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Essay on Word Stress
Word stress is one of the essential and crucial parts which play a great role in English language learning.
What is word stress and what are its features and why are they important to be identified:
According to Underhill (2005) Word stress is an expression used to describe the accent or a highlight given to a particular part of a word and it is
relatively consistent element of a word when spoken in isolation. Stress may occur on the first, middle or on the last syllable in a word. Words of more
than one syllable usually consist of stressed and unstressed syllables. In English there is a unique correlation between the different parts of a word.
Words with two or more more content...
In addition there is a regular physical relation between stress and pitch, in other words the stressed syllable usually has a high in pitch. Moreover stress
syllables may uttered more evidently with the facial movements of the speaker and the sound produced is purer. These features are important to be
known, because they are interconnected and have enormous affects in controlling the quantity of energy in articulation. According to Underhill(2005,
p:53) "these features ,singly or in combination, constitute word stress, and since there is more than one correlate, it follows that when teachers help
learners to produce a clearer word stress they can choose whichever feature seems to be easy to control and guide the learners to the target sound of the
What is unstressed syllable and what should it contain
With the purpose of one syllable to be supposed as stressed, the syllables around it have to to be unstressed .in favour of stress syllables some features
were identified. Unstressed may be defined as the absences of these features. Knowledge of the essential contrast between stressed and unstressed
syllables may help learners in many
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Essay on Stress
Stress is any circumstance that threatens or is perceived to threaten one's well–being and that thereby taxes one's coping abilities. Many everyday
events such as car trouble, waiting in line, bills you can't pay, or Christmas shopping can cause stress. Major and minor stresses are two different things
but they can strongly be tied together. For example, someone who is going through a major stressful event like a terminal illness in the family can
trigger minor stressful events such as funeral arrangements, the will, and other important decisions.
It is very often that events that are stressful for one person are not at all stressful for the next person. For instance, many people find it stressful to be
on a cruise ship, yet more content...
Conflicts come in three types; approach–approach, avoidance–avoidance, and approach–avoidance. In the approach–approach conflict a choice must be
made between two attractive goals. For instance: You go out to a restaurant; do you get the fillet minion or the lobster tails? Amid the types of conflict
this one is the least stressful. These conflicts classically have a happy ending. Being torn between two appealing subjects, the decision will most likely
be stressful but you won't lose out.
In an avoidance–avoidance conflict a choice must be made between two unattractive goals. Suppose you have a ghastly cough. Should you take the
Robitusson that makes you cringe at the thought of the taste, or should you suffer the cough depriving you of sleep? These avoidance–avoidance
conflicts are extremely horrid and vastly stressful.
In an approach–avoidance conflict a choice must be made about whether to pursue a single goal that has both attractive and unattractive aspects. These
conflicts are quite stressful. Any time that you have to sacrifice something or take a risk for some advantageous result you will engage in an
approach–avoidance conflict. For example: The college that you've been dreaming to attend your whole life has accepted you. It far from home and
you boyfriend doesn't want you to go. Do you stay with him and forget it, or do you go for it and pursue your dream? Approach–avoidance conflicts
frequently produce indecisiveness, forcing you to go
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Essay on Stress
(spring 1997)
At one time or another, most people experience stress. The term stress has been used to describe a variety of negative feelings and reactions that
accompany threatening or challenging situations. However, not all stress reactions are negative. A certain amount of stress is actually necessary for
survival. For example, birth is one of the most stressful experiences of life. The high level of hormones released during birth, which are also involved
in the stress response, are believed to prepare the newborn infant for adaptation to the challenges of life outside the womb. These biological responses
to stress make the newborn more alert promoting the bonding process and, by extension, the child's physical more content...
