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Team Essay example
Team Development
(Questions 1, 11)
Teams do not become effective overnight. Team building is a process that requires due attention and
care. If you try to skip over important development stages, you risk not forming the solid foundation
needed when trouble or setbacks occur.
To build, lead, or participate in a team requires an understanding of the stages of team development.
Through extensive research, it has been found that successful teams have certain aspects of their
development paths in common. The one that most people are aware of is Tuckman's Forming,
Storming, Norming, and Performing model.
Two other factors that significantly increase a team's chances of being effective are having a well
thought out team orientation process, more content...
It's the vision that motivates and directs a team to reach its goal.
The best teams invest a great deal of time and energy into exploring and understanding the overall
purpose and vision of the team. From this vision, a set of goals and objectives emerges that helps
the team stay focused and on track.
The key to using vision successfully is making the process of discovering it a participative one.
You can tell a team what the vision is and team members may or may not agree that the cause is
worth working hard for. If, however, you allow the team to explore the vision, to see how their
specific roles fit into the big picture, and provide meaningful opportunities for team members to
assist in the team's success, then you have the basis for a high performing team.
To learn more about tying vision to goals see Performance Management and KPIs , The Balanced
Scorecard , and Management By Objectives . To learn where you sit on the participative
management scale, see the article on the The Blake–Mouton Managerial Grid . The articles on
Avoiding Micromanagement andSuccessful Delegation discuss why it is important to provide
challenges to your team members and allow them to use their skills and abilities to the fullest.
Managing Conflict
(Questions 4, 12, 14)
Conflict can be an inevitable consequence of working with other people. Opinions, values, styles,
and a whole
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Teamwork Essay Examples
As a child, I learned teamwork is an essential part of our everyday activities. It is an aspect that
has becomes even more crucial to me in the adult world. To work alongside others with respect
and understanding leads to trust and wellness. When I began my college journey I was drawn to
the teamwork demonstrated at the rock wall on campus. Here I acquired the skills needed to belay
rock climbers. As a belayer you first need to explain to your climber that you have the skills and
qualifications for them to trust you, a quality you need to demonstrate in seconds to minutes. Once
trust is earned, it is the belayer's responsibility to be respectful, encouraging, and understanding to
the ability of the climber. The goal is to keep the climber calm and unscathed while they reach their
goal. As you work more content...
These experiences taught me how to work alongside other guides to keep our participants fed,
safe, and on the right path. As a guide, I had participants who looked up to, and trusted me. I was
not only in charge of helping the freshman engage and bond, but to work with the other guides
from start to finish in planning and executing a seamless trip. As the Wilderness First Responder, I
had the added responsibility of making sure everyone stayed safe and healthy, and to respond
quickly to any injury. Thankfully the most pressing concern I had was a bee sting. I addressed my
participant and asked if she had ever been stung before and if she was allergic. When she answered
she had never been stung before and was unaware of an allergy, I had to start thinking about my next
move. I learned that thinking ahead and brainstorming actions I would take is essential. The
participant didn't end up having a life threating reaction, but that day she taught me that preventative
care as well as being proactive with potential treatments is
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Teamwork in the Workplace Essay
In today's world teamwork is being utilized by companies across the globe. Employers are seeing the
value of teamwork and what can be accomplished when people put the strengths together. These
teams consist of people from different cultures with different personalities. Conflict is inevitable
when it comes to group dynamics. Conflict resolution is necessary to keep the group functioning
efficiently. This paper will analyze group dynamics and focus on conflict resolution by way of
Teams consist of personnel with varied backgrounds, experience, education, and intellectual ability.
These differences will, by nature lend themselves to varying perceptions in business, its problems
and solutions, which result more content...
Teamwork cannot be demanded. Everyone involved must discuss and understand what the goal is
and what is required of them. Teams should have traits such as goals and objectives, empowerment,
trust, authentic participation, innovation, creativity, risk taking and leadership. (Temme and Katzel,
1995) While finding a good balance, conflicts will most certainly arise. Conflict resolution strategies
must be utilized, for the team to be effective and meet the goals and objective of their assignment.
