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Essay on Theodore Kaczynski
I. Life Kaczynski was born on May 22, 1942 to Wanda and Theodore Kaczynski of Evergreen Park
Ill, a tidy and middle class suburb of Chicago. The second son Ted's brother, David was born in
1950. As children, both kids were very reclusive, not playing with any neighbor children and rarely
seen outside of the house. At a young age Ted started to show signs of being a gifted learner, he
skipped a year in elementary school and his junior year in high school. Ted spent most of his early
life studying math and science alone instead of being social in any kind of way. Ted had a different
side to him though, he had a love of explosives which he homemade with his know how in the fields
that he studied. Kaczynski was accepted into Harvard at 16 ... Show more content on ...
The first bomb was found in 1978 up until the last bomb was discovered in 1995 a terrorism span of
17 years. The name unabomber was given to him during the 80's because of his favorite targets
being universities and airlines. The investigation to find the unabomber was the largest and most
expensive at 17 years. The FBI were looking for a junkyard bomber it is said because of his
contraptions made of lamp cords, bits of pipe, recycled screws, and match heads. This is one reason
why it took so long to catch the terrorist, the bombs were made of untraceable elements. Like most
terrorist bombers, the unabomber had certain trademarks to his work, his contraptions were made on
wood platforms with more care given to the wood block, which was sanded smoothly, instead of the
bomb itself. His cuts were not straight or at 90–degree angles but each component was carefully
numbered to make sure the device would work correctly. Using his math and science skills he was
able to fashion some new devices never seen before. One such device was used on a bomb used on
an airplane. The timing device used was an altimeter designed to trigger the bomb when the plane
reached a certain altitude. In 1995 after he had been outdone by the Oklahoma City bombing, the
unabomber started making pranks and threats to taunt the FBI. One such letter described how busy
he was working on dangerous chemicals and another taunt threatened to blow up a Los Angeles
Airliner. These
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Serial Killers : A Serial Killer
Serial killers have dated back to the Roman Empire where a group of matrons allegedly murdered
men with a poisoned ring. Although many centuries have passed and the murder methods have
changed, serial killers are still about. However over the course of the years, forensic professionals
have determined some general traits that serial killers usually possess. Such traits include childhood
abuse, a desire for power, manipulative charm, lack of empathy, substance abuse, fantasies, acting
out said fantasies on animals, lonely and isolated youth, physical injuries, being antisocial,
bedwetting, and early interests in voyeurism and fetishism. But what defines one as a serial killer? A
serial killer is defined as person who murders at least three ... Show more content on
Ted had a promising childhood as his parents encouraged him to continue his academic pursuits, he
excelled at school, and he was able to skip two grades. However since he was smaller than his
classmates, he was bullied by them. During childhood, he preferred to play alongside others rather
than with them and he had a fear of buildings. In 1958, he began attending Harvard University at
age 16 and studied mathematics. While in college, he was selected to take part in a psychological
experiment conducted by Professor Henry Murray. In said project, he was put in a room, had
electrodes connected to him and was made to face bright lights and a one–way mirror. An unknown
attorney would enter the room in which he was in and would belittle him for his beliefs which he
wrote about in an essay, and his expressions were filmed. Many believe that this event influenced
his actions in the future. He graduated from Harvard and began teaching at the University of
Michigan and then at University of California at Berkeley. He moved into a small cabin in Lincoln,
Montana in, 1971, where he took up odd jobs and lived a simple life. During this period of time, he
developed an opposition to modern technology.
Ted began working at a factory in Chicago with his brother in 1978. It did not last long as he was
fired after writing inappropriate limericks about a female supervisor. In the same year, he made his
first bomb which was sent to Northwestern University. Upon
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The First Modern President Of The United States
The First Modern President of the United States: Theodore D. Roosevelt Some may wonder why
Theodore Roosevelt would deserve the title "the First Modern President". He accomplished many
things, and although he was liked by most, he promised he would not run a second term. In his short
four years as president, Theodore Roosevelt was able to pass many acts such as: Dolliver–Hepburn
Railroad Act, Extension of Forest Reserve, National Irrigation Act, Improvement of waterways and
reservation of waterpower sites, Safety Appliance Act, Employers' Liability Act, Regulation of
railroad employees' hours of labor, Establishment of Department of Commerce and Labor, Pure
Food and Drugs Act, and the Federal meat inspection. Theodore Roosevelt was born ... Show more
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Theodore Roosevelt's mother also died the same day in the same house, he was brokenhearted and
in misery leading him to temporarily leave politics and become a cattle rancher in the Dakotas. Two
years later, he married his childhood friend, Edith Kermit Carow. They had a total of five children,
four boys and a girl: Theodore "Ted" III (1887–1944), Kermit (1889–1943), Ethel (1891–1977),
Archibald (1894–1979), and Quentin (1897–1918). Before being president, Theodore Roosevelt was
many things: a member of the New York State Assembly, a U.S. Civil Service Commissioner,
President of the New York City Police Board, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New
York, and Vice President from March–September 1901 when he succeeded to the presidency.
Theodore Roosevelt became president on September 14, 1901 after President McKinley was
assassinated on September 6, 1901. He was the youngest president the nation had ever had; he was
42 years old. He served through most of the first decade of the 1900's. He was determined to build a
canal across the Panama. The United States helped Panama gain its freedom from Colombia. The
U.S. then made a treaty with Panama to gain the canal zone for $10 million including annual
payments. Theodore Roosevelt was very involved in foreign policy. He added the Roosevelt
Corollary to the
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Persuasive Essay On Modern Technology
Technology, quite obviously, is all around us. That was exemplified by the research of Michigan–
born computer scientist, Bill Joy. In 1982, he co–founded Sun Microsystems and was the chief
scientist until 2003. He is the author of the world–renowned article, Why the Future Doesn't Need
Us. This article articulates Joy's worries over the development of modern technologies. This essay
speaks of genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR), which are threatening to make
humans an endangered species. 21st–century technologies, honestly, are dangerous. They should not
be used to overpower the human populace. Joy had just begun to realize this in 1998, after a
discussion with Ray Kurzweil, "the deservedly famous inventor of the first reading machine for the
blind and many other amazing things". Along with the Berkeley philosopher, John Searle, who
studies consciousness, Kurzweil told the two about how the rate of improvement of technology
would increase, and thus, sentient robots were in the realm of possibility. After reading an early draft
of Kurzweil's book, The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence,
Joy's unease accelerated.
There is a passage in the book by the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. Joy did not agree with the
seventeen–year murderous rampage that the man went on, as one of his bombs had gravely injured
one of Joy's friends, David Gelernter, who is a brilliant computer scientist. Although Joy was afraid
for his life during
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Ted Kaczynski Research Paper
Theodore John Kaczynski, Ted Kaczynski, was a man who kept to himself in his home in a cabin in
the wilderness. Kaczynski became anti–government and anti–technology while living in his cabin.
Kaczynski's first attack was in 1978 and was directed towards a Professor at University of Chicago
using the return address from Northwestern University, but the mail bomb was opened by a campus
security officer, who was mildly injured. The next year, 1979, Ted Kaczynski had started to target
American Airlines as well. Ted Kaczynski hasn't killed anybody up until December 1985, a
computer shop owner was killed from a bomb outside of his shop. On every mail bomb, Kaczynski
signed as FC. Over the course of seventeen years, Kaczynski has injured twenty–three
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Snowden And The United States
Unless you were hiding beneath a rock in 2014, you saw the nation's reaction to the release of
classified NSA documents by the infamous whistleblower Edward Snowden. Snowden, who worked
as the lead technologist for Dell, managed their accounts with the Central Intelligence Agency. It
was in this position that Snowden began to notice some classified documents that didn't make sense.
These documents contained information on the National Security Agency illegally spying on their
own citizens. It was at this time in 2012 that Snowden began downloading some of these files for
himself. It is estimated that he downloaded somewhere between 50,000 and 200,000 files on the
espionage efforts of the United States (Borrough, Ellison, Andrews, 2014). Now, Snowden needed
to get the files out to the people. He attempted to contact a few media outlets around the world who
would not go through the trouble to follow his strict encryption methods. Snowden eventually
contacted documentarian Laura Poitras, who had recently written an article on a separate
whistleblower that caught Snowden's attention. Poitras states in an interview with that,
"...he'd contacted me because my border harassment meant that I'd been a person who had been
selected. To be selected –and he went through a whole litany of things – means that everything you
do, every friend you have, every purchase you make, every street you cross means you're being
watched" (Carmon, 2013). This connect lead to Snowden being
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Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber
Ted Kaczynski, more commonly known as The Unabomber, killed 3 people and injured 23 others
over a 17 year period with bombs he made himself in his secluded Montana cabin (Goldman 1 of 2).
These bombings occurred between 1978 and 1995 (Ted 1 of 3). He was called the Unabomber for
University and Airline Bomber, which is where he targeted the bombs. Ted sent bombs to
universities and professors, and also targeted industries (Goldman 1 of 2). He was a brilliant man, at
16 he started attending Harvard, but was also quite twisted (Ted 2 of 3). Those he targeted with his
bombs were innocent, he chose them randomly from research done at the library (FBI 1 of 2).
Forensic linguistics, or the comparison of documents, was a major part of this case (Forensic ...
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In the end, there was just one Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. Ted was a smart man, he skipped grades
6 and 11, and started attending Harvard University at the age of 16 (Ted 2 of 3). While at Harvard in
1958, he participated in a multi–year psychological study which was said to have had a negative
impact on him. Ted was a professor at UC Berkeley for a few years, the youngest there at the time.
He never had a significant relationship with a woman (Ottley 11 of 15). He was against "societal
progress" and was against technology, hence why he isolated himself in the cabin in the woods of
Montana (Ted 2 of 3). Ted Kaczynski was jobless and cutoff from the world, so he had to get the
money to make and transport the bombs in some other way (Goldman 1 of 2). It turns out, his family
was unknowingly supporting his bomb manufacturing by sending him checks. Investigators
composed "detailed accounting of checks Kaczynski had received from his mother and brother from
1985 until 1995 and had established a correlation between when Kaczynski received checks and the
dates of the bombings" (Goldman 1 of 2). Over the years Kaczynski's family sent him about 17,000
dollars which was used to construct the bombs. Ted's family has to live with the guilt and be haunted
by the fact that unbeknownst to them, they funded their brilliant Ted's bombing spree that killed and
injured innocent people.
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Lone-Bush, Eric Rudolph Is A Lone Wolf Terrorist?
We must define lone wolf terrorism to explore who fits this definition. Hamm and Spaaj (2015)
define lone wolf terrorism as "political violence perpetrated by individuals who act alone; do not
belong to an organized terrorist group; act without the direct influence of a leader or hierarchy; and
whose tactics and methods are conceived and directed by the individual" (p. 3). Eric Rudolph was
the man that was convicted of the Olympic games bombing in 1996. The original person that was
suspected of this crime was Richard Jewell. When it was realized that Richard Jewell was not the
bomber the FBI started looking for another suspect. Eric Rudolph was not the focus of the
investigation until after four bombings in Georgia between 1996 and 1998 (FBI, 2005). Eric
Rudolph is a perfect fit for a "lone wolf terrorist" first he was a loner and did not trust anybody.
Moreover, this translated into him hiding in western North Carolina from 1998 until 2003 (FBI,
2005). Second, he admitted to going after the agents who were pursuing him by toying with the idea
to booby–trap the National Guard post (FBI, 2005). Lastly, he was anti–government, abortion, gay
along with being against many other ideologies and had no direct influence on any other leader or
organization. Apparently, Eric Rudolph is a lone wolf terrorist this paper is going to briefly identify
Omar Mateen, Theodore Kaczynski, Paul Ciancia as lone wolf terrorist and their crimes. Omar
Mateen was not a member of ISIS or
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Significance Of The Presidential Election Of 1892
A. Plan of Investigation
The investigation aims to evaluate the significance of third party candidates in the US presidential
election of 1892. In 1912, Teddy Roosevelt famously split the vote of the Republican party as a third
party candidate, and the investigation resolves to assess whether a third party candidate changed the
outcome of the election in 1892. The investigation will focus mainly on the influence of one
particular candidate from the Populist Party, James B. Weaver, as he won several electoral votes but
will also include John Bidwell of the Prohibition Party who also drew in votes, although he did not
gain an electoral vote. The candidate from the Socialist Labor Party will be excluded from the
investigation as he did not play a significant role in the election. A focus of the investigation will be
of the political views of those associated with the Populist party and Socialist party as well as why
they chose the a third party ticket over the major party candidates running. Two sources, Populism
and Political Realignment by L. Patrick Hughes and Populist Party Platform (1892) published by the
Omaha Morning Herald, will be evaluated for use in the investigation to demonstrate the purposes,
values, and limitations of the sources in context of the investigation.
B. Summary of Evidence
The Presidential Election of 1892 was considered by some a landslide victory for Grover Cleveland
and the Democratic Party as he won with a margin of 400,000 votes over
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Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber
From his prison cell, Ted Kaczynski – the "Unabomber," who terrified the nation in the 1980s and
early 1990s – has carried on a remarkable correspondence with thousands of people all over the
world. As the 20th anniversary of his arrest approaches, Yahoo News is publishing a series of
articles based on his letters and other writings, housed in an archive at the University of Michigan.
