer even though I give my time and money to help others. My room is messy but I scored higher in the organizer category. Ever Get more content on
  • 8. Essay about The Importance of Teamwork The Importance of Teamwork In this assignment I am going to look at teamwork and important it is, also linking it in with how vital teamwork is in the modern Public Services. To do this I will be looking into the main theorists and their guidelines for a team to work well and to be efficient. Teamwork is a group/ team of people working towards a common goal or target. Bill Gates describes teamwork as 'A group with a common goal'. The advantages of a team working correctly is as follows; being able to reach the goal quicker, this is because there are many people working together. To become more efficient, this is because people have different strengths and so people can more content... At this stage there is no set positions as they can change. People are likely to argue over these common subjects: leadership, structure, power, and authority. The members of the groups start to build relationships with other members. In Tuckman's Norming stage everyone knows which person plays which part. The different group members start to listen to each other and appreciate the support from each other. This is an important stage as the group starts to work hard towards the common task. People expect the same amount of work and the support of others in the group. Big decisions are starting to be made. Performing. The performing stage is the stage where people can work independently, in smaller groups, or all together all respecting one another. The group's roles and authorities change to the changing needs of the group and individuals. Stage four is said to be the most predictive. Relation and problem solving in this part of the task is the most vital for the group to move forward and reach their common goal. Tuckman's final stage adjourning, involves the finishing's of task. This is where the different people of the group need to recognise what they've done, and their role in the completion. This is the stage where they see where they can Get more content on
  • 9. Reflection on Teamwork in the Work Culture Teamwork is an important component of today's work culture. Organizations use employees organized into cross functional groups to achieve large work efforts. It is inevitable, as students move from the classroom to the office, they will be asked to work and collaborate with others. With the prevalence of working in groups today, it is important to assess each experience; to reinforce positive experiences and identify lessons learned. In the following sections I will highlight my experiences working with my project team throughout the duration of the tech497 class, both negative and positive. In most organizations a project manager, whom identifies team members with the necessary skills to achieve the objectives required, selects the members of the project team. In tech497 we are asked at the very beginning of the class to assimilate into groups, define the project, and assign roles each team member will fulfill for remainder of the class. It is my opinion that we did not perform the necessary due diligence in selecting the members of our project team. Although the core of the project team were successful in working together, we placed an unnecessary burden on the team by allowing a team member to join who was not committed to the success of the group. If placed in a similar situation again, it would be my recommendation that a skills survey and a questionnaire containing availability and commitment assessment questions be utilized to determine if prospective members Get more content on
  • 10. Teamwork And Collaboration Essay The nurse's role in Teamwork and collaboration is critical. "Several roles of nurses include caregiver, advocate, educator, leader, manager, collaborator, and researcher" (Masters, 2017, p. 332), this description of the nurse's role indicates nurses are involved in all aspects of the patient care, and play a crucial role delivering the best care to the Get more content on
  • 11. Teamwork in the Workplace Essay In today's world teamwork is being utilized by companies across the globe. Employers are seeing the value of teamwork and what can be accomplished when people put the strengths together. These teams consist of people from different cultures with different personalities. Conflict is inevitable when it comes to group dynamics. Conflict resolution is necessary to keep the group functioning efficiently. This paper will analyze group dynamics and focus on conflict resolution by way of communication. Teams consist of personnel with varied backgrounds, experience, education, and intellectual ability. These differences will, by nature lend themselves to varying perceptions in business, its problems and solutions, which result more content... Teamwork cannot be demanded. Everyone involved must discuss and understand what the goal is and what is required of them. Teams should have traits such as goals and objectives, empowerment, trust, authentic participation, innovation, creativity, risk taking and leadership. (Temme and Katzel, 1995) While finding a good balance, conflicts will most certainly arise. Conflict resolution strategies must be utilized, for the team to be effective and meet the goals and objective of their assignment. These conflicts may be more evident in certain types of teams more so than in others. Conflict is common when working in teams. Its is important to have team meeting in order to lay out potential problems and disagreements and prepare to support the teams final decision. (Weinstein, 2007) In resolving conflict, ask the question, "How do we keep this from happening again?" The first thing is to be objective. This helps in managing conflict by keeping team members focused on the problem at hand (Huber, 2007) In the following section, we will see that there are several types of teams to be discussed. Regardless of the type team, conflicts are inevitable and therefore, resolutions must be found to remain productive. In an effort to address types of conflict resolution strategies, we must first know a little about the teams themselves. In today's business world, there are four basic team types; cross–functional teams, self–managed Get more content on