These conflicts may be more evident in certain types of teams more so than in others. Conflict is
common when working in teams. Its is important to have team meeting in order to lay out
potential problems and disagreements and prepare to support the teams final decision. (Weinstein,
2007) In resolving conflict, ask the question, "How do we keep this from happening again?" The
first thing is to be objective. This helps in managing conflict by keeping team members focused on
the problem at hand (Huber, 2007) In the following section, we will see that there are several types
of teams to be discussed. Regardless of the type team, conflicts are inevitable and therefore,
resolutions must be found to remain productive. In an effort to address types of conflict resolution
strategies, we must first know a little about the teams themselves. In today's business world, there are
four basic team types; cross–functional teams, self–managed
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Teamwork Research Paper
"We don't support each other because we are a team. We are a team because we support each
other," begins a passage from Tadatoshi Fujimaki's Kuroko No Basuke, a Japanese animation
series. From the passage alone, we can know the importance of teamwork. Teamwork refers to a
group of people which are working together and sharing responsibilities to achieve a common goal.
As a student, we are often required to work together as a team with other students in order to
complete a certain task or assignment. Teamwork is an effective approach for the completion of the
work in an effective manner which further enhances the performances of all members in the team
therewithal. The effectiveness of a team is frequently influenced by internal and external factors. more content...
For instance, as a student, we will be assigned into group works. One of the members might have
advantages or strengths in this part, and another member might be strong in this certain part of
the assignment. Weakness can be minimized when we are working on our areas of strength. For
that reason, it can be acknowledged that teamwork can make the best use of every member's
strength and at the same time, reducing everyone's weakness. Working as a team also will teach
us to do work more effectively. The outcomes from a great teamwork are very satisfying as it will
not only affect us but the whole team as well. More often than not, working as a team makes
everything fun and enjoyable. From a positive view of working together as a team, we can share a
lot of interesting ideas while working on a job or assignment. When we are tired, take a break and
make a small chit–chat session with the members and know them better. Laughter and fun can
reduce stress and at the same time, we can increase the effectiveness on the work given. As the
saying goes, kills two birds with one stone. Teams that enjoy working together can achieve great
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Teamwork Essay
Teamwork is used almost every day, whether it is at work, school, or even at home and it has a
very important part in our lives. Teamwork is an action by a group of people and is a skill that is
required. When in a team, you are given specific roles you are responsible for in order for the
team to prosper. In the articles "The Secrets of Great Teamwork" by Martine Haas and Mark
Mortensen and La Vida Robot by Joshua Davis, both authors demonstrate their knowledge and
perspectives on what it takes to make an effective team. In the article "The Secrets of Great
Teamwork" the authors Martine Haas and Mark Mortensen develop their own perspectives on what
it takes to make an effective team. They believe that both that the success of more content...
The results will show where your team is on track as well as where problems may be brewing."
This can improve your team along with their performances. The magazine article "La Vida Robot"
by Joshua Davis is about four undocumented children who did the unthinkable using teamwork.
Davis believes that having hope and believing can encourage a team to do their best. The author
describes their substandard school, Carl Hayden Community High School which they overcame and
did their best. The author describes their unstable backgrounds. The leader the of the team, Oscar
Vazquez, was "planning a career in the military" but sadly he could not join due to the fact that he
was an undocumented immigrant. The master mechanic, Lorenzo Santillan, didn't even do well in
school. He would get straight F's in all of his classes. The brains, Cristian Arcega, was living in a
"30–square–foot plywood shed attached to the side of his parent's trailer." Luis Aranda was the
tether man who would carry the robot. Even though they faced many disadvantages, they still
retained hope and got first place at the Underwater Robotics. In the articles "The Secrets of Great
Teamwork" and the "La Vida Robot" the authors had some similarities in their perspectives. One
thing they had in common is the strong structure of the team. According to "The Secrets of Great
Teamwork" "High–performing teams include members with a balance of skill ... where the
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Teamwork In A Team
"Two heads are better than one." We've all heard the old adage encouraging teamwork. Of course
with more minds set on a specific goal, more ideas you access. So, we can finish our works on time.
The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal is what we
call teamwork. When people work in a team, they will try to cooperate with each others, use their
individual skills and providing constructive feedback. When a team works well together as a unit
they are able to accomplish more than its individual members can do alone. Different members
apply different skills, they are often able to come up with a more effective solution than one person
working on the same problem. Teamwork is absolutely fundamental for teams to work effectively. A
team combines individual s.trengths with a shared commitment to performance, it's not just about
getting on well together. That's why I like to work in a team. Only when joined the strengths ang
skill of individual team members more content...