They shed unprecedented light on the mind of Kaczynski – genius, madman and murderer. IN THE
DESERT SOUTHWEST, USA – We were looking for a sign in a place where there are none. David
Kaczynski had told us to look for a row of mailboxes, a rare sight in this remote wilderness, 60
miles from the nearest town. And there he was waiting, to lead us along an unpaved road into the
heart of the open desert where he and his wife, Linda, now live. That desire to escape into the wild
was something David had shared with his brother, Ted. Though Ted is seven years older, he and
David were once as close as only brothers can be. Over thirty years ago, the Kaczynskis, both Ivy
League graduates, each quit their jobs and retreated into the wilderness. Ted built a cabin in the
backwoods of Montana; David constructed his in the sweeping desert on the edge of Big Bend
National Park in Texas. They both lived off the land, with no electricity or running water. ... Show
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Alone in his cabin and fueled by what court psychiatrists say was severe mental illness, Ted had
become the Unabomber, terrorizing the nation with deadly mail and package bombs meant to bring
attention to his anti–technology philosophy. David, unaware of what his brother was doing, returned
to society and married. Years later, he made one of the most difficult decisions imaginable: to turn in
the brother he loved as a suspected killer, which would save the lives of innocent victims, and
perhaps Ted's as well. He made what he still believes is the only rational
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Essay on The Life of Ted Kaczynski
When we think of terrorist, we might think of radical Islamic individuals or groups who would take
pride in killing anyone who is not Muslim. Even more, there are antagonistically people who want
nothing more but to destroy the lives of innocence people because of their belief system. Take an
individual like Theodore Kaczynski for instance; he was a former University of California at
Berkeley math professor. Otherwise known as the "Unabomber," he was indeed a terrorist because
he used explosives that killed three people and wounded eighteen others in a span of almost two
decades. Even more, his brother David Kaczynski was responsible for his capture.
Looking back on Ted Kaczynski life, one have to wonder when did his behavior changes. ... Show
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Murray, conducted a disturbing and what would now be seen as ethically indefensible experiment on
twenty–two undergraduates" (Chase, 2000). Ted Kaczynski defense team of lawyers was
unsuccessful in proving these experiments even exist and that he did participation in the
experiments. Whatever happened to him during these experiments might explain why he had
become so objectively against science and technology.
So often, we try to understand the reasons why people do unimaginable crimes. To answer this
question truthfully mean there might be a good possibility their experience in the past could be the
consequences of their behavior. In addition, one might wonder why Ted Kaczynski quit teaching as
a professor of mathematics to live a primitive lifestyle. Again, there is a possibility his experience in
the past may confirm why. According to chase, "Murray subjected his unwitting students, including
Kaczynski, to intensive interrogation–what Murray himself called "vehement, sweeping, and
personally abusive" attacks, assaulting his subjects' egos and most–cherished ideals and beliefs."
Unfortunately, the records of these experiments were not available for the defense team and
probable hidden from public view because of the inhumane tactics.
Generally, the question might be why Ted Kaczynski wanted to killed innocent people, and the
answer would be complex and too difficult for any normal person to understand knowing that there
may be some mental illness
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Why The United States Has Only Two Major Political Parties
Final Exam Essays
Essay Prompt 1: Discuss why the United States has only two major political parties.
The United States government is commonly referred to as a "Duopoly", which means that there are
two established political parties, Democratic and Republic, and that these two parties share the vast
majority of the political power in the country. This is because the United States follows a winner–
takes–all voting system, utilizing a "single–member district plurality". The "single–member district"
portion means that for each geographic area or district, there is only one elected official, and the
"plurality" portion means that in United States elections, the representative or politician who
receives the most number of votes, wins the given election, even if it's less than half the percentage
of votes. According to Duverger's law, a Political Science principle, plurality voting procedures
correlationally support the emergence of only two political parties, in contrast to a multiparty
This is largely because there have only been two parties for so long, and these two parties have
made it such a point to make their separation of ideals and beliefs blatant, so the vast majority of the
voters have for the most part picked a definitive "side", so to speak, and have registered as a
member of the corresponding political party, that caters the most to their individual ideals. Because
of this, it has made it very hard for any smaller parties to gain enough support to
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Should College Athletes Be Paid?
Over time the landscape of college sports in the United States have changed drastically. Since it was
created in 1906, the format of the "IAAUS" has been drastically altered five times. Not to mention
the seemingly constant realignment of teams, placing teams like Memphis in the "Big East" even
though they are not located in the east. (Smith, Ronald) The people who are most affected by the
atrocities preformed by the NCAA are the players. Every higher up in the NCAA, from the coaches
to the president of the NCAA get paid boatloads of money. These people coaches, athletic directors,
athletic trainers, everyone involved are getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and at the big
time schools millions. Everyone gets paid except for ... Show more content on ...
In other words, now that our race as humans was civilized, we would lose our competitive edge and
become weak. Because the United States did not hold a global empire like England's, leaders
warned of national softness once railroads conquered the last continental frontier. As though heeding
this warning, ingenious students turned variations on rugby into a toughening agent. This is how
modern American sports were all started. In the late 1850s, ball and bat games started to become
broadly recognized as the sport of baseball. Baseball was starting to become an establishment at
U.S. universities. In 1859, the first intercollegiate baseball game occurred between Williams College
and Amherst College. The reputation of college baseball increased from this point, and by 1870,
collegiate baseball teams were playing intense and extensive schedules. In 1879, the first official
intercollegiate baseball league was formed. This is really where the excitement of college sports
originated, and with the excitement brought the corruption. Newspapers were writing about games,
posted scores and it was all people talked about. These games became huge and the athletic directors
and owners of universities became greedy. They started charging money to come watch the games
and the college sports empire began. Once the NCAA could televise these games they
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The Unabomber: A True Terrorist
The Unabomber was a more unique terrorist than what people normally perceive as terrorism. He
was not one to attempt an assassination on a political figure head to further his agenda. You would
not have seen him planting a road side bomb in the middle of the night, though he did "attempt to
use fear to have the public force their government to make changes."(Lutz, J. & Lutz, B. 2011)
Though he differed in his methodology, his terrorist acts still had their desired effect; causing panic
and terror. Ted Kaczynski was not your typical child. He showed brilliance through out his
childhood, teens, and into his college years. Though he excelled academically, becoming one of the
youngest professors, he would slowly become a very private and reclusive
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Psychological Development of Ted Kaczynski
Psychological Development of Ted Kaczynski Introduction Ted Kaczynski, a man known for his
bombings sent via mail and hand–delivered, more so than his intelligence. Ted attended Harvard at
16, and went on to get his PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan. The Ted's influence
of psychological development seems to stem from more environmental factors than that of heredity.
From the days as a baby in the hospital in seclusion with the measles to the research studies he
participated in while attending college. The lack of ability to "fit" in, and the uniqueness within his
personality, limited any type of social or family support. Trying to explain Mr. Kaczynski's
personality if far from simple. To choose one theory of personality, ... Show more content on ...
it was about a two days hike from my cabin. That was the best spot until the summer of 1983. That
summer there were too many people around my cabin. That was the best spot until the summer of
1983. That summer there were too many people around my cabin so I decided I needed some peace.
I went back to the plateau and when I got there I found they had put a road right through the middle
of it... You just can't imagine how upset I was. It was from this point on I decided that, rather than
trying to acquire further wilderness skills, I would work on getting back at the system. Revenge.
(Ted 2009) It was the ability of society to in his mind, ruin the natural wilderness that drove him to
commit his crimes. Family or Social Support Systems During a psychological evaluation of Ted
Kaczynski by Dr. Sally C. Johnson it is discovered that Ted seemed to grow up in a "normal"
household. Ted's father was a working class man who held a variety of employment. He reportedly
provided adequately for the family, from a financial standpoint. His mother stayed at home despite
two years of college. When the family moved to Iowa Ted's mother finished her degree and became
a teacher. Neither parents had any history of mental illness, despite his father committing suicide.
Due to Ted's inability to socialize, he was prevented from having any type of social support outside
of the family. During his childhood years it was noted by Dr. Johnson, that
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Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber
Ted Kaczynski, more commonly known as " The Unabomber" was born on May 22, 1942, in
Chicago, Illinois. Kaczynski was a mathematics prodigy who taught at the University of California
before entering a period of isolation in the woods of Montana. He grew up as the oldest child of a
Polish–American couple, Theodore and Wanda. When he was a child, Kaczynski has an allergic
reaction and was hospitalized with his life hanging on the edge of death. Many of his close friends
and family report him acting much differently after being hospitalized which could contribute to him
being psycotic. He also had a younger brother named David who was hospitalized for a similar
problem and ended up acting the same as his older brother Ted. Ted Kaczynski's parents ... Show
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At Harvard he studied mathematics and was the test subject in a psychological experiment
performed by professor Henry A. Murray. Immediatly following his graduation in 1962, Kaczynski
extended his accelerated studies at the University of Michigan where he also taught classes.
Kaczynski earned his doctoral degree from the university in 1967, then moved to California to teach
at the University of California Berkeley. Kaczynski did not like Berkeleydue to the lack of
intelligence so he thought which made lecturing more difficult so he resigned in 1969. In the 1970's
he settled in the woods of Montana. He lived in almost complete isolation where he could be alone
and carry out his own business which in his case ended up being perfecting his bombing strategy.In
1978, Kaczynski moved back to Chicago and worked with his brother in a factory. He was later
fired for writing crude letters to a female coworker that didn't end up going the way he had hoped. In
the same year, he made his first homemade bomb, which was sent to a proffesor at NorthWestern
University. The letter was opened by a campus security officer, who only recieved minor injuries
when the bomb
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Theodore Roosevelt : The President Of The United States
Synthesis Essay – Theodore Roosevelt MSgt Mark A. Dubbe Air Force Senior Noncommissioned
Officer Academy May 25, 2015 Instructor: ME4 JY Wong Introduction – Theodore Roosevelt The
26th president of the United States was unexpectedly promoted into the presidency following the
assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. In 1899, Roosevelt gave a speech laying out a
citizen's responsibility to the nation. How willing was Roosevelt to live up to those same standards?
What was Roosevelt's vision for our nation? Roosevelt up to this point had already achieved an
impressive list of accomplishments as a Harvard graduate, rancher, soldier, New York Governor and
Assistant Secretary of the Navy. As ... Show more content on ...
Roosevelt (1899) stated, "I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the
strenuous life, the life of toil and effort, of labor and strife; to preach that highest form of success
which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to the man who does not shrink from
danger, from hardship, or from bitter toil..." Roosevelt used Inspirational Motivation in accordance
with the student guide to communicate with his audience (Barnes Center for Enlisted Education
[BCEE], 2014b, p. 48). His objective was not for them to pursue personal gain, but to inspire
citizens to fulfill his vision for the United States as a global influencer. This vision incited the call to
move the United States from an isolationist country to a country that could compete in the global
stage (Lemelin, 2011). Roosevelt's vision was big and required his full use of Full Range Leadership
Development (BCEE, 2014b). Roosevelt's objective was to use the ongoing expansion of the Navy
to signify the United States' position as a global influencer (Lemelin, 2011). The president
effectively used the qualities of a visionary leader; charisma, good communicator and risk taker. He
was engaging as a speaker in his run as the vice–presidential candidate under President McKinley.
His influence was key, since he had lived a life of hardship as a ranch owner in
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Theodore Kaczynski Terrorism
Theodore Kaczynski is the name of a man who aspired to be the perfect, anonymous killer in the
United States. In 1978, he sent his first homemade bomb to a university in Chicago. He mailed or
hand delivered a series of bombs over the next 17 years. The homemade bombs became more and
more sophisticated over time, eventually killing three Americans and injuring 24 more. This lone
wolf terrorist sowed fear and panic and even threatened to blow up airliners in flight. Thirty–seven
years later, the threat still remains. Until America shifts its focus to identifying the nature of
terrorism and terrorist activities and not on identifying the suspect, the United States terrorist threat
will remain HIGH.
Many Americans do not understand the implication and role of terrorism in the modern world.
Terrorism is not a something that can be measured or held in hand. It is a theoretical idea that has
many different meanings to many different people (Aziz, 2014). U.S. Citizens in general need to
understand the full effect of modern terrorism. Blinded by media coverage and dramatized by slow–
motion video replay of terrorist attacks, ... Show more content on ...
is alive and well. International, national, and domestic terrorism runs rampant amongst political
policy fallouts, religious superiority, and scorned U.S. Citizens. Kaczynski, also known as The
Unabomber was a lone wolf terrorist. He never spoke of his actions to anyone, nor did he garner
help from others (FBI, n.d., para. 4). The search for Kaczynski proved difficult. There was
speculation about gender, places lived, and even what he did for a living. This was all in the effort to
identify the suspect. The investigation was accurate in most areas, however, it brought them no
closer to identifying the terrorist. His demise came when his brother, David Kaczynski, identify a
35,000 word essay that The Unabomber sent to authorities, claiming to explain his motives and
views of the ills of modern society (FBI, n.d., para.
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Woodrow Wilson 's Accomplishments And Failures
To better understand the successes and failures of the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow
Wilson, it is essential to define the image he portrayed to the American population during his
presidency. Many Americans and historians will claim he was a man of impartiality and the one who
led America into WWI. He had a very solid influence on Congress for the many domestic and
foreign affair policies he endorsed. The goal is to illustrate how President Woodrow Wilson ran his
presidency in the eyes of the American citizens. This will be done by examining the many facades
that President Woodrow Wilson exhibited during his term as president. Upon researching the events
of President Woodrow Wilson, it is clear that he was significant in moving our nation onward and
supporting the American people in every which way possible.