  • 12. Team Work Scenarios Essay Team Work Scenarios Learning Team Each team should respond in paragraph form to the questions that follow the scenarios presented below. Any disagreements or complications that occur within the team regarding the correct response should be noted in the Learning Team Reflection Worksheet for the week. SCENARIOS Duty–based (Deontological): 1. Donna was wrong for setting rules for the team without any input from Michael. He is not going to follow the rules if there was no buy–in on the rules. Donna and Michael should renegotiate the rules together and come up with a set of rules with which both are comfortable. If that doesn?t work, try to get another team member (or a member from another team) to mediate between the more content... Goal–based (Teleological): 1. Corin?s attitude is impacting the entire team. When it comes to team assignments, a team needs knowledge from everyone to finish the project. When he blows them off, the other team members have to pick up the slack and it makes it harder from them to complete the task. 2. Yes, Darcie is acting on a goal–based ethic by giving up part of herself for the good of the whole team. She is adhering to the goal–based ethical theory of Utilitarianism or the greatest good for the greatest number of people. Rights–Based: 1. Jerry and Samantha?s arguments fit into the rights–based ethical philosophy because the movie was censored by a local group, who do not make up the majority of the people in the community. Since rights–based ethics relies upon the majority of people in a community to agree on a specific behavior as acceptable or unacceptable, they are justified in challenging the local group?s actions. 2. Buck has experienced rights–based ethics because he heard what the majority of people in the
  • 13. community feel about car noise levels. Both sides of an issue are debated at a town meeting and a consensus is reached. Human–Nature: 1. Karen falls into the human–nature section of ethics due to her egoist actions. She is only thinking of her grade and not that her actions might have repercussions. When Karen?s teacher discovers her plagiarism, she will Get more content on
  • 14. The Essence of Teamwork Essay The Essence of Teamwork "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who falls when there is not another to raise him up?" – Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 As the scriptural text quoted above implies, teamwork can accomplish what the individual cannot do on his or her own. Teamwork is defined as "a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable." (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993) In today's society, with so much emphasis on pride and personal achievement, the concept of teamwork seems to more content... However there is a problem when such methods frequently become a substitute for face–to–face communications. Face to face meetings allow for immediate feedback in regards to decision–making and a greater familiarity with other team members. The problems associated with virtual project teaming are limited familiarity with other members, different time zones, inability to resolve conflicts effectively and as always the possibility of technical difficulties with the equipment. Cross–functional teams consist of team members of multiple disciplines, skills and talents. A great amount of projects have parameters that extend above engineering and reach into areas such as marketing, sales, public relations and so forth. Therefore, it is important that team members with different qualifications work in harmony with each other if a project is to be successful. Nevertheless, problems arise when vital team members are not available and no one has any knowledge of their portion of the project. Problems also arise when one team member has little respect for the discipline of another. The by–product of the globalization movement of large corporations and organizations is a growth in diversity. Project teams must develop products and provide services for a mass market. Therefore, project teams now and in the future will include different people, cultures, creeds and different approaches to conducting business. There is greater Get more content on
  • 15. Reflection On Teamwork Teamwork: Between all phases of this project, there is an overarching theme of teamwork. This class has shown how different people work together. This class consists of undergraduate students, living in different places, different schedules, and different skills and abilities still managing to meet deadlines and prevent any major failures as a class throughout the whole project. A major lesson I learned was how them leader–follower concept in projects. Also, I realized this concept is not as simple as one person is in control and everyone does as he or she says. As I went through this project, I learned that some people simply have no interest in taking the lead and have no problem doing work that is asked of them in a respectful manner. As for myself, I often do not like telling people what to do, nor being told what to do by my peers. However, it appears there must be some leadership and some following throughout parts of this project and not everyone is concerned with having a task assigned to them. This is a lesson that builds our writing process knowledge and I do not believe I could have learned it without hands–on experience and working with other people, such as an organization like the Gloria Gemma Foundation. I believe this is a perfect example of the learning outcome, Discourse Community Knowledge, due to our ability to format a document in accordance with what we believe the Gloria Gemma Foundation is hoping to see and meet their expectations. Along with the Foundation's expectations, meeting the different groups we worked with standards and expectations was another major part. Such as, the Activities Outside the Gloria Gemma Building group. This team was given the task of determining prices and expenses of outdoor activities and our class had a designed budget format that we were supposed to follow, as a group, and expected to follow the standards we all agreed upon. Analyzing Information: One other major technical writing theme throughout this class was repurposing data for different stakeholders. This has been seen throughout the entire semester. From the original document and description of the project, to the first presentation we made to the members of the foundation, to now working on the Get more content on