With real teamwork, we tend to see positive attitudes and behaviours such as sharing a common
vision of the future together. People also willing to help others when they needed. The biggest
reason I like to work in a team is teamwork making the work more efficient. First and foremost,
working in a team will make the work more efficient because it helps to increase the productivity
of our work.When people with different opinions and experiences work together, more ideas get
generated and we can finish our work faster. If a job requires 5 days for one person to finish, then
it will just be done in 3 days with a group of people. Besides, it not only increasing the productivy,
it also upgrade the quality of the work. This is because when people work together, they can easily
see each other's mistakes and fix them perfectly. Everybody makes mistakes, but it's good to have
someone fixing the mistakes we don't even
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Team Work Essay
Team Work This about how to work with groups and other team members, most of the time it is
hard to do but with our jobs nowadays we have to do what we have to do. I like working with
others for the most part, especially when they are motivated in getting the job done in a timely
manner. Then we have some that just don't want to help but want everybody else to do their work
for them. Working in groups you will have to know who is who and what they like to do, and then
you can do what it is that has to be done for that group. Group dynamics is when we interact with
all groups involved with the project. (Chapter 1, pg 1 joining together; group theory and group skills
10th edition). With group dynamics we can learn about how a more content...
Every decision made within the group becomes a team effort with the goal of producing
maximum results. Most of the times when you try to look up on what a group is suppose to do
most of the time it's not that way. From my own experience I like to just go and see who I'm
working with and what it is that we have to do. I like when a person likes to do their own work
and is not lazy, that's the only time I don't want to work with groups. You can research some times
and hope to find what you are looking for but not always is that what you have to do, because all
you can do is just ask the other people how someone works and if that person is a good candidate
to work with. From personal experience I feel better if I can work with just one or two people.
Working with more than that most of the time for me it doesn't work, because when you have
different personalities then that is when you have conflicts within a group. I know that you will
have to work in a group some of the time, but I think that it is better if you work alone. It also
depends on what the job entitles some do want us to work with others and some don't so it really
doesn't matter to me either way, if I do then I do. When I work with other people at my job we
always have fun in doing our jobs, we like what we do and like to work with everyone. We take
training classes together, and lunch so we can get along. I feel as though if you can get along with
others then you can work in a
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Teamwork Essay
Teamwork can be defined as the ability to work cooperatively with others and work together as
opposed to separately or competitively to achieve a common goal. Teamwork is used in all aspects
of life.
Analyze any situation or task involving more than one person: in almost all cases, the outcome can
only be positive if a sufficient amount of teamwork is used. For example, a marriage will only work
if both partners put in the effort. A sportsteam will not be successful unless the team works together
as a unit. A business or cooperation will not survive unless all members work as one team. Whether
or not each individual realizes it, they are putting complete trust in the other members of their team
to work together and achieve more content...
a managing director of a company who ought to have certain peculiar traits within him , but no one
is perfect even if its about the position he is assigned for. Therefore, this dilemma of not having such
an ideal individual in any organization can be overcome by making a strong team where the
individuals gather to work simultaneously for a mutual benefit.Every organization gives more
importance to team work because they know this is the key to success. An increasing number of
companies are using teams to respond quickly to changing conditions in an environment of intense
global competition and increasing complexity. Changing an organization to compete in a highly
unpredictable business environment usually requires multiple and continuous innovation. Achieving
flexibility and innovation requires teamwork.
Organizations expect individual commitment and performance above the standards. Only this way
they make the profits that permit them to seek their other corporate objectives. Each employee can
and must make a difference. Organization however focuses on making an individual work with
constant dedication, motivation, and enthusiasm and usually fail to understand that it is wiser to
concentrate on making a good and effective team.The members of a team may work on voluntary
basis. People who are zealous, innovative and have a clear vision
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The Essence of Teamwork Essay
The Essence of Teamwork
"Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one of them
should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who falls
when there is not another to raise him up?" – Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10
As the scriptural text quoted above implies, teamwork can accomplish what the individual cannot do
on his or her own. Teamwork is defined as "a small number of people with complementary skills
who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are
mutually accountable." (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993) In today's society, with so much emphasis on
pride and personal achievement, the concept of teamwork seems to more content...