Keyword's: successes, failures, WWI, domestic affair policies, foreign affair policies
As Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States once said, America is not anything if it
consists of each of us. It is something only if it consists of all of us". (, 2014). This
is true because we consider America as an entire nation. President Woodrow Wilson took office in
1913 and served his term until 1921. To many Americans he was known as a man of neutrality. He
did not favor America's entry into war under any circumstances. During the period of neutrality
prior to American entrance into World War I, Wilson
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The Human Killer : The Characteristics Of A Serial Killer
For many years, psychologists have studied the difference between nature versus nurture and why
people have the personality traits that they do. A common study on this topic is usually on identical
twins. This is because these twins have the exact same DNA. Within these studies, the scientists
learn that traits come from both heritable characteristics and from their environment. In 2000, a
professor at the University of Wisconsin preformed a study on the brain scans of five hundred
people, in which half of the people were considered prone to violence. The study found that the
brain images of those who had been convicted of a murder with aggressive or antisocial disorders
showed distinct brain activity compared to those who were considered normal (Serial Killers:
Nature vs. Nurture, n.d.). In cases with serial killers or with people related to violence, the studies
tend to show that their personality and desire to kill come from mainly there DNA and nature, rather
than their past. The Unabomber contradicts these stereotypes of a serial killer through the influence
of his past and his motives for his bombs. Because of his family's standards, Theodore Kaczynski
resulted in becoming an outsider to his peers. Ted grew up in the time period around World War II,
which influenced many of his family's beliefs. Due to the many bombings during this time, a fear of
technology spread through their community. Since age five, Ted was aware of his unusual
intellectual family. On many
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The Progressive Era Of The 19th Century
Maya Stepansky
Mr. Meyer
Progressive Era DBQ
Toward the latter part of the 19th century, bustling America, in response to the trends of
industrialization and urbanization that characterized its Gilded Age, began its new century by
entering into a new historical/political epoch that came to be known as the Progressive Era. This
distinctive period in history (spanning from the 1890s through 1920) found progressives seeking to
use the American federal government as a means of change through social, political, and economic
reforms. Politically, the passage of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments are evidence of the
success of progressive reformers, despite the fact that some of the new laws failed to create desired
social changes. The efforts of the progressives were mainly effective when it came to social reforms
related to worker's rights and child labor, but less productive in attaining improved civil rights for
African–American citizens. In addition, the government was, to a large extent, successful in the
establishment of economic reforms to aid the working class, such as those enforced by Woodrow
Wilson's "Triple Wall of Privilege"; however, President Roosevelt's famous anti–trust efforts were
ultimately not far–reaching enough at the time to eliminate all problematic corporate monopolies
and related corruption. During the Progressive Era, political reforms were effectively executed on
the national level through the passage of Constitutional amendments. Indeed
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Ted Kaczynski: 20 Years Of Terror
20 Years of Terror May 22, 1942 marked the day of Ted Kaczynski's birth, a home–grown terrorist
who would go on to reign 17 years of terror on innocent, unsuspecting people. His early years were
ones of isolation during a brief time that he was confined to a hospital room for severe hives and
very little human contact. In the fifth grade, Kaczynski was discovered to have a very high IQ of
167. He skipped sixth grade but was not prepared emotionally and maturely to connect with his new,
older peers. In high school, he became interested in Mathematics and completed his GED at age 15.
At this time, Kaczynski attended Harvard University and, in his sophomore year, participated in a
grueling psychological experiment. The participants were asked ... Show more content on ...
This sparked the FBI to become involved and they set up the UNABOM task force. "The task force
would grow to more than 150 full–time investigators, analysts, and others [i]n search of clues..." 3
They would catch their break 17 years later when Kaczynski sent in his Manifesto, titled Industrial
Society and its Future, detailing the consequences of the Industrial Revolution, Leftism, feelings of
inferiority, oversocialization, the Power Process, surrogate activities, autonomy, and social
problems.4 The task force sent out the Manifesto to The Washington Post and The New York Times
asking for the public's help. Several thousand people were suspected but Kaczynski's own brother,
David, would be the key to catching him. David Kaczynski provided the task force with Kaczynski's
old documents and letters which linguistic analysts concluded were written by the same person as
the Manifesto. The task force obtained a search warrant and "[o]n April 3, 1996, arrested Kaczynski
and... [his] reign of terror was over. His new home, following his guilty plea in January 1998: an
isolated cell in a "Supermax" prison in Colorado." 5 Although there is no threat from Kaczynski
himself, there is always a threat to others and the U.S, if any copycats take up his
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Randy Kraft Personality
All signs pointed to Randy Kraft living a normal lifestyle before his life turned into a serial
murdering spree. Although, looking back at his young adult years, it is easy to gather intellect on
what could have triggered Kraft's extreme change in lifestyle choices. It was always thought that
Randy Kraft is extremely intelligent, especially because he has an IQ of 129. After he graduated
high school, he enrolled in Claremont College and joined the Reserve Officer Training Corps. His
friends and family knew that he strongly supported the conservative party. Kraft was even in favor
of the Vietnam War, even helping 1964 Presidential Candidate Barry Goldwater in the election. It
was unknown why, but in 1965, it is believed that his political views ... Show more content on ...
During these years, William Bonin and Patrick Kearney– the other two members of the "Highway
Killers"– were also on a murder spree and dumping their victim's bodies on the sides of busy
highways in southern California. Bonin and Kearney were caught and convicted before the police
had suspected there was another killer, let alone Kraft. Kraft was the last of the "Highway Killers" to
be caught. Kraft's victims were all male and who all suffered some kind of sexual abuse along with
torture before they were all strangled to death. Kraft's first victim is believed to be Wayne Joseph
Duquette whose body was found in 1971, even though he was never convicted of Duquette's
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Teddy Roosevelt : A Sick Kid
Teddy Roosevelt. Adventurist, Workaholic, Naturalist, Republican, Hunter etc. He did it all. But he
didn't exactly start that way. We all know Teddy as the one who just wouldn't stop. He did
EVERYTHING, if he had an idea, he put it out there and no matter how dumb the idea the public
supported him because they loved him so much. But once again, he didn't start that way. Teddy
Roosevelt was a sick kid from the very start, he had a breathing problem. He had an inhaler ever
since he knew how to use one. Teddy was weak, small, and was always getting bullied at school, but
things began to change. He was sick his whole life, start to beginning, he just got bigger and the
sickness became smaller, so small in fact that sometimes he forgot about it all together for years at a
time, and it all started when his dad told him to build his body. Oh, how he loved his dad so. He did
everything his dad told him to, and when he told him to build his body he went on it immediately.
Within the month, he had started boxing, jujitsu, and intense fighting competitions with his siblings.
A year later he was almost bigger than them. On his 7th birthday he got his first gun, and started to
train with it immediately. Next year he started hunting. He was great with a gun, and he loved it to.
He went hunting every year with his father, and eventually he ALMOST got better than him. Then
the war started, the civil war. Those were horrible times for Theodore (Teddy's real name), he was
saddened to tears
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FCS 324: Explain The Development Through Lifespan
FCS 324 explain the development through the lifespan. As individuals, we learned psychology,
education, social work, health care, and family studies professional of all ages. It stated with an open
of Ted Kaczynski and Alice Walker lifestyle on how they grew up and who they became. Kaczynski
was a sixteen–year–old Harvard student who was a loaner. After several years in Berkley, he moved
to a rural area in Montana. Some town residents described him as a twenty–five–year–old bearded
eccentric. In 1996, he was arrested and charged with notorious Unabomber, Americans most wanted
killer. Within seventeen years, he sent sixteen mailed bombs that left twenty–three people wounded
and three dead. In 1998, Kaczynski pleads guilty and was sentenced ... Show more content on ...
For my adolescence, as she is in high school now, she is considered as an on time teen hitting
puberty. Certain things in life she still don't understand but is learning as time goes by. For sexual
behavior, her mother is so strict, she dear not to do anything at all, not even kissing, not that we
know of. No one knows much about what goes on in her head. Her family tells her all the time that
she can be open to them if anything is on her mind. She isn't on any social networks and says he
doesn't want to be. For the emerging adult, she has already been married before she was twenty–one
years old and had a baby at the age twenty–two. The emerging adult does eat out more than cooking.
She actually has more of a lazy side to her and her husband does the cooking and cleaning. This was
her behavior before she had a child. Now that she had a child, she has taken more of cleaning and
cooking for her husband. She also has two jobs, dealing with her six–month–old child at the same
time. The twenty–two–year–old goes into tails about how it is very stressful to deal with the jobs
and the baby, and that's not even including trying to keep her husband happy. Far as friendships go,
she only has her mother, her sister, and me, Abriell, who she also calls her sister. I am also the
babies' Godmother. The emerging adult keeps her circle very
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Political Ideas Stemming from Darwinism
At the turn of the 20th century American citizens were faced with many inequalities and
progressivism emerged as an evolutionary political response. People who considered themselves
"progressives" championed many different types of changes but the fundamental tenet of any
progressive was the idea that the central role of any government was to improve the quality of life
for everyday citizens. Before progressives became a powerful political force the main political ideas
stemmed from Darwinist views, that is to say that the survival of the fittest was the natural order of
life. This Darwinian way of thinking applied to all aspects of life, social, political, and economic.
The reasoning was that if good was to be done for the common man than it should be done at the
behest of private influence. Progressives needed a strong leader to support their positions and were it
not for the untimely assassination of President McKinley they might have had to wait years longer.
President McKinley's successor, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., was exactly the strong leader that they
needed to help combat the inequalities of the day.
Theodore, or "Teddy", was not alone in influencing the growth of progressive influence. Many of
the inequalities would have never been brought to light, and the progressive movement would have
been hindered, had it not been for journalists exposing what was going on. Teddy popularized the
term "Muckraker", used to refer to these investigative journalists, by mentioning
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My Brother The Unabomber By Ed Pilkington And Montana 1948...
In "My Brother the Unabomber" by Ed Pilkington and Montana 1948 by Larry Watson, the authors
have a similar viewpoint on the importance of justice in a society. They show these similarities
through the motivations of David and the members of the Hayden family. David Kaczynski and Wes
have parallel viewpoints on adherence to the principled administration of the law. David has lived
the typical life of most civilians until he learns that his brother Ted is the infamous Unabomber. He
is interviewed by Pilkington and describes his experience of unfolding the grim truth. Pilkington
describes David Kaczynski's initial thoughts after revealing Ted to law enforcement: "Kaczynski
confessed to his mother that he had informed on Ted to the FBI, ... Show more content on ...
[He] won't. By God [he] won't'" (Watson 143). Wes's role in the justice system suddenly strikes him
as he recognizes that burying the truth only encourages falsehood to build. This awareness provokes
forceful emotions to course through Wes's mind as he expresses frustration with a violent "fist." At
first, Wes criticizes himself for "thinking" he could offer mercy to a convict. It becomes apparent to
him that lawbreakers invariably deserve some form of punishment for their wrongdoings. He shakes
his head at the bias of the the corrupt "jury" which would "cut [Frank] loose" simply because of his
infallible reputation. Nonetheless, Wes swears to "God" that he will penalize his brother despite the
county's majority point of view. Obeying and prosecuting the rules should be prioritized over one's
image. The fact that the criminal is his own brother fails to persuade his mindset. A lawbreaker will
be a lawbreaker regardless of his or her assumed character. Wes is prepared to take the first initiative
and perhaps stir up trouble in the community in order to do what is morally right. Both pieces of
literature strongly convey the message that one must defend the law. David voluntarily exposes Ted
to the FBI knowing he is jeopardizing his brother's life while Wes concludes that Frank is not
entitled to mercy and should serve time in jail. These men are in similar scenarios, for they are
conflicted by the choice between family or justice. Nonetheless, they feel the
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Examples Of Corruption In Fahrenheit 451
Stuck in a futuristic dystopia Guy Montag is a fireman who burns books to fulfill the will of the so–
called "Big Brother." Unknowingly fueling the corruption of power through the ignorance of the
people. Although fictional, the award–winning novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury typifies the
corruption that exists amidst our government, evidently controlling our lives without our knowledge
like "Big Brother." Examining how the civilization was oblivious to the government corruption can
correlate to our incomprehensive awareness of our government inner workings. This brings to
question, what's stopping our government from manipulating information to manipulate us? As
opposing arguments may claim that it foolish to think that the government is out to get us, I argue
the contrary since the US government has ... Show more content on ...
Through psychological warfare the involvement in our every day lives without our knowing or
intention of benefiting its civilians is established. MKUltra was a CIA mind control program that
began in the early 1950s that made illegal experimentation on unsuspecting people to further the
research on mind control. This shocking illegal program crafted by the government brings to
question what other things are being kept hidden. The evidence at hand of the existence of projects
similar to MKUltra exhibits a disturbing, intrusive, abusive power. Although the government is the
brain of the nation, this does not justify the illegal partaking interest in attempting to control its
people through mind control. Since it will lead to corruption that will ultimately harm the Nation
through self–benefiting selfish actions. Digging deeper in this iniquitous program, MKUltra can be
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Ted Kaczynski's Attacks
After nearly a decade of near–total isolation, hunting rabbits, and growing vegetables, in 1979, Ted
reunited with his brother and father at the family factory, but was subsequently fired for a
relationship with a female coworker that went south. Later in the year, Ted Kaczynski created his
first homemade pipe bomb, which he sent to a Northwestern University professor, although
ultimately ended up being opened by a Northwestern University campus security officer who
sustained minor injuries to his hand. The focus of Ted Kaczynski's attacks would be on those who
are in some way tied to the development of modern technology. Furthermore in 1979 and 1980, Ted
Kaczynski sent two separate more explosive devices, targeting an American Airlines flight ... Show
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Timothy McVeigh was born on April 23, 1968 in Lockport, New York. According to The Editors of
Salem Press, authors of American Villains, McVeigh's upbringing "was largely uneventful except for
the bullying he experienced in high school and the marital problems he witnessed between his
parents" (Salem Press, 2008, 361). According to a BBC News article, at the age of 10, McVeigh's
parents got a divorce and Timothy McVeigh chose to live with his father and one of his elder sisters
while McVeigh's youngest sisters, 4 years old at the time, opted to stay with their mother in Florida.
Classmates of McVeigh recall him as a "shy, skinny youth who did not socialize much" (BBC News,
2001). During McVeigh's senior year, McVeigh earned a state Regents scholarship for high scores
on standardized
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Ted Kaczynski : The Oldest Child Of A Polish- American Couple
On April 3rd of 1996 in Lincoln, Montana, Ted Kaczynski was arrested and sent to court. Pleading
guilty, Kaczynski was addressed as a "Domestic Terrorist." Serving four life sentences for
transporting, mailing, and use of bombs, and also murder of 3 people, Kaczynski was also added
another 30 years after his life sentences, no parole, and barely missed the death penalty. No one ever
saw this coming in Kaczynski's life. From an early age, his parents pushed him for academic
success. At the age of 16, he was accepted to Harvard with a scholarship. Even though Kaczynski
did seem socially awkward, no one thought that he could be diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia.