Hans Selye (1982) points out that few people define the concept of stress in the same way or even bother to attempt a clear–cut definition. According
to Selye, an important aspect of stress is that a wide variety of dissimilar situations are capable of producing the stress response such as fatigue, effort,
pain, fear, and even success. This has led to several definitions of stress, each of which highlights different aspects of stress. One of the most
comprehensive models of stress is the Biopsychosocial Model of Stress (Bernard & Krupat, 1994). According to the Biopsychosocial Model of
Stress, stress involves three components: an external component, an internal component, and the interaction between the external and internal
The external component of the Biopsychosocial Model of stress involves environmental events that precede the recognition of stress and can elicit a
stress response. A previously mentioned, the stress reaction is elicited by a wide variety of psychosocial stimuli that are either physiologically or
emotionally threatening and disrupt the body's homeostasis (Cannon, 1932). We are usually aware of stressors when we feel conflicted, frustrated, or
pressured. Most of the common stressors fall within four broad categories: personal, social/familial, work, and the environment. These stressful events
have been linked to a variety of psychological physical complaints. For example bereavement
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Coping with Stress Essay
Stress is part of our lives. We live with it, deal with it, and above all worry about it. Our way of life, the area in which we live, the economy, and our
jobs can cause a great deal of stress. Not everyone deals with the same level of stress and there are several factors that can impact our lives and cause
us to have higher or lower stress levels. We can have stress caused by Cataclysmic events which according to Feldman (2009) are events that can affect
many people at the same time and are "disasters such as tornado and plane crashes, as well as terrorist attacks". (p418). Other factors are personal
stressors and can be caused by events such as a divorce, death or a loved one or the loss of a job. (Feldman, 2009). more content...
These are stressors we live with and deal with on a daily basis.
Work Stress and Mental Health Some people have higher levels of stress because they might have a very stressful job. Police officers, fire fighters,
soldiers in a war zone, health care providers, long distance truck drivers, and yes, even educators (think of a classroom full of students where you
are responsible for making sure that they are learning the skills they need to succeed) have very stressful jobs. According to Elkin and Rosch
(1990) workplace related stress in a major problem in the U.S. and it creates a major expense for corporations. Koeske, Kirk, and Koeske (1993)
indicate that all jobs have some level of stress but jobs that are in the human services have additional stressors because they "derive from intense
involvement in the lives of others". (p.319). They also refer to the type of stress experienced by individuals working in human services as
"burnout" (Koeske, Kirk, and Koeske, 1993, p.319). Another factor that can influence our stress level is how we handle life's demands. There are
different ways of reacting to the situations we face every day of our lives. We have all heard of expressions such as 'road rage' and 'going postal'.
These are terms that we have come to identified with violent reactions to stressors caused by situations all of us face every day. How many of us have
experiences in the road that
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Essay on Stress: Causes And Effects
Stress: Causes and Effects
Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone's life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial
problems that occur in people's daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes
and effects of stress are numerous and one's ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living.
First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous
or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things more content...
Stress affects the body in many different ways. Many doctors estimate that stress is involved in more than half of all illnesses (Sapolsky, 21). Stress
may cause or prolong an illness or increase its severity. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are hormones that are released during a stress reaction that
affect organs throughout the body. As a result from the hormones being secreted, the heart begins to beat more rapidly, muscle tension increases, blood
pressure raises, and heavy breathing may occur. This reaction is known as the fight–or–flight response. The fight–or–flight response energizes the body
to either confront or flee from a threat. Heredity, learning, and injuries all play a role in determining where or when a stress related illness may occur
in a particular individual (Sapolsky, 22).
Stress has been linked to many diseases or malady conditions. Stress hormones that act on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs may contribute to heart
disease, high blood pressure, and asthma (Feldman, 17). Diseases of the stomach and intestines are often associated to stress because blood leaves
these organs and moves to muscles used in running and fighting. Another difficulty is the prolonging increase of blood sugar can influence the
development of diabetes. Stress also appears to influence the development of cancer.
Chronic stress can also interfere with the body's immune system directly through hormonal changes. Glucocorticoids–a hormone
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Essay about Stress
Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demands made upon it; it may be characterized as muscle tension and acute anxiety or may be a
positive force of action. Stressors are what cause stress. Stressors are specific or nonspecific agents or situations that cause a stress response in the
body. There are five Categories of Stressors: Acute time limited stressors are anxiety–provoking situations such as having to talk in public or work out
a math problem; Brief naturalistic stressors are more serious challenges such as SAT's or meeting a deadline for a big project; Stressful event
sequences like difficult consequences such as a natural disaster, or another traumatic occurrence such as more content...
The body's fight to stay healthy in the face of the increased energy that your are expending is major stress.
Environmental factors may also cause stress. Very hot or very cold climates can be stressful. Very high altitude may be a stress. Toxins or poisons are a
stress. Each of these factors threatens to cause change in your body's internal environment.