However there is a problem when such methods frequently become a substitute for face–to–face
communications. Face to face meetings allow for immediate feedback in regards to decision–making
and a greater familiarity with other team members. The problems associated with virtual project
teaming are limited familiarity with other members, different time zones, inability to resolve
conflicts effectively and as always the possibility of technical difficulties with the equipment.
Cross–functional teams consist of team members of multiple disciplines, skills and talents. A great
amount of projects have parameters that extend above engineering and reach into areas such as
marketing, sales, public relations and so forth. Therefore, it is important that team members with
different qualifications work in harmony with each other if a project is to be successful.
Nevertheless, problems arise when vital team members are not available and no one has any
knowledge of their portion of the project. Problems also arise when one team member has little
respect for the discipline of another.
The by–product of the globalization movement of large corporations and organizations is a growth
in diversity. Project teams must develop products and provide services for a mass market. Therefore,
project teams now and in the future will include different people, cultures, creeds and different
approaches to conducting business. There is greater
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Team Work Essay
Teamwork is essential to the smooth running of many projects, organisations and companies. Much
research has been conducted into the effectiveness of teams and their contributions to organisational
This essay considers one particular team consisting of two student nurses (members A and B) and 4
student radiographers (members C, D, E, and F), all 3rd year degree–level, whose task was to
produce a poster for assessment over a one week period.
Theory and models of teamwork will be used to discuss all aspects of this team including team roles,
communication, conflict and decision–making. Conclusions will then be drawn as to how the team
could have been more effective in their completion of the more content...
Research has shown that teamwork increases efficiency (Thylefors et al, 2005 in Newson, 2006). A
team can pool knowledge and skills and, if well motivated, create energy increasing a team's
efficiency beyond that of the individuals.
Modern views on teamwork also consider the satisfaction of the workforce by becoming more
autonomous and reducing hierarchical structures (Ovretveit et al, 1997).
5 Team Development
The most commonly used model to discuss team development is Tuckman's (1965) (in Huczynski &
Buchanan, 2001) forming, storming, norming and performing model. However, the team concerned
more closely followed the Cog's ladder model (see appendix 1. for full description) (Walton, 1984).
1. Polite stage (day 1)
The initial introductions of the team members took place during a coffee break, however, the task
was not clearly discussed at this stage and so roles were not yet defined. The members worked at a
distance from each other to complete a treasure hunt task.
2. Why are we here? (day 2)
The goals were established and two subgroups (student nurses, A and B and student radiographers,
C, D, E and F) emerged.
3. Bid for power (day 2/3)
Conflict and rivalry within the group prevailed. At this stage two members of the group, A and C,
became identifiable as leaders.
4. Constructive phase (day 3/4)
The team did eventually reach this stage with activities being divided amongst members and all
members participating.
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Essay about The Importance of Teamwork
The Importance of Teamwork In this assignment I am going to look at teamwork and important it
is, also linking it in with how vital teamwork is in the modern Public Services. To do this I will be
looking into the main theorists and their guidelines for a team to work well and to be efficient.
Teamwork is a group/ team of people working towards a common goal or target. Bill Gates describes
teamwork as 'A group with a common goal'. The advantages of a team working correctly is as
follows; being able to reach the goal quicker, this is because there are many people working
together. To become more efficient, this is because people have different strengths and so people
can more content...
At this stage there is no set positions as they can change. People are likely to argue over these
common subjects: leadership, structure, power, and authority. The members of the groups start to
build relationships with other members.
In Tuckman's Norming stage everyone knows which person plays which part. The different group
members start to listen to each other and appreciate the support from each other. This is an
important stage as the group starts to work hard towards the common task. People expect the same
amount of work and the support of others in the group. Big decisions are starting to be made.
Performing. The performing stage is the stage where people can work independently, in smaller
groups, or all together all respecting one another. The group's roles and authorities change to the
changing needs of the group and individuals. Stage four is said to be the most predictive. Relation
and problem solving in this part of the task is the most vital for the group to move forward and
reach their common goal.
