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Thesis Statement On Water Scarcity
Rough Draft
Thesis statement: The world is on its way for a water shortage. Water is considered as an essential
for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without
water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered
by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is
a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral
and cultural value.
If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water – Loren Eisely, The Immense Journey Water
scarcity is a consequence of imbalances between more content...
Economic relations and resource management, 2. Ideology and culture including the way people
think about the environment and water rights, 3.political agents like the state, transnational actors
and organizations involved in water disputes and trade 4.the transnational social movements which
endorse and resist water privatization, and 5.the power relations which engender unequal access to
safe water (Bywater, 2008).
Till taught by pain, men really know not what good water's worth – Lord Byron, "Don Juan".
Reference List
Bywater, K. (2008). Globalization, privatization, and the crisis of sustainability: Examining the
global water crisis. Conference Papers –– American Sociological Association, 1.
Manzoor, K. P. (2011). The global water crisis: Issues and solutions. IUP Journal of
Infrastructure, 9(2), 34–43.
Solving the global water crisis moves beyond the technical feasibility stage.(2011). Trends
Magazine, (104), 19–24.
Priscoli, J. D. & Wolf, A. T. (2009). Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts: USA:
Cambridge University Press.
Hicks, J. Arii, K. Rothman, S. (2012). Taking sides: Selected articles for discussion. Singapore:
McGraw–Hill companies
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Thesis Statement For Ocean Pollution
Fallon Nelson Professor Rekha Gupta CRN Group 3 Assignment 2– Individual Submission Group
Thesis Statement: The alarming effects of consumer waste that pollutes the land, water and air will
continue to rise and negatively impact numerous ecosystems on Earth if every human being doesn't
utilize the reduce, recycle, and recycle concept. Outline: 1)The effects of Ocean Pollution
introduction A.Water is one of the most important resource here on earth to every living organism.
Not only do we need to survive, but also in many elements in today's society. Water is many of our
foods and used in our household such as bathing, plumbing, laundry, and washing dishes. We also
used water for fun on the weekends through the beverage we drink and during the summer
swimming is a loved sport that it's even in the world's Olympics. This list countines to grow but
everyday people pollute the water that we are dependent on. The amount pollution in the ocean is
growing more each day and becoming hazardous to many living organisms. In this paper, ill discuss
ways in which our ocean is polluted, how the pollution is affecting our society, and solutions to the
prevent pollutions 2) more content...
Refer to the dirt on ocean garbage patches B.Millions of meter cubed of solid waste is dumped in
the ocean each year. C.Trash that is left over from flood, hurricanes, and earthquake that get into
the ocean D.Refer to article that gives reasoning on why people dump waste into the ocean
_Sewage is dumbed is tremendous amounts into the ocean , less than 10% of solids. Since it is
mostly liquid , it has lower density which mean it does not accumulate with other solid waste 3)Oil
pollution A.Companies continues to spill oil into the ocean B.Refer to gulf spill and other time oil
was accidentally spilled in the ocean in large
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Thesis Statement For Cyber Bullying
Thesis Statement: Cyberbullying is on the rise in Indonesia and affected everyone that
possesses on social media.
For many teenagers, social media plays a big role in their lives. Social media like Twitter,
Facebook, Instagram, Path and many more can be useful tools to keep in touch with friends
which live far away. Social media is one of the most used types of websites by teenagers. This
means it is commonly used for both good and bad purposes. Although social media can be used
in a positive way such as communicate with the other friends which is improving social skills,
however, negative effects which is cyber bullying. Bullying is when someone is being hurt either
by words or actions and has a hard time stopping what is more content...
There are many
causes for Cyberbullying to occur.
The impacts of cyber bullying for the victims can be underestimated because they are
mainly psychological and not physical. Cyber bullying in its extremes has led to the death of
several teenagers. Cyber bullying leads to depression and lack of enthusiasm for life that drives
the victim to suicide in order to escape the torment. Actually, the first step of preventing and
stopping cyber bullying starts with the individual themselves. They should respect the others and
also themselves because everyone has their human rights and no one cannot destroy it. Simple
steps like using the internet appropriately and not provoking other users are very effective in
preventing cyber bullying. Using internet as the media social is fine but trying to harm people by
spreading gossip or starting rumors and stealing someone password or hacking are bad things.
Technology is decreasing the ability for others to interact and communicate, which is
highly essential in today's world. While social media is a useful tool in our increasingly
connected world, they can also adversely affect our development and the nature of our
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Thesis Statement For Domestic Violence
Family violence
Elio Ishak
Notre Dame University, louaize
Course: ENL 110
Instructor: Pascale Chibani
Date of Submission: Monday, 15 may 2017
Thesis statement : Domestic violence is a very important social issue because it has a large negative
affect on the victims. Even though Domestic violence can be caused by either male or female it is
usually caused by the male due to the large physical advantage. This essay will discuss the history of
domestic violence, as well as explain the different types, and ways to prevent it.
I.History of domestic violence :
a.In early roman society
b.In the England community
c.In early America society
II.different types of family violence :
a.physical violence
b.emotional abuse
c.sexual abuse
III.ways to prevent domestic violence:
Family violence is when more content...
The first kind is called physical violence. Physical abuse, including assault, is the intentional use of
force against a person without that person's consent. It can cause physical pain or injuries . Physical
abuse includes:
hitting, slapping or kicking
strangling or choking
killing someone
The second type is emotional abuse, Emotional abuse happens when a person uses words or actions
to control, frighten or isolate someone or take away their self–respect. Is contains :
constant yelling or criticism
controlling or keeping someone from seeing friends or family
making fun of preventing someone from practicing their faith or religion
The third kind is sexual abuse. Sexual assault and abuse can have devastating impacts. Sexual
assault is any unwanted sexual or sexualised act that causes the person to feel uncomfortable or
scared. Sexual abuse contain :
sexual touching or sexual activity without consent
continued sexual contact when asked to stop
forcing someone to commit unsafe or humiliating sexual
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Thesis Statement About Marriage
Marriage is a ritual that marks a change in status for a man and a woman and the acceptance by
society of the new family that is formed (Rosman & Rubel, 1981). Marriage, like other customs, is
governed by rules (Rosman & Rubel, 1981). Anthropology has represented marriage as the definitive
ritual and universally translatable regulative ideal of human societies (BORNEMAN, 1996).
Marriage also the act of joining two persons of opposite sex together to become as husband and
wife. Many people in the society have different opinions or outright misconception of the meaning of
marriage. While some people see it as a union between a man and woman, others take it to mean an
agreement made between a more content...
The objectives of this research are:
1 ) To identify the assimilation process among Malay culture that has been replaced Minangkabau
tradition in Negeri Sembilan nowadays.