The special case of tobacco use, tobacco is a powerful toxin! Smoking destroys cells that clean your trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Smoking causes
emphysema and chronic bronchitis, which progress to slow suffocation. The carbon monoxide from cigarette smoking causes chronic carbon
monoxide poisoning. Tobacco use damages the arteries in your body, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain, heart, and vital organs. Cigarette
smoking increases the risk of cancer 50 fold. Chewing tobacco or snuff is no safe haven. It also damages your arteries, and it carries the same cancer
risk. (Cancers of the head and neck are particularly vicious, disfiguring, and deadly). Poisoning the body with carbon monoxide, and causing the
physical illnesses of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cancer, and arterial damage, tobacco is a powerful source of added stress to one's life.
Hormonal factors such as puberty, pre–menstrual syndrome, post partum, and menopause may also cause stress. The vast hormonal changes of puberty
are severe stressors. A person's body actually change shape, sexual organs begin to function, new
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What Is Stress?
What is Stress? Stress is not a new phenomenon; it has been experienced throughout history. Stress is a biological response to some stimulus. Fear,
panic, anger, tragedy, and even something as simple as being competitive can cause it. Stress can result in the competitiveness needed to succeed in
business, achieve an education, foster social relationships, and win at sports. Stress it caused be many factors in your life. For example, such stressful
situations like going to the dentist, queuing in the supermarket, stuck in a traffic jam, finding a place to park, going to the hairdresser, having an
interview, making a speech, travelling by air can be very annoying.
Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and don't use the term negative for a reason. This is because just as distress can cause disease, it seems probable
that there are good stresses that promote wellness. Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Winning a race or the lottery can be just as stressful as
losing, or even more, but this type of stress may trigger very more content...
It happens everyday to everyone. Different things make people irritated and cause stress. Stress causes many problems in everyday life. It could
cause everything from a headache to a heart attack. Eventually a person could be so stressed out and lose all hope to actually commit suicide. There
are also many ways to relieve stress. A person could do anything from going to the doctor to yoga. In the dictionary the word that is used most as the
definition is pressure. Pressure from a job, family, and life all cause stress. Stress is also related to panic, anxiety, and depression. Some people work
better under stress and pressure instead of a relaxed atmosphere. Others can't even function with stress put on them. Everybody is going to have stress.
A person may have a high stress or low stress personality. They are not born with this; it is developed throughout their
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Reaction Paper About Stress
Stress can be a reaction to a short–lived situation, such as being in traffic. Or it can feel like it lasts for ever if you're dealing with any serious
situation. Stress often occurs in response to situations that are perceived as being difficult to handle or threatening. Each person reacts to stress
differently and common causes for stress include illness, injury, fear, and anxiety. Personality traits also increase the risk for stress, they include
over–competitiveness, excitability, impatience, aggression, and pessimism. Stress is dangerous, it can interfere with your ability to live a normal
life over an extended period. The annual Stress in America survey measures attitudes and perceptions of stress through the nation, and find the
leading sources of stress, common behaviors used to manage stress and the impact that stress has on our lives. Since the first survey in 2006, stress
levels have gradually decreased for Americans, with results from the 2016 poll showing the lowest overall reported stress level in 10 years. However,
an additional poll was conducted in early 2017 shows more Americans a reporting symptoms of stress because of personal safety.
Identifying Signs of Stress Everyone experiences stress, it can come from varieties of things such as school or work, sustaining different types of
relationships, or managing life in general. Too much stress can create unnecessary challenges, and people can be unaware when they are experiencing
feelings of stress. You
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Essay On Stress And Stress
Stress and mood–
Mental stress is a common feature of modern life and can change behaviours that affect health, such as physical activity, smoking or food choice.
The influence of stress on food choice is complex not least because of the different types of stress one can experience. The effect of stress on food
intake depends on the individual, the upsetting thing and the conditions that surround someone. In general, some people eat more and some eat less
than usually when experiencing stress
Studies also suggest that if work stress is frequent, then bad dietary changes could result, increasing the possibility of weight gain and as a result
related to the heart and blood vessels risk (Wardle et al. 2000).
Hippocrates was the first to propose the mending energy of nourishment, notwithstanding, it was not until the medieval times that sustenance was
viewed as a device to adjust demeanor and state of mind. Today it is perceived that food impacts our inclination and that disposition has a solid impact
over our decision of nourishment.