Tuckman's final stage adjourning, involves the finishing's of task. This is where the different people
of the group need to recognise what they've done, and their role in the completion. This is the stage
where they see where they can
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Teamwork Essay

  • 1. Team Essay example Team Development (Questions 1, 11) Teams do not become effective overnight. Team building is a process that requires due attention and care. If you try to skip over important development stages, you risk not forming the solid foundation needed when trouble or setbacks occur. To build, lead, or participate in a team requires an understanding of the stages of team development. Through extensive research, it has been found that successful teams have certain aspects of their development paths in common. The one that most people are aware of is Tuckman's Forming, Storming, Norming, and Performing model. Two other factors that significantly increase a team's chances of being effective are having a well thought out team orientation process, more content... It's the vision that motivates and directs a team to reach its goal. The best teams invest a great deal of time and energy into exploring and understanding the overall purpose and vision of the team. From this vision, a set of goals and objectives emerges that helps the team stay focused and on track. The key to using vision successfully is making the process of discovering it a participative one. You can tell a team what the vision is and team members may or may not agree that the cause is worth working hard for. If, however, you allow the team to explore the vision, to see how their specific roles fit into the big picture, and provide meaningful opportunities for team members to assist in the team's success, then you have the basis for a high performing team. To learn more about tying vision to goals see Performance Management and KPIs , The Balanced Scorecard , and Management By Objectives . To learn where you sit on the participative management scale, see the article on the The Blake–Mouton Managerial Grid . The articles on Avoiding Micromanagement andSuccessful Delegation discuss why it is important to provide challenges to your team members and allow them to use their skills and abilities to the fullest. Managing Conflict (Questions 4, 12, 14) Conflict can be an inevitable consequence of working with other people. Opinions, values, styles, and a whole Get more content on
  • 2. Teamwork Essay Examples As a child, I learned teamwork is an essential part of our everyday activities. It is an aspect that has becomes even more crucial to me in the adult world. To work alongside others with respect and understanding leads to trust and wellness. When I began my college journey I was drawn to the teamwork demonstrated at the rock wall on campus. Here I acquired the skills needed to belay rock climbers. As a belayer you first need to explain to your climber that you have the skills and qualifications for them to trust you, a quality you need to demonstrate in seconds to minutes. Once trust is earned, it is the belayer's responsibility to be respectful, encouraging, and understanding to the ability of the climber. The goal is to keep the climber calm and unscathed while they reach their goal. As you work more content... These experiences taught me how to work alongside other guides to keep our participants fed, safe, and on the right path. As a guide, I had participants who looked up to, and trusted me. I was not only in charge of helping the freshman engage and bond, but to work with the other guides from start to finish in planning and executing a seamless trip. As the Wilderness First Responder, I had the added responsibility of making sure everyone stayed safe and healthy, and to respond quickly to any injury. Thankfully the most pressing concern I had was a bee sting. I addressed my participant and asked if she had ever been stung before and if she was allergic. When she answered she had never been stung before and was unaware of an allergy, I had to start thinking about my next move. I learned that thinking ahead and brainstorming actions I would take is essential. The participant didn't end up having a life threating reaction, but that day she taught me that preventative care as well as being proactive with potential treatments is Get more content on
  • 3. Teamwork in the Workplace Essay In today's world teamwork is being utilized by companies across the globe. Employers are seeing the value of teamwork and what can be accomplished when people put the strengths together. These teams consist of people from different cultures with different personalities. Conflict is inevitable when it comes to group dynamics. Conflict resolution is necessary to keep the group functioning efficiently. This paper will analyze group dynamics and focus on conflict resolution by way of communication. Teams consist of personnel with varied backgrounds, experience, education, and intellectual ability. These differences will, by nature lend themselves to varying perceptions in business, its problems and solutions, which result more content... Teamwork cannot be demanded. Everyone involved must discuss and understand what the goal is and what is required of them. Teams should have traits such as goals and objectives, empowerment, trust, authentic participation, innovation, creativity, risk taking and leadership. (Temme and Katzel, 1995) While finding a good balance, conflicts will most certainly arise. Conflict resolution strategies must be utilized, for the team to be effective and meet the goals and objective of their assignment. These conflicts may be more evident in certain types of teams more so than in others. Conflict is common when working in teams. Its is important to have team meeting in order to lay out potential problems and disagreements and prepare to support the teams final decision. (Weinstein, 2007) In resolving conflict, ask the question, "How do we keep this from happening again?" The first thing is to be objective. This helps in managing conflict by keeping team members focused on the problem at hand (Huber, 2007) In the following section, we will see that there are several types of teams to be discussed. Regardless of the type team, conflicts are inevitable and therefore, resolutions must be found to remain productive. In an effort to address types of conflict resolution strategies, we must first know a little about the teams themselves. In today's business world, there are four basic team types; cross–functional teams, self–managed Get more content on