  • 16. The Importance Of A Leadership And Teamwork Team Building Leadership and teamwork are synonymous. Leadership is very important and is evident in the culture of the school. Teamwork involves individuals working together to achieve a common goal. Team building is the manner by which the team performance measures for improvement. It is the process taken to manifest communication and encourage cooperation. Leadership and teamwork as indicated by Sohmen (2013) center around soft skills that need to be implemented cautiously, and in a sensible manner. Strong leaders have the ability to influence teamwork as well as build strong teams to support the vision of the school. Teachers are comfortable when working in their individual classrooms isolated from the rest of the school. However, collaboration is vital to student achievement, student performance and teacher success. Teachers can no longer work in isolation. It takes teamwork and collaborative shared efforts to maximize student learning and student achievement. The leader sets the tone for everything that happens in a school. Therefore, it is the leader's responsibility for building strong teams to facilitate teamwork. The leader has the ability and power to influence teams of individuals to buy into collaboration. The leader must sell the individuals on teamwork. Working together, everyone benefits and experience success. The most important thing the leader can do to get teams to work collaboratively is to have them work together to set measurable goals, Get more content on
  • 17. Persuasive Essay On Teamwork Benefitting from Dangerous Teamwork Cheerleading is one of the most dangerous sports in the game. Besides throwing people in the air and launching themselves into tumbling passes, cheerleaders take hits like a champ and fall down to jump right back up. Being a cheerleader myself, I attribute this perseverance to one of the many lessons learned from being involved in the sport. Cheerleading is not only a way to better oneself physically but also as a person. Through cheerleading, people learn the importance of teamwork, dedication, and responsibility. Teamwork is an integral part of cheerleading. Cheerleading is a team sport therefore; it requires people to work together as one cohesive group. This is something people learn quickly more content... For the social cheerleader, this means all weekend activities are limited solely to cheer. Not a lot of people are willing to sacrifice their free (and not so free) time cheering, but those who are learn the value of dedication, and learn to apply this in all aspects of life such as relationships and careers. One of the biggest things cheerleading can teach a person is responsibility. This is a value that encompasses every aspect of the sport. The first things you are made to do in cheer is to take responsibility when you mess up and deal with the consequences. For example, when we run the routine in cheer everyone is expected to perform all their duties within the routine. If someone misses an element or causes a part of the routine to mess up they must deal with the punishments the coaches assign. Typically the punishments are sets of exercises meant to strengthen the body or running the routine several more times, but the consequences are always carried out by the whole team. This puts more responsibility on each individual because if they mess up the whole team must pay the price. Another part of responsibility in cheer is keeping up with one's individual skills. In order to maintain the ability to perform skills each athlete must practice on their own time in order to keep up the skills they are responsible for. For example, I am Get more content on
  • 18. Essay On Teamwork And Collaboration Teamwork and Collaboration is Vital to Patient Care Successful teamwork and collaboration directly affects the efficacy of interdisciplinary communication. When effective communication is achieved within the healthcare team, this increases the amount of positive patient outcomes. Nurses and physicians must cooperate in order to attain a synergetic relationship. Their roles are integral to creating a safe environment for their patients. When all of these elements combine, the quality of care improves and collegial relationships are strengthened. Interdisciplinary Communication There are many factors that affect whether or not interdisciplinary communication is effectual. For instance, nurses may perceive physician to be unapproachable. Perhaps the way providers carry themselves or their body language influences this perception. A physician may even have a certain reputation that is not favorable to nurses. This can cause feelings of trepidation in nurses. Regardless of this, nurses must overcome those feelings and more content... Poor communication puts patients in danger because it can lead to medical errors and adverse events. For example, a medication error can occur if a physician's orders are not updated in time or if the outgoing nurse does not provide the correct time in which a dose was administered last. Thus it is crucial to communicate any recent treatment that has been implemented. In this way, nurses and physicians can facilitate the prevention of errors. Another consequence of ineffective communication is that it can decrease morale and increase work–related stress among members of the healthcare team. If nurses and physicians are not understanding each other's actions, conflict ensues. It can cause toxic interpersonal relationships. This, in turn, will affect the level of patient care because it is difficult to focus amidst emotional strain and Get more content on