Strikingly, it creates the impression that the impact of sustenance on temperament is connected to some extent to mentalities towards specific
nourishments. The undecided association with nourishment needing to appreciate it however aware of weight gain is a battle experienced by
numerous. Weight watchers, individuals with high restriction and a few ladies report feeling regretful as a result of noteating what they figure they
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Stress in the Workplace Essay
Stress in the workplace
Stress in the workplace has become one of the increasingly popular topics of discussion over the last couple of decades. It has become a major concern
among various organizations creating an impact on the management and operations of the organization. This paper will give a detailed definition of what
stress in the workplace is and the most common causes of stress amongst both employers and employees. In the midst of investigating the causes of
stress, I will give an outline of what can be done to manage the stress by not only the individual but also by the employers themselves.
I will also mention the effects of stress to an individual, which can be categorized as short–term effects both psychological more content...
In the United States, the American Institute of Stress (AIS) has estimated that 40% of the worker turnover is due to stress and the cost of stress in
the workplace has been estimated to be over $300 billion per year. However, the ability of employers to lower the rate of stress in the workplace has
shown to improve the employee's quality of work and their health (Lee 36).
Causes of stress in the workplace
There are a variety of different causes of stress in the workplace and an ability to identify these as an employer is important because it will help in
knowing how to deal with and correct any problems arising from it. Most of the stresses are caused when the demands at work become extreme or
excessive. Many of these demands are a direct result of technological advances that have made work processes easier but on the other hand, require
employees to do more tasks. Current technology demands the workers to constantly perform near peak levels, be competitive and be cognizant of
technological breakthroughs. In some circumstances, the organization fails to inform the workers about changes in the business or the technology they
are using in their systems which can cause tension and uncertainty. Because of this, the worker can feel a constant fear of losing their position if they
do not work efficiently and understand the new changes in the organization.
Another cause of stress is a change in the workplace environment. As an
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Essay On Word Stress

  • 1. Essay on Word Stress Introduction Word stress is one of the essential and crucial parts which play a great role in English language learning. What is word stress and what are its features and why are they important to be identified: According to Underhill (2005) Word stress is an expression used to describe the accent or a highlight given to a particular part of a word and it is relatively consistent element of a word when spoken in isolation. Stress may occur on the first, middle or on the last syllable in a word. Words of more than one syllable usually consist of stressed and unstressed syllables. In English there is a unique correlation between the different parts of a word. Words with two or more more content... In addition there is a regular physical relation between stress and pitch, in other words the stressed syllable usually has a high in pitch. Moreover stress syllables may uttered more evidently with the facial movements of the speaker and the sound produced is purer. These features are important to be known, because they are interconnected and have enormous affects in controlling the quantity of energy in articulation. According to Underhill(2005, p:53) "these features ,singly or in combination, constitute word stress, and since there is more than one correlate, it follows that when teachers help learners to produce a clearer word stress they can choose whichever feature seems to be easy to control and guide the learners to the target sound of the utterance" What is unstressed syllable and what should it contain With the purpose of one syllable to be supposed as stressed, the syllables around it have to to be unstressed .in favour of stress syllables some features were identified. Unstressed may be defined as the absences of these features. Knowledge of the essential contrast between stressed and unstressed syllables may help learners in many Get more content on
  • 2. Essay on Stress Stress is any circumstance that threatens or is perceived to threaten one's well–being and that thereby taxes one's coping abilities. Many everyday events such as car trouble, waiting in line, bills you can't pay, or Christmas shopping can cause stress. Major and minor stresses are two different things but they can strongly be tied together. For example, someone who is going through a major stressful event like a terminal illness in the family can trigger minor stressful events such as funeral arrangements, the will, and other important decisions. It is very often that events that are stressful for one person are not at all stressful for the next person. For instance, many people find it stressful to be on a cruise ship, yet more content... Conflicts come in three types; approach–approach, avoidance–avoidance, and approach–avoidance. In the approach–approach conflict a choice must be made between two attractive goals. For instance: You go out to a restaurant; do you get the fillet minion or the lobster tails? Amid