2 ) To examine the impact of economic challenge in losing tradition of Minangkabau community.
3 ) To identify the actions that needed to be taken to protect their tradition, local practices, and
identity from loss.
BORNEMAN, J. (1996). until death do us part: marriage/death in anthropological discourse.
American Ethnologist, 23(2), 215–235.
Jani, H., & Hussain, M. (2014). Reclaiming the Loss of the Minangkabau Cultural Landscape in
Negeri Sembilan. Procedia – Social And Behavioral Sciences, 153, 317–329.
Masri, M. (2012). The Misconceptions of Negeri Sembilan Traditional Architecture. Procedia–
Social And Behavioral Sciences, 68, 363–382.
Ng, C. (2010). Symbols of Affinity: Ceremonial Costumes in a Minangkabau Village. The Heritage
Journal, 5, 26–55.
Rosman, A., & Rubel, P. (1981). The tapestry of culture. Glenview, Ill.: Scott,
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Thesis Statement For Mental Health
Expository Method Used:
The Expository Method used for the topic to sentence outline is 'Analysis by Division.' This method
breaks down the main idea into smaller parts that work together to make one central point.
Additionally, the 'Analysis by Division' method is useful for structuring the topic sentences for
writing the essay. Topic to Sentence Outline
Topic: Mental health is an increasingly vital part of general wellness in today's fast–paced world.
(Narrowed Topic): Characteristics of a mentally healthy individual.
Thesis Statement: A mentally healthy individual has the characteristics of emotional intelligence and
spiritual consciousness, intellectual and social wellness.
Emotional Intelligence is considered one of the defining characteristics of a mentally
more content...
Equally important to the characteristics of a mentally healthy individual, in today's fast–paced
world, is the psychological health of the brain, the genetic, biological and environmental factors that
play an integral role in general wellness.
Many prominent theorists have argued that perceptions of the self, the world, and the future are
essential for mental health. Yet much research evidence suggests that overly positive
self–evaluations, exaggerated perceptions of control or mastery, and unrealistic optimism are
characteristics of normal human thought. Moreover, these illusions seem to promote other criteria
of mental health, including, the ability to care about others, be happy or contented, and to engage in
productive and creative work. (Taylor & Brown 1988,
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Example Of Thesis Statement
Wednesday 14th October –Make a rough sketch for the research paper; thesis statement, strategies
that I use for the research paper, constituents of text, a history of marijuana, the present situation of
marijuana, expected opposition, numbers of the evidence to support my statement. (12am to 5pm)
Thursday 15th October –Look for corroborative facts for supporting my statement and search
materials: reasons of marijuana popularity, health–related information, facts and common myth
about the addiction and harmfulness. (2pm to 8pm) Friday 16th October –Select about which
information to include in the report. (11am to 2pm) Monday 19th October –Write an intro part.
(11am) Tuesday 20th October–Modify the thesis statement, finish
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Thesis statement: Leadership depends on the leader's leadership style and there way of
communicating ideas rather than the leader themselves. Both women and men believe in similar
leadership styles however women prefer a more participative leadership approach.
According to organisational behaviour by McShane, leadership is defined as influencing, motivating
and enabling others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organisation of which
they are members (page 382, McShane).Becoming an effective leader depends on the leader's
leadership style. Successful leaders have vision and charisma, also the leader should have an
ongoing personality, talkative, careful and self–disciplined. The leader must also have self–concept more content...
Albert Einstein was a very influential leader in the modern era, as he transformed humanity's
understanding of the universe. In the 1920's he become an active leader of international
movement (The guardian, 2012). A path goal theory is based on the expectancy theory of
motivation which relates to several types of leadership styles that relates to specific followers. In
the path goal theory there are three leadership styles that make an effective leader, these include,
the leader must be directive, and this includes clarifying performance goals, using rewards and
being task orientated. Leaders should also be supportive this means the leader should be friendly
and approachable, treats everyone equally and with respect. The last leadership style if
participative, the leader should consult employees, ask for suggestions and take their ideas into
consideration (McShane, p388). Albert was a good leader due to his excellence in leadership
qualities which where it was an excellent listener, he was always motivated and have good
knowledge, power and influence in how to lead. Einstein always listened to everyone and never
ignore them, however he learnt from them on how to improve his leadership styles, therefore
making him a good leader. He was also motivated in discovering new ideas regardless of how
many people put him down, and he also had a clear relationship between leadership and ethics
which was significant in keeping a lasting impression as the world leader (Iain hay,
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Thesis Statement For The Salem Witch Trials
The Salem Witch Trials began in the late 1600's and is widely known to this day as one of the
darkest periods in American history. In this essay, I will be analyzing the context and origins of the
trials, the hysteria that dramatically spread through Massachusetts, and the legacy that we've come
to know today. (thesis statement will go here I just can NOT think of one and I'm tired of wasting
my time trying. Help .) In this particular article, the author isn't given a name, however they are
listed as the History Channels' staff writer. The writer gives a brief explanation about the beginning
of the accusations and the events that took place in the following years. Their purpose for the article
is to provide evidential information on an more content...
Though the court later withdrew the verdicts, the presence of hatred and bitterness flooded the
affected families and the events of 1692 are reenacted and taught about to this day. The persuasion
of the courts during the trials gives an ethos appeal to the article by introducing them as a powerful
group in ways that they have the ability to order an execution without factual evidence towards the
accused. Though by the end of the trials their judgments were negated, the court had a high authorial
effect over the public eye. The article later on examines "In an effort to explain by scientific means
the strange afflictions suffered by those "bewitched" Salem residents in 1692, a study published in
Science magazine in 1976 cited the fungus ergot (found in rye, wheat and other cereals), which
toxicologists say can cause symptoms such as delusions, vomiting and muscle spasms." By stating
this new–found resource, this gives the reading a logos appeal to reason the circumstance that there
wasn't anything supernatural involved with the hysteria in 1692. The outbursts caused by this
unknown fungus and the resentment of the neighboring townsfolk heightened their suspicion toward
themselves and
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Thesis Statement On Standardized Testing
Thesis: The effects of standardized testing have negatively impacted students across the United
States. High Stakes testing has led to a decrease in student motivation, high retention rate, and a
notable change in early dropout rates.
I.History of Standardized Testing
A. Standardized testing shows where a student stands academically.
B. High stake testing determines if a student will move forward a grade or not.
C. The legislatives thought high stake testing would improve student academics.
II.Lack of Student Motivation
A. According to the article, "Student Motivation: An Overlooked Piece of School Reform,"
Motivation can affect a student's outcome in class.