Mainly people thought he didn't know how to express his greatness, but never ... Show more content
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He never really approved of technology which led him to live out in the middle of the woods on
property he bought from the help of his family. On this property is where he made homemade pipe
bombs. Contained in the pipe bombs, Kaczynski handcrafted parts of wood to make his bombs and
added razor blades for more of a lethal appeal. If he was mailing his bombs, one of his actions to get
investigators distracted was leaving red herrings. For part of his behavior, he sent the bombs to
universities, computer shops, and airlines mainly. Sometimes Kaczynski transported the bombs
himself to houses he thought that were plotting against him. The more attention the better, the more
lethalness that the bomb contained, the better. Anything that led investigators away from Kaczynski
was always his plan. In some ways, investigators sometimes thought that person behind all these
terrorist acts were one step ahead of them. Continuing his acts little by little, major terrorist acts that
Kaczynski acted on was on November 15th, 1979, a bomb disguised as a paracel. Instead of the
bomb exploding, it instead caught fire and for the 12 people on the flight, no one was injured
besides an emergency landing in Dulles airport in Washington calling for a treatment for smoke
inhalation. Though each act
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Rhetorical Analysis of President Woodrow Wilsons War Message
With the status of the country's belligerency heavily in question, an apprehensive President
Woodrow Wilson prepared to request from an unmotivated and unprepared country a declaration of
war against Germany. After exerting every attempt possible to retain the peace and honor of the
United States, the President was finally forced to choose between the two, in which he opted for the
latter (Seymour 26). As he sat down to compose his congressional address proposing war, the
uncertainty of his decision overwhelmed him. He confided to a member of his cabinet, Frank Cobb,
that he had never been as unsure about anything in his life as the judgment he was making for the
nation (Baker 506). Through a rhetorical analysis of Wilson's points of ... Show more content on ...
He labeled the conflict as "a war against all nations" exemplifying the distress that other countries
have experienced due to the unbiased and relentless bombing of their own neutral ships (Safire 111).
By associating the United States with other friendly countries who are also at odds with Germany,
Wilson's cry for war seemed more convincing. He went on to assert that the choice made by the U.S
must be befitting to the singular characteristics of the country and that they must be very clear what
their motives upon entry into the war were: not vengeance or profession of physical might, but to
defend the principles of peace and justice and "to set up amongst the free people of the world an
observance of these ideals" (Safire 113). We were entering the war not to battle with the German
people, but to combat a greater menace, the system that had impended these violations (Baker 512).
The president proceeded with regard to his stance on neutrality. Aware of pacifists like Henry Cabot
Lodge in the audience, Wilson appealed to those who had not forgotten his promises of keeping
America out of war. He admitted that his assumption that armed neutrality would be adequate in
"safeguarding his people from unlawful violence" was in fact impossible and he had failed to "assert
our neutral rights with arms, our right to use the seas against unlawful interference, our right to keep
our people safe against unlawful violence"
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The Deadly Politics Of Industrial Pollution
Nowadays it is common to hear on the news about recent health and environmental scares especially
with the increasing research done about the causes and effects of global warming. However, life just
a century ago was very different. During the early twentieth century, people trusted industries.
Therefore, they did not fight for government regulation of industries or the need for it to inform
them about possible harmful practices done by industries. It took the deaths and emergence of
illnesses of many workers and citizens for the public to start worrying. Gerald Markowitz and David
Rosner discussed this time period with a focus on the lead and chemical industries in their book
Deceit and Denial: the Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution. ... Show more content on ...
To please the public the industry also said they would conduct research about the effects of lead, but
the research was funded by the lead industry so they skewed the presentation of the results to the
public. Soon there were also cases reported of lead poisoning in children from their habit of biting
lead–painted toys. This time the lead industry tried to distract the public by increasing their
advertisements highlighting the benefits of lead using the mascot of the Dutch Boy Painter and
slogans, such as "ethyl is to gasoline what vitamins are to food." However, by the 1970's with the
introduction of safer elements and the decrease in public support, the lead industry lost its
importance in the world.
The second section of the book focused on the chemical industry, specifically vinyl chloride, where
it was explained there was little known about the effects of chemicals. Because of this, there was the
question of whether "a product was to be considered safe until proven dangerous" or vice versa
where a product was considered dangerous until proven safe. This time the public showed greater
opposition to the use of vinyl chloride, as environmentalists and labor unions united to reveal the
harmful effects of it. Similar to the lead industry, the chemical industry also fought back reasoning
to the government that only high levels of chemical exposure was harmful to people and the
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Theodore Kaczynski Biography
When you think of the word terrorist, what comes to mind? For most, the first thought they have is
mass destruction, chaos, and numerous fatalities, all brought on by foreign members of an elite
group of people with twisted beliefs. Although, this may be the case in some scenarios, it is not what
defines a terrorist. The definition is broad in terms, covers a wide spectrum of violent acts, and no
one gender, race or ethnicity is singled out. On April 3, 1996 the nation's longest man hunt came to
an end, when Theodore Kaczynski, was finally caught for the many acts of domestic terrorism he
perpetrated amongst so many innocent people. With hopes to coarse society into putting an end to
technological growth, and join him in the simplicity of life ... Show more content on
In 1995, Kaczynski wrote letters to major media outlets explaining his goals, and demanding that his
35,000 word essay about the future of the industrial society, be published in a major newspaper. He
explained in his letters, that if his demands were met, the bombings would come to a halt. The FBI's
delayed response in publishing his works, resulted in more threating letters to kill more people.
Shortly thereafter, the FBI and the US department of Justice allowed the essay to be published in the
New York Times, and Washington Post. Little did Ted know, the release of his essay would result in
the end of his terror. Ted's brother, David, read the published manifesto, and compared it to an
earlier piece of writing by Ted. David submitted the writing to the FBI for comparison, and it
seemed after comparison, that they finally had their number one Unabomber suspect. (The FBI, The
Unabomer, April 24,
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Theodore Roosevelt And The United States
Theodore Roosevelt, kenned as "Teddy" or "T.R." was born in New York City, NY on October 27,
1858. From birth until his tardy teens, Roosevelt suffered greatly from asthma, was frail and sickly,
and was near–sighted, which coerced him to wear glasses. His father took him for rides in the night
to avail him breathe with fresh air and inspirited him to build up his body with strenuous exercises
and sports in efforts to build his body and mind. In 1876, Roosevelt was accepted to Harvard
College. After graduating, he decided to enter politics and in 1881, at the age of 23, he won election
to the first of three terms in the Incipient York State Assembly as a Republican. In 1889, Roosevelt
was appointed to the U.S. Civil Accommodation Commission and then in 1895 appointed to the post
of N.Y. City Police Commissioner. As Police Commissioner, he modernized the entire police force
and monitored the officers suspected of illicit activites. In 1897, Roosevelt became the Assistant
Secretary of the Navy, where he commenced to genuinely show his aggressiveness. As the Assistant
Secretary of the Navy, Roosevelt coerced the U.S. to build up the Navy fleet to dispense Spainish
control from the Western Hemisphere (Cuba and Puerto Rico). In 1898, The U.S. declared war on
Spain in the Spanish American War. Roosevelt resigned as Assistant Secretary of the Navy and
organized the first u.s. Calvary, kenned as the "Roughg Riders". Roosevelt commanded the regiment
in Cuba, and on July 1, 1898
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President Theodore Roosevelt 's New Nationalism
For numerous of reasons concerning economic, political, and social developments that has taken
place in four decades after the Civil War, sparked a revolutionary movement called Progressivism.
In a new, vast land full of economic opportunities, this created a small class of elitists that will
dominate the political system for self–interest, and will also cause an effect on the social life of the
majority. A prominent, Progressive figure, was President Theodore Roosevelt; In his "New
Nationalism" speech delivered in Osawatomie, Kansas, he outlines the goals and ideals of
Progressivism that will appeal to the diverse majority of Americans and proves to be the foundation
for future reformers and several accepting ideals still utilized today. Even though the Progressive
movement deteriorated, these "radical" ideals sought to improve and benefit the society as a whole
was the stepping stone for the future generations. At the time, America was undergoing through one
of the most revolutionary time period of United States history, the Industrial Revolution. The
Industrial Revolution was the vast advancement of technology, that has become part of Americans
daily life and still today. These technologies helped the improvement in efficiencies of the
workforce. A vital source for the economic advancement during this time period, was the
encouragement from the government for private enterprise. Enterprises were more easily established
due the monetary policy, in which allowed a better
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A Short Note On Theodore Roosevelt Jr.
Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born to Theodore "Thee" Roosevelt Sr. and Martha "Mittie" Bulloch on
October 27, 1858 in New York City. His father was of Dutch heritage and his mother was a Southern
belle rumored to have been a possible actress for Gone with the Wind's Scarlett O'Hara. He was
known as Teedie to his family, as he did not enjoy the nickname Teddy. Theodore spent a lot of time
at home and was homeschooled due to his illnesses and asthma. Because of his time spent at home
he grew to love all things nature related, but by his teens Theodore had developed a rigorous
training routine with weightlifting and boxing. After Theodore's father died during his second year
at Harvard College, he used his grief as a channel to work harder. After graduating 'magna cum
laude,' meaning with great distinction, he enrolled at Columbia Law School but soon dropped out.
He married Alice Hathaway Lee of Massachusetts. After dropping out of Columbia at age 23, he
was elected to the New York Assembly as a representative from New York City– he was the
youngest to serve in that position. Roosevelt sped through public service positions namely, captain
of the National Guard and minority leader of the New York Assembly. ( Roosevelt
was a prolific author. He wrote 38 books, namely; "The Naval War of 1812," an autobiography, a
biography of Oliver Cromwell, a history of New York City and the four volume series "The Winning
of the West." After writing "The Naval War of 1812," at age
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Theodore Roosevelt 's Childhood, And Ending With His Death
This Biography is on the life of Theodore Roosevelt. Beginning with his childhood, and ending with
his death. Describing in detail his early childhood, the author gives a good explanation of what
motivated the future President in his later years. The book also gives good insight into many of
Roosevelt 's decisions during his adult years and political career, along with information from his
personal life, that many people may not have known. Theodore Roosevelt also known as Teddy
Roosevelt, or Teedie, was born in New York City on October 27th, 1856, to Martha and Theodore
Sr. Roosevelt. He was the second child and first boy of four children. Beginning early in his life
Teddy Roosevelt was a very sick child contracting bronchial asthma when he was only three years
old. Teddy Roosevelt was born into an old, rich and Aristocratic family. Teddy and his family lived
in a small house that was given to his father by his grandfather Cornelius Van Schaak
Roosevelt(Donald, ). Teddy and his siblings were homeschooled along with a family friend named
Edith Kermit. Teddy learned many life lessons from observing his parents, and close family growing
up, and many of those lessons he kept with him his whole life. Teddy was the only one of his
siblings to make the decision to acquire a higher education(Donald, ), going to Harvard University.
After he graduated Teddy had several jobs, including assemblyman, Police commissioner, assistant
secretary of the navy, Governor of New York,
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Introduction. As One Looks Through Recent Histories Of
Introduction As one looks through recent histories of the media, it quickly becomes apparent that
there has been an influx of controversies regarding the freedom of the press. Considering the age of
America, and the state of current technology, it is understandable why it is now reaching such
discrepancies. In particular, the decisions leading up to the conviction of Theodore Kaczynski,
known as the Unabomber, is one of much dispute. By taking a closer look that this case 's situation,
values applied, principles upheld, and loyalties owed, one might be able to have a clear
understanding of what ethical decisions should have been taken in regard to the media.
The Situation Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was a domestic terrorist ... Show more content
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Combined, these two realizations opened up the door for much commentary by journalists. This
situation became apparent, and while the action of publication could not be taken back, there was
still significant discussion about the decision–making process.
Values Applied Proceeding from understanding of the situation is a close examination of the values
associated with the case. As defined by Merriam Websters Dictionary, the word value is "something
(as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable,"(Webster). In application to the case,
values can be seen by all three parties of interest(the public, the media, and the government).
Clearly, the public is concerned largely about safety and the overarching goal to bring the Kaczynski
to justice. Safety an be seen as the value of nonviolence which falls under the category of morals.
While the public can not be assured that Kaczynski will not continue his bomb–making with the
publication of the manifesto, they can be reasonable assured that the bomb–making will continue if
it is not published. To this end, they value the preservation of life. On the other hand, the media has
a different set of values. Both The Washington Post and The New York Times have the desire to be "
[independent] from the government, [and] from hostile groups who make threats,"(Christians 55).
Both are reasonable utilizations of the value of professional independence. The media is
... Get more on ...
The Katyn Massacre
On April 10, 2010, an unforeseen tragedy struck the Polish nation. Their current president at the
time, Lech Kaczynski, died in a plane crash along with 95 other Polish officials. Up until this date,
any country's president has never died as a result of a plane crash. Ironically, the members on the
plane were all traveling to the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre which were a series of mass
executions of Polish nationals in Katyn forest. This event caused much bewilderment within the
country causing many Poles to claim that this incident was done purposely by the Russian
government. Although evidence proves that the crash was an accident, due to its peculiar conditions
and the human nature to come up with conspiracies, many Poles were ... Show more content on ...
The captain of this flight, Arkadiusz Protasiuk, had an increased workload potentially impairing his
ability to focus primarily on his duty to fly the plane due to the Russian's inability to provide the
flight with a "Leaderman". Normally, radio communications are handled by another crew member
while a pilot flies. Smolensk airport, however, is not usually open for international flights and is not
ICAO certified causing its air traffic controllers to not be required to speak fluent English. In this
case, all communication between Smolensk and the plane were to be carried out in Russian. Russian
law requires all international flights landing at military airports to have a Russian "Leaderman" who
would be responsible for all of the communication done in Russian. As Poland was requesting their
flight in the middle of March, they asked for the service of a "Leaderman", but claim that Russia did
not reply to this request. According to a Polish article posted on Newsweek and the Final Report,
Russia did offer the service, but Poland refused claiming that their crew had
... Get more on ...