the types of conflict this one is the least stressful. These conflicts classically have a happy ending. Being torn between two appealing subjects, the decision will most likely be stressful but you won't lose out. In an avoidance–avoidance conflict a choice must be made between two unattractive goals. Suppose you have a ghastly cough. Should you take the Robitusson that makes you cringe at the thought of the taste, or should you suffer the cough depriving you of sleep? These avoidance–avoidance conflicts are extremely horrid and vastly stressful. In an approach–avoidance conflict a choice must be made about whether to pursue a single goal that has both attractive and unattractive aspects. These conflicts are quite stressful. Any time that you have to sacrifice something or take a risk for some advantageous result you will engage in an approach–avoidance conflict. For example: The college that you've been dreaming to attend your whole life has accepted you. It far from home and you boyfriend doesn't want you to go. Do you stay with him and forget it, or do you go for it and pursue your dream? Approach–avoidance conflicts frequently produce indecisiveness, forcing you to go Get more content on
  • 3. Essay on Stress Stress (spring 1997) At one time or another, most people experience stress. The term stress has been used to describe a variety of negative feelings and reactions that accompany threatening or challenging situations. However, not all stress reactions are negative. A certain amount of stress is actually necessary for survival. For example, birth is one of the most stressful experiences of life. The high level of hormones released during birth, which are also involved in the stress response, are believed to prepare the newborn infant for adaptation to the challenges of life outside the womb. These biological responses to stress make the newborn more alert promoting the bonding process and, by extension, the child's physical more content... Hans Selye (1982) points out that few people define the concept of stress in the same way or even bother to attempt a clear–cut definition. According to Selye, an important aspect of stress is that a wide variety of dissimilar situations are capable of producing the stress response such as fatigue, effort, pain, fear, and even success. This has led to several definitions of stress, each of which highlights different aspects of stress. One of the most comprehensive models of stress is the Biopsychosocial Model of Stress (Bernard & Krupat, 1994). According to the Biopsychosocial Model of Stress, stress involves three components: an external component, an internal component, and the interaction between the external and internal components. The external component of the Biopsychosocial Model of stress involves environmental events that precede the recognition of stress and can elicit a stress response. A previously mentioned, the stress reaction is elicited by a wide variety of psychosocial stimuli that are either physiologically or emotionally threatening and disrupt the body's homeostasis (Cannon, 1932). We are usually aware of stressors when we feel conflicted, frustrated, or pressured. Most of the common stressors fall within four broad categories: personal, social/familial, work, and the environment. These stressful events have been linked to a variety of psychological physical complaints. For example bereavement Get more content on
  • 4. Coping with Stress Essay Stress is part of our lives. We live with it, deal with it, and above all worry about it. Our way of life, the area in which we live, the economy, and our jobs can cause a great deal of stress. Not everyone deals with the same level of stress and there are several factors that can impact our lives and cause us to have higher or lower stress levels. We can have stress caused by Cataclysmic events which according to Feldman (2009) are events that can affect many people at the same time and are "disasters such as tornado and plane crashes, as well as terrorist attacks". (p418). Other factors are personal stressors and can be caused by events such as a divorce, death or a loved one or the loss of a job. (Feldman, 2009). more content... These are stressors we live with and deal with on a daily basis. Work Stress and Mental Health Some people have higher levels of stress because they might have a very stressful job. Police officers, fire fighters, soldiers in a war zone, health care providers, long distance truck drivers, and yes, even educators (think of a classroom full of students where you are responsible for making sure that they are learning the skills they need to succeed) have very stressful jobs. According to Elkin and Rosch (1990) workplace related stress in a major problem in the U.S. and it creates a major expense for corporations. Koeske, Kirk, and Koeske (1993) indicate that all jobs have some level of stress but jobs that are in the human services have additional stressors because they "derive from intense involvement in the lives of others". (p.319). They also refer to the type of stress experienced by individuals working in human services as "burnout" (Koeske, Kirk, and Koeske, 1993, p.319). Another factor that can influence our stress level is how we handle life's demands. There are different ways of reacting to the situations we face every day of our lives. We have all heard of expressions such as 'road rage' and 'going postal'. These are terms that we have come to identified with violent reactions to stressors caused by situations all of us face every day. How many of us have experiences in the road that Get more content on