B. An absence of understudy inspiration can assume an essential part in an more
Although legislatives assumption was that high stakes testing would enhance understudy inspiration,
and raise understudy accomplishment, that supposition was completely incorrect. The effect of
standardized testing (high–stakes testing) has not been positive throughout the United States at all.
Due to the lack of motivation, the high retention rate, and notable change in dropout rate, it may be a
while until many states recover, especially for states like Louisiana. According to Nola, Louisiana is
tied with Florida for having one of the country's fifth lowest graduation rates, and one of the highest
dropout rates. Our society needs to come together and think of a plan that will help students, and
prevent the increasing number of kids who decide to give up on school. A system that will benefit
both students, and teachers should be created; making it better for both, students and teachers to
work together properly. With a new system student motivation may improve, the number of over
aged students sitting in the wrong grade will decrease, and the notable dropout rate will actually
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Writer's Statement
Thesis Statement: Climate change is natural; however, advances of human society such as
deforestation, industrialization, and the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the rate at which the
climate is changing.
My three major sources stood out when writing my research paper on climate change. My main
source was Louis Bergeron's, "The World Can be Powered by Alternative Energy, Using Today's
Technology, in 20–40 Years, Says Stanford Researcher Mark Z. Jacobson." In this article, Bergeron
describes an energy researcher's plan to power the world with renewables within the next few
decades. My second source was Marc Lallanilla's, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Causes and
Sources." In this article, Lallanilla talked about the
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Thesis Statement On Globalization
Globalization is an undeniable phenomenon of our modern societies. Global patterns keep spreading
in many fields of our everyday life: food, economy, marketing, and last but not least, culture. Cultural
products are indeed very often produced following the American pattern and exported to various
places around the world. Hollywood blockbusters are huge hits in many different countries, our
radios broadcast more and more American songs and even our national singers choose to sing in
English rather than in their native language. Globalization is caused by many different factors.
Cross–border processes such as interregional trade, employment, population migration and military
conquest or colonization probably constitute the main factors (Holton, 2000, 141, 149) more
Lastly, religions play an important role too by gathering people scattered across the globe under an
identical cosmology, thus creating imagined communities (Anderson, 1983). Globalization, by
connecting people through the media, also creates such a community: inhabitants of the world share
the idea of a global community and an international identity. This is why we could define
globalization as the compression of time and space (Harvey, 1983). Communications as well as
people can travel at an ever increasing speed, thereby giving the impression that every corner of the
world is at hand. The main thesis about globalization argues that it leads to a phenomenon of
homogenization. My hypothesis however is that some cultures are so different and so deeply rooted
in their environment that they can't simply be erased. They will be modified, influenced but not
standardized under one unique model. This will lead to hybrid products, thereby proving the
hypothesis of glocalization, introduced by
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Emily Dickinson Thesis Statement
Emily Dickinson Research Paper Emily Dickinson was one of the best American poets, but she is
very famous for being a secluded writer. Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1846 in
Amherst, Massachusetts and she died on May 15, 1886 at the age of 55 in Amherst, Massachusetts.
Her isolation from the outside world still confuses literary critics and readers of her poetry and
letters. There are many theories developed over time about her seclusion. Some people believe her
secluded way of life was her own choice but she was very close to her family. Emily Dickinson lived
in a happy home and went to a school during her life. Dickinson was born in Amherst,
Massachusetts, in 1830 and lived there all her life most of her life. An introduction into Emily
Dickinson's poetry themes, and discussion about the isolation in her life, and discussion about the
isolation in her poetry will be examined in the paper. One of the prevalent themes of Emily's
work is death. Since she wrote about her inner world and troubles, death as a theme could not be
avoided. Emily Dickinson had to face the losing friends to death. Several deaths of family
members, including her mother, father and a nephew helped contribute to the theme in her
poetry. These events affected her health but she found a way to cope with the idea of death with
her poetry. She developed an attitude towards death, seeing it as a transition from mortality to
immortality. She accepted its inevitability and tried to make peace with the idea itself. This kind
of comprehension was something Emily needed in order to cope with the loss of her loved ones
who had been her only support and company in her isolated lifestyle. The theme of death is shown
in the poem I picked for the research paper. In the poem called "How Far Is It To Heaven", by
Emily Dickinson it again deals with death but heaven and hell is included. This poem has only a
few lines but it gets straight to the point and the theme of the poem hits you right in the face. One
example is clear from the first two lines where it asks "How Far Is It To Heaven?" (Line 1) and "As
far as Death this way" (Line 2). The poem is so simple but portrays a powerful message to the
reader. Another huge theme of
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Thesis Statement
Name ___Megan Spasenoski___ Date ___10/21/14___ Period ___6th___ Practice: Creating Thesis
Part One: Using what you have learned in English class, change the following topics into thesis
statements. Remember: subject + the side of the argument + 3 main points = thesis. State your own
opinion on the topic along with 2–3 reasons for support.
THIS IS FORMAL WRITING. Example– Topic: Controlling the pet population through spaying and
neutering Thesis: Controlling the pet population through spaying and neutering is very important
because it helps prevent the birth of unwanted and neglected animals. It also improves a pet's health
and reduces unruly behavior in animals. 1. TOPIC: Changing high schools
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Examples Of Thesis Statement For Gun Control
Thesis Statement
Gun control is not the solution to prevent shootings at schools. Acquisition of firearms by minors is
already illegal and is considered a crime, yet shootings by minors are still happening.
Is saddening to turn on the televisions and find news about a shooting at a school. The first thought
that comes to my mind when I see those news is, what could have been the shooter thinking when he
did that? What was happening to him/her that leads them to commit such a horrible crime?
Pro–gun control activist believe that limiting the civilian population's right to bear arms could help
mitigate the problem. I personally disagree with that position; arms are easily available in the black
market, limiting civilians on the constitutional
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Thesis Driven Essay Examples
Thesis: William Golding uses symbolism in the form of the conch to represents the concept of
society. The boys' evolving relationship with the conch illustrates that humans, when removed from
the pressures of civilized authority, will become evil.
1st TS: In the beginning, the boys view the conch as an important symbol that unites them and gives
them the power to deal with their difficult situation.
2nd TS: Gradually, however, the conch becomes less important to the boys, signifying their gradual
turn to evil.
Thesis: In a Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens utilizes the character of Sidney Carton to show that
a wasted life can be redeemed.
TS: When he first appears in the novel, more content...
What some people refer to as global warming is actually nothing more than normal, long–term cycles
of climate change.
Claims of cause and effect: These claims argue that one person, thing, or event caused another thing
or event to occur. Example:
The popularity of SUV's in America has caused pollution to increase.
Claims about value: These are claims made of what something is worth, whether we value it or not,
how we would rate or categorize something. Example:
Global warming is the most pressing challenge facing the world today.