  • 4. Teamwork Research Paper "We don't support each other because we are a team. We are a team because we support each other," begins a passage from Tadatoshi Fujimaki's Kuroko No Basuke, a Japanese animation series. From the passage alone, we can know the importance of teamwork. Teamwork refers to a group of people which are working together and sharing responsibilities to achieve a common goal. As a student, we are often required to work together as a team with other students in order to complete a certain task or assignment. Teamwork is an effective approach for the completion of the work in an effective manner which further enhances the performances of all members in the team therewithal. The effectiveness of a team is frequently influenced by internal and external factors. more content... For instance, as a student, we will be assigned into group works. One of the members might have advantages or strengths in this part, and another member might be strong in this certain part of the assignment. Weakness can be minimized when we are working on our areas of strength. For that reason, it can be acknowledged that teamwork can make the best use of every member's strength and at the same time, reducing everyone's weakness. Working as a team also will teach us to do work more effectively. The outcomes from a great teamwork are very satisfying as it will not only affect us but the whole team as well. More often than not, working as a team makes everything fun and enjoyable. From a positive view of working together as a team, we can share a lot of interesting ideas while working on a job or assignment. When we are tired, take a break and make a small chit–chat session with the members and know them better. Laughter and fun can reduce stress and at the same time, we can increase the effectiveness on the work given. As the saying goes, kills two birds with one stone. Teams that enjoy working together can achieve great Get more content on
  • 5. Teamwork Essay Teamwork is used almost every day, whether it is at work, school, or even at home and it has a very important part in our lives. Teamwork is an action by a group of people and is a skill that is required. When in a team, you are given specific roles you are responsible for in order for the team to prosper. In the articles "The Secrets of Great Teamwork" by Martine Haas and Mark Mortensen and La Vida Robot by Joshua Davis, both authors demonstrate their knowledge and perspectives on what it takes to make an effective team. In the article "The Secrets of Great Teamwork" the authors Martine Haas and Mark Mortensen develop their own perspectives on what it takes to make an effective team. They believe that both that the success of more content... The results will show where your team is on track as well as where problems may be brewing." This can improve your team along with their performances. The magazine article "La Vida Robot" by Joshua Davis is about four undocumented children who did the unthinkable using teamwork. Davis believes that having hope and believing can encourage a team to do their best. The author describes their substandard school, Carl Hayden Community High School which they overcame and did their best. The author describes their unstable backgrounds. The leader the of the team, Oscar Vazquez, was "planning a career in the military" but sadly he could not join due to the fact that he was an undocumented immigrant. The master mechanic, Lorenzo Santillan, didn't even do well in school. He would get straight F's in all of his classes. The brains, Cristian Arcega, was living in a "30–square–foot plywood shed attached to the side of his parent's trailer." Luis Aranda was the tether man who would carry the robot. Even though they faced many disadvantages, they still retained hope and got first place at the Underwater Robotics. In the articles "The Secrets of Great Teamwork" and the "La Vida Robot" the authors had some similarities in their perspectives. One thing they had in common is the strong structure of the team. According to "The Secrets of Great Teamwork" "High–performing teams include members with a balance of skill ... where the Get more content on
  • 6. Teamwork In A Team "Two heads are better than one." We've all heard the old adage encouraging teamwork. Of course with more minds set on a specific goal, more ideas you access. So, we can finish our works on time. The process of working collaboratively with a group of people in order to achieve a goal is what we call teamwork. When people work in a team, they will try to cooperate with each others, use their individual skills and providing constructive feedback. When a team works well together as a unit they are able to accomplish more than its individual members can do alone. Different members apply different skills, they are often able to come up with a more effective solution than one person working on the same problem. Teamwork is absolutely fundamental for teams to work effectively. A team combines individual s.trengths with a shared commitment to performance, it's not just about getting on well together. That's why I like to work in a team. Only when joined the strengths ang skill of individual team members more content... With