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Essay On Theodore Kaczynski

  • 1. Essay on Theodore Kaczynski I. Life Kaczynski was born on May 22, 1942 to Wanda and Theodore Kaczynski of Evergreen Park Ill, a tidy and middle class suburb of Chicago. The second son Ted's brother, David was born in 1950. As children, both kids were very reclusive, not playing with any neighbor children and rarely seen outside of the house. At a young age Ted started to show signs of being a gifted learner, he skipped a year in elementary school and his junior year in high school. Ted spent most of his early life studying math and science alone instead of being social in any kind of way. Ted had a different side to him though, he had a love of explosives which he homemade with his know how in the fields that he studied. Kaczynski was accepted into Harvard at 16 ... Show more content on ... The first bomb was found in 1978 up until the last bomb was discovered in 1995 a terrorism span of 17 years. The name unabomber was given to him during the 80's because of his favorite targets being universities and airlines. The investigation to find the unabomber was the largest and most expensive at 17 years. The FBI were looking for a junkyard bomber it is said because of his contraptions made of lamp cords, bits of pipe, recycled screws, and match heads. This is one reason why it took so long to catch the terrorist, the bombs were made of untraceable elements. Like most terrorist bombers, the unabomber had certain trademarks to his work, his contraptions were made on wood platforms with more care given to the wood block, which was sanded smoothly, instead of the bomb itself. His cuts were not straight or at 90–degree angles but each component was carefully numbered to make sure the device would work correctly. Using his math and science skills he was able to fashion some new devices never seen before. One such device was used on a bomb used on an airplane. The timing device used was an altimeter designed to trigger the bomb when the plane reached a certain altitude. In 1995 after he had been outdone by the Oklahoma City bombing, the unabomber started making pranks and threats to taunt the FBI. One such letter described how busy he was working on dangerous chemicals and another taunt threatened to blow up a Los Angeles Airliner. These ... Get more on ...
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  • 5. Serial Killers : A Serial Killer Serial killers have dated back to the Roman Empire where a group of matrons allegedly murdered men with a poisoned ring. Although many centuries have passed and the murder methods have changed, serial killers are still about. However over the course of the years, forensic professionals have determined some general traits that serial killers usually possess. Such traits include childhood abuse, a desire for power, manipulative charm, lack of empathy, substance abuse, fantasies, acting out said fantasies on animals, lonely and isolated youth, physical injuries, being antisocial, bedwetting, and early interests in voyeurism and fetishism. But what defines one as a serial killer? A serial killer is defined as person who murders at least three ... Show more content on ... Ted had a promising childhood as his parents encouraged him to continue his academic pursuits, he excelled at school, and he was able to skip two grades. However since he was smaller than his classmates, he was bullied by them. During childhood, he preferred to play alongside others rather than with them and he had a fear of buildings. In 1958, he began attending Harvard University at age 16 and studied mathematics. While in college, he was selected to take part in a psychological experiment conducted by Professor Henry Murray. In said project, he was put in a room, had electrodes connected to him and was made to face bright lights and a one–way mirror. An unknown attorney would enter the room in which he was in and would belittle him for his beliefs which he wrote about in an essay, and his expressions were filmed. Many believe that this event influenced his actions in the future. He graduated from Harvard and began teaching at the University of Michigan and then at University of California at Berkeley. He moved into a small cabin in Lincoln, Montana in, 1971, where he took up odd jobs and lived a simple life. During this period of time, he developed an opposition to modern technology. Ted began working at a factory in Chicago with his brother in 1978. It did not last long as he was fired after writing inappropriate limericks about a female supervisor. In the same year, he made his first bomb which was sent to Northwestern University. Upon ... Get more on ...
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  • 9. The First Modern President Of The United States The First Modern President of the United States: Theodore D. Roosevelt Some may wonder why Theodore Roosevelt would deserve the title "the First Modern President". He accomplished many things, and although he was liked by most, he promised he would not run a second term. In his short four years as president, Theodore Roosevelt was able to pass many acts such as: Dolliver–Hepburn Railroad Act, Extension of Forest Reserve, National Irrigation Act, Improvement of waterways and reservation of waterpower sites, Safety Appliance Act, Employers' Liability Act, Regulation of railroad employees' hours of labor, Establishment of Department of Commerce and Labor, Pure Food and Drugs Act, and the Federal meat inspection. Theodore Roosevelt was born ... Show more content on ... Theodore Roosevelt's mother also died the same day in the same house, he was brokenhearted and in misery leading him to temporarily leave politics and become a cattle rancher in the Dakotas. Two years later, he married his childhood friend, Edith Kermit Carow. They had a total of five children, four boys and a girl: Theodore "Ted" III (1887–1944), Kermit (1889–1943), Ethel (1891–1977), Archibald (1894–1979), and Quentin (1897–1918). Before being president, Theodore Roosevelt was many things: a member of the New York State Assembly, a U.S. Civil Service Commissioner, President of the New York City Police Board, Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Governor of New York, and Vice President from March–September 1901 when he succeeded to the presidency. Theodore Roosevelt became president on September 14, 1901 after President McKinley was assassinated on September 6, 1901. He was the youngest president the nation had ever had; he was 42 years old. He served through most of the first decade of the 1900's. He was determined to build a canal across the Panama. The United States helped Panama gain its freedom from Colombia. The U.S. then made a treaty with Panama to gain the canal zone for $10 million including annual payments. Theodore Roosevelt was very involved in foreign policy. He added the Roosevelt Corollary to the ... Get more on ...
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  • 13. Persuasive Essay On Modern Technology Technology, quite obviously, is all around us. That was exemplified by the research of Michigan– born computer scientist, Bill Joy. In 1982, he co–founded Sun Microsystems and was the chief scientist until 2003. He is the author of the world–renowned article, Why the Future Doesn't Need Us. This article articulates Joy's worries over the development of modern technologies. This essay speaks of genetic engineering, nanotechnology, and robotics (GNR), which are threatening to make humans an endangered species. 21st–century technologies, honestly, are dangerous. They should not be used to overpower the human populace. Joy had just begun to realize this in 1998, after a discussion with Ray Kurzweil, "the deservedly famous inventor of the first reading machine for the blind and many other amazing things". Along with the Berkeley philosopher, John Searle, who studies consciousness, Kurzweil told the two about how the rate of improvement of technology would increase, and thus, sentient robots were in the realm of possibility. After reading an early draft of Kurzweil's book, The Age of Spiritual Machines: When Computers Exceed Human Intelligence, Joy's unease accelerated. There is a passage in the book by the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. Joy did not agree with the seventeen–year murderous rampage that the man went on, as one of his bombs had gravely injured one of Joy's friends, David Gelernter, who is a brilliant computer scientist. Although Joy was afraid for his life during ... Get more on ...
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  • 17. Ted Kaczynski Research Paper Theodore John Kaczynski, Ted Kaczynski, was a man who kept to himself in his home in a cabin in the wilderness. Kaczynski became anti–government and anti–technology while living in his cabin. Kaczynski's first attack was in 1978 and was directed towards a Professor at University of Chicago using the return address from Northwestern University, but the mail bomb was opened by a campus security officer, who was mildly injured. The next year, 1979, Ted Kaczynski had started to target American Airlines as well. Ted Kaczynski hasn't killed anybody up until December 1985, a computer shop owner was killed from a bomb outside of his shop. On every mail bomb, Kaczynski signed as FC. Over the course of seventeen years, Kaczynski has injured twenty–three ... Get more on ...
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  • 21. Snowden And The United States Unless you were hiding beneath a rock in 2014, you saw the nation's reaction to the release of classified NSA documents by the infamous whistleblower Edward Snowden. Snowden, who worked as the lead technologist for Dell, managed their accounts with the Central Intelligence Agency. It was in this position that Snowden began to notice some classified documents that didn't make sense. These documents contained information on the National Security Agency illegally spying on their own citizens. It was at this time in 2012 that Snowden began downloading some of these files for himself. It is estimated that he downloaded somewhere between 50,000 and 200,000 files on the espionage efforts of the United States (Borrough, Ellison, Andrews, 2014). Now, Snowden needed to get the files out to the people. He attempted to contact a few media outlets around the world who would not go through the trouble to follow his strict encryption methods. Snowden eventually contacted documentarian Laura Poitras, who had recently written an article on a separate whistleblower that caught Snowden's attention. Poitras states in an interview with that, "...he'd contacted me because my border harassment meant that I'd been a person who had been selected. To be selected –and he went through a whole litany of things – means that everything you do, every friend you have, every purchase you make, every street you cross means you're being watched" (Carmon, 2013). This connect lead to Snowden being ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, more commonly known as The Unabomber, killed 3 people and injured 23 others over a 17 year period with bombs he made himself in his secluded Montana cabin (Goldman 1 of 2). These bombings occurred between 1978 and 1995 (Ted 1 of 3). He was called the Unabomber for University and Airline Bomber, which is where he targeted the bombs. Ted sent bombs to universities and professors, and also targeted industries (Goldman 1 of 2). He was a brilliant man, at 16 he started attending Harvard, but was also quite twisted (Ted 2 of 3). Those he targeted with his bombs were innocent, he chose them randomly from research done at the library (FBI 1 of 2). Forensic linguistics, or the comparison of documents, was a major part of this case (Forensic ... Show more content on ... In the end, there was just one Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski. Ted was a smart man, he skipped grades 6 and 11, and started attending Harvard University at the age of 16 (Ted 2 of 3). While at Harvard in 1958, he participated in a multi–year psychological study which was said to have had a negative impact on him. Ted was a professor at UC Berkeley for a few years, the youngest there at the time. He never had a significant relationship with a woman (Ottley 11 of 15). He was against "societal progress" and was against technology, hence why he isolated himself in the cabin in the woods of Montana (Ted 2 of 3). Ted Kaczynski was jobless and cutoff from the world, so he had to get the money to make and transport the bombs in some other way (Goldman 1 of 2). It turns out, his family was unknowingly supporting his bomb manufacturing by sending him checks. Investigators composed "detailed accounting of checks Kaczynski had received from his mother and brother from 1985 until 1995 and had established a correlation between when Kaczynski received checks and the dates of the bombings" (Goldman 1 of 2). Over the years Kaczynski's family sent him about 17,000 dollars which was used to construct the bombs. Ted's family has to live with the guilt and be haunted by the fact that unbeknownst to them, they funded their brilliant Ted's bombing spree that killed and injured innocent people. ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Lone-Bush, Eric Rudolph Is A Lone Wolf Terrorist? We must define lone wolf terrorism to explore who fits this definition. Hamm and Spaaj (2015) define lone wolf terrorism as "political violence perpetrated by individuals who act alone; do not belong to an organized terrorist group; act without the direct influence of a leader or hierarchy; and whose tactics and methods are conceived and directed by the individual" (p. 3). Eric Rudolph was the man that was convicted of the Olympic games bombing in 1996. The original person that was suspected of this crime was Richard Jewell. When it was realized that Richard Jewell was not the bomber the FBI started looking for another suspect. Eric Rudolph was not the focus of the investigation until after four bombings in Georgia between 1996 and 1998 (FBI, 2005). Eric Rudolph is a perfect fit for a "lone wolf terrorist" first he was a loner and did not trust anybody. Moreover, this translated into him hiding in western North Carolina from 1998 until 2003 (FBI, 2005). Second, he admitted to going after the agents who were pursuing him by toying with the idea to booby–trap the National Guard post (FBI, 2005). Lastly, he was anti–government, abortion, gay along with being against many other ideologies and had no direct influence on any other leader or organization. Apparently, Eric Rudolph is a lone wolf terrorist this paper is going to briefly identify Omar Mateen, Theodore Kaczynski, Paul Ciancia as lone wolf terrorist and their crimes. Omar Mateen was not a member of ISIS or ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Significance Of The Presidential Election Of 1892 A. Plan of Investigation The investigation aims to evaluate the significance of third party candidates in the US presidential election of 1892. In 1912, Teddy Roosevelt famously split the vote of the Republican party as a third party candidate, and the investigation resolves to assess whether a third party candidate changed the outcome of the election in 1892. The investigation will focus mainly on the influence of one particular candidate from the Populist Party, James B. Weaver, as he won several electoral votes but will also include John Bidwell of the Prohibition Party who also drew in votes, although he did not gain an electoral vote. The candidate from the Socialist Labor Party will be excluded from the investigation as he did not play a significant role in the election. A focus of the investigation will be of the political views of those associated with the Populist party and Socialist party as well as why they chose the a third party ticket over the major party candidates running. Two sources, Populism and Political Realignment by L. Patrick Hughes and Populist Party Platform (1892) published by the Omaha Morning Herald, will be evaluated for use in the investigation to demonstrate the purposes, values, and limitations of the sources in context of the investigation. B. Summary of Evidence The Presidential Election of 1892 was considered by some a landslide victory for Grover Cleveland and the Democratic Party as he won with a margin of 400,000 votes over ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber From his prison cell, Ted Kaczynski – the "Unabomber," who terrified the nation in the 1980s and early 1990s – has carried on a remarkable correspondence with thousands of people all over the world. As the 20th anniversary of his arrest approaches, Yahoo News is publishing a series of articles based on his letters and other writings, housed in an archive at the University of Michigan. They shed unprecedented light on the mind of Kaczynski – genius, madman and murderer. IN THE DESERT SOUTHWEST, USA – We were looking for a sign in a place where there are none. David Kaczynski had told us to look for a row of mailboxes, a rare sight in this remote wilderness, 60 miles from the nearest town. And there he was waiting, to lead us along an unpaved road into the heart of the open desert where he and his wife, Linda, now live. That desire to escape into the wild was something David had shared with his brother, Ted. Though Ted is seven years older, he and David were once as close as only brothers can be. Over thirty years ago, the Kaczynskis, both Ivy League graduates, each quit their jobs and retreated into the wilderness. Ted built a cabin in the backwoods of Montana; David constructed his in the sweeping desert on the edge of Big Bend National Park in Texas. They both lived off the land, with no electricity or running water. ... Show more content on ... Alone in his cabin and fueled by what court psychiatrists say was severe mental illness, Ted had become the Unabomber, terrorizing the nation with deadly mail and package bombs meant to bring attention to his anti–technology philosophy. David, unaware of what his brother was doing, returned to society and married. Years later, he made one of the most difficult decisions imaginable: to turn in the brother he loved as a suspected killer, which would save the lives of innocent victims, and perhaps Ted's as well. He made what he still believes is the only rational ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Essay on The Life of Ted Kaczynski When we think of terrorist, we might think of radical Islamic individuals or