Claims about solutions or policies: These are claims that argue for or against a certain solution or
policy approach to a problem. Example:
Instead of drilling for oil in Alaska we should be focusing on ways to reduce oil consumption, such
as researching renewable energy sources.
Which type of claim is right for your argument? Which type of thesis or claim you use for your
argument will depend on your position and knowledge of the topic, your audience, and the context
of your paper. You might want to think about where you imagine your audience to be on this topic
and pinpoint where you think the biggest difference in viewpoints might be. Even if you start with
one type of claim you probably will be using several within the paper. Regardless of the type of
claim you choose to utilize it is key to identify the controversy or
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Everyday Use Thesis Statement
General statement:
Mama understands the past and the significance of a family heritage. Her heritage including her
memories of her mother and grandma making quilts together by hands.
Topic sentence:
Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" introduces a clash between generations. Now and then, Maggie and
Thesis Statement:
Alice Walker carefully portrays the three characters: The mother, Dee. And Maggie
Body A, Mama:
The character of Mama in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker endures through intense
times and takes advantage of what she has. She is a lady that tells things how they are, only plain
truth. She can be entertaining now and again and intense at others. She is self–portrayed as "a large,
huge boned, women with rough, man– more content...
The way the burning house, her stuck–up sister, and society influenced Maggie make her unique in
relation to others. Maggie was so damaged from her home burning down that she turned into a
meek and undervalued young lady. Maggie is so unsure that her mother says she walks like a dog
run over by a car: "chin on chest eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the
other house on the ground." This demonstrates that Maggie absence of self–confidence make her
frightened to look. She imagines that on the off chance that she can't see the individuals around
her, then they can't see her. What's more, Maggie's discernible scars have impacted on the way
she conducts herself. As indicated by Mama, when she was pulling Maggie out of the fire, her
arms were adhering, "her hair was smoking, and her dress was tumbling off her in minimal dark
papery pieces." This is huge light of the fact that indicates how much the flame really physically
scarred her. This additionally clarifies why she is so apprehensive about individuals seeing her.
Maggie's apparent compressed version of confirmation in herself is created basically by the fire.
The barbaric way Maggie's sister, Dee, presents herself awful impact on Maggie's certainly. At this
point when Dee inquired as to whether she can have some unique quilts and Mama says no on the
grounds that she
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Thesis Statement For Universal Health Care
"Health care is an essential requirement for well being" (Maruthappu). All over the world, health
care is a constant concern because of the difficulty maintaining quality and affordability. In the
United States, health care reform has been a huge debate topic. The purpose of health care is to
satisfy the medical needs of an individual. However, many Americans consider health care a
"luxury,"because millions of low–income families cannot afford the same care as the middle or high
class. In this case, the right to quality and affordable health care is not extended to all Americans.
Universal health care will ensure a higher life expectancy, reduce the cost of medical treatment
through a single–payer method, and improve medical more content...
Countries in Europe experience "taxes increasing year after year", which is what Americans fear
(Post). People believe the U.S. government already provides enough coverage and welfare for
lower–income families. A significant portion of Americans does not want their hard–earned money
used for unemployed people. Instead of seeing health care coverage as a right, people believe
"health care should be paid for" ("Right to Health Care"). However, the government uses income
taxes to fund infrastructure, schooling, and the military. Health care coverage is just as important.
The military protects Americans, schools improve their education, but health care saves lives.
Low–income families should not have to step away from the ability to live because of their inability
to pay for
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Thesis Statement For Pride And Prejudice
Pride and Prejudice: Essay Outline Thesis statement, including map of development: In Jane
Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice," the author traces portrait of women's role during the Regency
period: they were expected to get married, to be accomplished and to self–scarify. Topic Sentence
#1: Marriage was crucial at the time, and women of the early Victorian age were expected to
marry and to get their daughters married. a.Argument: Marriage assured social security for both the
women and the family. b.Example: When Lady Catherine tells Elizabeth that Darcy was supposed
to marry her daughter: "The engagement between them is of a particular kind. From their infancy,
they have been intended for each other. It was the favorite wish of his mother, as well as of her's.
While I their cradles, we planned the union: and now, at the moment when the wishes of both sisters
would be accomplished, in their marriage, to be prevented by a young woman of inferior birth, of
no importance in the world, and wholly unallied to the family!" (Austen 335–336). c.Explanation:
Lady Catherine's reaction demonstrates the crucial importance of marriage in the society, but also
for women. Families needed their daughters to marry in the same social class or above to insure
social prestige. Demonstrates Lady Catherine's role to protect the high class and prestige of her
descendants through marriage. For Elizabeth and her family, this union with the higher class assures
them social security. a.Argument: Marriage was a market, women needed to marry to ensure
financial security. b.Example: When Mrs. Bennet learns that Mr. Bingley is coming to town: "A
single man of large fortune; four of five thousands a year. What a fine thing for our girls!" (Austen
6). c.Explanation: Marriage was the only way for the Bennet girls to ensure financial security. Girls
are too high class to get jobs but would not inherit. Financial security also ensured future economic
security for Mrs. Bennet after her husband's death. Topic Sentence #2: Women of the early 1800s
need to demonstrate accomplishments and education. a.Argument: Accomplishments demonstrated a
woman's value. b.Example: Lady Catherine to Elizabeth: " 'Do
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Cyber Security Breach : Thesis Statement
Wu Ka Ho – g4wukaho – L1 BA1200
Topic: scenario #3 – Cyber Security Breach
Thesis statement: In an incredibly interconnected world we all shared today, it is not unusual to hear
daily reports about aggressive cyber attacks on private and public sectors, which often results in
compromisation of personal information affecting lives of many at varying degrees; and in some
cases, the stolen information endangered the safety of countless otherwise innocent individuals. On
top of privacy infringement, exploitation of intellectual properties occasionally deals a disastrous
blow to the financial status and competitiveness of targeted companies, giving the offenders valuable
insights to leverage their wrongful intention. Nevertheless, the most detrimental form of attack are
the ones directed at corporations responsible for maintaining critical infrastructures of a country such
as power grid, nuclear facility, and public transportation. Any one of these infrastructures going under
siege would create inconsiderable economical and existential crisis threatening the country's stability,
welfare, and future.