  • 5. Essay on Stress: Causes And Effects Stress: Causes and Effects Stress is an ongoing dilemma that occurs in each and everyone's life. It is a factor that is undoubtedly a part of daily living. Due to the trivial problems that occur in people's daily lives massive amounts of stress can arise. People perceive and manage stress in many different ways. The causes and effects of stress are numerous and one's ability to manage stress is vital in maintaining healthy living. First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things more content... Stress affects the body in many different ways. Many doctors estimate that stress is involved in more than half of all illnesses (Sapolsky, 21). Stress may cause or prolong an illness or increase its severity. Epinephrine and norepinephrine are hormones that are released during a stress reaction that affect organs throughout the body. As a result from the hormones being secreted, the heart begins to beat more rapidly, muscle tension increases, blood pressure raises, and heavy breathing may occur. This reaction is known as the fight–or–flight response. The fight–or–flight response energizes the body to either confront or flee from a threat. Heredity, learning, and injuries all play a role in determining where or when a stress related illness may occur in a particular individual (Sapolsky, 22). Stress has been linked to many diseases or malady conditions. Stress hormones that act on the heart, blood vessels, and lungs may contribute to heart disease, high blood pressure, and asthma (Feldman, 17). Diseases of the stomach and intestines are often associated to stress because blood leaves these organs and moves to muscles used in running and fighting. Another difficulty is the prolonging increase of blood sugar can influence the development of diabetes. Stress also appears to influence the development of cancer. Chronic stress can also interfere with the body's immune system directly through hormonal changes. Glucocorticoids–a hormone Get more content on
  • 6. Essay about Stress Stress Stress is the nonspecific response of the body to any demands made upon it; it may be characterized as muscle tension and acute anxiety or may be a positive force of action. Stressors are what cause stress. Stressors are specific or nonspecific agents or situations that cause a stress response in the body. There are five Categories of Stressors: Acute time limited stressors are anxiety–provoking situations such as having to talk in public or work out a math problem; Brief naturalistic stressors are more serious challenges such as SAT's or meeting a deadline for a big project; Stressful event sequences like difficult consequences such as a natural disaster, or another traumatic occurrence such as more content... The body's fight to stay healthy in the face of the increased energy that your are expending is major stress. Environmental factors may also cause stress. Very hot or very cold climates can be stressful. Very high altitude may be a stress. Toxins or poisons are a stress. Each of these factors threatens to cause change in your body's internal environment. The special case of tobacco use, tobacco is a powerful toxin! Smoking destroys cells that clean your trachea, bronchi, and lungs. Smoking causes emphysema and chronic bronchitis, which progress to slow suffocation. The carbon monoxide from cigarette smoking causes chronic carbon monoxide poisoning. Tobacco use damages the arteries in your body, causing insufficient blood supply to the brain, heart, and vital organs. Cigarette smoking increases the risk of cancer 50 fold. Chewing tobacco or snuff is no safe haven. It also damages your arteries, and it carries the same cancer risk. (Cancers of the head and neck are particularly vicious, disfiguring, and deadly). Poisoning the body with carbon monoxide, and causing the physical illnesses of emphysema, chronic bronchitis, cancer, and arterial damage, tobacco is a powerful source of added stress to one's life. Hormonal factors such as puberty, pre–menstrual syndrome, post partum, and menopause may also cause stress. The vast hormonal changes of puberty are severe stressors. A person's body actually change shape, sexual organs begin to function, new Get more content on
  • 7. What Is Stress? Stress What is Stress? Stress is not a new phenomenon; it has been experienced throughout history. Stress is a biological response to some stimulus. Fear, panic, anger, tragedy, and even something as simple as being competitive can cause it. Stress can result in the competitiveness needed to succeed in business, achieve an education, foster social relationships, and win at sports. Stress it caused be many factors in your life. For example, such stressful situations like going to the dentist, queuing in the supermarket, stuck in a traffic jam, finding a place to park, going to the hairdresser, having an interview, making a speech, travelling by air can be very annoying. Stress is an unavoidable part of life, and don't use the term negative for a reason. This is because just as distress can cause disease, it seems probable that there are good stresses that promote wellness. Stress is not always necessarily harmful. Winning a race or the lottery can be just as stressful as losing, or even more, but this type of stress may trigger very more content... It happens everyday to everyone. Different things make people irritated and cause stress. Stress causes many problems in everyday life. It could cause everything from a headache to a heart attack. Eventually a person could be so stressed out and lose all hope to actually commit suicide. There are also many ways to relieve stress. A person could do anything from going to the doctor to yoga. In the dictionary the word that is used most as the definition is pressure. Pressure from a job, family, and life all cause stress. Stress is also related to panic, anxiety, and depression. Some people work better under stress and pressure instead of a relaxed atmosphere. Others can't even function with stress put on them. Everybody is going to have stress. A person may have a high stress or low stress personality. They are not born with this; it is developed throughout their Get more content on