real teamwork, we tend to see positive attitudes and behaviours such as sharing a common vision of the future together. People also willing to help others when they needed. The biggest reason I like to work in a team is teamwork making the work more efficient. First and foremost, working in a team will make the work more efficient because it helps to increase the productivity of our work.When people with different opinions and experiences work together, more ideas get generated and we can finish our work faster. If a job requires 5 days for one person to finish, then it will just be done in 3 days with a group of people. Besides, it not only increasing the productivy, it also upgrade the quality of the work. This is because when people work together, they can easily see each other's mistakes and fix them perfectly. Everybody makes mistakes, but it's good to have someone fixing the mistakes we don't even Get more content on
  • 7. Team Work Essay Team Work This about how to work with groups and other team members, most of the time it is hard to do but with our jobs nowadays we have to do what we have to do. I like working with others for the most part, especially when they are motivated in getting the job done in a timely manner. Then we have some that just don't want to help but want everybody else to do their work for them. Working in groups you will have to know who is who and what they like to do, and then you can do what it is that has to be done for that group. Group dynamics is when we interact with all groups involved with the project. (Chapter 1, pg 1 joining together; group theory and group skills 10th edition). With group dynamics we can learn about how a more content... Every decision made within the group becomes a team effort with the goal of producing maximum results. Most of the times when you try to look up on what a group is suppose to do most of the time it's not that way. From my own experience I like to just go and see who I'm working with and what it is that we have to do. I like when a person likes to do their own work and is not lazy, that's the only time I don't want to work with groups. You can research some times and hope to find what you are looking for but not always is that what you have to do, because all you can do is just ask the other people how someone works and if that person is a good candidate to work with. From personal experience I feel better if I can work with just one or two people. Working with more than that most of the time for me it doesn't work, because when you have different personalities then that is when you have conflicts within a group. I know that you will have to work in a group some of the time, but I think that it is better if you work alone. It also depends on what the job entitles some do want us to work with others and some don't so it really doesn't matter to me either way, if I do then I do. When I work with other people at my job we always have fun in doing our jobs, we like what we do and like to work with everyone. We take training classes together, and lunch so we can get along. I feel as though if you can get along with others then you can work in a Get more content on
  • 8. Teamwork Essay Teamwork can be defined as the ability to work cooperatively with others and work together as opposed to separately or competitively to achieve a common goal. Teamwork is used in all aspects of life. Analyze any situation or task involving more than one person: in almost all cases, the outcome can only be positive if a sufficient amount of teamwork is used. For example, a marriage will only work if both partners put in the effort. A sportsteam will not be successful unless the team works together as a unit. A business or cooperation will not survive unless all members work as one team. Whether or not each individual realizes it, they are putting complete trust in the other members of their team to work together and achieve more content... a managing director of a company who ought to have certain peculiar traits within him , but no one is perfect even if its about the position he is assigned for. Therefore, this dilemma of not having such an ideal individual in any organization can be overcome by making a strong team where the individuals gather to work simultaneously for a mutual benefit.Every organization gives more importance to team work because they know this is the key to success. An increasing number of companies are using teams to respond quickly to changing conditions in an environment of intense global competition and increasing complexity. Changing an organization to compete in a highly unpredictable business environment usually requires multiple and continuous innovation. Achieving flexibility and innovation requires teamwork. Organizations expect individual commitment and performance above the standards. Only this way they make the profits that permit them to seek their other corporate objectives. Each employee can and must make a difference. Organization however focuses on making an individual work with constant dedication, motivation, and enthusiasm and usually fail to understand that it is wiser to concentrate on making a good and effective team.The members of a team may work on voluntary basis. People who are zealous, innovative and have a clear vision Get more content on