In order to deal with ever encroaching threats at private, public and domestic levels, companies must
disclose cyber breaches to the public at appropriate time, despite issues like shareholder lawsuit,
embarrassment, and further future attacks. By promoting transparency on cyber securities, we
educate the public about safety measures on sharing private information, emphasize
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Examples Of Thesis Statements For Essays

  • 1. Thesis Statement On Water Scarcity Rough Draft Thesis statement: The world is on its way for a water shortage. Water is considered as an essential for human existence. We all can survive without food for some day but no one can live without water at least two days. Human body consists of 70% percent of water and our globe is covered by 69.9% percent of water. But unfortunately the useable fresh water is just 2.5% out of it. Water is a social good, water is an economic good, water has ecological value and water has religious, moral and cultural value. If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in water – Loren Eisely, The Immense Journey Water scarcity is a consequence of imbalances between more content... Economic relations and resource management, 2. Ideology and culture including the way people think about the environment and water rights, 3.political agents like the state, transnational actors and organizations involved in water disputes and trade 4.the transnational social movements which endorse and resist water privatization, and 5.the power relations which engender unequal access to safe water (Bywater, 2008). Till taught by pain, men really know not what good water's worth – Lord Byron, "Don Juan". Reference List Bywater, K. (2008). Globalization, privatization, and the crisis of sustainability: Examining the global water crisis. Conference Papers –– American Sociological Association, 1. Manzoor, K. P. (2011). The global water crisis: Issues and solutions. IUP Journal of Infrastructure, 9(2), 34–43. Solving the global water crisis moves beyond the technical feasibility stage.(2011). Trends Magazine, (104), 19–24. Priscoli, J. D. & Wolf, A. T. (2009). Managing and Transforming Water Conflicts: USA: Cambridge University Press. Hicks, J. Arii, K. Rothman, S. (2012). Taking sides: Selected articles for discussion. Singapore: McGraw–Hill companies Get more content on
  • 2. Thesis Statement For Ocean Pollution Fallon Nelson Professor Rekha Gupta CRN Group 3 Assignment 2– Individual Submission Group Thesis Statement: The alarming effects of consumer waste that pollutes the land, water and air will continue to rise and negatively impact numerous ecosystems on Earth if every human being doesn't utilize the reduce, recycle, and recycle concept. Outline: 1)The effects of Ocean Pollution introduction A.Water is one of the most important resource here on earth to every living organism. Not only do we need to survive, but also in many elements in today's society. Water is many of our foods and used in our household such as bathing, plumbing, laundry, and washing dishes. We also used water for fun on the weekends through the beverage we drink and during the summer swimming is a loved sport that it's even in the world's Olympics. This list countines to grow but everyday people pollute the water that we are dependent on. The amount pollution in the ocean is growing more each day and becoming hazardous to many living organisms. In this paper, ill discuss ways in which our ocean is polluted, how the pollution is affecting our society, and solutions to the prevent pollutions 2) more content... Refer to the dirt on ocean garbage patches B.Millions of meter cubed of solid waste is dumped in the ocean each year. C.Trash that is left over from flood, hurricanes, and earthquake that get into the ocean D.Refer to article that gives reasoning on why people dump waste into the ocean _Sewage is dumbed is tremendous amounts into the ocean , less than 10% of solids. Since it is mostly liquid , it has lower density which mean it does not accumulate with other solid waste 3)Oil pollution A.Companies continues to spill oil into the ocean B.Refer to gulf spill and other time oil was accidentally spilled in the ocean in large Get more content on
  • 3. Thesis Statement For Cyber Bullying Thesis Statement: Cyberbullying is on the rise in Indonesia and affected everyone that possesses on social media. For many teenagers, social media plays a big role in their lives. Social media like Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Path and many more can be useful tools to keep in touch with friends which live far away. Social media is one of the most used types of websites by teenagers. This means it is commonly used for both good and bad purposes. Although social media can be used in a positive way such as communicate with the other friends which is improving social skills, however, negative effects which is cyber bullying. Bullying is when someone is being hurt either by words or actions and has a hard time stopping what is more content... There are many causes for Cyberbullying to occur. The impacts of cyber bullying for the victims can be underestimated because they are mainly psychological and not physical. Cyber bullying in its extremes has led to the death of several teenagers. Cyber bullying leads to depression and lack of enthusiasm for life that drives the victim to suicide in order to escape the torment. Actually, the first step of preventing and stopping cyber bullying starts with the individual themselves. They should respect the others and also themselves because everyone has their human rights and no one cannot destroy it. Simple steps like using the internet appropriately and not provoking other users are very effective in preventing cyber bullying. Using internet as the media social is fine but trying to harm people by spreading gossip or starting rumors and stealing someone password or hacking are bad things. Technology is decreasing the ability for others to interact and communicate, which is
  • 4. highly essential in today's world. While social media is a useful tool in our increasingly connected world, they can also adversely affect our development and the nature of our Get more content on
  • 5. Thesis Statement For Domestic Violence Family violence Elio Ishak Notre Dame University, louaize Course: ENL 110 Instructor: Pascale Chibani Date of Submission: Monday, 15 may 2017 OUTLINE Thesis statement : Domestic violence is a very important social issue because it has a large negative affect on the victims. Even though Domestic violence can be caused by either male or female it is usually caused by the male due to the large physical advantage. This essay will discuss the history of domestic violence, as well as explain the different types, and ways to prevent it. I.History of domestic violence : a.In early roman society b.In the England community c.In early America society II.different types of family violence : a.physical violence b.emotional abuse c.sexual abuse III.ways to prevent domestic violence: a. b. Family violence is when more content... The first kind is called physical violence. Physical abuse, including assault, is the intentional use of force against a person without that person's consent. It can cause physical pain or injuries . Physical abuse includes: hitting, slapping or kicking strangling or choking killing someone The second type is emotional abuse, Emotional abuse happens when a person uses words or actions to control, frighten or isolate someone or take away their self–respect. Is contains : constant yelling or criticism controlling or keeping someone from seeing friends or family
  • 6. making fun of preventing someone from practicing their faith or religion The third kind is sexual abuse. Sexual assault and abuse can have devastating impacts. Sexual assault is any unwanted sexual or sexualised act that causes the person to feel uncomfortable or scared. Sexual abuse contain : sexual touching or sexual activity without consent continued sexual contact when asked to stop forcing someone to commit unsafe or humiliating sexual Get more content on