groups who would take pride in killing anyone who is not Muslim. Even more, there are antagonistically people who want nothing more but to destroy the lives of innocence people because of their belief system. Take an individual like Theodore Kaczynski for instance; he was a former University of California at Berkeley math professor. Otherwise known as the "Unabomber," he was indeed a terrorist because he used explosives that killed three people and wounded eighteen others in a span of almost two decades. Even more, his brother David Kaczynski was responsible for his capture. Looking back on Ted Kaczynski life, one have to wonder when did his behavior changes. ... Show more content on ... Murray, conducted a disturbing and what would now be seen as ethically indefensible experiment on twenty–two undergraduates" (Chase, 2000). Ted Kaczynski defense team of lawyers was unsuccessful in proving these experiments even exist and that he did participation in the experiments. Whatever happened to him during these experiments might explain why he had become so objectively against science and technology. So often, we try to understand the reasons why people do unimaginable crimes. To answer this question truthfully mean there might be a good possibility their experience in the past could be the consequences of their behavior. In addition, one might wonder why Ted Kaczynski quit teaching as a professor of mathematics to live a primitive lifestyle. Again, there is a possibility his experience in the past may confirm why. According to chase, "Murray subjected his unwitting students, including Kaczynski, to intensive interrogation–what Murray himself called "vehement, sweeping, and personally abusive" attacks, assaulting his subjects' egos and most–cherished ideals and beliefs." Unfortunately, the records of these experiments were not available for the defense team and probable hidden from public view because of the inhumane tactics. Generally, the question might be why Ted Kaczynski wanted to killed innocent people, and the answer would be complex and too difficult for any normal person to understand knowing that there may be some mental illness ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Why The United States Has Only Two Major Political Parties Final Exam Essays Essay Prompt 1: Discuss why the United States has only two major political parties. The United States government is commonly referred to as a "Duopoly", which means that there are two established political parties, Democratic and Republic, and that these two parties share the vast majority of the political power in the country. This is because the United States follows a winner– takes–all voting system, utilizing a "single–member district plurality". The "single–member district" portion means that for each geographic area or district, there is only one elected official, and the "plurality" portion means that in United States elections, the representative or politician who receives the most number of votes, wins the given election, even if it's less than half the percentage of votes. According to Duverger's law, a Political Science principle, plurality voting procedures correlationally support the emergence of only two political parties, in contrast to a multiparty democracy. This is largely because there have only been two parties for so long, and these two parties have made it such a point to make their separation of ideals and beliefs blatant, so the vast majority of the voters have for the most part picked a definitive "side", so to speak, and have registered as a member of the corresponding political party, that caters the most to their individual ideals. Because of this, it has made it very hard for any smaller parties to gain enough support to ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Should College Athletes Be Paid? Over time the landscape of college sports in the United States have changed drastically. Since it was created in 1906, the format of the "IAAUS" has been drastically altered five times. Not to mention the seemingly constant realignment of teams, placing teams like Memphis in the "Big East" even though they are not located in the east. (Smith, Ronald) The people who are most affected by the atrocities preformed by the NCAA are the players. Every higher up in the NCAA, from the coaches to the president of the NCAA get paid boatloads of money. These people coaches, athletic directors, athletic trainers, everyone involved are getting paid hundreds of thousands of dollars and at the big time schools millions. Everyone gets paid except for ... Show more content on ... In other words, now that our race as humans was civilized, we would lose our competitive edge and become weak. Because the United States did not hold a global empire like England's, leaders warned of national softness once railroads conquered the last continental frontier. As though heeding this warning, ingenious students turned variations on rugby into a toughening agent. This is how modern American sports were all started. In the late 1850s, ball and bat games started to become broadly recognized as the sport of baseball. Baseball was starting to become an establishment at U.S. universities. In 1859, the first intercollegiate baseball game occurred between Williams College and Amherst College. The reputation of college baseball increased from this point, and by 1870, collegiate baseball teams were playing intense and extensive schedules. In 1879, the first official intercollegiate baseball league was formed. This is really where the excitement of college sports originated, and with the excitement brought the corruption. Newspapers were writing about games, posted scores and it was all people talked about. These games became huge and the athletic directors and owners of universities became greedy. They started charging money to come watch the games and the college sports empire began. Once the NCAA could televise these games they ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. The Unabomber: A True Terrorist The Unabomber was a more unique terrorist than what people normally perceive as terrorism. He was not one to attempt an assassination on a political figure head to further his agenda. You would not have seen him planting a road side bomb in the middle of the night, though he did "attempt to use fear to have the public force their government to make changes."(Lutz, J. & Lutz, B. 2011) Though he differed in his methodology, his terrorist acts still had their desired effect; causing panic and terror. Ted Kaczynski was not your typical child. He showed brilliance through out his childhood, teens, and into his college years. Though he excelled academically, becoming one of the youngest professors, he would slowly become a very private and reclusive ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. Psychological Development of Ted Kaczynski Psychological Development of Ted Kaczynski Introduction Ted Kaczynski, a man known for his bombings sent via mail and hand–delivered, more so than his intelligence. Ted attended Harvard at 16, and went on to get his PhD in mathematics from the University of Michigan. The Ted's influence of psychological development seems to stem from more environmental factors than that of heredity. From the days as a baby in the hospital in seclusion with the measles to the research studies he participated in while attending college. The lack of ability to "fit" in, and the uniqueness within his personality, limited any type of social or family support. Trying to explain Mr. Kaczynski's personality if far from simple. To choose one theory of personality, ... Show more content on ... it was about a two days hike from my cabin. That was the best spot until the summer of 1983. That summer there were too many people around my cabin. That was the best spot until the summer of 1983. That summer there were too many people around my cabin so I decided I needed some peace. I went back to the plateau and when I got there I found they had put a road right through the middle of it... You just can't imagine how upset I was. It was from this point on I decided that, rather than trying to acquire further wilderness skills, I would work on getting back at the system. Revenge. (Ted 2009) It was the ability of society to in his mind, ruin the natural wilderness that drove him to commit his crimes. Family or Social Support Systems During a psychological evaluation of Ted Kaczynski by Dr. Sally C. Johnson it is discovered that Ted seemed to grow up in a "normal" household. Ted's father was a working class man who held a variety of employment. He reportedly provided adequately for the family, from a financial standpoint. His mother stayed at home despite two years of college. When the family moved to Iowa Ted's mother finished her degree and became a teacher. Neither parents had any history of mental illness, despite his father committing suicide. Due to Ted's inability to socialize, he was prevented from having any type of social support outside of the family. During his childhood years it was noted by Dr. Johnson, that ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Ted Kaczynski: The Unabomber Ted Kaczynski, more commonly known as " The Unabomber" was born on May 22, 1942, in Chicago, Illinois. Kaczynski was a mathematics prodigy who taught at the University of California before entering a period of isolation in the woods of Montana. He grew up as the oldest child of a Polish–American couple, Theodore and Wanda. When he was a child, Kaczynski has an allergic reaction and was hospitalized with his life hanging on the edge of death. Many of his close friends and family report him acting much differently after being hospitalized which could contribute to him being psycotic. He also had a younger brother named David who was hospitalized for a similar problem and ended up acting the same as his older brother Ted. Ted Kaczynski's parents ... Show more content on ... At Harvard he studied mathematics and was the test subject in a psychological experiment performed by professor Henry A. Murray. Immediatly following his graduation in 1962, Kaczynski extended his accelerated studies at the University of Michigan where he also taught classes. Kaczynski earned his doctoral degree from the university in 1967, then moved to California to teach at the University of California Berkeley. Kaczynski did not like Berkeleydue to the lack of intelligence so he thought which made lecturing more difficult so he resigned in 1969. In the 1970's he settled in the woods of Montana. He lived in almost complete isolation where he could be alone and carry out his own business which in his case ended up being perfecting his bombing strategy.In 1978, Kaczynski moved back to Chicago and worked with his brother in a factory. He was later fired for writing crude letters to a female coworker that didn't end up going the way he had hoped. In the same year, he made his first homemade bomb, which was sent to a proffesor at NorthWestern University. The letter was opened by a campus security officer, who only recieved minor injuries when the bomb ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Theodore Roosevelt : The President Of The United States Synthesis Essay – Theodore Roosevelt MSgt Mark A. Dubbe Air Force Senior Noncommissioned Officer Academy May 25, 2015 Instructor: ME4 JY Wong Introduction – Theodore Roosevelt The 26th president of the United States was unexpectedly promoted into the presidency following the assassination of President William McKinley in 1901. In 1899, Roosevelt gave a speech laying out a citizen's responsibility to the nation. How willing was Roosevelt to live up to those same standards? What was Roosevelt's vision for our nation? Roosevelt up to this point had already achieved an impressive list of accomplishments as a Harvard graduate, rancher, soldier, New York Governor and Assistant Secretary of the Navy. As ... Show more content on ... Roosevelt (1899) stated, "I wish to preach, not the doctrine of ignoble ease, but the doctrine of the strenuous life, the life of toil and effort, of labor and strife; to preach that highest form of success which comes, not to the man who desires mere easy peace, but to the man who does not shrink from danger, from hardship, or from bitter toil..." Roosevelt used Inspirational Motivation in accordance with the student guide to communicate with his audience (Barnes Center for Enlisted Education [BCEE], 2014b, p. 48). His objective was not for them to pursue personal gain, but to inspire citizens to fulfill his vision for the United States as a global influencer. This vision incited the call to move the United States from an isolationist country to a country that could compete in the global stage (Lemelin, 2011). Roosevelt's vision was big and required his full use of Full Range Leadership Development (BCEE, 2014b). Roosevelt's objective was to use the ongoing expansion of the Navy to signify the United States' position as a global influencer (Lemelin, 2011). The president effectively used the qualities of a visionary leader; charisma, good communicator and risk taker. He was engaging as a speaker in his run as the vice–presidential candidate under President McKinley. His influence was key, since he had lived a life of hardship as a ranch owner in ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. Theodore Kaczynski Terrorism Theodore Kaczynski is the name of a man who aspired to be the perfect, anonymous killer in the United States. In 1978, he sent his first homemade bomb to a university in Chicago. He mailed or hand delivered a series of bombs over the next 17 years. The homemade bombs became more and more sophisticated over time, eventually killing three Americans and injuring 24 more. This lone wolf terrorist sowed fear and panic and even threatened to blow up airliners in flight. Thirty–seven years later, the threat still remains. Until America shifts its focus to identifying the nature of terrorism and terrorist activities and not on identifying the suspect, the United States terrorist threat will remain HIGH. Many Americans do not understand the implication and role of terrorism in the modern world. Terrorism is not a something that can be measured or held in hand. It is a theoretical idea that has many different meanings to many different people (Aziz, 2014). U.S. Citizens in general need to understand the full effect of modern terrorism. Blinded by media coverage and dramatized by slow– motion video replay of terrorist attacks, ... Show more content on ... is alive and well. International, national, and domestic terrorism runs rampant amongst political policy fallouts, religious superiority, and scorned U.S. Citizens. Kaczynski, also known as The Unabomber was a lone wolf terrorist. He never spoke of his actions to anyone, nor did he garner help from others (FBI, n.d., para. 4). The search for Kaczynski proved difficult. There was speculation about gender, places lived, and even what he did for a living. This was all in the effort to identify the suspect. The investigation was accurate in most areas, however, it brought them no closer to identifying the terrorist. His demise came when his brother, David Kaczynski, identify a 35,000 word essay that The Unabomber sent to authorities, claiming to explain his motives and views of the ills of modern society (FBI, n.d., para. ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Woodrow Wilson 's Accomplishments And Failures Abstract To better understand the successes and failures of the 28th president of the United States, Woodrow Wilson, it is essential to define the image he portrayed to the American population during his presidency. Many Americans and historians will claim he was a man of impartiality and the one who led America into WWI. He had a very solid influence on Congress for the many domestic and foreign affair policies he endorsed. The goal is to illustrate how President Woodrow Wilson ran his presidency in the eyes of the American citizens. This will be done by examining the many facades that President Woodrow Wilson exhibited during his term as president. Upon researching the events of President Woodrow Wilson, it is clear that he was significant in moving our nation onward and supporting the American people in every which way possible. Keyword's: successes, failures, WWI, domestic affair policies, foreign affair policies As Woodrow Wilson, the 28th president of the United States once said, America is not anything if it consists of each of us. It is something only if it consists of all of us". (, 2014). This is true because we consider America as an entire nation. President Woodrow Wilson took office in 1913 and served his term until 1921. To many Americans he was known as a man of neutrality. He did not favor America's entry into war under any circumstances. During the period of neutrality prior to American entrance into World War I, Wilson ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Human Killer : The Characteristics Of A Serial Killer For many years, psychologists have studied the difference between nature versus nurture and why people have the personality traits that they do. A common study on this topic is usually on identical twins. This is because these twins have the exact same DNA. Within these studies, the scientists learn that traits come from both heritable characteristics and from their environment. In 2000, a professor at the University of Wisconsin preformed a study on the brain scans of five hundred people, in which half of the people were considered prone to violence. The study found that the brain images of those who had been convicted of a murder with aggressive or antisocial disorders showed distinct brain activity compared to those who were considered normal (Serial Killers: Nature vs. Nurture, n.d.). In cases with serial killers or with people related to violence, the studies tend to show that their personality and desire to kill come from mainly there DNA and nature, rather than their past. The Unabomber contradicts these stereotypes of a serial killer through the influence of his past and his motives for his bombs. Because of his family's standards, Theodore Kaczynski resulted in becoming an outsider to his peers. Ted grew up in the time period around World War II, which influenced many of his family's beliefs. Due to the many bombings during this time, a fear of technology spread through their community. Since age five, Ted was aware of his unusual intellectual family. On many ... Get more on ...