  • 9. The Essence of Teamwork Essay The Essence of Teamwork "Two are better than one, because they have a good reward for their hard work. For if one of them should fall, the other one can raise his partner up. But how will it be with just the one who falls when there is not another to raise him up?" – Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10 As the scriptural text quoted above implies, teamwork can accomplish what the individual cannot do on his or her own. Teamwork is defined as "a small number of people with complementary skills who are committed to a common purpose, performance goals, and approach for which they are mutually accountable." (Katzenbach and Smith, 1993) In today's society, with so much emphasis on pride and personal achievement, the concept of teamwork seems to more content... However there is a problem when such methods frequently become a substitute for face–to–face communications. Face to face meetings allow for immediate feedback in regards to decision–making and a greater familiarity with other team members. The problems associated with virtual project teaming are limited familiarity with other members, different time zones, inability to resolve conflicts effectively and as always the possibility of technical difficulties with the equipment. Cross–functional teams consist of team members of multiple disciplines, skills and talents. A great amount of projects have parameters that extend above engineering and reach into areas such as marketing, sales, public relations and so forth. Therefore, it is important that team members with different qualifications work in harmony with each other if a project is to be successful. Nevertheless, problems arise when vital team members are not available and no one has any knowledge of their portion of the project. Problems also arise when one team member has little respect for the discipline of another. The by–product of the globalization movement of large corporations and organizations is a growth in diversity. Project teams must develop products and provide services for a mass market. Therefore, project teams now and in the future will include different people, cultures, creeds and different approaches to conducting business. There is greater Get more content on
  • 10. Team Work Essay Introduction Teamwork is essential to the smooth running of many projects, organisations and companies. Much research has been conducted into the effectiveness of teams and their contributions to organisational success. This essay considers one particular team consisting of two student nurses (members A and B) and 4 student radiographers (members C, D, E, and F), all 3rd year degree–level, whose task was to produce a poster for assessment over a one week period. Theory and models of teamwork will be used to discuss all aspects of this team including team roles, communication, conflict and decision–making. Conclusions will then be drawn as to how the team could have been more effective in their completion of the more content... Research has shown that teamwork increases efficiency (Thylefors et al, 2005 in Newson, 2006). A team can pool knowledge and skills and, if well motivated, create energy increasing a team's efficiency beyond that of the individuals. Modern views on teamwork also consider the satisfaction of the workforce by becoming more autonomous and reducing hierarchical structures (Ovretveit et al, 1997). 5 Team Development The most commonly used model to discuss team development is Tuckman's (1965) (in Huczynski & Buchanan, 2001) forming, storming, norming and performing model. However, the team concerned more closely followed the Cog's ladder model (see appendix 1. for full description) (Walton, 1984). 1. Polite stage (day 1) The initial introductions of the team members took place during a coffee break, however, the task was not clearly discussed at this stage and so roles were not yet defined. The members worked at a distance from each other to complete a treasure hunt task. 2. Why are we here? (day 2) The goals were established and two subgroups (student nurses, A and B and student radiographers, C, D, E and F) emerged. 3. Bid for power (day 2/3) Conflict and rivalry within the group prevailed. At this stage two members of the group, A and C, became identifiable as leaders. 4. Constructive phase (day 3/4) The team did eventually reach this stage with activities being divided amongst members and all members participating.
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  • 12. Essay about The Importance of Teamwork The Importance of Teamwork In this assignment I am going to look at teamwork and important it is, also linking it in with how vital teamwork is in the modern Public Services. To do this I will be looking into the main theorists and their guidelines for a team to work well and to be efficient. Teamwork is a group/ team of people working towards a common goal or target. Bill Gates describes teamwork as 'A group with a common goal'. The advantages of a team working correctly is as follows; being able to reach the goal quicker, this is because there are many people working together. To become more efficient, this is because people have different strengths and so people can more content... At this stage there is no set positions as they can change. People are likely to argue over these common subjects: leadership, structure, power, and authority. The members of the groups start to build relationships with other members. In Tuckman's Norming stage everyone knows which person plays which part. The different group members start to listen to each other and appreciate the support from each other. This is an important stage as the group starts to work hard towards the common task. People expect the same amount of work and the support of others in the group. Big decisions are starting to be made. Performing. The performing stage is the stage where people can work independently, in smaller groups, or all together all respecting one another. The group's roles and authorities change to the changing needs of the group and individuals. Stage four is said to be the most predictive. Relation and problem solving in this part of the task is the most vital for the group to move forward and reach their common goal. Tuckman's final stage adjourning, involves the finishing's of task. This is where the different people of the group need to recognise what they've done, and their role in the completion. This is the stage where they see where they can Get more content on