  • 7. Thesis Statement About Marriage NURUL ATIRAH BINTI ROSLI 43517 PROBLEM STATEMENT Marriage is a ritual that marks a change in status for a man and a woman and the acceptance by society of the new family that is formed (Rosman & Rubel, 1981). Marriage, like other customs, is governed by rules (Rosman & Rubel, 1981). Anthropology has represented marriage as the definitive ritual and universally translatable regulative ideal of human societies (BORNEMAN, 1996). Marriage also the act of joining two persons of opposite sex together to become as husband and wife. Many people in the society have different opinions or outright misconception of the meaning of marriage. While some people see it as a union between a man and woman, others take it to mean an agreement made between a more content... RESEARCH OBJECTIVE The objectives of this research are: 1 ) To identify the assimilation process among Malay culture that has been replaced Minangkabau tradition in Negeri Sembilan nowadays. 2 ) To examine the impact of economic challenge in losing tradition of Minangkabau community. 3 ) To identify the actions that needed to be taken to protect their tradition, local practices, and identity from loss. REFERENCES BORNEMAN, J. (1996). until death do us part: marriage/death in anthropological discourse. American Ethnologist, 23(2), 215–235. Jani, H., & Hussain, M. (2014). Reclaiming the Loss of the Minangkabau Cultural Landscape in Negeri Sembilan. Procedia – Social And Behavioral Sciences, 153, 317–329. /10.1016/j.sbspro.2014.10.065 Masri, M. (2012). The Misconceptions of Negeri Sembilan Traditional Architecture. Procedia– Social And Behavioral Sciences, 68, 363–382. Ng, C. (2010). Symbols of Affinity: Ceremonial Costumes in a Minangkabau Village. The Heritage Journal, 5, 26–55. Rosman, A., & Rubel, P. (1981). The tapestry of culture. Glenview, Ill.: Scott, Get more content on
  • 8. Thesis Statement For Mental Health Expository Method Used: The Expository Method used for the topic to sentence outline is 'Analysis by Division.' This method breaks down the main idea into smaller parts that work together to make one central point. Additionally, the 'Analysis by Division' method is useful for structuring the topic sentences for writing the essay. Topic to Sentence Outline Topic: Mental health is an increasingly vital part of general wellness in today's fast–paced world. (Narrowed Topic): Characteristics of a mentally healthy individual. Thesis Statement: A mentally healthy individual has the characteristics of emotional intelligence and spiritual consciousness, intellectual and social wellness. Emotional Intelligence is considered one of the defining characteristics of a mentally more content... Equally important to the characteristics of a mentally healthy individual, in today's fast–paced world, is the psychological health of the brain, the genetic, biological and environmental factors that play an integral role in general wellness. Many prominent theorists have argued that perceptions of the self, the world, and the future are essential for mental health. Yet much research evidence suggests that overly positive self–evaluations, exaggerated perceptions of control or mastery, and unrealistic optimism are characteristics of normal human thought. Moreover, these illusions seem to promote other criteria of mental health, including, the ability to care about others, be happy or contented, and to engage in productive and creative work. (Taylor & Brown 1988, Get more content on
  • 9. Example Of Thesis Statement Wednesday 14th October –Make a rough sketch for the research paper; thesis statement, strategies that I use for the research paper, constituents of text, a history of marijuana, the present situation of marijuana, expected opposition, numbers of the evidence to support my statement. (12am to 5pm) Thursday 15th October –Look for corroborative facts for supporting my statement and search materials: reasons of marijuana popularity, health–related information, facts and common myth about the addiction and harmfulness. (2pm to 8pm) Friday 16th October –Select about which information to include in the report. (11am to 2pm) Monday 19th October –Write an intro part. (11am) Tuesday 20th October–Modify the thesis statement, finish Get more content on
  • 10. Thesis statement: Leadership depends on the leader's leadership style and there way of communicating ideas rather than the leader themselves. Both women and men believe in similar leadership styles however women prefer a more participative leadership approach. According to organisational behaviour by McShane, leadership is defined as influencing, motivating and enabling others to contribute towards the effectiveness and success of the organisation of which they are members (page 382, McShane).Becoming an effective leader depends on the leader's leadership style. Successful leaders have vision and charisma, also the leader should have an ongoing personality, talkative, careful and self–disciplined. The leader must also have self–concept more content... Albert Einstein was a very influential leader in the modern era, as he transformed humanity's understanding of the universe. In the 1920's he become an active leader of international movement (The guardian, 2012). A path goal theory is based on the expectancy theory of motivation which relates to several types of leadership styles that relates to specific followers. In the path goal theory there are three leadership styles that make an effective leader, these include, the leader must be directive, and this includes clarifying performance goals, using rewards and being task orientated. Leaders should also be supportive this means the leader should be friendly and approachable, treats everyone equally and with respect. The last leadership style if participative, the leader should consult employees, ask for suggestions and take their ideas into consideration (McShane, p388). Albert was a good leader due to his excellence in leadership qualities which where it was an excellent listener, he was always motivated and have good knowledge, power and influence in how to lead. Einstein always listened to everyone and never ignore them, however he learnt from them on how to improve his leadership styles, therefore making him a good leader. He was also motivated in discovering new ideas regardless of how many people put him down, and he also had a clear relationship between leadership and ethics which was significant in keeping a lasting impression as the world leader (Iain hay, Get more content on
  • 11. Thesis Statement For The Salem Witch Trials The Salem Witch Trials began in the late 1600's and is widely known to this day as one of the darkest periods in American history. In this essay, I will be analyzing the context and origins of the trials, the hysteria that dramatically spread through Massachusetts, and the legacy that we've come to know today. (thesis statement will go here I just can NOT think of one and I'm tired of wasting my time trying. Help .) In this particular article, the author isn't given a name, however they are listed as the History Channels' staff writer. The writer gives a brief explanation about the beginning of the accusations and the events that took place in the following years. Their purpose for the article is to provide evidential information on an more content... Though the court later withdrew the verdicts, the presence of hatred and bitterness flooded the affected families and the events of 1692 are reenacted and taught about to this day. The persuasion of the courts during the trials gives an ethos appeal to the article by introducing them as a powerful group in ways that they have the ability to order an execution without factual evidence towards the accused. Though by the end of the trials their judgments were negated, the court had a high authorial effect over the public eye. The article later on examines "In an effort to explain by scientific means the strange afflictions suffered by those "bewitched" Salem residents in 1692, a study published in Science magazine in 1976 cited the fungus ergot (found in rye, wheat and other cereals), which toxicologists say can cause symptoms such as delusions, vomiting and muscle spasms." By stating this new–found resource, this gives the reading a logos appeal to reason the circumstance that there wasn't anything supernatural involved with the hysteria in 1692. The outbursts caused by this unknown fungus and the resentment of the neighboring townsfolk heightened their suspicion toward themselves and Get more content on