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  • 81. The Progressive Era Of The 19th Century Maya Stepansky Mr. Meyer Progressive Era DBQ Toward the latter part of the 19th century, bustling America, in response to the trends of industrialization and urbanization that characterized its Gilded Age, began its new century by entering into a new historical/political epoch that came to be known as the Progressive Era. This distinctive period in history (spanning from the 1890s through 1920) found progressives seeking to use the American federal government as a means of change through social, political, and economic reforms. Politically, the passage of the 16th, 17th, 18th, and 19th amendments are evidence of the success of progressive reformers, despite the fact that some of the new laws failed to create desired social changes. The efforts of the progressives were mainly effective when it came to social reforms related to worker's rights and child labor, but less productive in attaining improved civil rights for African–American citizens. In addition, the government was, to a large extent, successful in the establishment of economic reforms to aid the working class, such as those enforced by Woodrow Wilson's "Triple Wall of Privilege"; however, President Roosevelt's famous anti–trust efforts were ultimately not far–reaching enough at the time to eliminate all problematic corporate monopolies and related corruption. During the Progressive Era, political reforms were effectively executed on the national level through the passage of Constitutional amendments. Indeed ... Get more on ...
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  • 85. Ted Kaczynski: 20 Years Of Terror 20 Years of Terror May 22, 1942 marked the day of Ted Kaczynski's birth, a home–grown terrorist who would go on to reign 17 years of terror on innocent, unsuspecting people. His early years were ones of isolation during a brief time that he was confined to a hospital room for severe hives and very little human contact. In the fifth grade, Kaczynski was discovered to have a very high IQ of 167. He skipped sixth grade but was not prepared emotionally and maturely to connect with his new, older peers. In high school, he became interested in Mathematics and completed his GED at age 15. At this time, Kaczynski attended Harvard University and, in his sophomore year, participated in a grueling psychological experiment. The participants were asked ... Show more content on ... This sparked the FBI to become involved and they set up the UNABOM task force. "The task force would grow to more than 150 full–time investigators, analysts, and others [i]n search of clues..." 3 They would catch their break 17 years later when Kaczynski sent in his Manifesto, titled Industrial Society and its Future, detailing the consequences of the Industrial Revolution, Leftism, feelings of inferiority, oversocialization, the Power Process, surrogate activities, autonomy, and social problems.4 The task force sent out the Manifesto to The Washington Post and The New York Times asking for the public's help. Several thousand people were suspected but Kaczynski's own brother, David, would be the key to catching him. David Kaczynski provided the task force with Kaczynski's old documents and letters which linguistic analysts concluded were written by the same person as the Manifesto. The task force obtained a search warrant and "[o]n April 3, 1996, arrested Kaczynski and... [his] reign of terror was over. His new home, following his guilty plea in January 1998: an isolated cell in a "Supermax" prison in Colorado." 5 Although there is no threat from Kaczynski himself, there is always a threat to others and the U.S, if any copycats take up his ... Get more on ...
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  • 89. Randy Kraft Personality All signs pointed to Randy Kraft living a normal lifestyle before his life turned into a serial murdering spree. Although, looking back at his young adult years, it is easy to gather intellect on what could have triggered Kraft's extreme change in lifestyle choices. It was always thought that Randy Kraft is extremely intelligent, especially because he has an IQ of 129. After he graduated high school, he enrolled in Claremont College and joined the Reserve Officer Training Corps. His friends and family knew that he strongly supported the conservative party. Kraft was even in favor of the Vietnam War, even helping 1964 Presidential Candidate Barry Goldwater in the election. It was unknown why, but in 1965, it is believed that his political views ... Show more content on ... During these years, William Bonin and Patrick Kearney– the other two members of the "Highway Killers"– were also on a murder spree and dumping their victim's bodies on the sides of busy highways in southern California. Bonin and Kearney were caught and convicted before the police had suspected there was another killer, let alone Kraft. Kraft was the last of the "Highway Killers" to be caught. Kraft's victims were all male and who all suffered some kind of sexual abuse along with torture before they were all strangled to death. Kraft's first victim is believed to be Wayne Joseph Duquette whose body was found in 1971, even though he was never convicted of Duquette's ... Get more on ...
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  • 93. Teddy Roosevelt : A Sick Kid Teddy Roosevelt. Adventurist, Workaholic, Naturalist, Republican, Hunter etc. He did it all. But he didn't exactly start that way. We all know Teddy as the one who just wouldn't stop. He did EVERYTHING, if he had an idea, he put it out there and no matter how dumb the idea the public supported him because they loved him so much. But once again, he didn't start that way. Teddy Roosevelt was a sick kid from the very start, he had a breathing problem. He had an inhaler ever since he knew how to use one. Teddy was weak, small, and was always getting bullied at school, but things began to change. He was sick his whole life, start to beginning, he just got bigger and the sickness became smaller, so small in fact that sometimes he forgot about it all together for years at a time, and it all started when his dad told him to build his body. Oh, how he loved his dad so. He did everything his dad told him to, and when he told him to build his body he went on it immediately. Within the month, he had started boxing, jujitsu, and intense fighting competitions with his siblings. A year later he was almost bigger than them. On his 7th birthday he got his first gun, and started to train with it immediately. Next year he started hunting. He was great with a gun, and he loved it to. He went hunting every year with his father, and eventually he ALMOST got better than him. Then the war started, the civil war. Those were horrible times for Theodore (Teddy's real name), he was saddened to tears ... Get more on ...
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  • 97. FCS 324: Explain The Development Through Lifespan FCS 324 explain the development through the lifespan. As individuals, we learned psychology, education, social work, health care, and family studies professional of all ages. It stated with an open of Ted Kaczynski and Alice Walker lifestyle on how they grew up and who they became. Kaczynski was a sixteen–year–old Harvard student who was a loaner. After several years in Berkley, he moved to a rural area in Montana. Some town residents described him as a twenty–five–year–old bearded eccentric. In 1996, he was arrested and charged with notorious Unabomber, Americans most wanted killer. Within seventeen years, he sent sixteen mailed bombs that left twenty–three people wounded and three dead. In 1998, Kaczynski pleads guilty and was sentenced ... Show more content on ... For my adolescence, as she is in high school now, she is considered as an on time teen hitting puberty. Certain things in life she still don't understand but is learning as time goes by. For sexual behavior, her mother is so strict, she dear not to do anything at all, not even kissing, not that we know of. No one knows much about what goes on in her head. Her family tells her all the time that she can be open to them if anything is on her mind. She isn't on any social networks and says he doesn't want to be. For the emerging adult, she has already been married before she was twenty–one years old and had a baby at the age twenty–two. The emerging adult does eat out more than cooking. She actually has more of a lazy side to her and her husband does the cooking and cleaning. This was her behavior before she had a child. Now that she had a child, she has taken more of cleaning and cooking for her husband. She also has two jobs, dealing with her six–month–old child at the same time. The twenty–two–year–old goes into tails about how it is very stressful to deal with the jobs and the baby, and that's not even including trying to keep her husband happy. Far as friendships go, she only has her mother, her sister, and me, Abriell, who she also calls her sister. I am also the babies' Godmother. The emerging adult keeps her circle very ... Get more on ...
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  • 101. Political Ideas Stemming from Darwinism At the turn of the 20th century American citizens were faced with many inequalities and progressivism emerged as an evolutionary political response. People who considered themselves "progressives" championed many different types of changes but the fundamental tenet of any progressive was the idea that the central role of any government was to improve the quality of life for everyday citizens. Before progressives became a powerful political force the main political ideas stemmed from Darwinist views, that is to say that the survival of the fittest was the natural order of life. This Darwinian way of thinking applied to all aspects of life, social, political, and economic. The reasoning was that if good was to be done for the common man than it should be done at the behest of private influence. Progressives needed a strong leader to support their positions and were it not for the untimely assassination of President McKinley they might have had to wait years longer. President McKinley's successor, Theodore Roosevelt Jr., was exactly the strong leader that they needed to help combat the inequalities of the day. Theodore, or "Teddy", was not alone in influencing the growth of progressive influence. Many of the inequalities would have never been brought to light, and the progressive movement would have been hindered, had it not been for journalists exposing what was going on. Teddy popularized the term "Muckraker", used to refer to these investigative journalists, by mentioning ... Get more on ...
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  • 105. My Brother The Unabomber By Ed Pilkington And Montana 1948... In "My Brother the Unabomber" by Ed Pilkington and Montana 1948 by Larry Watson, the authors have a similar viewpoint on the importance of justice in a society. They show these similarities through the motivations of David and the members of the Hayden family. David Kaczynski and Wes have parallel viewpoints on adherence to the principled administration of the law. David has lived the typical life of most civilians until he learns that his brother Ted is the infamous Unabomber. He is interviewed by Pilkington and describes his experience of unfolding the grim truth. Pilkington describes David Kaczynski's initial thoughts after revealing Ted to law enforcement: "Kaczynski confessed to his mother that he had informed on Ted to the FBI, ... Show more content on ... [He] won't. By God [he] won't'" (Watson 143). Wes's role in the justice system suddenly strikes him as he recognizes that burying the truth only encourages falsehood to build. This awareness provokes forceful emotions to course through Wes's mind as he expresses frustration with a violent "fist." At first, Wes criticizes himself for "thinking" he could offer mercy to a convict. It becomes apparent to him that lawbreakers invariably deserve some form of punishment for their wrongdoings. He shakes his head at the bias of the the corrupt "jury" which would "cut [Frank] loose" simply because of his infallible reputation. Nonetheless, Wes swears to "God" that he will penalize his brother despite the county's majority point of view. Obeying and prosecuting the rules should be prioritized over one's image. The fact that the criminal is his own brother fails to persuade his mindset. A lawbreaker will be a lawbreaker regardless of his or her assumed character. Wes is prepared to take the first initiative and perhaps stir up trouble in the community in order to do what is morally right. Both pieces of literature strongly convey the message that one must defend the law. David voluntarily exposes Ted to the FBI knowing he is jeopardizing his brother's life while Wes concludes that Frank is not entitled to mercy and should serve time in jail. These men are in similar scenarios, for they are conflicted by the choice between family or justice. Nonetheless, they feel the ... Get more on ...
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  • 109. Examples Of Corruption In Fahrenheit 451 Stuck in a futuristic dystopia Guy Montag is a fireman who burns books to fulfill the will of the so– called "Big Brother." Unknowingly fueling the corruption of power through the ignorance of the people. Although fictional, the award–winning novel Fahrenheit 451 by Ray Bradbury typifies the corruption that exists amidst our government, evidently controlling our lives without our knowledge like "Big Brother." Examining how the civilization was oblivious to the government corruption can correlate to our incomprehensive awareness of our government inner workings. This brings to question, what's stopping our government from manipulating information to manipulate us? As opposing arguments may claim that it foolish to think that the government is out to get us, I argue the contrary since the US government has ... Show more content on ... Through psychological warfare the involvement in our every day lives without our knowing or intention of benefiting its civilians is established. MKUltra was a CIA mind control program that began in the early 1950s that made illegal experimentation on unsuspecting people to further the research on mind control. This shocking illegal program crafted by the government brings to question what other things are being kept hidden. The evidence at hand of the existence of projects similar to MKUltra exhibits a disturbing, intrusive, abusive power. Although the government is the brain of the nation, this does not justify the illegal partaking interest in attempting to control its people through mind control. Since it will lead to corruption that will ultimately harm the Nation through self–benefiting selfish actions. Digging deeper in this iniquitous program, MKUltra can be ... Get more on ...
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  • 113. Ted Kaczynski's Attacks After nearly a decade of near–total isolation, hunting rabbits, and growing vegetables, in 1979, Ted reunited with his brother and father at the family factory, but was subsequently fired for a relationship with a female coworker that went south. Later in the year, Ted Kaczynski created his first homemade pipe bomb, which he sent to a Northwestern University professor, although ultimately ended up being opened by a Northwestern University campus security officer who sustained minor injuries to his hand. The focus of Ted Kaczynski's attacks would be on those who are in some way tied to the development of modern technology. Furthermore in 1979 and 1980, Ted Kaczynski sent two separate more explosive devices, targeting an American Airlines flight ... Show more content on ... Timothy McVeigh was born on April 23, 1968 in Lockport, New York. According to The Editors of Salem Press, authors of American Villains, McVeigh's upbringing "was largely uneventful except for the bullying he experienced in high school and the marital problems he witnessed between his parents" (Salem Press, 2008, 361). According to a BBC News article, at the age of 10, McVeigh's parents got a divorce and Timothy McVeigh chose to live with his father and one of his elder sisters while McVeigh's youngest sisters, 4 years old at the time, opted to stay with their mother in Florida. Classmates of McVeigh recall him as a "shy, skinny youth who did not socialize much" (BBC News, 2001). During McVeigh's senior year, McVeigh earned a state Regents scholarship for high scores on standardized ... Get more on ...