  • 19. Self–Assessment Teamwork Assignment 5 Teamwork strategies In every organization, teamwork should be a term very emphasized among all the members. However, a company should have the tools and willing to motivate its employees towards a teamwork formation within the organization. Therefore, the company should acknowledge the correct incentives that are applicable to build a motivational environment where the people feel free to express ideas, and feel empowered to lead others to a common goal; a place where they feel valued and important for the development of the company, and also, well compensated. After providing incentives to employees that are part of a group within a company, there are strategies and tactics needed to build that group into a teamwork where all the individual goals align toward the organization objectives. The strategies for building teamwork are as follows: –Get qualified members. People in teamwork should be excited and willing to succeed; conscientious, extraverted and knowledgeable people with that spark needed to get a good performance towards the proposed goals. –Be well motivated yourself. All leaders should be role models, so, in order to motivate others, managers and leaders should show up their motivation. –Have urgent, constructive purpose. The members of the team should acquire an urgent behavior in a constructive manner. Demanding performance keeps the team motivated to achieve goals. Also, rewards should be part of the challenges. – Get more content on
  • 20. Essay On Team Work Improved team–work is the first area of development need that surfaced due to the clinical microsystem assessment. Tenured instructors who have been with the university for many years are accustomed to the content as it has been delivered since the last curriculum revision. The team teaching model is new for the school of nursing. The literature is limited in the most effective methods for team teaching implementation. Review of the literature results in themes; interdisciplinary teams across disciplines, team learning and teaching already established health care teams. Improved team work is an area of needed development for the microsystem. Instructors may have different definitions and approached to what is effective teaching team. more content... Moreover, new technology is introduced frequently as updated formats and new instructional delivery systems. One needed improvement is to be more thoughtful and intentional about technology use in the classroom. Not all new technology enhances learning, particularly when faculty members are not provided adequate training or time to transition to a new way of doing things. Plan–Do–Study–Act Plan, do, study, act (PDSA) is a systematic cycle designed to organize a change (Hoyle & Johnson, 2015). Stage one involves the Plan, stake holders with knowledge and expertise come together to define the problem to be addressed and develop an aim (Minnesota Department of Health, n.d.). The aim statement addresses the following three fundamental questions; 1) What needs to be accomplished? 2) How will a change create an improvement?, and 3) What can be done to sustain the desired improvement. The microsystem analysis identifies the need for some improvement in team work for curriculum redesign and classroom instructions. Currently the definition of team teaching is based on each individual understanding of team. The concept of team teaching needs development to better serve the students and empower the instructors to participate in the process. Some course specific teams have been formed and started working on revisions to the curriculum. Team teaching has been discussed as an integral aspect of the curriculum redesign but a shared Get more content on
  • 21. Teamwork Research Paper "We don't support each other because we are a team. We are a team because we support each other," begins a passage from Tadatoshi Fujimaki's Kuroko No Basuke, a Japanese animation series. From the passage alone, we can know the importance of teamwork. Teamwork refers to a group of people which are working together and sharing responsibilities to achieve a common goal. As a student, we are often required to work together as a team with other students in order to complete a certain task or assignment. Teamwork is an effective approach for the completion of the work in an effective manner which further enhances the performances of all members in the team therewithal. The effectiveness of a team is frequently influenced by internal and external factors. more content... For instance, as a student, we will be assigned into group works. One of the members might have advantages or strengths in this part, and another member might be strong in this certain part of the assignment. Weakness can be minimized when we are working on our areas of strength. For that reason, it can be acknowledged that teamwork can make the best use of every member's strength and at the same time, reducing everyone's weakness. Working as a team also will teach us to do work more effectively. The outcomes from a great teamwork are very satisfying as it will not only affect us but the whole team as well. More often than not, working as a team makes everything fun and enjoyable. From a positive view of working together as a team, we can share a lot of interesting ideas while working on a job or assignment. When we are tired, take a break and make a small chit–chat session with the members and know them better. Laughter and fun can reduce stress and at the same time, we can increase the effectiveness on the work given. As the saying goes, kills two birds with one stone. Teams that enjoy working together can achieve great Get more content on