  • 12. Thesis Statement On Standardized Testing Thesis: The effects of standardized testing have negatively impacted students across the United States. High Stakes testing has led to a decrease in student motivation, high retention rate, and a notable change in early dropout rates. I.History of Standardized Testing A. Standardized testing shows where a student stands academically. B. High stake testing determines if a student will move forward a grade or not. C. The legislatives thought high stake testing would improve student academics. II.Lack of Student Motivation A. According to the article, "Student Motivation: An Overlooked Piece of School Reform," Motivation can affect a student's outcome in class. B. An absence of understudy inspiration can assume an essential part in an more content... Although legislatives assumption was that high stakes testing would enhance understudy inspiration, and raise understudy accomplishment, that supposition was completely incorrect. The effect of standardized testing (high–stakes testing) has not been positive throughout the United States at all. Due to the lack of motivation, the high retention rate, and notable change in dropout rate, it may be a while until many states recover, especially for states like Louisiana. According to Nola, Louisiana is tied with Florida for having one of the country's fifth lowest graduation rates, and one of the highest dropout rates. Our society needs to come together and think of a plan that will help students, and prevent the increasing number of kids who decide to give up on school. A system that will benefit both students, and teachers should be created; making it better for both, students and teachers to work together properly. With a new system student motivation may improve, the number of over aged students sitting in the wrong grade will decrease, and the notable dropout rate will actually Get more content on
  • 13. Writer's Statement Thesis Statement: Climate change is natural; however, advances of human society such as deforestation, industrialization, and the burning of fossil fuels, have increased the rate at which the climate is changing. My three major sources stood out when writing my research paper on climate change. My main source was Louis Bergeron's, "The World Can be Powered by Alternative Energy, Using Today's Technology, in 20–40 Years, Says Stanford Researcher Mark Z. Jacobson." In this article, Bergeron describes an energy researcher's plan to power the world with renewables within the next few decades. My second source was Marc Lallanilla's, "Greenhouse Gas Emissions: Causes and Sources." In this article, Lallanilla talked about the Get more content on
  • 14. Thesis Statement On Globalization Globalization is an undeniable phenomenon of our modern societies. Global patterns keep spreading in many fields of our everyday life: food, economy, marketing, and last but not least, culture. Cultural products are indeed very often produced following the American pattern and exported to various places around the world. Hollywood blockbusters are huge hits in many different countries, our radios broadcast more and more American songs and even our national singers choose to sing in English rather than in their native language. Globalization is caused by many different factors. Cross–border processes such as interregional trade, employment, population migration and military conquest or colonization probably constitute the main factors (Holton, 2000, 141, 149) more content... Lastly, religions play an important role too by gathering people scattered across the globe under an identical cosmology, thus creating imagined communities (Anderson, 1983). Globalization, by connecting people through the media, also creates such a community: inhabitants of the world share the idea of a global community and an international identity. This is why we could define globalization as the compression of time and space (Harvey, 1983). Communications as well as people can travel at an ever increasing speed, thereby giving the impression that every corner of the world is at hand. The main thesis about globalization argues that it leads to a phenomenon of homogenization. My hypothesis however is that some cultures are so different and so deeply rooted in their environment that they can't simply be erased. They will be modified, influenced but not standardized under one unique model. This will lead to hybrid products, thereby proving the hypothesis of glocalization, introduced by Get more content on
  • 15. Emily Dickinson Thesis Statement Emily Dickinson Research Paper Emily Dickinson was one of the best American poets, but she is very famous for being a secluded writer. Emily Dickinson was born on December 10, 1846 in Amherst, Massachusetts and she died on May 15, 1886 at the age of 55 in Amherst, Massachusetts. Her isolation from the outside world still confuses literary critics and readers of her poetry and letters. There are many theories developed over time about her seclusion. Some people believe her secluded way of life was her own choice but she was very close to her family. Emily Dickinson lived in a happy home and went to a school during her life. Dickinson was born in Amherst, Massachusetts, in 1830 and lived there all her life most of her life. An introduction into Emily Dickinson's poetry themes, and discussion about the isolation in her life, and discussion about the isolation in her poetry will be examined in the paper. One of the prevalent themes of Emily's work is death. Since she wrote about her inner world and troubles, death as a theme could not be avoided. Emily Dickinson had to face the losing friends to death. Several deaths of family members, including her mother, father and a nephew helped contribute to the theme in her poetry. These events affected her health but she found a way to cope with the idea of death with her poetry. She developed an attitude towards death, seeing it as a transition from mortality to immortality. She accepted its inevitability and tried to make peace with the idea itself. This kind of comprehension was something Emily needed in order to cope with the loss of her loved ones who had been her only support and company in her isolated lifestyle. The theme of death is shown in the poem I picked for the research paper. In the poem called "How Far Is It To Heaven", by Emily Dickinson it again deals with death but heaven and hell is included. This poem has only a few lines but it gets straight to the point and the theme of the poem hits you right in the face. One example is clear from the first two lines where it asks "How Far Is It To Heaven?" (Line 1) and "As far as Death this way" (Line 2). The poem is so simple but portrays a powerful message to the reader. Another huge theme of Get more content on
  • 16. Thesis Statement Name ___Megan Spasenoski___ Date ___10/21/14___ Period ___6th___ Practice: Creating Thesis Statements Part One: Using what you have learned in English class, change the following topics into thesis statements. Remember: subject + the side of the argument + 3 main points = thesis. State your own opinion on the topic along with 2–3 reasons for support. THIS IS FORMAL WRITING. Example– Topic: Controlling the pet population through spaying and neutering Thesis: Controlling the pet population through spaying and neutering is very important because it helps prevent the birth of unwanted and neglected animals. It also improves a pet's health and reduces unruly behavior in animals. 1. TOPIC: Changing high schools Get more content on
  • 17. Examples Of Thesis Statement For Gun Control Thesis Statement Gun control is not the solution to prevent shootings at schools. Acquisition of firearms by minors is already illegal and is considered a crime, yet shootings by minors are still happening. Is saddening to turn on the televisions and find news about a shooting at a school. The first thought that comes to my mind when I see those news is, what could have been the shooter thinking when he did that? What was happening to him/her that leads them to commit such a horrible crime? Pro–gun control activist believe that limiting the civilian population's right to bear arms could help mitigate the problem. I personally disagree with that position; arms are easily available in the black market, limiting civilians on the constitutional Get more content on