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  • 117. Ted Kaczynski : The Oldest Child Of A Polish- American Couple On April 3rd of 1996 in Lincoln, Montana, Ted Kaczynski was arrested and sent to court. Pleading guilty, Kaczynski was addressed as a "Domestic Terrorist." Serving four life sentences for transporting, mailing, and use of bombs, and also murder of 3 people, Kaczynski was also added another 30 years after his life sentences, no parole, and barely missed the death penalty. No one ever saw this coming in Kaczynski's life. From an early age, his parents pushed him for academic success. At the age of 16, he was accepted to Harvard with a scholarship. Even though Kaczynski did seem socially awkward, no one thought that he could be diagnosed with Paranoid Schizophrenia. Mainly people thought he didn't know how to express his greatness, but never ... Show more content on ... He never really approved of technology which led him to live out in the middle of the woods on property he bought from the help of his family. On this property is where he made homemade pipe bombs. Contained in the pipe bombs, Kaczynski handcrafted parts of wood to make his bombs and added razor blades for more of a lethal appeal. If he was mailing his bombs, one of his actions to get investigators distracted was leaving red herrings. For part of his behavior, he sent the bombs to universities, computer shops, and airlines mainly. Sometimes Kaczynski transported the bombs himself to houses he thought that were plotting against him. The more attention the better, the more lethalness that the bomb contained, the better. Anything that led investigators away from Kaczynski was always his plan. In some ways, investigators sometimes thought that person behind all these terrorist acts were one step ahead of them. Continuing his acts little by little, major terrorist acts that Kaczynski acted on was on November 15th, 1979, a bomb disguised as a paracel. Instead of the bomb exploding, it instead caught fire and for the 12 people on the flight, no one was injured besides an emergency landing in Dulles airport in Washington calling for a treatment for smoke inhalation. Though each act ... Get more on ...
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  • 121. Rhetorical Analysis of President Woodrow Wilsons War Message With the status of the country's belligerency heavily in question, an apprehensive President Woodrow Wilson prepared to request from an unmotivated and unprepared country a declaration of war against Germany. After exerting every attempt possible to retain the peace and honor of the United States, the President was finally forced to choose between the two, in which he opted for the latter (Seymour 26). As he sat down to compose his congressional address proposing war, the uncertainty of his decision overwhelmed him. He confided to a member of his cabinet, Frank Cobb, that he had never been as unsure about anything in his life as the judgment he was making for the nation (Baker 506). Through a rhetorical analysis of Wilson's points of ... Show more content on ... He labeled the conflict as "a war against all nations" exemplifying the distress that other countries have experienced due to the unbiased and relentless bombing of their own neutral ships (Safire 111). By associating the United States with other friendly countries who are also at odds with Germany, Wilson's cry for war seemed more convincing. He went on to assert that the choice made by the U.S must be befitting to the singular characteristics of the country and that they must be very clear what their motives upon entry into the war were: not vengeance or profession of physical might, but to defend the principles of peace and justice and "to set up amongst the free people of the world an observance of these ideals" (Safire 113). We were entering the war not to battle with the German people, but to combat a greater menace, the system that had impended these violations (Baker 512). The president proceeded with regard to his stance on neutrality. Aware of pacifists like Henry Cabot Lodge in the audience, Wilson appealed to those who had not forgotten his promises of keeping America out of war. He admitted that his assumption that armed neutrality would be adequate in "safeguarding his people from unlawful violence" was in fact impossible and he had failed to "assert our neutral rights with arms, our right to use the seas against unlawful interference, our right to keep our people safe against unlawful violence" ... Get more on ...
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  • 125. The Deadly Politics Of Industrial Pollution Nowadays it is common to hear on the news about recent health and environmental scares especially with the increasing research done about the causes and effects of global warming. However, life just a century ago was very different. During the early twentieth century, people trusted industries. Therefore, they did not fight for government regulation of industries or the need for it to inform them about possible harmful practices done by industries. It took the deaths and emergence of illnesses of many workers and citizens for the public to start worrying. Gerald Markowitz and David Rosner discussed this time period with a focus on the lead and chemical industries in their book Deceit and Denial: the Deadly Politics of Industrial Pollution. ... Show more content on ... To please the public the industry also said they would conduct research about the effects of lead, but the research was funded by the lead industry so they skewed the presentation of the results to the public. Soon there were also cases reported of lead poisoning in children from their habit of biting lead–painted toys. This time the lead industry tried to distract the public by increasing their advertisements highlighting the benefits of lead using the mascot of the Dutch Boy Painter and slogans, such as "ethyl is to gasoline what vitamins are to food." However, by the 1970's with the introduction of safer elements and the decrease in public support, the lead industry lost its importance in the world. The second section of the book focused on the chemical industry, specifically vinyl chloride, where it was explained there was little known about the effects of chemicals. Because of this, there was the question of whether "a product was to be considered safe until proven dangerous" or vice versa where a product was considered dangerous until proven safe. This time the public showed greater opposition to the use of vinyl chloride, as environmentalists and labor unions united to reveal the harmful effects of it. Similar to the lead industry, the chemical industry also fought back reasoning to the government that only high levels of chemical exposure was harmful to people and the government ... Get more on ...
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  • 129. Theodore Kaczynski Biography When you think of the word terrorist, what comes to mind? For most, the first thought they have is mass destruction, chaos, and numerous fatalities, all brought on by foreign members of an elite group of people with twisted beliefs. Although, this may be the case in some scenarios, it is not what defines a terrorist. The definition is broad in terms, covers a wide spectrum of violent acts, and no one gender, race or ethnicity is singled out. On April 3, 1996 the nation's longest man hunt came to an end, when Theodore Kaczynski, was finally caught for the many acts of domestic terrorism he perpetrated amongst so many innocent people. With hopes to coarse society into putting an end to technological growth, and join him in the simplicity of life ... Show more content on ... In 1995, Kaczynski wrote letters to major media outlets explaining his goals, and demanding that his 35,000 word essay about the future of the industrial society, be published in a major newspaper. He explained in his letters, that if his demands were met, the bombings would come to a halt. The FBI's delayed response in publishing his works, resulted in more threating letters to kill more people. Shortly thereafter, the FBI and the US department of Justice allowed the essay to be published in the New York Times, and Washington Post. Little did Ted know, the release of his essay would result in the end of his terror. Ted's brother, David, read the published manifesto, and compared it to an earlier piece of writing by Ted. David submitted the writing to the FBI for comparison, and it seemed after comparison, that they finally had their number one Unabomber suspect. (The FBI, The Unabomer, April 24, ... Get more on ...
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  • 133. Theodore Roosevelt And The United States Theodore Roosevelt, kenned as "Teddy" or "T.R." was born in New York City, NY on October 27, 1858. From birth until his tardy teens, Roosevelt suffered greatly from asthma, was frail and sickly, and was near–sighted, which coerced him to wear glasses. His father took him for rides in the night to avail him breathe with fresh air and inspirited him to build up his body with strenuous exercises and sports in efforts to build his body and mind. In 1876, Roosevelt was accepted to Harvard College. After graduating, he decided to enter politics and in 1881, at the age of 23, he won election to the first of three terms in the Incipient York State Assembly as a Republican. In 1889, Roosevelt was appointed to the U.S. Civil Accommodation Commission and then in 1895 appointed to the post of N.Y. City Police Commissioner. As Police Commissioner, he modernized the entire police force and monitored the officers suspected of illicit activites. In 1897, Roosevelt became the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, where he commenced to genuinely show his aggressiveness. As the Assistant Secretary of the Navy, Roosevelt coerced the U.S. to build up the Navy fleet to dispense Spainish control from the Western Hemisphere (Cuba and Puerto Rico). In 1898, The U.S. declared war on Spain in the Spanish American War. Roosevelt resigned as Assistant Secretary of the Navy and organized the first u.s. Calvary, kenned as the "Roughg Riders". Roosevelt commanded the regiment in Cuba, and on July 1, 1898 ... Get more on ...
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  • 137. President Theodore Roosevelt 's New Nationalism For numerous of reasons concerning economic, political, and social developments that has taken place in four decades after the Civil War, sparked a revolutionary movement called Progressivism. In a new, vast land full of economic opportunities, this created a small class of elitists that will dominate the political system for self–interest, and will also cause an effect on the social life of the majority. A prominent, Progressive figure, was President Theodore Roosevelt; In his "New Nationalism" speech delivered in Osawatomie, Kansas, he outlines the goals and ideals of Progressivism that will appeal to the diverse majority of Americans and proves to be the foundation for future reformers and several accepting ideals still utilized today. Even though the Progressive movement deteriorated, these "radical" ideals sought to improve and benefit the society as a whole was the stepping stone for the future generations. At the time, America was undergoing through one of the most revolutionary time period of United States history, the Industrial Revolution. The Industrial Revolution was the vast advancement of technology, that has become part of Americans daily life and still today. These technologies helped the improvement in efficiencies of the workforce. A vital source for the economic advancement during this time period, was the encouragement from the government for private enterprise. Enterprises were more easily established due the monetary policy, in which allowed a better ... Get more on ...
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  • 141. A Short Note On Theodore Roosevelt Jr. Theodore Roosevelt Jr. was born to Theodore "Thee" Roosevelt Sr. and Martha "Mittie" Bulloch on October 27, 1858 in New York City. His father was of Dutch heritage and his mother was a Southern belle rumored to have been a possible actress for Gone with the Wind's Scarlett O'Hara. He was known as Teedie to his family, as he did not enjoy the nickname Teddy. Theodore spent a lot of time at home and was homeschooled due to his illnesses and asthma. Because of his time spent at home he grew to love all things nature related, but by his teens Theodore had developed a rigorous training routine with weightlifting and boxing. After Theodore's father died during his second year at Harvard College, he used his grief as a channel to work harder. After graduating 'magna cum laude,' meaning with great distinction, he enrolled at Columbia Law School but soon dropped out. He married Alice Hathaway Lee of Massachusetts. After dropping out of Columbia at age 23, he was elected to the New York Assembly as a representative from New York City– he was the youngest to serve in that position. Roosevelt sped through public service positions namely, captain of the National Guard and minority leader of the New York Assembly. ( Roosevelt was a prolific author. He wrote 38 books, namely; "The Naval War of 1812," an autobiography, a biography of Oliver Cromwell, a history of New York City and the four volume series "The Winning of the West." After writing "The Naval War of 1812," at age ... Get more on ...
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  • 145. Theodore Roosevelt 's Childhood, And Ending With His Death This Biography is on the life of Theodore Roosevelt. Beginning with his childhood, and ending with his death. Describing in detail his early childhood, the author gives a good explanation of what motivated the future President in his later years. The book also gives good insight into many of Roosevelt 's decisions during his adult years and political career, along with information from his personal life, that many people may not have known. Theodore Roosevelt also known as Teddy Roosevelt, or Teedie, was born in New York City on October 27th, 1856, to Martha and Theodore Sr. Roosevelt. He was the second child and first boy of four children. Beginning early in his life Teddy Roosevelt was a very sick child contracting bronchial asthma when he was only three years old. Teddy Roosevelt was born into an old, rich and Aristocratic family. Teddy and his family lived in a small house that was given to his father by his grandfather Cornelius Van Schaak Roosevelt(Donald, ). Teddy and his siblings were homeschooled along with a family friend named Edith Kermit. Teddy learned many life lessons from observing his parents, and close family growing up, and many of those lessons he kept with him his whole life. Teddy was the only one of his siblings to make the decision to acquire a higher education(Donald, ), going to Harvard University. After he graduated Teddy had several jobs, including assemblyman, Police commissioner, assistant secretary of the navy, Governor of New York, ... Get more on ...
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  • 149. Introduction. As One Looks Through Recent Histories Of Introduction As one looks through recent histories of the media, it quickly becomes apparent that there has been an influx of controversies regarding the freedom of the press. Considering the age of America, and the state of current technology, it is understandable why it is now reaching such discrepancies. In particular, the decisions leading up to the conviction of Theodore Kaczynski, known as the Unabomber, is one of much dispute. By taking a closer look that this case 's situation, values applied, principles upheld, and loyalties owed, one might be able to have a clear understanding of what ethical decisions should have been taken in regard to the media. The Situation Theodore Kaczynski, the Unabomber, was a domestic terrorist ... Show more content on ... Combined, these two realizations opened up the door for much commentary by journalists. This situation became apparent, and while the action of publication could not be taken back, there was still significant discussion about the decision–making process. Values Applied Proceeding from understanding of the situation is a close examination of the values associated with the case. As defined by Merriam Websters Dictionary, the word value is "something (as a principle or quality) intrinsically valuable or desirable,"(Webster). In application to the case, values can be seen by all three parties of interest(the public, the media, and the government). Clearly, the public is concerned largely about safety and the overarching goal to bring the Kaczynski to justice. Safety an be seen as the value of nonviolence which falls under the category of morals. While the public can not be assured that Kaczynski will not continue his bomb–making with the publication of the manifesto, they can be reasonable assured that the bomb–making will continue if it is not published. To this end, they value the preservation of life. On the other hand, the media has a different set of values. Both The Washington Post and The New York Times have the desire to be " [independent] from the government, [and] from hostile groups who make threats,"(Christians 55). Both are reasonable utilizations of the value of professional independence. The media is ... Get more on ...
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  • 153. The Katyn Massacre On April 10, 2010, an unforeseen tragedy struck the Polish nation. Their current president at the time, Lech Kaczynski, died in a plane crash along with 95 other Polish officials. Up until this date, any country's president has never died as a result of a plane crash. Ironically, the members on the plane were all traveling to the 70th anniversary of the Katyn Massacre which were a series of mass executions of Polish nationals in Katyn forest. This event caused much bewilderment within the country causing many Poles to claim that this incident was done purposely by the Russian government. Although evidence proves that the crash was an accident, due to its peculiar conditions and the human nature to come up with conspiracies, many Poles were ... Show more content on ... The captain of this flight, Arkadiusz Protasiuk, had an increased workload potentially impairing his ability to focus primarily on his duty to fly the plane due to the Russian's inability to provide the flight with a "Leaderman". Normally, radio communications are handled by another crew member while a pilot flies. Smolensk airport, however, is not usually open for international flights and is not ICAO certified causing its air traffic controllers to not be required to speak fluent English. In this case, all communication between Smolensk and the plane were to be carried out in Russian. Russian law requires all international flights landing at military airports to have a Russian "Leaderman" who would be responsible for all of the communication done in Russian. As Poland was requesting their flight in the middle of March, they asked for the service of a "Leaderman", but claim that Russia did not reply to this request. According to a Polish article posted on Newsweek and the Final Report, Russia did offer the service, but Poland refused claiming that their crew had ... Get more on ...