  • 8. Reaction Paper About Stress Stress can be a reaction to a short–lived situation, such as being in traffic. Or it can feel like it lasts for ever if you're dealing with any serious situation. Stress often occurs in response to situations that are perceived as being difficult to handle or threatening. Each person reacts to stress differently and common causes for stress include illness, injury, fear, and anxiety. Personality traits also increase the risk for stress, they include over–competitiveness, excitability, impatience, aggression, and pessimism. Stress is dangerous, it can interfere with your ability to live a normal life over an extended period. The annual Stress in America survey measures attitudes and perceptions of stress through the nation, and find the leading sources of stress, common behaviors used to manage stress and the impact that stress has on our lives. Since the first survey in 2006, stress levels have gradually decreased for Americans, with results from the 2016 poll showing the lowest overall reported stress level in 10 years. However, an additional poll was conducted in early 2017 shows more Americans a reporting symptoms of stress because of personal safety. Identifying Signs of Stress Everyone experiences stress, it can come from varieties of things such as school or work, sustaining different types of relationships, or managing life in general. Too much stress can create unnecessary challenges, and people can be unaware when they are experiencing feelings of stress. You Get more content on
  • 9. Essay On Stress And Stress Stress and mood– Mental stress is a common feature of modern life and can change behaviours that affect health, such as physical activity, smoking or food choice. The influence of stress on food choice is complex not least because of the different types of stress one can experience. The effect of stress on food intake depends on the individual, the upsetting thing and the conditions that surround someone. In general, some people eat more and some eat less than usually when experiencing stress Studies also suggest that if work stress is frequent, then bad dietary changes could result, increasing the possibility of weight gain and as a result related to the heart and blood vessels risk (Wardle et al. 2000). Hippocrates was the first to propose the mending energy of nourishment, notwithstanding, it was not until the medieval times that sustenance was viewed as a device to adjust demeanor and state of mind. Today it is perceived that food impacts our inclination and that disposition has a solid impact over our decision of nourishment. Strikingly, it creates the impression that the impact of sustenance on temperament is connected to some extent to mentalities towards specific nourishments. The undecided association with nourishment needing to appreciate it however aware of weight gain is a battle experienced by numerous. Weight watchers, individuals with high restriction and a few ladies report feeling regretful as a result of noteating what they figure they should Get more content on
  • 10. Stress in the Workplace Essay Stress in the workplace Stress in the workplace has become one of the increasingly popular topics of discussion over the last couple of decades. It has become a major concern among various organizations creating an impact on the management and operations of the organization. This paper will give a detailed definition of what stress in the workplace is and the most common causes of stress amongst both employers and employees. In the midst of investigating the causes of stress, I will give an outline of what can be done to manage the stress by not only the individual but also by the employers themselves. I will also mention the effects of stress to an individual, which can be categorized as short–term effects both psychological more content... In the United States, the American Institute of Stress (AIS) has estimated that 40% of the worker turnover is due to stress and the cost of stress in the workplace has been estimated to be over $300 billion per year. However, the ability of employers to lower the rate of stress in the workplace has shown to improve the employee's quality of work and their health (Lee 36). Causes of stress in the workplace There are a variety of different causes of stress in the workplace and an ability to identify these as an employer is important because it will help in knowing how to deal with and correct any problems arising from it. Most of the stresses are caused when the demands at work become extreme or excessive. Many of these demands are a direct result of technological advances that have made work processes easier but on the other hand, require employees to do more tasks. Current technology demands the workers to constantly perform near peak levels, be competitive and be cognizant of technological breakthroughs. In some circumstances, the organization fails to inform the workers about changes in the business or the technology they are using in their systems which can cause tension and uncertainty. Because of this, the worker can feel a constant fear of losing their position if they do not work efficiently and understand the new changes in the organization. Another cause of stress is a change in the workplace environment. As an Get more content on