  • 18. EXAMPLE OF THESIS STATEMENT Thesis Driven Essay Examples Thesis: William Golding uses symbolism in the form of the conch to represents the concept of society. The boys' evolving relationship with the conch illustrates that humans, when removed from the pressures of civilized authority, will become evil. 1st TS: In the beginning, the boys view the conch as an important symbol that unites them and gives them the power to deal with their difficult situation. 2nd TS: Gradually, however, the conch becomes less important to the boys, signifying their gradual turn to evil. Thesis: In a Tale of Two Cities, Charles Dickens utilizes the character of Sidney Carton to show that a wasted life can be redeemed. TS: When he first appears in the novel, more content... Example: What some people refer to as global warming is actually nothing more than normal, long–term cycles of climate change. Claims of cause and effect: These claims argue that one person, thing, or event caused another thing or event to occur. Example: The popularity of SUV's in America has caused pollution to increase. Claims about value: These are claims made of what something is worth, whether we value it or not, how we would rate or categorize something. Example: Global warming is the most pressing challenge facing the world today. Claims about solutions or policies: These are claims that argue for or against a certain solution or policy approach to a problem. Example: Instead of drilling for oil in Alaska we should be focusing on ways to reduce oil consumption, such as researching renewable energy sources. Which type of claim is right for your argument? Which type of thesis or claim you use for your argument will depend on your position and knowledge of the topic, your audience, and the context of your paper. You might want to think about where you imagine your audience to be on this topic and pinpoint where you think the biggest difference in viewpoints might be. Even if you start with one type of claim you probably will be using several within the paper. Regardless of the type of claim you choose to utilize it is key to identify the controversy or
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  • 20. Everyday Use Thesis Statement General statement: Mama understands the past and the significance of a family heritage. Her heritage including her memories of her mother and grandma making quilts together by hands. Topic sentence: Alice Walker's "Everyday Use" introduces a clash between generations. Now and then, Maggie and Dee. Thesis Statement: Alice Walker carefully portrays the three characters: The mother, Dee. And Maggie Body A, Mama: The character of Mama in the short story "Everyday Use" by Alice Walker endures through intense times and takes advantage of what she has. She is a lady that tells things how they are, only plain truth. She can be entertaining now and again and intense at others. She is self–portrayed as "a large, huge boned, women with rough, man– more content... The way the burning house, her stuck–up sister, and society influenced Maggie make her unique in relation to others. Maggie was so damaged from her home burning down that she turned into a meek and undervalued young lady. Maggie is so unsure that her mother says she walks like a dog run over by a car: "chin on chest eyes on ground, feet in shuffle, ever since the fire that burned the other house on the ground." This demonstrates that Maggie absence of self–confidence make her frightened to look. She imagines that on the off chance that she can't see the individuals around her, then they can't see her. What's more, Maggie's discernible scars have impacted on the way she conducts herself. As indicated by Mama, when she was pulling Maggie out of the fire, her arms were adhering, "her hair was smoking, and her dress was tumbling off her in minimal dark papery pieces." This is huge light of the fact that indicates how much the flame really physically scarred her. This additionally clarifies why she is so apprehensive about individuals seeing her. Maggie's apparent compressed version of confirmation in herself is created basically by the fire. The barbaric way Maggie's sister, Dee, presents herself awful impact on Maggie's certainly. At this point when Dee inquired as to whether she can have some unique quilts and Mama says no on the grounds that she Get more content on
  • 21. Thesis Statement For Universal Health Care "Health care is an essential requirement for well being" (Maruthappu). All over the world, health care is a constant concern because of the difficulty maintaining quality and affordability. In the United States, health care reform has been a huge debate topic. The purpose of health care is to satisfy the medical needs of an individual. However, many Americans consider health care a "luxury,"because millions of low–income families cannot afford the same care as the middle or high class. In this case, the right to quality and affordable health care is not extended to all Americans. Universal health care will ensure a higher life expectancy, reduce the cost of medical treatment through a single–payer method, and improve medical more content... Countries in Europe experience "taxes increasing year after year", which is what Americans fear (Post). People believe the U.S. government already provides enough coverage and welfare for lower–income families. A significant portion of Americans does not want their hard–earned money used for unemployed people. Instead of seeing health care coverage as a right, people believe "health care should be paid for" ("Right to Health Care"). However, the government uses income taxes to fund infrastructure, schooling, and the military. Health care coverage is just as important. The military protects Americans, schools improve their education, but health care saves lives. Low–income families should not have to step away from the ability to live because of their inability to pay for Get more content on
  • 22. Thesis Statement For Pride And Prejudice Pride and Prejudice: Essay Outline Thesis statement, including map of development: In Jane Austen's novel "Pride and Prejudice," the author traces portrait of women's role during the Regency period: they were expected to get married, to be accomplished and to self–scarify. Topic Sentence #1: Marriage was crucial at the time, and women of the early Victorian age were expected to marry and to get their daughters married. a.Argument: Marriage assured social security for both the women and the family. b.Example: When Lady Catherine tells Elizabeth that Darcy was supposed to marry her daughter: "The engagement between them is of a particular kind. From their infancy, they have been intended for each other. It was the favorite wish of his mother, as well as of her's. While I their cradles, we planned the union: and now, at the moment when the wishes of both sisters would be accomplished, in their marriage, to be prevented by a young woman of inferior birth, of no importance in the world, and wholly unallied to the family!" (Austen 335–336). c.Explanation: Lady Catherine's reaction demonstrates the crucial importance of marriage in the society, but also for women. Families needed their daughters to marry in the same social class or above to insure social prestige. Demonstrates Lady Catherine's role to protect the high class and prestige of her descendants through marriage. For Elizabeth and her family, this union with the higher class assures them social security. a.Argument: Marriage was a market, women needed to marry to ensure financial security. b.Example: When Mrs. Bennet learns that Mr. Bingley is coming to town: "A single man of large fortune; four of five thousands a year. What a fine thing for our girls!" (Austen 6). c.Explanation: Marriage was the only way for the Bennet girls to ensure financial security. Girls are too high class to get jobs but would not inherit. Financial security also ensured future economic security for Mrs. Bennet after her husband's death. Topic Sentence #2: Women of the early 1800s need to demonstrate accomplishments and education. a.Argument: Accomplishments demonstrated a woman's value. b.Example: Lady Catherine to Elizabeth: " 'Do Get more content on
  • 23. Cyber Security Breach : Thesis Statement Wu Ka Ho – g4wukaho – L1 BA1200 Topic: scenario #3 – Cyber Security Breach Thesis statement: In an incredibly interconnected world we all shared today, it is not unusual to hear daily reports about aggressive cyber attacks on private and public sectors, which often results in compromisation of personal information affecting lives of many at varying degrees; and in some cases, the stolen information endangered the safety of countless otherwise innocent individuals. On top of privacy infringement, exploitation of intellectual properties occasionally deals a disastrous blow to the financial status and competitiveness of targeted companies, giving the offenders valuable insights to leverage their wrongful intention. Nevertheless, the most detrimental form of attack are the ones directed at corporations responsible for maintaining critical infrastructures of a country such as power grid, nuclear facility, and public transportation. Any one of these infrastructures going under siege would create inconsiderable economical and existential crisis threatening the country's stability, welfare, and future. In order to deal with ever encroaching threats at private, public and domestic levels, companies must disclose cyber breaches to the public at appropriate time, despite issues like shareholder lawsuit, embarrassment, and further future attacks. By promoting transparency on cyber securities, we educate the public about safety measures on sharing private information, emphasize Get more content on